#little apology and rant post
drcloudtheclown · 2 months
Angry Tsams/Tsbs Fandom Rant
This is a long one, don't read it if you don't wanna
Apologies in advance if some things don't make sense, English isn't my first language, and I tend to phrase things weirdly.
I want to, really badly, REALLY, really badly, make friends in the tsams/general tsbs fandom, but some of you guys make it so hard, especially with what I've been seeing snip bits of
I thought the warrior cats had its issues (love you guys🫶) but in my entire 17 years of life I have never EVER seen a fandom this fucking horrible. A fandom this at their throats with each other that it makes people not only in the fandom but outside of it neverous to post literally anything because of what they could be shown or threatened with, hell, im one of those people who are too nervous to post certain things because of this. I haven't seen anything this vile since amino, and that's saying a lot. Amino was crazy.
I originally thought when joining this fandom, "Hey, it'd be cool if I make some friends here! Maybe make a server or something!" I only know 3 or so people here who are genuinely so nice that I feel comfortable interacting with them. (If you're someone who I'm mutuals with or interact with, you aren't the issue, I apologize if you come across this post, I'm not in a great mood, love you guys 🫶 and sorry again.)
I've never, ever had to make a post like this, but holy. There are some horrible, despicable, and immature people in this fandom. Even at 12, I would know this kind of behavior towards others is not acceptable. Makes me want to vomit.
God, genuinely, haven't been this upset for a few years. A part of me still wants to make friends and have a group to talk with, but god dammit. This fandom.
Some of you should be ashamed of the atrocious actions you've done, with the horrible imagery you've shown. Your families would be disappointed. What about the people you grew up with, seeing you behave like this? Parents, siblings, friends. But you kind of people, and you know who you are, never think about that. Hell, some of you might be adults doing this. What's that say about you when a kid knows better than to behave and act the way you do?
If your family won't say it, I will.
I'm very disappointed in you.
And you should be disappointed in yourselves as well. But you won't. Will you? Because you think that hiding behind screens or the "big people" will keep you safe from the consequences of your actions.
I'm really tired now, I'm probably gonna go draw comfort characters or something
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
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veep dad comfort art
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magicaltickles · 10 months
fluster time!
what if i lightly tickled you, ever so lightly. only occasionally leaning in and scribbling across ur skin <3 wouldn’t that be *so* great? :0
No stop omg 🫣
Only occasionally leaning in??? You're gonna get me all tingly just to make me anticipate the next time???? So rude 😤
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proxythe · 4 months
you are the number one kotoneposter To Me. akishinji is your brand of course but you simply understand kotone like nobody else.... i love how you lean into her protectiveness and impulsivity, and also i'm obsessed with the way you draw her.
THANK YOUU!!!!!!!!!!! kotone is easily my favorite protagonist, i seriously love her so much 🫶
i always think no one will believe me when i say this considering the amount of akishinjiposting i do, but i do indeed love and think about kotone just as much 😭 she takes up so much space in my heart … so it makes me glad to hear that i characterize her in a way that you love … i try my best…
it’s important for me to spread that kotone is not just smiley and silly all the time, although her silliness is captivating and her smile is radiant… but it’s also important to me to not make her seem solely violent or aggressive, tho her aggression & violence ARE something i feel a lot of people probably dont know about her, they’re not what her entire personality is either… shes more than either of those things gahhhh
usually, i think a lot of people default her to the opposite of minato, where hes visibly depressed and shes “hiding it behind a smile” depressed (both of which i have my own thoughts on… trust me…) but ANYWAYS… sorry i yapped. i just love her…
+ thank you for loving how i draw her. i feel like ive changed how i draw her a few times but im finally loving what ive landed on for her <3
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basicallyjaywalker · 10 months
Thinking about Ivy to realize I haven't posted about her at all so have a short infodump (when I get the chance to finish rewatching S5 I'm also gonna be insufferable about her)
-daughter of Morro and wind elemental and orphan with a lot of resentment
-taken in by Ronin, no one is sure if this was the better or worse option than living on the streets
-expert forger and a sneaky little thief
-her wind element is suppressed since Morro's held onto it. It's like it's been split in half between the two of them and after he's released from the cursed realm he hogs it like a blanket
-had a mom, once.
