#literally wesker but just this concept here
unnerving-presence · 2 years
i would love to be Weskers housewife (I just want him to take care of me)
no bc i love imagining him being his usual evil lil self but goes absolutely soft for his cute lil s/o
he loves them sm he cannot fathom treating them like he would anybody else 😭 treats them with so much care and is SUCH A SIMP for them
no matter how irritated he may be they can always make him feel better just by being there. when he gets a call from them all the tension in his body is instantly gone the second he hears their voice
he has such a genuine, happy smile when he’s around them. he honestly can’t be mad at them no matter what they do
wesker has an unhinged amount of love for his spouse and he absolutely loves just pampering them after all the hard work they do <3
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why do people write leon into incest/ rape stories? I get that people think he's hot but there is literally no aspect of his character that would warrant that kind of characterisation. I would just like to understand why out of all, you could have written shit like this about villains but not Leon, he would never do that. And I'm not talking about fics that showcase Leon's trauma and how he turned mean or does questionable things, sometimes I really enjoy reading those. It's only when those stories are only fabricated purely because of kinks that it disgusts me. Porn without plot, no explanation given, just him being a pervert and an asshole. Genuinely why do people write that and still claim to be resident evil fans, still claim to understand and love the characters. It doesn't add up to me at all. This is not directly at you specifically but just at people who do this and since you have written content in that category, I would love to hear your explanation. :(
why do people write leon into incest/ rape stories?
i think everyone's reasons are different, and ultimately, as long as it's just fiction, it doesn't really matter what someone writes about.
some people write dark content because they're into it, some people write it to cope with past trauma (there is quite a bit of overlap in those two categories). it's an avenue for exploration of these ideas that doesn't hurt anyone. whether that be in terms of exploring your own feelings or just trying to challenge your writing abilities and be creative.
I get that people think he's hot but there is literally no aspect of his character that would warrant that kind of characterisation.
i think his characterization is complex and a lot of people get it "wrong" (but i'm not here to argue about his characterization). i also have written him in ways that i would consider "ooc" - both in dark content and in fluff. i feel like i see people often complaining about leon being 'mischaracterized' in dark content, but people are not critical of him in fluff (or fluffy smut).
this is not to say that we need to be critical or stick to canon - if we wanted to stick to canon entirely, then we wouldn't create fanfiction at all. we're writing to explore situations that are not portrayed in the source material.
i think it's fun to make posts analyzing characterization and i think it's fun to write both in character fic and out of character fic, but i think those two things (analysis and fiction) should be separate.
would just like to understand why out of all, you could have written shit like this about villains but not Leon
you sure could write about the villains! a lot of people have written fics about wesker, for example. i personally don't find a lot of the resident evil villains that interesting, and if i did, i honestly think that humanizing them would make for a more interesting concept than showing their evilness.
he would never do that
correct. he's not real, so he wouldn't *do* anything.
It's only when those stories are only fabricated purely because of kinks that it disgusts me.
that's absolutely a fair opinion. i have kinks/topics that i'm uncomfortable with too. i have a low tolerance for "ick" i would say, so like vomit, scat, cannibalism, tentacles, etc. i can't read those things because it makes me feel nauseous. i don't read those types of stories for that reason!
i personally don't have a kink for noncon or incest. i have written incest on commission before because i am fine with other people enjoying it. i have written stepcest once, however (and while i think my point may have been too subtle for the audience to notice), it was supposed to be more than a "pwp" fic. it was supposed to showcase his manipulation of her.
the noncon that i have written has been not kink related and i think when you read it, it's pretty obvious. a lot of that was coping with personal trauma.
the thing is though, i don't have to justify this to you. i'm honestly just yapping about my content because i enjoy it atp
why do people write that and still claim to be resident evil fans, still claim to understand and love the characters.
i do understand and love the characters! i have played most of the mainline games for hundreds of hours (4 platinum trophies thus far!). i understand when i'm writing them ooc. i've written characters *way* more out of character than i have leon. for example, i made brad and richard both super homophobic in a fic when there's no evidence to say that they are.
i think it's fine to write characters ooc! also, characterization is kind of complex. just because something isn't said in canon, doesn't mean it isn't true (or isn't implied). for example, jill, in my eyes (and many others), is a lesbian. chris is also very queer-coded. though, neither of them are outright stated to be queer. i have written chris in straight relationships (as have others) despite the fact that i believe he is gay.
while it is interesting to analyze why people enjoy certain things, there's no sense in shaming people for what they enjoy when it's not hurting anyone else. writing about a fictional character doesn't hurt anyone because the person being written about isn't real.
so basically, in conclusion, does it really matter? (no)
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savior-of-humanity · 1 year
OH YEAH I bought the Separate Ways DLC for RE4R last night and finished it today, here's my thoughts on it below the cut (spoilers obviously);
To clarify; I've never actually played the OG RE4 or the OG Separate Ways story. I am aware of events that happen in OG RE4 though.
Starting off with a few issues I had with it, though they're relatively minor;
The bosses felt... okay. Like, they're not bad, but they didn't really feel like they stood out all that much. The El Gigante fight basically felt the same as the times you fight it in the main story, except there's the element of moving around on roofs. That bit is cool! But other than that it just felt basically same-y. The Black Coat is cool, and I liked the reveal of it not being a Verdugo but rather Something Else. My only complaint about it is that the arena you fight it in just feels really boring, at least in visuals. Let me elaborate. Using some notable examples (the first and last fights with Krauser, the Verdugo, the first El Gigante fight), something they always had were at least one of two things; interesting level layout, and interesting set design. For Krauser, you have the light coming up through the grill floors and the semi-maze of crates to navigate around, and the circular arena with upper levels to hop onto. For Verdugo, you had the claustrophobic hallways that I feel paired really well with its hyper-aggressive attack behavior. And for El Gigante, it's mainly just the ambience rain and lighting from the braziers and torches combined with the kinda-cramped arena. Black Coat had neither of those things. In the first phase, you're literally just fighting in a flat rocky area that's super grey, dull, and with no notable set pieces other than "oh this is underground and kind of industrial". In the second phase, it's another flat area, except it's bigger and circular, with basically the same boring feel. I though the fight with Saddler was cool as a concept but MAN were some of his attacks annoying. Maybe it's because I was low on ammo/had only one knife but he felt like a total fucking bullet sponge. It didn't really feel satisfying taking him down because he barely reacted to my attacks excluding the progression of dialogue and the handful of times he gave me an opening to stab him in the face.
