#thank you so much harper!! 💖💖 omg you really made me think with these ones because although they are really relevant to her i had never
arklay · 3 years
😱🔮 🐺📚 for diana?
[😱] does your muse have any specific fears? where did those fears come from?
answered here!
but i also want to say another one oops… becoming dependent on someone else. i think a big thing for her is not wanting to have her autonomy taken away, and that’s why being vulnerable with wesker was such a terrifying concept because she didn’t want to rely on him for things she’s been able to do on her own her entire life – confusing letting others help you with becoming dependent. she’s just so self-reliant that letting anyone assist her with something is such a big deal. i feel like this probably just stems from her need to always be in control which is ironic considering certain activities. i think also seeing wesker depend on her has made her even more fearful. like if they were to swap places she doesn’t know how she’d do it. as much as she trusts him, having someone else administer your medicine, counting on them to be on time for every dose, literally putting your life in their hands… she’d feel so helpless i think
[🔮] what is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? were they raised in a certain religion? have they stuck with the same spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? are they settled in their spirituality now?
i think religion is something diana is very ambivalent towards. her parents were both atheists, but the topic of believing in god didn’t come up often so i don’t know if you can truly say she was raised to not believe in a higher power. i think over time as she’s learnt more about different religions – which she is surprisingly open minded about – she’s leant more towards agnosticism. her life’s work is science so she doesn’t draw conclusions without logical evidence and observations. while wesker does reference religious ideologies quite a bit, i think it’s not from the belief in a higher power, but rather that they could be the gods of a new world – an ideal she shares as they would be advanced beings (they’re already superhumans) because their scientific work made them so
[🐺] does your muse like solitude? do they prefer it to being around others? how easily does your muse get lonely?
answered here!
[📚] what books does your muse have on their bookshelf? what books would they like to have? if your muse isn’t an avid reader, is there anything they collect or might like to collect?
for the most part, you will find a lot of science nonfiction on her bookshelf, as well as academic texts. she has way too many biology textbooks, multiple focusing on virology and herpetology, but she genuinely just enjoys reading about different branches of biology and furthering her knowledge. she did have quite the collection of books on philosophy before wesker’s library merged with hers, then it just increased like tenfold. there are quite a few books on ancient greek history and mythology as well, alongside epic poetry. then of course, courtesy of alex, kafka’s works are sitting amongst the many other short stories diana keeps meaning to get around to
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