#tickletober day 14
amazingmsme · 11 months
A Little Dusty
AN: Again, I know it’s late but just be glad I’m still tryna pump these out. I’m literally sooo obsessed with Prismo, the flat boi needs to be WRECKED! Anyways, here’s day 14, enjoy!
The Scarab would never admit it out loud, but being stuck in the Time Room with Prismo wasn’t as asinine as he’d first thought. He’s still getting used to his new form, but he manages to get by. And his new roomie was chill, all things considerer. He let him pick out his own room, offered fresh pickles any time he wanted, and most importantly, he didn’t care if the Scarab was actually doing his job.
Despite the hot tub, TV wall, and the computer Prismo introduced him to, he found himself getting bored and restless as the days dragged on. Each day like the one before, more or less. He was starting to understand why Prismo went and made an unauthorized universe. He understood, but that didn’t mean he had to stop cursing the wishmaster’s name for putting him in this mess.
It was one of those days when he longed for the outside world- to hunt down violators across the vast multiverse. But noooo, there was a good chance that might never happen again. He was busy dusting, glaring at Prismo from across the room. He was oblivious to the stare, completely engrossed in his work. The Scarab would watch as he’s hum and giggle to himself before typing away on the keyboard. Some times he wore a more serious expression, typing something out before shaking his head and deleting it. And other times he just stared at the screen, hands unmoving and frown etched onto his face. The Scarab was a little curious what he’d been working on, but he didn’t plan on asking.
He slowly made his way around the room idly dusting at nothing. He’d dusted only last week, but he needed something to keep himself busy. Now he stood beside Prismo, tapping his foot impatiently.
“Could you move? I’m trying to clean.”
Prismo paused and glanced around the room with a shrug. “Looks pretty clean to me Scrabby. Why don’t you take a load off?” he asked, brushing him off and returning his attention to the laptop.
“Unlike some people, I don’t like to leave things unfinished.” Prismo seemed to miss the subtle dig tossed his way and the Scarab huffed in annoyance. “Look, I already cleaned over there, so why don’t you go sit on that wall?” he asked, pointing over his shoulder. Prismo’s gaze didn’t leave the screen. “Prismo!” he yelled with a stomp.
Prismo glanced up for a split second. “Yeah?”
Prismo groaned loudly, looking at the Scarab with annoyance. “Dude, I’m in the zone right now. I just wrote like 10 pages in five minutes!” he bragged, going back to typing. “If I move now, it’ll throw off the whole groove I’m in.”
The Scarab was done.
He threw his hands in the air with an annoyed huff. “FINE, be that way! I’ll just- I’ll dust around you since you won’t move,” he growled out, but Prismo continued to type away happily. It was infuriating, if not cute. Wait, he did not just think that about Prismo of all people…
He resumed dusting with a huff, sweeping the feather duster over his head, working his way down. He was lost in thought and didn’t pay much attention to where he was sweeping, and his general annoyance towards the wishmaster meant he didn’t necessarily care if he dusted him in the process. But he certainly noticed when his duster trailed too close to Prismo’s side, making him spasm and squeal, darting across to the opposite wall, laptop forgotten.
“Wohoah, hey, you could’ve just asked me to move, no need to start dusting me,” he rambled, hoping to mask his nerves. The Scarab just stared at him in wide-eyed shock.
“I did,” he said bluntly. Prismo chuckled nervously, rubbing his neck.
“Oh, y-you did? Sorry, I don’t remember I tend to zone out when I’m busy.”
“So it would seem.” He looked down to the soft tool in his hand and back at Prismo, a sly smirk hiding behind his mask. He noticed that his feet were now resting in the spot he’d previously been, seeing as he jumped to the opposite wall. Now, he wasn’t stupid, he knew what just happened. But he could play dumb.
The Scarab resumed his dusting, humming to himself as he brushed over the tops his feet. Prismo shrieked, yanking his legs away and tucking them close to his chest. He stared at the Scarab with a wide, unblinking eye and gulped.
“You uh-“ he cut himself off and cleared his throat when his voice came out too high. “You scared me.”
“Really?” he squinted at him, walking closer and relishing in the way Prismo was slowly backing himself into a corner. “Because normally, only ticklish people are afraid of feathers.”
He couldn’t hope to contain his nervous laughter or the obviously flustered stuttering. “W-wha whaaaat? N-no way bro, that’s just silly,” he tried to brush him off, waving a hand in the air. “I mean, I’m flat! So, there’s really nothing to tickle, haha! …Right?”
The Scarab arched a brow. “You’re asking me?” Prismo stuttered again and yelped when the Scarab was suddenly standing next to him. Quite frankly, he didn’t know what to say.
“You can go back to cleaning now.” The low chuckle the Scarab let out really wasn’t comforting.
“Okay, if you insist.” Prismo was given no time to ponder before soft feathers brushed over his belly. Bubbly giggles start building up in his chest as he curls in on himself, doubled over where the two walls meet. When the Scarab started swirling the duster in tight circles across his tummy, a loud snort broke the dam, allowing his high pitched laughter to fill the Time Room.
“Scrahahabby whahat are you dohohoing?” he asked, hiding his growing blush behind a hand as he weakly swatted at him with the other.
“I’m doing what you said: cleaning,” he teased in a deadpanned voice, trying to act as though this wasn’t the most fun he’s had since his punishment began.
“Nohohot mehehe!” he squealed when he began targeting his ribs, causing him to dart to another wall for safety. The Scarab tutted and shoot his head.
“Poor Prismo… it would seem as though you’ve nowhere left to turn,” he taunted, twirling the duster triumphantly. He laughed when he noticed him glance at the trap door for a split second. “You’re not really gonna run away from a few feathers now, are you?” he asked smugly. Prismo’s blush grew darker as he failed to speak, crossing his arms instead.
“Well that’s not very nice,” he grumbled.
“Good,” the Scarab said bluntly before sitting down on Prismo’s ankles, trapping them. He barely had enough time to protest before dozens of soft fibers swept over his feet. His giggles raised in both pitch and speed, a few more snorts managing to slip through.
The Scarab had always scared Prismo. He had such an intimidating aura, and everything about him screamed ruthless killer. After living together for a while, he thought maybe he wasn’t so cruel after all, but as he laid there laughing at his mercy, he thought that maybe he hadn’t been so far off with his initial judgment.
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 14: Self-insert
Ft. Zhongli x Reader
A/N: Fell asleep (at 7 pm bekekf) yesterday before finishing this drabble, but it's okay, we'll post it today!
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Zhongli's resistance was wearing thin.
The inside of his cheeks ached from biting at them for too long, his body was tense and trembling slightly. He could barely taste his tea and he had to read the same line over and over again in his book.
He tried to stay as calm as he could, (ignoring the fact that his cheeks were getting hot and that his lips were trembling slightly), but it was nearly impossible with your fingers doing that to his ribs.
It was just a drumming. He felt your fingers just tap, tap, tapping against his ribs as you hummed a rather cheerful song and scribbled in some forms Hu Tao asked you to fill for her.
It shouldn't even feel that ticklish because his clothes weren't light, but there he was, trying to bear the funny feeling and fighting the urge to flinch away from your touch.
"Zhongli, are you ticklish?"
It seemed as if your question had been the trigger: a loud, frenetic giggle escaped his lips and he slightly moved his body away from your touch, bumping into your side as his elbow tried to hide his ribs.
"I'm nohohot," he said almost breathlessly and he felt a delicious shiver run down his spine when you laughed charmingly.
"You're not? Really?" You teased him, your breathing hitting the shell of his ear, making him shrug his shoulder up with a big grin. "I was barely touching you, though, and you giggled so hard!"
He shook his head, letting out a strangled sound when he felt your hand pressing flat against his ribcage; he finally turned to look at you.
