#literally nobody would notice this but this one is a different size to the others pff
the-clay-quarters · 1 month
if you're still taking these--🎲 for theodore and grace (or anyone of your choice >:3)
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29. A kiss to the back of the hand. Tfw one of the people in Twitch's circle is? surprisingly polite? and put together? They hang out in pubs with zailor lunatics Where did they find this guy (The sentiment is mutual)
[Ask game]
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vvaspoppie · 8 months
Doc Ock x Symbiote!Reader
→ Author’s Note: Requested this from another writer (that’s also really cool), and decided to also write my own version. No specified version of Ock, pre and post evil versions are mentioned.
→⚠ Warnings ⚠: unethical science,
→ Fandom: Unspecified
→ Genre: Headcanons
→  Pronouns: They/Them
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The Backstory:
You were a scientist who worked on studying the organic matter samples Colonel Jameson had brought to earth. Unfortunately, one of those samples was capable of a lot more movement than originally believed.
Long story short: Some of it bonded with you, you quit soon after due to not wanting anyone to get suspicious then started working at Oscorp.
Pre Tentacles:
He, and almost every other co-worker, is a little bit curious about the fact that you quit your last job to work at Oscorp but drops the subject after the mention of an NDA (which wasn’t true)
Notices you talking to yourself a lot, but doesn’t question it much. Most of the scientists he works with have an odd habit or two.
You totally slip up and call yourself 'we' in a conversation, which he does bring up
"There's a perfectly reasonable explanation if you give me enough time to think of a lie."
On to the actual dating
You guys keep it on the down low and by that I mean absolutely nobody knows. He likes privacy
His love language is talking about his experiments and asking you about yours (and physical touch but that takes a while)
The symbiote makes the relationship difficult, especially because he doesn't know about it
You don’t ever tell him about the symbiote, the symbiote speaks for itself (literally, and to a disastrous extent)
He takes a while to process it, but once he does he shares his work on his tentacles
He tries not to think of the moral implications of the whole situation because he loves you and knows you wouldn't do harm intentionally (he is wrong)
Post Tentacles:
Ok so in most versions Otto goes missing for a brief time after the accident™
So what happens in this brief time?
Chaos. Pure chaos and fear
Not only are you distraught and angry but your symbiote also formed an emotional attachment
Absolutely no one gets a break. Criminals, civilians, co workers, Norman even Spider-Man
The streets are filled with nothing but fear and it stays like that until you get your Otto back
At which point:
Yay, evil power-couple time!
I mean what did you expect, you’re the host to a symbiote that eats people to survive and likes to commit crimes; there is almost nothing he could do that you either 1) haven’t already done or 2) had to literally fight yourself not to do
He changed after the accident, and it reminds you of when you first bonded with your symbiote. You try and be patient, knowing that he's still the same person, just with a different attitude and outlook on life.
With some communication skills being flexed, the relationship works out well
He also gains a new thing to be mad at the world about (Tabloids keep calling him a monsterfucker and so does your Symbiote)
It's that whole Roger and Jessica Rabbit thing except no one knows who's Roger or Jessica at any given moment.
You keep working at Oscorp to keep suspicions low and provide insider information
Yes, the suit makes you look very good - now do you want to be part of the Insidious Sinister Six or not?
You don’t want to fight Spider-Man head-on most of the time (much to the Symbiote's chagrin) so you agree to work with them, but not be on the team.
Anyway you end up kicking ass and now half the team is scared of you (Much to the Symbiote’s delight) (remember that episode in the 90s show were Venom Spider-Man almost kills Rhino and Shocker? Yeah you do something like that)
His ego may be nearing the size of the sun, but even then he’s slightly scared of what would happen if your symbiote gained full control. (Your symbiote likes him so his nerves are good, but still makes sure nothing happens that affects your memories)
Speaking of which he wants to do some - totally not evil because he loves you- experiments revolving around the Symbiote
Overall, the relationship is wholesome, if not unconventional.
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robinismywifee · 1 year
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straight girl || e. williams
pairings ellie williams x fem!oc/reader
summary maria sends a straight girl with a boyfriend and ellie williams, a gay girl with a girlfriend, to go on a trip together but an unexpected storm traps them in a cabin. takes place in jackson, one bed trope? 19 y/o ellie, no spoilers, 3rd person pov, ellie has a crush on oc
warnings NSFW, fingering (r. receiving), scissoring?, pet names (babe, good girl), cheating, slight masturbation??
a/n be aware that aime is an oc and dont feel insecure or anything if she looks nothing like you, youre literally beautiful trust me, also you can always find my oneshots on my wattpad, also feel free to request stories 💕
wordcount 5.8k
ellie has always felt different towards aime. ever since she was 14, right when she first layed her eyes on her, she never took them off.
how she always walked around with a hudge smile on her face, her smile was so perfect, and her uneven white teeth only made it more perfect
when they first met, she had a soft pitch voice, and had soft features, making her face look so innocent and adorable, but as the years went on, her voice got deeper and more raspy, making her more captivating and euphonic, she still had softer features, but they almost shifted in a way to make her more elegant
along with her face and voice changing over the years, ellie noticed her body changed too, she grew more curves, her stomach always layed flat but her breasts were full, and from what you could see when she wore her laced tanktops she loved, they sat perfectly too..
something about her and her sandy blonde hair was just so alluring to ellie.
ellie wouldnt say she had a crush on her, the only time they would talk was during patrol, exchanging simple words and short sentences, or if they walked by, aime would make sure to smile at her and wave, but they never failed to make ellies mind freak out—
am i talking too much? is my hair okay? shit she looks so fucking hot. how do i make her laugh without making it seem like im trying too hard? what? did she just complement me? holy shit i think im gonna pass out. how can someone look so goddamn hot while doing literally anything?
—are typical things ellies mind would be yelling.
aime was well known around jackson, well known for being pretty, nice, happy, and hardworking
her looks never failed to amaze people, practically all the teenagers of jackson has asked her out, and she was really nice, if she knew your name and if you werent rude to her or other people (who dont deserve it), she would make sure to smile at you walking by, which is why anytime she saw ellie, she would give a warm smile, she also liked complimenting people, seeing there faces brighten up from a simple comment made her face brighten up, and all her compliments were always genuine, she would never lie and say she liked a shirt on someone if she didnt, which is also why she would compliment ellie, ellie was easy to compliment, she was so beautiful and nobody talked about her enough- plus ellies reaction everytime made aimes face yank a big smile, ellie would always get blushed cheeks and flustered
aime only ever did hard and dangerous work, she did patrols a lot, keeping the bad away from her people, and she was talented on trips, if for any reason she got kicked out of jackson, she would survive. she had great agility, knowledge, it wasnt her thing but she knew how to track and hunt, she scavenged better then others, she wasnt the strongest, but she definitely knew how to win a fight, usuing her smaller size to her advantage. she was smart, and she was genuinely a happy person.
"i know aime is like, really good with trips, ive gone on them with her before, but just the two of us? i mean seriously?" ellie complained to dina, "i don't get why your angry, shes a nice girl and shes a good person to go on a trip with" dina shurgged, dina and aime were actually good friends, not close per say, but they hung out when they could, if aime didnt constantly drown herself in work she would have more time for friends and dina, but for the past two months it was either work or daniel
ellie stayed silence at dinas remark, so dina continued, "you know.. before her and daniel started dating, you liked her, always coming home from those patrols ranting to me about how she complimented you and was super hot as she killed an infected, but now that shes dating him you hate her? why?"
this caused ellie to stop packing her bag and look up to dina, "dina, her dating some random guy i dont know has nothing to do with this! i just dont want to go on a whole ass trip alone with her, its gonna be awkward!" ellie defended, but they both knew that wasnt why ellie was so mad, "the trip youve known about for 2 days? really? thats weird, considering you've been mad and annoyed at her for the past 2 months"
"its just- you and her use to go on those 'friend dates' or whatever you weirdos call it, like every month, and now that she has a boyfriend she cant make room for you? or any other of her friends? like, if you walk by her, shes with her stupid boyfriend, holding hands and giggling like, what can he say to make you laugh like that? probably some stupid joke that isnt even funny, i dont even get why she likes him, hes ugly with his ugly hair and he's completely useless, he does nothing and he probably isnt even dating her for her!" ellie ranted, throwing things into her bag for the trip
dina laughed.
ellies head shot up to her, "what? why are you laughing? you asked!" ellie said frustrated, "you're totally jealous, arent you?" dina smirked, "what? jealous? dina shut up! you know im dating cat!" ellie said, growing more and more frustrated by the minute
"okay yeah, but you have liked aime for wayyyy longer then cat" dina remarked, "i dont like aime! i just think shes hot, and literally everyone else with eyes thinks that so shut it" ellie groaned, zipping her bag and running out of her door, dina laughed some more, "wait up!" she said through her laughs
the sound of the horses feet clacking on the ground filled the empty forest.
"so howd you sleep?" aime asked, trying to spark a conversation. they had just left, and it was awkward between the two. ellie had been avoiding aime- for the past 2 months- changing patrol partners and running behind corners when she saw her to prevent that spark she felt in her stomach when she smiled at her
"fine" ellie mumbled, "oh, well, better then bad" aime remarked, "mhm" ellie hummed dryly, they rode their horses side by side in silence for a little, "i havent spoken to you in awhile, how's your life been?" aime asked, looking over to the girl, "the same" ellie said, looking down at the horses mane, aime looked away from ellie, down to her horses mane, trying to think of ways to get her ranting like how she use to to her
"can you tell me more about astronomy?" aime asked, thinking back to how she told her about it a few months ago, "uh.. why?" ellie said blankly, "sorry.. just thought you liked that stuff, and its fun to talk about stuff you like, you know?" aime explained, cheeks red embarrassed
aime was confused of why ellie was acting so different from usual, usually ellie would be cracking jokes and puns, telling funny stories, ranting about things she liked.. and ellie did seem to disappear for awhile, did she do something wrong? i mean, ellie wasnt even looking at her, it wasnt weird for ellie to avoid eye contact, she actually did that alot, but she wouldnt even glance in her direction.
while aime was trying to figure it out, ellies mind kept on repeating over and over and over again, aime and daniel stupid kissing and 'i love yous' right before they left.
"hey ellie" aime said, first time speaking in at least 2 hours, "hm?" ellie hummed, "did i do something wrong? because im really sorry if i did, but could you tell what it is that i did? i would never do anything wrong to hurt you on purpose, ever, in my whole life, and i sorta just spent however long we've been out trying to figure it out and i cant" aime ranted, which was sorta out of charater for aime, and aime apologizing for something that isnt her fault made ellie finally look over at her with sad eyes
it wasnt aimes fault that she felt like this, it was her own fault for letting something so small get to her, and she just wasted hours of aimes time for her to try and figure it out. thats what ellie though, and it made her feel like shit.
aime was suprised ellie was looking at her, and confused of ellies emotion displayed on her face- it looked like guilt.
"you didn't do anything aime, dont be sorry, im just tired" ellie said to her, hoping aime would believe she was just tired, but aime didnt believe that it was that, somethings going on
"hey, theres the cabin tommy was talking about, like a few miles up ahead, should we take a rest and eat there?" aime asked ellie, looking down at the map unfolded out infront of her while still riding the horse
"yeah, its getting dark" ellie agreed with her, looking up at the clouded sky, it was pretty sunny yesterday, this morning it was partly cloudy, and now all you could see were clouds, aime didnt think too much about it since last she checked they were bright white ones, but as she watched ellie looking up at the sky she did too, now noticing the clouds turning grey
"you think it will start raining before we get there?" aime asked, folding the map away and sliding it in her pocket, "i dunno.. im more worried about how long its gonna last, if you look more east the clouds are really dark, it might be a bad storm and we would have to wait it out" ellie explained her thoughts
"true.. but atleast we're gonna have shelter, could you imagine how bad it would be if we weren't by the cabin?" aime smiled, trying to brighten ellies mood, "yea, that would suck" ellie scoffed, aime, smiled a little bit more, happy that ellie gave more emotion instead of blankly humming as a response
"so the cabins just east?" ellie asked, looking over at aime for an answer, aime still smiling, now smiling because ellie was actually looking at her, maybe she was just tired.
"yeah, no sharp turns or anything i dont think, as long as we keep going straight it'll come into view" aime nodded, "perfect.. straight towards the storm" ellie mumbled, "it probably wont be that bad, ellie" aime tried to reason, but ellie was caught off guard by aime using her name
"y- yeah.." she stuttered
ellie and aime pushed the bookshelf infront of the front door of the cabin, their clothes dripping wet, the thunderstorm whistling and lighting jumping, the sound of rain dropplets slamming against the windows
"shit" ellie panted, "its way worse then i thought it'd be" she said, catching her breath, "yea.. its pretty bad" aime agreed, also out of breath, the rain had started about half a mile before they got to the cabin, and when it was in view it started pouring, then it get even worse with hard rain and loud thunder, they had to run and tie up their horsed in a shed, and run into the cabin as fast as they could to prevent getting even more wet, but here they stood, soaked
ellie looked at amie confused, "what? do i look bad with wet hair?" aime asked, pushing the hair that stuck to her face behind her ears, suddenly feeling insecure under ellies gaze
"bad? no you can never look bad, i just didnt exepct you to agree on me with that instead of trying to convince me happy things" ellie explained to the girl, aime smiled at ellies compliment, which ellie didnt even realize she gave
ellie turned her head to look around the cabin, she immediately spotted a mirror, she walked over to it, taking out her tangled bun, pushing her hair behind her ears and started messing with her bangs
aime watched her doing it, if i was a guy id have the biggest crush on her, aime though, walking over to her, standing shoulder to shoulder, ellie stopped fiddling with her hair and started fiddling with her hands looking down
"you're really pretty ellie, cats lucky to date you" aime smiled looking to her, ellies head stayed down, but aime noticed a blush creep onto ellies face
ellie felt like she could collapse at her calling her pretty and using her name, but the though of cat made guilt consume her. how can she date someone but think about anyother person way more? or how can she get crazy butterflies in her stomach when some random girl calls her pretty but doesnt really feel anything when her own girlfriend does?
ellie did like cat, she did, but ellie was starting to think she didnt really like her. she was fun to be around and she made her smile, she also liked how cat didnt care what others thought of their relationship, but everytime her and cat would go by aime, ellie would always pull away from cat, untangling her hands from her, putting them in her pocket or pretending to scrach her arm until aime was out of view.
