darkpoetrynprose · 9 months
“Don't wait until February to start living in January.”
― Anthony T. Hincks
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echoesofphilip · 24 days
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sextavas · 4 months
Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." "Remember that life is a journey, not a destination, A present in which one lives, without fear. And that every smile, every tear, every path. Is part of the melody of a life with love.
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thetouringtest · 6 months
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nealshustermanreal · 8 months
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"I used to be afraid of dying. Now I’m afraid of not living. There’s a difference. We go through life planning for a future, but sometimes that future never comes."
This quote always gets me thinking about how we perceive life and death, and the choices we make every day. 🤔
How do you balance planning for the future with living in the present? Have you ever had a moment that made you reevaluate the way you live your life?
I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this delicate dance between living for today and preparing for tomorrow.
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justanotherstory · 2 years
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This is me Anushka and it's my very first blog (if you don't consider the one I wrote for some school assignment), so I don't know the rules of this game tbh and that's why I decided to create my own set of rules! Ezzyyy!!!!
First things first, let's start with some introduction. I am currently a student who is on the verge of passing 10th standard (I have just finished the "BoArDs eXaMs" , awaiting my results now.) So, after my exams are over, I usually take up some new hobbies or just some craft work, so this time I decided to take up blogging as my "official new hobby".
I have had crazy experiences in my life and by crazy I mean getting burnt , losing a gold chain, a road accident, and so much more. I don't want to waste all this content, hence, blogging came as a solution.
Now let's talk about the upcoming blogs. Honestly, I don't know if I'll be regular with it or not and don't know how long I'll continue this (I get bored of stuff really easily).
(PS: dunno if the blogs will be in English only or Hindi or both)
Also, I have thought of a nice way of ending the blog. At the end of each blog I'll attach a design/poster (or whatever you call them) designed by me in accordance to the overall mood/emotion of the post, so more than the reader, I myself enjoy the post and can relieve the moment.
Here's the poster for this blog :)
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Soo yeah..I guess that's it for the first blog. Coz I can't think of anything else at the moment.
If anyone's reading it, I hope you enjoyed it although it was just an intro, but as srk says “Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost", this story will continue and I will be back with 'Just Another Story'.
This is me,
Signing off!! <3
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starlight-bird · 9 months
2024 is only a couple of weeks away!
it’s all ok now, I survived, I just existed when I needed too. I found the boy I wanted, the boy I needed, he knows all my secrets. We put up our Christmas tree together, in our house, he cooked me dinner. I love him. 2024 I’m going to travel the world, I’m wild, I’m free. I survived! I’m alive! I’m living the best life!
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luckystorein22 · 1 year
Does Evian natural mineral water rust its bottles or caps when they’re sealed inside the factory because of their exposure to air while being transported or delivered?
No, Evian natural mineral water does not rust its bottles or caps when they are sealed inside the factory or during transportation and delivery. Evian is a well-known brand that takes extensive measures to ensure the quality and integrity of their products.
The bottles and caps used by Evian are typically made of materials like plastic or glass, which are resistant to rust. Rusting is a process that occurs when iron or steel comes into contact with oxygen and moisture. Since Evian bottles and caps are not made of these materials, they do not rust.
Furthermore, during the manufacturing process, the bottles and caps are thoroughly inspected and sealed in a controlled environment to maintain their quality and prevent any contamination. They are designed to protect the water from external factors, including air exposure, which could potentially affect the product's freshness or integrity.
While transportation and delivery can expose the products to various environmental conditions, including changes in temperature and humidity, they are packaged and handled in a way that minimizes any potential impact on the bottles or caps. Evian and other reputable water brands prioritize the safety and quality of their products, ensuring that they reach consumers in excellent condition.
