#little captains daycare
the-bendy-bee · 2 days
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Guys, it's happened again.
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@gallexy-cat brainrot for thier fnaf Clockwork au
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I thought I'd never read a fnaf fanfic but this story is so good I'm not even mad. And not only did they make an awesome story, but also made animatics for them!
If you like mystery and found family feeling story with a mix of abandoned environment, read this!!!
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10millionotters · 2 years
Surprise Visit
A little surprise for @alypink (happy Valentine's Day buddy); a little something about Aly visiting Price in my daycare!AU
Should she really do it…? 
The weight of the brown paper bag in her hand began to weigh Aly down, she nervously bit her bottom lip. She could hear kids scream and shout in delight, the sounds filled the large house with life. 
Ever since Captain Price had retired, he had settled well into his new role in life. 
There had always been something paternal about him, mostly in the way he treated his comrades, but nobody would have expected him to take on the task of caring for their fallen comrades' children. 
However, she couldn’t deny that the children were happy. 
They loved their new paternal figure and he loved them. 
The last time Ally had seen them was when Price had just told her about the adoption being greenlit, as well as his plans to retire. 
It felt like a rug was being pulled away from under her, but she couldn’t say anything but wish him well.  
Clammy hands carefully pressed down the doorbell after she finally snapped out of her daze. 
Hearing his voice again after so many months made Aly’s cheeks flush bright red. 
God - it was embarrassing. 
Had she really missed him that much? 
The door was flung open in a haste, as if he expected to see someone else. 
“Farah we were waiting for y… Oh! Aly, it’s good to see you again!”, his confused expression began to soften into a warm smile. 
“I’m sorry to intrude, I just… I was in town and I wanted to drop off a gift for the boys, I…”, now she felt a little out of place. 
A doll house? Really? Was it even big enough for 3 kids to play with, did the boys even like Bluey? 
All the kids did, right? 
“You shouldn’t have,” watching his eyes light up as he took the bag and took a peek inside felt like someone shot right through her heart. There was so much tenderness in his eyes, so much love for his children. 
For a few moments, she only quietly observed him. There was nothing she wanted to say to ruin this moment. 
The warm spring sunshine painted soft shadows across his face, he looked younger now that he retired from service. Parenthood suited him well. 
His body had softened a little bit, but in such an endearing way. 
He looked even more handsome than she remembered. 
He - 
Small feet came stomping down the corridor to the front door. 
“UNCLE JOHN, UNCLE ALEX SAID HE WILL BUY PIZZA FOR DINNER IF YOU… say… yes,” the little girl that came running hid behind Captain Price, only peeking out behind his legs occasionally. 
“Marie, don’t be shy. This is an old friend of mine, her name is Aly.” 
He turned around to pick the child up, little arms slung around his neck as she observed the stranger. 
“Hello Marie, it’s nice to meet you.” 
The girl didn’t say anything, instead she focused on Price again, “Uncle Alex said we can watch Mando and have pizza if you say yes, please say yes Uncle John.” 
Little feet were kicking the air in anticipation, “Wouldn’t you like to ask our guest if she wants to join us?” 
“Is that a yes?”
“... Marie.” 
Large brown eyes fixated on Aly again, maybe the little thing was just shy. 
“Would you like to eat dinner with us, Ma’am?”
Ma’am? Did she really look that old? 
“I… I would love to but I have other obligations in town I’m afraid, I’m sorry Captain, I do appreciate the offer.” 
There was something incredibly reassuring about the way he smiled, “That’s a shame, but I guess it can’t be helped, eh?” 
“Do you like my Uncle John?” 
It felt like a grenade exploded right in between them. 
It was an innocuous question, pretty harmless considering it came from such a small child too. 
“E-Excuse me?” 
“Do you like my Uncle John? You look at him all funny, like Uncle Alex does with Aunt Farah and Ms Kate with Ms Michelle.” 
Captain Price kept his eyes fixed on the little girl in his arms, should he scold her? Should he laugh? 
“Can you go and tell Uncle Alex that you kids can have all the pizza, nuggets and chips you want for dinner? And you can tell him that you can watch whatever show you like, go.” 
The little girl began kicking and screaming in her uncle’s arms, she pressed a kiss on his cheek and ran off the moment he put her back on the ground. 
Delighted screams echoed from the living room.
“She’s my friends’ daughter, she’s very sweet - normally, I’m so sor…”, it was only now that Price turned to look at Ally. 
Face flushed, mouth wide open, she didn’t know what to say. 
Or maybe she said just enough. 
“I-I should get going, I am so so sorry for intruding it won’t happen again, have a nice day!” 
“Aly wait -”, almost instinctively, Price grabbed her hand, “... please.” 
“... yes John?” 
“Give me a call next time you come around, okay? I would love to take you out for coffee, you know… catch up and..”, there it was again, this soft, warm smile that always made her feel like the world around her stopped spinning. 
“I would love that.” 
“Great, until next time then?” 
“Until next time, John.”
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Do you know who my daddy is?
Captain price x Fem reader (single mom)
You brought your kid to the base, she has an important homework, talk about what mom/dad does at work. The little kid is in trouble and the best she can do to get out of the problem is lie about who her daddy is.
Warning: it's not very interesting but I had a lot of fun writing it. I like to think about Price having a daughter. Anyway, as usual, grammatical and spelling errors. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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- hey my little sunshine! how was your day?
- it was fine, I have homework though.
- oh, what is it?
- I have to talk about your work, what you do and things like that.
- Oh well, I have to talk with my superior and let him know that you will go with me for a few hours just to see what we do, ok?
- Okay
That was the small conversation with your kid, she was very excited to go with you, you talked her a little bit about your comrades and your very handsome captain, she made fun of you for the way you talked about Price and sang «Mommy and the captain, sitting on a tree giving little kisses and falling in love...», of course you warned her to not say that at the base, as every kid, she thinks your job is full of action and adrenaline, because that's what she watches on tv, she certainly wasn't expecting to see you writing reports and reading files, attending some calls, just like you're doing right now.
Price was very kind to let you bring her today, he also told you to give her a small tour around the place to make it more exciting, your poor girl is dying of boredom sitting in the chair of your office, observing the ceiling and the light over your heads.
- I'm sorry darling, we will give the tour as soon as I finish this report, okay?
- I thought we would fight against bad people or that you would show me guns, this is so boring!!!!!
- Honey, making all this paperwork is also a way to fight against bad people, also very important.
- B-O-R-I-N-G...
You sighed, certainly it's not the funniest activity but you needed to finish it as soon as possible, a knocking on your door was perfect to interrupt your girl's complaints, Gaz appeared with a small bag of candies.
- I heard you brought a mini you today, I wanted to say hi.
- Oh Kyle, thanks, come in, this is my daughter (____). Honey this is my friend Kyle, be nice and say hi.
Your girl smiled at Gaz and took the small bag, she started to eat some jelly beans and talked for a few minutes with Kyle.
- (...) And now I'm here! Bored!
- I already say Sorry like a thousand times baby!!!
- I can take her to give a walk while you finish... just if you want (y/n)
- that would be great, I will finish soon I promise!
Your daughter took Kyle's hand and left the office, you laughed and continued your work.
Gaz went to the common room so your daughter could say hi to Soap, Ghost and other soldiers. needless to say that your girl was enchanted to meet Soap who played with her and gave her a small gel blaster, both made a mess with those gel bubbles, Gaz and Soap were cleaning up while Ghost and your daughter were painting one of Ghost's skull old masks, but your daughter was impatient to be with you and see the rest of the place as you promised her, she took her opportunity to escape from the three men when Soap attacked Ghost with some of the gel bubbles that were still on his blaster, Gaz was recording so, none of them noticed when your daughter left the room.
«Ah, Guys... Where's (_____)?» «Shit» «Was Johnny's fault»
They started to look for her, while your daughter was walking unsure of where she was going, she brought the blaster that Soap gave to her and started to shoot and play, her fun ended when she accidentally shot a soldier in his eye. The guy saw her alone and started to try to scare her.
- Hey kid, Did you forget the way to the daycare? who gave you that toy? This is not a place for babies.
- I'm 6, I'm not a baby!
- Aren't you? Then, maybe I have to tell you that you can go to prison for what you did?
Your daughter really believed that, she started to feel nervous, she was in serious trouble, what would she do now?. This guy kneeled down in front of your daughter and smirked.
- What will you do now? Cry with your parents?
An idea popped up quickly to her mind.
- I won't get in trouble, Do you have a clue of who my daddy is?
- Do you know who my daddy is?, oh please tell me who's your father, dwarf, I will tell him you're being a troublemaker!
He imitated your daughter's voice.
- The Captain Price is my daddy! He will beat your ass if you don't let me go!
This soldier was ready to say something until someone appeared behind you, he stood up quickly and paled, the little girl thought it was Gaz or Soap who found her and arrived just in time to save her, until she heard the soldier said «Captain!», she paled too and looked behind her, a tall man was observing the soldier with a cold look.
- Is this young man bothering you, my dear?
- He says I will go to prison just because I was playing a little and I hit him by accident.
- I'm sorry Sir, I didn't know she was your daughter...
Price didn't act surprised by the soldier's comment, he continued looking at him and put a hand on your daughter's shoulder.
- Next time I see you bothering my daughter or anyone else, you will be In serious trouble. Do you understand?
- Yes Sir.