"did you bring any extra clothes?" aimes voice snapped ellies thoughts away, "uh.." ellie looked up at her, "i dont think i have any pants since they would fit in my bag but everything else yea" ellie thought, "i think i only have a tanktop and boxer breifs" aime mumbled, taking her bag off her shoulders and turning around-
she was too focused on watching ellie she didnt even have time to look around, and ellie was too focused on making herself look presentable to look around
ellie turned around too, the cabin was really small, they already knew that from the outside but it seemed smaller on the inside
there was one big bed, queen size maybe, a small kitchen and a two person dinner table, a big carpet, and a fireplace, there was also a door by the kicthen, probably the bathroom
okay, good, theres a comfy bed for us, aime thought, before walking over to the kicthen, setting her bag on the counter before opening ir and pulling out her clothes. she didnt mind sharing a bed at all, she shared beds with whe friends all the time, even with twin sized ones, it wasnt weird
ellie stood there with widened eyes, the thought of sharing a bed with her made her feel warm, but she shook her head and walked by aime, setting her bag down next to her and looking for her clothes
while ellie was trying to find her socks, she saw in the corner of her eye, aime slipping off her jacket, which was whatever, but then she pulled off her shirt and reached for the buttons of her pants, ellies face went red, she tried to focuse herself on finding the socks in her bag, but her peripheral vision wasn't allowing it, so she mindlessly shuffled through her bag making it seem like she didnt notice
but aime knew ellie noticed her changing, aime watched her face go pink as she slipped off her pants, she smiled to herself, shes so cute, if i was a guy i'd have the biggest crush on her, aime thought to herself
"you finding your clothes okay?" aime teased, ellie felt her face get even hotter, shit shes so hot- "u- uh, yea, just fine" ellie stuttered, moving her back so aime wasnt in her peripheral vision anymore so she could actually focus on finding them
aime got completely nude, as the rain had soaked through her clothes and her underwear and bra were soaked, slipping on white boxer breifs and a white V cut tanktop, her bag was really full and these were the only clothes she could fit as they were thin and tiny
aime walked over to the fireplace, sitting infront of it. once ellie had her clothes layed out, on the counter, she peeked her head thinking aime was still behind her, but she wasnt, so ellie looked over her other shoulder to see her on her knees trying to started a fire, ellie watched as her damp hair dripped down her back, going through her thin white too and down to her shorts, ellie couldnt help but stare at her ass.
aime felt eyes on her, she peeked her head over her shoulder to see ellie immediately moving her head away from her, aime smilied to herseld before going back to the fire
ellie turned her back to face aime, before getting undressed, placing her heavy wet clothes next to aimes, as ellie got changed, she stared at aimes light pink laced bra that layed on the counter, she started to get butterflies as she pictured what aime would look like in it, she shook her head feeling grossed out by herself and turned around now clothed
aime heard ellie walk over to the now lit fire, she moved her head to look up at ellie, aime didnt know it but her face went a shade of pink seeing ellie in a thick strapped white tanktop, it was tight but long, covering half her underwear- her underwear being greyish purple and sort of boxer breifs like aimes exepct hers were a lot shorter.
as ellie sat down next to aime, aime pulled out two cans of chef boyardiee ravioli, she passed ellie a can along with plastic forks, the only noises being heard was the fire crackling and the heavy rain- followed by thunder almost every minute
"so how are you and cat?" aime asked, eating the now warmed ravioli, ellie stayed quiet for a minute, "we're good" ellie shortly replied, aime nodded, "i really like the tattoo she gave you, you look super good with it" aime smiled, making eye contact with her
ellie got red from that (again) "so.. uhm.. how are you and daniel" ellie asked, trying to return the question, but her voice came out bitter, aime didnt realize ellies tone, now stuck in thought if her boyfriend she didnt like, aime shrugged, "i dont know"
ellies eyebrows scrunched, "what do you mean you dont know?" she asked her, watching aime as she stared into the fire, trying to stop her eyes from going down to her cleavage, "uh, its nothing, i do like him but hes just very needy and- touchy" aime tried to explain without outting herself for not liking him at all
"how so?" ellie asked, now invested, she thought they had the perfect relationship, "he basically moved in with me without asking, he complains that i work too much, and like.. he always tries to get me to do it with him, but i don't want to yet" aime said, she whished she wanted to, but everytime he would touch her she just would squirm away and would feel gross
ellie was dumbfounded, "wait? you guys havent done it yet?" she really thought they did it like every night, aime shook her head, "have you and cat?" aime asked, placing the empty can to the side, "maybe" ellie simply replied, aime nodded, "i figured" she said, taking a sip of water
"whats that supposed to mean?" ellie asked, "like every couple of jackson does it im the only one" she shrugged, ellie sipped water, "well, you and kaleb definitely did it" ellie almost mumbled, "what? no we didnt?" aime asked confused, kaleb was her ex boyfriend, they were together for about a year and half, before she found out kaleb had been cheating on her for almost a year.
"uh, you guys were together for over a year" ellie said, confused, "yea, i know, thats why he started doing it with other girls behind my back" aime replied, "he what?" ellie raised her voicd, growing angry at him, even though it was years ago when they broke up, the reason the broke up kaleb and amie told people they both just lost feelings
"oh shit- i didnt mean to say that, ellie please dont tell anyone, please-"
"i wont, but what the fuck?" ellie questioned, "next time i see him hes gonna kiss my fist" ellie said angry, "ellie! its not a big deal and it was years ago, who cares?" aime asked confused of why ellie randomly got mad
"who cares? you dont date someone and go fuck other people because they werent ready for it!"
"no, trust me ellie, its fine, i didnt even really care when i found out, i didnt really like him" aime shrugged, "huh? whyd you date him?" ellie asked, "i- im done talking about this" aime said, unsure of how to reply
they were silent for a few minutes, just staring into the fire- well aime was, and she thought ellie was too, but ellie was staring at her
ellies eyes trailed from aimes eyes, to her nose, to her soft plumpled lips, to her slightly wet neck, almost dry from the rain, to her full chest, to her damp white shirt, her shirt was damp enough that you could see her shape and her nipples from her not wearing a bra, ellies eyes trailed even ferther to aimes bottoms, flickering back to her breasts. her mouth began to water, she thought about what her lips would taste like, what her skin would taste like, how perfectcly her hands would cup her breasts, how her pussy would taste- ellie tried to stop her thoughts but shes been holding them back for too long now, and they kept pouring into her head, ellie wondered what her face would look like, what noises would come out, she thought about her screaming her named-
ellie felt herself grow wet, she couldnt stop it, "im gonna go to the bathroom" ellie mumbled, standing up and walking to the door in the kitchen, she entered the bathroom, it was small, just a toilet, a sink, and a standing shower
ellie locked the door and sat on the toilet cover, she felt butterflies in her stomach, thinking of how aime would look riding her, how her wavy hair would drape over her naked body, ellie pressed her theighs together, "shit" she whispered, allowing her hand to go to her underwear.
"hey" aime smiled, ellie was bright red, i cant believe i just fucking did that, ellie thought to herself, slapping herself in her mind for doing that to not only cat but to aime
"hi" ellie said, standing up looking down at aime who still sat on the ground, "we should probably get to bed?" aime questioned, ellie looked back at the bed, shit i forgot theres only one bed, "uh- yea, probably" ellie nodded, "you okay?" aime asked, "yeah why?" ellie quickly said back, "you just seem, flustered? i don't really know"
aime put out the fire, the moonlight lighting the cabin, and held out her hand for ellie to help pull her up, which ellie did, once aime was up, she didnt let go of ellies hand, she smiled looking up at her, "can i ask a personal question?" aime randomly asked, still holding ellies hand, "uh, sure?" ellie said confused, "how many people have you.. done it with?" aime asked, hoping it wasn't too weird, but they were both 19 so aime wanted to compare their numbers.
"only cat" ellie answered, aime nodded, looked down to her feet, "how many have you?" ellie asked, "uh.." aime hummed, "im not like- gonna judge you or anything" ellie tried to comfort her, which it worked, "none" aime mumbled, "none?" ellie asked, making sure she heard it right, aime nodded, "oh" ellie said, which caused aime to look up at her, "i didnt mean that to sound like i was judging or- something- i meant oh as in just like that i was suprised" ellie corrected
aime laughed, "its okay, you can judge, ive had three boyfriends, im 19, and still a virgin"
"three?" ellie asked confused, she only knew of two, "oh, yeah, it was before you came to jackson" she shortly explained, "who? do i know them?" ellie asked, "uh.. lucas, but it was only like for 4 months and we were 13 so it doesnt actually really count" aime explained, which caused ellie to laugh
"well why havent you?" ellie questioned, "just dont want to, anytime the touch me i feel gross" aime shrugged like it was normal, "uh.. okay?" ellie said confused, "and if im being honest.. dicks are disgusting" aime whispered, which caused ellie to laugh again, "what? first of all, ive never heard a straight girl say that, second of all, did you just swear?!"
aime laughed, "oh shut up! everybody thinks theyre gross they just dont say it!" aime dragged ellie behind her as she made her way to the bed, ellie giggled as she crawled into the bed with her
"i should of brought a blanket" aime mumbled, the bed only has a sheet and two pillows, the blanket was nowhere to be seen
"yeah? how would you have brought that" ellie questioned, "uhh.. i would of figured it out!" aime said with a smile, they were both of their sides facing eachother, "yeah right" ellie laughed
ellie kept on flickering her eyes to how pretty her body looked, she needed to stop she moved and layed on her back
it was silent for awhile, ellie thought aime went to sleep and aime didnt know if ellie was awake or not, "ellie?" aime whispered, the rain still pouring, ellie turned her head and looked at aime, suprised she was awake, "yeah?" ellie asked, "im cold" aime said, her hands on her arms trying to warm herself up, ellie looked down at her and noticed her nipples poking through from being cold- "uh.. me too" ellie said, unsure of how to respond to that
"can we.. you know.." aime tried to say without saying it, "huh?" ellie asked clueless, "uh, i dont mean to sound weird or anything, i only mean it platonically but.." aime said nervously, ellie finally realized what she was getting at
ellie opened her arms up motioning for her to go there, aime smiled at the girl, and scooted till she was presseda against ellies said, she then rested her cheek against ellies chest, wrapped an arm around her waist, ellie closed her arms around her, hugging her gently
they layed in silence for a few minutes, aime warmed up a bit but her legs were cold, so she lifted her knee and placed it between ellies legs, ellie almost instinctively brought her hand to aimes leg, just above her knee, and pulled it up more so that her knee was only a few inches away from her heat, aime moved her hips to try and get closer to ellie, but since they were already touching ellie, and since aime's hips were in between ellies theigh, it only made aime's core brush against it, unexpected butterflies swormed aime but not in her stomach, and it felt good.
she sat in silence, her mind repeating how she felt when she moved her hips from a few minutes ago, she opened her eyes and looked up at ellie, but ellies eyes were closed and seemingly asleep. so aime pressed herself to ellie theigh, and moved her hips up, she let out a shakey breath, suddenly turned fully on- this is the first time she was every turned on with someone else in the room.
aime's eyes looked to ellies body, before she sunk her hips back down slowly, causing her to let out another breath as her clit rubbed against ellies skin, slightly gripping onto ellies fabric
she stopped herself, what the fuck am i doing? im straight, i have a boyfriend, and ellie had a girlfriend. what the fuck is wrong with me? i guess since daniels always in the house i never have time to touch myself so now that hes gone i wanna? she tried to reason
"whyd you stop?" ellies voice achoed the room as aime froze- "hm?" aime hummed, "you know what i said" ellie smirked looking down at the girl, but the girl had her eyes closed hoping she was dreaming completely embarassed, "stop what?" aime asked trying to sound confused, "don't play dumb" ellie said, moving her hand from aimes leg to her chin, she pulled her chin to look at her, aime looked anywhere but her eyes
"look at me" ellie ordered, aime scooted herself up more, hovering over ellie face to finally look at her in the eyes, they didnt speak anything, the sexual tension was so thick you could cut it with scissors
aime couldnt help herself, she was so turned on by ellie, her body, her face, and her voice, she without any thoughts slammed her lips into ellies, ellie immediately kissed back, putting all the anger she had for herself and for daniel into the kiss, ellie had her hands onto ellies waist, and aime just did what felt right, aime had one leg outside of ellies, the other in between ellies two, her hands holding ellies face
ellie leaned herself up, moving her hands more towards aimes hips, pushing them to help her move agianst them like how she was doing eairler, aime let out a moan through the kiss, which made ellie melt
aime started grinding her hips more to ellies theigh, "do you want me?" ellie grunted, aime only hummed in response, "i need words" ellie said, making lovebites on her jaw, "mh- i- i want you ellie" she moaned, she never felt this good in her life, she felt like she was in heaven, "good girl" ellie whispered
ellie gripped aimes hips, causing them to stop, she brought her lips back to aimes lips, kissing her with tongue, aime tried to move her hips but ellie was stronger then her and she couldnt
aime brought her hand to herself, trying to rub herself but ellie pulled away and gripped her wrist, "did i say you could?"
"n- no" aime whined, ellie licked her lips before she brought her face to aimes cleavge, she kissed it a few times before she pulled away, pulling aimes shirt over her head, ellie felt herself grow even wetter at the sigh, she stared in awe for a moment, before she started to taste her skin and message her boobs
"ellie- please" aime moaned wanting more, as much ellie wanted to tease aime more, she was teasing herself, ellie pulled away, looking at the marks she just created,
ellie grabbed aimes hips and lifted her up, before pulling her leg up too, and pushing her to sit back down on her so now she was straddling her instead of being in between her legs
ellie then brought her middle and ring finger to her clothed slit, rubbing her slowly, watching as she squirmed, she could feel her wetness seeping through the fabric, "youre so wet" ellie grunted, she moved her hand and pulled the waistband of aimes boxers, she sunk her hand into them, letting her wet lips come in contact with the pads of her fingers, "is this all for me babe?" ellie moaned, "only you" aime moaned
ellie began to drag her two fingers up and down her slit, as they slopply kissed, "i need you in me ellie" aime moaned, those words alone made ellie moan, so she sunk her fingers deep inside of her, aime bit her lip muffling her moan, "let me hear you" ellie moaned, jamming her fingers even deeper then before, aime let her jaw hang as she moaned, and began to grind her hips onto ellies fingers, "you look so pretty on me" ellie whispered as she began to pick up her paste
"tell me how good it feels" ellie moaned, starting to curl her fingers, "mmpfh- it- it feels so good ellie!" aime whinned, "good girl" ellie whimpered, "i- im gonna" aime tried to make out a sentance, but she cut herself off with whine, her stomach tightened, she arched her back onto ellies fingers, but ellie kept on pumping, overstimulating her as she dripped onto her fingers
"you did such a good job" ellie complimented, pulling her fingers out, aime didnt know what was to happen next, but ellie shoved her two fingers into aimes mouth, watching as aime complied, sucking on her fingers and twirling her tongue around them
"good girl" ellie whispered, she pulled her fingers out of her mouth, ellie pulled aime and turned her around so now aime was on bottom, ellie pulled off her underwear and pulled off aimes
she pressed her lips to hers, making out with eachother there tongues tangling. ellie then moved so that her left leg was under aimes, and that her right leg was over her others, pressing their clits together, aime let out a whine as ellie started to grind, there slits grinding against eachother
as aime gripped onto ellies leg, she leaned her head back and let out a whine, "fuck- ellie" she moaned, moving her hips grinding along with her, "daniel could never make you feel like this, huh?" ellie groaned, "no, only you can ellie" aime moaned, bringing her hand to ellies tanktop, lifting it up she could see her body
"thats it- good girl" ellie moaned, aime felt as if her ears had been blessed with the sound of her moaning, she wanted to get more of her noises out, aime brought her hand to her boobs, squeezing them and messaging them, "ugh- fuck- you're so hot" she moaned, leaning her head back grinding harder, "im gonna cum ellie" aime was able to pant
ellie felt her stomach tighten at her words, she rolled her hips once more before her and aimes moans were combained, ellie leaned onto aime with their chests pressed together, ellies head in the crook of her neck, both panting together.