How could you look so beautiful even with that mischievous smile and that naughty twinkle in your eyes? He can't even complain if the fact that you found his weak spot made you so happy.
He let out a shaky sigh, knowing very well what would happen after he said his next words, but he could live with it... Or at least he hoped so.
"My ribs... might be a bit s-sensitive to to-ohohuch, hah, ahahaha! Wahahait!"
His laugh flowed past his lips, desperate and bubbly, as he felt your fingers really tickling him this time. Both hands encircling him a bit to reach the front of his ribs; Zhongli immediately bent forward, shrieking.
"'A bit sensitive' it's probably not the right way to describe these ribs of yours, Xiansheng."
A blush crept across Zhongli's cheeks as he laughed brightly, his hands were shaking slightly as they closed around your wrists and weakly tried to push them away.
"Stahahap! I reheheally cahahan't- AHAHAHA! Nohohot thahat!" He begged when he felt your fingers clawing at his ribs. "I'll dihihie!"
You giggle, "dying of laughter must be a good death, don't you think?"
He shook his head, his ears turning pink. "N-Nohohoho! Plehehease! My lohohove, hohohold ohon!"
Your mischievous giggle made him think you wouldn't stop, but he felt a tender kiss on the back of his neck and your mean fingers finally stopped, giving him a break as you wrapped his arms around him.
Giggly hums filled the room as you pressed more kisses to his neck, eliciting a sudden laugh when you kissed the back of his ear.
"Ahahare- ahare you dohone?"
You hummed, "only for now. I still need to finish this and you're distracting me, you know? With your ticklishness and cuteness."
Zhongli rolled his eyes fondly, chuckling when he felt one final kiss to the side of his neck before you let go of him. He was surprised to feel the emptiness of your touch and moved slightly towards you, seeking more of your warmth.
"We should go for a little walk in the afternoon," he said softly, smiling sheepishly when you raised your head to look at him. "I heard there's a little fall festival. What do you think?"
His heart skipped a beat when he heard an excited giggle escape your lips. "Yes, that sounds like fun!"
Both of you shared sheepish smiles and looked away shyly with nervous giggles escaping your lips as Zhongli went back to read his book and you to fill Hu Tao's forms.
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nhasablogg · 2 years
Tickletober Day 14 - Tracing
Fandom: Sherlock
Characters: Sherock/John
A/N: Changed pairings last minute, but might post the other fic I didn’t finish as a little bonus for this being so short??
Words: 460
[Tickletober prompts]
John did it simply because he knew Sherlock would freak out otherwise, in his regular Sherlockian way. He did it and didn’t talk about it, that is. He knew Sherlock was aware of it and aware of how John knew what he was doing. But not talking about things was how they coped when things became too much. Too human and too emotional and too raw.
And this was such a silly thing to not be talking about.
Sherlock shivered when John reached the inside of his elbow, visibly holding himself back from recoiling. It was probably frustrating to be reacting at all, the involuntary movement making it much more clearer than he knew John was touching him, even though it would make no sense if he didn’t.
John kept tracing his skin, for reasons unknown even to himself. Perhaps he just liked seeing Sherlock try to contain himself, pretending he wasn’t human even though they both knew he was.
Perhaps he just wanted to be touching him. Perhaps he wasn’t fully ready to admit to that.
“Ticklish?” he didn’t ask when Sherlock shivered again, this time as John had moved down and was tracing his wrist, a spot sensitive enough that John had found out about it early. Sherlock would deny being ticklish and John would find it delightful if he blushed a bit, but the risk of Sherlock pulling away too much was too big, and so John relished in the image he’d made up. Sherlock averting his eyes, cheeks pinkening, an eventual laugh when John would curl his fingers over his side in earnest. It was something he’d never seen and maybe never would, but it brought him joy anyway.
He moved his hand upward again, tracing the skin slowly enough so that he could drink in each reaction, as small as they all were. Sherlock was reading something, something related to a case, but he’d stopped talking aloud to himself ages ago, maybe when John had sat down beside him and started touching him. Only his arm, but that was enough for them, for now.
John turned his head slightly to look at him, seeing the way his jaw was set, eyes stuck on the page but not moving. His lips tightened when John reached the inside of his elbow again, and John wondered if that was another tickle spot. He couldn’t know for certain, but he enjoyed the idea of Sherlock being sensitive and not knowing what to do with himself when touched there.
A smile was suddenly on his lips and John turned away to hide it, afraid Sherlock was watching him, too, and that this would be the final straw. John wasn’t ready to stop touching him.
Matter of fact, he rarely was.
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
TickleTober Day 14: Zombie
~A/N  - Torchwood time babey! I've had this fic idea in my drafts for AGES and I'm finally writing it!!!
The game they're calling zombie is basically just marco polo but a different call and response... You'll see ;)
Cool thanks byeeeee
- Enoy! ~
Tag List:
Masterpost Link || TickleTober 2022 Masterpost Link
There was nothing better on a ridiculously hot day than mucking around in the pool.
And what better game to play than a game of zombie.
"Braaaaaains!" Jack called, arms outstretched for both the zombie look and to catch his victims.
"No!" The two survivors responded, splashing as quietly as possible to escape.
Listening for the giggling and sloshing of the water, Jack turned to his left and-
"GAH!" He yelped, grabbing his recently-poked side. "Ianto I swear to god cut that out."
The low chuckle from his right confirmed his suspicions. While Jack was usually Mr Calm, Cool, and Collected, any time he got tickled he was a jumpy wreck.
"You're playing with fire there mate." Owen grinned at their antics.
Ianto shrugged with a cocky smile.
The zombie called out once more, and again it was met with a cheeky jab to the ribs.
"IANTO!" Jack twisted awkwardly, a short giggle bursting from his mouth.
Ianto's playful attacks, though fun, were short lived. As somehow Jack got the perfect swing at the perfect height to tag his boyfriend and relieve his zombie blindness.
"Hah!" Jack smirked. "Your turn now gorgeous."
Ianto blushed. But not because of the petname. While Jack's obvious eagerness for revenge was exactly what he was hoping for, that teasy grin from Jack never failed to send excited shivers down Ianto's spine.
Closing his eyes, every nerve in his body was in hyperdrive. The water flickering against his skin was already bringing up tingly goosebumps, and every noise around him made him jump. God the anticipation of Jack's revenge was torturous.
"Brahains?!" He shouted, though it came out a little more giggly than he intended.
"No!" Owen's voice shouted back. Nothing from Jack, which could only mean...
Ianto braced himself for a poke in the side, or a claw to his ribs, anything that Jack's evil mind would come up with to retaliate to the previous round.
But it never came.
His heart sank. Why was Jack not reciprocating? He usually played along with Ianto's antics, knowing exactly when the man was in the mood to get tickled.
He couldn't think for long, as he heard a loud splash to his side. Reacting without realising, he turned and threw his arms in front of him.
"Damnit!" Owen huffed. "Alright alright my turn."
Ianto gave him a small smile, moving away before the round started but unable to move past the fact that his lover hadn't even tried to tickle him back.
"Braiiiiins!" Owen called in a slightly sarcastic drawl. He never really was one to openly show enthusiasm in these silly games, but internally he was loving spending time with his best mates.
Before he got the chance to respond, arms grabbed Ianto's waist from behind, pinning him in place against his attacker's chest. Both hands resting with fingers readied against Ianto's stomach.
"Shhh." Jack teased in a whisper, gently clawing Ianto's tummy.
"Nohoho Jahahack stop!" Ianto softly squealed, pushing his boyfriend's hands away.
"Come on 'Yan, You've gotta at least try to be quiet."
But they both knew that wasn't gonna happen.