I kinda wish Ada had more in-depth interactions with some of the characters? I liked what she had with Luis (especially the little tango they do in the beginning) but I feel like there could have been More. Luis probably should've reacted negatively to her mentioning Wesker but then again, I don't actually know if he would know about Wesker. I wish she had an actual interaction with Krauser that isn't just chasing him until we see him hand the Amber to Saddler. I also wish her interaction with Ashley wasn't literally just "leon needs help!!!" (nods)
My biggest gripe, however, out of the entirety of the DLC; what the fuck was the deal with her being infected with Las Plagas? Like, I think it's cool she was infected (and also because I am a weirdo sucker for whump shit). But the way they handled her being cured is just completely fucking bizarre. To clarify; the first time she fights the Black Coat, I'm pretty sure that's when she gets infected as she gets nicked by one of the explosive-orange-dart things. Later on, she starts showing symptoms, and helps Luis gather the ingredients needed to make a suppressant to buy her (and Leon/Ashley) more time to get rid of the Plagas. Except, after she kills the Black Coat, she... pukes up??? The parasite??? And then she's all fine and dandy??? Okay so like. On one hand, you could probably explain this as her having been infected with an alternate form of Las Plagas, which would make sense as she experiences dramatically distinct hallucinations that seem to be tied exclusively to the Black Robe (and are absolutely NOT the same as the hallucinations Leon gets). On the other hand... we KNOW that Las Plagas reside in the chest cavity and more or less connect themselves to the host's nervous system(?). Like a chestburster. If this was in fact supposed to be a REGULAR type of Las Plagas then she shouldn't have been PHYSICALLY ABLE TO VOMIT IT OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE, because it wouldn't be inside of her stomach. Idk. I'm just miffed that she literally vomited out this thing and went "lol I'm fine now" and went on her merry way and didn't have to visit the lab whatsoever.
Other than that though, I thought Separate Ways was pretty decent. It doesn't hold up as well compared to RE4R in terms of story but for what it offers, I'd say I got my 10 dollars worth.
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ilikekidsshows · 5 months
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I'm surprised by how much Bishop resembles Wesker considering this predates Resident Evil 5 by several years.
It’s interesting that, up until this point, Bishop has consistently been the character the Turtles have had the hardest time scoring a win against, at best keeping him from only one of his objectives, so this episode shows Bishop’s first solid loss against the Turtles. As such, it’s fitting that here we learn what his actual motives and plans are. We learn that his primary motivation is the protection and advancement of humanity, but that his plans very clearly put the humanity he’s claiming to protect under risk. It’s a paradoxical way of thinking, which showcases just how extreme he is in his views and methods and how he can’t simply be reasoned with like you could with a character with plain “good intentions”.
Frankly, it seems that “humanity” and “people” are two different things to Bishop in order for him to justify his actions to himself. The distinction Bishop is making in his mind is that he is protecting “humanity”, the concept, as a whole, but his job is not to protect individual people. As such, Bishop can sacrifice millions of people as long as some form of “humanity” is left afterwards. But, of course, the form of humanity Bishop is thinking will inherit the Earth is one created in (literally) his image.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Your sidenote about Krauser and his picture of Leon in the last ask made me giggle! So I want to know: what are your thoughts on Metaltango and their dynamic in the remake? Is this a ship you like, and if so, what are your thoughts/headcanons/meta about what they were like before RE4R?
To be 100% transparent, I struggle to think of a Leon ship I don't enjoy, at least on some level. I even like the idea of Leon/Ada in concept -- I've just never seen it done well in fandom, and canon uses it to strangle Ada's character instead of enhancing it, so I just stay away from it. The fandom being batshit doesn't help, either. But I really just enjoy whoring Leon out lmao
I was surprised by Krauser in RE4make. I feel like they aged him down from OG (I would've put him around 42-46 in OG, but I feel like he's about ten years younger in RE4make), and I feel like they did that specifically to make his relationship with Leon both more equal and more intense. It was an interesting choice that was probably born from the desire to keep Wesker more of a mystery in Remake -- so, Krauser couldn't be so doggedly loyal to him this time around. And without Krauser's loyalty to Wesker, he needed a new character motivation.
So they turned him into Vergil.
RE4make Krauser answers the question nobody asked of "what if Vergil Devil May Cry was an injured US Army vet?"
Okay, RE4make. Okay.
What the fuck was I even talking about
Oh yeah. Metaltango. Sorry.
So basically what I'm saying is, every time Leon lands a hit on Krauser, it only makes him harder. And I don't even think that's a headcanon, at this point. I think it might just be canon.
There's a non-zero chance that Leon was Krauser's gay awakening, and he's really fucking pissed about it. (As though he's the only one this has happened to lmao)
So, like. I can't help but shitpost about this ship every time I talk about it, because it's so fucking funny to me. Like, I genuinely find it hilarious. Any chance I get to make fun of Krauser's weird boner, I'm gonna take it. Because he's so angry and pathetic about it.
That having been said, under all of the hilarity, I do enjoy the power dynamic between them -- but I should clarify that I enjoy metaltango for purely shallow reasons.
I like metaltango for the same reason I like American football. Football is just a bunch of fit, hot guys with great asses in tight pants tackling each other to the ground. I enjoy such things. LMAO
While I could sit here and posit about the changes to Operation Javier and Krauser's feelings towards leadership and responsibility and all that shit, I think I'm going to pass the ball instead of run it. If you want sincere meta and headcanons about their dynamic, @theggning is your girl. I'm just here for the porn.
