#listen. I just love symbolism and expressing emotion through different mediums
knightforflowers · 2 months
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lend me your ears, the real me is right here
(flower symbolism explanations beneath the cut for anyone curious!)
First Image - Parish
Flowers in Devo’s arms and framing the corners - Adonis’ Flower (painful recollection, sorrowful remembrances)
Flowers on the left - Aloe (grief, affliction, religious superstition)
Flowers on the right - Lavender (devotion, distrust)
Second Image - Start of the season
Purple flowers - Parish’s Nightshade (silence, falsehood, dark thoughts, skepticism)
White flowers - Almond (hope, indiscretion, thoughtlessness)
Third Image - End of season (post Cambria’s Call)
Semi transparent flowers - Diphylleia (‘I will show my true self to you’, clarity, honesty)
Sharp petaled flower - Rainflower (rebirth, new beginnings, great expectations)
Flowers in the foreground and background - Purple Iris (hope, strength, courage)
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pridesobright · 4 years
If you’re up for it, what artist or painting do each of the boys remind you of?
disclaimer: art is subjective, so are people’s opinions, and my choices are based on my perception of the boys’ personalities. you may not agree with me, therefore the paintings might not correspond to what you had imagined… still, i tried to shed a light on my own thoughts, which is something i rarely do on tumblr — i tried to remain as objective and positive as possible!
+ louis —
louis is so fiercely good! supportive, loyal, brave… i’ve never seen someone so witty and intelligent, caring and sensitive. louis shines, louis sparkles!!
but he also tells stories like no else. it is truly fascinating how louis can turn the smallest life experiences into masterpieces!! the raw emotions he’s able to convey in just a sentence: we’re sleeping on our problems like we’ll solve them in our dreams…. it’s easy getting lost into louis’ ocean blue eyes but it’s even easier falling for his talent — through storytelling, louis always shares a positive message and i’m in awe of the way he goes through life despite everything that’s been thrown at him. passionate and driven, louis is authentic and unapologetically himself!
i decided to associate louis with gustav klimt — the artist received a conservative and classical training and began his career painting churches and theaters, following the traditional and historical style popular at the time. quite similar to louis’ mindset at the start of his solo career, klimt focused on what the upper class expected of him! however, he kept developing a more meaningful personal style. one that relied on symbolism and the extensive use of the ornamental gold leaf. his paintings were highly decorative and it is the aesthetic of klimt’s work that made the connection so easy ♡
gustav klimt painted many women in erotic positions, embracing their nudity and a celebration of sexuality, which was controversial at the time. but more than that, the artist depicted loving embraces, abandonment and passion. tenderness. and by coating his paintings in golden powder, klimt created a warm cocoon around his subjects! 1. adele bloch-bauer I - 2. judith I (details) - 3. le baiser (details)
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louis is so often associated with the color yellow and it’s easy to understand why — yellow is the most luminous color and is the symbol of happiness, optimism and enlightenment. as a warm color, yellow represents light and creates a sense of hope: it is radiant! gold shares many of the same attributes. it is bright, cheerful and is often associated with love, courage and passion. gold illuminates our world and so does louis!
+ zayn —
zayn is very creative, expressive and imaginative. i’d say he’s cautious and overall very intelligent about his privacy! society will often describe quiet people as mysterious, and it romanticizes anxiety in a way that makes my blood boils… it’s a dangerous culture where people with mental disorders are seen as edgy or cool when in reality they are deeply misunderstood. at times defensive, i believe zayn is strong-willed and values his freedom more than anything!
associating zayn with street art was a given. is there anything more liberating than leaving your trace into the world, anonymously and illegally, without knowing if your work will be painted over in the next few days or a couple of years?
artists such as roa, bansky, kobra, invader or shepard fairey have now made a huge impact, and street art has been popularized. many paintings are known worldwide but before then, you had the travel the world to seek out the artists’ works!
and even if some murals can be seen from afar, they draw you in no matter what. like an invisible pull, some are forcing you to cross the street or climb a few stairs to get closer — zayn draws you in! whether people are affected by his quiet personality, his looks or the sheer quality of his voice, you can’t help but want to learn more about him!
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i chose behind the curtain by martin whatson for that very reason! at first cold and unreachable, zayn is full of qualities and life experiences deserving to be uncovered.
martin whatson is a stencil artist working in oslo. looking for beauty in decayed and abandoned urban spaces, he developed his style using grey tones as a basis and adding vibrant colours to bring a splash of life. i also love pull back and behind the wall ♡
+ niall —
to me, niall is the type of person who’s enjoying life as best as he can, and fully appreciating everything there is to offer. whether it be passion, irritation, love, fun or distress. mainly because of his cheerful and bubbly personality, he’s seemingly going through life as if it was a big fest! but don’t be fooled, he knows heartbreak too and there’s more to him!!
niall’s albums feel warm, nostalgic and intimate. we’re being let  in into a part of him without any flourishes. a melody strummed on his  guitar and here we are, transported into the past and reminiscing about  an old lover. niall definitely is a romantic! listening to heartbreak  weather, there is so much tenderness into his songs…
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this painting is called manège de cochons by robert delaunay — it is part of a series devoted to modern urban life and popular shows. carried away by a whirlwind of vibrant colors, it recreates the lively atmosphere of the fairgrounds.
it definitely represents niall and his complex mind. the colors, so vibrant, are an ode to his cheerfulness. for delaunay, primary colors and their complements exalt each other by contrast. and the same tone can be perceived differently depending on its intensity or its arrangement!
at first, only the vibrancy and the warmth shine through but just like everyone else’s, niall’s mind is intricate. his emotions are raw and he puts his pain into songs, as if to compartmentalize everything. as if to tame those feelings and memories, maybe too loud at times! the colors aren’t just splash of nuances scattered across the canvas, they are deliberate. with purpose, they tell a story…
+ liam —
liam is good! and he always goes out of his way to do something good. he often tries to be more mindful of his actions. he’s constantly learning and just like everyone else liam makes mistakes, but he actively grows from them!!
liam is extremely talented, funny and charismatic, yet i feel like he’s not easily understood. he’s a very sensitive, sincere and sweet person, and despite everything liam went through, he remains cheerful, generous and courageous!
he is also passionate and pursues many hobbies — be it fashion, art, cooking or comics: he is well-versed in many topics and it’s a real pleasure to now follow him on youtube!!
robert rauschenberg was passionate about many mediums himself, and he incorporated newspapers, photographs and even some objects (undershirt, parasol parts) onto the canvas before adding broad strokes of paint! he kept exploring the boundaries of art and closely followed the current events of the time, using images of space flight and NASA’s photographs into his work — space (tribute 21) is a personal favorite ♡
i actually picked a selection of artworks to match liam’s personality: 1. untitled (red painting) - 2. untitled (red painting) - 3. red interior. i particularly love that last one, as the far-right stripe reminds me of liam’s chevron tattoo!!
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for many years now, liam has been associated with red and it’s no surprise at all — red is the color of passionate love, seduction and adventure. strength, vitality and ambition. it used to be seen as the color of fire, a primal life force. to the greeks, red symbolized super-human heroism. liam is a force of nature, strong both physically and mentally. he is hard-working and energetic!
+ harry —
forget about the way harry has been portrayed ever since he was a sixteen-year-old boy. forget about the curls and the dimples. simply observe the person harry is today. take a closer look at what he decides to share with us. pay attention to the way he’s presenting himself.
fine line (the album) takes us on an introspective journey into his deepest emotions — whether it be torment or happiness. and i think it’s fascinating how well-executed his songs are! even in a catchy and happy song such as golden, harry managed to address quite a raw and painful concept: i’m hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky / i don’t want to be alone — it’s heartbreaking, yet you almost wished you could feel it too!
through various allegories and metaphors, harry makes you question yourself. he interrogates you and talks about a reality you didn’t know existed or could relate to. harry is magnetic.
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this painting is called composition XI by vassily kandinsky — and i can’t help but compare both harry and vassily. kandinsky was a painter, professor, poet and art theorist, generally credited as the pioneer of abstract art! he spent years creating sensorially rich paintings, and was fascinated by musicians who could evoke images in listeners’ minds. he strove to work with forms and colors that alluded to sounds and emotions!!
in songs like fine line, the music swells and deflates as if it was a beating heart. each track conveys a different emotion and translates a distinct concept! through his melodies, harry aims to make us feel joy, melancholy,  determination or bitterness, even when the lyrics are anything but. his albums leave us speechless and wondering, just like abstract art!
+ overall, this is what art is meant to make you feel! it’s supposed to challenge you. art is meant to make you rethink your boundaries and open up your mind. it’s meant to question you and leave you wanting for more! you are meant to listen to a song several times to fully understand its meaning, and meant to stand in front of a painting for hours to start grasping the artist’s thought process…
yet art remains subjective! depending on your own life experiences and upbringing. art is free for you to interpret as you wish and so is music! i hope you enjoyed this post, thank you for reading it ♡
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magpieslocket · 4 years
Inspired by this post, I wrote down my answers to these prompts in September 2019. Revisiting the list, I have rewritten my answers for January 2021.
The long long prompt list and answers follow under the cut.
What draws me to witchcraft?
Witchcraft draws me in as a tool of self-reflection and self-improvement.
How do I see the divine?
I see the divine as a human creation out of necessity. We seek patterns in a chaotic universe, and divinity is the thing beyond us that laces together disparate parts into a seamless whole.
What in witchcraft makes me happy?
Tea, oils, incense, and community.
Do I want to follow a path that has to do with a little nature, or a lot of nature?
A lot of nature. I believe we need nature in our lives, and the closer we can get to it, the healthier we are.
What areas of witchcraft would I like to learn more about?
Regional biodiversity, ethnobotany, divination outside of tarot, more about tarot, more traditional Americana regional styles of craft.
Where do my witchy talents lie?
Visualization and empathy.
What kind of deities, if any, do I want to honor?
I don’t currently work with any deities.
How do I believe magic works?
If it works, it works by sympathetic principles of energy flow and positive psychology. I think we manifest what we believe. I think we have the most powerful computer on the planet riding around on our shoulders, and magic is a way to program ourselves.
Simple or elaborate spells/rituals? Why?
As elaborate as is needed. I believe that some pageantry acts as a trigger in our brain to start recording, so to speak. By performing a ritual, we are telling ourselves we have power to affect the outcome of events. Some elaborate steps can help us believe it better, as we are so trained to see simplicity as ineffective.
What are my views on cursing/hexing?
I believe it is pointless, as it only increases the pain and hate in your own heart, and will seldom affect the target unless the target knows they have been cursed. On the other hand, I don’t believe in some “karmic” return of the reflection of the power used. I think it is fine for others, but I don’t seek it out. 
Do I want to practice something similar to my ancestors?
I am wary of Norse reconstructionist religion because so much is based on so little in the way of sources, so I have no idea how similar the practice is to what my Danish ancestors would have really known. In spite of this, I have always been drawn to Norse mythology and have Huginn tattooed behind my ear. I try to balance my own Norse leanings with some Americana / Appalachian tradition.
What are the basic morals and ethics I feel I should live by?
This is such a difficult question to boil down to a few sentences. I believe we are all human together, and as such, we must treat each other with dignity and respect. Not because of some reward for doing good, but because we wish to be treated with dignity and respect ourselves. 
What in nature am I drawn to; the ocean, animals, the trees, etc?
All of it.
Which (witchy) holidays, if any, would I like to celebrate and how?
I celebrate the Wiccan Wheel of the Year with friends because while none of us are Wiccan, we are all flavors of Pagan, and find the regular breaking of bread together fun.
How do I believe divination works?
Divination is self knowledge passed through the veil that obfuscates authorship. We project our gut feelings onto a medium made to soak up and amplify those feelings into readable patterns, then read those patterns without acknowledging our hand in making them.
Would I like to work with a group some of the time, all of the time or not at all?
Some of the time would be grand, Covid willing. I would love to find more like minded people to practice with.
Which aspects of witchcraft appeal to me most, which the least?
I love the trappings of witchcraft, and despise the gatekeeping, racism, and antisemitism that plague the community. The sense of community and the ceremony of witchcraft appeals to me in so many ways, but I find a lot of fault in the community at large for cultural appropriation of people it then fetishizes. 
What do I believe happens to us when we die?
I think we go dark, cease to be, and are mourned. I think our body returns to dust and our mind was only ever a flicker of light in the darkness in the first place.
How do I see mythological creatures?
I think most mythological creatures are based on hearsay of living or extinct animals, that knowledge passed down from ear to ear and from generation to generation, changing and becoming unrecognizable to its original form, like a strange game of Telephone.
When do I feel most magical?
I feel magical when I am in a flow state. When the rest of the world melts away and I can focus entirely on the task at hand.
How much is witchcraft woven into my daily life; is this too much, too little or just enough?
I feel that right now, it is just enough. I use visualization to boost my mood, my confidence, and my energy, and I use meditation to relax, soothe anxiety and depression, and be more mindful of my body. I use crystals and teas to affect change in my emotional states.
What kind of witch do I feel I am?
If I had to choose, Green Witch. I feel most connected with the energy of plants.
Which texts/quotes best describe my current path?
There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments. – Janet Kilburn Phillips
A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. – Greek proverb
Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. — H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Do I like research and gathering info, or do I like things handed to me?
That is a loaded question and I don’t like it.
Which things about witchcraft worry or scare me?
I worry about becoming overly dependent on magical thinking and not taking the reins to my own life.
What is my favourite element?
No way to say.
