#link's Crosses Multiverse
WIP Drawing
This is only the outline... That already took me 3h 41min.
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Out of all the Link's my Favorit is Twilight.
So I thought why Not Draw my Twilight with 9 other Twilight's in my Style.
They are also the ones who inspired me with their comics that I also want to do a comic.
Please leave them a follow.
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Finished Art
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cuteniarose · 2 months
since ming-hua/ghazan have 2 kids... what abt zaheer + pli??
(firebender/combustionbender and/or nonbender -> airbender?)
I was gonna answer this earlier but the lack of sleep reared its head 😅 I took a nap and in the meantime received permission to talk about it, though just in case I will still try to keep it brief. A P’heer child does exist in a few of our verses (we aren't lying when we call it the MULTIverse of madness, I can name at least 7 different AUs off the top of my head and that's not counting the variants where only small changes are made. If we ever made a comprehensive list it'd probably be longer than the list of our OCs and that one’s currently up to 31)
Anyway, her name is Nazra, born in about 153 AG if I remember my timeline right, and she’s a combustionbender. But despite being the same height as her mom, possessing easily the deadliest ability imaginable and generally looking rather intimidating, she’s an impossibly awkward nerd who’d rather sit around and read Air Nomad philosophy like her dad all day. Though she does take after her mom in the romantic sense, having a soft spot for airbenders, while simultaneously doing it better because she’s the definition of a disaster lesbian. She’s quiet, a bit anxious and really sheltered, but she does have a feisty streak to her in that she easily calls people (read: her sister/s) out on their bullshit if they annoy her, and isn’t afraid to use her bending to protect those she loves
The reason I’m not quite sure of the extent as to which I’m allowed to talk about her is because she’s not my OC and neither is she Kat’s. She was created for the fic Empty and Become Wind by Esaleyon, a Red Lotus Korra AU which Kat used to beta read for and which we use as basis for the Ultimate AU I described in my response to the Lien-Hua ask. But as far as I know, the author quit writing/the fandom and as I said above, Kat and I took Nazra in, so to speak. But she features in only a small handful of our AUs (currently only 3 come to mind, one of them ironically being the complete polar opposite to the other two in terms of tone and how dark the storyline is) so we don’t speak of her that often. She is still very dear to my heart, has been since 2020, and in the AUs she features in I consider her a sister to Suiren and Midori
If you’re curious, a few years ago Nina (@silima, who single-handedly fed the entire Red Lotus fandom with amazing art back in 2020-2022 or so) drew her, thus creating the design that I base my own sketches off of, so everyone say thank you Nina :)
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triglycercule · 10 days
i think because i made savior first out of anyone in swapinverse that he lowkey has like. the least interesting lore and facts and gimmicks and stuff,,,,,,,, like his extra facts section is a lot of small of things ans we love that for him but i need him to be cooler and deeper than this. so even though it really shouldn't be all that possible i'm forcing him to deal with his chara in his head for funsies and to add some interesting funsies to him :3 now this makes him a TRUE killer au
#it aint killer if he doesnt have that chara trauma#anyways it bothers me because paranoia ALSO absorbed a humans soul but he doesn't hear aliza#and i dont ever plan on making him. so itd be like violating a multiversal law to do this#but ugh even though i LOVE making things universal i need NEED to make savior cooler than this. i WANT TO#triglycercule you already have to work on crash and vice.ser!!! I KNOW I KNOW 🙁🙁🙁🙁#ill do all 3 of them! and i dont want swapinverse to become my next fucking cgr#so i WILL do research and this time i have a person to show all my storytelling 2#so she can tell me if things are cringe or dont make sense! YIPPEE!!!!! finally a beta reader. or alpha reader??? IDK#and maybe i should do some research on what makes good writing and literary elements and stuff#that way i can sprinkle themes and foreshadowing into the lore and make it fun and interesting#god this will be my masterpiece i think#when i die all i want is the link to read swapinverse on my gravestone#i was thinking of ideas for what i would with the chara that savior now has bc fused souls#like would it be a cross and xchara situation??? maybe most of the time without the body switching#and then maybe maybe maybe in stage 2 when things get unchecked for too long savior mentally checks out#and then the body only responds to what chara says because god no way one person can handle all that#maybe it could be like a protecting the body too. like chara is helping savior and themselves#GOD im coming up with ideas like its a wildfire on the west coast#savior my beloved i will save you. oh and crash and vice.ser you 2 can just sit back#well maybe ill finish up crash first. finished his lore. know his personality (kinda?) now just need gimmicks and facts and powers and stuff#i only am like 50% done with vice.ser even though ive got the design and basic concept done#anyways back into my cryptic hidey hole where only i know the full context of what im talking about#tricule rant
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
Red Yummy
Based on the post by @spacedace. Basically it's a joke that Red Robin (the restaurant with the little jingle: Reeed Robin: Yummm.) Isn't a thing in the DC world but is one in the Phantom world.
The rip in the multiverse was an issue the Justice League was not at all prepared for. Sure they had incidents where visitors from an alternate universe have crossed over to their side or they have gone to one. There are times when they meet doubles of themselves, both as allies and as enemies.
They have been to different Earths, with different histories, different countries, and that one particular time, even different beings that ruled the planet.
It's always been an adventure where at the end of it, the doorway to both worlds is sealed shut, with little or no chance of it opening again. The friends they made. The sights they saw. All gone. Fine. Over.
That was, until a villain from a different world, attempted to attack Clockwork's Tower. The Justice League was not aware of Clockwork- Master of Time, Weaver of Realms, The Concept of Between- but they noticed that he had been attacked when other worlds started spilling into theirs.
People were falling through glowing green portals, stumbling into buildings that weren't there before. People who were just going out for walks would be zapped away and replaced with their confused counterparts.
Parts of the sky glitch into others, replacing the soft blue with brown or black, little patches scattering around the world. Cities vanish for a few hours, sometimes replaced by others sometimes not, and animals never before seen running amok.
It was a mess.
The League did everything it could to help, but it was hard to stretch their reach to the help then world when all reality was being thrown into a mixer and set on chaos.
A lot like busted pipes, the Leaugers would run to cover a leaking pipe only to have the water build up in another and burst there and then scramble to cover that one before the rising water drowned them all.
Thankfully the Justice League Dark was able to use magic and find the source of the leak. The Infinite Realms known as the web that linked all universes, are usually only accessible by the dead, or in Constantine's case having friends in high places.
"Ghost Writer owes me a favor," Constantine said while the rest of the Leauge watched a flouting green book descend from the sky. It flipped open, expanding into a gateway. The smoke of the book curled into little missy hearts.
"Ghost Writer?" Zatanna gawked "How did you get such a powerful, and notoriously recluse, being to owe you anything?"
"Let's just say, we both appreciate the finer things in life and that ghost has a rather fine ass" Constantine leered. No one had asked for any more detail, although Zatanna had the expression of someone who had bitten something sour the whole time.
Ghost Writer had given Constantine a warning that his power would only be able to protect five living souls. Any more would be at the mercy of the Infinite Realms'.
Humans that wandered into the Realms were more often than not driven into madness, became hopelessly lost, or had their souls swindled by beings that dwelled there. Not that it wasn't surprising.
After all, the living did not belong there, so of course they were a danger to the Realms' structure. Hell, there were rumors that a living being could produce fresh uncorrupted ectoplasm when killed or even kept like livestock.
Constantine did not want to find out if the rumors had any truth to them.
To be able to travel safely they had to fall under a powerful ghost's protection and Ghost Writers let them know to pick their five best.
It was decided that Constantine would go as their expert, Batman as their strategist, Wonder Woman as their diplomat and protection, Superman as second protection, and Zatanna as another magic user that could combat the dead.
The rest of the league remained, doing their best to hold their universe together as the team of five rushed off to put everything to right. It was agonizing not knowing what was happening or how the mission was going but they did what they could and placed their trust in the five.
Many of the Justice League didn't say it, but it was the remaining Bats that sort of kept everything afloat in their father's absence. Each one leads a group of young heroes, easily countering and controlling their self-appointed sectors of the world.
Nightwing and Titians.
Red Robin and Young Justice.
Red Hood and the Outlaws.
Oracle and the Birds of Prey
Robin and the Blades.
All five groups agree to use the Watch Tower as a central base to coordinate their defenses against the world falling apart. Trading information with each other quickly and efficiently, and using this new information to prepare for more ripples of universes, showcasing that Batman had taught them well.
Following their example, the rest of the Justice League did what they could to minimize the damage. It was on the second day of constant relief efforts that everything was snapped back to normal.
A giant wave of sound- the noise sounding a lot like a grandfather clock strick repeating over and over again- as things that were not meant to be in their world vanished and their own people and things returned.
The shy's patches were removed and the right color returned.
Even property damages that were caused by the incident were reversed as if reality falling apart was nothing but a dream. No wreckages to clean up, no people had gone missing, and best of all, no casualties had been taken.
The Leauge gathered around Ghost Writer's book watching it open as the five returned, cheering and screaming, giving them the proper hero's welcome. Then right behind their teammates, a second group followed through.
Three glowing figures, all dressed in the same black and white outfits, and a ship carrying four humans. Batman introduced them as the allies who helped defend Clockwork's Tower and keep the multi-universe from collapsing.
He did admit that just because it was no longer falling apart, it did not mean that the rip had been closed. In fact, it was the only thing left to do but it was proving to be difficult due to Clockwork himself not understanding why their world wasn't healing.
Clockwork couldn't leave the Realms for too long- if no one was there to keep Time running the same thing would happen all over again- but he did give them equipment that could in theory patch things up on their side.
They just needed someone who understood the equipment.
Team Phantom, led by Danny Phantom, one of the flowing figures was happy to volunteer. They would be staying for three years, to strengthen and rebuild their Universe structure.
Team Phantom consisted of Dan Phantom, Danielle Phantom, Jasmin Fenton, Tucker Foley, Samantha Manson, and Westley Weston. All young, kind, strong- Batman vouched for the non-powered members claiming they could go toe to toe with his kids- and all much to the joy of many young heroes- attractive. They played an essential role on the team, doing whatever their people and kind did to help Clockwork, staying out of the League's way.
They all seemed happy to live as close to civilians as possible and despite their strength and combat training, Team Phantom was more like a research party instead of a hero.
Since they would be there for three years- more depending on the Speed Force's effect on the timeline grumbles Tucker- the seven had chosen to set down some roots within their dimension.
The three Phantoms needed Ectoplasim to live- a rare substance in the Justice League's universe- so they chose Gotham as their new home. Batman was more than willing to allow them into his city, as long as they knew not to interfere with his work.
Things settled, The Justice League moved on to other missions and other issues while Team Phantom ran tests, gathered information, and worked on the timeline.
The only real issue Bruce had with Team Phantom, was that a majority of his kids were romanticly interested in them.
Dick's love-struck sigh, whenever Dan wandered by, would often lead to useless backflips in an ill-fated attempt to impress him.
Jason would conventionally be lifting weights shirtless whenever Jazz came by with an update report. Then he would mention some novel or other that had the girl's attention far better than his abs.
