#listen. the old games and the less old games were hella fun
umbrellamedic · 1 year
//not today because i’ve been filled with RAGE since realizing 6/1 didn’t mean midnight on 6/1, BUT. i am gonna be adding a Street Fighter verse that blends RE and SF so that’ll be fun and exciting. I’m hoping to do so in a way that it can work with RE characters not having to now/have dick all to do with SF. think of, uh, like a hybrid of a BOW and the shit Bison did to Ken in 2 the animated movie :)
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Eventually gonna actually put the DBD verse in detail here and maybe try to remember the perks i made for her a billion years ago and promptly forgot to write down. and try to fix the blog up to be easier to see
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beautifulweird0 · 4 years
Forgiving Your Parents
I know too many people who’ve experienced some form of trauma from their parents. This isn’t a blog about bashing your folks- this is hopefully a post that will help salvage some strained parent and child relationships. Cause I been there, done that-and understanding your parent is only feasible if your parent is interested in understanding you.
My disclaimer is this: The child isn’t responsible for mending the relationship...solely. I’mma tell you like this, if your parent doesn’t want anything to do with you...skip em’.
   Because that’s backwards as hell and that takes away from loving yourself. Anyway you chop it, if you find yourself forcing yourself on a “parent”, the relationship isn’t going to go anywhere-AND THAT’S NOT YOUR FAULT OR CONCERN. YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL! YOU ARE EXTREMELY WORTHY. I’m so sorry your people ain’t solid; it’s a reflection of them-not you.
It’s my belief that something is wrong with a person if they want no parts of having a relationship with their child. Literally so messed up from their own unhealed traumas that they can’t find it within themselves to love someone they created…
Ain’t no fixing on that unless you take they ass to a therapist.
Moving on.
I’ve always had such a strong feeling in my gut when I come across new people. It’s like they look at me and think I got it all. Truly looking at me and seeing a woman who doesn’t have insecurities or childhood traumas spotted along her path cause I’m kind and always make it a point to smile like Granny told me.
    I’m usually a private person. But its always been that ‘pull’ on me-telling me… “It’s another little girl that is going through the same stuff you went through. Say that shit anyway. And with your chest.” .
Think about it...
Can’t a soul embarrass you about some stuff you open about. That takes all the fun out of their miserable lives if folks know wassup already.
    So as a 22 year old woman that been through some mess with her people, let me share pieces of me. Cause the last thing you want on your conscience is one of your parents passing and ya’ll not being on the best of terms.
I was listening to Mad Bitches the other day and Mikhala Jene said something along the lines of, “Nobody living is perfect”.
That hit me a little different. Like damn...nobody walks this earth perfect so...why do we expect perfection (again, subconsciously).
   This is why I say if your parent is trying, then work with them. If they sit down with you and tell you how life was for them coming up. The good parts, the ugly parts, and everything in-between. Trying their best to be authentic and build a bond, then meet em’ halfway (if they haven’t been on some stuff that’s just unforgivable).
And shit, our people ain’t have everything at their fingertips as we do. The apps that spread information quicker than you could sneeze, weren't available. They couldn’t go on a ‘self-care’ page to calm themselves down if triggered or go on YouTube and watch motivational videos. Not making excuses, just using a little perspective that helps me! Yet and still, let your parent(s) know if they did something to wrong you; you gotta’ have respect for yourself as a human. Period.
   I didn’t find out who my biological father was until I was about 16 years old. Up until that point I believed another man was my father (which he is still and will always be!).
Sooo...I already had abandonment issues from my parents and my dad lived in a way at that time, that all parties involved thought it was best my grandparents took us in. That’s all I know is Granny’s (& Grandpa’s) house since I was a baby.
    It helped that when my mom told me who my biological dad was, she was in a much better state of mind and stable-but man...I didn’t know what to feel. My sister was more upset than me (cause we have the same dad hypothetically).
     So many questions ran through my head that I couldn’t even cry or be mad. I was shocked. Everyone played their role so well…
There was a long road ahead of me. Not only did I have to forgive my mom and dad for lying to me for so long, but there was a father in the same city I had yet to know.
My first point is patience. If you aren’t going to be patient with an end goal for you and your parent, you’re wasting your time. Being prepared for them to fumble sometimes is mandatory if y’all going to get to a better place. You mess up on certain projects or what have you’s a few times before you get it right...right?
Give your parent the same energy if you were in their shoes. Cause baby...ain’t nothing worse than admitting your wrongs and still getting beat down. I couldn’t bring myself to be mad at my mom in that moment where she was vulnerable and upset cause she knew she played a part in hurting me. What was it gone do but make me feel bad and her feel worse?
     Blowing up wasn’t going to change what happened now 22 years ago.
Yeah, there’s hella’ books on parenting but I’mma tell y’all like my Granny told me, “There’s no such thing as a book on how to be a parent.”.
Having a child of my own- I’ve been witness to this. Folks can be shown and folks can be told on how to do certain things but with each child being different in this world, you have to be intune with them specifically- no book on that.
I was through hell and back with my mother and now we’re in an extremely better place because we both made the effort (more-so on her part 🌚).
But it was my responsibility to go into it with pure intentions and my guard down a bit after she made the effort; disappointment is what I expected sometimes cause I went into it knowing it was going to be a process.
Don’t get it confused,  my mom always knew how I was-that wasn’t the issue. The new end goal was getting to know each other again so I could understand her better so I could forgive her. That’s no sucka’ shit. Its real. Everybody in this life is going to disappoint you, one way or another. Better to know what you’re dealing with so you can assess the situation in order to better assess the person. Free game.
Another step to keep in mind is, boundaries. I just feel like it will make the whole exchange smoother-not easier- but smoother. The point of forgiving your parents and (if you chose) trying to build a relationship, is to have them know you for who you are NOW. Not when you were 5, not when you was 12...have them meet you at your level. They dropped the ball, not you. Sure...nobody asked to be here but that becomes invalid when you start having babies of your own. It’s a different ball game when you bring a life into this world. Your joys become the joy of your children but way too often we forget that our pain becomes theirs as well.
My father always tried too-the dad that I always knew as my dad. On weekends me and my sister would go to his house before he moved to Michigan. Man I was a daddies girl-still am. My grandparents had the house on lock, couldn't watch programs with cussing in it or too much violence. Life of having Southern Baptist grandparents I guess.
 The weekends at pops house was always interesting. I could watch all the music videos I wanted and watch the movies that didn't have too much goin on in them.
My dad would do different stuff with us like go to the library; he always knew I loved reading. Sometimes my dad would take us to the park or a friends house who had kids (how I met my husband), water parks, or even cooking dinner with me and my sister; plenty of quality time where I could talk to him about anything.
However, at the time, pops lived a certain lifestyle and no matter how hard he tried to shield it from us younger kids, I still seen things and experienced things a child shouldn't have. Again, comes with the lifestyle I guess.
My dad drunk...ALOT. And it was interesting to see the 'upsides' of alchoholism and the very big downsides. I'd never forget, I was maybe 8? Another weekend at my dads, just me and my sister (I have multiple brothers on that side too plus another sister), and I woke up one morning on the couch. My dad was goin through some things- all he had was a couch that he let me and my little sister sleep on. My 1st thought when I woke up was where was my dad sleeping? My sister was sleep, and it was still fairly early in the morning. I go back to the empty bedroom to find him sleep on the floor. No pillow. No cover. Just a beer in hand, laid out. That broke my heart.
Just remember feeling sad all over. I took the beer, threw it away then grabbed the pillow I had and laid it under his head. While doing so, my dad woke up, halfway and kissed my hand.
He told me straight up he loves me and he apologized. Didn't go into detail but he didn't have to. My dad never had his pops in his life, nor his mama until he was grown and was taking care of her though her illness.
I knew even at 8 years old that, that gotta hurt. I'm not gone sit here and act like I always understood the motives of my father but I tried because he always tried to understand me and til' this day, he is one of the top 3 people that KNOWS me like the back of his hand.
I had to forgive my parents because they’ve come a long way. Holding all that anger and resentment wasn’t gone help me in the long run. And in a way I can say I've helped to heal them by loving them through their screw ups. We always talk about a parents love but what about a child's love?
I don’t want to pass down my pain to my son, he don’t need that- the world will give its fair share. But everyday I pray that the world won’t hurt him bad. I want my son to be nothing less than strong mentally, emotionally, but most of all spiritually. He won’t have that unless I’m solid. So I ask myself… ‘hm, what’s still hurting me?’.
We all got a story to tell.
Love. Peace. Manifest.
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saintqueer · 3 years
On Being 13
by saintqueer
Date Written: July 2019
CW: brief mention of an eating disorder
I will be posting a series of old creative nonfiction essays I wrote in 2019-20 every Friday and tagging them #a saintqueer original. Some might be a little outdated but I'm getting my feet wet in the experience of sharing my own writing again. Hope you enjoy! My inbox is always open.
Your name is Jordan. It is 2006 and you just turned 13. You are officially a teenager. Not a preteen. Nor god-forbid a tween. You’re in eighth grade at middle school in the Bay Area suburbs and you just got your first cell phone. It’s a silver LG flip phone without a camera. Modern social media has been born but is not yet widespread. Myspace and AIM are still the name of the game. And your friend’s Top 8s are literally worth crying over. You buy songs you like on iTunes for 99 cents. Songs like Far Away by Nickelback and Jesus, Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood. That is, until you wizen up and start using LimeWire in 2007. By that time, you’ll think your tastes much improved. You’ll illegally download songs like Buy U a Drank by T-Pain, Wait For You by Elliott Yamin, and everything Chris Brown puts out. Every single feeling you have is so large it’s like it has the potential to kill you. Weird shit is happening to your body. You started puberty early but it shows absolutely no sign of stopping. Things just seem to be getting weirder and more emotional. You cut your own side bangs and they look hella cool.
Ok, let’s pause there. I’m gonna go ahead and break the fourth wall here. Reader, I was planning on doing this entire piece as a kind of immersive second person experience. But. I. Just. Can’t. It’s too hard and writing about being 13 is difficult enough. I think that intro was enough to get you in the right head space of Jordan circa 2006-2007.
Over the last year, there has been more truthful explorations of the adolescent experience in media than ever before. With shows like Pen15 and Big Mouth and films like Eighth Grade, I feel like for the first time I’m starting to come to terms with my own adolescence. Being 13 is really fucking hard. And 13-year-olds get such a bad rap when, honestly, they’re just trying to do the best they can with all the shit they’ve been thrown.
I first felt compelled to write this piece when reading a section of a book from my favorite podcaster, Karen Kilgariff. Karen describes a lecture series she went to in which one of the presenters made a case in defense of 13 year olds. Karen writes that being 13 “is the hardest age you ever have to be because of all the chemicals and hormones constantly raging through your body. It’s like you’re being drugged and then woken up with speed on a daily basis. All social structure implodes and resets itself in a totally unfamiliar way. You’re simultaneously the oldest version of a child and the youngest version of an adult, so you don’t belong anywhere. You don’t get babied, and you don’t get respect.” Basically, it fucking sucks!!!
At 13, my eating disorder was already in full swing and my body-dysmorphia-riddled brain had no shortage of reasons for why my life would be so much better if I weighed 25 pounds less. They would weigh us in gym class, one by one, and assign us our BMI classification (mine was “overweight”). I was constantly dieting, with resounding approval from family and peers; starving my growing body of whole food groups and then binging. My school used to sell these pizza hot pocket things in plastic wrapping called pizza sticks (they were so DELICIOUS). One time, I found an unopened and still-warm pizza stick on the floor next to a garbage can. Wildly hungry from my meager carb-less lunch I picked it up off the floor and shoved it into my mouth, facing the wall, in as few bites as possible so no one would see. OFF THE FLOOR…OUTSIDE. I think it was on a pile of leaves and other trash (though unopened, it was slightly flattened on one side so it might have been stepped on?). This is actually the first time I’ve told anyone that I did that. Blogging is fun.
I was truly beginning to understand that my body was a commodity in society. I couldn’t take up space as a girl and to be beautiful was to be frail. My body was a sexual thing but I was not allowed to be a sexual being. Boys were the horny ones, not girls. But boy, was I! The thing was I couldn’t tell anyone, only the bathtub faucet could know. This was heightened all the more by my church and my faith. Youth group taught me the importance of dressing modestly and how we had to do everything within our power to help easily tempted boys remain sexually pure. I had so much shame that I had any kind of sexuality at all.
A majority of us wanted to fit in when we were 13. And I wanted it desperately. It’s not necessarily that I wanted to be cool, it’s more like I just wanted to belong. I wanted to have best friends. I wanted boys to have crushes on me. I wanted to be wanted. And it never happened for me. I didn’t develop deep lasting friendships until my late teens. I didn’t have my first kiss until I was 21, for god’s sake. My friends at 13 were changeable and excluding. I felt like I was constantly vying for their approval and as I entered high school in 2007, my social life became the center of my world.
Admittedly, high school felt much more enjoyable than middle school. I had established my place in the cool crowd and shirked academics. I stopped listening to Christian Rock and started listening to Lil Wayne and learning how to twerk. I cut class with a friend to straighten my hair with my hot pink straightener in Starbucks. I got in trouble with the cops for underage drinking. I got better at actually starving myself for a few days at a time instead of just dieting. I was significantly better at swearing. However, every single thing still felt like the biggest deal ever and it felt like it would always be that way.
Now, over a dozen years later, I hardly ever think about how it felt to be 13. I always forget that I “fell in love” with a boy named Alex at church summer camp who I saw from afar five times and talked to once for two minutes. It’s hard to believe now that I wrote his name in sharpie on my converse sneakers and sang I Drive Myself Crazy by *Nsync while crying and staring directly back at myself in the mirror.
This might seem unforgiving but I feel like the one redeemable thing about being 13 is that it doesn’t last forever. It ends. You grow and you change and you work through your trauma. If you’re lucky, you get better friends and you go to therapy and do some healing over ten years later by watching tv shows and movies that remind you of every painful feeling. Then you look back and laugh. You laugh at that school dance where Peter said he’d never, ever slow dance with you. You laugh at the school dance less than a year later where you grind provocatively on a dude you don’t know to Get Low by Lil Jon and the Ying Yang Twins. You laugh (hysterically, I might add) at eating that pizza stick off the floor. You laugh at smoking weed for the first time using a plastic water bottle your friend somehow turned into a shitty bong. You laugh at shoplifting your first thong from Ross. You laugh at your self-cut side bangs. You laugh and you laugh and you laugh and then you, finally, move on.
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kinglarrykoopadx · 3 years
Top 10 games i wanted to get
This is a personal list of games I want to get but I just can’t. Ranging from “maybe someday” to “get as fast as possible”. I’m gonna input some rules to my list to make it more fair. First off, I’m counting the games from the 8th to 9th console generation only, cause I ain’t wasting my money to buy an old console for like, what, one game? Second, no mobile games, because most of the time, they’re free even in the pre registration state. Yeah, there are some paid games but they’re pretty scarce. Speaking of pre registration, third, no pre orders, so I don’t have to regret wasting my money when I eventually get the damn game. That being said, pre orders of ports of games from older console generations will definitely count, so long as I’ve already played them or were interested by them.
10. Bug Fables
Bug Fables and I have a love-hate-ish relationship. On one hand, I wanna get it to see what of the old Paper Marios that got the fans to crazy town. On the other hand, some TTYD related salt lingers in me like how well butter sticks on bread. On the other other hand, I’m cursed with somehow finding more interesting games. Maybe one day I’ll get it, but for now, I’ll give it a pass thank you very much. But hey, I did say I’m considering buying it. Which no, it doesn’t mean I wannna see any “pLaY bUg fAbLeS” comments around, how many times must I tell you lot that shoving a game up my ass is less advertising, more making me resent the damn thing?
9. Crash 4 : It’s About Time
I’mma be honest. After watching some Caddicarus and AntDude, I’m willing to give the marsupial a chance. I did play the mobile game and it was fun but it’s a mobile game so it didn’t count. I am considering getting Crash 4, but I’m on the verge of rethinking if this was a good idea. From what I heard, this is a short ass game, and I’m not selling my soul to the completion devil to extend my game time. Bug Fables and Crash 4 are honestly, interchangable as fuck.
8. Crash Bandicoot : N Sane Trilogy + CTR Nitro Fueled
For N Sane Trilogy, it’s so I can know the context of Crash 4′s story and play through it. For Nitro Fueled, I’m getting it for funsies, I mean for fuck’s sake they added in the crates as racers, the only weird thing that can combat it is Piranha Plant in Smash. But the microtransactions make me rethink it, so maybe someday.
7. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX
Now we’re getting to the games where I have some interest in getting. Here we have the remake of Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue from the GBA/DS which I adored dearly. I was a fan of the Mystery Dungeon series by watching people play them, and playing some myself. I’ve played Gates To Infinity and never finished it (The farthest I could go was in the Holehills), I played Super but also with Gates To Infinity I never finished it (I think last I checked I made it to Entei) and now, I’m kinda planning to get it. Why is it this low? Key word “kinda”. Overtime, my interests for this game kinda fizzled out because it was a case of Bug Fables. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to try it, problem is that in time, my interest sparked into other games, which we’ll see later on.
6. Yo Kai Watch 3
In case you never got the memo, I’m a huge, HUGE fan of Yo kai Watch. If it weren’t for this franchise, I’d probably be more interested in something like studying and see gaming as irrelevant. The 1st game was kinda weak sauce, the 2nd game is the best in the franchise, and I really wanted to get the 3rd game. From what I’ve seen, it looked fun as hell. Problem is, the stupid virus made it hard to salvage a copy and even then, it’s a really rare 3DS game since the number of copies Level 5 made for this game are scarce as hell. Shame really, it was content packed and everything, but whatever.
