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sc3n3-b1tch · 9 months ago
I make my self sick eating this #LivingInAmerica 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
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yourcomedyminute · 1 year ago
Scotty's Record Collection 6 #JamesBrown #LivinginAmerica #CBS #HumanLeague #DontYouWantMe A&M #Records #WaylonJennings #DukesOfHazzard #RCA #JohnLennon #Beatles #Woman #YokoOno #BeautifulBoys #Geffen #WhitneyHouston #LoveWillSaveTheDay #Arista #Pretenders#ChrissieHynde #DontGetMeWrong #Sire #EltonJohnBand #PhiladelphiaFreedom #MCA #StevieNicks #FleetwoodMac #StandBack #Atlantic #Modern #BadCompany #RockandRollFantasy #DwightYoakam #BuckOwens #StreetsofBakersfield #Reprise #SnoopDogg #Hat #Vinyl #Records #45s #RPM #Picture #Sleeves #Collection #Music #Memorabilia #Collectable 
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fredborges98 · 2 years ago
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suicidefresh · 4 years ago
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#thisistheway #startanew #message #livinginamerica #bethechange #trenches #wakeup #listentomenowbelievemelateron https://www.instagram.com/p/CJy4DWPsZhuNHylP7bKs4Us-4EaTw4Gex00wNA0/?igshid=rujn1qtfn25o
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holy-shit-look · 2 years ago
Oliver and I were like "why does the breaker flip if we use anything" and they're like "oh yeah it's all wired on the same line ehe just unplug everything before you use the microwave"
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marcos123socram · 2 years ago
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Rocky 4 Rocky Balboa e Ivan Drago Acquerelli @officialslystallone @dolphlundgren #ivandragovsrockybalboa #dolphlundgren #sly #silvesterstallone #rocky4 #rockybalboa #fight #tespiezzoindue #adriana #marcofiorenzaart #acquerelli #watercolour #coloring #marcomix #fiorenzaemaipiusenza #lartedimarcofiorenza #rocky #rockyvsdrago #livinginamerica #apollocreed (presso ROCKY Balboa el campeón) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClngGwHoQAp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bjsrer · 2 years ago
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#ThankYou to all who have served and all who are still servin in our great countrys 5 armed forces. without you we would not have the liberties we have today... #VeteransDay #LetFreedomReign #LivingInAmerica #ProudToBeAnAmerican #ThankAVet #Army #Navy #AirForce #Marines #CoastGuard (at Pensacola, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0riacLulp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alexisthomason · 3 years ago
Long post.
Well, hmm. Let’s see.
Since moving from Brooklyn in 2017, I really thought that finding the *right* burb (a liberal, walking town with fancy coffee and access to trains and vinyl records) would be like living in some utopian dream where like-minded folks all happened upon real estate with yards, places to plug in amplifiers, and more room for the aforementioned vinyl. (If you’re dying laughing already, just remember I didn’t grow up in America. I grew up in NYC.)
Instead, what I’ve found is government inefficiency, an Old Boys Club mentality, a laissez faire attitude, and an arts culture that is still entrenched in the 1990’s.
And I’ve already made enemies.
Apparently, if you get involved like you’re “supposed to” but say something somebody doesn’t like, you are then cast off. In a relatively small town, this is palpable.
To be clear, we are talking about a place full of weirdo Democrats, presumably just like me! And yet I haven’t felt so out of place since, well I don’t know when. I’ve never lived in a place where strangers were a weird thing. I didn’t go to school here or cut my teeth on guitar here, and I frankly feel less than welcome.
Thankfully, I’ve found (a couple) weirdos who are weird in some of the ways I am. They thrive on diversity. They easily incorporate new best practices. They are funky and cool and they are also NOT in the Old Boys Club.
I’m sorry to have to get this burden out here, but after two years of relative COVID kibosh loneliness, I really need to say all this to move on with even being here.
I know I’m hella privileged to have a yard, a home studio, and a place to listen to the records. Why complain? Well, for all the good stuff that’s here (the farmer’s market I went to bat for, the clubs I’ve gotten gigs at, the huge parks that roll right into the countryside) there’s really a lot to fix. I came here for community and found that not all are brought into the fold.
I guess I’m saying all this now because, in order for me to find that store of energy I use to go and try to fix things, I need to drain all the way down and recharge first, because the loneliness really has been draining.
