#ling-li tseng
sheltiechicago · 10 months
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Eight Humanoid Forms Congregate in a Glowing Gathering Space in Taipei
Evoking the supple curves of the human body, an installation by artist Ling-Li Tseng (previously) explores the power of connection and community. Created in collaboration with Serendipity Studio for the 2023 Taipei Lantern Festival, “Gathering Pavilion” is comprised of eight figurative forms that lean together with shoulders touching to establish a space with a flower-shaped opening. Each module is made of laser-cut metal with a baked enamel finish, with lights embedded near the base to shine upward and reflect on the material’s surface.
 All photos by BlackBird Imagine Studio, JL
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duskhallowed · 2 years
muse tag list .
family: gioven tseng. private security. big bastard. not a law abiding citzen. esfp. aries. tony chung faceclaim. PINTEREST. PLAYLIST. jaxon yi-jun li tseng. 4 ys/o, son of gioven && vivienne. capricorn. mei-ling liao. (deceased.) the quirky-cool aunt/grandma. infj. pisces. barbie hsu faceclaim. PINTEREST. xingjuan li. graduate student at MIT/girl boss bitch. entj. pisces. winnie zhong faceclaim. PINTEREST. PLAYLIST. shu-hui elise tseng (née liao.) (deceased.) artist; the protags' tragic dead anime momther. aquarius/pisces cusp. faye wong faceclaim. PINTEREST. taiyang tseng. + problematic meow meow; main blorbo. estp. cancer/leo cusp. mark tuan faceclaim. PINTEREST. PLAYLIST. vivienne li. financial advisor. estj. capricorn. xueying angel sikora. medical examiner; musician/artist. intp. aquarius. lauren tsai faceclaim. PINTEREST. PLAYLIST. zhou yueh. private investigator. isfj. aries. tony leung faceclaim. PINTEREST.
family: kadirye "addie" yalçinkaya. streamer, e-girl. infp. cancer. aslıhan malbora / meltem akçöl faceclaim. PINTEREST. PLAYLIST. nihat yalçinkaya. (deceased.) former drummer in leviathan, photographer/videographer. libra. sabahat "sion" açıkalın. musician. leo. merve boluğur faceclaim. PINTEREST. family: chaleise “harley” harlowe. 29+. musician. infj. cancer. asjha cooper faceclaim. PINTEREST. grayson harlowe. 33+. paranormal youtuber / podcaster. enfp. gemini. william jackson harper faceclaim. PINTEREST. black fang members: lee pureun. a black fang founder, drug aficionado, and slut. eyes always on the street. taurus. DEAN faceclaim. PINTEREST. yoona. secretary, personal assisstant; works in the auto showroom, misc. duties for the gang. . . taurus. jun hyoseong faceclaim. PINTEREST.
friends: ekaterina "kat" nikitin. former heiress; fled from a oppressive family. esfp. florence pugh faceclaim. PINTEREST. etienne chau. 22-23. aspiring fashion designer. 2nd main blorb. esfj. gemini. nhung hong faceclaim. PINTEREST. PLAYLIST. evangeline "evie". 22-23. drummer for 'leviathan'. maia reficco faceclaim. PINTEREST. finlo. bassist of leviathan. sagittarius. PINTEREST. itzel chacon. guitarist for 'leviathan'. isfj. aries. melissa barrera faceclaim. PINTEREST. ji suyeon aka "sonora". musician. pisces. park moonchi faceclaim. nicholas chauncy vaughn. streamer, music producer. istj. virgo. jonathon daviss faceclaim. PINTEREST. PLAYLIST. sylvester "sly" tesiore. prolific guitarist. party boi. scorpio. esfp. noah sebastian faceclaim. PINTEREST. PLAYLIST. tierney. musician. intj. aries. loic williams faceclaim. other: seychelles wei. medical intern. infj. havana rose liu faceclaim. PINTEREST. solaire. 29. musician / popstar✧ esfp. pisces/aries cusp. PINTEREST. PLAYLIST. bae chiwon. hbic at the women's prison (crime vs.) affluenza afflicted rich kid. jung hoyeon faceclaim. PINTEREST. kyun cheolsu. lawyer. istj. scorpio. ryu junyeol faceclaim. PINTEREST.
