#little law
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buny-bunny · 30 days ago
all my boys
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I'll do girls tomorrow maybe
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justyefei · 2 months ago
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Gazing into the starry night sky
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nekomacheercaptain · 1 year ago
I’ve been thinking of this tweet for hours, it’s so amazing and such a creative take on Corazon’s powers!!
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words-writ-in-starlight · 1 month ago
honestly my mother was a huge champ about her eight-year-old asking to be bought an unabridged edition of the Odyssey for a birthday present, and then she was an equally huge champ about reading her eight-year-old the unabridged Odyssey as a bedtime story and pausing every four lines to define something for me, and let me just say that I have fucking TREASURED the opportunity to reverse that old tradition by more or less forcing her to sit on my couch and listen to Epic and pause it every four lines for my dissertation
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deimosatellite · 1 year ago
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nuh uh
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savanir · 8 months ago
DP x DC prompt [9]
Danny doesn't remember much of what happened after his fight with Pariah. he knows the suit nearly killed him. 
He knew he passed out after and had to be carried back.
But considering the fact that the sky is blue and he's in his bedroom it was pretty safe to say that it was a classic case of a job well done and everything was back to normal.
The next day however, more and more oddities started happening. 
No longer did Amity Parkers get assaulted by GIW warnings when they accessed the internet. Instead they just got… nothing, nada, zilch.
Did the GIW go all in and just disconnect them from the rest of the world completely?
But then it became clear that that was the case with everything. stores weren't getting any shipments. 
phone calls would automatically say that numbers weren't in use. 
packages and mail weren't being picked up. 
Very worryingly, credit cards also stopped working and any attempt to contact the bank went utterly nowhere. 
people gradually are starting to get more and more worried.
Amity was very independent and self sufficient but this was a bit much.
At the very least now the city was more open to the doctor's Fenton energy solution of simply using Ecto to power everything.
The guys in white didn't show up in the city anymore either. 
The same went for the other out of town ghost hunters.
and after a quick check from Danny himself (as Phantom) he confirmed that the little not so very hidden base the guys in white had set up outside of the city borders was now simply gone.
Not only that but the roads going out of Amity also just suddenly stop.
At this point Team Phantom is starting to have a certain suspicion, and Sam asks Danny to find the nearest gas station and get them some newspapers.
Back home and now with a bunch of newspapers spread out over the floor with articles about Alien invasions in a place called Metropolis or the top floors of a skyscraper being blown up in a city called Gotham, they have enough to confirm their worries.
“Guys I think we got put back wrong”
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badninken · 1 month ago
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150en · 3 months ago
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Play fetch.
4/5Gs might be the most thematically interesting (and maybe terrifying?) team in Wild Life right now.
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mothfulhansel · 4 months ago
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mama bird
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nellpose · 4 months ago
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happy birthday to my psychowife😖💕💕
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eclown4hire · 5 months ago
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he wont leave me alone !!!!!!!!
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whatachaos · 6 months ago
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I was listening to Taylor Swift and lawlu happened
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nekomacheercaptain · 11 months ago
Rosinante’s last
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Based on this prompt. What last thing would Rosinante like to see when he's greeted by Death?
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Word count: 2K
Content warnings: Angst, canon death, regret, mistakes, blood
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This can be hard to hear
A distorted voice rang around Rosinante, seemingly detached from a physical being.
You are dead
Even though neither a burst of cold nor fear paralyzed his body, Rosinante couldn’t really believe it. No breath to hold, no blood pumping through his veins. His shirt was breached with bullet holes and stained with blood. And he remembered. He remembered his final breath. His final wish; his final act. His final memory being snow falling slowly until it buried him, making him one of many heaps on Minion island. Maybe he deserved it, being the sole reason so many of the heaps were even created in the first place. As long as Law survived, he would face the punishment of his sins with a smile on his face. 
Rosinante noticed his surroundings mimicking smoke, eyes narrowed on a dark figure assembling into a large shadow, smoke drifting away from the shadow’s limbs like fog in the night. It didn’t seem to have a face, but Rosinante decided that was fine. Maybe Death would be worse if it was human? 
I am unable to ‘help’ you; however, I can offer one thing
The shadow held one finger to the side, allowing Rosinante to see that the fingers were actually claws. No… a skeleton’s hand, he corrected himself, almost glad he couldn’t feel a thing - he was sure his pants would be stained by this point otherwise. When the voice boomed again, it was filled with what he could only take as compassion. He stayed quiet.
