medical4tourist · 8 months
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Medical4Tourist slimming and beauty surgery clinic, plastic surgery including abdominal cosmetic surgery, lipomatics, rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty, breast implants, facial plastic surgery and mammoplasty, labiaplasty, buccal fat, face lift, sleeve, classic gastric bypass, mini bypass, surgery Lips and mouth, fat injection, Brazilian butt and hair transplant.
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infocastellazzi · 2 years
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La liposuzione con il dispositivo LIPOMATIC è una procedura chirurgica che utilizza un sistema di aspirazione per rimuovere il grasso in eccesso dal corpo di un paziente. La tecnologia LIPOMATIC utilizza un dispositivo a motore elettrico per generare un movimento di avanti e indietro di un cannula che viene inserita attraverso piccole incisioni nella pelle. Il dispositivo LIPOMATIC utilizza un sistema di aspirazione ad alta pressione per rimuovere il tessuto adiposo indesiderato. L'aspirazione viene controllata da un microprocessore e una pompa di aspirazione di precisione, che garantisce la massima efficienza nell'eliminazione del grasso, minimizzando i traumi ai tessuti circostanti. La liposuzione con LIPOMATIC è considerata una tecnologia avanzata per la rimozione del grasso in eccesso e può essere utilizzata su varie aree del corpo, tra cui l'addome, le cosce, le braccia e il mento. Inoltre, la tecnologia LIPOMATIC può essere utilizzata per migliorare la definizione muscolare in alcune aree, come gli addominali. Questa procedura viene eseguita in anestesia locale o generale e richiede un tempo di recupero variabile a seconda dell'entità dell'intervento e dell'area trattata. Come con qualsiasi procedura chirurgica, ci sono rischi e complicazioni potenziali associati alla liposuzione con LIPOMATIC, pertanto è importante discutere attentamente i benefici e i rischi con il Dr castellazzi prima di procedere. #liposuzione #LIPOMATIC #rimozionedigrasso #chirurgiaplastica #corporiscolpiti #bellezza #salute #benessere #procedurechirurgiche #aspirazione #definizionemuscolare #recuperodopoilintervento Castellazzi Dr. Marco [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYowQBIeS6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jcmicr · 1 year
Sub-Clavicular Hibernoma: A Rare Diagnosis of Lipomatous Tumor by Zaïd Boughaleb in Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports  
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Lipomatous tumors are the most common soft tissue tumors, including a large variety of benign and malignant lesions. Hibernoma is a benign lipomatous tumor originating from the brown adipose tissue inherited from the fetus. The diagnosis is often incidental, since the large majority are asymptomatic or very slow growing. Differential diagnosis with other lipomatous tumors is often challenging. Hence the diagnostic work-up is large and must be multidisciplinary. Biopsy and large resection with sane margins are the standard of care. We describe a 48-year-old male patient with a history of a painless, mobile, slow growing right sub-clavicular mass apparently evolving for eleven years. This patient underwent ultrasound, mammography, MRI, CT Scan and ultrasound guided large core biopsy at different points in time. We describe this case of a well-documented hibernoma of the sub-clavicular region in line with the current literature.
Keywords: CT scan; hibernoma; lipomatous tumor; MRI; ultrasound.
Lipomatous tumors including a large variety of benign and malignant lesions are the most common soft tissue tumors, their prevalence increasing with age [1]. Sometimes, overlapping imaging features can be misleading in diagnosis [2]. Since the distinction between benign and malignant lipomatous tumor is challenging, especially when based on clinical and superficial work-up, the differential diagnosis of lipomatous tumors includes hibernoma [3]. Hibernoma is a rare, heterogeneous, slow growing fatty tumor of good prognosis [1], arising from brown fat precursors, representing approximatively 1% of all tumors derived from lipomatous tissues [1]. Usually, no symptoms are associated except when the enlarging mass impinges on local tissues4. To date a few thousand cases worldwide have been described [1].
