#literally without a doubt
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waitineedaname · 4 months ago
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now that i've finished tgcf i can make memes about all three books! i was tempted to put binghe at the absolute center because he could easily go into any quadrant at different points in his life, and both lwj and hua cheng could swing jock, but i think the most important thing is that wei wuxian is all four at once. somehow.
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secondary-colorentimy · 1 year ago
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unplanned-parenthood · 2 years ago
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everyone and their mother goes thru the monthly occurrence of grabbing pics of young rsl and going 'oh my god new orleans wilson' but like. rsl in Married To It (1991) is literally how i imagine him at that time...the boring suit. the ring. the almost-but-not-quite middle part. the fact that its very much the 90's. if he was a little more dishevelled and fucked up it would be quite literally Him that night
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chaos-bringer-13 · 1 year ago
Omg I just had a thought! (insert someone joking about this being my first time thinking)
So, you know how in the movies there's someone dying and another character has hallucinations about that dead character and then there is a scene with dead character going like "I'm dead, just let me go"???
Danny. Danny can do that. Or Dani, she's chaotic enough. Just say to someone dramatically all this "I'm dead, you're hallucinating, let me go" speech and go intangible and invisible.
And it can be used for angst where Danny dies in front of someone and has to pretend he's dead, and then they meet each other accidentally and Danny gaslights his way out of it
Or for complete crack with Danny just being a little shit and doing that on every opportunity, several times in one day
Like, character N and Danny end up alone in one room, Danny smirks, N hisses "don't you dare!", and Danny does dramatic speech of "I am deaaad, you're lying to yourself, let me go". Bonus points if just a minute ago Danny was giving a speech to like 10 people, and all of them clearly could see him. More bonus points if Danny accidentally does the hallucination speech in front of someone else, and they just stand there really confused.
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sunsetovertheocean · 2 months ago
I feel like sibling and platonic relationships don’t get talked enough, especially in relation to romantic relationships in fandoms.
Like cool, I love these ship, but can we PLEASE discuss the fact that Dean is the only person who has never lied to Lia? How he is the only person she will listen to, because he’s the only person she trusts? How Dean was the one person who prevented her from feeling trapped all the time? How Dean was the only person Lia ever let know and get close to the real her? How they were the only constants (besides Judd love him too) in each other’s lives for years in their childhood? The way he knows her and she knows him? She knows how to comfort him and distract him and get him to feel things and tried to help him with his father by looking through his father's file, ignoring her own feelings about it because she just wanted to help him only to find out that she can’t help. (Just think for a moment how she must have felt when she realized that. Because this genuinely breaks my heart.) The fact that they are intensely protective of each other, the way they have conversations without talking just by looking at each other, the way Dean trusts her and Lia trusts him, how they are literally siblings.
And this is going into kind of headcanon-y territory, but I like to believe that Dean didn’t ask Lia any questions about her past and waited for her to tell him herself, and refrained from profiling her (too much at least), and truly didn’t/doesn’t know anything about her past that she didn’t/doesn’t tell him. And how Dean told him things about his past he hadn’t told anyone before, not just to get her to trust him, but also because he trusted her. Just think for a moment please, how Lia, a girl who has been lied to and hurt and threatened and abused by every single person in her life, would feel about meeting someone who didn’t do any of that. Who never even lied to her, not once. For every lie she told him, Dean only ever told her the truth. Dean didn’t blame her for anything, for any part of what she went through. How confused she must have been, finding out that not everyone was like that. How hurt she must have been when she realized that what happened in her past, her childhood, was so much worse than she thought. Because before she thought that everyone was like that and it was normal, but meeting Dean who was entirely fundamentally different in every single way, showed her that it wasn’t. Think about how Dean must have felt, meeting a girl so defensive and closed off. How meeting her awakened a side of him he didn’t think he had, the side that felt and loved and trusted and the side that felt the inexplicable need to protect that girl.
And the fact that to protect her, Dean turns the attention on himself and his past, which he hates, just so Lia doesn’t have to face questions about her own past. Lia would go through hell for him, and he would do the same for her.
Think about how before, all of Lia’s love had essentially been very idk submissive almost, like how she followed her mother and what her mother told her. I think she truly believed at some point that her mother was safe to trust. And then, well, we all know what happened and how her mother is actually evil and— Anyway, after her mother, the only person she trusted in her childhood before, completely shattered and destroyed all senses of trust in others, she lets herself trust and love this boy who trusts and loves her. And this love is fierce and protective, infinitely intense and powerful. The kind of love that can destroy worlds and build new ones, defying all logic and all boundaries. The opposite of what her love had been previously. And think about how much she had to have trusted him to let herself love like that.
