#theyre all randomly generated and the only ones who i had to go twice for where taylor and susannah i think (susannah’s 1st one was her
tedrick · 4 years
Agnes De la Rosa = 12/7/2000, ☀️sagittarius 🌙leo ✨pisces, infp-t, age 18-22, she/her, bi
quiet, friendly, sensitive, thoughtful. taking a gap year, doesn’t know what she wants to do for college. works at a grocery store. likes sadgirl music. lives with her parents, but her dad “works a lot”. her mother is abusive. friends with josiah
Josiah Gray = 8/15/1998, ☀️leo 🌙aquarius ✨pisces, isfj-t , age 20-24, he/him, bi
serious, sad, kind, tired yet hopeful. graduated highschool and never went to college. wants to be a mechanic or some shit. works a lot of odd jobs, currently works at a grocery store. fights for money and is kinda good at it. friends with agnes, dating corinne. lives in a house owned by corinne’s dad. corinne is abusive. hasn’t spoken to his mom in over a year. his abusive dad died when he was in highschool. drinks too much, smokes too much, and abuses medication. listens to 90s rock and doesn’t have many hobbies.
Corinne Kelly = 10/20/1998, ☀️libra 🌙scorpio ✨capricorn, estj-a, age 20, she/her, straight
vain, mean, shallow, rude. a bitch. cosmetologist. josiah’s highschool girlfriend who he’s still with. total daddy’s girl who really gets whatever she wants. isn’t mean for any reason, she just fucking sucks. spends most of her time at work, likes to shop a lot, spends the rest of her time either accounting for her dad or tormenting josiah. abusive. really values her appearance.
Lucia Caro = 6/17/2001, ☀️gemini 🌙libra ✨pisces, enfp-a, age 19, she/her, bi
bubbly, outgoing, chaotic, friendly. instagram influencer. angel kin, angel complex, god complex, the works. obsessive and almost delusional after chisme’s influence. loves cute things. hobbies mostly just include social media stuff and pinterest diy things she thinks are cute. likes thrift-flipping. (lu-CHEE-uh)
Karma = she/it
angel of hurt/pain/revenge. the unholy entity within Lucia. whether it is an angel, demon, new, or ancient, is ambiguous. only desire is to wreak havoc. curiously has a great attitude about it.
Chisme = she/her, aro, estp-a
energetic, enthusiastic, impulsive, apathetic. demon who deives people to evil or death by gradually influencing their emotions to become more severe, leading to the person becoming more impulsive and less tied to reality. Considers this to be entertaining. Influencing Lucia, but never reveals herself. Generally has a great attitude about things, but her emotions are strong and the change quickly.
Edgar Graves = 11/28/1999, ☀️sagittarius 🌙scorpio ✨sagittarius, istj-t, age 20, he/him, gay
reserved, serious, lonely. idk what he goes to college for but he has no friends. after a bad party experience w and ouija board or some shit and ended up getting haunted by a fucking demon :(((. he’s so super depressed but he wont fuckin die and its annoying but he’s stubborn and values his little life.
Maalik = he/him, gay in denial, istp-a
sadistic, mean, cocky, confident, an asshole. mentally and psychologically torments and tortures, people to evil/death. currently doing so to edgar. he considers this to be fun, but doesn’t really care about the people whose souls he steals. when he’s rlly invested he will show himself. for some reason, though, Edgar never reacts?? and for some reason? Maalik has been holding back a little.. hm...
Prudence = they/she/he/it, aro, isfj-t
overly-cautious, nosy, timid, nervous. an angel that none of the other angels like because they’re lame. she hangs around with Chisme and Maalik even though they bully him but it doesn’t really mind. She kind of has a stick up her butt and has never been to earth, although he does hear a lot about it from Chisme and Maalik. Not especially powerful, but they don’t really do anything anyways. It’s not very proficient at it’s job (making sure people are careful), bc all it really comes across as is overthinking. People really get annoyed by this, and thats why they don’t do much anymore. hearing about what the demons do bums them out but they don’t really do anything about it.
