#lix north
snappingthewalls · 1 year
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akiraeffect · 1 year
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sheltiechicago · 6 months
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Navigating Genetic Compromises And A Toxic World Through Steampunk Self-Portraiture In The Artistic Odyssey Of Lix North
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skzhocomments · 9 months
Mafia Book #2 - PART I - The Black Iris - Chapter 1 - Breathe in and jump
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
General masterlist
Chapter 1 (current chapter) - Wattpad | AO3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1 - Breathe in and jump
chapter word count: 4.2k words
~Third person POV~
"Yo! Are you back already? Our Yongbok is doing so well!" Minho smiled sweetly, seeing Hyunjin and Felix open the kitchen door.
"Yea, he's doing amazing." Hyunjin praised. "He still has to take it easy, but..."
"I'm alright." Felix intervened. "It's already been a year; I can move and breathe normally now."
"That's great to hear, Lix. Soon enough you're gonna join on missions again." Lee Know poured some coffee in a mug and handed it over to Felix.
"I'm thrilled." Felix joked, grabbing the mug. He hesitated a bit before asking something that's been on his mind the whole day, taking a sip of his drink instead: "So... Did you see him today?"
"Who, Chris? I did, yea."
"Mhm. How is he doing...?"
"... Stick up his butt like usual." Minho replied sombrely. "He looks like he hasn't slept in 2 weeks, and he probably hasn't."
"Fuck." Hyunjin cursed under his breath. "I don't even know what to say... I love him, but he needs therapy... like yesterday."
"Who needs therapy?" Chris entered the big kitchen and nonchalantly walked towards the fridge, grabbing a cold water bottle.
"Boss?! I meant-"
"I don't need anything, Hyunjin. I'm perfectly fine." The leader replied coldly.
He's been like that ever since he cast away the love of his life, Emilia.
He simply couldn't forgive himself for his stupid actions that brought her death one year ago, so he did what he knew best: he let his soul die as well, with her, and he focused solely on Stray Kids.
He became the most heartless Mafia leader there was, not caring about anything else but building his empire to be able to protect the only people he cared about.
He killed, killed, and killed anyone and anything mercilessly, unable to feel even the slightest bit of remorse.
He would do so with a straight face, for his soul was as vacant as an empty shell.
The members knew this all too well, but no matter what they would say or do, it wouldn't matter. The Chan they all knew and loved was too far gone, only a ruthless monster that swore to protect them left in his place.
Therefore, it's safe to say that Stray Kids' House was no longer the happy place filled with laughter it once was. A gloomy energy hung around in the air, and there was an especially uncomfortable tension between the oldest – Chris – and the youngest member – Jeongin. None of them wanted to address it, though, so they let themselves grow distant and turned a blind eye to the other's suffering.
With Chris being so unavailable emotionally, it all fell on Minho to pick up the pieces. After all, he was the next in command when it came to their Mafia.
He would go ever so often in the leader's place to represent the Mafia, especially internationally, since he took over the gun trade business with Momo after Hyo's passing.
As Minho found himself once again leaving the house in the middle of the night, he pulled out a cigarette from his pack – the second one he bought today – and headed towards nowhere in particular.
The night's breeze felt cold against his cheeks, as he leisurely walked around the empty streets of the city. He used these calm moments to contemplate on why everything fell apart so horribly.
Well, not everything. Their mafia was more prosperous than ever. The Empire Chan's father built - the North Side, as it used to be called – was only a little kid compared to the territory Stray Kids managed to take over in the past year. It was quite scary, frankly, what Chan was capable of when he dedicated his whole energy towards something.
However, everything comes at a price. To welcome this new change, all of them – Chan, more than anyone else – changed drastically.
How could losing one girl affect him so much, Minho wondered?
It was dumb to be so blinded by love.
Love, what even is that? Minho asked himself and continued walking on the icy streets.
Sure, he understood the concept of it. He thought what he felt for his members could probably be described as love; he cried seeing Felix almost dead last year, and his heart burned with Chris' from the loss of his Shade. But could love screw you up so badly to make you become an entirely different person once you lose it?
Well, that wasn't exactly true, and Minho knew it all too well, for Chan didn't only lose the love of his life; he was also betrayed by someone he thought to be a little sister he held precious. And worst of all, he blamed himself for everything that happened.
