#liver in hindi
netgharblog · 2 years
यकृत या लिवर या Liver या जिगर या कलेजा क्या होता है , इसके मुख्य कार्य ,जाँच ,लिवर की बीमारी , लिवर रोग के कारण ,लक्षण ,परहेज तथा लिवर के किसी भी रोग को ठीक करने की रामबाण होम्योपैथिक दवाएं ( Homeopaithic Medicines )
यकृत या लिवर या Liver या जिगर या कलेजा क्या होता है , इसके मुख्य कार्य ,जाँच ,लिवर की बीमारी , लिवर रोग के कारण ,लक्षण ,परहेज तथा लिवर के किसी भी रोग को ठीक करने की रामबाण होम्योपैथिक दवाएं ( Homeopaithic Medicines )
यकृत या लिवर या Liver हमारे शारीर का बहुत हीं महत्वपूर्ण अंग है जो पेट के दाहिने तरफ ऊपर पसलियों के अन्दर होता है और यह हमारे शारीर की सबसे बड़ी ग्रंथि (Gland ) तथा त्वचा के बाद दूसरा सबसे बड़ा अंग है तथा  इसका रंग Dark Maroon या हल्का भूरा (Brownish) होता है | लिवर का BP साधारणतः 5 मिलीमीटर होता है | लिवर के बिना कोई भी इन्सान बिल्कुल जीवित नहीं रह सकता है | लिवर हमारे शारीर का इकलौता ऐसा अंग है…
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medtalksblog · 8 months
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Liver Cirrhosis: A Prolonged Condition Linked to Liver Fat Accumulation
Liver cirrhosis is a chronic condition associated with the accumulation of fat in the liver, which takes a considerable amount of time to develop. The onset of this condition is marked by the deposition of fat in the liver. As fat begins to accumulate in the liver, it initiates damage to the organ. The damage caused by the deposition of fat in the liver is commonly referred to as fatty liver. In this situation, the liver becomes stiff compared to its normal state, and this condition persists over time.
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khulkarjiyo · 9 months
21 day Fatty Liver Diet plan in Hindi (लिवर स्वस्थ को रखने के लिए आहार)
Fatty liver एक ऐसी बीमारी है जो लीवर पर ज़्यादा वसा जमा होने की वजह से पैदा होती है इसमें लीवर पर सूजन आ जाती है और लीवर के ऊपर वसा जम जाती है ज्यादातर लोगों को इसके कोई लक्षण नहीं होते तो उन्हें इससे ज्यादा समस्या भी नहीं होती, लेकिन कुछ लोगों को लक्षण नजर आते हैं तो उन्हें बहुत ज्यादा नुकसान भी हो सकता है। 21 day fatty liver diet plan in hindi लेकिन आपके लिए अच्छी खबर यह है कि आप अपनी…
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beebee18 · 4 months
My life?
Chan x Reader
(Inspired by @cheeseceli )
Super self indulgent (had a dream about it)
Reader speaks English and Hindi. (She's me)
Genre; Major fluff, curious Chan, whipped Chan.
Word count; 5.3k
Summary; When Chan feels like he could indulge in nicknames but not Korean or English, something else...
Would LOVE some feedback, it's my first piece to ever be posted on here. Thank you for reading 🎀
Main masterlist skz masterlist
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He loved listening to you speak Hindi/Urdu. He thought it sounded sweet from you. True you did speak Hindi softer than English, you just thought that the language is 'softness' personified.
So when you were on your phone with you mom, he sat down beside you smiling to greet you. You smiled back and kept speaking into the phone now thinking to cut the conversation short as Chan was finally home, at 2am mind you.
"Accha maa abhi rakhti hoon, raat ke 2 baj rahe hai idhar." You say into the phone
(Okay mom I'll hang up now, it's 2 at night here.)
"Haa beta, so jaana and tell Chan I said 'Hi'." She says.
(Okay baby, go to sleep...)
"Haa bol doongi, love you." You says lastly, your finger hovering over the screen to end the call.
(Yes, I'll tell him...)
"Love you mere jigar ka tukda." With a kiss into the speaker she hangs up as you turn to face Chan.
He looked at you with awe and a little preplexed.
"Bed?" You asked getting up and stretching, looking at him for response.
"Bed." He nods taking your hand and leading you to cuddle you to death. (probably)
Next morning was something else...
"I want to call you something in Hindi, like a nickname. " He says from the dining table chair, as you prepare breakfast.
"Is there a special reason?" You ask plating the French toast now.
"No reason, I just want to." He says pulling you into him, smushing his face into your chest. You giggled at him.
"Okay" You replied, moving back to sit down next to him.
"What about 'love'?"
"I don't love any of them." Chan whined, looking up at you from his head placed on your lap. Doe eyes on complete display with utter annoyance glazed over them.