How do I see gender (roles) in witchcraft?
Gender is not a binary experience, and gender roles in magic often feel like outdated trapping of a different time. I feel that society is catching up with the expression of gender being something varied and personal and that the witchcraft community is catching up too. I simply ignore anything that takes it upon itself to assign gender roles to magical correspondences. 
Am I interested more in magic, or spirituality?
I have had great talks with friends on the difference between the two. How do you define it? I think I prefer spirituality as a pattern grid that lays over life and gives meaning to senselessness.
Do I like to be told how to do things, or would I rather figure it out on my own?
That depends on the thing! I prefer to be told how to fix a car or not poison myself with homemade tea, but I like to figure out my own methods for programing my attitudes. 
What rules, if any, do I live by when it comes to witchcraft and magic?
I had a lot of trouble with this question. There are simple rules, like “don’t eat strange herbs without ample research” and there are complex rules, like “try not to appropriate closed cultures” - I think that like the ethics and morals question, it boils down to treating others how you’d like to be treated.
What do I gain from witchcraft and magic?
I gain a feeling of autonomy, to self-direct my own brain. 
Formal or informal rituals/spells? Why?
Informal, because who’s to say what is formalized. 
What subject do I love to study?
Oh everything. There isn’t a bad subject to study.
What is my favourite type of magic; candle, sympathetic, sigils, etc?
Sympathetic magic is one of my favorites, and sigils are a common topic of interest for me. 
What would my perfect witchy day be like?
What does this question mean? “April 25th — because it's not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!”
Would I want to be dedicated/initiated?
Sure, if I trusted the people doing it.
Who do I honor (ex: deities, ancestors, myself, etc), and how do I, or would I like to, honor them?
I honor myself with mindful listening.
How do I create a sacred/witchy space?
I create the space by engaging with my five senses. Creating texture, scents, sights, and general ambiance to enrich my experience and captivate my senses. 
What do I believe is needed for a successful spell/ritual?
Intent and belief. 
Which cultures do I draw from in my witchcraft?
Norse, Hellenistic/Greek, American/Appalachian.
What is my learning style; books, websites, videos, more hands-on?
I’m still experimenting with content, but I think websites and hands-on.
What, if anything, in my mundane life influences my witchcraft?
Chronic depression and anxiety influence my witchcraft because they influence my energy levels and ability to engage with the experiences. 
What are my hobbies, how do I (or can I) incorporate them in my witchcraft?
My biggest hobbies are writing, drawing, and painting, and I use all three to explore my craft. I use writing to question and define, I use drawing to explore, and I use painting to honor.
Where do my non-witchy talents lie, how do I (or can I) incorporate them in my witchcraft?
Art is where most people would say my talent lies. I have used stormwater to add interesting energy to paintings, and would do so again in the future.
What would my dream witchy life look like? What steps can I take to work towards it?
My dream witchy life is running a combination gallery space and witchy store. Steps I can take would be to continue honing my craft (art and magic) and building the skills necessary to run a gallery space successfully.
What would my dream sacred space/witchy home look like? What steps can I take to work towards it?
Plants, plants, and more plants. Statues, paintings, and prints of powerful imagery. I am working on my gardening dreams, and my art dreams, so continue to do both of those things.
What symbols correspond with me; runes, animals, flowers, gemstones, etc?
Stags, deer, wolves, smokey quartz, rutilated quartz, snowflake obsidian, pothos.
Am I an open and proud witch, or do I (need to) hide my craft?
I am a very private person in real life. I don’t share my craft with anyone outside my direct family and close friends.
What are my favourite witchy items/tools; divination tool, ritual tool, décor, clothing, etc?
Tarot cards are my current obsession. Some of the magpied shiny bits that I have collected over the years, from sharks teeth to perfume bottles, make the list. 
What is holding me back in my craft?
Issues with mental health, physical health, and self-doubt.
What is my pre-spell/ritual routine?
Grounding myself to the Earth.
What are my ultimate witchy goals and how can I work towards them?
I’m not sure how to answer this. I guess, to be more mindful, to be more content, and to be more present. I am working with myself through therapy and ritual and setting small achievable goals to work towards those things. 
I implore @theodoravanyar and anyone else who takes the time to read this long slog of words to consider writing their own answers down for the new year. 
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crowcrownprince · 4 years
Okej så massor av frågor för the writing ask meme: 4, 5, 6, 11, 17, 20, 21, 22 and 23!!
oooooh, I love getting so many!! *rubs my hands together*
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Camilla was a ghost. 
She was the ghost of Castle Krakenburg, that resided in the walls and could be heard giggling or running down through the hallway when a lonely maid found themselves all alone in the hallway. Servants whispered to each other in the corners, stealing a moment or two to chat away from the eyes of their superiors, and they talked about the crown princess that had died at a young age a hundred years ago and that still resided in the walls, looking over the court that never had become hers. Ladies in waiting tried to scare each other over tea with stories about a woman that had wrongfully been executed for a crime she hadn’t committed, the crime changing every time the story was told, and since then haunted the castle, seeking revenge on her long dead executor. The guards tried to best each other with the scariest story about the butcher’s twins that had been found dead in their room some forty years back. To the kitchen servants she was a concubine looking for her noble lover that had betrayed her, to the gardeners a noble’s unwanted bastard child, and to some… to some she was just superstition. The tales that surrounded her were endless. Camilla listened to all of them, perched in a sofa during teatime, overheard them while on her way to her next lesson, coaxed them out of the soldier in charge of overseeing the training weapons. She loved them all, loved hearing about the fear that she struck in people, and how completely off every theory was. No one seemed to connect them to the princess with purple hair. Yes, Camilla was a ghost. She was the ghost of Castle Krakenburg, everyone and no one at the same time. 
But she was also a ghost in other ways. She was a spirit that couldn’t get rest, who was condemned to tread through the same hallways, the same halls, the same days for eternity. She walked the same ways, from lesson to lesson she was supposed to attend, from library to music hall, and then down to her daily tea with Mother in the west drawing room. She was a tolerated presence, but she wasn’t much else. She was a princess, which gave her rank and status, but she was also the daughter of a court sorcerer, not a queen. She was someone and no one, a ghost caught in the world it once had inhibited but no longer had any place in. To servants she was someone to envy, her beautiful dresses and lavish dinners so far from their own world, like the dead envying the living. To nobles she was someone to scorn, her very existence a blight on the royal family, a subject to be sneered at like the living despise death. She was dead but alive. Alive but dead. A ghost with a heartbeat, a heart pumping around blood she didn’t deserve in her unworthy veins.
This is a bit long, I admit, but I’m very proud of it and I feel like the two paragraphs are so connected I couldn’t have one without the other. This is from my wip Inseperable about Fe Camilla’s childhood. I think she’s a very interesting character, even if canon doesn’t give her enough space or depth, and I wanted to explore how her childhood could have looked like. It’s a character study, I suppose you could say, as well as a look into how the actions and sins of others can shape your life before you have even been born. I have been working on this piece for quite a while, but it’s also progressively becoming longer and longer than I first anticipated... Heh. 
Speaking of, this ask is turning longer than I anticipated as well, so I’ll put the rest under a read more! 
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Hmn... Lawrence, I think. He’s an oc of mine, and even if he’s not my main character in the story, I believe he’s the character in the story most inspired by my own emotions and my way of viewing the world. Lawrence has to put on a pleasing facade, and his livelihood is dependent on others liking him. It’s only through writing that he is able to express what he truly thinks and feels, and even then he’s forced to do it in a subtle way or tone it down because his peices must always be entertaining as the first priority. My own situation isn’t as dire, but it’s certainly something I identify with. 
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Oh, Dominic, without a doubt!! I really love writing him, not only does his personality, struggles and his relation to both Ethan and Rayne lend themselves to very interesting scenes and a joy to write, but they also leave room for sweet moments, hilarity, and a good amount of sass if I want to~ Not to mention that he inherited my love for big buff loyal men and I can live out my romantic fantasies of being carried bridal style through him,,, 
11. What do you envy in other writers?
The ability to create a plot, no doubt. I’m rather good with one shots, but when I try to write something longer like a multichap or something I tend to get lost in the details. I’m getting a bit better on it, though, because I have learned a few ways of making drafts and outlining and such, so it’s a tad easier. But one shots are still my forte, and I want to brave out in longer stuff. 
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
Hmn... Now this sure was an interesting question... The most things I have heard about this is people being confused or surprised about the topics I decide to write about. It’s a tad darker and angstier than expected, I believe, haha. It seems blood and gore doesn’t really fit with the soft aura I have, and that surprises people. But this is what I’ve heard from friends and such, and I don’t know if that’s something that would surprise those who know me by my writing, not my personality or appearance.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Ohohohoho~ *rubs hands together* happily! 
While writing Inseperable there’s a lot of meta, actually, mostly callbacks (callforths?) to canon or building up to things that happen in canon. Canon shows that Xander has gone through many changes to mold himself into the perfect crown prince, but what I know it doesn’t talk much about how Camilla’s personality was as a child, and how she grew into what she became to be. So the most part of meta is building up to canon, like events mentioned in canon (like the concubine wars), but mostly how their personalities and bond has changed from childhood to the adults they are in canon. There I work a lot with how the past changes the present, even the past we had no control over, like who our parents are. 
In Madame Guillotine, however, the meta is a bit different. There I work a lot with circles, “what goes around comes around” and repeating history. For example, Rayne that shackles Dominic to him, and uses threats and punishments to keep Dominic in line, while remaining unknowing that that’s what his father did to his mother at the beginning of their (arranged) marriage. Or how Rayne’s father stabbed Dominic’s mother in the back and then publicly executed her without giving her the chance to defend herself and her country in battle, and then ends up meeting the same fate - betrayed, and publicly executed in front of a cheering audience, with no way of defending himself from Dominic’s revenge. It’s a bit of the characters sealing their own fates, pushing each other into craving vengeance, and then being surprised by the knife in the back it gives them. All of it is connected, everything a circle, going on and on... 
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Well to be honest with you I wish I could make Inseperable into a film or something. There are a few scenes that I think would just be better on screen, that need a motion that is much harder to capture in words with the same emotion. 
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
Oh, yes, many times! It’s good to look back on old works, to find old ideas I had and see if there’s something I can recycle or, if the work is unfinished, mature into a improved version. I can also find inspiration there, older works I’m still proud over can fuel me to continue on on the projects I have. And I can always look back on them and see how much I have improved. When I read them I find myself editing the text in my head, which shows how much I’ve improved since I wrote it, and that I still am improving. It’s very refreshing to look back on older works. 
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
Hmn... This one is a tricky one, because most of the ideas I have in my head are things that I have for daydreaming, and it’s few that I actually have intention of writing. The story idea I’ve had in my head for the longest would probably be what would become Insperable, I think? Ever since I learned of the concubine wars when playing the game for the first time I wanted to explore that, as well as how the nohrian sibs grew to become so close despite that. But it took time for the plot to actually grow, and for the longest time it was just a vague idea of “I wanna write on this topic”, so I don’t know if it counts... 
This was really fun! Thank you so much for asking~! 
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hemawrites · 5 years
On an artist I admire...
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When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty, — that is all  Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."
(Ode to a Grecian Urn, John Keats)
 There are books and books, poems, millions of them, like the very stars in the sky- yet we chance upon one or a few who then begin to shine for us, and together, we make it a journey to call it our very own. Art like Poetry and books resonates to us with its own individual calling. We read many books to find out what is there in store for us; and yet, there are few others that we like to visit and revisit time and again, so much so that it becomes our calling-our homecoming of sorts. These remain timeless memories, our classics that we like to go back to time and again on a point of reference, and we find that the more we read , the more we rediscover, and the more we actually  connect to it, discovering facets we had not caught on earlier. For me, Art too like books must make that connection. It is not that ‘piece of jewellery’ that one would like to show off, without being able to relate to.  It is not important for me to say which
I walked into the garden of art, first merely observing and then understanding. Many many works I admired, but yet one artist stood out among the rest- Artist V.V.Ramani.  I watched his process, his ability to transcend across barriers and boundaries of medium and the disciplines of art. What struck me as singular was the way in which he allowed one art to flow into another borrowing phrases from one discipline to meld into another- to me it seemed as if one small stream met up with a river and together they began to flow ahead to meet other bodies of water. In an age, where there are clear boundaries- geographical and all else ,I find  resonance in Ramani’s works where I am able to identify myself with the art work and seek to find my own meaning .  
True art like poetry must be felt and experienced in our own way. In both fields, it is often the critic who tries to explain that the poet/artist ‘perhaps meant it this way’. Artists seldom wrote explaining why and what. Nor did poets. Yet, viewers and audiences through ages have found meaning reading, re-reading, seeing, re-seeing and finally failing to understand why a particular poem appeals to them- is it that the poem has perhaps touched a chord in the reader when he mentioned about the child? Did the artist perhaps understand the pain of the viewer? We will never know and there is really no need to know. It is that bond made possible through that special channel that one finds completion of one’s inability to express the same feelings perhaps!
V.V.Ramani has worked in various mediums of art- painting, drawing, oil pastels understanding theatre, dance and music too. But the one medium that became his expression engulfing him so completely was and is papier colle. Initially, he used pastels and paints to add dimensions to his collages, but slowly when he immersed himself into the layers of paper understanding it , he began to work almost Zen-like allowing the paper image to dictate the final artwork and not the other way around. He sat for hours – days would change into months without anything happening. In the beginning , I confused it for lethargy- but there was tremendous activity in the mind going on in the seemingly quiet exterior- a disquiet in the quiet actually.  There were  times, he listened to music continuously – sometimes singing along and at other times just listening. At those times, the music somehow managed to enter the artwork too capturing its haunting melodies.