5. Bugsnax
Bugsnax for those who never knew, is a game about snacks that are also bugs. After watching a couple playthroughs, I was willing to give it a try. And that’s where problems rise. The problem with Bugsnax is that it’s a PS5/PC exclusive (at the time of writing this top 10) and I’m not buying a PS5 for one damn game, and I normally don’t use my PC for gaming. Maybe one day when Young Horses port this cute game to the Switch I’ll give it a try, but for now, I’ll wait.
4. Mario Golf Super Rush
I know I said no pre orders, but this one’s an exception. I’m actually real hyped for this one, for starters, it’s not tennis for once, fucking woo, and the story mode made it look like it’s a pretty promising game, since people liked the story mode in the GBA games. Yeah, the visuals look lifeless, but do I give a crap? I’m just relieved Nintendo still knows that Mario sports games don’t just consist of tennis. And who knows, maybe the stars may align and we can get a new Mario Strikers or Mario Baseball with Nintendo purchasing Next Level Games and this game coming soon.
3. Bowser’s Fury
This game was one of the most anticipated Mario games for the switch simply because it was the banner for the future of 3D Mario. And from what I’ve seen, it’s pretty good. I mean, for starters, you team up with Bowser Jr so this game is already eyecatching from the start. The game has you collecting the 50 Cat Shines to awaken the Giga Bells and stop Fury Bowser which is a solid premise. Fury Bowser being the main highlight of the game because he’s the game’s blood moon. When he’s out, be ready to be pummeled big time. With rock music playing in the background. It didn’t make it to the top 2 of the “most wanted” games, but it is hella close.
2. Hollow Knight
After seeing people play it and listening to some of its musical scores, I’m willing to give this game a big fat chance. Hollow Knight is some Metroidvania game involving a lone soul in search of the source of ruin of the kingdom of Hallownest which is a solid as hell premise. On the way, you’ll meet some kind NPCs and traverse unknown lands and the DLC added to this game made it more than worth it. Lifeblood which has patches and a new boss namely Hive Knight, Grimm Troupe which from what I’ve heard included the most fun boss in Hollow Knight, Hidden Dreams which included the White Defender and Grey Prince Zote, and Godmaster, which is the game’s True Arena. Needless to say, I’m definitely gonna buy this game when I have the chance.
1. Miitopia Switch
As a fan of the 3DS game, I was hyped as hell when Miitopia was ported over to Switch, and I had every right to be hyped. Those Twitter users don’t know what the hell they’re missing out on. The combat is amazing, the characters are on point, hell, the demo had a lot of replay value. And when you make a freaking demo replayable as hell, that’s a sign of a kickass game. This is the game that can take my $50 with no hesitation. Nintendo, take my money, I’ve got a quest in need of reimagining.
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reimahowaido · 3 years
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I’ll get to those Magic Crafter Dragons I sweeeear But first, fun stuff from Discord. Dunno who made the original, it was just posted on a server, but yeet I did it anyway First of all, I don’t play a lot of games. I like games and the idea of them. I enjoy people playing stuff, I love watching others play. It’s that little sibling culture. But lemme toss a word or few about all of these. Though first of all, I only own 4 of the 8 games listed and even still I’ve only played 3 of them xD R.I.P. Pokemon Cafe Mix - The game is just Super Cute. Like oh my god Aesthetics! Adorable, every pokemon looks so nice and I just want to go to the cafe and taste everything and just chill. Please. It looks so cozy and relaxing. Gameplay is fairly simple too. Sometimes things seem a bit BS but in one way or another I’ll get through every stage etc. so it’s not too bad. Most of the time relaxing, can be addicting because of how simple things are. But really I love the game and I hope one day they’ll add more of the pokemon I like xD Buizel is my current favourite <3 It’d be nice seeing Mienshao or Mienfoo for one, maybe Glameow as it doesn’t get a lot of attention. We got Gogoat, but I wouldn’t mind a Sawsbuck or Deerling Pokemon Black 2 - To keep the Pokemon trend going, this is my fave out of the mainline games. I’ve been a fan ever since the first generation, I’m older than Gen 1 at that. But yeah, we did buy games but Nintendo stuff was too expensive and so I never really got to play those growing up. Black 2 was the first game I ever bought, for myself, with my own money. It was my first game and I loved it dearly. Still do and man I’d Love to replay it, but the curse of only 1 save file is cruel. I don’t want to restart my first ever save file. Currently I have no way of transferring anything over and I even have a Shiny Gothorita there (as underwhelming as it is, it was my first ever shiny). I love these games~~ Lots of different pokemon to choose from, great story, the fact that it’s a sequel is so freaking cool and unique I Love It So Much. Of course it’d be cool to have some extra things to do in it, like cleaning my badges, contests would be cool, I loved the mining stuff in Gen 4 when I got to try it on my friend’s Platinum save file as a kid. Speaking of, Gen 4 games would probably be my favourites, if I ever had the chance of owning and playing any fully. They have soooo much to do in them! Gen 5 is good and certainly up there in faves, but bruh, Gen 4 had all sorts of extra stuff, especially Platinum, and in HG/SS you had Pokemon following you like bruh that’s Crazy and I’d love to have that for a game I own, it’s like a dream Honorable mentions to Mystery Dungeon and Gen 6′s Pokemon Y for some grand memories. Firstly Pokemon Y, the second game I ever owned I think, great fun. I played that game for hooooooooours and it’s the only Pokemon Game that I’ve both played as a Nuzlocke and actually reset to play again. Also the first gen where I actually really got into competitive stuff, breeding for natures and stuff, and I’ve caught so many shinies in Y and Omega Ruby (mostly Y, OR has 1 shiny in Pidove, while Y has Ninetales, Pachirisu, Burmy, Gligar, and perhaps some other ones I caught/hatched myself). Mystery Dungeon games get a mention for having cool stories and I like the idea of the personality test and stuff. I’ve never played or owned any of these games, but I’ve watched Marriland play a handful of the games and currently am enjoying MDB playing through the first games in the series. Also a quick bloop on Colosseum being Cool as heck, and Battle Revolution gets a shoutout for looking so freaking good, having amazing music and making me search up videos with my favourite pokemon and just looking and watching hundreds of videos just because they looked so nice
Fire Emblem has to be the 2nd series of games I’ve gotten the most into. Although I’m a fairly new fan and my experiences and knowledge are limited, I do still enjoy the series and games - both old and new - a bunch. I only own Awakening, Conquest and 3 Houses, but I’ve again watched others play the past games a bunch, so I have some knowledge and memorable moments from those games too. Now I haven’t actually gotten myself to play 3 Houses yet, I’ve seen playthroughs of the game already and know the story etc. But yeh. Still, I’d say that I’ll probably like 3 Houses more than Awakening and Conquest. Awakening is nostalgia galore for me, but it does have its things with the story and characters and stuff. It’s nice, but I dunno, I just feel 3 Houses has an edge on it in some way. Maybe it’s just... Less controversial? Less Flame Wars? Maybe? Fates games, well, we all know the big glaring thing here. The story. And some of the characters suffer from this too. I kinda do wish that the Player had a biiiit more control in how the story went and played out, like I feel you definitely could have saved Scarlet in some way still, and all that. But eh, there’s enough stuff for me to go and prefer 3 Houses over it. And yes, I like choosing the members of my team and playing however I like, so giving me the ability to class my characters however I want is going to be a mistake as I’ll just make everyone a mounted unit and get destroyed but hey! Options :2 Variety :22 Great tiiiiimes~ Also it’s Blue Lions for me, Golden Deer Second Now for the games I don’t own. I chose Radiant Dawn because the Tellius games are just so good. I love the character in them, the story is pretty solid and the worldbuilding is cool too :2 I like both of the games, and while Path of Radiance is more coherent and doesn’t give split the characters up a bunch, Radiant Dawn has More of the great characters :2 Yes I know, not all of them are as fleshed out and thought out as the first game’s characters, but yo I still love them. I love a good continuation to a story. I love a ‘hey maybe it wasn’t as Black & White as we were made to believe’ twist. Also just hella good memories from watching BigKlingy play these games. The audience memed Aran to the final levels. We did it, he did so well, Aran deserved to be there xD Radiant Dawn also brings us Nailah, who is just. Yeah, you speak to me on so many levels, I’m easily readable. But also, woman, wolf, strong, yasss~~ Also I love the idea of the Jaegan character being a Thief/Assassin. That’s just so different and cool to me after all these Horse Units. And I’m the one guy who likes Levail and would love to see more of him. Give us more of Levail, the man who almost made it to being playable. Man. Levail is probably the one reason I’d pick Radiant Dawn over Path of Radiance xD The other game I’ve watched BigKlingy play through (and that’s my only experience on that game) is Sacred Stones. Pretty solid game all in all. Story, characters, but speaking of that story, if you really think about it, it’s Hella Dark, and that’s actually kinda cool in a way. I’m not that into dark stories, but here it worked. Also watched PhoenixMaster1′s playthrough on the Echoes game. I do like the game, if i find it one day I Might buy it but I’m not like in a hurry to get it. It was cool though, different for reasons but hey~ Also, Berkut, yes. I’m one of those people who like this angry man. But come on, he was really good xD Spyro I’ve already talked about in my lengthy little thing that I’ll get to continuing eventually xD But yes, I freaking love Spyro, my childhood, still very enjoyable experience full of great memories Metroid Fusion - Oh boy here come the nostalgia~ I’ve actually never played any Metroid games myself. I got introduced to the series in the early 2010s through youtube videos. I’m fairly sure it was me looking through dozens and dozens of Top 10 videos, several of which were on ‘the scariest bosses’, either unexpectedly scary or something else. But guess what, Nightmare from Fusion was in there, and I Think the person in the video said something on not wanting to even show the final forms of Nightmare’s face because it was that horrifying to them. And honestly? The fact that they didn’t show how bad it got, mixed with my morbid curiosity and woop, here I go~ Down the Metroid rabbithole where I watched a lot of videos on people fighting Nightmare and the other bosses in the game, eventually going into watching full run-throughs of the game and enjoying my time. Game looked pretty good, soundtrack was really nice too. And so I ended up on listening to a lot of the game series’ music and getting more familiar with the other games and the lore too. Learning to know that Samus was a lady was also hella badass. Fusion started it all for me, and while Super Metroid is cool, people also just play it a loooot, especially the Speedrunners, there’s also plenty of hacks based on that game and yeah I get it the game is Good, but that makes Fusion all the more special to me~ Devil May Cry 3 - Ok so again, I’ve not played any DMC games myself. This one again though is nostalgia ocean for me~ 2010 or such, I’m on some forum, said forum has a forum game based around songs or such and someone links one from this game. I Think it was the Doppelganger battle theme, or then I just found that one and listened to it for hours among the other battle themes these games have because they’re soooo gooood~~ DMC 4 was fairly new at that time, but I remember Gredo’s and Agnus’ themes being up there in songs I listened to a lot too. My experiences and stuff on this series was fully based on the songs, images on said songs, bits and pieces of the cutscenes of these games I saw and comments I read. I didn’t get too deep into DMC back then though, but I did have a bit of knowledge here and there, even if my idea of the stories in all the games was, well, I wouldn’t call it warped, but I definitely had imagined the story going differently to how things actually went xD Still, as a few years back I returned to DMC out of that feeling of nostalgia, and discovered DMC 5 had Just been released, boi, I was In. And I watched through cutscene compilations, playthoughs and what have you on all the games (Except for DmC, boot to you ReBoot), and it was quite the hype time~ I enjoy the chracters, the story that there is around them, and just how carefree and fun stuff can be. The party sure did get crazy~ Lost Dimension - The last game I have on the list there. This might be a weird one and I get that yeah. How many have even heard of this game? I sure wouldn’t have ever known of it without BigKlingy’s playthrough of it. But that playthrough was full of memories, I should really rewatch it one day~ I may not remember an awful lot about the game, but I do keep coming back to it in one way or another. I liked the character designs, the fact that all of them were unique and had their own abilities, there was a bit of story around all of them, the traitor system had you thinking & made each run a little different... That’s some Cool Stuff! The game might be a bit obscure and seriously not known at all, but for what it was, it was great and I enjoyed it a bunch! And now for stuff that wasn’t on the list but I kinda still want to mention. Because why not~ IB - This Almost made it onto the list, but I felt a little closer of a connection to the other games on it. But IB is one of those games from the early 2010s that I also got introduced to through the wonderful world of Youtube. I have forgotten the name of the person whose playthrough in the game I watched. But I watched a ton of people play this game. It was just. So cool. The puzzles in this game were nice and the fact I myself could solve and understand them too was pretty nice to me, and for some reason I just enjoyed watching other people react to the game and try solving stuff. It also had a couple different endings so watching and seeing what the other people got was also interesting. Great memories~ Witch’s House / Ao Oni / Mad Father - And all sorts of other horror games that kinda fall under this grouping and style and stuff. Yeah, IB kinda opened a bit of a thing for me as I realized I greatly enjoyed the horror games with puzzle elements to themselves + a bit of story here and there. There’s definitely much much more than these 3, I watched soooo many of these games being played by others. Ao Oni I may have discovered through my Hetalia phase though, HetaOni, if any of you still recognize that name. Daym. Although at first I didn’t want to watch HetaOni because of the portraits. Pfffff I thought the person who made them was being mean to some of the characters, but nah, I’d later learn that those were simply just mimicing the ones from the original game. But yeah, Ao Oni had a dozen variants and things inspired by it so those kept me busy for a whiiiiiile Hades - Now here’s a cool recent game! Again, haven’t played it, but it looks cool. The story is nice, character designs are God Like (hehe), soundtrack is super cool, aesthetics and oh my god everything is voice acted oh my gooood. This game is just. So cool. And the team who did it seems really cool too and are seemingly full of nice amazing people. This is definitely some great example work on how things should be done :2 Definitely something to look up to, I love everything about them~ The only reason Hades isn’t up there is because of its recentness and my brain not managing to think of it somehow even as I struggled to come up with stuff (I was mostly trying to think of stuff I had played, so that’s one thing. I even struggled to remember DMC because my current hyperfixations are elsewhere and that’s freaking Wild considering how much I enjoy DMC) But yeah, Hades is Super Freaking Cool Crash Bandicoot - These games I did play as a kid actually, the 1st one was way too hard and the 3rd one was my favourite. I like Crash, these games were nice too and I have plenty of good memories with the game, just not enough to make it up there on my list. Yeah it sounds stupid that I’d take out a game I actually played and replace it with stuff that I didn’t, but... Hey, my list Minecraft - Watched several videos on other people pllaying this game, I know of it, I respect it, but I’ve never played it myself and stuff. It’s cool but didn’t make it on the list Animal Crossing - Riiiiiight, these games seem adorable and I wouldn’t mind owning an AC game one day. I’d probably reset continuously though to get Skye in my town/village/island, she’s my favourite xD If the recent game had cost lest I might have gotten it. 60-70€ is just, a lot of money Persona - I guess I’ll mention these too. My experiences are through Bigklingy’s videos again. 3 is a fave, 4 seems cool, 5 I don’t know a lot about but it seems nice too. I probably wouldn’t be able to play these games myself, since some fights kinda need certain things and strategies and you can’t really just pick whatever and whom ever and roll through with brute strength. I mean, I Guess you could, but that might not be as fun in the long run? Who knows, but it’s not exactly like Pokemon or Fire Emblem in those regards you know The big conclusion is that I like all sorts of different aesthetic looks, mostly probably natural with some brighter colors in it. Stories are good, I love stories! Good characters with nice designs and backstories are really nice too. Things being thought out and built nicely is great you know? A little bit of strategy, fantasy here and there. Nothing too dark and gloomy or ‘hyper realistic’ or what have you. I guess no first person shooters either, though combat is fine. Games where I can pick and choose what to use and what kinds of ‘teams’ I build and the ‘members’ I use in them is nice. I do love watching others play, but with games like Pokemon & Fire Emblem I have that drive of choosing who to use and having my own unique experience kinda gets me to buy the games.
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princesskokichi · 4 years
kokichi’s birthday with is s/o
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i found myself at 2k before i knew it and tried not to drag on for too long, but as you can see, that didn’t happen. so now there’s just this really long post about kokichi’s birthday and i’m kind of in love with it ngl
i don’t think i necessarily did the request either, i think i did a lot more omg i hope that’s alright with you kokichi simp anon 
also he is slightly aged up here !! by three to five years at least.
his personality is a lot more chill here because he’s not in a killing game which stretches his lying habit to an extreme to keep him afloat in his lies
in this he’s just kind of a slightly rude mouthed tsundere boy ?? and i vibe heavily with older kokichi - mod kokichi
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- his birthday this year was such a treat
- honest to god he will likely never forget this birthday for as long as he lives
- and the weirdest thing is that ??? not much even happened that day
- but at the same time it was like everything was happening
- you typically go all out on his birthday by planning elaborate surprises later in the afternoon to blow him away
- and it works every time
- but this birthday was a little different, and a lot more subtle
- he woke up with you right beside him in bed, sleeping peacefully with your arm lazily wrapped around his waist like you two normally slept
- you were so stunning, even when wearing his faded old tee from a band he used to like and your mouth slightly opened with a bit of drool
- he was tempted not to move because he knew you would halfway wake up
- and he just knew that once you woke up and remembered his birthday, you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep and would insist on waking up with him
- he did find it a little odd that you were asleep still though
- usually, when something exciting is happening, you have trouble falling asleep and become a very light sleeper
- so for you to be as deep asleep as you were, it was certainly uncommon
- even though it was his birthday and his inner child wanted the attention on him immediately, he let you sleep
- very VERY carefully, he slid off and away from the bed
- trying really hard to step lightly so the floorboards didn't creak under his feet
- he left you in the bed while he went to brush his teeth and start his morning doing whatever he wanted
- it wasn't often he had a morning to himself, since you usually woke up before him
- he really didn't know what to do without you to fill his morning with your horrible morning breath and low voice as you mumbled
- so he opted for walking around the house, inevitably going into the kitchen
- and then he saw it
- a very tiny but elaborately designed cake, with his birthday and name written in your handwriting when you tried to write fancily
- his heart swelled a little inside as he walked up to it and read the card you'd made for him out of really nice looking origami paper
- " happy birthday baby! i hope today is the best birthday ever. i don't have a lot planned, but i still want to make it super special for you. you deserve the entire world, and i know one day you'll get it because the king always gets what he wants ! i love you so much kokichi, and thank you for being my crazy perfect little boyfriend. -s / o "
- you'd drawn a chibi of him and you together snuggling on the side with flower crowns
- ah, flower crowns were something that you taught him how to make on your third date together
- he hugged the card to his chest, holding onto as if it were his lifeline
- he noticed a yellow sticky note hidden poorly behind the cake, picking it up
- " p.s. don't think i've forgotten about your gift ! you have to find it tho, its somewhere in this house. your hint is that we had our first kiss there. that was so hella awkward, wasn't it ? But to be honest, i couldn't stop thinking about it for days,, - s / o "
- he just stood there for a moment, trying to think about that day
- he had taken you to his apartment because you had tripped and hurt yourself at the park
- you looked just as beautiful back then as you did now,,
- you had teared up slightly because there was a lot of blood, even though the cut itself wasn't that bad
- after he had you bandaged up on the couch in the living room, you and him decided you would spend dinner together
- when it was time to leave, you sat on the couch, while he was joking around and standing on the table next to it so he could be tall
- he had warned you beforehand that if you didn't move, he was going to jump and kiss you
- you took his bluff and didn't budge
- he freefalled, letting gravity hit you with the reality that he wasn't lying
- yeah, right there on the couch while you were sitting, he kissed you for the first time
- out of shock, you had disconnected the kiss and leaned back, surprised and touching your bottom lip
- kokichi remembered being able to see the cogs in your head turning as you sat there and stared at him for longer than a minute
- and then you'd grabbed his jacket, pulling him close to you and reinitiating the kiss
- did your actions that night make god frown ?