Guiltiness is one of the harshest feelings that can weigh down on you, and both Chris and Minho felt it stronger each day, for each of them held part of the blame.
Chan – for everything he did wrong one year ago, and Minho – for allowing himself to be played like a violin by Hyo and turn Chan against Emilia, who did nothing wrong but put her trust in the people she considered friends.
Thus, Minho couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for the downfall of his leader's life.
What could he do differently to make Chris be his old self, or at least a fraction of his old self? Or actually – was there even anything he could do?
It was one of these nights that Minho found something in particular that caught his eye. Or rather – someone.
He was once again out walking aimlessly in the middle of the night when he decided to cross one of the many bridges over the river.
After half the distance and reluctantly remembering that he has a busy day tomorrow, he pressed his back on the railing and lit up a cigarette.
Inhaling the smoke and relaxing, he allowed himself to stop thinking of everything that went wrong for a moment. Or at least try to.
That's when he spotted her, on the other side, smoking a cigarette herself.
She was dressed elegantly, in an all-black pencil skirt stopping right above her knees and a dark blazer, topped with a delicious pair of red bottoms black high heels.
Definitely my type, Minho thought, admiring the sight.
He was a man, after all.
Just seeing her felt entertaining enough for the 5 minutes long cigarette break he took, so when he was done, he threw it on the ground, stomping it with his foot, and forgot all about the girl with the pretty silhouette and slutty high heels.
A month or so later, the night brought him to the bridge again, his back supported by the same railing. It was an unorthodox hour, just like last time, and there she was, lighting up a cigarette.
This time, though, she was dressed more casually: black trousers and the same elegant blazer, no high heels, a pair of black loafers hugging her feet instead.
The same perfect silhouette prompted Minho to watch her from the other side once again, taking note of her late-night activities. She would chain smoke her cigarettes, no breaks in-between, and she would sometimes shift her weight from one leg to the other. Her elbows were promptly supporting her on the bridge's railing.
He couldn't see her face, for she was looking far in the horizon, her back turned to him, but Minho already thought she was beautiful, just for the way she was carrying herself. That's something you observe after being in his line of work for a while. There's a lot you can tell about someone from their mannerisms, from how straight they keep their back and from how high they hold their head.
After admiring her for a while, he decided to let her be and left to his business, taking note of the time on his watch. He had more important things to do than watch a random woman smoke.
What was she doing there, anyway?
It was too late for a woman to be alone there, in the middle of a random bridge. The thought that she was a hooker passed Minho's mind, but he quickly realised that it wasn't the case, as he kept returning to the same spot again and again and seeing her religiously follow the same ritual: cigarette after cigarette, shifting her weight from the left leg to the right and back every 15 minutes or so, and looking far away in the horizon, as if lost in thought.
Soon enough, he started to become curious. Who was she, and why was she there every night?
He knew it was stupid to wonder, especially since he did the same thing as her, coming there every night for no particular reason, but still, he couldn't understand why she kept going to the bridge just to smoke and look at the pitch black in front of her, for he was sure she wasn't able to see anything, and the water was too far down to be able to even hear it that well.
He's been watching the girl in secrecy for some time now. After all, it would've been hard to explain to the members that he was basically stalking someone he doesn't even know the face of yet, so he just kept it to himself.
Observing her so closely for the past month, though, made him sure that he would be able to tell her apart from a crowd any time with ease.
That night, as usual, he headed towards his spot on the bridge and started watching the girl. She was sporting the same tight black pencil skirt and high heels like the first night he's seen her.
One cigarette, two, three, and then her lighter seemed to stop working. She hectically shook it in all directions, but she wasn't able to get it to flame again.
Seemingly defeated, she turned around for the first time since Minho started coming to the bridge, and angrily threw the lighter, smashing it in the process, cigarette still in mouth. Her lips were full and stained deep red, and her teeth – for she was holding the cigarette with her teeth, not with her lips – were perfectly white.
Her expression, though, stayed neutral, despite her harsh actions of smashing the lighter to pieces, and she pressed her back on the railing and let herself fall down to the ground in defeat. That's when she spotted Minho for the first time, something catching her eye: his lit-up cigarette.
She locked eyes with him and smirked, and God, was she beautiful.
Minho's head rang with a quote he once heard in a stupid TV show Felix made him watch – American Horror Story, or something like that. The quote went like this: The Devil is real, and he's not a little red man with horns and a tail. He can be beautiful, because he's a fallen angel, and he used to be God's favourite.
