#my brain is a bit jumbled so my apologies if my little rant made no sense…
proxythe · 4 months
you are the number one kotoneposter To Me. akishinji is your brand of course but you simply understand kotone like nobody else.... i love how you lean into her protectiveness and impulsivity, and also i'm obsessed with the way you draw her.
THANK YOUU!!!!!!!!!!! kotone is easily my favorite protagonist, i seriously love her so much 🫶
i always think no one will believe me when i say this considering the amount of akishinjiposting i do, but i do indeed love and think about kotone just as much 😭 she takes up so much space in my heart … so it makes me glad to hear that i characterize her in a way that you love … i try my best…
it’s important for me to spread that kotone is not just smiley and silly all the time, although her silliness is captivating and her smile is radiant… but it’s also important to me to not make her seem solely violent or aggressive, tho her aggression & violence ARE something i feel a lot of people probably dont know about her, they’re not what her entire personality is either… shes more than either of those things gahhhh
usually, i think a lot of people default her to the opposite of minato, where hes visibly depressed and shes “hiding it behind a smile” depressed (both of which i have my own thoughts on… trust me…) but ANYWAYS… sorry i yapped. i just love her…
+ thank you for loving how i draw her. i feel like ive changed how i draw her a few times but im finally loving what ive landed on for her <3
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nozocentric · 4 years
Nozomi: Chapter 6
The kunai wedged into the right side of the target, and Nozomi grinned triumphantly.  She had been working hard the last three days, staying after class to utilize the practice area.  She hadn’t managed to hit the center of the target yet, but she was improving.
“A little more to the left.” She murmured.  Her brows knit together in concentration as she clutched the blade and drew her arm back.    ‘Okay, relax.  I can do this, I just need to stay focused!’
“Hi, Nozomi-chan!”
The unexpected voice made Nozomi jump, and she hurled the kunai with too much force.  Her ears drooped as it sailed past the target, clattering to the ground several feet away, and she went to pick it up with a groan.  As she turned around, her eyes landed on a guilty looking Naruto peeking over the fence.
“Naruto-kun, you scared me!” She grumbled, crossing her arms.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to!” The blond apologized, sweat dropping as he jumped the fence.
“It’s fine...but if you startle me again I might throw it at you on accident..”  Nozomi smirked teasingly, and the boy laughed nervously.
“On accident...r-right.  It won’t happen again, hehe..”  
The brunette snickered and rolled her eyes in amusement.  “So, what brings you to the Academy?” She asked, shifting her attention back to the target.  
Naruto stayed behind her, watching and smiling when the kunai hit the target.  “Well, it’s been a few days since I saw you, so I thought I’d see if you were here.”
“...Oh.” Nozomi whipped around to face the boy, an apologetic look on her face.  “Sorry about that.  I went to see you, but the nurse said you’d been discharged.  I don’t know where you live, so all I could do was hope we’d eventually run into each other.”
“Mhm.”  The look in Naruto’s eyes said he didn’t quite believe her, and she glanced to the side uncomfortably.  She had kind of been avoiding him.   Even though he’d gotten out of the hospital before she came by, she could’ve asked around and gotten his home address.  She’d just been relieved for an excuse to put off their meeting.
When she looked back up, the boy’s eyes were searching her and she gulped, gathering all her courage.   “Listen, Naruto-kun.  About what happened before.” She averted her gaze as embarrassment flooded her all over again. ”Umm....I’m really sorry.”
“Heheh..”  Naruto’s mouth turned up at the corners as he laughed softly, prompting the brunette to look up again as he spoke.  “It’s okay, don’t worry about it.”  He lowered his voice.  “I actually kinda liked it.”
His words were rushed and jumbled together, but Nozomi’s ears still picked them up, and she frowned, confused.  “Oh...okay...?”   The brunette gave him a big grin that exposed her fangs.  She’d just ignore that last bit of what he’d said for now.  
Naruto opened his mouth to make a teasing remark, but his words were drowned out by a sudden chorus of shrieking and laughter.  Class was about to get underway.