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osleeplessflowero · 1 month
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Gotta make SOMETHING for Mermay. So here's some Nightmare content!
Oneshot Masterpost Check Out My In-Progress Fics Right Here On Tumblr! 1,322 Words
Content Warning: Almost Drowning
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You hear the light thumps of your footsteps as you make your way across the docks, sitting right on the edge and greeting the sea. Taking a breath, you memorize the ocean air. How it smells, how it feels on your body.. A pleasant feeling, for sure.
The stars shine brightly in the sky, twinkling over you as you stare into the sea water and smile down at yourself. Turning your head back, you glance at the hotel you'd recently checked into, relieved they allow their guests to swim late at night. It's such a perfect time to..right under the stars, stretching across the open sky, and reflecting onto the water below, which has a sort of glow to it.
Sliding off the suit cover you'd been wearing, you lean back a bit to make sure nobody else is coming outside, before jumping down into the cool water and putting on a mask. You shiver at the feeling before slowly adapting to it, shaking your head once you rise and breathing in before swimming further out without a care in the world. You lie on your back, staring up at the moon as you float..before closing your eyes and sinking into the depths. You open them again and swim without a clear goal in mind, coming up for air when you feel you've gone too far and need to breathe.
You collect shells along the way, small enough to fit in a small bag on your side. These'll be lovely for starting a collection! You smile, swimming back up once you need to breathe again, before going a bit deeper. A few different kinds of fish swim by you, staring in curiosity before turning their direction to other things. A part of you wonders what it would be like, to be a fish. Living in the sea all day long, swimming around.. not having to worry about anything other than..well, survival.
Being caught up in your own thoughts, you don't seem to notice a bright greenish light that's become rather fixated on you..a spotlight from the depths. Waiting for you to go deeper..to travel too far..
You gingerly pick up shells you find, waving to some fish and even flipping over a turtle that had fallen over. Such a curious soul.. perhaps too much so. You go up for air once more, before swimming down again, going even deeper. Finding yourself beginning to reach darker territory, you debate swimming back up..everyone knows darker waters are very bad places to go to.
The light comes into your view..you flinch at the sudden appearance of it, narrowing your eyes to try and see what it is. Reaching your hand towards it, it flinches itself and swims away. You start to call out to it, but remember you're literally underwater, and decide against it. Not a good idea to swim after strange lights anyway..you begin swimming back up.
As you kick your legs back and forth in your attempt to reach the surface, you find yourself getting stuck on a group of coral. Panicking, you reach down to try and free yourself, pulling as hard as you can before bringing your hands up to your neck. If you stay down here for much longer, you'll drown!
Nobody knows you're out here, nobody will find you, nobody will know you've died, you'll be quite literally SLEEPING WITH THE FISHES-
You struggle. A light is cast onto you again that you don't notice in your panic. A massive form swims over to you, practically surrounding you due to its huge size. You turn your head as you struggle to hold your breath, coming face to face with the creature.
A black skeleton faces you, an inky like substance on his face that makes it seem to melt. His body glows, if you weren't struggling you could count the several tentacles below his torso that are currently keeping him afloat and moving around. They each glow and illuminate you as he leers over you.
You move one of your arms to point down where you're stuck, his..eyelight? Following. He seems to come to an understanding when he moves down to assist without a word. You do your best to help, but eventually lose your control and open your mouth, only to inhale water and fall unconscious. The skele..octopus? Pulls you free, looking up at you with curiosity in his eye before taking your form in his arms and swimming up to the surface, moving quickly towards the beach somewhere he wouldn't be seen.
A few minutes pass before you cough up water, spitting it out onto the sand he'd laid you on and staring at said sand in disbelief. You..thought you'd died. You'd fully seen it coming, so how are you?..You lean up, pushing any hair you may have away from your face, spotting the figure leaning onto the sand while still half submerged, resting his face between his skeletal hands. He simply watches you with a bored expression until he realizes you're awake, eyelight widening when he freezes.
You..he saved you. Your life was just saved by a skeleton octopus. ..Not every day something like that happens.
You scoot a little closer, he scoots a little back, until he realizes you have no harmful intent. As he leans forwards again, you smile a bit.
"Thank you." You say, he tilts his head in reply. Maybe there's a language barrier here?.. What languages to mer speak? Surely there's some way to communicate. You try signing, and he perks up.
"So, you know how to sign? That'll work."
He holds up his hands.
'Almost died'.
You sign.
'But didn't. Thanks to you.'
He simply nods, looking over you with curiosity. You find yourself staring, before apologizing and looking away. He puts his hand over yours, so you quickly look back at him.
'Okay.' Is he saying it's okay to stare? Oh. Well, that's not as awkward.
You take in the sight of the monster, the lights along his tentacles making him glow under the moonlight. His eye moves over you as you observe the various scratch marks and dents in his bones, likely from battle, as well as the several tentacles attached. The ink-like substance over his eye has you curious, so you hesitantly hold out your hand to touch him. He seems to understand what you're trying to do, leaning his head forward a bit.
You gently press your hand against his cheek, cringing a second at the goopy sensation before..being pretty okay with it. It's kinda like slime..but a slime that you'd be chill with touching. He leans into your hand, which makes you pause. You assume he must be pretty touch starved..
He moves his other hand, reaching up to touch the side of your face, curious to feel you. You decide to let him. It's the least you could do for his gesture.
He gingerly moves his hand against your cheek, being careful not to scratch it with his sharp nails, likely used for hunting prey. He's cold, which makes you shiver. You hear a chuckle come out of him when you make a sound, turning to look at him. ..He..has a really nice smile..
You turn back to the hotel, gently moving your hand away from his face. He puts his hand around your wrist almost immediately, pulling you slightly towards him with a frown.
'Gotta go. Late.' You sign, once he releases your hand.
'I'll come back. Promise.'
He looks at you sternly. 'Promised.'
You nod in understanding, rising and taking one last second to look at him..before turning to head back to the hotel. You lost your mask in the water..you'll just go get another one.
His eyelight never leaves you until you're out of sight, and he descends back into the sea begrudgingly. He can already hear his brother's ridiculous lecturing on how he was gone for too long..
Oh well. He's going to do it again tomorrow anyway.
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discotenny · 6 months
Bite sized bits - vol 1
Some quick short headcanons that couldn’t be made into a larger post! Some are yume, some are just character centric. Enjoy!
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Doppo and his buster bro?
Doppo has constant thoughts of not being a good role model for his younger brother. It’s never mentioned how old he is, but especially if he's school aged- I imagine he doesn't visit home often due to the concern of being a "disappointing" older brother.
Despite his concerns though, Doppo's sibling thinks he's the coolest person in the whole world.
Life360 but you're the parent
You’re on the Yamada bro’s family tracker LMAO. Ichiro says you don’t have to turn your location on, but he wanted you to be on it in case anything happened to Saburo or Jiro and he couldn’t be there.
Jiro unfortunately uses it to beg to bring home food whenever he sees that you and Ichi are at a restaurant together.
Grocery shopping with Sasara is a literal process
He keeps wandering off into different isles, always seemingly on the other side of the store. Use that ‘clip a balloon to your partner’ life hack thing cause it’s the only way you’re finding him on your own.
Whenever he does appear though, he’s always sneaking items into the cart, trying not to have you notice. And they’re always EXPENSIVE TOO !! He’s got that famous comedian salary so he excuses it by saying he can afford it- but this man is not cost efficient in the slightest.
Ichi's older brother
Ichiro used to call Samatoki in as a babysitter for Jiro and Saburo back in their TDD days. Whenever he had a client to go to, needed to run errands, or simply just wanted a day to chill- Samatoki was always on speed dial.
Nemu would also come along! The bros thought she was 100% cooler than Toki in every way LMAO
I will live and die with Ramuda basement Dice
Ramuda will never kick Dice out of his basement!! No matter the circumstances, whether you move in, bills start raising, or even if you and Dice don’t get along- he has a home with Ramuda as long as he needs it.
Honestly if you ask him to kick his friend out that might be a deal breaker for your relationship
Jakurai wants a HOMEE
You starting your relationship with Jakurai is what compels him to start looking for a house. He was perfectly fine with a small apartment when it was just him- but with you in the picture he feels it’s time to start planning for a more permanent and stable future.
Doppo needs to stop accidentally sending disses to his boss
Doppo uses your private messages as his personal notes app sometimes. He’ll write down a to do list, ideas for rap verses, or just type keysmash when things get a little too stressful.
He doesn’t expect you to respond to any of his messages but when you do, whether giving him feedback or encouragement, he always gets super flustered.
Jiro's scandal
Jiro thinks that nobody knows about his secret relationship with you- but literally everyone knows HAHAHAHA. Saburo saw him holding hands with you one day and he told Ichiro about it- who then fawned about his lil bro growing up to anyone who asked how they were doing- and well, news certainly spreads quickly when it’s about the golden boys of Ikebukuro.
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Thought of these while trying to draft up fic concepts LOL. Hope these bide time in between posts- thank u for reading !!
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cao-the-dreamer · 11 months
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@artsy-hobbitses Here is he, the boy, the gremlin, the feral critter, I named... Cliffjumper!
If Ben and Claude decided to swap their clothes, nobody would notice the difference… until Claude starts spouting Cajun insults and charging through the enemy lines with a gun three times his size. Claude is often defined by his urge to fight, his stubbornness, his daredevil personality, and his habit of literally jumping off cliffs (giving numerous heart attacks to his teammates), hence the nickname “Cliffjumper”.
Hanley/Hot Rod: Yeah, you’re definitely related. Claude/Cliff & Ben/Bee: Cause we look like each other? Hanley: *raises an eyebrow since he saw Ben knee someone in the balls and Claude bite someone else’s nose* Sure. That.
Having grown up in an all female household, he finds it pretty normal to wear skirts (and they’re waaaaay more comfortable and practical). During his calmer moments, he likes to settle down and mend his clothes (often torn because of his running and climbing), just like his grannies taught him. People meeting him for the first time often mistake him for a girl, which he absolutely adores and he decides to see how long before they actually realize on their own; it took a whole week for the rebellion to notice and he finds it hilarious (he could simply tell them but… nah).
He’s also a very good bait.
Starscream: What the hell are you wearing. Cliffjumper, with a very frilly, glittery, neon-colored dress: It’s my ass-kicking outfit, BITCH *effectively acts as a distraction, drawing fire away from the rest of the troops*
Although he pretends to be annoyed when people mistake him for Bee, he will go feral if anyone threatens his half-brother and, over time, starts to view him as the sibling he never had.
(He also definitely encourages Bee to release his inner gremlin)
More of his story below!
Jean Claude Frugé, or simply Claude for his friends and family, was born of a Cajun mother — as for his sperm donor, he is an “holiday souvenir”, and the one thing he shares with Benjamin/Bumblebee, making them half-brothers.
When his mother, Lucienne, discovered she was pregnant, she dropped her dream studies so she could keep the baby. To this day, Claude still feels like he wasted his mother’s life, and tries to “make it up” for her, no matter how much she told him it was unnecessary.
Claude was raised between the bayou, the rice fields and the farms of Louisiana by an army of aunts, grandmothers, grandaunts, and great-grandmothers. He learned English at school and French at home. At a young age, he was already a wild child and spent his free time running through the swamp and fishing all by himself, so he could bring food to his maman. Imagine an eight-year-old absolutely caked with mud, his clothes dripping swamp water and holding out a fish that’s half his size, while grinning despite the face covered in dirt. Lucienne couldn’t be mad at him when he looked so proud of himself, and the grannies encouraged this behavior by showing him the best fishing spots.
The town folks got quickly used to the child walking barefoot through the bayou, but it didn’t stop the whispers about Lucienne’s broken dreams; she had lost the opportunity to get out of here and study in a renowned university/city, which was a pity in their eyes.
The whispers were quiet, but Claude heard them nonetheless.
He didn’t know if his penchant from fighting came from the hurt these whispers caused, or from the paternal genes, but his fists and sharp teeth ostracized him from the other children. Although he belonged in the bayou, he didn’t belong with the people living here. At least he had his family and their gentle love.
But sometimes love wasn’t enough.
Thus he began to leave more and more frequently, going deeper in the bayou, learning how to avoid quicksands and recognize alligators in the water, spending time with the birds and climbing trees until he was so high he felt he could touch the sky.
Sometimes, he wondered if his family’s life would have been easier in the city; he thought he would probably be less lonely with a nuclear, intact family, and he cursed his faceless sperm donor for “running away”. The spite prompted him to look for any information about his progenitor.
He was surprised to discover his progenitor had made a family in one of the big cities, and quite disgusted he was a cop. He was unable to know how to feel about the existence of a brother, and decided to drop the research.
He didn’t want to shatter the peace of this family; they seemed happy like that.
He had never been so wrong in his entire life.
As time passed and unrest began to grow through the United States, the Frugé family took on an activist side; the house became a safe haven for protesters who needed to hide from the police, and the older women wrote down their testimonies, which they then hid in the walls.
They told Claude how powerful memories could be.
When the Clampdown started and more people hit the road, Claude used his knowledge of the bayou to guide refugees through and to Mexico, stopping at his house so the Frugé women could feed and clothe the Cold Constructs, Beast Men and other refugees. More testimonies filled the walls.
One night, as he was guiding three Cold Constructs who had fled from Texas, they made a remark about his uncanny resemblance with one of their previous helpers. He would have brushed the words aside were it not for them mentioning the other one’s name.
His half-brother’s name was the last thing he expected to hear.
Knowing he was risking his life for a stranger, he nonetheless decided to look for Benjamin/Bumblebee, with whom he shared a fight. At only 19, he joined the rebellion created by Omar Parvez (Optimus Prime), Jace Zayden (Jazz) and Preston Wan (Prowl); while it was a good outlet for his chaotic energy and thirst for danger, his true reason was still Bumblebee, but he didn’t dare approach him, fearing the anger shimmering within him would scare Ben away, like it has scared so many children before.
But at some point he had to stop running away.
Time only will tell whether or not the revelation of the lineage between Bumblebee and Cliffjumper will bring pain, as both boys have their demons and misconceptions about each other, but there is no denying a tentative bond is starting to grow.
(Bonus: His color palette)
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marinerainbow · 1 year
I have four official AU's for the WFRR universe. One of which I already posted about (The Toon Medic AU), but I got three more.
The last two are more horror related though, so unless someone asks I won't post them. This one however, is literally just changing the species of the characters. So, despite the fact that nobody asked, here is my
WFRR Monster AU
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Tagging @wicked1will0sparkles so you can see ^^
Basically, instead of there being toons, there are different species of monsters. The humans are still humans, so it's monsters and humans coexisting. And it still takes place in the late forties. This barely does anything to the plot, I just love fantasy/monster AU's.
