#liz and tj
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true-bluesargent · 2 months ago
as much as i love jess it completely should have been luke to walk liz down the aisle at her wedding
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stellaluna33 · 1 year ago
Oh dang, oh no. I keep going on about how Liz kicked TJ out and then told everybody that he "left" her, and how insane that is... but it only just now occurred to me that that's basically what Luke did to Jess too, especially from Jess's perspective. 😫 This freaking family, I swear...
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frazzledsoul · 8 months ago
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nuketowncryptid · 1 month ago
my autistic ass never really played american girl dolls much with anyone else, mainly i just played silently by myself, but i gotta say... playing american girl dolls with my niece is so fun lol i decided the doll im playing with is from tasmania and shes a shoe model for new balance and she sells her feet pics (much to my bestie's dismay for my teaching their kid such a phrase), and her modelling agent is from germany and is played by one of their cats who is also my doll's pet panther... and when my niece pointed out that the agent is a cat, i said "just because shes from germany doesnt mean shes an animal" (to which my bestie said "im not even gonna comment on that") LMAO i love playing dolls as an adult with my highly impressionable niece, this shit rocks
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jojoblessed365 · 1 year ago
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Please tell me: they can be brothers at least once? In one lifetime?
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garak-pussy-indulgence · 1 year ago
Coley Phipps patron saint of jorkin it
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dax-vs-general-hospital · 1 year ago
Also with Austin now most definitively dead too, it keeps giving into my theory that if you become a doctor at GH, you will die.
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ohtendril · 2 years ago
Top five episodes of Gilmore Girls?
I’ve never thought about my ranking before o lord okay
- those are strings pinocchio
- the Lorelais’ first day at yale
- the pilot
- deep fried korean thanksgiving
- raincoats and recipes & last week fights, this week tights
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clumsycapitolunicorn · 1 year ago
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drchucktingle · 9 months ago
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because of meta nature of BURY YOUR GAYS we were able to do something truly unique with this trot and cast several other writers in various roles. cannot thank this cast enough for their hard work i am so moved and honored by the way they have joined me on this journey. i think we have built something incredible
audiobook read by ANDRE SANTANA with stage narration from MARA WILSON along with speculative fiction icons CJ LEEDE, T. KINGFISHER, TJ KLUNE, MARK OSHIRO, SARAH GAILEY, LIZ KERIN, CHARLIE JANE ANDERS, and STEPHEN GRAHAM JONES as well as a romance tingleverse crossover from GEORGIA BIRD
MORE DETAILS ARE HERE in this exclusive from THE MARY SUE
preorder BURY YOUR GAYS audiobook here
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the-overreactress · 1 month ago
Finally dropping into your inbox after many months of being moots to say:
YES! You are so right, season 4 is 100% a Literati season!
Hi! Happy to talk anytime!
Yes, totally. Rory's struggles with dating, school, etc. Jess struggling to express himself, but still feeling so in love with her. WE meet Liz and TJ and get a more specific idea of what Jess' life was like before he moved to Stars Hollow. Season 4 is also where we see the first cracks in Rory's "perfect" facade. She goes the longest in this season without dating someone...pining, perhaps, even if she tells Jess she won't be doing that. Gah. So much angst, Season 4.
I've actually come to really appreciate a lot of Season 4 for all these little nuances, depsite fans generally hating it.
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alchemistc · 9 months ago
what the agony had been for | bucktommy bonus chapter
To those of you who voted for the secret fic, told you I'd have this up before the poll even closed.
Shoutout to @chobani-flip for letting me shout about this a little so I didn't post about it on main.