Steph had taken a very large interest in gardening and at the same time, started wearing shorter shorts and tighter tops because Sam seemed to adore flowers.
Cass meanwhile found every excuse there was to be dressed in the prettiest dresses she owned whenever Wes was anywhere near her. She even wore light makeup- a real sign of how much she was interested in the conspiracy theorist.
Duke seemed over the moon whenever Tucker asked for his personal help on anything technical-related. It did his son wonders that someone thought of him first when it came to tech- Duke has always been a bit self-conscious of his place among geniuses- would be all but speaking in poems to the bemused teenager.
Damian's crush on Ellie did melt Bruce's heart a little. It was his baby's first after all, but he wasn't sure if Damian's approach was doing anything. Put him on the battlefield and Damian could lead to victory. Put him next to a pretty young girl and all his son was capable of doing was stare and babble.
The only one that didn't seem to have a crush on Team Phantom was Tim. Which should have given him reassurance except for the small little detail.
"Red Robin" Danny sings upon Tim's arrival at the cave. Officially tonight they are all going over the results of the latest tests on the universe's structure. Unofficially Team Phantom had been invited over for dinner by Alfred and they were looking over the Batcave as their butler finished preparing the main course.
At once every member of Team Phantom raises their head, turning away from his love-struck children to his flustered son and singing "Yum" with wide smiles.
Tim's face goes bright red.
Apparently, Tim was their universe version of Adonis and Team Phantom had no issue with expressing how yummy they found Tim. Now Bruce isn't saying that he would be against Tim having more than one romantic partner- he has made sure to look up proper healthy poly relationships and given Tim a PowerPoint version of it.
It's just that he isn't sure how he's going to handle supporting one of his children while breaking the heart of another. Tim seems unsure how to handle so much romantic attention- he's had plenty of relationships before- but said attention is picking him before any of his siblings is a first.
Bruce knows that deep down Tim still struggles with thinking he's not as good as the others. That he really is just a placeholder in the long run.
Then there is the fact he isn't sure how their culture works. Is the singing like a mating call? Was there a chance they would earn the irk of Clockwork himself if Tim accidentally accepted their advances? Why was it always Red Robin and not just Tim himself that made Team Phantom go yummmm?
"Hi guys" Tim greets at least and Danny grins wider.
"Reeeeed Robbbbbin" " The ghost boy says throwing an arm over Tim's shoulders. Sam and Tucker surround them, making their voices sound strange as all three start singing, rocking Tim back and forth in a strange little dance.
From the corner of his eyes, Bruce makes out Dick's protective Older Brother's face, as his eldest starts marching towards the group with the intent of breaking them apart. He's been very vocal about putting an end to Team Phantom's flirtations if he saw so much as a hint of Tim's unease.
Except that Tim looked utterly bliss being pressed up against Danny. Maybe he should rethink Tim's disinterest in Team Phantom. The rest of his children looked murderous as more members of Team Phantom gathered around Tim also singing.
Bruce had to deal with this for three whole years. He can physically feel his hair turning greyer.
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divine-donna · 1 year
a fair trade
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pairing: miguel o’hara x gender neutral! reader
word count: 1,010 words
ao3 link: 🕷️🕷️🕷️
summary: your help is needed to defeat a multiversal entity, one that you’ve defeated before. but what can miguel offer in return for your service?
notes: kind of mishmashing the movies and comics together. do not fret if you haven’t read any of them! it’s mostly just referenced (much like how it was referenced in the last post). the fic on ao3 is also locked to registered ao3 users only. it’s a precaution i’m taking in response to ai using ao3 fics to be trained.
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“(Y/N), we need your help.”
“Miguel, I’m in the middle of eating lunch. Because, you know, I didn’t have breakfast.”
“That’s on you.”
“Some of us don’t like breakfast.”
“Okay that’s not the point! The point is that we need your help!”
You were just sitting at your table, peacefully. After a mission earlier today, you thought you enjoyed a nice break. All you’ve been doing is going on missions across the multiverse, at the expense of your personal life back home. Your friends missed you and were constantly wondering why you would dip all of a sudden. After all, it wasn’t like you to just...cancel last minute. You loved your friends. You always made sure to be there. What you didn’t expect when accepting Miguel’s invitation was to be worked constantly. There was always a multiversal threat at stake, even for something small.
You were literally the local expert on the multiverse. Small things wouldn’t cause catastrophe. But Miguel believed they would. He believed in a domino effect. You believed that it was necessary to stay vigilant but not every small thing required attention. Sometimes the multiverse acted weird. It was a multiverse. It acted on its own accords.
“Miguel, is it actually something to worry about? Or is it something like the Vulture ended up in the wrong reality which can be cleaned up without my help?” You took a sip of your drink.
“It’s someone by the name of Verna. And she’s brought with her an army.”
“Verna? Never heard of her.” You shake your head.
“Really? She claims she’s fought you before.”
“If I saw a picture, then maybe I would recognize her.”
Miguel doesn’t hesitate. “Lyla.”
Part of you wondered what it would be like if your name was always on the tip of his tongue, ready to speak on a moment’s notice. You always wanted someone who could say your name with such ease, who thought of you constantly.
“Already on it.” Lyla pulls up a video. “This is live footage of the whole thing. We’re lucky she hasn’t spread her destruction further.”
As you were taking a sip of your drink, you choked on the liquid. Thankfully, you did not die. “We need you alive (Y/N).” Miguel says.
“I thought I banished her to the ends of the Multiverse!” You exclaimed.
“So you have fought her?” Lyla questions. “Was this the multiversal being you battled before?”
“She’s the reason I have no magic!” You crush the metal cup in your hand. “It took everything for me to banish her! And she just comes...comes back like nothing happened?” You squint a little. “She also looks a lot different than I remember. You said her name was Verna?” Lyla and Miguel look at each other before nodding. “She went by a different name. Called herself the Matriarch of...something. I don’t remember.”
“All the more reason for you to finish up and join us.” He crosses his arms over his chest.
“I lost my appetite.” You picked up the dishes and cleaned out the plates, dropping them off with the conveyor belt of dirty dishes. “You owe me Miguel.”
“Owe you what?”
“A break. Like a real break. My body needs to properly recuperate, you know.”
He inputs the numbers and opens the portal. “I can do that. You’ve done good work so far.”
“Exactly. Not getting paid here.”
“None of us get paid.”
“It was a joke. You know, Peter was right. You’re like the only one of us that isn’t funny.”
“That’s hilarious.” His voice did not change in tone and his facial expressions did not give away that he was humored.
“Lighten up a little. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re extra stoic because you want to kiss me.”
“I do not want to kiss you.”
“Everyone wants to kiss me.”
He looks at you, eyebrow slightly raised. “You should pay me in kisses actually. Think that’d be a fair deal. I help you guys stop Verna, again, and I get a kiss. It’d be the perfect reward.”
You feel his gaze on you. “It’s a joke, I promise. You don’t have to actually.” Even if you did want to kiss him.
He takes a step towards you, much to your surprise. His hand reaches up, fingers curled slightly, and his knuckles graze the skin of your cheeks. It’s reassuring in a way and his touch is gentle. It reminds you of when you first joined, how his fingers gently wiped away the crumbs at your face. His hand uncurls and cups your face. “How badly do you want a kiss?” He asks.
His voice made your legs shake. “If I answered that I think you’d make fun of me.”
“I mean...it’s a simple yes or no question.”
You weren’t expecting his lips to crash against yours. The sheer force almost causes you to fall over and your hands fumble to grip onto his body. You could feel his muscles flex beneath his suit. You kiss him back, but most certainly not with the same amount of force he does. Miguel even goes as far to nip your bottom lip, causing a small gasp to emerge from your throat. It was a little embarrassing and your cheeks grew warm. He pulls away, satisfied and with that cocky smirk on his face.
“Make it back alive and I’ll give you another.” He puts his mask on. “Maybe even more.”
“You...have a lot of confidence that I will.” You were out of breath. Very much out of breath.
“You’ve beaten the odds before. It’s part of who we are.”
Miguel walks through the portal and you clench your hands for a few seconds. You were nervous. It wasn’t just the kiss that made you nervous (though your heart certainly was pumping for that reason primarily). Lyla looked at you with a smile. “You better come back. Or else I’ll lose the primary thing I make fun of him for.”
“I’ll try Lyla. For you.”
“Sure, sure. Now get going before people die.”
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osleeplessflowero · 5 months
Oneshot Masterpost
A collection of my oneshots! Series gradually being updated. These links are specific to Tumblr, BUT I have also posted quite a few of these on my Ao3! I also have fics on there, which I will also be making a masterpost for + uploading the chapters to tumblr.
🏡Neighborhood Series🏡
A series of randomized oneshots that take place in the same universe, a timeline where the skeleton duos all live in their own houses in a singular neighborhood.
In order(with links attached):
{Lore Related v}
🌠Stargazing (Classic Sans! First oneshot I wrote.)🔭
✨Back To You (Also Classic Sans, takes place a little bit after the former.)💤
🎸Concert Night (Fell!Sans)🎵
{Out Of Order/Bonus Content v}
🏍Stress Relief (Fell/Red! I need to write him again..)💢
📻Close (Blue/Reader) [I don't really like this one that much anymore but I'll keep it up for any that do]🎵
🏖Beach Day (Swap Bros!)🌊
☕️Relax. (Fell Papyrus/Edge!)❄️
🌃Late Night Walk (Rus/Reader)🛹
🪓Scare Actor!Horror🎃
A series mainly themed for Halloween where Reader has a chance encounter with Horror while going to a Haunted House with their partner. Takes place in a Post-Pacifist Horrortale timeline, so Horror goes by Sans.
Part 1: Scares and a Sudden Friendship🎃🪓
Part 2: Coffee Hangout☕
Part 3: New Experiences // Meeting Papyrus!🥄
📖Fairytale Series🪄
A series of miscellaneous fairytale-based scenarios featuring your favorite skeletons. Some may have connections to others!
👑King!Nightmare/Ruler!Reader(Start of a Bad Sanses series)💢
🌹King!Dream/Ruler!Reader (An alternate timeline to the former concept)🪄
An AU where Stretch and Blue live on a ranch and work as cowboys. The other skeletons ARE present in other areas, but this mainly just focuses on Stretch and his growing relationship with Reader. Could be considered Farmtale inspired.
🥃Part 1: howdy.🍯
🐴Part 2: Going for a ride🏇
💚Nightmare/Multiverse Traveler!Reader✨
An endless(?) game of Cat and Mouse, where Nightmare chases Reader across the Multiverse in order to finally be with them. Mutual pining, we love to see it!!
🎭Part 1: Chasing🌌
🌺Part 2: Blooms. (Angst)🥀
🖤Bad Sanses Shenanigans🔪
A collection of scenarios with everybody's favorite villains.
🎃Pumpkin Carving! (was originally a part of a now cancelled Halloween writing challenge series.)🔪
☃️Snow Day! (Christmas Special)🌨
🛝i'm here. (Dust Comfort)💜
🔪"Knife" To Meet'cha (Killer/Reader #1)🍻
🌹Falling For Ya (Killer/Reader #2(?) ) 🌃
🔒Cornered (Dust/Reader) (Kinda steamy)💜
🌌Alone With You (Dust/Reader)💕
A scenario where Reader is an amalgamate of several different Reader souls, and is hopelessly in love with Science/Classic? Sans.
