#link creation
raptorrobot · 9 months
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...like antennas to heaven
link to the full image
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abyssalzones · 4 months
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put me to work
[voice crack] hey guys I remembered how to draw
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solitaireinfosysit · 2 years
Why do Digital Marketing Course in 2023 ? - Solitaire Infosys
In this era of technology the buying and selling style of products and services have changed a lot. Most of the business these days usually focus on promoting their products and services online while using their desktop rather than hiring someone to visit every customer in divided areas which is a lot more expensive and time consuming.
Moreover, There are about 4.9 billion global internet users AS OF 2021, a 400 million jump from 2020. And although we say it a lot, the way people buy and sell products have changed along with it, Because of that offline marketing can not be the only strategy.
Here is Why to Do Digital Marketing in Course in 2023 ? - Solitaire Infosys
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is basically an online marketing strategy a company use to promote their product and service. Digital marketing helps an organization appeal to a much larger audience than it could through traditional marketing methods because the reach of the internet is worldwide. This marketing method also enables organizations to target prospective customers who are most likely to buy their product or service. Digital Marketing is the best way to generate leads from social media as well.
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How To generate Leads From Social Media Marketing In 2023 ?
First You need to be a trusted source of information than the site needs to be all original without using pirated and low quality pictures. Being original and creative can help to generate high quality traffic and helps in increasing SERP ranking.
Benefits Of Digital Marketing -
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Less Efforts required as compared to offline marketing.
It is obvious every system, person, strategy and rules needs to change with the change in time and it's similar to the marketing strategies as well. New Era is Digital and to stay in link with the people of this fresh era digital marketing is the only suitable way of marketing.
For More visit our website- https://www.solitaireinfosys.com
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mizaruwu · 3 months
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it's complicated and ethically questionable
more dungeon meshi x linked universe shenanigans featuring communication fairies (and the creation of one for the image below, tw blood)
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welcome to the world
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shellshooked · 1 year
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just realised i never posted here my jedi!zelink from a dtiys i made back in february
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storgicdealer · 4 months
again & again
quote from @siren-nate !
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skyviewvalley · 5 months
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Meet Link!
On the brink of a major company promotion, Link has decided instead to throw caution to the wind, following the trail of a taunting note to the doorstep of the farm he has mysteriously inherited. Surely his excellent customer service skills and experience in light clerical work will have adequately prepared him for this unexpected career change...
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brother-emperors · 10 months
hey, do you guys want to learn about the “””technical””” terms used to refer to visual devices in comics? sometimes I get messages from people that say things like ‘I don’t know what this is called, but—‘ which is all good, I mostly see other people who create or review comics use these terms, but. I am realizing that it may be of interest because it is a kind of visual literary analysis and also might generally fun to see what things are in the world of comic storytelling
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
Okay you know what actually yeah. I was tired but I had a point.
Why. On earth. In zelda fics. Do people not shut up about everything being hylia's fault forever and ever.
Like, the one deity out of a dozen odd who got cursed into this right alongside Link. All the focus on one great all being power who then gets blamed or blessed for everything that ever happens. It's just... I don't know, it just seems like a culturally Christian thing. Not even that - American catholic.
Especially Legend omg when people write him he never shuts up about how everything bad that's ever happened to him is all hylia's fault and she's doing it on purpose with no thought to her poor beleagured hero. He sounds like someone who grew up in an American conservative household who turned out to be queer and never bothered to unpack any of it and acts like he's now atheist.
But even then you could do something interesting with that!! The common headcanon that Legend is hylian royalty - of course that family would put immense worth and worship on hylia as her descendants, she who founded their kingdom. And maybe legend could feel bitter about not inheriting the magic, or the throne, or whatever meant he grew up away from the castle. Give him some unexamined religious trauma! Heck, he could bond with Flora over disappointing your family's expectations or something! They could work on unpacking it together! If you must make it part of his character at least think about why!
Because that belief is wrong, because hylia is literally the one deity we can pretty safely understand is not all seeing, all knowing, all being.
Every time she has a voice, a role, we see her make mistakes or be tricked and have regrets.