“Looks like that’s my cue to head inside.” Nozomi remarked, turning away.
Remembering that he’d come to ask her something, the blond grabbed her arm, forcing her to turn back around..  “W-wait!”
“What is it?”  She looked at him expectantly and he paused, sweat dropping. “Umm...What was I gonna say..?” He paused, groaning as he racked his brain for the real reason he’d come by.  How could he just forget at a time like this?!  
Just as Nozomi was about to say she had to go, it hit him.  “Oh!  That’s right!” He sighed with relief and grinned.  “You haven’t forgotten, have you?  About the celebration we planned?”
“Of course not.” Nozomi shook her head, looking at him curiously.  
“Just making sure.” Naruto replied, stepping back toward the fence.  “Meet me at Ichiraku after class, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll be there.” A look of understanding was on the brunette’s face as she nodded, and he cheered, pumping his fist in the air.
“Alright.  See you then!”  
Nozomi waved as he left before putting her kunai away and running to join up with Iruka and her classmates.
The doors burst open and children poured out of the building, cheering.  Class was over, and they were free for another day.
Nozomi carefully picked her way through the crowd of students, doing her best not to run into anyone.  She was almost through when a jolt of pain shot through her tail, and she bit back a shriek, yanking it out from under an unsuspecting boy’s shoe.  
Finally she got through the stampede of children and took off running.  She wasn’t exactly positive where Ichiraku was from here, but she figured she’d find it sooner or later if she kept going.
Luck was on her side today as she turned down another street and spotted the ramen stand up ahead.  As she slowed down to catch her breath, she caught a glimpse of herself in a window and stopped to pat down a few stray hairs.  When she felt satisfied with her appearance, she continued on.
Upon reaching Ichiraku she noticed the orange clad boy was already there, and she smirked, taking a seat beside him.  “Hey, Naruto-kun.”
Naruto turned to face her and smiled.  “Hey!  I hope you’re hungry cause I already ordered!”
“Really?”  Nozomi quirked an eyebrow.  “How did you know what to get me?”
Naruto laughed at her bemused expression.  “I just got you what you had last time.”
“Oh….I can’t believe you actually remembered that.” The brunette chuckled under her breath, and Naruto flashed her a thumbs up, grinning toothily.
“Hehe, of course!  When it comes to my friends I don’t forget anything -ttebayo!”
Nozomi’s lips curved into a small smile, and she nodded, looking away somewhat bashfully.  “I see.”  After a brief pause, she looked at him curiously.  “So...How have you been?  Are you getting enough rest?  It’s important to take it easy for the first few days after you leave the hospital.”
“Are you kidding me?!” Naruto exploded, looking at her incredulously, and she shrank back slightly, not expecting his outburst.  “There’s no way I’m taking it easy!  I’ve gotta get stronger and bring Sasuke back!”
As he went into a rant about the importance of not losing sight of one’s goal, Nozomi smiled softly, remembering her own goal.  Sure, the ninja career may have been forced on her, but the more time passed, the less it bothered her.  Perhaps it was because helping Naruto was her personal goal, and she had to be a ninja to be of any use.
‘Just wait a little longer, Naruto-kun.  I’m going to graduate and get stronger so I can help without holding you back!’
The brunette flinched, jerking back to attention as Naruto’s fingers snapped in her face.  “Sorry, what?  I was lost in thought.” She confessed, smiling sheepishly.
“Huh.  That happens a lot, doesn’t it?” The spiky haired boy raised an eyebrow and gave a long, exaggerated sigh.  “I said how are your classes going?”
“Oh.” Nozomi recalled her recent issues with building and releasing chakra and scratched the back of her head, chuckling awkwardly.  “They’re okay.  Chakra’s probably my least favorite thing to work on..”
Naruto simply nodded, giving her a sympathetic look as he remembered his own struggle in that area.  “You’ll get it though, and when you do you’ll be able to learn all kinds of cool ninjutsu -ttebayo!”