"You don't have to use them Channie, just call me 'baby' or something. I really don't mind." You assure him, not wanting to make him feel worse.
"But you call me 'jagi' sometimes and it makes me feel all tingly. I wanna do the same." He says, a little sad.
"Oh, what did your mom call you last night? Right before she hung up." He says sitting up straight and turning to you.
"Jigar ka tukda?" He nods violently at your words.
"Chan that means 'piece of my liver', it's not very endearing when it's translated but it's the sweetest thing in Hindi. Also, that's more of a parent-child nickname." You say as his expression turned from excited to grossed out to sad, again.
"Do you think we'll find something cute in animals?" He asks clearly determined to find a suitable name to call you.
"Maybe, I don't know." You shrugged.
"Agreed, pup?"
"I'd rather you don't call me that at all."
"I was just teasing. Butterfly?"
"Why does it sound weird?" He asks as his face scrunches up.
"You're just saying that cause all you hear when I say it is 'Tit'." You giggle pinching his cheek.
"I do." He laughs, a light blush covering his neck.
"Let's pause this topic here, I'm hungry." You say to him pouting.
"Let's go out, I know this dude, that is an a-mazing chef." He gets up from the sofa pulling you up with his hand in yours and walking towards the door.
A few minutes later you were inside the cuties dorm.
"So by 'going out' you meant the dorms?"
"I meant, anywhere but home."
"And by 'a-mazing chef' you meant Minho?"
"Yep." He pops the 'p' at the end, kisses your temple before informing you that he's gonna go annoy Felix in his room.
You sit down beside Seungmin and Jeongin on the sofa as they play Mario Kart, very focused.
They greet with smiles and nods and hums.
You don't say much either as they seemed engrossed and you didn't wanna see them whine about loosing because of you later at lunch.
"Lunch is served." Says Minho standing in the middle of the dorm in an cartoonish voice.
Everybody settled on the dining table, Minho began to describe the meal he had prepared as the maknaes looked impatient to dig in.
Jeongin taking a bite as soon as Minho finished so everyone could start eating, earning an eye roll from Minho making Chan laugh a little.
"Jaan, could you pass the salt."
You pass the salt to him before fully processing what he said and freezed...
"What....did you call me?" You look at him, a little shocked but also curious.
"Jaan, do you like it?" He asks, looking at his plate, a little shy now as the boys were looking at you both in interest.
"Do I like it?? Channie that's like the best nickname anyone could ever use!!" You smile the widest with a blushing face and kiss his cheek while hugging his side, almost falling down.
He hugs you back of course (saving you from face-planting) laughing to himself.
A gagging sound from Seungmin brought you back to reality, as you looked around you saw a smirk from Felix.
"Did you use Google?" The first thing you asked as soon as you were out of the cuties dorm as your curiosity got the best of you.
"I didn't, jaan." Be says glancing at you with a proud smile before looking back to the road.
Everytime he used it, it felt unreal.
Did he even know the meaning. Of course he did. He wouldn't use such a word all the time without knowing the meaning right?
"Do you know what it means?" You ask, wondering how he found out about it if not for Google.
"Yeah, means you're my life." He answers grinning wide, glancing at you again to gauge your expression. You looked just about ready to be a ripe tomato wanting to melt away.
"How do you know it?" You couldn't just leave it, he could've seen it on the internet somewhere, Hindi wasn't exactly an unpopular language.
"Okay fine, I called your mom and she said she didn't have any but your dad always uses the word for her, so I asked her for the meaning." He says parking the car and coming around to open your door for you.
"So now you're besties with maa?" You snicker at him and walk towards your apartment door.
He's right behind you, his hands on your waist walking into the flat with you and kicking the door closed behind him.
"Can't blame me jaan, you're besties with my entire family." He says kissing your cheek and plopping down on the sofa, patting the space next to him.
"Hayee meri jaan, mera to dil aa gaya." You say kissing him and snuggling in his chest.
(My life, you've got my heart)
"I'm too tired to look for the meaning today. Let's sleep." He says kissing the top of your head and leading you to the bedroom.
"Old man needs his sleep." Seungmin's jokes rubbing off on you was not something Chan was pleased about as he mumbled a 'sure old woman' before pulling you into bed, into his chest to waft away into dreamland.
"Jaan, meri jaan." A soft whisper left his lips before kissing your temple and falling into a deep sleep.