The monsters the toons would be are:
Roger Rabbit: Fairy. In fea folklore, there are all types of fairies, including more friendly fairies. Roger would be one of those. He's not the most powerful fairy, but he does have some magic, that he uses to bring happiness to people. Though if he's pushed to far, like his wife being kidnapped, he could easily use his magic to confront the offenders.
He's not Tinker Bell size, though he is still small. So even though he's not a toon rabbit anymore, he's still a shorty potorty. And yes, he's got wings (he's a cute and funny guy, the wings would help emphasize that).
Jessica Rabbit: Gorgon (I'm willing to bet my whole check that somebody thought that she was gonna be a siren or succubus). With the stories surrounding Medusa, especially with the slightly happier ending to how Medusa became the way she is, I think gorgon would fit Jessica more. Her poisonous snakes and petrifying gaze is her defense against groping men instead of booby traps and frying pans.
Jessica is still a gorgeous woman. Aside from the snakes in her hair, powers, and more reptilian eyes, she looks normal. I like to imagine that her snakes have hoods, like cobras, to make her hair more round, like how her hair ends are more curved in the movie. And yes, they all give Roger kisses too.
Baby Herman: Goblin. Don't let the tiny man fool you, Herman is still a bastard, and is not afraid at all to use his cute appearance to get what he wants. He is pretty old despite what his appearance may indicate, just like in the movie. He and Roger are still friends too.
Unlike other fea, he rarely bothers using his magic. He's a star, so nobody will be a threat to him- according to his ego. And like I said, he knows how to play cute, so he's got that going for him.
Benny the Cab: Mechanical Being. This one was pretty easy. Who knows how this machine was given life. All that we do know, is that he decided to serve the people as a smart-mouthed cab. There are rumors that it was actually Roger who gave Benny life, considering their strong bond. Though this hasn't been confirmed- or denied.
I'm not entirely sure if I want him to remain a car, or if he can shift his body to become something else like a transformer. I'm leaning more towards the first option though.
Judge Doom: Unknown. Nobody knows who, or what, the mysterious judge was. Obviously he is a shape-shifter, though that is the only clue to his true identity. After all, part of the mystery was who Doom really was in the movie, why not have it be the same in this AU?
Doom looks pretty much the same as he does in the movie. His transformations are less toony though.
Smartass Weasel: Werewolf. On the surface, the sergeant looks like any other human, and he's able to carry himself like one. However, Anyone who's been around him notices his oddly heightened senses and strength. If pushed too far, you might even see his eyes flash momentarily. But if he needs to, he can and will summon his more beastly side.
Smartass, as stated above, is able to pass as a human. As such, it makes him the most ideal to lead the Patrol, and interact with other humans. Just be sure to avoid him on the full moon.
Greasy Weasel: Incubus. Other than his overt sexual nature, this right-hand man might look normal too. However, if one were to look closely, one might notice his more hellish features through his glamor. Though most people just brush it off as a trick of the light.
Like Smartass, Greasy looks like a human, though he doesn't has as good of a handle on himself; the more lascivious he gets, the more obvious that he's not human (Also uses his Incubus powers to charm women into sleeping with him)
Wheezy Weasel: Ghoul. Not to be confused with a mindless zombie. He may be undead, but he still has his own will and mind after being mysteriously brought back to life. At least now he can smoke all he wants with no risk to his health. Though the stench you smell when he enters the room is a bit more than the cigarettes...
Wheezy has wrappings and stitches all over him, to cover and close all the wounds he's accumulated that won't heal. Other than that, he could look like any other human too... Just don't try to take his food away from him when he's eating.
Psycho Weasel: Poltergeist. With that scene in the end where, even after he died, he still managed to almost kill Jessica and Roger, I knew this was perfect for him. Even though he's dead, don't underestimate the absolute nightmare this loon can and will be for you. And since he's already dead-dead, he has no worries of being killed or re-killed like the others. As such, this ghost has very little reason to hold back.
Don't invite this little shit into your house. He will cause problems just because he can. From slyly placing objects in different places to making the exorcism movies look like a Disney franchise.
Stupid Weasel: Troll. Big, dumb, and brute strength all in one package. Pretty straightforward. No one knows why he follows Smarty around, he may not even know himself. Though the creature seems to have gotten attached to the werewolf somehow and will do what he says, and pretty much got adopted into the gang when he wouldn't go away.
In troll folklore, they turn to stone in the sun. So Stupid doesn't like going out at that time. If he has to, he'll bring something to cover himself like a huge blanket or a parasol. It's almost cute, until you remember this guy can squash you like a grape.
Eddie (and Teddy) Valient: Monster Hunter. To call him a hunter wouldn't entirely be accurate. He and Teddy protected humans from monsters, yes, but they also protected the monsters too. It wasn't until Teddy's death at the hands of a mysterious creature did Eddie swore to never work or help creatures again.
He doesn't actively hunt the creatures, but he doesn't step in when Judge Doom and the Monster Patrol take over Los Angeles either. It isn't until a certain fairy comes to him pleading for help that he's able to slowly come back.
Dolores: Monster Huntress. In the movie, the picture frame containing the picture of Eddie, Teddy, and Dolores says "Two Flatfoots and a Floozy enter a Business", heavily implying that Dolores was indeed a part of their business. The case would be the same in this AU. And just like in the movie, she branched off to become a bartender when the business started going under to try to help both herself and Eddie.
Like in the movie, Dolores is fearless and witty in this AU. She still cares for Eddie, but she's at her wit's end too. In the end, she just wants what's best for them both.
There are certain scenes from the movie I want to write out but in the Monster AU. This post is already pretty long, so I'll save the scene re-writes for another day.
That's that! I hope you guys like this. Any questions you guys have, I'll be more than happy to answer ^^
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The Museum of Human Artifacts
“And here we see a graphite dowel recovered from beneath a small bridge east of Estranum.” The museum guide prattled on. The tour group formed a semi circle without being told around the pedestal displaying the artifact.
“The Human Studies department have found many of these objects before, and certain commonalities have been found across the sample size available. Note the hexagonal shape of the wooden portion of dowel, incasing a thin rod of graphite. At one end the wood has been sharpened to a point. While the other end features a thin tin band joining a hard pink material to the greater structure. Researchers have done tests with the artifacts and speculate they may be some form of writing utensil. However there is still much debate over why humans would have constructed writing utensils in this fashion, the most vexing mystery of all concerning the nature and usage of the hardened flat end opposite of the marking end.”
Maedum felt Dana lean down behind her to whisper in her and Haedum’s ears.
“He’s got it mostly right actually. Pencils are basically used like pens except they don’t use ink and you can erase what you write with the other end.”
Maedum hoped nobody noticed Dana’s illusory form whispering into her armpit.
Vaeralta did their best to make something that comprised between emulating Dana’s true appearance and making them resemble a nondescript elf. The end result was an elf with strabismus, half a head of extra height and a ludicrously puffy coat. The coat was Maedums idea, there’d been concern over Dana’s natural frame being wider than what’s normal for an elf. They almost went with the Extra Thick Danelf look before Maedum suggested hiding the difference with illusory clothing. Haedum and Dana vetoed but came round on the basis of customizing her outfit. A semi-mythical human disguised as a towering, rail thin, cross eyed, horrendously dressed elf was whispering about the practical usage of pencils into, *Yep. That’s my armpit.*
“Who can tell me what is unique about this particular artifact?” The tour guides question brought Maedum back to focus. He scanned the tour group and called on a few who raised their hands. After a couple of obligatory “Good guess!” And “Not quites” the tour guide was nearly bouncing on his toes to share his secret piece of knowledge. “What makes this piece special are its unique inscriptions.” He said as he turned the case to show black stenciled lettering on one of its six sides. *That’s a bit unfair. Trying to make us guess at something we never could have known of.* She was about to ask Dana for a translation but when Maedum turned back she saw Dana with her knuckles clutched between her teeth. Haedum saw this as well and began grinning like a madman, knowing well enough when Dana was trying to hold in laughter. The twins fixed their attention to the pencil. Whatever it was that caused such a reaction *had* to be good.
The tour guide, so far unaware of the brewing chaos, continued his spiel with zeal. “These markings have fascinated our archeologists. While procuring a literal translation was easily accomplished. Language deciphering spells only translates speech and texts literally, so the true meaning of art becomes simplified and distorted. So I will read to you one such translation and I’d like all of you to think deeply using all the contextual information we’ve learned so far to decide what you think this poem means.”
The tour guide inhaled, Dana exhaled, the twins and the rest held their breath.
“Unduly Crisp, Carries Out Medication.”
Dana wheezed and shook from the lack of air in her lungs. There was an equal wind left in the guides sails as his face soured. “Are you alright sir?” Dana didn’t respond properly, instead opting to cover her mirth with a coughing fit. She managed to wave him on in a convincing enough manner for the guide to continue.
There were some genuinely interesting theories being thrown about. Ranging from the therapeutic properties of writing to a popular theory the utensil had once belonged to a philosopher doctor of sorts. Dana had left temporarily to collect herself in the bathroom, and by the time she was no longer in danger of bursting a blood vessel the guide was ushering everyone on to the next room.
Dana sidled up between the twins. “Did you know the bathrooms here just have a sponge on a stick? Is that common?”
“Well they’re enchanted.” Defended Maedum.
“God I’d hope so.”
Dana stopped cold.
Maedum and Haedum swiveled in unison to follow the laser line of Dana’s gaze.
Beyond the crowd, set upon a pedestal, a human artifact of unrealistic proportions was erected. The shape itself was suspect enough to draw a few scandalized gasps from the crowd. The garish green color of the thing did not so much *draw* the eye, as it violently took ones retinas hostage at fluorescent gun point.
Dana did not move a muscle. If she did, she would be acknowledging the forward progression of time and be forced to process the visual information of exactly what she was seeing in exactly where it was and with what context. The guide, unaware of the precipice on which Dana’s self control balanced crookedly upon her juvenile humor, announced with a stony countenance:
“This artifact was most likely used in fertility rituals.”
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fused-saiyaness · 1 year
A fateful wish
And just like that, everything ended. One moment, she experienced wonders way beyond everything she thought she‘d see, pushed herself further than she ever thought she could go, and then…it was all gone. Literally. She could see her new compatriots fade away, even the extra large-sized God who drafted her. And of course she felt herself getting lighter, as she herself vanished from this world. And it was not just them, in fact, the world vanished as well. Their world. Universe 6, as the gods high up called it. All its hopes rested on ten fighters, all ten eventually failed them. Sure, they all gave it their all, but their opponents were just too strong. And as her vision fainted to white, her thoughts were not on what she would be feeling, being erased, rather than dead, but rather, how things would have been, if she had gotten the time to actually get settled in the powers she attained, the level she reached while being here. And she thought, how nice it would have been, to be her selves at this moment. And not still be fused, at the last moment of her existence. Not to vanish as Kefla.
This was the price of the Tournament of Power. Eight universes fought for the right to survive, each fielding ten fighters, each knowing, once their last fighter fell out of the Arena, they would lose, and lose the right to exist. Universe 6 drafted two Saiyan Bandits, Caulifla and Kale for this battle, both gaining new powers as a compensation for their troubles. But when their universe was about to lose, they were given the opportunity to use a godly power to fuse themselves into one being - Kefla. With this fusion, Kefla briefly turned the tables in the battle, until a stronger fighter, a Saiyan from a different universe, overwhelmed her and pushed her of the Arena. Shortly afterwards, the last fighter of her universe lost, and now, they all lost. Those were the rules, and Kefla knew, she didn‘t have a way out of this. Not without challenging all of the gods, and as extreme as her powers were growing in the last few days, this was a task too high. No, it all happened too fast for alternative plans. Fast enough, that her time limit as Kefla wasn‘t fully gone, as her body was leaving reality.
The white faded again. Colours returned. It seemed, at the last moment, existence decided she should not fade. And neither should her comrades. In fact, a confused Kefla noticed not only her Universe returning, but even those she saw disappear before herself. And others…everything came back. And while she and those, that reappeared had confused looks, everyone else was smiling. Well…most were. Vados, the blue-skinned Angel of her universe, who got a pass from being vanished due to…well, nepotism, seemed equally confused as the others of her universe, as well as her father, the Grand Priest. Both held back, as the explanations were delivered though. They were not gone for a moment, they actually disappeared. But the winner of the tournament was granted one wish - and he wished for all universes to be restored. A selfless wish, that ultimately rendered the tournament meaningless - but nobody really complained about that. Everyone was just happy to somehow survive the ordeal.
Minutes pass, and their was an air of uncertainty, if people should just leave, or if there was some sort of celebration, a gathering, something. People were talking with each other, comparing notes, building relationships, complaining about stuff. Kefla used the time to slip next to the side of Vados. There were a few…open questions, she was contemplating of leaving. To fuse, she gained the Potara ear rings of their Supreme Kai, basically the main god of creation of the universe. She…didn‘t intend to give them back, unless asked, seeing how valuable and useful they could be, though she knew she couldn‘t really hide from the gods, once they noticed she still had them. These were questions for later. However, another question did arise from her: „So…how fast until the tournament was decided, until we were out?“ Vados thought for a moment, before saying: „You were eliminated a bit beyond the half-way point…at around Takk 60? The tournament lasted just about the full 100 Takks…“ „Huh, really?“, she asked, surprised, „then…I guess the time being vanished did not count for the time of the fusion?“
Vados turned to her, and she knew, what Kefla was talking about. In fact, it was the very thing that worried her as well. „To tell the truth, dear Kefla, even if the time were stopped, it should have been over now.“ Kefla looked a bit annoyed: „Huh? So why am I still a mashed potato then? Did the time reset?“ „I‘m afraid no“, said another voice. The Grand Priest walked up to the two, looking in thought: „I believe, this is a result of the exact wording of the wish. Our dear Winner was concerned, people might return without their memories of what happened, or something similar happening…so he wished them back the exact way they were, when they vanished. So in other words, you were wished back as Kefla.“
The Fusion blinked, as the words started to sink in. „I was wished back…as Kefla…so…no timer?“
„No Timer.“
„I stay fused?“
„You stay fused. At least I guess so…“
She froze for a moment…then she looked at Vados: „So…I need you to turn me back into-„ „Oh no!“, Vados said, waving away that thought, „this wish was made with the Super Dragon Balls. This supersedes all abilities of the angels. We can‘t revert you into another state of being!“ „Well, not permanent, at least…“, said the High Priest, and raised his staff, to wish the other Angels arrived. „Unfortunately, the Super Dragon Balls interpreted the spirit of the wish incorrectly…so I‘m willing to make a slight correction. As stated, we can not override a wish like that, nor are we able to use the balls again at this moment. However, we can give you an additional power to…split into your two personalities. With all Angels combined, we might be able to stretch such a split to…about 125 Takks before a full recharge. In Terms of your home planet, that would be about an hour a day.“
Kefla looked bewildered. Did they seriously just told her, she would be fused permanently? Or rather…23 hours a day? She looked at the priest, then to Vados, then around, clenching her fists, ready to attack them and make them revert this permanently. But…she was no fool. She‘d gain nothing by attacking them, in fact, she‘d most likely lose the very life she was just incorrectly gifted with. The pragmatic bones of Caulifla and the diplomatic thoughts of Kale told her, this was most likely the best deal she could hope to get. At least for the moment. Just as with the erasure of her universe, she wasn‘t in a position to change anything. At least not right now. The difference being, now she had some time. Now she could explore her powers, and find new limits. In fact…staying as Kefla increased her chances of attaining more leverage and finding a way back to being her selves.