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
Actually, I'm just going to send this over, Jake Muller as a father is a very interesting concept to me. Like, thinking about it, a part of me is very certain that he'd be extremely hesitant about the idea. The issue wouldn't be the kid, I believe Jake's pretty good with kids, but the idea of possibly passing on Wesker blood and putting his kid at risk would be very upsetting for him. He was literally hunted down and tested for 6 months because of it, I don't think he'd want to risk that happening to his own child. He would be a good dad though, I can see that.
No literally you’re so right, I do 100% believe Jake would be good with kids, like a gentle parent (he was orphaned at 17 and joined the ELA as a child, he’s def one of those ppl who doesn’t want a kid to go through any of the tough shit he did) but with how SUPER resentful of Wesker he is, and regarding Wesker’s DNA being a part of him, you’re right I can see him being hesitant about passing that on to another person. I’m assuming this is bc of the Jake/Sherry fan kid art I reblogged and while we’re here I think Sherry would have some of those same reservations. She also has G in her system and seeing as she was a child of neglect who was only ever raised by people who did not see her as a full person/a child worthy of their attention (both the Birkins AND Simmons) I feel like she’d personally be worried that she would be a bad mother because she doesn’t know what a good mother looks like. Yes she had Claire but Claire didn’t raise her, Claire was more like a fun aunt in terms of Sherry being raised, she didn’t exactly take care of her. Not to mention I fully believe Sherry doesn’t like the side effects of G. Yes the advanced healing is good but the no aging thing? I don’t think she’d want to pass that on to her kid.
Anyway Jake/Sherry are a cute couple and would be great parents but I think they’d have to get over so many personal emotional hurdles to get there
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cdralenko · 3 years
i haven't been consistently active on here in forever but. hello fellow Resident Evils how do we feel about welcome to raccoon city
#spoilers to follow in here#i thought it was bad. but i expected it to be bad so?? its not like i was disappointed#pretty much met expectations#i've never seen the OG live actions w alice or w/e just the cgi films#and infinite darkness#and i mean. i liked this better than infinite darkness just bc it was more interesting#but i think they really bit off more than they could chew trying to combine 1 and 2#make a 0/1 movie and a 2/3 movie if you have to combine shit. but 1 and 2 together... is really tough#i think it suffers a lot because it's so short and there are too many characters and concepts to introduce at once#PLUS having to restructure so much just kinda makes everything fall apart#avan jogia is still cute though. he was never not going to be#the rewrite of wesker's character was also so messy. and jill's entire character is sacrificed to give all her traits to claire for some re#-ason#i also would've been a lot happier had they swapped chief irons out for marvin#bc there's never time to get into all of irons' business but i fucking hate that man#marvin is chill and i'd be fine with him having some fun screentime#also cutting out barry was dumb. making lisa trevor a ''good guy'' was dumb#wouldve given literally anything to have a single tyrant in this movie#but yeah i mean at the end of the day. its got some bad jokes in it and maybe one or two good ones if you squint. the sets are really cool#rewrites aren't done super well. some bad dialogue. fighting scenes.... god#the scene with chris and the lighter..... why......#it's not ruining my life just because it exists though. it's just another bad resident evil movie idk why people are so up in arms about it#video game movies are always bad. and resident evil is ALREADY very cheesy and silly a lot of the time. perfect formula for a b movie#regardless. i would buy it on dvd for $5 just because it was still fun to watch#it's like the percy jackson movie. it got literally everything wrong that it possibly could've. BUT. if you pretend its not about RE...#it's almost a good time#ALSO. the shot for shot recreation of the tape from code veronica was a win for me#because i like that game even though i hate playing it#i just hope wtrc makes enough money that we get a code veronica movie. cause alfred ashford babe you were made for the big screen...#OH GOD. THE END CREDIT SCENE LMFAO
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arklay · 3 years
😱🔮 🐺📚 for diana?
[😱] does your muse have any specific fears? where did those fears come from?
answered here!
but i also want to say another one oops… becoming dependent on someone else. i think a big thing for her is not wanting to have her autonomy taken away, and that’s why being vulnerable with wesker was such a terrifying concept because she didn’t want to rely on him for things she’s been able to do on her own her entire life – confusing letting others help you with becoming dependent. she’s just so self-reliant that letting anyone assist her with something is such a big deal. i feel like this probably just stems from her need to always be in control which is ironic considering certain activities. i think also seeing wesker depend on her has made her even more fearful. like if they were to swap places she doesn’t know how she’d do it. as much as she trusts him, having someone else administer your medicine, counting on them to be on time for every dose, literally putting your life in their hands… she’d feel so helpless i think
[🔮] what is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? were they raised in a certain religion? have they stuck with the same spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? are they settled in their spirituality now?
i think religion is something diana is very ambivalent towards. her parents were both atheists, but the topic of believing in god didn’t come up often so i don’t know if you can truly say she was raised to not believe in a higher power. i think over time as she’s learnt more about different religions – which she is surprisingly open minded about – she’s leant more towards agnosticism. her life’s work is science so she doesn’t draw conclusions without logical evidence and observations. while wesker does reference religious ideologies quite a bit, i think it’s not from the belief in a higher power, but rather that they could be the gods of a new world – an ideal she shares as they would be advanced beings (they’re already superhumans) because their scientific work made them so
[🐺] does your muse like solitude? do they prefer it to being around others? how easily does your muse get lonely?
answered here!
[📚] what books does your muse have on their bookshelf? what books would they like to have? if your muse isn’t an avid reader, is there anything they collect or might like to collect?
for the most part, you will find a lot of science nonfiction on her bookshelf, as well as academic texts. she has way too many biology textbooks, multiple focusing on virology and herpetology, but she genuinely just enjoys reading about different branches of biology and furthering her knowledge. she did have quite the collection of books on philosophy before wesker’s library merged with hers, then it just increased like tenfold. there are quite a few books on ancient greek history and mythology as well, alongside epic poetry. then of course, courtesy of alex, kafka’s works are sitting amongst the many other short stories diana keeps meaning to get around to
send in an emoji and i’ll answer the corresponding question about my muse!