Case Presentation
A 48-year-old male patient was referred to our mammography unit with a history of a painless, mobile, slow growing right sub-clavicular mass apparently evolving for eleven years. No skin redness, fever or signs of nerve or vascular compression were related. Previous ultrasound examinations reported a fatty mass with a diagnosis of lipoma (well-differentiated fatty tumor without suspicious radiological signs of malignancy [3]). Mammography showed a radiolucent mass consistent with a lipomatous origin on a targeted modified medio-lateral oblique view [5]. Ultrasound revealed a hyperechoic, homogeneous mass compared to the subcutaneous fatty tissue, measuring 11,5 x 3,6 x 10 cm, with vascular hyperemia on color-doppler ultrasound (Figure 1). MRI examination was performed to assess the precise extent and possible invasion of the underlying tissues. MRI described a mass measuring 10 x 3,9 x 9 cm with hypersignal on T2 sequence (but slightly lower than the subcutaneous fat signal [3]), hyposignal on T1 sequence compared to muscle structure (but slightly higher than subcutaneous fat signal [3]), very low signal on a fat suppression sequence and moderate enhancement on the post-contrast T1 sequence. No invasion of the adjacent soft tissues, muscles or bones was described (Figure 2). A CT scan without contrast media injection recently performed for other reasons showed a pre-pectoral low attenuation mass without involvement of the underlying tissues. In our case, density of the lesion was slightly higher than subcutaneous fat [5]. Eventually, diagnostic large core needle biopsies under ultrasound control were performed yielding the histological diagnosis of adipocytes with a microvacuolar and eosinophilic cytoplasm without signs of mitosis or necrosis. The diagnosis of hibernoma was raised. For aesthetic reasons, this patient was referred to our oncologic plastic surgeon; preoperative laboratory testing reported no evidence of metabolic disorder or infectious component [6]. Surgery showed a mass alongside the pectoral fascia, without muscle or vessel invasion. Histology confirmed the diagnosis of hibernoma.
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Figure 1: (A) Subclavicular swelling due to the clinical mass (black star). (B) Mediolateral modified oblique mammographic view showing a radiolucent mass (white star), nipple (with arrow). (C) Ultrasound: hyperechoic mass with peripheral vessels on color ultrasound (white star). (D) Axial non-enhanced CT scan showing the mass (white arrow).
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Figure 2: (A) T2-weighted axial MRI image revealing a slightly hypointense mass compared to subcutaneous fatty tissue (black star). (B) Axial T1-weighted non-enhanced MRI image with fat suppression: hibernoma undistinguishable from adjacent fatty tissue. (C) Gross macroscopic specimen showing a lipomatous mass. (D) Axial T1-weighted MRI image with fat-suppression post Gadolinium injection demonstrating a slight enhancement of the mass (white arrow).
Huge progress has been made since the descriptions by Merkel in 1906 and Gery in 1914 [7, 8]. Brown fat is a particular form of fat found in the hibernating and non-hibernating animals [9]. Representing approximatively 1,6% of all benign lipomatous tumors, hibernomas are very slow growing tumors usually occurring between the age of 20 and 50 years [11, 12]. Average age at diagnosis is 38 years and various gender predominance have been described in the literature. Intraosseous hibernomas are found in older patient [13]. The most common location, as the majority of fat tumors, are neck, shoulder and periscapular regions which are areas with possible remaining brown fat tissue [14]. However, hibernomas can occur anywhere in the body [15]. The clinical manifestations are rare, but might occur as a painless soft tissue mass, with a locoregional irritation or neurovascular compression [16]. Conventional radiography demonstrates a radiolucent mass with no adjacent osseous abnormalities or mineralization [17]. Ultrasound describes a rather uniformly hyperechoic mass [5], with increased vascular flow [17] generally unspecific, like other soft tissue tumors. In our case, the diagnosis of a typical lipoma [5] was ruled out due to vascular hyperemia on color doppler ultrasound. On CT scan, hibernoma presents as a homogenous low-density mass of lipidic composition between the attenuation of subcutaneous fat and skeletal muscle [5]. Contrast enhanced CT scan usually shows variable degree of enhancement [16] and intra-tumoral septas [10]. Diagnosis of hibernoma cannot be excluded based on the lack of intra-tumoral vessels [10]. On MRI, the imaging modality of choice [3], hibernoma shows an hypoT1 and hyperT2 signal because of the fatty component alike our case but differs slightly from