“We’ll see.” The brunette murmured, glancing off to the side.  She had known that chakra was a big part of being a ninja; what she hadn’t known was that it was required for jutsu!  She must have missed that lesson.  ‘Or maybe that was the one I slept through.’ She thought, frowning.  There was much more to being a ninja than she thought!
Sensing her discouragement, Naruto hurried to change the subject.  “So, I would’ve said this earlier but I didn’t wanna distract you again.  You’re pretty good with those kunai!” He grinned, noticing the way the girl’s face lit up.  “What does Iruka-sensei think?”
“Thanks, but I’m not usually so good.  Today was one of my better days.” The brunette smiled back at him before looking away, a thoughtful look on her face.  “He wants me to practice more.”
“So practice!” Naruto replied.  “Iruka-sensei is a great teacher -ttebayo!   Just do what he says and you’ll do great!” He broke off, grinning sheepishly.  “...Sometimes I wish I’d paid a little more attention to what he said, hehe..”
“I can tell he’s a great teacher just watching him.  I would practice more, but...” Nozomi’s brows drew together as she began to pout.  “Saera-sensei won’t let me borrow any kunai!  How the heck am I supposed to practice without one?”
Naruto had been trying his hardest to listen without interrupting, but at the unfamiliar name he lost that battle.  “Who’s Saera-sensei?” He leaned in curiously, his chin resting on the girl’s shoulder.
“Eh?” The brunette froze as she noticed how close his face was, and coughed awkwardly, gently pushing him back onto his stool.  “I never told you about her?”
The boy shook his head, giving her an impatient look as he pressed for answers.  “No, you didn’t.  So who is she?”
Nozomi laughed and shook her head.  “Okay, I’ll tell you.  Relax, would ya!”
“Fine…” Naruto leaned back in his seat, folding his arms across his chest expectantly.  “So..”
“When I went to find out my living arrangements, Saera-sensei was there waiting with the Hokage.” The brunette explained.  “Er..that is, she’s not my sensei yet, more like going to be.  After I graduate the Academy,” She amended quickly.  “For now, she’s just my roommate.”
“You’re living with your future sensei?  That must be exciting!” Naruto broke off as the girl’s smile faded, and she turned away, staring down at the counter top.  “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t think she likes me very much.” Nozomi said after a long pause, still staring at the counter.  “She barely comes home and when she does it’s so tense.”   The memory of the first time she’d met Saera flashed before her eyes, and she shuddered..  “When she learned that we were rooming together she was so mad.  I think...If looks could kill, I’d have been dead and buried.”
Naruto had felt slightly envious that she had someone to live with, but the more information the brunette divulged, the more he realized that her set up wasn’t a great one.   Obviously this was not a happy subject for her, and he racked his brain for something to say to change the subject.  
As he thought back to earlier parts of their conversation, he recalled her frustration with the kunai training and grinned.  Maybe he couldn’t do anything about the strain between her and her roommate, but he could help with that!
“Nozomi-chan.” He began, shifting in his seat so his body faced her.  “Do you want to go work on your throws after we eat?”
The brunette’s eyes slowly lifted to meet his, and she gave him a rueful grin.  “I’d love to, but I don’t have anything to use, remember?”
“Yeah, I know.”  A cheeky grin was on Naruto’s face as he nodded.  “I’ll let you borrow one of mine!”
“Really?” Nozomi’s eyes were hopeful as she looked at him, surprised, and when he nodded it took all her self control not to hug him.   “In that case, I’d love to!”
“Okay!” The spiky haired boy beamed, secretly happy that she’d accepted because that gave him an excuse to spend more time with her after.  
Two steaming bowls of ramen were placed before them, then, and Nozomi’s heart did a slight flip as she looked at hers.  It was the barbeque pork that she’d ordered her first night in Konoha.  Naruto really had remembered, and that meant more to her than he could know.
She turned to the boy and grinned.  “To you getting out of the hospital.” She toasted.
“And to you staying here in Konoha!” Naruto added on.
“To a long lasting friendship.” Nozomi beamed at the boy as they broke their chopsticks, and all conversation ceased as they slurped their noodles contently.