“Hi there, beautiful.” He’s — he might be crying. Tommy is definitely crying, big fat tears leaking out of his eyes. There’s something magical in the air, something cozy and intimate even while the doula wipes at Liz’s brow and murmurs something low to her, and TJ curses in the kitchen moments after about the crash-bang of pans sounds. Buck can’t stop staring. He can’t stop pressing closer to Tommy, even though there’s barely any room between them not reserved for the bundle in Tommy’s arms. It’s too soon to tell whether the shade of blue will stay sparkling like Buck’s sky-blue eyes, or shift shades darker like Tommy’s — whether the wispy strands of hair atop her head will shine burnt auburn in the sun in ten years, or turn deeper and darker every winter until they match the chestnut of the crib they’d spent three hours arguing about how to build. No telling what those rosy cheeks will look like once her face isn’t still all smushed in, or whether or not she’ll always have that weird dent in the back of her skull.
bonus chapter on ao3 or start from the beginning
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ksfd892 · 1 month ago
It perplexes me that GG has an arguably conservative take on relationships and getting married. Being part of a relationship doesn't 'count' as enough - the couple have to get married in order to be truly committed to each other and to be taken seriously.
It's both interesting and confusing that engagement and marriage are often used to fix fights between couples or as a sweet, spontaneous choice. Sookie and Jackson decide to skip living together first, Lane and Zach get engaged rather than deal with the issues they were fighting over and Liz and TJ get married comically fast, relatively speaking. Part of this is due to the screwball comedy theme throughout the show (discussed here x), but part of it also seems to be this traditional view that to really love someone, you have to marry them.
Lorelai is an exception to the couples above in that despite Max also proposing to make up an argument, she eventually cannot go through with it. Marriage is also shown as the wrong decision when Christopher proposes when she is pregnant with Rory and, later, when Christopher spontaneously says he wants to marry her during his visit in S1. This is largely due to Lorelai being the main character, whereas the other couples are secondary, yet her hesitance to get married is criticised later on. Although not marrying Christopher because Lorelai didn't love him (and because pregnancy is not enough of a reason to get married), and later turning down Max because she doesn't love him either are shown as good choices, her issues with marrying Luke are shown in a more negative light.
Lorelai breaks off the engagement with Luke at the end of S6 and as in AYITL, this is seen as a weak choice, as she ended the engagement in a fight and still hasn't married him, even if their relationship is repaired. Lorelai claming that she and Luke are 'partners' is shown in a dismissive light, by Emily calling them 'roomies' and contrasting it to her marriage with Richard. The series as a whole shows it as a fear of commitment and, while Emily is blunt, she is not wrong. While obviously fear of commitment can be true for some people in real life, there are also just as many relationships where the couple simply have chosen not to get married and are no less in love. This is not shown as an option in the series for any couple. If you are 'truly' in love you should just get married. The questions about how Sookie and Jackson adjusted to living together, how Lane and Zach handled their issues and how Liz and TJ faced problems as a couple are either ignored or 'fixed' by getting married. The only married couples who do face problems are Dean and Lindsey, as they get married for the wrong reasons and are set up for Rory to make a terrible, desperate choice romantically, and later Emily and Richard, who 'solve' their problems with a vow renewal. The issues behind their separation are dropped after the second wedding. The other couples discussed are shown to have made the correct choice without any question.
GG is a comedy-drama and, obviously, isn't going to focus on marital difficulties (for the most part), but it's interesting to see this traditional life path celebrated in what is generally a very liberal show (abortion aside, but this is probably partly due to the network and TV landscape at the time). Clearly, numerous couples choose to get married and there's nothing odd about depicting it, but numerous couples do not, for a whole myriad of reasons, none of which are portrayed. To truly love someone, you must marry them, otherwise you are playing at being 'partners'. Marriage is attempted to be shown in a more nuanced light in S7 but, as ASP didn't write it, it stands outside of the show's main narrative. At the end of AYITL Lorelai arrives at a new stage of adulthood, but it's not by her and Luke really communicating - it's by their decision to finally get married.
