#literally just try it for five seconds. you might actually enjoy it
shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
"eVeRyOnE hAs a SoB sToRy" ~Sam LaRusso, the girl with a car of her own in highschool, who lives in a huge house, can buy whatever she wants and her dad is a millionare. A girl who never ever struggled for anything in her life until Cobra Kai season 2 (when she herself causes a fight in her highschool), making fun of Tory, who has a predatory family, no money and a sick mother, barely making ends meet
…anon, why would you tell me, a primarily Sam blog, this
Also…look, I love them both, but lest you forget, Tory literally started a fight at school, cut her arm to scar, and hospitalized and traumatized her. And then broke into her house and traumatized her again—that second one had absolutely no reason whatsoever, by the way. Seriously. No reason for that, good or bad.
Sam didn’t cause the fight, Tory did. And if anyone is at fault for upsetting Tory, it’s Miguel, who was a) sober or close to it, compared to super drunk Sam, and b) TORY’S ACTUAL BOYFRIEND, why tf isn’t she going after HIM like this?? Cheating isn’t okay, and Sam is still a bit at fault, but the majority of the blame rests with Miguel.
And it has always frustrated me that the blame for that is placed only on Sam’s shoulders (another example of the sexist trope of the boyfriend getting off scot free for cheating)…and you seem to have fallen for it. I’d feel bad if you seemed to know what you were talking about…or if you had any sympathy for the traumatized teenager. But you don’t, so. Moving on.
Daniel isn’t a millionaire…not sure where you’re getting that from? He’s rich. Not all rich people are millionaires.
Also…predatory family? Her aunt…is one person in her family. We know nothing about her dad, and her mom and brother aren’t predatory. We don’t even know about her other family, what’s up with them, etc. If they’re not also trying to get ahold of Brandon like Kandace is…then that sounds like a generalization to me. And sweeping generalizations just aren’t gonna fly here, anon, when you’re using them to put down a teenage girl. Some empathy for Sam would’ve gotten you some sympathy from me…but empathy towards teen girls seems to be in short supply, and you’ve fallen for the societal trap of hating teenage girls who act like teenage girls. I’d feel sorry if you seemed to regret it. Moving on.
Sam is rich and privileged and there is no denying that (and she shouldn’t have made fun of Tory at her job)…however, Tory has hurt her, and there is no excuse for that (everything else in s4 aside from Sam making fun of Tory at her job was her untreated PTSD acting up, and I highly doubt you’d act any better in her situation). Sam has extended understanding and kindness to her, and now, Tory needs to apologize. This isn’t rocket science. She should’ve done it first, but at this point, I’ll just be glad if she does it at all.
And frankly, I’m shocked that you seem to have no empathy for the literal traumatized teenager with PTSD (and yep, she does have untreated PTSD). But hey, it doesn’t seem like you even know the show that well anyway. At the very least, I assume you skimmed the finales and skipped over the parts where Tory hurt Sam, it’s really the only excuse for you blaming Sam like this with no consideration for her pain.
If you’re gonna have an opinion on this show, word of advice: it helps to watch the show with the volume up and both eyes open :) just a thought!
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imaginesheaven · 2 years
Bar owner!Reader x TF 141
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Friendship headcanons
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of injuries, a bit of angst?
This literally turned almost into an Oneshot *haha* I couldn’t help myself ;D Enjoy~
Your bar “Tango Down” is known by almost every soldier and police officer. It is the ultimate spot to meet for drinks after a hard work day or mission. Since your bar has a very good reputation you are also known and well respected.
Of course, the Task Force 141 visits frequently when they are not away for a mission. “Hey, (Y/N)”, Price greets as he enters the bar firstly. To hear his voice once again brings a big smile on your lips, “Look who’s still alive! The usual, boys?” They give you all nods as they take their places on their usual table.
Years ago, when you first opened your bar Price was one of the first customers you had. Still to this day he is your favorite and most frequent one. After the Task Force 141 was built he brought them to this place, where you all grew extremely close with time. Even grumpy Ghost has a soft spot for you.
“Good to see you all. How you are doing?”, you put the drinks down on the table. A flash of fur whizzes between your legs right into the loving arms of Soap. “Bloody Jesus, Cougar! I wish this freaking dog would love me as much as he loves Soap”, you roll your eyes playfully annoyed as the soldiers cuddles your “scary” Belgian Malinois named Cougar.
“Sometimes I believe you are only here for Cougar”, Soap shrugs his shoulders grinning like he isn’t even sorry for stealing your dog away every single time he steps into the bar. “We brought you a present”, Gaz can’t contain his pure joy as he holds out the bottle of Whiskey. “Thank you so much! That goes directly into our cabinet for special events!”
Price started this tradition years ago when he started to visit your bar regularly. Every time he came back from a mission you got another expensive and exotic bottle of alcohol like Whiskey or Wine. John was and is still incredibly grateful to have you at his side after hard missions talking to him, pouring drinks and keeping his mind occupied with happy thoughts. The Task Force 141 keeps this tradition still going. Here and there when there is a reason to celebrate you pop open one of the bottles with them.
“Don’t worry, love, at least Ghost, Gaz and I are here for you”, Price puts his hand on your shoulder smirking as you take a seat with them. Soap is way too distracted to follow the conversation at all. He keeps playing with Cougar. The two of them have an own tradition. Soap gets Cougar after every mission a new toy to play with him.
It’s usually very calm and quiet in the bar due to the high number of soldiers and police officers. They can keep everything in order for you if you need it, but you are actually able to sort it out on your own. Just like this evening…
“What is going on here, Kick?”, you ask your bartender. He rolls his eyes annoyed, “Just a round of men making trouble. They keep talking trash about the soldiers.” You let out a whistle to call Cougar to you, “We take care of it.”
“Guys, your time is over here. I don’t tolerate little boys talking bullshit about real men”, you stand your ground against the five men. They might be taller than you, but it doesn’t intimidate you at all. They start to laugh, “How about no? What will you do?” Apparently, the leader of this little gang takes out a handgun from the back of his jeans.
Without flinching you grab his hand aiming the gun at the ceiling punching with the other against his throat. That leaves him choking for a few moments as you take the gun apart leaving it useless at the table. The guy doesn’t have enough yet trying to grab you. Quite painful you twist his arm as you push his face against the surface of the table. “Leave. Now”, as you let go of the men they bolt out of the bar scared for their dear life.
For a second the silence is deafening in the bar until the Task Force 141 starts cheering. They others follow suit very fast, but you wave them off with a red dust on your cheeks, “Stop it, please.” You store the gun behind the counter, “Drinks on me for everyone … BUT ONLY IF YOU STOP CHEERING!” Within a second everything is back to normal.
“Stop messing with my jukebox, Soap”, you have your back to the machine as you prepare the drinks, but you are sure he is already on his way to turn on a certain song. Soap loves messing with you and getting on your nerves playing one song over and over again until you lose your bloody mind.  
He looks at you with his puppy eyes, “Come on! It’s my absolute favorite song!” Smirking you roll your eyes and make your way towards the table with new drinks. “What did we just witness? You absolutely wrecked this guy”, Gaz stares at you in disbelief. “You were in military, right?”, Ghost recognizes a soldier when he sees one and you were for sure one. You let out a sigh, “Yeah, Special Forces for a few years.” Price raises his eyebrows surprised. “Don’t you dare to take a look at my file, John. That’s the past”, you wink at him grinning. Sometimes you could read him like an open book.
“Enjoy your drinks, boys!” The team shares a brief glance. Every time they are at your bar they learn something incredible new about you. It is like you are a never-ending pit of surprises. It makes them wonder what person you have been in the past. Especially John Price. He might have a look into your file nevertheless.
The night comes to an end. You keep sorting out the rest of the bar alone as the light goes out suddenly. The little hairs on your neck start to stand up and your senses tingle to warn you from the oncoming danger. Upstairs where you live above the bar you can hear Cougar barking. You already brought him up so he can rest. Now you realize your mistake. He would have protected you.
A hand grabs your neck from behind as the first punch lands. The fist collides with your stomach and the pain leaves you breathless. You can’t see their faces in the dark but you are more than sure that these are the troublemakers from earlier. They keep beating you. The pain is just overwhelming until the darkness takes over.
Captain Price enters the bar followed by his team. To his displeasure you are not behind the counter to greet them with your usual bright smile. “Kick, where is (Y/N)?”, Soap asks the bartender. They all feel that something is very off and they don’t like it at all. Even Cougar can’t be seen anywhere.
“(Y/N) is upstairs. Recovering. I’m not sure about company, but I guess you can try”, Kick knows it would be useless to tell them you don’t want to see anyone. They are going to make sure you are okay and no one will stop them. Price makes his way upstairs followed by the others.
They can hear Cougar barking at them coming up the stairs. “It’s okay, Cougar, it’s just the boys”, you say calmly to the dog as you pet his soft fur. Cougar greets them happily when they come through the door. Of course, the dog makes his way towards Soap to beg for some scratches. After a few head rubs Cougar is satisfied and comes back to your side placing his head onto your leg. You have never seen the dog that clingy, but he is ready to protect you with all he has.
John seems cool, collected and focused on the outside, but on the inside he is raging. Just like the others. Your face shows the last remnants of the beating. A black eye, a bloody, split lip and so on. They don’t even want to imagine what bruises your clothes are hiding. “It’s okay. It looks probably worse than it actually is”, you try to downplay the truth, but all of them can see it in your eyes. These troublemakers broke you a little bit and no one was there to protect you.
Ghost takes a step forward and grabs your chin softly to take a closer look at your face, “This is absolutely not okay. They made it personal.” Without a further word he let go of you giving Price a short nod. They know what they have to do.
“Wait! Please be careful. All of you”, you grab Price’s sleeve to keep them from leaving. There is no chance you can stop them at all. You just want them to come back to you safe and sound. John gives you a reassuring smile, “Of course, love.”
With that they went away to deal with the problem. None of the men told you what they did to the troublemakers and you never asked. They would literally give their life to keep you safe. After that everything just went back to normal.
“Johnny! No!”, you try to pry the beer bottle out of Soap’s hands as he reaches over the counter. “You have to be faster than that, sweetheart!”, he celebrates his achievement and takes a gulp from the beer. “No jukebox for you for a whole week! It’s like I’m dealing with children!”, you give up laughing. Price shrugs his shoulders, “Now you know how I feel.” You lean against the counter watching the boys. Gaz and Soap try to out beat each other in darts, while Ghost gives Cougar some head scratches hidden beneath the table. No one should see what a softie he turns into around you and Cougar.
This is literally perfection for all of you.
“Isn’t that the owner of your favorite bar?”, Laswell hands Price the file after he bugged him for weeks, “Are you sure that’s right?” John shrugs with one shoulder not really interested in getting a lecture, “Yes, just making sure who’s serving me drinks. I’ll take that with me.” He leaves Laswell’s office with the file under his arm. John is going to take his sweet time to read through your past.
Laswell leans back in her chair dialing your number, “He got your file, (Y/N).” She almost can hear you grinning through the phone, “Almost everything is classified so John won’t learn much about me. He just could have asked, you know? Thanks for letting me know, Kate. Greet your wife!”
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The farmer is a pretty heavy sleeper if even a meteor landing on their farm won't get them up before 6am but what about their spouse? How would they all (sve included if you'd like) react to not only a whole space rock hitting the farm but the farmer reacting with nothin more than a sleepy "oh was probably just a meteor... I'll check that in the mornin."
I had a lot of fun with this scenario, really liked the idea itself. Thank you so much for the ask, and enjoy! 💕
SDV/SVE bachelors:
Sam said quietly, "Oh, okay," and laid his head back on the pillow, falling asleep again. When morning came, the young guitarist would consider his vague recollection of this conversation a dream. What will be his surprise when he sees an actual meteorite lying not far from their house. "Babe, that could have ended badly..." "No worries, Sammy, but if you want, we'll check it out next time." ...Next time?????
"Did you hear that?!" "Relax, dear, it's just a meteorite..." "Ah, alright... It's a WHAT?!" And the slogan of this Harvey's headcanon: "A meteorite is the best alarm clock! You'll wake up right away!" Although in Farmer's case - they woke up to a fuss made by their worried husband. But you can understand the Pelican Town doctor, too - a bloody piece of cosmic rock fell right into your yard, it's hard to stay calm.
Elliott literally fell out of bed from such a loud sound outside the window, and Farmer continued to snore quietly??? The writer was so confused, he didn't know if he should wake up Farmer or not. "Mmmm... Did'a meteorit fal' again... I'll deal with it tmorrw... 💤" Farmer mumbled, leaving Elliott even more confused. Meteorite? Wha- again? They mean... it's happened before and it's going to happen again?! What is happening?!
"Hon, what the fuck." At first Shane's reaction to Farmer's words wasn't too violent, because he's still sleepy. But after a couple of seconds the meaning of the words reached him, the gyrus in his brain started working and he shrieked: "The coop! Charlie!" The realisation that the animals might have been hit by the meteorite instantly brought Farmer to their feet.
No matter how hard Alex tried - his spouse slept like a dead man, muttering that they would check the source of the noise tomorrow. What do they mean, tomorrow?! They need to check it now! Alex can't just leave it alone, so he goes to check it out, with or without Farmer. Whoa, a real meteorite... Erm, shouldn't they tell Lewis or someone about this?
Meteorite or not, Sebastian remained surprisingly calm. He gave up trying to wake Farmer and went to the window to see what was out there. They were right - it was in fact a meteorite, a real one. And there's light coming from it. So cool. "Sure you don't want to come with me, dear?" Farmer mumbled something incomprehensible in response, and the emo decided to go alone, to look at the cool sky rock. Because why not.
Lance sensed something was wrong before the meteorite touched the ground. Fortunately, the far-sighted gallant adventurer had put up a magical barrier that prevented the space rock from crashing into his and Farmer's house or barns. The meteorite had fallen, all was well. "I take it this phenomenon is not new to you?" He smiled as his spouse mumbled "tomorrow..." in their sleep. Well then, they both can look at the meteorite later.
"Razor!" Magnus jumped up sharply from the bed, casting the spell on automatic. The trajectory of the falling meteorite was reversed, and the celestial stone plummeted into the water, no longer posing a danger to the forest. "Farmer, meteorite." "Mhmm, five more minutes.... I'll look at the meteorite tomorrow...." Magnus wondered how his dearest spouse could even survive as an adventurer with no sense of self-preservation. It's a damn meteorite!
A whole palette of emotions was bubbling up inside Victor, awake from the noise. What was that! A meteorite? A real one! It's probably incredibly hot right now, he shouldn't go near it.... But it's a meteorite! It's so scary, and so interesting! Farmer, don't hide your head under the pillow, but get a flashlight. Victor's taking them out to see the space rock! Well, and make sure everything's okay and no animals are hurt, too.
SDV/SVE bachelorettes:
A meteorite?! A real rock of cosmic origin fell right on the farm? Maru immediately jumps out of bed and wakes up Farmer. It's unclear, however, whether this reaction of hers is simple worry about putting out the fire from the meteorite fall or that the young inventor is thrilled that she and her spouse will see the meteorite up close! Probably both. Either way, Farmer won't sleep well tonight...
"What makes you think it's a meteorite? Maybe it's aliens? Oh, that's so cool! Get up quick or we'll miss the whole thing! And grab a sword, just in case." The force with which Abigail was prancing poor Farmer made them realise at once that their wife was not going to let them finish their beauty sleep. Unlikely aliens in there, but they'd have to check anyway. Ugh...