Watching the girl look in his eyes with so much determination, he couldn't help but think that she must've been the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. She was expressive and seemed tough, and the smirk tugging at her lips told Minho she has definitely been God's favourite at some point, even if she seemed far from that now.
Just like the Devil. Minho smiled, lazily making his way across, taking out his lighter. When he reached her, he placed the flame in front of her mouth, waiting until her cigarette was lit as well.
"Thank you." She nodded. Even her voice sounded beautiful to his ears.
"Don't mention it." He put the lighter back in his pocket and contemplated joining her on the ground for a brief moment, but he considered that this would only bring bad luck, that there was no point in getting acquainted with her, despite his profound curiosity.
So, he just turned around and left, before hearing her voice once more.
He stopped dead in his tracks. Who asks someone for their name that way?
"Why? Curious?" he faced her again. She was still nonchalantly sitting on the ground, smoking her cigarette, and looking somewhere far away in the distance, not even a glance Minho's way.
"Honestly? Not really, no."
Well, this is getting interesting.
"Then why would you ask?"
"To pass time, obviously. We are the only 2 people crazy enough to be here at this hour."
"Crazy? I'd say we are the only two sane enough people to be here, doll." Minho replied, seeing the woman stand up and patting her skirt clean.
"That's certainly one way to put it. So, you're a "the glass is half empty" type, hm?" She smiled, still looking far away. "A bit pessimistic."
"Who knows? I always thought of myself as a realist."
"Yea? Are you such an objective person?" she smiled, finally turning her eyes at him, placing a hand in front of her, gesturing with her fingers to signal that she wanted something from the man. "Care to share that with me again, doll?" she signalled to Minho's pockets.
He scoffed, taking the lighter out and giving it to her. "Another one already? You're gonna get lung cancer and die in 2 years max if you keep it up."
"What is it, do you mean to say you care about what happens to me? Don't make me laugh." She chuckled slightly, lighting her cigarette on fire and inhaling the toxic smoke.
"Might as well keep it. It's Minho."
"Cute." She smirked. "And thanks for the present. I shall put it to good use and value it greatly, Minho." She winked.
"What's yours?"
"This lighter, obviously." She chuckled, playing a bit with Minho's patience.
"Your name, doll. That's what I want to know." He was growing impatient, and she noticed.
"Why? Curious?" She grinned, repeating the question he asked her just minutes ago.
Minho clicked his tongue, making her let out a small chuckle, as if she had won the little game they were playing.
"I'm Iris."
What a nice name. Fitting.
And the fact that she has such a prideful attitude only makes it better. Minho thought, smiling cunningly.
I should go, shouldn't I? he thought further, trying to convince himself to not spend any minute longer with this woman. She was addictive, somehow, and he certainly didn't want to end up in any disadvantageous situation.
"So, doll, why are you here at 3 AM on a Monday? Can't sleep, or are you running away from your problems?" she eyed him from under her eyelashes and smirked.
"You know my name now, don't you?" Minho took a threatening step towards her, a mischievous grin on his lips as well.
"Just giving you the same treatment you gave me, that's all." She shrugged, staying still.
"I just couldn't sleep. You?"
"Oh, so a man with too much on his mind, but somehow a realist! Sounds like trouble if you ask me." She looked once again in the horizon, before continuing. "I'm also way too troubled to sleep."
"So you prefer to come up here and fuck up your health?" Minho chuckled, pointing at her cigarette again.
"Look who's talking." She rolled her eyes annoyed.
She didn't need any bastard to tell her what is good for her, but there he was, doing it again. It was even worse that he was such a hypocrite. Wasn't he also smoking a few minutes ago?
"And that short skirt you're flaunting? Looks stunning, but will attract all the wrong attention during the night."
"What, do you want to fuck me?" she asked plainly.
"Why, are you that readily available?"
She scoffed at him and repositioned herself to face him properly, before bringing her body directly in front of his.
Faced mere inches apart, she mouthed a "Never.", then went around the man and left him there, staring at her.
She was a strange woman, just perfect for a strange man.
The next time Minho visited the bridge almost two weeks later, she was there, just as usual: her back turned against the road, her eyes facing the dark abyss over the bridge.