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thebest-medicine · 6 months
Day 14: Soft
Tickletober 2023 - Critical Role - C2 - Caleb / Mollymauk - lee!Molly
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
[read on AO3]
A/N: Based on “Date someone who will give you back scratches when they’re reading or watching something next to you, and when you squirm they just smile because they know you love it and continue until you’re giggling up a storm. Better if they sigh slightly “You’re disturbing my peace” and tickle you more until you’re a puddle and they have the goofiest smile on their face.”
Words: 1.2k
Caleb doesn’t look up from the page when Molly walks into the library. He doesn’t even look up when Molly makes it over to the desk, trailing a finger over the wizard’s hunched shoulders. “And how are you doing this evening, Mr. Caleb?” 
“Mm. Fine. And you?” Caleb replies, his gaze still focused intently on the text before him. 
“Just fine, myself—was wondering if you’d like some company.” Mollymauk hops up onto the table, watching for a look, a glance, a little more attention. But, Caleb is dedicated, persistent—something Molly admires about him greatly. He leans back and spreads out amongst the pile of books and scrolls, knocking a few to the floor. 
“You are just as bad as the cat, you know. Maybe worse.”
“And yet here we are in a home full of cats.” Molly’s voice is smug, teasing. “Do you just have a love for being close to beings that mess with you?”
Caleb rolls his eyes. 
There we go. The eyes aren’t on Molly yet, but they are torn briefly from the book. An in. 
Molly’s tail coils around Caleb’s wrist. “Take a little break with me, won’t you?” 
Caleb huffs an almost laugh. “Maybe, in a bit.”
Mollymauk releases his wrist, pouting. He taps his nails a few times, thinking. His tail flicks.
A few minutes pass. He spins awkwardly on the table, knocking off a few more books and nearly tumbling into Caleb’s lap; he turns his head to give him a look—a rather cute, pleading, eyes-wide, I-need-you-to-pay-me-some-attention kind of look. 
Caleb fights with a fond smile as his eyes flick up over the pages of the book to finally take it all in. “Alright, Liebchen.” He sighs, marks his page in the book, and closes it shut, scooting his chair back to stand. “Not a break, I’m not done yet, but… come.”
Molly sits up, stretches, and the pleased smile on his face is just as apparent in his eyes. He follows as Caleb gets up and makes his way to the much more comfortable, much better place to read —in Molly’s opinion. The sofa cushions are soft, and it’s long enough that Caleb can sit down and Molly can lounge about where he likes. The tiefling wastes no time crawling right into Caleb’s lap. He settles in face down, chin resting on his arms.
As soon as Caleb gets the book open and the bookmark safely set down, he reaches with the hand not holding up his reading materials to scratch gently at Mollymauk’s scalp.
Molly makes quite a few little sounds of approval as Caleb’s fingers card through his hair and he melts within a matter of minutes. Fingers slide gently down the back of his scalp, sending tingles down his spine as they travel down to his neck. Molly fidgets slightly, the feeling starting to prickle at the edge of ticklish. He hums, content and bubbly, against Caleb’s thigh and squirms into the nest of his own arms he’s made for himself in the wizard’s lap. 
The fingers continue, light and gentle and soothing, to make their way lower onto his shoulders and upper back. It’s considerably more ticklish, but still bearable enough to release all of the silly energy with a hum and a few squirms every so often. As Caleb’s fingers trail languidly over Molly’s shoulders, side to side, he reads away above him, by all appearances not noticing the twitches below. 
Each time fingers pass over a spot that hedges too close to ticklish to stay still, they continue on, not taking any extra time or particular care. But—the thing is, with how thoroughly Caleb is tracing over his back, scratching and caressing gently, he keeps going back to those spots, passing them over and over. And Molly already knows there’s a lot of them. It feels nice, it’s tingly and warm and close and just the right amount of teasing. He doesn’t want to give the wizard reason to stop any time soon, like squirming out of his lap after he just asked for attention. But also, he considers, maybe Caleb will abandon his studies and really have a go at him if he asks nice — it’s already gotten him this far. 
For now, Molly opts to keep quiet, as still as he can reasonably maintain, and enjoy the affection. He’s gone with the flow many times in his life, and Caleb’s flow seems like one he would very much like to follow.  
Caleb’s hand continues down, down, tickles along his back, down past his waist and Molly wriggles deeper into his lap and the couch. “Eehee- wa- heheheeEE—” He squeals into the crook of his elbow as Caleb’s blunt fingernails tickle softly over his ass, down toward the back of his thigh. “Fuck.” Molly hisses, muffled. The tracing, tickling wizard claw slowly makes it way down over his thigh to the back of his knee and Molly’s leg jerks closed involuntarily. “Nnggeh- naha shihit.” 
“Be careful with those.” Caleb says sternly, an unmistakable peppering of amusement in his voice. 
Molly whines quietly into his arms and lays his leg back out straight. 
The game continues to build pace slowly, one hand always on the book and the other slowly tinkering with various sensitivities he can find on Molly. His shoulder blades, the backs of his ribs, his spine, anywhere near the dip of his waist or tail, the small of his back, his knees, his thighs, his ass… no where was left safe and unscrutinized. And yet, it was still so delicate, earnest, curious, and innocent. Little tingles and sparks light up across Molly’s nervous system. He’s content to live within this afternoon for the rest of his waking hours. 
Then, the next time Caleb’s hand reaches up to turn the page of his book, it reappears just where the top of Molly’s thigh meets his ass. He gasps in a breath as the fingers wiggle, more deliberate and ticklish, over the skin there. They stay in that spot; unlike the skating, absentminded tickling of before — this has purpose, this has focus and intent. 
Molly tries to peak up at him, abandoning his arm nest to turn and peer behind him. He gets a face-full of book for his trouble. And a pinch to the back of his thigh. He squawks at that, kicking the cushions behind him. “MmPFF!” He reburies his face to try hiding the bright laughter threatening to spill over. 
“I’m trying to read, keep quiet down there.” Caleb, bemused, scolds cheekily from behind his book. 
Molly rolls his eyes and tries to sit up on his elbows while fighting off more laughter. Without looking, Caleb runs a few fingers clumsily down his tail. Molly falters and crumples back into the wizard’s lap. “N-no fair.” Molly whines through his giggling. “Are yohohou gonna read all night?” 
“It will take me a while, yes, if you keep distracting me.” Caleb replies, matter-of-factly.
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trashyswitch · 11 months
Day 14: Soft
Roman is giving Patton a massage to try and treat the neck pain he's experienced. But the lower he does down his back, the more ticklish Patton appears to be! Is his back that ticklish!?
Okay...Day 14. Of course, a day late. But, I guess that means I'm uploading 2 fanfics in one day again. I hope you enjoy!
Patton was laying on his stomach, resting his chin on his arms as he watched TV. But he found it a bit difficult to focus on the TV, due to Roman’s palms and fingers against his back. 
Roman was trying to massage Patton’s back and neck in an attempt to help him relax. Patton had been complaining about knots in his neck, and Roman offered to massage them out. But Roman quickly began to wonder if he bit off more than he could chew. Or maybe, Patton was holding in more emotions than he lets on.
Why was that his theory? Well, it’s simple. Patton’s neck and shoulder muscles felt like rocks. Literally! They felt like they had been stretched out all the way, and were physically unable to relax. Roman worked at his shoulders as gently, but as effectively as he could muster. 
“Oh yeah, right there, aaaAH-!” Patton reacted, closing his right eye as he winced in pain. God, it felt really painful. But it also felt good getting his shoulders worked out. He badly needed it. 
“Is that doing anything for you?” Roman asked. 
“Yup! You’re doing great, kiddo!” Patton said, before letting out a deep breath. 
Roman worked at his neck and shoulders a little bit more, using his elbows to get some of the knots out. In all honesty, he didn’t feel like he was achieving anything. Roman had never come across anything this bad. Not even Virgil’s neck and shoulders were this bad! And he’s the embodiment of stress and anxiety! 
“Patton…” Roman asked, strain in his voice. “How did your neck get this bad?!” Roman asked. 