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More thoughts on RE8 and Lady Dimitrescu
This was copied from my DeviantArt journal when I was making it.
Yes...I mentioned her.
So nothing spoilery huge. But I will mention stuff. I played more of Resident Evil 8. And I finally got the ever so popular Lady Alcina Dimitrescu to be chasing me now...
I'm mainly gonna ramble. And before I played the game, I decided to check out the concept art which is, "The Tragedy Of Ethan Winters" and it was nice to look out. I also found out there's no item boxes...and that it's true they were trying to make it more like Resident Evil 4...wow...that's something.
Castle Dimitrescu is a nice area with it's layout. I could like it more than the Baker Residence. But for these levels, I'm kind of going in blind. Despite I know the story. Yet there's another thing I wanted to say. Because I can't upgrade the Samurai Edge, I decided to buy back old pistol and use it. Including use that custom thing on it for more fire power. The Samurai Edge was cool to use. But I think I want to upgrade my pistol in case. 
But this isn't the main focus...I think it's time I talk about the 9'6 vampire milf lady that the internet went crazy for. And is likely still crazy for. Considering she's part of gameplay now. Meaning she's acting like Mr. X and Nemesis, trying to find me.
Let be honest, considering I have talked with friends about her or so. I like Lady Dimitrescu. While I'm not as on board as others are. I will admit, she's pretty. Yet whatever criticisms I have of RE8. It's the Lords that honestly interest me. I thought the Baker family were pretty cool as villains. But what I've heard about the Lords is that I honestly have a liking to mythological creatures or so on. 
I mean, I loved the Lycans, I worry of not seeing them for awhile. But I know I'll see them again. I really loved that first part with them. But Dimitrescu, I must say, I just wanted a unique villain since the likes of Wesker, Nemesis, and whoever else. She seems like a scene stealer in a way. What I mean is, there's more intrigue...but I want to be honest. I want to get to the thing I wanted to talk about. Because I was doing a little bit of commentary as I was playing this game.
I do like the memes of Dimitrescu. I think there silly, and again, she's honestly pretty. She catches my attention. But considering how much fame she's gotten....
HOLY SHIT. She actually scares me. 
Even before this game, I felt weird that people don't seem to take into consideration this woman is sadistic. And that fact there are dungeons below the castle that strangely creep me out because of all those torture devices. That were part of trying to turn maidens into people like her daughters. Seriously, it is disturbing to see that torture stuff and it makes me think.
But even after my funny little commentary after she drops me down through the floor. That the internet loves her. Holy crap, she again, scares me strangely. 
Because of the fact that whole little scene of Ethan getting his hand cut off(I thought that was gonna be at the end of the level with her or something) and you can't just heal it. And I nearly died in that part, but luckily I escaped. I was just trying not to get close to her.
But then...it's where The Duke is at and...this is where the real fun begins. What I genuinely found funny. But why I found her scary. While she's no Mr. X or Nemesis. But oh my God...
I think her daughters scare me the most. Because they just pop out of nowhere and while I hear music! I hate that they pop up! Or just this one daughter. Flies just pop up and she says something and I RUN! I know I can't kill her. And I knew it likely wouldn't work. But I threw my only pipe bomb near her and it didn't kill her. Yet it destroyed a bunch of vases.
Okay, the first three times, I'm trying to remember. I literally kind of yelled/screamed in a way when those flies popped up. Yet even Dimitrescu popping up, and this is the one part I need to talk about. It was the third time I got spooked.
I was gonna enter the dining room, I was running towards the door, in case that daughter shows up. And on the other when I open it, there's Lady Dimitrescu and I quickly backed out. I did a little scream, but then I think I check out my inventory and I just laughed...it was so silly. Like oh my God...this happened.
Seriously, at times I kept going back to The Duke's room for safety. I did put the first angel face on. And before that, I even ran across the courtyard with Alcina trying to get me. I have shot at her before that, and I knew it wouldn't work like I've seen some footage...
I kind of got stuck on the stairs and onto one the left balcony. But I healed myself and escaped. All because a daughter and Alcina sandwiched me on those stairs. I thought a shotgun would slow her down...but it didn't...she didn't do the hat animation...
I just wanted to talk about this. Because it was strangely hilarious. I felt like not leaving The Duke's room. It's just so funny despite all those memes and jokes, she and her daughters make me feel tense. This is because I haven't completed the game before, I have no deluxe weapons, and Dimitrescu can't be shot multiple times where she can drop a case filled with stuff...which I'm mentioning Nemesis. You could even stop Mr. X for awhile. But as of right now, I'm just a little man compared to her.
And I've read the next Lord, Donna(Who I've been slowly becoming more of a fan considering what I've been told about her). Her part has been said it's almost Silent Hill like...and that her part is scary...and here I am being tense about a giant vampire lady and her daughters...
I wanted to ramble about that. Anyway, the save room theme is beautiful in this game. Been listening to it while making this.
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If people want more of this AU I will absolutely do more with this because I love these type of plots and I also love Jill. Okay, here’s the run down of the beginning:
- This takes place as an alternate RE8, so probably 2021, and Jill’s 47, Carlos is 44, and their daughter Sofie is 8. Chris is 48, Rebecca is 41, Claire is 42, Leon is 44, Barry is 61, and Ada never tells. They’re getting older and tired of this shit, especially Leon, Chris, and Barry.
- I like the theme of parenthood, or at least the cast being around children and having to take that parental role. Kids born after Raccoon City have outbreaks drilled into their brain, they don’t know life without BOW’s, but they’re also a reminder that their dedication to stopping bioterrorism may have robbed them of a chance at having a family (Chris big time).
- At this point in her life, Rebecca has a part time job as the girl’s basketball coach for her local high school. The girls adore her. Leon has his hands full with the president’s son, Tyler, and Chris is Sofie’s uncle and best friend.