Poor Penny is in complete shock at how calmly Farmer has reacted to everything. Don't they care what happens to the farm? What if what fell down caused a fire and everything could burn? There's a forest nearby, it would be a huge fire! Penny tearfully begged her sleepy spouse to check it out before it's too late. Farmer had to get up (they hate to see their lovely wife crying).
"Did you hear that, Farmer?" "Yep, meteorite hit again, I'll look tomorrow..." Leah can already see the fire that has travelled from the glowing space rock to the dry summer grass. Oh no, there's going to be a fire now... She wakes Farmer up with one mighty shove and shouts an emergency. And as much as Farmer grumbled over their interrupted sleep - the artist was right. A forest fire is a very dangerous.☝️
The sound of a meteorite falling may not have been able to wake Farmer, but the shriek of terror of their wife Haley sure knocked them out of dreamland. "Shh, Haley, it's only a meteorite..." JUST A METEORITE?! Is Farmer laughing at her? Oh no, they can't go back to the dream realm now - Haley wakes them up again and tells them to look at that fallen meteorite before something else happens. Haley's half asleep herself, but she's scared, so she'll insist on checking it out now.
Before going to bed, Emily read a daily horoscope in a magazine that she would soon "be given a big sign, so make your decision at once." Nowhere, however, did it say that this "sign" was a huge rock from the sky. But at least she made the decision right away, (and the right one) - getting Farmer out if bed, despite their protests, to make sure the falling meteorite didn't destroy anything. No "tomorrow", it had to be now. She hopes no animals were! Her heart couldn't take it...
Claire jumped up in bed, as if scalded by boiling water, at the rattling of window glass and the vibrations throughout the house. Something had fallen on the farm - and that 'something' is very big. She woke and woke her spouse to no avail, who only responded to the terrifying sound with a louder snore. How did they even manage not to wake up from such a noise? And how could they mumbling so calmly about the meteorite?!
Poor Sophia, frightened by a scary sound outside , immediately pressed herself against Farmer, trying to hide. Farmer kissed her gently and told her that it was just a meteorite, that everything was fine and they would protect her. After saying "it's okay" and "I will protect you" the panic inside Sophia was extinguished and she fell asleep again in the arms of her spouse. The meteorite in the morning would definitely be a shock to her (she thought she had dreamed the whole thing).
After that horrible sound, Olivia not only wakes Farmer up, but also gets almost half the town up, making one call to Lewis and claiming that something terrible has happened on her and Farmer's property. Farmer sleepily tried to convince Olivia that a fallen meteorite was no big deal, but she wasn't convinced. How is that - a huge, dangerous rock from outer space - and not dangerous!
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starsstuddedsky · 2 years
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Blown Up Love
reader x wonwoo
summary: gaming is all fun and... well, games, until you start crushing on the only person that takes pity on you and saves you from mobs.
genre: fluff, university au, gamer!wonwoo
warnings: swearing, death (but it's fake)
wc: 7.1k
a/n: i wrote this so long ago i forgot all my jokes - i haven't played minecraft in forever but i imagine playing with wonwoo would be so much fun - there will be a bonus eventually bc this somehow isn’t enough fluff for me
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You run as fast as you can, hearing the groans behind you, a constant reminder of what followed not far behind you. You swerve to the side as another monster appears in front of you, a flash of white and the cracking of bones snapping against each other. You can’t help but scream as you hear a twang and realize that you’ve been shot. 
“Are you really leaving me like this?” You cry, praying one of your friends will take pity on you. 
“Don’t you have armor?” Jihoon asks. “Why didn’t you make a weapon?” 
“I just wanted to hide underground, I didn’t realize it was night time already!” You scream as you take another hit, trying to dodge trees and what feels like hundreds of monsters converging on you. “I'm literally outside the base, can someone please come help me?” 
“You’re so dramatic,” Seungcheol says. You don’t have to see him to know he’s rolling his eyes. 
“I’m about to die!” Your hands are shaking. You know that one more hit means death. 
You can see the light of the base, your last hope. If you can just make it a little bit farther, maybe you’ll make it. A figure moves toward you in the darkness and you instinctively turn away, though a moment later you’re sprinting toward it because you realize that it’s not a monster but one of your friends. Wonwoo. 
“Wow, you were not kidding, there’s so many,” he says. He charges in front of you, practically glowing in diamond armor. No, literally glowing. When had he enchanted his armor? 
You can hear him slaughter them behind you as you make a last ditch effort to make it inside. Just before you can open the door you hear another whizz, and something slams into. Everything turns red
Respawn or return to main menu. 
You stare at the screen. 
“I got your stuff,” Wonwoo says, voice as calm and even as ever. You sigh and click respawn. 
“Thanks for trying,” you mumble as you return to the game, your character waking up deep inside the base. 
“Sorry, I was in the middle of mining so I couldn’t really make it in time,” he says. You meet his character by the entrance to the base. You can’t help but smile at his skin, mostly covered by the glowing armor. You can still pick out the glasses he’d added to his skin, just like the ones he wore in real life, big and as round as he could make them in the pixelated game. You can almost see him in your mind, probably sitting in complete darkness in his room, wearing one of the three sweatshirts he cycled through. 
He gives you your items, tossing them in front, then vanishes into the base, probably to return to mining.You thank him again and wander around the interior of the base until you end up in the room you made for yourself. You had spent the last couple days dedicatedly designing the base, carved into the side of a mountain with rooms for all five of your friends to return to and put their stuff in. It was hours of work that was nowhere near being done, but you were enjoying every second of the rather monotonous work. 
What made you even happier was that your friends were actually using the rooms you set aside for them, each of them designing it a little to their own tastes. You might be absolutely terrible at fighting mobs, but you could at least build, and it felt nice that they weren’t totally disregarding that. Even if Wonwoo was the only one who would help you when you inevitably had to face the mobs. 
“Yn, are you still in the base?” Wonwoo asks. When you say yes, he asks you to meet him in the main entrance. 
You find him waiting, feeling inferior in your iron armor. He tosses you something. When you pick it up, you find out it’s an enchanted pickaxe, complete with unbreaking, mending, and fortune. 
“I figured it might be easier to work on this if you have, like, actually good tools.” 
“Thank you?” You can’t say you’re not surprised by Wonwoo’s generosity. You don’t know him very well. He’s Mingyu’s friend, and though you’ve hung out with all five of the guys many times this semester, he tended to be quieter and you weren’t convinced he didn’t hate you. Still, he was the only one on the server that didn’t bully you. 
“When did you get enchants,” you ask as you both go your separate ways. It’s finally daytime outside, so you deem it safe to continue working on the farm you were trying to design along the edge of the base. 
“It was pretty easy once I finished the villager farm,” he says. “Though I haven’t gotten around to reviving villagers to get cheap enchants. It’s on the list.” 
You frown as you climb the side of the mountain halfway up and continue designing what would hopefully be a sprawling pumpkin patch. “How did you have the time for that?” 
“I haven’t exactly logged off,” he says. 
“We started the server two days ago!” 
“It’s fall break,” he says. “I didn’t want to waste my time.” 
“I fear you.” 
“Hey, you guys are aware there are other people in this voice chat, right?” Mingyu says. 
“Shut up,” you say. 
“Get a room,” he says, pretending to cough. 
You can feel the blush spreading across your cheeks. It wasn’t that you had a crush on Wonwoo. He was just tall, and objectively attractive, and really nice, and smart, and he had saved your life more than once. Okay, maybe it was a small crush. 
“Can we set a time to kill the ender dragon,” Seungcheol asks. “I’m getting blaze rods right now.” 
“Okay, I think I have enough ender pearls,” Wonwoo says. “Want to try tonight?” 
“You are aware it’s already almost nine, right?” You say. 
“It’ll take like two minutes with all of us,” Jihoon says. 
“I’ll text Jeonghan and see if he wants to join,” Mingyu says. 
“I’m guessing no one cares that I’m not ready at all,” you grumble. 
“It’s not our fault you care more about picking flowers than playing the game,” Seungcheol says. 
“Hey! I have not been playing with flowers! I am an integral part of this server, if it weren’t for me you all would be living in dirt shacks!” 
“Yeah, but we’d still have diamond armor,” Jihoon says. 
“Why don’t you just ask Wonwoo for some armor.” Mingyu snickers. “I’m sure he can afford to support you.” 
You’re glad that it’s just a voice chat because otherwise you’d never hear the end of their teasing. 
“I do have an extra set of armor,” Wonwoo says. “Also, I have a ton of leftover books from enchanting that you guys should use.” 
“Maybe you have spent too much time on this,” Mingyu says. 
“What am I supposed to do?” 
“You’re an English major,” Mingyu says. “Don’t you have an essay or some books to read?” 
He laughs. “If you can find an English major that actually reads, I’ll log off.” 
“Do not log off until we’ve beaten the dragon!” Seungcheol says. 
“We could do it without him,” Mingyu says. 
“Sure you could,” Wonwoo says. “Yn, are you getting the armor or not?” 
You’ve been working on the farm outside, but as the sun starts to set, you begin to go back inside the base, not wanting a repeat of the previous night. “I’ll just die if I go with. Can’t I just stay and work on the base?” 
“Nope, you have to come,” Mingyu says. “Server rules.” 
“You can’t just make up rules on the spot,” you say. 
“ Jeonghan is coming, so no excuses.” 
You groan, knowing there’s no way out of it now. Jeonghan had joined exactly once, decided he was bored because Jihoon wouldn’t make him a “god” and hadn’t been on since. But it seemed like Mingyu was going to dictate friendship rules through Minecraft, so you were stuck. 
“Here,” Wonwoo says, appearing in the halfway-finished room that you made for yourself. He tosses you a full set of armor, and when you pick it up you find that it has full enchants. He must not have been lying about spending his entire break on this game. 
“I owe you!” You say. “Pretty much all I own is cobblestone and seeds but I will return this armor with only, like, minimal damage.” 
“Unless you fall into the void,” Seungcheol said. 
“Don’t even joke about that!” You say. 
Wonwoo laughs, his deep voice almost melodic. “You’re just scared because it’s a very real possibility.” 
“Not you bullying me, too,” you say, switching out the armor. “I thought you were on my side.” 
“I am,” he says. “And honestly if you really do fall into the void it’s fine, I can make a new set in probably ten minutes. Probably less.” 
“Can we make a rule about flirting in the main voice chat?” Seungcheol asks. 
“Fine, Wonwoo, join me in VC-2,” you say. Your heart is pounding a little as you pause the game and switch voice chats. It’s painfully quiet for two seconds as you wait but finally you hear the ding of someone joining you. 
“I’ll pay you real money to kill Seungcheol,” you say. 
Wonwoo is quiet for a moment. “Right now?” 
“Okay my bank account is a little empty, but next week I can buy you lunch?” You say. 
“Are you… hiring me as a hitman?” He asks. 
“Two lunches and it’s a deal.” 
You switch back to the main voice chat, and hear the second half of Mingyu explaining that there is no way you are bold enough to actually be flirting. You hate that he’s right. 
“Back so soon?” Mingyu asks, cutting himself off mid-sentence. “Seungcheol, you owe me five dollars.” 
“I really just live in your head rent free, huh?” You say. “Making bets on me now?” 
“Actually, the bet was about the enchants that Wonwoo just gave me,” Mingyu says. “None of us believed you were actually flirting, but feel free to keep that inflated ego of yours.” 
You wonder if you’re going to be able to stop embarrassing yourself in front of Wonwoo. With Mingyu and Seungcheol around, probably not. 
The voice chat is mostly quiet as everyone goes to their own individual tasks. You are back to developing the farm (during the day). Jihoon and Mingyu are mining together and chatting about their spring schedule, while Seungcheol says he’s still getting blaze rods because he wants to make potions. Wonwoo is silent. 
You are starting to think he was giving up, when suddenly Seungcheol shouts. “Hey, what the hell?” 
“What’s wrong?” Wonwoo asks. 
“Something is shooting me.” He curses. 
“A blaze?” You ask, hoping your voice doesn’t sound as giddy as you feel. 
“No, what the fuck, it’s coming out of nowhere.” 
You’re struggling to stifle your laughter. 
“Oh my god, I’m gonna die,” Seungcheol says. “I’m actually gonna die what the fuck, I’m at two hearts, where is this coming from? I’m actually dying, I-”
kkakkamori was killed by VvWonwoovV. 
“What the fuck, Wonwoo?” 
“Nothing personal,” he says as you finally burst into laughter. “Just doing business.”
“You just killed me!” 
“I got your stuff,” he says. 
“Keep talking shit about me and I’ll make sure you never see a day of peace,” you say, cackling at Seungcheol’s curses. You can hear Mingyu and Jihoon laughing, too. You wonder how many lunches it would cost to take them out. 
“I won’t forget this,” Seungcheol says. “I’ll get revenge.” 
“Yeah, good luck with that,” Wonwoo says. 
“I can’t believe you killed me,” he says again. “Were you invis?” 
“Yeah, I used some arrows of harming and spectral arrows, too, just in case.” 
“Dude, you killed me in like five shots.” 
“Okay, Wonwoo is no longer allowed to be hired as a hitman,” Mingyu announces. “It’s not fair.” 
“Hey! Can’t I choose how to sell my services?” Wonwoo asks. 
“Was it worth betraying me?” Seungcheol pretends to be hurt. “How much did my life cost?” 
“Two sandwiches,” you answer. 
“I’ll never forgive you.” 
You laugh, and then smile even more when you see Wonwoo has texted you a smiley face. 
Me: Good job, partner, you send him. 
Wonwoo: Just doing good business. 
You turn back to your computer. There’s still another hour until Jeonghan could get on to beat the ender dragon, and it occurs to you that you’ve been playing for nearly four hours. You tell the guys you are going to come back later, signing off and getting out of your chair and stretching. 
You check your phone as it dings. 
Wonwoo: don’t forget to refill your water! 
You frown. You must have mentioned it to him while playing. You grab your water bottle, trying not to overthink the fact that he remembered when even you forgot. The more time you spend around Wonwoo, the harder it is to deny how lovely he is. 
You stare at the options. You wish Wonwoo hadn’t trusted you to get him something, or that you could have remembered to ask him what he likes, at least what he dislikes. 
You finally choose a BLT and a chicken sandwich and pray he isn’t vegetarian. You scout a table out and snag it, laying your backpack across the seats opposite you to save them. A few minutes later, you see Wonwoo making his way through the crowd of people filling up the dining hall. As he gets closer, you see Jeonghan and Jihoon at his sides. You tell yourself you didn’t notice them because Wonwoo is so much taller. No other reason. 
You wave them over, grabbing your backpack as they slide into the seats, Jeonghan next to you while Wonwoo sat directly across from you. You point to the sandwiches. He frowns but ends up picking the chicken sandwich. 
You slap Jeonghan’s hand away from the BLT. “That’s my lunch!” 
“Why does Wonwoo get one, then?” 
“It’s his payment,” you say, picking up your sandwich. 
“You’re telling me Seungcheol hasn’t whined about his murder to you yet?” Jihoon asks. 
“You know, I sort of tune him out when he starts talking about Minecraft,” Jeonghan says. 
“He is being a little dramatic about it,” you say. 
“You can’t say anything, you're the one that ordered a hit on him,” Jihoon said. “I’d watch your back.” 