- Fine, now leave. Let's go my little princess.
Price kneeled down a little and carried your girl over his shoulders, he talked with her about your work and maybe, your girl talked about how you feel about him, on their way they found Ghost, Soap and Gaz running through the entire base looking for her.
Finally you finished your work and went to the common area to see if your daughter was there, on the way you noticed some soldiers were whispering and talking secretly while you were passing by but you tried to not pay much attention, you arrived to the common area and indeed there she was, she fell asleep on Soap's lap, who was sitting on a sofa.
- Hey y/n you found us!
- Sorry guys I had a lot of things to do, thank you to everyone for taking care of her.
«No problem» «Soap is always here to help» «it was your fault that we lost her!»
- You what??
- Don't worry, nothing happened to her, the Captain found her!
Before you could say something, Price caught your attention and asked you to go out with him to have a small conversation. You felt a lump in your throat and stomach, you felt you were in problems, as soon as you and Price were alone you started to apologize.
- I'm so sorry John, I mean, Captain, it won't happen again I can assure you that...
- Y/n, you're not in trouble.
- wha..?
- I was going to say, you have a sweet and smart daughter and... Very... chatterbox...
- Chatterbox?
- Yes, she said she was my daughter, and then she told me about... Some feelings you have.
- Oh...
- Oh...
You instantly started to try to fix and look for excuses.
- Sir, I'm... She's just a kid, she fantasizes a lot about her father and... Also she understood all I said in a different way, I'm really sorry Captain...
- I see, well y/n, you don't need to apologize, I understand she's just a kid, and as she's just a kid, tell me, who are we to ruin her fantasies about have a father?
He smiled mischievously at you, you were speechless, what the hell was happening?.
- Ah... Excuse me, what?
-Well, she's a brilliant girl and I always wanted to have a daughter and a very attractive wife. There are a lot of reasons to make this come true.
You're still processing all that is happening right now.
- Really?
Price took your hand and squeezed it softly, without losing eye contact with you.
- For sure, by example, everybody around the base is already talking about us and our little daughter and the other reason is that those feelings your daughter talked about, are mutual.
You couldn't say anything, you were lost in thoughts, but your silly smile was enough for Price to go a little bit further.
- So, if you allow me, I would like to take you to dinner tomorrow night. What do you think?
- I would like that, but who will take care of (____)?
He laughed a little and then simply said.
- I think Soap said he's always ready to help, no? And if you don't think he will be a good babysitter... well, I think your daughter has another two uncles that can help.
That definitely made you laugh loudly, Price looked at you with tenderness still waiting for an answer, then, after a few minutes of silence you nodded, that was the story of how you and your daughter won the Captain's heart and three new uncles for your little girl, it would be the story that your daughter would talk about in every opportunity she had.
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amazzwon · 9 months
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────⟢.ᐟ Choi Seungcheol (Scoups)
╰ Rough
smut, 2k
╰ warm hearts
fluff, 0.5k
╰ his arms
smut, 0.4k
╰ sapiosexual
╰ Good Luck, Fermata Tower
firewatch au, smut, angst, fluff, 13.9k
╰ always only you
14.2k, smut, childhood friends to lovers
╰ Shiver Me Timbers!
pirate captain!seungcheol x siren!reader, fantasy au, smut, 3.0k
╰ Dancing Queen
smut, fluff, slight angst, disco club owner!choi seungcheol, performer!reader
╰ passenger princess(es)
fluff, established relationship, 0.8k
────⟢.ᐟ Yoon Jeonghan
╰ First Makeout Session
suggestive, minors do not interact
╰ my heart is beating for two
fluff, daycare worker yn! x secretary jeonghan, 1k
╰ Blueberries
smut, yoga instructor!Jeonghan, 2k
╰ Hate is a strong word
smut, angst, fluff, e2l, coworker au, 15k
╰ How many chances are too many chances?
angst, fluff, fwb, f2l, 14k
╰ Titty-Shirt!
pervert!rollercoaster operator!jeonghan x bigtiddie!fem!reader, theme park au, coworkers to lovers, e2l, smut, fluff, 13.2k
╰ every summertime
16.1k, 70s au, playing hard to get, smut
────⟢.ᐟ Hong Jisoo (Joshua)
╰ City lights Series
smut, rocksinger!joshua, neighbours with benefits, angst, fluff, 75.4k
╰ NBA player
smut, 0.8k
╰ cranberry concoctions
bartender!joshua, smut, a little angst & a little fluff, 1920s prohibition au, speakeasy au, 4.6k
╰ leaning on the everlasting arms
childhood best friend! pastor's son!joshua x f reader, angst, smut, some fluff, bible college au, 10.3k
╰ Curse The Stars
Salesman!Joshua x Starlet Afab!Reader, Smut, fluff, strangers to lovers, fwb to lovers, 1970s Hollywood au, pwp, 8.4k
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────⟢.ᐟ Moon Junhui (Jun)
╰ Christmas with his family
fluff, comfort, (slight) angst, 0.5k
╰ Do Re Mi
smut, fluff, 4k, wife!reader, husband!jun
────⟢.ᐟ Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi)
╰ charity f*ck
smut, virgin!hoshi x experienced!reader, fluff, 12.2k
╰ Leather
smut, 1.5k
╰ driving lessons for dummies
fluff, humor, smut, strangers to lovers au, college au, stoner!hoshi, 16k
────⟢.ᐟ Lee Jihoon (Woozi)
╰ Somewhere In The Middle
9.7k, romance, smut, best friends, fwb to lovers, hurt, comfort
────⟢.ᐟ Jeon Wonwoo
╰ [12:01 AM]
fluff, 0.2k
╰ First Snow
fluff, angst, smut, ceo!wonwoo, single mom!reader, 33k
╰ no such thing as too perfect
office au, established relationship, fluff, 2k
╰ wonwoo falling in love for the first time
fluff, 0.8k
╰ April Shower
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12.0k, romance, meet cute, smut, love at first sight
╰ Mine, all mine
4k, boyfriend’s dad au, smut
────⟢.ᐟ Lee Seokmin (DK)
╰ Backstage series
romance, smut, theatre performer!seokmin, fake dating with benefits, 43.6k
╰ Teach Me
smut, humor, college au, 2.3k
college au, brother's best friend au, smut, crack, angst, 15.9k
╰ Patterns
smut, eventual fluff, angst, 10k
────⟢.ᐟ Xu Minghao (The8)
╰ (Not Titled)
fluff, humour
╰ i should’ve never let you go
exes!au, angst, comfort, 2.5k
╰ Flashing lights
model!minghao x f!assistant!reader x actor!mingyu, smut, 30k
╰ the letter
slowburn, fluff, angst, childhood f2l, 26k
────⟢.ᐟ Kim Mingyu
╰ titty obsessed! mingyu
╰ i’ll marry you with paper rings
smut, fluff, angst, 28.3k
╰ kisses to his moles
fluff, 0.8k
╰ Drunk Goggles (Heart Eyes)
fluff, suggestive, 1k
╰ [10:23 PM]
fluff, 170
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────⟢.ᐟ Boo Seungkwan
╰ honey
wedding planner!reader, fluff, smut mdni, theatre performer! seungkwan, childhood crush to lovers, 10.2k.
────⟢.ᐟ Chwe Hansol (Vernon)
╰ Friends with Benefits
fwb setting, suggestive
soulmate au. slight college au , f2l, fluff, some angst. pining, 9.6k
╰ [16:23 PM]
fluff, childhood friends to ?, 0.3k
╰ Birch Trees & Fear Street
smut, fluff, 1.7k
╰ sweet kiss
fluff, strangers ish to lovers
fluff, strangers to lovers
╰ Music festival
drabble, fluff
╰ operation: hot girl summer
smut, fluff, humor, summer romance au, best friends to lovers, 4k
────⟢.ᐟ Lee Chan (Dino)
╰ As It Was
Ghost!Chan, Human!Reader, Romance, Angst, Smut, Historical/Fantasy Themes, Reunited Lovers, 9.1k
╰ Goodbye, Fourth of July
college au, best friends to lovers, angst w a happy ending, smut
╰ Love Guard
Lifeguard!Lee Chan x Lifeguard! Fem Reader, 9.2k, Fluff, E2L (One sided)
╰ distraction, a fatal attraction
strangers to lovers, college au, fluff, 7k
╰ In Case You Didn’t Know
Fluff, romance, smut, a little angst, Brother’s best friend au, roommates au, 90s au, 28.8k
750 notes · View notes
hockybish · 4 months
I Didn't Want This Either
l Luke Hughes l masterlist l part 1 l * warning: death *
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"Can we talk?" Jack knocked on the window of Luke's car. He didn't like what he was going to ask Luke, but he needed to get the conversation over with.
"What's up?" Luke watched as Jack fiddled with the sleeve of his jacket.
Jack took a deep breath in, counted to five, before let out the inhaled air.
"I know this is never probably going to happen, but I just want to be prepared just in case. because you never know what could happen. and Addie agrees with me, for once, I know it's crazy.
"Jack spit it out."
"Now that I have two kids. I've been thinking more about what happens to them if something happens to us. And I think I want you to raise them if we can't." The older brother asked of the younger one.
"Jack, I don't know." Luke contemplated what he was being asked, which was really nothing, but he knew. "Isn't there anyone better for the job? Mom? Quinn?"