-since i recently rewatched skybound: she definitely believed the ninja could be innocent during the bounty hunt, but probably still helped bc a payday is important
-she would be part of the ninja replacement team
-gets along shockingly well with lloyd (bonded over morro giving them irreversible trauma)
-would also get along with jay and nya and would try to learn mechanics from them (ronin tried to teach her but it failed)
-her and luna are <3 they met when Ivy tried to rob doomsday comix and luna instead infodumped on her about a magical girl series. neither knows how to address their feelings despite each being almost a year older than the ninja
-ivy loves the sea and the water, always has. the docks of Stiix are one of her favorite places to hang out
-she inherited her dad's little hair streak and she dyes it black for a long time
-i do want her relationship with morro to slightly heal and have a fic planned for how it starts, but it takes a lot of introspection and she never fully does forgive him for leaving her
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oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
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okay i just put this in the tags of a different post but now i have to put it in another post so i can talk about it more <3
celestia and luna : kusuo and kusuke is NOT a cut and dry comparison and neither of them fit one or the other perfectly.. for the most part, kusuo is celestia and kusuke is luna (kusuke lashing out because he thinks kusuo is better than him, that things are easier for kusuo, kusuo not understanding, etc etc.) but the problem with that by itself is that that goes BOTH ways in almost the same exact way, the biggest difference is in how they cope with it all.. kusuo also sees himself in luna A LOT, but unlike kusuke he keeps his issues bottled up and never once takes it out on him.. he competes back to kusuke, especially when they were kids, but for the most part he doesnt WANT to and only does it because either 1) kusuke tries to make him feel inferior or 2) kusuke BRIBES him to do it ???
they both think the other has it better and wish that they could live the others life, and neither of them understand the others struggles (and probably never will fully, but hopefully itll get better for them.)
kusuo definitely watched mlp and thinks of HIMSELF as the luna or the 'nightmare moon' of the two of them because, even though he hasnt ever actually lashed out in that way, he knows how perfectly capable of it he is and he believes himself to be some sort of monster.. and its not really a rational way for him to see things, especially since he doesnt even usually view kusuke in a positive light ? but lunas story just hits home with him that badly..
this is just one reason why i think it sucks that kusuo being "powerless" basically only lasted a weekend, because we totally couldve gotten to see a "celestia and luna switching cutie marks for a day" kind of dynamic between kusuo and kusuke.. obviously not with kusuke having powers, but with him being above kusuo and more powerful than the general human race and realizing that being better than kusuo isnt what he wanted it to be..
and seeing how absolutely depressed and in denial kusuo becomes at first when he starts getting his powers back wouldve hit so much harder for kusuke if it had been a slower realization before kusuo could begin accepting himself again
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homoeroticvillain · 9 months
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just realized people probably arent aware that geist has a whole ass boyfriend
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yujeong · 5 months
I LOVE the poem you just shared 🥺 I definitely thought it was Pete's pov before I read your tags, and figured that Pete's death was when he nearly died in the safehouse. Maybe it's super cool that it can be read both ways or maybe I'm just delusional. Either way, thank you for sharing 💕
My sweet anon, I would have replied to your beautiful ask sooner, but unfortunately, it made me cry a little too hard for that to be possible. Thank you so, so much for sharing your thoughts about my poem with me. You're definitely not delusional; the beauty of poetry is that each reader can find their own meaning in it. I'm so glad I wrote this in a way that it might not make it clear who's talking: both Vegas and Pete are obsessed with each other, so it'd honestly fit Pete's POV as well. Thank you for opening my eyes to this, I had no idea before. I've been struggling with my writing a lot this year. It's been a struggle to even post those snippets for the 2 year kpts event I share, because my overthinking brain keeps finding flaws in everything I write. Even with my poor beta's help and encouragement it's been a pain, so just know, your message means the world to me. Thank you ❤️
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Finally finished S1 of Lab Rats and all I can say is
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purplesoup-lad-le · 1 year
i want to hear abt ur atla side characters rarepairs 🥺👉👈
OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO you WILL be regretting this ok SO
it all starts with jetko. because i love them. zuko is a pretty major character, so we're ignoring him <33 its jet that matters. he's such a guy. i love him. hes the worst. he's poor little meow meow personified. i mostly just ship the two of them together in the way that they get so codependent that the lines r super blurred and all they know is they hate eachother but CANNOT be separated. and they're pretty damn rarepair-y if the tag has anything on it (like. five new posts a week, compared to the. number of posts in the atla tag by the hour)
going off of jetko, the whole lot of freedom fighters together as a big ole loser squad that bullies eachother affectionately, similar to the divorce squad we have going on- and longshot and smellerbee can have smth if they want idc rlly. but THEN we throw jin in the mix. for chaos and funsies. her and smellerbee have not even heard of eachother in cannon. do i care though? NO because they deserve to meet eachother be weirded out completely then become friends and make fun of their respective losers together. and they do. in my heart
i call this friend group the ba sing se squad and i have a whole storyline in my head all about them because I'm obsessed with them. i will find a way to throw ty lee and mai in the mix too because longshot and mai would get along great. and jin would LOVE to meet/befriend/kiss someone who actually was in fact in the circus (cough unlike zuko cough) and ty lee would gladly reciprocate.