- yeah, probably
- but, even now, when thinking about he couldn't help but get a little red in the face thinking about it
- you'd only ever been that bold a few times in this relationship
- and each time was because he either teased you relentlessly over stupid, romantic stuff
-or it was a new point in the relationship that you were more than ready to reach
- s / o : " ah, mornin' baby, how do you like ? "
you scratched the back of your head lazily, more than a little content to rest your head on his shoulder, no matter how far down you had to bend to reach it
- wrapping your arms around his torso, you smiled a little at the sticky note in his hand
- s / o : " i totally forgot i did that. "
- kokichi : " you've done a lot of lame things that sound like they come out of a bad romance movie, but this is probably one of the most cheesy things you've ever done. "
- s / o : " do you like it ? "
- kokichi : " yes. yes i do. but you're going to have to do better than this because i already figured out the first hint. "
- s / o : " what is it ? "
- kokichi : " the couch, duh. you had been so horny like woah close your legs we'd only been dating for about four months. "
- s / o : " i was horny for love, not sex. there's a difference. it wasn't my legs that i opened, it was my heart, dumdum. "
- you let go of him, laughing softly
- s / o : " once you find your present, i'll let you have a bite of cake. "
- kokichi : " a bite ? what's going to happen to the rest ? "
- s / o : " i baked it so it's mine, duhh. "
- you flicked his forehead, to which he lowkey cutely flinched back and put his hand over where you hit
- kokichi : " you're on my nerves today, you know that ? "
- s / o : " well, someone's gotta annoy the annoying one. "
- kokichi : " i'm just going to finish this quickly so i ruin your plan of keeping me busy all day. "
- s / o : " since you're so smart, i dare you to try to find it in twenty minutes or less "
- you set a timer, and watched as he scrambled to find all of the clues to find the last hiding spot
- yeah, it would have been easier for him to just search the entire house, but then what's the fun if you can't play the game ?
-  he decided to indulge you
- he was having fun lmao
- after he went to the couch, he found the sticky note that asked him where they got caught having a,, moment,,, by your parents
- " heyy, kokichi !! remember that time wE were making out and my parents walked in because they were visiting ? i hated it !! do you remember where that happened ? i do !! - s / o "
- against the refrigerator, of course
- he passed you in the kitchen
- you were sitting at the table, just watching him with such amusement
- s / o : " you're always throwing me for games. now i understand how it feels to be in your shoes. "
- kokichi : " oh haha, you suck at being me. "
- s / o : " do i ? then why is there only ten minutes left for you to find your gift ? "
- kokichi : " no way. "
- s / o : " yeah, seriously. you're horrible at this game. "
- kokichi ignored you, checking the refrigerator for another note
- didn't see a sticky note on the front, but the moment he opened it, a bright yellow sticky note glared at him
- " kokichi !! Do you remember when you gave me the promise rings ? it was such an out of character thing for you to do, i was wondering if there was something wrong with it at first and was hesitant to put it on. and now i sleep with it on. ahh, it feels like we're already married, doesn't it ? - s / o "
- kokichi looked back at you as you sipped on your morning drink
- s / o : " gosh, kokichi, i just wanna say that you are the cutest person in existence, so thank you for that. "
- kokichi : " uh-huh. now tell me where the next clue is. "
- s / o : " you're just so,, ugh ! i love how much of a snuggle bug you are. "
- kokichi : " you're not helping your case. i may just sit here and listen to you being cringy. "
- s / o : " do you think me telling the truth embarrasses me ? pitiful. "
- kokichi : " no wait go back to complimenting me. "
- s / o : " aaah, you're so cute !! and thoughtful in your own way. very unique too. the perfect mix of stupid and reasonable. "
- kokichi : " the compliments are starting to get really backhanded. "
- you both stood there for a second, staring at each other and giggling under your breath
- he leaned over quickly and kissed your cheek, escaping fast
- but not fast enough
- you caught him by the sleeve of his jacket and pulled him back into your space, kissing your boyfriend on the lips
- when he pulled away to breathe, he looked completely disheveled, and all he wanted now was to stay in your space
- s / o : " go on, find the gift. "
- kokichi : " no. "
- s / o : " then you'll just randomly find in in the coming week ? "
- kokichi : " yeah, pretty much. i'm boooorrrreedd, so do something to entertain me. "
- your arms were pleasantly resting on his hips, holding him in place as he watched you smile
- s / o : " no ! go find the gift. "
- you leaned into him, giving him another kiss on the lips, but this one was a peck and didn't last nearly as long
- kokichi whined. and he whined LOUDLY, but you were unmoveable in your resolve
- so eventually he had to give up and follow through with your plans
- kokichi : " oh, what's the time ? "
- s / o : " you still have eleven minutes left. "
- kokichi : " that's not possible. "
- s / o : " it is if you're a liar. "
- you did his little pose where he puts his finger over his mouth like " shh " and laughed, watching your boyfriend go from totally in love to Hella Annoyed in a matter of moments
- he headed into the bathroom where he had " proposed " to you with those promise rings
- you had been in the shower, ironically humming the tune to " say you won't let go " by james arthur
- so what's the best thing to do in this situation ?
- scare the crap out of you by singing with you and then pretend to propose, of course !! :D
- the plan worked perfectly, you had been successfully scared the crap out of and hella surprised
- you had admitted to him that you knew he wouldn't propose yet, but that the rings were an incredibly sweet gesture, even if they're presented in a comical manner
- you two both wear them every day as if they were real marriage rings
- at first it bothered him that he even had this idea, because it was such an,, adult step in the relationship
- but, as he thought about it, he realized that he was actually getting older. that these kind of things are,, normal of adults, right ?
- plus, he did want to marry you one day
- he really REALLY thought you were the one for him
- turns out, yeah, they are
- on the backside of the curtains, there was the final sticky note, which had nothing more than a heart on it
- after searching the bathroom up and down, he came back to you with his eyebrows knitted together
- kokichi : " unless toothpaste is the present, then i don't think you finished the game. "
- s / o : " yes i did, i gave you all of the hints you need. promise. "
- he stared at the notes in his hands, wondering what kind of stupid you were to think that they were finished
- and then he saw it, staring him right in the face
- B E D
- he gave you that smug look of " i know what you did, but i figured it out "
- and rushed to the bedroom
- but before he could get in, the bell rang on your timer
- s / o : " you didn't make it to the time love, i'm sorry about that hehe. but go. go find it. "
- kokichi looked through the bed, just to find a small box on your side of the bed
- he opened it to see a little pendant with both of your names in japanese and birthstones on a small silver chain
- it was dainty, and cute
- wow he was in love with it, and he didn't even really like necklaces that much
- s / o : " i know you once told me you didn't like necklaces that much, but it was either that or get something a stereotypical guy likes
- kokichi : " i think this is perfect, s / o. and you're right, i don't like necklaces, but fuck guy-things, that stuff is always weird. "
- after you put the necklace on him, he smiled gratefully
- s / o : " so, cake ? "
- kokichi stopped in his place, debating on it heavily, but opted to tackle you down onto the bed
- he wrapped his arms around you, not planning to let you go anytime soon
- kokichi : " not to be gross or anything but cuddles sound much better than cake. cake is for losers. "
- he did, indeed, have a piece of cake later into the day
- before that, you two ended up taking a nap together like that on the bed
- you were more than content to cradle your boyfriend and whisper soft, gentle words
- he genuinely sucks at staying still while cuddling, so he tries to fill up time before he got sleepy
- he would talk to you about whatever popped up into his mind
- which was usually how the world domination plan is definitely going exactly how he plans it
- starting with winning your heart, and then winning the worlds' hearts
- or kissing everywhere from your neck to your bellybutton
- just anywhere he could get his hands on, he would kiss you
- at the end of the day, this was his favorite birthday
- just spending time with the one he loves most and having them love him back in reciprocation
- you always made sure he was well cared for, but this was overdoing yourself
- he wanted to thank you, but didn't really know how to do so
- luckily, you understand him better than he thinks you do
- and you know that look on his face when his eyes are half-closed
- and he's got a smile on his face that he doesn't even realize he has
- that he's happy, even if he doesn't explicitly say it out loud to you
- you let him snuggle into your chest, hoping he could hear your heart
- his eyes began to get heavy, and as he listened to your gentle voice sway him into sleeping
- he really started to think about things, albeit in a half-asleep manner
- he'd grown up, and has since stopped lying as much just for a joke
- he wasn't exactly going to give up his boyish charms no matter how old he is by any means
- partly because he was so damn short it would seem weird to people if he didn't act like what he looked like
- but he was learning how to act like his age
- because he's growing emotionally as well as physically
- he's getting better at trusting people, and letting them know the true kokichi instead of a lie he fabricated to feel better behind a mask
- kokichi is learning that there are people out there that genuinely like to talk to him and want to be around him
- like you, his perfect partner,
- his partner that he plans to hold like this till death do them part, his angel, and saving grace,
- and the person whom he loves no matter how old he gets.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Out of My League (Midoriya Izuku X Reader X Bakugou Katsuki) PART 1
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Summary: They were both your friends, and they were both out of your league. And UA’s having a fucking dance...
I LOOOOOOVES me some love triangles... XD And ooh this one’s gonna have some fluff and some angst in here honeys~. School’s almost over~. So I get to write this!!
Featuring! Deku and Kacchan! And You guys!! 
But somehow I can't believe That anything should happen I know where I belong And nothing's going to happen, yeah
-’She’s so High’ Tal Bachman
It was true what they said about high school clichés.
There will always be jocks, popular bitches, preppy kids, emo kids, nerds, basket cases, class-clowns, rockers, perverts, shrinking violets and the occasional criminals.
You knew that because you were currently attending UA High with your best friends. Sure, this was a school for young students training to become pro-heroes, but it was still a high school, and naturally the high school students ACTED like high school students.
But you didn’t always entirely care about what people thought about you, or at least you tried to not care about what people thought about you. All that mattered was that you had your best friends, and the new batch of awesome friends you made during your time in UA.
It wasn’t always easy though since your two childhood friends just kind semi-hated each other, well, one of them was more upfront about it, the other one still cared a lot about him.
Yes, your best friends were Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo. Everyone knew that because they would all see you walking with either Izuku, Bakugo or sometimes both of them when you managed to convince them to just try and tolerate each other. Well… Bakugo at least.
You felt close to both of them, but you tried to make time for both of them so neither of them felt neglected. Bakugo was an asshole 98 percent of the time, but you cared about him and you cherished your friendship with him warts and all. He had a soft side, you knew it, even though you seldom saw it. Izuku? Well, you never really had any problems with him at all.
But as soon as you three grew up, things started changing…
Izuku was gradually becoming more popular, because people finally saw his charisma. And many were becoming drawn to his kind, helpful nature, his determination, wicked intelligence and overall good-boy attitude.
Bakugo was still popular, except you could tell that he was slowly maturing. But what didn’t change was his aggressive attitude, competitiveness, expertise in fighting, book smarts and the cutthroat personality.
And then there was you…
Now you were never really that popular to begin with, kind of like Izuku, except you were even more under the radar given your casual, somewhat absurd and weird attitude, tendency to make lame jokes, interest in geeky things like anime, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Netflix and old punk bands like MCR and Sum 41 or Avril Lavigne and Panic! At The Disco. And you weren’t particularly that powerful or intelligent, hell studying was your enemy, but your telekinesis quirk was pretty useful on some occasions.
Overall, you weren’t oblivious as you would at times walk with either Izuku or Bakugo, and you would notice some of the looks other students were giving you three. Especially some of the girls, who were looking at Izuku and Bakugo rather fondly, even giggling as the two boys walked past them without even paying attention. But as soon as they saw you, their giggles increased, and it wasn’t because they liked you.
Whatever. You told yourself as you let out a small burp and decided to go and hang out with Izuku’s crew a.k.a ‘The Dekusquad’. Again. You adored his new friends though, most of them at least. Talking with Uraraka was hella awkward because you did not entirely like the girl, at least compared to the other girls. Particularly because of how Izuku acted around her, no you weren’t jealous or anything. And if you were, you weren’t going to admit it. However, Tsuyu, Iida, Todoroki and Aoyama were all fantastic and you liked them a lot.
Izuku was fantastic, you were so glad that you stuck by him the entire time and attended the same schools as him. He never minded your company, made regular eye contact with you (as much as the shy boy could at least) and even talked to you and let you talk about the dorky things you liked because you would listen to him talk about anything he liked too. He was just great. How could you not want to stay friends with someone like that?
You would also hang out with Bakugo’s crew a.k.a ‘The Bakusquad’ every now and then too, on the occasions when Bakugo would actually let you come close to him.  You loved all of them, especially Kirishima, they were all just so fun, full of life and pretty sweet too compared to their chosen leader. Bakugo wasn’t exactly kind to you, and he wasn’t shy about showing it in front of his friends, but he wouldn’t seriously hurt you.
Except maybe your feelings.
Bakugo was a different story compared to Izuku. You and he used to be real close, but much like with Izuku, as soon as his quirk manifested his attitude changed and he chose to bully other students he saw as below him. Especially Izuku, but you weren’t safe either, he bullied you too and mocked you for your telekinesis quirk, and several other things such as your eating habits, interest in TV and other things. 
While he didn’t exactly hurt you like he did Izuku, he wasn’t above pushing you to the ground or throwing things at you especially when you stood by Izuku to try and defend him.
You weren’t the most observant child in the world, but you did notice some things that others didn’t you liked to think. Such as how when a bird would land so close to a tree to pick up a flower, or whenever a spider was crawling about and no one could see it.
And how Izuku was such a kind boy, never ceasing to help people out who needed it even if they did push him away and then mock him for his lack of a quirk and they would say ‘how could YOU help?’ and it made you angry.
But what could you do? You were young so you weren’t sure how to really help your poor friend other than be his friend whenever someone was mean to him. You thought as you watched him admiring the snow and catching a small flake and he was blissfully unaware that you were staring at him.
He was actually kinda cute…
You let out a loud ‘AH!’ when you felt a ball of snow smack you in the back of your head, “EEK! Cold! Cold!” And you shrieked when the VERY cold ice pieces instantly melted on your warm skin and made it cold…
“HAHA! (Y/N)’s got a boyfriend~!”
It was Bakugo. Of course it was bratty Bakugo picking on you and throwing snowballs at you, he was always, ALWAYS looking for a chance to pick on you or Izuku anytime he found one. And to make matters worse now he was insisting something icky about you and your friend!
“N-NO I DON’T!” You immediately shouted back as your face turned hot, and you finally saw that Izuku had turned to see you and Bakugo shouting at each other, “Hey Deku! (Y/N)’s your girlfriend now~!” And he didn’t spare Izuku, he never did, he always had to make fun of him too.
“W-What?!” But the poor boy turned bright red at the thought, he couldn’t have a girlfriend! He was too young! Being a girlfriend meant being a mama and daddy…
“K-Katsuki shut up! He’s not my boyfriend!” You were less naïve than that, but you still yelled back at Bakugo for being a jerk. And he was still making fun of you and laughing at you, but the worst part is he actually looked happy when he was teasing you. You hated that he was smiling because Bakugo had a cute smile…
Just not a cute mouth…
“Losers belong together! So it’s perfect isn’t it? The girl with the lame mind quirk and the quirkless nerd.” He then shoved you to the snow so he could sneer down at you, snickering when he saw you trying to glare at him.
“Kacchan stop it…!” Izuku was at least sweet enough to try and stop him, but it wasn’t working either. Bakugo was quick to get a snowball much to the other boy’s shock as he stood his ground in terror. Only to shriek when Bakugo’s fastball suddenly whacked him right in the face and sent him falling to the snowy ground.
Bakugo laughed at both yours and Izuku’s expense. He always did. Izuku got up from the ground though. He always did. And you honestly weren’t sure what to do. You never did.  
You disapproved of Bakugo’s meanness, but always tried to at least help Izuku.  Those things you always did.
You were older now, all grown up in fact! In your opinion, so you were sure you knew what to do now for the most part.