"No, Luke. Quinn and Liv have enough going on and Mom and Dad don't need to raising two little kids after the raised us." Jack explained. "Plus you're great with them and they love you so much. Please Lukey."
"Great! I'll add you to daycare pick up." Jack reached over to give his brother an awkward hug before they went on with their separate ways.
"You're pretty." Jack chanced a glanced over at his beautiful wife. They had just dropped the kids off at daycare and were on their way to the rock.
"You're not too bad yourself Mr. Hughes" Addie said scrunching her nose at the man next to her.
"I'll talk to Luke or Nico today, maybe one of them can take the kids and we can have tonight." He kept looking back and forth from the road to his wife.
"Jack watch the road please." She clenched her jaw. There was traffic all around them, making her feel a bit nervous.
"What Ads? It's fine." Jack's eyes left the road again to look at his wife.
Jack never saw the car until it was too late.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." Luke jumped out of bed. He scrambled to get ready for practice when the brain fog cleared and he saw it was after 10 am already.
He was so late. His alarms must not have gone off or something, because he was never late for practice. And here he was going to be late for the first time in forever.
Luke chose to forgo his usual morning routine and caffeinated beverage, thinking it might give a chance to get to the practice facility faster.
He was almost there when the traffic started to picked up. There must have been an accident. All sorts of emergency vehicles were surrounding the area.
As Luke got closer to the heart of the situation he noticed a two crumpled up cars. A silver one and a very familiar looking green one.
Luke got a good long look at the wreck as he passed it. Two white sheets littered the ground, the car accident must have been that bad that people died.
That's why there was so much commotion.
He felt bad for the family that was going learn the news that they lost people they loved. Little did he know his phone was blowing up at the moment, messages and phone calls from his parents and brother, family members, teammates, and close friends with that specific news.
The now super late hockey player got to his destination only an hour later than he was supposed to be there. He thought it was a bit odd how the normally packed parking garage was near empty. Where was everyone?
"Luke what are you doing here?" Nico frowned at the defensemen who was trying to get ice ready as fast as he could.
"I know I'm late. I didn't set my alarm and then there was some big accident. I'll do extra of whatever you want. I'm sorry." Luke finishing up lacing his skates up. If he had been looking at Nico eye's went wide at the mention of the accident.
"Practice was cancelled a couple of hours ago."
"Why would they do that we have a game tomorrow?"
"The league is thinking of postponing it"
"Why?" he stopped what he was doing to look up at his captain. There was a feeling in the room, there was something seriously wrong.
Luke finally glanced around the empty locker room, it held the same odd feeling that the lot had.
"Um. Have you looked at your phone lately?" The older man scratched the back of his head nervously.
Luke furrowed his brows at the question. No, he hadn't looked at his phone, he had been a little busy trying to get there as quickly as he could, the action didn't feel necessary at the time.
But now a bad sinking feeling was telling him that maybe he should.
He had a total of 19 missed calls from him Mom, Dad, and Quinn alone. Not to mention the other various voicemails that completely filled the digital voicemail box was completely filled. On top of that there were over a hundred txt messages from a variety of people.
There was even a message from Jack, a simple heart emoji followed by an 'i luv ya bro,' that was timestamped hours before everything else.
"Nico, what's going on?" His voice hitched after he read a txt from Trevor that read 'i just heard about j. i'm so sorry.' When Luke looked up from the device he took note that Nico was now accompanied by their new coach and a few devils' personal.
"Luke you should call your parents back" The captain picked at the skin around his fingers.
"No just tell me. What's going on?" He thumbed through his device trying to decipher the
"Let's take this somewhere a little more private. Yeah?" The group of higher ups attempted to usher then to a different room a little more quiet and appropriate to have this conversation. Luke shook them off, wanting them to just spit it out.
"Say it Nico" Luke shook them off. He wanted Nico to just spit it out. He was tired of this go around and the hesitation
Nico sighed heavily. He didn't want to be the one to tell his friend the news, it would be better if it were coming from a family member, but they were all on there way to New Jersey at moment. So he had to do his best.
"There was an accident" Nico began to say. Luke felt his heart beat faster, and a pit forming in his stomach as he realized what Nico was telling him. Maybe this would have been better coming from his mom or dad, hell even Quinn.
"Jack and Addie were in the car-" Nico continued. That green car that look familiar. Jack had a green car.
"No no no no no no no." He covered his ears in an attempted to block out what Nico was telling him. This wasn't happening.
"they didn't make it." Nico finished. He put his hand on Luke's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. The kind gesture didn't help anyeay as Luke grabbed the nearest garbage pail and emptied the contents of his stomach in it.
It was true. It couldn't be true. Jack wasn't dead. This was all just some sort of prank, a sick joke. Jack was going to walk around the corner and say sike.
He need to get out of there. Anywhere but there. He had this pain in chest, and it was hard to breath anytime he thought of his brother.
He got in his car and drove without a destination in mind. He drove and drove until he found himself in a deserted mall parking lot, not another car or person in sight.
Luke sat in his perfectly fine car and screamed. There wasn't anyone around, so no one would be able to judge him. Not that he cared. He needed to get his emotions out.
Why Jack? Why couldn't have been him? If only he had been on time today, maybe it would have been him in that accident and Jack would still be alive.
He had been receiving texts all day. Luke ignored all of them. A few people called, he ignored those too. Ellen had been calling him at least once every hour, but he still refused to talk to her.
There was one number that had been persistently calling him, even more than his mother had. Maybe she had gotten a hold of another phone and was calling from that. He didn't know, but he finally decided to answer the call.
"Hey Luke, this is Y/N calling this Happy Times Nursery, how are you?" The very peppy and friendly lady ask.
"I'm um, I could be better. What is this pertaining to?" He mumbled his reply confirming it was him.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Well we've been trying to reach Jack and Addie for a couple of hours now seeing that it is well past pick up time for Lucy and Felix. We were just wondering if someone was on their way to retrieve them. They are our last kids for the night and we would like to go home."
Shit, the kids
Let me know what you guys think!
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angelbaby-fics · 1 year
Attatched At The Hip
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Word Count: 660
A/N: ahh this was just some rambly thoughts about bucky that kinda turned into a fic? i don't love how i ended it so maybe i'll revisit this in a little bit when my computer is fixed but i couldn't resist posting it already because i just. guys i love bucky so much and i just wanna tlk about him all the time. lol. so yeah this is just some bucky fluff that i hope you guys enjoy 💕
That’s what Steve always teased that you and Bucky were, attached at the hip. If you could spend the rest of your life anywhere in the whole world, it would be cradled in Bucky’s left arm, held safely and firmly against his side. It wasn’t a matter of favoritism, you loved your daddy just as dearly as your Baba, and you were always eager and excited for hugs and kisses from the great Captain America. You and Bucky had a deep bond just between the two of you, one that Steve respected and understood, and being constantly held was mutually beneficial for that bond: you were always able to be soothed and cared for whenever your heart desired it, and Bucky was persistently reminded that he was loved, safe, and doing good by you. 
Plus, it helped that his metal arm never, ever got tired. 
That’s how you found yourself now, cradled into Bucky’s side and perched upon his muscular thigh in the Avengers compound briefing room. Usually when a meeting was called, you’d be left with whichever caregiver didn’t have to attend that day, or you got to go to daycare if both were recruited that day. This time, however, you were still fast asleep on Bucky’s chest where you’d decided to take your nap that day when he got the meeting alert. Steve was off that day and offered to take care of you while Bucky was busy, but the thought of rousing you from your most peaceful state made both their hearts ache, so along you came. 
Coos of adoration had echoed through the meeting room when Bucky entered with you, but he politely shushed his coworkers. The goal was to keep you asleep for as much of the meeting as possible, knowing that as soon as you woke up you’d want a bottle, and that waking up in a strange room would probably send you into a tantrum anyways. Fortunately, with Bucky’s enhanced hearing, he was able to sit in the far back of the room with you and still hear everything being said. 
The change in location from the couch all the way to the briefing room only caused you to stir the tiniest bit, Bucky’s even breaths keeping you rooted in your slumber as the meeting commenced. At one point, Thor let out a raucous laugh, and you seemed to react in your sleep, flexing your fingers at the sound of your friend, but not even the excitement at the thought of playtime could outweigh the comfort you felt in Bucky’s arms. He ran his right hand across your back, soothing you back into dreamland for the rest of the meeting, and you only finally awoke as everybody was saying their goodbyes and Bucky stood up to leave.
Maybe it was because you’d already napped for over two hours, maybe it was the shift of energy in the room as all the Avengers were now free to shake off work mode and socialize with each other. You lifted your heavy head from Bucky’s shoulder and blearily looked around, half open eyes taking in the fact that you were not at home and instead in an area of the compound you rarely had reason to visit. Seeing all your Avenger friends together in this location, you put two and two together, grabbing tightly onto Bucky’s shirt as you looked up at him with worry. 
“Baba gotta go to a meeting now?” You asked, still fragile from your nap and not wanting to give up the comfort of your caretaker’s embrace. But Bucky only chuckled. 
“Doll, I already went to the meeting, you slept through it!”
“I did?” You questioned with genuine surprise, in disbelief that you’d done such a thing.
“Sure did, angel. Did you have a good nap?” “Uh huh!” You nodded. “I had a dream… I was playin’ wif Thor.” 
You smiled to yourself, recalling the way you’d heard him laugh even in your slumber. 