- I know Jill said she was trying to get back as soon as possible back in her email to Barry in Revelations 2, but she was literally just got back from her first mission when she finds out she’s pregnant so she’s back on leave. She then chooses to work as an advisor for a couple years so she can not only raise Sofie, but also that if something were to happen to her, Sofie would be old enough to remember her mom.
- Jill being a mother is such an interesting concept. It makes her fight against bioterrorism hit different when she’s risking her life day in and day out to keep her baby safe and hopefully giving her a better world to grow up in. Agent Jill Valentine is a much different person than Super-Mom Jill Oliveira, and she does everything to keep her home life out of her work for the safety of her family. Only a few in the BSAA know about Sofie or that she’s even married.
- She’d love to retire, but she’s too paranoid about all the ‘what if’s,’ and after what happened to Cathy and her son in Vendetta, there’s a lot of late night talks in bed with Carlos over fears for their family. Carlos tries to keep her assured that they’re doing everything right in keeping Sofie safe, but he worries, too. Just bottles in because that’s who he is.
- Sofie’s her mother’s daughter for better and worse. She’s very brave, intelligent, and drilled since birth on what do in a bio terror attack, making her more competent than some adults. But, at her age, she wants to know more about what her mom does, and isn’t getting the answer she hopes for. Raccoon City is a sensitive topic for Jill and Carlos and she’s too young to know the extent of it all, but Sofie really wants to learn more about what happened to her ‘uncles in heaven.’
- Sofie also kind of projects her love of Marvel and sees her loved ones as the heroes. Jill always thought Sofie loved Captain America the most because he reminded her of Chris, but it turns out Sofie always saw Jill as Cap which makes everything hurt even more for Jill later on. She’s such a good kid.
- I think Natalia is very good at keeping Alex at bay as a child, but the reason as to why she slipped out on the day of outbreaks in RE6 is because she knew everything was going accordingly. As an adult, though, Natalia struggles as Alex grows stronger.
- Natalia feels like an outsider and due to depression and anxiety, she begins to believe manipulation from Alex that the Burtons only brought her in out of pity, she’ll never truly be a member of the family, and that she’s a danger to them. Natalia is terrified of telling the Burtons that Alex is back: out of fear that she’ll be rejected and that Alex will fully take over and get them all killed.
- Once Wesker tracks her down and gets involved, Natalia is gaslit and emotionally abused even more by both the Wesker siblings in order to break her down and give Alex the keys. Barry and Kathy have a feeling something’s wrong, but Natalia doesn’t open up and there isn’t much they can do since she’s out of state at college. Even when Moira presses her a bit, she doesn’t give.
- There’s a build up with Alex having brief moments of control and it happening more and more frequently for longer periods of time, but shit doesn’t hit the fan until winter break. Polly’s fiancé goes downstairs in the middle of the night to get a glass of water and is shot in the head by a sniper perched up in the trees.
- The Burtons are absolutely devastated, especially Polly. The killer lingers outside, though, and even jumps down and watches them mourn until he’s noticed by Barry and Natalia. Barry chases after him, but he notes how the killer just stood there, completely lost. Almost remorseful?
- Natalia gets panicked recognizing him as the Plague Doctor. Alex’s Plague Doctor. Her experimental super-soldier who would be the perfect human being, but more importantly, her bodyguard. She then gets a phone call from Wesker asking her why she killed her future brother-in-law. It’s the last thing she remembers.
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the-overanalyzer · 3 years
WTRC impressions (part two):
I will say the set design is very impressive so far. Like, yes, that is absolutely the police station main hall. It’s actually a neat little fusion of the designs from RE2 and remake 2.
Irons seems to know something about what’s going on, although the way he just nopes on outta there suggests that he is not the psychopath he was in the games
I’m glad that “Bravo Team” drove. My hometown looks to be at least thrice the size of this version of Raccoon City, and we don’t have even one helicopter.
I do love the b-movie look of all the monsters. 
The fact that the zombies are still capable of things like speech and writing is a little weird, but if we’re going with the idea that the townspeople have been getting low-level exposure for years, I guess it makes sense. There are a handful of documents in the games that imply that that’s how it works, but we mostly see people sicken, die, and reanimate over a couple of hours, if not instantly. Zombie Brad does get out a “sorry” in 3make, so it’s not unprecedented.
Now this blockade bit is very interesting, mostly because we never saw anyone get prevented from leaving Raccoon City in the games. You know where we did? In Apocalypse. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you will never escape Paul Anderson’s influence on this franchise.
Claire seems to have taken Ada’s role as “only one who knows what’s going on”
Ah, so is this how they’re going to justify Brad taking off? Irons wants to save his own hide, he’d for sure be down with leaving his men to die (y’know, like he did to Leon five minutes ago)
No return order, but Brad getting attacked while the chopper is on the ground is something fans have suggested for years.
aaaaay the piano puzzle.
I guess Wesker’s got a strategy guide on that palm pilot of his
 Brad gets mashed up with the unfortunate RPD pilot from re2
Huh, the zombies actually aren’t dead, then?
This might be the closest Ben has ever gotten to escaping outside of  Ghost Survivors. Sadly, Katherine Warren isn’t here.
Wait...WESKER is the Matt!?
Oh nevermind, he’s still an asshole. Pettier motivation, though. More like Nicholai.
Irons was more of a supporting character in the original RE2 concept. That sort of gets incorporated here. And he’s still the driving force behind the move from police station to orphanage, even if the circumstances are different.
“A secret passage to the Spencer Mansion”, you know I was wondering if they were actually going to have the two different labs or if they would somehow combine them. And it explains how Lisa could befriend bb Claire.
Oh, and speaking of our Ms. Trevor.
Hell, if anything, this is underselling how dangerous Lisa is. A licker is nothing.
Needing to follow Wesker because there’s no longer hope of a chopper escape is actually a pretty good way to justify going down to the labs, when Jill and Chris would absolutely not have any reason to do so otherwise. And it lets us get all our protagonists in one place rather than the weird bifurcated climax I’d been imagining.