🧪Part 1: me and the amalgamate i pulled by being a punny guy 🔒
🤍Part 2: Soulmates?!🤍
Standalone Oneshots
Oneshots that haven't been made into series yet/are intended to be by themselves.
☔️Chance Encounter (Dream/Reader)🚍
🎶Dream/Fem Reader (Requested)🌳
💌Messages + Confessions (Error/Reader)📄
🛍First Meeting (Fell Papyrus/Edge!/Fem Reader)🐾 (Requested)
🫧Into The Sea (Merman!Blue/Reader)🌊
☕Home (Cross/Reader)🏠 (Requested)
Star Sanses HQ Shenanigans(Star Sanses & Reader [Platonic]) (Requested)
Flirting With Death (Reaper/Immune!Reader) (Requested)
🎡Carnival Date (Classic!Papyrus/Reader) (Requested)🧣
😱Frightening New Friend (Horror!Papyrus & Reader)🎃 [Halloween Special]
🌊A Light In The Depths (Mer!Nightmare/Reader)🤿
😳Crushing (Cross x Swap Universe!Reader) (Requested)💜
🛞Immune (Siren!Nightmare/Reader)⛵
🩹(Platonic)Fell Sans & Reader Hurt/Comfort (Requested)❤️‍🩹
My oneshot requests ARE OPEN if you would like to submit one, you can check out my rules post here! (You can send requests via Ask(Preferred) or here in the comments if you'd like.) Happy reading!
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iprobablyshipit91 · 2 years
iprobablyshipit91 Fic Recs
So this started as me keeping links of all my favourite Dean Winchester fics that I finally decided to share so others could hopefully find some great stories and the authors would know how much I love their work. It’s kind of grown to a very, very huge list, but I love everyone of these works, they’re amazing and deserve so much love. I hope you find something you love on here 💕
There’s a mix of fluff, angst, smut, au etc. Please make sure you read the warnings for each story on it’s own page.
Beautiful Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Dean Winchester x Reader
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Should I Stay or Should I Go by @daisythekitty
Sweet Dreams by @deanssweetheart23
Slip Up by @deanwritings
Bad Moon Rising by @hintsofhoney
Not the Planned Delivery by @lazydoodlesandfanfic
Unnamed by @lostdreamr-blog1
I’ve Got You by @spnexploration
Broken Ribs Against Fingertips by @the--blackdahlia
Motel Diablo by @waynes-multiverse
Sharing is Caring by @zepskies
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Mini Date by @avanatural
The Talk by @avanatural
And Baby Makes Four by @carryonmywaywardone-shots
Nows the Time by @crashdevlin
Down on Dean by @deanwanddamons
The Prettiest One by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Always You and Me by @deanwinchesterswitch
Bullets and Bands by @deanwinchesterswitch
Capeesh? By @deanwritings
I Ship It by @deanwritings
It’s Okay by @deanwritings
Safe Now by @deanwritings
What We Lost by @deanwritings
Tell Me About… by @impala-dreamer
Glances by @kasimagines
It’s Okay, I Love You by @kasimagines
Poison by @kasimagines
Obeying Temptation by @kittenofdoomage
Sweet Satisfaction by @kittenofdoomage
Nannas Love Sammy by @littlegreenplasticsoldier
Something New by @princessmisery666
Date Night by @princessmisery666
I Would Never Hurt You by @procrastinatorimagines
Frayed Ends by @scuttling
Must be Love on the Brain by @sleepywinchester
Below Freezing by @soaringeag1e
Promises by @supersleepygoat
Friendzoned by @talesmaniac89
Stupid Cupid by @talesmaniac89
Crazy on You by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Different by @watermelonlipstick
Labyrinth by @waynes-multiverse
Love on the Brain by @waynes-multiverse
Gesundheit by @waynes-multiverse
Dark Waters by @wearywinchester
Above Ground by @wearywinchester
I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) by @zepppie
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The Wrong Winchester by @cherry3point14
Good Things by @crashdevlin
Baby Spoon by @deanwanddamons
Rumours by @deanwinchesterswitch
Blind Love by @jawritter
Faded by @kasimagines
Sacrifice by @kasimagines
The Last Call by @kasimagines
To Know You by @littlegreenplasticsoldier
Watch and Learn by @littlegreenplasticsoldier
Can’t Fight This Feeling by @pink-sparkly-witch
Mischief Managed (2) by @sinfulsoulx
A Few Moments of Madness | Last Time? by @smellingofpoetry
Familiar by @spnhunter4life
Dream On by @talesmaniac89
Well, Hello There Stranger by @talesmaniac89
If You Want it to Be by @zepskies
Midnight Espresso | Devour Me by @zepskies
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Never Say Goodbye by @zepskies
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searching for redemption [K.Bishop]
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pairing: switch!kate bishop x bottom!reader x top!kate bishop
summary: a multiversal anomaly grants you and your girlfriend the opportunity to explore some of your more...intense desires.
warnings: pure smut -> minors, don't you dare interact with this [selfcest + threesome; kinda dubcon at the beginning 'cause R doesn't know it's another version of kate; slight degradation/humiliation [other kate is mean but in a good way]; strap-on sex [kate receiving]; cunnilingus [R receiving]; both kates are technically service tops but shhh; there's an element of tease and denial but it's sort of a background thing]
wordcount: 3.4k
a/n: this is quite literally the filthiest thing i've ever written so proceed with caution. this is a request/lowkey commission from a very lovely anonymous person so shoutout to them for all their ideas. i'm definitely not going to drop a link to my buy me a coffee for anyone else who might be interested. anyways, thank you for your support, i'll go back to writing pure fluff soon...maybe, hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
You should've known something was different about your girlfriend the second she stepped foot in your shared apartment.
She had left early in the morning, mumbling something about Yelena and how the blonde was insistent on forcing her to have an actual training routine. Your complaints about it had been swallowed up by your exhaustion so the brunette was forced to leave since she couldn't come up with any excuses not to.
Needless to say, your day had been boring so, the second you heard the front door open, your mind was filled with the excitement of your girlfriend being back home. Excitement that didn't let you focus on the way Kate slammed the door shut behind her or the mumbled string of curses that followed.
“Well, what do we have here?”
The sound of her voice makes you smile and you turn to look at her over your shoulder. “Thought I would surprise my girlfriend with her favorite food. I would’ve gotten pizza but you always end up giving all your slices to Lucky.”
You catch the small roll of her eyes before you turn your attention back to the stove, turning off the flame before Kate distracts you and you burn the boxed macaroni…again.
She doesn’t reply immediately but you write it off as her being tired and nothing else. Until she speaks up again in a tone you’re not used to hearing from her.
“Fuck. You're perfect.”
“Is that you or your stomach talking?”
You're about to ask her what she means when she crosses the space between you. Her hands grip your waist, pulling you backward until you collide with her body. The food you had been preparing gets forgotten the second you feel a certain hardness rubbing against your ass.
“You missed me that much?” You tease.
You’re expecting one of her usual responses. Maybe a whine or a witty comment or a barrage of kisses across your shoulders.
You don’t get any of that, though.
Instead, you get her calloused hands groping at your chest through the fabric of the worn-out band tee you stole from her closet. “Don’t be a brat, baby.”
The words are something you've only ever heard as a joke, a playful jab that never lands since you both know Kate’s the real brat. But today, they slip out of her mouth without a second thought as if she’s said them, and meant them, a thousand times before.
“Says the one ignoring my fantastic cooking skills.” You push back against her hips, expertly grinding against the strap-on hidden inside her pants and earning yourself a groan from her parted lips.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to be complaining,” she mumbles.
Her hands leave your waist and all at once, she’s turning you around and pushing you up against the kitchen counter. You attempt to tease her again but she’s far quicker than you are.
She instantly leans in to capture your lips in a borderline desperate kiss as her hands explore your waist. You're no stranger to Kate's arousal-filled desperation, and you can't judge her since you're the same way sometimes, but there's something different about it.
Some underlying darkness that you can't quite place.
“Kate-” You attempt to pull away but she doesn't let you get far.
She ignores your half-formed moan, choosing instead to deepen the kiss while she hooks one of your legs over her hip to erase the already non-existent space left between your bodies. Her actions are unexpected but they only serve to fuel the gathering arousal in your underwear.
You’re too caught up in the feelings she creates inside you to hear the sound of the door opening again…until you hear a very familiar voice.
“What the fuck?”
You jump away from the archer only to find yourself staring at Kate.
Well, two Kates.
You briefly wonder if you’re dreaming but the remnants of Kate’s hands on your body feel far too real for any of this to be a dream. Which means you’re staring at not one but two versions of your girlfriend.
Versions that seem to be engaged in a very serious staring contest.
“Is this another one of Wanda’s little tricks?” The difference in her tone of voice is suddenly obvious. “‘Cause it wasn’t funny the first time.”
“What? No. I’m me…and you’re me…and you’re hot?” The way the brunette stumbles over her words confirms your suspicions.
You’ve been making out with another version of your girlfriend.
And you can’t find it in yourself to be too upset about it.
Clearly, this other version Kate doesn’t mind either. She steps away from you, her arms crossed and a single eyebrow raised. “Why do you sound so surprised? Have you never looked at yourself in the mirror?”
Kate’s eyes widen and you can make out the soft pink hue that spreads across her face. Her hands are balled into fists at her side, almost as if she’s ready to defend you from this other version of herself. “y/n?”
You know what she’s actually asking of you but you can’t stop yourself from adding fuel to the fire. “Well, you are hot.”
Your girlfriend stares at you like a fish out of water while her other self bursts out laughing. It should be weird and yet you find yourself smiling as if the fabric of the universe didn’t somehow rip to create this moment.
“See? This is why I love her.”
Kate’s flustered and slightly nonchalant attitude disappears instantly. “Hey, she’s my girlfriend.”
Her possessive nature can’t be stopped, not even when her only competition is literally herself.
“Excuse me, your girlfriend was enjoying everything I was doing.”
Her comment leaves you breathless and, unfortunately for all of you, your girlfriend knows exactly what that reaction means. It means the other Kate isn’t wrong. And the knowledge instantly sparks a reaction in your archer.
“Shut the fuck up.” She shoves the other version of herself and while the act isn’t technically aggressive, it prompts the other archer to respond the same way.
Their shoves turn into a, somewhat pathetic, attempt at fighting with each other. They’re somehow the exact same person which means every punch is anticipated and blocked accordingly, leaving them both to stumble toward the nearest wall while they try to outwit each other with increasingly illogical insults.
The sight is more entertaining than strange and your next words fly out of you far too fast to be stopped. “You guys should just kiss and make up, it’ll be faster.”
The smirk you receive in response gives you a clear idea of which Kate is currently being held against the wall. “I told you she was into it.”
Your archer reluctantly lets go of the other one, turning around to look at you, a weird mix of surprise and longing in her eyes. “You think we should…what?”