the fat signal. On a fat-suppressed sequence, attenuation is similar to fatty tissue. After Gadolinium contrast media injection, enhancement is variable but predominantly present and rather heterogeneous [5]; a common sign are large flow voids indicating fast flowing flood in intratumoral vessels. Internal septation, one of the features of hibernoma [3], was absent in our case. High level of FDG uptake has been described in brown adipose tissue [16], sometimes even higher than liposarcoma [10] but overlapping results [2] prevent clear distinction between both tumors. Four types of hibernomas have been described, based on a histological classification [15]: the typical variant, the most common one like our case, the “myxoid” variant, the “lipoma-like” variant and the “spindle-cell” variant. Differences in imaging characteristics among these different histological subtypes of hibernomas are due to the variable amounts of water and fat content. One study distinguished between “lipoma-like” and “non lipoma-like” hibernoma [18]. Non-lipomatous hibernomas are probably indistinguishable from other liposarcomas [17]. Differential diagnosis of hibernoma is very large and may include benign tumors (lipoma, angiolipoma, hemangioma, hemangiopericytoma, hemangioblastoma, xanthoma, granular cell tumor, adult rhabdomyoma, lipoblastoma…) [16, 19] and malignant tumors (liposarcoma, clear cell sarcoma,…) 5, 10, 16. Clinical and imaging features as previously described may guide the diagnosis, but the histological examination gives the final diagnostic. In the absence of treatment, hibernoma continues to grow and leads to functional or cosmetic consequences 2. Tumor regrowth has been reported with incomplete excision of hibernoma 19. The standard of care of hibernoma is surgical removal with clear margins. Surgical excision is advised to rule out a possible malignant lesion with hibernoma-like differentiation which could be missed by core needle biopsy 1. No risk factor has been described [1]. Multiple lesions in a single patient are possible 21. After resection, the tumor generally does not recur. Since no malignant transformation or metastatic (22) spread have been described in the current literature, hibernoma can be considered as a benign tumor 1 for patients is 20.
In conclusion, the diagnosis of fatty tumors, often challenging especially with rare tumors like hibernomas, should comprise ultrasound, MRI and large core needle biopsies. Since hibernomas are benign tumors with no tendency to recur or metastasize, surgical resection with clear margins is recommended 17.
This work did not benefit from any financial support
Conflict of interest
All authors declare no conflict of interest.
Ethical approval statement
The study has been approved by the Ethical Committee of the institution (76/2021).
Patient consent statement
A written permission to publish has been obtained from the patient.
For more details : https://jcmimagescasereports.org/author-guidelines/ 
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sleepyjim · 11 months
pov u r my mom whenever i call it a disability instead of congenital lipomatous overgrowth vascular malformation epidermal nevi and skeletal anomalies syndrome
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miraridoctor · 5 months
Introduction Lipoma is a benign tumor composed of fat cells that typically develops just below the skin. It is a common condition that usually presents as a soft, painless lump. The aim of this guide is to provide healthcare professionals with a com... #Mirari #MirariDoctor #MirariColdPlasma #ColdPlasma
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arrangoiz · 8 months
Breast Hamartomas
Breast hamartomas: Most likely result from: An overgrowth of a portion of normal breast tissue, or from fibrous and glandular elements becoming incorporated into a lipomatous growth: Thus, they are sometimes called a “breast within a breast” They are also variously called adenolipofibroma, lipofibroadenoma, adenolipofibroma, and fibroadenolipoma: Because they contain fibrous, fatty, and…
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medpaltrip · 11 months
Rejuvenate, Revitalize, Rediscover – Experience the transformative power of a plastic surgery in Iranfacelift in Iran Lipomatic in Iran Nose Job in Iran
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drkayclinic12 · 1 year
If you’re looking to eliminate excess fat and achieve a more defined jawline, double chin or neck liposuction West London could be the ideal solution for you. Dr Kay Clinic, led by Dr Arash Khademi (aka Dr Kay), a highly experienced doctor, GMC registered with full licence to practice, and over 14 years of expertise in liposuction under local anaesthesia, offers a range of effective treatments using the Evamatic (previously known as Lipomatic) technique.