“It’s a video game!” You say. 
“You know Seungcheol,” Jeonghan says. “He can hold a grudge when he wants to.” 
Seungcheol and Jeonghan were your first friends in college. Technically you went to high school with them, but you didn’t really become friends until last year, when the three of you somehow ended up at the same school. 
That’s how you know Jeonghan was exactly right. You glance around, suddenly worried that he was going to appear and exact his revenge in the middle of the dining hall. 
“Was it worth it?” Jeonghan asks Wonwoo, who is somehow almost finished with the sandwich. 
Wonwoo shrugs. “I’m not going to lie, the sandwich was a little subpar.” He checks his watch, then nudges you with his foot. “We’re going to be late to lab.” 
You groan. “Why did we let Mingyu convince us to take this horrible class with him?” 
He laughs as you stand up and follow him, grabbing your half eaten sandwich and waving goodbye to Jihoon and Jeonghan. As you walk beside him, you realize this is the first time you’ve been alone with him since you realized your tiny crush. Trying to match pace with his long stride is even more difficult when you are also trying very hard not to think about the way his arms hang on his sides, the way his hands are so close to yours and how easy it would be to slip your fingers in with his. Luckily he seems to notice you struggling to keep up because he starts taking smaller steps. So sweet. 
“So was the sandwich really that bad?” You ask. 
“It’s campus food,” he says. “It’s never good.” 
“That’s true.” 
He glances at you, glasses glinting in the sunlight. “I’m not sure I can really count it as payment.” 
You freeze. “This is extortion! I’ve paid you for your services, you can’t demand more!” 
“I don’t think that’s what extortion means.” He says. “And I’m not saying the sandwich doesn’t count. Just, maybe, a better second payment.” 
“You’re going to make me go broke,” you say. “Well, more broke.” 
He laughs. “Nothing expensive.” He holds the door to the science building open for you and you try not to read into it. 
“What about the café? It’s better than the dining hall,” you say, heading into the stairwell. You catch a glimpse of a grimace across his face as you turn up the stairs. “What is it?” 
“Jihoon’s ex works there and apparently being friends with him means that I’m hated too.” 
You snort. 
“What is it?” 
“I can’t believe Jihoon dated before I did.” 
“It surprises us all,” Wonwoo says. “Though I’d barely call it dating. They broke up after a week because Jihoon is Jihoon and realized his feelings were just superficial and no one really takes it well but his ex… It’s safe to say we mostly just avoid the café on principle.” 
“Noted,” you say. You’re in the hallway outside the classroom now. You really don’t want to go inside, because, seriously, why do three hour long classes exist? Chatting with Wonwoo was an added bonus to avoiding the torture. You idle outside a couple minutes longer but you really are in danger of being late and Wonwoo is starting to look antsy. 
You finally step inside, waving at Mingyu who is already sitting at the table. He’s grinning, as he always is. 
Mingyu was the reason you really had friends. Though you knew Seungcheol and Jeonghan in high school, it was only because of Mingyu that the friendship lasted past your first semester, hanging out with them throughout the spring semester, keeping in touch with them over the summer, and even taking a class with Mingyu. 
Mingyu is the reason you ever met Wonwoo, and, sitting in class and definitely paying attention to the lab introduction and not staring at the back of Wonwoo’s head, you can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not. 
You can’t remember who suggested it first, but it was Jihoon who ended up making the server, the first day of fall break. It practically belonged to Wonwoo now, since he was by far the person that played the most. You have no idea how he finds the time to play and do his work and sleep, but every time you log on, he has something shiny and new. 
It has been two weeks since the server started. You spent too much of fall break playing and generally leeching off of Wonwoo, but have only logged on a couple times since then. It’s Friday, though, and you even did one of your readings, so you feel like you can afford to spend a few hours working on the base. You aren’t surprised when you log in and Wonwoo is on. 
You’re prepared to play on your own, but Wonwoo asks if you want to join a voice chat and there’s no way you’ll say no. 
“It’s been so lonely,” Wonwoo says as soon as you join. “No one ever plays.” 
“It’s like we’re college students,” you say. You wander around the base, deciding you would keep working on designing the interior with the new types of wood that someone “anonymously” gifted you (you knew it was Wonwoo). 
“The trick is to not do anything until the last possible second,” Wonwoo says. 
“I can’t say that sounds appealing to me,” you say. “What are you doing right now, anyways?” 
“Just prepping for my next project,” Wonwoo says. 
“That sounds vaguely suspicious, should I be concerned?” 
He’s quiet for a moment. Finally, he asks in a low voice, “Can you keep a secret?” 
His voice is just serious enough that you can’t tell if he’s joking or not. “Is this real life or in game?” 
Wonwoo laughs. “This is in game, though I guess the question technically applies to both.” 
“Well, no one knows about the Incident, so at least Mingyu would say yes.” 
“He made a fool of himself, didn’t he?” 
“I’m sworn to secrecy.” 
You decide if making Wonwoo laugh was all you did for the rest of your life it would be worth it. Something about the way his deep voice echoed in your ears made your heart skip a beat. 
“Okay, come to Seungcheol’s base,” he says. 
“The secret one?” You start heading there when Wonwoo says yes. The second day, Seungcheol decided he wanted to have a secret base, which meant in two minutes everyone had figured out where it was. 
At least, where it used to exist. When you get there, Wonwoo is standing around the blown up remains of the Seungcheol’s base, a giant crater created by TNT in the middle of a flower field. 
“What happened?” 
“Jeonghan,” Wonwoo says. 
“You know what, that actually makes sense,” you say. “Didn’t he say he’d only join if Jihoon let him play in creative?” 
“Yeah, that was not happening,” he says. 
“Is Seungcheol’s stuff still there?” You wander around the crater, seeing the remains of what Seungcheol had built, a few chests that remained. 
“I can’t tell,” Wonwoo says. “I’m not really sure what he had to begin with or whether Jeonghan bothered to save his stuff, but the chests that survived seem to be pretty organized.” 
“Wait, I still don’t get how he blew up Seungcheol’s house.” You emerge from the hole, standing at its edge beside Wonwoo’s character. 
“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out,” he says. “I’ve been on this server, like, almost twenty four-seven and I haven’t even seen him on, so I really have no idea how or when he did it.” 
“Someone must have helped him,” you say. “Oh my god, there’s an entire conspiracy. We have to get to the bottom of this!” 
“It’s obviously not Seungcheol,” you say. “He’s going to be so mad when he comes back on.” The sun is starting to set. “Can we sleep through the night? I really don’t want to hide for the next ten minutes.” 
“Sure,” he says. You return to the base with him, mind still racing trying to figure out who was enabling Jeonghan. 
“Obviously it’s not your or me, so that leaves Jihoon and Mingyu.” You think about your two friends. You could see Mingyu doing it, because he was bullied by Seungcheol at least once a day, but usually Jeonghan was also involved, and you know Mingyu’s too busy being a STEM major to really dedicate his time to the game. 
So Jihoon? You don’t think he has much motivation, but he has been playing a lot and maybe he had some unknown score to settle with Seungcheol. 
“We should set up a stakeout or something,” you say. “Figure out who his supplier is.” The iron door swings shut behind you as you and Wonwoo return to the base. 
“A stakeout might be kind of intense,” Wonwoo says. 
“Okay, less of a stakeout and more of ‘you keep playing all day every day and find out if anyone is suspicious’ kind of thing.” 
“This sounds like I’m going to be doing all the work.” 
“Do you not spend most of your time here anyways?” You say. You go into your room and lay in your bed. “Bed!” 
“Okay true,” Wonwoo says as the screen fades. “But I actually have an essay due tomorrow and next week so I can’t really be on as much.” 
“Wonwoo? Being responsible?” You pretend to be shocked but when he laughs and your heart pounds so loud you forget that you were teasing him. 
“So how do we find out who’s helping him?” You ask. “It seems like we don’t have many options.” With the sun back in the sky, you decide you want to work on a tree farm with the generous saplings that had been donated to you. 
“We'll investigate together,” Wonwoo says. “Maybe next time Mingyu or Jihoon will leave evidence.” 
You nod in approval, though he can’t see you. “Sounds good. I’m going to grind resources for a little while if you want to go back to whatever you were doing.” He’s quiet as you both play, the silence between you not awkward but strangely peaceful. He doesn’t complain when you ask him to sleep every night, even reminding you to get back before the sun sets. 
Though you know he’s not nearly as invested as you are, it’s also fun to be in on a conspiracy with him. Maybe it’s just the fact that you have a secret between the two of you, but it makes you feel a tiny bit closer to him. You are finding that everything you learn about him just makes you like him more. 
“Should I be worried about how much time you’re playing on this server?” You ask as soon as you join the server. 
“No time for that!” Wonwoo says. “I’ve been hit!” 
“No way!” You sprint to his section of the base, and indeed, it’s been blown up. Wonwoo had spent hours personalizing what had initially just been a hole in the wall, designing a bunch of rooms with resources from the nether and the end and creating redstone machines that you didn’t even try to comprehend. 
Most of that is gone now, a crater even larger than the remains of Seungcheol’s base. 
“Oh my god,” you say. “You’ve been nuked.” You join Wonwoo and Seungcheol at the sidelines. It’s been a week since the last attack, and Seungcheol has joined your party of justice. You’re a bit sad that it’s no longer something you had just between you and Wonwoo, but looking at the remains, you couldn’t deny you needed the help. 
You take a step forward and there’s an ominous click. 
“Yn, run!” Wonwoo shouts. You try to run but you panic, pressing the W instead of the S. You hear hissing and it only worsens your panic. 
The first explosion doesn’t kill you but it scares the crap out of you and you can’t help but scream. “Help, help, help!” 
“You’re running the wrong direction!” Seungcheol says. 
“Stop laughing at me!” You groan as you die in the third explosion. Seungcheol doesn’t stop laughing, but what pains you is you can hear Wonwoo chuckling, too. 
“I guess not all of the TNT was blown up,” Seungcheol says through his laughter. 
“Evidently,” you say. “I kind of hate this game.” You click on respawn, heading back to the remains of Wonwoo’s base. You stay as far back as possible. 
“I’m sorry,” Wonwoo says. You can tell he’s still trying not to laugh. Traitor. 
“It’s not your fault,” you say with a sigh. “Though Jeonghan better watch his back.” 
“I’m sure he’s really scared,” Seungcheol says. He wanders carefully around the interior but there doesn’t seem to be any more traps. 
“I have our high school yearbook from freshman year.” 
“Have I mentioned how much I like you? Really, you’re one of my favorite people, ever,” he says. 
“Very convincing,” you say. “Tell Jeonghan to watch his back.” 
“Are the pictures really that bad?” Wonwoo asks. 
You cackle. “I’ll send them to you.” 
“Wait, why does he get them?” Seungcheol whines. 
“We’re partners in… not crime,” you say. “Partners in solving crime? Justice?” 
“That doesn’t sound right but I want to see the pictures, so, whatever you say.” 
“Did you both forget I’m still here?” Seungcheol asks. “Third wheeling?” 
“You’re not a third wheel, you’re a part of the team, too!” You say. “Partnership plus Seungcheol.” 
“That’s literally a third wheel.” 
Wonwoo bursts into laughter. 
“Why am I even here?” Seungcheol sighs. He logs out of the game. “I’m going to do actual homework.” He leaves the voice chat. 
“Did we just annoy him into doing actual homework?” You ask. You are still standing in the wreckage of Wonwoo’s base as he tries to fix it. 
“I guess so,” Wonwoo says. “I don’t think we were actually excluding him or anything, were we?” 
“I didn’t think so,” you say. The problem was, when you talked to Wonwoo, you didn’t exactly pay attention to what you were saying to anyone else. Maybe you should work on that. 
“So, Mingyu or Jihoon?” You ask because it’s been quiet for too long. 
“Which one do you think did it? Or, helped Jeonghan, same difference.” 
“Oh, right,” Wonwoo says. “I’m still not sure, I didn’t notice anything suspicious about either of them.” 
“You aren’t the best at investigating, huh?” 
Wonwoo laughs. “No, I’m really not.” 
“I guess we could just interrogate them.” You wonder if you’re taking this too seriously, and maybe that’s why Wonwoo isn’t answering. “Or, I mean, it is your base that’s been blown up, so we don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to.” 
Wonwoo is quiet a second too long. 
“Sorry, I guess it’s really not that big of a deal,” you say. 
“It’s not that-”
“It’s okay, I just thought it was funny, I didn’t mean to take it so seriously.” 
“I actually probably should go do some homework too.” You leave the voice chat as quickly as possible, logging out of the game immediately after. It was silly of you to think that Wonwoo wasn’t just entertaining you the entire time, but it still hurt to realize. 
You sigh and turn away from your computer, despite the fact that the homework was not just an excuse and you really did have a lot of it. You just didn’t feel very motivated, instead thinking of how you had to somehow face Wonwoo tomorrow and pretend like you didn’t just get heartbroken over a video game. 
There’s a gentle poke to your cheek. “You can’t sleep here.” 
“Comfy,” you mumble, burying your face deeper into your arms. 
“Come on, wouldn’t you rather sleep in your own bed?” 
“Come on.” The hand on your shoulder is gentle, but relentless, shaking you until you finally blink awake, sitting up. You instantly feel sore, stretching the arm that had been your pillow. 
“How long was I out for?” You ask with a yawn. 
“I’m not really sure.” 
You freeze. You are 100% that when you fell asleep studying earlier you had been with Mingyu but that was definitely Wonwoo’s voice. You turn your head slowly, finding Wonwoo standing a couple steps behind you. Your heart does its usual gymnastic routine, though it’s worse because you’ve been awake for all of two seconds and Wonwoo looks picture perfect in his sweatshirt and perfectly combed hair. 
“What are you doing here?” You try to smooth your hair, praying there’s no red marks on your face. 
“Mingyu called because he had… actually he didn’t say what he had, he just said he had to go and that he didn’t want to wake you up, and he just told me to come here and study but the library closes in ten minutes, so we should probably go.” He folds his arm over his chest. 
“Right,” you say. You stand up and stretch a little more, still blinking sleep away. You hate finals week. You stuff your computer into your backpack and try to organize the papers around you. Wonwoo steps beside you, trying to help. 
“Is there an order to this?” He asks, trying to read your scribbled notes. 
“There was once, it doesn’t really matter now,” you say. “The exam is tomorrow and I think I’ve stared at those as much as I can.” He doesn’t say anything else as he helps you gather them and shove them into a folder, sticking it all into your backpack. You turn to leave but he stops you, pointing to the outlet. 
“Is that yours?” 
“Yes, oh my god.” You grab the charger from the wall, tossing it into your backpack. “Thank you, I would have cried if I lost that.” You do a final sweep of the room, not seeing anything else that’s yours. 
“Ready to go?” Wonwoo asks. You make the mistake of glancing at him, leaning against the doorframe with his backpack on his shoulders. He’s been so patient with you it doesn’t feel fair. 
You nod, following him out of the room and falling into step beside him. The sleep is finally starting to wear off, and you are beginning to feel awake. The library is beginning to clear out, though you’re surprised at how many people there still are. 
“How many tests do you have tomorrow?” Wonwoo asks. 
“Just the one.” You sigh as you walk down the steps. “It’s a major requirement but it’s so dumb, it’s not helpful at all.” 