Naruto stood to the side, watching as Nozomi threw the kunai at the target he’d carved into the tree.  She definitely had the concentration end of things down, but her aim was still off.
The girl stepped back and gave a frustrated sigh, turning suddenly and pointing in his direction.  “Naruto-kun!” She called out, causing said boy to jump and nod to show he was listening.  “You’re a ninja!  What do you do when you want to improve?”
“Me?  Well..” Naruto squinted his eyes as he thought, picturing a crowd of resentful villagers with Sasuke at the center, staring disdainfully at him down.  ‘I’ve always worked hard because I wanted everyone to stop looking down on me.  Especially Sasuke!  It always made me so mad when he’d act all superior..’
“I guess for me it’s about the way people look at me like I’m a no good troublemaker who’ll never do anything with my life.  I hate it when others just assume things about me so I go all out cause I want to prove them wrong!” He paused, looking at the girl thoughtfully.  “What about you?”
Nozomi sweat dropped and glanced around the area before pointing at herself, confused.
“Yeah, you.” Naruto’s face was serious as he stepped closer.  “Has someone or something ever made you really angry?  Try using that to motivate yourself!”
She tilted her head, ears perking in confusion as she looked at him unsurely.  “Uh...sure, but how will getting angry help me?”
Now it was Naruto’s turn to sweat drop as he answered, scratching the back of his head.  “Don’t get angry.  Think of someone who frustrates you and picture them on the target!”
“Ohhh!  Okay, I get it!” Nozomi grinned, nodding.  “I’ll give it a try.”  She closed her eyes, thinking hard.  Who did she know that made her really angry?   Kumoraku came to mind, and she smirked.  ‘She did make my life hell...’ The brunette envisioned the demon’s face at the center of the tree and threw the kunai.  When it only managed to land on the outside of the target, she decided to go back to thinking.
A head of dirty blond hair with grey eyes materialized in her mind, and she narrowed her eyes in disgust. Suoh.  Of course.  She pictured his sneering face on the tree, and her blood boiled with rage.  She chucked the kunai forward as hard as she could, and gasped when it hit the tree with a thunk.  She still hadn’t hit the center, but it was close.  
Excitement coursed through her as she yanked the kunai free and tried again, concentrating on the space between “Suoh’s” eyes.  The kunai shot forward again, this time landing right beside the center and she gritted her teeth.  
A few minutes later, after trying and trying with the same results she dropped the weapon, frustrated.  What was she doing wrong?!  
“Aww, poor wittle Kubota demon. Should’ve guessed you’d suck at this.  After all, you fail at everything.”
Nozomi gasped sharply as the boy on the tree taunted her, and a low growl rumbled in her chest.  She knew that it had to be her imagination, but that didn’t stop his last words to her from echoing in her mind.  
“Your parents’ death is all your fault.  None of this would have happened if it weren't for you.”
‘Shut up, you jerk!’  Rage consumed her, and she thrust the kunai at the boy that her imagination had convinced her was really there.
Naruto, who’d been watching quietly perked up as the kunai embedded deep into the center of the target, and he cheered loudly.  “Yeah!  You did it!”  She failed to answer and he frowned, noticing the murderous look she was giving the target.  “Nozomi-chan?”
Suddenly, a furious snarl ripped from the brunette’s throat.  “You--you bastard!  I’ll kill you!!”
Without warning, Nozomi lunged for the tree and he sweat dropped, dashing forward to catch her before she could hurt herself.  “What’s the matter with you?!  It’s just a tree!” He barreled into her, knocking her off her footing and grabbed her shoulders to keep her from falling.  “Snap out of it already!”
Still too blinded with rage to realize what was going on, she swiped at him and he gritted his teeth as her claws raked across his face.  “Gaahhh!”
The brunette stopped abruptly, gasping as the scent of blood reached her nose.   “Naruto-kun?!” Her eyes widened, taking in the jagged claw marks on his face.  “I did that to you..?”