This look at the Ashfords is a neat glimpse into an alternate timeline where this movies somehow gets sequels, but it’s maybe the most pointless inclusion. If you’ve played Code: Veronica it’s just an easter egg that feels especially shoehorned. If you haven’t, then it’s a random scene of creepy children torturing dragonflies that goes nowhere and sets nothing up.
Claire’s narration coupled with the playback frames it in a way that implies the twins were also Birkin’s test subjects, as opposed to their canon relationship of 18-year-old Billy B getting real shirty about Alexia getting her own research facility at 10. Like, homeboy literally toasted her supposed death.
Lisa’s file is a pretty accurate retelling. Progenitor Virus, NE- α implantation, harvesting the G-Virus. It looks like Birkin took over around a decade earlier in this universe, but the actor is around 20 years older than Birkin was in 1998, so that tracks.
“God’s work”? The first letter, perhaps. 
Man, Annette really got chickified for this one. Like, in RE2, the only reason you could call her the more stable person in their marriage was that she wasn’t mutating and impaling people all over the damn place.
Oooooooh, Wesker’s not Nicholai, he’s a mashup of HUNK and Ada.
And Birkin actually gets a shot off. It’s as good a way as any to dispose of Wesker without a Tyrant (or a chimera, which I believe is what kills him in some version of RE1).
Oh, spoke too soon, he’s definitely not getting out of this un-skewered. RIP Annette.
Yes, Wesker, call out to the child you just violently orphaned right before her eyes. That will definitely work.
OKAY, that was a whole series of surprises. You hear the glass breaking so you assume it’s G time, then you see Sherry holding the fucking gun (and seriously, how much more tolerable would Sherry’s playable bit in 2 have been if she was packing?) so assume maybe that’s how Wesker bites it, but no, Jill with the save.
I mean, I guess if Jill can be chummy with Brad in RE3, she can feel bad about shoot this less-shitty Wesker.
“the tunnel leads through the mountains and into Gatlin” I’m assuming Gatlin is the next town over, although whether or not that ever gets brought up in side material or if it’s something the movie made up I have no idea.
I completely forgot until Birkin calls out to him that he and Chris were close? Well, “close”, he was lying to him since childhood, but Chris at least thought highly of the guy. 
It does add something to Chris immediately going to comfort Sherry though, since he’s probably a familiar, friendly face in this continuity.
Man, Birkin looks miles better in the finished movie than he did in the trailers. You can really see where the bulk of the effects budget went. It’s nothing groundbreaking or anything, but it’s more than good enough to cap off Welcome to Raccoon City.
Leon deserves the rocket launcher moment. He’s had by far the least to do and has been getting put down or shown up all movie long.
I don’t know how much it would have cost to do a CGI nuking. Clearly, more than they had. Weird pressure bomb/implosion it is, then.
Well, they denied us a look at Chris’ torso, seems only fair we got Tom Hopper’s instead.
If you “brought him back”, why the hell was he in a fucking morgue, in a body bag? 
Well folks, enjoy your thirty seconds of Ada Wong.
It is so adorable that Johannes Roberts was optimistic enough to put in a sequel hook. Well, who knows? Stranger things have happened.
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juspeczyk · 7 years
Do you have anything else to say about your "Harley+Jason" Arkham Knight AU? I thought it was pretty interesting and I wouldn't mind knowing a bit more about it.
THIS IS SO SO SO LATE AND I APOLOGIZE..................... i’ve been replaying the arkham games recently though and it has cleared a few things up/helped me solidify some stuff so here we go
jason wasn’t kept on arkham island until shortly before the events of arkham asylum. it’s stupid for him to be kept on arkham island. batman has a fucking cave on arkham island. of course he would find jason there. joker is stupid but he’s not that stupid. so he and harley kept jason somewhere in gotham, or maybe even in metropolis or bludhaven, possibly switching locations every once in a while so batman wouldn’t get wise. they eventually moved jason to arkham island for the titan party intending to pit him and batman against each other, but obviously, bats defeated joker and that never happened.
talia al ghul and the league of assassins found him and picked him up from arkham during the events of arkham asylum. if you go to the morgue during story mode you can find ra’s al ghul’s corpse, but if you go back to the morgue after completing story mode, ra’s corpse is gone; it follows that talia and a couple league ninjas came and got him so they could put him in a lazarus pit, and when talia ran into jason on the way, she picked him up with the intent to nurse him back to health (maybe as a sign of good will/peacemaking towards bruce). talia trained him and helped him build the militia for his activities as the arkham knight. she may not have agreed with him entirely, but she recognized that it was his thing to do, his closure to get, so she didn’t stop him.
harley loved jason. she saw him as a son. that doesn’t excuse the abuse she willingly watched and participated in, nor does it mean he owes her anything. she couldn’t handle the idea of hurting a child in cold blood, but she could handle the idea of giving a child “tough love” with the goal of breaking his ties with batman (which she saw as abusive and endangering) and making him into his own person who could stand up for himself. in her mind, she was helping jason to become a better, stronger version of himself, one who didn’t need batman telling him what to do or using him as a pawn. as such, when jason went missing and was presumed dead, it was a huge blow to harley. she was a complete mess during arkham city and most of it can be explained by shitty writing but it can also be explained by the amount of emotional trauma she had been through/was still going through at the time. to expand on this:
arnold wesker, the only friend she had who was interested in reforming and thus her only non-villain support network, had been released from arkham with a clean bill of health prior to the events of arkham asylum, and it’s almost certain that one of the conditions of his parole was that he couldn’t associate with criminals like harley. without him, she reverted to being a villain for the sake of villainy, leading her to justify extremely horrible actions-- like habitually torturing and brainwashing a child-- and robbing her of the only stable, rational, grounded person she could turn to for help or guidance throughout the entire game.
jonathan crane, who is implied in much of paul dini’s work (dcau + arkham asylum) to be a father figure to harley, is presumed dead after arkham asylum. she has now lost both of her father figures, scarecrow and ventriloquist, and thus has lost any option for unconditional support.