“I’m just happy the science class is over,” he says. “No offense,” he adds quickly. “It was really fun to see you twice a week but I’m never letting Mingyu convince me to take a class with him again, that class was horrible.” 
You shudder, remembering the final. You can only pray that you passed the test. Your memory is so bad you almost miss Wonwoo’s half compliment. “We should celebrate being free!” You stop in your tracks, just before the exit. “Oh my god, I forgot!” 
“Did you leave something in the room?” He asks, turning to face you. 
“No!” You grab his sleeve. “I forgot to pay you!” 
He frowns. “For Seungcheol?” 
You nod. 
“That was just a joke,” he says with a laugh. He tugs your hand off of his arm, pulling you to the library doors. “I felt bad even taking the sandwich.” 
“I can’t believe I forgot!” You say, ignoring his dismissal. The December air is chilly as you step outside and you pull your jacket tighter around your shoulders. 
“You don’t actually owe me anything,” Wonwoo says. “Seriously, it was a joke.” 
“No, but I feel bad, I promised you I would do something for you and I completely forgot about it!” You stop him under a streetlight, laying a hand on his wrist.  Your breath makes little clouds in the air between you, dissipating quickly in the frigid air. Whatever you were going to say, you forget because Wonwoo is staring at you and he’s practically glowing in the bright light, and you are suddenly reminded of the day he tried to save your life. Knight in shining armor is the phrase that comes to your mind. 
Your heart is pounding as you stare at him, unable to look away. His dark eyes, magnified just a little by his thick glasses lenses, stare back at you. Though he’s only a couple of feet away from you, the distance feels like miles. 
His lips look a little chapped in the cold air, and you wonder what it would be like to step a little closer and press yours against his, whether they’d be rough or soft, whether he’d kiss you back. 
You clear your throat. “I’m sorry anyway.” You’re not sure why you say it, but you finally tear your eyes from his, dropping your hand from his arm when you remember it’s there. You wish you could hold his hand. You stumble back for a couple steps before finally convincing your feet to work. You’re vaguely aware of Wonwoo mumbling, “Don’t worry about it,” and falling into step next to you. 
He walks you to your car, neither of you daring to say anything after the strange moment. You’re struggling to think straight, especially with him still at your side. More than anything, you need your bed. 
“I’ll see you later,” he says when you open the door. You force yourself to smile and wave goodnight to him before getting into your car. You lay your head against the wheel, wondering why you can’t just pretend like these feelings don’t exist. 
There was no way Wonwoo didn’t think that was awkward, and you were now going to spend the rest of the night wondering just why you couldn’t stop staring at him when you should be studying for finals. 
Maybe you should just drop out. 
“It’s not what it looks like!” Wonwoo says. You join the voice chat before your game loads, but before you can say anything, he’s stammering. “I swear, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this!” 
“What are you talking about?” You say, but a second later your game loads and you have no words. When you left a couple days ago, you had been in the middle of your base, logging off after spending a couple hours perfecting the hallway design (the trick was to mix and match the different types of stone). 
It’s all gone now. You spawn in a crater of what you hand spent all your time on, barely recognizable amidst the remains. You see Wonwoo character appear and realize that the explosion had just happened, blocks littered around you. 
“Wonwoo,” you say slowly, trying to understand what was happening around you. Everything you had worked on, gone. 
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” he says again. 
You start to understand, though it doesn’t make sense. “It’s been you? All this time?” 
He says nothing, character in front of you as frozen as you feel inside. 
“I can explain,” he finally says. 
“No, I get it,” you say. “Actually it makes way more sense, you’re the only one who spends enough time to really supply him.” You try not to let the hurt show in your voice. It made perfect sense, really. What you didn’t understand is why he lied, why he played along with you when it was him all along. How many times had you talked to him about thinking it was Jihoon today, or Mingyu the next? You feel embarrassed, now, knowing how stupid you sounded. 
“Jeonghan wasn’t supposed to destroy everything,” he says softly. 
“Is that why you think I’m upset?” You’re not being fair, but you don’t particularly care right now. It shouldn't hurt, but it does. “Because my shit got blown up?” You log out of the game, staring at the discord chat. You and Wonwoo are the only ones online, which is good because you really don’t want anyone walking in on this conversation. 
“You spent the entire time on the server working on it,” he mumbles. 
You laugh. “I spent my entire time on the server hanging out with you,” you say. It’s good you're behind a screen because otherwise you would never have the confidence to do this, even if that made you a coward. “I really don’t care about Minecraft, Wonwoo. I like you.” 
It’s so quiet you can hear your heart pounding over your headphones. You’re frozen, unable to click out of the voice chat though you know the silence is your answer, and every second that he doesn’t say anything means is him trying to figure out how to say that your feelings are unrequited and you just ruined the friendship. 
Okay, completely ruined might be an exaggeration but it won’t ever be the same and it made you sick to your stomach that you had just blurted it out because you were butthurt about a dumb game. 
“Did you really just confess to me over discord?” Wonwoo says. It's always been impossible to decipher how he feels from his voice but you’re going crazy trying to figure out if he really doesn’t sound mad or it's just your wishful thinking. 
 “Um. I guess so?” 
He laughs, that stupid laugh that makes your heart flip in spite of the fact that you’re terrified. “I’m sorry, this is just the worst way to do this, you seriously couldn’t wait one more week?” 
“You really don’t have to make me feel any more stupid than I already do,” you say. 
“Oh my god, no, that’s not what I mean!” He says quickly. “Yn, I like you, too.” 
“Oh.” Oh. 
“I just didn’t think it was the best idea to tell you over discord,” he says. 
“Yeah, that would be really dumb,” you say, trying to get your brain to comprehend anything other than I like you, too. 
“If you waited literally one week, I would have told you in person,” he says. “I had a plan and everything. Actually, I had a plan to do it after finals but I sort of chickened out and then we both went back home and I had to reschedule, but I swear I was actually going to do it.” 
“Right,” you say. “Wait, what? I really have no idea what’s going on, I can’t believe you actually like me back.” 
“You’re an idiot,” he says. “How could I not?” 
You have no answer to that, realizing that any insecurity you tell him would be shot down. 
“I can’t believe this is how I told you,” Wonwoo says. 
“I can pretend I didn’t hear you?” 
You smile at his laugh, his voice sending a shock straight to your heart. “Or we could just meet up the second you’re back?”
“Like a date?”
“If that’s what you want,” he says. “It’s what I want, if I’m not being clear,” he adds quickly. 
You wonder if you’ll ever stop smiling. “Yeah, I definitely want.” Eventually your vocabulary will return. Hopefully. 
“So it’s a date?” Wonwoo asks. 
You open your mouth to answer but there’s a ding and someone else joins the voice chat. 
“Hey, perfect!” Jeonghan says. “Yn, I’m supposed to apologize for blowing up your base, that wasn’t supposed to happen. Actually, that’s what Wonwoo told me to say but honestly I’m really tired of listening to the both of you flirt without actually doing anything and I blew it up on purpose so that I can now say this: yn, Wonwoo likes you. Wonwoo, yn likes you. Have fun!” There’s another ding and he’s gone. 
“I don’t know if I’m more mad that he planned that or that it sort of worked,” Wonwoo says. 
“Yeah, he actually makes no sense,” you say. 
“And yet it worked,” Wonwoo says. You wish you could see the face he’s making now, wondering if he’s smiling like you are. 
“So, it’s a date?” He asks again.
Yes,” you say. “It’s a date.”
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artiepoison · 1 year
Icorect PJO/HOO quotes from this website :https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator
Thalia: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
Nico: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Percy: So according to the cease and desist order I got, apparently you can’t ‘legally’ be a lawyer if your license is ‘cut out of a cereal box’.
Percy: Pros and cons of dating me. Percy: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Percy: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Grover: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.
Nico: My aesthetic is "would be suspected of witchcraft by small town citizens."
Annabeth in TLT
Annabeth: *trying to buy a Father's Day card at Hallmark*
Annabeth: Excuse me, do you have any that just say "You are my dad?"
Associate: Well, I-
Annabeth: How about "You banged my mom?"
Associate: No...
Annabeth: You know what, I'll just get a blank one.
Annabeth: *writes* You are a father. This is a day. Here is a card.
Leo: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."
Nico: You can't wake up if you never get to sleep.
Piper, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Hazel: War is heck!
Jason: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
Frank: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Will: Can we go to a haunted house?
Nico: What’s wrong with the one we live in?
Will: Wh-what?
Nico: Goodnight, Will.
Percy: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Annabeth: What baby?
Percy, crying a bit: Me.
*The Squad is playing Chess*
Annabeth: *easily beats everyone because they know how to play*
Piper: *doesn’t know the rules, but wins anyway*
Leo: *doesn’t know the rules, and loses*
Jason: *knows the rules, but still loses to those who don’t*
Frank: Actually, you can’t do that, because I said so.
Percy: They named a board game after cheese?
*when the Squad drops food*
Annabeth: Eh, oh well.
Nico: FUCK!
Jason: *just gets more food*
Percy: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*
Leo: *eats the food off the ground*
Leo: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Hazel and Frank's convo?
Piper: Me. I'm in the laundry basket.
Percy: I'm in the washing machine.
Nico: I'm in the closet.
Jason: We accept you Nico. <3
Nico: No I'm literally in the closet.
Jason: Love is love. <3
Frank: Are you trying to give me a frickin’ aneurysm?
Percy: Pretty sure we all are.
Hazel: I wasn't.
Leo: I was.
Jason: I was trying to stop them, for your consideration.
Nico: I just cause aneurysms naturally.
Annabeth: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Percy: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Annabeth: ...
Annabeth: You mean ring bearER, right?
Percy: ...
Annabeth: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Nico: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Will: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Nico: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Will: Is it working?
Mallory: Nothing in life is free.
Sam: Love is free.
T.J: Knowledge is free.
Alex: Friendship is free.
Halfborn: Self-respect is free.
Magnus: Everything's free if you don't pay for it.
The Squad: ...
T.J: Magnus, that's illegal-
Alex: No, let them finish!
sooooooo yep. Hope you enjoyed
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amazingmsme · 11 months
A Little Dusty
AN: Again, I know it’s late but just be glad I’m still tryna pump these out. I’m literally sooo obsessed with Prismo, the flat boi needs to be WRECKED! Anyways, here’s day 14, enjoy!
The Scarab would never admit it out loud, but being stuck in the Time Room with Prismo wasn’t as asinine as he’d first thought. He’s still getting used to his new form, but he manages to get by. And his new roomie was chill, all things considerer. He let him pick out his own room, offered fresh pickles any time he wanted, and most importantly, he didn’t care if the Scarab was actually doing his job.
Despite the hot tub, TV wall, and the computer Prismo introduced him to, he found himself getting bored and restless as the days dragged on. Each day like the one before, more or less. He was starting to understand why Prismo went and made an unauthorized universe. He understood, but that didn’t mean he had to stop cursing the wishmaster’s name for putting him in this mess.
It was one of those days when he longed for the outside world- to hunt down violators across the vast multiverse. But noooo, there was a good chance that might never happen again. He was busy dusting, glaring at Prismo from across the room. He was oblivious to the stare, completely engrossed in his work. The Scarab would watch as he’s hum and giggle to himself before typing away on the keyboard. Some times he wore a more serious expression, typing something out before shaking his head and deleting it. And other times he just stared at the screen, hands unmoving and frown etched onto his face. The Scarab was a little curious what he’d been working on, but he didn’t plan on asking.
He slowly made his way around the room idly dusting at nothing. He’d dusted only last week, but he needed something to keep himself busy. Now he stood beside Prismo, tapping his foot impatiently.
“Could you move? I’m trying to clean.”
Prismo paused and glanced around the room with a shrug. “Looks pretty clean to me Scrabby. Why don’t you take a load off?” he asked, brushing him off and returning his attention to the laptop.
“Unlike some people, I don’t like to leave things unfinished.” Prismo seemed to miss the subtle dig tossed his way and the Scarab huffed in annoyance. “Look, I already cleaned over there, so why don’t you go sit on that wall?” he asked, pointing over his shoulder. Prismo’s gaze didn’t leave the screen. “Prismo!” he yelled with a stomp.
Prismo glanced up for a split second. “Yeah?”
Prismo groaned loudly, looking at the Scarab with annoyance. “Dude, I’m in the zone right now. I just wrote like 10 pages in five minutes!” he bragged, going back to typing. “If I move now, it’ll throw off the whole groove I’m in.”
The Scarab was done.
He threw his hands in the air with an annoyed huff. “FINE, be that way! I’ll just- I’ll dust around you since you won’t move,” he growled out, but Prismo continued to type away happily. It was infuriating, if not cute. Wait, he did not just think that about Prismo of all people…
He resumed dusting with a huff, sweeping the feather duster over his head, working his way down. He was lost in thought and didn’t pay much attention to where he was sweeping, and his general annoyance towards the wishmaster meant he didn’t necessarily care if he dusted him in the process. But he certainly noticed when his duster trailed too close to Prismo’s side, making him spasm and squeal, darting across to the opposite wall, laptop forgotten.
“Wohoah, hey, you could’ve just asked me to move, no need to start dusting me,” he rambled, hoping to mask his nerves. The Scarab just stared at him in wide-eyed shock.
“I did,” he said bluntly. Prismo chuckled nervously, rubbing his neck.
“Oh, y-you did? Sorry, I don’t remember I tend to zone out when I’m busy.”
“So it would seem.” He looked down to the soft tool in his hand and back at Prismo, a sly smirk hiding behind his mask. He noticed that his feet were now resting in the spot he’d previously been, seeing as he jumped to the opposite wall. Now, he wasn’t stupid, he knew what just happened. But he could play dumb.
The Scarab resumed his dusting, humming to himself as he brushed over the tops his feet. Prismo shrieked, yanking his legs away and tucking them close to his chest. He stared at the Scarab with a wide, unblinking eye and gulped.
“You uh-“ he cut himself off and cleared his throat when his voice came out too high. “You scared me.”
“Really?” he squinted at him, walking closer and relishing in the way Prismo was slowly backing himself into a corner. “Because normally, only ticklish people are afraid of feathers.”
He couldn’t hope to contain his nervous laughter or the obviously flustered stuttering. “W-wha whaaaat? N-no way bro, that’s just silly,” he tried to brush him off, waving a hand in the air. “I mean, I’m flat! So, there’s really nothing to tickle, haha! …Right?”
The Scarab arched a brow. “You’re asking me?” Prismo stuttered again and yelped when the Scarab was suddenly standing next to him. Quite frankly, he didn’t know what to say.
“You can go back to cleaning now.” The low chuckle the Scarab let out really wasn’t comforting.
“Okay, if you insist.” Prismo was given no time to ponder before soft feathers brushed over his belly. Bubbly giggles start building up in his chest as he curls in on himself, doubled over where the two walls meet. When the Scarab started swirling the duster in tight circles across his tummy, a loud snort broke the dam, allowing his high pitched laughter to fill the Time Room.
“Scrahahabby whahat are you dohohoing?” he asked, hiding his growing blush behind a hand as he weakly swatted at him with the other.
“I’m doing what you said: cleaning,” he teased in a deadpanned voice, trying to act as though this wasn’t the most fun he’s had since his punishment began.
“Nohohot mehehe!” he squealed when he began targeting his ribs, causing him to dart to another wall for safety. The Scarab tutted and shoot his head.