Your last. I am able to show you your last.
Rosinante asked without thinking, nothing but confusion sizzling inside his mind, “My last what?”
The shadow stepped closer, and it was not a shadow at all; it was a creature. However, the blond realized it did have a face, but he was rendered unable to see clearly, the smoke still drifting off even without a breeze or gust of wind.
What ‘last’ is up to you
Every impactful moment of his life flashed through his mind, and Rosinante realized how much of it had been tragic; his family either falling victim to illness, slaughter or insanity. The middle road seemed to be the most common as Rosinante had shared one of his last views with his father; the barrel of Doflamingo’s pistol cocked their way.
But his last… what last did he want to see? The last time his family was happy? The last time he was happy? The last words to his parents? Sengoku? His very last hug? His last kiss? The last time he made someone laugh-
Rosinante realized something then, and while he had no regret, he selfishly wished he could do anything to change just one detail. He had made Law laugh. He made Law laugh! But he didn’t get to hear it. He didn’t get to hear Law laugh that one last time. But he made Law laugh, and it made him hopeful the boy had survived.
What last do you wish to see?
The creature interrupted Rosinante’s thoughts, and he wanted to admit he had no idea. What an impossible choice to make. And then it clicked again. Had he made the right decisions before he died? Was it right to kidnap Law that day six months ago? Was it right to tell Law about the D? Was it right to abandon his mission? Had all of it been a mistake? Rosinante shook his head.  He refused to believe allowing a young boy to live could ever be a mistake. He chose to believe Law had made it away off the island, unscathed and now far away from his brother’s claws. 
Even though his senses were gone, it was as if he still could feel his soul hurt as his brother crossed his mind. And it always did. His brother was a monster; that’s what the younger brother had always told himself growing up, after he watched his father’s head hanging from Doflamingo’s fist. He had told himself what a monster he was when he read about his crimes in the newspapers. It was a chant in his mind during all these years in his brother’s group, and he wanted it carved into his mind as a rite of passage, in hopes of making it real.
But Rosinante knew only of the Doflamingo that protected him when they were kids; his big brother that gave him food with the least mold when they were being hunted down, his big brother that guarded him with his own body when they were being lynched and beaten. Doffy protected him with zero hesitation, even when he came back all those years later while pretending to be mute. Doffy could never be a monster in Rosinante’s eyes, even if it was true; even when it would kill him.
“My last mistake.”
The creature stood still, the smoke drifting away in small circles, reminding the blond of the tricks he had learned to do with his cigarettes. And it was then he had come to terms with the fact that he really was dead; he didn’t crave them anymore. 
Last mistake?
Rosinante nodded, “That’s what I want to see.”
It wasn’t. He never wanted to see such a thing, did he? To see the decision he made that could prevent all his problems if he hadn’t made it. Rosinante liked to think he died without regrets. But how could he? 
He obviously didn’t. His one regret would be the unfortunate fate where he never got to escape with Law. But that was inevitable, right? He was never meant to survive, was he? And Rosinante wanted to be right. He had never wanted to be right so badly in his life… or, well, death, he supposed. Could he have done anything to prevent this end? Where did he go wrong? Had he truly done his best? How long ago was the mistake? 
“I’m sure of it.”
The creature stayed silent for a while before its hands rose in the air, the smoke circling around Rosinante.
Then that will be your last
The smoke dissipated into white, and as a harsh coppery scent overwhelmed him, Rosinante was back in the snow, the coldness biting into his skin.
“…Doffy’s not going to stop there,” Rosinante froze as he heard his own voice from behind, “I gotta ask you,” huff  “to do just one thing…”
Rosinante slowly turned his head to see himself face planted into the ground right after having fed Law the devil fruit he stole. And he could remember exactly what went through his mind at the time. And his stomach dropped.
Nononono is this the mistake? 
Rosinante felt his chest tighten, not even wondering why his physical sensations were back.
Law was bewildered, not yet too worried it seemed, as he shivered both due to fever and the cold, “What is it, Cora? You’re just… tired right?”
Rosinante’s shoulders fell at the boy’s voice. He hadn’t really seen nor heard Law well that entire conversation - and his heart twisted at the sight of the small boy beside his own damaged body. Tears started stinging in his eyes when Law noticed blood drenching the snow, the already exhausted and sick boy falling into a panic.
“Hey! Hang on!” Law barked, and Rosinante saw his small arms shake as he rolled over his heavy, damaged body, the blood gushing from all the bullet wounds. 
Had he really been shot that many times already?