Patton grunted and breathed out slowly. “I…have no idea.” He admitted. 
Roman dug his fingers into Patton’s trap muscles. Patton bit his lip and grunted before hiding his face in his hands. It hurt so much, but he knew it had to be dealt with. If he didn’t deal with it now, then he would be in so much more pain. But this…was a little difficult to deal with. 
“Okay…” Roman stopped his hands. “I can tell you’re in pain. I’m gonna stop.” Roman told him. 
Patton opened his eyes and looked at Roman. “What?! Already?” Patton reacted. 
Roman sighed. “I know you’re in pain, Patton. I don’t wanna put you in more pain.” Roman admitted. “But…That’s part of the massage.” Patton told him. 
Roman moved his hands down his neck. “What about your back? Would you like me to work on your back for a bit?” he asked. 
Patton nodded his head and smiled. “Sure!” He replied. 
Roman smiled a bit more and started pushing on the areas right beside his spine. “How about starting here?” Roman asked, pushing down. 
Patton hummed and grunted slightly, feeling the thumbs push down on the muscles directly beside either side of his spine. It felt a little unusual, but it felt good too. It felt like he was stretching out his back with literally just his fingers. It felt…different. 
Roman moved his thumbs up and down the spine, before pushing 4 fingers each on either side of the middle of Patton’s back.
Patton opened his eyes and smiled, gasping lightly and letting out a relaxing breath. “That feels amaaaazing…” Patton mumbled. 
Roman smiled and started to push the fingers down on his back ribs. Indexes, middles, rings, and pinkies. Index, middle, ring, pinkie. He kept this going, making sure to push on and in between other ribs. 
Patton smiled a bit more, loving the feeling of his middle back muscles being worked on. “You’re so good at this…” Patton told him. “How you’re not a masseuse…I can’t fathom it.” The dad admitted. 
“Oh hush…don’t make me blush.” Roman told him with a smirk. 
“Why? Is it working?” Patton asked, smirking as well. 
Roman poked the left side of his ribs in response, making Patton wheeze and cackle. “Shush.” He warned. 
Patton laughed a little more at his reaction. “Ohoho myhy gohohohod!” Patton giggled, hiding his face in his arms. 
Roman rolled his eyes with a smile as he maneuvered his palms and fingers onto his lower ribs. “Yeah yeah, I get it. I’m the laughing stock of the group.” Roman teased. 
Patton squeaked and tried to cover his face with his hands. “Ohohoho gohohosh! Heheheheheheee!” Patton giggled. 
Roman’s smile stayed on his face for a bit as he kept going. “Am I really making you laugh that much?” Roman asked, not fully expecting Patton to still be laughing. Patton giggled a little more and kicked his feet up like a ditzy little girl. “Kkk-Kihihindahahaha.” Patton admitted. 
Roman’s smile lessened slightly as he looked down at his hands. They were currently located on the lower back, near Patton’s sides. Hmm…Maybe Patton’s not laughing at him…but rather…he’s laughing because of him…
Roman stopped his hands and lifted them up. Patton’s laughter quickly lessened to giggles, before calming down. He looked over his shoulder at Roman. “Why’d you stop?” Patton asked. 
Roman narrowed his eyes curiously as he planted his fingers back onto his lower back. “Hmm…” He hummed, looking down. But Roman’s head shot up to look at him the moment he heard Patton’s squeal and laugh. 
Patton gasped and yelped. “Wahahait- NahahahaHAHA!” Patton laughed, covering his mouth and muffling his giggles. 
“Oooooh…Are my pushes and massages…tickling you?” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled and nodded his head. “Yeheheheah! Yohohohou dihidn’t knohohohow?” Patton asked.
“I’ll be honest, it was hard to tell at first.” Roman admitted. 
With this information in mind, Roman quickly began to spider his fingers on his lower back and occasionally on the sides. He did this by going softer in his finger strokes. He was no longer massaging and was now, just gently petting the back muscles like he would to a dog.
Patton’s reaction was immediate. He arched his back and started squeaking and squealing in between his little giggles. “EEK! Hehehehe! Hahaha- EEEHEHEEEK! NAhAhaha- nuuuuhuhuhuuu!” Patton giggled. 
“Oh my gosh…” Roman started gently tapping his back like it was a keyboard or a piano, making Patton squeak and giggle with every touch. “You’re so ticklish here! How have I never known this?” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled and shook his head. “Ihihihi dohohon’t knohow!” Patton admitted. 
“What would happen if I just…” Roman removed his fingers.  
Patton blinked and attempted to look at Roman. “Hm?” But the moment he grabbed Patton’s sides, Patton jumped and giggled a little. “Wahahait…What are you-” 
Roman took in a big breath and blew a raspberry onto his lower back. 
Patton gasped as well, but followed it up with a SCREAM of hysterical laughter! “NaaAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Patton cackled, hiding his face in his arms. “NAHAHAHOHOHOHOHO!” He yelled, tapping the ground with his fingers. 
“I’m shocked, Padre. I never would’ve guessed you had a ticklish back.” Roman admitted. 
“Ihihihi…Hehehe…Whyhyhyhy a rahahaspberryhy?” Patton asked. 
“Because it’s fun!” Roman admitted. “And because you’re very fun to tickle.” Roman admitted. 
Patton blushed a bit as he looked down, clearly embarrassed. “Sh…Shut up.” Patton muttered. 
This only made Roman cackle in reaction. “That worked?!” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled. “Yeheheah…Ihihit dihihihihid.” he admitted. Roman started very softly fluttering his fingers onto his lower back. “Do you prefer softer tickles?” Roman asked. 
Patton hummed and giggled little by little. “Yeheah…Ihihi lihike sohofter ticklehes.” Patton admitted. 
“Okay.” Roman responded and continued to flutter his fingers on his back. “Is it just your whole lower back that’s ticklish?” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled. “Ihi thihink?” Patton replied. 
“Okay. What about here?” Roman moved his fingers closer to the spine, and pushed there. 
“OhgodohgohohOHOHOD!” Patton kicked his feet wildly and pounded the ground with his fists. 
“Holy-” Roman quickly got his hands off him, terrified he went too far. “Sorry! I’m sorry.” Roman attempted to wipe the tickles off as best he could. 
Patton giggled and rolled himself onto his back. “Ihihi’m tihihired.” Patton admitted. 
“Tired bean?” Roman asked, poking his belly. “Ye-EHEhes! Yeheah. Sleepy eepy.” Patton admitted. 
“Sleepy eepy.” Roman summoned a fluffy blanket and a dog stuffy. 
Patton gasped and hugged the stuffy. “Thomas’s first stuffy!” Patton reacted. 
Roman giggled and laid down beside him. “Is your neck better?” Roman asked. 
Patton bent his head to the right and left, twisting his neck around, just making little popping sounds with his spine and joints. “Oooookay.” Patton leaned his head back, making the spine between his shoulder blades snap and pop. “Yes! I feel so much better.” Patton replied. 
When he looked at Roman to get his approval though…Patton would discover that Roman was staring at him with his jaw dropped, and his eyes the size of saucers. 
“...What?” Patton asked. 
“18 cracks…” Roman muttered. 
Patton laughed and opened his jaw a bit, making two more pops. “20.” Patton said with a smirk. 
Roman sighed and shivered, disturbed by Patton’s bad, yet flexible back. But this only made Patton laugh at him more. Something about Roman’s disturbed reaction was absolutely hilarious to Pat. To calm him down, Patton wrapped his arms around him and gave him a side hug. This, thankfully, helped Roman calm down. His back may be screwed beyond fixing…but that’ll never stop Patton from giving everyone all the love they need. 
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lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 14 - self-interest (oc x cannon)
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Asmodeus x GN!MC
- Ahhh, MC~ Asmodeus flew into the human room and sighed very dramatically.
