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do you have any theory recommendations?
hi i'm not sure if you were asking for marxist theory specifically or just theory in general because this was sent after i answered an ask about marxian economics and tbh i haven't read a lot of primary sources on most other topics so i wouldn't trust myself to give recommendations on those. still prefacing this by saying that i'm in no way an expert on marxist theory either so this list is bound to change as i read more works from lesser known marxist writers. for now i'm just going off what i myself found most helpful when i first started engaging with theory. if you want a broader reading list that includes more advanced theory, i found this one to be pretty good.
personally i think when you're just starting to read up on marxist theory it's a lot easier to not throw yourself headfirst into primary sources but instead find an introductory podcast to listen to or a beginners guide to read. my favorite podcast is linketheorie which is unfortunately only in german but there are a lot of english ones available on spotify, maybe someone else has any recommendations on those. another work i found really helpful was 'politische ökonomie' by holger wendt which gives a concise overview of marxian economics and is a valuable read if you're trying to get an understanding of how the capitalist system functions (and where its limits lie).
if you haven't read it yet, lenin's 'the state and revolution' is in my opinion one of the best works on the question of the bourgeois and socialist state and the necessity of the dictatorship of the proletariat as a political system following the socialist revolution. lenin's writing in general is in my experience a very good place to start if you're already familiar with some basic marxist theory because his writing style is a lot easier to read than that of marx or engels (lenin also frequently cites marx in state and revolution so reading his work can be a good way to get familiar with marx' writing style as well)
if you want to read more on the relationship between capitalism and imperialism i'd recommend walter rodney's 'how europe underdeveloped africa' and zak cope's 'the wealth of some nations'. these are both more contemporary works (the walter rodney one is from 1972, the zak cope one from 2019) and should be available online as pdfs.
that's all i have from the top of my head (<- has been sitting on this ask for over half a month) but it should have you covered i think! if you're already familiar with most of the works i mentioned and were actually looking more advanced theory recs i am so sorry but like just send me another ask!
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hi! do you have any good german podcast recommendations? i've been learning for a while and i'd like to engage w it through media i enjoy, but haven't found much. saw you post about linketheorie, are there any other good ones? thank you!
i'm sorry anon i'm probably not the right person to ask this because i barely ever listen to podcasts, the only ones that i listen to semi regularly are linketheorie and die filmanalyse. if any of my beloved deutsche mutuals have any other recommendations please tell them!
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do you know any good introduction to Marxism Leninism for someone that knows nothing about it but wants to get into it? Can be a book/podcast/YT video
hi, kind of repeating what i said in the previous asks here, i can give you some recommendations that i think would be a good introduction to marxist theory however i cannot personally vouch for how beginner friendly those works really are because i read all of them when i was already familiar with the basics of marxism. most of the works that i personally found the most helpful when i was completely new to theory unfortunately don't have an english translation aaik (if you are german listen to linketheorie podcast and read politische ökonomie by holger wendt! linketheorie also has an instagram account where they summarize theoretical concepts into easily understandable 10 slides posts).
in addition to this post that i already linked in a previous ask, i'd say good places to start would be this article on dialectical materialism as well as engels' the principles of communism + the manifesto. most of the works by famous marxist authors can be read for free on marxists.org . they also have an encyclopedia that can be helpful for if you need to quickly look up a term or an author. i already mentioned this in the post i linked above but i really recommend reading lenin, his writing style is very clear and concise and i found his works a lot easier to understand than those of other marxist authors of his time. + apart from that i think the original post i reblogged was right in that you shouldn't feel like you have to follow a list when reading theory but instead read what interests you because you'll probably have a better time that way!
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Hi dear, do you happen to know any podcast like linketheorie but in English? I don't know enough German to listen to it but I am quite interested in the subject!
Hi love i don't unfortunately, i find it easier to comprehend theory when it's in my native language so i rarely engage with theory in english. i'm forwarding this ask to my followers though, if you have any recommendations for podcasts on marxist theory that are in english please tell them!
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linketheorie podcast my beloved....