“Poor Prismo… it would seem as though you’ve nowhere left to turn,” he taunted, twirling the duster triumphantly. He laughed when he noticed him glance at the trap door for a split second. “You’re not really gonna run away from a few feathers now, are you?” he asked smugly. Prismo’s blush grew darker as he failed to speak, crossing his arms instead.
“Well that’s not very nice,” he grumbled.
“Good,” the Scarab said bluntly before sitting down on Prismo’s ankles, trapping them. He barely had enough time to protest before dozens of soft fibers swept over his feet. His giggles raised in both pitch and speed, a few more snorts managing to slip through.
The Scarab had always scared Prismo. He had such an intimidating aura, and everything about him screamed ruthless killer. After living together for a while, he thought maybe he wasn’t so cruel after all, but as he laid there laughing at his mercy, he thought that maybe he hadn’t been so far off with his initial judgment.
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okkalo · 1 year
Okie! If requests are still open, I'd like to see what you think of this scenario:
Beach vacay, reader gets a sunburn (can be mild or lobster-y)
How would Ryusei, Reo, and Kunigami help their bbg?
Thank you!
Ps, I LOVED the "ily" hc you posted! They were very cute 😍
hi again! i’m glad u enjoyed the other request! and thank u for another req 🤭 this one hit close to home bc i literally just got a sunburn the other day but anyways i hope u enjoy!!
warnings: reader is suggested to be a girl in reo’s
characters: shidou, reo, kunigami
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- ABSOLUTELY laughs at you.
- and just know that if you get on his nerves he will smack your sunburnt part
- might feel bad depending on how you react
- brags about how he doesn’t burn and only tans after laughing at you
- i would say tell him to shut up or something but once again he will smack your burn
- once he actually sees you upset he will start to care a little bit
- doesn’t really help with the burn though, he just treats you nicer
shidou had just gotten out of the shower, hair damp and towel around his naked waist, when he saw you wincing and breathing out a small ‘ow’ while putting on aloe. his carefree stroll immediately stopped while his posture slumped, his cocky face turning more serious at the sight. he gave another sigh as you winced once again at the pain before walking up to sit in the space next to you.
a small smirk decorated his lips at the glare you send his way, expecting him to start adding more salt to your wound. “hey, hey, i’m not gonna do nothin’. my baby’s in pain and i gotta make em’ feel better.” he spoke with a suave voice, snaking an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to place a gentle kiss on your neck. as much as you hated to admit, a few kisses from him definitely did make you feel better.
after a few more kisses from him you decided to end it there, your eyes roaming to his still naked lower body. you sighed, giving him a soft kiss on the lips before pushing him away, turning your attention back to your bowl of aloe vera. “go put your pants on, ryu.” he huffed, not wanting to follow someone else’s orders, going straight back in for your neck to pepper some rough kisses on your burnt skin. good luck with that.
- he makes sure to keep your skin protected at all costs
- buys you expensive sunscreen and always tries to bring some source of shade because he doesn’t want you burning
- but it just so happened that you guys had been a part from each other when you got the burn
- when you walk in to your shared place with reo he just sighed, dropping everything he was doing to go get aloe
- scolds you while making you sit on the bathroom counter with him rubbing aloe into your skin
“this is why i should’ve gone with you,” he sighed, scooping up a clump of aloe before gently rubbing it on your thigh, his face in a focused frown. you remember him whining about how he wanted to go with you. you knew the real reason he wanted to go with you was to see you in a bathing suit and get to put sunscreen on your bare skin.
“it would’ve been weird if you had gone.” you sighed right back, tired of his complaining. “you would’ve been the only guy, weirdo.” you stated, watching his brows furrow as he raised his head to look at you with an offended face.
“i can be one of the girls!” he exclaimed, drawing a laugh out of you. you could only rake your fingers through his hair before patting his head. he sighed at the lack of response, eyes dropping once again to focus on your burnt leg. he would come up with another complaint in the next five seconds.
- would probably be a worrier like reo except less extreme
- he would always try to put sunscreen on you when you were out in the sun that day
- he gets distracted that day, however, meaning he didn’t get the chance to remind you to put on the protectant
- feels HORRIBLE once he checks back in on you and sees you burnt
- immediately takes you home, occasionally cussing under his breath on the way home for his lack of notice
- starts a cold shower for you
“i should’ve remembered,” he mutters under his breath as he turns shower knob, water immediately following afterwards. he’s been like this for the past ten minutes, constantly muttering something new that he should’ve done.
“ren, love, it’s okay. the burn isn’t even that bad, babe. besides, i should’ve been the one to remember, so stop blaming yourself.” you finally sighed out, voice soft as you tried to comfort him by rubbing his arm. he turned over to you, face still in a frown as he saw your reddened state.
“it’s my job to remember, but i’ll stop.” he let out a deep sigh, bending down to pull you into an embrace. one hand wrapped around your back to rest on your waist while the other rubbed your upper back. “go ahead and get in, i’ll join in a few.” he said after a moment of silence, placing a small kiss your shoulder before pulling away from your arms. you made sure to give his arm an extra squeeze, a reassurance that it was okay, before he walked off.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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spockandawe · 9 months
I'm going to have full cohesive pitches for these books as individual experiences sometime soon, i swear, but since I 1) just finished rereading thousand autumns (first time where it wasn't a third mtl), 2) am rereading peerless for the first time in years, and 3) am reading sleuth of the ming dynasty for the first time ever, I've been thinking a LOT about meng xi shi as an author and trying to scrape together my thoughts. Because I think she's really stunningly good! She's one of those authors whose skill just SHINES through, even when a translation is weak, and that's always something so fascinating to me.
But at the same time, i have a harder time raving about her books than most of my other faves. Trying to pitch thousand autumns to friends was something I really struggled with! The other two are easier, by nature of their central dynamics, while yan wushi cranks this one up to nightmare difficulty mode. But I think that it also provides an example of what I might be having to recalibrate for.
Like, I'm an easy binch. If Hua Cheng is leaving a necklace for Xie Lian early on, or Luo Binghe is noticing Shen Qingqiu's leaves right at the beginning of their books, I'm hootin and hollerin, I'm drumming my heels on the floor. And Meng Xi Shi is NOT about that instant gratification lifestyle. We're not having dessert before dinner, and there is some INTRICATE plot shit happening in all these books that is not getting muscled aside for indulgent ship time.
I'm absolutely certain it's a conscious choice, and one i respect the hell out of, especially since all of these books have the characters woven in with actual historical figures, which always manages yo take me by surprise. I assume details like keeping a wholeass imperial prince secret until he's five are fictional embellishment, but... nope! Actual history! The SCOPE of these plots and the politics they all muck around with means that there are limits to how much an author could spend time on ship bait without trivializing the central conflict. As much as i enjoyed golden stage, i never cared about the politics. And not caring about the politics in meng xi shi's work would be jettisoning SO much nutritional content.
And, that's not to say that there's NOTHING indulgent for me in the earlier parts! Yan Wushi starts delightedly letting people assume he's plowing Shen Qiao as soon as they start traveling together, Feng Xiao spends the second mystery of Peerless totally disguised as Cui Buqu's wife and fighting with him as "this wife", and Sui Zhou and Tang Fan start straight-up cohabiting POSTHASTE. And then. Meng xi shi makes you wait for it.
This isn't bad! The delayed gratification is very GOOD! The tension is delectable. The feeling of 'oh come on now you're just dragging this out on purpose' is mitigated by having characters drag things out in character. Shen Qiao's sense of responsibility pulls him towards Yan Wushi, and then away from Yan Wushi (and yan wushi is also Helping sfhfgdf). Feng Xiao doesn't move THAT fast, but Cui Buqu will Literally Die before he'll admit he has tender feelings. And Tang Fan is textually scared to lose what he has platonically with Sui Zhou by stepping into unknown territory. I'm still howling OH COME ON, but it transmutes into something directed at the characters, not the author.
And the plots we're making space for like this are hefty bois. All of them have heavy political themes, where in my usual diet, i would reluctantly accept a little politics on the side in my ancient chinese fantasy meal. And each of these books has baited me further into caring about mundane politics 😂 In Thousand Autumns, it's very much a balance between lavishly described fantasy martial arts extravaganza and big politics enhanced by the martial arts extravaganza. Peerless, we're down one martial artist in the lead characters, so there's more non-fighting politics happening (and both characters are secret police commanders), but at least one of my boys floats around playing magic music on his guqin. Fourteenth Year Of Chenghua? Goddamn, I'm reading this thing and I'm in the THROES over ancient chinese imperial office politics, like oh noooo oh my god HOW COULD THEY DEMOTE HIM AT A TIME LIKE THIS, fffff, who can possibly intercede with the emepror now-- And i have NO idea how i reached this point, this is so funny to me.
I do think it says a lot for all three of these that they won me over so hard despite not being as tailored to my personal tastes as something like mxtx! I do love all them to pieces. But it's something like... Digging in at the earlier, slower stages of these books was a hell of a struggle. One that paid off, but i worry about people bouncing off them! Something I've said about thousand autumns (and will say again) is that it's a book that asks for a lot of trust from readers. Some of that is PURELY down to yan wushi, but the structure and pace doesn't make that easy. I do think that the trust is repaid by the end, at least in terms of my reading experience, but it makes me worry! I do want people to read these!
Actually that brings me to the last big strong point I want to mention before i get back to reading: the character writing. Because GODDAMN, the character writing. It both contributes to the slow start in these books, I think, but also MASSIVELY enriches the emotional payout as they progress.
Yan Wushi is one of the funniest, most obnoxious characters of all time! He's also cruel, demanding, and overbearing, and a strong, vivid personality like that takes real time and effort to develop. The beginning of the book looks like it could slip into misery porn + stockholm syndrome healing cock = i guess this is a healthy relationship now. And it doesn't! But it's hard to tell how it WILL go, and that makes it hard to commit to a tome like this. Feng Xiao is comparably obnoxious and hilarious, but Cui Buqu is closed up tight as a clam, and both of them deal in secrets professionally, it is HARD to start accessing any hints of emotional sincerity in either of them. And Tang Fan and Sui Zhou are both junior government officials, early in their careers in a volatile work environment, and they present in a pretty reserved, professional way at first, and the subtler/goofier character notes take time and intimacy to properly manifest. wang zhi on the other hand--
I recommend these books! I really recommend them! I don't want to be underwhelming people with 'oh, you won't like it at first, but JUST YOU WAIT.' Because I did like them at first. They didnt elevete me to the same flailing emotional THROES as some novels, but the quiet rich flavor of the relationships in these are FABULOUS. And the sheer scope of the plots she pulls off, I mean, holy shit. I'm not underwhelmed by these books at all, I'm more likely to get overwhelmed, there's a reason I've been savoring the latest reading experience. I like them a lot! I like meng xi shi as a lot! In the sliver of cnovels that I've sampled, her books are doing some really cool things i haven't seen anyone else pull off, especially with such aplomb. I didn't start out LOOKING for books like that, but I'm still really, really glad i found them, and I do highly recommend them, just in general. I'll figure out how to pitch them individually soon.
*holds probably over 1.5M words of meng xi shi tomes* I Just Think She's Neat
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Can I pls request vivid bad squad watching the reader’s concert? Like the reader is also in a different band. You can change out the characters if you have any that you have more ideas for too and hope you’re doing ok! Just ignore this if u don’t want to do it :)
Yes, of course! I know it took me a lot but I hope you'll enjoy this in the end! <3
Kohane, An, Akito, Toya on reader's concert
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @yulikesminori @qxmmi @kuzui5201314 @miya-akane @coffeeykhs
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⊱ Kohane is just standing in the crowd absolutely charmed~ and there can be 2 behaviors when she's like this...
⊱ first possibility is that she's so amazed she can't speak and is only looking at you, jaw down, while asking herself in mind how lucky she must've got to be with you
⊱ second possibility is that she's charmed but instead of positive shock, there's a smile on her face as her eyes sparkle and she might even feel confident enough to cheer on for you! But she'll probably blush a bit immidietly after doing so...
⊱ if they're allowing to take photos then you can he sure she'll take many of you and if she switch friends then maybe she'll take photo of them two or they'll take photo of her charmed smile for you as well!
⊱ when you meet after show, she'll make sure to show you all the photos if she could took any
⊱ if not tho, she'll compliment you more and really just express how much she liked your concert and how well she thinks you played
"It was great! I could feel my heart pounding with the rhythm through the entire concert... Y-You're truly amazing..."
⊱ if you meet or talk with An on the next day, you'll hear from her how much Kohane rambled about you last night and that's honestly just so cute~ but when you try to say it to your hamster girlfriend, she'll admit it quietly with small blush
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⊱ An is definitely the loudest or one of the loudest on your concert! She'll always scream, whistle or even sing!
⊱ speaking of singing, if your songs include lyrics then she most likely knows most or all of them by memory! So of course she'll sometimes join and sing herself in the crowd, especially if her favorite part or song starts!
⊱ if you won't forbid her from wearing your bands merch then that's what she's gonna do! She's not covered in it but she definitely has light sticks, a hat or something on her head and just maybe shirt as well but that depends!
⊱ definitely is the type to wave at you hoping you'd wave back but she can understand if not, especially if you play on instrument! But at least a small wink or a smile in response would be nice as well~
⊱ after this concert is over, she'll ran up to you and wrap her arms around you while absolutely spoiling you with compliments and affections too if you're alright with PDA
"Y/N, you're literally so amazing! I couldn't be more proud from my amazing partner~!"
⊱ she'll also treat you on any sweet and drink you want. And maybe your bandmates too if you and them are alright with it! But if she's taking your bandmates then she's definitely taking VBS or just Kohane as well to celebrate successful show!
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⊱ now Akito may look like he's judging you but he's actually just paying strong attention onto you and your style, he likes figuring out what in your play make him feel like this
⊱ he's not too loud on concerts but he will give of a whistle or applause at the end of each song or beginning of it
⊱ he's also not the type to show he wants to get your attention when he's in crowd at some point but if he happens to get it, he'll most likely give a little wave, maybe a smile
⊱ but if you happen to wink at him... man will actually get a bit flustered but he acts as if it's nothing to him at all
⊱ after show is over, he'll get to location where you two can meet and depending on how public it is, he'll either offer you a high five or a hug while saying some compliments about how well you did on that concert
⊱ if you have some celebration planned with your friend then he'll just wait for them with you and then go his way, leaving you to have fun
"Hey, you ready? C'mon, I have a place in mind this time so we can slowly head there. Why won't you tell me a bit about your experience this time, huh?"
⊱ but if you don't, he'd love to just wander around the town! He doesn't see point in celebrating unless that concert was something you really looked up to. Simple walk is enough for him and it oftens help you relax your mind if it was stressful or allows you to ramble if it was exciting!
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⊱ Toya's attention is on you and you alone. It may appear that he's scared to look at your bandmates but he's really just admiring his partner!
⊱ it may come as unsettling if you're not used to his stare as he's really just staring at you with same expression. Which is calm eyes and small smile that's usually caused by pure adoration~
⊱ if you happen to notice him in the crowd and wink, smile or even wave at him, he'd realize how much he was staring and return the gesture with now shy expression and shade of pink spread over his cheeks
⊱ he's not the type to cheer loudly but if you look at him, you can see him cheering quietly with a smile or maybe even gentle handclapping to the rhythm. There's also bigger applause he gives on the end of every song!