- Asmo? What happened? - they quickly got up and walked over to him.
The demon leaned on the human's shoulders and sighed again.
- What happened? - MC again tried to ask the Avatar of Lust what the matter was.
- I miiiissed you sooooo muuuuuuch - he pulled every word to be more dramatic.
Human looked at him.
- Asmo, I missed you too, but I thought that something really terrible had happened.
- And there is! We haven't seen each other all night! - the demon whimpered. - I really wanted to hug you tonight, but I had to hug myself.
- It doesn't seem so bad. - MC giggled.
- Hmph. You just don't take it seriously!
Asmo crossed his arms and resentfully sat down on the human's bed.
MC rolled their eyes and sat down next to him.
- What can I do for you?
Asmodeus was silent.
- Asmo~
Silence again.
- Oh, I know you just want me to tickle you~ they wiggled their fingers in the air.
- Nope - he puffed out his cheeks.
- Hm? Nope? - the human hugged the Avtar of Lust from behind. - Looks like someone is lying to me.
MC got under the demon's shirt.
- C-cold.
- You said yourself that the cold is good. - they smiled sweetly.
Fingers began to draw on Avatar of Lust's belly.
- Asmo, I'm sorry. Yes, the fact that we didn't see each other all night is very bad. - they drew hearts. - I'm sorry I took it that way.
Asmodeus began to squirm and bit the inside of his cheek.
- Asmo, I want to hear your beautiful laugh, please. - they made puppy eyes.
- Mmmhh
- You leave me no choice.
After these words, MC grabbed the demon by the shoulders and pulled him down so that he lay down on the bed. They grabbed his foot in a sock and put it between his elbow.
- MC, nohoho
- MC yes~ their nails started to gently run all over Avtar Lust's foot.
Peach-haired began to squeak and squirm.
- Ahahaha nohoho fahahahair, thihihihis is a forbihihidden tehehehchnique.
- Hehe, I don't remember that we agreed. And you love it so much
- I dohohoho nohohot deheheny.
- Aww, the only demon who does not hide his ticklishness and love for it. - they began to tickle faster.
- AHAH! MC - with his free leg, he began to wiggle in the air.
- Tickle tickle little tootsies~ fingers are tickled under the toes.
- NohoHOHOHOHO MC - Asmo hugged himself and squealed.
- Aww, but you love it.
- Yehehehehes, buhat plehehehase slohohow dohohown. - the demon squeaked.
- Hmm, ok, but first, do you forgive me?~
- Yehehehes, yehehehes, ahand yehehehes agahahahain, plehehehase. - his perfect hair was disheveled.
MC stopped and hugged the Avatar of Lust.
- I'm so glad you forgave me. - they smiled.
- Mmm, hohow could I not forgihihive yohou. - Asmodeus started to purr as MC started stroking his head.
- Hehe, then I propose to sleep together tonight. - the human smiled.
- Really?
They nodded and the demon hugged them tighter.
- Yay! I'm happy! - he kissed them. - So I'll have a whole evening to take revenge you~"
- What?!
- Hehe, nothing, my love.
My sketch for last year's tickletober^^
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nekoma-not-lee · 2 years
Day 14 - Self Insert
C!Tommy, C!Tubbo, C!Ranboo/C!Nekoma PLATONIC
Triggers - mentions of scars
Nekoma was trekking through the snow on their way to Snowchester. They weren’t the best with the cold even though they lived in the end, so they tried to get there as fast as possible. They were invited over for movie night and the benchtrio wouldn’t take no for an answer, so here they were in front of the mansion. They gave a soft knock on the front door, and waited for a few seconds, considering turning back when the door opened to reveal Tubbo.
“Neko! Come in!” He urgently rushed them inside before they could get second thoughts about being here. Then Tubbo started babbling, “Ranboo and Tommy are out getting cookies from Niki right now, so it’s just us two until they get back, and Michael, but he’s asleep!” Nekoma was being shoved gently by Tubbo towards the couch, while they half listened to Tubbo and half regretted their life choices. They honestly were going to say no until they realized they didn’t get a say in the matter.
After all, they were far too busy renovating the floating islands, moving the animals indoors for the winter. Of course the trio of minors thought that they worked too much and basically forced them to take a break, much to their dismay. So here they were, tuning out Tubbo’s excited chattering. Then they were startled by a poke by Tubbo a couple minutes later, “Neko, are you even listening?” They froze up at the poke and blinked a few times refusing to make eye contact with him, “Yes…?” Tubbo was confused at the sudden change in their demeanor, tilting his head, “You good, man?”
“Am I ever good…?” They half joked, with a tilt of their head. Of course their monotone expression never changed, even as they joked. Tubbo narrowed his eyes at Neko, “This is no time for jokes, did I hurt you or something, wait don’t answer that I know you’ll say no whether it’s the truth or not, lemme just check myself!” Tubbo babbled on and on, reaching for the spot he had poked. Nekoma didn’t really care, and allowed him to lift the part of their cropped sweater to expose the place he poked.
When he revealed the skin underneath, he gasped, noticing loads of scarring, mainly from burns from the rain, others from fights that they had won. Tubbo curiously and cautiously poked at one of the scars, being as gentle as he could be. The poke produced a small squeak from the ender dragon spawn, causing them to cover their mouth in surprise. Tubbo looked up at Neko, took in their flushed features, and smiled, finally realizing what was going on. Tubbo then smirked, “Nekoooooo~” Said dragon tilted their head, “…..yeahhhh???”
“Are you ticklish?~” Tubbo’s question sounded innocent enough, but Nekoma knew he had ulterior motives. Either way they answered, Tubbo was gonna test it out, and they knew that, “Ummm….isn’t that a mortal flaw? Us gods don’t have the same nerve endings as mortals do….we can’t get…what was the word?” They didn’t actually forget the word, they just refused to say it because for some reason it made them flustered. “Ticklish was the word! So if I were to test that, you wouldn’t mind…would you?~” Tubbo didn’t wait for an answer and pounced on Neko, but of course they were expecting this, nabbing Tubbo’s wrists.
But suddenly Tommy and Ranboo returned, entering the mansion, “We’re baaaaackkkkk!” Tommy yelled out, then suddenly they both had eyes on the situation their two friends were in, Tubbo trying to escape so they can pin them down, “Guysssss help! Neko won’t let me tickle themmmm!” Tubbo whined, pouting. Tommy and Ranboo took one look at Neko after that, before they were pinned down by Tommy and Ranboo, with Tubbo’s hands freed. Now let’s just be clear, if they really didn’t want this to happen, they could easily escape or tell them not to and they’d listen. But let’s be honest, Neko has never been tickled before and is curious what it feels like, that’s the only reason, it’s not like they’ll like it right?”
But of course the trio knew that if they didn’t want this, they could escape, which was why they didn’t hold back. Tubbo’s fingers started pinching all along their ribs, near where he poked the first time. Nekoma’s mouth quirked upwards and then they let out a squeak as Tommy’s hands then found their hips, squeezing, gently. They were attempting to holdback their giggles, but when Ranboo’s hands joined in at their knees, they instantly crumbled, letting out high pitched peals of laughter, so unlike their monotone voice. “THAHAHAT FEHEHEELS WEHEHEIRD!” Tubbo awed, “Wait have you not been tickled before, we’re so lucky to have been the first!”
Nekoma squealed and giggled all throughout the night, but never once did they ask for it to stop. They did eventually stop, but Neko’s got stamina so they weren’t even phased after they calmed down. The trio never pointed out how Neko never asked for them to stop. But why wouldn’t they? Maybe they liked it? …Nahhh, they would never, they’re above such mortal activities. They all ended up having a sleepover, Nekoma for once…sleeping soundly without any care in the world other than who was there with them…they swore to themselves….that they would protect them…at all costs…
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fluffomatic · 11 months
Tickletober Day 14, Soft
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Kingdom Hearts brain rot go brrrrrr! I like the idea of Donald and Goofy teasing their friend when they get in the Gummi Ship cause it "Runs on Laughter". So, anytime Sora shows even the littlest hint of sadness? The two softy tickle him until he can't help but be happy~!