“I’m just saying,” you reply with a shrug. “What’s the use of fighting with yourself anyway?”
Kate stares at you, mouth agape, while her variant shoots you a wink over your girlfriend’s shoulder. It shouldn’t be hot but you learned a long time ago not to question the things you find attractive about the archer.
“Come on, you can’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.”
“Thought about what?” Those eyes you love so much leave you as she waits for a response from her double.
“Kissing yourself.”
You have to fight against yourself not to laugh at the look that crosses your girlfriend’s face. “Excuse me?”
“Is she always this stubborn?” Kate rolls her eyes before pushing herself off the wall and approaching you again. The way she moves tells you there's a plan hiding inside her mind and you already know you’ll go along with whatever she wants.
“Don’t you already know the answer?” You reply, accepting the hand she holds out for you and jumping down from the counter. “You’re the same person.”
“Right again, darling.”
Your girlfriend’s intake of breath reaches your ears right as her variant pulls you in close. What you’re doing borders on insanity but you don’t care. Some experiences are worth losing your mind over.
She wordlessly checks in with you and the second you nod, her hands tangle in your hair and pull you into until there’s no space left between your lips. You know you should feel weird about what you're doing, maybe even a little guilty, but it’s impossible to deny the connection that runs between you, even if you’re different versions of the person the other one loves.
You almost expect your Kate to voice her displeasure and kick her variant out. But of course, that doesn’t happen. Because no one in this room can’t say they’re not more than a little curious to see where things go. To see how far they can go.
Kate pulls away from you, her lips pulled together somewhere between a giddy grin and a knowing smirk. It’s striking how different she seems to be despite being the archer you know and love. “Glad to see we’re on the same page, baby.”
“y/n?” The archer’s voice is barely audible over the pounding in your chest. “I…do you…is this what you want?”
You meet her eyes, both of you searching the other for any signs of discomfort. The only thing you find though are the very obvious signs of your girlfriend’s growing arousal. So, you nod. “Yeah. If you’re okay with it.”
“I…I mean, yeah. I think I am.”
“That was fast,” Kate’s variant teases. “Did watching me make out with your girlfriend turn you on that much?”
The answer is more than clear but the slight catch of her breath gives her away far too quickly. “Shut up.”
“Make me.”
A few seconds of tense silence go by before you all collectively spring into action. It’s, admittedly, a mess of hands and lips but the three of you make it into the bedroom together. You lose track of who’s who until a pair of rough hands push you down onto the mattress.
Kate attempts to follow after you but her double stops her before she can get too far. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“I, uh-” You watch as your girlfriend does her best to pull herself together. “Where do you think?”
“Nice try.” She pulls Kate against her body and you’re given a front row seat to the subtle expressions of pleasure your archer tries to hide. “You’re not going anywhere yet though. We have to give your girlfriend a good show.”
You have a pretty good idea of what she means and yet nothing could have prepared you for the real thing.
Your thighs instantly clench together while you watch the other Kate’s hands trail underneath your girlfriend’s shirt. The fabric in the way stops you from seeing much but your girlfriend’s body and the feeling of her skin in your hands is forever ingrained into your brain.
“What-” Her words get caught in her throat and all that comes out instead is a breathy moan.
“Do you ever stop talking?” The variant’s words slip out in between groans, her hips sliding back and forth against Kate’s ass. “Just let yourself feel good, I know what you want.”
You watch, entranced, as Kate’s lips trail a path down your archer’s neck, slowly coaxing her tense shoulders into relaxing as her head tilts back. “You…are way too sure of yourself.”
It’s impossible not to laugh at her words, mainly because you’ve said them at least a hundred times and she never believes you. Your amusement is shared by the other archer and she shoots you a small smile. “Maybe…but I’ll bet anything you’re already dripping for me.”
The words aren’t technically meant for you but your moan tangles with Kate’s. In all honesty, you’ve been dripping since your little makeout session in the kitchen and your clit throbs so hard, you’re sure a mere gust of wind would be enough to make you cum. It really would be so easy to slip your hand-
“No touching, sweetheart. Be a good girl and wait for us.”
The thought of having to wait more than a few seconds is unbearable but there’s no way you’ll disobey this dominant version of your girlfriend. You’ve always had your suspicions that Kate holds back her rougher side around you and this, strange and unexpected, meeting merely confirms your thoughts.
You’re tempted to beg just to see what reaction you’ll get out of both of them.
Instead, you groan and position your hands above your head, gripping the pillow hard enough to leave nail marks in the fabric.
Your own struggle leaves you unaware of the storm brewing inside your girlfriend. A storm full of unspoken desires and a need to get her hands on something.
The position she’s in makes it hard for her to even attempt to fight for control but she tries anyway. Hesitant hands reach out behind her to blindly run her fingers across whatever skin she can find.
“I told you it would feel good.” Her other self murmurs against the flushed skin of her neck. “I know everything you like. I know all the spots that drive you wild.”
Your girlfriend’s slightly whiny voice forces you to focus again. Unfortunately, the sight you focus on merely serves to drive you further toward the edge of desperation. “God, will you just hurry up and fuck each other already?”
Your words make both versions of the archer halt their movements.
Two pairs of wide eyes stare you down but while one looks flustered enough to turn into a puddle on the floor, the other one regards you as if you're her next meal. It's dizzying and pleasurable all at the same time and you know the squirming of your legs gives you away instantly.
“I see you still haven't tamed your brat.” Kate rolls her eyes but there's far too much excitement on her face for the action to be believable. “Too bad I can't deny her anything.”
Time somehow slows down and speeds up at the same time.
You're still left neglected on the bed but the two brunettes finally start removing the many obstacles in the way. Your girlfriend gets turned around easily and you're barely able to keep yourself together when she works up enough courage to kiss the other version of herself.
Surprisingly steady hands reach out to tear away at shirts and clumsily pull at pants.
It feels like both an eternity and a second until they're both standing naked in front of you and you're panting just from the sight of them. Your patience is finally rewarded when your girlfriend climbs on top of you, hushed murmurs of how perfect you are getting lost as her hands explore your desperate skin.
“Kate,” you moan, your hands reaching out for her.
“I know, baby, I'm getting there.” There's the slightest hint of a tease in her tone but it comes more serious than you've ever heard it from her. You don't know what being physical with a variant of herself has done to your girlfriend but you don't really care as long as she’ll finally give you what you want.
What you want comes in the form of four hands pushing and pulling at your clothes until you're left vulnerable under both of them.
The sight of your drenched folds makes them both groan but it's your archer who moves first. “Fuck, y/n, you look so good like this. All mine to play with.”
The more dominant of the two merely smirks, content to watch while Kate trails a path of kisses down your body.
“Please.” This time, you're the one who begs and your hands instinctively wrap around the archer’s as she holds your legs open.
She doesn't say anything in response, she merely leans in and lets her mouth explore your wetness. There's nothing new about her motions but there's a certain confidence behind them that you've never seen before.
Your girlfriend, usually slow and gentle, instantly attaches herself to your swollen clit, her tongue flicking relentlessly against your sensitive bud.
You're too lost in your own pleasure to notice the movements of her variant…until you literally feel Kate moan into your cunt.
It's hard for your eyes to focus but once they do, you're left bucking your hips up and clenching around nothing. You watch through wide eyes as Kate’s variant thrusts into her soaked pussy, strong hands gripping her hips while she fucks her at an equally relentless pace.
Holding your head up is a challenge but you manage, unwilling to look away from such a tantalizing sight.
You whine when Kate’s lips detach from your clit and it takes no time for her other self to grip onto her hair and push her face down into your cunt. “Fuck her like you mean it, Katie.”
Whatever response your girlfriend had fades away as you messily grind against her face. She wastes no time in giving you what you need, her grip tightening in an attempt to keep you still.
There's no way for any of you to stop yourself from squirming and grinding into each other in some way and the room quickly falls into a continued chorus of grunts and moans.
You can hear the sound of the other archer’s voice but you're too far gone to make out the words she says.
Kate isn't though and the mix between being praised and degraded makes her clench around the strap buried deep inside of herself. Which only prompts more humiliatingly pleasurable words from lips that are basically identical to her own.
“Fuck, this is what you needed, isn't it? To be fucked so good you're forced to give in to all those nasty thoughts in your head? It feels so good, doesn't it, Kate?”
Hearing her own name in her own voice while she's being pounded into by herself feels far too good not to admit it. And the sounds of pleasure that escape her lips push you right over the edge almost instantly.
“Kate!” The archer’s name is the only warning you can give before you slam head-first into an earth-shattering orgasm.
“Fuck-” Both Kates respond at the same time as they're both pushed over the edge by different things.
Your girlfriend falls apart the second she feels your release soak her chin and the sight of both of you completely fucked out beneath her causes her variant to crash into her own orgasm.
You're sure you blackout for a few bliss-filled moments and when you open your eyes again, you're greeted with the sight of your girlfriend sprawled out on top of you, her heavy pants lightly tickling your skin.
You turn your head to the side and find her variant, panting just as heavily beside you, her hand clutching yours, the toy covered in your girlfriend’s release still attached to her hips.
You're in the middle of forming a plan to get your hands on her when she speaks up. “That was…wow.”
The sound of her voice makes your archer lift her face from your chest, a wide grin on her face. “You can say that again.”
You hate how well you know her because her features give away the words she’s not willing to say. “You want to leave, don't you?”
Your voice is a hoarse whisper after all the loud moaning you've done but they both hear you. There's a beat of silence, two sets of eyebrows furrowing, and then your answer.
“Yeah…I just…I don't know how I got here but I need to get back home. To you…my version of you.”
She looks genuinely apologetic and you would laugh if you weren't so tired. “I get it. As amazing as this was, this isn't your home.”
“But feel free to come back anytime,” Kate says, completing the other half of your thoughts. “You, uh, taught us a lot.”
“Mmm, did she? I think we already knew you were full of yourself.”
“Yeah, but she made it literal.”
Your girlfriend gets a chuckle out of both you and her variant but it's not enough of a reward for her.
It happens in the blink of an eye but suddenly Kate is sitting up and pulling her other self into a rough kiss, her hands tangled in her hair and her teeth nipping at her bottom lip.
The sight is somehow more attractive than the first time and all three of you are left breathless once they pull away. Giving Kate the satisfaction she was looking for.
Her variant leaves, once she manages to pull herself together again, and you and Kate, your Kate, stay in bed for a while. There's an unspoken understanding about what she's discovered about herself but she finally speaks up after a while.
“So…do you think we can try bondage next?”
“Yeah. I honestly always thought you were a little vanilla in bed.”
Your response earns you a glare…and an overachieving archer who goes above and beyond to show you how wrong you truly are.
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moog-rt · 3 months
ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ [ch.2]
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[Shigaraki Tomura x Fem!Reader]
Beginning: Prologue
Previous: Chapter One
➨ Chapter Two
Next: Chapter Three
The multiverse theory is the idea that there is not only one universe but, instead, an infinite number of universes, parallel to one another.