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yeastinfectionvale · 2 months
Maderchod (for mother's)
Bhenchod (for sisters)
Chutiyaa (my fav)
Meri Jaan (it's like close to the one who keeps me alive, my life)
Jaanan (Pashto for sweetheart)
Jigar Ka tukra (translated to piece of my liver, someone who is extremely close to you)
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tumhara-raghav · 7 months
in today's episode of wtf is wrong with Raghav-
There was an event in my childhood that has been in my mind for a very very long time now... okay so idk how when where or who was talking to me but i clearly remember being in 6th std, it was a classmate of mine who was, let's say not very aware of the human anatomy.. he was very sheepishly recounting how he saw in a latest (probably honey Singh) music video, a scene where he drinks from a cup which has, "fuck my liver", written at the bottom of it. He was quite excited about it which totally threw me off because I didn't understand what he meant, my reaction was... YEAH BECAUSE DRINKING ALCOHOL DAMAGES YOUR LIVER AND THE ENTIRE THING IS JUST DISDAINFUL HEDONISM WHICH IS WRONG AND INFLUENCES A VERY BAD CULTURE OF DRINKING AND BEING IGNORANT TOWARDS YOUR OWN HEALTH,etc...(ofcourse i didn't say it out loud and smiled to fit in because I remember he was quite a popular kid)
But yeah he was visibly orgasmic with that statement.. which now i realise so many years later reading about a case of alcoholic liver disease patient MY AGE, that he probably didn't even knew what a "liver" is and might have misinterpreted it for the hindi word, "lund" (he was very dumb and its totally possible) anyways, i can understand your excitation my dear teenager friend... but like.... It makes me go down a spiral of thoughts as to why as a society we are encouraging this type of destructive attitude, whyy??. And please educate your children early about their health, i am not saying to educate them about alcohol, educate them about their body, what's normal and nothing to be ashamed of, what's good and, what's bad for their health.. and let THEM make the choice. And this makes me so so so sad and yet so hopeful..
I should go back to studying..
a flower 🌷 and a ' i love you ' if you actually read this far. You have a really sexy attention span.
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tobywannabe · 9 months
Nung june, si mama nagkasakit. Nung august, ako. Nitong September, yung aso ko naman. Nakaconfine ngayon si Blanca. Torete ang isip ko. Alam mo yung randam mo talagang umiikot ung paligid mo kahit alam mong nakahiga ka lang naman. Nangyari sakin kanina. Sinabihan akong 50/50 ang chance ni Blanca makasurvive, stage 2 kidney disease. Hindi ko na alam pano ko aayusin utak ko. Parang isang pitik na lang mababaliw na ko.
Nagsusuka kasi sya non stop kahapon hanggang kaninangumaga kaya dinala ko na agad sa vet. Sana pala umuwi na ko agad after shift. Kung maaga lang sana ako umuwi, madadala ko kagad si blanca, di sana sya madedehydrate. Kaninang umaga umiiyak na ko nung lumupaypay si Blanca sa lamesa ng doctor. Hindi pumapalag. Hindi siya ganun, matapang siya pero hindi sya ganun kaninang umaga. Payat na payat, dehydrated, at namumutla. Parang gumuguho mundo ko nung sinabing kailangan siya iconfine. Mas bumigat pa pakiramdam ko nung nalaman kong magkano babayaran. Sapat lang sa budget for this month yung laman ng atm ko. Para akong mababaliw at iiyak on the spot na kinakausap ako ng doctor. Nung binigyan ako ng time makasama si Blanca habang nandun siya sa cage niya e di ko na napigilan umiyak. Ang hirap pigilan. Hanggang jeep pinipigilan ko. Di ko na din napansin na kaya ko palang lakarin yung mula sa clinic papuntang sakayan na di ko ginagawa pag nasa tamang pagiisip ako (nagtatricycle ako usually except knina).
Iniyak ko lahat kaninang tanghali pagkadating ko sa bahay. Iyak na hindi ko ginagawa pag may kasama ako sa bahay. Iyak na may tunog. Iyak na masakit pakinggan. Parang nahihilo akong di ko malaman. Iniisip ko yung mga sinabi ng doctor. Anemic si Blanca. At yung chance ng survival e nakadepende aa blood chem. Sa tanghali din na yun sinabi na lumabas na yung blood chem at 50/50 na yung chance of survival ni Blanca dhail meron syang kidney problem, stage 2 na. Para akong dinaganan ng kung anu anong maisip mong mabigat. Iniyak ko lahat kanina. Namaga na yung mga mata ko. Abnormal yung crea at bun, pati yung parameter sa liver, mataas din. Sinabihan ako na kailangan nila bigyan ng gamot si blanca. May mga nagsusurvive at nakakaraos naman daw sa ganito. Wag nga lang daw sumuka ulit si Blanca. As of 2pm, di pa naman daw sumusuka si Blanca at kinain nya yung binigay na dog food sakanya.