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christinesficrecs · 11 months
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Also, these gems are still on tumblr for your enjoyment. 🧡💙🧡 here, here, here, and especially this one. Oooh, this one too.
the lunch table configuration | 16.6K | Explicit
When Isaac makes Derek switch lunch tables, the last thing Derek expected was to fall for Stiles.
between the click of the light and the start of the dream | 105.1K | Explicit
It's Stiles' senior year, and he's trying to concentrate on normal things - like the lacrosse championship, spring break, prom, graduation (and definitely not Derek) - when he starts having nightmares and waking up in the middle of nowhere. Oh yeah, and he's being haunted by a hag. Great.
The Hollow Moon | 180K
It’s the summer after Stiles’ first year of college, and he’s working a crappy job and dealing with nightmares and anxiety - but he’s okay, he swears. He makes it through most days without too much trouble. Then, a certain werewolf comes back into town. Which Stiles doesn’t care about, nope, not at all.
Blind Date With A Book  | 30.3K
Stiles thought the Blind Date With a Book trend was a great way to drum up business for his small bookshop. He definitely thought it was a great idea after the hot guy kept returning and buying more blind dates with books.
Derek didn’t know how he kept getting set up on blind dates by his family, or why he kept going on them. The highlight of his night was when the date was over and he could go to the little bookshop in town and buy something to read for the rest of the night. He wanted to read, not date.
This Started As Only Make Believe | 44.1K | Explicit
Derek is trying (and failing) to juggle his career, coach lacrosse, and raise his 5 year old werewolf daughter. When he adds his bitter ex-wife and his daughter's slight attachment to him, Derek knows he doesn't have any time for a life of his own - and definitely no time for the super cute daycare teacher.
Past The Breakers | 40.7K
Stiles and Scott get summer jobs at the exclusive Seawolf Beach Resort, and the last thing Stiles expects is to start taking surf lessons from the hot lifeguard.
This Might Be Irony  | 38.3K
Stiles and Derek have been close friends since the Hale siblings moved in next door after their parents’ death. But Derek’s in the popular group, he’s a star baseball player, and he dates popular Pep Squad captain Jennifer Blake. Stiles doesn’t have any of that, just his skateboard and a hopeless crush on Derek (oh yeah, and his Vote Lydia Martin Prom Queen button). As prom and the baseball state championship grow closer, Stiles and Derek start rekindling their friendship.
And it all begins with two white boards.
heart as black as night | 97.7K | Explicit
It's 1924, and Derek Hale is a bootlegger and runs one of the many speakeasies in New York with the help of his Pack. They don't know, however, that he's also a hitman for his Uncle Peter, a shady Omega with mafia ties to whom Derek owes a huge debt.
Stiles Stilinski is about to graduate from high school and start working at the docks when he stumbles into the Sour Wolf, a speakeasy with lively music, a glamorous jazz singer, and a certain dark, handsome, and moody bartender that Stiles can't stop thinking about.
my heart’s been offline  | 58.8K
31/M/New York. Rich, lays in bed all day, likes to read (aka Derek Hale, son of an Oscar winning actress, brother of one obnoxious reality star and one rebellious fashion designer, hates the paparazzi so much he’s a recluse)
26/M/California. Boring office job, likes to read (aka Stiles Stilinski, co-owner of a 100 acre organic farm with his dad and two best friends, writer of obits for a newspaper, has absolutely no life)
Or, where Derek and Stiles meet online, and Stiles has no clue Derek’s part of a famous family.
I Ran (So Far) | 33.7K
In which Stiles’ summer starts off so badly he starts running, gets pelted by paint balls, and decides he is, in fact, going crazy if he willingly wants to hang out with Derek Hale.
But The World Won’t Stop Turning  | 19.9K
Derek glances at Stiles, who is watching him with a curious expression.
“Oh shit,” Stiles exclaims as comprehension dawns on him. “Everything makes sense now. Derek, I know what the witch did, she cursed you with – “
But before Stiles is able to finish his sentence, everything fades away and Derek is surrounded by darkness.
I'll Be Seeing You | 81.4K | Explicit
In the summer of 1941, with the country on the brink of war, diner waiter Stiles meets Derek Hale, an army soldier just passing through Beacon Hills.
Babcia Knows Best | 11.8K
Stiles takes his grandmother to bingo every Thursday. Now there’s a new guy calling out the numbers, and his grandmother has decided to set them up.
Wild Horses | 78.9K | Explicit
Derek's a drifter with no home, no destination, and no will to live. Stiles works on his family's failing cattle and horse ranch while all his friends are going off to college. When Derek falls asleep in a random barn, exhausted and half-starved, he doesn't expect to wake up on the other end of the sheriff's shotgun. And Stiles sure as hell doesn't expect his dad to invite the drifter in for breakfast.
no aphrodisiac like loneliness  | 19.7K | Explicit
Stiles is 27 now, with a master’s degree and a career and a house and a serious boyfriend and a life in San Francisco that doesn’t include Derek. But then Stiles unexpectedly shows back up in Beacon Hills, and Derek would recognize that scent anywhere.
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writingmochi · 7 months
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character introduction via instagram profile!
cast: heeseung ✗ fem.reader
synopsis: when you told your long-term rival and latest hook-up, heeseung, that you are pregnant with his child; you didn't expect said topic to be involved in your rivalry!
genre: romantic comedy, slice of life, coming-of-age, slow burn, drama, rivals since childhood to [redacted], college/university au, pregnancy au, future parents au, fluff, angst, mature content (explicit smut)
taglist? closed
release: part 1 out now
message from the moon: THIS IS NOT A SMAU cause i think using social media profile (and a little description) can describe a character so much. i think that this fic can prosper more as a written fic with the intricacies between hee and (y/n)'s complex relationship ;) also, this is 2/2 out of my bday gift to yall
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(L/N)(Y/N) aka meg march: business management major at hybe uni. mitski fan. part-time daycare attendant and babysitter. heeseung’s rival.
KIM MINJEONG aka beth march: multimedia major at hybe uni. (y/n)’s roommate 1/3. aspiring filmmaker. girlfriend of sigma mu frat’s vp, jung sungchan.
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SHIN RYUJIN aka jo march: design and visual communication major at hybe uni. (y/n)’s roommate 2/3 and high school best friend. graphic designer and model. a bisexual demiromantic queen.
LEE CHAERYEONG aka amy march: performing arts (dance) major at hybe uni. (y/n)’s roommate 3/3. a member of the core dance team in the want2dance crew. comes from a wealthy family of performers and artists.
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LEE HEESEUNG aka raphael: communications (journalism) major at hybe uni. small forward/shooting guard and captain of the hybe uni's basketball club, decelis. aspiring sports journalist and photographer. (y/n)’s rival.
CHOI BEOMGYU aka michaelangelo: performing arts (music) major at hybe uni. heeseung’s roommate 1/3 and high school best friend. guitarist in an indie band, txt. the complete opposite of heeseung regarding (y/n) and her friends.
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YANG JEONGIN aka donatello: philosophy major at hybe uni. heeseung's roommate 2/3. an up-and-coming twitch streamer in the content creator group, stray kids. another "rival" of heeseung, gaming rivals actually cause both of them are competitive af.
LIM JIMIN aka leonardo: anthropology major in hybe uni. heeseung's roommates 3/3. part of the want2dance crew alongside chaeryeong and also an assistant choreographer. has a background in ballet, contemporary, and hip-hop and that's why he has to take care of his upper body (and why he is a gym bro)
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taglist: @raeyunshm @leilasmom @evidive @boba-beom @endzii23 @fluffyywoo @camipendragon @hiqhkey @wccycc @cha0thicpisces @y4wnjunz @yeehawnana @beansworldsstuff @kimipxl @blurryriki @amazzwon @reallysmolrenjun @stealanity
© writingmochi on tumblr, 2021-2024. all rights reserved
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squadmuse · 3 months
A/N: So this idea was originally inspired from babysitting my nephew, and I just had to write it for Matt… again dedicated to @deanstead who is amazing and her anons got me into this dad!Matt rut.
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It had been a quiet July morning when Matt Casey had arrived for work at Firehouse 51, with a special guest in tow.
“Now sweetheart, Daddy has to go to work, but you’ll be absolutely fine here,” said Matt to his three-year-old daughter, Emma, who was held securely in his arms against his hip. Known as Emmy in the family he shared with you, his wife, she was an adorable little girl and the apple of her father’s eye.
It was the summer vacation, and sadly, little Emmy’s daycare had ended up closed due to an outbreak of chickenpox. Usually, when this happened, you’d take her to the daycare at Chicago Med but you and Matt had happened to awake that morning to find out your other three children were suffering from a very mild sickness bug. This meant that you were home with Emmy’s three older siblings while Matt took her to work with him.
The three-year-old rubbed one of her bright blue eyes. “Uh huh, Daddy,” said Emmy as she laid her head against his broad shoulder. Matt smiled as he walked along and into the building.
He had just walked onto the app floor when he spotted the members of Squad Three already sitting around their table, playing cards. Instantly, each member lit up at the sight of the two Caseys.
Kelly quickly made his way over to Matt and Emmy, and plucked the three-year-old out of her father’s arms, to her delight. Matt smiled as Emma giggled in her godfather’s arms. Kelly was the closest thing he had to a brother, and he very much considered him to be one.