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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lee-lucius · 11 months
Tickletober Day 14: Soft
Summary: On a shared day off, Tanjiro and Muchiro spend it together reminiscing about their childhoods, and Tanjiro discovers something very interesting about his friend.
Word Count: 2,001
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Muichiro rarely took days off. He had the option to but found it unnecessary unless he needed to recover from injuries. Before he recovered his memories, there was no reason to. He had nothing he wanted to do, no one he wanted to be with. He knew nothing of his previous life or family, and his only motivation was the ever-present rage that grounded him. 
Now, he knew what had happened to his family. There was still little reason for him to spend his time doing anything other than training and killing demons. He was a Hashira after all, his time was more valuable than the other slayers. 
But when Tanjiro had sent him a letter asking to spend some time together, he supposed he could take one day off.
Muichiro met him at the Butterfly Mansion. Tanjiro had written in his letter that he was recovering from some minor injuries he'd incurred on a mission, but Muichiro hadn't been prepared for the extent of them or the spark of anger that flared in him.
"Are you alright?" He asked, reaching up to gingerly touch the bandage around Tanjiro's head.
"I'm fine. Don't worry, it's worse than it looks," He reassured, smile as blinding as usual. Besides the bandages around his head and neck, he was walking with a noticeable limp in his right leg, and without his haori on, Muichiro could see more bandages around his ribs.
He didn't believe Tanjiro but didn't push. Instead he continued to worriedly examine Tanjiro, despite his protests, until he was satisfied. 
"It really isn't that bad! Miss Shinobu even said I could leave and go to town!"
"Oh, you don't want to? Did you have something else in mind?"
"You're still injured. You shouldn't leave. Can you even walk?" Muichiro asked, looking around Tanjiro's private room. He didn't see any crutches.
"Mhm! I can get around fine!" He insisted, standing from his seat on the bed and walking around the room for emphasis. Muichiro didn't seem impressed, making Tanjiro pout as he grabbed his robe and haori, slipping both on. He would have earlier, but he didn't realize how quickly Muichiro would arrive. 
"We'll stay here. I'll ask one of the girls to bring us a meal," Muichiro told him and was leaving before Tanjiro could react.
He didn't really mind. He thought they would enjoy a peaceful day walking around town, but he was content as long as he got to see Muichiro. They wrote to each other regularly, but it was rare to get to spend time together. He always treasured it when they could.
Muichiro returned quickly with Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho, each carrying food that they deposited on the table. The three girls huddled around Tanjiro, chattering with him for a few minutes before they left to return to their chores. 
The two boys kneeled across from each other at the table. As they began eating, an awkward silence fell over them. Tanjiro, while normally sociable, always found himself struggling to speak with Muichiro. It was easier when they wrote letters, when he didn't completely lose all sense looking at Muichiro, when the odd, pleasant warmth wasn't overwhelming.
Before he realized it, he was drawn out of his thoughts and blurted, "There's sakura mochi!"
Muichiro smiled at him, tilting his head to the side. "Is that your favorite?"
"No, but it's not little sister Hanako's absolute favorite! We only ever had it a few times, but she loves it! She practically drools anytime she sees it," He said, laughing at the fond memory.
"I didn't know you had any siblings other than Nezuko."
Tanjiro stilled, his smile tightening as a sad look passed over his face. "They passed. When Nezuko was turned…"
They were silent again. Muichiro waited for Tanjiro to continue speaking; he didn't. 
"I had an older brother," Muichiro began, "A twin. I couldn't remember him for a long time."
"That's awful," he frowned.
"It's okay," he smiled. It was better remembering. "I don't know what his favorite food was. We never had much, so we took what we could."
"We didn't either. I sold charcoal to support us."
"We provided for ourselves after our parents passed. He was always mad at me. And cold. Said I never worked hard enough or fast enough."
"That sounds a little like my brother Takeo! He could be a little harsh sometimes, but he's really a sweet kid."
"How many siblings do you have?"
He told him and named them, and they talked about them and Muichiro's brother. Tanjiro told him things that he hadn't thought about in years, because there was always something going on, some other threat, and there was rarely a moment for reflection like this. Once he got started, it was surprisingly easy for Tanjiro to talk about. There was almost something comforting about it, like a weight he hadn't realized was there was being lifted off of his chest.
Muichiro told him things too, about his brother and parents; memories that had barely just returned to him. Tanjiro wondered if it was as cathartic for him. It must have been, because neither of them could find it in them to stop talking, sharing stories until they were both smiling and laughing, feeling oddly at ease in having someone that understood and being able to escape that pain for a few moments. 
"I used to be a crybaby. It always annoyed him."
Tanjiro laughed good-naturedly. Muichiro didn't think he could do anything otherwise; he didn't have an ounce of malice in his body. "Really? It's hard to imagine with how you are now."
"Yeah. I don't think he liked seeing me upset. He always tried to cheer me up," Muichiro abandoned his half-eaten meal, shoving it away from him and busying his fingers with untangling his hair.
"How?" Tanjiro asked, tilting his head curiously. He also had stopped eating, but it seemed as if he had forgotten his food was there, as if all of his focus was on Muichiro. It was an odd feeling.
"Oh, he used to tickle me."
"I do that to my little siblings too! It's so cute whe—" Tanjiro cut himself off, staring at him with his mouth agape. "Wait! You're ticklish?"
"Uh, yeah," He felt his face redden slightly and blew a stray strand of hair out of his face. "Is that… not normal?"
"Oh, no!" Tanjiro shook his head, waving his hands, "I didn't mean anything bad by it! It's perfectly normal; I am too! I was only surprised considering how you were when we first met. I would have never thought that you were ticklish, though I guess it isn't more surprising than Genya…"
Muichiro laughed at Tanjiro's rambling and thought back to his earlier words, "You're a good big brother."
His eyes clouded over as he thought of Yuchiro. His memories had returned, but it still felt as if a piece of him was missing without his brother. There was a constant, piercing ache in his heart that oddly felt less painful the they talked, every word dulling the pain, if only for the moment. It helped, being here with Tanjiro.
He was drawn out of his thoughts when Tanjiro poked him in the side, making him shy away. He hadn't noticed when Tanjiro moved next to him. Had he missed something important again? 
"You seem a little down today. It's a good thing I know how to cheer you up!" 
Tanjiro poked his side again, and Muichiro bit the inside of his cheek. He eyed Tanjiro cautiously and was greeted by a kind smile and gentle eyes that made his heart stutter. He trusted Tanjiro and knew he would never intentionally hurt him; it wasn't something he'd experienced in years, but if it ever were to happen again, he supposed he wouldn't mind if it was Tanjiro. After all, he had enjoyed those rare moments when his brother was affectionate.
Besides, it was nice to see Tanjiro smiling like that. Muichiro would do anything to keep him smiling like that.
"It's been awhile. I don't know if I'm still ticklish."
"Want to find out?" His eyes sparkled.
"Yeah," Muichiro's face felt hot.
"Okay," Tanjiro was kneeled beside him on the mats, earnest eyes that Muichiro couldn't meet bore into his skin as he skittered his fingers across his stomach. "Then let's try here!"
He gasped, squirming at the nostalgic sensation. "It seems like you still are! Now let's try somewhere else…"
Tanjiro tweaked his ribs, delighting in the small huffs he elicited from the other boy and his widening smile. His touch was gentle, barely ghosting over his skin in a way that left a tingling sensation long after the touch and made him yearn for more.
"You… don't have to—to be soho… gentle. I'm nahat that… fragile," Muichiro managed between his breathy giggles.