Law shrieked as his small hands helplessly patted the body and staining with the warm blood, leaving small handprints on Rosinante’s shirt, “You’re bleeding all over! Did you get shot, Cora?!”
Rosinante heard himself pant, huff and wheeze on the ground, before chuckling awkwardly with a cough, “Just a little,” huff “slip up, that’s all”.
Law reacted negatively to this, seeing the obvious and normally fatal wounds all over the giant’s body, “Dammit, Cora, what’s wrong with you?!”.
The words stung Rosinante innately more in his after-life than they did in the moment. He didn’t know just how awful the tide would turn for the pair just moments after. And then Rosinante saw Law behave like a child for the very first time, suddenly so much younger than his age of thirteen; Law hoovered his hands over Rosinante’s body before yelling commands, like a child playing pretend. He had only heard it earlier. And he wondered if it ever was necessary to see such a sight, considering how much guilt ate at his insides at the vision.
He had only heard Law’s commands of ‘stop bleeding’ and ‘get better!’, and remember he could only laugh lightly where he was laying on the ground, before patting Law’s hat.
“Silly boy, I told you, those powers don’t work like magic!” 
He wished he had all the time in the world to explain the ins and outs of devil fruits to Law, and help guide Law through his own newly acquired powers. Rosinante wished he could see if Law could treat his own illness once he got the hang of it. The tears started rolling at the thought; he would never know if Law actually survived long enough to master the abilities. If he even got off the island.
“Then.. then what should I do?! Y-you got shot because of me, didn’t you?!” It was hard to know if Law was scolding or yelling in panic, but a good guess would be both. Rosinante saw Law’s helpless state, and he wanted nothing more than to hug the boy and tell him everything was going to be alright. Even if it would be another lie, he just wanted to hold him close once more before his fate was inevitably sealed. This was the last moment they had together where they both had the chance to survive together. And neither of the two knew.
And then came the mistake, and it was so obvious. What had he been thinking? Had the blood loss suddenly given him a foolish mindset of invincibility? There was no need to push his already non-existent luck… yet that is exactly what he had done. Rosinante cringed and couldn’t look at himself talking to Law anymore. Knowing he should’ve grabbed the boy and gone to their little boat, sailing safely away instead. So Rosinante let his tears flow while crying as loudly as he hadn’t allowed himself to do those 6 months he was with Law. Even though some moments came close when he thought Law was sound asleep.
“Law… I’ll be fine!! This isn’t enough to kill me. But… I need to stop the bleeding for a bit. Got a request of you… On the west coast of the island there is a navy scout ship… I hate to do this to you in your state… but I need you to deliver this! If any sailors see this container, they’ll know what it means right away… this little tube… can save a place far, far away… a kingdom called Dressrosa!”
His voice was drowned out towards the end, almost muted, as everything was circling around Rosinante before he was back in the smoke, all sensations suddenly gone. He couldn’t even cry anymore.
Your last mistake. Are you satisfied?
Rosinante was facing the creature again, and with his entire being he wanted to say no. But in some way, he was grateful to have seen what his last misstep was. Because it proved saving Law was the right choice. Keeping him alive was the best decision he could’ve made. All he hoped was that Law would at least remember his smile.
Rosinante was confident with his answer.
The creature nodded and stepped to the side, an opening in the smoke appearing behind it.
Then it’s your time to rest, Donquixote Rosinante
Rosinante took an unnecessary breath before he stood up and walked towards the opening, with no rush in mind. With a last glance at the creature before crossing the other side, he swore he saw Law alive and crying reflected in the creature’s face. He was on the boat, away from his brother. And the last thing Rosinante ever did was smile as he passed on.
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Note: Will never ever stop thinking of angst with Rosi, so here you go <33
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dykealloy · 1 year ago
*average person gets thrown through 3 windows a year* factoid is actually just a statistical error. average person gets thrown through 0 windows per year. Trafalgar Law, who has been experiencing defenestration since he was 10 years old, is an outlier and should not have been counted
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captain-astors · 2 months ago
any opinion on dad!cora to law? love ur art btw :3
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Oh! Generally I think my favorite part of their relationship is how complicated and messy and unresolved Law's devotion to Cora is and I think confining that to a strict dynamic can sell it short. He's a brother, he's a parent, he's a savior, he's Rosinante.
That said I do adore a good interpretation of Law growing to see him as a father in AUs where they have more time, but that also comes hand in hand with healing.
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lonisaiou · 1 month ago
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Girldad Ekko world domination
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