Pagdating ko sa clinic ng 3pm, binigyan lang kami ng 30 minutes dahil bawal daw magtagal. Pagkadating ko sa loob, umiyak nang umiyak si Blanca. Pinigilan ko lahat ng iyak ko. Halu halo nararamdaman ko nung panahon na yun. Pero masaya ako na yakap ko si Blanca nun. Para sakin, mas okay si Blanca nung hapon na yun. Siguro malaking tulong talaga sa dehydration yung swero niya. Kinausap ako nung doctor niya. Di ako makatingin sa mata dahil alam kong iiyak ako. Tinanong ko siya ulit kung pwede ko na siya iuwi kinabukasan kahit may swero, pwede naman daw. Hindi ko namalayan yung oras, pinasok na kami nung vet assistant, pwede na daw ako umalis baka daw mahuli sa cctv na nagooverstay na ko. Hindi ako ready nun. Binalik ko sa cage si Blanca. Nagbabye ako pero nagstart na siyang umiyak nung lumabas na ko ng kwartong yun. Nagstart na naman ako umiyak pagkalabas ng clinic. Alam ko nakasalubong ko pa yung doctor niBlanca pero late ko na din naisip na siya yun dahil torete nga ang utak ko.
Bukas, sana bumuti lagay niya. Sana mas okay siya. Sana maiuwi ko na siya. Sana magkapera ako para maiuwi siya. Sana.
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apothecaryyy · 1 year
Hi! Hmm, pano ko ba sisimulan?
Masaya ako.
Masaya akong masaya ako. Hahahaha while i was typing para sa caption nung pic ko sa twitter, i didn't know. I mean hindi ko pinag isipan, basta ko nalang naitype ganon.
Grabe no? Kaya ko naman palang mahalin sarili ko.
That was the caption. Pagkabasa ko nun naiyak ako. Hahahahaha like tangina ngayon ko narealize na oo nga, kaya ko naman pala talagang mahalin sarili ko. Na aside sa pagmamahal na binibigay sakin ng family at friends ko, kaya ko naman palang ibigay din yung pagmamahal na yun sa sarili ko.
Masyado ko atang nainvalidate yung sarili ko, yung feelings na meron ako. I kept denying na hindi ako nasasaktan, hindi ako nalulungkot, na okay lang ako. Well in fact, I AM NOT OKAY. Deep inside i was devastated. I am in pain. Alcohol dito, labas dito. That was my coping mechanism para hindi makaramdam ng kung ano. Weekly may alak sa katawan hanggang sa last december pinaranas sakin yung pinaka malalang pananakit ng sikmura ko. I literally gave up. Kahit konti lang nung pasko, wala mare, diko keri. Hahahahaha
Hindi naman talaga masarap ang alak. It taste bitter, hindi healthy sa liver. Saka lang naman nagiging masarap ang alak pag gusto mong makalimot saglit, pag gusto mong kahit papano makalaya sa problema, lungkot na tinatakasan mo.
But one day, it hits me. Hindi naman talaga natatakasan ang problema, ang lungkot, hindi rin naman talaga tayo nakakalimot. Natututo lang tayong mag cope up sa mga yon, sa pakiramdam na yon. Natututo lang tayong mabuhay habang dala dala yung pakiramdam na yon.
Lumalabas labas parin naman ako ngayon lalo na pag inaaya, umiinom din minsan pag inaaya. Ang sarap din sa feeling na pag inaya akong maglakad lakad or lumabas, nalelessen yung laman ng utak ko, narerelax sya ganon.
Ngayon? Hindi ako lumalabas pero nag eenjoy ako. Nag eenjoy akong nasa apartment lang at nanonood ng anime, ng kung ano ano. Namiss ko to. Namiss ko yung gantong takbo ng buhay ko, I mean routine every day off kaso ang sakit din sa likod kasi 2 days off na nga ako hmpp
Sa lahat ng realizations ko sa buhay, ito yung tears of joy ako. Masaya ako kasi unti unti, yung sparkle na tinatawag nila, bumabalik na sakin. Nararamdaman kong sumasaya na ulit ako. Nararamdaman kong may fire na ulit para gawin yung mga gusto ko. Nararamdaman kong namomotivate ulit ako. Nararamdaman kong sa pagkakataong 'to, hindi mali na piliin mo ang sarili mo.
The sparkle is slowly coming back and i'm happy with that.
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asdjfghkl · 1 year
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7months & counting na rin pala kasama siya. Marami na rin nangyari. Mga kaganapan na hindi namin inexpect pero eto hawak-kamay pa rin. Akala ko one sided lang, hindi naman pala. Consistent simula umpisa.
December- ldr kami nito since nasa Zambales pa sya.
January - Lumuwas na sya Manila, hanap work.
February- natanggap sya sa isang sikat retail store.
March- nadiagnose si Mama nya ng liver & breast cancer.
April- Nakauwi sya saglit sa Zambales nung Holy week, ako naman ay nakapag Baguio. Madalas pa rin kami nagkikita. 1st time nya mag overnight sa bahay para magbook ng flight pauwi ng Mindanao.
May- 1st time namin pumunta ng fiesta sa Batangas. Na-meet din sya ng Kapamilya friends ko. Natulog ulit sa bahay bago lumipad pa Mindanao. Naka leave sya ng isang buwan at ldr kami ulit. Every night ay magkausap kami sa call. Bday ko malayo sya pero nagcelebrate ako with family.