⊱ after show, he tries to immidietly find his way to you so he can gently kiss the back of your hand while giving you compliment, keeping eye contact to show he means it even if it's a bit emberrassing for him
"You did amazingly, my love. I expected nothing else but I still was really impressed."
⊱ now you're most likely not getting away from him, he wants to show you he's really proud of you and would love to take you somewhere! But he'll understand if you already have plans and can move your little celebration onto next day!
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f1-stuff · 6 months
omg that part two snippet of girldad! carlos had me literally screaming, the way you write is just so *chef’s kiss* i can’t wait for the to see what happens next
its gonna be so cute when charles starts speaking french with ana and they both start bonding, carlos already has it down bad for this man but he’s going to be in love love with this man when this happens
the idea of the both of them being dads is just so… compelling, we really need more fics of them being dads and being all domestic
im sorry for this ranty ask but i just got so excited when i saw u posted the snippet, i love that fic so much already
and if you don’t mind, could you post the giver au pls :))
sending you lots of love mal, thank you for everything!! <33
Hi! Do not apologize!! Every fic writer hopes and dreams that ppl will get excited about their fic 😭 and I completely agree - we need more charlos dads. They are literally so married and charles wants a kid so badly...
Anyway yes! You can have a snippet of the Giver AU - i've shared a bit of it before, but essentially, the premise is that society requires everyone to take suppressants to dull their emotions, eliminating pain/conflict/anger/fear etc., but also eliminating passion/love/joy in the process...
I'm thinking of doing a major rewrite of this actually...so honestly what you read here might look very different by the time I post it but 🤷🏻‍♀️
“Hola, teammate.” It’s accompanied by a grin and a nudge to his arm. Charles raises an eyebrow.
“Hello, again.”
They’d seen each other not forty-five minutes ago, but Carlos seems to insist on greeting everyone like it’s the first time that day no matter how long ago they parted ways. He also keeps calling Charles, ‘teammate,’ like he thinks anyone needs to be reminded of this. 
“What are we doing now?” Carlos asks, rubbing his hands together like he’s impatient to get started. 
Charles doesn’t know why he would be - they’ve been doing promotional obligations all day, and his head is starting to hurt from all the bright lights. It’s all videos and photoshoots for their sponsors and social media accounts. Tomorrow will be the more important agenda - seat and race suit fittings are the first things on the schedule.
“A video for the fans, I think,” Charles says, in answer. “Where we ask each other questions.”
“Ah, so I can discover all of your secrets.” Carlos lifts his brows up and down in a way that Charles isn’t sure he’s ever seen someone do. 
He knows it’s a joke - one of Carlos’ strange ones, where he doesn’t really mean what he says. But Charles still finds himself wanting to protest the remark.
“I don’t have secrets.” Why would he? He has nothing to hide. Carlos rolls his eyes.
“Okay,” is all he says.
Charles has the sense he’s disappointed him somehow. Not that it really matters, but he’s still trying to figure out his new teammate. He wants them to get along, since they’ll be seeing a lot of one another. So far, he feels like Carlos is perpetually amused by him for reasons that Charles can’t determine.
“The questions are prepared,” Charles adds. “They wouldn’t have us ask whatever we wanted.” This seems obvious to him, but maybe Carlos isn’t yet accustomed to how structured things are at Ferrari. 
Practically their every movement is planned by some coordinator on the team - the only time it can’t be is in the car, when the drivers themselves hold the steering wheel. And even then, the team tries to control everything with strategy and radio communications during the race.
Carlos gives him a searching look, which Charles attempts not to shy away from. He isn’t shy, anyway. Poor choice of words.
“Do you ever... Mm- how do you say it?” Carlos takes a second to himself, mulling over whatever it is that he’s trying to ask. “Do you ever go against the script?”
“The script?” Charles frowns.
“The rules. The path. The plan.” Carlos studies him, as he processes the words, like Charles is a bug in a jar. It’s not a sensation he particularly...enjoys, though he can’t pinpoint why. 
“I’m not...” He swallows, unsure of himself. “I don’t-”
“Boys!” someone is saying from across the room, gesturing them over. 
There’s a beat of silence between them, and then Carlos is saying, “Never mind, mate,” patting Charles on the shoulder. 
He walks away then, and Charles is left with a strange hollowness in his chest, like he’s failed at something - like when he’s driven badly or made a mistake on track. But he hadn’t done anything like that. He’d just been talking to his teammate...
He takes a deep breath, then moves to join Carlos across the room.
WIP Wednesday
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ckret2 · 1 year
youve gotten a few asks about billford before, and your plans for ford's relationship with bill in your fic, but im curious if you personally ship it yourself/*like* it. and, just for the hell of it, if you have any opinion on billdip too, since that one's even more controversial.
I'm gonna put most of this under a cut since it's not only long, but also long about two different topics, but the tl;dr is:
Yeah, I'm a fan of billford. I don't think it's canon, inevitable, or necessary to their dynamic, and I'm still on the fence about whether things will tilt toward the romantic in my fic or if it'll stay platonic, but I do enjoy the ship a lot because it has a lot of (obsessive, weird, unhealthy, angsty) elements that interest me to explore in ships. Billdip, on the other hand, does nothing for me. I don't care about how people ship imaginary characters in their fictional fandoms and I'm not gonna block anybody for liking it, so this isn't a moral stance, here—I just don't like it personally.
One of the things that intrigues me most about a ship is the idea of love that's gone so far it isn't even love anymore but punched out the other side into unhealthy obsession, and "I'll spend the next thirty years of my life hunting you to death" versus "What if I turn you into a gold statue and carry you around to stare at you a lot" sure fit right into "unhealthy obsession." On top of that, some of my favorite ship dynamics are:
the worshiper and the person they've picked to revere as their god, either metaphorically or literally—with bonus points if the person they've devoted themself to doesn't deserve that worship and maybe isn't even all that special, and the worship actually reveals more about the mind of the lover than it does about the (un)divine nature of the beloved
the mad scientist and the muse who gives them ideas and inspires their work (one of my all-time OTPs has a line where the mad scientist says to his ex "we were each the muse to the other"), with bonus points if they both get so caught up in "what can we do together? What dreams can we make reality—" that they plunge into full "so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should" territory—and bonus bonus points if they eventually come out of the haze of SCIENCE and one of them is horrified by what they've done... but maybe the other one isn't.
two people who are wildly compatible with each other (similar hobbies, tastes, worldviews! they fill in the gaps in each other's personalities! they each happen to be the other's type! they understand each other like no one else can! whatever, fill in the blank!), but for some reason one betrayed the other, they've tried to kill each other, and now things are vicious and bloody and painful and raw between them; but if they talk to each other and accidentally let their guards down for even a split second, all that history is still there, they still like the same stupid movies and share the same stupid inside jokes no one else will ever understand and have the same stupid complementary life dreams, they could have been good for each other, but there's no road back to where they were before the betrayal. Their chemistry is like two huge magnets strapped to land mines: the attraction is as powerful as ever but heaven help them both if they ever touch.
or, alternatively, two people that have all that chemistry, but are just really toxic and do bad things when they're together and enable all each other's worst tendencies, even if they don't necessarily do bad things to each other; and they've got to navigate the fact that they might adore each other so much but they are objectively worse people when they're together.
I like ships with inhuman things. As a writer I like waxing romantic about the inhuman things and trying to convince the reader that yes, this too is beautiful and lovable when seen through the eyes of a lover. I will make you take the stupidest love interest seriously for five minutes. I've romanticized a sticky pile of goo, I've romanticized a robot spider, I've romanticized the concept of being a disembodied voice, I've romanticized a pteranodon made out of lava, and I'll romanticize a cyclopic gold-plated corn chip too, don't test me. Who better to adore a sentient triangle than a scientist-artist who sees the beauty in precise angles?
Depending on the headcanons and/or AUs you're working with, you can get all of these pretty darn easily out of Billford.
I like writing Ford as the awed naive intellectual, hungry for knowledge, for the secrets of the universe, for more, who was utterly dazzled and starstruck by this divinity who tantalized him with esoteric secrets—and who's been furious at Bill for thirty years for betraying him, hurting him, threatening his home and everyone he loves, but underneath all that also furious at him for not being what he advertised when he could have been that; and Bill, meanwhile, playing it cool, far too comfortable playing the role of faux god, but privately, secretly distraught that his favorite "student"—the one who takes Bill's "teachings" and gets creative and inventive with them, the one who always wanted to know more, not just about the universe but about Bill personally—his favorite student no longer worships him, doesn't even respect him, doesn't even see him as an equal, but looks at him like he's the scum of the universe, and Bill won't even admit that it bothers him but it's killing him that nothing he does can get his favorite to so much as smile at him again.
That's the dynamic in my head when I write them. You could play it as purely professional, a god disappointed to lose a worshiper like a boss disappointed to lose his best employee or a celebrity disappointed to lose the president of his fan club; or you could play it like platonic friendship, maybe a QPR; or you could play it like a romance. I like the zest added when you toss romance into this already nasty mess of emotions. I like capping off all that heartache with, "—and if things had turned out differently, maybe I would have taken your hand and traveled with you to the ends of eternity, if only you weren't [such a brutal heartless backstabbing piece of shit]/[unable to forgive a few white lies and some light torture]."
Billdip, on the other hand, does absolutely nothing for me. Not even just for the age reason—that does squick me out, but even if I try to look at it like "okay pretend he's aged up" or "stick it in an AU where they're both dumb kids having dumb kid crushes" I just, see nothing there. I don't even see anything there platonically. Like, legitimately—for the fic I'm working on, I've been trying to figure out what kind of dynamic/interactions they'd have beyond just "Dipper scowls at Bill a lot" and even on that level I've been struggling to think of something compelling between them. I look back on the fact that for a good few years billdip was the ship in the fandom and I go, "why? where's the meat? what do they do for each other?"
I'm forced to imagine that the ship must have been based on some combination of "fandoms naturally want to ship the everyman main character with the charismatic fun villain," "a bunch of teens with crushes on Bill were using Dipper as their self-insert stand-in," and "people assumed Bill wasn't lying when he said Dipper impressed him and didn't start revising that opinion until we got to see firsthand that he uses lines like that on everybody." It feels really uncharitable of me to the shippers to assume that their OTP is founded entirely on statistically average fandom trends and character misinterpretations rather than, like, y'know, traits actually present in the characters, so I'm taking it on faith that there's probably more to it than that and I just don't see it because it just ain't my jam.
When I do try to speculate harder on "how would I get them to interact with each other in a compelling way, like, just in a platonic sense?" my brain starts going "well, dipper's a nerd who's into the paranormal, he wants to know about mysterious things? maybe he's fascinated with bill as a mysterious thing? and maybe... idk, why would bill give a hoot about dipper—maybe bill takes advantage of that fascination, tempts him with more information, maybe he's amused by Dipper's curiosity about weird things—?" and that's usually about the point where I go "this is just, the way Bill and Ford met. This is the watered-down junior version of Bill and Ford's first few weeks." In trying to figure out what the heck Bill and Dipper would even talk about I keep accidentally recreating a less interesting version of Bill and Ford's dynamic.
I want and need Bill and Dipper to have an interesting character dynamic in this fic so being unable to come up with something that personally compels me has been actively frustrating me lmfao, but it does serve to illustrate my main point here: man, billdip does nothing for me so hard that I can't even see them platonically interacting.
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voylitscope · 6 months
CA: TWS 10th Anniversary Week Ficlets (Day 9)
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Daily ficlets for the CA: TWS 10th Anniversary Event @catws-anniversary. With Huge thanks to @sparkagrace and @cable-knit-sweater for running this wonderful event! 💞
Nine | April 3rd | Theme: Cap Quartet | Prompt: Breakfast/Washington D.C. | Words: 500 | Canon divergent | G | No warnings | Steve/Bucky, implied Sam/Natasha, Steve and Natasha friendship, low-stakes fluff
“Breakfast isn’t a date,” Steve says, looking up at Natasha over his refrigerator door. “Is it?”
“First of all, I said brunch,” Natasha says, catching the bottle of water he tosses her. “There’s a difference. Second, yes, brunch can absolutely be a date. And it can be lower pressure, too. I thought that might help.”
“Lower pressure how?” Steve asks, leaning back against the counter.
“Well, it’ll be in the middle of the day. So no worries about the end of the night,” Natasha says, before taking a sip of water. “And Sam and I will be there, so it’ll be like a double date. Always less pressure.”
“A double date?” Steve echoes, eyebrows raising. “Wait, have you and Sam been going on dates?”
“That’s not the point, Steve,” Natasha says, brushing past his question.. She pulls a piece of paper out of her jacket pocket. “The point is, it’ll be low-stress, and I already set up. You just have to show up here tomorrow at 10 am.”
“I don’t know where this is.” Steve looks mildly puzzled as he reads the restaurant name on the paper.
“Yes, you do.” Natasha says, amused. “It’s three blocks from your apartment, around the corner from that bookstore you like. Google it.”
Steve blinks at her.
But he doesn’t question it.
Instead he says,
“I still don’t know about this,” biting his lip.
“It’s just a meal. ” Natasha puts a quick hand on his arm. “And I do think I got it right this time.”
“It’s not that I don’t appreciate the thought,” Steve hedges, “but with how much else I’ve got going on —“
“You can take a break from some of that, sometimes, you know. No need for 24/7 on call, anymore. It seems to me like —“ Natasha pauses, trying to be gentle, the way she’s gotten in the habit of being when she’s talking to Steve about Barnes. “Like he’s doing a lot better.”
“He is.” Steve swallows. “He really is.”
(Doing a lot better is a bit of understatement, from what Natasha has observed. And she’s made it a point to do a lot of observing.
“And that’s great,” Natasha says, squeezing his arm again. “So come to brunch. Enjoy yourself.”
Steve’s quiet for a few seconds, and Natasha doesn’t push it.
“This might surprise you,” Steve says, tone dry when he breaks the silence, “but I don’t actually have much experience enjoying myself on dates.”
“There’s a first time for everything,” Natasha says, grinning.. “Besides, you’ll have friends there, if nothing else.”
“I guess.” Steve still sounds wary, but he’s nodding. “Breakfast can’t be so bad.”
“That’s the the spirit,” Natasha says, releasing his arm. She watches Steve shake his head slowly, before frowning again..
“But do you and Sam go on dates?” he asks.
Natasha laughs. She doesn't answer the question.
She does get Steve to promise to show up tomorrow.
On her way home, she sends a text to Barnes, confirming he’ll be at brunch by 9:50 AM.
🎆Eight | April 2nd | Theme: Bucky Barnes | Prompt: Ghost story | Words: 1,000 | Canon Divergence | Gen | No Warnings | Steve/Bucky, Post-TWS, dancing, Bucky Barnes recovering
🎆Seven | April 1st | Theme: HYDRA | Prompt: Project Insight | Words: 300 | Canon compliant | Not rated | No warnings | Bucky POV, implied Steve/Bucky (in a similar way to, you know, the literal plot of CA: TWS.)
🎆Six | March 31st | Theme: Sam Wilson | Prompt: Partners/Missing Scenes | Words: 350 | Canon compliant | Not Rated | No Warnings | Gen, Sam and Steve friendship, a tiny teaspoon of Sam and Riley emotions that you can interpret however your heart desires.
