#idk i’ll add cohesive tags later
radioves · 2 years
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another technodragon :]
i always thought it was funny that the dragon fight, such an obscure part of smp earth lore, managed to worm its way into my lizard brain for no good reason other than Funny Dragon
sometimes i wonder if he ever saw my other technodragon pieces. i wonder if he liked them. or maybe he didn’t
idk i’m not a fuckin. psychic
[id : a digital drawing of technodragon. technodragon is a large, sinewy dragon with a long body. he is mainly pink, with a mottled darker pink back and lighter pink underbelly. he has twisted horns that sprout from his brows, fading from dark pink to light grey towards the tips. there is another set of smaller horns between the main set, along with spikes trailing down his back, down to his tail. he has spikes along his jaw, ending in another set of small horns just under the main set. his eyes are red, with black scleras and gold pupils, and he has large dark pink wings with a lighter ventral side. he as a glowing halo around his horns, along with two additional sets of feathered wings, pale white and tipped with gold. his claws and the edges of his horn segments are painted with a similar gold. he is posed to the left, neck twisted around to face something offscreen, mouth curled into a small smile. his body is curved as if in mid-flight, his main wings curled slightly. the first feathered wing is splayed out, while the second is bent similarly to his main wings. his back legs are held up, while one of his front talons is stretched out, fingers splayed, the other one held up with curled fingers. the background is a simple shade of white, a soft, radiant glow illuminating the image from the top right. end id]
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tedrick · 4 years
Agnes De la Rosa = 12/7/2000, ☀️sagittarius 🌙leo ✨pisces, infp-t, age 18-22, she/her, bi
quiet, friendly, sensitive, thoughtful. taking a gap year, doesn’t know what she wants to do for college. works at a grocery store. likes sadgirl music. lives with her parents, but her dad “works a lot”. her mother is abusive. friends with josiah
Josiah Gray = 8/15/1998, ☀️leo 🌙aquarius ✨pisces, isfj-t , age 20-24, he/him, bi
serious, sad, kind, tired yet hopeful. graduated highschool and never went to college. wants to be a mechanic or some shit. works a lot of odd jobs, currently works at a grocery store. fights for money and is kinda good at it. friends with agnes, dating corinne. lives in a house owned by corinne’s dad. corinne is abusive. hasn’t spoken to his mom in over a year. his abusive dad died when he was in highschool. drinks too much, smokes too much, and abuses medication. listens to 90s rock and doesn’t have many hobbies.
Corinne Kelly = 10/20/1998, ☀️libra 🌙scorpio ✨capricorn, estj-a, age 20, she/her, straight
vain, mean, shallow, rude. a bitch. cosmetologist. josiah’s highschool girlfriend who he’s still with. total daddy’s girl who really gets whatever she wants. isn’t mean for any reason, she just fucking sucks. spends most of her time at work, likes to shop a lot, spends the rest of her time either accounting for her dad or tormenting josiah. abusive. really values her appearance.
Lucia Caro = 6/17/2001, ☀️gemini 🌙libra ✨pisces, enfp-a, age 19, she/her, bi
bubbly, outgoing, chaotic, friendly. instagram influencer. angel kin, angel complex, god complex, the works. obsessive and almost delusional after chisme’s influence. loves cute things. hobbies mostly just include social media stuff and pinterest diy things she thinks are cute. likes thrift-flipping. (lu-CHEE-uh)
Karma = she/it
angel of hurt/pain/revenge. the unholy entity within Lucia. whether it is an angel, demon, new, or ancient, is ambiguous. only desire is to wreak havoc. curiously has a great attitude about it.
Chisme = she/her, aro, estp-a
energetic, enthusiastic, impulsive, apathetic. demon who deives people to evil or death by gradually influencing their emotions to become more severe, leading to the person becoming more impulsive and less tied to reality. Considers this to be entertaining. Influencing Lucia, but never reveals herself. Generally has a great attitude about things, but her emotions are strong and the change quickly.
Edgar Graves = 11/28/1999, ☀️sagittarius 🌙scorpio ✨sagittarius, istj-t, age 20, he/him, gay
reserved, serious, lonely. idk what he goes to college for but he has no friends. after a bad party experience w and ouija board or some shit and ended up getting haunted by a fucking demon :(((. he’s so super depressed but he wont fuckin die and its annoying but he’s stubborn and values his little life.
