#link is a horse girl and we need more of it in life
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I would also like to see some miphlink, if that's okay!

I was really struggling with what to draw, and then I remembered your ask from ages ago (dang ADHD brain...) anyway, sorry its such a late answer, but Miphlink inspired by Dicksee's La Belle Dame
#thank you so so much for the ask stars!! I had completely forgotten about it (I'm so so sorry!!) and it saved me from an artist-not-arting#you know the sort of pent up unpleasant feeling you get when you need to do something creative but its not happening and then its sad?#yeah I didn't get that because your ask suddenly popped into my head! so very happy about that :) thank you!#link is a horse girl and we need more of it in life#also to try and get the flowy fabric look that Dicksee's La Belle Dame has without putting Link in a dress I decided to modify Mipha's fins#and then added some of that gorgeous salmon colour from the original piece#also the reason the reason the champions tunic etc have that grey tinge to it is because the knight was wearing armour in the original piec#with a beautiful duckegg blue grey colour and I thought including that might be fun too!#anyway#the couple that is perfect for one another and should always be together for all time: Mipha and Link#mipha#link#botw#creativesplat draws#breath of the wild#miphlink#lipha#I really need to catch up on the miphlink tag... its so exciting to have so much wonderful art and writing to look through but I am a rathe#busy/ adhd forgetful bean so whenever I get round to reading or looking at art... there will be a long reblog/ queue of miphlink stuff!#eventually#at some point#because fashionably late (coughjustlatecough) is my middle name!#enough rambling sorry#I love drawing miphlink its like a comfort drawing thing#like her head is so squidgy and so easy to doodle so if ever my brain is bored or I want to draw and need happy hormones but can't find the#mipha is the answer because the squishy head is just sooooo good#the designers of mipha were amazing and I love them#epona#tloz#zelda
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Hi!! May I request a Wild/Tears x reader oneshot? This one has some backstory to it!
Two years ago, I read a fic where Wild and the reader secretly got married before the calamity, since they were scared of losing eachother. Instead of using their rings on the finger, they put it in a necklace and kept it hidden beneath their normal clothing.
With Zelda living with Link in TOTK, how long would they manage to hide their relationship from Zelda? I'd love to see how you would manage this out!
I am SO sorry this took so long! But here it is and I hope you enjoy! (Also the ending is a tiny bit rushed but I just really wanted to get this out!)
Away from Royal Eyes
(BoTW Link x reader)
Notes: I made it so they aren't married but they are obviously together <3
It had been well over a week since you had last seen him, wrapped up in his arms as tears fell onto his blue Champion tunic. Kissing him goodbye before watching from the village steps as he walked away towards what could only be a new beginning or tragic end. Days of mindlessly going about your day, trying to not think about the horrid things that he could be facing at any given moment. But you had faith in him to keep his promise, that he would come back to you after it had all been put to rest.
So you waited patiently, keeping an ever watchful eye on the path leading up to the village as you went about your life.
And one day, he finally came.
You had raced to the front of your village from your home the moment you had clocked the familiar shade of blue. Tears filling your eyes the moment he fully broke through the tree line.
He was alive! It unfortunately looked like you couldn’t say he was unharmed, but he was alive and more importantly he was here!
But then you noticed his horse and the girl sat upon its back.
Link was home
But so was she.
“Thank you! Come again!”
As the last customers of your midday rush leave, you release the pent up air in your lungs, stretching out the ache in your back from standing in the same spot for the past few hours. The shop, and Hateno village in general, had been busier as of late which was great for business but not so much for your feet. But, it paid the bills and there had yet to be any disgruntled customers today so it was a win in your book.
The small bell over the door rang and you slapped on your most welcoming smile. “Welcome! Take a- Oh! Good morning you two!”
You watched as Zelda strolled cheerfully into the shop, waving hello before beelining it towards some of your more rare merchandise. Link lingered by the door, looking over the closest basket with a slightly bored expression until his eyes flicked over to you. You smiled softly, averting your gaze when you felt heat rush to your cheeks, missing the way he smiled back.
Attempting to make yourself look busy you grabbed one of the small baskets nearby, offering it to Zelda who already had a small handful of things cradled in her arms. “What brings you two in today?”
She carefully placed the items in the bag, turning back to the newly acquired tomatoes you had gotten in just a day ago. “Just needed a few things for the room we’re building. I told you about it the other day, remember?”
“The one in the well?”
Zelda nodded, tossing in a few building supplies into the bag along with some other seemingly random ingredients. “That's the one! We’ve officially carved out all the necessary space and now we just need to build the deck! Plus, Link has been talking about this new recipe he's been wanting to try so we figured today was a good day to test it out! You don't happen to have any spicy peppers do you?”
“I should still have a few in the back. Let me go and look!
You walked away, brushing Link's shoulder with a whispered ‘excuse me’ as you passed. His eyes trailing after you as you disappeared into the small storage room behind the counter.
Once completely out of sight, you had to take a moment to breathe, leaning your back against the wall as you tried to calm down. You would never get used to the rush that came every time you saw him. The longing looks, short touches in passing, and whispered words all adding to the thrill of secrecy that was your relationship with the hero.
Still, no amount of thrill could keep the longing at bay. Wishing you could stroll up to him at any moment to simply place your hand in his. Be the one by his side to run mundane errands or enjoy a meal together. To go back to the way things used to be before everyone began putting all this pressure on him to resume his role as Zelda’s personal knight.
It wasn't that Link opposed the idea outright. He wanted to help, and to be there for Zelda as they tried to regain what had been lost all those years ago. To reshape the kingdom into something that would thrive for centuries to come. It was admirable work and after all that he went through it made sense that he wanted to continue to protect what he fought so hard for.
But he wasn't the stoic knight he had to be back then. He was adventurous, and playful. Had found his voice that for so long he thought was lost. It didn't feel right to go back to the way things used to be. Not entirely, not when he loved the way things were now. Coming and going as he pleased, actually having a say in things that mattered and most importantly to him, staying by your side.
But Impa had been…insistent.
She would go on for hours about how it was Link’s duty to stay by Zelda's side no matter what. And it didn't help when Robbie and Purah began to push the issue as well, though they were more open to changes in said role than Impa was. Each time, he explained exactly why he was so hesitant. And one time he finally admitted that it wasn't about them, or Hyrule, or even Zelda. He just didn't want to leave you.
He didn't speak for nearly 3 days after that argument. And thus the two of you took what you could and kept it all a secret. To keep the peace and Links sanity, leaving Impa to believe things had ended while no one else knew things had ever started to begin with.
You sighed, pushing off the wall to grab the last of the peppers to bring back out, holding them in your arms as you re-enter the room. “Here we are!” You said, making sure to keep your voice light and cheerful. “You're in luck too, it seems I’ll need to get some more soon.”
“Wonderful!” Zelda bounded over to the small counter with her basket full of other goods. Link coming up beside her as you check them out.
“So what is this new recipe of yours?” You asked, trying not to think too hard about the way Link was quietly watching you work, snapping up when he realized your question was directed at him.
“Oh uhh, it's a soup.”
“Well I hope it turns out! Though you've always been a great cook Link, so I'm sure you don't really need it.” You said looking over to Link who was now rubbing at his neck sheepishly.
“You should come! Link always makes plenty and then I could show you the room we've been working on!”
“Oh n-no I couldn't impose like that!”
“Nonsense!” Zelda shouted, grabbing your hands. “I insist! Please?”
You looked at her, glancing over to Link who looked slightly panicked before giving Zelda a hesitant smile. “I..I guess I could stop by for a bi-”
“Perfect!” She shouted, scooping up the bag and heading towards the door. “Well see you tonight!” Grabbing onto Link's wrist she darted out the door. Link looked back at you for only a moment, almost apologetically, before he was yanked out of sight.
Dumbfounded, you stood there for a moment, wrapping your head around what you had just agreed to. It was hard enough to keep your calm during short interactions like this! And now you were going to have to be with them, with her for probably a few hours trying to keep up the facade?
Oh you were in so much trouble.
You paced behind the counter, chewing on your lip as you tried to convince yourself it would be fine.
Your door bursts open, bell barely ringing to alert you iof someone's presence before someone is grabbing your wrist. Your initial reaction is to pull away, to shove the intruder off of you and start screaming. But the blur of long, dirty blonde hair that drags you into the storage room only has other plans.
You were barely through the door before your back hits the shelves, a mouth crushed onto yours while hands held you in place by your waist. Melting into the heated kiss, you grab the front of his tunic, sliding your hands up and over his shoulders till they wrap around his neck.
“I didn't get a chance to tell you how beautiful you look today” he whispered into your mouth. Kissing the corner of your mouth as his lips trailed off to your jaw. Nipping at your skin softly when you tilted your head back. His hands sliding down to your hips, rubbing slowly circles with his thumb.
He draws away, cupping your cheek as he gazes softly into your eyes. “I love you.”
Your smile doesn't quite reach your eyes as you reply quietly. “I love you too.” And kiss his lips again.
“Are you really coming over tonight?”
“I don't think I have much of a choice at this point.” And you weren't wrong. You had a feeling if you didn't show up that Zelda would personally come drag you over there.
“Are you sure? Not that I'm not thrilled to get to see you more but I can think of an excuse if you aren't comfortable-”
“It’ll be okay Link,” Though it's more of a reassurance for yourself at this point. “If she hasn't suspected something by now I'm sure one night won't change that.”
“Well, in that case I guess I’ll see you tonight!” He smirked, leaning in for one more kiss which you were more than happy to supply.
You stood on the wooden bridge that separated the old house from the rest of your quaint village. Hands fidgeting with your skirt as you tried to steady your breathing.
It was going to be fine. There really wasn't any reason to be as nervous as you were, yet you might as well have been tossed into a monster camp with how rapidly your heart was beating. You would just have to keep cool and not focus all of your attention on Link. You could do that. You and Zelda were good enough friends to hold your own conversations though there was still some awkwardness from your side. Probably cause you were secretly dating the man she was currently living with but hey- details.
You took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before slowly exhaling it into the night air. You approached confidently, giving a few knocks onto the door before you could think too much about it.
Not surprised to see Zelda standing in the doorway, you offered her a warm smile as she greeted you and ushered you inside. You could see the small table already set with a few plates and utensils. A lovely bouquet of swift violets displayed in the middle of it all. Your heart swelled at the sight of your favorite flower.
“Aren’t they lovely?” Zelda chimed, noticing your lingering gaze towards the purple flowers.
“Quite” You replied softly. You looked in the direction of their small kitchen where Link was currently focusing all his attention on the pot in front of him. His hair tied up, hands flitting about between the pot and a few ingredients still on the counter. The corner of his mouth lifting at the mention of the flowers. “Though I didn’t think these grew around here?”
“You would be correct! They mostly grow in the southwest regions of Hyrule near the gerudo highlands! Though you can find them up north a bit as well! I think that's where Link said he got them earlier, right Link?”
His head finally turned in your direction, blue eyes slowly trailing over you as he nodded absentmindedly.
“You got these today?” You asked, a small blush creeping onto your face as he smiled.
“Was in the right area this afternoon and figured why not. Though I'll admit I'm rather partial to these.” A quick wink and he was back to cooking while you could have melted straight into that pot of his.
“Is that so? Well Zelda is right, they are lovely and I wish they grew more around here.” You explained, sitting down at the table. “What brought you out that way?”
Zelda sat in the chair across from you. “Visiting a friend of ours in Goron City. He is starting an official mining company and I asked Link if he would go check to see how it was coming along! Which reminds me, how is it coming?” She asked, turning her attention to Link who was pouring a few drinks.
“Fine, still mostly in planning. Yunobo said something about finding a spot for ‘HQ’ and then will go from there.” He brought the two glasses over, placing one down on the table for Zelda while handing the other to you directly. You take it graciously, fingers skimming over his for a second longer than necessary before pulling away. Link scurried off back towards the kitchen while Zelda gives you a full debrief about the prospect of what this new found Goron company could provide for Hyrule. And even if you didn't fully understand half of what she was explaining, it was still fascinating.
DInner was ready soon enough, with Link bringing over a few bowls of soup and bits of bread before taking the seat beside you. Just as you expected, the soup was delicious. The flavors complement each other well with the peppers adding just a bit of a kick at the end. You would definitely be leaving with the recipe.
Conversation continued to flow as well though the you were much more distracted with Link by your side. His foot had found yours, nudging it playfully while you chatted. His hand occasionally slipping beneath the table to rub at your thigh before pulling away. You returned the secret affection by pressing your knee against his, sporadically hooking your foot over his that would make him fumble over his words subtly as his cheeks flushed a soft pink.
“Well I definitely think that one is a keeper Link,” Zelda said as she stood, gathering the dishes and depositing them into the sink. “(Y/n) Would you like to go see our project now?”
You nodded, following Zelda out the door towards the well behind the house. The now night air nipped your face, it's warm late summer breeze blowing at your hair as the grass rustled around your feet.
Link was the first one to climb down. Mumbling something about Zelda having fallen once. Her response was to just warn you that it could get slippery but assure you it was perfectly safe. So you threw your leg over onto the first plant of the wooden ladder, climbing down further inside of the well. It was dark, and you understood why they warned you about it being slippery cause the walls were damp and coated in slick rocks and moss as it opened up into the bigger space of their made cave. Link waited for you at the bottom of the ladder, his hands finding your waist as he helped you step off and onto the uneven ground beneath.
You shuffled a few steps away from the ladder, giving enough room for Zelda to stand beside you with the small torch in her hand. Link's hand stayed on your back, his thumb pressing a soft circle where it touched that sent tingles across your skin like the small ripples in the shallow pool of water in front of you.
“Wow” you gasped, looking around. “It's beautiful down here. I can see now why you were so excited for this Zel!”
“I'm so glad you agree! Now that the space is big enough the plan is to build a deck from here out to the…”
“You're beautiful” Link whispered so quietly it was barely audible. You spared him a glance, his eyes holding yours with an almost sad expression before dropping to the ground.
Zelda went on and on about the future plans she holds for the small space the three of you were now standing in. Dramatically throwing her hands around as if she could draw lines in the air to showcase her ideas. You half-heartedly paid attention, heart racing at every small touch from the man beside you.
You knew you would have to leave soon. There was no way you could keep it together for much longer if he kept looking at you the way he was. But the thought saddened you. You didn't want to leave. Not really. You wanted to stay and snuggle up beside him as you fell asleep. To feel his arms wrapped around you and know that in that moment nothing could hurt you.
It felt selfish but damn you really wanted to be selfish for just a few minutes. Just this once.
“It's getting late,” you finally interrupted. “I should probably head back home now but you'll have to let me come see it once it's all finished!”
Zelda went up the ladder first, leaving you and Link alone for a moment. His hand pressed more deliberately against your back, rubbing your spine soothingly.
“You okay?”
You just nod, eyes on the ladder ahead of you.
“Love what's wrong?”
“I miss you..” you whisper, grabbing onto the ladder to start climbing up. An arm snakes around you, a sturdy chest pressed against your back as your eyes start to feel as wet as your surroundings.
“We should head up,” You say, cutting him off. “Wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea.”
It was a low thing to say, and you regretted it the moment Link stepped away from you and you started climbing back up. Holding back the few tears that threatened to make their appearance as you hauled yourself up and back onto the soft grassy field.
“Thank you for having me over Zelda, it was a lovely time.” The words feel forced and you can only hope it doesn't sound that way as she gives you a hug.
“Can I walk you home?” Link asks, having followed you up. Part of you wants to insist you're fine, not wanting to draw out the inevitable goodbye. But his eyes are pleading with yours that you couldn't say no to no matter how much you wanted to.
He doesn't touch you until his house disappears from view. A finger hooking with yours until eventually your whole hand is in his, swinging softly to the pace of your steps. Neither of you speak until you turn down the small path that leads to your small home.
Link comes to a stop a few feet from your front door, eyes trained on the ground.
“I'm sorry,” he whispers, dropping your hand. “You deserve more than this from me.”
“Dont!” He snaps, “I hate this! I hate leaving you and knowing that it's hurting you as much as it hurts me! That I never really know when I'll be able to see you again or that I'm too big of a coward to stand up to some old hag..”
“You are not a coward!” You shouted, grabbing both his hands in yours. “Link you are the farthest thing from that. It's an impossible situation. I knew that going into this and I'll take it if it means I get to keep you close to me! I'm sorry I shouldn't have-”
“No, I'm sorry.” He pulls you to his chest. Arms wrapping around your shoulders, cradling your head to keep you close as his face hides in the top of your head. “I shouldn't have let this happen. I should have stood my ground, I'm so sorry.”
His hold on you was crushing, not that it bothered you. Your face squished to his shoulder, letting you breathe in his scent as you clung back to him. Neither of you moving away from the other as he continues to ramble off apologies. Brushing off any of your attempts to soothe him until he finally falls silent. Dropping his forehead onto your shoulder for a moment before pulling back.
You grabbed his face, smoothing his cheeks playfully that pulled a short huffed laugh from your sweet hero.
“I love you, and I wouldn't trade our time together for anything.” A short peck on the lips before stepping away. “You should go.”
He sighed, pulling you in for one more kiss goodnight. Whispering his love for you that nearly made you pull him inside and never let him leave again. Instead you watch him walk away again, waving goodnight as he glanced back at you over his shoulder one last time.
You rubbed at your temples, tidying up around your shop in a rushed haze. It has been a rough morning and if the pounding in your head was any sign, it likely wouldn't be getting any better.
The door crashed open, banging against the wall that made you shoot a glare in their direction.
Link ran towards you with a large smile on his face, scooping you up in his arms as he spun you around. Giggling in surprise, you cling to him tightly until your feet are firmly back on the ground. Link is still holding you, his eyes wide with an excitement you haven't seen since his discovery of bomb flowers. He was dressed in a red tunic, the slate at his hip while a sword and shield was strapped to his back.
“Close up shop! I'm headed out and you are gonna come with me!” He said excitedly, pulling you towards the door.
“Seriously!? Okay wait, Link wait I gotta close!” You laughed, quickly pulling away to dash off and put a few things away.
“Hurry up!” He whined impatiently by the door. Practically bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited for you to close up your shop.
The moment the lock clicked into place he grabbed your hand, pulling you with him as he ran down the path through Hateno village. Kids running along beside the two of you while adults stared curiously as you race beneath the village arch and into the woods just beyond.
The next few hours are spent running around copious woods and large grassy fields, scavenging interesting herbs and mushrooms. Steering clear of any known monster camps, but the few bokoblins you do inevitably run into are quickly dispatched of by your partner. Each time earning him a kiss or a few as thanks.
Soon you are making your way back home. Fingers intertwined with his in a leisure stroll. It's the happiest you've felt in a long time, wishing every day could feel just like this.
“I have one more stop I gotta make,” he whispers into your ear, tugging you up towards the hill instead of the path to your house. “Follow me!”
You do, trying to match his quickened pace. Laughing at his renewed enthusiasm. “Where are we going?”
“The pond!”
Sure enough, the two of you were coming up on the large pond where a small raft was waiting at the short wooden dock. Link let go of your hand, carefully stepping halfway onto it to keep it steady as he offered his hand out to you.
“My lady,” he said with a teasing ring to his voice as he bowed slightly. “Care to join me?”
You chuckled, accepting his hand with your nose now high in the air. “Of course My Hero.” You say in a similar manner that makes his face turn pink.
He helps you step on, letting you sit against its single mast before he fully gets on. Un-tying it from the dock, it starts to drift away to the middle of the lake where a singular tree stands alone on a tiny speck of land. It takes a few minutes to reach, letting you admire your surroundings. Fingers dipping into the warm water to flick a few drops over at Link who is trying to steer your little raft. He laughs it off, jumping off to pull the raft onto the grass as he helps you step off.
“Is there something you need here?” You ask, seeing nothing noteworthy about the small area. His arms snake around your waist, pulling you in close.
“Right here.”
He scoops you up into his arms, plopping down onto the ground with his back against the tree's trunk. You're sat on his lap, leaning your head on his shoulder as he kisses your forehead. You tilt your face up to his, letting him capture your lips in a gentle kiss that quickly leads to you straddling his hips while his tongue explores your mouth. Hands are gripped tightly to your hips, guiding them to move against him as you both moan and gasp for breath.
All sense of time is lost. The only thing you know is his touch. Hands sliding up beneath your skirt to grab at your thighs as you tug the long strands of his hair.
“Should we take this back to my place?” You say between moans. “We could-”
It was like the world came to a fault, tipping over the edge before shattering into pieces around you. Your head whipped around to see Zelda standing on the shore close by, her eyes wide and widening even further when she caught a glimpse of the man underneath you.
“Link!? What the hell is going on!?”
The two of you scrambled to your feet, Link immediately pushing you behind him as he waded through water towards her. “Zelda! It's..it's a long story but I promise we can explain!”
You followed after him, both of your lower halves sopping wet by the time you reached her. Her expression was hard to read. Obviously shocked but beyond that you couldn't tell if the look in her eyes was out of sadness or anger.
“How long has this been a thing?” She asked, her voice stern but a bit more calmer.
Link glanced back at you, taking your hand in his with a steadying breath.
“A while.” He admitted. “We've been together since before we took down the calamity.”
“Wait really? So all this time you've been hiding it? Why?”
“We just wanted to figure things out,” you said, stepping a bit closer. But Link scoffed which took Zelda by surprise.
“Impa.” He said bluntly. “We didn't say anything because Impa didn't approve. I'm sorry we should have told you. We..I just got scared that you would agree with her.”
Zelda's expression softened, reaching out to grab Link's other hand.