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alyheartsjess · 8 months ago
daily gilmore girls thoughts bc i haven’t done this in forever:
🫶🏼rory was a good friend to paris and lane, enough with the nonsense. lane and rory were realistic childhood friends and rory and paris were realistic realistic ”grew to like each other”-friends
🫶🏼lorelai and even rory are under the illusion that dean is a ”safe” person because he didn’t disturb their safe pre-established routine and just fit into it
that’s also why lorelai likes luke the most, bc he fits into the life she already has, the life she chose and has worked hard to get. rory is a bit more willing to try new things bc she’s young and SH is all she’s ever known
🫶🏼dean and logan were actually perfect for the rory she was in season 1 and seasons 5-7 respectively. i believe what we got is the peak of what they could ever be. with jess the timing was wrong, which is too bad :(
🫶🏼i know milo didn’t want to be in season 7 bc of loyalty to asp BUT jess being the character witness for luke in april’s costudy hearing and luke winning bc of that would have wrapped up their storyline so well. i feel like they at least should have drawn some parallels to the fact that luke has cared for a child before, otherwise, what was the point of doing that storyline twice?
🫶🏼i saw this great take on reddit (it happens) that some people can’t grasp how horrible emily and richard are while another group can’t grasp how horrible liz and TJ are.
this is bc some people grew up with snobby, elitist relatives who deem you as not ever good enough for their standards while other people grew up with relatives who are deadbeat leeches.
so the ones who grew up with liz and TJs might be like ”oh but emily and richard just want a good life for lorelai” while people who grew up with richards and emilys might be like ”oh but liz and TJ are just fun and kooky”. this very obviously doesn’t always apply but i thought that was really interesting!
🫶🏼they already did ”bad boy jess” is season 2, i think they should have given him some (more) character development in season 3. it’s just too sad the way it all played out, i think about it a lot :,( couldn’t we have had ONE era where luke and jess were getting along and jess was going to school and lorelai liked him and jess and rory were working? the finale would have been even more dramatic then actually
🫶🏼this is a new, not that developed take but richard cares more for rory and emily cares more for lorelai.
taking in rory after her meltdown was, to richard, about getting rory back on track eventually, while emily was excited to have a new lorelai, this time one she could share her interests with.
there is a scene during this era where emily is asking richard how lorelai is and he’s like huh whatever, lorelai’s fine. then richard expresses concern over rory and emily is like huh whatever, rory is fine. i think this is so interesting!
🫶🏼um so jess and rory are both victims of generational issues that should have been solved before they were born. obviously the gilmore lore is more developed than the danes lore but we know enough from what luke said in jess’ first episode
🫶🏼i think luke and lorelai very obviously have struggled in their life and because jess and rory don’t have the same struggles they had but different ones, they think they have it so much better. this is ofc very common
again, the gilmore lore is much more developed but what i mean by this is that lorelai doesn’t think rory’s struggles are valid is bc rory has a mom that is nice and luke doesn’t think jess’ struggles are valid bc jess has a mom that is alive. obv not directly stated and just speculation, but something i think about!
🫶🏼i needed a few more flashback eps to understand how THAT lorelai turned into THIS lorelai. but kudos to her work ethic
🫶🏼 rory could have been way more screwed up and resentful than she was due to her past. in season 1, it’s only five years since she moved out of the garden shed. that’s as much time as between seasons 1 and 6, aka nothing. say what you want, but she does have a good attitude
🫶🏼 the conclusion of dean’s arc on the show: he was the victim and rory was horrible for letting his perfect self go and should apologize. the conclusion of jess’ arc on the show: he was horrible and deserved all the shit every adult did to him (no one ever apologized to him for anything btw).
🫶🏼i don’t understand why people think rory spiraling bc of mitchum’s comment is so spoiled and unreasonable and out of character. like this is a person who was been perfect and motivated and well-behaved her whole life bc she is working toward a clear singular goal. when that goal shattered right in front of her, it’s pretty realistic to be like ”why not break the rules, why not take advantage of my grandparents wealth, why not fuck around and party for a bit”. and no one in her life understood this.
so, let’s make it about jess now. rory always kind of had a plan and a goal, and guess who didn’t? jess. they even talked about this. but then he comes back and has made something of himself and he tells rory it’s because of her.