Maalik = he/him, gay in denial, istp-a
sadistic, mean, cocky, confident, an asshole. mentally and psychologically torments and tortures, people to evil/death. currently doing so to edgar. he considers this to be fun, but doesn’t really care about the people whose souls he steals. when he’s rlly invested he will show himself. for some reason, though, Edgar never reacts?? and for some reason? Maalik has been holding back a little.. hm...
Prudence = they/she/he/it, aro, isfj-t
overly-cautious, nosy, timid, nervous. an angel that none of the other angels like because they’re lame. she hangs around with Chisme and Maalik even though they bully him but it doesn’t really mind. She kind of has a stick up her butt and has never been to earth, although he does hear a lot about it from Chisme and Maalik. Not especially powerful, but they don’t really do anything anyways. It’s not very proficient at it’s job (making sure people are careful), bc all it really comes across as is overthinking. People really get annoyed by this, and thats why they don’t do much anymore. hearing about what the demons do bums them out but they don’t really do anything about it.
Susannah Reid = 5/9/1999, ☀️taurus 🌙 aquarius ✨leo, infj-t, age 21 at death, she/her, bi
gentle, intelligent, naive, lonely. aerospace engineering student with no friends who just wants to feel close to someone. Goes out with Corbin for roughly 3 months before he kills her, then she becomes a vengeful spirit of raw anguish that hunts him down. Loved reading and researching, as well as singing quietly to herself
Corbin Wright = 4/12/1998, ☀️aries 🌙leo ✨ capricorn, istj-a, age 22, he/they, pan
manipulative, suave, amicable, ruthless. travels everywhere picking up new, lonely, unnoticable people to woo and date for a bit before he murders them. killed Susannah by drowning her. is familiar with Cecilia
Cecilia Ayers = 11/16/2000, scorpio, age 20, she/her, bi, istj-t
Fake, observant, volatile, calculating. Rich kid with daddy issues bc her dad wanted a son that he never got. Became a perfectionist overachiever to an obsessive degree. Has a large social circle but doesn’t care for any of the people who consider her a friend, her entire outward personality is fake. In realisy, she is very cold and uncaring. Spends all of her free time on work, until the wrong guy pushes her too far one night and she kills him. then another. then another... she notices Corbin putting the same moves on Susannah one day, who luckily goes to her college. Taking a passing interest in Susannah, she notices the changes caused by Corbin’s abuse until: Susannah goes missing. Now aware of Corbin’s action’s he is also aware of hers in a spy v spy situation.
Amber Little = 1/15/97, age 17 at death, she/her, straight, enfj-a
Art Andrews = 2/19/2000, pisces cusp, isfp-a, age 19, he/him, idk
Big puppy dog, amicable, goofy, easygoing. Arthur’s been through a lot thanks to his neglectful mother. Having been in foster care, then held back, he met Ben before going back into his mom’s custody. Ben was Art’s first real friend, since his school experience was mostly characterized by outbursts and fights. in hs, Art began self harming, smoking, doing drugs, and illegal activity with a seperate group. Ben eventually helps him out of this lifestyle, and he goes clean on everything but smoking, as well as getting into the occasional fight because of his past crowd. While he harbors a lot of hardships, he’s a genuinely nice and caring friend, and could become friends with probably anyone. Spends most of his time chilling with Ben, doesn’t have a knack for most things besides math.
Ben Luna = 12/19/2001, sagittarius, infj-t, age 18, he/him, gay
clever, considerate, anxious, stubborn. Ben was pretty lonely before he met Art, and doesn’t have too much of a social life. A straight-a student, Ben understands practically everything, and could be taught anything else. Bad relationship with his parents, because he refuses to not transition, and though he lives with them, they hardly interract. Has a pretty bad crush on Art, but he’ll probably never tell him. Thinks March is a bad influence ~_~. Spends a lot of his time gaming or doing things that stimulate him. prone to anxiety, yet very steadfast.
March Abbot = 3/15/2001, pisces, estp-a, age 18, he/him, bi
laid-back, arrogant, charming, sarcastic. Marcello rich boy with the worst daddy issues in the entire world. he doesn’t want to be like his dad, or run his construction company, or grow up to be anything like that stuck-up prick. likes to rebel as much as possible, usually by partying and picking up a lot of girls. took an interest in Art because he seemed like a delinquent. Spends most of his time fucking around any way he can that will keep him away from home. mostly dismissive of Ben since he seems like a dumb nerd.