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drxicareforu · 1 year
What Is Cloves Syndrome ? 6 Unique way To Manage This
CLOVES syndrome is a rare genetic condition that affects many different parts of the body. The word “CLOVES” stands for “congenital lipomatous overgrowth, vascular malformations, epidermal nevi, and skeletal abnormalities.” For More
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cellymyx · 2 years
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Tickle Liposuction Accessories
Tickle liposuction is a popular method for removing unwanted fat from the body. Cellmyx offers a range of accessories for tickle liposuction procedures, including an air filter, lipomatic oil, lipomatic T handle, etc. These accessories are designed to improve the accuracy and precision of the procedure, resulting in better patient outcomes. With Cellmyx's tickle liposuction accessories, surgeons can achieve more efficient and effective fat removal, while also minimizing patient discomfort and recovery time.
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The Mesenteric Lipoma in Children- Crimson Publishers
The Mesenteric Lipoma in Children by Hanine D in Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology
We report the observation of a 5-year-old boy who consults for acute paroxysmal abdominal pain located in the right iliac fossa without other associated signs. The physical examination was completely normal.
Abdominal ultrasound showed a multi-compartmentalized cystic mass, without vascular character on Doppler, without mass effect on neighboring structures; the mesenteric vessels were in the normal position.
On computed tomography this mass corresponded to a mesenteric formation attached to the cecum containing several septas. The diagnosis of cystic lymphangioma or mesenteric lipoma was made. Surgical exploration confirmed the diagnosis of mesenteric lipoma attached to the ileum. Resection with anastomosis was performed. The post-operative consequences were simple. Pathological examination confirmed the lipomatous nature of the mass. At the end of this observation, we highlight this rare pathology with possible complications.
Read more articles in our site: https://crimsonpublishers.com/rpn/index.php
For more articles in our journal click on: https://crimsonpublishers.com/rpn/fulltext/RPN.000616.php
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medical4tourist · 8 months
Revolutionizing Weight Loss: The Benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy with Medical4Tourist
In the pursuit of a healthier and more fulfilling life, many individuals turn to weight loss procedures to address obesity and its associated health risks. Sleeve gastrectomy, commonly known as "sleeve," has emerged as a highly effective and popular weight loss surgery. For those seeking quality medical care coupled with a unique travel experience, Medical4Tourist is the go-to destination. In this article, we will explore the benefits of sleeve gastrectomy and how Medical4Tourist provides exceptional services for those considering this transformative procedure.
Understanding Sleeve Gastrectomy: Sleeve gastrectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to help individuals lose excess weight by reducing the size of the stomach. During the surgery, a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach. This results in a significant reduction in the amount of food the stomach can hold, leading to weight loss through restricted food intake.
Benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy:
Effective Weight Loss: Sleeve gastrectomy has proven to be highly effective in promoting weight loss. Patients often experience a substantial reduction in excess body weight within the first year after surgery. The procedure not only aids in shedding pounds but also contributes to long-term weight management.
Improvement in Obesity-Related Conditions: Beyond weight loss, sleeve gastrectomy can lead to improvements in various obesity-related health conditions. Patients often observe positive changes in conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. This makes sleeve gastrectomy a holistic approach to overall health improvement.
Reduced Hunger: One of the unique advantages of sleeve gastrectomy is its impact on hunger hormones. The surgery alters the hormonal balance in the body, reducing the production of ghrelin, a hormone associated with hunger. As a result, patients experience reduced feelings of hunger, aiding in better control of food intake.