June- Bday nya, kasama nya family nya. Wala silang celebration pero sobrang bihira lang yung pagkakataon na makasama nya magulang nya sa mismong bday nya. Bumalik na rin sya ng Manila. 5days straight kami magkasama. Staycation(birthday celebration namin) + 3days sya overnight dito sa bahay. Bumalik na rin sya ng work. Nalaman namin hanggang July16 nalang daw sya sa work.
July- Tuloy lang ang buhay. Last day na nya ngayong July 16, iinom daw sila ng mga ka-work nya. Next week ay uuwi raw muna sya ng ilang araw sa Zambales tapos saka mag-apply ulit ng work.
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chuplado · 1 year
I just want to vent out.
*I will just put this here - I still don’t have the courage to say this out loud yet - since ‘di naman to makikita at wala namang usually ang nagbabasa nito, I will just use this medium to say anything I wanted to say*
Out of nowhere ngayong early in the morning, kakatapos lang ng shift ko, while I am watching Hospital Playlist in Netflix, may dalawang magkaibigan sa eksena. Yung isa, may sakit at yung isa naman, magdodonate ng liver for his bestfriend. Bigla kong naalala yung bestfriend ko sa mga sagutan nila sa eksena, naluha ako. Namiss ko pala yung bestfriend ko.
Simula nung nag-pandemic, napakadalang ko na syang makausap and at the same time, since 2019, even if magkalapit lang naman ang Bulacan at Metro, hindi kami nagkikita. May mga dahilan ako kung bakit - yes, he’s my bestfriend pero there are some reasons why I stopped communicating. Ganito yata talaga ako kapag gustong manahimik (on which one of my weird traits) - kahit gaano pa tayo magkalapit sa isa’t isa, maninibago at maninibago ka sa biglang pag-shift ng mood, ugali. at pakikitungo ko. I am not vocal pagdating sa mga nararamdaman ko - as much as possible, gusto kong sinasarili ko na lang, hahayaan ko na lang na sarili ko na lang ang masaktan kaysa makasakit pa ko ng damdamin ng iba. And yes, masama ang loob ko sa bestfriend ko.
Actually, dumating o humantong ako sa point na parang narerealize ko na I am about to cut ties na dahil sa mga pinaggagagawa at mga desisyon ko - thinking na ‘di ko deserved yung treatment  sa akin ng mga tao so I have to cut them out and I don’t think na deserved kong mag-stay sa mga ganung set-up. Pero on this case, para akong jowa na pilit pa ring nagta-try para maayos yung sitwayson at ang relasyon.
I’ve tried to reached out again nitong mga nakaraang buwan pero sobrang awkward na. Yung akala kong scenario na “kapag true friend mo, kahit magkalayo kayo at ‘di kayo nagkausap nang matagla na panahon, once magkausap ulit kayo, parang walang nagbago” eh hindi pala nag-aapply sa amin. Sobrang nagta-try ako bumuo ng conversation pero wala talaga - ang awkward na talaga. Even him, he didn’t even try to prolong the conversation. Wala na rin yung gaguhan sa chats - yes, I know, nagmamature and tumatanda na, pero mararamdaman mo naman yun eh... wala na yata talaga.
Pero kanina, I tried again. I started by mentioning that I missed him, na naalala ko siya dahil nga sa napanood ko. He replied and nangumusta siya - then I answered. I started to share my current state, that I am struggling to know what I really want in life at naguguluhan ako... then he answered quickly, “Sabi ko sa yo, mag part-time ka na sa FA (Financial Advisor) eh...”
Eto na naman nga..
He started to try to solve it again by giving me such statement - really? I just want to vent out eh!
Ganyan siya palagi! Isa yan sa mga dahilan bakit ‘di ko pinapansin ang mga chats niya nung mga nakaraang taon. Everytime magre-reach out ako, palagi isinisingit ang pag-aalok ng insurance at pag-aaya sa akin to be his FA sa team niya. Alam kong mahal niya ang ginagawa niya, pero utang na loob, sumosobra na. Maybe most of the people na makakabasa nito, iisipin na ang kitid ko naman mag-isip pero ito ang nararamdaman ko eh...
There’s a history rin kasi. May mga instances na nayaya ako sa mga businesses and I know, those are “sketchy“, like “too good to be true” pero sumama ako, for the sake of the passive income and yung pagpayag sa mga alok niya. Everything didn’t went well in the end - lahat, scam. ‘Di ko siya sinisisi, alam ko naman una pa lang na ‘di talaga magtatagal at magwowork yun, pero na-tanga lang din ako at sumubok ako sa ganun.