Jude Keane = 1/12/2003, capricorn, infj-t age 18, he/him, bi
outgoing, expressive, reliable, thoughtful. finally moved out of house to go to college for idk, anthropology. beach boys and oldies in general enthusiast, influenced by his grandparents. even though his mother supported his transition financially, she had a general attitude of wanting him to “grow up” and “get real” about his life, causing him tons of self-doubt. meets Taylor at the record shop they work at and become friends.
Taylor Zamora = 4/9/2002, aries, age 19, enfj-a, they/them, pan
confident, insightful, mature, cool. Taylor’s the cool person who is too intimidating to talk to in the grocery store. they give the best advice and always take the time to listen and help their friends, but their past is pretty mysterious. loves to live in the moment bc they fear that they didn’t get the childhood that they should’ve.
Robyn Parry = 1/27/2003, aquarius, age 16, istp-t, she/her, lesbian
reserved, serious, intimidating, calm. Powerful gay energies. Robyn really likes drawing realism portraits and breaking the dress code. Other ppl don’t talk to her with the exception of Eden. despite the bullying she’s gotten for her unique freckles, she is very confident and self-assured
Eden Houghton = 8/21/2003, leo, age 16, esfp-a, she/her, lesbian
bright, optimistic, loving, sweet. Eden just transferred to the same all-girl school as Robyn, and meets her on the first day. People either love her or are rude to her, but she tries not to let it get her down. she loves being outside in nature, or doing anything that isn’t sitting around at home, but she has a passion for crafts to keep life interesting.
Cathy = 10/8/2002, libra, she/her, bi, enfp-a
my girlfriend
Keith Harlow = 9/14/1997, virgo, age 19, intj-t, he/him, gay
tired, irrate, paranoid, determined. his parents were killed by a monster when he was like, 9, and after years of shit life and trying to find the truth, he finally makes it back to the town where it happened, where he meets Ethan, who helps him uncover the mystery. unfortunately, he might be more monster than human himself at that point. nah thats not true, he’s just a poor boy. he does die uhh. he knows no hobbies, only the hunt
Ethan Wake = 10/30/1997, scorpio, age 18, infj-t he/him, gay
curious, patient, reserved, empathetic. moved to a small town with his parents for him to figure out college and them to go through their divorce. meets Keith and helps him with his investigation until keiths paranoia overcomes him. oh also he initiates the romantic relationship with keith and pierces his ears and everything. used to cut. gets shot (by keith). survives, forgets everything.
Christian Covett = 7/23/1996, leo cusp, age 26, entj-a he/him, pan
intelligent, unhinged, deceptive, upbeat. has a knack for morally ambiguous/deplorable scientific inquiries and experiments. upon finding Adrien, he captures him and uses him to try to figure out the secrets of holiness/divinity and shit. seems like a bubbly, if not weird dude in public due to his overly-cutesy demeanor and clothing. is actually very malicious, sadistic, and completely apathetic. can switch from smiling to evil in less than a second.
Adrien = he/him, aro, istp-t
deadpan, moody, introverted, resilient. a very weak angel who is on earth bc of a demotion. was captured by Christian and tortured for a while before eventually regaining his power and getting payback and escaping. Dresses like a clown
Hayden Voss = 6/21/2002, cancer cusp, age 19, istp-t, they/them, bi
stoic, quiet, loner, mysterious. has a shaky grasp of their own metallokinetic powers, which have the potential to be very very powerful. doesnt really talk to anybody about anything for any reason. hayden would much rather be alone than training, bc they hate feeling weak or dumb, and considers their lack of technique frustrating when they have to admit it
Tere Montoya = 3/24/2000, aries, age 21, esfj-a, they/them, pan
charismatic, athletic, fun-loving, hard-working. Firebrat has more energy than anyone else. literally. enhanced stamina leads to slower heart rate, considerable muscle and notable strength, an avg body temp of ~101 degrees, and extreme speed/agility/dexterity. they love to win, making them a natural at most sports, able to usually do very well at anything they try. prolific in hand-to-hand combat. usually stays awake for at least 48 hrs at a time. lovable and not too cocky, they make a pretty fun, if sometimes annoying, coach. they might (... and can) kill you with their extreme energy.