i think that’s why jess was the only one able to put rory back on track. he has been what rory is now. not willing to do anything and throwing everything away because he’s been led to believe that he’s not good enough. but he isss and rory knew that, and she helped him believe that, which is why he was able to get back on track. and now he’s returning the favour.
there’s so many interpretations of this scene but this one’s my fave<3
🫶🏼feel free to argue, i don’t feel that strongly about most of these😭
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frazzledsoul · 1 year ago
A non exhaustive list of terrible things Liz Danes did/said after she showed up:
- Makes a beeline straight for the pot the minute she shows up
- Hasn't called to check on Jess once in the nine (!) months he's been gone from Stars Hollow
- It's established that she generally has a terrible track record with men/employment/stable housing
- It's also established she is easily able to manipulate Luke into doing her bidding and in pretending that every new terrible idea is no big deal
- Makes a show of introducing Jess to TJ and acting like she's the best mom ever despite his obvious discomfort
-Makes several statements to Lorelai to the effect that Luke has been cleaning up after her for her entire life and finding her jobs, apartments, helping her out financially, getting rid of dangerous men
- To quote Jess verbatim: "I don't like this guy. I don't like any of the guys. She doesn't give a crap what I think. I've got nineteen years of proof to back me up". She always chose her men over him, no matter how terrible they were.
- Luke is involved in sussing out Jess's whereabouts and living situation, giving him a place to sleep (thanks to Lorelai), offering him money to fix his car. Liz is not involved in any of that and doesn't offer. She signed off on being the parent a long time ago.
- Liz shows back up for the wedding and immediately manipulates Luke into helping arrange the wedding, selling jewelry in the diner, inviting strippers to the diner...when she's around, he ends up doing her bidding almost automatically. Zero boundaries.
- There's more references to her sketchy self-employment and the many times Luke watched it fall apart.
- Luke's the one who goes to New York, finds Jess, has him go back to Stars Hollow as a favor to him. No comment from Liz on his lifestyle or offering him a place to stay. Luke is the only one who fights with him about it. Luke's also the one to give him romantic advice as Liz is not involved in that at all.
- Liz reveals her romantic history right before the wedding. Second husband was okay, third husband was not and died mysteriously, boyfriend after third husband was also okay. This is also the only wedding she's not been drunk at.
- Liz assumes Jess broke Rory's heart even though she has no idea who that is. Lorelai steps in and defends Jess, saying it just didn't work out.
- Luke is roped into taking care of Liz and TJ for several weeks after they are in a car accident and following them around on the Ren Faire circuit. I only mention this because he is, as always, forever her caretaker.
- Liz and TJ get into a screaming fight early in S5 and ruin Luke and Lorelai 's date.
- Sometime in S5 or S6 Liz mentions that she's never made dinner, not once. Jess is around 20 years old at this time period. How did he eat?
-Liz manipulates Luke into letting TJ work at the construction at Lorelai's house. She cries and throws a tantrum until he gives in. TJ somehow knocks a big hole in the upstairs of Lorelai's house.
-Liz does not show up to Jess's open house, nor does she ever mention it (or him at all) afterwards. Luke shows up to support him and tells him he's proud of him. Mom can't be bothered.
-When Liz finds out she's pregnant with Doula, she casually mentions to Luke (in public!) that she binge drank while she was pregnant with Jess. Luke isn't shocked by this.
-Liz claims to Luke that TJ abandoned her after she told him she was pregnant. Luke goes to TJ and TJ reveals that Liz got violent and threw half the household objects at his head and kicked him out when he was excited about it. Luke goes to Liz afterwards and she rants that if she stays with TJ her kid's going to end up ruined and she'll have to send it away. Luke is the one who reminds her that Jess turned out OK and that he's actually doing great (not that Liz has any knowledge of this at all or should receive any credit for it). Liz and TJ reconcile.