You and Tenko were heroes in your universe. The war came and went, and that left only you. When you are thrown into a universe parallel to yours, you find out the hard way just how similar and different it is from your own.
If you'd prefer to read on Ao3, here is the link:
Otherwise, enjoy!
♡ ♡ ♡
The stranger’s striking red eyes narrowed as he hesitantly took the bag from you. It was hard to see behind the hair covering his face, but you noticed the skin around his eyes seemed dry and irritated. It was obvious he had been scratching at it, as well.
You were looking at him for too long, and once you realized it, you shuffled backward. A glance at the person to his side revealed a middle-aged woman slightly taller than you with straight black hair and bangs cut across her forehead. Her outfit led you to believe she worked some sort of office job, very put together in contrast to the man’s grungy, all-black look.
The two of them were an odd duo but pretty ordinary otherwise.
So why did it feel like you had a pit in your stomach when you looked at them?
It took you a moment to notice the expression on the woman’s face, wide-eyed like she’d seen a ghost. She could only take a single shaky step towards you before the man moved in front of her, forcing your focus to return to him. You had to admit, he had a bit of an unsettling energy around him, characteristic of a villain. But you had picked up his receipt, and the list appeared long enough to cover everything he was carrying.
“Thanks,” he mumbled in such a gravelly tone that you could barely recognize it as a word. He turned and walked away, but the woman stayed frozen for a moment until her eyes flickered over to her companion. Her eyebrows pressed together, and she reluctantly followed.
You couldn’t pull your eyes away as you watched them make their way down the block and around the corner. Something was urging you to go after them, like a tether wrapped around your torso, tugging you forward. Intuition was such a fickle thing, and, after leading you astray enough times, you found it hard to trust.
You were about to turn on your heel and walk back to the station when you noticed a couple of bottles of water and a bag of chips still scattered on the ground. Picking them up, you trotted after the duo in hopes of catching them in time to return the forgotten items, but, when you peered around the corner, they were gone. The sidewalk was almost entirely empty, save for an older man who seemed to be fiddling with his smart phone.
With a heavy sigh, you walked back to the convenience store and left the belongings with the cashier in case the two came back for them. As you began your trek back to the station, you were going to send another report through your communicator before noticing the screen’s display. You frowned.
‘Server Error’
Quickly, you made a call to your agency using your cellphone, feeling you may have better luck that way. Your fingers were crossed as you waited to be directed to the automated message that would filter calls to their appropriate responders. There was a moment of silence and then a flat hum was all you could hear.
Your eyebrows pinched together.
Something was wrong.
Assuming the worst, you cancelled your plans to check in with the officers at the station and instead made a b-line for the agency. The only reason the phone line wouldn’t work would be due to outside interference. You could remember it happening once before when there was a group of villains attacking the building. It wasn’t outrageous to suspect that Dai Uchuu could have headed in that direction and initiated an assault on your colleagues.
Your legs were starting to ache from all the running you were doing, and you were sure they were relieved when you finally skidded to a halt in front of your agency—
Well, what should have been your agency.
Instead, you found yourself looking up at an old warehouse that seemed like it could collapse any second. You were certain you were at the right address. You knew this part of the city like the back of your hand.
So what the fuck was going on?
What do you do in this situation? Who do you call?
The cops were already busy handling that goon who was on the loose, so you figured they were out of the question. He couldn’t have teleported your entire building and swapped it with another one, could he? Everybody’s quirks had their limits.
Maybe you were just tired. Maybe you got the addresses mixed up after all, took a turn one block too early.
Maybe you just needed to go home and go to sleep. Too many nights of sleep deprivation can fog the brain, and you wouldn’t be surprised if that was the cause of your confusion.
Yeah…it was probably best if you just went home. You reported what you could, the police were on the case, and if they needed backup, there were countless other agencies for them to reach out to.
You were calling it a night.
As you slowly made your way back home, you were pretty sure you passed the same old man you’d seen by the convenience store earlier. Your eyes met, so you gave him a courteous smile. He grinned impossibly wide in response, causing your expression to falter. You walked past each other without further exchange.
Just when you thought the night couldn’t get any stranger, you found that your apartment building had vanished, as well. An empty gravel lot filled the space where it should have been, accessorized by two small signs. One announcing that the land was recently sold, and the other advertised the planned construction of a new apartment building.
Your apartment building. As if it hadn’t yet been built…
You were so tired, so tired and so confused and so frustrated you felt like you were going to break down into tears. Your heart was pounding. Your hands were trembling. And you could feel a tension headache pressing harshly against your temples.
You had no clue what you were supposed to do in this sort of scenario. It had gotten fairly late, and you needed someplace to stay. You knew she would be busy, but calling Toga was the best idea you could come up with at that moment.
You clicked on her contact and held your phone to your ear. Just as it began ringing through, the ringtone of someone else’s phone sounded off not twenty feet away from you. Having not noticed anyone around, you were mildly startled and glanced over at the source.
Your body stiffened when you saw the same old man you’d passed earlier, the same one that was nearby the convenience store. He fumbled with his phone for a moment and studied the screen. His eyes widened when he noticed your gaze honed on him. He slowly turned his phone off and slipped it back in his pocket before beginning to walk towards you.
To hell with it all.
You barely registered you were sent to voicemail as you whipped around to start hauling ass down the street. You were going to find whatever hotel or motel or bed and breakfast was closest and hunker down there for the night. Everything else could be sorted out in the morning.
If you remembered correctly, there should be a pretty nice hotel only a few streets down. You felt like kissing the ground when, finally , there was a building exactly where it should be. You’d never been actually been inside, but the familiar entrance was a sight for sore eyes. As you walked inside, the warm glow of countless lamps and chandeliers worked to soothe and dispel all the stress that had been building up within you.
Your shoulders went slack, and you dragged a hand across your face while making your way up to the front desk. Both receptionists were busy with customers, and there was one other person still waiting to be helped, so you took your place behind them.
It was a pretty stereotypical hotel. There was a small gift shop that doubled as a convenience store for the sorry souls who forgot a toiletry or two at home. There was also a common area with a large TV for folks to lounge and keep up with the news.
At the moment, they were reporting on the Overhaul raid that you helped with a few years back. It was pretty old news, so you weren’t sure why it was being brought up again unless there was new information pertaining to the incident. Perhaps it was due to the villain you were after since he was an asset to the gang during that fight. Your eyes squinted as you read the headline crossing the screen.
‘One week since Overhaul’s arrest’
You had barely any time to process what all that statement entailed before one of the receptionists called you forward. You booked your room and handed over your ID and credit card while throwing occasional glances back at the flatscreen. You thanked the receptionist after he handed you the keycard to your room and turned your back on the TV.
Overhaul was in detainment. If he’d gotten out, you certainly would have heard about it. Especially if a whole week had passed. They were likely replaying an old broadcast at the request of a customer, and if that wasn’t the case, it was a problem for tomorrow.
As soon as you’d gotten to your room and your head hit the pillow, you were out.
You’d think after getting a full night’s rest you’d be able to get a good grasp on what was going on. However, the scowl on your face grew more and more prominent with each t-shirt you flipped through. Frankly, you were offended that the hotel you lived so close to for the past year sold clothing that donned some of the most notorious villains you knew.
The owners themselves must have rooted for them during the war. That was the only thing that made sense. It was either that or they had a really sick sense of humor.
Who in their right mind would sell merchandise for villains? Especially out in the open? 
Seeing as you didn’t want to be walking around town in your soaked hero suit all day, you would have to make a decision sooner or later. Pick the lesser of…way more than two evils. You didn’t bother sparing a glance at one you recognized immediately as All Might.
That guy could pound sand. He was certainly one of the worst villains you had to face. He and his little protege were the whole reason there was a war in the first place. They were the reason your life was as fucked up as it was.
Maybe you’d buy it just to desecrate it in whatever way you could. It could serve as therapy!
You pulled a shirt and a pair of inoffensive shorts from the rack and checked out at the counter. The cashier gave you a weird glance, avoiding direct eye contact with you much like many of the other hotel-goers. You weren’t sure if it was because you were in full hero garb or because your clothing was soaked to the bone.
Either way, you couldn’t wait to get into something dry. Wiggling into your tight, wet suit this morning was one of the most skin crawling sensations you’ve experienced. You did, however, blow dry the shit out of your bra and underwear. It was less tedious than doing your entire suit, and you weren’t about to go commando top and bottom for the whole day.
After changing, you officially started your day with the complimentary breakfast buffet the hotel offered. As you ate, you had only that massive flatscreen to entertain you, so you followed along to whatever the news was reporting on. A half an hour of that left you recognizing an odd pattern.
Every ‘hero’ you’d see was supposed to be a villain, and for some godforsaken reason, they were working towards the arrests of people you knew to be true heroes. How they managed to brainwash all of society—or at least that particular news station—you had no clue. Maybe you really were just staying in some pro-villain hotel that played propaganda to please their pro-villain occupants.
That was what you wanted to believe.
However, that wouldn’t explain why your agency and apartment building were AWOL. A single, pro-villain hotel wouldn’t cause all of the police at the station to reappear out of nowhere—which you were embarrassed to admit you hadn’t even noticed at first—or the sudden change in weather. There was no way to explain why there wasn’t even a hint of rainwater left on the sidewalk last night even though there had been a downpour not five minutes earlier.
It was as if you were on another planet. It was similar enough for you the recognize, but everything was so wrong.
And the icing on the cake?
Apparently, you went back in time roughly three years. At least that’s what the dates on the news suggested. They also implied that you were nearing the end of summer when you knew for a fact that spring had only just sprung.
So, again, you wanted to believe that the hotel you were staying at was the cause for all of your confusion. However, you knew damn well that wasn’t the reason why everything was screwed up and backwards.
It wasn’t like you could just turn around and ignore the situation that had unfolded all around you, so you opted into delving deeper into the chaos. If you wanted to understand what was going on, you’d have to do some digging into what the new ‘status quo’ was.
How many villains were now considered heroes and vice versa?
You began by searching for the first thing that caught your eye since arriving at the hotel, Chisaki Kai’s arrest. One of the first articles you selected saved you some time by answering a few of your burning questions. You didn’t have to read very far before you were introduced to a prominent villain organization. It was like the universe wanted to rub it in your face that nearly all the people who had worked alongside you for years were no longer considered the heroes.
Skimming over the rest of the article confirmed more of what you suspected. The villains you remembered fighting when infiltrating the yakuza’s hideout played the roles of heroes instead.
Your next search was ‘the League of Villains.’
There were several public databases that listed all of the members’ names, quirks, photos, and any other information gathered on them. Your frown deepened as you scrolled through one of them. You recognized your old friends immediately. Toga looked like she was back in high school, but the uniform she was wearing didn’t belong to UA. Spinner’s outfit was also the only thing really different about him.
Touya, though…
Touya looked so different, you couldn’t tell it was him at first. His hair was no longer white and fluffy, and the horrifically burned skin that hung onto his face by a handful of staples was a new addition. At least his eyes were the same. The only reason you didn’t scroll past him was because his quirk was listed beneath his name—a name which did nothing to help you identify him.
Not once had you ever heard him be referred to as that.