“Link, you have always been there for me. You have sacrificed so much for all of us. Do you love her?”
He nods his head, face turning red.
“Then forget what anyone else says! I'm happy for you guys and if anyone says otherwise then I'll be happy to chat with them!”
Link threw his arms around her in a tight hug. “Thanks Zelda. I'm sorry we lied to you.”
She patted his back sympathetically. “It hurts but I get it. Honestly though I'm a bit relieved. It saves me the trouble of trying to get the two of you together!”
Link stepped back and you hooked your arm with his. “What?”
“Oh yeah! Why did you think I invited you to dinner the other night? You two are clearly into each other and now I guess I know why!”
You and Link shared a look before bursting out into laughter. Zelda grabbed each of your hands, pulling you in the direction of the village.
“Now come on! I wanna hear the whole story!”
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lando norris x fem!horse rider!reader
series masterlist | next part
yourusername just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚

liked by flo_norris_showjumping, lilymhe and 128,303 others
yourusername nice little practice today in between interviews. ready for a relaxed weekend
view all 2,054 comments
user1 give bean all the carrots from us!
user2 so excited for the showjumping season!!!!
flo_norris_showjumping what a duo you two are already👏🏻
user3 i love that you practice in a full face of makeup. go girl slay!
yourusername @/user3 LMAO my makeup did not look that good by the end of it. p much had to redo it all for interview no.2
lilymhe OBSESSED
yourusername @/lilymhe GIRL I MISS YOU
lilymhe MISS YOU MORE. gotta link up when you’re back around :’)
user4 lily + y/n. my fav duo. i’ve missed their flirting
landonorris just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚

liked by yourusername, alex_albon and 277,098 others
landonorris not meant to be today but we bounce back
view all 3,671 comments
user5 we love you🧡 you did so well
mclaren onto better things🧡
user3 @/yourusername ARIANA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE
liked by yourusername
user3 that’s hot
oscarpiastri 🧡🧡🧡
user7 the loves of my life fr
f1updates just posted ੈ✩‧₊˚

f1updates star studded turn out today for @/lilymhe’s golf game! joining f1 stars such as lando norris, charles leclerc and alex albon is lily’s friend and pro showjumper y/n y/l/n!
user3 the way this is just her jumping off a flight to go support her bff…. i’ll cry she looks so pretty
user8 i mean we know she knows alex bc of lily but…. lando and charles
yourusername stop looking at these photos i was so jet lagged….
user2 not bestie following f1updates😭
user3 @/user2 i bet she’s a lewis girlie. she has that vibe
twitter reacts ੈ✩‧₊˚

lilymhe just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚

liked by yourusername, landonorris and 202,311 others
lilymhe good game, better celebrations
👤tagged yourusername, alex_albon, landonorris
view all 1,342 comments
alex_albon y/n is a terrible photographer but lando is a bad dancer. it equals out
landonorris @/yourusername i’ll teach you to drive, you teach me to dance?
yourusername @/landonorris … meet my horse i’ll consider it
landonorris @/yourusername i said it last night and i’ll say it again… NO! no reason for an animal to have that long a neck
yourusername @/landonorris wow. friendship over before it began
alex_albon @/landonorris giraffes are calling
user7 what is going on in these comments…
user5 damn they just met and are already flirting? the devil works hard but lando works harder
yourusername just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚

liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 152,009 others
yourusername life lately
👤tagged landonorris, lilymhe
view all 32,446 comments
flo_norris_showjumping MY BROTHER?
yourusername @/flo_norris_showjumping ANSWER MY TEXTS
user6 why texts what’s going on miss y/n👀
user3 beauty
user5 all the grid boys liking… oh you know lando is talking about her
user7 who can blame him i mean LOOK AT HER
alex_albon how come lily gets a cute ass photo and the one you posted of me last week made me look like a demon
yourusername she’s my favourite parent🩷
y/nupdates posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚

liked by landonorris and 21,335 others
y/nupdates the showjumping season is officially underway! sending all our love to @/yourusername and mr. bean today on their first competition🩷
view all 102 comments
user5 lando creeping in the likes lmao
user2 what is going on between lando and y/n…
y/nupdates all we know is that they’re friends and we love that!🩷
user9 hm
user1 ?
user9 @/user1 he doesn’t need any distractions.
user1 @/user9 bestie it’s a post announcing a competition season not a marriage proposal💀
a/n: first part down!!! not super interesting but this is self indulgent as a horse girl myself LMAO. welcome to my acc i guess???
to be tagged when the next part goes up (won’t be long): taglist
- giselle
#🐴 paddock to paddock#f1 x reader#f1#lando norris x reader#mclaren#lando norris#lando norris smau#lando norris imagine#lando norris blurb#lando norris scenario#lando norris au#alex albon
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for the record (MDNI)
cowboy!mingi x saloon owner!fem reader

pairing: cowboy!mingi x bar owner! reader
genre: smut 18+
rating: mature
word count: 6.2k
summary: a lone bar owner on a dead day in a small town is taken for the ride of her life once a regularly visiting bounty hunter enters through the swinging doors
warnings: explicit language (like... real explicit) || smut (very intense, i fear. please don't read in public or if under the age of 18) || sub/dom themes || fingering (f recieivng) || oral stimulation (f/m receiving) || big dick!mingi (as we all know) || unprotected (wrap it up irl) || creampie (oatmeal) || nicknames (sweetheart, darling, love, angel, doll, pretty, pretty girl, sweet pea, cumslut, slut) || multiple orgasms ||
zzen's notes: save a horse, ride a cowboy everyday of my life is said cowboy is mingi🤭 also, first one shot type thing written on here so pretty please show love and give requests so i can write more
ALSO sorry this shit took so long lol went to hell and back just to get my writers block dealt with. i also have this on AO3 which is where ill be posting all my works as well. link in bio :P
(partially proofread. im lazy)
On a cold and gloomy day, you work around the saloon you own in a quaint little town. A dead one. Barely any travelers were out and hardly any of the regulars stopped by. Tumbleweeds passed by the saloon doors with a foot-high opening at the bottom, swinging in the wind with a creak. You sigh, focusing on the small stack of used and dirty cups needing a good clean. It was rare to have such an uninteresting day around these parts. Normally, there would be at least one person in here. Or a group of cowboys causing a ruckus in the far corner booth. It was eerily quiet, both inside and outside the small wooden building.
In the middle of toweling dry a glass, the doors fly open. You figure it was just the wind again until you hear boots scuffling the planks of the floor. You turn, looking towards the sound, and see one of your regulars. Song Mingi. A well-known bounty hunter who has a habit of coming in once a week to get a whiskey sour. Several, at that. Normally covered in blood and dirt, he looks clean this time. Setting the glass down, you lean against the counter behind you and cross your arms with a smirk.
“Fancy seeing you ‘round. Quite the weather to be out and about,” You say with a drawl, looking over the man briefly before meeting his gaze again. He smirks at you and places his cowboy hat on the counter before perching himself on the stool in front of you. He’s always been infatuated with you. Your attitude, your aura, your energy. Everything about you is so… alluring. It captivates him every time. Him meaning his throbbing dick between his thighs that happens to harden the moment he walks into your bar.
“I needed a drink and wanted to see my favorite bar owner. That a crime, sweetheart?” He tilts his head, that disgustingly sexy smirk still sitting on his face as his eyes run over you as well. You knew damn well and good that he wants you. Always has since his first appearance in your bar. He made it known. The first encounter being him with his group of wildlings. All of them drunk off their asses in the corner booth and trying to get you to buy them a round. You folded, obviously, and brought over two pitchers of beer just to shut them up. That was the first time you noticed him. His cowboy hat sitting slanted on his head and only being able to see the lower part of his face. Though that night, he lifted his head to meet your gaze. That same stupid smirk sitting on his face as he nodded in appreciation. That was also the first time you went home and rubbed one out to the thought of him. Which, now that you think about it, seems to be the normal ritual for when you get home.
“Well, I appreciate the compliment, cowboy,” You scoff out a soft laugh and pick up a clean glass, making his usual concoction before sliding the glass across the counter to him. His fingers barely brush against yours and both of you have to hold back to grab each other's hands. You won’t lie and say you have a fantasy of getting thrown over this very bartop and having him fuck you roughly from behind. To have his large, rough, and calloused hands wrapped around your waist. Oh, to hear his moans in the deep raspiness of his voice. Fuck, you were getting turned on just thinking about it. But you also can’t let him know that. It’ll boost his ego too much and make him think he has a chance. (He does).
“Thanks, darlin’,” He takes a sip of his drink, eyeing you like a hawk while doing so. His mind is running with all the thoughts of what he wants to do to you. To pin you against the wall of liquor that looms behind you. To fuck that tight little cunt of yours that he knows is tight and pink. Like it was made for him and only him. To bend you over this counter and fuck you till you're crying out in pleasure. His cock bruising your insides in the best way possible. Shooting everything in him to coat the velvety walls of your pussy. God, what he would do to taste you.
Shaking his head from his thoughts, he turns his gaze around the empty saloon, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Seems like you’re pretty busy here, eh?” His head turns back to you and his glass presses to his lips once more, taking another sip of his drink before letting the glass settle on the counter. Leaning back against the seat, he eyes you once again. His cock twitching in his jeans as his gaze falls to your plump and, oh-so-beautiful breasts. Even behind that button-up and vest, he knows they’re plump. Round and full. Perfect for his huge hands to grasp and fondle. To tease those perky nipples into a stimulation you haven’t felt before. He swallows thickly and meets your gaze.
Smirking knowingly, you push off the counter and walk to the opposite end to discard the towel into a dirty waste bin. Unlike many other women in town, you refuse to wear blouses, skirts, and underskirts. Fuck that. You dress yourself in jeans, chaps, and a white button-up that's tucked under your belt. Your leather vest frayed around the chest, the fringe swaying with each of your subtle movements.
“Quite the day indeed, I’ll tell you that. You’re the first and only customer all day,” Standing back up straight, you face him and saunter back to stand in front of him. No other person to pay attention to. Might as well.. play a little. Leaning against the bartop in front of him, you grab his glass and take a sip all while keeping his gaze. He visibly swallows and eyes your lips wrapped around the glass. The glass clinks to the counter and you grab his hat next, placing it atop your head with a smirk.
His gaze never leaves you and something in him switches once he sees his hat on your head. You must not know the untold fact about wearing a man's cowboy hat. Mingi’s grin grows and he leans his forearms on the counter. “You know, You look mighty sexy with my hat on that pretty head of yours,” His voice drops a few tones as he licks his lips. The head he’s imagined pushing down over his cock with your pretty pink lips wrapped around him. Your eyes welling with tears because he’s too big for you. Fucking your throat raw until he cums and watches his seed spill from the corners of your lips. Fuck, to be in your mouth right now. His pants tighten again and he bites his lip to hold back a groan. “You don’t know what that means, do you, hun?”
Your eyes narrow, questioning him silently before setting his hat back down beside his glass. Leaning your forearms between his in the counter, you lean forward a little. “What does it mean, cowboy?” Your tone teasing, sultry even, as you speak. Tongue darting out to wet your lips almost in anticipation. His smirk only grows and he leans forward as well.
“When a pretty girl like yourself wears a man’s hat, it means you’re his… and his only,” He’s whispering now. Somehow sounding even sexier like this. Your mind flurries with phrases you want him to whisper in your ear while he’s deep inside you and you swallow dryly as you eye his lips.
“That so?” You question back, cocking your head to the side slightly before meeting his gaze again. It darkens immediately and his hands clench into fists against the wood of the bar top. The nod is subtle, but you see it. That makes your smirk grow as well. Just as he starts to lean forward again, you pull away and place your hands firmly on the counter. “Maybe I should wear it more often then… whaddyu think?” His heart stutters and his eyes widen a little. Fuck you’re bold. And he loves it. Loves the thought of you being his to come home to and fuck the brains out of. To relieve the stress of having to kill people for money to scrape by. And to have you by his side would be a dream of his. One he would gladly make into a reality if you gave him even the smallest chance. A scoff of a laugh leaves him and he picks his glass back up and down the rest of his drink. “Don’t tempt me, sweetheart. You know I’m not opposed to the idea.”
You laugh softly and take his empty glass from the counter to clean, rinsing it under water before towel drying it and setting it with the others behind you. In the silence, you’re thinking about the many ways you could tempt him right now. Simply unbutton the top of your shirt, taking your vest off. Even just adjusting yourself. Anything you do would get him going.
So you do it. Shedding your vest slowly from your shoulders and tossing it to the side before undoing the top two buttons of your shirt. Cleavage is now out in the open for him to see. His eyes dropping instantly with a deep and sharp sigh. He licks his lips, almost hungrily, as he takes in your newfound boldness. “What are you playing at, Y/N?” His voice is deeper than before and raspier than you’ve ever heard it. It sends shivers down your spine and straight to your pussy that's already clenching around nothing. You can feel how wet you are despite not even being touched. That is the power his voice holds over you. And it should be illegal.
“I’m not playing at anything, cowboy. Just got a little hot. That a crime?” I throw his earlier said words at him and bend over in front of him to “fetch a rag” from the floor. His breath hitches and he lets out a soft groan. Mingi’s hand now covers his mouth while the other disappears underneath the counter. Shit, is he touching himself? Just at the sight of my titties? “Bullshit,” his voice strained and his eyes fall shut in an attempt to rid his mind of these thoughts. You’re teasing him. He won’t get anything from you. He knows he won’t. But, fuck, if he can’t help thinking about sliding his cock between those fucking tits of yours and coating them with his cum. The very thought sends another wave of arousal through him and his hand palms his dick through his pants, which elicits another groan from him. “What. Are you. Playing at?” He asks again, stern this time. You can’t help but smirk at him, even if he can’t see you right now with his eyes clenched shut.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, hun,” again, teasing him. He should just shut you up now and shove his cock down your throat until you can’t see anything but the tears in your eyes. Running a hand through his hair, he leans further back into the stool and stares up at the ceiling, letting out heavy huffs of air as his other hand continues to slowly move along his hard cock.
“You… are a cock tease,” he says after a few moments of silence and finally turns his gaze back to you. He can’t take this shit anymore and stands from the stool. Marching over to the entrance that leads behind the bar, he throws it open and stalks over to you, placing both hands on the counter that you lean against. Now that you’re caged in, you realize… you want him to fuck you senseless. You want to suck him down and swallow everything he gives you. Your hands fall to his chest, pressing firmly against it as if to push him away. Your attempts fail because he’s a giant compared to you. His frame blocks everything out of view and all you can do is stare up at his hardened gaze. “You like being a tease? Huh? You want me to show you what happens when you tease too much, sweetheart?”
His words send a thrill through your body. Fuck yeah, you want him to show you. You want him to demolish you right now against this counter and fuck you so hard that the liquor bottles fall and shatter around you as you cream over his cock you know is big, just like the rest of him. A sly smile forms on your face and your hands decide they want to move over the expanse of his chest. Even when it's covered in his button-up and vest, you feel the muscles tense under your touch. Another groan leaves him and his face drops closer to yours.
“Don’t fuck with me right now, doll…” he mutters out and drops his face even lower, ghosting against the skin of your neck. His hot breath fanning out with each heavy huff. Hands now moving from the counter behind you to grip at your waist. Fuck… they were so big. He was big. He could so easily manhandle you right now and you wouldn’t have a care in the world.
“You don’t want me to fuck you, Mingi?” The words leave your mouth before you can stop them and your head tilts a little as you feel his lips press to the side of your neck. Brushing right below your ear and down to where your shoulder and neck connect. Another groan, this one deeper and more elongated. His grip tightens on your waist and, suddenly, his teeth are in your neck. A sharp moan leaves you and your eyes flutter shut. That’s gonna leave a mark. But who cares? Neither of you right now.
“You want me to fuck you, y/n? You want my cock inside you? Is that what it is?” He mumbles against your neck, still attacking it with his lips and tongue, leaving several marks of his behind. Each one elicits a soft whimper to pass through your lips. Your hands clench against the fabric of his shirt and you turn your head, forcing him to leave your neck. Though his eyes never leave the sight of the dark marks he left behind.
“Maybe I do…” you whisper to him and move one of your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him in for a well-needed kiss. Messy and sloppy and dirty and wet. One that both of you had dreamt of many times in the solitude of your homes. He groans into the kiss, moving one hand from your waist to tangle in your hair and tilt your head back so he can shove his tongue into your mouth. You moan against his lips and let him take over. His tongue slides and dominates yours as it feels around your mouth. Fuck, this was hot. You honestly could cum from this. His soft and plump lips pressed to yours, despite the taste of whiskey that coated his mouth. Your hand slides into his hair to grip tightly as you pull him closer to you. His other hand moves from your waist and slides down, toying with your belt before ripping it out of the belt loops. It clings to the ground and his next action is unbuttoning and unzipping your jeans.
He pulls away from your lips, just for a breather. His eyes cast down to stare at your now swollen lips. Smirking, he moves the hand from your hair to brush a thumb over your bottom lip. A soft whimper escapes you as you watch him. His face is full of desire and pent-up arousal. He presses against you harder and you feel his straining cock press into your stomach. Now you’re glancing down to see the very large bulge in his jeans. He chuckles lowly and lifts your face back up with a tight grip under your chin. His other hand successfully gets your pants undone, shoving them down quickly. Your legs instinctively spread for him with a gasp. Feeling his touch against your clothed clit almost made you lose it and you let out an embarrassingly loud moan, hips jolting at his touch.
“That how wet I make you, doll? You’re fucking drenched… what a slut you are,” He whispers against your ear. You knew how wet you were, but the vulgarity of his words makes you even more so. Pussy clenching around nothing, pulsing from the inside with a hunger for him and him only. His fingers tease the cloth of your panties slowly, drawing out any sound he can from you in the process as his lips reconnect with your neck. “You are a slut, aren’t you? A cock-loving cum slut… ready to fuck any man who walks into your saloon, huh?”
You shiver at his words and let out a needy moan. Again, the vulgarity coming from this man makes you want to jump him. In response, you nod eagerly. Wanting nothing more than to fuck him in this very moment like the cumslut he says you are. “Fuck, Mingi… please just-... just fuck me already.” The words are a plea. A beg for him to do more than just touch you through your soaked panties. He smirks against your neck and pulls away to look down at you.
“Right here in the front of the saloon where anyone could walk in and see you on full display? I don’t think so, doll.” With that, he pulls his hand from your pants and grabs your waist to hoist you up, pressing you against him as he quickly makes his way to your office door. Your legs wrap around him and your arms snake around his broad shoulders to hold yourself in place. He knows where your office is solely because he’s seen you walk back there many times. Just so he can see that pretty little ass of yours in these tight jeans you always wear. His hands knead the flesh of your ass through your jeans, walking with a purpose so he can get you bent over the desk like the whore you are.
You, on the other hand, are now clinging to his shoulders for the life of you. Head buried into his neck with lips pressed to his neck in a fervor to try and get some of your desires out. Nothing works. You need his cock. For him to be inside you and fucking you senseless until you don’t even remember your damn name. The whimpers leaving you are breathless and desperate. He kicks the door open, setting you down on the desk before shutting the door behind him and shedding his vest from his shoulders. His belt buckle unlatches as he pulls his belt from his pants and shoves his pants down without even undoing them. His boxers sliding down as well, revealing his hard and thick cock to your eyes. It’s huge. Girthy and veiny, red tip leaking with precum and can easily tear you in two. He stares down at you, legs spread against the desk with your arms behind your back to support your weight. He lets out a groan and strokes himself a few times before walking over to where you sit.
“Knees, angel. Get on ‘em,” With his hand still on his cock, he motions with his other for you to do as he says. And, like the compliant little slut you are, you listen, Dropping to your knees in front of him with his big fucking cock in front of your face. You lick your lips, moving your hands to his thighs slowly, but he pushes them away with a tsk. “Uh uh. Let me fuck that pretty little mouth of yours before you do anything. I want you crying around my cock before I fuck you. Hands behind your back.” Your eyes widen at his words, but you nod and settle your hands behind your back, looking up at him. Your chest heaves with the deep breaths you take. In this position, your panties are pulled taut enough that they just so happen to ride right against your clit and you could easily get off like this. Sucking him dry and cumming from giving him pleasure. Fuck, just the thought of swallowing him down makes you almost cum. His eyes narrow down at you and he steps closer, pressing his tip against your cheek before slapping himself against you with a groan.
“Fuck, doll… you look good down there,” He all but whispers out and moves his free hand to grip your hair away from your face. His other hand guides his tip across your lips and you open willingly for him. That action makes him stifle back a guttural moan, but he doesn’t plunge himself in yet. He wants to hear you beg for his cock. “You want it? Let me hear you, baby. Tell me how much you want me to fuck your mouth… 'cause I know you want me to.”
You whimper, clenching your eyes shut briefly to get your mind unfogged so you can speak to him. “Mingi… please fuck my mouth. Use me. By all means, use my mouth for your pleasure. Please, baby. I need your cum down my throat. I need to taste you,” the words fall out so easily despite your brain being mush. He seems satisfied with your answer though, smiling down at you like a predator about to devour its prey.
“Open nice and wide for me, doll,” And you listen, almost dislocating your jaw with the speed in which you drop it down for him. He lets out a hum of appreciation and circles his tip around your lips once more before pressing his tip in. Cursing under his breath, he slowly inches forward as his grip on your hair tightens. It took everything in him to go slow and not surge himself to the back of your throat. “There we go… such a good girl.” He mutters out with his eyes shut in pleasure. Your tongue begins to swirl over every part it can reach despite him stretching your mouth to new heights. He pulls back out after getting half of his length in, then slowly presses himself back into the hilt. That elicits a loud moan from him and a gag from you, but you take him willingly. Your eyes blinking up at him with tears starting to form at the corners.