Susannah Reid = 5/9/1999, ☀️taurus 🌙 aquarius ✨leo, infj-t, age 21 at death, she/her, bi
gentle, intelligent, naive, lonely. aerospace engineering student with no friends who just wants to feel close to someone. Goes out with Corbin for roughly 3 months before he kills her, then she becomes a vengeful spirit of raw anguish that hunts him down. Loved reading and researching, as well as singing quietly to herself
Corbin Wright = 4/12/1998, ☀️aries 🌙leo ✨ capricorn, istj-a, age 22, he/they, pan
manipulative, suave, amicable, ruthless. travels everywhere picking up new, lonely, unnoticable people to woo and date for a bit before he murders them. killed Susannah by drowning her. is familiar with Cecilia
Cecilia Ayers = 11/16/2000, scorpio, age 20, she/her, bi, istj-t
Fake, observant, volatile, calculating. Rich kid with daddy issues bc her dad wanted a son that he never got. Became a perfectionist overachiever to an obsessive degree. Has a large social circle but doesn’t care for any of the people who consider her a friend, her entire outward personality is fake. In realisy, she is very cold and uncaring. Spends all of her free time on work, until the wrong guy pushes her too far one night and she kills him. then another. then another... she notices Corbin putting the same moves on Susannah one day, who luckily goes to her college. Taking a passing interest in Susannah, she notices the changes caused by Corbin’s abuse until: Susannah goes missing. Now aware of Corbin’s action’s he is also aware of hers in a spy v spy situation.
Amber Little = 1/15/97, age 17 at death, she/her, straight, enfj-a
Art Andrews = 2/19/2000, pisces cusp, isfp-a, age 19, he/him, idk
Big puppy dog, amicable, goofy, easygoing. Arthur’s been through a lot thanks to his neglectful mother. Having been in foster care, then held back, he met Ben before going back into his mom’s custody. Ben was Art’s first real friend, since his school experience was mostly characterized by outbursts and fights. in hs, Art began self harming, smoking, doing drugs, and illegal activity with a seperate group. Ben eventually helps him out of this lifestyle, and he goes clean on everything but smoking, as well as getting into the occasional fight because of his past crowd. While he harbors a lot of hardships, he’s a genuinely nice and caring friend, and could become friends with probably anyone. Spends most of his time chilling with Ben, doesn’t have a knack for most things besides math.
Ben Luna = 12/19/2001, sagittarius, infj-t, age 18, he/him, gay
clever, considerate, anxious, stubborn. Ben was pretty lonely before he met Art, and doesn’t have too much of a social life. A straight-a student, Ben understands practically everything, and could be taught anything else. Bad relationship with his parents, because he refuses to not transition, and though he lives with them, they hardly interract. Has a pretty bad crush on Art, but he’ll probably never tell him. Thinks March is a bad influence ~_~. Spends a lot of his time gaming or doing things that stimulate him. prone to anxiety, yet very steadfast.
March Abbot = 3/15/2001, pisces, estp-a, age 18, he/him, bi
laid-back, arrogant, charming, sarcastic. Marcello rich boy with the worst daddy issues in the entire world. he doesn’t want to be like his dad, or run his construction company, or grow up to be anything like that stuck-up prick. likes to rebel as much as possible, usually by partying and picking up a lot of girls. took an interest in Art because he seemed like a delinquent. Spends most of his time fucking around any way he can that will keep him away from home. mostly dismissive of Ben since he seems like a dumb nerd.
Jude Keane = 1/12/2003, capricorn, infj-t age 18, he/him, bi
outgoing, expressive, reliable, thoughtful. finally moved out of house to go to college for idk, anthropology. beach boys and oldies in general enthusiast, influenced by his grandparents. even though his mother supported his transition financially, she had a general attitude of wanting him to “grow up” and “get real” about his life, causing him tons of self-doubt. meets Taylor at the record shop they work at and become friends.
Taylor Zamora = 4/9/2002, aries, age 19, enfj-a, they/them, pan
confident, insightful, mature, cool. Taylor’s the cool person who is too intimidating to talk to in the grocery store. they give the best advice and always take the time to listen and help their friends, but their past is pretty mysterious. loves to live in the moment bc they fear that they didn’t get the childhood that they should’ve.