Naruto touched the scratches gingerly, wincing slightly as he forced a grin.  “What, this?  It’s just a scratch, don’t worry!”  
Ignoring his attempt to brush it off, she stepped away, glaring down at her claws, which were stained with a sprinkle of blood.  “Naruto-kun, I….” When she finally looked back at him, a lump formed in her throat, making it impossible to speak, and she turned on her heel and ran.  
“What the-?!” Bewildered, Naruto picked up the forgotten kunai and hurried in the direction she’d gone.   When he finally found her, she was kneeling in front of a small lake, and he took a seat beside her quietly.
“I hate these stupid claws!” She lamented as she washed her hands in the water.  “All they do is cause trouble for me!”
When she refused to acknowledge the boy beside her, he scowled at her.  “Hello?!” He flailed his arms, trying to get her attention.  “Why’d you run off like that?”
There was a long pause as the brunette glanced at him from the corner of her eye.  “Because I hurt you.  That’s why.”
Naruto frowned and grabbed her shoulder, turning her to face him.  “Hey, it was an accident!  It’ll heal!  Don’t beat yourself up over it!”
Her shoulders sagged and she glanced at him sadly.  “I guess so...I still feel bad, though.  I can’t even blame it on Kumoraku for once..” She reached out hesitantly to touch his face.  
He winced when she brushed over the claw marks and she withdrew her hand quickly, apologizing.  “It’s okay.” The blond tried not to cringe at the pain in his face as he smiled reassuringly at his friend.
“If only we had a bandage or something to clean those cuts!” Nozomi sighed exasperatedly, racking her brain for a solution.  Her eyes trailed back to the water in front of them, and her eyes lit up. “I’ve got an idea.”
Naruto watched, startled as she tore off part of her shirt sleeve and wadded it up, dipping it into the water.  Once she’d wrung it out, she turned back to him and smiled softly.  “I’m going to clean those cuts.  I’ll try to be gentle but it might be uncomfortable.”
Nodding his understanding, the boy braced himself as she leaned in and raised the black cloth to his face.   The cool water felt good, and he closed his eyes, letting himself relax.  The feel of her scrubbing the dried blood was a little uncomfortable, but he could tell she was trying to be gentle, so he tried not to complain.  After a few minutes, she pulled back and looked him over.  
“I’m afraid that’s the best I can do.”  Her voice was laced with regret, and he beamed at her, ignoring the sting of the air on his wet face.
“Hey, that’s fine.  You didn’t even have to do that.” He hoped she could see how grateful he was, even so.  Most girls he knew were always so vain when it came to their outfits, so it really touched him that Nozomi had willingly torn hers to help him out.
“Yes I did,” The brunette insisted, moving to sit beside him again.  “It’s my fault you’re hurt.  I just hope it heals up quickly because I’m going to feel bad everytime I look at you until it does..”
“Don’t worry, you won’t even be able to see these marks by tomorrow!” Naruto assured her cheekily.   After a few minutes, he asked the question that had been bothering him since she ran off. “So...who was on the tree anyway?” Her head whipped around to look at him,surprised, and he gave a weak smile.  “It had to be someone really bad to make you snap like that, right?”
Nozomi nodded reluctantly.  He was the last person she wanted to think about, but after what had happened, she knew she owed Naruto an explanation.  “It was Suoh-kun.” She mumbled.
That name was familiar.  Naruto’s eyes narrowed as he remembered where he’d heard it, and his smile vanished.  “Who is he?”
The brunette suddenly looked uncomfortable as she saw his reaction, and she looked away, pinning her ears.  “He was...the boy I loved...” She replied after a lengthy silence.
“You still love him...don’t you?”  
The pain in his face was forgotten as a familiar burning sensation settled in the pit of his stomach.  He only ever got this way when Sakura ignored him and fawned over Sasuke.  This had nothing to do with Sakura!  So...why did it eat him up inside to think that Nozomi might care for some guy he didn’t know?  