Skyward sword, she's literally zelda. She's a young protective warrior goddess (she used a sword and lead armies to battle against demise) who was created by the Three to guard the triforce and keep watch over hyrules lands. By the time ss starts she's already made several tough calls, not limited to yoinking hylians into the sky. When she was zelda she hated every second of leading Link around and even then!! It all hinged on him being completely willing! He was never forced to do anything, she didn't even have her memories with the plan until after she'd fallen to the surface! Their relationship was entirely genuine and she very nearly overestimated her own willingness to go through with the plan! And even then she still managed to get kidnapped lmao. That's not what happens when you're in charge of fate.
And in botw and totk - she's in her full divine form, her full divine powers, she's ancient and magic and worshipped in every corner of the kingdom. And (spoilers!) she loses contact with one of her own mf statues. Not just any ten apples high chibi statue you see in the towns, no, it's The Big One. She's got no idea what happened to it, but she's (rightfully) worried, and asks Link to check it out. And in an entirely separate instance, her OTHER big statue in the ToT gets overridden!! By a triangle head! And ol creep in the deep is the one who releases the statue! It's been what 20k years of power and worship - if she's not all powerful then she never will be.
Hyrule - every hyrule - is very, very polytheistic. She's not even a goddess of time to be in charge of stuff like that! There's multiple of them: Naryu, Cia (and Lana), Farosh to an extent, and many artifacts that can cause time travel, like the harp of ages, the ocarina, the big portal in ss, those time shift stones in the same game, the statue in wind waker. Please stop treating her like the magic elf equivalent of Monotheistic American Christianity God.
She was introduced in skyward sword. The game that came out before botw. She did not exist in any of the games that came before that. There was a lake hylia! In the kingdom hyrule! That's it! Her name or even existence wasn't even hinted at before that. It's actually canonically pretty unlikely any of the chain (cough cough legend) have even heard of her! And her assigned job is protector of the triforce. That's it. And she can't even use the thing. She can very explicitly as a main driving force of the ss plot not use the triforce she protects. And the triforce, shockingly, is not even in every game.
Cases that hylia often gets the most flack for (links awakening and all the trauma from that, Link failing in botw, the events of totk) hylia has absolutely zero part in. Hilariously. And she has zero power over wishes made to the triforce or who makes those wishes or what the triforce does about it.
She even gets all the blame for the cycle of the hero, the reincarnation! Which? We know exactly how that happened. Blaming her for a curse she herself is a victim to?? Demise, in skyward sword, explicitly, on screen, doing it ON PURPOSE, cursing the spirit of the hero and the blood of the goddess.
Hylia, I don't know if you've noticed, also has her own blood. Whether or not she lost that blood upon return to her divine form, she still couldn't break the curse. Link, spirit now tied to whatever demise had cooking up, is basically to reincarnate in time for whenever the Interesting Times happen. And it's demise's fault, who, again, did it on screen, on purpose, explicitly, pointing at the camera with text bolded and everything.
So why do people even blame her? I think it comes down to this:
Her name matches the kingdom. Whatever her connection to the people with the same name, I don't know, but she did found the surface kingdom as a mortal. Being named zelda at the time I wonder who chose the name XD!
Her worship in botk as a high ranking deity. Again, not monotheistic, there's temples to the Three and there's Malanya and Satori and the great fairies and the yiga worship ganon, but hylia is the most widespread for all she's basically a side character working for the new heart piece situation. Again, this is only the case in ss/botk, she doesn't appear in even aoc.
A misguided belief spread in fanfiction that in linked universe, hylia is the one opening and controlling the portals. To my knowledge, lu canon is that the portals are opened by dark link, or at least that's the working theory. I think it's assumed that hylia is the one who gathered the heroes together to combat it? If that's true? Congratulations! We have one (very plot necessary) act of hers in a fan comic. That is not canon to The Legend Of Zelda series.
An american Christian (I hesitate to say evangelican?) cultural understanding of religion. The differences between polytheism and monotheism. How one might feel if the divine was proven real on earth. Zelda is a Japanese property, it is not a Christian country. Though it draws aesthetic inspiration from western medieval fantasy it is not and never will be culturally western. The majority of ao3/tumblr users are American or at least English speaking, and that will always affect interpretation. It's giving 'be thankful to God no matter what for he always has a plan. Trust in him and your suffering will be rewarded' which is not a universal religious belief.