After a few seconds of him with his cock down your throat, he opens his eyes and looks down at you with a hint of a smile on his face. “Good fucking girl. Taking me so well in the little mouth of yours,” he mumbles in desire and begins to rock his hips into you. Both of his hands tangle in your hair tightly to hold your head in place. Strings of saliva start to drip down your chin. Surely, some of his precum was a part of it, not that you minded at all. His cock hits the back of your throat in slow and steady thrusts that make him groan lowly. The sight of him disappearing and reappearing from your mouth almost makes him lose his shit, but he holds back. He's not cumming until he's fucking that cunt of yours and filling you to the brim.
His pace quickens suddenly and you're fighting back the urges to gag once more. Wet gurgles leaving you. They sound disgusting but he fucking loves them. He can't take it anymore, his pace quickening once again and his grip on your hair tightens. “Fuck, doll… doing such a good job,” his eyes fall shut again and his head tilts back to moan towards the ceiling. At that point, you start grinding yourself down into the seam of your panties, moaning around him softly as the tears start to fall down your cheeks. You can already feel your arousal dripping onto the wood floor below you. You're too focused on his massive dick in your mouth pounding your throat relentlessly.
Mingi thrusts into your mouth one last time and holds himself there, silent and still as he brings his head back down. Feigning mock sympathy, he moves one of his hands from your hair to wipe the shed tears from your face. “Aww… you're crying? Am I too big for you, sweetheart? You poor thing.” He pulls himself out and lets go of your hair. Taking in breaths as you stare up at him, you lick your lips to get the precum he has spread earlier around the rim of your mouth. “Get up.” He demands while stroking himself in front of your face, almost tantalizing. You listen, standing from the floor and facing him to wait for his next instruction. God, you feel helpless, but dammit all to hell if it doesn't feel good.
He doesn't waste much time shoving your panties down to the floor to pool around your ankles. Strings of your arousal detach from your underwear and stick to your inner thighs. He licks his lips at the side, ready to taste every last inch of you until you're screaming for him to stop. “Sit on the desk, doll. Legs spread for me,” he gently nudges you backward with his hands on your hips, sitting you down on the edge of the desk before you could even think about moving. Your legs spread at his demand and you watch him sink to his knees between your thighs. He sighs deeply, a sound coming from the back of his throat. Almost like a growl. It makes your insides turn with desire and your knees fall over even more for him with a soft whimper. “Please, baby…” you whisper as if your pleas will do anything to quicken the process.
“Patience, sweetheart. You know how long I've wanted this. I'm taking my time with you,” he says with a tsk and smooths his hands over your legs. Starting at your calves, then the tops of your thighs, and finally massaging the insides of them, inching closer and closer to your dripping cunt. “So wet… and such a pretty sight,” the fingers of one hand gather some of your arousal and he licks them clean, humming in delight before pressing his thumb to your swollen clit. Your head tilts back abruptly and a sharp moan leaves you. Fuck, his hands are so big. You know you've said that before, but they truly are nothing compared to your hands. His eyes never leave the sight of your folds, pink and beautiful. Soaking from your juices and teasing him by clenching around nothing.
His thumb circles over your nub, watching as more of you seeps out of that tight little hole he's gonna destroy. Your moans gradually get louder with each passing second. More needy, whiny. More for him to just fuck you already. You bring your head back down and look at him. Shit he looks pussy drunk and he hasn't even done much of anything yet. But as soon as you think that, he dives in, licking a long stripe up from your entrance to the clit he's been teasing with his thumb. Again, he hums in delight and his eyes fall shut. Your head gets tossed back once more and your arms threaten to give out from holding your weight behind you.
“So sweet, love… Fuck you taste good, mm,” he mumbles against you and the hum he does sends a shiver throughout your entire body. Whimpering with every flick of his tongue. His hands wrap the underneath of your thighs and hoist them over his shoulders, pulling you closer to him in the process. He's hungry, and he's about to have himself a nice feast. Mingi doesn't hold back. His tongue delves into your entrance and licks wherever he can. His hands are gripping your thighs so hard it'll leave bruises till next week. Every so often, his nose brushes against your clit and you let out a cry of pleasure, fighting to bring your hands down to tangle in his hair.
“You wanna cum in my mouth, doll? Wanna drown me with your cum? Huh?” he mumbles again and brings his hand back down to play with your clit as his attack on your hole continues relentlessly. You nod, but you know he can't see you. It takes everything in you to clear your mind long enough to moan out a response. “Yes… fuck- yes, baby… please let me cum in your mouth,” the words send his cock twitching against his stomach and he presses his face further, smirking against you devilishly.
Then he pulls away, stands abruptly, and rips your shirt open. Your whine of protest from the lack of an orgasm soon turns to a gasp of surprise once your chest is exposed to him. Buttons fly everywhere and tumble to the floor as his lips make contact with your chest. His hands pull your shirt down your shoulders and then reach behind you to unclasp your bra, which he does in one swift move that has your pussy fluttering. Yanking the straps down, he palms your right breast and bites along the top of your other one. “Gorgeous, love… fucking beautiful,” They're all he's ever imagined. Round, full, perky. Everything he's dreamed of. He wants to slide his cock between the valley of them, but that'll be for another day. He's too impatient for that right now. He steps closer, his cock sliding against your thigh before settling on your stomach as his lips move up to the side of your neck. Sucking and pulling at the skin desperately as if he wants to eat you alive. Which you're sure he can if he truly wants to. You wouldn't be opposed, that's for damn sure.
His hips move slowly, grinding his hardness against your thigh and spreading your legs with his own. Groans leaving him with each passing second, mixing with your whimpers of pleasure as your eyes fall shut. His large, calloused hands travel everywhere they possibly can. You claw at him, his shoulders and back and neck. Desperate for him to give up on teasing and taking his time instead of ravishing you within an inch of your life. “Mingi.. P-please,”
It's like the restraint in him finally breaks and he's capturing your lips with his again. A hand snaking down to toy with you for a moment, gathering your juices before hes stroking his cock with it. Then his tip is prodding at your entrance. “You sure you can handle this, sweet pea?” He breaks the kiss to mutter those words, dark and gruff as his lips trail over your cheek. The hand not holding himself at your entrance travels up the side of your body to gently wrap around your throat. Not too much pressure, but enough to make your walls flutter.
“Y-yes.. Please, Mingi. I- i can handle it,” you respond, shaky and quiet but confident in your ability to take him nonetheless. He doesn’t waste much time after that and slowly sinks himself into the hilt with a deep groan. It almost sounds like a growl. Of course, it’s paired with a satisfied moan from yourself once you’re finally able to feel him like this. His lips attach to your neck again in a sorry attempt to muffle the soft grunts and gasps he’s letting out from how tight you are. You’re too busy clinging to his shoulders trying to get used to his size. “Tight as hell, sweetheart.. You alright?” He breathes the words out between his teeth, willing himself to stay still so he doesnt hurt you too much. You’re able to nod, subtly, but it's there. He takes that as permission to move, pulling back until just his tip remains inside, then pushes back in with a groan. It harmonizes with the breathy moan you let out.
That’s how he starts. Slow, steady. Full, deep strokes that make you feel every vein carved into his dick. All while his huffs of air and grunts resonate right next to your ear. Every once in a while punctuated by a kiss or nip on your shoulder. Your legs tighten around his waist, pulling him closer and deeper at the same time. “M-Mingi… so good…” You whimper the words, digging your nails into his shoulders before moving to his back. A hand delving into his hair yet again to both tangle in the strands and grip at his scalp. He responds with a sharp thrust, pulling his head back just enough to look you in the eyes. “Yeah? Feels good, doll?” His pace quickens just enough to make the desk start hitting the wall. A cocky grin taking his face as he watches how fucked out you become. “So pretty… Gonna fuck you dumb, okay? Just sit here and be a good girl for me.”
He pulls out, hoisting your legs over his forearms so they sit in the crook of your knee. His cock plunging itself back in as he straightens himself up to get a better range of movement. At this point, you're barely on the desk. Ass hanging off and basically hovering as he plunders into you. He’s out of reach now so you struggle to grab onto something, anything. The papers on my desk, a stapler. Eventually, I opt for the wall behind me and arch my back from the wood. “R-right there..please right- ahh my god,” He’s hitting your g-spot so perfectly you start seeing stars. He grunts, tightening his grip on your thighs as he pulls you closer to the edge of the desk. “Gonna come for me? Huh? Gonna cream all over this dick, pretty girl?”
If the words weren’t enough already, the name was a cherry on top. You nod, frantically, as a hand comes down to press against his pelvis. Not to push him away, but to touch him somewhere at least. The tears that rolled down your cheeks while his dick was in your mouth now rolls down as his dick rearranges your pretty little cunt. You were so close, so very close. “M-min..close,” The words come out so quietly, he almost misses them. But when they register, he doubles down his efforts. One of his hands coming between your thighs to play with your highly oversensitive clit to help send you over the edge. The desk hitting the wall in a steady and quick rhythm as he works you up. “C’mon, pretty… Soak my cock. Wanna see it glistening before I fill this pussy up, uh? Wanna watch? C’mere,” His other hand moves to grip the back of your neck, pulling you up just enough to watch where his cock disappears and reappears from inside you. His words, his fingers, his pace. Him. Fuck, you’re surprised you lasted this long. Another pitiful sob leaves you as you watch your arousal splash against his thighs. “You see that? See how good you take me, baby? Can’t believe you made me wait this long for such a perfect fucking pussy, mm.”
And that was it. It was like everything inside you just ruptures and you come with a guttural moan of his name. Your back arching into him and nails digging into where they stay on his stomach and the wall. Surprisingly enough, you manage to rip through the wallpaper in the office. A worry for another day though. You’re too busy seeing the gates of heaven while your orgasm washes over you, eyes clenched shut while your body stays rigid in bliss. His fingers on your clit not relenting until he sees the trembles in your thighs die down. His hips slowly coaxing you out of your high before he starts to work himself. When you’re finally able to open your eyes, you meet his gaze and see the smirk sitting on his face. “Just as I thought… pretty,” He mutters before he gives a few sloppy thrusts, and empties himself inside with a satisfied groan, almost mistaken for a whimper if you listened close enough. He stills, dropping his forehead to your shoulder as his arms bring your legs down. His arms instead wrap around your waist to pull you closer. Your breaths resonating in the small room as you both come down from the high of everything.
Mingi’s first to pull away, pressing gentle kisses along your shoulder and up your neck until he's right next to your ear. “For the record, I ain’t letting another man lay a hand on you, darlin’,” His hands tighten around your waist. Calloused fingertips dancing along the soft exposed skin of your hips and back. You smile against where your head rests on his collarbone. “For the record, I ain’t letting another woman lay a hand on you, cowboy."
okay.. so whatd you think?
#ateez mingi#mingi#song mingi#ateez#ateez atiny#mingi smut#mingi update#mingi x reader#atz#ateez smut#ateez fanfic#ateez fic#ateez x reader#cowboy mingi
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What's In A Name? Chapter Four
Meg Harding and Kate Carter were inseparable until their friends died five ago, then she ran to New Orleans to save lives as a paramedic. But when Javi calls on his two oldest friends to help him collect data, counting on their matching natural instincts for tornadoes, Meg goes home for the first time in years. That's where she meets Tyler and the rest of the Wranglers, the YouTube storm chasers her dad likes to watch, and finds herself fitting in more with them than with Storm PAR. Meg only plans to stay for the week but will it be easy to leave when the dust settles?
If a certain cowboy has a say in it, nothing about leaving is going to be easy.
A/N: If Meg was more of a religious person, she would have sworn she felt Jeb’s strength helping them pull Tyler to safety at just the right moment.
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Previous Chapter
It had been a good night until everything went to shit. Tyler had been trying to get Kate to open up and she had turned the tables on him, getting Tyler to spill the details of his first tornado. Meg had felt a second of uneasiness when Tyler had asked Kate about her first tornado, something that he had said he only asked pretty girls, but the second the wheels in her head started spinning, Tyler’s hand had fallen on her thigh. Even with his attention on Kate, Meg felt connected to him, butterflies in her stomach taking flight.
Then the tornado decided to ruin the moment. Meg had a bone to pick with Mother Nature but first, she needed to survive. Tyler had a death grip on her hand and she was pulling Kate along, when they got to the motel lobby, she was livid.
“Nine times out of ten, it’s a false alarm,” The snobby girl in the chair announced like she knew everything.
“Are you willing to bet your life on it?” She shouted, “Because there’s a tornado coming and we need to get underground. Now!” The siren stopped and while the woman felt vindicated, Meg’s stomach dropped, knowing that it only meant the storm was close. Too close.
“Come on,” Kate shouted.
“Follow her,” Tyler ordered, guiding the mom and daughter out of the door. “Run, Meg,” She hesitated, not wanting to leave his side. “Please, darlin’, run.” And she did, taking off, helping the mom and daughter across the road to the pool. She and Kate helped them into the pool, Meg pushed Kate down next,
“Tyler!” She shouted, urging him to run faster, watching the winds take away the truck the couple from the lobby had climbed in.
“Get in the pool!” He shouted back, “Now, Meg!” Not wanting to lose sight of him but also not wanting to roll the dice against Mother Nature, Meg quickly descended the ladder. Kate was waiting for her, steadying her on her feet.
“Help the kid, Kate,” She pushed her friend towards the pipes. “Tyler!” Meg shouted for him again, getting a second of relief when he jumped down beside her.
“Stop worrying about me, darlin’, go,” He pushed her towards the pipes like she had to Kate. Meg rushed to the pipes, looping her arms around them and squatting as low as she could go beside Kate. She couldn’t breathe watching Tyler crawl across the bottom of the pool to get to the motel manager,
“Please come back, please come back.” Meg chanted, feeling Kate cry against her. “Please come back to me.” She screamed, seeing the horse trailer fly towards Tyler, leaning out as far as she could go without releasing her hold on the pipe, she screamed for Tyler to take her hand. Kate leaned out too, grabbing his wrist when Meg took his hand, the two girls pulled with all their might.
“You’re not going to lose him like I did,” Kate grunted and Meg wanted to cry. Jeb. If Meg was more of a religious person, she would have sworn she felt Jeb’s strength helping them pull Tyler to safety at just the right moment. Tyler wrapped his arms around them both, shielding them from the storm with his body but nothing could stop the sound of the tornado bearing down on them.
In Meg’s mind, she was back in the tornado from five years ago. She heard Parveen’s scream as he was swept away, she could see her friends ahead of her. And then her foot caught on something, sending her to the ground. There was no way that she could make it to the underpass, she knew it.
There was only one option and that was to dig her fingers into the dirt as far as they would go. The winds howled around her, screaming like a freight train. She could feel it as each of her fingers broke, her screams of pain lost in the wind as the tornado passed over her. Meg heard it when Addy and Jeb were swept away, and, and-
“Meg, Meggy, Margaret!” Kate’s shouting snapped her out of it, bringing her back to reality. Meg launched herself at her friend, hugging her tight.
“I love you, I love you, I love you so much and I’m never lettin’ your stubborn ass go.” Kate hugged her back just as tight.
“I love you too, Mud Bug. So much,” Kate pulled back, brushing the hair out of Meg’s blue eyes. “But I’m going to need you to hug Tyler right now. Man looks like he’s going to have a heart attack.” Tyler. She whirled around and there he was, standing with his arms loose at his sides, tears in his eyes.
“Ty,” Meg threw herself at him, wrapping her arms and legs around his torso like a koala bear.
“You’re okay,” He buried his face in her neck, one hand supporting her by her thigh, the other carding its way through her tangled hair. “You’re alive.”
“You scared me so bad,” She whispered, tears flowing freely. “Don’t ever scare me like that again, you understand me?” Meg pulled back with a fierce look in her eye, daring Tyler to rationalize the situation but he didn’t. He just pressed his forehead against hers, whispering in a raspy voice that sent a shiver down her spine.
“Yes, ma’am.”
They separated, climbing out of the pool. Lily and Ben met them at the top, doting over the trio like mother hens.
“No more rodeo for you, Doc,” Lily hugged her tightly.
“I’m glad you’re okay, you too, Ben,” Meg hugged the reporter who didn’t hesitate to return the gesture.
“Seems like you’re a Wrangler now, Mud Bug,” Kate whispered, kissing Meg’s temple. “I’m happy for you.”
“I’m whatever you are, Katie my Lady, always.”
“Traumatized?” She sassed with a humorless laugh,
“Yeah, that too.” Meg felt Tyler behind her, his hand coming to rest on her hip, the warmth of his skin bleeding through her soaking clothes. Javi started yelling for Kate and Meg but Meg didn’t move from the Wrangles. Dani ran at her through the debris to sweep her into an air-stealing hug.
“I’m so glad you’re okay, Doc.”
“Thought I was goin’ to die again,” Meg’s breath shuddered, mind slipping again. Her fingers and wrist were on fire, burning with a pain she knew was completely in her mind but she couldn’t shake it. Not until Dani let her go and she inspected them for herself.
Meg flexed her fingers, they were all at an acceptable angle and the right color. Definitely not broken. Next, she checked her wrist, poking at it, looking for any sign of swelling or tenderness but there was none to be found.
“That one enough to scare you, Oklahoma?” Tyler’s tease fell flat, he turned her around by the waist so that they were face to face. Tyler was scared, Meg could see it in his green eyes and the way his bottom lip trembled, and besides the memories of the EF-5 haunting her, she could honestly say she wasn’t.
“Not scared of the tornado, Arkansas.” Meg shook her head. “Terrified of dyin’ or losin’ someone I cared about?” She felt so incredibly small and weak, like a child as she shook from her cold clothes. “Maybe a little.” She suddenly realized who wasn’t by her side anymore and felt dread constrict her head, mind going fuzzy. “Where’s Kate?” Tyler’s face softened, he turned her by the hips again and when Kate came into view she relaxed.
“Kate’s fine, she’s talking to Javi over there, see?” She did see and it was almost enough to make her smile. That is until she heard what Javi was yelling.
“I don’t know what it’s like, Kate? How about my friends died because you were chasing grant money for your stupid science project?”
“What the fuck did he just say?” Tyler sounded as angry as Meg felt. Kate ran off towards the decimated motel, Javi calling after her. Meg let out what could only be described as a growl as she took off across the lot to confront an old friend, wanting to wring his neck with her bare hands.
“Javier Ernesto Rivera, what the hell did you just say to her?” Javi had the good sense to look ashamed and the even better sense to put his hands up in defense before Meg started swinging on him.
“I’m sorry, Meg! I didn’t mean it like that, I just-”
“I don’t care how you meant it, you bastard! How could you say that to her?” Tyler was at her back, Meg could feel his presence, but he seemed content letting her fight this battle on her own.
“It’s just, we never would have been in the field that day if it weren’t for Kate. There, I said it.” Meg saw red, red hot rage flowing through her.
“How fucking dare you put that on her!” She kicked his shin, “She wasn’t the only one pushing for that storm so if you’re calling her a murderer then call me one too.”
Javi’s face fell and so did his hands, letting Meg get a good slap in.
“You didn’t hear Addy, Jeb, and Parveen scream for their lives. You didn’t get your leg sliced open by debris,” She shoved his chest with each sentence. “You didn’t break all ten of your fingers and your wrist holding on for your life with a Goddamn EF-5 trying to kill you.” She swung with a closed fist but Tyler was quick, grabbing her arms and pinning them to her sides. “You lost your friends but you didn’t fucking watch them die. You have no right,” Meg suddenly hit a wall, losing all her steam. Her angry shouts turned into heart-wrenching sobs. “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!” She kept repeating the words.
“I’m sorry, Meg.” She barely heard Javi’s words over her own crying and didn’t bother to look up at him. Tyler caught her when her knees gave out, holding Meg tightly to his chest.
“How could he?” Meg sobbed, digging her fingers into his torn shirt. “T-Ty?”
“I’m here, darlin’,” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m right here with you, what do you need?”
“Get me outta here.” Tyler didn’t need to be told twice. He swept her into his arms, hustling through the debris until he got to the camper. Boone and Dexter had already begun setting up relief outside, shooting Meg worried glances that she responded to with watery smiles.
“Let’s get you into something warm, Oklahoma.” He put her down on the small couch inside and she watched him dig through everyone’s bags before offering her a bundle of clothes. There wasn’t a bathroom in the camper so he turned his back while she quickly changed into what seemed to be his boxers, Dani’s sweats, and one of Boone’s flannels.
“You should change too, Ty, I’ll, um, cover my eyes.” Not long later, Tyler was sitting on the couch beside her, bringing her onto his lap in a hug. “I need to go after Kate.” Meg muttered into his shoulder, I don’t want her blamin’ herself.”
“We’ll go first thing in the morning but darlin’, you need to sleep.” Meg wanted to argue but she knew he was right, exhaustion rolling over her as she had just pulled a 12-hour shift on the ambulance.
“I don’t wanna be alone right now, Ty.” Meg looked up at him, knowing her eyes were red and there was most definitely mud staining her cheeks, making her look like the creature from the lagoon, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care when Tyler was looking at her like she hung the moon and the stars in the sky. “Stay with me?”
“For as long as you want me to,” Those words hung heavy in the air for a long minute before he cleared his throat. “We can sleep in the bed up top, come on.”