"If that's what you want!" Tanjiro's smile widened as he dug his fingers into his ribs. 
He squeaked, bursting into rapid giggles at the intense sensations. He clutched his hands into fists, straining to keep them at his side and ignored his instinct to curl up into a ball.
Tanjiro's touch was still light, allowing him to enjoy the sensation without desperately needing to escape. It was so different from Yuchiro. He tickled him mercilessly, wrecking him in his worst spots until his laughter was silent and he was on the verge of tears. It was awful but also left him feeling so light-headed and giddy he couldn't wait for it to happen again.
Tanjiro's hands shifted, moving to gently glide his short nails along Muichiro's back to give him a break.
Muichiro made an inhuman noise, giggles becoming louder and more rapid as he doubled over. He clenched his hands in Tanjiro's haori as he buried his face in his chest, too distracted by the ticklish sensations to realize how embarrassing their position was.
"Are you alright?" Tanjiro asked, stifling a laugh and temporarily stilling his hands.
He nodded against his chest, still giggling, and Tanjiro resumed his playful attack, making him writhe and shriek.
"That's good, because I'm really enjoying this! Your laugh is so cute!"
He bit back a groan, shaking his head that was still resting on Tanjiro's chest.
"You don't think it's cute?"
"Ihihihits nahahahaht!"
"Yes it is! It's adorable!"
"Nohoho! I behet yohohohours ihihis cuhuhuhuter!" 
"Wha—no it's not!" Tanjiro exclaimed, and the tickling suddenly stopped.
Muichiro's face burned as he realized what he'd said and their intimate position. Tanjiro was practically hugging him, and Muichiro was clinging to him. But he didn't want to stop. He was still lightly giggling when he finally mustered enough courage to peek up at Tanjiro. 
His face was as red as Muichiro's, his smile wide, and his eyes nervous. He didn't know what to make of that.
"I… I think you're cute," Tanjiro finally spoke up, voice hushed.
Muichiro's throat was dry. He didn't know if it was his or Tanjiro's heart that was beating so fast. 
He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but it was enough for Tanjiro's face to fall as if anticipating a rejection. He wouldn't get one.
Muichiro leaned closer, and before he realized what he was doing, he'd pressed a kiss to Tanjiro's cheek.
His smile was more radiant than Muichiro had ever seen it. Tanjiro reached out his hand to smooth out Muichiro's frazzled hair. 
After what felt like an eternity, Tanjiro said, "I like you."
He couldn't quite meet his eyes. "Me too."
This time, Tanjiro leaned in, and Muichiro met him halfway, sinking into the short, soft kiss—his first kiss.
Then Tanjiro pulled him into a hug, gently cradling him and burying his face into his shoulder, but Muichiro could still imagine the blinding grin and the red flush he must've had.
Once again, they sat together in silence, one that was comfortable and reflective, and Muichiro found himself quite thankful that he had taken the day off.
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fluffyweeby · 11 months
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Tickletober day 14 - Soft
Prompts by @tickletober
Cuddles and soft tickles after a long day >>>>>
Also I can imagine Kaveh being the one initiating the snuggles to which Alhaitam would complain but he would always lay down so that they could cuddle comfy.
Happy tktober everyone! 💜
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Constellations of Your Skin
AN: Today’s prompt was perfect for snowbaz, & I haven’t written for them in ages. These boys are so in love & so soft for each other. This is everything Baz has ever dreamed of.
Baz was completely obsessed with Simon. Had been since the day they met, but now that they were together, he didn't have to hide this fact. And he didn't have to refrain himself from running his hands through golden hair.
It was a quiet morning, the two of them wrapped in each other's limbs as the sun filtered in through the window. They were bathed in warm light, the sheets wadded and tangled around their legs. They were both awake, but too tired to speak, letting the peaceful silence ease them into the day ahead of them.
Baz let his hands roam lazily over Simon's body, grazing over the freckled skin.
"I've wanted to do this for ages," he said, barely audible. Simon grinned up at him.
"Oh really now?" he asked, clearly amused.
"Mhm. I used to daydream about tracing the constellations of your freckles," he hummed, rubbing up and down his back. Simon sighed, pressing into the touch.
"Is that so?" he purred, looking up at him. Simon ran hot, so he slept shirtless, his bare torso laying on top of him. He adjusted himself to meet his gaze. "What's stopping you now?"
Baz tilted his head in thought. What was holding him back? He supposed nothing.
He smiled, flashing his fangs. "Nothing, I guess."
He started on his arm, connecting three prominent moles in a triangle. "That's the Bermuda Triangle," he said, smiling when Simon snickered. He moved up his arm, tracing over the freckles on his bicep. "And this one is a coiled snake."
Simon craned his neck to try and see, the corners of his lips quirking into a smile. His fingers continued their journey, over his shoulder and down his spine. He gasped, arching away from the touch.
"What's the matter?" he asked, a teasing smirk playing at his mouth.
"N-nothing," he said, squeezing his eyes shut. Baz continued drawing lines from one mole to another, leaving goosebumps in his wake.
"Really? 'Cause it seems to me... like you might be, just a little..." he spoke ever so slowly, leaning in until his lips brushed over his ear, "Ticklish."
Simon's cheeks flushed pink and he hid his face in the crook of Baz's neck. "No," he insisted rather weakly.
"Alright, then this shouldn't bother you," he said smoothly. Without warning, he scratched at the base of his spine, sending him into a snorty giggle fit.
Baz had waited an eternity to trace the constellations on Simon Snow's skin. And every second had been worth it.
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ticklygiggles · 11 months
Miya&Mia's Tickletober Day 14 - Roleplay
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A/N: It's still October 14th here! We have a rushed ugly fic but I hope you enjoy it! Also, no beta read! Sooorryyyyy
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Xie Lian giggled as he adjusted the eyepatch on his own right eye. He looked at himself in the mirror and his smile was so wide that Hua Cheng, who was watching from behind, almost felt heat on his always cold cheeks. Hua Cheng's red clothes were slightly loose and a little long, but from then on, the outfit fit him perfectly. Even that stupid hand-embroidered belt that hugged his waist. 
"I didn't know gege would enjoy wearing my clothes this much," Hua Cheng purred, a smirk pulling at his lips. "His Highness should've told me earlier."
Xie Lian turned to face his husband and his eyes twinkled. It was rare to see Hua Cheng wearing such light-color clothing and Xie Lian had second thoughts about this little game. His worn white robe looked ridiculous on someone as elegant and absolutely breathtaking as Hua Cheng. He looked beautiful in every way, but the clothes did not do justice to everything that Hua Cheng was. 
He hummed, frowning slightly. 
"What is the matter, Your Highness? Do I make that face often? That is something terrible."
Hua Cheng's comment made Xie Lian's lips spread into a bright smile, something very unlikely in Hua Cheng. 
"I am sure I do not tease you like that, gege," he said and he laughed loudly when Hua Cheng's eye widened. "What's the matter, gege? Did you like that so much?" His worries were quickly forgotten, he knew that Hua Cheng would never judge his clothes, in fact, he thought that after this little role-play, Hua Cheng would buy him three new tunics of the best fabric. 
Hua Cheng opened and closed his mouth a few times like a fish out of water and Xie Lian had to laugh, but he tried to make his laughter sound a bit deep and teasy like Hua Cheng's. Smirking playfully and mischievously like Hua Cheng always did, he hugged his lover's waist, one stray hand going to grab his ass. 
Hua Cheng gasped loudly, jumping a little. "Y-Your Highness! A-Ah," he gulped, jumping again when he felt another squeeze. "I- I mean, San Lang."
Xie Lian was around a head smaller than Hua Cheng, so he had to throw his head back a little to look at his husband's face directly. He chuckled when he saw how flustered he had become. His fair cheeks were as white as ever, no blood rushing through them, but he looked nervous and his eye was still wide, looking at Xie Lian. 