You paused once got to Magne. Within the extra information on her profile was a statement proclaiming her deceased. You shouldn’t have been terribly surprised to read that. You knew Magne was killed in an altercation with Chisaki. Though her role in society was different, it seemed her fate remained the same.
However, your heart grew light as you read the information under Jin. He was alive. It made sense considering the war was still on the horizon at this point, so you shouldn’t have gotten as excited as you did. But it was years since you last saw him. You scrolled back up to revisit Touya’s profile to see he hadn’t died yet either.
If they were both still alive and well, that would mean that Tenko…
You flew down the rest of the list to find him. You completely scrolled past Astuhiro and Muscular and that mustard gas kid that ended up flunking out of his internship. You didn’t even spare a glance at profiles containing people you didn’t recognize. You reached the end of the page, but there was nothing on Shimura Tenko.
But just below some guy with a mop of light blue hair was a profile that you were certain belonged to you . You were listed under your hero name instead of your real one, and your quirk was also described to a T. Your age was estimated, but it was pretty close, and, in the photo they had of you, your face was almost entirely obscured by a mask.
Out of pure curiosity, you looked up your name next. The very first result made your hair stand on end. It wasn’t a link to another article, but a picture. In this one, your face was clear as day, but what caused you concern were the bold red letters above your head, spelling out ‘MISSING.’
A frenzied few minutes of scanning article after article on your apparent disappearance gained you only a minimal amount of information. The most notable was that the last time you were seen was just before Chisaki’s hideout was infiltrated. You could recall you were pretty messed up from that fight after one of the yakuza members nearly killed you with a moving pillar.
This time around, however, no hospitals reported taking you in as a patient. It was entirely possible that—if you were a ‘villain’—you were taken to one of the underground medical facilities instead. Hospitals that helped criminals and kept it confidential were far and few between, but it was no secret that they existed.
That was your best guess as to where this version of you could be. That fight had rendered you bedridden for weeks, so the timing added up.
With that somewhat squared away, the last thing you looked up was Tenko. According to everything else you’d seen, he should still be alive, but the results of your search proved you to be quite wrong in that assessment.
They all dated back 18 years—well 15 years if you were going off the date circled on the receptionist’s calendar—and reported on a ‘terrible accident’ that resulted in the death of the entire Shimura household. Officials believed it to be due to a villain attack, but there was no hard proof of anything due to the nature of the incident.
Everything you read made your blood run cold and your heart felt as though it was being constricted. They had invited you to countless family dinners and holidays. Their house was still standing, you knew that for a fact. There was no way they could all be dead.
That never happened. Those articles were bullshit. Everything you’ve seen in the last 24 hours was bullshit .
You didn’t know why everything was so backwards and messed up, but you knew that none of it was real. You were experiencing some sort of delusion, likely caused by that villain you got caught up with last night. Having more than one quirk was rare, but everything started going wrong after your brief altercation.
You had no clue how long your situation would last, but your best bet was to find him and make him put an end to it. You figured it could be a while until everything went back to normal considering you had no idea as to where he could be. When pursuing a villain with a quirk like his, you needed to be prepared to play the long game.  
Your dishes nearly clattered to the ground as you haphazardly bussed your table.
It was time for a day out on the town. The last time you went on a shopping spree had to be when you were moving into your apartment a year ago, and that was only because you had to get the ‘necessities’ for basic living. Silverware, shower curtains, and what have you. It was mostly due to lack of energy and motivation that you shut yourself away with the same pair of sweats until you wore holes in the thighs.
With confusion and panic rattling around your head, the adrenaline was fueling you into productivity. Even if it didn’t last the whole day, it could at least get you to the shopping district. You needed an outfit or two that didn’t have you repping a guy who felt no remorse for blowing out people’s eardrums.
A toothbrush and toothpaste would also be nice.
The commute was shorter than you expected, but you weren’t complaining. After you got everything you needed, you planned on connecting with any hero agencies that weren’t villains in disguise. Your fingers were crossed at least one or two of those still existed. If all else failed, you’d call the cops or something.
As you walked out of the train station, you checked your bank app to see what kind of price limit you’d need to put on yourself for the day. You were a successful hero, but your industry didn’t have the funding like it used to. Even though your pay wasn’t bad, you still needed to be on top of budgeting.
You felt your stomach twist from the surprisingly small number looking back at you. Your checking account was at a fraction of what it should be. There was no way you spent that much since your last paycheck. Sure, you ordered a lot of delivery, but that could hardly break the bank. You checked your transactions to find your hotel room deposit had already processed along with several other purchases you couldn’t recall making.
On top of everything else that was happening, of course your bank account would get hacked. You probably swiped your card through one of those tapped readers, and now some basement dweller was going to town with your money.
You suppressed a heaving groan as you put away your phone and changed your first stop to the ATM machine that was conveniently down the block. Whoever was using your money should only have access to your checking account. However, when you went to transfer money over to withdraw as cash, you noticed your savings was also significantly depleted. You groaned and took out as much money as you could, leaving nothing left for the freeloader.
The shopping district was bustling with people, some shoving past each other around to get where they needed to go while others wandered aimlessly as they window shopped. The thought of fighting your way through a crowd was enough to sap away a good bit of your energy. Yet you still had enough to dive your way into the pool of people.
Instant regret.
You were jostled around like pinball as you pushed forward, cursing at every elbow and shoulder that jabbed into you. As long as you could make it to even one clothing store, you would be satisfied. Once you bought what you needed, you’d run for the hills.
A rough hand wrapped around your neck just when you thought you’d found a way through. It held you in place, frozen as people swarmed around you. Instinctually, your hands flew up to grasp at it and pull yourself free, but it only tightened as a result. You winced as you attempted to look over your shoulder to see who your assailant was with no success.
“Stay quiet or I won’t think twice about killing you,” the person growled, his words hot against your ear. His thumb dragged up your throat until it met the edge of your jaw. “I suggest the next time you steal someone’s identity you should at least have a basic understanding of their ideals.”
Your stomach lurched at the sound of the man’s voice. It was both familiar and foreign.
“What are you talking about?” you asked in a harsh breath. Again, you tried to look back at the man, but his hand tightened around your throat to hold your head in place.
“Don’t be stupid. She wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a garbage t-shirt like that,” he hissed. His face was so close you could feel your hair shift as he spoke.
You looked around, trying to catch the eye of any passerby, but no one spared a glance at you. They just shifted around you and went on with their business.
For a hero, you weren’t a big fighter. Your quirk had more strategic uses, none of which helped much with physical altercations. If anything, it was best used for defense. In the scenario you were currently stuck in, it would be minimal help. Freezing the clothing of the man behind you would further trap you in his grasp.
“I mean, it wasn’t my first choice, but I didn’t have many options,” you strained out. If you couldn’t wiggle your way out of this ordeal, you’d have to rely on whatever charisma you had left in you. “It beats me why a place would sell clothes that rep some of the worst people in today’s society.”
“Are you trying to be convincing?” He put pressure on the back of your neck, forcing you to start moving forward. “You didn’t even recognize me last night. It only takes the bare minimum amount of research to at least get that right.”
Last night?
You ran into a bunch of people. You couldn’t be certain which one he was.
“I was a bit preoccupied last night. Maybe if you actually let me see you, I’d know who you were—”
He twisted your head around to face him.
You weren’t expecting him to be the young man from the convenience store. The woman he was with had behaved strangely, but he didn’t seem to think twice about you from what you could recall.
You scoured your brain for any hint of where you would know him from. Once again, he was wearing a mask to obscure his face. His complexion was unfamiliar, but…
His voice.
You knew his voice from somewhere. You knew it right away, but you couldn’t put your finger on where it was from. Your eyes bore into his as if they would tell you.
The corner of your lips fell along with your heart. You wished you could say you found your answer, but that would contradict all the articles you read.
His voice was raspier than you remember, as if he was sick, and the skin condition around his eyes took over a larger portion of his face. Despite that, it was undeniably him.
“Tenko?” you whispered, leaning closer to him as his grip around your neck became noticeably weaker.
His eyes went wide as his head jerked back slightly. “How—”
“Oh my god.” Your throat grew tight of your own accord. You swiped at your eyes as your vision began to blur.
Were you really seeing clearly?
Was any of this even real?
You didn’t care. If all of this was a build up to a dream, you hoped it would last forever.
“Oh my god,” you cried. He stumbled back as you threw yourself against him. You wrapped your arms around his torso and pressed your face into his neck. You clung to him like your life depended on it. It felt too real to be a dream.
His body was stiff as he looked down at you, alarmed. “What are you—”
“How are you here?” you choked out before leaning back to look at him. “How are you here ?!”
He glanced around at the people who had begun staring at the two of you. Grabbing a fistful of your shirt, he hauled you out of the crowd.
You pushed away from him, taking several steps back. Your hands dragged up your face and through your hair as your eyes darted around your surroundings. Hot tears were streaking down your cheeks.
“What is happening ?” you sobbed.
♡ ♡ ♡
➨ Chapter Three
taglist: @boogiemansbitch @multisstuff
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jselorekeeper · 3 months
Dear viewers, Jack was talking about the comic books in his latest video on “Spedicey”
⚠️ALTRverse 1 spoilers⚠️
If you want to get a comic for yourself, here is the link to Badegg!
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I finally Made my decision about making a Comic...
This Comic will be called:
"Link's Crosses Multiverse"
There will be a Light Chain and a Dark Chain.
I already Made a Cover for it...
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It will Take a while for the First Part to come Out...
I got Inspired to make my own Comic by
Please leave them a follow they deserve it...
Here is Proof That I did the Cover!
Time: 5h 26min
App: ibispaint X
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Light Chain
Dark Chain
(There will come more of the dark Chain)
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jennsterjay · 11 months
Punkflower Week Day 5: Meet The Parents
Format: Fan-fiction
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
When Hobie first met Mr. and Mrs.Morales, it was to protect them from danger.
Now that things have relaxed in Brooklyn, and Hobie remains by Miles' side, The Morales' invite him for dinner to tell him something they've been wanting to say for a long time.
Read on AO3 or down below, and enjoy :)!
It was a chaos filled night in Brooklyn.
People were evacuating from the main city as an intense battle was taking place in the center. Explosions rang through the air, accompanied by a sympathy of shouts as people fled from various directions to get away from the source of the fight.
On the city outskirts, three figures ran together out of the Morales’ home.
Jeff Morales, Rio Morales, and Hobie Brown.
As the three ran out the door, and down the street, the ground around them began to crack and shake as they did their best to stabilize their balance.
Hobie pushes himself to run faster and takes Rio’s hand. Her free hand intertwines with Jeff’s– the three of them linked as they run together– away from the direction of the fight.
As the Morales’ run away from the danger, led by the punk teenage Spider-Man Hobie Brown, all they can remember is an event that happened a year ago– when their city was in a similar panic. Only now...they know what they hadn’t known before– that at the center of it all was Miles Morales. Their son...Spider-Man...and they were scared.
As the three weaved past various cars and debris, Rio and Jeff looked at a determined Hobie Brown. They watched as he calculated his next move, creating a map in his head of where to go, swiftly maneuvering them to safety as if he’d known them and this world his whole life.