Tyler helped her up the ladder and waited for her to get settled in the mismatched mess of blankets and top sheets before joining. When Tyler climbed beneath the sheets, resting comfortably on his back, Meg curled into his side, resting her head on his chest. Neither of them said a word and Meg was glad, knowing if she said another word, she’d probably start crying again.
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#what's in a name fic#tyler owens x oc#tyler owens#twisters fanfic#twisters 2024#twister 1996#twisters
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Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / AO3 Link
TW: emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. period sex, knives, cutting, rape, forced oral sex, forced anal sex, manipulation, ramsay bolton things. ramsay goes a little feral in this chapter.
Chapter Four: A Losing Game
You weren’t sure how many days had passed, but you knew Ramsay had lied. He didn’t come see you the next day, or the day after that. You were served cold soup and bread three times a day, sometimes only twice. Servants came in to give you more firewood, which was the only comfort you had. You desperately needed a bath and you wouldn’t dare submerge yourself in the stale water from days ago. You were fighting the cold off enough as it was, you didn’t need any additional threats.
You started your menstrual cycle this morning and your sheets needed to be changed. You wrapped a blanket around yourself as you walked to the door, pounding on the large wooden slabs. “Please, can someone help me? I need my sheets changed.” You felt humiliated having to ask for this. You were met with nothing but silence on the other side of the door. Feeling defeated, you walked back to your bed and sat down on the soiled linens. You almost felt hurt that Ramsay hadn’t come to see you. Had he forgotten you? You didn’t want him to forget about you. It felt wrong to admit it, but you liked the idea of him thinking about coming back from a hunt to be with you.
Your mind drifted off, imagining Ramsay dismounting his horse in the stables with his brain swimming full of ideas of what to do to you. Your thoughts were interrupted by the door clamoring as it swung open and a very disheveled looking Ramsay stepped inside before slamming the door shut and locking it. He wore filthy leather, caked with mud and blood. There were scratch marks and chunks missing from his leather outer coat. His trousers were stained with blood and his hair was messy. His hands were dirty, his fingernails darkened. “Hellooo, my lady.” His voice was still pleasant, almost a sing-song tone.
“Ramsay! You’re back.” You realized you sounded almost excited. He walked over to you with arms stretched out. You stood up and quickly embraced him, he stunk of iron, dirt, and sweat. You flushed red in the face realizing that not only were you being so obvious with your lust for him, but knowing that he would now see your soiled sheets. His strong arms embraced you tightly as he sighed. “It’s nice to know someone missed me.” He whispered. He pulled back from the embrace. “Ah, I see your red flower has blossomed this month.” He nodded at the sheets. You felt your cheeks turned rosy.
“Yes, My Lord, I asked for new sheets but…” your voice trailed off. Ramsay led you to the bed by your hand. He motioned for you to sit down on the bed. “I have servants bringing you fresh sheets, fresh clothes, and fresh water for a warm bath. I had a feeling you were neglected while I was gone. Nobody will treat you as well as I do, dear girl.” He smiled as he began unlacing his filthy clothes. “I need a bath as well, perhaps we can share the bath after I’m through with you.” He didn’t look at you while he finished undressing. You suddenly felt your heart race in your throat. You felt very ashamed of your cycle and didn’t ever let anyone near you during it. The mere thought of Ramsay even seeing you bleed was enough to make you want to crawl into a hole for the rest of your life.
“But, My Lord, I can’t…” you searched for the words to say. “I can’t…” Ramsay chuckled as the last bits of his clothing fell to the floor and he set his knives on the table, except for one that he kept in his hand. “What, you think a little blood is going to scare me away? Have you forgotten what I do for fun?” He chuckled, walking confidently over to you. His body was pale and naked, and rather dirty. He sat down on the bed, and you pulled your knees to your side, attempting to shield yourself from him. You did not want to do this, not like this. Ramsay grinned at you, his dark hair was still somehow perfect even though it was messy.
He placed the knife on the bed and then his hands on your legs and brought them back towards him, opening them so he sat in between your legs. You pressed your clothing down between your legs, covering yourself. “My Lord, I’m embarrassed, I don’t want you to see me like this…” you couldn’t look at Ramsay. His head cocked to the side. “If I want to see you, I’ll see you. It’s not up to you, and it never will be.” He stated, yanking your dress up to reveal your naked lower half. The inside of your thighs were bloody and slick. Ramsay stared as he gently ran his index finger across the blood. You hid your face in your hands. This was nearly unbearable. You felt utterly humiliated. You had never envisioned this.
“Why are you hiding from me?” Ramsay whispered, his hand still tracing up and down your blood covered thighs. You muttered from inside your hands, “I don’t want this. Please. Not like this.” Ramsay leaned forward, kissing your hands on your face. “I do want this, though.” He forcefully grabbed your hips and yanked you down so you were lying flat on the bed. He pulled your legs on either side of him so he was kneeling in between your legs. “I’ll tie your hands behind your head if you can’t keep them down.” He threatened. You whimpered as you brought your hands to your sides. Ramsay tore your dress in half instead of pulling it over your head. His hands quickly found your body, harshly kneading your bare skin on your stomach and chest.
He picked up the knife and effortlessly nicked your collarbone with the sharp blade. It stung and you felt warm blood trickle down your chest. “See? I don’t mind blood.” Ramsay leaned down and licked the blood that had freshly poured from your wound. He licked it up to the cut, and sucked on the open skin. You whined in an argument as he brought the knife to your throat. “Ramsay, please stop, I-“ he interrupted you. “Do you want to argue? There’s a game I have called the losing game. We can play it if you like! The rules are simple…you argue with me, and I get what I want. I always win! It’s quite fun...”
He rested the blade on your neck. You didn’t answer him, swallowing your rebuttals. Ramsay went back to your wound and licked it once more before dragging his lips down your chest. He removed the knife from your neckline and dragged it down, the tip of the blade barely pressed against your skin. He dragged the blade to your belly button and then set the knife aside. Ramsay lifted and spread your thighs, fully exposing yourself to him. You felt your eyes fill with tears as he stared between your open legs. You truly had never felt more humiliated. You began to blink your tears down your cheeks.
Ramsay noticed your tears and stuck his bottom lip out. "Poor girl. You're quite shy, aren't you?" A cry escaped your lips as he quickly plunged two fingers into your bloody slit. You wanted to cover your face, but you definitely didn't want to be tied up like this. You gripped the bedding. You admit, you did enjoy the feeling of his fingers sinking into your extra sensitive core, but you were too distracted with the burning of your cheeks to pay much attention to the feeling. Ramsay slid his fingers in and out of you a few times before pulling them out and showing them to you.
They were slick with blood and perhaps a small amount of arousal, it was impossible to tell. He grinned wildly as he admired his fingers, his eyes wide as he wiggled them towards you. In an instant, the hand that was just inside you was tightened around your neck. You gasped as Ramsay quickly choked you. The blood from your neck wound mixed with his bloody fingers. Ramsay chuckled as he mortified you. He reached down with his other hand and plunged two fingers into you, watching you squirm and writhe under his chokehold.
"It feels good, doesn't it? You know, your humiliation just turns me on even more, my dear." He growled, his fingers curling inside you and instantly making your cheeks flush. Your tears kept rolling down your temples as you lie in the bed. Ramsay leaned forward and licked one of the tears, humming with pleasure. "I like tasting every bit of you." He whispered in your ear. Your eyes rolled to the side, an attempt to avoid him. He pulled his fingers out of you and raised them to your face. "Every. Bit." He grinned wickedly as you watched him put the two fingers in his mouth. You winced, squeezing your eyes shut, your face bubbling with discomfort.
Ramsay was clearly loving this. He watched you squirm with a smile on his face. You trembled and began to cry harder as you watched him suck the blood from his fingers. He groaned with pleasure as you struggled underneath him. "You make such pretty sounds when you're miserable, do you know that?" He asked you as he plunged his fingers back inside you. You whined, your body was in combat between arousal and shame. There was something dark and possessive in his eyes as his stare burned through you.
He pulled his fingers out and immediately began rubbing his hand on his cock. His teeth were grinding tightly as his eyes widened, his beaming face telling you everything you needed to know. Ramsay was downright enthusiastic about getting to fuck you while your cunt was bloody. He lined up the head of his cock and placed it between your folds. Before he pushed his length inside you, he exhaled. "I am going to enjoy this."
Forcefully, his cock plunged into your soaking cunt. Not only were you slick with blood, but you were regrettably quite aroused. Your sore and swollen insides were being massaged by his cock and you couldn't deny that it felt amazing. You mewled as he began pumping in and out, his eyes glued to his cock. His eyebrows furrowed and his jaw hung slack, something you hadn't seen before. Ramsay was enjoying himself so much that he was being swallowed by pleasure. His eyes shifted up to you, where he met your gaze. His facial expression did not change, his mouth slightly parted and his eyes desperate. He licked his lips softly. You felt your core heat up as a moan escaped his lips as they parted again.
You almost felt proud, knowing that your body was bringing Ramsay so much pleasure that he had let his guard down, allowing his tough exterior to almost melt away from the sensations. Your heart fluttered at the sight of a softened Ramsay. You wondered if perhaps you could be the woman to break him? Before you could indulge in any more thoughts, the familiar smirk broke across his face again. "I'm feeling selfish, love." He groaned. Your stomach quivered when he called you 'love'.
He pulled his cock out, leaving you empty. "Roll over for me." Ramsay commanded, his cock twitching and dripping. You didn't dare disobey, and you rolled to your stomach, feeling blood trickle out of your cunt. Ramsay growled at the sight of the bloody sheets, and just as you adjusted to being on your stomach you felt his cock between your ass cheeks. He grabbed both of your wrists and held them down by your hips as he forced his cock into your ass. You screamed, your body completely unprepared for this. The blood and arousal allowed him to shove inside you, his cock completely stretching your asshole.
You scream and fight, any attempt to get out from underneath him. "Ramsay!! Stop!" He just growls with affection in return, his cock beginning to pump in and out of your virgin asshole. From the groans and grunts coming from behind you, Ramsay is clearly enjoying this. He lets go of your wrists, one hand grabbing the knife next to you, the other hand snaking under your hips and sliding three fingers into your cunt. "Stop, My Lord, please..." You whine. "Say stop again, and you'll wish you hadn't." He groans, the knife pressing into your spine.
With your hands now free, you reach up by your head and grab onto the bedding. You bury your face in the blankets, allowing yourself to fully cry. He pulls his fingers from your cunt and he wipes the blood across your back. Ramsay tosses the knife on the floor as his hands move to work at your ass cheeks, kneading and squeezing. He bucks his hips hard, you feel like your entire backside might rip in half. You hear his breathing get jagged, and his strokes get quicker. One more deep plunge into your ass, and his cock starts leaking cum. He groans as he slowly fucks your hole through his orgasm.
He pulls out, leaving you aching and sore. You immediately roll back over in an attempt to shield yourself from any more penetration. Your lower core is throbbing and leaking. Ramsay is out of breath and covered in beads of sweat. His eyes are soft with orgasmic haze. His forehead dripping with sweat as his curls clung to his skin. He grins at you while your eyes fall to his waist. His cock is bloody, and blood trickles down his legs. He stands up and takes a deep breath. "Well, that was lovely, wasn't it?" He walks over to a pile of spare blankets that were placed in the room at some point during your sexual encounter and wraps one around his waist.
You notice his pale and toned chest glistening with sweat, but you are too broken to feel much about it at this point. Your asshole aches and your cunt continues to bleed. You're covered in blood from the nick on your collarbone and you feel washed up and abused. Apparently while Ramsay was savaging you, the servants had crept in and prepared fresh bath water for you and him. He walked over to the steaming tub, dropped the blanket, and climbed in. He sighed as he sunk into the hot water. "Are you waiting for something, love?" He uttered as he stared at you, still on the bed. "Come join me."
You slid off the bed and meekly sauntered to the bath, aware of the blood dripping on the floor from your naked body. Ramsay smiled as he held a hand out to help you climb into the tub. You stepped in and he helped you sit, placing you between his legs so you could lie back against his chest. You trembled as his arms wrapped around your waist under the water. The hands that were just abusing you were now caressing you as if you were a fragile prize to be won. He held you close and nuzzled into your neck as he pulled you back to rest on his body.
"You're very good to me." Ramsay whispered, peppering a kiss on your ear. You felt anger boil within you. "You're not good to me." You muttered. You felt his chest heave as he exhaled a chuckle. "I'm not? I believe I have saved your life multiple times. I bring you fresh linens. I feed you. I bathe you. I watch over you." his voice lowered as he spat the last words, "I pleasure you." You didn't have the strength to argue with him, you knew it wouldn't change his mind either way. You exhaled, allowing your body to slowly sink into Ramsay's chest. His hands were gently brushing across your body under the surface of the water, cleaning your skin from the blood. The water was quickly darkening from Ramsay's filthy body and yours.
It was alarming how safe you felt in Ramsay's embrace. You were too exhausted to question it, but you still knew it was unnerving. This is the man that hurt you, but yet he cradled you as if you were the only thing that mattered in the seven kingdoms. He was gently rising and falling with his breath as you rested on him, feeling his strong heartbeat pumping through his chest. "You know, love..." He started, his hand came out of the water to move your hair to the side so he could whisper to you. "Perhaps someday I'll marry you and you can give me an heir. Would you like that?" He cooed in your ear softly.
Without thinking, you nodded. Somehow, the idea of being Ramsay's bride settled your stomach. You feared him all the same, but knowing that you could belong to him made you feel... at ease. "Yes, My Lord. That would be wonderful." You were surprised at your own words. Ramsay squeezed you gently. "Good." He whispered, his lips lingering on your ear. Your brain swirled at the idea of him abusing you and then comforting you for the rest of your life, but somehow it seemed better than the alternative; being flayed alive. Perhaps you would grow to enjoy Ramsay's antics. Perhaps Ramsay would calm down once he fell in love and created a baby with you. You smiled at the thought, but deep down knew you were being foolish. Ramsay? Calm down? Never.
Chapter Five
#game of thrones#ramsayboltonsmut#ramsaybolton#got#ramsay snow#ramsay bolton#smut#ramsey bolton#ramseybolton#ramsey snow#asoiaf smut#asoiaf one shot#one shot#ramsay bolton x reader#house bolton#house bolton smut#roose bolton#reek#reek asoiaf#theon greyjoy
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Call of the Night - Day 2 of Sandmanniversary
Words: 3k
Pairing: None (but implied future Dreamling)
Rating: Gen
Ao3 Link Here
When Hob signed up to help man the White Horse, he hadn't really cared about what it was they were doing. All he knew is it was a three month expedition, it paid decently, and they needed an engineer on board in case anything happened to the old girl. Honestly, he'd expected a fishing vessel or maybe some government contract type deal. Once he was aboard and introduced to the crew, however, it became apparent this was a little different.
Loads and loads of gear and boxes were set up in the hull. Constantine, their lead researcher and childhood friend, filled Hob in on the details of their mission. Apparently, they were a team of marine biologists (there were definitely more titles and fields, but they went over Hob's head, so marine biologists it was) studying some rare sightings out in the North Atlantic a good five hundred miles from port.
The journey so far was fine. He'd gotten to reconnect with Jo—who he hadn't thought he'd see again since she'd left for uni in the states. He'd also gotten to get to know the rest of the crew. And The White Horse was quite the beaut. She ran fine and ran smoothly. They probably didn't even need Hob around, which left him with more free time on his hands than he was used to. He's pretty sure he's just a few more "visits" away from Jo wringing his neck.
When he'd returned to his bunk later that week to a small stack of books and pad and paper, he just laughed. To Jo's credit, she at least found him some books that actually sounded like something he'd read.
It was a month into their journey when it happened. The sun had set long ago. Most of the crew was either having their "breakfast" for the late-night shift or fast asleep in their bunks. Hob strolled the deck, walking its length and enjoying the fresh sea air.
It was quiet save the roll of waves and splash of the ship against them. It was this, this peace and silence of the ocean at night that Hob had needed. He also probably needed something more to keep his hands busy as well, but at least Jo was trying with the drawing supplies, as shit as he was with them. The most exciting thing that's happened so far was one of the rigs kept catching when reeling up. He at least got to whip out the tools for a few hours.
He was about to head back when he heard...something. If they were closer inland, he'd guess it was a bird—still could be, he supposes. It was quiet, just barely heard over the crash of water against the steel of the ship. It droned on, long and drawn out. It was deep, pained almost. And each minute it sounded closer.
Then he saw it. There, way on the horizon, a pale red dot among the darkness. It looked like a buoy or beacon as it moved with the waves. Hob frowned, lifting his binoculars that hung around his neck up to his eyes. It was hard to pinpoint in the night, but when he finally landed on the light, he gasped.
It was still far out from their ship, the details hazy, but it wasn't a buoy and it definitely wasn't some sort of beacon or the like. It seemed to come from some sort of...creature? Fuck, it was hard to see at this distance.
The noise grew louder, sharper, as the light drew closer. Hob's heart raced in his chest as the eerie sound soon filled the air. Tales the crew had told flash through his mind, stories of leviathans, of creatures belonging to the deep. Of mermaids and sirens, of life unknown and undiscovered. Of the rare sighting they were here to locate in the first place.
Hob reaches down, pulling the walkie-talkie off his belt. He clicks the button and raises it to his lips.
"Alex, you're gonna want to see this. Starboard side, up closer to the bow. And hurry. Think we may just have your mystery monster."
Seconds pass before his walkie talkie crackles to life. "Hob? What?"
"I'd get up here quick, mate. Whatever it is, it's not man-made. And it's glowing."
"Glowing? Paul, can you—...Okay, okay! We're headed up. Keep your eyes on that thing."
Hob clips his device back onto his belt and keeps his eyes trained on the rapidly growing bright spot amongst the dark seas.
The thing looks only a mile from the ship at this point when the strange sound coming from it quiets. And then there are footsteps on the hull.
Paul and Alex race up with Jo and some of the less science-more muscle crew follow close behind. Paul steps up, putting a hand on Hob's shoulders to steady himself against the rocking of the boat.
“Where is it? What did you see?” he asks.
Hob and Paul turn towards Alex who stands against the ledge. He points out into the water where the red glow is beginning to dim. Paul gasps, waving to the others.
“Go! Go, hurry! We need to get that thing, toss out the netting now!”
The ship comes to life. People race about, orders are shouted, lights flicked on. Ropes are tossed around as the rigs are set up and ready. Hob watches that fading dot all the while. Its hard to tell from here if the thing is sinking into the sea or if whatever part of it that glows is simply…fading. Fuck. Is the thing dying?
“Sending!” One of the riggers calls out as the net is lauched out into sea. The lines of rope are illuminated in the bright ship lighting until they fade from view as they fall over their target. Then, that noise from earlier sounds off. It howls, calling out into the darkness as—Hob guesses—the net falls over it.
“The hell is that noise?” Jo shouts over the sound of machinery and waves.
“Dunno!” Hob calls back. “The thing was making a different sound earlier.”
“What kind of sound?”
“More…pained. I guess.”
Jo looks grim as she turns back towards the ocean. The crew call out to one another and the rig groans as the net is recalled. The chains and gears slowly clank. Rope and netting is hauled aboard, swirled in piles to the side.
“What the hell are you putting the thing in when we get it on board?”
Jo pales. She races towards Alex, talking into his ear. Its too loud as the winds start to pick up and the waves grow stronger. Hob watches as the two dart below ground.
The click-click-clicking of the gears rolls on. Hob backs up, giving the open area of the boat wide berth for whatever it is they end up hauling in. Paul's leaning over, calling out to the other biologists and scientists when Hob catches the words “I see it!” leave the man's mouth. Alex reappears, sans Jo, and races over towards Paul, shaking the man in excitement as the last few dredges of netting are hauled up.
And then Hob sees it. He sees the mass of wriggling black and red and white. He sees a mess of fins and scales. And he hears the deep, almost growling call that comes from the things mouth. Its…its human mouth.
The creature, whatever it is, struggles against the thick ropes as its lowered onto the deck. Salt water splashes over the boards, clinging to Hob's skin. He hears the wet slap of flaining limps and fins as the last of the net grows slack.
And then he sees hands.
Or something close to hands. The fingers are longer, sharper. Like claws dipped black. As the creature reaches out, trying to get traction on the slippery surface, Hob can just barely make out webbing between the digits. Alex and Paul step closer along with some of the others. He steps forwards and then freezes. Eyes, as blue as the ocean herself, pin him in place. The red glow fills his vision and then all Hob sees is darkness. He drifts off to the sound of shouting and a final, deep melodic groan from the creature.
He wakes up in his bunk. Or a bunk at least. His is normally the upper one but Jo sits to his left so unless she gained the ability to float, he's on one of the lower ones. Probably Matt's.
“You're alive,” Jo greets, setting her notebook down on her lap. He can just barely make out what looks to be field notes as he turns towards her.
“I am. What…what happened exactly?”
She sighs, pushing her bangs out of her face. “Matt carried you down here all freaked out. Said you'd passed out on the deck as the damn freak storm rolled in. Hell of a time to play damsel in distress there, Gadling.”
He chuckles, stretching his limbs as he does so. His body is sore, but not in any way that's out of the ordinary. His head aches a bit but not too terribly. “Any ideas what happened to me?”
Jo shrugs. “Dunno. Weird pressure drop from the storm fucking with you in combination with who knows what else. Rach took a look over you though. Gave you a clean bill of health from what she can do with you being passed out as you were. Said you should probably go see her for another once over when you woke up though.”
He sits up, nodding as he does. “Sounds good.” Flashes of the night before run through his mind. He remembers the black and red and white. He remembers fins and scales and claws and hands. And then he remembers those eyes.