“If it isn’t my favorite little girl!” exclaimed Kelly loudly to the toddler.
“No, no, Uncle Kelly!” giggled Emmy as Kelly began to playfully tickle her, her little rosy cheeks pinking up even further.
Kelly grinned at Matt as he relented, letting Emmy rest in his arms. She was very much a Daddy’s girl, but the littlest Casey absolutely adored her godfather too. “Hey man, where’s the rest of the fam?” he asked Matt, looking behind the Captain of Truck 81 as if to see you bringing up the rear with his three other godchildren.
“Sickness bug,” commented Matt as he shrugged his bag further up his shoulder. Kelly instantly understood.
“So, Emmy is here for the day?” he asked Matt.
“Yeah, we didn’t want Em getting sick too,” said Matt.
Kelly nodded and so did the toddler in his arms.
“Me not sick,” said Emmy out loud. “No sicky!”
The two men chuckled. “Is that so?” asked Kelly.
Emmy nodded seriously.
Kelly hummed, grinning at her. “Well, that means you can have one of Auntie Stella’s cookies?” he smiled at his goddaughter, whose blue eyes lit up like a Christmas tree at the mere mention of cookies.
“Down please!” she squealed, to which Kelly allowed. It didn’t take long for Emmy to find her feet again and run off to the open door. The three-year-old had grown up in the firehouse, visiting even before she was born, and she was familiar with the layout even though Matt and you never let her venture far alone.
Matt and Kelly chuckled as they heard Emmy start to call out for her Auntie Stella, and the two firefighters headed off to follow Matt’s little girl.
Luckily, as they reached the kitchen and recreational area, it seemed that Emmy had found Stella, and was already munching on a chocolate chip cookie happily.
Stella grinned widely as Matt appeared alongside Kelly, her husband. “You should’ve told me my favorite little gal was coming by!” exclaimed Stella as she bounced Emmy, making her giggle.
Matt nodded, making his way over to his daughter and wiping the chocolate off her cheek. “I’ll make sure next time,” he chuckled, taking Emmy into his arms as she reached out for him.
Stella grinned as she ruffled Emmy’s hair. “You better, Captain! This little cutie pie is just so cute,” she said, tickling Emmy much like her husband had done moments before.
“Cute!” repeated Emmy, looking up at her dad, placing her tiny hand against his cheek. Matt smiled, feeling his heart grow even fonder and larger due to his little girl.
“You’re the cute one,” chuckled Matt to Emmy as Stella awwed loudly. There was no denying that fact. However, Emmy’s attention didn’t stay focused on her father, aunt or godfather for much longer as she spotted Tuesday wander into the room with Ritter, Gallo and Herrmann.
“Tues! Tues!” cried the three-year-old, who began to wrestle herself out of her dad’s arms in order to get down to the Dalmatian dog. Emmy couldn’t quite say Tuesday yet but neither she or Tuesday seemed to care as Matt carefully let his youngest child pet the dog.
Emmy’s giggles seemed to ignite within the room as Tuesday excitedly licked her face, Matt and Ritter keeping a close eye alongside everyone else in the room.
“Hey pumpkin,” said Herrmann as he crouched down beside Emmy, her father, Tuesday and Ritter. “I swear you get bigger and bigger every time I see you!”
Emmy waved at him, making the Engine lieutenant smile widely. “Me three now! I go swing with Mama,” she said to Herrmann.
“Oh you do? Annabelle likes the swings too,” replied Herrmann with a grin as he talked about his only daughter. “Likes to give her old man a heart attack too, launching out of them too,” he added, glancing at Matt.
Matt grimaced. “Don’t give her ideas, Herrmann, we Caseys might have heads made out of stone, but I’m still trying to calm down after Joshua broke his arm jumping out of a tree last week,” he commented to Herrmann. “I don’t need my little girl trying to kill me doing the same on a swing.”
“No, no Daddy!” said Emmy as she wandered to the side away from Tuesday and towards where Mouch sat watching the television. “Mama say no, no, Josh hurt!” she chimed in her innocent voice.
Matt nodded again, he was lucky to have such a smart little girl, not that his other children were not, but he hoped that Emma Casey would be the mellowest Casey. “That’s right, listen to Mama, sweetheart.”
Emmy nodded as she determinedly tried to pull herself up onto the couch beside Mouch. As the older man went to help her up, she squealed out loud and made Tuesday bark out loud.
“No, no! I do! I do!” exclaimed Emmy, pulling herself away from Mouch, who looked at her and then Matt with confusion.
Matt shrugged. “The independence stage has hit with a vengeance, Mouch don’t take it to heart,” he commented, watching as his daughter tried to pull herself up. Even at three years old, Matt was impressed with the amount of determination and resilience his daughter had.
“Ahh, a Casey through and through then,” vocalised Mouch, who started to pet Tuesday as she sat next to the couch.
Herrmann chuckled as he stood now beside the door-frame. “You need eyes on the back of your head, especially with the youngest… I don’t know how many times Kenny tried copying his big brothers and sister, landing himself in the ER!” he commented, watching Emmy successfully climb onto the couch.
Everyone in the room clapped in celebration as she did and Emmy beamed happily. Even in his happiest of hearts, Matt hated seeing his youngest become more and more independent and growing up. She was his baby.
Seeing as Mouch had put Dora the Explorer on, which harnessed the complete attention of Emmy, it was then that Matt decided to head off to his quarters to leave his and Emmy’s bags and get some paperwork. He would do the paperwork in the common room area at the table and chair beside the couch as it’d allow Matt the opportunity to work while keeping an eye on his daughter.
Walking over to Emmy, he leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Daddy won’t be gone long okay, kiddo,” he told her. Emmy nodded.
“Kiss kiss, bye bye Daddy,” chirped Emmy, making Matt smile lovingly. That little phrase was a new thing she had started saying whenever he or someone went away. It was absolutely adorable.
Matt glanced over at Herrmann who had sat down at the long lunch table with a newspaper, Mouch bringing over two cups of coffee for them both. “Herrmann, keep an eye on my little girl while I go to my quarters.”
Herrmann nodded as he took a gulp of his coffee. “Will do, Captain,” he replied.
Knowing that Herrmann, a father of five, was there, Matt hurried off out the door. Reaching his quarters, he opened up the glass door and went inside. The little rectangular room had not changed much ever since Matt had become Lieutenant all those years ago, but it held a lot of memories, both good and bad.
Now, there were some changes to his quarters. That was undeniable. Underneath Matt’s bunk was a small box of toys and blankets for whenever his young children visited. There were numerous photographs that he had carefully framed and hung up on the stone walls that told the story of the Caseys.
Sitting down in his chair, Matt smiled pensively at them all. There was a photo from your first date together at Mollys that Sylvie had taken. Then there were the photos from your engagement party and wedding, and Matt couldn’t help but grin as he reminisced about those moments. But his heart swelled even further as he saw the photographs of his four children with you, from womb to now. His two little boys and two little girls with you. They were nothing short of miraculous in Matt’s eyes.
Sighing, he got up and quickly got together the reports and other documents he needed to complete and file today. Slipping back out and locking the door, Matt made his way back to the common area and passed by Stella, who was on the phone with someone. However, as Matt entered the room, he instantly locked eyes with the couch and saw that his daughter was no longer sitting there.
“Herrmann! Where is Emmy?” commanded Matt to the lieutenant, who was arguing slightly with Mouch, Gallo and Ritter over something to do with Mollys. Each one of them quietened instantly at their Captain’s sharp tone.
Herrmann gasped and hurried over. “Shit! She was just there, I swear Casey!” he yelped, frantically looking around the room with his eyes for any chance that the blonde toddler was simply sitting elsewhere.
“I just gave her a juice box!” exclaimed Mouch.
Matt hummed as he rubbed his temples. It was now that he had a good idea of where his daughter could be and most likely was.
“I can search the entire firehouse top to bottom, Captain!” said Gallo seriously. He was quite close to you and Matt, ever since he had been taken under Matt’s wing and mentored by the Truck 81 Captain. He absolutely adored the four Casey children.
Ritter nodded, Tuesday beside him. “Me too, we can go now, Captain,” he stated, getting up to go and do it but Matt gestured for him to sit down.
“No need, I know where my daughter is now,” replied Matt before he turned on his heel and hurried back out the way he had just arrived. Pushing through the doors to the app floor, it was there that Matt did find his little girl.
There was three-year-old Emma Casey, sitting perched on her godfather’s knee, with a Squad Three cap on her little head, as she enthusiastically participated in a jigsaw puzzle with Kelly, Tony, Capp and Cruz encouraging her every step. Her juice box sat on the table next to her.
Matt stood there, watching as his little girl laughed and giggled, placing each piece of the puzzle together as if it were a piece of his heart. Emma was the finishing piece to the jigsaw puzzle that was the heart of one Matthew Casey.
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lethalchiralium · 2 years
Little | Simon “Ghost” Riley
warnings: mentions of a baby. cause it’s winnie. and i love winnie
summary: Ghost has somewhere to be.
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“Come on, LT, we’re meant to be goin’ over plans, not burning’ a hole in the carpet.”
Soap noticed how antsy Ghost was getting around the end of their shift. He was never sitting now, almost pacing around the room like a madman. It was almost three in the afternoon, what was he so worried about?
“Price is late.” He answered, deep in thought.