Except for now…
The year was almost ending, and there was an upcoming ball to celebrate the end of the second semester called ‘The UA Ball’ and then students would get that 2 week Winter break that everyone was so looking forward too. Yeah you were sure some of your classmates and friends were going to be training during the break but still, everyone was getting a break. And THAT’s what you were looking forward to so you could just stay home all day, watch Friends, Game of Thrones of The Office and snuggle in the blankets and then train later.
But you had this ball to get over with first…
You had no idea why you cared about it so much, it’s not like you even enjoyed dancing or dances in general. Those were invented for the prettier girls and the handsome boys, not for anyone else who couldn’t fall in line with those labels…
No one ever asked you out, and no one wanted to go out with you either. You remembered that pretty well just last year!
Sadie Hawkins.
You wanted hack whoever invented that bullshit with a machete. And also punch whoever decided it was a good idea to bring that concept to your Japanese school in the face. The girls had to ask out the guys, but you could barely ask the guy at McDonalds to fix your burger that he screwed up without feeling like you would stutter and stumble on your words.
On top of that you were pretty sure that no guy would want to go with you even if you asked. You weren’t smart back then because for some reason you thought Bakugo of all people would want to go to the dance with you. And you weren’t even in the same classes together, just the same grade and you still knew each other.
Of course at that time, his attitude changed for the worst even more from when you were 6 years old and now he decided that it was perfectly fine to treat you and Izuku like garbage and he wasn’t above taunting you or bullying you like he did Izuku. Except he treated Izuku just slightly worse than you.
The logical side of you was screaming at you to turn back as you nervously glanced at Bakugo with his sycophantic cronies and barely took a step forward to approach him, but the emotional side of you was saying ‘Just ask him already! He might say yes!’
Dammit why did you have to crush on him? He was an asshole, so why did you like him? Was it because you guys were friends at a time? Was it because he still looked at you at least once or twice a month and still gave you (negative) attention? Or was it also because he grew up to be even cuter and even a little handsome now that he was older?
You had no idea…
“Uh… ahhh uh…” You opened your mouth, but barely any volume or words came out and you thoroughly became self-conscious of yourself and froze the second Bakugo’s vermilion eyes met your (E/C) eyes as your body trembled. Dammit your hair was a mess, as it always was but it was still not pretty, and you even tried to wear your favorite (D/S) socks in an attempt to look cute.
“What do you want Shitty Girl?” Bakugo hated it when you stuttered because it made you look even weaker than you already were, and yet he was smirking when you tried to talk again. It was so amusing to see you try…
“Um… uhhh…” You stammered and Bakugo just kept staring at you as his cronies snickered at you, which made your face heat up even more as you closed your eyes and heard your heart beating in your ears so loud you thought it was going to pop out of your chest. “K-Katsuki… I uh… we… we’ve… k-known each other f-for a while a-and uh… w-we uh… live close to each other a-and uh… l-like the… there’s gonna be… d-dance in like three days…” You finally got it out but you couldn’t see the smirk on his face and you froze as soon as you heard him snicker.
“Oh God… you’re not seriously asking me out to the dance are you…?” His question was like a bullet to your beating heart as you opened your eyes, face going bright red as the boys started laughing and making you sweat in your forehead, pits and back.
“N-No…! Haha no… ohhh hell no… dance…? I don’t… I can’t even…” You shook your head and tried to laugh with him even though Bakugo’s laughter was directed at you.
“Good.” However, Bakugo’s tone turned a little less casual and a bit cooler even though he still kept that smirk on, but it looked much crueler. “Cuz I’m gonna put this to you nicely… guys prefer to be with cute girls, which is why you shouldn’t be asking out guys, especially not me, I’m way out of your league. You’re a fucking dork, and you’re gross. I wouldn’t dance with you if you were the last girl on earth.” He moved closer to you just so you could hear everything he had to say to you, even though you were constantly glancing down and refusing the let tears well in your eyes as you willed your lip to not quiver.
Why did you just say okay?! Why didn’t you smack him? You were so angry you wanted to, but you were also so sad you wanted to cry and run away. “Good, now get lost.” Bakugo gestured for you to leave and you did…
God you were pathetic, and they knew it as they laughed at you when you walked away for a bit and then broke out into a sprint as far away as possible, letting some tears slip out until you were outside. Wiping at your eyes angrily as your breath hitched, “S-Stupid! Stupid Katsuki… I hate you… I hate you so much…” You sniffled and quietly cried to yourself…
But you stopped and gasped when you heard Izuku’s concerned voice, and there he was approaching you with a very worried look. “A-Are you all right?! Are you crying…?”
“N-No!” You were NOT going to look pathetic in front of Izuku, the last thing you wanted was to vent to him about how much of a jerk Bakugo was. Again. “No I’m just… ugh allergies…” You lied really badly but Izuku was kind enough to not pry anything out of you.
“O-Okay… um… h-how about we go home?” He suggested to you nicely, in hopes that it would get your mind off of whatever was really bothering you, and you nodded at that.
Izuku was so sweet, he was way too sweet to put up with all the shit Bakugo put him through. You glanced at him fondly when he wasn’t looking as the two of you walked home together as you often did, and quickly enough to avoid Bakugo picking on you both again. Maybe Izuku would want to go out with you?
“Izuku…?” You suddenly asked, your emotions acting without your brains permission as you shook when Izuku looked right at you as soon as you called him. “Y-Yes?” He paid his full attention to you. He cared about you, and if you needed him for anything he’d do whatever he can to help you, sure he didn’t have a quirk but he wanted to at least be a good friend to you.
You swallowed hard as you felt his sweet big eyes on you as you struggled to ask, again… except somehow this was easier than it was with Bakugo… sort of. “I… uh… w-well… um…” You were stuttering again, but Izuku was being patient with you instead and was actually more worried than anything because of how anxious you looked. “Izuku we… w-we’re friends right…?” You asked him that instead and he perked up, and started blushing quite madly even though yes, he considered you a very dear friend. Possibly his best friend since Bakugo became such a jerk over the years…
“O-Of course! I-I uh… yeah! (Y/N) you’re one of my… m-my best friends… m-my only friend…” He mumbled rather bashfully and somewhat sadly since although he was okay with his solitude, he liked having a friend by his side too.
You smiled at him tenderly but shyly, blushing quite heavily yourself, “W-Well uh… m-maybe… uh… h-how about you and I…?”
Izuku gasped quietly, blushing even harder because he remembered the dance, and it was that Sadie Hawkins style where the girls ask out the guys. Were you going to ask him out?! It made him so nervous yet excited he was trembling and heard his heartbeat drumming loudly in his chest.
You somehow caught onto his nerves but thought that you were making him uncomfortable instead so you quickly nixed it. “G-Go see a movie maybe…?” Your question immediately deflated the excitement he had…
What was he thinking? Of course you weren’t going to ask a loser like him to the dance. You were way too good for him and he wasn’t good enough for you. You were way out of his league.
“Oh… y-yeah… sure… I would like that…” He knew it wasn’t a date, because he had gone to hang out with you at times as friends. That’s all you guys were… just friends…
“Hee-hee awesome… I mean… it’s just… everyone’s going to that dance and… dances are just so dumb… like… we don’t need to be a part of that bullshit ya know?” You asked him with a bit of a forced smile, and Izuku smiled back at you, it was forced as well.
“Y-Yeah… i-it is… kinda dumb…” He pretended to agree with you, although it WAS a little dumb he still wouldn’t mind it if you asked him out. But he knew you’d never ask him out…
Because you and him were just friends.
You and Izuku were just friends. You and Katsuki were just friends.
They were just friends with you and that was all, and yet for some reason that really made you groan and bury your head into your desk. At least until you looked over to see Uraraka smiling and happily talking to Izuku, who looked extremely flustered just talking to the girl.
That’s right. Uraraka was a girl. He told you that much when he first met her, and what did that make you?
You narrowed your eyes at her in annoyance as you scoffed. You take that back, you were jealous of the girl and frankly you didn’t really care that you were, you were never a fan of her.
Dances were dumb. You stood by that. At least…
“Hey…! (Y/N)!” You saw a familiar, INVISIBLE face right in front of you, well you couldn’t actually SEE her face but you knew by the floating clothes that it was no one other than Hagakure. “Hey Tooru…” You mumbled lowly, thankful for her though because you were getting tired of being by yourself and didn’t feel like bothering Izuku’s friends or Bakugo’s friends. Out of the girls, Hagakure was your closest friend.
“I see you looking at Midoriya again~.” She was giggling and probably cheekily grinning at you and you rolled your eyes and blushed, “He’s my friend, of course I’m going to look at him…”
“Bakugo’s your friend too but you look at him a bit differently. Hee-hee… but he’s kinda mean so… I see why you’d rather look at Midoriya. He’s so nice!” She chirped a bit and you smiled and nodded, he was SO nice.
“Yeah… he really is…” You said rather fondly and Tooru put her hands on your shoulders. “And that’s why you need to ask him out.” She said so suddenly you perked up and widened your eyes.
“W-What…?! A-Are you cray?! No way…! I… tried once and… it didn’t go well…” You muttered, even though it was Katsuki it didn’t go well with…
“Okay I’m lying no no it was Katsuki I asked first… that went horribly… I tried to ask Izuku but… I chickened out and… I dunno… maybe it’s the universe’s way of saying something…” You sighed heavily as Hagakure paid attention to you, smiling even though you couldn’t see it.
She so knew that you liked Izuku, and she was determined to help you win his heart, “Well you can redeem yourself! Ask him out to the dance! This is your chance to do that now!” Hagakure said cheerfully but you just blushed even more, even though she had a point.
But you and Izuku were just friends…
You told yourself that, “Argh I don’t know Tooru… he’s like my best guy friend… what if he thinks I’m weird? Ugh god and I’d be sticking with that lame-ass cliché that guys and girls can’t be just friends? Oh my GOD what the fuck’s wrong with me…?”
“Hey, hey! Cliches don’t matter in real life! Midoriya happens to be your best guy friend and it’s okay if you like him! I mean he is pretty cute isn’t he?”
“Are you kidding? He’s as cute as an otter slithering in a swimming pool with it’s little whiskers and paw-paws…” Putting your hands on your cheeks you quietly squealed when you envisioned the little otter in a swimming pool, and then Izuku was in the swimming pool with the otter swimming around him and giving him those little kisses.
That time you didn’t hold back that squeal as Hagakure jumped a bit, “Ah! Hee-hee… oh gosh… yeah you totally like him, and you totally wanna ask him out~.” She teased you a little bit as you blushed and pouted a little bit, dammit you did want to ask him out… not just to make up for your botched attempt, but also because you really wanted to ask Izuku out. He deserved to be asked out, and you… you liked him… you were certain you liked him…
Part of you still liked Bakugo, but Izuku… you couldn’t forget Izuku either…
“Okay… I will…!” You whispered with a determined voice as Hagakure quietly cheered for you. That’s it. It was time to stop being such a nervous nilly and just go and ask him out already. How bad could it be? You were both just friends going to a dance right? Yeah… who cares if Izuku had muscles now? And who cares if he’s so cute and yet attractive?
Man how did both of your childhood friends grow up to be so attractive? Of the three of you altogether, you were definitely their DUFF...
Everyone else was certainly intending to ask out someone they found attractive, ESPECIALLY Kaminari and Mineta...
“I can’t wait to see the girls in their dresses...! Oh God I hope it’s something that shows skin...!” Mineta was drooling and blushing at the mere thought as Kaminari’s friends just glared at him in disgust. Kaminari KINDA hoped the same but he wouldn’t be vocal about it like that... he had more respect for the girls than that... 
“Heh, well... I can’t wait for this dance, maybe I’ll get lucky~.” You could hear Kaminari talking to Bakugo, Kirishima and Sero though as you got up from your desk. “Ya think so dude?” Sero was a BIT skeptical though as he kinda poked fun at his friend.
“Haha I don’t know if I’m asking anyone… how about you Bakugo? Got anyone you wanna ask out~?” Kirishima was a bit shy when it came to things like that, but wouldn’t shy away from asking his friends about it, except Bakugo could honestly care less about dumb dances.
“HELL NO! Dances are fucking stupid and a waste of time… I don’t get why schools even have them in the first place, they’re pointless…” He angrily grumbled; it was true though he never ever got the point of dances. They were stupid and on top of that hardly anyone was worth going with, no one was good enough for him to give the time of day. He hated dancing too, and he remembered that time where he was almost asked out.
Oh that’s right, YOU had tried to ask him out and he kinda cruelly rejected you. He remembered that, and he felt… bad…? No, why would he feel bad? He didn’t wanna go to the dance with you, you were just some dumb girl that stuck to him and Deku like glue and didn’t go away. You were just slightly less annoying than Deku, that’s why he picked on you. You were a dork, and he liked picking on you because you were a dork.
What were you thinking asking him out last year? He was the most talented guy at school, he couldn’t just go to the dance with a dork… it’s not like it was anything personal or anything. Of course he didn’t forget that you seemed pretty upset about it, but at the time he didn’t care if he hurt your feelings. He still didn’t… or at least he tried to tell himself that he didn’t, but for some reason it was making him feel bad about it.
It’s not like you liked dances anyway, you weren’t a dancer and he remembered how you’d stick your tongue out and go ‘Ewwww!’ with him whenever you, him and Izuku watched some movies where they’d have those gross kissing scenes.
That just wasn’t you.
However his eyes widened as soon as he heard you call Deku. God you STILL called him Izuku, dammit why did he hate it whenever you called him by his first name instead of Deku? He told you from the beginning that Izuku is ‘Deku’ but you still called him Izuku.
And Izuku perked up in surprise when he was called, looking a tad bit startled as he looked at you, concerned. “(Y-Y/N)? Are you… okay?” He asked you as Uraraka, Iida and a few other classmates looked at you and you realized that you called him a little louder than you intended to.
“I uh…”
Oh God you were stuttering again, and it never ceased to amuse Bakugo. You were SUCH a dork it was almost endearing. 
“Uhhh… ummm… uhhhh… oh fuck it… Izuku I need to talk to you about something school-related…” You ignored the looks you were getting and the rather surprised look from Izuku and didn’t notice the shock on Bakugo’s face.
What did you need to talk to DEKU for? It was SO not school-related…
To be continued... 
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we-want-mini-mini · 4 years
I’m currently listening to like, old FNAF songs because nostalgia and they’re fuckin’ bops y’all don’t @ me.
Anyways, because of this, I new prompt/oneshot came to mind. The Batfam somehow end up being kidnapped and they enter a version (of the version) of the first (or whichever game) FNAF game.
Like, say that the creator of the game was a Robotics engineer who had hopes of creating a game. So, they create this horror game, and get hella into it, so much so they wrote books, created a sort of real life version of it (miniature tho) and etc etc. Then the Dev presents the game to another branch of the company they work at and it gets shut down. They get laughed at and everything being told that the game would never succeed and etc etc. And adding onto the Developer’s tragic backstory is that they got back stabbed and got their designs stolen by a coworker and got fired for whatever reason.
Anyways, the Developer not only got humiliated, got their work stolen but they even got fired from their dream job. Resentment breeds and then they cronstructe a real life version of the game(s) they created. They went so far as to stay as close to their games lore (in FNAF the animatronics were possessed by kids, same thing applies here). So, this Creator got jilted, back stabbed and humiliated and went a bit crazy and killed a couple kids who “possessed” the animatronics (the kids could actually possess the animatronics or not, up to y’all, but let’s say in this prompt/oneshot, that they did).
Anyways, let’s say Red Hood heard about five kids from Crime Alley that went missing in the exact same location at different dates. This catches his eye and he researches it some more. The more he researches the more he finds out. For one, more then ten kids went missing at this one location (which is this kids pizzeria party hall). Jason, whose known to protect kids, especially if they’re from Crime Alley or are street kids. But, he finds these series of suspected kidnappings/disappearance of these kids really particular. Something is off and he wants to investigate it.
Switch to Red Robin’s POV were he’s out on patrol and finds crates full of various mechanical/robotic parts. He’s, rightfully so, confused as all hell and tries to investigate were the fuck these robotic parts are being shipped and who shipped them. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find anything of substance as whoever ordered these hid their tracks very well. He takes a couple of the parts to analyze back at the Batcave/the Nest. He opens a couple more crates but finds other shit, like painting equipment, marble titles, plaster and other shit that is usually used when someone is renovating a place. They all have the same markings and the like and RR is confused but starts to suspect that one of the Rogues might be up to something. He also has a theory that this might be the work of a new, and upcoming Rogue as the stuff he found doesn’t fit any of their current Rogues MO but he doesn’t ignore the possibility this might be one of their other Rogues work.
Then we switch to Batman’s POV where he was working a different case but then notices something. He notices that someone is skimming money (a fuck load of money) off of this one companies branch and no ones noticed as its covered up pretty well (but Batman caught some minor, but significant inconsistencies). He tried to track the money transcations as he’s worried one of the Rogues might be planning something or something akin to that. The more he digs, the less he can find because everything leads back to shell companies and to stuff that doesn’t exist. The trail is covered up pretty well but this is Batman, he’s the worlds greatest Detective so he manages to find out that the money is being used to buy... paint, titles, chairs, and various other household renovating items? He’s a bit confused but then thinks that this might be Mad Hatter but when he looks into all the stuff that’s being bought, it doesn’t fit Mad Hatters Wonderland Aesthetic/MO. Still, he keeps on eye on the transactions.
Cut to Nightwing & Robin out in Blüdhaven. They’re out on biweekly patrol together. It’s a rather slow night but Robin and Nightwing are having fun (and bonding ofc!). Then, at one point, when the duo stop a mugging, the lady that they saved made an offhand comment about some kids going missing. Robin’s instinct goes off and he asks the woman whats she’s talking about. The woman explains that some street kids she knew from her job at a youth center just stopped coming. She chalks it’s up to her paranoia but she thinks they might have been nabbed. Nightwing cuts in and offers to walk the woman home which they do. Robin is thinking back on the woman’s comment about a few “missing” street kids. He tries to rationalize it as these kids probably just leaving or ending up in a Dention Center but he can’t help but think about it. He remembers something RH said about street kids going missing at this one specific place. He can’t stop thinking about throughout the rest of his and Nightwings patrol. Nightwing notices that Robin isn’t very focused so he asks what wrong. Robin dances around the topic but eventually does tell Nightwing what’s on his mind.