“The, uh. The creature. Did you—”
“Get it? Yeah. You missed out on all the fun of figuring out how the hell to get it in the observation tank. Could have used your strength though. Thing weighed a shit ton. Had to use a hell of a lot of tranquilizer to get it to even stay calm and not flair about. We'll have to run more tests and cross-reference the sighting reports but I think this just might be ghe creature people were talking about.”
“What is it?”
Jo huffs. “That's the thing Hobsie. It shouldn’t exist at all.” She turns with a mischievous smile on her lips. “Things a bloody mermaid.”
The creature—and Jo was right. Things a bloody mermaid. Well…merman, he supposes—glares at them from its tank that is definitely too small for a thing its size. The part of it that looks human is about the same size to a normal person, though it’s significantly skinnier and bonier than most men. If it had legs, it looks like it could have been a high-fashion runway model with that narrow waist and sharp cheekbones. But, it doesn’t have legs. Instead, its got a giant fucking tail with fins and scales and everything.
Hob is definitely processing this world perception altering finding completely fine.
If merpeople are real, are unicorns? Bigfoot? Nessie? Fucking dragons?
Hob needs to sit down.
He falls into the folding chair by the wall, hands in his lap, as he watches the group of scientists flitting between their equipment, the tank, and back to their equipment again. They’re checking the water for lord knows what and currently seem to be trying to find a way to get a blood sample without the creature—man—merman thing attacking them with either its claws or tail or teeth. Christ, it has sharp teeth. Nearly took off poor Paul’s fingers when he tried to grab a water sample. Looked more like a monster from the deep than anything from the Little Mermaid.
Its skin was pale and it stared them all down with eyes black as the night sky. It’s hair—was it even considered hair?—floats off its head in the tank like the smallest, most dainty strands of kelp you’ve ever seen. Well, if kelp was pitch black, anyway. Gills protruded from its neck near the leathery looking fins and fans on its face. Its hands faded from normal-ish looking skin to inky black nails that could pierce as well as a knife.
Then there was this thing’s tail. If the upper half of it was something that should be played by Bill Skarsgard, the lower half was a thing of beauty. A dream and a nightmare mixed. Most of the scales were black, but caught the light with an iridescent shine. It reminded him of the tail feathers of the roosters they’d kept when he was young. Mixed in were sections of deep ruby reds, painted on the merman in patterns similar to koi fish. There were large fins on either side and down towards the tip, not unlike a betta or goldfish, but were currently tucked close to its body. It was quite a sight to behold.
And then there were the eyes. The one Hob kept trying to make a conscious effort not to look at but keeps finding himself drawn to. They're dark. Black like the night sky. And yet, he remembers the brilliant blue of them on that first night….
He startles, whipping his head up to see Johanna standing off to his side with an amused expression. He sighs, placing a hand over his heart.
“Christ, Jo. Make more noise before you sneak up on a man like that.”
She rolls her eyes before nodding her head towards the stairs. “Walk with me?”
Hob stands, following behind her as they make their way up and out of the room with the impossible but here creature. Jo pushes the door open and they step out onto the main deck. The salty sea air hits Hob’s lungs. He takes a deep, shuddering breath and he realizes just how shaky he’d been down there.
Hob huffs. “So? This the part where you tell me I’ve seen too much and have me killed?”
Jo just turns her head slowly to him, looking at him with her classic ‘you’re an imbecile’ face. “Nope, wasn’t planning on any murder today. But I did have a favor to ask of you.”
Jo sighs, pushing her bangs up out of her face. “Obviously, we’ve a bit of a major discovery on our boat here. And, of course, I’m thrilled about it and I’m certain the rest of our crew here is too, but I also know that this whole things gettin’ funded by the Burgess family and, no hate to Alex, but I trust his father about as far as I can throw him.
“So, if that thing we’ve got down there’s got a brain like ours, I want you to try and befriend it cause there’s no way in Hell I’m letting Roderick Burgess get his hands on something like this. And if you can befriend it, then maybe we can get it to trust us enough to release it without having to use all the equipment and having people figure out what we’re doing.”
Hob blinks. This was...not where he thought this conversation was going. “What do you think the old man’s going to do?”
“Keep it trapped like some exotic pet? Try and eat it? Fuck if I know what those rich bastards like to get up to in their free time, but I’ve never heard a good story come from them when it came to keeping rare creatures in their possession. How many horror stories have you heard about those rich old fucks keeping tigers or crocodiles or other shit in their house?”
Hob huffs a laugh. “Not many, honestly.”
“Right, forgot. You like to live like it’s medieval England and newspapers and Twitter haven’t been invented yet.”
“Hey! I do use the internet, you know!”
Jo elbows him lightly as she laughs. “So, will you help me?”
He sighs, leaning back against the wall by the door. Jo watches him, hands in her pockets. Hob can say, with certainty, he’s never been asked to befriend a literal sea creature before. And he’s pretty sure that keeping one in a tiny tank isn’t doing them any favors either. But it’s Jo that’s asking. And she doesn’t ask for much, not for serious stuff like this. And he owes her a lot already, like this job, for one.
“Fuck,” he groans. “Alright, yeah. I’ll see what I can do. I make zero promises I’ll be successful, but I’ll try my best.”
“Good. And if that doesn’t work, come two months, I’ll just need your brawn instead to help haul the thing back to the ocean instead.”
“That thing weighs like a hundred and fifty kilos! I’m not that strong!” Hob cries.
“Better work on your fish charm then, eh?” she says with a wink.
Hob shakes his head. The shit he does for this woman.
“Right. Well, I’ll let you lot do your poking and prodding. I’m going to stay up here for a bit and just...process my future months for a moment, yeah?”
Jo laughs as he heads back down the stairs, leaving Hob alone among the sound of waves and the spray of the sea. He walks over to the ledge of the ship wall. He folds his arms and rests them and his chin on them, sighing as he watches the boat rise and fall on the ocean waves. The stars shine above him, land long gone from view. It's just him, this boat, this crew, and the fucking fantastical creature in the tank just under his feet. What the hell has happened to his life?
He stays there until the chill seeps through his jacket and into his bones and only then does he retreat to the safe warmth of the interior. He pads his way down the stairs and hallways until he's crawling into his bunk. As Hob closes his eyes, he drifts off to the thoughts of pale skin and blue eyes and a lingering fear of what it all means.
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Love Is Blind Ch3 Not What It Seems
(WARNINGS: Mentioning of death, Mentioning of someone taking their own life, Kagaya being sick and having scars, and mentioning of him being burnt in a fire.
pic of Y/n above was edited by me. IMPORTANT THO!! This is NOT what Y/n looks like except for the white hair. I just wanted to make one of these picture edits for fun. Art not mine, found on Pinterest, credit to original artist, etc. The wisteria gate pic isn't mine either and was found on Google. If you need visuals on the wysteria gate and the garden they look exactly like the links below only that Kagaya's garden has WAY more flowers than cannon.
Wysteria gate
Kagaya's garden
https://www.ign.com/wikis/demon-slayer-the-hinokami-chronicles/Chapter_3_-_Death_Match_in_Asakusa )
The sounds of a beautiful black stallion's hooves walked across the old dirt paths leading down the land and through the forests. Of course having walked along this road so many times, the mighty horse was already familiar with roads. A snort escaped from his snout before he shook his mane out from an itch.
"Easy boy. Just ignore the beast and keep going."
The driver of a sturdy cart ordered the horse giving a firm and hard slap of the reigns making the stallion snort once again but got it to ignore the fox that scurried across the road in front of it. The sly red canine stopped in the treeline and looked at them before turning away to quickly scurry into the forest.
"Pretty thing. If I brought my crossbow I could've gotten a good pelt for a muff."
"Let's leave it alone, Papa." A head of white hair shined in the sunlight as f/c eyes looked at where the pretty fox disappeared. "Something as beautiful as that deserves to live free."
The older man smiled at his daughter's beauty and kindness. "I agree. That's why we're going there. You deserve to have such freedom without someone trying to stubbornly take that away from you."
You turned to him smiling widely and sweetly at him. "I'm sure everything will be fine, Papa. It's just a small visit to clear up a misunderstanding. That's all."
Your father hummed again before whipping the reigns to make the stallion trot faster. "Your mother nearly ripped me a new one when we suggested this idea. I'm still surprised that I managed to convince her to let you come-"
"I heard that!" Your mother glared at him as he chuckled before crossing her arms. "I only agreed to it on the basis that we all go with her! There's absolutely no way I'm allowing my daughter to visit these strangers all by herself! Plus I'd like to give these Ubuyashikis a piece of my mind!"
"Now, Dear." Your father gave your mother a rare stern look. "Remember what we talked about. We're going to be polite AND civil about this. If there is a reason for stern talking then I'll let you know but unless that happens I WILL do the negotiations."
His wife huffed before crossing her arms with a pout. "Fine! But we're leaving at the first sign of trouble!"
You only shook your head from the back of the cart before leaning back against the wooded side and looked out as you all passed a beautiful field of flowers. It had been nearly two weeks of this kind of travel and during the entire time it had been beautiful and peaceful aside from your mother's occasional angry spouts but otherwise pleasant. In truth getting her to agree to your idea hadn't been easy as he DEMANDED you not go anywhere near the Ubuyashiki estate but in a rare stern tone your father had put his foot town.
"Our daughter is going to be twenty next year! She won't be a teenager anymore besides she's already a grown woman. Not a child. If she decides to go see this family then we can't stop her. I'm going with her anyways so there won't be any danger. There will be no more arguments."
Your mother had no choice but to agree but insisted on coming. Not wanting another argument your father agreed but only on the conditions that she wouldn't have any arguments when there. With all these things settled, your mother had gotten your older cousin to house sit while your entire family was gone and your father had talked his boss into giving him this extra route again as an excuse to make this detour. Now here you three were traveling through places you've never been before. This was both exciting and nerve-racking to say the least. The sun was high in the sky as the beautiful trees waved in the wind and the scent of wild flowers filled the cooking breeze. It made you smile and stretch your arms out. Even if you don't marry, the beautiful sights was making this trip all the worthwhile. Your father mentioned that the pathway to the estate was closer now and you should be there by tomorrow hopefully.
The sun slowly went across the beautiful skies. Your eyes watching safely from the back of the cart until they felt heavy, and closed against their will before the moon could bless them with her presence.
The overarching flowers outstretched their petals looming overhead as arms getting ready to embrace the people below in their soft petals falling down from above as shining gifts from the heavenly tops of the trees. It was a blessed sight to wake up to once F/c orbs awoken hearing a gasp of another woman wake up and then a voice speak.
"It's so beautiful. I feel like we're approaching heaven."
It was like heaven. Staring up at nothing but beautiful wisteria blooms hanging down from the air as leaves blocked out most of the rest of the light but still patches of that beautiful sun flowed down in small splotches peeling through the trees and their heavenly flowers like shy mice. The aroma of the flowers filling this forest right out of a fairytale and the small animals running amongst the flora only added to that heavenly fairytale image. You spotted a mother deer and her two young fawns chewing on the delicate buds of the new spring grass. The beautiful mother looked briefly at the cart passing by before turning away to put attention on her children. A flurry of sparrows passed by the trees and f/c eyes smiled up following them.
"This is absolutely beautiful. It's like something out of a dream."
"This is part of the Ubuyashiki territory." Your father gestured all around the woods smiling. "All of this? They own every tree in it. In fact they own a huge chunk of this mountain. I heard it's been in the family for the past ninety five generations."
"That certainly is...a lot of territory to own." Your mother hummed with a deep thoughtful expression on her face.
"A lot of territory? Honey, these people own the entire town just on the other side of the estate! I go past it just to get to the city. If you don't know better, you'd mistake the big town for the city."
"Oh really?... That's a lot of revenue."
The cart still pulled past the forest down an old path as you looked around in awe. Everything looked so beautiful and birds were singing in the spring air. So heavenly. Unbeknownst to you and your mother, your father had continued traveling through the night turning his horse onto an almost hidden path leading deep into mountain forest and when you both had awakened, you had woken up to the most beautiful sight you'd ever seen.
"We're not too far away now. We didn't give them any notice we'd be coming so they'll certainly be surprised."
"Hmph. We're making the effort to come all the way out here so the least they can do is be grateful that we actually came here to answer them!"
Your father didn't comment on your mother's tone but did also the reigns making the horse pick up his pace trotting down the old pathway. Deeper and deeper and deeper into the forest you all went. The more wysteria trees clustered around until they seemed to be the only trees in the forest. Down the pathway farther and farther until they reached a small semi clearing at the end of the pathway. The driver had the horse turn around in the clearing and started back up the path you came before pulling it back to a full stop next to a small tree with the horse facing back the way you came. Without uttering a word your father got up and jumped from the wagon, taking a minute to tie the reigns around one of the trees branches to keep the stallion from wondering off before giving the horse a few pats.
"We're here," he said turning back to you before looking past you making you blink and turn to see what he was looking at.
Another pathway lead from the original path leading away from you and towards the right side of the original path. But instead of dirt, this one was made of cobblestone and cut brick. A flight of stairs lead from the path up the hill and stopped to continue on in a normal pathway again starting under a giant wooden archway. Wysteria petals decorated the old stairs like some makeshift nature carpet and more scattered with the wind. You stared at it before a thud made you turn your head just as your father set your mother down from helping her out of the cart. You slowly stood up as he also reached out to you
"Maybe you two should stay with the cart and let me handle this." He gently grabbed your sides before heaving you up and out of the cart before placing you down on the ground. "I'm sure I can handle it from here."
"No. I came all the way here to see him and if I don't show up they'll just send me another letter wanting to hear from me. We might as well go and clear everything up now." Your nodded firmly nodded in agreement.
Your father sighed before reaching in the back of the wagon and pulling out a small box the size of three regular books across and five inches high. He tucked it under one arm before turning towards the stairs. "Alright then. Let's go settle this. Just both of you stay close to me. And remember..." He gave your mother a firm look. "I WILL do the talking."

Your footsteps echoed throughout the peaceful forest as the three of you climbed up the stairs towards the wooden archway above. Your father carrying the box under his arm and your mother holding onto his other arm looking around while you followed right after them. You stared up in awe as you all climbed up higher and higher until you all passed under the arch. Your head followed it by as you all passed it on the way through before looking ahead and following your parents down the old cobblestone path. The wysteria trees on both sides were stretched out as far as the eye could see. Beautiful purple flowers everywhere swaying in the breeze and the pleasant fragrance wafting in the air. Your mother was also in awe staring around her.
"This is incredible."
Your father chuckled. "Wait until you see the mansion. Mr. Ubuyashiki is actually very pleasant."
Your mother turned to her husband. "You've already met our daughter's supposed soulmate?"
"No but I met his father. He was rather old. In fact he was old enough to be my grandfather."
"If he's that old then how old is his son?! If he's some pervert-"
"Dear, we are not going to talk bad about someone when we haven't even met him yet-"
You squealed out as all of a sudden there was a metallic sound, a flash of shining silver, and then the cold steel of a sword was right in front of your father's face. Your mother shrieked clinging closer to her husband on instinct. The three of you froze as a cold blade was held out to your father's next. Your previous shrieks scaring birds away from you.
"Who the fuck are you people?!"
You timidly peeked around your father's shoulder and looked past him only to pause seeing the man on the other side. It was a man around your age with short untamed white hair but what struck fear into you was the dark small pupils in his feral eyes and the fact that his body was littered in scars. When none of you answered he snarled and pushed the blade closer to the man's neck.
"Are you all deaf?! Answer me!"
"Sanemi, that is not a nice way to treat people!" A much louder voice boomed out from behind you making you squeak again and whirl around to yet another man's torso with his arms crossed. You looked up at his face and paused seeing a head of flaming red hair and just as vibrant fire like eyes. You were stunned at...how absolutely handsome this stranger was as he tilted his head at you. "Especially woman. Now why don't you lower your blade?"
The white haired man narrowed his eyes staring at the frozen middle aged man in front of him. Before glancing at your frightened mother and your frozen form behind her. "...Tch." The large blade was lowered from your father's neck but not put away as the angry scarred man stared them down. "That still doesn't excuse them from trespassing here!"
"INDEED!!" The man with flaming hair agreed loudly causing you to wince at the loud volume. "As much as I don't like my friends violent methods, I agree that you shouldn't be trespassing here! I will have to kindly ask you all to leave!"
"We're supposed to be here." Your father somehow stayed calm throughout this entire thing to his credit. The box shuffled under his arm. "I'm delivering this."
Again the white haired man looked suspicious glancing between him and the box. "Yeah? And what's in it?"
"Herbs and medicine."
"AH!! Then this must be the delivery Oyakata-sama was expecting! EXCELLENT!!" You again winced at the red head's loud voice booming out.
"Oh really? Why is there three of you then? It doesn't take three people to delivery one puny package! Gimme that dam box!"
Your father made no move to stop the man from yanking the box away from his arm. No one made a move as he placed his blade under his arm and harshly tore off the lip to poke his head inside..... before he slowly placed the lid back on the box wordlessly.
"What was in the box?"
Mr. White hair ignored his college before shoving the box back into your father's arms. "Why are three of you delivering herbs instead of just one of you?" Despite his embarrassment he still demanded answers to his questions but lost that angry edge to his tone.
"The master of this estate asked us to come here." Your father calmly said. "I thought it'd be best to see what he wants."
And again that suspicious look was back. "Why would Oyakata-sama ask to see you lot?"
"It wasn't this Oyakata-sama whomever he is. We were invited by Kotoya Ubuyashiki."
"AH!! THE MASTER'S FATHER!!" Mr. Red Head nodded in understanding. "That clears up things then! He probably has invited them here! For what purpose I am unsure however but we should take them to him!"
Mr. White Hair looked at you all before FINALLY slowly putting his blade away. "What would he want with two women and a delivery man?"
"LET'S FIND OUT!!" You jumped as Mr. Red Head quickly pointed his arm down the path again. "Please follow us! I'll show you the way there!" He looked back to your still staring face. "Miss??"
You still stared for about six more seconds until your brain finally registered he was asking for your name. "AH! I-I'm Y/n!" You gave a small bow in greeting before pausing...and slowly looked back up to him. He was rather handsome and..not bad looking. You leaned back up. Could it be-? "Are you.. Kagaya Ubuyashiki?"
The man paused, blinked, before throwing his head back and giving a few hearty laughs that had you blushing.
"PFFT!! HIM?! HA! That's a good one!" Behind you his college also began to laugh making you feel more embarrassed.
His locks swayed as he shook his head eventually his loud laughs devolving into amused chuckles. "I'm flattered you would give me the honor of mistaking me for that title, but I'm afraid you're just that. Mistaken. I am Kyojuro Rengoku, a guard for my Master's estate."
You blinked at him before turning to the now smugly amused white haired man who now had his arms crossed. Now looking at him...He was also quite handsome. Albeit in a more warrior rugged type of way but still fairly handsome. As if sensing your question he just shook his head.
"You're looking at the wrong person."
"This is SANEMI!! Don't let his scary attitude fool you! He's actually a very nice person! If you're here to see the Master's family then follow us. His home is just up ahead."
You were kinda disappointed this handsome man wasn't who you were looking for but at least you were in the right place. It was kinda awkward because Sanemi just turned and started walking away from you all with your parents following and you and Mr. Kyojuro following up behind them both. There was about an hour of silent, awkward walking as you turned your attention to the wysteria trees.
"My apologies for startling you all!" You again jumped and whirled around to Rengoku who smiled warmly. "But when we saw many people in a strange wagon we had to see what your intentions were!"
You didn't even see them coming in? Where did they even come from? Instead you shook your head. "I-Its alright. I would've been suspicious too if a bunch of strangers showed up to my house." You tried giving him a smile. "So..You work for the Ubuyashikis?"
He nodded. "Yes! For a few years now! I guard the estate for my Master!"
"You mean Mr. Kagaya?"
That peeked your interest a bit. Perhaps you can get some insight on this mysterious man. "Oh, I see. What's his family like?"
"Oyakata-sama's father is a very good man! I've known him for many years!"
"Oh that's so nice. And...what is Mr. Kagaya like?"
"The Master is the most honorable man that's ever lived!" His smile got even wider. "He's very compassionate and wise beyond his years. You'll never find another man like him even if you tried."
Your eyes widened with each word he spoke. Honorable? Compassionate? Wise? Those were traits that you used to spend countless hours everyday wishing your soulmate had until you decided to focus on yourself and your work. Could it really be everything you needed? Could the gods have sent you the perfect person?
"Is he as handsome as you?"
That caught him off guard as he blinked again before again giving a few loud hearty laughs. But it was a legitimate question from you. You wanted to know what he looked like. What he did. Who he was. What made up Kagaya Ubuyashiki.
"My dear lady, you flatter me!" He gave a few more chuckles but nodded. "But I would say that the Master is rather handsome in his own way!"
"How old is he?", your mother suddenly asked tossing him a suspicious look at Rengoku.
Kyojuro held up a hand. "It's alright. I actually don't know his specific age. Never asked! But I do know he's actually around my age!"
Oh. So that meant he was actually around your age too! That answer actually seemed to satisfy your mother and she huffed turning back around. At least it did not start an argument.
"You all seem very interested in the Master!"
"We're here to visit his family so it's understandable to ask about someone I'll be meeting." You thought about something for a moment before looking back to him. "You mentioned before that he's the Master of this estate. What does he do for work?"