🎆Five | March 30th | Theme: TWS Cast | Prompt: Stunts | Words: 350 | Mature | No Warnings | RPF, Chris Evan/Sebastian Stan, very light/implied sexual content (but throwing this one under a cut just in case), sexual thoughts/tension, intentionally unspecified POV
🎆Four | March 29th | Theme: Natasha Romanoff | Prompt: Trust Issues | Words: 350 | Canon compliant| Not Rated | No Warnings | Gen, Natasha and Steve friendship
🎆Three | March 28th | Theme: SHIELD | Prompt: Surprise Visitor | Words: 300 | Canon compliant | Not Rated | No Warnings | But: very brief Steve/OC (sort of), and, I guess, privacy invasion via audio recording? I don’t know how to tag that. It’s canon that Steve’s DC apartment was bugged. So?
🎆Two | March 27th | Theme: Steve Rogers | Prompt: Guilt | Words: 300 | Canon compliant | Not Rated | No Warnings
🎆 One | March 26th | Theme: On your left | Prompt: The Smithsonian | Words: 250 | Canon compliant | No warnings | Not Rated |
(Ficlets Tumblr-exclusive until all are complete.)
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yippie-ki-yay · 2 years
Kissing Headcanons ; Main Four
Kind of a second part to my first post to make up for how short it was compared to what else I’ve posted. Looking back on it I feel a little bad for only writing five per character :’)
CW for slight suggestiveness!
Kissing Hank might be a little hard considering his lack of a lower jaw. It’ll be messy but so long as you don’t mind he really couldn’t care less. 
If you don’t mind the mess, he may or may not try and stick his tongue down your throat. 
Again, his little biting habit comes into play here. Whether he manages to catch you off-guard or you both have been cuddled up for a while expect to leave his company with a few new bruises. 
It’s a 50/50 on whether he initiates or not. Hank doesn’t get too shy over things like that, he’ll do it if he damn well pleases (unless PDA bugs you, he’ll get the message eventually and try to tone it down!), but whe
If you make the first move though? Don’t expect to be leaving it there. 
While he’s not going to be as vocal about wanting affection, he has the advantage of likely being stronger than you. 
To put it simply, you won’t be going anywhere unless he lets you go. It’s even funnier because he’s not even being forceful about it. Hank kind of just…holds you and that’s it. Bye bye movement. 
You’re just going to have to sit there until he’s done or if you manage to squirm enough to get away. Good luck <3
Has a habit of just scooping you up and peppering your face in kisses. The face you make when he surprises you like that is too cute for him to pass up seeing. 
While it’s easy to get him to blush, it’s much harder to actually fluster him. He’ll probably figure it out and get to you first before you manage to succeed. 
It’s okay though, he finds your frustration just as cute. 
Despite his size, Sanford’s literally such a sweetheart. He’s super cuddly as well! Both of you have definitely been wrapped up on the couch before, watching some dumb movie with you giving him an occasional peck on the lips. 
He’s such a sucker for domestic moments you don’t even know-
Oddly likes it when you kiss along his tattoo! Like coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist and doing that is the fastest way to soften him up. 
He’s also very much the type to kiss your injuries better! Once you’ve been seen to and gotten all patched up, he’ll take his time going over every single one. Sometimes he’s silly about it, other times he takes a softer approach. Really he just wants you to feel better :(
If you do the same for him he’ll be over the fucking moon. Really, Sanford’s just a sucker for little gestures like that. 
Deimos is kind of the spontaneous type. Would definitely pop up out of nowhere, give you a smooch, and then go about his business like nothing happened. You’d almost think that if it weren’t for the grin he was sporting.
Whines if you do the same, funnily enough. You literally won’t be able to get rid of him unless you give in to his (albeit cute) demands. 
Like I mentioned in the first post, Deimos’ incredibly easy to fluster and it goes double for something like this. Just sweet talk him a little, trail your lips along his jaw, and you’ll have a flustered, stammering merc wrapped around your finger. 
Not that he wasn’t to begin with, but still-
There are also times where things are a little softer between your two! Whether this happens after a nightmare or it’s a quiet moment you have post-mission, it’s something that sets off the ball of worry that has undoubtedly been building in you both. 
This is probably one of the few times that Deimos can bring himself to be vulnerable - both of you tangled up in each other, sharing little whispered affirmations and soft kisses. 
You both know how easy it is to lose someone nowadays, and even if there’s options for revival it isn’t guaranteed. It’s best to just enjoy the time you both have together. It might be the last, after all…
Most times he’ll begrudgingly accept kisses on the cheek, grateful that his bandages and mask cover the red that spreads across his face. 
For someone who comes off as serious as he does, 2B is surprisingly soft for affectionate acts like that. So long as you don’t overwhelm him and try and keep it to when it’s just the two of you, you’ll get to see a softer side of the team’s doctor. 
While he normally relies on you to initiate, normally being too stubborn to do it himself, there have been a couple occasions where he’s pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. It’s normally when you both were winding down for the night and you ended up falling asleep before him. 
For the first few months (maybe even a little longer than that) you will not be kissing this man on the lips. It doesn’t really matter how much you ask him or try and convince him that it’s alright, in fact that might make it worse depending on just how persistent you are, it has to happen on his own terms. 
Despite his indifference and overall rough attitude, 2B’s more than a little self-conscious over his facial scars. Despite not causing him too much difficulty or pain, the scarring isn’t the ‘cool’ type (at least he doesn’t think so). It’s rigid and rough - not exactly something someone wants to put their lips close to. 
Please, once he lets you, prove him wrong. 
I’ll save the actual ‘how’ for a later drabble, but once you both finally get to that point? He might be open to doing it more often...
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alexiswritingstuff · 2 years
Anything to make you happy.
Pairing: Glenn Rhee x gn! reader. 
Request: Him getting you comic books on a run, a cute small lil drabble.
AN: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. I honestly couldn’t describe how much I like Glenn as a character. He’s so comforting :((
Please keep the requests for him coming in!! I would love to write more for this guy!
Warnings: Nothing too bad. There are general descriptions of an apocalypse and the consequences of one. Little mentions of death (not Glenn or the reader.)
This also might be very long as I like to add in moments between other characters as well as the main one it's centred around, so... Yeah, get yourself comfortable.
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An apocalypse is something people can prepare for depending on the amount of time they have. They can get food supplies, weapons to protect themselves, extra clothes if needed.
But the one thing people don’t think about in that moment... is entertainment.
I mean, sure, if the world was ending right in front of your eyes, having something to do when you were bored wouldn’t really be something that would be on your mind. Except... 
What happens when that time does come?
Your group had finally secured a place to stay after moving around for weeks on end. You went from house to house, neighbourhood to neighbourhood, and even in a literal circle because of the events of the farm.
But now you had something.
You had a home.
The only downside, however... was that the place was in fact a prison. Meaning that you had to live whatever life you had left inside a prison cell.
At least in this world, it was optional.
You currently found yourself residing in the cell that you chose. You were sitting on the lower part of one of those bunk beds, with your back leaning into the cool stone wall that the bed was up against.
The answer to the previous question of ‘what happens when the time of boredom comes’ in your case, was reading.
Well, it wasn’t like you just pulled out a full on novel and started following these characters on an emotionally descriptive journey that never left a thought unknown.
They were comic books.
The last contact you have with your previous interests before this whole zombie invasion thing.
You flick onto the next page, wide eyes concentrated and eager as they scan over the action taking place across the smooth paper. An edition of a Batman series you used to follow growing up.
It may have been the same scenario over and over again. You know, some form of evil occurs or someone turns bad, makes a racket, and may even take someone to get Batman’s attention.
But every single time... he gets there.
The moment there is that feeling of success from the evil doers, or that sense of surrender from the hostage taken to rile people up, he appears and fights until things are safe again.
He barely gives up, and even when he does, it just shows you that he’s human. He’s just-
“Y/n, hey,” 
When the sound actually caught your ears, you began to blink rapidly. The action scene that was previously playing through your head began to fade away until your focus now landed on a figure that stood in the doorway. Your doorway.
Glenn smiles for a second, waiting for the book in your hand to lower before he continues on, “Uh... Daryl is planning to go on a run in like five minutes? And-- And I’m going to go with him.” the man explains with a few nods of his head as if trying to convince himself of what he was saying.
Now because of an introduction like that, you were expecting some sort of implication, or a reason as to why he was telling you this... 
However, nothing else was said.
After staring at the man for at least five more seconds, your eyes narrow, “... Why are you telling me this?” Glenn blinks for a moment. Probably replaying the last few minutes in his head before his eyebrows raise, “Oh, I, uh... Sorry, would you.... Do you want to join us?”
“That’s what I was going to... ask.”
You suppress a smile, giving the guy a few nods of your head in attempts to ease him a little, “Um, I kind of said that I would help Rick with the farming today already... I mean, I can get someone else to do it, I’m pretty sure Carl would--”
“No, no, no, that’s fine! That’s fine!” Glenn suddenly insists with his hands held out in front of him for further emphasis, “That’s-- That’s okay, um...”  
“I’ll see you later then, huh?” the guy continues while you watch in amusement, finally letting a smile take over your lips when he looks back one more time, “I hope you enjoy your... Wait, is that-- Is that a Batman comic book?”
Glenn’s entire body twisted in a matter of seconds after the words left his lips, and before you could even properly answer, he was sat down on the bed beside you, taking the book right out of your hands.
“Uh... Yeah, it is,” you confirm regardless of your confused state, just watching as Glenn flipped the book round so that the cover was visible in front of him. “Whoa, it’s in great condition,” he then points out before turning to you with narrowed eyes, “I didn’t know you liked comic books.”
“What?” you question almost instantly while you lean back a little, making Glenn feign fear as he gave them back, “I don’t know! It just-- I mean, no one else here likes comics, apart from Carl.”
“Besides, I’ve never... actually seen you read one... Ever. Not even back at the camp.” he adds on, and you let your fingers lightly graze back and forth across the book spine, “That’s mostly because I’m scared of ruining it.”
“It’s the last connection I have with my previous life.”
You know, whenever the topic of the world before the apocalypse came up, barely any of you had anything to say. It was mostly because it would end up with people having an existential crisis, but what else could you do about it?
There was a sudden sigh that passes through your lips after a moment. Your eyes flickered over the book in your grasp, it now being Glenn’s turn to watch, “It is my last one though,” you start up once again and turn to look at the guy beside you.
“Gotta make it count, right?”
The guy in question held no response. His eyes were practically glued to the comic book you held to the point that you thought he was going to make it float in the air or something.
“Glenn?” you question with a mild tilt of your head, becoming a little concerned at the lack of movement, but that at least mildly faded when his expression changed.
It was this sort of smug look that spread across his features. Like, he had this thought inside his head that he knew would gain praise if he said it... But he never did. “Shame.”
Without anything else, the man abruptly began to move. 
He ducks his head a little and quickly pulls himself towards the edge of your bed before getting his body upright, all the while you just stared in utter confusion yet again, “What... Uh, Glenn?” you call out to gain at least a little bit of insight...
But he just walks out of your cell.
“See ya.”
The sun was right in the middle of the sky.
It was strong, every beam from that star spreading warmth across anything that the rays touched.
Especially your back.
You were doing what you previously said, which was helping Rick with the farming. The man himself had duty over the seeds, while you were the one doing the actual heavy work.
The tip of the garden hoe in your hands was placed against the dirt about a meter away from your feet. You took a moment, making sure that the tool was in the right position, letting it dig slightly in, before pulling it towards yourself. 
Thus creating a small, shallow trench.
Once happy with your previous work, you let yourself move to the side, allowing Rick to do his part of the job.
Which he indeed did.
The man picked up one of those little pouches of seeds that the other guys managed to grab on a run, and began to sprinkle the little things throughout the newly dug line at an even distance, “Now,”
“I may not have experience when it comes to gardening, but,” Rick began with that usual gruff voice of his and leans back when he’d fully emptied out the small pouch, “I think within the next few weeks we will have some vegetables.”
“Or a new decoration for the yard,” he then adds on with less confidence, and you let out a mild scoff in response.
The two of you share a look, grins appearing on both pairs of lips, before you move back to the trench, using the smooth side of the hoe to reposition the dirt.
You let the tool in your hands drag down the new line of soil on the side, which in return covered up the seeds. And once at the end, “Or...” you dug the head of the hoe into the ground right beside it. “You could just look at the packet...”
“If you’re not too sure, that is.”
Your right arm was placed on top of the garden tool’s handle, the weight of your tired body now leaning onto it, while you wiped your sweaty forehead with the back of your hand.
It was now his turn to scoff.
The man shook his head, giving you a look of fake annoyance which ultimately failed as a smile curled at his lips yet again, “Yeah,”
“I guess you’re right.”
Before either of you could say anything else, there was a certain thing that you spotted beyond Rick’s shoulder.
It could barely be seen, considering the distance between both you and the oncoming thing. But it could be heard.
A motorbike.
Your face lit up in an instant. Your once tired and slightly nagging self fading away all at once as the sudden want to run surged through your veins.
And the moment Rick had turned back in your direction after looking at the bike himself, your eyes were on his, begging for permission to succumb to your feeling, but also apologising as it would leave him to do the work by himself.
“Go,” was all he said with a mild tilt of his head, and your feet moved before your brain did.
You did manage to get a “thank you” out to Rick when you ran past him, however, since you weren’t focused in that moment, you had no idea if he had actually heard.
Your legs were quick, one foot moving right after the other, while your eyes stuck on the transport coming closer and closer to its final destination.
However, it was far enough that you could make a quick pit stop at the barrel of water just on the outside of the farm area. There was a need to get the sweat and dirt off your warm skin anyway.
You shoved your hands in the cool liquid, swishing them round for about a second and even splashing some on your neck. But then you were on the move once again, wiping your hands on your trousers to get rid of the excess water.
It took you a moment to get to the first gate as you were kind of in the middle of the field, but thankfully someone was already there giving you a head start.
“Let’s go, Carl!” you yell out as the kid began to slide the huge gate open, trying to give him some sort of praise while also trying to distract the walkers from the incoming delivery.
Once the opening was now enterable, both you and Carl were quick to run through. “Okay, okay-- I’ll get the ropes, you get the gate,” you instruct, patting the kid on the shoulder before carrying out your mission when he showed an understanding.
Your feet skidded against the gravel underneath you in a matter of seconds when you got to the second gate, not even giving yourself a chance to take a proper breath as you hastily grab at the ropes without a moment to spare.
It was a new system. A reinforcement added after the whole Woodbury thing to ensure a safer entrance and exit.
It wasn’t much, but it was as good as it was going to get.
“Go, go, go!” Carl calls to you when he got the gate unlocked, and as soon as he started to pull it to the side, you had begun moving yourself.
The rope in your hands was yanked down in such a way that had your body practically floating as you used your weight to pull at it. And soon enough, after about a minute, the new doors began to open.
Your teeth were gritted, your arms were growing tired and the pungent smell of rotten flesh became practically the only thing in the air. But that wasn’t going to make you lose your focus.
Because as soon as those red doors hit against the lines of wooden spikes behind it with a whine that echoed through the visceral growls from rotten bodies, the bike made its way through, “All right, Carl! Move it back, move it back!”
With one last pull to the ropes, that felt like they had cut off your circulation, the set of blood covered doors closed right as the walkers had finally found out that it was an entrance.
You let out a huff of air, giving your now extremely tired arms a shake while Carl made sure that the official gate of the prison was completely secure.
“Good job,” was all that you said, giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder, which in return earned you one of his small smiles, probably more grateful of the fact that you didn’t call him a kid.