„…agreed. But I‘m not satisfied with a half measure…I expect, that once you find a way to undo this permanently, you will tell me.“ The Grand Priest smiled. Obviously he and all the Angels noticed Keflas anger - which made them respect her restraint all the more. „Of course. Obviously, the best way will be with the Super Dragon Balls, but that option will take a while before it presents itself. You better stay in contact with Champa for that, he seems to have a knack of collecting them…as for now…gather around me, my children. I will be needing your power for this, and I will be needing to access your mind, dear Kefla, to fully separate your merged beings…“
As the fighters of Universe 6 travelled back to their universe, Caulifla and Kale were sitting in the corner, back to back, looking exhausted. The process was difficult, especially for their mind, but now they had their individualities back. At least briefly. They decided to split for the ride home, and be it only to not answer any stupid questions for the time being.
„Hey Caulifla, hey Kale!“
So much for that. Kale turned her head, as Caulifla opened one eye to look at Cabba, the third Saiyan on the team, who approached them. „So the fusion finally wore off? How did it feel?“ Caulifla felt, he was way too happy for her mood, so it was Kale, who answered first: „Well, it felt…great, honestly! But…“ „But there‘s a limit to everything“, Caulifla added, shutting Kale up. Cabba looked a bit confused: „Is…everything all right?“ „It‘s fine“, Caulifla answered, closing her eyes again, „just a lot to process. A lot, that has been forced upon us…and a lot we need to learn to adjust to. And to master…“
Cabba scratched the back of his head, and said: „Okay? Well, if any of you need some help, we could spar on the weekends? I‘d also like to take this opportunity to ask you to join the-„ „Don‘t be ridiculous“, said, Caulifla, and even Kale looked a bit annoyed buy the proposal both of them expected so much, they didn‘t bother to let him finish. „Don‘t take this wrong, we‘re thankful…but three‘s a crowd. We prefer to do things on our own terms.“
Cabba looked a bit deflated, but before he could answer, the Supreme Kai of Universe 6, Fuwa approached meekly: „Erm…Caulifla, Kale…now that the Tournament is over, I would like to have my Potaras back…“
Cabba looked over to Fuwa, then to the girls. Kale avoided their glance. Caulifla opened her eyes, and looked at Fuwa.
„What?“, Fuwa asked, a bit panicked.
„I said no. Take it up with the Angels, if you want to, we have a deal with them. We need the ear rings a little while longer.“
Fuwa stumbled back a bit upon Cauliflas determined gaze. He wanted to reply, when another voice spoke up: „I see, so the monkeys get a trophy, but I have to be content with being alive, is that correct?“ That voice belonged to one of the more opportunistic fights on the team, Frost. And then, another loud voice, that of Dr. Rota, another fighter, chimed in: „Oi, that‘s not fair! If they get enchanted ear rings, I want a magic belt or similar!“ And with that, Fuwas energy was needed elsewhere, leaving the three Saiyans alone. Cabba looked back at the girls, asking: „…what are you planning?“
Caulifla smirked: „Cabba…the main reason why we won‘t join your little band of guards is…because we don‘t believe in rules. We don‘t believe in set laws for anything. We believe in life dealing you cards, and you have to do the best with them every turn. Which includes swiping better cards from players who aren‘t paying enough attention. We‘re no ‚righteous warriors for good‘ like you want us to be…we‘re rebels, bandits, thieves and fighters. We‘re Caulifla and Kale…and we‘re only just beginning taking our destinies into our own hands.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
So We Meet Again:
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An: This is back in time a bit again, right after Blinky first meets Macy. Still pre Selena.
Blinky’s POV:
It was almost time! I’d been waiting all day, running out the clock to go see my new friend. I’m sure my family noticed my excitement, but I was always excited. They wouldn’t question it. Or so I thought.
“Why do you keep looking at the clock Blinky Baby?” Baby asked me.
I made up a quick lie. When you say outlandish things all the time, nobody questions it anymore.
“Don’t you think that old thing is boring? Otis should paint it.”
Baby seemed to contemplate my question, taking a hard look at the old clock.
“Yeah, but wouldn’t that hide the numbers?”
I laughed.
“He can’t paint the numbers back on Baby. Unless you think your brothers illiterate.” I joked.
“I don’t know, have you heard him speak.”
I threw my head back with a loud cackle. Baby could be so judgmental when she was in one of her better moods. It was odd, but her insults were never hard hitting. Just light jabs beneath the first layer of skin.
“In my home state, your accents would be considered quite funny. But I think they’re cute.”
“Aww Blink, you’re gonna make me blush.”
I giggled wildly. It was impossible not to be giddy around Baby. She was always a fun time. Sometimes I even got jealous of her victims, they got so much of her attention. Better than being tortured by old man Spaulding. He didn’t keep people around long enough to see their personalities. He had no need for such psychological advantages.
But if there was one thing Baby was good at, it was getting under your skin. Both figuratively and literally. She was a wild card, and vastly unpredictable. No two kills the same, but each leaving her happier than the last. Baby didn’t mind killing innocents, that wasn’t a moral quandary she had. But it made her so much happier to kill a bigot. The smile on her face was contagious after she did the world of one of them.
“You could always paint the clock Blink, add some colour to this kitchen.”
I nodded.
“I think I’m gonna go for a walk.”
“Isn’t it getting a bit late?”
“Baby, this is Texas, the sun don’t set until like 8pm here. I’ll be fine.”
“Whatever you say kid, hey, pick me up something shiny on your way?”
“I’ll see what I can find.”
Baby hopped up from her chair and rustled my hair. I frowned cause I had just got it looking somewhat presentable.
“You’re the best Baby Blink, my favourite little scavenger.”
I swatted her hand away.
“Hey, hands off the money maker!” I laughed.
She shook her head, laughing while she left the room. I threw on one of Otis’s hoodies, and put Macy’s blade in the pocket. I’m sure Baby would remember to tell the others I went out. And if she didn’t, I could always blame it on her. After all, I did tell one of the “real adults” where I was going.
I couldn’t help but skip all the way there, humming some of my favourite songs under my broth. My outfit was more simple today. I had freshened up the stripe of pink at the front of my hair, using some beat root powder to make it more vibrant. Then I dyed some of Baby’s old white shorts so they’re be the same pink as my hair. If there was one thing I hated, it was wearing mis-matched shades of the same colour. Blues and purples were more acceptable, because their tones didn’t differ much. But warm colours could be vastly different, and entirely unsimilar. I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing salmon pink with fushia. I shuddered at the thought.
My shirt was just a random old band tee baby had cut up. And Otis’s hoodie was plain black. It practically covered the shorts, but I didn’t mind. It was cozy. And despite daytime Texas being quite brutal, nighttime could get a little chilly. Especially for someone my size, who didn’t have enough body fat to properly insulate themselves.
I wore my very dirty old beat up converse. They could hardly be considered white anymore. I had switched the shoelaces out to be pink and purple. It made them look a little prettier. My hair was simple, split down the middle, with two heart shaped berets holding back my bangs. I hated when they touched my eyebrows.
I leaned against the wall, being a little early. But it wasn’t long before I heard the sound of a motor bike approaching. I didn’t even bother to hide my smile. Macy hopped off her bike, taking off her helmet and shaking out her hair like she was in some sort of movie. I couldn’t dare look away, she was memorising.
“You actually showed.” She said.
“Of course I did silly!”
She chuckled lightly.
“So, what’s on the agenda?” She asked.
I hadn’t actually thought that far ahead, just excited to spend time with her.
“We could go to my favourite spot?” I offered.
“Lead the way.” She smiled.
My favourite spot was just a little ways down the road. There was a big oak tree in the centre of an empty field. But you could see practically everything from the top. We made small banter on the walk, trying to ease the tension. Most of it lead by Macy. Talking to my family was easy, but I was so afraid of slipping up in front of her. Showing her the real me, which would surly make her run like all the others had.
Otis thought I didn’t know what happened to them. But I wasn’t dense, his clothes always had a few more stains when my crushes would disappear. That was something I wasn’t willing to allow to happen to Macy. She didn’t deserve that, so I’d have to keep my distance. But three days couldn’t hurt, right?
“You good Blinky?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Just thinking about what my sister said earlier.”
“What did she say?”
“She wants me to find her something shiny, I told her I was going for a walk. Which technically isn’t a lie.”
Macy chuckled.
“You really are serious about keeping this whole thing a secret. Can’t even tell you family you made a new friend?”
“Friends don’t come easily out here. They’d be suspicious of your intentions.”
“Mmm, and what intentions is it that you think I have?”
I bit down on my lip, trying to think of something to say that wouldn’t ruin the moment.
“Kindness is abnormal round here, you could be trying to get something from me.”
I made sure to keep my tone light, and not accusatory. It was hard to control the sound of my voice, usually more devoid of infliction unless I was focusing on it.
“So you think I’m going to use you?” She questioned.
I shrugged, “wouldn’t be the first time, surly not the last. But I don’t mind it all that much. So long as I get to know you better.”
She seemed a little hurt by my words, and I felt a little bad. But she was quick to brush it off.
“We’re here.” I said, pointing to the towering tree.
“Wow, that thing must be ancient” she said.
I laughed, moving forward and reaching up to the lowest branch. With a little jump I wrapped my hands around it, swinging back, and then forward to swing myself around and land on top. I looked down at Macy, we’ll hardly even down, at this branch we were practically the same height. I leaned my back against the tree and crossed my arms to attempt to look casual.
“Showing off are we?” She mused.
“I don’t know, was that cool?” I asked sincerely.
“So cool.” She laughed.
She climbed up the branch after me, and in that moment I decided to make it a contention. Sure, she was strong, like impressively so, but that meant more weight. Weight could slow you down. I was as light as a feather, and my joints didn’t much care for the laws of physicals. I could dislocate things at will, in a pinch if I needed to.
She seemed to catch onto my challenge as I was three branches above her.
“Oh you little shit, get back here!” She laughed.
“You’ll have to catch me first!”
She was gaining on me and quick. But I’ve climbed this tree a hundred times, I knew all the good branches. When we met near the top, she grabbed my wrist, almost causing me to tumble. But she was quick to catch me and pull me to her chest.
“Woah, that was close.” She said.
I took a deep breath, my heart hammering in my chest. But was it because I nearly just fell to my assured death, or because I was so close to her. I could feel her breath on my face. It smelt like peppermint and old tobacco.
“You smell nice.” I said, before I could stop myself.
She laughed airily.
“Thank you.”
I hurried my face in her chest out of embarrassment.
“Aww, don’t be shy Bumble Bee, that will only make you more adorable.”
It felt like someone had maced my face, I was so hot. I just grumbled some words into her chest, before finally pushing away and finding my footing. I looked out over the field and her eyes fallowed.
“Isn’t it odd how things can feel so small from up here? Raccoons look like ants. Is that how I look to you?”
I hadn’t meant to tack on that last sentence out loud.
“If you’re an ant, then you must be the queen. Cause I would follow you anywhere.” She said.
Was she trying to kill me? Because it was working. I felt like I forgot how to breath.
“Hey Macy?”
“Yes?” She turned to look at me.
“When you go back home, will we keep in touch?”
“Do you want to?”
I nodded softly.
“What if it’s boring on your side of Texas?” I said, as if that was the most natural explanation.
“Oh trust me, I have plenty to keep me occupied over there.”
I frowned, which she seemed to notice.
“I just meant I’m busy is all, my brother and o practically do everything around the house. It would be nice to have someone else to talk to.”
“Perhaps we could exchange letters.”
“Who raised you, the founding fathers. There’s phones now Blinky.”
“Wait, you don’t have one do you?”
“Nuh uh, only the house phone.”
“Well then, letters it’s is, but I’ll give you my number just in case.”
I didn’t mean for it to sound unenthusiastic, but o was still processing the entire conversation.
“So this is like, a second date right?”
“If you would like it to be, then yes.”
“I think I would like that very much.” I said.
We stayed up in that tree to watch the sunset. It was probably the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Other than the colour of the sunset reflecting onto her face. That was what really made me breathless. I climbed down much more carefully, it was dark now. When we got down to the last few branches, Macy picked me up, cradling em to her chest and jumped down. A small rush of adrenaline shot through my body.
I wasn’t sure what came over me, I normally wasn’t so into kissing. But I couldn’t help myself. I pulled her chin towards me and smashed my lips into hers. She froze in shock for a second, before hungrily kissing back. I wasn’t sure how long it lasted, my head was spinning the whole time. When we finally pulled away, she leaned her forehead onto mine, laughing softly.
“What was that? Carful little rabbit, you don’t want to start something you can’t finish.”
I was glad the sun had set, cause my face was beat red. Why was she so effortlessly flirty. I couldn’t bring myself to speak, suddenly being too overwhelmed which she took note of. Letting me nestle into her neck.
“Let’s get you home yeah?”
I just nodded. Coherent thought had still yet to catch up to me on the ride back to our spot. I leaned up against her bike as I tried to calm my racing heart.
“It’s ok Blinky, I’m not upset with you. You just startled me is all. But it was a very pleasant surprise.”
I nodded. Her face scrunched up in thought.
“I don’t wanna say goodbye.” I finally said under my breath.
“Hey, I’m just a few city’s away ok. We’ll talk, I promise.”
“Promise?” I said, holding out my pinky.
“On my life.” She said, locking her pinky with mine.
She kissed the back of my hand for good measure.
“You should head back, it’s quite dark now.”
“Goodbye Macy.”
“Goodbye Blinky”
An: Just wanted to write something short and fun after the last one lol. Not Macy and Blinky have officially established their relationship. But Macy has to go back home to Tommy, boy is a mess without his little sister 🥺 she can’t beat up Hoyt and Monty if she’s not there.