Everytime na magkakausap talaga kami nung mga nakaraang taon, di mawawala yung pag-aalok niya sa akin ng insurance. Yung tipong gusto ko lang talagang makipagkwentuhan, pero nauuwi pa rin dun. Magre-reach out lang din siya kapag di pa niya naaabot yung quota/target niya, pipilitin niya akong kumuha. Sa sobrang pagiging dedicated sa ginagawa niya, ‘di na yata napapansin yung epekto nun sa iba. Dumating sa point na iniiwasan ko na lang siyang kausapin. Kahit may mga pinagdadaanan ako na gusto kong i-share, ‘di ko magawa sa pagwoworry na baka dun na naman mauwi yung usapan.
Nalulungkot ako na ganito ang kinahihinatnan nito. I don’t have a lot of friends and yung nangyayari pa yung ganito, masakit para sa akin.And ending, wala talaga akong nakakausap. Dumating na akio sa point na tumawag na ako sa Employee Assistance Hotline ng company namin para lang may makausap at makapaglabas ng sama ng loob. Sobrang naaanxious na ko.
Hindi ko lang din maintindihan kung bakit parang wala lang para sa kanya na ganito na kami ngayon - hindi ba talaga big deal sa kanya na ‘di talaga kami nagkakausap? balewala lang ba talaga sa kanya?
Nakakapagod mag-isip... Gusto kong ibulalas ang lahat kasi nakakapagod nga. Papaano na lang kapag dumating na yung time sa plan ko na umalis na ng bansa, may magbabago kaya? Or totally back to zero talaga ako?
Sana maging ok na ako. Kahit walang ibang tao. Kahit mismo sa sarili ko na lang, sana maging ok na ako.
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hindisoup · 2 years
Devdas chapter 15 (of 16)
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Chandramukhi and Devdas (Dir: Bhimal Roy 1955)
In this next to last chapter, we follow Chandramukhi from her new quiet country life back to Calcutta where she finally tracks down Devdas who's taken a turn for the worse.
I found it interesting, that while the Hindi word for liver, कलेजा, is used consistently in this novel as the organ reacting to strong emotions (as opposed to the heart) when talking about Devdas' waning health, the word लीवर is used to speak about the literal organ.
I had some trouble translating properly the following two sentences describing Chanramukhi's yard:
आँगन साफ़-सुथरा है। रमा बागदी की बेटी रोज़ उसे लीप-पोत जाती है। The yard was swept and wiped clean - Rama Bagdi's daughter did that every day.
I guess लीप-पोत करना is maybe an old or rarely used verb for sweeping, and it was impossible to find it as such in any online dictionaries. I'm also a bit confused as to why the verb जाना is used in this sentence.
I did find, however, that लीप-पोत is used in the saying लीप-पोत कर बराबर करना or लीप-पोत बराबर करना which appears to mean 'to make equal by removing any bumps' or in less literal sense to gloss over or cover up matters, akin to sweeping matters under a rug - this saying appears in some Tweets and news:
कुछ गिरफ्तारियों, FIR के बाद सारा मामला लीप-पोत कर बराबर कर दिया जाता है। After a few arrests and FIR, the whole matter is glossed over.
FIR = First Information Report is the document the police in India write when they receive information about more serious offences.
Oh, and I stumbled upon a fascinating article about traditional teeth blackening in South East Asia when I googled around trying to find a translation for मिस्सी as seen in a description of Devdas' sister-in-law:
दोनों होंठ और दाँत पान और मिस्सी से लगभग काले हो गए हैं। Her lips and teeth were blackened by the juice of betel nuts.