okay that's it with my incoherent probably ooc rambling.... for now.
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dressycobra7 · 10 months
don’t u hate when ur throat hurts 🫠
the back of my throat literally feels so dry and I hate it
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aa-400 · 1 year
me ignoring how the king in yellow is definitely cruel and malicious with my whole chest: arthur holding john and yellow to uniquely human standards and punishing/being angry with them when they fail to meet those standards is kinda shitty and he should do more to consider where they come from or at least remember that they aren't human, actually, and haven't lived whole human lives in a human society.
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stxend · 2 years
saw someone say that the green jacket s3 costume was their least favorite of the series but i cannot express just How Much i love that costume….the symbolism of it!!!!
The uses of red and green in Matt’s costuming during season 3 are so wildly important— matt wore red previously when he was finally ready to embrace who he really was (albeit he over exerted it, but this is a textpost im writing on my phone at 2am. Semantics aren’t important), and the moment he’s conscious enough to wear more than bandages he’s not dressed in it again.
When he finally starts doing DD work he wears green (the foiling color), and seems so unlike himself because of his depression and the remnants of the mindset Stick drove in him at such an impressionable age. The costume is reminiscent of Stick’s because of the trauma that it represents, and how Matt is acting out because of it. Such an important part of season three is the fear trauma instills on a person and the behaviors they’ll show because of it! These fears are used against the characters, ultimately making the entire season’s plot.
Matt ultimately sheds the green for his work-suit, which is notable because he’s going somewhere to (albeit fail due to manipulation) protect what he has left of his friends— he unintentionally sheds the mindset that Stick has left him with in his death, and is then baptized in shades of red again, both in lighting and in the stains on his skin and clothes. His own blood is where we see him in the color that truly represents what he is: violent and angry, but ultimately kind, caring, and quintessentially good.
We see him, again, try to evade these emotions while he dresses in a green hoodie. When he’s dressed as Daredevil he continues to only wear black and white, but as Matthew Murdock (whenever he’s conscious enough to choose his own clothes) he dresses in green. At this point, he only reverts back to his own philosophy when he’s weak and beaten enough to not think twice.
Finally we have Matt wear red (his glasses) in episode 6, when he’s willing to turn himself in for the sake of his friends. He realizes that there’s more important things than his own self-isolation, and makes an attempt at turning tides. Of course, this turns into the Bulletin attack, and he goes back to only wearing black and white.
The moment where we finally see Matt fully, actually dressed in red (besides the points where he’s bloody and tired, but I already explained my interpretation of that) is between episodes 10 and 11. The flood lighting present after Father Lantom’s murder bathes a beaten Matt fully in red, and then once the coast is clear and he and Karen and Maggie are in the basement we see my favorite part:
Maggie giving Matt the red shirt.
One thing I forgot to mention is that Matt reverted back to the green jacket/hat after he found out that Maggie was his mom— this hurt him, of course he’d relapse into a toxic mindset. The people closest to him in his life lied to him and he was scared and mad.
But Maggie always cared for him, and knew who he was deep down. Mad, sure, but inherently good and not willing to give up. The gloves she gave him to box in episode one had hints of red on the label; the neti pot she gifted him to clear his sinuses was the first real instance where he was covered in his own blood. She wanted her son to understand what she saw, even if one of her main flaws as a person is the difficulty she has communicating.