Tag: @oceansrose2002 @myers-meadow-selfship @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better
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evilhue · 11 months
something that’s been on my mind
(i was about to make the above-cut “quick thots” but this is the entire opposite)
now this doesn’t plague me or anything because frankly i don’t really gaf like that but at the times i do think about my appearance i spend a large portion of it debating whether i am actually attractive in other people’s eyes (which sounds stupid as fuck to say/type now that i’m looking at it LMAO)
and i’d like to reiterate it really doesn’t weigh on me that much! i don’t beat myself up for not looking like a model it’s just i see so many beautiful people in my life and i have never placed myself in those ranks. and neither have i bothered asking either cuz 1) i know i’m not lol 2) i’m not looking for pity which is how it usually comes across.
i don’t deem myself classically or conventionally attractive tbh but i think i have the general proportions and positions that (if not for injuries leading to asymmetry) would put me at a very normal cute level (which to me is attractive. and this is the point where i realize i never defined attractive which is funny cuz i don’t experience attraction like that. so i guess i mean not harsh on the eyes!) i’ve never been upset with the size/placements of my eyes/nose/mouth etc. i have beautiful lips! my eyelids are “big”. i love my nose to death unevenness and all!!
my “ugliness” comes from asymmetry which used to weigh on me a lot because it all stemmed from childhood injuries… my eyelids are beautiful… individually lmao. if they matched, both looking like my left or both looking like my left, i would be unstoppable! my eyebrows are uneven again bc of those injuries! my jaw is hella uneven bc of braces/palate expansion trauma, but my left side looks snatched as hell. but also bc of unevenness there, my lip corners and teeth aren’t even on the same axis. all this has made my face veeeeeery asymmetric, plus existing scoliosis problems exacerbate this asymmetry lol. additionally my skin is clear (ie no acne + scars) but my eczema has been so bad before that i’m still recovering from discoloration in weird embarrassing areas.
if being privy to thoughts on the interwebs has taught me anything it’s that everybody has insecurities they fixate on that /i/ literally don’t notice. which i assume means nobody else notices! (but also, i must disclaim that it may just be my not noticing because i don’t care like that lololol). i feel like all my friends are so normal (/good /pos) in appearance but then they’ll rant about their insecurities with eyebrows or nose size or something and it’s like dawg! i ain’t even notice that. meanwhile in more photos than not, i find my own appearance very unflattering - the way i deal with this is to simply not take pictures of myself ��🤣
i know the angle (singular) that works for me which becomes quite apparent once i go to look at the pics i actually like of myself LMAO. i am unable to take selfies! i genuinely think i look my best when i’m having a laff or am just cheesing really hard - candidly! anything i pose for looks weird, my RBF looks terrifying with the asymmetry. again, it’s whatever. i’ve come to accept it, albeit reluctantly over yeeeears of dwelling on it.
but the thing that stays confusing to me is that people DO call me hot, find me attractive enough to attempt to flirt at least lol. and idk if it’s a personality thing? or if they are tricked by my one single angle where i look güd? or if they somehow see a different picture of me (highly likely) but have spun it into a version where i am hot (which i can’t believe)? certainly i don’t think photos do me justice which is a shame in this day and age.
so yeah i’ve never really gotten any concrete answers from people who like me about what exactly they like about my appearance. sure my body is conventionally “skinny” (i still have insecurities about this tbh) and people say i dress nice (which is. lol. i guess i try). when i really try my makeup can look pretty slayyyy (in most circumstances i do not try because a) effort b) idc that much c) it requires looking at myself which i find extremely difficult (i probably should have started this post with that fact huh)). i don’t think i’m hot (a word i have heard more than others like gorgeous, beautiful) and in fact more times than not consider myself on the ugly side of the conventional spectrum.
but. eh not sure it really matters all that much to me. especially since it isn’t so much an insecurity as much as an observation of my self-image over time. i don’t think it’s a self-esteem thing either. also it’s not as if i care about making myself look pretty enough to other ppl to want to date/know me or whatever.
tl;dr: to me it’s quite simple; i’m not thaaaat cute! so it becomes bewildering that people do seem to like my unconventional face (and claim it, or me overall, to be attractive), which to me is the wrong kind of unconventional since it has everything to do with asymmetry in every aspect
EDIT and ik it’s a bit weird to say this post-post but: i strongly believe “attractiveness” goes beyond physical attributes! which is why i’m not sure anyone is actually talking about my face, physically, when they say i’m hot lol
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mr-indrid-cold · 2 years
The Window (pt 2)
There were many times I went to visit him there, but only one where I was able to get in.  I spent many of the times in the parking lot, kept from seeing him by guards that told me my shoes were wrong, I was too young, only one person could see him at a time, et cetera.  The R.Y.D.C. looks like a normal government building from the ‘70s, in a little forest of old-growth pine trees that hang over and shade the building.  If there wasn’t razor-wire on top of 6-foot fences, nobody would know it was a detention center.  When I was finally granted entry, I was surprised by how small it was. I was used to seeing T.V. show prisons, full of hundreds of inmates; guards with AK-47s and bulletproof windows between inmates and visitors.  It even smelled like an old government building, with dark scratchy carpet and old wood.  (Those things have a unique scent.  You’ll know them when you smell them.)  The most noticeable thing about this place, though, was the lack of windows.  Spaces seemed claustrophobic without them.  The flourescents laid a buzz over everyone talking, hurting my eyes.  There was nowhere you could see the outside world.
It wasn’t long before Indrid’s mother and I were walked straight into the cafeteria. It was like a school cafeteria, except with brown tile flooring and round tables that sat about 25 young men.  I saw him in person for the first time in months, maybe even a year.  I remember being unsettled by how small he seemed.  Even his blue jumpsuit seemed a size too small, pulling unnaturally on his shoulders and waist.  In this place, he seemed to shrink in on himself, like he could avoid the bad around him just by pulling his shoulders in and keeping his eyes on the table in front of him.  He wasn’t in handcuffs or any kind of restraints.  I remembered what kind of bad things he could do with his hands and was surprised he wasn’t shackled.  Luckily, nothing bad happened that day.  He seemed genuinely relieved to see us.
As families sat at their own tables with their kids, we started to talk.  Bit by bit his body language opened up.  We talked about simple things—like the difference between this place’s food and the food at other institutions.  (One of his past institutions had a smoothie machine in the cafeteria, that was his favorite thing there.)  Then he pointed to another kid just outside a glass wall. That slightly-built boy with a mop of black hair was milling about the hall.  He wasn’t meeting with anyone in the cafeteria—and Indrid soon explained why.
“There was a kid who was latino, he was maybe 12 or 13.  Didn’t speak any English, and…” Indrid recalled later. “He had nowhere else to go.  He was in the foster system, and it got to the point where—I over heard it when I was spying on the C.O.s—where they were like, ‘We just don’t know where to put this kid.  He has to come here.’  And he literally had to go to juvie because he had nowhere else to go.  He was just terrified.  But at the same time, he was almost used to it?  It was this acceptance that…your life is not great…that I kinda see in some of them.  It always stuck with me...”
One would think this kid would have an easier go of it in prison.  The guards knew he hadn’t done anything wrong. However, Indrid explained that was not the case.  He had to do everything the other prisoners did—even wear handcuffs.  This 12 to 13 year old little kid had done nothing wrong except be a foster kid, and he was treated with the same disregard as rapists and murderers.  Sadly, this is a common occurrence in the foster care system.  “In hasty attempts to address the problem, case workers and courts have been funneling children into crowded emergency shelters, hotels, out-of-state institutions and youth prisons — cold, isolating and often dangerous facilities not built to house innocent children for years,” says Emily Wax-Thibodeau in an article for the Washington Post.  “As of 2013, about 56,000 foster children were living in congregate care, or about 14 percent of the foster child population, according to a report by the federal Children’s Bureau.” (Wax-Thibodeaux).
As miserable, scared, and unhappy as Indrid was, he still thought about that little boy.  He also carved out time and energy to be funny (as strange as that seems).  
“We faked a plan to escape,” Indrid told me with an impish sort of glee. “Because when you get there, you have to wear these like, blue jumpsuits that were used years and decades ago that were all horrible.  The underwear was horrible.  But, if you claim you’re trying to escape, they’ll send you to the orange jumpsuits, which are a lot cleaner.  They don’t have shit stains on them.  So it’s pretty great.  We’re all like, ‘hey we’re all trying to escape’, hand a piece of paper, they were like ‘fuck you guys’ and gave us the orange jumpsuits.  They were all cleaner—yeah.  We saw one guy do it.  His name was Zion.  We were flexing on people like, ‘we don’t have doodoo stains on our underwear and shit’. That was stupid, but it was kind of funny to me.”
In the interview, I asked Indrid what he did for fun there.  It was a question I thought up on the spot, and truth be told, it was a nicer way of asking “how did you survive”.  Indrid describes talking to one friendly guard about the Arkham Knight games and fighter planes.
“I think that was the best relief for me—to have a normal conversation with a normal person.  Just to feel like I’m on the outside, or I’m not in the situation I’m in.  I can just talk to someone about, you know, things that were happening outside, things that reminded me what it was like to be happy,” Indrid said.  He cited reading and helping the other kids figure out their legal cases as a big help to him.  To be treated like a human being—to get a glimpse of the outside world—that was huge for him.
“Anything that could make me feel like I’m not in the place I am right now…I was trying to make jokes just to pass the time and make me feel like, artificially happy.”
It was an impossible situation for any kid to be in—but Indrid responded with empathy and humor.  Nowadays, he looks back on his time inside and tries to think of it as a positive thing. He talks about wanting to help the other kids he met in there, and it’s obvious from the look on his face he feels guilty (even if there was no way for him to help them back then).  If he had money, he said, he’s got foundations he’d like to make.  The kids he met in Marietta R.Y.D.C. are brilliant.  One hacked into A.T.M. machines to make them spit out money. Another is rapping on the radio in Atlanta (one of the national hotspots for R&B artists—so you know he’s got to be something special).
“I think a lot of the ways gangs work, it can always be translated to something legal, in the right way.  There’s great guys that are football players that want to get involved in armed robbery. I’m just like, ‘Bro, you’re strong. You’re naturally huge.  Dude, just go into football.  Try this.  I believe in you’…I’d really love to have some speakers that are famous maybe, or someone that’s been through stuff, that’ll tell you, ‘You’re good at this.  I know it’s hard, and you may think you’re not able to, you may not be able to see the real money coming in, but just—'” Indrid gestures vaguely. He talks about these kids with such a fire in his eyes.
Then he talks about just how easy someone can get thrown in jail as an unknowing accessory to a crime, and he starts addressing anyone listening.
“Don’t waste your time on life being in a jail.  Or a prison.  Or a juvie. It’s not worth it.  It’s not cool…I get that accidents happen, and that—I mean, you may not know, but it’s important to pay attention and realize the situations you’re in.  Please, if you ever listen to this and you think something’s a little sketchy, trust your gut and don’t do it.  Stuff like that.  Life is precious.  Don’t risk it on something like that.”
This wasn’t where I expected the interview to go.  For years I knew him as a self-serving dumpster fire of a human being, and that might be because I hadn’t talked to him much since 2015.  The Indrid I interviewed was empathetic and introspective.  At times his hands shook when he described some of the lowest points of his life, but first and foremost he thought about kids who had it worse than him.  He even thought about what his captors were going through. His outlook was…surprisingly mature. I suddenly realized I’d been thinking of him this whole time as a boy, when he’d grown into a man while I wasn’t looking.
After the interview, we chitchat for a moment while a neighbor outside the window mows his lawn.  I absently roll the cat toy around with a finger.  Just to prove he still can, Indrid lifts me off the ground without breaking a sweat.  Then he joins the cat on the worn wooden floor, laying out beside him, just in arms’ reach of the little thing.  Normally he towers over the pets, but in peaceful little moments like this, he gets down on their level and just…lays with them.  The cat has honked instead of meowed as long as I’ve known him, and he honks softly before closing his bright green eyes again.  He trusts this 6’ human.
I’ve known a lot of people that treat pets as objects.  They waltz into a room and pick them up, turn them upside down, pet them roughly or wake them up just to get a reaction out of them.  Indrid doesn’t do that.  Despite all the bad that’s happened, Indrid treats them with remarkable empathy, like little living creatures should be treated.  When the cat doesn’t reach back to be petted, Indrid gently touches one finger to the tip of his paw, and rests there.  The cat peacefully goes back to sleep.  The window casts amber light on the whole scene. The room is still—so far removed from the chaos of 2015.
Indrid stays that way for a while.  He and I know that little bit of connection between two living things is like a lifeline.  As boring and pedestrian as it would seem to anyone on the outside, it’s like a window in a cinderblock room.
Cold, Indrid. Interview.  Conducted by Dani Hopkins, 23 Jun. 2022
Downs, Claudia. “Eligibility Report for ‘Indrid Cold.’” Cobb County School District, Marietta, 23 Oct. 2015.
Judd, Alan. “Georgia's Juvenile Prisons: Assaults by Guards, Strip Searches, Chaos.” Ajc, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 17 Nov. 2019, https://www.ajc.com/news/crime--law/violence-permeates-youth-prisons/7YRQTDEnIT20hGVEnjqybP/.
McGarrell, Edmund F. “Focused Deterrence Violence Prevention at Community and Individual Levels.” Marquette Law Scholarly Commons, 15 Mar. 2020, https://scholarship.law.marquette.edu/mulr/vol103/iss3/12/.
Wax-Thibodeaux, Emily. “'We Are Just Destroying These Kids': The Foster Children Growing up inside Detention Centers.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 2 Jan. 2020, https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/we-are-just-destroying-these-kids-the-foster-children-growing-up-inside-detention-centers/2019/12/30/97f65f3a-eaa2-11e9-9c6d-436a0df4f31d_story.html.
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natewriteslol · 3 years
Hey! Could i request the dorm leaders with an esper MC? Kinda like Mob psycho or Saiki k :) and maybe they don't really use this ability of theirs that much since in their world they're literally a teen who's trying to live a normal life(like Mob basically), so nobody knew about their psychic powers except Grim since the mirror said that he couldnt sense any magic in them(i'm pretty sure that psychic powers don't really count as magic but idk lol).
Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna write it! :)
 A/N: Ooh this was a fun one! I haven't watched Mob Psycho (I know about that fine ass blonde man-) but I have watched Saiki k and I loved it, still need to finish it tho jlafljhdas 
Characters: Kalim Al-Asim, Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Vil Schoenheit, Azul Ashengrotto, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
P.S: I’m so sorry this is so long omg but I guess this is a strong comeback-
Warnings: none except for language
-You wanted to stay as far away as possible from him
-Riddle was part of the trio of people you wanted to stay away from: Riddle, Vil, and Azul
-Riddle paid so much attention to fine details that if something was up, he'd definitely notice it
-But unfortunately you were best friends with the two goobers of Heartslabyul: Ace and Deuce
-And Riddle had started to pay attention to you and your habits, and something was off with you
-It's almost as though you tried too hard to be normal, like Jamil
-And he could never let something like that happen again, so yes he was watching you
-One day you accidently slipped up and was irresponsible with your powers
-Grim was bothering you since he got into a deal with Azul for tuna and they were standing outside with the twins, since Grim lost
-You told him to fend for himself and teleported, however you didn’t plan where you would go
-And you teleported into the Heartslabyul dorm
-What sucks is that your teleportation power was literally flashy with a bright ass green light every time you popped in somewhere
-Just when you thought you were lucky since the whole dorm was uninhabited...except for Riddle who watched the whole thing
-He was completely shocked, he didn’t know what to say other than “What did you just do?!” 
-You explained to him, and that just pieced everything together
-How you solved overblots with such ease, and that one day you had a “strength potion to test for Azul” was such bs!
-Riddle ends up keeping your secret, since he values your privacy but if you do something major and mess up then he will tell!
-”I understand but please be more careful with your powers. I need to institute discipline and you are no exception, Y/N.”
-He really does care about you and doesn’t want you to be found out 
-Goes the extra mile to cover for you often, and in exchange you help him out with things :)
-He didn't really care about you at first but as you started to hang Jack and Ruggie, Leona started to get more suspicious
-Your scent had proven that you had some trace of magic, but Leona just couldn't put his finger on it
-So he sent Ruggie after you for a couple of days
-If you were a threat to Savanaclaw, Leona would crush you
-But Ruggie had only reported back that everything with you was perfectly normal
-"Just give it up Leona, they're just an ordinary human. The scent is probably weird because they're from a completely different world."