The idea that he maybe had feelings for her crossed his mind, and Naruto was tempted to dismiss it immediately, but...When was the last time he’d asked Sakura out, or even gone to see her?  This was his opportunity to woo her before he brought Mr. Cranky Pants home, so why hadn’t he made his move?  
“...No.  I hate what he did.”
Nozomi’s reply brought him back down to earth, and he listened intently, resisting the urge to cheer at her answer.  Before he could wonder why he’d reacted that way, the rest of what she’d said sunk in, and he tilted his head in confusion.  “What did he do?”
“....He tried to kill me.” The brunette finally responded, and Naruto’s jaw went slack.  
“What?!  I don’t understand!  I thought you said you loved him!  Why would he do something like that?!  I’m confused!” His entire body tensed up as he fought back the growl rising in his throat. ‘If I ever meet that guy…!’  
“I never said he loved me back.” Nozomi gave a harsh laugh and shook her head.  “He played me, did everything it took to earn my trust and then shattered me in the worst way possible.”  She looked away, giving a heavy sigh.  “The whole thing really messed me up, and I don’t know how to trust anyone now.”
Naruto’s eyes widened at the implication behind her words, and she sweat dropped, realizing her mistake.  “I trust you!  It’s others I have trouble with.” She corrected herself quickly.
“Oh…” The boy relaxed, a relieved smile blossoming on his face. “Well, it’s good that you live here now, because everyone is trustworthy once you get to know them!” He paused, noticing the hesitance in her eyes.  “Of course, there’s no rush.  Do it when you’re ready!”  He added quickly.
They stood up then, looking up at the sky, and Nozomi sighed.  “It’s getting late.  I guess that means practice is over.” She frowned.  “I never knew I could get so mad over something that’s not even there..I don’t think I’m gonna be able to use that method.”
“Don’t worry!  We’ll just figure something else out -ttebayo!” Naruto grinned, reaching into his weapon pouch and producing the kunai from earlier.  “You can keep this in the meantime!”
“What--really?”  Nozomi sputtered as he held the kunai out to her, caught off guard.  “Don’t you need it?”
Naruto gave her a cheeky grin and forced the knife into her hands.  “There’s plenty more where that came from, so just take it!  Maybe we can try again tomorrow?”
“Well..I don’t see why not, since I don’t have class.”
“Perfect!” The blond gave her a toothy grin.  “That means we’ll have all day to figure out a training tactic for you!  Maybe we can work on some of your other subjects too!  Okay?”
“Okay.” A warm smile spread across the brunette’s face, softening her features as she nodded slowly.  “I really don’t know what to say, but...this means a lot.  Thank you.”
The boy simply nodded, feeling his heartbeat speed up.  Why did she have this effect on him?  
“If there’s any way I can repay you for all this, please let me know.”
“Hmm…” Naruto rested his chin against his hand, thinking.  “How about letting me walk you home?” He suggested.
Nozomi’s brows knit together in confusion, and she tilted her head to the side.  “How is that repaying you?” She asked.
“I guess it’s not really,” Naruto admitted, smiling sheepishly, “But still!  It’d be nice to know where you live so I can come see you -ttebayo!”  When she didn’t respond, he grinned mischievously. “If not that, well...I wouldn’t turn down another kiss like that last one.”
Nozomi’s jaw nearly dropped open as she stared at him in disbelief.  ‘I’m never going to live that down, am I?’  she thought unhappily, wishing the burning in her cheeks would stop.
“N-no, that’s fine.” She said quickly before he decided to actually ask for that instead. “You can walk me home, I don’t mind!”
Naruto almost pouted but he stopped himself in time and smiled, nodding.  “Okay!”
For some reason he was feeling let down, which made him think that he’d actually wanted the kiss, and not just to make her blush!  A chill raced up his spine when the brunette took his hand to lead him, and he found himself wondering again what exactly she was to him.  He was going to have to figure it out, and soon, before he drove himself crazy.
“Wait, this is where you live?” Naruto exclaimed as Nozomi led him down a street that was all too familiar to him.
“Uh yeah. Why?”  She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, and he snickered with giddiness.