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In der neuen Post-Reihe gehen wir auf die gewaltfreie Revolutionstheorie von Theodor Ebert ein. Diese ist besonders wertvoll, weil sie zeigt, wie die herrschende Klasse wahrscheinlich auf verschiedene Arten bzw. Eskalationsstufen eines Aufstandes reagieren wird. In den folgenden Posts sehen wir uns die Eskalationsstufen dann im Einzelnen an.
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Quelle: Theodor Ebert: Gewaltfreier Aufstand.
#Theodor Ebert#Revoltion#gewaltfrei#Aufstand#ziviler Ungehorsam#Umbruch#Gesellschaft#Staat#Repression#Theorie#linketheorie#Analyse
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Kleine Korrektur: Auf Slide 5 ist "0,02″ statt “0,2″ richtig
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Wir schauen uns heute einen Schlüsselbegriff der ökonomischen Theorie von Marx an: Die produktive Arbeit. Es geht darum, welche Arbeiten den Reichtum (für Gesellschaften oder die kapitalistische Klasse) produzieren.
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Wenn euch unsere Arbeit gefällt, freuen wir uns über Likes und Shares. Wir machen linketheorie unabhängig und kostenlos. Deshalb freuen wir uns, wenn ihr uns über ko-fi einen symbolischen Kaffee ausgebt, um unsere unabhängige Arbeit zu unterstützen: https://ko-fi.com/linketheorie Danke!
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Unsere neue Folge setzt sich mit Marxens Theorie über den Wert auseinander. Wer sich sowieso mal in Marx reinlesen will, es schon tut oder einfach ein paar Grundbegriffe aufschnappen will, sollte unbedingt reinhören!
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Wenn Menschenrechte als abstraktes Ziel genannt wird, sollten wir immer wachsam sein. Denn nicht selten wird dieses Argument, das alles und nichts bedeuten kann, als Rechtfertigung für militärische Interventionen genutzt.
Hört außerdem rein in die Folge zur Kritik der Menschenrechte von unserem Podcast linketheorie – der Podcast!
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Weiterlesen: Paech: Menschenrechte. Geschichte und Gegenwart – Anspruch und Realität. Spivak: Righting Wrongs – Unrecht richten. Vogt: Der Menschenrechtsimperialismus. Colin: The Colonialism of Human Rights Losurdo: Der Klassenkampf oder die Wiederkehr des Verdrängten?
#Menschenrechte#Imperialismus#Globale Gerechtigkeit#Kolonialismus#Menschenrechtsimperialismus#Antikapitalismus#Globaler Kapitalismus#feministische Außenpolitik#linketheorie
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Hört in unsere Podcast-Folge zu den Menschenrechten rein und ergänzt so euer Wissen aus unseren Posts.
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Weiterlesen: Mazzucato: Das Kapital des Staates (Zur geschichtlichen Rolle des Staates bei Innovationen) Smith: Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century (Zur Problematik, dass Unternehmen eher auf globale Arbeitsarbitrage als auf Research & Development setzen)
#Innovation#Kapitalismus#innovativ#Investition#Produktion#Staat#China#Staatskapitalismus#Sozialismus#Infografik#linke theorie#linketheorie#einebesserewelt#Ökonomie#Politik#Marktwirtschaft#Unternehmen#Konkurrenz#Patente#Kreativität#Schöpfergeist#genie
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Wir gehen in diesem ersten Post zu den Menschenrechten auf ein paar Meilensteine in der Geschichte der Menschenrechte bis 1948 ein und fragen, ob das auch eine Geschichte der menschlichen Emanzipation war. Wir machen linke politische Bildungsarbeit bei Social Media und außerdem einen Podcast zu linker Theorie. Wenn es Dir finanziell reinpasst, kannst Du uns gerne helfen ein paar entstehende Kosten zu decken. Der Link ist in unserer Bio, Danke!
Hört außerdem rein in linketheorie – der Podcast! Wenn euch gefällt was wir tun, könnt ihr uns unterstützen indem ihr uns folgt, teilt oder über kofi mit einer kleinen Spende: http://ko-fi.com/linketheorie Danke!
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hier reinhören: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2V6z1TaEQCeaQUIFvQLw16?si=4cRxbFqsRwacomeWgGjkYQ
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