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thegratefulnuts · 2 years
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The Past is Not Today! Living in the past, wallowing in the shame and guilt of past actions; regret and self-pity gets us nowhere. The past is just that, the past. We can’t go back and change, but we can learn from it. Our past is a place of reference NOT of residence. We can choose to learn from our pasts, just as important though, is learning to live in today! 🙌🏻 • • • • #liveinthemoment #livefortoday #justfortoday #noregrets #liveinthepresent #onedayatatime #recoveryblog #recoveryworks #learningexperience #learnfromyourmistakes #soberinspiration #sobermovement #sobermotivation #soberinstagram #soberstrong #recoveringalcoholic #recoverywarrior #recoverystrong #recoverystories #soberwarrior #wedorecover #recoveryispossible #addictionrecovery #sobercommunity #recoverycommunity #alcoholicsanonymous #friendsofbillw #soberquotes #addictionquotes #recoveryposse https://www.instagram.com/p/Cphr38uuWAn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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echoesofphilip · 1 month
Embracing the Moments Before They Become Memories
Life has a way of surprising us. Often, we don't realize we're living through some of the best times of our lives until those moments have passed and only exist as memories. It’s in the quiet moments of reflection, flipping through old photos, or catching up with an old friend, that we recognize how precious those times were.
We’re often so caught up in the busyness of everyday life—work, responsibilities, plans for the future—that we forget to appreciate the present. We rush through our days, constantly thinking about what’s next, missing the beauty of what’s now. It’s only later, when we look back, that we understand the significance of those seemingly ordinary days.
The laughter shared with friends, the quiet nights spent with loved ones, the small victories, and even the challenges—all these moments contribute to the fabric of our lives. These are the times that shape us, that bring us joy, and that we will someday look back on with a smile.
But what if we could recognize these moments for what they are while we’re living them? What if we could appreciate the "now" instead of always chasing the "next"? By being mindful and present, we can cherish the moments as they come, ensuring they leave a lasting impact on our hearts long before they fade into memory.
Let’s make a conscious effort to slow down and enjoy the present. Pay attention to the details, savor the experiences, and express gratitude for the people and things that bring us happiness. Life is fleeting, and while memories are beautiful, living in the moment is even more precious.
So today, take a moment to reflect on the good times in your life and appreciate the journey you’re on. After all, the best time of your life might just be happening right now, and you don't even know it yet.
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megpie · 2 years
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"All we really have is the present moment. If we can't find happiness now, will we really have it when our "dream life" is here? It seems like so many people are waiting for the perfect job, to lose 30 pounds, to reach retirement, or to find the right partner to be happy. We think THEN everything will be great, and we'll magically find the peace in life we are looking for. But how many times have you reached that goal only to find that you immediately move on to the next life goal? You don't even relish what you achieved... The key is in the present moment." ---> CRYSTAL GRAY. A big goal of mine this year is mindfulness. Being present in the moment. Finding the magic in every moment, appreciating each day, flowing with the ups and the downs. You have to create happiness today... not just wish for it in some imagined future. 🖤 Life is what YOU choose to make it. #makelifebeautiful #beyourownhero #beYOUtiful #makeyourownmagic #magicisreal #magiciseverywhere #mindfulness #growthroughwhatyougothrough #personalgrowth #perspective #bepresent #bethelove #bethegood #bethechange #slowdown #littlethings #livepassionately #liveinthepresent #liveinthemoment #gratitudedaily #romanticizeyourlife (at Terrace Heights, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoFYdn-LVEy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justutter · 1 year
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wysewordsblog · 1 year
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Endless Summer
When autumn color comes
To steal the sunlit show
Where will our feelings be?
Do you pretend to know?
Riotous colors hide
That decline fills the air
All that beauty tumbles
Stricken limbs stripped bare
For time is not our ally
If the past projects our paths
Will stark space dominate
The silence between our laughs?
Or live in endless summer
For the rest of our days
Celebrating entwined souls
Thwarting times decay?
Answers known we have none
Foretelling sets the snare
Looking past what we have
Giving up before we dare
Quit judging the unknown
The future will not bow
Live in every moment
Rejoicing in the now
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