#literature phd
aliteraryprincess · 1 year
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Spending the day at the library to hopefully finish this dissertation prospectus. 🤞
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alifethatilove · 8 months
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22 Jan, 2024
Past few days have been awfully hard. I witnessed the death of my little sister. Things have been hard, really hard. I keep feeling like this is a nightmare and I’ll somehow wake up to reality and it won’t be as bad.
I got back home and got myself to sit and open my books to try and distract myself. It felt like the toughest thing to do. I almost feel guilty for trying to distract myself from it all. But i know if i let myself loose, i’d spiral down.
So i am starting this blog as a way to cope with everything going on, to try and cling to the second chance i got at life when i was 16. Seeing her struggle made me realise not everyone gets a second chance at life. So i should make use of mine, right?
I should do well in life, try to make everyone around me happy and proud..right? I want to be able to be happy and smile.
Also, today was राम मंदिर प्राण प्रतिष्ठा l so i lit up a दिया (diya) ,prayed to भगवान जी to provide peace to her soul and strength to everyone hurting.
Love always,
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prokopetz · 9 months
The problem with Victor Frankenstein isn't that he's not as smart as he thinks he is. The problem with Victor Frankenstein is that he's exactly as smart as he thinks he is in one very specific area, and he just expects that to automatically translate to every other area of his life and is taken completely by surprise every single time it doesn't.
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penandpaper-love · 10 months
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November 30, 2023
Still feeling drained and tired. At least we have snow and it's incredibly beautiful...
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botanyshitposts · 2 years
there’s an agronomy professor at my work who can take a common crop seed, let it soak in chemicals that dye living parts of the seed shades of red, and then can cut it open and tell you WHY it’s rotting instead of germinating AND can give an approximation of what stage of the growing/harvesting process might have gone wrong to kill it and honestly I’m just struck by how much of an incredibly powerful niche skillset this is. just incredibly valuable in any context, not just in dystopian monoculture corn reality where well-bred/treated/engineered crop seeds are incredibly expensive commodities to be bought and sold but also like, for most of human history? like is this not something kings and emperors and civilizations through human history would put you on courts and councils for. person who can tell you why the crops aren’t growing. remarkable
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elistudies · 17 days
I’m a little nervous about being unemployed after my silly little phd
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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literarydesire · 10 months
I sometimes catch myself thinking: maybe academia isn't for me after all? Maybe it's too tough and I too soft? Maybe the sort of passion I am capable of isn't enough? But then I remember that I will be the first person of my entire bloodline to earn a PhD and then, suddenly, it all seems worth it.
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 2 months
We need someone to write Alexander and Hephaestion the way Madeline Miller wrote tsoa
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stuckinapril · 2 months
Every single person on the admissions committees for my dream med schools will roll their eyes when I say I want to become a doctor bc I love science and also love the humanity of it all……… but it’s literally the truth
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aliteraryprincess · 3 months
Guess who has 20 pages of a dissertation!
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ladycatashtrophe · 7 months
The urge to get a PhD...
The urge to get a PhD in linguistics, literature, writing, and psychology...
The urge to get a PhD in linguistics, literature, writing, and psychology abroad....
Mmm, self-indulgence...
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You were the center of my universe
ever expanding towards entropy
and I was foolish enough
to think the gaps between your particles
was where I could make my home.
That you created space for me
to exist, slowly surrounded and engulfed
to forever watch you change
in fascinating and intricate ways.
That you slowed in your acceleration
to spend more time
close to me.
So that you did not drift away
too quickly
but enjoyed the process
of spreading out
and slowing down
and cooling off.
So that your temperatures
would not burn me
but kept me warm.
But I cannot breathe
in the vacuum of space.
You cannot control
your descent towards chaos.
You are no longer burning hot
but a cold fire.
Your heat death
will leave me isolated
and frozen.
I am adrift
and cannot make sense
of the closest parts of you.
I cannot see the forest
for the trees are too far apart.
You were my universe
all your unknowns just waiting
to be discovered.
And now, the motes of dust
that were stars
are foreign and contextless.
I can no longer
guide myself by your constellations.
Your stars have burnt out
and scattered across this
empty vacuum.
I cannot tell where I am
except that I am cold and
I am waiting for the day
or night
or fragment of time
where you will realize
you are unrecognizable
even to yourself.
I pray that when you condense
all your particles will
come crashing towards
the center where I lay
And crush us both.
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penandpaper-love · 3 months
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July 11th, 2024
It's hard to focus, especially as I have an allergic reaction in my eyes... However, the end is near. Two days left!
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he was onto something.
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alyssa-grey · 21 days
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Anyone else struggling with finding sustained community in their PhD? I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve spent my entire time (3+ years) trying to develop strong friendships but it just seems like everything has failed so far. The people I do spend time with just aren’t meeting my needs in the friendship, and I’m trying to be understanding of the fact that we’re adults with our own lives and responsibilities and deserve to do things on our own time.
No one talks about the social struggles of graduate school, which in my case has made everything else feel a lot harder because I’ve always had really close friendships.
Is it me? Am I the problem 😂🤨😭
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