Also think about how hurt Lia must have been when Dean shut her out. She trusted him with her whole being, she loved him and she saw them as a unit regardless of what happened and what other people entered and left their lives. They would always be with each other. Dean had never shut her out before, and Dean shut her out too. That hurts my soul way too much for it to be healthy. (I am choosing to believe that they had a conversation afterwards and then they both proceeded to cry and it never happened again yay happy ending tbh considering writing that bc I don't think I will survive if it doesn't end happily like that)
And Dean!! He’s lived his entire life terrified of feeling, terrified of becoming his father. He was living in a house alone with Judd and profiling killers which definitely perpetuated his fear, and then here came this girl whom he could protect. A girl he wouldn’t let himself hurt, a girl he could help for once and not mess it all up. And he didn’t mess it up. He saw how hurt she was, and how little she was willing to admit the truth to. And in that, he saw someone he could understand. He saw someone who he could profile for a good reason, but only profile enough to be able to get her to trust him and not enough to violate her privacy and that trust. He let himself get close to someone for the first time in his life. And for the first time in his life, he wasn’t a monster. Lia didn’t see him as a monster.
Because of their past and childhood, Dean didn’t trust himself and Lia only trusted herself and no one else. But meeting and loving each other? It taught Dean he can trust himself not to hurt someone. And it taught Lia that she can trust someone who won’t hurt her.
Maybe it’s because of the amatocentric world being way too focused on romantic relationships, but why aren’t we talking about this more??
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bread-wizards · 3 months ago
I think that Orym actually does doubt Imogen, but this isn't a thing that is unique to Imogen. Orym doubts all of them to an extent, because paranoia is something he struggles with (and this is continuously reinforced by the story).
It's not a 'good' thing that he should never get over, nor is it an immoral character flaw that proves he actually hates Imogen. However it's also not something I think he can get over as long as the threat of having to possibly fight his friends exists.
"I have all the faith in the world in you guys, all of you. And I have also spent time thinking how to neutralize each of you."
#cr discourse#critical role#cr3#orym#text post#people talk about orym being hypervigilant and then deny his behaviour created out of that hypervigilance#but also see people being weird about orym due to this. you can dislike him all you want but some people are doing too much#“he hates imogen! she has given him no reason to doubt her! she is good” guys its literally just paranoia#he doesn't need a reason to doubt her nor any of them. he just does due to their uncertainty about everything#this group is impulsive. shown by their 'we are an improv group' response to the question 'whats your plan to stop the end of the world'#this is all in line with oryms usual level of slightly paranoid behaviour which is exasperated and justified by the story#he followed fearne away from camp when she wanted to do something on her own but then she was jumped and nearly killed#that paranoia was proven correct#again the next night when he slept with a sword on his back after fearnes dad threatened to come back and attack her friends#and he was attacked in his sleep (by laudna but at the time he didnt know that)#then imogen told the whole group that she and laudna considered giving into the darkness together#something that both ladies then expressed they wanted orym to take them out if they went too far#this is just a result of all of this#so i think this is a non-issue. if you like it great. if you dont then whatever#just this time it rubbed people the wrong way because of irl hang ups of people valuing their own personal privacy#the same way any kind of mind stuff 'modify memory' or psychic reading of minds without permission rubs me personally the wrong way
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the-way-astray · 27 days ago
guys i really hate to break it to you, but elves would not consider the moon landing to be a particularly outstanding achievement
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oceanwithouthermoon · 1 year ago
currently thinking about unreliable narrator saiki kusuo, and the fact that if the manga was written from anyone else's perspective then everyone would see him as a tsundere stalker, borderline yandere..
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wilmaaaa0 · 2 months ago
Sometimes I think about how Miquella literally threw away all aspects of what he once was, INCLUDING his Grace. We see that from his character model his eyes are gray, which means he's Graceless.
You could view this action in two ways:
1. Miquella was so confident in his plan that he deemed nothing would stop him at this point, and since he's going to start his own order anyways, he doesn't need grace anymore (not expecting our Tarnished to come flying from the bleachers with a steel chair)
2. Miquella was so desperate to show he was atoning for Marika's sins, and was so desperate to succeed, that he threw away his Grace in the hopes it would help him ascend, danger or no
It's really up to the player to decide which one they think is more likely.