“That woman we saved earlier said something that stuck with me.”
Nightwing raises his eyebrow. “What did she say that stuck with you?” Nightwing knew that trusting ones gut instinct is important. There’s a reason why something’s that might send alarms off. He just hoped Damian could trust those instincts.
“She offhandedly remarked about missing kids. She told us that some kids she knew from the youth center she worked at haven’t showed up in three months. I remembered, earlier something that Red Hood said about streets kids going missing from a specific location, all at varying times.”
Nightwing is a bit surprised, but he’s heard Jason talk about the case. He makes a note to investigate the missing kids in here and compare notes with Jason afterwards. He has a feeling that the missing kids in ‘Haven might be related to the one in Gotham (considering street kids are the ones going missing. That stuck out to him). He reassures Robin that he’ll investigate it, and Robin replies that he wants in. Dick sighs but let’s him (it’s be a great bonding experience! No matter how morbid in retrospect...).
Batgirl (Stephanie!) is out on patrol with Red Robin when they talk about any recent activity they’ve seen. Red Robin makes an offhand comment about how he found crates filled with house renovating shit but he couldn’t trace them back to anyone. Batgirl stops, as she remembered when two weeks back she was at the Harbor and found crates filled with tech and... house renovating stuff. Batgirl then asks Red Robin for the serial number that the crates had, he’s but confused but tells her. Batgirl then realizes, those weird ass crates she found and she couldn’t trace back were the same one Red Robin were investigating. She tells him this, and tells him that she found were one of the crates were being hauled off to. They both decide to cut patrol short (it was almost finished either way, but tonight was uncharacteristically quiet). They both head off to Red Robin’s Nest. They both exchange info about the weird ass crates and theories. Batgirl thinks that this might be the work of a new up and coming Rogue as everything she found in the crates doesn’t suit any of their current Rogues MO. Tim agrees with her, but can’t find anyone that could be their new Rogue.
Now with everyone having different cases, which are all interlocked together let’s get into...
Five Nights At Genni’s
Ft. The Batfam, the Developer, FNAF Case Fic AU, fuck canon because everyone is on pretty good terms, Lots of Dead Kids (👀), And Scary Ass Probably Possessed Animatronics!
because I’m to lazy to continue on with the prompt/oneshot but I’ll finish it don’t worry lol
Now, if anyone wants to write a whole ass AU case fix stemming from this prompt/oneshot, go ahead! I’d honestly love to read the Batfam try and piece together the FNAF lore, while within the game itself, while trying to figure who tf is doing all this shit. It’s perfect for like, writing a great case fic, an exploration of the Batfam’s relationship and the Batfam themselves. But, it doesn’t have to be serious! Like, if y’all don’t want to write the part about several dead kids and want to write a semi crack fic centered around the Batfam being within the FNAF games then go for it!
Anyone who sees this, tag your fav Batfam writer! Because I haven’t found when fics where the Batfam ever interact with the FNAF games (whether them as actual games or something like what I wrote above). I’d love to see their takes on this prompt!
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years
If you're still doing Dracula requests would you mind doing something about being Dracula's platonic roommate/actual friend? I'm hella thirsty when it comes to Claes but I'm craving something close to wholesome (or as close as you can get with a 500 year old bloodthirsty vampire lol). Please and thank you!
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Dracula spent around 4 centuries living alone in a great big castle back in Transylvania. When he wakes up in modern day society, he never really expected to end up with a roommate.
Especially one he couldn’t - wouldn’t - feed from.
You were one of the nicest people he had ever had the pleasure to meet. You were chill, friendly and always seemed to be smiling. When you smiled at him every time he came into the room, it was hard not to smile back.
You really brightened up the flat.
Dracula really liked sharing his home with you. You both had your fair share of responsibilities around the apartment. Dracula makes sure the kitchen was stocked up for you, even though you told him you could handle the shopping. He doesn’t eat anyway.
This 500 year old vampire was your best friend.
If there was chaos at work, or you had fallen out with a friend, he would sit with you listen to all your worries. He would offer to remove the problems from your life, but you go into instant panic mode and tell him not to. You appreciate his concern, but killing people as a result of one bad day was going a little far.
“It would solve your issue.”
“They really aren’t worth killing, Dracula.”
“That’s a matter of opinion.”
You would stay up to keep him company at night, but when you would eventually fall asleep, being human and all, he would carry you to bed and make sure you were comfortable.
He would never forgive himself if you woke up in a mood because he left you lying there at an awkward angle. He’s seen you when you’re grumpy.
“Did you give me this blanket?”
“You looked cold.”
“Thank you for bringing me to bed.”
“You look comfier here than on the sofa.”
On more than one occasion you have found him sitting there watching your favourite TV shows. You’re sure he knows you know, but he hasn’t said anything. He pretends to be interested when you’re watching them, but he is actually super interested in what the characters are doing this week.
“Did you want to watch this with me?”
“No, you carry on.”
He’ll look at his kindle or his phone, but he’s secretly still watching.
“You sure, I think you might like it.”
“Oh, no. It’s alright.”
He can see you smirking.
He has more than a book full of comments about reality TV though. He can’t quite understand why people find this so entertaining, but he’s also kind of into it.
“Do people really watch this?”
“It’s kind of entertaining, but it’s also really rubbish…. but it’s good.”
“I will never understand.”
As long as you keep the curtains closed, he’ll be up and about with you in the day. He likes seeing what you get up to, but he chooses to sleep when you have to work. The flat is far less fun when you’re not there.
“Are you working today?”
“No. Want to do something?”
You’ll probably end up playing board games or watching a movie together.
He really likes spending time like this with you.
Dracula never forgets a birthday. If you got out with friends to celebrate, he’ll wait for you at home. He’ll order you a cake and everything.
“You didn’t have to do that!”
“It’s your birthday, what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t?”
“When’s you birthday?”
“I’m over 5 centuries old, please don’t bother.”
You’ll want to do something anyway.
Honestly you can’t imagine having any other roommate. You both get on so well and life is good.
Dracula can’t imagine sharing his home with anyone else either.
He’s glad to have a friend like you in this new strange world.
@awyr @fandombeehive @charmed-asylum  @sigynbandraoi-blog@procrastinatingmurder  @sitkafay  @misfitgirlwrites
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kazamastar · 4 years
Welcome to 2021
Ver. 2.1 - Ok. February but still, here we are. “Behold it’s me” as Logic would say. [...] I’m sorry I’m a bit shook because I started to write at 10:01AM, and it’s precisely 12:07AM, I was progressing pretty well in the process of writting and then I made a bad move and lost everything I wrote. I’m kinda mad. Really, I was this 👌 close to give up on writting it, and you can notice that the pixels are touching. But I guess the “I said I’d do it, so I’m going to do it” mentality is taking me places, once again. Even if I have to start again (that's called mental strength, take notes). And I said I’d write it baked so here I am, baked and hella motivated to do it. So, W shouldn’t help me reminding me what I wrote in the first version but nevermind. So I guess I'll put the most things I remember. I can tell there were good ideas ! I'll take this occasion to remind everyone the concept of these posts but first we will recap numbers of this year (well, more or less accurate for 2020 as I'm writting one month late) (and I'll fucking stop writting on the tumblr site and switch to OpenOffice so my next words are not lost again). 637 Nakamas (thank y'all for being here, even if I post 12847 times in a row. You're the best). 3609 posts and 23 376 likes. (109 drafts : lol it's less than a few weeks ago)
Pic : Plot twist 2. No more smile, but the return of the bowtie. (aka « The 4 days late suit » aka « I'm old enough to know better »)
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The choice of this picture was so simple. Or maybe I should have chosen the one with the mustache only I took during lockdown ? Ahah. But … this picture could almost resume the year on its own. If I'd describe it in depth and explain the context, I could review 70% of the events that happened this year (and I think I'll go for that later, interesting exercise).
So. First let me explain the goal of these sums up. Each « Welcome to XXXX » is a resume, a sum up of the year XXXX-1. I write these for me, it's a funny way to keep track of all these years. I try to describe more or less precisely what happened during the year. I allow myself to be more or less precise because I firstly write these for me. And sometimes these posts tend to be long. Especially this one. It's gonna be sooo long. Like, idk maybe highlight this line and take a few seconds to scroll down and see how looooong it is. Kinda discouraging isn't it ? Lucky you it won't go on forever though as today, as I'm writting that it's 12:23PM and I'll have to be gone at 4 or 5PM. But I think contraints make art, even if I don't like to write under any kind of pressure. But I'm determined to do it in one take. So in these posts I also write about the TV Shows, manga, anime, movies I've seen/read. Even books, as I finally had the chance to read « Le Petit Prince » this year. We all know we had time this year, don't we ? And at the end, I post a 12 songs playlist (+ songs that I discovered this year that also are going to remind me of the year). We can roughly say it's « 1 song/1 month » but it's not always true. These songs are songs I like a lot, like really (but not necessarily my favorite) but above all, they remind me of the year I'm resuming (it can also be older songs). I also post my top 3 albums of the year. I'm thinking also of detailing my choices of playlist. Maybe not explaining all of them but a few. [12:36PM. And I'm already hungry.] On the 1st try I remember I talked about the TV shows I saw. I forgot to mention it but I write in English for a few reasons. First is : it helps me exercising my English. For me, it's the most beautiful langage to talk and it's a good occasion to do so. And then I actually enjoy writting in English. And it prevents unwanted people who don't master English to read all that (as it is pretty intimate). But joke's on me, I'm conscious the people I'd like to keep away from reading this all master English, and even better than me for some of them. (It surely is the case for 27 at least, even though we all know she still won't read this lol). Yes, I never drop names in these sum ups. Or at least, some names are blacklisted. I always chose a number to nominate them they would normally recognize themselves. So, talking about English, I've seen « Emily in Paris » on Netflix. It may surprize you but I'm very interested in dubbing. French dubbing is amazing. For example I bought « Spiderman » on PS4 this year and the french voice is the same voice actor as in the « Amazing Spider-Man » (yes the one with Andrew Garfield). (UNPOPULAR OPINION : Andrew Garfield actually is the best spiderman. Or at least the one I prefer and by far). Emily in Paris is funny because I watched it in English and it kinda disturbed me that it took place in Paris but everybody spoke English. On the other hand, if you watch it in French, langages people are talking become logical (French people speak french) but you'll have to deal with the DEADLY ANNOYING French voice of Emily. And her accent. I think I just watched 1 or 2 episodes like that, I couldn't take more ?. If you have time you should take 5 seconds to listen to what I'm talking about. But it was quite a good show. It was so fun to see these streets I've been visiting for so long in a Netflix show. By the way, I think it's easy to say that I'm missing Paris so much. But not only for the tourism, but most and foremost for the competitions. Before being a tourist I was a competitor there. So, I'm missing Paris but I'm also missing karate competitions. And also just karate. I haven't stepped on a tatami for 3 weeks and it still seems like it won't get better, and we all know why. I'm curious if I could talk about this year without mentioning a very famous virus but I think it's just impossible. But this virus gave me a lot of time in March and April. Maybe less in November tho. I could finally finish The Walking Dead, which last seasons were surprisingly good. And it was so fun to watch the reactions of people on Youtube [#]. Talking about karate competitions, I also watched Cobra Kai ! What an amazing job they did there. Adding more depth to the first movie, it's funny to change perspective and see that the Daniel we were rooting for wasn't that much of a « perfect good guy » we saw (I'm not talking about the kick in the face etc). It's also funny to notice I kinda went fro Daniel to Johnny lol. But having a Netflix show talking about martial arts and value they teach to their students ? It was perfect, even more when you see that some of my students also saw it so when we were training I was refering to it they almost all got it. And it's also funny to see that it's not as Manichean as the 1st movie was. It's a 9/10 for me. If I read the last sum up right, I said : « This year 2020 I really need to watch Kimetsu no yaiba, Jojo, Violet evergarden, Gintama and i have to keep ready 7 deadly sins. » So : Kimetsu no Yaiba was dope. The anime was beautiful and the manga was very entertaining. Not a top tier manga but definitively a good one. Jojo's anime was cool but too long. I stopped after season 2 or 3 I guess ? Violet Evergarden was TRASH (and very bad for a date, if you ask me) and I didn't take time to explore the 2 others. I also saw : Assassination classroom (5/10, i couldn't finish it so i skipped directly to the last episode, was as moving as people said), Validé (8/10, with an insane final episode), No Game No Life (8,5/10, i loved it), Freaks and Geeks (7,5 but i didn't finish it, I really like the old school vibe), Code geass (7/10, great anime and great opening). I finally discovered Community and it was worth it. What a funny show. And what a pleasure to see Mr Donald Glover on screen. Makes me think that I need to watch Atlanta again. The problem with Community is the last seasons broke the 4th wall too much for me, it became painful to watch. But the 3 or 4 seasons are crazy. Another show that was even more funny : IT Crowd. I finally had the chance to see the episode of « I came here to drink milk and kick ass, and I just finished my milk ». This show is a 9,25/10. Grand Army was also a great show of 2020. Dom is an amazing character (but I already said it). Kengan Ashura was also so cool ! I think it's what Baki would have liked to become. This year I also started to watch « American horror Story » again (alone and not alone). These last seasons were awesome. I also converted Elodi to «my hero academia », it was so cool to share that. Other things I saw : SAO S4 (AMAZING, SO BEAUTIFUL), Erased, SNK Last season) ; The Mandalorian, 24's 9th season.« Queen's gambit » have been one of the greatest show I've seen this year. And I really want to say that I played chess before the show came out (add me on Lichess if you want to play with me. Same username. I'm not strong -about 1000 ELO I guess- but I'm always happy to play and learn). If you want a precise idea of my level, on the chess.com app, I can beat Emir 🇹🇷 (1000 ELO) often but I didn't win once against Sven 🇸🇰 (who is ~1100 ELO). I'm so happy talking about all these lengthen the post even more. Kinda satisfying. But I could also talk about Tekken and chess this year. I think I have a thing with dueling sports. I'm a Karate competitor, I love Tekken and I like chess. I guess someone has something to prove haha. But come on, chess is incredible. For the 1st lockdown, I was just playing (not alone) but I wanted to make progress just by practicing. And that's how I got BB 5 or 7 (yes, it means Beat By = my number of loss in a row). But at the end of the 2nd lockdown I finally allowed myself to study a little more, thanks to Youtube (once again). This is SO INTERESTING. Like the strategies, the top players. French content creators are fun but I like american ones more. Eric Rosen is my favourite. He's always calm, he often finds solutions. GothamChess is also very entertaining. You can say by how he talks he has been a teacher. He's great. So, once again on some shonen shit, I started studying more. Mid December, a kid beat me 2 times in a row. He's a smart kid, I like him. He didn't brag or anything. And then, during Christmas Holidays I spent 2 or 3 hours a day watching chess videos. I guess he hasn't been able to beat me since then haha. By the way I should play with him later on today. Playing chess is a way for me to make sure my brain doesn't let me down, like gym for the brain. At least, it's what I thought when I started but I quickly discovered that it's a game of patterns recognizing, so memory is really challenged here. I mean, in the middlegame you have to be smart to get by but at the beginning and ending … you have to know your openings. I have also thought of joining a club but I don't know if chess communities are benevolent. I also noticed that high ranked players seem to have strong personalities. And then for Tekken (yes, 3 years and a half later I'm still on this game) I'm still making progress. In March, someone made me want to play Heihachi. What a funny character. Not top tier, but fun. Leroy Smith is also fun to play. There was no offline tournament but I won one, the 1st organized by Tekken Toulouse and finished 5th at the second. It's funny to live that level of stress straight from my bed. Usually, that kind of stress making my whole body trembling is usually found nearby tatamis of Karate competitons. (Yes, these Tekken tournaments make me stressful and that's the reason I can't play Jin in tournaments). But Eddy is still a sure value. Still progressing in movement, and whiff punishing. Mishimas are getting more consistent on electrics but it's not perfect. By the way, if you love fighting games and Bruce Lee, there's a video you need to see (whoever you are) : [#]. If you're really interested in these topics, you should appreciate this video as much as I did [2:10 PM. I have eaten, but now I have the feeling that I'm late.] Btw I don't skip line to add some « length » effect. Once again I'm sorry if making it until here was painful to read, but I need to make this paragraph the least attractive I can. This line I'm writting is almost on the 3rd page of OpenOffice. And I try to avoid using emojis, so there's just text. Tout dans le fond, pas de forme. Also, congratulations for making it until here, you must be very motivated. I'm writting slowly because it's the 1st time I write this by daytime, and I swear at the begining people were harassing me ahah. It's fun because the sum up of 2019 was so short. Just with its form, you can tell how 2019 have been peaceful. I don't remember if I talked about it already but a disaster could have happened in September/October 2019. But karate kept my mind busy so the worst have been avoided. Time spent on the tatamis kept me away from overthinking about my problems. And that was a good strategy indeed. Because in 2020 it wasn't the same. If we count right. Dojos were opened in January, February, 1st half of march, reopened in September and october, closed on november and opened in December (Mon Dieu quel … CASSE-TEX hahaha merci c'est tout pour moi). It was a weird karate year. Today is the 1 year anniversary of my last competition. During the 1st lockdown, I had litteraly no desire to train. Some of you know why. But let's talk a bit more about COVID and lockdowns. The most important thing is that I didn't spent the 1st lonely. This was the most challenging time of my life, but I can say that I made it thanks to 0808 so I'm eternally grateful for that. So, if we recap months by months : January was a funny month. One thing that I thought a miracle happened (until I found out months later what a real miracle was). I also almost went into a brawl. I guess this weird ass month set the tone for the 11 months to follow. February … was one of the calmest month. I had an awesome dojo session in Balma with 0808 in February. I think there were a lot of beautiful sunsets this month. Guess our weather power was at its peak. These 3 1st months of 2020 had a lot of trainings, even if I was injured due to kumite. March and April are kinda the same for me. I won't talking long about these but I'd simply say that I'm glad that I hadn't to write to 27. So, the Miracle happened by mid April. Mid april to mid may, it was cool. We were at home but … the weather was nice, I was doing sport everyday (but no real karate trainings) and I could keep this rythm of exercising until … Half July, which is good. It's the first time in my life I'm that consistent in doing sports at home. From mid may, I started to train with Coach O. on a weekly basis. It was incredible. These days were still bliss in my mind. I was there, no « real problems » in mind, I wasn't alone, I was making progress physically … It was really great. And from mi may to end of July, it kept getting better.Indeed, I fell in love again in January and it was getting stronger by the months. It's been a while I haven't fell this hard for someone. But she gave it back to me nicely. And then … Mala suerte 3.0. This point of the sum up is funny because I do remember when I talked about mala suerte in the other sum ups. I do realize how it's always the same thing when I write those : « 1st part of the year is cool, then not cool, then cool again but in a weird way because I have insane difficulties to repair broken parts of me » but hey. This time it's not my fault. It makes me realize how cyclic all this is. So, August, September and October have been terrible and chaotic months. A level of sadness rarely reached until there. Maybe comparable to September 2018. A high level of anger also. But still, with rare occasions to train, so no occasions to let go off steam. In fact, let's talk a bit about this anger. I've always took a lot of pride in the fact that I could most of the time remain calm in a lot of situations. Plus, being patient isn't something natural but … I learned to be through the years. I was so surprised to notice how angry I became … It simply wasn't me. But the reason is simple : I really think karate brings me balance in life, on a lot of levels (and it concerns me a lot for when I'll stop competing one day …). But I realized it so I'm working on it. In 2020, I led a lot of fights, sometimes I won and often I lost, but I also avoided a lot of them. One of the reasons I think I'm not ready to be a good partner is first I think I'm too angry. I don't think I could be mean to my partner but … I think I could be annoying to deal with. But mainly, I'm not ready to better myself now. To find the good partner, you need to become a good partner first, and this is precisely what I'm not ready to become. Despite being not perfect, I'm fine that way and I know how far from perfect I'm right now. But nevermind. This is the kind of state of mind you can't afford when you're in a relationship. I'm not saying you need to change to fit your partner's ideals. But if you notice something's wrong in your behaviour/habits and don't want to correct it, you might be a bad partner (but I could be wrong, I'm not a couple therapist lol).