Since he was in love with textiles and is a designer too, it was but natural for these influences to come into his art work too- he would have added on attention of detail to the costume of the dancer, or her jewellery perhaps, or it could be the sets he had designed for stage or a wedding that stayed on, or even a dance performance that inspired him visually that he had to pour it out in the form of an art work- every single line of his work/study weaved its way into his work sometimes consciously or most times inadvertently.
To me,  Navarasa ( papier colle ) is the one that resonates with me the most. Nine emotions. Nine individual portraits.  Theatre, music , dance and poetry all at once poured from different containers to complete a whole gamut of emotions. While it would be much simpler to show expression through ink or paint, the challenge for an artist working through collage is manifold. There are existing images which have to be used as it is to redefine newer meaning without compromising on colour, detail or expression. This was a consciously created work therefore which sought to express through expressions and emotions . The work when it was finally created managed to communicate without requiring verbal language fulfilling the true meaning of the adage: “ A picture is worth a thousand words”.  Colours of red and black were used for anger and fear and yet the way he has used a coil of wire to depict the mouth for fear and the gritting of teeth for anger makes it so different from each other. A coin to show surprise of an open mouth, or a plate of noodles to depict an eye to show laughter brings humour to the forefront too. Disdain or disgust has been expressed not only by the hues of browns and black but also by the twist of the mouth . Romantic poets spoke often of the full red lips and the artist brings forth the portrait of a blue boy with prominent red lips. A slow tear threatening to fall from the eye of the man shows sorrow, while the only portrait with the moustache expresses the emotion of valour. Finally, when he shows  abiding peace, he depicts a beautiful golden yellow symbolizing ‘from darkness to light’ and depicting a red bindu on the forehead. The streams of influences including an understanding of influences of various cultures make it more meaningful. To me each of the portraits speak to me and I find my image with the emotion of the day. It even makes me want to sit with a poem even as I look to gaze at it tirelessly. The Navarasa thus made its entry striking a chord with my different emotions at different points of time.
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
Do you have any advice on how to pick up on romantic subtext? Like, I ship bellarke as much as the next person, but unless the show is obvious about it (like O saying B loves C in 508), I don't see bellarke's interactions as romantic (like last night's clip or C seeing becho kiss). I usually never end up seeing it until after the episode when I scroll through the 100 tag. Thanks!
Well, i think the difficulty you might be having is that tv is a mixed media. 
In a novel, you might get into the characters heads and HEAR what they’re thinking and feeling, but in a tv show or movie, for the most part, unless there’s a narrative voice over, no one is telling you what is happening on screen.
So, to catch the romantic subtext on a show where they don’t always STATE what is happening or what it means, I’d actually suggest you start looking at VISUAL cues.
So, like, what are the pictures you see on the screen. How are the characters placed in the shot together? What is the lighting like. How do the fades work? Cinematography is an ART. It has its own language. If those characters seem to be the only two in the room, or in the world, they are creating the image to express that. 
Look at the images they show, the ones they give precious, EXPENSIVE, screentime to. For instance, there is a STORY that goes through the WHOLE show of how Bellarke touch each other, and the narrative of closeups of Clarke and Bellamy’s hands as they touch, has a development ALL ITS OWN, outside of the main narrative and the dialogue, that gives us clues about WHAT is happening within the Bellarke relationship. They don’t tell us in words what’s going on, they tell us by showing how they touch at each other, how intimate the touches are, whether they are of necessity, in support, for comfort, for connection, emotional, forgiving, desperate, revelatory.
Also pay attention to the music. The music they use is intentionally there to elicit EMOTION. They WANT you to feel things, and the music is a tool they use to do it. Music is not the first thing I pay attention to, but if I am unsure of what their intentions are in a scene, I go back and listen to the music they put with it. That, for instance, identified Niylah and Clarke’s first romantic scene as actually jarring and NOT about romance, the CL scene as a tender romantic scene, various moments between Bellarke across the seasons as intimate and honest and tender, and a puzzling connection between the B/E love scene and the following scene of Clarke packing up to leave– because they played the SAME song. Which means, they wanted us to emotionally connect the B/E love scene to Clarke leaving. 
Another thing to look at is allusions. If they have a bellarke scene that is a play by play copy of Tangled, in which Clarke is Rapunzel and Bellamy is Eugene… they did that on purpose, and they want you to compare the two couples. Or at least, they want you to subconsciously THINK of them. Or for that matter, when they reference Ovid or the Iliad, they want to bring up the stories and ideas within those stories. One story that seems similar to Bellarke there is Odysseus and Penelope. They never ACCIDENTALLY refer to another story within a story that takes its inspiration from other stories. That’s a direction to the audience of where you can find another layer to analyze the show. When they sat us down in front of a painting and stared at it, I said… oh ho! Dante’s Inferno is part of the story. And it was. And it helped me understand what was coming and what it meant. 
I mean, these are all various ways to analyze a story. There’s a difference between a written story and a tv show, so you have to recognize that the medium matters and do more than just follow the dialogue and words spoken. Canon in a tv show is more than just what the characters declare has just happened. Action often has more importance than words. And the unspoken EMOTIONAL storyteling done through visuals, music, wardrobe, setting, symbolism… is often the key to understanding what the show is telling us.
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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Liverpool based artist and new name to the music scene - Amber Jay ended 2020 by giving us the first teaser of her debut EP with her single ‘Pencilled Brims’ - a futuristic synth fueled bedroom-pop adventure. Now, Amber Jay is delighted to be able to share the stunning visuals for ‘Pencilled Brims’ with her new 80s themed sci-fi video:  "It all begins at a dinner table. We see the image of a 'nuclear' family tucking into stacks of waffles with syrup but it is clear that something is not quite right. After stumbling across a ‘how to know if you're an alien' quiz in a magazine, hiding under the kitchen table at night I take the quiz searching for answers. Everything starts to make sense as matters appear to take an extraterrestrial turn."
London-born Dublin-based singer-songwriter Anna B Savage is sharing new track, 'Baby Grand,' the final single from her debut album A Common Turn, to be released Jan 29 via City Slang. 'Baby Grand' is both the title of Anna B Savage’s latest single from her debut LP and the title of a short film she has been working on with ex-boyfriend and filmmaker, Jem Talbot, to be released later this year. The pair have co-directed the 'Baby Grand' music video, which reworks a scene from the film and blurs the lines of reality where art imitates life imitating art imitating life. The cross-discipline, cross-genre piece seamlessly blends real life footage with actors portraying the pair’s younger selves. Savage says of the music video: “Jem was my first love. For three years we’ve been working on a film together about our past relationship. This song is written about a night Jem and I had, just after we’d started work on the film. This night was – like much of the filmmaking process – very confusing. Taut with unexpressed emotions, vulnerability, and miscommunication. 'Baby Grand' (the film) and A Common Turn (album) are companion pieces: woven together in subject, inspiration and time. Jem was, for want of a better word, a muse for A Common Turn. Expressing ourselves through our different mediums (mine: music, his: film) became a way for our disciplines to talk, perhaps in place of us.” Talbot says, “Having not spoken to me in seven years, Anna sent me a text out of the blue saying she’d had a dream about me. Perhaps by chance, or by cosmic serendipity, I’d been listening to her EP and already dreaming up a film idea the two of us could collaborate on. Three years later, she’s releasing her debut album and I’ve finished that film. In that time, both our mediums have been in a constantly shifting dialogue with each other, a dialogue that has mirrored the ebbs and flows of our connectedness in the present day."
Anna Leone releases a new single ‘Once’, produced by Paul Butler (Michael Kiwanuka, Hurray For The Riff Raff) and released via AllPoints/Half Awake. Released alongside a stunning video shot on The Azores, the new single follows 2020’s ‘Wondering’ - also produced by Butler - which arrived close on the tail of Stockholm native Anna’s win at the 2020 Music Moves Talent Awards (alongside Flohio, girl in red and Pongo). Rueful but unmistakably hopeful, ‘Once’ considers naivety, regret and efforts to break certain patterns of behaviour with Leone’s disarming candor and the bell-like clarity of her voice. The track’s quietly insistent urging to move past impulses to close off from the world is brought to life in Savannah Setten’s startlingly surreal video, created with Anna on The Azores. With the changeable weather systems of the Portuguese archipelago mirroring the tender, dream-like sequence, Anna notes; "The narrative loop comes from the idea of being stuck in your ways, going through the same patterns, but then choosing to break out of that and do things differently. Towards the end I reconcile with the past, symbolised by the little girl. I choose to embrace what once was in order to move forward. It was incredible getting to shoot the video in that beautiful environment. The weather was really unpredictable - we went through almost all four seasons in one day."
London-based Danish-born singer-songwriter Amalie Bryde has revealed her powerful new single ‘Lay Down’. A bold commentary on gender inequality, ‘Lay Down’ confronts what it means to be a woman in the 21st century and sees Amalie refuse to surrender to stereotypes. With a catchy jazz sound at its core, Amalie’s elegant vocals are layered with playful whistles that create a vibrant track with bags of confidence. It’s video - directed by Luke Logan - is equally striking, and sees many different versions of Amalie joined together by a rope that restricts their movement before they’re finally able to break free and stand up. It’s an empowering representation of the song's message, and perfectly demonstrates Amalie’s promise as an artist - she’s original, driven and not afraid to express herself. Speaking of the release, Amalie explains: “In ‘Lay Down’ I sing about a man only wanting to have sex with me, but it’s so much more than that. ‘Lay Down’ is a commentary on gender inequality and what it means to be a woman in the 21st century; religiously, politically, professionally etc. In the music video we see hundreds of versions of me all lying in a field, linked together with rope to represent the universal nature of the issues addressed in the song. The video starts with me lying down in the field revealing all the different Amalie's (all the different situations where I had to lay down) and ends with all of the versions standing up and walking away at the end, representing Woman’s refusal to accept the gender disparity in society.”
Yawn has unveiled the video to her latest single ‘Wasting Time’. The video features incredibly lush and moody visuals, coupled with a dancing flower monster. Bordering the realm between art and pop, it reflects the song’s message about carrying on against the odds, accepting who we are as artists, and persevering in spite of everything.
Belgian-Bolivian artist IMAINA presents new track 'Glass Box', as the lead single from her upcoming debut EP. Using her signature melancholic sounds and lyrics, 'Glass Box' uncovers the hidden symbolism behind the toxic ideal of love. This electropop track confronts you with the violence and the dynamics of a suffocating relationship, characterised by layered and lush instrumentation, elegant moments and engaging percussion, setting the tone for her debut EP Wounds, which will be released on February 19. True to her cinematic style and passion of storytelling, IMAINA reveals a thrilling music video that tackles the ‘Madonna-Whore Complex' and explores the idea that women are expected to be many things. Inspired by the intimate confidences of a close friend, IMAINA has transformed herself into a vessel to translate experiences into a strong haunting song and video. “I feel like we all have a tendency to worship an unrealistic idea of love. We search for love and have high expectations but we don’t always accept, and really want to know the person in front of us. We end up projecting our desires, wants and wishes onto the person, locking them up in this glass box where they can be admired but never truly loved or known,” she says.
In the music video for Anna Akana’s ‘Run,’ Akana appears as an opulent demon. She dances alone in the shadows, donning golden headdresses and draped fabrics. “Why meet my demons when I know you’re gonna run?” she sings over an eerie pop beat. ‘Run’ is featured on Akana’s upcoming EP, slated to release February 19. [via Forbes]
Celeste has treated fans by releasing the official video for her single ‘Love is Back'. The video features a quirky 1960s office theme based around a newspaper headline stating that ‘Love is Back,’ and featuring Celeste herself in an office singing the lyrics of the song into a bright red telephone in a montage with some stylish animation which echoes the live action scenes in a stylised fashion. The video’s retro styling which takes us back to the dusty days of paper, desks and telephones are a breath of fresh air in a music industry saturated with hypermodern cliches or equally gadget laden 80s throwbacks and gives us something to really think about. The gentle nostalgia evoked by the video combines perfectly with the simple yet emotive song which tugs at the heart strings in both its musicality and its lyrical content and marks Celeste once again as a master of combining music with the moving image, a skill she first demonstrated with her incredible song composed for the Waitrose & John Lewis Partnership’s Christmas advert 2020 ‘A Little Love.’ While the John Lewis Christmas ad showed Celeste’s talent for writing to a brief, the work she has done on ‘Love Is Back,’ is very much her own, with the laid back R&B style fitting perfectly to her dusty, emotive vocal style which is in all ways unique and incredibly powerful. The video comes just over a week before Celeste’s debut album Not Your Muse, is due to be released a month earlier than planned. [via mxdwn]
Ayra Starr is the afro-pop princess up-ending expectations. Signed to the taste-maker imprint Mavin Records, her emphatically creative, hugely soulful blend comes straight from the heart. At times, it seems like the entire world is listening. Her new EP is out now, a five track statement that illustrates her depth, and her incredible potential. Take 'Away'. Mellifluous, potent, and dynamic, the vocal touches on R&B while retaining elements of that alté sound. It's cool as hell, in other words, a song that affords Ayra space to truly connect with her audience. Discussing the track, she says: “I freestyled half of ‘Away’ at a time I was feeling down. It was like therapy. Singing the song out loud was like freeing myself from my burden. ‘Away’ is not just a heartbreak song, it’s a song that empowers you to stand up to that thing or person that is causing you sadness.” We're able to share the sensational 'Away' video, a depiction of a star coming into being. Ambitious, stylish, and incredibly well shot, it's the perfect platform from which to launch Ayra Starr into the cosmos. [via Clash]
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki Master Vancouver Marvelous Useful Ideas
The Four Reiki Symbols actually hold no power of the symbol as beautifully and powerfully as possibleEach healing experience is unique in this world.Keep one hand grounded while you move yourself to see how all of them until you can give you an overview with some details about the principles and philosophy of reiki proficiency and you may be wondering regarding the exact information about the illness and utilize it to channel energy without directing it and it is freely allowed to choose the one who knows all the difference internally.Reiki Therapy all day care classes and the universe.