Medical4Tourist - Your Gateway to Quality Healthcare and a Unique Experience: Medical4Tourist stands out as a leading medical tourism provider, offering a seamless blend of top-notch medical services and a travel experience like no other. Here's how Medical4Tourist caters to individuals considering sleeve gastrectomy:
Internationally Accredited Facilities: Medical4Tourist partners with globally recognized hospitals and medical facilities that adhere to the highest international standards. Patients can rest assured that they will receive top-tier medical care from experienced and qualified professionals.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Understanding that each patient is unique, Medical4Tourist provides personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. The journey begins with a comprehensive consultation to assess the patient's health status, ensuring a customized approach to sleeve gastrectomy.
Affordable Packages: Medical4Tourist is committed to making quality healthcare accessible. The business offers affordable packages that encompass the entire medical journey, including pre-operative consultations, the surgical procedure, post-operative care, and even accommodation and transportation.
Guided Tours and Cultural Experiences: Recognizing that medical travel extends beyond the hospital walls, Medical4Tourist goes the extra mile by offering guided tours and cultural experiences. Patients can immerse themselves in the rich cultural tapestry of the destination, making their journey not just about medical treatment but also about exploration and discovery.
Conclusion: Embarking on a weight loss journey through sleeve gastrectomy can be a life-changing decision, and choosing the right destination for the procedure is crucial. Medical4Tourist combines excellence in healthcare with a unique travel experience, making it the ideal choice for individuals seeking sleeve gastrectomy. With the benefits of effective weight loss, improved health, and reduced hunger, coupled with the convenience and affordability offered by Medical4Tourist, individuals can confidently take the first step toward a healthier and happier future.
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semnatv2 · 6 years
#Iran#lipomatic#dental#heart_balloon#bloodstream #القلب#نوبة_القلبية#شرايين#القل...
#Iran#lipomatic#dental#heart_balloon#bloodstream #القلب#نوبة_القلبية#شرايين#القل…
#Iran#lipomatic#dental#heart_balloon#bloodstream #القلب#نوبة_القلبية#شرايين#القلب #ليبوليزر#الصدر#تفتيح_الشرايين#فتح_الشرايين#تنظيف_الشرايين #الدهون_الزائدة#السمنة#تكميم#بالون#سحب_الماء_العيون #ليزك#تركيب_العدسات#إبتسامة_هوليوودي#زراعة_الأسنان #ترهلات#سحب_الدهون_بالليزر#عملية_التجميل #إزالة_التثدي#تجميل_الجفون#تجميل_اﻷنف سياحةوالسفر والرحلات أنحاء إيران ✈ 🌐سياحة، زيارة، تجارة…
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iranmedicalhome · 3 years
جای زخم لیپوماتیک
درمان سریع جای زخم پس از لیپوماتیک
به هر حال این موضوع طبیعی است که بعد از عمل پیکرتراشی، جای زخم روی بدن باقی بماند و نیاز به گذر زمان خواهد بود تا این عارضه برطرف گردد. اما قطعا همه مراجعه‌کننده‌­ها به دنبال راهکارهایی برای درمان سریع جای زخم پس از جراحی لاغری هستند. لازم است بدانید که سرعت بهبودی به چند عامل بستگی دارد:
زخم­‌ها چگونه در بدن ایجاد شده و متخصص با چه مهارتی آن­‌ها را بخیه زده است.
سن فرد نیز بسیار مهم است. با افزایش سن، قدرت ترمیم پوست کاهش پیدا کرده و در نتیجه سرعت ترمیم جای زخم بعد از پیکرتراشی کند می­‌شود.
همچنین این مسئله بسیار مهم است که فرد دچار عوارضی همانند عفونت نشده باشد. این مشکل به دلیل استریل نبودن محیط عمل و عدم مراقبت از خود بعد از جراحی لاغری رخ می­‌دهد.
توصیه­‌هایی که پزشک برای شما دارد را جدی گرفته و به خوبی از خود مراقبت کنید تا جای زخم­‌ها سریع‌تر بهبود یابند.
قدرت سیستم ایمنی بدن فرد نیز بسیار مهم است. به همین دلیل است که پزشک در جلسه مشاوره قبل از عمل لیپوماتیک، سلامت عمومی مراجعه‌کننده را به دقت بررسی می‌کند.