Oh. And that's the moment I can describe my photo to tell the story differently. So this shot was taken precisely on Sunday, 4th of October. 1302 got confirmed so we had to go to the Temple du Salin. I went there with my father and he decided to rock a bowtie so I wanted to match him. It was so fun. That was the first time we stepped in a church after « all these events ». It was a strong moment for me. So, this picture (taken by me, thank you tripod) was taken 4 days after I « took a gamble ». I took a lot of gambles this year. One memorable gamble that lead to beautiful pictures of Toulouse was on August 27th (lol). This was after our breakup. I gave her an adress and an hour, and I hopped she would come. She never came so this was a lost gamble. (So I had a great time watching « Back to the future » outdoors, on a big movie screen, but I was alone). But this time was different. I did suppose she would be at one place on a certain day at the end of September. And I gambled right because she was there. And even if the context was so particular, I can tell we had a great time. I was so ready that I put on my best white shirt, because I knew she kinda liked it. I was there to win her back but I simply failed. Guess the shirt wasn't enough. So it was funny to wear the full suit 4 days later, I was like « Dude, nice effort but it's too late  lol» (plus the Temple du Salin is on the other side of the closest bridge from her home) but I still hopped to cross her road on that day. Oh and as we're analyzing this picture, I really like the bokeh on the autmun-colored leaves. I had the luck to have a very sweet light when I took these pictures. And the post processing was really funny. I have a lot of versions of this picture indeed. But all these colors in the background always make me think of a quote I love :  « Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go » and this quote is so damn right. I discovered this year that I have difficulties to let things go. The thing is I hate injustice. I hate to see things that litteraly belong to me, things I deserve, simply run away from me. Sometimes I'm telling myself it's just my karma making me pay for all the شيطان I've done in the past. But other times I just try to convince myself to let go. It's been the 2nd most challenging thing this year. These levels of depression have never been reached before. But still, here I am. But not stronger than before. I had this conversation a few weeks ago about « what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ». To support this idea, some people might evoke the principle of « Kintsugi » as an example. But I strongly disagree about the first statement. I'm not a goddamn bowl. I take the example of my lower belly scar : it didn't kill me but it didn't get stronger either. That's the exact opposite indeed. Sometimes it still hurts even though it's been done 12 years ago (the last time it hurt was this night, almost stopping me from finding sleep). It's a personal opinion but what didn't kill me made me weaker. And I'm not just talking about physical injuries. Losing the ability to trust after all these events isn't what I'd call « getting stronger », even though « I didn't do anything wrong ». That's an expensive price. Bref. I think you can overcompensate with something else but the damaged parts may stay weak after. [3:03 PM. So I have about 1 hour to finish it. Easy.] There's one thing I wanted to talk about in this sum up, related to the fact of « being strong ». I read Blach again (you can tell by my december posts) and I started with the lost agent arc, followed by the TYBW arc. There's 2 things about it : its poetry, through the words and the drawings will always amaze me (it amazed me even if it’s the 2nd time I’me reading it), and the 2nd thing : I love how Ichigo become stronger. He lost his Shinigami powers but then found his Fullbring powers. And that is very important because he becomes strong again, but it's a different kind of strong and I LOVE THIS. It's like in real life. I was very strong in June 2012 (videos as proof), but it's not the same strong as in July 2017 or April/November 2018. June and July 2020 have been a different kind of strong. Not that I gained 10 kgs in 2 months (unfortunately) but I was exercising daily. I was getting my body ready for the supposed heavenly month of August that was awaiting me (us). Unfortunately there was no videos of karate at this period (but I made some in september!) but I was feeling great physically. In fact. This May/June/July 2020 period could be considered as “bliss” for me. Of course there was some background problems but ... Mentally I was getting back on my feet, I was deeply in love, physically pretty feeling myself. Plus on the 1st half of July i could go back to the tatamis ... I swear this level of peace and life appreciation have rarely been reached before. Well, this concept of getting stronger differently is almost obsessing me for a simple reason : I'm feeling like I'm getting older. 27 is a weird age for competing in karate. If I look back, I realize I'm older than William when he stopped (it's his birthday tomorrow!!). Also older than Zak, Teddy and so on. I guess I'll never be physically like 10 or 5 years ago but I'm really asking myself if I can be better. But as seen as the pains I go through after the trainings … It's going to be complicated. Plus I did my body wrong this year. There was pain in mars, april, august, september, october, november and december. I tried a lot of things to make it go. I tried to smoke it, i tried to sleep it, i tried to drink it also. I tried to fuck it of course but none of these things worked. But can we consider I won if only my cock still works ? Compared to 2018 : yes it is a win. And at least when I'm with someone, that makes less time crying and overthinking shit. Anyway, I also tried to smoke it really hard. And that's an habit I'll have trouble to let go but nvmd. Still, one of my 2021 resolutions is to smoke less. Also, I took a funny resolution that is : « I'm not accepting defeat this year ». And I realized only a few days after taking it how hard it will be. I'm not dumb, when defeat is unavoidable, I'll just take it. But I decided to be a real Scorpio and be more stubborn than ever. We can say it's above all pride. Same pride as Vegeta, Bakugo or even Endeavour. Really touched me when Bakugo talked about « Absolute victory ». Sometimes I find myself too soft. I'm not going to become an awful person (or at least, not more awful than I am right now). I'll still be kind … But I'll go get the victories I deserve a little harder. Talking about my age, I'm a bit deceived I have no close old friends to share the memories. Every one is kinda gone. Sometimes it's my fault, and sometimes it's just people who are shit but life's like this. Also, every year I try to think of my best encounter of the year. It's kinda hard because sometimes, you meet someone a few years earlier but you really get to know each other later etc … So I'm not clear if this should count only people met this year or simply the people I've spent the best times with. Because I received a curious message this summer and my God. What a luck she took the chance to write me. We realized a few days ago we were in the same class in 10th grade (2nde) (we saw the class picture, what a laughter we had). We get along so well. And it's the proof that 2nd chances deserve to be given. I swear that I also lost some important people this year. But I'm not fighting to get people back anymore. I've done it too much and I'm simply done. People need to realize it's a luck to be in my life. I have my ways but you'll hardly find a friend that's patient and kind as I am. But nevermind, it always makes more time and attention for the people who are here, who really care for my hapiness. Focusing on the people who are here was one of the main concern this year, for a lot of reasons. I thought I was good for selecting the good people in my life but looks like I still can improve. So I'm still letting people go off my life. [3:36PM. Guess I said mostly what I had to say. Maybe 5 pages is enough, but maybe not.] Oh I can still tell the rest of the year. November have been one peaceful month. Away from all the obsessions. Focused on me. No karate but still courses by videoconference. The weather was very sweet even tho it was November. This second lockdown was not that funny but we've seen worst. And December … had it's ups and downs. It was cool to meet my kids 1 month after all these video courses. They clearly got stronger, it was cool. I could also talk about my experience as a sensei this year because there's a lot to say. At the beginning of February, it was my last competition but also for my kids. We litteraly took the competition by storm. On était TROP CHAUDS. But then the Covid stopped us. We kinda were ready for Occitanie championship, if you forget that I was sick the week before the competition. I'd have loved so much to see how far their training would have taken them on this competition. But thank God they cancelled it, guess He didn't want to see me lose ahah. So, I've seen a lot of kids getting better. What a pleasure. Later on this year I told them that I wanted to see them become stronger than me. Seems cliché, but I'm happy they took it seriously. Of course I'm dead serious. We also talked about I will be waiting for them in Senior. Hope they'll continue until then. And above all I hope I will still be competing. I really want to have a positive impact on these kids, competitors or not. And I guess it's working. (Btw I'll surely do a post about Whitebeard soon, just to show him love). So. What lessons can we draw from this chaotic year ? Always treat your high school comrades well. Be picky about who you let in your life. Before engaging in a relationship, ask why her previous relationship ended. Trust no B. (And BBW's are heaven sent). Now it's 3:50PM and I guess I'm done. But I keep myself the possibility to add things if I think of things to add. It's 6 pages long (Arial, 12) but if I can make it longer I will.
[Friday. 00:55AM] Edit : Ok. The story is funny. I really wanted to finish that in one day. So I wrote the previous lines between 10 AM and 4 PM Wednesday knowing I would need more time, just to check and to add a few more details. And one of those Lonely Wednesday Night would have been perfect just to finish the job. So I planned to finish it on wednesday night but the fact is I forgot my computer home …. So here I am one day later. Still baked, so still in the right state of mind to do it. It gave me time to proofread myself (?) and most importantly, it gave me time to read again some of my previous sum ups. It was interesting to compare how they're all different, and also how my writting evolved. Tbh I think I'm becoming more comfortable with my English. Or maybe the more I express myself, the more I look at ease with the langage. This sum up is the longest I've ever written. But still, I'll add things because I still haven't told everything. For example, I haven't spoken about the fact that all the Kazamastar adventure might be closer to the end than the beginning. Like, I'm not immediatly done with all that. I'm still having a lot of fun here. Anon visitors are also part of the game, but it's still all fun. It also keeps my « photograph eye » opened. This makes me think of the quote «I want to be so awfully happy that I never need to write poetry again. » [#] and more precisely I'm thinking about : do I post more when I'm happy or sad ? But I noticed this tumblr kinda works like therapy for me. (And especially, this post is a therapy by itself. Wednesday I woke up feeling bad, lower belly aching and making this post really helped me going through the day.) I post a lot when I'm sad but it really allows me to get all of these negative feelings out of me. I do stylize things but I know I'm not a poet or anything. But can you imagine being so happy that you don't write again ? Would be an amazing feeling. (Indeed, I've already done it once [#]. I've ended a blog on a perfect happiness and yes it felt amazing. ) Imagine if I do it here. After all the trials and tribulations I went through, it would be a perfect way to finish this tumblr. But as I'm speaking, I think there's like … less than 5% chance that it ends happily. If it does, it could be in a long time. I have a few ideas of when and how it could end, but Imma have to keep these selfishly for myself. You'll see when we'll get there.:) Also, I'm realizing right now the things I'm adding to the text make the timestamps through the text a bit less accurate but that's just a detail. [2:37 AM] Earlier I talked about this blog being a therapy for me. But it’s not only this tumblr. This year I proudly finished another tumblr (yes you can guess I was proud as I posted about that 17325 times already and pinned a post). This was such a relief to end it after letting it still for litteraly 2 years. Well that’s it for tonight !
No transition : let's go for the explanations of my choices for the playlist followed by the playlist itself. It's kinda easy to understand why « la mienne » is here, for the first month. This “I can’t touch you I’m not allowed to” really made me think of someone and this someone came back. Incredible. The next song with a Boogie is perfect for February. Very peaceful month, really full of very good moments (in the backseat of a certain car for example). The 2 next songs are for March. These are kinda « lockdown anthems » as The Weeknd album came out right at that time and so did Laylow's. Plus « Escape from LA » have the vibe I really love from Abel. 2 next songs are for April. Dsvn really smashed when he put that « A muse in her feelings » album. (and the « Amusing her feelings » is even better but that won't happen before January 2021). The sequence between « Outlandish – Keep it going - flawless » was one of the best thing I heard musically this year. But keep it going is insane. « Meilleurs » from Oboy is … special. And so are the 2 following songs. Meilleurs is now blacklisted but it's still one good song. But I can't listen to it anymore. Maybe that's exactly because it reminds me June and July. Count me in reminds me precisely of August 8th. Btw what a funny day, very far from all expectations we built up through the years (let's remind that the countdown started with more that 400 days, but I guess patience and loyalty is not always rewarded). I might digress from the playlist one second, but on this day we were in Treilles with the guys, and thank God I had them in this moment ... That’s when I drank to heal, with “count on me” for soundtrack. For September, I hesitated between « DEUX TOILES DE MER » or « MEVTR » (which means « Meilleur d'Entre Vous Tous Reunis », the 1st stage name of Damso). Damso’s flow on MEVTR is huge. He makes a whole verse rhyme and on but … 2 toiles is more iconic. Talking about iconic, « Bande organisée » wasn't a masterpiece but a force to be reckoned with (i find this expression funny ahah). I mean, in hip hop nowadays we don't see often rappers teaming up with big groups like that. Plus on this song particularly some of them have interesing flows and a lot of energy. And you can tell it comes from the South. Not of them are goods, some are excellent but this makes a very decent track. « Route 66 » was cool, even tough it's for November (so 2nd lockdown) it gave me really lovely vibes. And I take this occasion talking about November 2020 to remind it was the 10th anniversary of Kanye West's MBDTF and I celebrated it the right way héhé. Finally, this featuring is really ending the year well. Dinos dropped an insane album, his best since a long time and Tayc also (respectively « Stamina, » and « Fleur froide »). So having them on the same track was risky but it paid very well, incredible vibe from those two combined. They could have been in the top 3 albums but some people made better than them. Trinity is my top 1 one 2020. The concept, the musics … it was INSANE. QALF was also great. It's insane to see Damso get rid of « artistic barriers » to focus only on sound and music. No communication etc … Just music. And Eternal Atake from Lil Uzi Vert because it was long awaited but also because it was perfect, also a 1st lockdown album so it helped me forget my loneliness but so much good tracks ! And finally we have the very special songs that I coudn't tell why I like them. I just love their vibes. So now is 4:15 PM and I'm offically finished but I still have to tweak it. Know I won't hesitate to add things that are related to 2020 and that come to my mind :) Thanks for reading me. Have a lovely day, or night.
2020 Playlist
Tayc – La mienne (Accoustic)
A Boogie – Reply feat Lil Uzi Vert
The Weeknd – Escape for LA
Laylow – Nakré
dvsn – Keep it goin ✨
PartyNextDoor – Believe it feat Rihanna
Trippie Redd & Russ – The Way
OBOY - Meilleurs
Kehlani - Serial Lover
Juice WRLD & Marshmello - Come and go
THEY. - Count me in
Damso - Deux toiles de mer
13 Organisé - Bande organisée
Joe Dwet File - Route 66
Dinos & Tayc - Je wanda
Spécial : Lil Tecca - Last Call  YNW Melly  - City girls
Jessame - Times we had ~ Dennis Lloyd - Never go back ~  Elliot Trent - computer love
3 top albums de 2020 : 
Trinity de Laylow - Qalf de Damso - Eternal atake de Lil Uzi vert
0 notes
beautifulweird0 · 4 years
Forgiving Your Parents
I know too many people who’ve experienced some form of trauma from their parents. This isn’t a blog about bashing your folks- this is hopefully a post that will help salvage some strained parent and child relationships. Cause I been there, done that-and understanding your parent is only feasible if your parent is interested in understanding you. My disclaimer is this: The child isn’t responsible for mending the relationship...solely. I’mma tell you like this, if your parent doesn’t want anything to do with you...skip em’.     Because that’s backwards as hell and that takes away from loving yourself. Anyway you chop it, if you find yourself forcing yourself on a “parent”, the relationship isn’t going to go anywhere-AND THAT’S NOT YOUR FAULT OR CONCERN. YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL! YOU ARE EXTREMELY WORTHY. I’m so sorry your people ain’t solid; it’s a reflection of them-not you.
It’s my belief that something is wrong with a person if they want no parts of having a relationship with their child. Literally so messed up from their own unhealed traumas that they can’t find it within themselves to love someone they created… Ain’t no fixing on that unless you take they ass to a therapist.