- Liz and TJ invite Luke over for dinner in early S7. Their stove is broken. He has to make dinner himself (because of course he does). Despite formerly being supportive, they tell him Lorelai was bad for him and Liz says some mumbo jumbo about how they were never meant to be together. Luke runs into Lorelai at the grocery store and says the whole thing was a bad idea and he'll be civil to her, but he's not interested in a personal relationship again. Lorelai basically doesn't go anywhere in town she could run into him for the next six months (okay, the romantic advice isn't terrible per se but Liz is seriously inconsistent on this issue).
- Luke attends Doula's birth. Liz is excited about April being a free babysitter.
- Liz dumps Doula on Luke at work a few weeks after she is born because she "needs a break" and disappears for hours.
-Liz and TJ invite themselves to stay at Luke's apartment some weeks later, shortly after Lorelai and Christopher have broken up. Now Liz is all excited about Lorelai and Luke getting back together (pick a lane, woman).
-In the series finale, Liz tries to dump Doula on Luke at work AGAIN (how often does she do this?) Luke stops her before she can leave, and makes her take the baby with her.
-Liz and TJ are mercifully offscreen for AYITL. Jess fulfills the role of being Luke's sounding board and attempting to comfort him when he has problems with Lorelai and there are already enough quirky townies, so she isn't needed. TJ and Liz are involved in a mysterious vegetable cult that they eventually get kicked out of, which provides a reason for Jess to come into town every so often. He's now the support to his family that Luke used to be on his own. It's implied that this is not the first time TJ and Liz have gotten involved in a cult over the past few years
My point to all of this is that Liz is not stable, she's not a decent person, she has not "redeemed" herself, she may be clean and sober but she's still horribly selfish, unreliable, and a pain in Luke's ass. There's a bunch of stuff that is implied in Jess's behavior that indicates she was a horrible mom, but we don't get the full picture until she shows up. The full picture is...a lot worse.
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TBR tag game
thank you for the tag @horrorgirlreads :3 putting it on my book blog
Rules: Share 9 books you read last year and 9 books you're looking forward to reading this year.
2024 reads - some books I enjoyed but that didn't make it onto my top 24 list:
Come Out, Come Out by Natalie C Parker - a haunting story about three queer teenagers forced into the closet by circumstance who come to terms with their identities only to be cursed by a ghost to closet themselves again
The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro & Daniel Kraus - the novelisation of the movie but guys, guys, it's better than the movie. the characterisation is so much deeper and it's so funny and it's just absolutely beautiful, please try it if you can
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir - why didn't i put this in my top 24? oh my god. this book. it took me so long to get here but I'm so glad I finally made it
The Pairing by Casey McQuiston - a fun summer romance with great characterisation with the hottest sex scenes I've read for a long time hehe
Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin - another one I don't understand why I didn't put on the other list. I loved discovering her writing this year and while Manhunt was great, I preferred the characters in Cuckoo
Every Exquisite Thing by Laura Steven - a YA retelling of The Picture of Dorian Gray that took the original story and talked about vanity and self-image in some incredibly interesting ways
The Redemption of Morgan Bright by Chris Panatier - if I'd known this was about the horrors of forced birth as written by a man, I probably wouldn't have picked it up but Panatier did such a good job tackling such a complicated topic. a hard read but a good one
A Sorceress Comes to Call by T Kingfisher - I'm really gravitating towards stories about mothers and daughters at the moment and this one hit just right. I love Kingfisher's fantasy so much, it's always so sweet and comforting
Dreadful by Caitlin Rozakis - a guy wakes up in the body of the dark lord and has no idea how he got there. there are goblins and a garlic festival and a very clever princess and I just had so much fun with this one. I feel like the cozy fantasy girlies are sleeping on it
okay. 2025. what else do I wanna read...
Triple Sec by TJ Alexander
A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall
Hemlock and Silver by T Kingfisher
The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong
The God of the Woods by Liz Moore
After We Burned by Marieke Nijkamp
Right Beside You by Tucker Shaw
The Listeners by Maggie Stiefvater
Lucy Undying by Kiersten White
tagging anyone with a "G" in their URL ;)
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