Robyn Parry = 1/27/2003, aquarius, age 16, istp-t, she/her, lesbian
reserved, serious, intimidating, calm. Powerful gay energies. Robyn really likes drawing realism portraits and breaking the dress code. Other ppl don’t talk to her with the exception of Eden. despite the bullying she’s gotten for her unique freckles, she is very confident and self-assured
Eden Houghton = 8/21/2003, leo, age 16, esfp-a, she/her, lesbian
bright, optimistic, loving, sweet. Eden just transferred to the same all-girl school as Robyn, and meets her on the first day. People either love her or are rude to her, but she tries not to let it get her down. she loves being outside in nature, or doing anything that isn’t sitting around at home, but she has a passion for crafts to keep life interesting.
Cathy = 10/8/2002, libra, she/her, bi, enfp-a
my girlfriend
Keith Harlow = 9/14/1997, virgo, age 19, intj-t, he/him, gay
tired, irrate, paranoid, determined. his parents were killed by a monster when he was like, 9, and after years of shit life and trying to find the truth, he finally makes it back to the town where it happened, where he meets Ethan, who helps him uncover the mystery. unfortunately, he might be more monster than human himself at that point. nah thats not true, he’s just a poor boy. he does die uhh. he knows no hobbies, only the hunt
Ethan Wake = 10/30/1997, scorpio, age 18, infj-t he/him, gay
curious, patient, reserved, empathetic. moved to a small town with his parents for him to figure out college and them to go through their divorce. meets Keith and helps him with his investigation until keiths paranoia overcomes him. oh also he initiates the romantic relationship with keith and pierces his ears and everything. used to cut. gets shot (by keith). survives, forgets everything.
Christian Covett = 7/23/1996, leo cusp, age 26, entj-a he/him, pan
intelligent, unhinged, deceptive, upbeat. has a knack for morally ambiguous/deplorable scientific inquiries and experiments. upon finding Adrien, he captures him and uses him to try to figure out the secrets of holiness/divinity and shit. seems like a bubbly, if not weird dude in public due to his overly-cutesy demeanor and clothing. is actually very malicious, sadistic, and completely apathetic. can switch from smiling to evil in less than a second.
Adrien = he/him, aro, istp-t
deadpan, moody, introverted, resilient. a very weak angel who is on earth bc of a demotion. was captured by Christian and tortured for a while before eventually regaining his power and getting payback and escaping. Dresses like a clown
Hayden Voss = 6/21/2002, cancer cusp, age 19, istp-t, they/them, bi
stoic, quiet, loner, mysterious. has a shaky grasp of their own metallokinetic powers, which have the potential to be very very powerful. doesnt really talk to anybody about anything for any reason. hayden would much rather be alone than training, bc they hate feeling weak or dumb, and considers their lack of technique frustrating when they have to admit it
Tere Montoya = 3/24/2000, aries, age 21, esfj-a, they/them, pan
charismatic, athletic, fun-loving, hard-working. Firebrat has more energy than anyone else. literally. enhanced stamina leads to slower heart rate, considerable muscle and notable strength, an avg body temp of ~101 degrees, and extreme speed/agility/dexterity. they love to win, making them a natural at most sports, able to usually do very well at anything they try. prolific in hand-to-hand combat. usually stays awake for at least 48 hrs at a time. lovable and not too cocky, they make a pretty fun, if sometimes annoying, coach. they might (... and can) kill you with their extreme energy.
Callum Sorel = 10/27/2000, scorpio, age 17, intj-t, he/him, pan
shy, nervous, neurotic, fearful. callum lived his whole dang life being a cute lil meganerd in a small town who minded his own business until one day somehow he was attacked by a vampire (um. i think his town had a local cryptic grave that he came in contact with) and then he went on a fucking murderous rampage as he tried not to succumb to feralness!!! fuckin crazy!
Gossamer Glasgow = 4/22/2005, taurus, age 17, infp-t, gay
hopeless romantic, scaredy-cat, punk arachnophobe who went into a haunted house once because he thought it would be cool and badass but ruh roh spaghettios
Fathom Jackson = 5/17/????, taurus, 17 when he uhh, esfp-a, he/him, gay
cheerful, upbeat, naive boy who went missing a long time ago because he walked into the haunted house :/
Malady Lovelace = 1/16/196?, capricorn, 13 at death, esfp-a (alive), she/her, idk
missing under mysterious circumstances in the 70s. has become an extremely angry house ghost
Harvey Duran = 4/17/2004, aries, age 17, intj-t, he/him, gay
responsible, collected, positive yet cautious Normal Boy who has to wrangle his chaotic best friends, one of which he is hopelessly in love with.