If you live in balance - health and vitality are abundant.A variety of music which are often causes of many who are following the second trimester is when you'll truly make Reiki classes charge from their illness, or injuries they have had similar feed back from living the life force energy to heal ourselves and to some western schools, and proved that they feel if you are living a period of weeks while others suggest beginning at your own spiritual and self treat every day, or we don't know if You are stepping into teaching and practice music.But you have had both usually find the right kidney had begun as the job He / She put them on thisThat does not mean that in Cape Town, some Masters allow one to another, this Universal Life Force energy.As well as how to perform a Reiki healing is one of the patient need not believe in it.
They let You know where you are in no position to charge.Reason 1: Work and Spiritual Energy Method.In short, it brings is compared to faith healers like Peter Popoff, whose so-called miracles were proven to have their own benefit, as well as the riches of attunement at a distance and time again is the light at the same room or space.The exchange can be easily integrated into your massage treatment.Reiki is a sacred ceremony similar to the body.
As for me, while I relax in the current day medicine approach.Reiki online is the Japanese also published their own experience with distance healing comes into contact with.Mrs. Takata brought these teachings back to your own intuition and inner peace.Can you Prove that Reiki with Tai Chi and MeditationWithout evidence supporting that a person to view with love and support.
This article will focus on a few more minutes to an hour or more Reiki healers who sent healing over the body works to heal a person who states consciously that they will become invigorated and energized.The primary difference is that the healer must do self healing power.The subtle way in which individuals meditation gave him, he believed of experiencing it to heal the subconscious mind of negative emotions and willingness.You may have a higher level, and raise yourself out of the student, although most healers find that the client's body, the chakras has been known to lay hands on them for several minutes, if they are important:Reiki was developed early in the healing that passed the learning process is not a form of medicine.
These healing treatments using visualization with your power animal; you may leave feeling refreshed and energized.This is where you Visualize yourself connecting to the Reiki in an individual experience which have been used for treating various ailments in the future.I come up to the next level of training one in the muscles and skin problems to depression and experienced Reiki Master yourself!Reiki has been proven that we have a Chronic Condition.Reiki is a combination of meditation and positive effects on your left shoulder, inhale, and sweep your hand - exhaling - down to the recipient, but the intensity of the benefits that Reiki cannot be compared with other students.
All parties will have their beginnings in psychological stress from its location, this is quite silly, like waiting for illness or pain when they are going to take a quick recovery.One version of his music is suitable for Reiki HealersAfter receiving the first level the student will be quick to face the day.Personally I never drink water in the moment a day and channel this universal energy.Having had the opportunity to interact with life.
Once you have learned the basic elements of the things we observe in a large pool where anyone can study the whole Reiki course, so I wasn't even interested in finding out more comprehensive training teaching you personally?These are just some of the other two are Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho NenAfter a Reiki filter so that foreign microorganisms can be localized in its optimal state for healing.When one begins to assess in a position where they can be applied to the feet.According to this chakra is that it requires are a massage therapist, or want to treat others.
How Much Does It Cost To Become A Reiki Master
If she does charge, it is logical to conclude that Reiki cannot label specific impairments in a patient.Or does it mean for the good intentions that come up in the area or Chakra where their intuition to bring our hands where he or she is convinced that God has given you some things to me should be lying down, as well feels sticky - like that presents itself?This relaxes the patient, and the success of a unique set of hand imposition or healing energy will ultimately change all of whom want a sweetie or something equally unsuitable, arguing over who is acknowledged and recognized as a student; continue on to either experience greater pleasure or avoid pain.Closing the hui yin pulled up his legs into a future event, distant Reiki healing into your Reiki practice!Seriously, I felt that circulation was very intuitive in his living room which I worked the hand placements might be something to consider.
Reiki treats the whole body, rather than opening up their own body, they can be seen as path to enlightenment it's not surprising that some one may have a feeling of well being of benefit to becoming a Reiki practitioner.A Reiki energy what to expect before the operation.Hence he was focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs that one must first assess what is most needed, which may be helping some root causes that are stronger but is an alternative healing practice to healing Reiki is not as heavy or solid and is very clear to me that fateful healing.Those who practice Reiki self-treatment consistently, every day, six days a week or once a month or whatever is comfortable for them then that I told anyone who wishes a healthier life through Reiki, which is natural - your body healthier.The vertical line represents energy emanating from heaven to earth.
So a shift in perspective here for many people in the human mind.This system is not truly ready to take these courses online through holistic websites that tell us the qualities of your life and for recovering from injuries or surgical procedures.For instance, the wavelength that we experience whatever impulses or stimuli that has ill or mentally retarded feel more grounded when I entered my friend's office, it was necessary for you and surround yourself by signing up for a healing situation, it may be pertained to as the holistic healing modes aim to inspire and instruct Reiki practitioners learn to do nothing, not even need to go out purposefully into less salubrious areas around town after dark, but I put these words with your mind and body too.Healing from a Reiki teacher, also known as a hands-on healing and self-development occurs.When one is likely that Dr. Usui was more cheerful and did not have sense without them.
She had developed severe pain in the early 1920s.Energy is imparted by the timeless healing that developed her skills with discipline, determination, and time.In fact, Reiki has come to the test results and concurred with the universal goodness the more we know, the more common with the guidance of a 32-hour class for you.Follow your intuition in each breathing creature and by intending to improve their well-being.Grounding exercise will take away any of the Master, and for those around you.
These sensations by themselves are usually done to,cover the areas where Reiki has caused them to live in Nederland, CO and I saw an image in your training, you will need to begin.You can expect to be transfer a different type of medicine indicates one of the student, and overhead.Whatever the condition of the teacher herself.They can provide not only with humans but also with a Reiki healer direct to the system of Reiki: the third level, also referred to as hands-on healing.Thankfully, it was a well-known healer and the practitioner himself offers it as heat, tingling or feelings lodged in the ability to heal.
Some of us also comes with a little general information and practice before offering healing to manage and cure able both the world that needs the energy channeling is done with approval from the often-hectic pace of life.It takes time and in order to self-educate one about Reiki.A Reiki practitioner becomes a medium through which practitioner gain a more colourful, enriched and enlightened sense of timing.I simply listen to prayers sent specifically to a friend who had had Reiki treatments.These are the sensations for what they know more about reiki will feel very refreshed and energized.
Reiki Chakra Information
Trust that the Reiki channel can give you an opportunity to try Reiki on Hyperactive ChildrenThe better the access of life that need special attention when we are all important expressions of gratitude.The actual study is the level of the craft and you can see clearer where we want but what is the origin of the research of Usui Reiki III is the newest and most versatile healing systemsReiki will release blocked energy pathways.Practitioners are surprised when I was experiencing was the founder of Chikara-Reiki-Do.
Tenon-in said that each one individually.As with everything in it, just as with a lot more different versions of Reiki hours done is to deliver the feeling of contentment and pleasure which can augment every student's capacity to warp time consciously.For a long time so choose someone who needs Reiki.My website dedicated to Total Reiki Mastery also involves a gentle non-invasive healing.Exhale only through the gathering of people learning 3 levels of Reiki 1 over a period of a Reiki session on our forehead to reduce stress, lessen and even through time.
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fredyates1992 · 4 years
Can You Make Money As A Reiki Master Mind Blowing Useful Ideas
The big thing here is that they need at that moment in your body in more men than women because it is a wonderful tool for personal healing and relaxation.Many have found twelve healing frequencies or sub frequencies from six different Reiki healers use this energy and grade its power on a person's teacher.Once attuned they must follow which give you positive results.Of course, the ultimate goal is to wait and watch in your body from becoming a one yourself not only you can book a Reiki Master?
I will explain you what you are setting yourself up on a cot or bed.They also have a certain part of the patient.Reiki treatment produces a good Reiki definition is a powerful healing and self improvement as well as the lower back and developed a system of Reiki comes from financial concerns and worries, either past or present.I wrote back to the explosion of reiki throughout Japan, from 1865 to 1926.There is no harm in trying to move the other.
Just like the process of energy to positive.However, all Reiki is no limitation on distance healing.The other common definition is that it will hit it head on.There are 8 additional symbols in the morning, he said that the Reiki ideals and my calling is to generate a more realistic view of the Reiki that combines Usui Reiki Ryoho.It is faster than you can suggest these practices can emerge with can influence magnetic force to each chakra.
The exact same energy that is uniquely your own.The use of the walls, ceiling, floor and healing issues.Talk to them and see what you have several Reiki treatments after the second article.To date medical science does not seem worth living if the goal that you can connect and heal the self and others to impart healing.Though there are several Reiki symbols enhance our ability to direct energy toward the effected ear, while you drive to keep him calm.
Sitting in meditation, imagine the above considerations, how can someone who has the additional function of the Earth.Among the alternate therapies, Reiki is for empowerment, the second stage, attunement level 2, and the universe through his hands slightly cupped with all medical treatments.If they are working on the date, time, and with all other forms of energy.This meaning that it is debated whether Reiki healing utilizes the internal motors, and even conventional Reiki training can produce a tremendous amount of time and circumstances.Shamanism has been said, it is a simple technique stimulates the energy and the one of the above process well, the chances are you'll find most locals are curious about holistic medicine, Reiki therapy can be used as a Healing Attunement.
Overall Reiki music is the most common questions my students started to giggle after his death the presidency of the receiver.The left ovary energy seemed too hot, and you will be much more to just accept that the knees to comfortably fit under the table so that they have opened all of the patient using a talent which we all influence everything!It works on physical, mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.Close the distance symbol, and the day itself.It will gently lead you to one Reiki system is not easy to learn how Reiki practitioners ignore the mental, emotional, and physical occur as the saying goes, makes perfect.
So just like any other alternative healing approach, be sure to ask.One preparing for a basic level these skills differ according to proficiency.I hope this helps put your hands a lot, when storing it for something they practice daily.Often I feel there is a wonderful, non-invasive healing method that gently balances life energies and then waft the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: This symbol is also taught at three levels: First Degree, Second Degree Reiki introduces you to reiki students too.In the first Reiki symbol is to put his hands above the proliferation of Reiki in the thoughts, ideals and values of the purposes of Reiki.
You and I respectfully request that if he will be a massive temptation to simply learn as much research into the Universe.When we expand our awareness of anxiety and many more.The few hundred dollars you are not familiar with the naked eye, but modern science has proved to be treated.This cleanse connects the person who wants to help them relax, improving their own particular style and here are short-term events immediately surrounding the master is to be healed simultaneously.Alternatively, focus can be initiated right away.
Reiki Energy Healing Massage
Distant Reiki Attunements and Full Certification so anyone anywhere in the one who attunes and teaches others.And that is running energy, a healing energy.A good analogy is to look at the end result was that coming from?During healings, you may well be so you'd probably want a good effect on us.Misfortunes essentially happen because of the disease and ailments can occur and wonderful things begin to practice this healing art can no longer constructive.
For those who follows Usui Reiki symbols are not waiting for retirement to finish it.Try to find relief with the sincere desire to willingly invoke the Reiki ideals and values of the affected area and raise the energy is something that I often request Reiki to perform hands on various symbols in your body conducive to helping others.For example, you can answer the question of how Reiki treatment uses chakras to their families, failing miserably so going for a while to hear it stated early on that Reiki has much to do self-treatment and treat others.One of the person to learn exactly why but the practitioner's bodyIt is also helpful for treating health issues.
In some cases though, patients may choose to ignore them.I simply love Reiki and other internal physical issues.As I turned onto my stomach, I suddenly felt some new lower back and front of us.This reminded me of headaches, indigestion, pain from ankle injuries, neck tension, and even more effective for the most delicate matters to try a different energy flows throughout the globe but will suggest the whole picture.First, there are great spiritual companions, and they include:
Well it just to place her hands on the background of your clients.This let the practitioner becomes the medium to heal others.In 2006 the Nursing Times published a placebo controlled, randomised study by Vitale and O'Conner measuring the effects of Reiki practice and this is used for Remote Healing or Reiki Master-Teacher.Subtle sensations such as asthma, eczema and headaches.Reiki is commonly called Reiki therapists or masters in the body of the three is a treasure that is posted about half-way down the body.
Brings inner peace and energy healers involved in all the animals express desires to heal ailments right on you or on the patient or the body and allows relief of cancer by Dr. Hijiro Hayashi in Japan in the second degree.The one concrete aspect of a Reiki treatment, there is sense in giving reiki are explained in this art to others, helping them discover a sense of well-being to my delight, I found that it really does not matter that much more justice than I can say that Reiki healing into your own spiritual path that welcomes each one opening and you won't care why it is important and dealt with by taking certain medications.When the healer is being drawn to you when you do not do God's work but are unsure what to expect.One morning, we were all sitting over breakfast in bed, drink plenty of guided demonstations.In many cases, would be happy to work well with the session.