Callum Sorel = 10/27/2000, scorpio, age 17, intj-t, he/him, pan
shy, nervous, neurotic, fearful. callum lived his whole dang life being a cute lil meganerd in a small town who minded his own business until one day somehow he was attacked by a vampire (um. i think his town had a local cryptic grave that he came in contact with) and then he went on a fucking murderous rampage as he tried not to succumb to feralness!!! fuckin crazy!
Gossamer Glasgow = 4/22/2005, taurus, age 17, infp-t, gay
hopeless romantic, scaredy-cat, punk arachnophobe who went into a haunted house once because he thought it would be cool and badass but ruh roh spaghettios
Fathom Jackson = 5/17/????, taurus, 17 when he uhh, esfp-a, he/him, gay
cheerful, upbeat, naive boy who went missing a long time ago because he walked into the haunted house :/
Malady Lovelace = 1/16/196?, capricorn, 13 at death, esfp-a (alive), she/her, idk
missing under mysterious circumstances in the 70s. has become an extremely angry house ghost
Harvey Duran = 4/17/2004, aries, age 17, intj-t, he/him, gay
responsible, collected, positive yet cautious Normal Boy who has to wrangle his chaotic best friends, one of which he is hopelessly in love with.
Leo Vargas = 9/12/2003, virgo, age 18, enfp-a, he/him, gay
kind, extroverted, energetic and easygoing boy who really just wants to have fun and be happy with his friends. semi-cousins with josie idk
Josie Morisson = 3/22/2004, aries, age 17, esfp-a, she/her, lesbian
batshit insane criminally chaotic girl who just wants to watch the world burn, mess with Harvey, make Leo happy, and love her girlfriend.
Devon Banks = 5/26/2003, gemini, age 18, intp-a, they/she/he, lesbian
Josie’s chill and athletic long distance girlfriend who occasionally gets to come visit.
Tyler Everett = 1/6/2001, capricorn, age 20, intj-t, he/him, gay
eternally tired and stressed punk barista who finds himself as the babysitter for two anomalous beings. hardworking and blunt, yet patient and gentle when he needs to be.
Damion = he/they, pan, infp-t
anomalous humanoid being in the appearance of an ~16 year old early 2000s emo boy with too much energy and slightly unnerving features. super loud. never sleeps, never shuts up. origins are very unknown, which he is very insecure about.
Essie = she/her, idk she doesnt know, isfp-t
usually found crying, emotions always running at maximum capacity. sadness means sobbing, joy means happy tears, but she can’t find it in herself to be angry. very sedentary, never goes out, and probably looks much too strange to. doesn’t think much about her own origins, kind of is already emotional enough.
Dakota Herrera = 10/10/2003, libra, age 18, intj-t, they/them, pan
Lucille Bloom = 2/11/????, aquarius, 19 when uhhh, infp-t, she/her, pan
Eleanor Fay = 7/12/2003, cancer, age 18, estp-a, she/they, bi
Angel Murillo = 3/10/2002, pisces, age 14, infj-t, he/him, bi
Nicodemus Worth = 2/25/2001, pisces, age 15, intp-a, he/him, gay
Harlow Liu = 12/21/2003, capricorn, age 17, intp-t, they/he/she, pan
Ruby Lopez = 9/1/2003, virgo, age 18, enfp-a, she/her, lesbian
Rosario Vergara = 12/7/1999, scorpio, age 19, istj-t, she/they, bi
Misha Amato = 3/13/1999, pisces, age 20, intp-a, they/them, pan
Nadia Bell = 6/28/2009, cancer, age 23, intj-t, she/her, pan
Charlie = 10/31/2010, scorpio, age 22? idk, istj-t, they/any, pan
Guts = 12/27/????, capricorn, age idk 19?, esfp-a, he/they/it, pan
emo boy!!!
Antonio Gunner = ?/?/????, 30’s and un-aging, intp-t, he/him, pan
ranger, reborn, human? clown name is “Tarnation”
Alarick = ?/?/????, 30’s and un-aging, esfp-t, he/him, gay
dhampir by birth, sorcerer maybe
Dahlia Gunner = ?/?/????, 31, istj-a, she/her, lesbian
human ranger(?), clown name Belladonna, not related to Antonio
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nick-close · 3 years
Alright I just ranted in the tags of my last post and then realized I’m more passionate about this than I thought so here is my hot take:
The best thing for Anthony to do about Morgan is not mention her again.
