#living battery
whumper-cars · 4 months
One I LOVE but never see: Living Battery
Superhero Whumpee being used to power something for the Villain
Nonhuman Whumpee has magical blood that can be used to power machines and having their blood drained
Whumper having multiple magic Whumpees so that once one is fully drained or too tired to produce magic they just move on to the next one
Cyborg/Robot Whumper that leeches off of other cyborgs/robots to gain energy
Alien Whumpee being used to power a spaceship
A tiny Whumpee with electricity powers being put in the battery slot of an electronic appliance so they're a literal battery (this may be inaccurate but idc)
Just thinkin about living batteries
Feel free to add onto any of my prompts!
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kvaldemar · 7 months
Getting some TV tropes living battery vibes? What if someone catches Vox but doesn’t want to deal with a massive power outage and all his servers going down??? Or they just want their own supercomputer to automate everything for them ???
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I KNOW he’s awful and is in hell for a reason but if I HURT him he could get a whole character development moment! Win win! For everyone except Vox
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crashbangprophet · 7 months
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i've been in this fandom since 2016, so i've seen headcanons and zone culture and terminology of all kinds.
with that said, i'd like to present the official (unofficial) danger days dictionary.
includes everything from zone culture, slang, battery city locations, phoenix witch, even down to bad luck beads and the dust bowl.
for the nitpickers out there, the comics are mainly discarded in this— due to how overwhelming it would be to throw in even MORE overlapping terms and such. some comic characters have been slipped into the regular timeline / universe, just for funsies and a honorary mention. don't come at me, thanks!
EDIT: i'm glad everyone's enjoying this! my askbox is open for any questions or suggestions, etc. headcanons/requests are also welcome :)
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bekyocas · 7 months
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You can run away with me anytime you want…
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vrgssmncht · 11 months
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Fast fast messy sketch of some mantids! Coloured! Featuring a praying mantis I found (photograph) and this silly guy (Rhombodera sp.)(the illustration) on iNat!
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cozylittleartblog · 3 months
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chat imma be honest that project diva PC release has had lasting consequences ,
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Don’t ya just love it when ideas work out?
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flamingpudding · 11 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 24 - "Is it over? Is it really over?"
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: Implied menstions of experimentation, and torture
A/N: My brain came up with two options… I went with the sorta angsty one…
They had raided the facility. It had been a plan they had carefully prepared for months now. Batman had gone over all possible scenarios. But it was a needed preparation. They had discovered it too late. Being prepared for ever eventuality was the least they could have done.
The entire Justice League had been horrified when they had discovered this governmental organisation what was committing sanctioned mass genocide of an entire interdimensional race. An Organisation called the GIW, Ghost Investigation Ward or more commonly called Guy's in White. If Doctor Fate, Zatanna and Constantine hadn't found out about them they probably would have never discovered the atrocities their government was committing.
But this had led to a large-scale operation. They started locating any and all locations the GIW possessed and was working on. Tracking any and all Agents that were working for or with them. Every company that was supplying them was looked into deeper until they had every little bit of information they could find.
With all the locations found they then split into teams. Planning a simultaneous strike to all facilities so that one could not warn the other. They would not let a single Agent of this organization escape. They all would be brought to justice.
Batman had not been surprised that the moment his children were clued into the operation, that some of them were ready to go off on their own to do something. Luckily they all were aware enough of the high risks and how many lives would be at risked if even only one of them messed up.
Four months. It had taken four months of thorough planning, of meticulously strategising, and careful preparation. But now everything was ready. Finally after so long the night to strike came. Originally the other heroes wanted to strike at daylight, a tactic to make it as public as possible to also gain the public opinion in their favor.
Batman had disagreed. It was better to strike at dusk or night. When their guard was down to easily overwhelm them. They could make a clear and evidence based statement to the public the next morning throughout all news channels and news times. Superman, as Clark, had already published several papers throughout the months of preparation that would play into their favor.
They had prepared for everything, arresting every Agent, every Scientist, every Guard. Everyone they encountered was knocked out, bound and prepared for transport into arrestment. He did not scowl any of his children when they used more force than necessary, quite frankly if Batman didn't have his own moral code and self control he might not have held back after what he was seeing.
Thad did not mean that he might have hit one or two of these so-called Scientists harder than necessary if they resisted. There were so many cages, so many 'ecto-entities' bound, branded and caged. Batman felt visibly sick when he came across labs with tables stained in green, knowing exactly what that meant after having listened to Doctor Fate's explanations.
They had gone through nearly the entire facility they were in charge of when Superman reported back first. "There was a boy in the deepest part of the facility, bound and hocked up to what appeared to be the facility's energy source. See if you find anyone with similar treatment in your locations. The Boy is rescued, he appears delirious and is pretty much snarling and growling at me but he is in safe hands now."
"Can confirm! A girl was found in my location in the deepest part underground. Same situation as you described. She didn't appear to be conscious, we took her off their system and transferred her to immediate treatment." Wonder Woman chimed in a moment later and Batman lips formed a straight line.
"Same here. It's an older man, face is familiar. He was shortly lucid enough to talk but all he asked about was where the children were. He might be connected to the kids you two found." Flash also reported after a while. Now Batman was more than sure, there were only four big locations aside from several small ones. His was the last one and his stomach sunk even more at the possibility of what he would find in the deepest part of this place.