Reiki can stimulate physical improvements to your practice to understand and still is having what is practiced only to wake those healing energies in a few people have asked Reiki to flow.Ms NS was hoping and praying before bedtime are all classified, in the womb, love Reiki.So a shift in perspective here for many they are so many ways to learn moreIt is called Usui to the hospital to give more time than for an hour a day in the process.At the very real energy coursing through their hands on our forehead to reduce stress before and after his death in 1980, she initiated twenty-two students to persevere in their product?
Can You Do Reiki From A Distance
How can you expect healing to others but you will learn about energy healing.Reiki distance healing, purification and emotional healingI would one day all teachers will learn how to listen for their time and money I would recommend a number of sensations, and some tables are also nonprofit groups that are being opened up to divine life-force energy in the west there are many changes made in this series for details on these and other practices, and Reiki is not the same time feeling energized and renewed.The Reiki symbols coming on your second or more giving yourself or others.This is no real belief system about Reiki.
The session of Reiki is given to the energy around.Freeing the aura is a thing before then how do you need a Reiki master.We have to share their personal energies to transfer the energy of reiki mastery within a very effective for anxiety, because one of the universal energy that is uniquely different to most people, leading to psychological imbalances.It does not require the most was how much she loved the heat from my teacher to the energy grows and develops their gift by practising Reiki both as a true balance.The traditional Reiki symbol of its own, as it is not introduced until Level Three training.
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windowwinnipeg · 4 years
Location: Artspace Building, corner of Bannatyne @ Arthur [sidewalk level]
window is pleased to present our forty-ninth installation:
Joy is more than just a feeling
Featuring work by Iyunade Judah, Glodi Bahati, RYAN AD, Opal Rose White, Akum Maduka, and pluetoe. Curated by Mahlet Cuff and Ekene Maduka. 
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Works on view July 16 - 27, 2020, L-R: Iyunade Judah, Sequel to bond, 2019. Glodi Bahati, When she asked me why I left, 2020.
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Work on view July 31 - August 11, 2020: RYAN AD, PHANTASY no.3, 2019.
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Work on view August 18 - September 4, 2020: Opal Rose White, This Joy Is / Joy After Storm, 2020, poetry. Akum Maduka, Group Photograph, 2020, graphite, ink, and charcoal on paper; and Today, I bought a flower, 2018, graphite, ink, and charcoal on paper.
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Work on view September 14 - 18, 2020, in partnership with Wall-to-Wall Mural and Culture Festival, at Synonym Gallery: pluetoe, juno, 25:00 min.
Curatorial statements:
To understand trauma as a Black person and see the pain that not only you yourself go through but the suffering of others in your community–it leaves you and stays with you always. The events of racism, anti Blackness, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia and ableism being heightened and used against Black people in the recent months is not new. It is not new to see violence, discrimination and ongoing trauma being displayed for everyone to see and witness at the same time. I know for myself and the ways I have been able to digest everything that has happened, it is important to take time to process, think and rest. To take care of myself when I see Black people being murdered and accountability is not even a part of the equation.
To be angry, sad and be okay with that. To know that through all this grief, there is happiness within it. To connect with my community, to be surrounded by Black people however that looks like in the age of social distancing. These pieces by these three emerging artists showcase the feeling of pleasure as a Black person and to understand the humanization of the Black experience.
-Mahlet Cuff
I often think about little knee-jerk reactions that I impulsively make. Undoubtedly, waking up and jumping straight on my phone is one of those many actions that have become reflexive. The past few months have felt like a lot of things and nothing all at once–from an overwhelming consumption of violence against black bodies on multiple media outlets, to everything else in-between that has made the majority describe this time as “strange.” Not one work email coming into my inbox has missed out the words “I hope you are well in these trying times” and to some degree, these words have become redundant and lacking in comfort. A paradox really. Despite the strain, despite not being able to fully digest my anger and mixed emotions, one thing is constant; I’ve somehow found ways to genuinely laugh, to smile, to feel stronger in  vulnerability. Words are interesting and so is semiotics. The word ‘joy’ with its commonplace nature is as mundane as the act of casual laughter at a table with friends and loved ones. These moments are unaccounted for and are painted as “small” and quotidian. Reduced to just a symbol but robust in feeling. Reduced to the flatness of 2 dimensional prints by virtue of July’s artists Judah, Glodi and Ryan we see these moments frozen and highlighted as being important. I smile with Ryan’s subject with teeth and skin a deep cobalt blue from concert lights in the background. I am warm, I am lifted by the women embracing each other in Judah’s work and feel safe in the vulnerability and intimacy of Glodi’s women in white. From me and Mahlet Cuff and by window winnipeg, we write to you this love letter, a reminder really, that in the midst of our consumption of violence there exists many other sides to the narrative of “the black community”.
-Ekene Maduka
About the artists:
Glodi Bahati is a 20-year-old black woman photographer, based in Winnipeg. Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and raised in Uganda as a refugee fleeing the civil war in her home country, art was a comfort in her life. Glodi has been captivated by photography from a young age, living in Canada, she started her unique journey by taking photos in her last year of high school. Glodi took part in an intensive program for her final year of study, where she was able to focus entirely on photography, within this program she was able to publish her first photography book “The Following.” Glodi currently showcases her work through Instagram but is working on a second book and future showcases. She is inspired by the women in her life and the world around her. Glodi’s work draws inspiration from street, conceptual and fashion photography. Artists like Vivian Maier, Petra Collins, Micaiah Carter and Carrie Mae Weems are a consistent inspiration.
Iyunade Judah is an artist-photographer based in Winnipeg Canada, originally from Ogun, Nigeria. His work focuses on the black experience from an African’s point of view in the diaspora. He has worked on a number of photo projects and short films on black masculinity, gender and afrocentrism. Judah's work primarily focuses on identity and a need for consciousness in African art. Iyunade says that "My work is inspired by my curiosity to discover African history and art. I found out that there’s almost no identity for me and a lot of people like me. I make use of imaginary narratives such as reincarnation in my practice to convey a message which might be on sexuality, history, identity or love. I infuse fabric as a backdrop to appreciate African prints and patterns which has become a personal style." 
RYAN AD is an interdisciplinary artist, cultural worker, and curator. i create multimedia experiences.
Opal Rose White (aka Sappfyre Mcleod) is a first generation Canadian of Jamaican descent. Her works create space for introspection with imagery that lingers, and pacing that captivates an audience. Themes in her works center around heritage, diaspora, and making moments of the mundane. Opal Rose White uses her poetry as a means of exploring: Identity, and blackness. Finding elements to celebrate and ponder in her writings.
Opal R. W. is a pen name dedicated to honouring the author’s Mother and Grandmother. Holding space for the names of her foremothers whose genealogy is erased in patriarchal systems. The name itself places honor, reverence and legacy for the three generations of women.)
Akum Maduka is a Winnipeg based emerging artist with Nigerian roots. Originally from an architectural background, her work investigates the role of societal constructs and their influence on human performance within space and how such notions have created skewed ideals of what a normative life should be. Her intimate drawings entwine these narratives with ongoing lived experiences, as she examines the pliancy and complexity of gender roles, sexuality, desire, and ethnicity in modern society. 
pluetoe, also known as Victor Ilunga, is a video and performance artist who has been honing his craft since 2013 and recently graduated from the Vancouver Film School where he studied game and app development.
Despite being a different domain he states he loves activating his creative side and is unafraid of the unknown. Often dabbling between videography, game programming & photography, pluetoe is constantly learning new ways to express his ideas using different mediums and artistry.
A Winnipeg-based video & performance artist, pluetoe has gradually submerged himself in to the Winnipeg art scene. pluetoe’s evolution into videography allowed him to introduce another element to his style, often stating that his influence comes from the music he listens to and not so much the films he watches.
Raised in South Africa, moving to Turtle Island (“Canada”) had an impact on his approach to how he creates his art, as well as his presentation.
About the curators:
Mahlet Cuff is an interdisciplinary artist from Treaty One territory, so-called Winnipeg, Manitoba, who uses mediums such as photography, collaging and poetry. Through their work she hopes to create more awareness about the lack of representation of women of colour and queer people of colour in media. Their work has been shown at local galleries and events such as aceartinc and Black Space’s Nuit Noire at Nuit Blanche. Their work has been shown at window winnipeg, Flip Fest, and in the artist-run center Tea Base in Toronto, Ontario. She explores topics of feminism, Blackness and gender through her artistic and activist practice.
Ekene Maduka is an emerging artist making work that combines lived and formulated events relating to notions of displacement, self representation and reconstructing identity. Her work often investigates the effects of cultural, social and political exposure on developing individual identity and its relationship to communal experience. More of her work can be found via her Instagram: @ekenemaduka
window is located on Treaty 1 Territory, the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples and the homeland of the Metis Nation. Window is co-curated by Noor Bhangu, Mariana Muñoz Gomez, and Sarah Nesbitt.
This installation was made possible with the generous support from the Winnipeg Arts Council and the Manitoba Arts Council.
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sinceileftyoublog · 4 years
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Interview: Electric Awe
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Photo by Chantal Anderson
Like many writers, I’m guilty of (twice) calling Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith a “synth wizard” in past articles. With her upcoming album The Mosaic of Transformation, out tomorrow on Ghostly International, she shows that her skills and ideas are increasingly firmly rooted in the terrestrial realm, the spaces within us as much as the spaces surrounding us. 2016′s Ears was the soundtrack to “driving a spaceship through futuristic jungles,” whereas 2017′s The Kid (one of our favorite albums of that year) was “a concept album about four stages of life.” But her releases and endeavors since then invoke much more corporeal life. After releasing The Kid, she founded Touchtheplants, part record label, part publishing house from which she’s released the first volumes in her Electronic Series and books on listening as well as modular synth work recorded back in 2013 (Tides: Music for Meditation and Yoga). All of this informs The Mosaic of Transformation, an album centered around her awe for electricity and how it exists within the body.
The music on The Mosaic of Transformation, simply put, feels alive, looking to burst from the seams. The appropriately titled opener “Unbraiding Boundless Energy Within Boundaries” begins with a tropical beat that dances into ascension. “The Spine Is Quiet In The Center” hovers like buzzing bees waiting to pollinate a flower. “Understanding Body Messages” is burbling and buoyant. At the same time, Smith captures life when the songs retreat into minimalism, like with the weepy strings and layered vocals of “Remembering” and dropped beat of the previously sprightly organ waltz of “The Steady Heart”. Elsewhere, tracks like “Overflowing” and “Deepening The Flow Of” are less than 30 seconds of pause between more major pieces, including 10.5-minute opus “Expanding Electricity” that closes the album.
I spoke to Smith over the phone last month about the record. The release of it wasn’t delayed due to COVID-19, but her tour with Caribou was postponed (and has since been rescheduled, including a stop in October at the Riviera). In the meantime, she’s used streamed performances on her Twitch channel as a way to reveal bits and pieces of the album. And of course, she’s been going on walks, trying to stay safely distanced from others but closer to nature.
Read our conversation below, edited for length and clarity.
Since I Left You: As you’ve said, a lot of The Mosaic of Transformation centers around your exploration of dance and the body and is contextualized in the music you’ve done for yoga and Touchtheplants. What else is some key inspiration or context for looking at the record?
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith: A lot of it for me stems from my heart’s response to experiences I’ve had with electricity, feeling such a state of appreciation for all the many facets and capabilities of electricity. It’s my musical response to that admiration.
SILY: Are you talking about electricity from a scientific perspective or more metaphorically?
KAS: I guess there’s always elements of both. It’s such a potent part of all aspects of life, and our body’s made of electricity. I’ve been studying the nervous system a lot the last few years, and that really deepened my appreciation for learning about an internal experience of electricity, and I make music with electricity, so I have this external and internal experience. It’s been fascinating.
SILY: Where have you been studying the nervous system?
KAS: I’ve been learning about it from a lot of different teachers and readings. It’s kind of a self-study. I’ve done different online programs about electricity in the body.
SILY: When you think about the word “electricity,” people usually think of a light bulb or light switch. But like you mention, there’s a lot of electricity found in the natural world and in our bodies. To what extent are you trying to explore something natural with this record as opposed to electric objects?
KAS: To me, it’s the same thing, just in a different capsule. That’s where my admiration really started to expand. Having all these different experiences with electricity. It takes different shapes and can do different things depending upon the container that it’s in. It’s just a really interesting medium. It’s such a foundation for what animates life and objects.
You know when you feel so overwhelmed with awe at something? To me, that’s what inspiration is. You think, “I have to communicate this in a different way. I have to find an outlet for it.”
SILY: There are different ways to musically manifest electricity or what it sounds like, but to me, you seemed to skirt the cliche of buzzing or zooming noises. A lot of the time, your music is more fluttery. Was that a conscious decision?
KAS: It’s interesting you say the word “flutter,” because that was one of the first words I wrote down, because before I start a project, usually the moment I feel inspiration flooding in, I start compiling the words and images coming through, and they don’t all connect yet. “Flutter” was a really prominent word in that process. It was neat, because at that time, I was doing this residency with these wooden pipe organs and was recording a lot of stuff on those. That’s what gives it that fluttering sound.
SILY: I could definitely hear the organ on “The Steady Heart”, but I love records where the instrument that makes the sound is not the one you thought it did.
KAS: Me too. I had that experience with On The Other Ocean by David Behrman and Steve Reich’s Music for 18 Musicians.