"The Ubuyashiki's have ran this land for generations! The whole town on the other side of the estate is essentially owned by them! But specifically Oyakaya-sama funds a rather large and successful school! I am also a teacher there when Im not asked to fill in for the usual guards here!"
"A school?" You had a small school back home you attended before studying under the local herbalist but you were surprised to hear a school being very successful.
He nodded. "He wants every child to have an education! My brother attends with his friends! I'm happy to give him a head start in life!"
"Wow. That's a lot of responsibility for him to take on."
"He's a very honorable and responsible man as I've stated before!"
Responsible. That's also what you wanted. Could this really be the one?
You all continued to walk to walk through this wysteria woods. Eventually you all walked over a cobblestone bridge leading over a small stream and continued to walk until you turned a corner blocked by a tree, and nearly ran into your mother as you looked up and let your jaw drop at what you saw.
It had to be the largest building you'd ever seen in both space and height! The old but nicely maintained building loomed over head covered in many purple petals from the surrounding wysteria trees. In the very front of the house was a very beautiful small clearing edged with small cut shrubs and the cobblestone path continued up to stop at the front steps of the manor. Eventually you all snapped out of your stupor to continue up the path and to the stairs. The first man, Sanemi, was the first one to reach the door before opening it and looking at you all.
"I'm gonna let them know these people are here. Stay with them and make sure they don't try anything!"
"DON'T WORRY!! I'll be fine!"
Sanemi rolled his eyes but left you all awkwardly standing in the doorway and hallway. You watched him walk down the long very clean corridor before he disappeared around the corner and then looked around the tiny hallway as Rengoku just...stood there keeping an eye on you all. Eventually your mother poked your father's side.
"Where does this lead?"
He shrugged. "I don't know. I only came this far before delivering the previous order and leaving. I never saw the rest of this place."
That was helpful. You sighed and decided to look around the hall more to occupy time. The wooden floor was polished and well kept. Two paintings hung on the walls. One was a boat on the ocean and the other was too far away from you to see but you thought maybe it was a vase of roses?? A small table sat randomly near the corner where Sanemi disappeared and on top of it was a random decorative vase. And then there was the old man coming towards you-
....You blinked.
A little old man about your mother's height and grandmother's age came shuffling quickly down the hallway and smiled at you all. Behind him Sanemi boredly walked behind him with his hands behind his head.
"At last!" He said in a happy but slightly raspy way. "At last! At last! AT LAST YOU'RE HERE!!"
His arms extended out towards you all as if to embrace you three. It wasn't until he was past the closest painting to you that you realized that..It was directed AT YOU. He was smoking AT YOU. He was holding his arms out TO YOU. And he was coming straight TO YOU!! You had barely registered this fact before suddenly arms were being thrown around you making you freeze as arms pulled you in for a tight hug. Your mother bristled and immediately looked ready to physically yank this stranger off of you.
"I was waiting for you for so long!" He pulled away from you to smile softly and it was only now that you realized that..his little old man was crying. Fat tears rollef down his crinkled face as he smiled widely, happily, softly. "Y-Y-You have no idea about how long we've been waiting for you! To find you finally before the unthinkable happens!" Huh? What did he mean by that? You blinked as his hands cupped your face. "And look at how beautiful you are! Such hair.. It's a rare color I've only seen one other person have!"
You supposed he was referring to Sanemi but- "I'm sorry but..Who are you?"
"Yes. WHO are you?," your mother narrowed her eyes with a frown at him.
"Oh. Yes, yes. We haven't met yet." He quickly rubbed at his face but never lost his excited smile. "I am Kotoya Ubuyashiki." He gave as quick a bow as his old body could give before looking at you again. "I'm so glad you've finally decided to come! We've been waiting for so long!"
"*AHEM!*" Your father cleared his throat loudly gaining your the older man's attention to him. "Perhaps we're starting off on the wrong person. I'm Y/n's father."
"Oh yes! Mr. L/n, I remember you!," he happily greeted turning to your parents with a big smile, "You look well! And this must be your wife!" He smiled at your deadpanned mother. "I apologize for all the trouble I caused but I'm so happy you're all here! I've been trying to find my grandson's soulmate for so long. I feared he'd forever be alone once I passed away."
"Grandson?," your mother instantly looked suspicious at him. "I was told he was your son!"
He nodded. "He's that too. Won't you please come in?" He gestured down the hall towards the rest of the house. "Everything can be explained and we can discuss things."
"That is fine." Your father nodded. "But we can't stay long. My horse is down the hill-"
"Of course, of course. Rengoku please go bring the man's horse some food and water while we conduct business. Cone, come. I'm sure we have much to discuss."
You weren't too sure about this but your father wordlessly followed the smiling man and you reluctantly followed your parents leaving the first two men behind. Mr. Kotoya continued happily chatting despite your father's silence and your mother's scowling. Eventually turning a corner and pointing at random objects or rooms explaining what they were or where they came from until eventually he stopped in front of one room and smiled turning at you specifically.
"This is the indoor garden."
"Indoor garden?"
Kotoya nodded. "We grow plants inside when my grandson is unable to go outside or can't move around too much." Confusion graced your face again. Unable to go outside and move around? Did he mean when it was winter or raining really badly?? "The Library and study is just down the hall across from the dining room."
"That's...very nice but we should get back onto the topic we came back to discuss." Your father firmly looked at him and rose a brow. "We came here to discuss my daughter's involvement in all this and if you don't mind, I'd rather get this over with as soon as possible."
Kotoya eagerly nodded. "But of course. I think the sooner the wedding is the better. It'll take a little bit to throw things together but if you want it to be fast, I can have it all together in as little as a week!"
"I'm not here to discuss any weddings." Your father placed a free hand on his hip. "Ever since last October you've been harassing my family especially my daughter to marry someone she hasn't even met once, you've drove my wife insane, and you haven't taken a hint to our obvious nos!" Mr. Kotoya blinked loosing his smile as your father stood firm and your mother looked proud at her husband. "Now, Sir. I don't take too kindly to people who try and harass my little girl like this. I'm not going to agree with anything especially forcing her to marry someone. Now you better tell me why you're bothering my daughter with this or we're leaving this instant."
There was silence as both men continued to stare down one another bit your father's calm but stern gaze never wavered. Eventually Mr. Kotoya sighed and reached out to brush some of his long white hair from his old face.
"My apologies...I guess I was just desperate for both our children to reunite and allow to have some happiness in his life after so much misfortune. He deserves to be happy for once."
"That still does not explain your actions. My family deserves an explanation for all this madness."
Again Kotoya sighed. "You're right. You're right. That's the least I could do for causing you all so much trouble. You see ..Ever since he was fifteen years old and your daughter's name appeared on his hands, I knew we had to find you. You see my grandson has always had a hard hand in life, when he was only four years old his mother passed away from an accident and my son couldn't handle the grief of living without my daughter-in-law, handling my grandson's conditions, and running the entire estate. Unfortunately he took his own life later that same year." Wait..What did he say about his grandson? "Ever since then I've adopted Kagaya and ran the estate until he was old enough to handle it."
"And you thought that sending letters constantly and asking us to force our daughter into an arranged marriage would be the best way to make him happy?" Your father's brow rose more. "You didn't even seem concerned about my girl's wants. What does your grandson have to say about this?" He looked around raising a brow more. "Actually...Where is this young man? I want to see him. I want to talk to him too."
At this Kotoya lit back up and smiled hopefully. "You mean Kagaya? Would you like to see him?"
Your father nodded instantly. "Yes! I think we'd all like to meet him and see what he's like. Where is he?"
Kotoya smiled wider at him. "He's in the back garden today. He wasn't feeling too good but insisted that some fresh air would be what he needed." He gestured for you all to follow him. "Come. I'll show you the way there."
He motioned for you all to follow him before slowly you all did again. Walking down through halls and past more people. Servants you supposed by the work they were doing. Most glanced at you all in surprise or curiosity as you passed but didn't say anything and just went back to work. Eventually Mr. Kotoya stopped and looked at both of you all with a smile before gesturing to a sliding door beside him.
"This leads outside to our back garden. My grandson is currently meditating there. He's unaware you're here but I'm sure he'll be very happy to meet you finally."
At first no one spoke. No one interacted. No one did anything. Kotoya continued to smile widely as your parents looked at one another silently unsure of what to say or do. F/c eyes turned to look at the simple wooden door and just stared silently at it. Your soulmate was behind that good. The person who the gods had decided that would be your husband when you were fifteen. He was there. Probably waiting for you. What was he like? Was he really everything that you ever wanted? Was he really handsome? Would he be everything you needed? Would you love him? The questions swirled about in your mind...and there was only way to find out. Without saying a word you reached out and grabbed the door slowly. So slowly your parents didn't even notice until you slowly pulled it back startling them both. You all paused at the beautiful sight before you all.

Sunlight shown down from the sky, illuminating what must've been hundreds of flowers blooming in a variety of colors and types all around. Their roots hugged by perfectly cut bright green grass. A full river ran right in the middle of the entire length of it only separated from the grass by cleverly placed rocks and a beautiful wooden bridge to step across it. The beautiful waters rippled and sparkled with sunlight hiding the majestic koi fish living underneath. A few small trees had stationed themselves up amongst the flowers along with a single big bird bath that was already occupied by a few...crows? You paused watching the shiny black birds. They cawed at one another in-between taking dios in the bath.
Why were there crows here? They just seemed so...out of place amongst all the other bright and colorful surroundings. F/c eyes lingered on them a little longer before looking to the left and finding something much more out of place than the crows. A bench. And on that bench was seated a person. You couldn't tell if it was a man or woman because they had their back to you.
... Unconsciously, your feet moved towards them.
The figure remained still. Unmoving as the birds sang and the wind blew. Shiny ebony shoulder length hair swayed with the wind as it rolled by. The slightly swaying of a haori coat also slightly swayed but not as much. Slowly a hand raised, and reached out to a nearby small rose bush and stayed there. A slightly shaking hand brushing so gently against the red petals. The hand jumping slightly as a fluttering little butterfly decided to say hello in greeting. You found yourself almost blank minded as you stopped just two yards away from the person. Despite the fact that your footsteps were completely silent, the head slightly turned to your figure, but not enough to show any facial features.
"Can you tell me what colors this beautiful creature is?" The hand raised up slowly to not jostle the small butterfly resting on his index finger.
Your body flinched at the voice. It was obviously a male voice and it was so.. smooth. So soft. So gentle sounding. It almost made you jump as you continued to blink at this now confirmed man. There was silence again as he didn't say anything else. Your blank mind slowly processing the question as you slowly looked from his head to his raised hand and the butterfly lazily moving it's wings.
"...The top part of the wings are pure white with black on the edges while the bottom of the wings are completely yellow," you slowly said a bit confused about why he'd ask you to describe it's colors when it was clearly right in front of him.
"Ah. An Orange Migrant." The hand slowly brought it closer to his face before it took off into the air again. "One of nature's beautiful children." It circled it's head before deciding to land on the bench a few feet away from him. His head turned back forward, a smile to his lips that you didn't see. "They're all so delicate and fragile yet they're bodies are so strong to withstand so much change. They're quite inspiring little ones."
Your head tilted at him for a moment. "Are you.. Kagaya Ubuyashiki?"
A smooth chuckle that had you blushing escaped the man in front of you before he nodded without turning around. "I am."
That got your heart beating what felt like a million miles a minute, heat rising to your cheeks. This was it! This was actually him! Your soulmate! The one who's name was once carved onto your palms. He was right here in front of you and now your body felt like any moment it would combust under the pressure.
"Your voice sounds new. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting."
"I-..I-It's b-because we haven't." You cleared your throat in an attempt to compose yourself. "I-..M-My name is Y/n."
"Y/n?" His gentle voice questioned as if trying the name out and it had you getting more red. Hands gripped together. "Hm. You wouldn't be Y/n L/n by chance would you?"
"That's right." You nodded. "M-My parents and I came all the way here to talk to you and your grandfather about this whole-..." You gestured to nothing. "Situation. I think they'd really like to meet you."
He fell quiet for another long moment before humming and again nodding. "Very well. You all went through all the trouble, it would only be right for me to see you all."
One hand reached out to grab the arm of the bench as if to use it to push himself up as the other arm reached out to grab the back of the bench for the same reason. A shadow falling over the small defenseless butterfly as the hand approached closed above it. F/c eyes shrank-
Before you could stop yourself, you had shouted arms reaching out. Crows cawed and flapped away in a scatter and flurry of wing beats. A few black feathers falling to the grass in their wake. Your yell had scared your parents in the doorway who had been distracted talking to Mr. Kotoya in detail but all three were startled into staring at the garden. Kagaya himself had frozen instantly arm still stretched out and raised just an inch away from crushing the poor butterfly that had decided it was still too lazy to move. For a long moment there was silence before you approached and his head turned to the right following you as you approached.
"You almost crushed it." You didn't pay attention to him as you pushed his hand away to stare at the poor thing, sighing in relief seeing it was perfectly alright. "Oh thank goodness. You poor thing." Soft hands reached out to it but didn't touch it's delicate wings. "You must be exhausted from all the flying you've done."
"....Will you be grabbing it off the bench?"
"Of course not! You can't grab a butterfly especially not by it's wings! They're fragile and it'll only hurt them more than help them." You paid him no mind only sticking out a finger to carefully nudge the little thing onto it. Smiling as it slowly clambered on. "There you go. Look how pretty you are."
Without looking up from the butterfly you smiled sweetly and carefully stepped back over to the rose bush. Kagaya's head turning still following you as you knelt down to hold your hand to the nearest rose. Nudging your fingertip against the soft petals until it climbed onto the red petals, fluttering it's wings lightly. There. Perfectly safe and sound. F/c eyes crinkled up in a smile as the beautiful little thing fluttered back as if in thanks which made you giggle lightly at it. Lavender eyes widened hearing the giggling.
The woman's giggles were so...playful. So lively. So sweet. They radiated kindness and hidden love in them that had him pausing just hearing such a thing over a small butterfly and yet..She had refused to let it be hurt when he had almost accidentally crushed. ..A softer smile came to his lips. Until his body froze up. A burning sensation clawing up from deep down below-
You jumped startled hearing the sudden sounds of raspy coughing but was stunned to find Kagaya doubled over so low and far he might fall out of the bench. His hands grabbed around his mouth as painful coughs and gasps wracked his body so much his body shook with each breath. It looked and sounded painful. A shout came from the doorway as Kotoya made his way over quickly.
"Mr. Kagaya?!" Startled you stood up and held your hands out but didn't touch him. "A-Are you alright?!" You couldn't see his face as his hair hid it from view like an ebony curtain. "W-What's wrong?!"
"Easy there!" Kotoya startled you as he ran around the other side of the bench and grabbed Kagaya around his shoulders as the man gasped for air. "I knew I shouldn't have let you walk out here by yourself! Now look at you. *Sigh* Easy, Son. Deep breaths in your nose and out of your mouth."
"W-What's wrong with him? Is he sick?"
Kotoya nodded. "Yes. He has been for a long time now. I've been praying for the gods to send him aid and they did in the form of you." Despite Kagaya gasping for breath, Kotoya shot a smile at you. "Your parents told me you were an herbalist. Thank the gods he'll have someone to care for him long after me."
You....blinked. "I'm sorry. Did you say that I would be... taking care of him?"
Kagaya's body stopped shaking finally before he slowly leaned back up. Head turning to you. You froze as white eyes stared blindly at you. Half a face covered in old, purpled scars. His mouth still open panting for air as he weakly stared at you. Fat tears stinging the corners of his lashes as you stared in shock at him. Despite your obviously shocked expression Kotoya patted Kagaya on the back with a soft smile.
"It's ok. You're going to finally have someone to care for you now. You'll be happy finally."
".... P-PAPA!!"

#kagaya ubuyashiki#demon slayer kagaya ubuyashiki#kagaya x reader#kagaya ubuyashiki x reader#kimetsu gakuen#kimetsu no yaiba#kny fanfic#Kny#demon slayer#demon slayer fanfic#love is blind
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Drew Tanaka (Part 8)
Lunch couldn't be more awkward.
Piper refuses to meet her glaze, only talking if Lacy or Mitchell asked her something, like salt and pepper.
Her sister doesn't give any indications she heard her but since Drew is literally sitting in front her, she'll dare make the guess that she's just ignoring her.
"Piper, stop being such a bad loser and listen to me." she says a little more irritated and oh, nothing works more than a snappy remark.
"What ?"
"We need to talk."
"I'm all ears."
"The both of us, it doesn't concern Mitchell and Lacy."
"Oookay," Piper looks at her suspiciously and yet intrigued, "We're free after lunch right ?"
Drew nods, a little surprised with Piper's attitude.
She expected her to be a little more bratty, daughter of big super star Drew has only ever seen a poster of, but it seems that she had been a bad judge of character, for once.
When lunch is over, Drew puts Connor in charge of her siblings and leads Piper to the stables, known place to be alone at Camp.
"So," her sister takes an apple and feed it to Guido," what do you want to talk about ? How you swept the floor with me earlier ?" She smiles bitterly, her hand mindlessly rubbing her thigh, where Drew stabbed her a few hours ago.
"Not exactly, though it has a link with why I went so hard on you."
Drew takes a big breath, trying her best to start this conversation with calm and patience.
"I want to tell me everything you know about Silena Beauregard."
Piper freezes, looking at her with uncertainty.
"Why do you want to talk about our dead sister ?"
"My dead sister, and I want to know what you think Silena was before exposing you the whole picture."
"Drew," Piper frowns, "I already know what you think of Silena, you made it quite clear."
"Indeed, but have you wondered why ?"
"Because you think she's a traitor."
"I don't think she was one Piper, I know, everybody knows."
"But they forgave her, you-"
"didn't, and never will."
"Then why do you want to talk with me about it ? If you think you are going to make me change my mind, you're wrong."
"I wouldn't be so sure, sit will you ? It's a long story."
Piper sits on the ground and Drew on a haystack.
"Okay, I know Silena was a daughter of Aphrodite who dated a guy from Hephaestus, don't remember his name though."
"Charles Beckendorf," Drew smiles sadly, "only Silena could call him Charlie, for everybody else it was Beckendorf."
"Yeah, and then he died and when you guys had to fight in Manhattan, Silena revealed she was the spy after dying trying to fight a dragon."
"It was a drakon actually, there's a difference."
"That's I all know, that she died a hero, knowing she made a mistake and trying to make amends."
"Do you think you know Silena Beauregard then ?"
"In the grand lines, yes." Piper answers from the floor, twirling a twig in her hands.
"In the grand lines," Drew repeats, "what a dignified way to say I don't know shit."
"I do-"
"Ah, ah" she stops her with her hand, "my turn to speak now. Let me tell you everything I know about Silena Beauregard."
Where, on the grand painting of Silena's life should she begin ?
"I met her when I was only a child," she twirls her leather necklace, "I arrived two years before Percy Jackson did and everything went wrong."
She inhales some air, it's been a while since she dared explore her happy memories with Silena.
"She was an amazing older sister, braiding my hair, gossiping with me, teaching me makeup and horse riding. It was scary, you know ? To be a 8 years old girl and find out there are monsters trying to kill you. But Silena, she made all the fears go away."
"She sounds really great," Piper says softly.
"She was," Drew says as softly.
"But anyways, big jump towards six years : Luke went crazy against the gods, waging war on us and Olympus. During that summer, he tried to invade Camp using the Labyrinth to bypass the frontier." Drew's voice breaks at for a moment, all she hears are the monster's screams as they erupted from the maze, "it was the first true battle and they were many casualties."
"Lee Fletcher from Apollo, Will's older brother, Castor from Dioynsus, I think you met Pollux ? They were twins, Sasha from Demeter was also killed during that battle. He was my best friend, even more."
"Oh my gods, Drew, I'm so sorry."
"It's alright," she shrugs, "been a while now. Thing is, I had just broke his heart for the Rite of Passage, only two weeks before it happened. And I was so excited to tell him that I liked him, I spent days squealing about all the date we would go on to Silena, and we would laugh together at my crazy ideas." Drew chuckles, "Once, I wanted to have a picnic on clouds, watching the sunset from the sky."
"That's sweet." Piper smiles.
"But the battle happened and I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye, Sasha died thinking I didn't liked him."
She can feel tears gathering in her eyes and does her best to hold them.
"Later," she continues with a wobbly voice, "Silena chose Beckendorf for her rite of Passage. Usually, it lasts one week, two if you're feeling really cruel but their relationship went on and on until they were celebrating monthly anniversaries. When I confronted her about it, she told me she wasn't going to break things off with him. It made me furious, I had just lot Sasha and there she was, thinking herself superior ?" Old, familiar, anger makes its way up before Drew squashes it down. "In the end, she did what she always did, say a few words with her pretty smile and sweet voice and everything was forgotten or forgiven."
"Wait," Piper frowns," are you saying she charmspoke you ?"
"Maybe, I'm not sure. She did about other things though, but don't worry, you'll know everything soon."
"The next summer, we were all tensed up. Percy's birthday was getting closer and closer and sabotaging missions we're issued by the counsellors almost every week. Beckendorf and Percy were ordered to blow up Princess Andromeda, Luke's yatch, but something went wrong." Drew grips the hay she's sitting on, "somebody warn Luke they were coming. Only Percy made it back alive, Beckendorf blew himself up with the ship."
"Oh my gods." Piper says breathless. "But they were-"
"Ssssh, let me speak, it's the best part. When Percy comes back alone, Silena breaks down, muttering nonsense when she enters the cabin and then she drops the bomb," Drew leans as if she was sharing a secret "there's a spy amongst us."