With his spiked jacket, piercings, and blue-laced boots, this punk teen– this Spider-Punk...was a determined kid and a force of nature all at once.
Once the three make it to a clearing further down the road, Hobie stops and lets go of Rio’s hand, punching in a code on his watch.
“Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Morales. I promised Miles that I would keep you safe, so until this ‘ere mess is squashed, I’m sending you to my gaff.” Hobie said, turning to face the two.
“What? What about our son? We can’t leave him here!” Rio yelled with anguish in her expression.
“I’m not leaving without my son.” Jeff said with an air of authority, panic leaking through his resolve.
“I know you’re scared, but don’t underestimate your son. Miles has fought hundreds upon hundreds of threats as Spider-Man, and has crossed dimensions through time and space to return to you and to protect you. He is one of the strongest people that I know… and I know he can hold his own, but this time he won’t be alone. He has people on his side, including me, and we’ll fight by him no matter what.”
Rio looked conflicted for only a moment, biting her lip, before sighing and grabbing Hobie’s hands in hers and meeting his eyes.
“Then you gotta promise me. Hobie, swear on your life that you’ll bring my Spider-Man– Mi girasolito–  home to me when this is over. Can you promise me that you’ll protect him?” Rio asked fiercely.
With no hesitation Hobie gently squeezed her hands back and told her words made of nothing but his resolve and the truth.
“Till the day I die, I will.” Hobie says with a thick accent.
And Rio sees it in his eyes that he would.
So she lets him go, and then reclaims Jeff’s hand in hers.
“Okay, I believe you, Hobie,” Rio says.
Jeff looks at her like she has a second head, as if there’s no way it could be that simple.
“Are you serious honey? We’re just gonna let our kid fight against some multiversal phenomenon? We need to bring him with us!”
Rio held both of Jeff’s hands in hers and looked into his eyes.
“I know...There’s a lot going on and our son is a vigilante with superpowers and the world is ending, and I’m still trying to keep it together to wrap my head around this. Jeff, I’m scared...but I believe in our son. And now I know he’s no longer alone. He kept so much of his life a secret, all to protect us...so this time we have to trust that he will be okay– and that’s all we can do,” Rio said as she teared up.
Rio wipes a tear away with the back of her hand, before she places both hands on Jeff’s shoulders with a determined look.
“Our son is strong– stronger than anyone in New York– not just because of his spider-powers...but because he’s a Morales. And no matter what he will always be our Miles Morales. He will get through this, and he will win,” Rio said with a smile.
Jeff opened his mouth to protest, but with one look in her eyes he gave up with a sigh.
“Okay...okay...and when he comes back… he’s grounded for seven months.” Jeff says with a straight face.
Rio laughs out loud, and to the side Hobie gives a wicked smile to himself– like he’s in on a joke of his own. Grounded, eh? Hah, time will tell.
“Yes amor, he’s very grounded.” Rio said as she waved him away, before they both turned back to Hobie.
“And you!” Jeff exclaimed as he pointed at Hobie.
Hobie raised an eyebrow “Aye?”
Jeff paused for a moment, then let his finger down slowly until his hand rested at his side.
“Protect my son,” Jeff said softly, but loud enough for Hobie to hear the sincerity in his voice.
“You have my word,” Hobie said with an easy nod.
Just then the sound of a loud droning noise, The Spot, gets closer to where the three are, and Hobie springs into action. He runs in front of the two in a protective stance, before quickly entering a command on his watch. Behind the Morales’ a portal opens just as The Spot comes into view around the corner. The overpowered being turns, and sees them all.
The three freeze, and what happens in the next three seconds feels like time moves in slow motion. Hobie yells at them to ‘Go!’ pushing them both through the portal onto the deck of his boathouse. When the two are safely through, Hobie turns around to face a massive energy blast headed in their direction. Hobie pivots at the same time he presses the command to close the portal– and the last thing Rio and Jeff see is Hobie jumping in the way to take on the brunt of the impact.
His resolve unbreakable. His mind made up.
---- Now it was two months later from the battle with The Spot as Rio, Jeff, and Hobie were at the Morales’ dinner table eating mofongo and tostones, as if Hobie was someone who had been here Miles' entire life. Jeff and Rio gave each other a look that communicated shared feelings and thoughts about the boy in front of them.
How do we repay you for all you've done? How long have you and Miles known each other? How can we show you that we accept you, and that we will help you anytime without any shred of doubt?
Jefferson Morales began first, coughing to get Hobie's attention. Hobie stopped chewing and shifted to a yellow hue, questioning, before waiting and returning to his normal color palette as he stared at Jeff. The two regarded each other for a moment. Jefferson Morales, who was a police officer that believed grit and order would lead to a happy life with no surprises. And Hobie Brown who was a free-spirited vigilante that thrived in life’s inconsistency, chaos, and adventure. Hobie, who would do anything to defend the underdogs of the world, and those he cared about; and Jeff who would do anything to protect his family. Hobie was still wary because Jeff was a cop, but after a while he understood– that Jeff was also a father, who loved his son. So when Jeff spoke next, Hobie let his walls down for a moment, and let his words in. "Hobie...I just want to say, thank you. For everything you've done for my son, my wife, for me– and for this family...It means everything. And I want you to know that…” “You are always welcome here," Jeff said. In this moment Hobie's shoulders relaxed and the Morales’ watched as Hobie looked shocked--breathless for a moment, and cycling through ten different colors until settling on a bright pink hue with other colors shifting at the edges. Hobie looked at both of the easy smiles on their faces, overwhelmed as Rio started talking before Hobie could start forming the words. "That's right mijo… When we first met, I was scared– so scared that my son would not come home to me… But it was you who brought others together in his life to help him when he needed it most. And you who protected all of us and brought my son home. My family is my life and it means everything, so thank you Hobie.” Rio says with a heart on her chest.
And then she continues.
“-I may not have spider powers or be able to jump across buildings, but Hobie, you will always have everything you need here...anytime you need it. You are a part of our family now. We love you...and you are welcome here, always." Hobie's breath was taken away for a second time, and whatever nonsense he was about to say to downplay or shrug off his own efforts as ‘no big deal’... was gone now.
And for a moment Hobie had a soft look on his face, as he finally spoke. "...Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Morales," Hobie said as his colors shifted to the yellows, oranges, and pinks of a radiant sunrise, as a small smile graced his lips. "Anytime." Jeff said. "Annnnd when you two do decide one day that you want to be more than friends. We'll support that too. Just saying." Rio said with a not so innocent shrug and a mischievous grin on her face. Hobie then turned bright pink and started laughing, full and hearty as Jeff kept a smile on his face while eyeing his wife with a look of slight panic. But Jeff gave in and only shook his head and joined in the laughter.
"Yeah yeah,” Jeff agreed, “I can tell you like my son. Just-please don't make him pull a 180 and decide to 'Spider-it-up' and overthrow our Senator or something," He half-joked. Hobie grinned mischievously "Mint, but no promises, he might do it anyway." Jeff rolled his eyes but smiled fondly. The three then heard the front door open and close, as a sleepy Miles Morales was heard walking down the hall. The boy in question had spent the day at his friend Ganke's house, and he hummed as he followed the aroma of a home cooked meal. When he rounded the corner, he paused and looked with surprise to see Hobie at the dinner table. Miles perked up immediately and dropped his backpack on the floor to rush towards the dinner table. Miles opened his arms wide towards his far-beyond-a-crush as a smile filled his entire face. "Hobie!" Miles laughed with a smile. "Miles," Hobie said lovingly– as if his name was an oasis in a desert. Hobie rose from his seat to catch Miles in his arms as he held him against his chest in a bear-crushing hug. They then relaxed and stayed like that for a moment, smiling against each other. Then Hobie's smile widened as he slowly spun Miles around in his arms, towards the open living room. Miles laughed, and had not a care in the world except for this moment between them, here in his arms. And when Hobie looked over his shoulder at Miles’ parents. His newfound family... he nodded and gave an easy smile towards them, that conveyed everything. Thank you... for accepting me You're welcome... For all that I did And thank you again…
for moments like these,
where I can be with him, always.
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subway-boss-jericho · 18 days
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Queuing posts for most of my AUs! Check out this Masterpost! ᵈᶦˢᶜˡᵃᶦᵐᵉʳ ⁻ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᶦᶜᵒⁿᶦᶜ ᵏⁿᶦᶠᵉ ᵇᵃⁿᵍˢ! ᴵ ˡᵉᶠᵗ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵒᶠᶠ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʳᵉᶠᵉʳᵉⁿᶜᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᶠᵃᶜᵉˢ ᶠᵘˡˡʸ ᵛᶦˢᶦᵇˡᵉ.
Ingo and Ingo and Emmet Hop The Multiverse
-Premise- On a day that would have otherwise been entirely unremarkable, Ingo and Emmet- Long standing Unova Subway Bosses -stumble across a very strange missing link. It would seem that, somewhere in the history books, there is a man named Ingo who looks just like him, yet they have no Sinnohan family lineage or any other sort of family ties that would lead them to believe this isn't some impossibly insane coincidence. Unable to let this strange thread go, the two of them decide to take investigation into their own hands.
With the assistance of some higher powers as curious and whimsical as they are, if not more, they travel back into Hisuian history and find... Ingo. A man just like him- A man who seems to have been Emmet's brother... But it doesn't seem quite right! Their benefactors can confirm that they don't have any temporal disturbances lined up for them, which can only mean... He is not Emmet's twin. Or rather, not this Emmet's twin.
Determined to return him exactly where he belongs and reunite this brother who fell so far from home, the three of them set off across the multiverse- Helping every other set of alternate twins they encounter along the way!
-Noteworthy Points- This AU is open for crossovers! The wacky adventures of Emmet, his brother Ingo, and his other brother who is Also Ingo. They've adopted him. It's essentially an open ended fix-it fic for me (or us!) to invent silly, emotional, or extremely unlikely scenarios for multiverse shenanigans :D
The two Ingos differentiate from each other with their clothing, and they also go by different names. Warden Ingo goes simply by Warden, and I haven't decided what Subway Boss Ingo goes by, but I think it's likely he often just gets called "Brother" because that is what Emmet defaults to calling him when differentiating between the two.
Speaking of their clothing! Their outfits are custom made! (Elesa hooked them up, they returned home to make plans and get to know Warden better!) This is primarily so they can distinguish each other from alternate selves, but also so that they don't accidentally lose each other in the shuffle. Warden's coat is still his original coat, just now outfitted/dyed to match the other two. His arm band is completely untouched, though. (Arm band symbolism, as you can see, is my fucking BRAND)
The logos on the twins' hats and on Warden's pin/tunic are a design I made :D
Lastly! They have MANY gadgets and doodads! Their benefactor tech'd them out for their adventures with lots of safety equipment and other items needed for cross-dimensional travel, and presumably they also watch their antics closely and with great amusement. I haven't decided exactly who is helping them, but so far we're leaving it ambiguously open to one or more legendary pokemon. (Dialga and Palkia are high up there but I have yet to decide.)