However, she did something oddinary: she turned around and glanced directly into Minho's eyes, as if she was expecting him to show up, to be there.
And then she waved her hand playfully with a big grin on her lips, expecting a wave in return, which he was quick to give. It was like she was tugging at the strings controlling his body, like a puppet master. She knew how to get him to make the gestures or expressions she wanted him to make, even when they were so far away from each other.
Many nights like this followed, where both would wave at the other, as if exchanging pleasantries, none of them willing to take a single step forward.
She was far too prideful for that, and she still had a bitter taste in her mouth from their last interaction. Admiring him from the other side was enough for her. He was really beautiful, a sight to look at, but his mouth was far too rotten for her liking. Besides, he seemed like bad news, all the alarm bells ringing in her head as soon as he handed her his lighter telling her this. He seemed dangerous even across the bridge from her. It felt like she wasn't far enough, and she knew she shouldn't mingle with him.
He was simply cautious. He was already obsessed enough with wanting to know who she was, what she did for a living, why she came here, how well she'd manage to keep her balance on those high heels bent over his desk – just thoughts like that. And as much as he wanted to find out, to make those thoughts a reality, he knew it wouldn't be wise to do so.
He was in a Mafia, for fuck's sake. He couldn't play the role of pretty boyfriend and take her out on dates during the day, while he mercilessly killed people during the night.
Just watching her is enough. He would keep telling himself.
I will stay away.
So why couldn't he just stay away and watch as one massive dude grabbed her by the wrist and turned her around, trying to overpower her?
It was like his body reacted without him realising, as he crossed over with heavy steps towards her.
However, she didn't seem to need him at all at first. She managed to free her arm from the man's grip and land a punch in his crotch, swearing at him like a sailor, and when he tried to throw a punch himself, she managed to avoid it with ease.
Her technique was messy, but luckily for her, the attacker was as skilled as a pig when it came to fighting.
Watching everything unfold in front of his eyes, Minho couldn't help but let out the biggest grin. How many more surprises did this girl have in store for him?
When the big guy raised his hand once more in the air to attempt to hit Iris, Minho pulled his hand back and tackled him to the ground, stepping on his neck with all his weight.
"Yah, I think I stepped on a big pile of shit by mistake. My shoe's all dirty now. Will you pay for this?" he asked mockingly, looking at Iris.
"Argh, I'm sorry dude, I get it! I'll leave her alone! Please get off!" The guy tried to ration, but Minho was having none of it. He pressed on his neck with even more force, making the guy choke.
After a few agonising seconds, he stepped away from the guy, allowing him to breathe, before sending a powerful kick his way.
"Go crawl wherever you came from, you cockroach." Minho said coldly, watching the guy barely get up from the ground and run away for his life.
Iris observed all of this with a neutral expression on her face. She seemed unphased by Minho's actions, and if she were true to herself, she even felt a bit of appreciation. She'd never let him know that, though.
"You're welcome." He said with a mischievous grin.
"I didn't ask you for your help." She replied, shrugging.
"You didn't, but I certainly helped, didn't I?"
"I guess so." She shrugged again. "Good to see you on this side, by the way."
"Yeah, good to be here." He shrugged this time. "Where did you learn to fight that way?"
"Why, you impressed?"
"Tsch." He tongued his cheek. "Not at all. Your skills are a mess. You could use some help polishing them."
"What, doll, do you want to teach me?" she asked in a low voice and came near him, face mere inches apart. She knew she should've backed away instead. She should've run, and never returned to this bridge again, for she knew he was danger.
"I could, if you'd want me to." He raised a threatening eyebrow.
"I don't think so." Her bright smile didn't reach her eyes, but that didn't bother Minho in the slightest. He loved playing this game with her.
"I bet I could help, though. Look, if you throw a punch with your little finger's metacarpal bone, you'll break it. It's the weakest one in your hand. You should hit with your index finger's bone first." He pointed towards his hand and showed her the proper way she should clench her fist before a fight.
"You seem quite knowledgeable on the subject." She came in front of him, face mere inches apart, similar to that night a few weeks ago. It seems her resolve to stay away was not strong enough.
Minho's breath hitched in his throat, but he didn't want to show her the effect she could have on him. Instead, he appeared composed as he slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her body into his.
He expected this action to startle her, so he was most surprised when she was the one to grab his collar and close the gap between their lips.