"A spy," she continues "that has been feeding information to Luke for gods know how many time. Someone that has been heartlessly stabbing them in the back while we ate together, laughed together, trained to together. Someone I hated with a burning passion for making my beloved sister cry."
"Do you know why Silena fighting the drakon in the first place ? No ? Well, Apollo and Ares had a feud concerning the flying chariot you arrived at Camp on and Clarisse decided that she and her cabinmates wouldn't fight in the war anymore. Her pride was too wounded. Long story short, only an Ares child can kill a drakon and with them absent, there was no way to win. So, Silena went to rally Ares' children, posing as Clarisse. They were best friends and knew each other well, nobody suspected a thing. Until she died, at least."
"I wasn't there when it happened, busy fighting and saving my siblings' life so I don't know what she did exactly but in the grand lines she revealed she was the traitor."
"I-" Drew stops herself, trying to think what to say next, "When I found out, my brain just short circuited. I couldn't understand why she would do that until memories started to come back, memories Silena had charmspoke me into forgetting that showed Luke and her together, whispering behind the cabins. She liked him, before Beckendorf, she liked Luke."
"And it was so confusing, to love and hate the same person with such intensity ? The urge to grieve while being happy the traitor got what she deserved ? I almost went mad and the only way I found to protect myself was making sure nobody would get as close that Silena did. That's why I was so harsh on you, because you reminded too much of her."
"Me ?" Piper says shocked, and was that a little nervous ? "How ?"
"You refused to the Rite, and your vibe wasn't good either."
"My vibe ?" her sister asks a little amused.
"Yes, your vibe. The one saying I'm not like other girls, I don't care about makeup and all that."
"Oh," Piper puts her hands in her jacket, not looking at Drew, "it wasn't against you, I swear."
"Then what made you like that ?" Drew asks, genuinely curious.
"My dad," Piper sighs, "is a famous actor and he's always busy. I guess that over time, I tried to get his attention by a lot of ways and I didn't want to be the cliche of a star's daughter, all dolled up and just a pretty thing to look at. In addition to that, the girls mocking me at my last school were all always wearing makeup and whatever. I suppose I just made a connection between the two."
"And I certainly didn't help with that, did I ?" Drew winces when Piper gives her a nod, "sorry about that."
"Well," Piper offers her a smile, "I can understand you now so, water under the bridge ?"
"As long as you don't go preaching about how heroic and brave Silena was, it's a deal."
"Mmmh," her sister makes a show of thinking, "yeah I can do that, not like I knew her anyways."
"Oh, now you don't know her ?"
"Are you going to stay bitchy like that ?"
"What can I say, it's one of my best talents."
"Oh yeah, what are the others ? Managing to fashionably wear camp's t-shirt ?" Piper teases her.
"First of all, it is one of them. But no, I was more thinking about how I kicked your ass."
"Wait until I get better," Piper threatens her with her twig, "I have eight months to beat you."
"Maybe if you ask your roman boyfriend to train you, you'll succeed."
"Talking about Jason, I still have a bone to pick with you," Piper looks at her scowling, "do you still have a crush on him ?"
"Oh honey," Drew cackles, "I never had, I just wanted to piss you off. And by Aphrodite, it worked !" Her cackles transforms into full demonic laughter when Piper groans and rolls her eyes, mumbling something about "bitchy sister" and "wait until I train with Jason, you'll see".
I actually wanted to do it after Piper came back from the Seven quest but then I realised it would mean they stayed angry at each other for four months, something like that, and I went "eeeeeeh, not gonna work."
So they had a healthy talk about their respective attitudes and now they're on friendly ground !
At least until Drew discovers that Piper was working with a giant (:
And it gives her massive SPTSD (Silena Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo#percy jackson#heroes of olympus#drew tanaka#piper mclean#silena beauregard#camp half blood#jason grace
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The Perfect Fit
Story Overview: Levi Ackerman begrudgingly finds himself falling in love with the Survey Corps’ seamstress. Will they be able to own up to their feelings for each other? Or is their love doomed to fail before they discover the truths of each other’s hearts? This slow burn reader insert story will be filled with angst, yearning, and a bit of mystery as we slowly unravel the truths behind Y/N’s past… and explore her and Levi’s future!
Chapter 3
Series Masterlist
Chapter 2 linked here
Chapter 4 linked here
Levi Ackerman x female reader
Warnings: cussing, minor character death (not graphic)
As the hours rolled by with nobody from the surrounding villages showing up to their appointments with you, you started to get stressed out. Were they all a bunch of no shows on purpose? Your prices weren’t extravagant but you knew times were tough on everyone, especially after the breach of Wall Maria. Citizens of Wall Rose were fighting for their fair share of resources and jobs while refugees tried their best to not starve on the streets. It was a constant battle for food and wages for anyone outside Wall Sina and you hated to see people fighting amongst themselves when a much larger threat loomed right outside the failing walls. With nothing else to do, you took the time to look over Captain Levi’s torn cape and decide how you were going to mend it. Why did he do that in the first place? Was he taking pity on you? You didn’t mean to tell him all your financial woes, they just slipped out in the heat of the moment. Maybe he just wanted to test your skills with the sewing machine he got you? Yes, that had to be it. You had given the machine a trial run earlier and now you felt confident enough to use it on commissioned pieces. Taking in a deep breath to steady yourself in the midst of the most important project of your life, you got to work.
You sewed tirelessly throughout the afternoon and evening, barely stopping for breaks. You needed to be sure this cape was done before you took your horse into the village tomorrow to see a veterinarian. Speaking of your horse, you heard her let out a long, high pitched whinny. You quickly pushed your chair away from the table and hurried outside. She looked even sicker than she did this morning—an extremely bad sign. She could barely stand, wobbling in her pasture. There was no way she could make the journey into the village, you’d have to run there and ask for an emergency veterinarian house call. You began to cuddle up to her, whispering sweet nothings to her to calm her down, and you could tell she was becoming more and more content. Placing a long, sweet kiss to her snout, you reluctantly pulled away.
“Hold on for me, sweetheart. I’m going to get you some help. Just hang in there. Please.”
Your horse just looked at you and you prayed to whatever higher being might hear you that she understood your intentions. You ran back inside to grab a lantern and jacket for the run through the chilly night air. Taking one last look at your horse, you ran as fast as your legs could take you to the village with the vet.
You were sure that when you came running into the village you looked like a complete madwoman, but you didn’t care. All you knew was that you needed to get to the vet’s house as fast as humanly possible. When you saw his house, the front lantern thankfully still lit, you ran up to the door and pounded on it.
“Dr. Becker! Dr. Becker! Please, it’s an emergency! My horse is sick. I need your help, please!”
There was no answer. Your fists collided with the door mercilessly until finally there was movement behind the creaking wood.
“Don’t you realize how late it is, girl?” the older doctor asked, opening the door. He had a disgruntled look on his face that only slightly softened when he noticed how desperate and close to tears you were.
“Please, Dr. Becker, my horse is sick. She can barely stand, won’t eat, and she’s been coughing. I’m begging you, please do an emergency house call right now for her. I don’t know where else to go.”
He sighed, rubbing his hand on his face. “I’m off duty right now, you know.”
“I know. I have money,” you said, pulling out a pouch of coins and letting him inspect them to prove their authenticity. He let out a “hmmph!” and collected his medical bag.
“Come, child. Show me the way.”
When your house came into view, it took all you had to not climb out of the cart you were riding in to run and greet your beloved companion. As Dr. Becker parked his horses, you ran over to your own. She was lying down, completely still.
“No, no, no!” you exclaimed tearfully, your hand in front of her snout to check for breathing. There was none. Dr. Becker made his way over to you, putting a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“I’ll check to make sure she’s truly gone before I leave.”
As he got on the ground to check her pulse, your mind was reeling. What were you going to do? You barely had enough money to cover the vet visit, there was no way you could afford a whole new horse! And what about your own house calls? You used to ride your horse into the village once a month to help out your elderly customers who couldn’t make the journey to your workshop. The kind veterinarian caught your eye and shook his head.
“I’m sorry. She’s dead.”
You were too numb to cry. In a daze, you handed the doctor your pouch of coins to cover the inconvenience of coming all this way, but he would only accept a third of the full payment.
“You need the money more than I do,” he explained, eyeing your deceased horse and ramshackle house. When he said goodbye and left, you realized you truly were alone. You didn’t know what to do with your horse’s body. It was going to be another hot day tomorrow and you didn’t want her to rot in the sun. It was too late at night to do anything about it, though, so you covered her with a sheet and went to bed.
The next morning was extremely difficult for you. You had to drag your body out of bed, the stresses of last night weighing you down. After you nibbled on a small breakfast, you heard a cart coming down your dirt path.
“Dr. Becker said there was a deceased animal here to dispose of?” one of the men had asked you when you walked outside. You confirmed, pointing the team to white sheet in the pasture. They loaded her onto the cart and you whispered a final farewell to your best friend and most faithful companion. Going back inside, you looked around you, gauging what work still needed to be done. You spied Levi’s cape in the same spot you discarded it hours prior. You knew that had to be finished first since he was coming to pick it up later today. You tried to drown yourself in the work but it didn’t distract you enough. When your tears landed on his cape, it took everything inside you not to scream out in frustration. You went to the bathroom to splash water on your face, hoping it would ground you. Instead, you just took notice of your unkempt appearance. Your life had gone from normal to shambles in a matter of hours and you were at a loss of what to do. It was difficult times like these that made you wonder if you made a mistake leaving Wall Sina…
You couldn’t afford to dwell on things you can’t change. You could only look forward and that’s exactly what you were going to do. Getting ahold of yourself, you reminded yourself that Captain Levi entrusted you with his cape, meaning your career, at least, wasn’t in shambles. You had a great skill set that was near impossible to replicate so at least you had that going for you. You got back to work, still worried about your future but less distraught.
Another work day over, you awaited Levi’s arrival at your door for the pick up of his belonging. When the clock struck 5pm, you expected to hear him knocking at your door, but there was nothing. You didn’t know much about the man, but you knew he was always on time. You furrowed your brows when it turned to 5:10 and there was no sign of him. Was he going to stand you up like everyone else today?
Whoever was at your door, it certainly wasn’t the captain. You heard bickering on the other side of the door.
“Eren! You can’t pound on a door like that, especially if it’s a lady’s house!”
“Shut up, Armin. We’re in a hurry. I don’t need Captain Levi being any madder at us for being late than he already is.”
You opened the door to reveal a trio of teens.
“Ms. L/n! We’re here to pick up Captain Levi’s cape,” Armin said, a sweet smile on his face. You were well acquainted with these kids, mostly because they were always running into battle and ending up with torn uniforms (especially Eren—what on earth could he be doing to always end up with shredded shirts?).
“I’ll get that for you right away. Please, come in.”
The kids walked into your place, seemingly scrutinizing it.
“Yes, I know it’s dirty and falling apart. Your captain already lectured me on it.”
“That’s no surprise. He’s always in a bad mood,” Eren grumbled. You gave Armin the cape and Mikasa handed you the money. It was a large sum but you couldn’t even find it within your heart to be excited.
“Thanks you guys. Want any treats while you’re here?”
Their eyes lit up. Even Mikasa seemed to have a happier expression on her face as you handed them each a small piece of pastry you had made a few days prior. As they snacked, you noticed Mikasa eyeing your embroidery hoop.
“I do embroidery too. Anything you want, I’ll do it. Personal clothes or inside of uniforms. Names, symbols, whatever. Since you kids are almost single-handedly keeping me in business with all the clothes of yours I fix, the first few personalizations are on the house.”
Mikasa looked lost in thought, like she was remembering a long lost memory or something. All of a sudden, her face turned back to her near emotionless state. The three of them gave you their thanks and were ready to leave when Armin spoke up once more.
“Ms. L/n? Where’s your horse, I brought her a small apple slice. I know how much she loves them.”
You really didn’t want to cry in front of the kids over something so silly but you were close to breaking down.
“She died last night,” you explained, letting out a shaky breath. “She was sick for a short period and died in the 20 minutes I left to get the veterinarian.”
The blonde, upon hearing the news, gave you a big hug. “I’m so sorry, I knew how much you loved her. We all did.”
“What are you going to do now? Get a new one?” questioned Eren.
“I’m not sure yet, but that’s not for you kids to worry about. Now head back before Captain Grumpy finds out you’ve been messing around here too long.” When the kids and their horses were out of view, you let out another long sigh. What were you going to do?
Levi had been swarmed with meetings, swarmed with paperwork, swarmed with people bothering the shit out of him. He was in a worse mood than usual and anybody who got in his way felt his wrath. He felt bad for snapping at people, but his head just hadn’t been in the right place the past few days. Ever since his run ins with the seamstress, she hadn’t left his mind. She was strange to him, too happy go lucky for her own good. She was careless; who walks through forests without a horse these days? She was too kind for her own good. He was also jealous of the way y/n’s job was ridiculously ordinary. Being a seamstress in these times sounded woefully mediocre compared to fighting titans. It was, admittedly, still an important job. He gave her shit for showing preference to Hange’s uniforms, but if he was telling the truth, he would’ve never noticed that she wasn’t using a sewing machine. Her work was neat, precise—traits Levi could appreciate. The thing about y/n that bothered Levi the most was how damn pretty she was. Sure, he’d been attracted to a few women here and there, but they all paled in comparison. There was something about her that was magnetic, pulling Levi in, causing him to want to know more about her. This thought made him want to puke. He couldn’t get attached to any more people, he couldn’t afford to. Levi’s heart had been smashed into too many pieces by now, too many deaths he’d had to face of people he loved. His head was in the right place, trying to convince him to ignore her and focus on his duty as a soldier, but he found himself listening to his heart more and more. Finding that sewing machine for you was a pain in the ass since they were extremely hard to find, especially in working order. He had pulled some strings to get information, eventually buying one off a villager who’d “acquired” it in the interior. Then, him taking you home was something he’d never thought he would do for some stranger, especially letting you hold him in such a way that made his breath catch in his throat and his hands go clammy. The final nail in the coffin was when his fingers disobeyed any notion of common sense, ripping the biggest hole he could manage in his cape for you to fix so you could make some more money. It was no secret he had a soft spot for animals, but there was no reason he should’ve felt as bad for you and your horse as he did. Also, your house was a total wreck and he wanted to scream at Erwin for allowing you to reside there. When he thought back about his actions, he grimaced. You were just some girl he met a few days ago. How were you making such an impact in his life already? That’s why he made Eren and his friends pick up his cape. He needed to avoid you for as long as possible, needing a clear head and heart to save humanity, not pine over a random woman. He looked over the freshly fixed cape, admiring your handiwork. He could barely make out where you had sewed it back together. Your talent was a sight to behold and he was glad his intuition was right to put his trust in you. He placed the soft cloth into a drawer to wear another time and decided he needed some tea to clear his head. When he reached the cafeteria, he overheard the trio talking about you.
“That’s so sad about Ms. L/n’s horse. I wonder how she’s going to keep working without her,” Armin had said. Levi’s eyes widened slightly. Did your horse die that quickly? That would be bad news for you, personally, and him, professionally. He and the Scouts relied on you to come in half the week to do your work in the castle. There was no way you would be walking here and back, Levi would never allow you to put yourself in danger like that. He pretended not to listen, warming water in a kettle.
“I know. I feel bad for her, but there’s no way we can use the resources to keep traveling back and forth every time we need something fixed. It would be easier if she lived here.”
“Maybe if y/n lives here, you won’t have to do uncharacteristically nice things to spend time with her.”
Levi jumped at the sound of Hange’s voice unexpectedly in his ear. “Fuck off, four eyes. You almost made me spill my tea.”
Hange just laughed while Levi rolled his eyes. He hated to admit it, but Eren and Hange both had a point. If you worked for the Survey Corps, why wouldn’t you live with them? There was plenty of room here, it wasn’t like the place was overflowing with soldiers. He took his tea to go, finding solace in the quiet of his room. If Hange and the other soldiers wanted you to live here, fine. He just didn’t want to get involved with anything surrounding you. What did he care what you did, where you lived, what you spent your time doing? And where did Hange get the idea he wanted to spend time with you? Your meetings had been coincidental and ones of convenience. Whether or not you moved in with the Scouts, it would be of no matter to Levi. Like he thought before, he didn’t need another person to care about—you would die prematurely and leave him all alone, just like everyone else did.
Chapter 4
#levi ackerman x reader#levi ackerman x female reader#levi ackerman x you#levi x reader#levi ackerman#levi ackerman x reader angst#levi ackerman x reader fluff#levi fluff#levi angst
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would unironically love to hear abt ur dnd character!
With pleasure! I created a giant asmondeus tiefling barbarian multiclassed as a bard, a tall butch named Reyna. She fell in love with a warlock who was born possessed by a dark abyss demon spirit. I ended up sacrificing my character to save that other player's character. But due to a curse, dooming my barbarian to hell when she died, her sacrifice gave her soul redemption which allowed her to ascend to "heaven." With no one to take her place in the darkest pit of hell to receive the punishment, the act of sacrifice motivated by love sparked the birth of my current character in the darkest pit of hell. My little Pow. She tricked her way out of it though.
Pow is a barbarian multiclassed as a bard, from her barbarian mother, with an inherited trait from her warlock mother as well which is a gravity shift. A link to hell itself. It weakens her, stats-wise. I have played her with a curse dice for a long time, one of the deadly sins on each side of the dice (minus envy). I rolled it every session to know which sins she must commit by the end of the session. Her weapon of choice is a summoned reaper scythe taller than her, she is like 5"1 or so and her wife is 6ft. Her hair are down to her butt, her skin is red, her horns are now mate gold (since resurrection) and the goddess gave her bright pink irises (but they used to be firey orange.) A selfish, loud, disrespectful, cowardly and greedy little beast, with a lot of love to give and in need of a lot more love to receive. She is also very much a moron, but is convinced she is a genius. Ironically, she calls other people morons often. She is a troublemaker driven by her immediate needs, a horny, hungry, heavy drinker who's general overconfidence is tested daily. She is very strong and a great seducer, but that's about it. She is a devil born from a tiefling curse. Some sort of mutant of both.
There has been no shortage of events, including Pow seducing a Queen to save the party from a guilty verdict for crimes against humanity; the whole party infiltrating a James Bond-esque soiree so she gets to dance with the girl of her dreams; Accidentally setting fire to a church and cursing a village forever and just run away before getting blamed for it; Dying to save the entire party then seducing the goddess of love and being granted a second chance to live as a gift for becoming her lover; Turning a hydra into a raspberry bush that rotted when the party forgot about it, leaving the homebase flooded with raspberries that multiplied up to our waist forever; Winning a dance duel against breakdancing gnomes; Turning a white dragon into an elf lady using a one time item, hooked up before she turned back into a dragon and is now an angry ex with the intention to kill Pow on sight... and yes we almost died because of this, the dragon got half the party down, several horses were killed in the making of this session; just to name a few.
After all those years, she got a bit more stable and smarter (a little, her wife taught her how to read), broke free from her curse (dice), she now has a tiefling wife who is one of the most famous beauties of the realm. They have two kids, one of which briefly died but was brought back to life during a portion of the third campaign, in which Pow became the BBEG on a violent chase to resurrect her child. Everything worked out in the end. She made peace with her warlock mom who is herself now the ruler of a city. Pow and her wife (and kids) now live on a tropical italianesque-spanishesque island type of place. She now owns a small castle, and neither her or her wife get much sleep due to their kids. But they are all very happy and live a good life.
That's about it I think. I miss that chaotic freak.
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Hero's Scars
Part 2

I'm really enjoying exploring Trans-Link as a character. Having trans people in my life is a big help and the first chapter was so well received I felt more confident continuing this fic.
Content below cut
Link awoke with a start in unfamiliar surroundings. As his dream faded however, he remembered where he was. His platoon was still stationed at the village on the Zora border. He lay in a narrow bed in a small room at the Inn. Next door he could hear some of the other commanders getting up and about through the thin walls. He sighed and plopped his head back against the pillow, dropping an arm over his closed eyes to shut out more of the morning light. He didn't want to get up. As uncomfortable as the bed was, it was preferable to getting saddle sore on a long ride back to Castle Town.
The report he sent from their last mission would have reached Princess Zelda by now. She would be expecting his platoon to return to the castle and for him to receive his next orders. He also hoped there would be updates on Cia's whereabouts and any new monster attacks.
But in order to find those things out, he had to get out of bed and get back on his horse. Link hated long journeys, but that was part of his job. He'd much rather charge headlong into an enemy fortress, but first he had to get there. Which usuly evolved a lot of marching and riding. Perhaps he could chat with Sara on their way back.
Link's mind wandered back to their conversation by the river last night. He laid his hands over his chest and thought about what she'd said to him. She'd been so kind and understanding. Sara hadn't pushed him for answers, she hadn't even asked about his scars. Link had many scars to be fair, but the ones below his pecks were precise and obviously not made by the blow of a weapon. Impa had known what they meant, trans men and women were common and accepted among the Sheikah tribe. She hadn't understood Link's desire to hide this fact about himself, but she had agreed to keep his secret. Sara had told Link to keep his secrets to himself, unless he wanted to tell her. Which, now he thought about it, perhaps he did.
Outside the town, curled up in the tent she shared with three other female soldiers, Sara packed up her equipment into her pack.
"So, tell us what happened last night," one of the girls, Jade, entreated. She gave Sara a playful punch to the shoulder.
"What d'you mean?" Sara asked in return.