“Yeah, well settin’ a fire won’t make him come faster.” Soap threw his feet up on the desk, checking his watch. 2:49. “He’s four minutes late.”
“I have somewhere to be.” Ghost smacked Soap’s feet off of the desk, Soap glared at him.
“Got a hot date, LT?”
Ghost gave him a look. “Very funny, Johnny.”
“Well? Only a man waiting to get some-“
The door was slammed open then, Price storming in and throwing his bag onto the floor. “Ghost, I’m sorry, go.”
Ghost barely even patted Price’s back before he ran out of the room, Soap looked to Price in bewilderment. “What was that about, Captain?”
Price glanced at Soap before pulling the bag up and onto the table, opening it before waving his hand. “His business, not mine. Get out of here, Soap.”
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Ghost reached the daycare just in time - the receptionists were about to call him when he walked through the door, apologizing profusely. The elderly woman waved him away, moving away to go grab his daughter.
“Dada!” The little almost eight month old in overalls giggled to Simon, he instantly took her from the woman, enveloping his daughter in a hug.
“Oh, my Winnie, I missed you.” He stood quickly, placing one arm below her bottom to hold her, the little girl giggled and patted his mask with her hands.
“Dada.” Her little arms went to wrap around his head as she smushed her little cheek into his skull mask. He chuckled a little bit. “Dada.”
“My sweet girl,” He commented before moving her down from his mask, having her rest her little head on his shoulder. She cooed again, little baby hands gripped his shirt. He murmured, “Alright, let’s get home.”
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Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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roseglazedlens · 1 year
Hi Rose 🤍 My baby fever is off the charts rn!!! So can I get a hc of any of the RE characters as a baby/toddler in a daycare pls?
Ps: Ik I said any but Chris fs was a FAT baby and Leon was a mama’s boy (thinking about that one audio rn and im sobbing 🥹)
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⦑ 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 ⦒
characters: leon s. kennedy, ashley graham, ethan winters, ada wong, chris redfield, claire redfield, carlos oliveira a/n: thank you maya for requesting bby!! my queen!!! also look at me getting too into this, i love these characters so so much! check out re character's reaction & their s/o's dog ! « masterlist┇reblogs appreciated! »
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You are right! He is a mama's boy!!
On his first few weeks of daycare, Leon would cry the longest every time he's been dropped off.
Has a hard time adjusting to daycare, but gets used to it after making a few friends (notably chris & luis)!
He is always telling his friends and teachers in daycare about how his mama did this... mama did that... Leon is super proud of her.
Also Leon's the kind of kid who plays with cars, crashes them together and starts clapping (Not much different from the present)
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Teacher's pet just because she's always respectful, and sharing toys with her classmates.
Oftentimes, kids take advantage of that and take her toys.
Because of that, I think she's often neglected by her teachers since the other troublemaker kids need more attention, so to speak.
She would be friends with Claire as Claire would not hesitate to snitch on other kid's bad behaviour to the teacher.
Ashley loves little Sylvanian Families and play-doh - I see this developing into a slime making hobby as an adult!
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I'm getting the quiet, nerdy kid vibe for Ethan.
Toddler Ethan loves to collect trading cards, he doesn't necessarily know how to play the game, he just likes the glossy look of them.
I feel like he'll have trouble making friends in class because they don't understand what the cards mean to him.
Poor kid just wants someone to talk about Pokemon with.
Gets very excited about dinosaurs and will play the game "Who can name the most dinosaurs?" knowing he'll always win.
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Don't mess with Ada, or she'll have you regret it.
Even as a toddler, she would always get her way. Always be the first on swings.
Ada, even as a kid, enjoys her solitude and hates for that to be broken. She enjoys playing LEGO uninterrupted.
I can see her hating loud kids like Chris (And that's totally not because Chris trampled her LEGO town one time and she'd held that grudge for life)
Younger Ada teaches the other kids bad words, but somehow she is never caught, and never gotten in trouble.
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Fat baby (he's just built this way)
'Accidentally' steals Claire's NERF guns, and feigns ignorance when he's confronted.
Big troublemaker at daycare. Teachers are always chasing him down but toddler Chris runs really fast.
100% Captain America enthusiast. He admires the act of serving his country, and that lead him to choose a career in military.
NERFs guns for life - I see him messing around and shooting the dart at other kids (especially Claire, usually to get back at her for snitching on him to mum)
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Younger Claire, who also inherited the Redfield attitude, takes no shit from anyone.
If Chris shoves her, Claire would shove back. And that may have resulted in a lot of sibling fights.
Strong believer of justice - Will pick fights with anyone, even big kids and adults, if she sees injustice.
Brutally honest kid - when someone asks for a compliment, she would say "That shirt makes you look fat" without batting an eye.
Alike Chris, she loves NERF guns (they often like the same guns, so it almost always turns into a brawl at the toy section)
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Carlos, is the number one reason of all teacher's migraines in his daycare.
He is the class clown, so anything he says gets a reaction from the other kids in class (often disrupting them)
So the moment Carlos speaks (he is still focusing on whatever he's doing), the class erupts in laughter.
Toddler Carlos is the kid who mashes the music button on a toy repeatedly. A cheeky smile on his face, very entertained by it.
Also I see toddler Carlos on the trampoline a lot, often trying to jump as high as he can. Even though he is most definitely too young to be on the trampoline.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. —yours truly, rose. tags: @valsthea @sporeghost @httpsuguru @emilzke @daydreamrot @navstuffs @custard0nut @ovaryacted © roseglazedlens — please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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All Your Fault
Author's note: I got the Bully Cato Sicarius Fleas. I've read the fics and they are good. I hope I got his character right.
Warnings: Bullying behavior, verbal bullying, Power Imbalance, Cato's Sparkling Personality. uh let me know if I need to add more.
Summary: You are just a Serf, and one day gain the attention of the Captain of the Second Company of Ultramarines. It's not a good thing. Just what did you do to upset him so?
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @i-am-a-dragon34, @egrets-not-regrets, @gra93fruit-blog
You were born and raised near your family's farm on Calth. You had grown up hearing about the Glory and Wonder of the Imperium and how very Lucky you and the other citizens of Ultramar are to have the protection of the Mighty and Noble Ultramarines. 
You had heard stories of how some of the stronger boys in your farming community were blessed with the chance to become Ultramarines. But that had been a few generations ago when the farming community had a poor harvest and they had to give people as part of the tithe more than finished and raw farming goods. 
You bite your lower lip a little as you continue to pull weeds and tend to the section of the fields You had assigned to you to work on. There has been a bad drought that has made the usually high yield farm rather lacking. You have heard your parents and the local town leaders talking about it. 
With the Tithe Coming within a few short weeks, and a lack of agricultural goods. They had been arguing over who to send as tribute and part of the tithe. As a farming community it was heavily encouraged to have multiple children for a variety of reasons. 
The families with more children got tax breaks and help from the centralized government for Healthcare, child rearing and daycare. As well as cheap, decent quality education and help with feeding and funding Children born and continued growing. You were one of seven children and are among the middle of the pack. 
You are full grown, but due to circumstances still stuck at the family farm, working on it rather than having your own place to live. While volunteers are preferred a lottery was going to be set in place for the whole community to gather and those of a certain age range were going to be the most targeted for the Tithe-ing. 
You are in that age range, you aren't sure if you want to be one of those chosen to go. Whether it is into the Astra Militarum, Chapter Serf, or into a different part of governmental service. If it happens, you will do your duty and say your goodbyes to your loved ones. 
The sinking sensation that you felt proved true five weeks later when your name was called as part of the Tithe to the Imperium. You were just barely able to say goodbye to your siblings. Before you were whisked off to be assessed and put into quarantine with your fellow Calth-ites. After quarantine and skills tested, you were given the uniform of Serf. 
And to your greatest joy and honor. The colors of the Ultramarines, denoting which holy chapter you had been chosen for. You whisper in gratitude to the God Emperor for his mercy and wisdom. You swiftly change into the uniform And follow after those who were chosen and head to the proper disembarkation point. 
One of the higher ranking serfs explaining the rules and consequences for breaking them. As you walk by, you and the rest of the Serfs have to flatten yourselves against the walls when Astartes in Blue and Gold Armor go walking by, you keep your head lowered out of respect, even as you peek at them from the corner of your eye as awe and dread grips your heart. You had only ever heard of the Angels of the Imperium before. And now… you get to serve them, what an honor.
Even if it makes you anxious, one of the Ultramarines brushes past you, he has a stern expression on his stunningly handsome face. You swear you feel his eyes flicker over and stare at you ever so briefly before snapping back in front of him towards where some of his fellow Angels are. 
Once they leave the hallway you and your fellow new Serfs are hurried along to their destination as the Serfs who’ve been there longer and are in charge continue to go over the rules, regulations and consequences of disobedience.
Over the next several months you learn of the complex social and political hierarchy of the Serfs. Or at least, you do your best to do so as it seems a tricky, complicated and almost arcane nature. Far more complex that a simple farm hand turned chapter serf could comprehend at times. Although you did your best to do your duties swiftly, promptly, quietly, and with as little impact on your higher ups as possible.
You are carrying some clothing from one part of the ship to another when you sense movement out of the corner of your eye. You stop and shift out of the way when you spot blue and gold ceramite armor and an Ultramarine Space Marine comes walking over. You dutifully flatten yourself against the nearest wall to give the massive man more room.