-But Leona still had that feeling, so he was keeping an eye on you
-You had made a deal with Crowley to keep your powers secret to solve problems on campus (it did cut repair costs and handymen costs in half so-)
-Your new quest was to rid the forest of the Angolo fungus that was manifesting into living fungus blobs 
-The one thing that gave you away was Grim, as you both had to stop by the Greenhouse to read some info about the fungus
-The cat beast was being far too loud, not understanding why he had to go and mess around with the icky fungus
-You simply replied “It’ll be quick, I’ll just use Hydrokinesis and dry out the fungus since they’re mainly filled with water. They become fertilizer once dried so we can just leave them there.”
-And there Leona was, ears perked up once he heard your voice
-Hydrokinesis? What are you talking about?
-So he set off, following you to the forest
-You started to fly, turning the once green and lively fungus to brown dust while Grim napped against a tree
-Leona for the first time in the while, was left speechless
-Once you noticed him, you realized you had to talk to him
-Confronting him later on, luckily Leona didn’t spill to anyone 
-He promised to never tell anyone about what he saw, and had no clapbacks for what you had to say 
- Leona doesn’t even benefit from this secret...besides mayyybee one day asking for your help if his pride lets him
-By the Great Seven why does everything have to not be in his favor-
-Another one who you have got to be careful around, since he’s incredibly observant
-More observant than Riddle
-Azul noticed that you’re an incredibly average person, and were incredibly relaxed even during the most stressful situations
-And almost every single time whenever you were in a tight spot, it works in your favor
-Just how is that possible? Solving overblots left and right? Every single time you disappeared the infestation of magical beasts are gone? 
-One day, you were getting picked on by a three guys, their stature far above yours and incredibly strong. How could you possibly win?
-Just as he was about to scoop in a save you, you slammed one of the men into the concrete, taking on the other two by electrocuting them, the blue lightning buzzing in your palms
-They were completely knocked out, dusting off your palms and picking up your things only to face Azul’s eyes
-After giving an explanation of what that was, he was still speechless
-Azul at first was incredibly shocked and then since Azul is Azul... later on realized this had benefits
-He could just blackmail you to be his new bodyguard!
-Oh how he always manages to bend life to his will-!
-So you could just wipe his memory... or turn him into stone...nvm
-You’re now Azul’s arch nemesis since you end up saving people from his scamming and you’re basically untouchable and there’s nothing he can do about it
-But he does find your great strength admirable (and a lil hot, I mean what can u say seeing someone floating in the air with electricity flowing through them is a nice look okay Nate shut up)
-Oh Kalim my beloved
-He just thinks that you’re incredibly talented and a little mysterious
-You have your little quirks and he has his! Who is he to judge?
-Until one day you wanted to make the load lighter on Jamil, since the berries that Kalim had requested for were only in season in one country
-You decided to just teleport and then come back with the berries so Kalim wouldn’t be pouty 
-You were outside the door ready to teleport when last minute you felt a hand on your shoulder
- “Oh Y/N you forgot-!”
-And there both you and Kalim were, in a berry field thousands of miles away from the Scarabia dorm
-Kalim screams, falling to the lush green of the field
-What happened?! Where are we?! How did you do that?!
-You quickly gathered all the berries at light speed, making sure that you got back before Jamil realized that you were gone
-Kalim wasn’t scared of you, rather impressed that you were able to keep a secret for that long, he could never!
-You’re already super cool, and on top of this you have otherwordly powers!
- “It must’ve been stressful living your life like this! But don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret!”
-Yes he sometimes asks you to perform some of your powers for him, sorry Y/N-
-While you were his friend, he was incredibly suspicious of you
-Even though you wiped everyone’s memory, he still had the faint memory of when he was in overblot mode of you blasting him with a beam of light
-Vil was incredibly upset as one of his assistants had mixed up his items, and left one of his vital skincare items on the set of where they were filming a new commercial
-It was being shipped and would take 3 days to reach NRC
-His mood was horrible and you had to do something about it to give grace to the Pomefiore dorm
-So you went to the second story of the Pomefiore dorm, ready to use Apport (the power to pull anything before you) 
-However, Vil felt incredibly guilty
-He was acting like a child and he shouldn’t have taken it out on the people who he loves and values
- “Y/N, how I was acting was incredibly inappropriate and- is that my moisturizer? How did you get it?”
-Starts freaking out as this was impossible as it was on it’s way from being shipped from another country
-This was the last straw for him ther was no justification for this that wasn't done by some form of magic
-He takes you to his room to make you sit down and give him an explanation for this
-Once you finished, Vil understood but was still freaked out
-He cares alot about keeping your powers a secret and will cover for you
-"So my aport powers need to exchange something of equal value so... I exchanged it with that Scucci purse over there-
-He loves you, but you're dead to him, Y/N dear
-Before he knew you, he didn't really notice anything off with you
-A little quiet sure but he minded his own business, he had bigger things to focus on
-Until you hung around Ignihyde more often for a project, fixing a huge generator by yourself for one of your partners for a project
-They took a break only after you told them that they could and apprehensive went to go get food and water
-Anyone with eyes could see that there's an overbearing amount of energy flowing through the fairly large sized cube
-Wait, you were wearing no gloves, you could get electrocuted! Why would have your bare hands on something like that?!
-Just as he was able to yell, it was too late, your whole body was flowing with the bright blue energy... and then you let go
-You were walking completely fine, you went and held a random wire on the ground, placing the electricity inside
-The static from your hair was gone, and you looked completely normal. . .
-Just what the hell are you?
-He did hours of research trying to figure you out, even sending Ortho to monitor you
-Yet there was nothing, you were just a “regular teen” 
-Was ready to get S.T.Y.X.S on your ass- (is that too soon to joke abt my bad overblot boys-)
-Until one day he caught you again bending electricity to your will
-Is incredibly impressed with your power (lowkey wanting to experiment on you)
-After he realizes that you can read minds Idia is so damn frightened
- “O-Okay I promise not to say anything, just don’t tell anyone what I’m thinking a-alright?!”
-You were one of the only people who he trusted
-Malleus had always detected some form of magical aura that was otherworldly from you and it never seemed to fade
-And it wasn’t often, but it was almost like you knew what he was thinking
-Whenever he was deeply upset he felt a twinge of energy from you, and then you would insist and help him out with his problems
-And he flat out says “Are you reading my mind, Y/N?”
-You had never been directly outed like this before, you felt horrible 
-You never read people’s minds unless it was very necessary
-whenever Malleus felt deeply gloomy you felt like it was important to just read his mind and help him with the problem
-You explained it to him and apologized, but he wasn’t upset
-In fact, he was smiling?
- “It seems like we have alot of things that we’re hiding from each other. But... you always had the best intentions whenever you used your abilities”
-He let out a sigh and reluctantly admitted, “And, I know that I’m quite stubborn with revealing my feelings.” 
- “I will keep your secret as long as you keep mine, Child of Man,” the dragon fae said, you both shaking on it
- “I always had a feeling that you were special, but I never thought it would be something of this caliber...” 
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fandomwriterstuff · 3 years
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“We’re a well-oiled team of military-grade kindergarteners,” his best friend, and the only other human on the ship who would understand what kindergarten was, continued chastising him and his companions. “The level of education and training among the three of you eclipses that of the entire rest of the members of this operation,” Annabeth continued, pointing her finger individually at himself, his pilot Jason, and his Chief Science Officer Nico. “You know, I’m not that surprised with you, Percy, but you are our XO so you should really be more responsible,” he winced at that, still feeling a bit of imposter syndrome at being the Commander of the USS Olympus. “Jason, shouldn’t you be piloting a ship or something?” At that, he saluted her and did an about face before scampering off to get into more trouble. “And you, you’re definitely way too responsible to have gotten mixed up with this Seaweed Brain and Sparky, so what’s in this tomfoolery for you?”
Nico, the only Neptunian on the ship, shifted his large black wings self consciously under the scrutiny of their Chief of Operations. Percy, as the Commander of the vessel, felt obligated to protect his usually stoic and well-behaved… acquaintance? Di Angelo was reserved, almost standoffish, and resented anyone who tried to stick up for him for some reason, but that didn’t stop Percy’s stupid seaweed brain from doing so. Hence the acquaintance. Percy was 99% sure Di Angelo didn’t consider him a friend. But he was nice to Percy and a great officer, so Percy considered him his friend.
“It was my fault, Annie,” he used her childhood nickname carefully, not knowing whether it would soften her up or piss her off more. He was hoping for softening. “It was just another one of Jason and my dumb ideas that we thought we would need a scientist to help with, and we didn’t want to piss off Leo by involving him in it. You know how he is about his engineer and warp cores and whatnot,” Percy held his hands up placatingly. “Leave Di Angelo out of this, he has sciencey things to do, isn’t that right?” Percy side-eyed his companion who (not surprisingly) rolled his eyes.
“I try not to get involved with human pranks or even Jovian mischief, but Officer Grace and First Officer Jackson were about to be meddling with my linguistics team. It isn’t my duty to tell my superiors what to do, so I sought out the next best option, supervising and ensuring no lasting damage was done to the physical or emotional state of the linguistics team. Now,” Here Percy held in a smirk as Di Angelo shrugged. “If they caused interference with the machinery of the ship, that wouldn’t be my expertise, so I allowed it to happen and-” Percy held back a laugh as the other male started speaking even faster to get everything out as Annabeth turned redder and redder. “I’m very sorry about that, truly, but I had no control over the situation.”
“No control over the situation? You three broke our LIT machine and now we have to go back to Earth as soon as we pass close enough to fix it. Soon enough nobody on this ship will understand each other,” the woman across from them crossed her arms and Percy shrunk back a bit.
“I want to make a joke about a machine being called “LIT,” but I feel like it isn’t the right time,” he muttered. “I know the Linguistic Inhibition Technology is important, but most of us have a working understanding of at least one other language, so it shouldn’t be a huge issue, right?”
“You know it works by connecting to the implant technology in our brains, so as it shuts down one by one, members of this ship from spaces stations and planets far and wide will have no clue why they suddenly can’t understand their XO, or their Chief Officer, or their best friend. So you better explain this. And you have to tell them that we’re going straight back to Earth to fix it because no nearby planets have the same brain implant tech as us. Damn Terrans and their brand name technology copyrights,” Annabeth grumbled and finally turned around to walk off.
“Hey, you’re Terran, too!” Percy shouted after her, but she just flipped him the bird.
“She can do that?” Di Angelo asked, side-eyeing Percy.
“Yeah, she’s been my best friend since we were twelve. As long as she doesn’t undermine my authority in front of everyone else, I don’t really care. I’ve done way worse to her,” Percy laughed at the other man’s frown. “Nothing bad, just pranks and things of that sort. Maybe when we get back to Earth we can show you where we’re from. You never set foot off of the training grounds while you were in school.”
“I would… like that,” Di Angelo paused and gave Percy a soft smile.
“Great,” Percy patted the younger male on the shoulder and made his way to the Command Center.
Percy sat himself down in the rotating chair and pressed on the comms device.
“Gooooood evening crew of the USS Olympus, this is your Commanding Officer, Percy Jackson, speaking,” he smiled at the engineering crew that was scuttling by, only for one of them to pause and look at him like he was speaking a different language… Whoops.
“There was a malfunction with the Linguistic Inhibition Technology and we will be returning to Earth henceforth to repair it before the damage becomes problematic. You may experience glitches with your implant technology and may revert to only understanding your first language and those you have studied extensively. If somebody looks like they’re not understanding what I’m saying right now, please escort them to the linguistics team in Science Bay 3. Carry on. Jackson, out.” He clicked again and the mic turned off.
He sighed, this would be one of his bigger mistakes. They were supposed to be exploring, but they couldn’t do that if nobody could speak to one another. One trip home couldn’t hurt him, and he was sure Annabeth would be happy to see her father.
It wasn’t until later after the Chief Officer meeting when someone finally asked Percy about Earth. For many of the non-humans on the ship, Earth was a place to get education and training to go out in the star fleet, and they never set foot outside the campus grounds, just like Di Angelo. But people had stopped asking him questions because Earth was basically “Space Australia,” as Annabeth had explained to him. The adaptability of humans and their need to pack bond astounded many and horrified many others. So, he stopped talking about home.
It was a new member of their ship, Novax (a Vulcan who was a part of Leo’s engineering team), who asked him about it first.
“I hear Earth is 75% made of pure salt water, and is filled with animals of all kinds. Do you have a favorite water animal?” he asked Percy excitedly.
“Definitely dolphins, though they aren’t underwater creatures. Like humans they need oxygen to breathe, and come up for air very often. My favorite actual underwater species would have to be a hippocampus from Neptune. I’ve always wanted to go and see one, but my human anatomy prevents me from going on-planet,” Percy explained and sipped on his hot tea.
“There are a million creatures in the ocean and you pick one that doesn’t breathe underwater?” Clarisse grunted. His Chief Tactical Officer was a brutish Martian, but very specialized in weapons. “And your second favorite isn’t even Terran.”
“What else do you know about the ‘ocean’?” Novax breathed, leaning forward.
“Eh, not much,” Percy shrugged.
“I’m not sure I heard that correctly, maybe my LIT unit isn’t functioning well,” another member of engineering asked, Nyssa. “Your planet is 75% water and you don’t even know what is inside it?”
“I could tell you about the people who spend their life learning about what survives in the deep depths,” Percy looked up, knowing he had all of the non-Terrans hooked on every word. Even Di Angelo had paused in his note taking and was staring wide-eyed at Percy. “But I don’t know if you’d want to know.”
“No we do!” Nyssa exclaimed. “There are people who dedicate their lives to a place that’s literally not navigable by humans, the main inhabitants of the planet?”
“Well as you said, most of the planet is water. Which means that coastal communities are filled with fisherman, whalers, swimmers, and more. I could tell you about some of those. I could also tell you about the scientists that spend years of their lives building bots that can’t even come close to withstanding the pressure at the deepest depths without imploding, or I could tell you about those that do come close,” he shrugged.
“What happened to those?”
“The video feed cut out after only seeing multiple rows of sharp, jagged teeth,” Annabeth answered, her sharp grin frightening those who hadn’t noticed her. Some forgot that she was Terran, because she was also half Minervan.
“I could tell you about whales. Beautiful, they come in black and white or grey or blue. But they can be as big as almost 100 feet long. That’s as long as most pirate ships. And they could fit about 400 average sized humans in their mouths. You don’t want to cross one of them. And they only live on the surface. The things that live in the deep,” Percy shuddered for effect. There were no Neptunians on the ship, so there were no natural water dwellers there, so all of his rapt listeners were shocked by this information. “There’s the anglerfish. They light up the dark with an antenna on top of their heads, and the light lures in prey. But it’s so dim elsewhere that you don’t see their big sharp teeth until you’re right up against them,” he murmured. “Giant squids are almost as big as whales but not nearly as peaceful and beautiful. They have eight arms and two tentacles that could wrap around any boat and crush it.”