Her tongue rolled on his top lip as her hands moved from the collar of his shirt to his nape, her fingernails drawing small circles on it.
Minho opened his mouth and allowed their tongues to start a war against the other, and feeling her hands so delicate on the back of his neck, he couldn't help but let out a small moan in her mouth, making her smirk.
She tasted sweet. Too damn sweet.
As if she got what she wanted, she pulled away and admired Minho's fucked up beautiful face, stains of her red lipstick everywhere on his wet mouth.
He watched her in awe, mesmerised by her completely. What happened next came naturally for him, as the sexual tension was almost palpable. His hands found the back of her waist again, pulling her closer once more. They were quick to move from her waist under her blouse, fingers gently grazing the soft skin on her abdomen – moment when she pushed him away.
A tint of fear on her face disappeared as quickly as it came, a small grin showing up instead.
She chuckled a bit, before slapping his shoulder playfully two times and starting to walk away.
"That's it?" Minho asked, watching her elegant figure getting further away from him.
"I got something back for myself, so I'm done for the night. Thanks for the fighting technique lesson, by the way. Bye-bye!" she waved casually, continuing to walk.
What was on her mind?
Minho couldn't tell. He also couldn't convince himself to pursue her, give up on his pride and ask for her number. After all, why would he? She would most certainly be there the following night, as she did the past three months.
Except she wasn't.
Minho kept coming back, but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. It seems she left him high and dry. This certainly hasn't happened before.
How dare she?
Disappointed in his lack of entertainment the past nights, he had to leave for a mission that would keep him far away from the city for a few weeks – far away from the bridge.
When he returned, it was the first night in almost two months that he saw her again. She wasn't dressed in her usual dark blazer, nor did she wear heels or loafers as she usually would. She had big black trousers and a black hoodie on, but he still recognised her instantly, even with her back facing him, proving his hypothesis that he would've definitely known who she was just from the way she carries herself, from her straight back and perfect posture, and from the confident aura she emanates.
He resumed his position on the other side of the bridge and simply watched her, as he used to do before he put a name to her pretty face.
After being away from her for so long, he wasn't even sure if their kiss happened or if he just dreamt it in one of his many wet dreams where she squirmed under him and moaned his name over and over with that sweet voice of hers.
He started counting how many cigarettes she lit up ever since he got here, and after the fifth in a row, she started taking off her shoes – some black sneakers to complete her cosy look tonight – and felt the concrete with her bare feet. After a few more puffs, she threw the still lit, unfinished cigarette on the ground and used her arms to raise herself above the railing.
She stood barefoot on the top of the railing and looked down to the abyss. Too dark to see anything, too far away from the water below, falling from here would be suicide.
Coincidentally, exactly what she wanted.
This is it. She thought. It will finally end. Just one more step.
She breathed in anxiously a couple of times, her chest rising up and down rapidly, and after a few moments of gathering her courage, deep breaths in her lungs, she jumped.
Chapter 2
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skyminsworld · 4 months
Bonus a kdrama for Lix and Changbin
Changbin :Kingdom /Kingdom :Ashin of the North
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Felix : The Glory
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Lix North Artist’s intriguing painting “Rara Avis" [Oil in Aluminum, 27.5x27.5"] for the current Beautiful Bizarre Magazine exhibition 'Secret Longings' at COREY HELFORD GALLERY.
About the painting: “This piece is for all the rare birds out there, the non-conformists, flying against the prevailing wind. To be rare in thought, ability, outlook and action is a wonderful thing, but it can also be lonely. The solitary Rara Avis soars unbeaten currents and perilous heights, a champion of independence, all the while carrying a deep and secret longing for kindred.”
Secret Longings | March 11-April 15, 2023Corey Helford Gallery571 S Anderson St #1, Los Angeles, CA 90033, United StatesFor sales enquiries, please email Gallery Director, Sherri J. Trahan at [email protected]
#beautifulbizarre #artexhibition #artcollector #artwork #secretlongings #surrealart #artinspiration #artist #newcontemporary #painting #figurativeart #painter #lixnorth #nature #contemporaryart
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k00286654 · 1 year
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My electro-etching design was inspired by a close-up image of some tree bark and i found that the contours and imprints of the bark made for an interesting pattern.
Electroetching is a metal etching process that involves the use of a solution of an electrolyte, an anode, and a cathode. The metal piece to be etched is connected to the positive pole of a source of direct electric current. A piece of the same metal is connected to the negative pole of the direct current source and is called the cathode.