“This isn’t that far from where I live!”
“What?  No way!” The brunette’s eyes lit up, and she gave him a curious look.  “Where do you live?”
The boy was about to answer when he had an idea, and a sneaky grin stretched over his face.  “Well, you’ll just have to wait and find out tomorrow, after kunai practice.”
“You’re gonna make me walk you home to find out, aren’t you?” Nozomi deadpanned, and he shrugged.
“Hmm...Maaaybe.” He sing songed, and she crossed her arms over her chest, pouting slightly.
“Why can’t you just tell me?”
This prompted a snicker from Naruto as he replied.  “Well, I need some way to ensure that you’re gonna come see me!”
The brunette frowned at his tone and rolled her eyes.  “You make it sound like I’d avoid you if I didn’t.” She retorted.
“Isn’t that what you were doing until I found you this morning?” Blond eyebrows arched upward, and she shrank back under his challenging look.
“I...I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Nozomi defended herself, averting her gaze to the side with a slight huff.  “I’ve been busy studying, you know that!”
“Nozomi-chan, don’t lie.  I saw you the other day.”  Naruto smirked as it dawned on her that she’d been caught, her eyes widening.  “When you came to see me but stayed outside the door, I knew you were there.  I watched you leave.”  Nozomi looked very much like the cornered cat that she was, and he bit his lip to keep from laughing.
“Oh.  I...well..” Her ears pressed back as she gave him an apologetic smile, fidgeting nervously.   “S-sorry.  I was still..umm...” She trailed off as her face began to heat up and turned away quickly, starting up the stairs to her apartment.  
Naruto chuckled at her skittishness.  “It’s okay, I know what you mean.” He sighed when they reached the second floor, and she pulled out her key.  “I guess I should get going now.”
Nozomi turned to him and smiled, nodding.  “Yeah...I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
There was a teasing note in the boy’s voice as he answered. “You’d better.”  His heart did another one of those annoying flips when she laughed, and he clicked his tongue in annoyance.  ‘Okay, that’s it.  I don’t know why she keeps making me feel like this, but I’m gonna figure it out!’
With determination in his eyes, he stepped closer to the brunette, ignoring the questioning look this earned him.  
“Naruto-kun..?  What is it?”  
Instead of answering, Naruto leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek, nearly falling over at the current of static that shot through him in the process.  His heart beat wildly as he began to understand why he’d really asked her to kiss him so often.  He enjoyed being so close to her.  The blond stepped back, feeling his face heat up.  If he’d felt all that from just a peck on the cheek, what would happen if he kissed her for real?
“N-Naruto-kun..?” Nozomi’s eyes were twice their normal size as she stared at him, touching where he’d kissed her, and he beamed at her.
“Good night, Nozomi-chan!”  
With a wave of his hand, he was gone, leaving a very confused cat girl behind.
Naruto stepped into his apartment and looked around, grimacing at the mess it was in before falling into his regular routine.  After opening his instant ramen and adding water he set the timer for the three, long minutes he always hated to wait out.
This time, rather than hovering impatiently over his food, he went around the room, picking up discarded clothes and putting them away, and throwing away empty ramen cups.  Nozomi didn’t know it yet, but he planned on inviting her over for dinner, and the last thing he needed was for her to think he was a slob!  
When he finished, he plopped onto his bed, picking up the photo from his nightstand and gazing at it nostalgically.  The faces of Team 7 stared up at him; a memento of simpler times.  He snickered at the various expressions on everyone’s faces, pausing when his eyes landed on Sakura, and he slowly set the picture back down. Now he knew why he wasn’t trying to win her over anymore.
He closed his eyes, recalling the rush of feelings he’d experienced, and the bewildered face of the girl who’d caused them.  He vaguely heard the timer go off as he relived that moment in front of Nozomi’s apartment, a goofy grin spreading across his face.  There was no denying it.  He was falling for her.  
His eyes fluttered open, and he groaned as he remembered their plans for the next day.  “Aw man!  How am I gonna act normal around her now?!”
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