“Ten limbs?” Nyssa whispered, clearly disturbed.
“Plus, the Portuguese Man o’ War,” Percy shrugged nonchalantly. “Also known as the floating terror. It’s like a big blue jellyfish that sits innocently on top of the water with huge blue tentacles that sit just underneath with a sting strong enough to kill a full grown human.”
“Don’t worry,” Annabeth grinned that shark grin again. “Percy won’t tell you about the stories of the old days. He doesn’t want to scare you.”
“That was the not scary part?” Novax gulped.
“Anyway, I just got notified that we’ll be back on Earth in a few days, so brace yourselves,” and with that, she stood and left them all staring after her. When the door clicked shut, Percy had all eyes back on him. He shrugged.
“Don’t look at me. I wasn’t going to tell you about the kr- nevermind,” he stood. “Di Angelo, with me,” the younger officer stood, back to business and was at Percy’s side again in a moment. “Clear your schedule, you’re spending shore leave with me, pal.”
“Great,” came the deadpan reply.
“Don’t sound so somber,” Percy rolled his eyes. “I’m just going to show you the beach and maybe a good gay bar. You need to let off some steam my dude.”
The other male reddened.
“That is so… That is…” he huffed. “Highly inappropriate.” he glared down at the ground and Percy felt a little bad, maybe the guy wasn’t out? But it was clear he had a preference for males. Oh well, that foot was already in Percy’s mouth.
“Fine. But I will be attending and I am a great dancer so you’re missing out,” he winked at the flustered officer and made his way back to his cabin. It would be an interesting few days.
He made a plan with Annabeth. Day one before shore leave, Percy would spread a rumor to Novax about the kraken. Bigger than a giant squid and meaner. Known to crush entire pirate ships in the olden days.
Day two, Annabeth would mention sirens to Nyssa. Hideous creatures that could lure you in with their voices and lead you to believe you were bringing your ship in to everything you ever wanted, when in reality you would crash your ships and then drown.
Day three, Percy would tell Leo about the Megalodon. A definitely very real shark so big you couldn’t even imagine it. Percy shuddered at that one.
“But, there are some good things,” Percy was speaking to Nico Di Angelo from his Commander chair, in ear shot of some of the participants of the conversation a few nights prior. “Mermaids, the siren’s nicer cousin species. And the lost city of Atlantis. Known to be a great and bountiful city, lost to the sea and cursed by the gods to be stuck down there forever. Some believe it still exists, but it’s within the Bermuda Triangle.”
“What, pray tell, is the Bermuda Triangle,” Clarisse sighed.
“Hard to explain. Ships just… go in… and they never come out,” Annabeth shrugged. “Planes go down. Ships wreck. People who go in don’t come back out, so we don’t know if Atlantis is really there or not.”
“That’s… terrifying,” Novax whispered as he walked by.
Percy was sure he had created a healthy fear of Earth’s oceans in his crew. And he meant to, because while he loved the beach and swimming, he did want to make them shy away from the depths. They wouldn’t do well to explore it.
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
Blank Out (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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SUMMARY ››››› Bucky Barnes has a list of names–amends he needs to make. When he gets to yours, he finds the amends process a bit more…difficult than it should be.
WORD COUNT ››››› 1,700-ish
WARNINGS ››››› language
A/N ››››› Oh hey, look at me jumping on that Falcon and the Winter Soldier trend. This is the Y/N version of my OC fic. Exactly the same but for people who prefer Y/N. Lemme know if you want to join the tag list!
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Bucky stood outside of the door, staring at the wreath of brightly colored fabric leaves, a small wooden sign hanging in the center with the words Give Thanks looping across it. 
He doubted there was going to be much thankfulness for him on the other side of the door. 
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
This was supposed to be getting easier. Dr. Raynor told him it would get easier. 
But for someone who hated bullshit so much, she really spent far too much time talking out of her ass. Because this wasn't easy. 
Easy would be surreptitiously wiring a million dollars into each of their bank accounts from the HYDRA accounts he still had access to.
Easy would be taking out anyone who had been involved in the decision to give him the order. 
Easy would be breaking the damn rules. 
The rules aren't meant to make your life easy, James. They're meant to disconnect you from the Winter Soldier. That's the whole point of making amends, isn't it? 
He'd give anything to get her damn voice out of his head. 
Bucky propelled himself up the front porch steps before he could change his mind. Like he had last yesterday. 
He rapped on the front door, accidentally knocking the wreath sideways as he went to pull his hand away. Instinctively, he reached out to right it, centering the sign and taking his hands away slowly to avoid a repeat of the situation. Bucky checked over his shoulder, half expecting Sam's stupid little robot to Zoom into view with Sam cackling and making some dumb quip about metal butterfingers. But Redwing wasn't there. The only other person outside was an old man mowing his lawn in a dingy white undershirt and grey sweatshorts. Bucky's lip curled in disgust before turning back to the door--the sound of locks clicking out of place putting him on alert. 
Bucky blinked, his eyes meeting those of the woman before him. Her eyes were striking, pinning him to the spot and pushing all semblance of thought out of his head. 
"Can I help you?"
Bucky blinked, nodding at her. Right. He was here for a reason. Not to stand like some teenage boy who'd just seen the girl next door for the first time. 
"I'm looking for Y/N Y/L/N."
"You found her." 
He blanched. "You're Y/N Y/L/N?" 
The look of vague curiosity that had been gracing features markedly shifted into a look of annoyance. "Believe it or not, Y/N’s come in all shapes, sizes, and colors." 
Fuck this. He needed to get out of here. There was no way he could have this conversation now. 
"Still want to talk to me?" She asked, eyebrows arched and arms folded across her chest. 
Sam's laughter echoed in his head, as if he'd been here to witness the exchange. And that's why he stayed. Out of spite. 
He nodded. "My name is James "Bucky" Barnes and--"
"Wait a second," she held out a hand and raised an eyebrow on him. He did as she asked, stopping mid-sentence with a sinking feeling in his gut. "You're the Bucky Barnes?"
He nodded, resigned to the fact that this was going to be his worst attempt at amends yet. "Yeah." 
"Well," she breathed, dropping her arms. "If I'd known I was meeting an Avenger at my door, I might have put on some pants." 
His eyes ran down from her face, noticing for the first time that she wore a dressing robe that barely swept the tops of her knees. Her bare knees.
His mouth opened as if he had even the faintest clue how to respond to this and then his jaw moved up and down for a new second as if the motion of talking would bring words. While it didn't muster an apology or some other decent thing to say, he did manage to utter a single word: "Shit."
She snorted at the reaction before smiling for the first time and shaking her head. "If you want to come in and wait, I'll go get changed."
He shook his head. "I can wait out here."
She was still smiling. Probably because she realized he was far more pathetic up close. "Suit yourself, but there's eggs inside."
"I'm good," he said, forcing himself to give a tight smile that didn't reach his eyes. She nodded, leaving the door open behind her as she disappeared inside the house--as if he'd change his mind.
He should leave right now. Turn around and come back a different day when he could at least function like a mostly human being. Bucky ran a hand through his hair, scratching the back of his head. 
The quick, sharp sound of pattering bare feet broke his stream of thought, as another girl came to the door, standing before him with her hands on her hips. "We were having breakfast, you know," the girl announced, her voice dripping with sass. "Now we have to wait until she's done talking to you. And I'm starving." 
Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be….not talking to strangers?"
"Shouldn't you be eating breakfast?" she countered.
"It's ten in the morning; I ate already."
"We were supposed to have breakfast an hour ago. But Ravi--"
"Rocio, leave Bucky Barnes alone," Y/N's voice called from elsewhere. 
Before he could fully process how odd it was for him to use his name, the little girl's hands dropped from her hips and she stared up at him, mouth agape and eyes comically wide. 
"You're Bucky Barnes?" she asked, her small voice awed. 
He nodded with a deep sigh and another forced smile. 
"What happened to your hair?"
"Got a haircut," he shrugged.
She furrowed her brow at him, her little eyes peering intently at his face. He wasn't sure the last time someone had looked him in the eyes this long. Nobody except Steve had looked him in the eyes since he made it out. The corner of his mouth twitched up. She nodded at him, having composed herself so her little face was serious once more. "I like this better."
"Thanks." He couldn't keep the amusement from his voice. He didn't even really try. 
A thought seemed to hit her, lighting up her whole face with excitement. "Wait right here. Don't move. Promise."  He nodded again and she raised her eyebrows at him, giving him a stern look. 
"I promise," he said, clearly stating each word.
She nodded at him. "Ok. Good." And then she turned and ran into the house, her feet making far more sound than they should for someone of her size.
Y/N reappeared shortly thereafter with a faint smile on her lips, dressed in a copper colored sweater and jeans. "Sorry. You're her favorite."
"She's cute." 
What an idiotic thing to say. 
"Wish I could take credit," Y/N said, shaking her head. "She's my sister's. I'm just the babysitter on duty."
There were some more sounds of scampering and Rocio was back at the door wearing a long black satin glove, reaching about halfway up her bicep. There were lines streaked across it in gold marker to make it look like it was made of metal plates. 
"I made an arm like yours!" she announced, almost whacking Y/N in the stomach as she extended her arm out for him to see. 
He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He'd seen Halloween costumes for sale and shirts with one of the sleeves modeled after his arm, and pictures of guys with an arm wrapped in tinfoil. All of them had been with his old arm--his silver one with the red star. The arm that belonged to Him. An arm made to invoke fear. 
This was the arm of a protector. 
She deserved more of a reaction than a small, breathy, "Wow." 
"Will you sign it?" Her eyes got even bigger if possible, and Y/N started to shake her head, bending over to talk to the little girl,  but Bucky stopped her. 
"You got a marker?"
"I'll go find one!" Rocio disappeared again, leaving him and Y/N alone on the doorstep. She was closer this time, and he could hear her talking to herself and rustling through different drawers. 
Y/N turned her attention from her niece back onto Bucky. "So, why is Bucky Barnes on my doorstep?"
"I uh--when does your sister get home?" he asked, eyes focused in the direction of Rocio's sounds. He swallowed, tearing his eyes away and back up to hers. "I should probably tell both of you...together."
The playful amusement that had been on her face disappeared as she stared at him, as if trying to see inside his head. Like she would want to see what was inside of his head. 
"She'll be here around three." 
He nodded, saved from a response by Rocio's re-appearance, waving a silver sharpie in the air. She offered it to him, and he plucked it out of her hand, taking hold of her toothpick of an arm in one hand and signing his name on the inside of her bicep. Where she could hide the signature if she wanted to.
Bucky handed the marker back to her as Rocio held her arm out, trying to catch sight of his name. 
"Rocio," Y/N prodded, gently. 
"Thank you!"  she chirped, before turning and literally skipping back inside. "Ravi--look!"
He liked her.
"That was really kind of you," Y/N said, warmly. "I think you just made her year." 
He shrugged. 
"Although, I have a feeling that this is all she's going to talk about for the next week," Y/N sighed, shaking her head. "Anyway, Lilly will be back around three if you want to come back then and share whatever secret serious news is it that you need to tell us together." Her voice was teasing, and Bucky's mouth lifted into a smirk.
"I'll be back then." 
"Great," she smiled politely. "See you then." 
He nodded, wishing her goodbye before turning down the stairs.
So much for getting easier.
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If I rebooted Columbo I would call it Detective Columbo and the new gimmick/twist is that Mrs Columbo is also a detective and the two work together on every case but they’re played by the same actor and the audience sees them in the same room at the same time in plenty of scenes but literally nobody else in universe ever does so everyone thinks Detective Columbo is one person who either seemingly does drag at random times in the middle of the day, or is some shade of gender fluid. The two Columbos are totally unaware of this confusion and at most assume that their partner just doesn’t always mention them to everyone they meet (makes sense, why would you open an interview with a witness with “oh and by the way my partner is also a detective same last name and title”)
Additional takes on this gag:
There can be an episode about a murder at or around a drag bar, all of the performers know Mr and Mrs Columbo are two different people completely and instantly. They might even point out little things as the “give aways” to other characters. Maybe one of the columbos has to disguise themselves in drag for a scene and any character except their partner/the drag performers just think it’s the other Columbo. Ie to the audience and 90% of characters Mr Detective Columbo in drag should look 1:1 identity to Mrs Detective Columbo. The two Columbos do not think they look overly similar to each other nor do the drag performers.
Going off of that whenever anyone tries to suggest to Mr or Mrs Detective Columbo they look insanely similar to their partner the Columbo(s) react in mild to moderate surprise and may claim they never noticed they’re the same height or have the same hair color (They might claim that Mrs Columbo is always wearing heels or that she actually colors her hair or Mr Columbo’s been having his grey roots touched up etc.) for comparison they might even point out a different couple with only one or two superficial similarities (two married people who are clearly not played by the same actor but they both have black hair or both have blue eyes)
An episode where a key in the murder is actually the same trick the Columbos unknowingly play on the rest of the world. Something like a black dog that turns out to be 2 black dogs or two towns sharing the same name, etc. the Columbos are initially thrown off by this hiccup and comment extensively about how strange these sorts of coincidences are
A gag with two family portraits that reveal that one of the Columbos’ families is comprised entirely of the same actor playing different roles, canonically all looking exactly the same to everyone but the Columbos, and the other Columbo coming from a family where nobody looks like them. Maybe a joke about how neither Columbo was adopted. This is just a super fucked up coincidence in this world
The Columbos accidentally promote further confusion on their identity because both explicitly prefer to be called “detective Columbo” or “Columbo” rather than their first name or “Mr/Mrs Columbo” (this includes Mr/Mrs Detective Columbo) when they’re on a case. They claim the second one is irrelevant because “[partner’s first name] isn’t here right now you can just say Columbo we all know who you mean”
For happenstances in one episode (maybe going undercover?) one Columbo has to borrow and wear the clothing of the other Columbo, despite them literally being the same actor the clothing fits wildly differently. When Mr Columbo wears his jacket it fits the actor like it’s a medium size but when Mrs Columbo wears it the jacket fits the actor like it’s an XL size jacket. This confounds everyone but the Columbos
Whenever one of the Columbos is asked if they’re genderfluid they respond with something that indicates neither knows what that means along the lines of “Gender fluid? I always thought it was a solid….you’d have to ask [the other columbo] I was never very good with chemistry I’m afraid” “gender fluid? Nah I’m more of a wine drinker, now [other Columbo] is much more of a mixed drink person you see—“
The two Columbos either have shared desks/work space or have desks/work space so close to each other anyone else in the office again assumes it’s some sort of gender thing. It’s obviously how detective Columbo communicate what pronouns they would currently prefer. This doesn’t have to be explicitly stated but clearly observed.
You can even do a bit where someone who recently spoke with one Columbo but is now speaking to the other and accidentally uses the other Columbo’s pronouns. The person genuinely believes they have accidentally misgendered Columbo by ignoring their newly changed gender presentation, while Columbo merely believes it was a simple slip of the tongue. They were just talking with the other detective Columbo who uses different pronouns after all, it’s understandable these sorts of slip ups would happen really.
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