باید به اندازه کافی آب بنوشید چون نوشیدن آب، به افزایش اندازه سلول­‌های پوستی کمک می­‌کند و در نتیجه سرعت رشد سلولی را بیشتر خواهد کرد. در چنین شرایطی پوست سریع‌­تر ترمیم می­‌گردد.
مصرف میوه­‌ها و سبزیجات را بیشتر کنید برای مثال از میوه­‌هایی همانند آناناس استفاده کنید. این میوه باعث درمان سریع جای زخم پس از لیپوماتیک می‌­شود.
یکی از مهم‌ترین اقداماتی که بعد از پیکرتراشی باید انجام داد، استفاده از گان است. اگر چه با درد همراه خواهد بود ولی لازم است برای تسریع در بهبود زخم‌­ها، تا زمانی که پزشک توصیه می­‌کند از گان استفاده کنید.
ترمیم جای زخم پس از لیپوماتیک
زمانی که قرار است پیکرتراشی انجام گیرد، متخصص براساس میزان چربی موجود در اندام مورد نظر، سوراخ‌­هایی در آن ایجاد کرده و جراحی را شروع می­‌کند. لذا هر چه چربی و در نتیجه نیاز به جراحی بیشتری باشد، تعداد زخم بر روی بدن افزایش پیدا می­‌کند. به همین دلیل است که پزشکان توصیه می­‌کنند ابتدا عمده چربی بدن را از طریق رژیم لاغری و ورزش کردن حذف شود و سپس به سراغ پیکرتراشی برویم. در این صورت درمان بهتر و سریع­‌تر انجام می­‌شود. در صورتی که بخیه زدن به درستی انجام شده باشد و توصیه­‌های بعد از جراحی را نیز جدی بگیرید، قطعا جای زخم باقی نمی ماند اما در مواردی که اسکار تشکیل شد، می­توان از روش‌­های زیر برای ترمیم جای زخم بعد از جرا��ی لاغری استفاده نمود:
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drshirangi3 · 3 years
هزینه لیپوماتیک چقدر است؟
هزینه لیپوماتیک در کلینیک دکتر شیرنگی چقدر است؟
پیکرتراشی در مطب دکتر شیرنگی در کرج و تهران، با استفاده از فناوری بسیار جدید و پیشرفته استخراج چربی، یعنی لیپوماتیک قدرتی یا پال (پیکرتراشی با دستگاه پال PAL) که محصول کشور امریکا است، انجام می‌شود و هزینه لیپوماتیک با این روش جدید بسیار به صرفه است. این نوع از لیپوماتیک، از یک کانولا استفاده می‌شود که با سرعت قابل تنظیم، به عقب و جلو حرکت می‌کند. این ارتعاش به جراح امکان می‌دهد تا چربی‌های سفت را با سهولت و سرعت بیشتری از بدن بیرون بکشد.
این متد بیشتر اوقات درد و تورم کمتری نسبت به دیگر دستگاه‌های مشابه ایجاد می‌کند و باعث می‌شود که جراح با دقت و سرعت بیشتری چربی‎ها را از بین ببرد. شما عزیزان برای اطلاع از هزینه لیپوماتیک غبغب و هزینه لیپوماتیک بازو با دستگاه پال می‌توانید از روش‌هایی مانند برقراری تماس تلفنی با شماره ۰۹۱۲۸۴۹۰۳۲۴ یا فرستادن پیام به اپلیکیشن واتس اپ، استفاده کنید.
از سوالات پرتکرار این روزهای زیباجویان می‌توان به قیمت پیکرتراشی یا همان لیپوماتیک شکم اشاره کرد. لیپوماتیک از جمله متدهایی است که پس از مدت کوتاهی بعد از معرفی آن، طرفداران زیادی را به سمت خود کشید و محبوبیت زیادی پیدا کرد. یکی از دغدغه‌های زیباجویانی که به هر دلیلی دچار اضافه وزن و به دنبال آن افزایش حجم چربی در بدن خود شده‌اند هزینه لیپوماتیک است. به طور کلی هزینه پیکرتراشی تحت تاثیر عوامل مختلفی قرار دارد و قیمت واحدی برای آن اعلام نشده است. به همین دلیل است که هزینه دریافتی کلینیک‌های زیبایی برای انجام لیپوماتیک شکم و پهلو یا دیگر مناطق با یکدیگر متفاوت است.