अता-पता - clue, sign (masculine) अनभ्यस्त - unaccustomed (adjective) अनूठा - strange, unique (adjective) उद्धत - bold, impudent (adjective) उद्विग्न - anxious, grieving (adjective) उपचना - to overspill (intransitive) उपज - yield, harvest (feminine) औंधा - inverted, reverted, upside down (adjective) कंघी - comb (feminine) कंठस्थ - memorised (adjective)
कसना - to tighten (transitive) क्षत-विक्षत - mangled, mutilated (adjective) खजूर - date (tree or fruit) (feminine) खुद साज-सिंगार करना - to apply make-up (transitive) गठीला - sturdy (adjective) गर्क - sunken, destroyed गिलट का ज़ेवर - fake jewellery (masculine) गुड़ - jaggery, unrefined sugar (masculine) घुँघराला - curly, frizzy (adjective) चहेता - favourite, preferred, loved (adjective) ज़र्दा - sweet rice dish (masculine) जूड़ा - hair bun (masculine) झोंपड़ी - shed, hut (feminine) ठक-से रह जाना - to be shocked (intransitive) ठगा-सा - surprised, astonished (adjective) डाका डालना - to rob (transitive) डुबोना - to drown, immerse, sink (transitive) तक़ाज़ा - demand, request (masculine) तगड़ा - sturdy (adjective) तन-मन से - wholeheartedly तुच्छ करना - to despise, trivialize (transitive) दीवान - minister of state (masculine) नफ़ीस - beautiful पट्टीदार - shareholder (masculine) पड़ताल - investigation (feminine) पानीदार - watery (adjective) पापिनी - female sinner (feminine) प्रायश्चित्त - atonement (masculine) फंदा - noose, trap (masculine) फलालेन - flannel (masculine) बंधक - mortage (masculine) बाड़ा - barn (masculine) बेड़ा - boat, fleet (masculine) बेहया - shameless (adjective) बैलगाड़ी - bullock cart (feminine) महावर रचाना - to apply red colour (eg. on feet) मूली - Indian radish, daikon (feminine) रुलाई - cry (feminine) रेंडी - castor oil plant (feminine) लिटाना - to cause to lie down (transitive) लिबास - dress, attire (masculine) लौंग - nose ring (masculine) व्यग्र - worried, anxious (adjective) शर्मीला - shy, bashful (adjective) संक्षेप में - in short (adverb) सखी - female friend (feminine) संयत - controlled, limited (adjective) साँवला - dark, sooty (adjective) सुंदरी - beauty (feminine) सूद - interest (masculine) स्वर्ग सिधारना - to pass away (intransitive) हड़बड़ी - haste (feminine) हमउम्र - same aged (adjective) हश्र - calamity (masculine)
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medtalksblog · 8 months
Health Challenges in the Present Time
It's often said that humans are prone to making mistakes, but perhaps it's time to reconsider this saying. Nowadays, not only is a person a puppet of errors, but they have also become susceptible to various illnesses. Currently, finding an individual who is entirely healthy might be a rare occurrence. Numerous ailments, ranging from common to severe, can afflict a person, some of which pose a threat to one's life.
In the contemporary era, it is unlikely that there exists a person who is entirely in good health. From common ailments to more severe conditions, individuals can find themselves ensnared in a variety of illnesses. Some of these conditions even carry the risk of endangering one's life.
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khulkarjiyo · 9 months
SGPT test in hindi क्या है, नॉर्मल रेंज, कैसे होता है, क्यों और कब?
SGPT test एक तरह का खून टेस्ट होता है यह टेस्ट इसलिए करते हैं ताकि जिगर (liver) की बीमारियों का पता लगाया जा सके, इस खून टेस्ट में एक महत्वपूर्ण (ALT) लिवर एंजाइम के स्तर को बताता है। Sgpt का मतलब क्या होता है? What is sgpt test? SGPT test in hindi sgpt का सीधा मतलब होता है खून टेस्ट करना यह लीवर से संबंधित बीमारियों का पता लगाने के लिए किया जाने वाला टेस्ट है जिसमें एक विशेष एंजाइम के स्तर को…
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samitc · 21 days
Top Well Health Tips in Hindi wellhealth for a Well-Balanced Life
Maintaining good health is essential for a happy and productive life. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to prioritize health, but making small, manageable changes can lead to significant improvements. Here are some well-rounded health tips to help you achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
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1. Eat a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is crucial for overall well-being. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your meals. Eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables ensures you get a wide range of nutrients. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive amounts of red meat. Instead, opt for foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
2. Stay Hydrated
Water is vital for your body’s functions, including digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If you find plain water boring, try adding a slice of lemon, cucumber, or a few mint leaves for a refreshing twist. Herbal teas and coconut water are also good options for staying hydrated.
3. Exercise Regularly
Physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, improving cardiovascular health, and boosting your mood. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. This can include activities like walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or even dancing. Find an activity you enjoy, as it will be easier to stick with it.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Quality sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid screens before bed, and make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable and dark.
5. Manage Stress
Chronic stress can negatively impact your health, leading to issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as practicing mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. Taking time for hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and getting regular physical activity can also help reduce stress levels.
6. Maintain Social Connections
Strong social connections are important for your mental and emotional well-being. Spend time with family and friends, join clubs or groups with similar interests, and make an effort to meet new people. Social interactions can provide support, increase feelings of happiness, and help you live a longer, healthier life.
7. Avoid Harmful Habits
Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and recreational drug use. These habits can lead to severe health issues, including cancer, liver disease, and respiratory problems. If you need help quitting, seek support from healthcare professionals, support groups, or counseling services.
8. Regular Health Check-ups
Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are essential for early detection and prevention of health issues. Schedule annual physical exams, dental check-ups, and screenings for conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and certain cancers. Stay up-to-date with vaccinations and follow your doctor’s recommendations for maintaining good health.
9. Practice Good Hygiene
Good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing, can prevent the spread of illnesses. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day, shower regularly, and keep your living environment clean. Good hygiene is a simple yet effective way to protect your health.
10. Listen to Your Body
Pay attention to your body’s signals and respond appropriately. If you feel tired, rest. If you are hungry, eat nutritious food. If something doesn’t feel right, consult a healthcare professional. Listening to your body can help you maintain balance and avoid burnout.