Life isn’t hunky dory for anyone in the good ole USA right now. Sure, we all have relative privilege even being here, (albeit some quite a bit more than others), but it’s still quite a scary place, isn’t it? But in New York I was just always trying to pay the rent. Now, I’m trying to keep my curiosity and hope alive and well in a place where change happens far more slowly than I am used to.
I know this is a long form of vague booking. I’m not interested in calling out anyone in a smallish town. It’s much more than just one person who feeds the oroboros here. Certainly, it is a culture that extends across this country, although on a spectrum. But even in this “liberal enclave” burb, I fear that too many think all is fine and well, when it really isn’t.
I guess I just hope that this post will wend its way into some psyche. There are a lot of young people here who are also not part of the Old Boys Club. They are a diverse crowd and we should make a little room for them. We should make a little room for more new ideas.
Sure, I’m glad of the town recycling bins and the solar capture park. The ability to properly separate all your garbage has historically been tough in a city like NYC. Here, in the burbs, there are ways where there is a will. I just hope this town I’ve chosen for my home remembers there’s a time for “this vs that” but it isn’t when dealing with actual people.
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pqleyr · 7 years ago
Day off in Idaho - pizza flavoured pringles and James Brown with @reetgoodpie and @ptempling #Gloryhammer #unicorninvasionofamerica #livinginamerica (at Twin Falls, Idaho) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn5dBOWhOmc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=usjzb3fuy71a
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xocanpenguinsflyxo · 3 years ago
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You might have to walk a fine line You might take a hard line But everybody's workin' overtime Living in America Eye to eye, station to station Living in America Hand in hand, across the nation Living in America Got to have a celebration 😗 #livinginamerica #rocky4 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWV8HzkrL-j/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lifewithcasti · 4 years ago
Feeling red, white & blue all over today! 🇺🇸 How are you showing your support this weekend? I finally got to use the TEAL #Twisted mascara! ……….#youtrysomethingnew #tealmascara #livinginamerica #lasprimer #fourthofjuly #fourthofjulymakeup #twistedmascara #ÈchaleGanasMija #FairyFamily #LasMerasMeras #LashFairies #TeamLashFairies #MujeresPoderosas #CastiYourFairyLashMother #YouniqueUsLatina #VivaYounique #FoundingLatinaPresenter #UsLatina #CafecitoConCasti #glassy #polorized #CastisConfidenceClub #WorkWithCasti #ConfidenceisContagious #LifeWithCasti https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ4Ypw6hxum/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dungareesinjapan · 4 years ago
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5/1/2021- Checking out some MLS action. For the past year, Two Birds One Stone Learning has been providing service to various professional soccer players and their families. #englishforadults #englishforwork #businessenglish #survivalenglish #survivalskills #livinginamerica #livingabroad #onlinelessons #majorleaguesoccer #mlssoccer #mls #fccincy #fccincinnati #kubo (at Two Birds One Stone Learning, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/COWdOjrjQGE/?igshid=r27qop0itd62
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loboskie-blog · 4 years ago
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Grateful. #livingintexas #livinginamerica #grateful #backyardgarden (at Little Elm, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/COGpsn3hqBI/?igshid=gyef1krbipqk
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monriatitans · 4 years ago
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Wed, March 31, 2021 "I've never seen being an American explained so well." - dreamlogic, theseriouscynic ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ #dreamlogic #theseriouscynic #america #americasucks #americaisselfish #livinginamerica #learnsomethingneweveryday #becomesmartereveryday #monriatitans https://www.instagram.com/p/CNGOPNBjDEp/?igshid=12pufvn1w18vk
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vinylanswer · 7 years ago
Yep, I had two of these—and I ain’t talking albums. Went under the knife yesterday and I’m sore as hell today, but on the way to recovery. Just wish they’d done a little lipo while they were rooting around in there. :D
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matteohudson · 4 years ago
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Now Listening: Fontaines D.C. - A Hero's Death. #fontainesdc #fontainesdcaherosdeath #idontbelong #loveisthemainthing #televisedmind #aluciddream #yousaid #ohsuchaspring #aherosdeath #livinginamerica #iwasnotborn #sunny #no #2020 #2020album #postpunk #indierock #nowlistening #nowplaying https://www.instagram.com/p/CJmM2Utjm4n/?igshid=2ir9kucimxzp
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