The Ultramarine pauses and stares down at you. It was the same one that had briefly looked at you all those months ago when you’d first come aboard the ship as part of a tithe.
“Serf,” He barks at you.
“Yes, Lord?” You say trying not to jump. 
He scowls at you and your heart sinks and you feel like you want to cry. “What the fuck is that accent?”
“I-I am sorry my lord?” You try as you carefully try to enunciate Low Gothic properly. 
One of his eyes twitch and he scowls down at you, “Speak properly or stay silent. Serf.”
You nod, even though you feel hurt, welling up, and confusion. He was the one to start to speak to you. “Yes, Lord.”
“Hrm. Barely better,” Cato sneers down at the country bumpkin now blessed to become a Serf of the Ultramarines.
They have the same fucking accent that, Prissy bastard Captain Ventris gets when he’s talking with his uppity giant bastard of a Sargent Passinius. He’d had yet another disagreement with the Captain of the Fourth Company over tactics and Calgar had barked out orders that the pair of them needed to break it up and cool off before coming back to the meeting.
He had meant to go to the training salles to cool off as he seethed in his wrath when he spotted that one far too pretty looking Serf that had come aboard McCragge’s Honor a few months ago. Not that he had noticed them at all. Or that he’d been, for some reason, tracking them from time to time. Not that he’d sought them out while he was in a temper because of Throne-cursed Ventris.
Their large eyes staring up at him, with tears starting to gather at the corners of their eyes. Tch. Pathetic. Even as something else shifts in his hearts at seeing their emotional reaction to him. He’d hardly said much and they were already acting like he was being a Bastard. So he scowls down at them some more and snarls that they need to be tougher to survive as a Serf serving Astartes.
"Leave," He barks and you bow and scurry off and away from him as you continue to do your duties, trying to figure out what it was that you did to upset the Second Captain of the Ultramarines.
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10millionotters · 2 years
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Pickup time at Ms Kate’s Daycare
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royaldaycare · 25 days
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Hello !! I'm Logan (or Johnny!) and welcome to my daycare! you can call me Logan, Lo, Johnny, big brother or dada! I also occasionally go by saint or my OC's callsign, Sparrow!
A little about me ! :
I use he/they/it pronouns as well as some neo's and xeno's too!
I'm trans, gay and asexual! I'm also questioning whether I am poly or not!
I am an age regressor and a caregiver! (my agere blog is @gh0stlyb34r !)
I'm 19 and my birthday is June 3rd!
I'm from the uk!
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my anons! ;
💚 ,
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I am a 100% sfw caregiver! any nsfw accounts will be blocked!
This blog is a safe space for regressors and caregivers alike! anyone that makes this blog an unsafe place will be blocked immediately
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My rules!
dni ; nsfw, edsh, zionist, racist, homophobic, against Palestine, transphobic, ableist, trump supporters, anti agere, ddlg/abdl accounts, anti petre
boundaries ; keep all terms used for me either masc or gender neutral, do not flirt with me (even if it is as a joke or friendly), please keep all asks sfw.
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My interests!
games ; call of duty, overwatch, resident evil 4, forza horizon, roblox (royale high, dress to impress, obby's and tycoons!), fnaf, poppy playtime, indigo park, red dead redemption 2, animal crossing new horizons, good pizza great pizza, hogwarts legacy, valorant, a little to the left, unpacking, mario kart 8, mario kart wii, just dance, the last of us
movies/shows ; deadpool & wolverine, deadpool, x-men, harry potter, fantastic beasts, atsv/itsv, marvel, star wars, the umbrella academy, stranger things, the batman, titains, heartstopper, young royals, criminal minds, fnaf, arcane, ghostbusters, barbie, oppenheimer, nimona, christopher robin
musicals ; les miserables, hamilton, waitress, the greatest showman, la la land, hairspray, dear even hansen, heathers, high school musical, lemonaid mouth, annie, descendants, beetlejuice, mama mia, tick tick boom, into the woods, mean girls, in the heights, little shop of horrors
youtubers ; pezzy, elasticdroid, puffer, grizzy, smii7y, gtlive, game theory, warn, frogger, aspen, beaplays, dawko, ethan nestor, blarg, thedooo, coleydoesthings, film cooper, dechart games, hthaze, james marriott
musicians ; james marriott, taylor swift, mcr, twenty one pilots, billie eilish, hozier, noah kahan, sleeping at last, the smiths, laufey, chappell roan, bruno major, paramore, novo amor, depeche mode, p!atd, daughter, djo, feels like july, florence the machine, frank sinatra, gerard way, ghost, lady gaga, lemon demon, lily allen, maya hawke, 1d, 5sos, mitski, micheal jackson, sleep token, taylor austen dye
misc ; books, dolls (monster high, lol, rh), pop figures, lego, posters, flowers, pin badges, jewellery, halloween, fall/autumn, deco pacis, colouring
DISCLAIMER ; I hold all of my faves accountable! I do not support jkr, noah schnapp ect!
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My faves !
celebs/authors ; pedro pascal, hugh jackman, ryan reynolds, ali hazelwood, kit connor, oscar isaac, hayden christensen, ewan mcgregor, tom hiddleston, andrew garfield, tom holland, aiden gallagher, eddie redmane, aaron tveit, erik j brown, david tennant, josh hutcherson, david harbour, wynina ryder, natalia dyer, maya hawke, matthew gray gubler, thomas gibson, aj cook, barry sloane, neli ellice
characters ; John 'Soap' MacTavish, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Captain John Price, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Robin Buckley, Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Garcia, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Loki, Logan Howlett, Scott Summers, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Ben Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Newt Scamander, Din Djarin, Deadpool, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Danny Zuko, Jean Valjean, Ben Florian, Flynn Rider, Aziraphale, Crowley, Nick Nelson, Charlie Spring, Diego Hargreeves
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dividers and Lydia banner by @kodaswrld <3 bj banner
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
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listed below is everything that i have published for my 2022 kinktober writing event - listed by date of publishing and updated daily between the 1st and 31st of october.
minors please do not interact with any of the content outlined here! thank you!
os = one shot ; hc = headcanon set
(readmore used because there are 60-something links to scroll past)
day one ; edging
os . “in the dead of night”
feat. masky (marble hornets) and an amab!reader (they/them) + dub con
hc . howl pendragon (howl’s moving castle)
hc . clotted cream cookie (cookie run kingdom)
day two ; gun play
os . “russian roulette”
feat. din djarin (the mandolorian) and a female!reader
hc . undertaker (black butler)
hc . natasha romanov (marvel)
day three ; overstimulation
os . “cry for me”
hc . steve rogers (marvel)
day four ; breeding kink
os . “the heir”
feat. prince caspian (the chronicles of narnia) and a female!reader
hc . bruno madrigal (encanto)
day five ; impact play
os . “one more time”
feat. mean dom!light yagami (death note) and a gender neutral!reader (they/them)
hc . vincent phantomhive (black butler)
hc . the grabber (the black phone)
day six ; praise
os . “pretty little thing”
hc . daycare attendants (five nights at freddy’s)
hc . jason voorhees (friday the 13th)
hc . sawyer brothers (texas chainsaw massacre)
hc . thomas hewitt (texas chainsaw massacre)
day seven ; hair pulling
os . “weary head”
feat. l lawliet (death note) and a gender neutral reader (they/them)
hc . affogato cookie (cookie run: kingdom)
hc . hawks (my hero academia)
day eight ; body worship
os . “lady in red”
feat. grelle sutcliffe (black butler) and a male reader
hc . undertaker (black butler)
hc . padmé amidala (star wars)
day nine ; daddy/mummy kink
os . “his baby”
feat. erwin smith (attack on titan) and a male reader
hc . jane foster (marvel)
hc . dark!wanda maximoff (marvel)
day ten ; consensual non consent
os . “tourist trap”
feat. otis b. driftwood (the firefly trilogy) and a female reader
hc . bucky barnes (marvel)
hc . asa emory (the collector)
day eleven ; pegging
os . “something new”
feat. tony stark (avengers) and an afab reader (they/them)
hc . korrasami (legend of korra)
hc . valkryie (marvel)
day twelve ; multiple penetration
os . “at world’s end”
hc . slenderman (creepypasta)
hc . hela odindöttir (marvel)
day thirteen ; oral
os . “hell and high water”
hc . eyeless jack (creepypasta)
day fourteen ; knife play
os . “born to rule”
hc . jesse cromeans (laid to rest)
hc . azuma genkaku (deadman wonderland)
day fifteen ; deep throating
os . “king for a day”
hc . baby firefly (the firefly trilogy)
day sixteen ; hand jobs
os . “the consort”
hc . natasha romanov (marvel)
hc . newt scamander (fantastic beasts)
day seventeen ; shower sex
os . “after dark”
hc . levi ackerman (attack on titan)
hc . jennifer check (jennifer’s body)
day eighteen ; threesome
os . “scream for us”
hc . eda clawthorne & raine whispers (the owl house)
hc . gomez & morticia addams (the addams family)
day nineteen ; temperature play
os . “pathetic mortal”
hc . frost queen cookie (cookie run: kingdom)
hc . dabi (my hero academia)
hc . marvel woman (multiple film series)
hc . fire spirit cookie (cookie run: ovenbreak)
day twenty ; gagging
os . “quiet, love”
hc . saeyoung choi / 707 (mystic messenger)
hc . scp 035 (scp foundation)
day twenty one ; sensation play
os . “training”
hc . queenie goldstein (fantastic beasts)
hc . scp 049 (scp foundation)
day twenty two ; collaring
os . “new pet”
hc . sirius black (harry potter)
hc . sinclair brothers (house of wax)
day twenty three ; face sitting
os . “good boy”
hc . wanda maximoff (wandavision)
hc . marauders (harry potter)
day twenty four ; exhibitionism
os . “disciple”
hc . tom riddle (harry potter)
hc . captain caviar cookie (cookie run: kingdom)
day twenty five ; thigh riding
os . “the reward”
hc . charlie morningstar (hazbin hotel)
hc . scp 035 (scp foundation)
hc . remus lupin (harry potter)
hc . original avengers (marvel)
day twenty six ; bondage
os . “all wrapped up”
hc . jumin han (mystic messenger)
hc . hoodie (marble hornets)
day twenty seven ; voyeurism
os . “secret admirer”
hc . ticci toby (creepypasta)
hc . misa amane (death note)
day twenty eight ; breath play
os . “three, two, one”
hc . bo sinclair (house of wax)
hc . tiffany valentine (bride of chucky)
day twenty nine ; pet play
os . “pretty piggy”
hc . sebastian michaelis (black butler)
hc . harley quinn (birds of prey)
day thirty ; period play
os . “the urge”
hc . alcina dimitrescu (resident evil village)
hc . trancy demons (black butler)
day thirty one ; degradation
os . “stupid bitch”
hc . philip whittebane / emperor belos (the owl house)
hc . angela blanc & ash landers (black butler)
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crabsnpersimmons · 8 months
had this idea for a drabble to share a bit more on Moon’s upgrades in the hairdresser AU, since there was some interest about a certain detail mentioned in my previous post (that "last part")
Word Count: 1,567
Read time: ~8 min
some content warnings:
descriptions of body dysmorphia including descriptions of skin picking, which borderline self harm on a metal robot body—i took a lot of creative liberties to translate the signs and symptoms into a robot experience, so it isn’t meant to be the most realistic depiction of body dysmorphia disorder, but just a head's up just in case
descriptions of memories of past traumatic experiences
just angst overall
that’s all i can think of, but please let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to add!