They are going to cause so many hijinks.
-Links- Currently none! I will update this post with links to comics/art/writing if/when I post any!
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askchilchuck · 2 months
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Hey, how can I help you?
(Please read below before interacting)
Hi! My name is Sophie! This blog has gotten enough traction that I feel the need to lay some ground rules for it.
1) This blog is intended to be PG13 so I don’t have to exclude younger fans from participating. I will not be answering anything that wouldn’t fly in canon, or is adjacent to it. Anything explicitly sexual, or can be construed that way will not be answered.
2) Nothing related to suicide please. I tried playing it off the first time but between myself and some people around me, even the “KYS 🥰🥰🥰” jokes really aren’t funny, especially recently. Asks including it will not be answered.
3) No firearms. Related to rule 2.
4) Please no spammy asks. I’m honestly not sure how to answer them, and they clog up both the blog itself and the main tags.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun to bully him, but these things cross a line for me. Thank you for understanding.
If you’re an RP blog, you’re more than welcome to interact! Even if you’re not a Dunmeshi blog! I don’t always have the time to do reblog chains, though, so please don’t feel bad if I miss you there. It’s easiest for me if you submit RP as an ask when the box is open. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. You can also DM this account for private RP if you’d like, but I may not respond promptly.
I think that’s awesome and also really funny. I encourage it. We’ve already got a loose MCU/multiverse plot line going on so we can totally make it work, too. Hell yeah. Hilarious. Love that. /gen
Blog lore:
This blog takes place loosely post canon. I try to avoid spoilers, but little things here and there are inevitable. Chilchuck has made up with his wife and they’re currently working on their relationship. Chilchuck is also in therapy. This is for a few reasons.
1) I don’t think he’d actually answer any of these if he wasn’t.
2) He doesn’t talk about it a lot, but it was one of his wife’s conditions before giving the relationship another go.
3) He just. Should be in general and I have control of it so it’s happening lol
My Chil is bi, but in the middle-aged “everyone’s had gay thoughts before” kinda way, cause I think it’s funnier that way. He also gets high from time-to-time now that he’s not dungeneering anymore.
Folks kept turning him into different things/animals, so goldstar/⭐️ anon gave him an amulet to put a stop to that.
Squeaker also used a device to prevent any crab transformations specifically from occurring, as well as ejecting all crabs within like. 10 miles or something (I’ll double check this later.)
There’s also a cult stalking him for some reason.
The TVA (Marvel) is loosely involved as well as previously mentioned. Squeak fixed it (kind of).
Also, Chil’s knowledge of the blog/Tumblr varies depending on what would be funnier, but generally he’s aware of the internet. He only uses his phone to answer your asks, though. He has no idea how to do anything else and has no desire to. This means he doesn’t fact check people or knows anything about the greater internet experience. No one knows how he got the phone, or how it’s holding a charge. Don’t worry about it.
(It’s 5am rn and I’m too tired to link relevant posts, I’ll get to it later I promise.)
I myself don’t talk in the main posts, unless it’s tagged #ooc. Otherwise, I’ll always talk in the tags if I’ve got something to say.
Emoji anons:
•⭐️/goldstar anon
•🦉/owl anon
•👻/ghost anon
•♡/heart anon
No other heart variants have been claimed. Also, heads up to all emoji anons, I’m going to start using just one tag for your asks going forward to make tagging easier! So I’ll just be using the emoji variant from here 💖
If you want to hang out with me in a less censored area, I also run @chilfucked which is 18+ only.
I also reserve the right to update these rules as time goes on, so please check them again before submitting when the ask box is open again. Thank you!
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divine-donna · 1 year
pink ensembles
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pairing: miguel o’hara x gender neutral! reader
word count: 994 words
ao3 link: 💗💗💗
summary: the spider society is holding a very special barbie disco party!! miguel doesn’t have an appropriate outfit. thankfully, you have the perfect solution for your partner. and you’re awesome at dressing people!
for vibes: “dance the night” by dua lipa
notes: there are no detailed descriptions about the ensemble reader is wearing. it’s just something that’s all pink! anyways who’s excited for the barbie movie? i’m seeing it over oppenheimer.
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“Wait, you’re not coming?”
“Well I didn’t say that. I said I wouldn’t dress up.”
“That’s as bad as saying you’re not coming! If you’re not going to dress up, why come at all!”
“(Y/N), that’s literally not what I meant.” The man was trying to enjoy his lunch in peace. “If I don’t come, it looks pretty bad. Especially as the person who founded the Spider Society.”
“And I just believe you should look the part.”
Miguel sets his arepa down. “I don’t think you get it. I’m not dressing up because my wardrobe...” He sighs. “You’ve literally been in my wardrobe. You steal my clothes all the time.”
It finally hit you. “Oh. I see. It’s because you lack color in your wardrobe. That’s not a problem!”
“What...What do you mean? I literally don’t have the clothes for it.”
“And I do! I think I have the perfect outfit too. Come on! We’re going back to my place!”
Miguel rushed to finish his lunch and even took the last remaining arepa with him. He’d rather die than let a good arepa go to waste (also because wasting food was something he was taught not to do). The two of you made it back to your place where you revealed your closet. It was definitely a closet from a Barbie dreamhouse playset. Your closet was even color coded and was very satisfying to look at. There were even shades of colors he didn’t think existed. You were going through your pink section, putting different shades of pink against his arm and even looking at the veins of his hand. “Perfect! The ensemble I have in mind is the right pink!” You were giddy about this and pulled out the set.
He wasn’t phased by the outfit but rather that you seemed to have it in his size. “How long have you had this?” He asks.
“For a while. I bought it in hopes of us doing matching outfits one day.”
“How did you get my size?”
“Lyla helped.”
He’s not the slightest bit annoyed. Instead, a small smile crosses his face and he walks over to you, giving you a gentle kiss on your lips. You kiss back and take in his presence. It was always nice to just be with him. “I’ll put this on.”
When Miguel comes out, you almost fell over. Because your partner was just...hot. So, so, so, so hot. The sleeveless top allowed you to see every single fiber of muscle as he moved his arms. His pecs were popping out from the neckline. The flared pants hugged his waist nicely, rising quite high, and framing his butt better than his Spider-suit. The white cowboy hat really topped everything off. But despite the beauty that was your partner in this outfit, you still felt he was missing something. Maybe something around his neck? That would be quite hot. “I look like a vaquero. Except without the equipment.” He says.
“I mean, it is Western inspired. And it was vaqueros that were the base for the Western cowboy.”
“We definitely did it better.” He takes a spin, watching the way the bottom of his pants flared out.
“You have white boots?”
“They’re the most colorful thing in my closet.”
“Great! They’ll go with the outfit. Now, you’re missing something.”
“Am I? I think it looks great.”
“You just need one more bit of pizzazz!” You rub your chin for a bit. “Lyla!”
“Here!” The AI appears besides Miguel’s shoulder. “I knew he would look good.”
“Lyla, do you think you can find the star patterned pink bandana?”
“Oh.” She winces. “It’s not here on this Earth. But it is available in these Earths and at these storefronts, from what I can gather.” Lyla expands the map of the multiverse.
“Well, we can start there. I’ll be back soon Miguel.”
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Miguel was...very surprised to see you come back with a ton of scratches and bruises. But you were beaming brightly and judging by the bag in your hand, you had succeeded in your mission. He should’ve figured that you were willing to fight tooth and nail for the last fashion accessory for your partner. After all, what was better than getting to dress him up? “Geez! What happened (Y/N)!” Lyla cleans her glasses to make sure it wasn’t dirt blocking her vision.
“I fought people for it. Turns out everywhere in the multiverse is looking for this? It’s the biggest multiversal fashion trend.” You pull the box out and toss the bag, before removing the top of the box. “It’s like fresh!” You approach your partner with the bandana and he lets you tie it around his neck. When you step back, you feel your eyes water. “It’s perfect!”
“Awww. Should let (Y/N) dress you up more. They know what they’re doing.” Lyla looks at her watch. “Got to go. I’ll catch you two at the party!” The AI disappears.
“Okay now I have to get ready!”
“Take your time cariño.” His voice just purred softly. And you needed to prevent yourself from just melting at the way he spoke to you.
When you came out, your scratches and bruises were gone (mostly). And you had dressed up in your cutest pink ensemble. You looked like a Barbie doll! And honestly, Miguel was feeling like he was just a Ken. He looked nowhere near as good. “I like what you did beneath your eyes.” You had put small stones to complete your makeup look.
“Thank you! I’m happy you like it.”
“I always like what you do.”
“You’re going to make me collapse from how cheesy you are.”
“I’ll just catch you.” Miguel pulls you close to him and presses a gentle kiss on your cheek. He’s careful not to ruin the makeup.
“Shall we get going?”
“I don’t know. How about we just stay here for a little longer? No one arrives to a party on time anyways.”
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Notes on “do you think we’re together in every universe?” (skulmerayer multiverse post):
Putting pain aside for a moment, this was a really neat mini project to make! I put some thought into what kinds of universes I wanted to have a peek into. There are just so many to choose from! This ain’t even the tip of the iceberg, I’m sure. But I hope the ones I did choose were interesting enough to think about and/or familiar to some of y’all :)
On an artistic note: I love using grayscale every now and then! I have some experience with charcoal and ink wash drawings so the style here is lightly inspired by that (even though I used pencil and gouache brushes 😅)
Composition-wise: Allow me to introduce you to the multiverse rubix cube lol!! The placements of each universe are meant to parallel each other. Universe A and C are branches off of union cross canon, so they’re across from each other. D and F are branches off of missing link. G and I are branches off of the era between. And B and H are about childhood innocence.
Here are each of their descriptions, in order:
Main Universe [in the context of the art]
The ataraxia universe, where Skuld, Ephemer and Player get together and stay together (my khux/skulmerayer copium universe)
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Universe A
In which Darkness says “We could take over one of you here and now.” and actually commits to it, choosing Ephemer as its vessel.
Universe B
A universe in which Skuld is not Subject χ. After she and Ephemer awaken in Daybreak Town’s rubble, they found Scala and raise a family together.
Universe C
AU where the lifeboat roles were switched. Ven, Ephemer, Skuld, and Player escape the data world first, while Brain, Lauriam and Elrena stay behind. But it was never supposed to be this way.
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Universe D
@corishadowfang’s Fallen Stars universe, in which Skuld arrives in Scala during Missing Link’s era.
Universe E
The current presumed canon universe, unless Skuld being Subject χ is proven otherwise.
Universe F
A universe where Brain and Player2 become close friends (perhaps more?) in Scala. Also known as the plain universe, because what’s a multiverse post without mentioning a bagel or two? 😄🥯
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Universe G
I had my fic A Light That Never Goes Out in mind, but this is pretty much any universe in which the whole gang gets to stay together, and Ephemer and Player have the chance to properly build on their relationship. lots of copium in this one
Universe H
High school/modern/real life AU. (Special shoutout to @rosie-kairi’s idea of giving Ephemer braces!)
Universe I
Ephemer lives his life. Open to interpretation!
and finally, a Bonus (Everything Everywhere All At Once reference):
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