#literally without a doubt
incendiorum-arch · 2 years
if you could go without a limb, an eye or just without something important, which would you choose?
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SILENTLY, IOVITA MOVES THEIR SHIRT aside to reveal part of their shoulder brace, hooking a finger underneath it before letting it go, snapping back against their skin. “ the entire arm can go. not even latona could fix it. ” granted, iovita had also found her long after the injury had healed, putting it beyond her skills. all she can do for them now is offer pain relief, which only goes so far. “ I hate the damn thing. sure, I still use it, but not nearly as much as I did when it wasn’t… like this. you know what I would give to stretch, properly? with both hands over my head? gods, I bet it feels glorious. ”
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secondary-colorentimy · 6 months
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everyone and their mother goes thru the monthly occurrence of grabbing pics of young rsl and going 'oh my god new orleans wilson' but like. rsl in Married To It (1991) is literally how i imagine him at that time...the boring suit. the ring. the almost-but-not-quite middle part. the fact that its very much the 90's. if he was a little more dishevelled and fucked up it would be quite literally Him that night
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chaos-bringer-13 · 8 months
Omg I just had a thought! (insert someone joking about this being my first time thinking)
So, you know how in the movies there's someone dying and another character has hallucinations about that dead character and then there is a scene with dead character going like "I'm dead, just let me go"???
Danny. Danny can do that. Or Dani, she's chaotic enough. Just say to someone dramatically all this "I'm dead, you're hallucinating, let me go" speech and go intangible and invisible.
And it can be used for angst where Danny dies in front of someone and has to pretend he's dead, and then they meet each other accidentally and Danny gaslights his way out of it
Or for complete crack with Danny just being a little shit and doing that on every opportunity, several times in one day
Like, character N and Danny end up alone in one room, Danny smirks, N hisses "don't you dare!", and Danny does dramatic speech of "I am deaaad, you're lying to yourself, let me go". Bonus points if just a minute ago Danny was giving a speech to like 10 people, and all of them clearly could see him. More bonus points if Danny accidentally does the hallucination speech in front of someone else, and they just stand there really confused.
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fcstellae · 4 months
how people treat franziska in aa2 is a litmus test for how u treat women in media i think bc yes shes irrational and shes angry and shes mean to phoenix. she thinks her brothers dead. she thinks phoenix is responsible for that. not only does she think her brother is dead her father is recently arrested and has been disgraced and her entire world is flipped upside down and shes in a foreign country and shes barely 18 and her brother is dead and her fathers in jail for murder and she's the only von karma left. of course her only thought is revenge on the person who's caused it all. how would you react in that situation?
((also imo people are way too serious about the whole whip thing. Ace Attorney is a game with slapstick violent humor. It's supposed to make you laugh. She's not abusing Phoenix, the source material is making a joke. What's important to note is that AA's writing is very sexist at times and of course it's not treating her or her feelings seriously. But no one takes issue when Godot throws very hot coffee in Phoenix's face, or when Pearl hits Phoenix so hard he passes out, because they know it's the games comedy. So what's the difference when Franziska does it?))
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
currently thinking about unreliable narrator saiki kusuo, and the fact that if the manga was written from anyone else's perspective then everyone would see him as a tsundere stalker, borderline yandere..
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hikaaa-bi · 4 months
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you tell her, lena
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krysmcscience · 5 months
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Aww, look at these cute lil kiddos, they couldn't possibly be-
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-oh, wait, no, never mind. They're evil.
I'll clean up and color these sketches eventually. Also, goofy headcanon stuff under the readmore if anyone cares. XD;
The Mystic Seller's mention of Leshy's ascension to godhood got me wondering what sort of mortals the Bishops used to be before they were gods, and how the five of them are even siblings. Unless some Real Weird Genetic Fuckery is going on, I have severe doubts they're related by blood, so...Found Family...? Yes, please~ OuO
So now in my brainspace they start out as a bunch of wretched orphan kids, relying on each other to survive with their own unique skillsets, which they utilize with Extreme Prejudice against anyone who happens to be unfortunate enough to have what they need (food/gold, generally).
Shamura is the leader and tactician (and has some spellcasting know-how as a treat), Kallamar is the lookout and stealth killer (with poisons, though he'll resort to Weaponry Panic if things get dicey), Heket is the thief and explosives fanatic (watch out - she'll steal all your food and then go scorched earth on your crops to make sure you STARVE), and Leshy is the distraction master and trap-digger (and general menace who will bite people's faces). Meanwhile, Narinder gets the short end of the stick as usual, in that his only real skill is Kill People Dead - a silent assassin most times, following Shamura's lead to avoid putting him or his siblings in danger, but if he has to, he's equally fine with just rushing in and going ham with whatever weapons he can get his rude little hands on.
I haven't put much thought into most of their meetings - mainly just that (as the seemingly perpetual outlier of the five) Narinder was the last to be brought into their little family. He was already pretty decent at killing to survive, unwittingly massacred a camp of the quartet's latest targets on his own, fell into one of Leshy's pit traps on the way out, and was later found by both Leshy and Heket, who only resisted firebombing Narinder's fun new pit-home when Kallamar found their targets already dead, after which Shamura saw the value in offering Narinder a place in the family. Naturally, he accepted, since the choice was a logical one for survival's sake, but inwardly, he latched onto Shamura pretty hard as a source of guidance and companionship - and, eventually, comfort. Because I gotta add that lovely source of OOF.
The biggest OOF this headcanon creates, though, is that Narinder used to be the one protecting his siblings. :3c Until...ya know. They needed protecting from him. >:3c I do tend to headcanon the whole betrayal thing to be rather less unprovoked on his part, though, because I read too much into the few details canon gives us on that front, and this fucker has become my precious little meow meow, okay??? >:[
I needed to be in bed hours ago lol, why do I do this
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bravano · 10 months
Just a thought I had, but do you think Saiki realizes how big of a part he had in bringing his friends together?
There a few combinations of characters that I can think of that I doubt would have ever mixed if it weren’t for him.
Whether knowingly or unknowingly (it’s definitely the latter) Kusuo brought these people together.
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wojtekaneko · 8 months
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It was his brother's idea.
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skunkes · 6 months
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i may be stupid
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it does something incomprehensible to my little writer’s soul whenever alex articulates a phenomenon of the writing process i’ve always picked up on and then goes on to describe it in exactly the same way
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ncthandrake · 1 year
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KELLY MAXWELL → 'Stay Frosty' Outfit Evil Dead: The Game (2022)
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kayden-i-guess · 5 months
I've just started Skeleton Key, someone please tell me this 14 year old finally gets a gun. " Oh he's too young-" HES TOO YOUNG FOR LITERALLY ALL THE SHIT HES BEEN THROUGH " He's not ready to kill" HE SLAYED A MAN. HE SLEIGHED A GROWN MAN!!! I love the other inventions they are so cool and Smithers does a great job but please at least ONE gun. or a stun gun that has more than just one fucking dart because that didn't even make it to Point Blanc.
I know he probably won't get a gun, dear god this child needs a break from saving the world.
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pocketgalaxies · 11 months
oh also still still STILL thinking about "people hate me because of you. and i'm a victim." just bc it's so simple and heartbreaking and unfair
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beatcroc · 2 months
Mecha-Sonic, Dr. Robotnik has created other robots based on Sonic and thrown them away before he created you. Do you have any thoughts on this?
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