Xie Lian giggled. "Good job, His Highness. Don't forget who you are right now." 
"San Lang is teasing me too much," Hua Cheng said slowly and Xie Lian felt his ears getting a little hot when he heard that phrase he said at least twice a day. 
"Oh? I thought gege loved it when I teased him. Don't you love me anymore, Your Highness?" 
Hua Cheng was at a loss for words, and Xie Lian was very surprised to have his husband like this. It was extremely adorable, he thought he understood why Hua Cheng enjoyed teasing him so much. 
Xie Lian giggled, suddenly lowering himself so he could pick Hua Cheng up, bridal style. Hua Cheng gasped, clinging to Xie Lian's neck as the Crown Prince walked them to their divan, where he placed Hua Cheng gently before laying on top of him. 
Hua Cheng chuckled, his hands going to grab Xie Lian, but he held his wrists and quickly pinned them up above Hua Cheng's head, making him gasp. 
"Oops, did gege want to hold me? What a shame, now he can't."
"S-San Lang," Hua Cheng whined. "Why- ah! G-Gege, wahait, nohohot-"
"Ah-ah, I am no gege, Your Highness. I am San Lang and San Lang loves to tickle His Highness." 
Hua Cheng broke into loud giggles as he felt fingers skittering against one of his hips. He tried to pull his arms down, but Xie Lian was holding him tightly. 
"That's you, silly."
"Sahahan Lahahang! Plehehease, nohohot tihihick- AHAHA!" 
Xie Lian giggled to himself as he squeezed Hua Cheng's hips, jumping from one to the other to have him jumping and shrieking with laughter. He knew his husband wasn't used to tickling at all, Xie Lian was on the receiving end most of the times, so a few squeezes were enough to have Hua Cheng laughing nearly in hysterics. 
He was so cute. 
"Oh? I always forget how ticklish His Highness is," he purred like Hua Cheng usually did. "I can't seem to get enough of his beautiful laughter so I must tickle him more!" 
"S-SAHAHAN LAHAHANG! Plehehease, not thehehere!" He cackled when Xie Lian moved his hands to his inner thighs. "Unfahahair!"
"How is this unfair, gege? It's not my fault you are so ticklish!" 
If Hua Cheng could blush, Xie Lian had a feeling he'd be flushing to his ears right now, or at least he knew he would be blushing out of his mind with his husband tickling him mercilessly, but that was something he often did.
"Maybe if gege gives me a kiss…"
"YEHEHES! Yehehehes, Sahahahan Lahahang!" 
Xie Lian laughed, letting go of Hua Cheng's wrists and quickly burying his hands under his arms to keep tickling him. Hua Cheng's laughter ringed deliciously through the whole Manor as Xie Lian tickled him. He never thought he'd enjoy this silly idea so much, but he hoped Hua Cheng would be up to try this some other time again. 
"I sahahahaid I'll kihihiss you!" 
Xie Lian giggled, "ah you're right, but I will tell you when!"
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nhasablogg · 2 years
Tickletober Day 14 - Tracing 2.0
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death
Characters: Lucius/Pete
A/N: I wasn’t the biggest fan of how this was turning out and so I didn’t finish it, but since my day 14 fic ended up being short anyway I’m posting this as bonus content, even though it’s unfinished.
Words: 317
[Tickletober prompts]
Pete kept touching him. Lucius knew it wasn’t always on purpose, and yet he found himself leaning into every touch. Had he been like many of his crewmates and terrified of feelings it might’ve been alarming, but Lucius found he enjoyed it.
“That tickles,” he said absentmindedly, watching Pete trace a finger over his knee without seemingly being aware of it.
He looked up. “Oh?” Something flickered across his face and his previously empty stare turned mischievous. “I didn’t know you were ticklish, honey.”
Lucius rolled his eyes. “Don’t even try. I know you’re worse.”
“That sounds like you’re scared.”
Lucius raised his eyebrows. “Oh, okay, go for it then.”
Perhaps Lucius hadn’t actually expected him to be able to properly pin him to tickle him, but Pete, as he often did, surprised him by doing just that. 
Lucius blinked up at him, suddenly on the ground. “Wait-”
“I want to see just how bad your knees are.”
Pete reached one hand behind him, blindly feeling Lucius’ leg until he found his kneecap and started spidering over it. Lucius tried to bend his knee on instinct, giving Pete better access to it. He turned around fully and grabbed Lucius’ shin to keep his leg in place and started scribbling over the skin in earnest. That was when Lucius finally laughed, unable to hold it in. Giggles bubbled up, continuously pouring out despite how much he tried to stop them, circling around the words he managed to choke out as he started begging for mercy much quicker than he’d expected he would.
It tickled so fucking badly.
“Pete!” he cried, sitting up but managing only to claw weakly at Pete’s shirt. “Okay, okay, I get it!”
“Get what?” Pete moved upward to trace over Lucius’ thigh, the touch so gentle it nearly made him scream. “That you’re ticklish?”
“Yes, fine, I am!”
“Oh, I never doubted that.”
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intheticklecloset · 11 months
TickleTober Day #14: Ghost
Soukoku (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Chuuya was used to Dazai’s depressive moods. He had them fairly often; he’d slink away into their bedroom to sulk or sometimes go on a really long walk that made the redhead worry until he finally came back through the door at some ungodly hour of the morning.
But this…this was different, somehow.
“Yo, Dazai,” Chuuya said, snapping his fingers to get his partner’s attention. “I need a drink. Let’s go to a bar.”
Usually Dazai would indulge him, even if he wasn’t really up to it. And then he’d drink too much and Chuuya would have to drag him home and—
“Not today, chibi,” Dazai replied. He offered a sad smile – definitely not like him – and added, “but you can go if you want.”
Chuuya frowned. “The hell is wrong with you? You always want to go out with me, even when you’re depressed.”
Dazai’s answering silence was all Chuuya needed to realize something was really wrong this time.
“Hey…what’s up?” he asked, sitting beside him on the couch. “You really don’t seem okay.”
The detective took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, looking up at the ceiling as though recalling some long-lost memory.
“It was today.”
The redhead blinked at him. He frowned. Then the words sank in, and he gasped.
He didn’t know much about the friend Dazai had lost years before – the catalyst to his leaving the mafia – but he knew how important said friend had been, how it had torn Dazai up to lose him, and today was…
“Shit, I’m…I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was today.” Chuuya coughed awkwardly. “Um…is there…anything you need? Anything I can do?”
Dazai started to shake his head, but then he stopped, and for a moment the mafioso felt a glimmer of hope. There was something he could do!
But then he saw the gleam in his partner’s eyes.
“Can I tickle you, chibi?” the detective asked.
Chuuya shivered and scooted away from him slightly. “The hell? What will that do? You’re just messing with—”
“I love making you laugh,” Dazai said softly, genuinely. “It always lifts my spirits.”
Chuuya closed his eyes. He took a deep breath. Let it out in a huff as he tossed his hat to the floor in preparation. “Fine, you freak. On one condition.”
Dazai was already crawling on top of him. “Yes?”
“S-Stay away from my thighs, okay?” Chuuya stammered, blushing at how excited Dazai looked now, how his mood had flipped entirely just because he was willing to help him in this way. “Please – anywhere else but there.”
The detective was smiling, nodding, and fingers were suddenly in Chuuya’s ribs, making him choke on startled giggles and squirm and whine. He couldn’t believe he was doing this. Why was he doing this?
Dazai squeezed his hips, and Chuuya bucked and let out a shriek, and his partner’s eyes lit up like a fireworks show and oh.
That was why.
It was worth it to watch the ghosts of Dazai’s past leave him in peace, if only for the moment.
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thebest-medicine · 6 months
I finished 2 more tickletober fics today! they’ll be up in the next day or two
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