Because of all of this, the strength of the scene where she hands him a red shirt is incredible. It’s outright the first time he wears an entirely and intentionally red garment since Midland Circle. Karen has to nudge him into accepting it because of his apprehension, but he wears it anyway. He works with his friends again. He forgives. He’s violent, but kind. He’s working toward becoming himself and working through his depression again, and the symbolism of one shirt is genuinely one of my favorite parts of the entire show.
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apologies for the rant vent whatever this is, I'm just a little guy with worbs and thoughts and feelings who needs to say them
(I would write this on my own, but I need to put it into the world, so. apologies.)
okay no its. I don't get it. why the fuck can't I just. complain about when my leg hurts. if I get asked to do something that. is going to hurt to do why the fuck can't I say it? why the fuck are you angry at me for saying it?? I get i cant fuckin do it, believe me id love to if it means you don't constantly tell me that i dont fuckin do anything anymore (beleive me. I know.) Would you fuckin prefer I didn't say a fuckin word and just sat in silence and when it eventually came crashing down oh I'd be the one to blame cause I didn't fuckin say anything. Would that be preferred? Cause I'd actually not like to be in pain right now. (And I get you're trying to help figure it out and i get were trying to get it fixed or not hurting as much but me telling you it hurts is your sign it *hurts* and sometimes it hurt just to stand and you just need to take that as it is. My legs hurt all the time now. I can't do everything I could even a few months ago when it was in bursts every so often.)
And I get you're in pain to, and that your knees buckle too and that you can still do things despite that, but I'm not fuckin you. I'm not. Used to this. You've been going through this for years longer than I have. It's not right to compare us. Just because I'm younger and should be 'able to handle the pain' better doesn't fuckin mean I *can* (and that's fukcin stupid anyway, you know? what the fuck do you mean handle it better? I've been suffering in silence for fuckin years at this point when it hurt really bad, and I couldn't handle it fuckin then. I was younger then to? your logic of that doesn't fuckin. make sense.)
I just. I know we're trying to figure it out. But I need you to understand that I'm in pain. And that it hurts to do a lot of things that require my legs right now. And yes I can do them, but maybe you need to consider I sit in one chair for over an hour right beofre I leave school. And that makes it worse. and taht after school I just wnat to fuckin sit and not do anything (because that makes it feel moderately better) and I understand that one day we'll figure it out and that until then you're not going to get that it hurts. bad. and that I honestly feel like I'm gonna fall over sometimes. I get that. I just hope you'd listen when I tell you how I feel. and maybe that's hard because I'm still a kid and shouldn't feel like this, or that you just see this as an excuse to get out of things, or yada yada yada. but I hope eventually you *will* and I dont have to feel like shit everytime I tell you "hey my legs hurt" but right nows not then.
I just. I wnat you to hear me and listen to me when I say it. Okay? I don't want the excuse of how you're in pain to and you still do things and you're older and shouldn't have as high as a pain tolerance as me. I don't fucking care, actually. I'm in fuckin pain, you're more used to it, and I'm fucking allowed to complain when it hurts and I feel like I can't do something, for fucks sake.
(I still love you, and I know you're trying your best and I'm sure I just seem like a kid you wants to get out of doing things. but I'm not. and I hope you see that soon.)
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kdd-works · 2 years
Us: Acting like an exclusionist regarding sexualities and genders is wrong. All sexual/gender identities are a part of the LGBT+ community.
Everyone: Yeah! Exclusionists go die! Queer gatekeepers are just feds that don't get paid for it!
Us: Acting like an exclusionist regarding mental disorders is wrong. All mental disorders are a part of the neurodivergent community.
Everyone: NoOoOoOoOoo, I want to act like a lawyer about the different categories of mental disorders against the wishes of the creator of the term so I can gatekeep mental illnesses from neurodivergence because I want to prevent people from having their discrimination recognized because WE have the PROPER form of mental disorder
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politelymenacing · 1 year
Ffs. Getting real tired of seeing a few folk download the screenshots I have taken from Ted Lasso and repost them saying the exact same thing I've said about that moment.
Why?? What are you achieving?
I know it's not like stealing gifs and that I really only took a couple of minutes to take and upload them, but still. Frustrating.
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