Printmakers became aware that materials used in workshops and art schools were harmful to health and the environment. Research was focused in several areas: Acid mordants were replaced by sulfate and salt mordants or by etching with electricity - free of toxic fumes. Methanol based varnishes were replaced by acrylic and oil based resists. Rosin and asphaltum powders were replaced by acrylic sprays. Hydrocarbon solvents used for cleaning plates and inks were replaced by vegetable cleaning agents and cheap oil-seed products, in an effort to create a non-toxic environment and process.
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Electro-etching artist:
Lix North
Mad creative, BMX rider, bike builder.
"There are no boundaries between my love for BMX and my creative world. I see each and every build like a fresh canvas and, in turn, my sketchpads are filled with concept sketches for build designs, BMX related illustrations, portraits and graphics. One of my illustrations can be seen on the cover of the March 2014 issue of Art BMX magazine, my cartoon alter-ego ‘Lightning Lix’ pulling a cherry picker."
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Don Braisby
Experimental Printmaker from Cork.
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mj2994-me-blog · 1 day
3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market Market Size, Share, and Comprehensive Industry Analysis 2024-2032
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3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market Insights
Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global 3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global 3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the 3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-3d-drawing-doodle-printing-pen-market/request-sample
3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market Share by Key Players
Zhuhai Sunlu Industrial
WobbleWorks (3Doodler)
FUTURE MAKE Technology
Shenzhen Dewang High-tech
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market Segmentation
The report on Global 3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment by Type
Fused Deposition Modelling (Fdm)
Stereo Lithography Appearance 3D Printing Pen
Segment by Application
Architects & Designers
Kids & Hobbyists
3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-3d-drawing-doodle-printing-pen-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global 3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the 3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global 3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global 3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy 3D Drawing Doodle Printing Pen Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-3d-drawing-doodle-printing-pen-market/buy-now
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monriatitans · 4 months
The Neverending Reading List: Book LIX
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“Third Generation R & D: Managing the Link to Corporate Strategy“ by Philip A. Roussel, Kamal N. Saad, & Tamara J. Erickson
The R&D imperative for industry has never been more compelling. The key to profit from R&D will be a new kind of company leadership. In Third Generation R&D, three senior executives of the international management and technology consulting firm Arthur D. Little—Philip A. Roussel, Kamal N. Saad, and Tamara J. Erickson—explain how firms can enhance the value of their R&D investments. Drawing on decades of experience with major corporations in a wide range of industries on all continents, they offer conceptual and practical guidance to corporate, business, and R&D management that, implemented with vision and determination, will lead to more effective and confident R&D organizations and growing return from the investment in them. Three broad approaches to R&D management characterize companies today, differentiated by philosophy, organization, and operating principles. Some firms still leave resource allocation decisions largely to R&D management. Many others, frustrated by the difficulty of realizing payoffs from large R&D investments, have moved toward a more systematic second generation model: they subject R&D projects to the same kind of cost-benefit scrutiny applied to other business investments. These companies have begun to apply the sort of purposeful R&D management recommended by Roussel, Saad, and Erickson. The second generation approach may better identify and manage individual projects, but it will not ensure a strategically balanced portfolio of R&D work, a key objective of third generation management. This book sets forth the guiding principles of a third generation approach to managing R&D, now emergent in leading companies. It articulates the issues that any firm must consider as it decides how to define its overall technology strategy, set project goals and priorities, allocate resources, among R&D efforts, balance the R&D portfolio, measure results, and evaluate progress. One principle is crucial: corporate, business, and R&D management must act as one to integrate corporate, business, and R&D plans into a single action plan that optimally serves the near-, mid-, and long-term strategies of the company. Historically, business and R&D management have found it difficult to communicate effectively because of differences in education, experience, culture, and values, often reinforced by organizational barriers. To manage R&D for strategic advantage, companies must dismantle these barriers and establish a common language in which all can communicate. The authors offer concrete suggestions for overcoming the isolation of R&D departments and for developing more productive, mutually trusting working relationships with corporate and business management. Perhaps more important, the concepts set forth in Third Generation R&D will allow corporate, business, and R&D management to build a true spirit of partnership that is the foundation for lasting success.