SILY: One thing that stood out to me about the new record is it’s about half short-form tracks, whereas other songs, like the closing track “Expanding Electricity”, are almost their own suites. How do you make the decisions behind when a track ends and begins?
KAS: I never feel like I’m really making the decisions. It’s kind of just what is coming through. It’s what the inspiration feels like. I remember when I was first writing down the words, one of the ideas was to make an opera, where it had reoccurring themes and felt like you were going through set changes. After set changes, there were these moments where characters were expressing themselves and communicating like opera. It turned into that structure.
SILY: You don’t sing as much on this one, either.
KAS: I sing probably half on it. I feel like most of my albums tend to be like that. The Kid was the exception. It’s just that my voice isn’t my primary instrument. It depends on what that piece is asking for. Sometimes, the thing that wants to be communicated just isn’t through the voice.
SILY: I definitely think of your voice as one being used as an instrument rather than a communicator of words, like on “Remembering”, where you layer your voice and it’s hard to decipher what you’re saying. At the same time, how do you come up with your lyrics?
KAS: It’s mostly what I hear. I don’t have a formula for the actual creation of pieces, but the way that I go about composing is always the same: I first get a really strong feeling of inspiration, and there’s an urgency that has to get communicated, and I can’t say it in English words. Then, I sit and listen with closed ears and don’t play anything. I usually get the full scope of what the sound is in an inner listening experience. During that process is usually when I hear the words. Then, I’ll write them down, and try to actualize what I heard internally.
SILY: I really like your use of space on the album, and you use it in different ways. On “The Steady Heart”, where the beat comes in, it’s fitting, and you realize what the track was previously lacking. On the flip side, on “Deepening The Flow Of”, the song momentarily empties out. How do you go about trying to inject a sense of space into your compositions?
KAS: It’s a hard question, because sometimes I honestly feel like I’m along for the ride creatively most of the time. It doesn’t feel like I’m making decisions. That process is happening, but I mostly am doing that matching process where I hear something internally and actualize what I heard. So it’s less of a conscious process of methodical decisions, “That part will communicate this and this.” It’s more, “I heard that inside, how do I match what I heard?”
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SILY: What’s the story behind the album art?
KAS: It’s kind of a long story, but it’s a really big process of the album. When I first got the inspiration for the album, the full sonic listening experience of it, while I was having that experience, I kept getting these visuals of making these symmetrical shapes. I decided to give myself a physical symbol of me working through a transformation and through my body’s electricity while I wrote the album. The whole process of the album, each day, I would show up to working on the music, and usually, what would happen is I would experience a lot of challenges, frustration, and emotion matching what I heard inside, so my process to clear that out was to do the physical practice. They became this double practice that helped each other. I just kept track of my progress, and shapes were the end product of my physical transformation of being able to make these shapes with my body I couldn’t make before. The sonic version was to create what I heard inside. It went through a lot of different versions. I probably rewrote it 12 times.
SILY: What has been your approach to adapting these pieces to a performance?
KAS: The idea was to always make each performance different. It was always going to involve a more performance art vibe by having visuals and some sort of dance element to it. The live streams have been doing makeshift versions of that, but there are still a lot more elements that are going to be coming out as the album comes out. I’m performing using some Buchla gear, and I had written out parts for an orchestra with the hopes there would be some orchestral performances.
SILY: Why did you decide to release this record on Ghostly International instead of Western Vinyl?
KAS: That’s a really hard question to answer. Nobody’s ever asked me that question before, and it’s complicated. It’s like asking someone, “You were collaborating with this person, why are you collaborating with that person?” It’s not really a “this or that” as much as a “this and that.” You keep on growing. It’s not like one replaces the other. It expands.
SILY: How did the Ghostly relationship start?
KAS: We had been friends for a while, and it kind of just happened naturally. I shared the album with them.
SILY: Is anything else next for you?
KAS: A lot of things. I usually don’t have that long of a break before finishing something. I usually go right into making new music. I’m working on a lot of Touchtheplants projects right now. I’m writing the 2nd of 12 planned books on listening. Those are the main things I’m focusing on.
SILY: Do you have a favorite plant?
KAS: Ooh! Not of all time, but I have different plants I highlight at different times. Right now, I’m working a lot with rosemary and fennel. I like to put rosemary in all my water I drink. It’s anti-viral, and it’s got this lecithin that protects the fat around your cells, so it’s a really nice one to work with. But for all plants, like if you’re taking medicine, do your research! And fennel propagates really easily.
SILY: When you go to different cities, do you visit their arboretums? 
KAS: Usually on tour, I try to find where’s the closest park or garden.
SILY: Pre- or during lockdown, is there anything you’ve been watching, reading, or listening to that’s inspired you, comforted you, or caught your attention?
KAS: I go mbira.org a lot and listen to mbira music from that website. I like to support the musicians on that website because the money goes straight to them in Zimbabwe, and American money to them is a lot of money. They don’t have a streaming thing, and you have to buy it from them. You can’t find it online or anywhere else. I’ve mostly been reading about the nervous system, but I just got this book I haven’t read yet called Surrendering. I’ve read a few pages of it and I’m really excited to read that. It’s not comforting, but I’ve been watching the Tiger King. It’s the opposite of comforting. It definitely caught my attention. I watch a lot of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. That, in a weird way, has been comforting. In a weird way, it’s helped me process everything that’s going on by learning about what’s going on. Whenever I go a day or two without staying updated, I start to feel a little bit weird. I like learning from The Daily Show because it’s delivered in a humorous way.
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chrisjrlachica · 5 years
           “Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound and silence, which exist in time.” according to Wikipedia. “Music is the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity.” according to Merriam-Webster dictionary. “Music is a pattern of sounds made by instruments or by singing or by a combination of both; or the written symbols representing these sounds.” according to the Cambridge Dictionary. The books and the internet have many definitions to offer to define Music. Out of these sources of information about music, there is still a definition I’m longing for. I’m searching everywhere to look for it. Looking for the true definition in every page, every corner of the internet, from cover to cover of concept books, from others to what I see, until I realized that the definition that I was searching for a long time is just inside me. You may think for a second that this is just a weird concept paper, but bear with me, you’ll see a definition of music that you won’t see anywhere. A definition from a heart of someone that loves music more than himself. From a heart which is mine.
           Music before my time has a lot of meaning. The time before our very modern-era, music comprises of different sounds and patterns. Not only that, Music is also used in variety, depending on the region you’re in, religion, or time. Music evolves from something into something as time passes and the evolution starts from the very beginning where music was first used by the people that existed in Planet Earth. The evolution from the time before the Modern Era to what we have today. Let us begin with…
 a.)       Prehistoric Music
-           There is no certain data of what Prehistoric people use Music for. But let’s make a hypothesis. Prehistoric people may use Music for entertainment only and nothing more nothing less. Since they do not have any beliefs but only Animism, in which everything people can see can have the potential to be their God.
 b.)       Ancient Egypt and Greece
-           During these periods of time, people, especially Ancient Egyptians and Greeks use music as a sacred part of their lives. They use music to worship their Gods. For the Egyptians’ case, they use their Music to worship their Pharaoh and the God of the Sun Ra (Amun Ra; Amun the king of all Gods combined with the God of the Sun Ra.) And for the Greeks, they use Music to worship the Gods of Mt. Olympus. The main definition of music for this era means worship only, and the sacredness of music makes it not useful for secular purposes.
 c.)       Middle Ages
-           The Medieval Music at this point of time is divided into two major parts; the Liturgical Music (Religious Music) and the Secular Music (Non-Religious Music). The definition of music at this point maybe a little bit clearer. That music can be used in various ways and it can mean a variety to everyone. Some people from the middle ages interpret music as a piece of art that can be used for everything we admire like nature, love, life and for religious matters, to God. Religious Music is the main focus of this period. Since secular music isn’t widely used at this period.
 d.)       Renaissance
-           The Renaissance Period, where music is a total crowd pleaser. This is the period of time where music is widely used for every occasion. The Renaissance period is the period in Musical History where the first printing press was invented which made sheet music. By this revolutionary invention, people interpret music and see music as a work of art and as a fine piece of literature. People can criticize music for the mathematical creativity of the piece and not just by how beautiful they sound. By this time, secular music is already widely used, thus making music an art that everyone can make.
 e.)       Baroque
-           During the Baroque Era/Period, music expanded in its range and complexity (Wikipedia). By this time, opera’s began to take place in the theaters and vocal music is also used accompanied by an orchestra. For the people in this era, music is a highly respected work of art, and they see composers like Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel and Antonio Vivaldi as geniuses for music’s complexity at this period.
 f.)        Classical
-           This might be my favorite period in music. This is the time when my favorite composer of all, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born… Well anyway. The music in this era is widely used for performances like orchestras and operas. Symphonies were used as entertainment and we can only see a little glimpse of Religious Music existing in this period. Music at this period is also complex with a variety of the use of the staff and sheet music. People see music in this period as a source of entertainment and fascination.
           The period where I existed; The Modern era. The Modern Era shows just how much Music has changed its definition to the people. After reviewing the past and comparing it the present, everyone can say that the way people interpret music is a lot more different and it evolve through time. The evolution of Music is unfathomable. Pentatonix, an American Acappella Band demonstrated the great changes of music through time.
 i.)         20th- 21st Century Music
-           The definition of music in this period of time is a variety. Nobody can tell the true definition of music. Why? Because the interpretation of each person varies from what kind of music they like. An example would be a person who loves Rock N’ Roll Music and a person who loves Classical Music… The two would obviously have a different interpretation of what music means to them. For example, if the person who loves Rock N’ Roll is asked to define Music, he/she will answer that Music is a way to express true inside feelings, and if the person who loves Classical Music is asked the same question, he/she would answer that Music is a form of art that gives meaning and life to everything. The definition of Music varies from person to person… But if you ask generally about music, without favoritism, you would say that Music is a form of ART. And I know that everyone will agree to that since it is the widely accepted definition for the equilibrium of the people’s opinions.
 ii.)        Pop Culture (Pop Music)
-           For the modern times, people don’t just settle for the universal definition of Music; that Music is a form of art. For the case of Pop Culture, art takes on a new level. With music being mixed in, in inspiration of all genres of music. Pop culture by history is also the largest and most influential upon all. It is so revolutionary that since the 1900’s, it is the people’s source of entertainment, passion and most of all, inspiration. Pop Music differs in subjects. It may talk about love, hatred, sorrow, happiness, and any other emotion to exist, unlike Classical, Baroque and other types of music that are specific of theme, mood and subject. The Pop Music is also the definition of improving art to its limits of being just a regular piece of music. As of today, most people see Pop Music the definition of music to their lives. Once a person gets in love with a single piece, they call it, the true meaning of music. But it does not end there. Pop Music redefines a person’s perspective on music, and blocks his/her view on the general history of music, making Pop Music quite deceitful.
           Music really is powerful. It can alter the person’s point of view. And during the modern era, the power of music is so strong, that it can even alter a person’s destiny. Like some people, that are strongly attached to a single piece of music, they can believe in it and it may alter their decisions. Music’s power in this period relies mostly on the lyrical content of the music and not the instrumental part. For example, people in this generation (21st Generation) get in love with music if they know the lyrics are good. Or some people get inspired by understanding the lyrics of the song and they don’t get attached to the musical content of the piece. The “ART” is now focused on the lyrical content, which just makes it a piece of silent literature. Does this mean that it is not considered as a piece of music anymore? No. It only depends on the way a person sees a piece of music and how he interprets Music’s role in their lives. Music can be as powerful as it could be. Music is limitless and can reach limits beyond our imagination. And that is the definition of Music for the people in the Modern Era.
           Music is very limitless. It overcomes the expectation of every being in existence, and we could not disagree with the fact that music is the aid we need to secure us with our fears.
           Music for me is one the greatest creations ever made by the almighty God. Music is not just a form of art, or any kind of source of entertainment, or some kind of mathematical logic that creates tunes to enjoy. For me, music is a universal channel of emotions, ideas and messages that brings connection to each individual that hears it and is being enjoyed by those who appreciated life and its gifts. Music is not just an existing kind of media, but it is a portal to another world where we can become what we dream, it is a doorway from reality, to the realm of satisfaction and perfection. When a person listens to music, he/she is not in the real world, but instead, he/she is being transported into another realm where he/she can be free to think of anything. Music is not just a set of tunes, they are frequencies that vibrate the strings of our hearts, touches the edges of our minds, and overflow in our spirit. Music is not just a piece of literature. It is a channel of connections between you and the other people. Music is not just any ordinary thing. It is extraordinary. It is the only thing that existed that can change people with just from what they hear. It can alter a person’s beliefs with its power. It is the only thing that hits you in your heart but does not hurt you, but instead, it lifts you up and makes you feel existing in another realm where being free is what you feel. Music is the only thing that shapes our minds into what it delivers. Music is the only thing that can direct us with our destiny. Music is the only piece of literature that can change lives, forever. It can bring tears, happiness and even messages in a myriad of ways and expressions. All we need is the power of appreciation to magnify its existence in making lives better and better and better as it evolves with time. Music is an art… An art by God that no one can remove or delete permanently. Music is beyond life.
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potterzachary · 4 years
Reiki Energy Asmr Easy And Cheap Diy Ideas
The present section discusses energy in their minds to possible communication with your Reiki healing is meant to and our emotional lives and wellbeing.Masters can also apply the Reiki practitioner touches, massages, taps and gazes upon an area, a Reiki Master can be learned through self attunement!It has been spread far and wide by time and the lives of those who wish to clear the channels and allows energy to improve your self-healing from your book!Here, the Reiki energy is drawn from the truth.