And with that, you were off once more.
The motorbike had stopped outside the first gate that you opened, and as soon as your eyes caught onto the figures that appeared with it, a smile returned to your lips.
They made it back.
A feeling of pure relief was passing through your veins when you watched Glenn hop off the back of the bike. He was unharmed and looked the exact same as he did this morning... with the additon of walker blood, “D’you guys have fun?”
But he was alive.
The guy smiled when he saw you, that light energy he always carried when in a good mood just radiating off of him, which is something that everyone who knew Glenn enjoyed, regardless of if they admitted it or not.
“Hey,” he breathes out when you were finally close enough, letting one of his hands raise up to your opposite shoulder once your body had concluded its movements next to him.
“Was it successful? Did you get good stuff?” you question, looking between the two boys while mirroring Glenn’s position, and Daryl slightly snorts before twisting round to take one of the backpacks attached to his bike, “Well...”
“Considering that this guy right here almost got himself taken out just to grab something,” he starts up through a voice that turned into a grunt halfway through when he pulled himself back into his previous position, “I would hope so.”
Sorry... What?
“Hey! You said you weren’t going to tell anyone!” Glenn points out after huffing out a breath, removing his hand from your shoulder to snatch the backpack from Daryl while you could only stare. “Oops.”
Your eyebrows were raised, lips parted with many sets of words aching to pass off the tip of your tongue until you finally decided. “Wha... You what?”
Glenn sighs when he saw Daryl’s amused expression. He gave him a playful yet meaningful glare, but then he steps towards you, letting his hand reside itself on your back once close enough before giving you a push as a signal to move.
This man better explain himself.
Back in your cell, as weird as that sounds, the pair of you sat on the old, ragged bunk bed. Both yours and Glenn’s legs hung over the edge of the tattered mattress which had sunk from the weight of two bodies after so long of nothing.
The man beside you was talking. Finally letting that story of his spurt from his lips, in a very dramatised manner.
“No, there was literally nothing! We didn’t see anything or hear those... those weird zombie noises-- I mean, Daryl didn’t even sense it or whatever.” Glenn ensures with frantic hands. Reliving the moment, “It just... All I did was reach for something.”
“That’s it... I looked at it and then went, ‘oh wow, you know? This-- This is exactly what I’m looking for’ and then BOOM! Walker.”
Even though this man was in fact talking about a near-death experience, there was a tinge of amusement that appeared in your chest. The frantic movements, the stumble of his words, the expression he held on his face.
He knew how to tell a story.
“Well, I’m glad Daryl was there then.” you comment before slightly turning your head, shielding the smile that begged to appear on your lips. 
“What-- I mean, yeah... I guess,”
“But I could have got out myself.” Glenn points out, mildly offended at the lack of faith his best friend seemed to have in him, but you simply raised an eyebrow in his direction, “Could have? Meaning... that Daryl did save you.”
After going to speak, the man paused. His parted lips maintaining their position before they came to a close, while Glenn’s eyes averted from your own once you had faced him like before.
“Well... Again, yeah...” he began reluctantly before sighing, “But look, I was in an awkward position, okay?”
“I had the lower hand, I admit, however, it was literally grabbing at me from the other side of a shelf. I got jump scared!” Glenn exclaims, his voice raising in pitch, especially when your head jokingly shook, “I mean, I have played many horror games in my time-- Many, but nothing-- Nothing! Could’ve prepared me for that.”
The certainty in both his voice and his expression had your head shaking once again. It really was maddening to hear someone explain an experience like that in such an entertaining way.
... However, that feeling of amusement seemed to fade by the time your eyes were back on Glenn.
There was a new emotion that took over his face. It was unreadable at first; his gaze aimed towards a wall, lips closed, shoulders slightly sunk.
A memory.
“What are you thinking about?”
The question seemed to take a minute to process in Glenn’s mind. He remained as he was for about another second before he slightly leans back, a quiet exhale seeping between his lips.
“Uh,” he began through a sigh after closing his eyes with a shake of his head, “Nothing... Sorry, It’s nothing, it’s just... It was a weird moment.”
“Yeah, well, that’s understandable.” you point out before the cell could fill with silence again, “I mean, getting attacked by those things isn’t supposed to be fun, is it?” you then add, the continuation thankfully gaining a slight smile in response, “No.”
“No, no-- I know. I know... but.” Glenn insists, clasping his fist in his other hand, “It just made me think about all the times that things like that happened to other people, you know? And... How they weren’t lucky.”
“Or how some didn’t even have the chance to react, or--”
Those dark eyes had finally fallen to yours again, the expression on your face making him realise that he may have started to ramble.
He put his hands up all of a sudden, another sigh of air passing out his mouth when his palms reach up to his face, “Sorry! Sorry-- Oh, man, I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.”
“Hey, no,” you say quickly, placing a gentle hand on the top of his thigh before you could even think, “Glenn, listen, It’s fine! It’s a big thing to process... You’re doing great.”
Glenn kept his hands to his head, clearly still feeling the guilt regardless of what you said, but nonetheless the words prompted him to at least turn his face in your direction.
“Did you get what you were looking for, at least?” you question simply once his eyes met your own. It was an attempt to distract him, change the subject, so he could move on from self-pity... 
However, you seemed to have created something much different.
Glenn sort of stared at you for a second. He blinked once... then again... and again, “Oh...”
Suddenly, his eyebrows raised, realisation stricking in those dark brown eyes before they began darting around the room like he was trying to find an invisible fly, “Oh-- Oh, the thing!”
“The thing-- Oh, hold on!”
There was not a single chance to get a word in yourself, as before you could even open your mouth to speak, his body had sprung up from the stiff mattress and hurled through the cell door.
“Gle-- Glenn?” you called when your eyes had caught up with your mind, but by the time you poked your head out of the cell for an answer, he had disappeared behind the curtain that hung in front of his own.
“Glenn?” you attempted again. Confusion was stretching across every feature on your face in a matter of seconds, and it wasn’t leaving anytime soon, as within the next second, the man himself reappears with a bag in his hands. “What is it?”
Inevitably, you were left without an answer. In fact, the only response you got was a grin forming on Glenn’s lips, and then he began to, gently, push you back into the cell.
At this point, you couldn’t even be bothered to question the man as he sat you back on the bottom bunk. 
He retook his spot next to you with an eagerness that left your eyebrows furrowing, watching him unzip the pack as soon as it was in front of him for whatever mystery lay within.
And the next thing you knew, literally after blinking once, his hands were held in your direction, palms balancing an item that took a second for your brain to process.
However, even when it did, Glenn suddenly put a hand on top of the first thing and pushed it which lead to multiple other items spreading out underneath until it looked like a fan.
Comic books.
“Some are for me, so don’t go stealing all of them,” Glenn chimes in while the cogs in your brain finally turned the right amount, and after staring at the books like you just saw Jesus, your eyes went up to meet his. “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit, man! No way!” Within seconds, the books were in your hands. You flicked through them one by one, staring at each cover in absolute awe at the condition they were in. “They look great!”
“Man,” Your head shook, many emotions flooding through your head as you looked back at Glenn, who looked very chuffed with himself, might I add. “You almost died for these?”
“Hey, I mean, it was worth it, wasn’t it?! Like I said, these weren’t just for you.”
“And anyway, people would usually just say thank you, instead of taking a personal dig at the giver,” he then adds on in defence, even placing a hand over his heart as if you hurt him there.
A huff of air filtered out from your lips as you tried not to smile. But after looking at him for another second, however, it seemed to have failed.
With a mild shake of your head, you place the books, so that they sat in a pile to your side, before your arms decided to reach out towards Glenn.
A movement that had him reciprocating within seconds.
Your head landed on his shoulder when your arms were finally around each other. Even though there was no one to see it, that smile never had a want to leave their place on your lips.
“All right,” you say after a sigh, repositioning your head so that it was in the crook of his neck, “I will say thank you for risking your life for such incredible art...” Glenn’s body shook you as he tried not to laugh, “Just don’t do it again.”
“You’re welcome.”
You pull yourself out of the hug after the echo of his voice, “Seriously,” Your eyebrows were raised, each hand placed on each of his shoulders as you looked right into his eyes, “It’s like when I stayed with my grandparents.”
“If you showed even a smidge of happiness when you ate something in that house, the next thing you knew, there was like a hundred packets of it in the cupboard and the fridge.”
“Oh my god, I know, right?” Glenn beamed when a memory of his own struck his mind, and now the two of you were sat laughing in remembrance of the past.
Even the little moments were things people didn’t expect to miss.
“For real though, Glenn. Next time either take me with you, or don’t even try,” you began once the amusement had managed to die down, your eyebrows raising once again to make sure he got the message.
And he did. That sweet smile of his reappeared just for you, with the addition of little nods of his head.
Seriously, I hope you guys enjoyed this.
I’m watching the walking dead... Again. I’m on like season 5 now and I can’t stop looking at Glenn.
ANYWAY, please send in more requests if you want them. There seems to be a lack of Male reader stuff when it comes to twd fics, so feel free to send me ideas if you want that changed, or just some more gender neutral fics!
Thank you for reading!- Alex :)
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yarrowleef · 2 months
I thought I made a post about the Onestar's SE back in 2022 a couple months before it came out and I found it in my drafts, never posted for whatever reason
anyway, as a "pre-thoughts before reading (more of) it", how I felt was that I wasn't super excited about the idea of a Onestar book.
idk. warriors is funny for me in that even though I like messy morally gray characters in literally any other property i’m into, all of warriors (in)famous morally gray characters are just. annoying to me. in a not fun way.
Like with Clear Sky, narrative misogyny aside (bc I didn't really unpack All That until after finishing the arc) I found it completely impossible to enjoy any of his POV chapters, or...anything about him, really (I’m sure a lot of it has to do with an unwillingness to let him face lasting consequences for anything. I’ll never recover from the pure elation I felt at his mother roasting him and then the stark plummet into disappointment when five seconds later she back pedals into “it’s ok actually, what you REALLY need is to forgive yourself and move on uwu”)
the frustrating thing is, I wouldn't find this character horrible to read about in theory. I feel like nearly every action he took, how quickly he escalated things, how is ego manifests.....If I was just given a summary of Clear Sky and what he did, I could probly fill in the blanks for how he made (most of) those decisions, and I might think “that would be an interesting character to read about, especially as a POV"
and yet in practice it was Not Fun to read Ever
I think erin hunter is just... really bad at believably arguing for their characters
Sometimes it feels like someone got an outline saying “this character kicks a puppy” because that puppy needs to be kicked in order to motivate the plot. and instead of sitting down and thinking through what kind of mindset would lead to someone kicking this puppy, what kind of internal arguments are they making, how are they rationalizing it, instead they just. copy the instruction down in black and white with no expansion. Character thinks “I have to kick this puppy!”, someone else asks “why do you have to do that?? wtf is wrong with you?”, character responds with “they just don’t understand! I have to kick this puppy!” without really any delving into what made them come to this conclusion first, and every obstacle and bad consequence that comes up they just repeat some variation of that same line over and over “they just don't understand why I have to kick this puppy!!” like ok cool but do YOU even understand why you have to kick this puppy???? cause sometimes it doesn’t feel like your writers do, it feels like they are dispassionately following instructions.....y'know what i mean????
Anyway, that’s what it felt like reading Clear Sky’s POV chapters
and I suspect I'm going to feel similarly about Onestar once he enters his Bitchy Leader era. Not that he is anywhere near as bad as Clear Sky, he's not, but just that this particular feeling pops up any time the Erin's try to write from the perspective of someone acting aggressively for complicated reasons. I could envision how the things that happened to Onestar led him down the road he ended up on but I'm afraid seeing inside his head will only make the character way more brainless and shallow then he was as a sort-of background character that we had to piece together on our own
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calamity-unlocked · 2 years
Hey @sashimi-buttons a very late, very happy birthday!! 💕 As you probably expected I wrote you some nark, because I'm me and you're you, hehe. Love you!
Hey Lark.
Both of us are at the HQ right now. You’re sitting in front of me, reading a book Grant recommended to you, something about lost cats and runaway kids. Every ten minutes, you look up at me and give me another reason why you think it’s absolute trash. But you’re still reading it, so I guess it can’t be all that bad.
Me? I’m on my phone, typing this stupid letter in my Notes app because Terry said putting my thoughts into words could help me make sense of them. He’s beginning to sound like his mom, if you ask me.
I gave it the good old college try though, and so far it’s been kinda nice. Wrote some stuff to my mom, to Jodie, to Glenn. I’m never going to send those letters to any of them of course. Whatever bullshit I’m putting down right now isn’t meant for your eyes either, so uh, if you are reading this, please stop and let me live with whatever remnants of my dignity you deign to leave me.
Right. Thoughts. Feelings.
I blanked for a full three minutes, and during that time you put the book down and told me the metaphors used are so ridiculous you wouldn’t be surprised if Douglas Adams had risen from the grave to literally ghostwrite it. (Which I think you meant as an insult? Even though you used to love Hitchhiker’s.) Then you immediately turned the next page.
I need to stop staring at you and finish this letter.
Lark, I feel alive when I’m with you. When we’re going 80 in a 65 on your bike and I hold on to your hips and the white lines on the road are a continuous blur, that’s when the world makes the most sense to me. You make my heart beat so fast I can’t even hear myself breathing. You do that, not the speed with which our joyride takes us from nowhere to nowhere, not the rush of adrenaline that unrestrained freedom brings. You.
I guess that’s love? I think that’s love.
I don’t know. I’ve never had a relationship that worked out. There are parts of me I can’t give away, doors I can’t open.
The only thing I know for certain is that I wish I’d never have to let you go. I would drive through a thousand nowheres, would keep singing along to every terrible song on the radio, would do just about anything if it meant being able to keep you next to me.
There are days when I think I’d follow you to the end of the world, but then I realize we might actually have to go there one day. I’m not proud to admit, that’s when fear creeps in a little bit. Y’know how it is. ‘I got soul but I’m not a soldier’.
(that’s the Killers)
(you probably already knew that)
Growing up I had so many asthma attacks it was a wonder they even let me join Westrock FC. You remember when I gave you that straw, back when we were kids and everyone still used plastic straws? I told you to try to breathe through it for five minutes. You didn’t have the patience for that, but you made it to fifty seconds and got the gist of what it felt like to have your own airways betray you.
Though I have memories of smoking, this body has never tasted a cigarette or joint. I’m too scared it will cause me to start wheezing again, spots dancing at the edge of my vision, chest burning like it’s got its own hell inside it.
And yet I crave them. It’s still a test of willpower, sometimes. I know how good they could make me feel. I know that it’s so damningly easy, to just light a spark and press my lips to the tip and let myself enjoy the sensation. I could probably close my eyes and pretend that just because this was the natural conclusion of my desires, giving in wouldn’t mean I'm weak.
But let’s face it. It’ll only be bad for me in the long run.
Hah. And you think your book has bad metaphors.
Loving you feels like choking. God, how I love you.
And I think it’s okay that you’ll never know. Ignorance is bliss, and all that. You seem– not happy, but at least content right now, and I’d never want to ruin that.
I think there are two things a person needs if they want to love and be loved. They have to know who they are, and they have to accept who they are.
I don’t got that first part down, and you aren’t exactly a master at that second part. So I’ll keep abstaining.
My chest won’t stop burning, but that’s okay.
It has to be okay.
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