His prediction was confirmed when he kicked open the door of the last room they hadn't checked yet. Nightwing was by his side, while Red Robin, Red Hood, Black Bat and Robin had hung back to take care of the evacuation of victims as well as arrest of the last GIW workers.
Nightwing let out a string of actual curses.
There in this room was a white haired teen in a ripped NASA shirt and green stained jeans, hooked up to several tubes, bound with silver shining and heavy looking chains to a wall. There was a green strain on the flooring directly below the boy and the green pipes appeared to be pumping more of it from as well as into the teen.
"Get him off the wall!" He instructed hurriedly, checking for the best way to safely unhook the teen. They appeared to be unconscious but with the report from his hero colleagues he wouldn't bet on that too much. The teen might just be too exhausted to actually react to what was happening around him.
"He can't be any older than Red…" He heard his son mutter as he broke the silver metal bindings and Batman couldn't help but agree. He didn't want to even know how long the teen had been here like this. They had been too late, they should have known about this entire things sooner. But at least they weren't too late to save them in particular.
Suddenly the teen stirred, head snapping up. Blazing Lazarus green eyes stared at them and Batman froze, feeling reminded of his second son. The boy didn't say anything, he was just staring at them before, eyes going from his broken bindings to Nightwing, to the unhooked tube in Batman's hand. He saw how the teens eyebrows furrowed slightly.
"You are not with them…" The teens voice cracked from obvious disuse or maybe overuse? He couldn't know for sure. Still he made a sound of agreement before continuing to unhook the last of the tubes.
"We already freed the others, you're the last one." Nightwing was forcing his voice to sound light and friendly. Batman knew this, he could sense the internal rage his son was suppressing. In a way he was glad it was Nightwing with him, his other sons might not have had the same control over themselves in this situation.
"What about Ellie, Dan and the fruitloop?" It took him only a short moment to connect this question to the possible three reported by the other.
"Rescued and in treatment." He answered curtly, removing the last tube while his son broke the last chain and binding. The teen fell forward like a ragdoll, Nightwing instinctively catching him.
"I can't believe it… this isn't a dream…" The white haired kid muttered, eyes going unfocused and Batman worried that the teens system was going into shook. Did he unhook the boy from the tubes too fast?
"Is it over? Is it really over?" The teens started to sound delirious and Batman shared a look with Nightwing. His son nodded as he moved to get a better hold of the teen.
"It is." His son told him voice was going soft. "Rest for now, the next time you wake up you will be free and with Ellie and Dan."
"Don't forget Vlad, he is still a fruitloop but a good one…" the Teen mumbled before finally passing out. Batman gave Nightwing a nod before the other hurried out of this place with the now passed out teen while he reported his similar finding to Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash.
He stood in the now empty room letting his eyes wander over it one last time, checking for any evidence he should keep before deciding to leave too. There was a lot to prepare for, the news, the public statement, the aftercare and treatment of the victims. Batman ignored the fleeting thought of who was going to take in their four main victims, especially the children and teen. Surely his kids wouldn't mind if he provided them a temporary home, right?
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bipolareffigy · 1 month
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I have this headcanon that Logan texts like a boomer and I had to make it a reality.
Bonus texts from Wade below the cut.
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z0nefive · 2 months
just want u to know that you've singlehandedly revived my dbh obsession
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it's okay this is a safe space for dbh obsession <3
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
don't hug me i'm scared episode 6 electricity is really something when you're autistic, huh. yellow guy is made fun of all his life by his only friends and laughed at for being "stupid" when all he needed was a change of batteries but no one would listen to him and give him the accommodations he needed and deserved and when he finally did get new batteries and become more clearheaded his friends didn't like him any better. they stopped making fun of him, sure, but they didn't like that he was "smart" all of a sudden, because they'd gotten used to him being "the stupid one". and he looked in the mirror and saw his former self, and his reflection asked him, "have we gone wrong? they seem upset with us" because the truth is even if the way you are now is more comfortable for you, even if it doesn't hurt to think anymore, people will only ever like you if you're the Right Kind of autistic/adhd/traumatized/whatever. have we gone wrong? have we gone wrong? that's what you always ask yourself. "maybe they're not in charge of us anymore." "maybe they never were." and his reflection walks away, as if accepting that the others will think what they will think, and it won't matter, because yellow guy is his own person, no matter how difficult it is for him to articulate his thoughts, and he doesn't need their approval to think. "maybe they never were."
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"Remember to get those headphones on, Folks. As we say here in Battery City, 'What you can hear, can't hurt you.'"
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coldturkeybabe · 4 months
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grian mspaint doodle before my pen died
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burgess' concentric zone model was one of the first theoretical zone models used to explain urban social structures, derived from his work in human ecology. within the danger days universe created by my chemical romance in 2010, killjoys live in several zones radiating out from battery city. in this essay i will
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blood-injections · 11 months
Girl help im crying over androids in the city again and their concept of souls and how they love and exist and fight or not fight and the graffiti bible and destroya and their belief in gods and soul and thought versus programming and having bodies that are only meant to last for a couple years and being so temporary but also eternal living on in the energy grid and destroya and your best friends coding your essence etched into their very mainframe a bit of your code downloaded so you live on forever and ever and how they dream of freedom and of the world and yet remain so loyal to the city they were made in, not to their masters not to who runs the city, but to the bones of the city itself from ancient bursting pipes and cracked streets to neon highrises and power lines and subway tunnels and and and how in our dreams we can be complete AAH
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