Leo Vargas = 9/12/2003, virgo, age 18, enfp-a, he/him, gay
kind, extroverted, energetic and easygoing boy who really just wants to have fun and be happy with his friends. semi-cousins with josie idk
Josie Morisson = 3/22/2004, aries, age 17, esfp-a, she/her, lesbian
batshit insane criminally chaotic girl who just wants to watch the world burn, mess with Harvey, make Leo happy, and love her girlfriend.
Devon Banks = 5/26/2003, gemini, age 18, intp-a, they/she/he, lesbian
Josie’s chill and athletic long distance girlfriend who occasionally gets to come visit.
Tyler Everett = 1/6/2001, capricorn, age 20, intj-t, he/him, gay
eternally tired and stressed punk barista who finds himself as the babysitter for two anomalous beings. hardworking and blunt, yet patient and gentle when he needs to be.
Damion = he/they, pan, infp-t
anomalous humanoid being in the appearance of an ~16 year old early 2000s emo boy with too much energy and slightly unnerving features. super loud. never sleeps, never shuts up. origins are very unknown, which he is very insecure about.
Essie = she/her, idk she doesnt know, isfp-t
usually found crying, emotions always running at maximum capacity. sadness means sobbing, joy means happy tears, but she can’t find it in herself to be angry. very sedentary, never goes out, and probably looks much too strange to. doesn’t think much about her own origins, kind of is already emotional enough.
Dakota Herrera = 10/10/2003, libra, age 18, intj-t, they/them, pan
Lucille Bloom = 2/11/????, aquarius, 19 when uhhh, infp-t, she/her, pan
Eleanor Fay = 7/12/2003, cancer, age 18, estp-a, she/they, bi
Angel Murillo = 3/10/2002, pisces, age 14, infj-t, he/him, bi
Nicodemus Worth = 2/25/2001, pisces, age 15, intp-a, he/him, gay
Harlow Liu = 12/21/2003, capricorn, age 17, intp-t, they/he/she, pan
Ruby Lopez = 9/1/2003, virgo, age 18, enfp-a, she/her, lesbian
Rosario Vergara = 12/7/1999, scorpio, age 19, istj-t, she/they, bi
Misha Amato = 3/13/1999, pisces, age 20, intp-a, they/them, pan
Nadia Bell = 6/28/2009, cancer, age 23, intj-t, she/her, pan
Charlie = 10/31/2010, scorpio, age 22? idk, istj-t, they/any, pan
Guts = 12/27/????, capricorn, age idk 19?, esfp-a, he/they/it, pan
emo boy!!!
Antonio Gunner = ?/?/????, 30’s and un-aging, intp-t, he/him, pan
ranger, reborn, human? clown name is “Tarnation”
Alarick = ?/?/????, 30’s and un-aging, esfp-t, he/him, gay
dhampir by birth, sorcerer maybe
Dahlia Gunner = ?/?/????, 31, istj-a, she/her, lesbian
human ranger(?), clown name Belladonna, not related to Antonio
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bakukirikami · 7 years
I'd like to request all the angsty headcanons please
GOD ok this ask is over a week old but im finally ready 2 deliver
under the cut bc this is literally 2k of bakukirikami angst hc’s
not rlly super angsty but he’s rlly touch sensitive
mainly bc of the sludge villain which. makes sense
the first time kiri and kami swings an arm over his shoulder he flinches To The Max and they’re shocked bc angry baku just jumped away from them
though it’s good for the beginning of their relationship bc it helps them realise and understand it
they both ask him first if they can hug him and tbh for the first few seconds baku doesn’t know what to do
eventually he hugs them back and Gosh it’s such a good feeling
he feels a little calmer and he just relaxes and shit he feels gr88
he doesn’t even mind if he tells anyone else abt hugging them bc he’s just so glad that he feels safe being held by someone
tbh it’s not easy to overcome something like that? esp for baku, he’s so used to having control that the sludge villain really hit him hard.
the first time they share a bed together baku’s in the middle although he’s the tallest.