I’m completely serious on that- I don’t think anything good will come out of him mentioning Morgan or trying to explain any of that unless it’s in a talking dads answer or something confirming because of the timeline fuckery she’s dead again. Because that is the only answer I’ll accept.
If Morgan was still alive and everything is the same from the Jodie timeline (which I don’t think it is because Jodie becoming a demon feels like it HAD to revert SOME shit in the timeline imo, but I could be wrong idk,) then that means Morgan is alone without her kid or husband. So 1- you get a sad lonely Morgan and 2- there is NO WAY to fix that for her. The only way to ‘fix that’ would be to take her to faerun and then KILL HER so she can join the Jodie Glenn thing. Which would be, absolutely horrific.
Not only would that be doing the same thing I hated with Glenn’s situation, showing death as the solution to her problems- bUT it would also disrupt what little I enjoy about the Glenn Jodie dynamic- which is that they are just trying to work shit out on their own. Even though they didn’t like eachother, they still are putting in the work to care for Nick with eachother. I don’t like how they handled any of this, but at the very least you have two fucked up fathers trying to care for their collective son while working out their own issues together. The appeal of that is that they’re both a mess and they’re trying to figure it out on their own.
Now add Morgan to the mix. First off- this is another narc situation. Assuming this Morgan is from Jodie’s timeline she doesn’t know Glenn. She doesn’t love Glenn. She has no emotional attachment to him. And now what is Glenn’s role in nicks life? Not a co-parent, Nick now has two loving parents. Glenn is completely irrelevant other than,,, like a weird uncle that’s there sometimes.
This would also add extra tension between Glenn and Jodie, disrupting what little agreement they reached. I mean Glenn hated Jodie not just because he was a cop, but because he had his kid. Now Glenn hating Jodie for basically he same reason but it’s his wife? Glenn barely mourned Morgan properly as it is- him not getting over Morgan’s death imo is a big part of his character and I think later in this series is when we see him actually SOMEWHAT coping with his loss. I think that him coming to terms with losing nick really was him coming to terms with losing Morgan as well- you don’t have to agree with that but that’s what I was seeing.
Bringing Morgan back would completely fuck up Glenn, make him unneeded in the dynamic he’s currently in, and resurface issues he already had a hard time coming to terms with. I truly do not believe Jodie Morgan and Glenn could all work cohesively as a unit- and even if they somehow MANAGED to have a relationship with all of them, I can still hardly imagine it as healthy with Glenn having memories of Morgan she doesn’t have of him, or at least just... getting his dead wife back. That feels like it would be shitty in almost all accounts.
Of course, this is all with the perspective that Glenn is staying in faerun- which I’m assuming he is because why in the fuck would he come back to earth? He at least has his son here, and he’s dead- so it’s hard to know if he could even return as a living person. Idk.
Anyways,, TLDR idk what Anthony could say about Morgan that would be satisfying to anybody if she is still alive in this timeline. Reuniting her with everybody else feels harmful both morally with death as her solution AND character wise with the little growth this attempt at an arc tried to give Glenn.
#dndads#I don’t mean this harshly tho I get everybody wanting Morgan content#but also like#I prefer not getting any Morgan content at all tbh?#even before timeline fuckery#I think we got the perfect amount of Morgan content#just enough to tell you she loved Glenn and was super endearing and charming#but not enough to make her really a full character#because we don’t know her! Glenn knows her#her being a huge part of anything other than a faint ideal of Glenn’s dead wife kinda goes against his growth#as much as I love Morgan? some characters aren’t there to be characters#some characters are just ways to move the story and express things about other characters#I love fanon Morgan and I have so many Morgan hcs and stuff#and ik women only existing to serve male characters growth is a shitty trope#but I also feel like she isn’t really meant to be much more than what she is#Morgan is a concept#Morgan is not a character#she is not nor should she be a full rounded person#because that’s simply not what she serves to do in the story#imo she’s purposefully given very little character because If she had more character we wouldn’t see her the same#we can’t see Morgan’s character flaws or her bad moments or how she’s grown as a person#because we aren’t meant to#if we saw any character flaws or details in Morgan than the point of her character would be lost#YOU fill in what Morgan is#but the thing that matters is you know how much she was loved#and you know how Glenn viewed her#imo he idealizes her#and that’s what we’re supposed to see#fuck I did a whole other rant in the tags#dndads spoilers
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