jason todd, her surrogate son, is presumed dead after arkham asylum. she was locked up for a large part of arkham asylum’s plotline. had she been free, maybe she would have found jason and kept him safe. for the entirety of arkham city and its prequel material she is living with the idea that she is responsible for her own son’s death. however subjective and flawed it is, it still eats her up.
during arkham city, every single one of her remaining friends and associates deserts her. just take a second and think about that. every villain that harley has a decent relationship with is in arkham city and not one of them is trying to help her. she is watching her family die, one by one, and she is trying to singlehandedly save the man she loves-- in her mind, the man who functions as the father of her child, jason-- and nobody is helping her. in fact, some people she probably thought she could trust are actively sabotaging her.
poison ivy refuses to get involved with anything.
catwoman has no intention of staying in arkham city longer than it takes to get her own things back from hugo strange.
scarecrow is presumed dead.
riddler is too preoccupied with his own plans (and possibly helping scarecrow make a comeback*).
killer croc is nowhere to be found.
sure, clayface is hanging around, but he’s not really trying to help joker get better. he’s just doing it so he can impersonate joker.
deadshot doesn’t give a rat’s ass what happens to joker.
penguin and mr. freeze both have good reasons to actively work against harley. so does two-face.
batman-- who harley is desperately counting on to save the day, even though his failure to rescue jason has put a massive dent in her faith in him-- lets joker die. yes, it’s joker’s fault for being a dumb-ass, but harley’s never gonna admit that. in her eyes, batman practically murdered joker. batman. the guy who’s supposed to save everyone. that fucked her up, yo.
penguin killed bud and lou? like? she doesn’t even have the simple basic comfort of her beloved pets? what the fuck? it was so unnecessary and i’m still upset
*in arkham city, one of riddler’s trap rooms has fear toxin in it. you can’t physically approach it, but you can zoom in and clearly see the upside-down batsymbol/jack-o’-lantern face painted on the canisters. this leads to two possibilities as far as harley is concerned: first, that nobody told her scarecrow is still alive and she’s been operating this whole time thinking he’s dead and mourning him, or second, that somebody did tell her, and she’s trying to help scarecrow make a comeback as well as save joker, which would make her even more frazzled. i’m leaning towards the first option because it makes more sense within this narrative, and i’ll talk more about that in a bit.
it’s possible that scarecrow and jason somehow met post-asylum and teamed up. in arkhamverse canon, this doesn’t work because jason was already the arkham knight when the events of arkham city happened, but that’s dumb and makes no sense given the timeline, so i’m scrapping it. however, canon did give scarecrow and the arkham knight a weirdly close relationship, one that went beyond simple business. (i’m not saying ~*~*~they were “close”~*~*~, i’m saying that they seemed to have a mutual personal investment in defeating batman that overruled their status as enemies. don’t make this gross. if you try to make it gross, i will come for you, and i will not be happy.) so maybe scarecrow and jason teamed up for survival in arkham city without realizing who exactly they were working with, and then once that revelation hit, they already felt somewhat indebted to each other. it’s also possible that they hadn’t met at all and that jason contacted scarecrow after becoming the arkham knight. idk. it’s a mystery so far.
talia is alive during the events of arkham knight. the league came and got her just like they came and got ra’s. there is literally no reason for her to still be dead given that we have the canon precedence-- three times over-- of ra’s being killed and then brought back. the concept that talia is dead in arkham knight is stupid and misogynistic and serves no purpose whatsoever other than to give bruce More Manpain(TM). it’s bad, and the writers should feel bad, and whoever approved that writing should feel bad, too.
it was scarecrow’s idea to bring harley into their plot. jason was just fine leaving her to die in arkham city or letting her rot in jail, but scarecrow has One Single Redeeming Quality, and that quality is his Good And Wholesome Platonic Love For Harleen Quinzel. he knew that he owed her big time for not being around in arkham city and he also recognized that she deserved to be a part of their plot to take out batman.
harley cried like a baby when she realized the arkham knight was jason. it was ugly. she was ugly. he was kind of uncomfortable and reeling from the sudden return of the person who (intentionally, by the way) caused him to develop stockholm syndrome. but they dealt with it and everybody came out kind of friendly.
the plot of arkham knight would not have happened without harley. she operated as a buffer between jason, who is fundamentally trying to do the Right Thing, and jonathan, who is fundamentally trying to do the Wrong Thing/His Own Thing And Screw Rightness. their infighting would have made the scheme collapse if harley hadn’t been there acting as the glue to hold it all together.
harley also kept the other rogues out of their way as best she could. it was super lowkey and the rogues probably never realized it was her. one would think she’d want revenge against them for deserting her in arkham city, but no-- by this point, she’s tired. she’s tired of fighting over meaningless things like territory and money and reputations. she doesn’t even have much of a will to live past exposing batman as a fraud who doesn’t save everyone and then killing him. so she’ll set up the people she cares about to be safe, even if they don’t necessarily care about her anymore. she arranged for selina to be taken by riddler before the arkham knight or scarecrow could get to her, because she knew selina would figure out a way to escape eventually. she conveniently forgot to mention that scarecrow’s fear toxin wouldn’t affect poison ivy. she also arranged for two-face’s bank robberies and hush’s attempted takeover of wayne enterprises to happen on the same night as the arkham knight takeover so that batman would be extra busy.