Philip A. Roussel is a director of the North American Management Consulting Group at Arthur D. Little, Inc., the international management and technology consulting firm, based in Cambridge, MA. Kamal N. Saad is a vice president and European director of the firm, and Tamara J. Erickson is a vice president and managing director of its North America Management Consulting business.
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skz-chatbot · 6 months
(The next morning)
Astrid: dance with me, Hee.
Heeseung: my beloved.
[the pair dance around the living room while the parents look on, smiling.]
Heeseung: marry me. Marry us. I. Life without you is dull, and you’re my North Star.
Astrid: yes. I’ll marry you and our boys. Right now, just hold me please.
Sunghoon: of course darling. Rest in our arms.
See lix she's happy. They're not gonna do anything to change that either
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markee2013 · 7 months
Hey, how's it going been busy this past weekend getting my Music on another Digital Outlet. Lot of work not only did I have to convert the Music files from Wav to Mp3 but I also included a short video clip for each album using an Avatar or a Sales Rep if you like and she gives the rundown on each album. Her name is Amber.Still haven't finished yet have to upload more Music plus a Video download as well. Still have a ways to go. But check out the website and download some of the Music.Also, check out Amber too. My Music is still @ https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/But you can now go to this new webpage @ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductionsIt's a bit more sophisticated  with the short video clipsI think folks will like it so support the Independent Musician by downloading a track.The Music on this week's Podcast1. How Many Times ( Composer /Marcus Davis /Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor)2. A Brand New Day (Composer/Marcus Davis/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor)3. Free Your Soul  (Composer/Marcus Davis/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor)4. Positive Energy ( Composer/Marcus Davis/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor)5. Whats It All About ( Composer/Marcus Davis/ Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor)6. Trying Times (Composer/Marcus Davis/Bass/Keyboards/Drums Programming /Vocodor)7. Not Everything Is As It Seems ( Composer /Marcus Davis/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming /Vocodor)Also have to give shout-outs to all the Subscribers many thanksNicolas  from FloridaDiego Orbe from MexicoJesse from JapanGareth from ConnecticutWill from GermanyTaybot from SeattleMark Mclain from CaliforniaVictor Norma from TexasChristopher from UKBrandon Kalarney from CaliforniaBobbi Fisher from DelawareGarry Washington from North CarolinaChristopher from FranceLawrence from ArkansasChristiano from ItalyRobert from Birmingham UKFelipe Duhart from SwitzerlandJames from CaliforniaBen from AtlantaLuke from Beverly Hills
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3D Stereoscopic Drawing Doodling Printing Pen Market 2023 Ongoing Trends and Recent Developments
The 3D stereoscopic drawing doodling printing pen is a device that allows users to create 3D objects by extruding heated plastic through a nozzle, similar to a traditional ink pen. The pen is operated by hand and allows users to create three-dimensional shapes and designs by drawing in the air or on a surface.
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The market for 3D stereoscopic drawing doodling printing pens is driven by factors such as the growing demand for innovative and creative products, the increasing adoption of 3D printing technology in various industries, and the availability of affordable and user-friendly 3D printing pens.
For Download Free Sample Link Here;-https://www.marketinforeports.com/Market-Reports/Request-Sample/429679
The market is segmented based on type, application, and region. Based on type, the market can be categorized into Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Stereolithography (SLA), and others. Based on application, the market can be classified into education, art and design, toys and games, healthcare, aerospace and defense, automotive, and others. Geographically, the market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Some of the key players in the 3D stereoscopic drawing doodling printing pen market include 3Doodler, Myriwell, LIX PEN LTD., XYZprinting, Inc., CreoPop, and Soyan, among others. These companies are investing in research and development activities to develop new products and improve the functionality and user-friendliness of 3D printing pens. They are also expanding their distribution networks and partnering with retailers and e-commerce platforms to reach a wider customer base.
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pharmasources · 2 years
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luminhory-archive · 5 years
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notbeingnoticed · 2 years
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Lix North
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INSIDE ISSUE 37 //  “To feel, if just for fleeting moments, part of a greater whole because my weird, impassioned, foible-ridden devisings resonate and mean something to someone. Or a few someones. That's the success for which I'm most grateful.”Read about Lix North Artist and her work in the 9th Anniversary issue of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine!
Get your copy at https://store.beautifulbizarre.net/product/issue-37 [link in our profile] or from one of our Stockists worldwide.
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