Incorporating these health tips into your daily routine can lead to a more balanced and healthier life. Remember, small changes can make a big difference, and it’s never too late to start prioritizing your health. Stay motivated, be consistent, and enjoy the journey to better health and well-being.
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wordofthehour · 24 days
Word of The Hour: liver
English: liver 1. one whose course of life has some marked characteristic (expressed by an adjective) 2. a resident; a dweller 3. one who, or that which, lives ------------ - French: foie - German: die Leber - Hindi: लीवर - Italian: fegato - Portuguese: fígado - Spanish: hígado ------------ See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
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Okay a little backstory muna why i decided to lose weight.
Year 2023 was not it for me. Lintek, dalawang beses akong naospital. Prior to that, naospital na rin ako nung 2020. Reason? Nung unang ospital ko, pre-diabetic leaning towards non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, plus minor ulcer. Pagkalabas ng ospital tinry ko naman agad magdiet. Nagzuzumba rin ako everyday pero syempre di ko napangatawanan kasi #bodypositivity and #fatisthenewsexy ang pamantayan ko sa buhay. For me as long as nakakasurvive ako everyday, okay yun. Walang kailangan baguhin.
Until naospital ako ulit nung July 2023. Reason? Hindi malinaw kasi hindi ko ginawa ang mga inadvise ng doktor, di ako bumalik matapos ako maclear para makalabas. Ang tanging alam ko lang, need na naman magdiet at exercise. Kung anong knowledge ko noon, ayun lang. NAFLD. As usual nagdiet ako pero one week lang yata. May time pa na oorder ako ng sandamakmak na pastries, chocolates, tapos uubusin ko within 2 days kasi sayang kapag di ko inubos, parang nagtapon ako ng pera.
Ilang months after, naulit na naman ang mga simtomas. Gutom ako pero isang subo lang, nawalan ako agad ng gana. May dugo ang dumi ko, at worst ay nagsuka na naman ako ng dugo. Isinugod na naman ako ni Johnny sa ospital.
I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and Ulcerative Colitis. Tangina combo combo si bakla. Di namigay sa iba gusto lahat ng struggle kanya lang. feeling strongest warrior ih. Inadvise kami ng doktor na magpa-Fibroscan para makita kung ano na talagang estado ng liver ko. While nagpapa-scan, naiiyak ako kasi nahihirapan si dok makita ang liver ko kasi natatakpan na daw ng taba. I have Liver Cirrhosis. Turns out hindi na normal ang function ng atay ko. Hindi na nya kaya ang ginagawa ko sa kanya. Pero sa pagiging forgiving nya sa akin sa lahat ng paglamon ko at masamang lifestyle, at sa love na rin sa akin ni God, we found out na compensated ang liver cirrhosis ko. Meaning may slight chance pa ako. Kaya ko pa mabuhay kung babaguhin ko ang lifestyle ko.
Dito ko napagdesisyunan na tama na. Huli na ‘to. Hindi na dapat maulit. Gusto ko pa mabuhay nang matagal at magkapamilya. Sinersyoso ko. Lahat ng sinabi ng doktor ay ginagawa ko. Sinabi nya na magdiet, nagdidiet ako. Uminom ng gamot, nainom ako. Bumalik sa kanya within the given period of time, ginagawa namin. Mag-exercise everyday kahit light lang, ginagawa ko ang lahat para hindi tamarin.
At feeling ko naman ay nagbubunga. Nung nga pauna ay boyfriend ko pa lang ang nakakapansin. Until pag lalabas kami ng bahay, napapansin na ng mga tal na pumayat ako. From 84kg noong December, as of now April 13, 67kg na lang ako. Malayo pa ako sa goal weight ko. Pero ang sarap sa feeling na ganito.
Totoo pala yung sinasabi ng nga naging successful ang weightliss journey. More than the papuri, more than seeing the difference ng timbang at itsura mo, mas masarap sa feeling na walang nagsisisakitan sa katawan mo. Kung noon konting galaw ko, sobrang sakit ng tiyan ko, ngayon as in wala lahat.
Malayo pa ako. Kung magbebase sa height ko, dapat 50-55kg at least. Gusto ko maabot ko yon kaya hindi ako tinatamad. Lagi ako kelangan umisip ng paraan para sipagin ako everyday.
Marami akong nababasa na ang life expectancy ng mga may compensated liver cirrhosis at up to 15 years na lang. natatakot ako pero iniisip ko na lang ang positive. Kaya ko ‘to kung gagalingan ko lang. gusto ko pang mabuhay ng matagal.
Ayun lang. sana sa mga susunod na araw, mas maging consistent pa ako. Sana hindi ako tamarin kasi masaya ako dito. Masaya ako na tinutulungan ko ang sarili ko talaga.
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