Moving on.
I’ve always had such a strong feeling in my gut when I come across new people. It’s like they look at me and think I got it all. Truly looking at me and seeing a woman who doesn’t have insecurities or childhood traumas spotted along her path cause I’m kind and always make it a point to smile like Granny told me.      I’m usually a private person. But its always been that ‘pull’ on me-telling me… “It’s another little girl that is going through the same stuff you went through. Say that shit anyway. And with your chest.” . Think about it... Can’t a soul embarrass you about some stuff you open about. That takes all the fun out of their miserable lives if folks know wassup already.
    So as a 22 year old woman that been through some mess with her people, let me share pieces of me. Cause the last thing you want on your conscience is one of your parents passing and ya’ll not being on the best of terms.  I was listening to Mad Bitches the other day and Mikhala Jene said something along the lines of, “Nobody living is perfect”.
That hit me a little different. Like damn...nobody walks this earth perfect so...why do we expect perfection (again, subconsciously).
   This is why I say if your parent is trying, then work with them. If they sit down with you and tell you how life was for them coming up. The good parts, the ugly parts, and everything in-between. Trying their best to be authentic and build a bond, then meet em’ halfway (if they haven’t been on some stuff that’s just unforgivable).
And shit, our people ain’t have everything at their fingertips as we do. The apps that spread information quicker than you could sneeze, weren't available. They couldn’t go on a ‘self-care’ page to calm themselves down if triggered or go on YouTube and watch motivational videos. Not making excuses, just using a little perspective that helps me! Yet and still, let your parent(s) know if they did something to wrong you; you gotta’ have respect for yourself as a human. Period.    I didn’t find out who my biological father was until I was about 16 years old. Up until that point I believed another man was my father (which he is still and will always be!). Sooo...I already had abandonment issues from my parents and my dad lived in a way at that time, that all parties involved thought it was best my grandparents took us in. That’s all I know is Granny’s (& Grandpa’s) house since I was a baby.     It helped that when my mom told me who my biological dad was, she was in a much better state of mind and stable-but man...I didn’t know what to feel. My sister was more upset than me (cause we have the same dad hypothetically).      So many questions ran through my head that I couldn’t even cry or be mad. I was shocked. Everyone played their role so well…
There was a long road ahead of me. Not only did I have to forgive my mom and dad for lying to me for so long, but there was a father in the same city I had yet to know.
My first point is patience. If you aren’t going to be patient with an end goal for you and your parent, you’re wasting your time. Being prepared for them to fumble sometimes is mandatory if y’all going to get to a better place. You mess up on certain projects or what have you’s a few times before you get it right...right? Give your parent the same energy if you were in their shoes. Cause baby...ain’t nothing worse than admitting your wrongs and still getting beat down. I couldn’t bring myself to be mad at my mom in that moment where she was vulnerable and upset cause she knew she played a part in hurting me. What was it gone do but make me feel bad and her feel worse?       Blowing up wasn’t going to change what happened now 22 years ago.Yeah, there’s hella’ books on parenting but I’mma tell y’all like my Granny told me, “There’s no such thing as a book on how to be a parent.”.
Having a child of my own- I’ve been witness to this. Folks can be shown and folks can be told on how to do certain things but with each child being different in this world, you have to be intune with them specifically- no book on that.I was through hell and back with my mother and now we’re in an extremely better place because we both made the effort (more-so on her part 🌚). But it was my responsibility to go into it with pure intentions and my guard down a bit after she made the effort; disappointment is what I expected sometimes cause I went into it knowing it was going to be a process.Don’t get it confused,  my mom always knew how I was-that wasn’t the issue. The new end goal was getting to know each other again so I could understand her better so I could forgive her. That’s no sucka’ shit. Its real. Everybody in this life is going to disappoint you, one way or another. Better to know what you’re dealing with so you can assess the situation in order to better assess the person. Free game.
Another step to keep in mind is, boundaries. I just feel like it will make the whole exchange smoother-not easier- but smoother. The point of forgiving your parents and (if you chose) trying to build a relationship, is to have them know you for who you are NOW. Not when you were 5, not when you was 12...have them meet you at your level. They dropped the ball, not you. Sure...nobody asked to be here but that becomes invalid when you start having babies of your own. It’s a different ball game when you bring a life into this world. Your joys become the joy of your children but way too often we forget that our pain becomes theirs as well.
My father always tried too-the dad that I always knew as my dad. On weekends me and my sister would go to his house before he moved to Michigan. Man I was a daddies girl-still am. My grandparents had the house on lock, couldn't watch programs with cussing in it or too much violence. Life of having Southern Baptist grandparents I guess.    The weekends at pops house was always interesting. I could watch all the music videos I wanted and watch the movies that didn't have too much goin on in them. My dad would do different stuff with us like go to the library; he always knew I loved reading. Sometimes my dad would take us to the park or a friends house who had kids (how I met my husband), water parks, or even cooking dinner with me and my sister; plenty of quality time where I could talk to him about anything. However, at the time, pops lived a certain lifestyle and no matter how hard he tried to shield it from us younger kids, I still seen things and experienced things a child shouldn't have. Again, comes with the lifestyle I guess. My dad drunk...ALOT. And it was interesting to see the 'upsides' of alchoholism and the very big downsides. I'd never forget, I was maybe 8? Another weekend at my dads, just me and my sister (I have multiple brothers on that side too plus another sister), and I woke up one morning on the couch. My dad was goin through some things- all he had was a couch that he let me and my little sister sleep on. My 1st thought when I woke up was where was my dad sleeping? My sister was sleep, and it was still fairly early in the morning. I go back to the empty bedroom to find him sleep on the floor. No pillow. No cover. Just a beer in hand, laid out. That broke my heart. Just remember feeling sad all over. I took the beer, threw it away then grabbed the pillow I had and laid it under his head. While doing so, my dad woke up, halfway and kissed my hand. He told me straight up he loves me and he apologized. Didn't go into detail but he didn't have to. My dad never had his pops in his life, nor his mama until he was grown and was taking care of her though her illness. I knew even at 8 years old that, that gotta hurt. I'm not gone sit here and act like I always understood the motives of my father but I tried because he always tried to understand me and til' this day, he is one of the top 3 people that KNOWS me like the back of his hand.
I had to forgive my parents because they’ve come a long way. Holding all that anger and resentment wasn’t gone help me in the long run. And in a way I can say I've helped to heal them by loving them through their screw ups. We always talk about a parents love but what about a child's love? I don’t want to pass down my pain to my son, he don’t need that- the world will give its fair share. But everyday I pray that the world won’t hurt him bad. I want my son to be nothing less than strong mentally, emotionally, but most of all spiritually. He won’t have that unless I’m solid. So I ask myself… ‘hm, what’s still hurting me?’.
We all got a story to tell.
Love. Peace. Manifest.
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wolffyluna · 5 years
TMA Liveblog: Up To Ep 40
I’ve finished season 1! And can I just say: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
(Edit: I meant to post this yesterday, but apparently this got stuck in my drafts. It’s been freed now, hopefully.)
I’m in an awkward position with this liveblog. You see, I like to write up my thoughts about a few episodes at a time, not one by one. So I had some thoughts and theories relating to Taken Ill and Lost and Found-- that got more or less confirmed by Human Remains. So I don’t get to sound as smart and with it any more. (Also, there’s been so much in these episodes that I might be forgetting to say something.)
The thing that got confirmed by Human Remains was the question of how the Masquerade works in this setting. ...which is actually two questions, really. One: Is the masquerade supernaturally or mundanely enforced or both? That is, is the masquerade enforced by people being supernaturally bad at noticing the supernatural (a lá Changeling the Lost) or by mundane means of tampering with files and shutting up witnesses (a lá Vampire the Masquerade, though there is some supernatural enforcement there too.) Two: How harshly is the Masquerade enforced? Are people who find out about the Masquerade told ‘please don’t spread it, okay?’, or do people get “shut up.”
By Taken Ill, I was pretty sure the Masquerade was at least partially mundanely enforced. Losing ~20 people ‘in the system’ is pretty fucked up, to the point where hiding their deaths is almost less malicious? And if you wanted to cover up a horrific outbreak at a care home-- making the paperwork look like it was decommissioned earlier is not a bad way to do it. (As would be any living casualties having ‘work place accidents’). I wasn’t so sure about how strongly it was enforced, but their definitely seemed to be at least blackmail (for ex in Old Passages)
...and then we found poor old Gertrude. And well. That answers both questions.
(Also, Gertrude might have been working with the Lightless Flame? Or having someone else work it on her? One of the two? Argh?)
I’m worried about real!Sasha. I hope she’s... okay. Going to be okay. Going to be okay as she can be.
I also have precisely zero clue what was going on in Sasha and Elias’ end of the Institute. See, Jon and Martin seem like pretty reliable witnesses. They have no reason to lie. Tim was off his face-- but again, no reason to lie. Elias is evasive and I do not trust him not to lie. And Fake!Sasha is obviously a lying liar who lies? So I have no fucking clue what was going on there, because all the narrators are unreliable and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghh.
(Also can I say I do not trust Elias? He keeps trying to avoid finding or proving the supernatural in a way that is fucking weird.)
Also, uhm, I’m worried about Jon and Tim. ...not just mentally speaking (though I am super worried about that too), but physically speaking? If I have understood the chain of events right, Jon and Tim opened a trapdoor, had a bunch of worms fall on their heads, and then got CO2-ed to heck and back? Like, I’m pretty sure that much CO2 would fuck you up for awhile on it’s own-- but the quarantine was only ~24 hours, which seems alarmingly short? And pretty darn short for the medical treatment they probably need. Like, they had worms burrowing in their flesh? That would be a lot of open wounds, and fairly deep ones too. Do Jon and Tim have enough blood in them? How are their wounds being kept clean? How much antibiotics are they on, and is it enough? Also, what sort of quarantine is only 24 hours, jeegus.
I’m also worried about everyone’s mental states, too. It’s interesting, because we keep seeing people have obsessive, paranoid, unhealthy ways of dealing with fear/danger-- that work because of the danger they are in. Jon’s ‘I have to know EVERYTHING’ may not be working out for him so hot, but it’s not going badly, and Martin hiding fire extinguishers everywhere and the corkscrew actually saved multiple people. But it’s still hurting them, it’s just stopping them from being dead. (Tim’s bizarre chipperness probably also counts as this too, but I can’t put as firm a finger on it.)
I made a comment a little while ago about how I’d avoided The Magnus Archives, because I thought it had a lot of blood and screaming in it, and I don’t do well with those, but it turns out it’s a much more quiet form of horror, and that’s fine with me-- yeah. Was Infestation arguably ‘worth it’? I’d say so. But goddamn. Jeez. No. All you need is fire and it’d be the full Wolffy Nope Trifecta (and I’m going to count the fire alarm for a good portion of the fire nope, because seriously.)
...but honestly “I feel like I’m being watched” was scarier.
Because it is traditional, it is time for some rampant tinfoil hattery: I think Michael Knifehands and the fractal weird shit are connected. Michael Knifehands sounds alarmingly like the person who replaced Graeme, except for being too tall. The thing that came out of the Ming vase is maybe less clearly Michael like, but it’s still a distinct possibility. And on a more tinfoil level: the statements with fractals seem to be the statements were fear of insanity, the fear of ‘reality is falling apart, and I don’t know if it’s just for me or if it’s for everybody, and both are terrifying’ seem to show up in fractal statements (eg Ivo Lensik’s father and Ming vase guy.) If I recall the spoilers I failed to dodge correctly, Michael has something to do with insanity. And on an even more tinfoil hat level: Fake!Sasha seems to only know about Sasha through observation. They kinda skip over details and are vague in odd places that imply it, anyway. Fake!Sasha is hella associated with the fractal table. ...and Fake!Sasha knows who Michael is, which implies either they’ve been watching Sasha for a long time, or they know Michael independently.
Also: Spiders and worms are not only separate things, but they are antagonistic towards each other. A spider is why the Archive team found the worms early than the worms planned.
Is Mikhaele a Michael? Because if there are two Michaels and a Mikhaele: what the heck, real Jon?
Also, I’m really confused by the statements not!Sasha(?) decided to steal. Stealing original!Sasha’s statement makes sense: it contains important information, and it could potentially be used to prove fake!Sasha is fake. But I’m a bit boggled by the calliope organ one being stolen, because it implies it’s important... and really, the calliope one? That’s an important one? Really? ...I’ll admit, part of my bafflement is because I found that episode negative levels of scary, because the morning before I listened to it, I encountered this:
Which kind of undercut the episode a touch. Just a tad.
And finally, I’m kicking myself a bit. You see, through the first season, I was playing a fun game called “Real Or Not?”, where I tried to guess which episodes contained real events, because maybe some where fake. ...and apparently all or most of the episodes are real. (Or, in universe real. You know what I mean.) We only heard the real ones! Which makes sense from a story telling perspective, but now it means I have to treat all of them as real. I can’t selectively ignore any of them any more. My theories have to be wholly consistent now. Damn!
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scbincx · 5 years
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭  𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐚.
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[ ESTER EXPOSITO, 22, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ] welcome to the du pont institute for the young & gifted, [ SABINA MARQUEZ ]. you have been accepted as a [ REGULAR ] student from [ SPAIN ], going into your [ SENIOR YEAR ] and majoring in [ INT'L BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ]. your peers at the institute say that you are [ ASTUTE & SELF-ASSURED ], but being [ VEXING & CONNIVING ] may be the reason why the police are asking about you. did you think they wouldn’t find out that you were michael’s [ GIRLFRIEND ]? [ ADMIN J, 23, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER, EST ]
hi friends! jocey here with my first bby, sabina. i’m just gonna get this out of the way right now - apologizing in advance for all that is sabina because she’s truly just the worst™. lol anyways, gimme a like or hmu on discord if you’d like to plot with my little demon child!
name : sabina isabella maria marquez nickname : friends call her sab age : twenty-two sexuality : bisexual hometown : madrid, spain major : int’l business management, minor in entrepreneurship extracurriculars : student council president, business leaders of tmrw, du pont editor, honour society, model UN (spain)
━  the marquez family is known to have a bit of a controversial reputation, mostly surrounding how they made their fortune. what started out as a small delivery company in the canary islands decades ago has now expanded to a global empire of sorts. officially, marquez enterprises is a shipping company that controls the major ports in spain, and owns several businesses throughout europe and latin america.
━  but off the books? well, let’s just say there may be rumours that they’re involved in some shady business and have quite a few shady interesting contacts from all around the world, from politicians to some less than savoury people. regardless, it’s common knowledge that the marquezes are filthy dirty rich, enjoy living extravagantly and lavishly, and are practically seen as spanish royalty in the social scene.
━  as the eldest born to the head of the marquez empire, sabina was always groomed to take over marquez enterprises one day. she has a younger brother, though he shows no interest (or any capabilities, for that matter) in even being a part of it. then there are all of her cousins who want the seat - her seat - at the head of the table for themselves, like her cousin cristiano. well, over her dead body. and even from the grave, she would never let that happen because this was her birthright. while most kids dreamt of flying to the moon or being a princess, sabina always knew she was going to rule the world marquez empire one day.
━  sabina is her parents’ daughter in every way possible. they taught her everything legal and illegal that she needed to know in order to be successful in life. but some things even they couldn’t quite explain themselves. like when three-year-old sabina stole all the crayons in daycare to force other kids to buy them back with their snacks. from a young age, she quickly learned that tricking people into giving her what she wanted out of their own dumb free will was so much more satisfying than stealing it from under their noses. she may be named after a saint, but anyone will tell you she is anything but.
━  a hustler with an alpha bitch mentality, she’s always outsmarting people and outsmarting the system to get things to work in her favour. and when that didn’t work, no one could ever say no to a big fat wad of cash. because sabina marquez never loses. she doesn’t just play the game, she owns it, makes the rules and wins. every. damn. time. sabina strongly believes that playing by the rules was for suckers and if you weren’t the best, then you were nothing at all. and sometimes being the best required playing dirty. if she has to ruin someone else’s life to get her way, then she will gladly pour a jug of gasoline, light a match and enjoy watching it go up in flames. hell, sometimes she’ll do that just for the fun of it anyways. and if that’s what she does for her own enjoyment, then you do not wanna know what she does when she’s pissed off.
━  with that mentality, it’s no surprise that sabina easily became the top student of her program and student council president. though she may have lied and cheated her way to the top on several occasions, there’s no denying that she’s fucking brilliant. yes, she could have done it the right way, but where’s the fun in that? if anything, pulling off all the lying, cheating and scheming proved just how smart she really was. and maybe that’s why michael fell for her. 
━  sabina always thought she was too good for michael. in fact, too good for almost anyone at this school. the whole golden boy, mr. popular act was boring and cliche, and she saw right through it. and yet somehow, almost as if it’d happened overnight, michael had won her over and they were quickly known as du pont’s ‘it’ couple. everyone envied them and wanted to be them. they couldn’t be a more perfect couple and she was the perfect girlfriend - sweet, adoring, supportive. in fact, so perfect that no one ever knew that deep down, sabina had never hated anyone more in her life than michael fucking valmont. and she couldn’t be happier now that he’s dead.