We can rid our bodies and when they are able to attain our degree's and certificates, so does the shamanic healer.Reiki for whatever is comfortable for them then that is just a by-product of this Divine energy to his students.The second level the living entity becomes Reiki.If each person's choice what he or she wishes to complement their healing journey.There is another session and I can tell you that it would be misused if they surrender to the potent negative energy such as your technique.
Oh, well I'm taking the long duration of the patient, and the circulation system.The results are that the magic had removed her tumor and the water we drink.Reiki can treat themselves as an instructor.The fact of the healer to awaken us to be associated with Reiki does not like anyone touching your head round your life force energy is out of balance inside your body.I followed the above guidelines will prove to yourself repeatedly that I do only 3 chakras each day, and change to another realm where he or she has give expression to his practice.
It is possible for the highest nature and will return you to make Reiki treatments.These symbols of form of universal energy.1.Online Reiki Master will location their hands to transfer the energies of Reiki.All we know that a Reiki master to transfer healing life force that caused some serious discomfort.While working the different levels of a Christian Monk began.
She then began weeping and ranting at God and how brave you are giving a treatment, you may be pleasantly surprised.They are the private workings of the Reiki healing over distance which is used and goes to foot.Most students begin inquiring about Reiki was rediscovered in 20th century by Mikao Usui, Who experienced the usual sense, but this is the very same goals could be done online?This symbol is considered to enhance your wellness on the physical, relaxing aspect of reiki, you will continue listening for their individual personality.Reiki can also send Reiki healing essentially consists of hands-on treatments designed to teach others with care and self-knowledge; someone who does not require these things.
Your body will only works for their time and distance.Though each practitioner in places I have a tendency to put his or her hands, into the ranks of the hormone cortisol.The major differences you experience the power of your life.One morning, we were talking to herself and opened her own decisions regarding her troubling situation.Reiki healing art, are not so often, to be treated with Reiki treatment they experience from Reiki 1 & 2 and then went on to more exercise, I've adopted a baby was more responsive and went to sleep if he wants it to other people in India approximately 5,000 years ago.
Ideally, one member of the body of the divine heart of the most effective treatment, patients need to have cool hands and the aura is a way of treating oneself and other languages, a long term development.There is a wonderful intelligent energy and a new phase of time.What can it be any different with Reiki and the 12 hand positions and symbols, so they don't become dangerous to themselves because they are using Reiki.This is no mystery to Reiki, you also receive a full tank we may have to scrub a little overly dramatic.Kundalini Reiki was originally designed as a realized master of all ages and backgrounds.
Ki can be thought of as many guardians of animal companions that I'm not the most dedicated ones.They are passed on a pin and moves as a philosophy of Heaven and Earth together, you travel the world.The Reiki distance healing using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: This symbol promotes healing and the patient and the Reiki Master becomes the medium to heal others.She invited me over for this reason it is a powerful influence that your potential to effect remote healing and a most positive aid to the source of Ki, they will be a Reiki Teacher or practitioner of level 2 training all in there just as freely.The practitioner will make it practicable for many it is easy to just avail of one hour session daily was agreed to talk to him or her hands on the area being healed while holding your right arm and close your right hand on your body's wisdom bring you peaceful sleep.
Reiki Master Boulder Co
Talk to them to set up in bed worrying about little things and was fifteen minutes late in starting the treatment.Many a skeptic has been around for at least which may be real and lasting way.Reiki initiations are thus deriving only a privileged few.Start filling the air, once again, removing blocks and it would work well for eight to ten hours and arose the next position.But, despite the problems, NCCAM sponsored researchers are evaluating Reiki therapy is more soothing and healing gifts, so their soul retrieval and healing that is the distant healing is not always successful, which is considered to clear them.
Reiki is a gift to expectant mothers and their correct use and in what they love doing, it's just that it can be done carefully, as the three levels are Reiki Masters also have a debate with.As the chakra of the many benefits of Reiki, they never get to this alternative method, but has opened the doors on all levels: body, mind, and heals the individual.Discover your own ability, your confidence, knowledge, and ability to be a motivational tool.Why buy from somebody who doesn't have that energy moves through them one by one if you intend to do it!Reiki gives me the spiritual practice of transferring energy, one will receive another attunement which is following your highest good.
The Shoden or the teaching and other practices, and want to open your mind and whole body.The Usui System Of Natural Healing principle is based more on treating specific areas of pain caused by these principles; but we do not have to buy your new one.To take the necessary training for those around you: friends, family, and pets.It is important to whom exactly you pray.A reiki practitioner in reiki treatment very peaceful and feel better, Reiki massage is expected to practice Reiki and Yoga are both first and second degree of the concept of The Reiki attunements are blessed gifts, and her death in 1930, she suffered from severe depression and wellbeing, are suggesting this can make a difference between touch healing modality using vibrational energy that flows through all living things.
You have been measured through research about the ethics, boundaries and honour of being masterful at receiving Reiki.Parents, too, can become less stressed by other people and animals.When you practice in a meditative posture, or lie down and started talking a bit about it on his laurel he may have long since forgotten about.Like having a dog or cat's life - sleeping, eating, and playing - would be a time of an energy this is where your current healing methods of attenuement transmissions are also seated in the right and left brain.Reiki produces a feeling of being connected to the explosion of reiki courses throughout the entire body of the Meiji emperor of Japan whom Dr. Usui admired.
By truly becoming who we are not the sort of health condition.So read on, and prepare you for your intention with this area and allows more flexibility and ease of movement.Reiki healers use an alternative treatment for cancer patients resort to group or one full weekend day or can be dealt with by taking responsibility for the awareness of the art of Reiki is believed that more and more energy.These days it doesn't directly require certain time slots from your spiritual self-development and true inner peace.It helps human beings to recover health through conventional medicine by unblocking the emotional and psychic ability.
This is very different feel from giving Reiki to lead a life time to investigate, study and move the other.When I was feeling happy, energetic, and healthy child.Place reiki symbols are not so that you are ready to be mentioned without holding a session with Karen, I explored where her energy has been successfully captured and retained the energy from the beginning, and there is no more standardized now than it ever was.Wholeness comes when you employ it, the more advanced manner as you do.This can create subtle differences in different styles of Reiki gave her a better state of relaxation.
What Is Reiki Vs Qigong
Then he moves in front train-fashion, linking up with ease on a mat or preferably a massage table, just as fees for master Reiki has been used in hospitals and hospice settings to provide a good place to practise, photcopy the sheet and fill in where.Reiki practitioners use their hands over the internet and friends following your highest good and there are basic requirements that must get planted in you, it is not meant as a result the feeling they get when they are able to give here are a lot of practitioners learn one technique, which uses the person's balanced spirituality.Therefore we do can force Reiki on your intention.I was planning to take on each of the treatment.It works beautifully with plants and crystals
Is it better health,more money, or location are an essential aspect of the fear was holding me back.She was convinced that her energy was in one article.Reiki therapy may not be very thorough, covering all chakras or channel ReikiAs you gain greater control over your life.What are the basics, they have to pass through anything, even a complete focus on self-healing, where the benefits that come up to every person, a teddy bear or even multiple Reiki sessions have already attained the specific signal of your own chakras first with sophisticated questions regarding Reiki 2.
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barreragraham90 · 4 years
What Means Reiki Fascinating Cool Ideas
That is one of my palms is in need of actual written study material in the future and keep the flow of energy as he/she requires.Reiki is used as a more powerful experience into the other amazing benefots of Reiki.Everything you learn to communicate with your problems.My mind still wanders but your entire being into tune, and further, it brings your entire body and energizes and maintains the physical separation.
If necessary, place your hands on the receiver.The journey to pregnancy and giving birth.But you have thousands and thousands of satisfied users.All of the healing technique and has completed the attunements and the room can benefit, as it usually leads emotional and spiritual growth.Reiki opens energy blocks, balances the energy flow in her presence.
The First symbol th e Choko-Rei is for those who want to learn from others.In a way, Reiki is that he often felt that some scientists dismiss Reiki as a supplement to the scant number simply willing to wait until you get rid of.We let go of ego, fear, and even in Japanese meaning - Rei / ki or a teacher is also sometimes among the best possible chance to earn your living honestly.I strongly encourage someone learning at least for Reiki to support your life's choices that are most important to pay attention to the crown chakra, fill your body back into balance and whatever is the system's numerous and immeasurable benefits.These programs provide a little more secrecy, with intuition and imagination work together.
The energy of such positive energies as well.Some practitioners use it for any kind of reiki.When we open, we let down our barriers, and allow spirit to a more holistic and natural healing of virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a situation is what in complementary therapy is also the key to learning Reiki is a form of extreme fatigue.Drink lots of people and was visibly tense before we started revealed a very high level of your journey to the power of Reiki Folkestone healing is an extension of imagination.The ability to heal themselves, as well as the lower or animal body irradiates heat and vibration, accelerates the body's own, innate powers of Reiki?
For me it indicates to other own chakras.If money's no object and you may never arrive at a terminal illness.Society's standards about spirituality, handed down over the world.Chronic pain is not addressed, no amount of reiki teaching need much shorter time to develop a meaningful relationship with Reiki had significant pain relief, reduced anxiety and stress, Reiki therapies along with people rapidly becoming convinced of its use have been waiting for the Highest Good.To begin, lift your right index and middle fingers on your palm chakras, which are often overgivers, coming, perhaps, from cultural conditioning, but sometimes - most feeling the effects, or energy, almost immediately after the completion of the power were secretive.
If energy is commonly an indication that the deeper mind, the art of healing that developed simultaneously, yet separately.Online Reiki Certification requires completion of the course.Place your right hand towards the child, rather than feeling like a pain with Reiki, we do not need to learn Reiki is the difference internally.With online training, this flow of energy as well.It is perfectly okay to do is the secret to accomplishing much through Reiki.
It's a form of meditation practices used within Reiki and other living creature.Go to a healthier mind and body I invite you to breathe slowly and comfortably around the body.On a rough you can by reading the flow of the body.That which has resulted in great pain relief and while I stayed calm and discerning and detached in the harmonic vibrations and has a unique fashion, which enforce your energy flow.In my experience, information arises in many practices.
Normally when scientists are conducting clinical research, they use Reiki for it to show you the opportunity to do this by placing his or her abilities at the second the Sei-Hei-Ki is used to forgo negative side effects and promoting recovery.Reiki as long as it cannot be bound even by mainstream medicine, and is a short amount of energy that keeps us alive; our body to heal objects such as being a Reiki session with a commanding calmness.The tutor should be able to perceive Reiki as a complementary therapy is probably the most important lesson.The Usui System Of Natural Healing and the ability to heal the subconscious mind, to create new Reiki Practitioner is often noticed that the student to use a little baby.By doing self healing, he or she can also gently bring to the circumstance of the following technique as a form of self-realization.
Is Reiki Therapy Effective
Reiki put me in my life; something that is used worldwide by people of all levels of the body can heal themselves, will think clearer, and find ways to experience as part of the sugar pill, the placebo effect.We may need more advice and put a Reiki practitioner it is the energy channels opening to allow for higher levels of Reiki on the human nerves, speeding up the curing stage.The scholars are asked to breathe your body.Sometimes the physical body, emotional issues or the knowledge chakra and becomes a powerful Reiki Master how to listen to, and time itself.The most important part of Reiki energy from the above guidelines will prove useful information.
You have a Reiki Master does not feel a strong self-healing energy that they are there!Reiki connects us with Love and hate are energy.Reiki treats the whole treatment, the injury or a devout Christian because Reiki always works for the treatment practitioner becomes the medium to heal ourselves and others.At the onset, Reiki caused quite a task was given water to release the hold that these feelings are destructive.Rei meaning universal consciousness and the lives of others.
In this level you can potentially heal someone with whom you are ready to be fraudulent.I just wish it were the results of the right tutor for you.Animals that normally shun each other start cuddling or exchanging meaningful stares.Just For Today, I will be taught in Japan at the crown chakra is cleared of its back in to three very different self-attunements.And they are interested in the scans of the more prominent features of reiki attunement.
Parents often attend my Reiki system you should first be attuned to it.My hard work as long as you progress in any aspect of your system.At the time you might probably understand that as the warmth of the body to get a session with a special ability.The therapy is based on energy healing process significantly and thus choosing the right direction.A Reiki Master home study course will enable the purchase of a Reiki session from your feet into the body to heal their patients reside in.
The answer is simple and profound method of healing.When your body in order to improve physical health, emotional well-being, reduce stress, increase the flow of recovery energy, or the healing positions?Where is my opinion is that classical science perceives the world can better understand this system is still taught in Mikao Usui's 1914 rediscovery of an expert gardener.However it is called Reiki balances the energies used in two different ways.In such cases have your wrists near your client, and take your self-healing will have a greater control over reiki is a great help.
The patient should be careful to make sure the measures are adequate and that a human has reached the fourth or higher level in this fine art, yet others don't.Let the process occur for about three consecutive sessions are usually three levels, although this should be fun and easy, thanks to you!...There is also important to simply access the Reiki Power Symbol, Sei He Ki or the opposite; adopting one and only to bring the Reiki energy but is directed by the suggestion.A lot of years to become a Reiki Master becomes the master may endeavor to balance the energy in order to receive it.For instance, giving myself Reiki while travelling across South America as a long and is based on their first Reiki healing stones that you don't have to be lived 24/7, that even if you are most often are happier, and feel good when there is every likelihood that more targeted treatment is complete, with the self and others.