(note: she knows bruce wayne is batman. she has known since she and joker unmasked jason and figured out who he was. however, she keeps convincing herself that There’s No Way Bruce Wayne Is Batman, There’s Got To Be Something More To It Than That because knowing who batman is tips the scales in the bad guys’ favor, and that goes against everything she knows. the Good Guys are supposed to win! they’re supposed to save the day! that’s why they’re Good Guys! that’s why Bad Guys show up and do Bad Guy Stuff! that’s How It Works! except now batman has shown his true colors, and she wants everyone to know that he’s not really a Good Guy after all, because he didn’t save jason and he didn’t save joker, and he didn’t save scarecrow, and he didn’t save her. now that she sees him this way, she has no problem taking advantage of the knowledge of his secret identity.)
hush has been involved in the arkham plot from the very beginning. harley has a lot of practice patching people up, but she’s no doctor, so she eventually turned to tommy elliot in order to help her with jason’s more severe injuries. tommy was the one who operated on jason after joker shot him in the chest. (joker intended to kill jason, but what was left of the robin costume slowed the bullet enough that it didn’t kill him immediately; he would have bled out and died if harley hadn’t convinced joker to go get hush and save the kid.) he confirmed that bruce wayne is batman and later helped harley, scarecrow, and the arkham knight form a plan that struck at batman from every angle.
the events of batman: hush have taken place prior to the events of arkham asylum, but it makes no sense to me that batman, who goes to arkham all the time and has a batcave on arkham island and is supposed to be the world’s greatest detective, somehow didn’t know that one of his greatest enemies was working at arkham asylum and/or didn’t do anything about it, so i’m scrapping that and keeping the hush subplots from arkham city and arkham knight only.
speaking of hush’s subplot in arkham knight? HE ALREADY KNOWS BRUCE IS BATMAN? THAT WAS LITERALLY THE WHOLE POINT OF BATMAN: HUSH, WHICH HAS ALREADY HAPPENED BY THE TIME ARKHAM ASYLUM TAKES PLACE? IT’S LITERALLY MORE DIFFICULT TO JUSTIFY HIM NOT KNOWING BRUCE IS BATMAN THAN IT IS TO JUSTIFY HIM KNOWING AND USING IT TO HIS ADVANTAGE? hush tried to take over wayne enterprises and was going to hack the batcave and maybe become batman himself in order to run around doing dumb shit and smearing batman’s image or at least send all of bruce’s computer-operated machinery out against the city. none of this “whAT dO YOU MeAN BRUCE WaYNE IS bAtMAN?/1//1/!????!?!?!?!?1///!!!!??/?!?!1?” nonsense. not in my house
harley and what’shername who got infected with joker virus? christina bell? gay
but on a more serious note christina bell was literally harley’s last hope for happiness again and LOST CHRISTINA just like she lost EVERYONE ELSE
wayne manor didn’t blow up. that’s angsty. that’s way too angsty. or at least, if it did blow up, nobody was inside and there were already at least 3 different contingency plans for every batkid/bat-associate ensuring that they have nothing to worry about money-wise and that they have a place to live and plenty of school/career options
yes, every batkid. they’re all here except maybe damian. dc/rocksteady can get the fuck outta here with that 3 robins and 1 batgirl BULLSHIT
me? pulling the one good thing chris nolan gave us and sticking it in the arkhamverse, allowing bruce to fake his death and run away to france or italy or wherever with selina or talia and both of them living a quiet, relatively civilian life? more likely than you think!
there may not be a batman anymore but that just means more attention for all the batkids and various bat-associates that have popped up over the years and lemme tell you if you thought gothamite criminals were scared of one batperson running around just imagine how terrified they’d be to find out that there’s like 30 more who’ve just been waiting for a chance to step up their game
scarecrow never gets better. good. serves him right. i have no legitimate reason to believe that becky albright exists in the arkhamverse but you can’t tell me she doesn’t and that she isn’t sleeping like a baby after seeing scarecrow get dosed with his worst ever batch of fear toxin on live tv
idk what happens to harley. maybe she becomes the red hood’s partner in crime (fighting). maybe jason calls her out on her abuse and they never speak again on friendly terms. maybe she also runs off to italy or france or back to brooklyn. maybe christina bell never actually died and they get together as Clown Idiots 2.0. idk! it’s painful to try and imagine her in a post-arkham world! it’s painful to imagine a post-arkham world in general!
so yeah in short nothing is the same after the events of arkham knight but you know what. i’m sick of bat-stories that maim and kill and emotionally brutalize women and children for the sake of making bruce suffer and mask it under narrative progress. he’s suffered enough. they’ve suffered enough. you can make a plot happen without seriously hurting anyone. so how about instead we just let bruce retire and live the happiest life he can and let everyone who’s part of his legacy step up and shine and make him proud and make themselves proud!!!
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Man, besides Sherry, Piers, and Ada, everyone was kind of an asshole in 6. Chris and Jake's beef over Wesker was so dumb, too.
The most unrealistic part about 6 is the US government just clearing Helena and not using her as a scapegoat lmao. Her ass would have been in locked up for life in a Supermax.
Leon and Helena are legit assholes tho. My love for Leon just fizzled out when he never once stopped to confront her and force the answer out of her after they got innocent people killed in the cathedral. He doesn’t even give a shit. A far cry to who he was in 2 and even 4.
Chris should have retired or died and passed the mantle on to Piers, full stop. I think Capcom was too scared to kill him off and now they don’t know what to do with him because his story is over. Also, Chris feeling bad about killing Wesker and then bringing it up to Jake in the worst possible way. Gtfo outta here, did he forget about what happened to Jill? A total diservice to her.
Jake’s character is good in concept and his relationship with Sherry is cute when done well, but he has some straight up asshole moments. He can be pretty snappy to Sherry and it’s not cool. Realistically, Piers would have shot his ass the moment he raised his gun at Chris. I feel like if Jill was there and just showed her scars, he would have shut up.
Wesker was literally gonna destroy the world and killed thousands upon thousands of innocent people, Jake even says he hates him for it, get out of here with that Capcom. He never knew him, in his mind, Wesker’s a monster.
Ada is honestly the only character besides Piers and maybe Chris who actually cares about civilians. I don’t want to hear talk about her being a heartless bitch, she actually tried to save as many people as she could. Didn’t have to, but she did anyway.
Also, I cannot believe that, Sherry, a protege of Claire Redfield, would allow Jake to make sexist jokes and not wipe his ass out. Hope if they remake 6, he does it once and Sherry ends it right then and there.
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