"Oh come on, we all saw you leave the Inn last night with Link. What did you and the Hero get up to down by the river last night?" Jade asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
"What?! Nothing, we didn't get up to anything. The Captain just wanted some fresh air and I offered to keep him company. That's all," Sara insisted. It was mostly true after all. She just wasn't about to tell these gossiping coccos what the two of them talked about.
"Alright," Jade reeled in her questioning. "I know you've been sweet on the Captain for a while now. Just thought you might have got lucky at last."
"No. Besides, it's a minor crush. Lots of people have crushed on Link, but nothing ever comes of it. His mission is too important to be distracted by base desires." Sara insisted, crossing her arms after fastening her pack.
"Well, if I found myself alone with that tall glass of handsome, we wouldn't just be talking, trust me!"
Sara thought about the red head she had sent packing the previous evening. How Link had been utterly adverse to the idea of hooking up with random people. In the wild scenario Jade was describing, she didn't think Link would be reciprocating her intentions.
As predicted the journey back to the castle was long and uneventful. Link supposed he should see it as a blessing that they hadn't been ambushed on the road. But plodding along in formation along the dusty road was numbing his brain. He needed to talk to someone who wasn't a General, or a messenger.
Scanning the heads of the soldiers behind him, he searched for Sara. From his viewpoint atop his steed, he spotted her a few rows behind him, marching in step with everyone else. Link steered his horse off the road slightly and dismounted. He gave the reins to a page to guide the horse along with the convoy, while he went to find Sara. Link spotted her again and he managed to catch her eye without having to call out her name. For a moment Sara hesitated. It was one thing socialising with Link away from the rest of the army, but in broad daylight? She groaned at the tease fest she would get once they returned to base. But Link wasn't just a friend he was her commander, if he wanted to speak to her she couldn't really refuse.
Sara fell out of step with the rest of the troops and stepped out of formation. She trotted over to where Link stood smiling waiting for her. They continued walking together without saying a word for a long time, falling in with the rest of the army between two groups of soldiers. Although they had a few metres of space between them and the soldiers ahead and behind, their conversation would be easily overheard.
"How are you this morning Soldier?" Link asked, refraining from making eye contact with Sara. Instead he stared straight at the road ahead, as though he were still up on his horse, surveying the land.
"I'm well, thank you. How did you sleep Captain?" Sara asked, thinking it was an innocent enough question.
"Fitfully. But I can't remember having a decent night's rest since this war began," Link replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
"You should ask the medics to give you something to help you sleep?" Sara suggested.
"They already do!" Link replied cheerfully. "Unfortunately it doesn't always work or I forget to bring it with me when we go away on long campaigns like this one turned out to be. Cia's threats often keep me up at night."
"I can't imagine what that must be like. I sometimes have trouble sleeping. But that's more to do with the war. I've seen a lot of things I'd rather forget," Sara turned her gaze to the dusty dirt beneath her feet as she spoke. Her right hand gripped the handle of her sword.
Link noticed her discomfort and tried to change the subject.
"I wanted to thank you for your council last night," he said.
"My council? Oh, it wasn't all that much really," Sara protested.
"No, I was in a low place and you helped pull me back up again. I'd say that's something." Link paused, attempting to phrase his next words in his mind. "You remember you said you'd listen if I wanted to talk?" He asked in a lower tone, glancing sideways at Sara to judge her reaction.
"Of course," she gave a little nod.
"Well, we're a day's march away from the castle. And when I get back I'll be dragged into endless meetings. But if I can get away for a short time, would you mind if we talked?" Link asked a little sheepishly.
"Talked?" Sara parroted.
"Yeah, maybe not in the guards chambers. But some place in the castle or my quarters? We wouldn't be disturbed there," he suggested.
Sara's mind began spinning. Only this morning Jade had been teasing her about her crush on Link. Now here was the man himself asking to talk to her in private. Of course it wasn't the same as him asking her out on a date or professing his undying love. But she was startled by the proposition.
"Um, I have guard duties and cleaning rotas and drill training when we get back," she stammered, a little abashed by how different their responsibilities were.
"Oh, I see." Link replied, unable to disguise how dejected he felt from his voice. Equally disappointed, Sara tried to add a silver lining.
"But those things don't go on forever. I could always swap duty shifts with someone if need be. And I have a few days leave I haven't used yet."
"Do you know who authorises your leave?" Link asked, momentarily stunning Sara with his question.
"Er, no. Some officer I guessed."
"You're half right. It is an officer, this officer." He pointed his thumb at his chest.
Maari snorted out a laugh.
"Pft! I didn't realise you had a sense of humour Captain!" She teased.
"What?! I'm not all seriousness and stoicism 24/7." Link replied, pretending to he hurt by her observation.
"Well, you could have fooled me."
The army returned to Castle Town late in the evening. The town bells were striking nine when the last troops passed through the city gates. Tired, hungry and foot sore, the soldiers checked in their weapons and equipment before turning in for the night. Those who had homes in town returned to them, while the rest of the soldiers went back to the barracks.
Link passed Sara in the corridor on the way back to his chambers and they both bid each other a goodnight before disappearing into their own rooms.
What Link really wanted was to flop onto his bed and sleep. But he needed a bath and his clothes needed to be laundered. He checked the time on the clock above his desk. It was a quarter to midnight. The bathhouse would be empty this time of night. Link usually washed late at night to avoid unwanted company. The few times he had found himself amid a small crowd of soldiers, he had had to wait until they all left before he could step out of the water and wrap a towel around himself. Therefore midnight baths had become a ritual of his.
Slipping into a pair of clean plain trousers and a bed-shirt, Link grabbed his washbag and scurried off through the building. He saluted and offered brief greetings to the guards he met around the castle, but he didn't see or speak to anyone else.
When he reached the bath house it was blessedly empty. So were most of the great big wooden tubs around the room. But a few were half filled with tepid water. Link walked to a tub at the far end of the room and turned on the large tap beside it. For a moment nothing happened and he was afraid the hot water had been turned off for the night. But a second later a sputtering gush of hot water hit the surface and began to bubble away in the tub.
Link added his favourite salts to the rising water and a drop of the bubble bath he had bought from a travelling Gerudo merchant. The scent of lavender and hyacinth wafted around the room, soothing his tired and aching head and drawing him towards the bath. Link pulled off his clothes and kicked off his shoes before clambering over the edge of the tub and slowly sinking beneath the water.
Leaving the tap running to keep the hot water coming, Link reached down to his bag and pulled out the jar of medicine from within. He unscrewed the lid and scooped out a finger full of the gloopy ointment. Lifting himself out of the water slightly he rubbed the cream into his chest scars, then licked the remainder off his fingers. The effects were almost instantaneous, but there were some which were longer lasting. For example the thicker hair in his pits and round his crotch. His markedly deeper voice and his blessed lack of period cramps for a start. By Hylia he didn't miss those!
The salve also had a healing effect on his scar tissue, as well as helping to balance his hormones. Though he had been warned that it could also prevent him sleeping, he already had enough trouble in that area to notice any difference.
Another thing Link failed to notice was Sara creeping in through the doorway.
<Part 1 : Part 3>
#legend of zelda#fandoms#fanfic#link#the legend of zelda#link hyrule warriors#Hyrule warriors#link warriors#trans link#trans masc#lgbtq+#queer romance
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and we kissed as though nothing would fall: A Helion x Lady of Autumn Playlist
It's a great day for being sad! Here's Helion x Lady of Autumn for you.
Of all the novellas and backstories, I know we all want this the doomed affair that lasted for centuries, and resulted in our favorite fox boy. There has to be so much hurt and longing still lingering there. This playlist goes through the range of emotions that I thinkk this heartbreak brought upon both Helion and the LoA. But I wanted there to be hope too. That soft kind of hope that these two can come back together to each other where they belong.
Listen Here! Lyrical deep dive under the cut.
Special dedication to my favorite Helion x LoA besties @spell-cleavers and @ablogofsapphicpanic
I've added a second link to the playlist above, as it seems that it does not show up on the browser, just mobile.
The One That Got Away-The Civil Wars Got away from me Before anybody has to bleed
Oh, if I could go back in time When you only held me in my mind Just a longing gone without a trace Oh, I wish I'd never ever seen your face I wish you were the one I wish you were the one that got away
A Record Year for Rainfall-The Decemberists
What's the use of all of this? It's to remember you in the entire 'Cause I'm watching it slip away And in the annals of the empire Did it look this grey Before the fall?
Falling Slowly-The Swell Season
Falling slowly Eyes that know me And I can't go back And moods that take me And erase me And I'm painted black Well, you have suffered enough And warred with yourself It's time that you won
Samson-Regina Spektor
You are my sweetest downfall I loved you first, I loved you first Beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth I have to go, I have to go Your hair was long when we first met
Beloved Wife-Natalie Merchant
My love is gone Now my suffering begins My love is gone Would it be wrong if I should Surrender all the joy in my life Go with her tonight?
Such Great Heights-Iron & Wine
I am thinking it's a sign That the freckles in our eyes are mirror images And when we kiss they're perfectly aligned And I have to speculate That God himself did make us into corresponding shapes Like puzzle pieces from the clay
Skinny Love-Bon Iver
Come on, skinny love, just last the year Pour a little salt, we were never here My my my, my my my, my my Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer I tell my love to wreck it all Cut out all the ropes and let me fall My my my, my my my, my my Right in this moment, this order's tall
Hey Jupiter-Tori Amos
Sometimes I breathe you in And I know you know And sometimes you take a swim Found your writing on my wall If my heart’s soaking wet Boy, your boots can leave a mess
No Rest for the Wicked-Lykke Li
My one heart hurt another So only one life can't be enough Can you give me just another For that one who got away? Lonely I, I'm so alone now There'll be no rest for the wicked There's no song for the choir There's no hope for the weary If you let them win without a fight
No One's Gonna Love You-Band of Horses
Anything to make you smile You are the ever-living ghost of what once was I never want to hear you say That you'd be better off or you liked it that way And no one is ever gonna love you more than I do No one's gonna love you more than I do
I Need My Girl-The National
I am good, I am grounded Davy says that I look taller But I can't get my head around it I keep feeling smaller and smaller I need my girl I need my girl
Death With Dignity -Sufjan Stevens
Somewhere in the desert, there’s a forest And an acre before us But I don’t know where to begin But I don’t know where to begin Again, I've lost my strength completely, oh be near me Tired, old mare with the wind in your hair
The Greatest-Cat Power
Melt me down Into big black armor Leave no trace of grace Just in your honor Lower me down To culprit south
Heroes-David Bowie
Though nothing, nothing will keep us together We can beat them forever and ever Oh, we can be heroes, just for one day
And the shame was on the other side Oh, we can beat them forever and ever Then we can be heroes, just for one day
Taglist: @bookofmirth @bellatrixship @brieq @citruspearls @c-e-d-dreamer @damedechance @eyllweambassador @gaeleria @ofduskanddreams @highqueenmorrigan @hugeclearjellyfish @itsthedoodle @autumndreaming7 @kataravimes-of-the-shire @krem-has-a-mess @kingofsummer93 @lucienarcheron @octobers-veryown @andrigyn @mossytrashcan @witch-and-her-witcher @popjunkie42-blog @reverie-tales @rosanna-writer @separatist-apologist @secret-third-thing @lucienforhighking @thesistersarcheron @thelovelymadone @the-lonelybarricade @ultadverb @vulpes-fennec @velidewrites @vanserrass @wittyrejoinder @bagelfyre @xtaketwox @yazthebookish @wilde-knight @iftheshoef1tz @labellefleur-sauvage @carmasi @corcracrow @courtofthought @corvulpescompendium @tuzna-pesma-snova @cursebrkr @acourtdelaluna
Here is the link again. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/65pMS8WExB3Aywccg3CPn3?si=_R276WLATEWC9jUd1u4XWQ
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writing prompts / and or titles except they're just lyrics from songs i like
not really a sincere prompt list and honestly more for my own keeping, but hey if anyone wants to take them go right ahead! songs linked for spotify ^_^
i know someday you'll have a beautiful life, i know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky, but why can't it be mine? black- pearl jam
"day by day, i'm slowly replaced in your picture frames, a brand new face on your pillowcase." white noise- pvris
"since i've been gone, i hear you've been crying, you cry a thousand tears, darling don't despair" blood and tears- danzig
"i'm different with you, you're better than what im used to." mumble- whirr
"i get on the train and i just stand about now that i don't think of you." black star- radiohead
"let me go you can't hold on to ghosts." girls just want to have fun- bladee
"don't sink in me with your dog teeth." god's country- ethel cain
"see you're just wasted and thinking about the past again, darling you'll be okay." hold on 'til may- pierce the veil
"i've got his ache inside my heart, i know that it's you, what should i do now that i know that we're doomed?" ghost- sky ferreria
"my dear take what you want from me, i'll give you anything, just don't leave me on my own." my dear- new years day
"she's got a boyfriend anyway." sex- the 1975
"i guess i needed you more than i thought, but you don't think i'll feel it too." are you in the mood?- bay faction
"can you leave me breathless? make me wonder why i ache for your love?" sunspot- dottie
"in a moment nothing's wrong, no stress no worries, i'd stay forever if i could." i'd stay forever- whither
"good men die too, so i'd rather be with you." crush- ethel cain
"you can do no wrong, in my eyes." hearing damage- thom yorke
"everything is doomed, and nothing will be spared, but i love you, honeybear." i love you, honeybear- father john misty
"the end is unknown but i think i'm ready as long as you're with me, being as in love with you as i am." angels- the xx
"if you follow me, i will follow you to the unknown." apollo 13- the tears
"anything to make you smile, it is the better side of me to admire." no one's gonna love you- band of horses
"you'll always be my favorite obsession, i'm so sorry for confessing and i don't want to wait cause you know i feel the same." my obsession- pale waves
"at night i pray to god you're good to me, i want your bliss on bliss, a little company." bliss- yung lean
"on and on, like you were my first love, we could just runaway- not tell anybody." striptease- car wash
"why don't you show me the little bit of spine you've been saving for his mattress?i only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with me." dance, dance- fall out boy
"go on give me one more taste, can't tell you how much i love the strain." show me the real you- moodring
"her lipstick stays like acid rain, resolving away my sense of restraint." wasp- motionless in white
"now to calm me, take me around again, don't pull over, this time won't you please drive faster." passenger- deftones
"not really into kisses leading into nothing." kiss land- the weeknd
"baby if it feels good, then it can't be bad." gibson girl- ethel cain
"i miss the way you say my name, the way you bend, the way you break, your makeup running down your face, the way you fuck, the way you taste." the death of peace of mind- bad omens
"i want it dirty with the lights on, filthy, vile, and obscene, i wanna show you what a bitch i can be." hatefuck- motionless in white
"you say you're a good girl, i say you're a liar. how could such a good girl love a vampire? kisses aren't enough, i want to bite through you." your favorite dress- lil peep/lil tracy
"scratching counter top is was screaming, my back arched like a cat, my position couldn't stop, you were hitting it." stargirl interlude- the weeknd/lana del rey
"i want to make a movie, so let's star in it together." this is hardcore- pulp
"you're so sweet; your smile, your pussy, and your bones. you're on fire you move me like music with your style." MX- deftones
"he is the lamb, she is the slaughter." sic transit gloria... fade out- brand new
"say that the night sing alone, and if there's a god then i'm letting him go, all for you." chemical kids and mechanical brides- pierce the veil
"i love you so madly like sadie make, but i'm just a crazy bitch, crying in the kitchen to tammy wynette." tammy faye- nicole dollanganger
"and so he gets to die a saint, but she will always be a whore." the foundations of decay- my chemical romance
"i would die for you, i've been dying just to feel you by my side, to know that you're mine." #1 crush- garbage
"i fantasize about open wounds, allowing time just to dream them through.. rage is the itch im not scratching, i guess i'm over reacting." rolling out the red carpet- hail the sun
"now i can't see your face, i suffocate. because you're not around, i suffocate." suffocate- deer death
"i liked having hurt, so send the pain below, where i need it." send the pain below- chevelle
"call an optimist she's turing blue, such a lovely color for you." blue- a perfect circle
okay that's all for now if i think of more ill make anotha one!
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Yuno killing a man trial three is going to be a lot of people's last straw with Milgram. It's going to be the what do you mean Mikoto killed people of trial three.
People are going to be like, "I thought this series was nuanced!!!", "That's it this show just hates women sexist bullshit!", "I said it since trial two and I'll say it again they just demonize the girls here smh."
Suddenly it's not going to be a girl boss move anymore or yes girl slay. Suddenly what people are going to say is it's wrong for Yuno Kashiki to possibly kill her clients while it's fine for Mikoto Kayano to allegedly kill his coworkers and to his own admission kill a bunch of random strangers.
Meanwhile when that happens- I'm gonna be sitting here like,
"What the fuck made anyone think this pose after the crime was tied to abortion?",

Hell, I'm still here, hoping they reveal she killed more than one of her clients for added comedic effect because she's after Haruka. Coupling that with Jackalope's statement on Mikoto implying that the prisoners are ordered by their kill counts lowest to highest,
"If you're counting, he'd rank at the top (not the top he'd just be up there) in murders among the current prisoners."
That implication is funny as hell.
Because it leaves room to speculate that the prisoners are numbered 1-10 based on how many people they have killed from least to greatest. Prisoner 1 having the lowest amount of kills and prisoner 10 the highest.
So from highest to lowest that'd list would look like,
Kotoko Yuzuriha (First Place: BODY STACKER)
Quick aside- Okay I waited until Wednesday just to be sure they wouldn't just drop the fucking Harrow Es cover if it drops directly after I posted this and not months after I'm just going to blame it on the timing curse or Kotoko herself spiting me. You've got me fucked up this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks at this point. She doesn't have an Es cover video so to not leave her out I'm just getting an image from her second trial song. If this fucking cover is posted later this week I'm gonna lose it.
Mikoto Kayano (Second Place: HOMERUN- NO, I'D SAY THAT'S A KNOCKOUT!)
Kazui Mukuhara (Fourth Place: THE SHOW MUST GO ON- KEEP UP THE ACT!)
Shidou Kirisaki (Sixth Place: JUST NOT CUTTING IT LIKE YOU USED TO?!)
Mu Kusonoki (Seventh Place: OTHER FRIENDS)
Futa Kajiyama (Eighth Place: SOCIAL LINK MAXED)
Yuno Kashiki (Ninth Place: WORK LIFE BALANCE)
I don't think I need to clarify this but this is a joke and not a fully flushed out theory. What's here is done for comedic purposes. Sure there are speculations here which I do believe to be the case to some extent but this is just a post for fun. For myself. I think the tone makes that kind of obvious but...Just to be safe.
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New Legend of Zelda fanfic set in the worlds of Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask. Find it on AO3 Here!
Yet Still Here
Despite the happiness he should have experienced after Ganon’s demise, Link needed more time. More time with his friends. More time for adventures. More time with Malon. In his search for these experiences he finds himself in a strange world but nothing, not even time and the universe itself, can hold Link back from being with a rambunctious red-headed ranch girl. Link/Malon
Link lay in a hay pile, shielding his eyes from the sun. He smelled cows and horses, though he didn’t mind this. Peaceful animals they were, and so he felt more at peace as well. He remembered warm days in the Kokiri Forest as a child, though the trees often blocked out a good deal of sunshine. Lon Lon Ranch offered the perfect place to enjoy the fine weather and bask in the calm that came at Ganon’s demise. Malon came and laid down beside him.
“Fairy Boy, I’ve been wondering if you could get used to this simple life. You know, after all you’ve been through.” She hooked an arm around his and put her head on his shoulder.
Link nodded and put his chin on her head. He cared for Malon. He knew when they were children that there was something in her energy, in the sense of curiosity in her eyes that he could easily grow fond of. When they got older, things fell more closely into place. She was beautiful, hard working, and vibrant, a deadly combination that magnetized many suitors to her. She was also strong-willed, however, and found flaws in each that she couldn’t get past.
Although he felt immersed in the moment, and was trying to be mindful of his time with the ranch girl he found his mind wandering to one thing over and over:
He had missed so much of his childhood.
Seven years passed in stasis: The world and his friends changing around him. He thought of the time that he could have spent with Saria, with his “brother” Darunia, but especially with Malon. They could have trained Epona together and maybe better protected the ranch from Ingo. He leaned over and put his forehead on Malon’s; the melancholy evident despite his intent to hide it. She grabbed his hand.
“There’s no time to be sad! We have so much to celebrate!” She smiled and stood, trying to pull him up. “Let’s go feed the cows!”
Link pulled her back down to him. He just needed a few more moments with her.
Malon feigned irritation. “Fairy Boy…Link…I‘ve got to go feed the cows. Please come help me.”
He stood and dusted himself off. Malon had hay in her hair that he delicately picked out to avoid pulling or causing tangles. Her hair was one of the things that he first noticed about her: The red such a contrast to the greens of the forest he grew up around his entire childhood. He briefly ran his hands down it to smooth it out. She laughed, removed his cap, and did the same to him.
“See how you like it!”
They picked up bales of hay to take to the cows in the shed. Malon was quite strong despite her petite build; Years of farm work built stamina and muscle. They threw it over the rails and listened to the contented mooing. Farm music is what the girl called it. He needed to make more music with her.
As the sun was setting, Link and Malon returned to the haystack where they had been resting earlier in the day. He took out his ocarina and began to play a song only he knew. Malon was able to pick up the tune quickly and hummed along. Link felt the happiest he had all day, but knew deep in his heart that he couldn’t stay this way. He had to have more time with her.
Malon was unaware that one of the next times she saw him, this moment would not have happened, except in Link’s mind.
And that was where that memory could stay until they made it again seven years later.
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