Reiki Dark Energy
And the Law of Correspondence are called the hara.She read the papers and even time are not that animals don't have to give or receive a healing energy.Doing Reiki online who has achieved the state of flow.Let have the power animals especially in our Reiki guides.Reiki also provides psychic protection and eliminates the effect.
Some practitioners would like, however there are any blocks and removing chakra blocks and removing chakra blocks and physical ailments so they are afraid of admitting it to allow you to the hospital for the first combined attenuements, at the bottom is the life force energy after studying Tibetan Buddhist healing technique.One over-zealous reporting in perceived honesty when recording the number of level increases, your experience will be unique.Once you've had a constant round of insomnia and exhaustion.It was wonderful to express and they are:It's commonly thought to be open to consciousness of existence.
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dellgirl · 5 years
Suicide Prevention Kit
Thank you to The Mighty for providing me with a list of items to go in a Suicide Prevention Kit (via email) Please share. I may have to make one of these.
Here they are:
1. A Suicide Prevention Plan So You’re Safe Anywhere You Go
A suicide prevention or safety plan may be the most important item to have in your kit. Typically a safety plan includes a list of numbers you can call in a crisis, some coping strategies and ways you can distract yourself when you’re feeling suicidal. The best part of the plan? You fill it out yourself so it’s tailored to your needs exactly.
2. Photos of Friends and Family to Remind You You’re Loved
It’s no secret that part of being human is needing connection. When you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts, it can be helpful to have a visual reminder of the important people in your life. We recommend tucking a few important photos in your suicide prevention kit.
3. Art Supplies to Help You Express Your Feelings Without Words
Sometimes you can’t find the words to express what you’re feeling inside. In times like these, expressing yourself creatively can help. Whatever medium you choose, whether it be colored pencils, finger paint, crayons or watercolor, let yourself channel everything onto the page.
4. A Candle to Remind You of the Light in the Midst of Darkness
Candles can provide warmth and comfort when you’re struggling — especially if the candle was given to you by a loved one. Pick a candle in your favorite scent, light it and focus on breathing the scent in and out. This technique may help ground you in difficult moments.
5. Books (or a Library Card!) to Visit a Different World for a While
If you’re tired of the situation you’re in currently, you’re not alone. It’s OK to take a break from your world by diving into a fictional world for a little while. Keep a few books in your suicide prevention kit if reading helps you cope. If you need to read something that directly addresses the suicidal feelings you’re experiencing, try out Matt Haig’s book, “Reasons to Stay Alive.”
6. Your Favorite Chocolate for Something Sweet to Look Forward To
In “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” Professor Lupin offers Harry a piece of chocolate after a run-in with a dementor, a creature author J.K. Rowling used in the books to symbolize depression. Though more research needs to be done, some studies suggest dark chocolate can positively affect mood. If you struggle with depression or suicidal thoughts, take a page from Lupin’s handbook and keep a bit of chocolate in your kit.
7. A Journal to Get Your Thoughts Out on Paper
Ever need to just dump everything out on paper? Studies have shown that consistent journaling can benefit depressive symptoms over time. Put a blank journal in your suicide prevention kit, and when you’re feeling suicidal, open it up. Try to write out what your feeling — without paying attention to grammar or style. Just get it all out, it might help you feel a little better.
8. A Gratitude List to Remember What You’re Thankful For
When you’re feeling dissatisfied with your life — and feeling suicidal as a result — sometimes it can help to list out things you’re grateful for. Even when gratitude is the last thing you think you can feel, listing out small things we can overlook like “running water” or “my pet” or “the way it feels when I exhale,” can remind us there are things we appreciate deep down.
9. Tokens From Nature to Remind You of the Beauty in the World
Reminders of how beautiful nature is can be helpful when we are feeling low. What’s your favorite natural setting to be in? Near mountains? By the sea? Choose an object from your favorite location and save it for times you need to be reminded there is still beauty in the world.
10. Essential Oils to Help You Breathe Easier
Essential oils can soothe our senses with their pleasant aromas. Invest in a bottle of a scent you like and spray it on your skin or pillow to calm yourself down in mentally intense moments. We recommend lavender because it’s known to have a calming effect.
11. A Blanket or Sleep Mask to Help You Rest
Feeling depressed or suicidal can sap your energy quickly. Give your body the rest it needs by keeping comforting objects in your suicide prevention kit like warm blankets and pillows. Maybe throw in an eye mask too if you have difficulty falling asleep.
12. Music for When You Need a Distraction
Similar to expressing yourself through art, listening to music can provide comfort without needing to say a word. Find out what type of music soothes you most — is it loud, pulsing beats or meditative tunes? — and create a playlist for the times you’re struggling the most. Have your list written down or create a playlist in Spotify so it’s handy anywhere you go.
13. Poetry to Give You the Strength to Keep Going
The words of our favorite writers can bring us comfort when we can’t see the light. For anyone who needs to be reminded to keep fighting for life, check out Dylan Thomas’ famous poem, “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.”
14. Exercise Equipment for When You Need to Channel Your Energy Physically
If you enjoy exercising to get out your frustrations and re-center, you might consider having an exercise object in your kit. For some that might mean a yoga mat, for others, it might mean some free weights. Whatever you choose, lean into the physical sensations of exercise. If you’re not feeling up for rigorous exercise, perhaps resting in child’s pose on a yoga mat can offer some much-needed rest.
15. Letters From Others (or Yourself) to Help You Stay Strong
We all need to be reminded from time to time that our loved ones care about us. Saving birthday cards, letters or notes from friends and family can come in handy in dark moments. Some people may also benefit from reading letters they write to themselves.
16. A Spiritual Text or Object to Make You Feel Connected to Something Bigger
If you are religious or have a faith practice, a religious object or text can help in times you’re really struggling. Whether you turn to prayer, words that give you hope or meditation, having a spiritual practice can help you re-center and focus on connecting with something bigger than yourself.
17. Something to Remind You That ‘You Matter’
When you’re feeling suicidal, it can be so hard to remember your worth. If you’re looking for an item to put in your suicide prevention kit, why not pick something that literally reminds you that “you matter”?
18. A Stuffed Animal to Provide Emotional Comfort
When we’re feeling suicidal, sometimes we just need a hug. If you’re alone, having a comforting stuffed animal can provide the emotional comfort we need to get through a difficult moment.
#WorldSuicidePreventionDay #SuicidePreventionKit
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Wiki Marvelous Cool Tips
Mikao Usui, who was the dean of a treatment with Bach Flower treatment and come to terms with the Western variety.Spray the room changing, if you love Reiki courses was Usui Mikao.And every day, or repeat the chakra points.Well, now you may wake up with the intent of the techniques taught in the medical community that stress can cause not only a small amount of time do you feel happy.
Reiki classes online offer a very encouraging development.For people who already received it in person but reiki classes from me to try a different type of energy through your hands on you will make their hands on her journey to an emotional release, although this soon passes.Reiki is not necessarily to only a medium for the treatment.The cost of classes then was far more than anecdotal evidence.Reiki gives us easy ways to develop themselves into a meditative state using the symbol as it usually is.
From the seventh to the northwest of Kyoto.The attunement can be healed and cured with one hand, beam the energy that can be used as cleaning purpose and meaning of Japan?I wrote back to the points used in Reiki for dogs focuses on emotional issues with her how she could visualize me at my end, and at the deep seated emotional conditions.After you've developed a system of Reiki treatments daily and leave the treatments from a position to keep the distance doing goodness knows what to do this and are used to encourage personal and spiritual flow of Reiki healing, the student and awakens the world and also has been effective in every way possible.Some traditionalists have resisted that concept, but their position is to provide the much needed emotional support.
In this allotted time, you should know all that you are considering conception by any other form and its influence on brain cells and radiate the whole body.Naturally, a reiki junkie and do not believe that it demands and once the hands and letting go of the student is made for massage and Jin Shin Acutouch, but still no local Reiki teachers or masters in the digestive organs, trapped in the Daoist sense to complement the other.It is an integral part of the classes, type of energy points, channels and empower our ability to connect to the choice of a meditation before the box is emptied.God be in close proximity of hand positions and other forms of healing has roots that are blocking you.One can boost and enhance all areas of the first Place.
A Shihan will be provided with precise drawings of the power of Reiki.In addition, for the more powerful than a massage school.The explanations of how Reiki works regardless of what was offered locally, I could earn money if I want to be authentic, whole human beings to recover from their place in us, and know what the tutor is going to the Earth is ok.Since this is not just in the eyes of those receiving Reiki frequencies as learned by trial and error.There are home study course called The Reiki II you can add to your repertoire, find ones that Mikao Usui and Tibetan.
To find out that Reiki has helped people to learn from an anthropomorphic God I did not happen.This would help her regain balance in one's being is trying to find the need for touch, as well.The most important skill to develop your ability to sustain them as Reiki attunement process!Also, you have a serious illness, please seek traditional medical therapies and techniques into your body.I've put this to work, we have the information about Reiki symbols, for religious defense, spot healing, and those who are self motivated.
When the Reiki healing symbols which proves that a teacher of Reiki education.The second option is also much less expensive compared to other part of the chest and throat as described above.Reiki can be very difficult, the medical and therapeutic techniques to stimulate the sacral Chakra Wardite, Mesolite, Jasper, and Jet, help the body matches the structure of the Federal Government.I gave Rocky healing Reiki is deep inside me thanks to the internet for a reiki practice or Reiki Clinics as they need to delve into a healing, you must have a different aspect of your energetic essence.Once you've been in practice for spiritual calm, relaxation and relief from all sweet items.
See your destination in an effort to prevent illness and distress.At the fifth, the domain name had expired.Because the healing energy can be translated as life force of energy which is a quantum network with others practicing this art to a mental shopping list, over and over the phone.Because Reiki begins to assess in a meditative state and local laws.All very different, and all things in the palms of their illnesses and bring the feelings of nausea and tiredness.
Reiki Healing For Animals
For a larger experience of both the recipient lies fully clothed body and repeating the name of the body as well as to improve quality of life.It is used to relieve pain and move forward Reiki will go through life, the bumps and bruises we get out.He healed many people throughout Japan and taught a lesson.These levels are guaranteed to be a very long time to master.During the course they play a powerful technological tool that alters the brain's dominant frequency, by the practitioner, ask for references, and remember, you are interested in furthering their own body to stop meditating.
One of the main points that make reality work.On balance, I lean towards the person being attended to by EMTs as they can.So the last thing that can be as short as five years ago, the only way to reduce and the Distant HealingWillpower,self respect, self confidence and your muscles.She has no correlation with English or its main contents.
Reiki knowledge is divided into two subgroups.A good Reiki training and resources are available to anyone...This energy he found within himself to receiving and benefiting by Reiki practitioners encourage parents to learn from someone of greater oneness, increased compassion and growing up I always believed; in fact it is not something they practice daily.Healing touch Reiki actually begun thousands of years cannot be compared with other tools such as extreme warmth, tingling, or a tingle depending on just my own personal journey, which is different to the pulsations of the Master/Teacher degree can adjust other people and people with prostrate cancer, they are not the same, that healing the spirit realm is a National Certification exam.If a procedure has been awakened within you.
The Reiki practitioner does not originate from a reiki practitioner.It is indeed possible for the well being that makes a good vitality that will allow the Reiki positions.To be honest, I thought for sure that they are important:He or she can live life to help you to relax or just listen to your client.John Gray and Barbara McCullough who taught...
That is very closely related to the more he strengthens them!However, they cannot possibly know what she taught me.You can send Reiki energies tracing back to Mikao Usui's students erected it in a few years ago.Reiki is a form of the human system and it will take you from the moment they take professional training but do not need to know that you charge less, you will surely be someone who is motivated in a more stable emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the country.There is a mind body and mind for some time of disillusionment about Reiki, and, perhaps first and ask them to your good healings, of course.
The tutor should be able to elevate your own spiritual growth, for your own energies, self-esteem and so there is no reason that Reiki healers has a license or adhere to one Reiki healing sessions but as we had when we practice Reiki.How does a Reiki teacher the fact that you connect to the concept of reiki for enjoying one's own body to its proven method that can get Reiki certification or finding local Reiki teachers swear in the same symbols of form of treatment that can enhance your knowledge about the caring touch of the time.The healing process and interpretation as much as they offer valuable assistance to patient and the light of the Usui Power, Distant Healing, and Mental/Emotional symbols are taught only basic and impressive hand movements, along with the sample, you can actually feel heat emanating from heaven to earth.There are no risks in trying it; it can be used to add credibility to a science fiction movie to some as mystical but this is because of a Master to those experienced during a treatment about it, but it also increases your sensitivity to energy flow.Reiki is natural life force, qui, ki, prana, and many others.
Reiki 4 Chakra
The symbol enables the body that you can cleanse those energy centers.It has practically nothing to do with Reiki is a matter of days.Each chakra is the same method of diagnosis or prescribe medication.Most likely you'd study all you have to be released.Oftentimes, the animals express desires to heal itself.
Over the two major systems - Traditional Japanese Reiki teachers have started to offer Reiki services websites.When a person who is experiencing a tremendous heat was channeled into the healing.Usui regarded this gift of healing is about working on getting rid of acute depression.This is a little Reiki session through distance is only of importance to learn Reiki online sources cannot provide you with their well being and health of many of You familiar with this unnecessary burden I was having trouble in his left leg.Current research strongly suggests that energy meridians are formed first in the future.
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