“Home sweet home~!” Eclipse warbles once Moon opens the door to their small apartment. Without missing a beat, he bends down and slips through the door frame, with his precious cargo still on his back.
“Clip! Put me down first!” Sun cries from his position in their little piggyback. He scrunches himself closer to the taller bot’s back as they pass through the threshold, his sunken in rays only barely missing the top of the door frame.
Moon chuckles as Eclipse makes a bee-line for their box TV. It’s the same every day, but he never got tired of it. After closing up shop for the day, they returned home. Unfortunately Sun’s legacy code prevented him from moving about in the dark. That didn’t stop him from trying each night after closing—marching with his eyes glued to street lamps until he ran out of light. Then Eclipse would carry him the rest of the way to the bus stop, where he’d just stay until they got returned to their apartment. The lights of the hallways would stir Sun back awake, but Eclipse always insisted on carrying him the rest of the way to their door—just as he always had since their days in the daycare.
Different city, different space, different jobs—but Eclipse never seemed to change.
Still carrying Sun with one set of arms, he plops himself down in front of the TV and pulls out his game controller with other set. Once Sun extracts himself, his free hands immediately reach for the other controller.
As the old game system is booting up, Moon moves to make a quiet escape.
“Moon,” but Sun knew him too well. “Bedroom.”
There is a whir of fans before Moon responds, “Aye aye, captain.”
No sooner had Moon entered their bedroom that Sun had joined him. Their room was always small—they could only afford so much with their combined income—but it always felt smaller when the sunshine bot cornered him like this.
Silently, Moon turns around, not looking his counterpart in the eye. Instead, Sun extends his hand into his field of vision, waiting. This is not the first time, but it never gets easier for either of them. After a beat, Moon lifts his own bulky hand and places it in Sun’s slender palm. Sun gives him a gentle squeeze before rolling up his counterpart’s sleeve to reveal his blue arm, marked in fine silver trails.
There is a brief pause before Sun leads Moon to their ensuite bathroom and sits him down on the closed seat of the toilet. He looks away for a brief moment just to take out his amateur tools from the drawer. Just a collection of things he has scavenged for basic upkeep. Of course none of this was in his programming. But just as he resolutely marched under streetlamps, Sun pushed his code to its limits to keep them afloat. He sits down on a nearby stool and gets to work on Moon’s right arm where six thin trails shined against the royal blue.
He gets to work and there is silence between them. Before there used to be angry and desperate cries. When Sun discovered his first scar, he insisted he go to parts and services. But they both knew he wouldn’t go back there. Never.
So they had to improvise—and that is what they have always excelled at. Things got easier in that regard after the PizzaPlex had burned down. They could finally leave those walls, leave their troubled past, carve out lives for themselves, care for themselves. They lucked out finding the Boss when they did and now they can do honest work and get paid and live. Finally live.
But still their troubled past stains their new lives. The PizzaPlex may be a long forgotten memory, but they still bear scars and quirks that run deeper than chipped surface paint or legacy processes. Despite all these years in this body, Moon still bumps into things, miscalculating his size and reach. All it took was a bump against his utility cart this afternoon to make him acutely aware of the arm that is not his. The ball-joint neck that cannot move the way he wants it to. The clunky fingers and the foreign nails. They are not his. They are not his. And he is thrust back into the brightly light cylinder, waking up again to a body that isn't his. Waking up again to a role he never asked for. Waking up with piece of him missing. Wondering if the body he remembers is just a dream and he needed to learn to wake up, wake up, wake up--
“You’ve got to stop doing this.”
Sun’s voice breaks him out of his thoughts—and he knows this. Perhaps that’s why Sun is always nagging him. To fill his head with something useful again.
“Some of these scratches can’t be buffed out, and there’s only so much I can do,” Sun works on a light scratch on his left hand.
“And you won’t see a mechanic,” Sun tuts.
“I know,” Sun sighs, letting go of the scratch. It’s barely visible now, the kind of imperfection you would have to know about and intentionally look for. The kind that Moon keeps a tally of. His body is covered with tally marks that only he can see.
“But either you stop or I will take you to the mechanic… or,” Sun’s hands drift down to Moon’s hand, holding his fingers gently. “…I disable your retractable claw function.”
“Ha,” the short laugh spills out of Moon before he can think to stop it. “Not when I’m the only one who can give proper hair washes.”
There is a slight pause before Sun pulls his hands away and lightly knocks Moon’s head. “Well, if your claws are sharp enough to carve metal, I don’t want them anywhere near our customer's heads. Besides, we have Sunshine who can help with that now.”
Moon hums uncommittedly, staring at Sun's handiwork at erasing his. Out of the corner of his eye he notices a sway in Sun’s steps as he puts away his tools. As much as Sun pushes his code to the limits and watches over him, Moon also watched out for him. They were, after all, once one. No one knows them better than they do.
Moon’s hand rises up Sun’s arm. “Bed time?”
“Yeah,” Sun says wearily. Even with the lights on, his battery was running low, after a full day of work, walking under street lamps, and fixing Moon's mistakes. The least Moon can do is play this role—a role he gladly performs.
Moon nods as he reaches out to steady Sun before connecting to their shared internal chat.
M: Clip. Sun and I are going to sleep.
E: K.
S: Don’t stay up too late. Make sure you charge up.
E: K.
With that, Moon helps Sun to their bed. They could only afford a one-bedroom apartment, and even then their landlord definitely wasn't too keen about renting to three large robots, and their lack of credit history. It was only thanks to a referral from Boss that they landed the place. But they couldn't complain. There are robots, the don't really need to sleep in bedrooms, but they had one so they might as well use it.
Moon assists Sun into bed before stepping back to get the lights. He watches as Sun plugs in his charging cable in before lying down on the pillows. His eyes never leave Sun’s as darkness falls on the room.
There is the familiar whirring sound of gears moving as rays retract and metal shifts colour. If Moon closes his eyes, he could almost feel those gears in himself. Grinding away. Putting Sun in his nap. And him waking from his own slumber. Him coming alive. Waking in his own body.
S: Moon.
There he goes, filling his head again. Even when powered down, Sun still watches over him. Moon hums in response and shuffles to the bed. His eyes never leave Sun as the bed dips from the added weight, as he slots himself up next to Sun. One arm slips under the gap between his neck and the bed. The other goes over, holding him in place. His legs find their place behind the bend of Sun’s.
His upper hand rubs circles on the familiar surface. Where these hands had left scratches on blue metal, they now caressed the smaller yellow surface.
Different city, different space, but at least he can still hold his body. Although it is not the same colour, it still feels like he remembers. The slenderness of the forearms. Every fine joint in the long fingers. He pulls Sun closer, if only to be closer, if only to be himself again.
But a hard pressure against his chest stops him every time.
Behind layers of clothes, the inflexible metal underneath always keeps them apart. Never flush together when they are in this position. It will always be there to jab into his chest every time he tries.
A reminder of how far he’s fallen.
thank you for reading!
want something to cheer you up? go and check out the meme art i shared yesterday! Moon is there to hug that sad away!
want more heartbreak? look verrrry closely at moon's arms in that meme art (or if it's hard to see the image description in the ALT mentions it)
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