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ncsrne · 1 year ago
ROY KNOX & Shiah Maisel - Living With Regret [NCS Release] #ncs
🎶 Explore an ocean of emotions with "Living With Regret"! 🌊 The immersive collaboration between Roy Knox and Shiah Maisel goes beyond the limits of music, providing a unique sound experience. 💫 Let yourself be carried away by the captivating melody and deep lyrics as you dive into this musical journey. 🚀 Free yourself from the shackles of regret with the powerful sound of this track! 🎵 Don't miss the chance to be part of this unforgettable experience. Click to listen now! 🔗 #NCS #RoyKnox #ShiahMaisel #LivingWithRegret 🎧✨
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workofthediesel · 2 years ago
should have bought cheese sticks when i was at the store earlier #livingwithregret
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peckyme-blog · 5 years ago
Living with regrets
I am sure many of us have felt this at some point in life. Looking back at our past, feeling regret for the decision you made. Seeing the teenage you who was so dumb to understand about life. But it is okay. We all made mistakes. Your teenage self is forgiven. I wish people told me that sooner.
When you feel that he/she is the one, or maybe close to be the one, you don’t need to be ashamed of what others opinion would be. You don’t have to run your head the worst scenarios you may face for being persistent in making it work, for being called blind in love. All others opinions couldn’t help you any less than making you feel regret your whole life for not pursuing what you think is best for you, for not fighting hard enough. It doesn’t make you feel any better than hating yourself all this whole time, than locking your emotion behind the door, in your own world.
It is okay. Even if there’s time machine, we might just end up choosing the same path. We all own our decision. What’s best is to learn from those mistakes we made, live with it and embrace for being the person you have become. Sometimes, it’s good to say it out to the person you feel you need to confess, all the burden you have held, the remorse you have lived with. Everything will be okay no matter what the future will turn to be. We all need a moment to be lazy, to reflect on our life, on our actions, on our damaged soul.
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sircharlesthepoet · 3 years ago
Regret My Happiness
I wish I had written more Happy Poems before, nowI’m begging myself to remember what happiness feels, likeA sentiment outside of this hollow ground The decisions to surrender are some inevitable, causesThe pensive decompression in my chair to, happenTo be one of the many moments my eyes open That’s when I regret a family that was never mine but always, falseBeliefs that brought me a happiness��
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anxiousheart4 · 6 years ago
Alone.. Again..
So I seemed to have started a pattern. When I write my blog posts, I write them in my notebook on my phone and then copy them and post them on here. But I seem to have started a pattern where I write the post and then get side tracked before I post them on here and never post them. I am going to try and stop that. But for now, I am going to just post all of them tonight. They might be a little repetitive, my biggest problem that causes all of my stress is my parents, I am never gonna be good enough for them, and I have accepted that, but I cant seem to make myself not care that I will always be a disappointment to my parents. It doesn’t help that my dad has anger management problems and depression and won’t admit it or seek help, and he won’t even try to understand it or me. So whenever I start to have anxiety over my parents disappointment in me, my dad just assumes I’m lazy and making excuses, and then he starts flying off the handle making me want to kill myself. 
I try not to regret choices I made in the past, at least not big ones, and they’re are things that if I had the chance to redo, I would do differently, but life doesn’t work that way, so I try to not regret things in my past. I don’t even regret when I started to cut, and when I decided to keep cutting for years; because despite the fact that I still live with and fight the urges everyday; it is apart of who I am, and made me into the person I am today (despite all my problems). But the one thing I really do regret is majoring in Business in college; because now all my parents can focus on is how I am not living the life I went to college for, even though, I never majored in business to rot behind a desk all day, and work at some boring business job. I majored in business because in high school someone told me that having a business major and music minor would get me into the music business, and that’s what I wanted to do. But now my parents don’t care about what I want, it’s all what they want for me and they’re plan. 
So yeah, that my life and I swear probably like 75% of my stress and anxiety. So sorry if the next couple posts are repetitive, but I’ve been dealing with that lately. Not that I have many followers that read this, but as much as I hope someday my words can help someone else, I am writing as an outlet for myself so hopefully I don’t start cutting again, or worse. And I may write more the next month, cause one of my best friends who I talk to about most of this, is spending the next 30 days in rehab. Not because shes an addict or needs it, but because her family has never understood her anxiety, and now that she’s been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, they understand her even less; and instead of her letting her figure out her med’s, they’re sending her to a “wellness program” to figure it out so they don’t have to deal with it. The only other 2 friends I feel I can talk too, 1 is in LA and I don’t have the opportunity to talk to much, and the other is getting married next year, and I don’t want to stress her out, with my psycho drama while she’s struggling with anxiety over all the wedding details. So for the next 30 days, I’m alone. again. that’s my life. 
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ndw1979-blog · 8 years ago
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I don't want a perfect life, I want a HAPPY LIFE. #LivingWithRegrets (at Gerald B. H. Solomon Saratoga National Cemetery)
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playingitout · 4 years ago
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preacher709 · 4 years ago
Second Thoughts?
Luke 17:32 “Remember Lot’s wife.” There is a point in everyone’s life that we question whether or not we made the right choice. Whether it be an investment, a purchase, or a relationship, we come to a place where the current situation and circumstance challenge the decision and cause us to regret, even to reverse our decision.  Lot, Abraham’s nephew, chose to follow Abram (not yet Abraham), from…
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eleanor-crains · 13 years ago
Haappyy birthdayy ! & thaankyou for making this super awesome blog !
aw, dbakshdsakjhdsakj thank you thank you xxx
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