he’s been so long without proper touch and kiri and kami really just wanna make him feel loved
at first it’s Too Much Touch and he feels really trapped but his bf’s really did some research abt touch sensitivity and they figured out how to calm him down
he sleeps really well when he’s in the middle bc he knows that he’s literally surrounded by love
he’s the last of the three to wake up in the morning and when he does he can just hear kiri and kami whispering about how much they love him so he buries his head in his pillow and kicks them both so they don’t see him smiling and blushing
eventually after a REALLY LONG TIME he does end up trusting 1a so he doesn’t really mind if they know about his touch sensitivity
there’s nothing wrong with it ofc he’s not any less of a hero it’s just another part of him
but if anyone from another class/in general mocks him about his flinching he will try to explode him and it takes kiri and kami 43 tries to get him to calm down
he finds it really irritating ofc bc he wasn’t always touch sensitive! fuckin sludge villain
when he goes home to visit his family he brings kiri and kami home to meet them
mitsuki hasn’t seen baku in ages so her first instinct is to hug him which is p normal for a mom imo
he flinches for a second and then he realises this is my mom she literally has baby soft skin she can’t hurt me before he relaxes
she still notices his flinching bc she’s his fuckin mom so she asks kiri about it later bc he seems like a good lad
kami overhears and helps explain
later when they’re trying to go to sleep they tell baku and he just shrugs bc he doesn’t mind. he’s getting used to it now
sidenote bakugou’s family fucking love kiri and kami
when he finds out ragdoll lost her quirk he gets a few nightmares about losing his own quirk
makes sense tbh bc the majority of his confidence and arrogance stemmed from his Super Awesome Quirk
usually ends up with him waking up really sweaty and holes in his blankets from uncontrolled explosions during his sleep
he goes to the bathroom to cool off and he stares at his reflection a lot and constantly reminds himself that he’s not going to lose his quirk he’s not he’s not he’s not
what happened to ragdoll isn’t going to happen to him he’s okay
when/if kiri and kami find out they’re shocked again bc they’re not used to insecure bakugou
however they do reassure him a lot that he’s not going to lose his quirk
they remind him a lot that nightmares don’t make you weak at all
he doesn’t usually say anything but if he does it’s usually just “yeah, yeah, yeah, i know.”
“thanks dumbasses”
his dreams usually rotate between hero dreams and fluffy dreams abt his bf’s so the first time he has a nightmare he’s super pissed off bc! He’s strong he shouldn’t be getting nightmares
kami and kiri are Best Bfs they buy baku all might merch when he’s feeling Bad
right so listen up kiri’s rlly insecure about his quirk in general so like after baku got kidnapped he really beat himself up about it like A LOT A LOT
his updated hero costume has sleeves from a few of the scars he gave himself during that time
bc of his quirk he rlly doesn’t need armour or anything so everything when they tell him he can upgrade he goes
“fuck i need to hide these scars”, thus, sleeves
during the hero license exam arc kami’s confused bc why the fuck would kirishima, whos ((pretty much)) made of steel need s l e E V E S
kami doesn’t question it tho bc who the fuck is he to judge. kami’s costume is literally just a cool jacket and pants w/ lightning bolts
baku (and everyone else) doesn’t really notice bc theyre used to kiri’s Extra As Fuck costume
anyway eventually bakugou and kaminari are going to end up seeing his scars, whether on purpose or not
when kiri explains baku’s first reaction is just anger bc not only does he think he’s the reason for all might’s end, but he’s thinks that it’s his fault kiri hurt himself
its no one’s fault of but neither of them know what to say but they just both hold kiri really tightly and at that moment, that’s all he needs
sunshine kid needs to stop bottling things up blease kiri
spends half of his time in class overthinking about things
he wants to make everyone happy and please everyone but kiri u can’t do that you gotta make yourself happy first
after he, baku and kami get together he talks a lot abt his insecurities and he feels so liberated honestly its a good feel u go kiri 👏👏
they’ll be in bakugou’s room watching a movie and as soon as the credits start rollin he exhales and sits up straight and just Starts Talking
bakugou and kami don’t interrupt them, they just let him talk and as soon as he’s done kami cuddles him and drowns him in blankets
baku does His Thing but kiri still knows he cares so he smiles really fondly at baku which makes him blush bc kiri has the nicest smile!
eventually kami will make bakugou cuddle w/ them
they all sleep a lot better that night.