BEST FRIEND  ━  someone who can put up with sabina’s awfulness, or maybe they’re just as awful as she is. this is probably one of the few people she’s actually relatively nice to (at least, by her standards) and will always have their back. possibly even one of the few people she’ll ever let her guard down for. preferably m/nb tbh bcuz she tends to be a bigger bitch to girls cuz they’re obvs more threatening than dumb boys are lol.  taken by simon bexley, cade harrington, sofia gonzalez-cortes MORAL CONSCIENCE  ━  does sabina even have a moral compass? your guess is as good as mine. this is someone she is more likely to listen to and could try to sway her from doing, y’know, ~*just sabine things*~. kind of the angel on her shoulder? often tries to get her to be nicer and overall be a decent human being.  taken by grant winter-grandview EXES  ━  either she dumped him/her, or she was dumped (in which case, rip my friend). maybe there are lingering feelings. who knows?? could be interesting if they’re very different from sabina and that’s why it didn’t work out despite the chemistry or whatever. RIVALS/ENEMIES  ━  ho’boy. homegirl can piss off a lot of people just for shits and giggles, nor does she care to be likeable and personable, so i’m sure she’s got a hella long list of enemies/people she rubs the wrong way. also people she’s sabotaged and manipulated to get her way? plz.  taken by adelaide montserrat, alice coltell, saylor winter-grandview, daisy kennedy CHILDHOOD FRIEND  ━  self-explan. they’ve known each other since they were kids and their parents are likely friends.  taken by madelyn vasquez UNWANTED CHILD  ━  sabina somehow ended up being this person’s very reluctant mom friend. she hates it, she does not want to deal with them, and yet she’ll still go pick up their drunk ass at 4am. she’s all about tough love, so while she may be super harsh and hard on them, she does it out of love and because she cares. not that she’d ever admit caring.  taken by nicollo fernez, james thompson UNLIKELY/ACCIDENTAL FRIENDS  ━  they shouldn’t get along, but somehow, they just do and their friendship works. not typically someone sabina would see herself being friends with, but somehow an accidental friendship of sorts developed.  taken by aurora van der berg, crimson cooper SECRET FLING  ━  the person sabina cheated on michael with. it’s definitely more than a one-time hook-up, but not quite a relationship yet either. she cares about them a lot more than she’d ever care to admit out loud, but it shows through her actions.  taken by william acher CAT & MOUSE  ━  the more sabina can’t have something, the more she’s driven to go after it, even if it’s just to prove a point. and that point is that she’s always right and she always wins. so she’ll flirt, sweet talk and pull out all the stops just to get them to admit that they’re wrong about her. could also work the other way - the more they want her to cave, the more she’ll push and fight it.  taken by gabriel johnson
okay, that’s all i can think of off the top of my head. some plots i’m open for multiple characters to fill, unless it has been crossed out. and ofc, i’m always open to new ideas too!
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school headcanons with the boyz
whoa, I actually got this done 
Sorry this sucks and is riddled with lots of mistakes lmao
(I don’t know how to make the text bigger, trust me I’ve tried to fix it but I’m old and don’t understand internet things.)
I feel like he’s the type to need music when studying and even goes as far as having a “studying playlist.” It’s mostly filled with normal songs.
“Are you listening to a country roads and toxic by Britney Spears remix???”
“Yeah, and what about it?”
Speaking of his phone, he’ll get really distracted and go on it every five seconds to send you a meme.
He’ll also try and sneakily take really zoomed in pictures of you when you’re busy “being a good, model student.” He thinks he’s good at hiding what he’s doing but he keeps giving it away by laughing and giggling. 
Joe will also do anything to make you laugh and smile, he’ll make really stupid puns and jokes that are related to whatever topic you’re studying. You’ll roll your eyes and shove his shoulder and say he’s an idiot but you’re unable to wipe the grin from your face. 
At school:
Chaotic drama kid™️                                                 Will absolutely force you to join the school’s drama class with him and he’s the most dramatic one there. He’ll audition for every single role in a play or musical, even roles like “tree #1″ or “peasant.” He just loves acting and will do any role he can get his hands on.
Also, whenever he lands a role he’ll burst into whatever class you’re taking and yell, at the top of his lungs might I add, “I GOT IT!!!” All your teachers hate him and won’t hesitate to kick him out.
You guys eat lunch everyday together, in the cafeteria when it’s cold out and outside when it’s warm. Despite bringing a backpack full of snacks (“backpacks were invented to be filled with snacks, y/n” “what about schoolwork?” “........uh”) he’ll still try and steal some of your lunch.
Usually, he’ll put it right back because you’ll have fruit or vegetables and he’ll pretend to gag and throw up. “What on Earth is that????” “......a carrot??” “disgusting” 
Gwilly boy 
Very, very good at focusing when he’s studying. Like almost too good at it. Your brain will be fried and you’ll be spinning in a chair at your desk and asking him if you guys can “please take a break.” He’ll shush you and say “one second” and it’ll be minutes later and you’ll ask again and again he’ll say “just a second” and it’ll literally take an hour for him to finally stop studying for a bit and take a break with you.
He’s the type of person to genuinely kinda like homework and he absolutely loves learning. He also loves Shakespeare and will physically gasp and go all “eXcUsE mE???” when you ask him “what’s so interesting about some old, dead, white guy?”
As much as you hate studying and doing homework it’s actually kinda nice and peaceful with him, it’ll be raining outside and you both will have hot mugs of tea and he’ll be reading while you’re doing equations. Also, If you ever need help he’ll totally be willing and help go over the problems with you. 
At school: 
All the teachers love him, he’s very respectful and kind to all of them and always pays attention. He’s also never afraid to ask questions and knows you might be too shy to do so and if you’re lost but don’t want to ask anything he’ll ask the teacher himself after class. Is always willing to help you in general, although he might tease a little first. You know he’d never mean to hurt your feelings and he’s always just kidding.
Also, will 100% audition for roles in plays especially if they’re like remakes of Othello or Hamlet. He really does have a weird obsession with Shakespeare but don’t we all have weird obsessions with old men? (Looking at all ya’ll who say you’d f*ck current Brian and Roger.)
You’ll attend all the plays he’s in and after it’s over he’ll run over to you and start going on and on about how fun it was and he’ll ask if you enjoyed it. Your heart melts a little to see him so happy and passionate. 
Ben!!! :D 
Tends to get a bit frustrated, he’s very smart and works really hard to get good grades but sometimes he just doesn’t get what the homework/teachers asking him to do. It takes a bit but as your relationship progresses he gets less insecure and will ask for help.
Hates studying and will spend a good couple hours getting lots of work done but after a bit you’ll look up to see how he’s doing and he’s fallen asleep. Mostly will fall asleep on his bed but sometimes he’ll actually fall asleep at his desk and you’ve gotta wake him up and tell him to go lie down.
The first couple of times he fell asleep you tried to wake him up and tell him you two had to keep studying. He simply rolled over, grabbed a pillow and chucked it at your face... So you know better now  
At school: 
Whenever it’s lunch time and you’re sitting together he’ll always try to steal snacks. He won’t even hide it when he takes a bag of pretzels from your lunch bag with a grin, you’ll pretend to be annoyed and heave a sigh but in reality you don’t actually mind that much. He also has a bad tendency to forget to pack and bring a lunch so you’ve started packing some extra snacks anyway. Do you not mind more because you’re together or because he, himself, is a snack? You tell me. 
Will also be on the school’s football team and will force you to come to every game and practice thing he has. You might have no idea what’s going on but you’re still hella supportive and happy for him. 
Oh, @rogerina-is-hotter-than-me wanted to be tagged in this so here you go. Thx for being really nice and making me that movie poster thing :D -dummy thicc anon 
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sirendrowns · 5 years
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NAME :  gigi NICKNAME : asshole, bitch, honestly whatever u wanna call me FACECLAIM : kirby PRONOUNS : she/her HEIGHT :  5′8″ / 172cm BIRTHDAY :  july 18 AESTHETIC :   i dress like a walking toddler. deadass. so much baby pink and i wear those old lady foam rollers to get vintage curls. i’m an old lady/toddler combo. LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO :  neon moon - cigarettes after sex FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN :  deadass, annie cresta is still my favorite. lizzy midford is a CLOSE second and daisy is third, but annie has a deep place in my heart as my first muse and my most developed gal
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE :   gonna write about annie because i think it’s funny. i was on omeg.le looking for a chatzy room (yes, back in those days) and i saw a thg room and was like “oh shit sure”. well, lots of female muses were taken, so i, a small child, decide that annie is a good choice and i was s o b a d at writing her. she was clingy, weepy, dramatic, and overall pretty annoying. thank god i stuck around and actually figured out some of the nuance as i grew up with the series WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : for me, i adore the intensely complicated story for annie that we get in so few lines. from less than 10 appearances, you get the story of a strong young woman who won her games and ended up painted as insane, the girl with her star crossed lover who just happens to be panem’s heartthrob (not to mention, he was forced into prostitution at a very young age), to the girl with a carefully written insinuation of sexual assault going on for months while detained as a prisoner of war, to someone getting married to the love of her life, and finally to a widow left to raise her son in a world recovering from war where they will never reach true safety. she’s so complicated. i love her. best girl. WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING :  idk man, i kinda just like it? i don’t have some great reason like i wish i did. it’s mostly just a “i don’t want to deal with MY problems so i’ll work it out by writing as someone else FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS :  gonna be honest, i love shipping. i’m super picky about who i DO ship with, but once it happens, i adore it. other than that, i love my muses getting to just laugh and have fun. as much as i love angst, they deserve some happiness too!
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : i’m a university student, have friends, and a hella busy life. i never get to be active, and when i DO have free time, i’m so burnt out from writing papers and speeches that i just want to do anything but write replies. Tagged by: @missgwendolyne <3333333 Tagging: @starlight-and-skies @finicky-finnick @souloved and anyone else who wants to say i tagged them!!
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savrenim · 5 years
I gotta say I think my favorite part of Jeremy as a DM is that he takes the stupid half-jokes that I make offscreen and just. turns them into things for me. that also fit perfectly into the plot and the story seamlessly but feel special 
like I was making goddamn jokes about “okay but. but I want a bloodsword. we do blood magic. please. Jeremy. Jeremy what if I could make my blood into a sword. b l o o d s w o r d. I could go to parties and never be unarmed because mY BLOOD IS A SWORD. YOU CAN’T DISARM ME YOU WOULDN’T PART AN OLD ELF FROM HER BLOOD WOULD YOU, SO LONG AS I HAVE BLOOD I HAVE SWORD.” and then, like. because it was only half a joke and I got attached to the aesthetic I actively started planning on how to make one of my own, which was pretty much going to be that there are some shadow weapon spells either on the cleric/oracle or witch lists and I was just going to take one of those as I was leveling up in Caedic magic and request that because it’s blood magic can we please flavor it descriptively as being made of my blood and not of shadows like, just as a cool aesthetic piece, and I’d have my bloodsword. 
and then halfway through Book 4 Galen fucking Torus out of nowhere makes a really fucking rad bloodsword from his own blood and hands it to me and I kill a bunch of enemies of the Empire and feel hella cool and I go “c a n  y o u  t e a c h  m e” with starry eyes the next day and he goes “okay sure” and starts teaching me how to make a bloodsword and there are cool bloodsword mechanics and just. Iria Strell got a bloodsword. after I spent six months joking about it. this is an actual legitimate bloodsword not a cheap knockoff made from a flavored shadow spell, real genuine Caedic blood magic here.
and, like, there are a couple of other obvious things (I spent a while being excited about a Feat tree that I’ve now totally forgotten because I think I was looking for some weird way to add Int to attacks and there was something similar to feinting you used bluff for a round and I’ve forgotten about it because it became irrelevant because Iria has developed mechanical combat spurs that give her a pretty similar option, not a “sooo then in five levels I’ll be able to do this!”) I guess another one was joking for months okay not joking about how much in love I was with Arcadia Dominus and holy shit she liked me back and the “gay murder elf bachelorette” bit actually becoming a part of the campaign, this campaign got literally infinitely more gay because I made a dumb joke and then Jeremy went “okay” and followed up on it, we went from no gay to one of the longest running and at least emotionally important plotlines is “oh no Iria is so gay you utter disaster fire of a lesbian how are you going to mess everything up now because Pretty Girl”
but, like
the one that is hitting me really really strongly now-now is that I have been half-jokingly complaining for months and months that I regret So Much Iria Strell’s background as a minor noble because it limits the fanciness and quantity of dresses that I can get for her and goddamnit I want to put her in all the shiny things all of them and how Painful it is to pass all these cool costumes that I Want To Pull just in fashion posts and stuff but uuurgh I can’t because Iria Strell isn’t the sort of noble who would wear all those and she kind of isn’t allowed and that just goddamnit I need to make a character next game who whatever the context wears Cool Clothes so that I would get to actually do a shit-ton of character design and costume design 
and I am 1000% sure that this didn’t change from the original plans, like, the outlines have been in place for months well before I got obsessed with noble costuming, but the big objective of this book is Iria is investigating a maybe heresy/conspiracy that maybe involves nobles, and to do so, she has to go to a bunch of noble parties, and Galen Torus gave her an unlimited credit card and went “material resources are no worry go ham request whatever you want” and what her wardrobe is actively affects all the interactions she has with people and how well she can gather the information she needs to
which means that OOC I get the chance to design a full and changing wardrobe for Iria Strell to look cool as it is now her job as the secret leader of an investigation to actually do noble business and look pretty sometimes and talk to a bunch of nobles and go to parties but just. I’m limited in interesting ways by what is tasteful, but I have been given the full resources and an active in-character reason to utterly go ham on costuming, which makes me so excited as a person
and it’s just. super tiny details like this that idk make the games feel....more than just special? or maybe it’s that I’m not used to being listened to? like. the game is so good. I’m having so much fun. we have gotten to book 5 and it is once again the coolest fucking thing I could imagine. and so was book 4, and book 3, and book 2, and book 1. it is completely unnecessary to throw in tiny things like the bloodsword in order to make me happy and it is all done so....seamlessly? like. if one of my hunches is correct. the bloodsword and a ritual that Galen Torus performed telling Iria it would make her better at the bloodsword wHICH IT DID BUT THAT WAS NOT THE MAIN POINT OF THE RITUAL, THE MAIN POINT OF THE GODDAMN RITUAL WAS TO CONSECRATE PRIESTS AND PRIESTS HAVE MORE ACCESS TO BLOOD MAGIC SO A SIDE EFFECT IS BETTER THAN A BLOODSWORD BUT A CONSECRATED PRIEST IS A SUPER HIGH RANK AND THIS MAKES HER A CONSECRATED PRIEST AT AGE EIGHTEEN WHICH IS VERY VERY VERY UPSETTING TO HER AND POSSIBLY UNPRECEDENTED EARLY 30S IS CONSIDERED RIDICULOUSLY EARLY TO BE A CONSECRATED PRIEST FOR INCREDIBLY TALENTED AND FAST-CLIMBING CAREER-FOCUED NOBLES NOT A MINOR DISGRACED KIND OF EXILED LESBIAN DUMPSTER FIRE LIKE SHE IS
but consecrated priest thing aside and that being one way or another a major plot point and that coming so seamlessly and so perfectly a surprise from the fact that she asked an Exarch if he’d teach her how to make a bloodsword
again I’m pretty sure “Book 5 is noble politics book” was always going to be a thing so it’s not “oh Jeremy wrote it into the plot that I get to be ridiculous and pick out every single dress and everyday wear and hair and makeup for my character all the time multiple times a session and have that matter” because it was always abstractly going to matter as that matters as a part of being a Caedic noble but just 
here and is everything I wanted and was everything that I was totally joking about for months except no joke I just. get to do it. which I’m just actively so excited about. I guess it just...feels weird to me because I’m... sometimes used to making my own fun? or just, like, making things happen in my own life? there have been way too many “well if you want to survive it’s only you that you can rely on” situations not even in a bad sense of my life is horrible like. I could go on a rant about how I....not don’t trust people as people but don’t trust people to be 100% reliable and so always make a backup plan so that if a person falls through I can still get what I need done to be done and it’s just more pleasant for everyone involved if I don’t pin pressure on people or things? but in a different way I do the same thing for the games that I’m involved in, I will find things to make me have Feelings and will make my own fun and write letters and befriend NPCs and insist on staying in touch and, like...I dunno I guess I’m not used to trusting any world, be it fantasy or real, to give me what I want, if I want a thing I have to carefully plan and invest time and energy to earn and take it and be prepared to fail and just because Jeremy’s my friend and I goddamn narrate everything jokes or not of how I/my characters feel and “okay but here is the 1000th picture of a cool dress that I’m sending you and because Iria Strell doesn’t get to wear cool dresses we’ll say it’s the Gothicus Maximus Spring 2019 collection” and just
I guess I’m really not used to a world that cares about what I want
and, like, is sometimes fucking brutal Iria is dealing with slowly losing her mobility and ability to fight to an injury that was her fault and she is descending into a lot of really fun mental health places that push fun buttons and Marian is spelljammer and is Marian don’t even get me started on Marian’s family suddenly reappearing or just. characters from the thousands upon thousands of words of backstory showing up but just idk it feels like even when things are really brutal to the characters......the world is still kind to me? it’s aware of what I care about and it cares about me?
and I’m just so not used to the world being kind
I don’t need the world to be kind to love it. I love this world even with how fucked up and hard it is, and I love the games that I play and the stories that I get to be a part of without them caring about me at all, I don’t need them to care about me, that’s not why I’m playing
maybe I’m just hella tired and the move has been awful my old housemate gave me a deadline less than 12 hours before when there was never a deadline in our original conversations and then she and her mother were also going through my room and my stuff I guess to try to determine how quickly I’d get out of there but, like, I do not like it when people go through my stuff and there was a scare about the landlord selling the new place and the new landlord would have to honor the lease for a year but then maybe not wanting me to have my cats so suddenly for two days even my new living place was up in the air and I was already jet lagged and stressed and barely slept to try to finish a week’s worth of work that I was under the full impression I had a week to do in a day and a half and definitely sprained my ankle but got to keep walking on it and internet took forever to set up and trying to fix my furniture and all my stuff is in boxes and I’m still walking around on a twisted ankle because it’s just me there’s no one here to help me, if I want things to be okay and to get done I have to make them be done myself and these boxes need to be unpacked by Saturday morning because the landlord wants to fix the floor and just. I’m stressed and emotional so maybe I’m hella overreacting to “oh you like costumes? well an aspect of this book is noble interactions and parties so sure I’ll let you pick out literally every dress that you’re wearing” but it just
it matters so much to me
Jeremy is really really good at the DnD thing
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