Either way, when we kill him...he's dead dead. There's no coming back for him; he doesn't get placed in the Erdtree and his soul will never be reincarnated. Which is...really, really sad, imo. Not only did he sacrifice everything, he FINALLY achieved his goal, and then we kill him right out the gate and...it's over.
That's it. That's all that Miquella will have done or will ever do. His legacy is an unfinished one, even when he finally got the power to finish it all.
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hikaaa-bi · 9 months ago
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you tell her, lena
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bravano · 1 year ago
Just a thought I had, but do you think Saiki realizes how big of a part he had in bringing his friends together?
There a few combinations of characters that I can think of that I doubt would have ever mixed if it weren’t for him.
Whether knowingly or unknowingly (it’s definitely the latter) Kusuo brought these people together.
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wojtekaneko · 1 year ago
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It was his brother's idea.
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beatcroc · 7 months ago
Mecha-Sonic, Dr. Robotnik has created other robots based on Sonic and thrown them away before he created you. Do you have any thoughts on this?
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chevelleneech · 5 months ago
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always sound so over the top, but Chan really has spoken about Felix being his other half, his second-self, and his soulmate. So being reminded that Felix felt not a single bit of caution around him when they met, is the sweetest thing.
He saw Chan as someone worth learning from. Someone he could befriend and debut with, and that’s what they ultimately got, and that’s wonderful, but I always find it kind of crazy that Chan seems well aware that Felix was his person the moment they met.
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mechanical-sunchild · 14 days ago
I am here to tell all physical nonhumans and supporters to not engage with tumblr user ursacanid on any of his posts about physical nonhumans and perhaps consider blocking. He is not open to even tolerating physical nonhumans and will not change his mind. I ascertained this myself from a very long and frustrating conversation in which he kept rehashing very classic and familiar 'anti-thisidentity' povs. Namely:
He talks a lot about 'you can be tested and your DNA and blood etc would come back as human, therefore you are physically human' and won't accept any reasoning or arguments which oppose this as the one objective truth or suggest that the experience of being physically different even if it is all psychological perception warrants the use of the word physical or literally (blank) 1/2
Not accepting the personal happiness/euphoria of physical nonhumans and the fact it's harmless (except the issues he's invented) to be a good enough reason for the use of the word 'physical' and anyone saying 'I am literally physically nonhuman' due to above 'it's illogical' mentality. 2/2
'You're special snowflakes', although he didn't use that exact phrasing he may well have as he believes that physical nonhumans simply enjoy being more special than other nonhumans and enjoy starting fights by interjecting that they are physically nonhuman and accusing people of being ableist and exclusionary.
'I don't understand your labels, so you must be doing it to confuse me', he strongly believes that physical nonhumanity is a confusing term because of it's inclusion of the word 'physical' and that refusal to change it to something he deems is more fitting is being done because the community likes to confuse people and make communication difficult and unclear.
'You're in an echo chamber because you don't like it when I tell you that you're wrong', dislikes that most physical nonhumans won't and thinks they absolutely should debate him on their identity despite the fact that he won't accept any counterargument that doesn't result in you relenting that you've got a human body. Hates all that go 'Nope I am literally this though' due to feeling they do not have to justify their identity to strangers and can't seem to understand that hostility towards this behaviour is because it is rude and uncalled for and that no group enjoys it when people not in their group or even in their group tell them that they're not actually (blank). 1/2
Sees this as indication that physical nonhumans are a toxic group which exists in an echo chamber because wanting support for your identity, or at least tolerance, and to be included/considered in the wider community/communities language and disliking anti's who tell you you're not what you are is apparently wrong. 2/2
In other words, it's completely pointless and probably upsetting to try and speak with him on the matter. His posts are going to be inflammatory because he really wants to convince the community to go against physical nonhumans, or at the very least acknowledge that 'it's not physical, it's (blank)'. I have sympathy, he's Autistic and so am I and I know what it feels like when something doesn't sit right with your internal perception of 'real and logical' and how the mind makes a mountain out of that molehill because of it, so please please don't harass him, but I keep seeing his one post go around with different people trying to get something across to him and I'm telling you it's not happening. Here is all he has to say and will ever say, you don't have to engage with him further.
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butwhatifidothis · 5 months ago
You know lowykey I always wondered who first said that Claude's C support only opens after Byleth gets the Sword of the Creator since like. That's not true. Like not only is that not true Claude is quite literally the only one of the three lords to NOT have his C support locked behind a chapter. You can get it immediately so like. wuh happened
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