(kiri’s in the middle)
used to get a lot of shit @ middle school during The Edgy Phase
filed his teeth in anger
vowed to be the nicest person he could be
he doesn’t like thinking about it a lot but he definitely thinks it made him a stronger and better person
got mocked a lot abt his quirk bc it wasn’t “flashy enough” ://
this is already canon but he cried when meeting tetsu for obvious reasons
STILL CANON but best bros w/ tetsu
he talks to tetsu abt their quirks a lot
tetsu is a Comfort Buddy
initially tetsu doesn’t rlly understand why kiri is upset about the lack of originality of his quirk, but once he does understand he’s very comforting
of the two, people say tetsu’s quirk is more unique because he’s transforming his body from flesh into steel, whereas kiri’s is flesh into harder flesh
(this is p much why tetsu initially has difficulty understanding)
tetsu reassures kiri a lot tho and in the end they always feel a lot better about their quirks
once or twice tetsu mentions it to kami and bakugou
out of the blue they’ll randomly compliment kiri and his quirk and he’s super happy
they never say anything to kiri about tetsu but kami and baku are really grateful that he told them
forever upset that he won’t meet crimson riot
mmmMMMKAY maya has some angsty kami hc’s here in case u havent seen them yet but ITS MY TURN NOW
super pissed off bc of how he always gets called stupid and dumb!
yes he doesn’t have the best grades but can you stick a knife in a toaster without dying? no? didn’t think so
whenever anyone is a dick about his intelligence he gets really pissed and starts shooting tiny sparks out of his body
when he came to UA he did that a lot less tho
but he does it most often around jirou
(at UA its usually her being a dick)
once she pushed him a lot and he nearly did fry her
kiri had to calm him down and hold him back
when he was little and figuring out his quirk he accidentally fried his favourite book and he cried for ages
got yelled at by teachers as a kid by teachers for accidentally short circuiting the building
bc of this he doesn’t like loud shouting a lot
he Will Flinch
especially when he goes to UA and when all might teaches
nothing wrong w/ all might ofc but his voice is really loud i’d flinch too
like he knows all might’s not going to hurt him but fuck it sounds like he is
after a while all might is the only loud adult voice he can deal with
he doesn’t really want the teachers to know bc its sorta a sensitive topic
when/if kiri and bakugou find out they won’t force him to tell anyone, they’ll just help him cope with it and comfort him
scars on his limbs from not knowing how to use his quirk as a kiddo
constantly terrified of losing control over his quirk and hurting ppl he cares about
idk i think that’s already canon but it’s important bc !! he actually likes the people at UA and he doesn’t want to hurt him
craves affection and attention all the time
he doesn’t need to be the center of attention at all, he just wants to be noticed and would rather not blend it
it’s not like he would go out of his way to stand out though, he just wants to be liked for who he is
it helps him a lot w/ his self confidence since he’s so used to him and his quirk being shoved aside (a result of the backlash of overusing his quirk) 
will cover up his pain or hurt with a joke because he like other people seeing him helpless
always stressed on how to be a better hero
runs his hands through his hair a lot
on bad days he’ll pull at his hair
bakugou and kirishima can tell whenever he’s feeling more upset because they’ll notice random strands of his hair floating around
a short attention span
it contributes to his “bad grades” and he hates himself for it
literally when he figured out just how short it was he electrocuted a couple trees because he was so pissed off
his parents gave him a really old record player for his dorm at UA but it broke when kiri and bakugou were having an arm wrestle in his room
dunno why they arm wrestling in his room BUT THEY WERE
he’s upset for ages bc that’s what reminded him of home
tries every possible way to fix it
he’s not even upset with kiri or bakugou he’s just. Empty
kiri and even bakugou apologise a lot and they actually feel awful for ages
at some point they buy him another one
ofc they know they can’t replace the other one but what else can you do
can’t go a day without someone insulting his hero costume
cries when he can’t buy a new video game and starts shooting sparks if someone else in 1a has it but he doesn’t
he gets really insecure about his body randomly, especially when he compares himself to bakugou and kirishima
but he wouldn’t mind being a little stronger but boi gets distracted all the time
but its obviously different bc ofc baku and kiri use their whole body to fight, but kami doesn’t need to do that
that being said, he doesn’t really want to be Super Buff either
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