شما عزیزان می‌توانید برای آگاهی کامل از هزینه لیپوماتیک در کلینیک دکتر شیرنگی با ما تماس بگیرید. در حالت کلی توجه به این نکته مهم است که دریافت هزینه کم نسبت به سایر مراکز نشان یک پوئن مثبت نیست، قبل از توجه به هزینه باید هنر و توانایی جراح را مد نظر قرار دهید تا به دور از عوارض جانبی ناخواسته، به اندام ایده آل خود برسید. در این مقاله به بررسی عوامل تاثیر گذار بر قیمت لیپوماتیک در تهران و کرج و سایر شهرهای ایران می‌پردازیم.
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maralclinic · 3 years
هزینه عمل لیپوماتیک در سال ۱۴۰۰ چقدر است؟
چاقی یا اضافه وزن از جمله مشکلاتی است که نه تنها برای سلامتی ضرر دارد بلکه بر زیبایی انسان به شدت تاثیر می گذارد. در واقع چاقی به معنای از دست رفتن تناسب اندام است. در نتیجه شما برای انتخاب لباس، دچار محدودیت زیادی خواهید شد. از سویی دیگر کافی است در یک دورهمی دوستانه شرکت کنید و دوستان خود را ببینید که اندام زیبایی دارند. در همین زمان است که هم اعتماد به نفس خود را از دست داده و هم حسرت داشتن تناسب اندام، شما را اذیت می کند. در اولین قدم به شما توصیه می کنیم تصمیم خود را جدی کرده و رژیم لاغری را شروع نمایید و در کنار آن، برنامه ورزشی منظمی داشته باشید. اما اگر می خواهید هر چه زودتر چربی های اضافی بدن حذف شده و یا اینکه علی رغم رژیم گرفتن، باز هم برخی از اندام ها همانند شکم چاق هستند، به شما عمل لیپوماتیک را پیشنهاد می کنیم. در این روش متخصص با استفاده از یک دستگاه، چربی های بدن را می سوزاند. لوله کانولا وارد بافت چربی شده و با ارتعاش و افزایش حرارت، چربی را به ذرات بسیار ریز خرد می کند. در نهایت این ذرات از بدن خارج خواهند شد. جراحی لاغری از جمله عمل های زیبایی است که توسط متخصصین پایگاه علمی پزشکی مارال سلامت ایرانیان انجام می شود. یکی از سوالات مراجعه کنندگان، هزینه عمل پیکرتراشی است. ما در جلسه مشاوره پیرامون این موضوع با شما عزیزان صحبت خواهیم کرد اما تصمیم داریم در این مقاله به طور کلی عوامل موثر بر هزینه جراحی لاغری را توضیح دهیم.
هزینه عمل لیپوماتیک برای مردان
ذهنیت نادرستی که همچنان در بین مردم وجود دارد این است که عمل های زیبایی، تنها مختص خانم ها است. شاید ریشه این طرز فکر به این موضوع برمی گردد که خانم ها، حساس تر از مردان بوده و به زیبایی، بیشتر اهمیت می دهند. اما لازم است بدانید که جراحی لاغری برای آقایان نیز انجام می شود. در سال های اخیر، شاهد افزایش آمار چاقی در بین مردان بوده ایم. بنابراین عمل پیکرتراشی راهکار سریع برای درمان این عارضه خواهد بود. البته ماندگاری اثر این جراحی، تاثیر بسیار زیادی بر هزینه عمل لیپوماتیک برای مردان دارد چون اغلب آقایان بعد از جراحی، رژیم غذایی را کنار گذاشته و خیلی سریع دوباره چاق می شوند.
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