Something I've noticed to be surprisingly common in fandom, is where a mentor or figure of authority who is anything less than perfect or all forgiving can very quickly have their reputation ripped to shreds by the fandom. And then newer authors come, read those works, internalise that about the characters and produce new works that assume that character's cruelty to be par for the course. I will not be listing those characters or fandoms for a variety of reasons lol. But it is amazingly common and very hard to untangle, especially in larger fandoms. It's character bashing in a way near identical to cancelling people irl. It's not 'giving them depth' or 'making it more realistic' (grittier equalling realism is an ice cold take proliferated by dudebro comic authors and wrong besides.) Have some critical thinking.
Lately, I've also been running into a great many fics (not so much comics) that make hylia do some fairly heinous stuff... And then unironically blame her for it. They do remember they're the ones deciding what the characters do, right? She's not an abusive master playing with her puppets until they break, she's quite the opposite! Use the right tags (dark hylia/ooc characters/character bashing/author made them do it, idk) or dial it back. This is a growing percentage of fics and I'll never restrict content but yanno, if you're going to make hylia evil or manipulative at least understand it's a canon deviation (and do something interesting with it, I once read an amazing botw fic with evil hylia and fierce deity!).
TLDR, To summarise, hylia is canonically incapable both emotionally and physically of doing the majority of things characters in fics blame her for. Stop using her as a scapegoat especially when demise is right there. Please give your whumpees deeper characterisation than hating on hylia. Please give legend deeper characterisation than hating on hylia every time he or someone else is sad. Please remember wild can talk to hylia if he wants. Please double check anything you're not sure about :D!
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vilihemmingsvn · 2 years
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Fallout 4
The Commonwealth
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soloriya · 2 months
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Scar 05. Sims 4.
Download (ModCo)
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brodingles · 21 days
I have once again been hit with the knowledge that so many artists, creators, people, will never know the full impact of the things that they make. They'll never see or hear the discussions that the thing they put even a small trace of their heart in have generated. There are pieces on this site and others that don't even crack a fraction of the note count someone would consider "viral," but I know I saw it and I've discussed it in private and I think about it a lot.
It makes me sad to know people will never get the full extent of what their work does. Even in a comment (which I do encourage people to leave) there's just something different about a candid conversation and even the internal churning of feelings that can't always get across.
I'm trying to not let this sadness of never knowing the true impact of things stop me from creating. In fact, I think I want to use it to create and share even more. I never know what little thing I make that can change someones entire day, month, year, life.
For every star that you can see there are billions that you can't, and they're all part of the cosmos, and all that.
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mewguca · 5 months
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OC AU doodle I had too much fun with... she's fine btw; a bit of possession never hurt anyone!
- the glyph font is taken from crystaluranium in the RW Official Discord, which references a tumblr post by ikayblythe
+ textless under the cut
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since ur here I'll also explain it a bit more...
obviously SLS is echorator in this AU. Her close connection with the Void Sea due to this makes her a frequent target for channeling various entities, willingly or not
some sort of entity? force of nature? will? idk. it's called The Will Of The Void, I guess
and it wants to enforce that cycles remain perpetuated even as timelines are reset or branch out or etc. More specifically in this case it is trying to enforce that specific individuals who became echoes in another timeline shall become echoes once again in this one
and thus SLS can either help willingly or be puppeted against her will, yay! 👍
the idea sprang into my head last night in the shower lol
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zolanort · 10 months
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fine art part one (part two)
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ranmaru-kageyama · 4 months
let's escape the rain together ☔
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(artwork is NOT mine and belongs to eeo store's new collection)
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ultravioart · 3 months
Sometimes I think about how ahead of its time LittleBigPlanet was. Not only was it an accessible "easy to learn, hard to master" game creation tool, one that was family friendly and any age could get into, it allowed up to four people at once collaborate and create a level together in REAL TIME. It was so inspiring. You could create art and animation and music and node-based coding and level design all in the same instance, it was truely a virtual playground. And knowing you could work on one part of the level while friends chipped away at other parts made projects much less daunting.
What I wouldn't give to have a real time 3d creation tool on pc... imagine Google Docs collab but it's... blender. Or unity. Sniffle.
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