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thisiscolossal.com/2020/07/ling-li-tseng-search-of-the-glow/ via: blog.jeroenapers.nl
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organisationskoval · 2 years
CC Clique
339) CC Clique (chiński: CC派) lub Central Club Clique, Klika Klubu Centralnego (chiński: 中央俱樂部組織) - jedna z frakcji politycznych w Kuomintangu (Chińska Partia Nacjonalistyczna) w Chińskiej Republice Ludowej (1912–49). Kierowali nią bracia Chen Guofu i Chen Lifu, przyjaciele Czang Kaj-szeka. Chen Lifu i jego starszy brat Chen Guofu byli siostrzeńcami Chen Qimei, który aż do zabójstwa dokonanego przez chińskiego wodza Yuan Shih-kai w 1916 roku był mentorem przyszłego przywódcy nacjonalistów Czang Kaj-szeka. Z powodu tych osobistych powiązań bracia Chen przybyli, aby kierować operacjami organizacyjnymi zdominowanej przez Chiang KMT, zakładając własną organizację polityczną znaną jako CC Clique. Uważana za skrajną prawicę Kuomintangu obok Towarzystwa Niebieskich Koszul, CC Clique reprezentowała tradycjonalistów, antykomunistów, antyjapończyków i interesy ziemskie. Byli najbliżej generalissimusa Czang Kaj-szeka, wpływając na nominacje i awanse oraz posiadali największy pakiet głosów w Centralnym Komitecie Wykonawczym. Szefem partii był Chen Li-fu. Wśród jej członków było wielu członków elity partii, w tym takie osoby, jak żona Czang Kaj-szeka Soong Mei-ling i H. H. Kung. Wpłynęli na wywiad, handel, bankowość, wojsko, edukację i propagandę. Klika CC umieściła lojalnych zwolenników w całej partii i maszynerii rządowej, zapewniając wpływy w biurokracji, agencjach edukacyjnych, organizacjach młodzieżowych i związkach zawodowych. Bracia wywarli również wpływ na Centralne Biuro Śledcze i Statystyczne KMT, jedno z dwóch głównych organów policyjnych i wywiadowczych w Chiang. Chen Lifu swobodnie przyznał, że jednostki te wywołały znaczną krytykę (The Storm Clouds, s. 68). Wang Tseng-shan, chiński muzułmanin, był komisarzem KMT do spraw obywatelskich w koalicyjnym rządzie Xinjiangu w latach 1946–47 i był związany z kliką CC. Ujgur Masud Sabri był także członkiem kliki CC, podobnie jak Tatar Burhan Shahidi i generał KMT oraz Chińczyk-Han Wu Zhongxin.
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afotw · 4 years
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Project location: Houli, Taiwan
Designed by: Serendipity Studio, Ling-Li Tseng
Photography by: YHLAA X Blackbird Imagine Studio
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“The Search of the Glow,” Houli, Taiwan,
Serendipity Studio, ling-li tseng
Photography by YHLAA X Blackbird Imagine Studio
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linghxr · 3 years
A Guide to Taiwanese Name Romanization
Have you ever wondered why there are so many Changs when the surname 常 is not actually that common? Have you ever struggled to figure out what sound “hs” is? Well don’t worry! Today we are going to go over some common practices in transliterating names from Taiwan. 
With some recent discussion I’ve seen about writing names from the Shang-Chi movie, I thought this was the perfect time to publishe this post. Please note that this information has been compiled from my observations--I’m sure it’s not completely extensive. And if you see any errors, please let me know!
According to Wikipedia, “the romanized name for most locations, persons and other proper nouns in Taiwan is based on the Wade–Giles derived romanized form, for example Kaohsiung, the Matsu Islands and Chiang Ching-kuo.” Wade-Giles differs from pinyin quite a bit, and to make things even more complicated, transliterated names don’t necessarily follow exact Wade-Giles conventions.
Well, Wikipedia mentioned Kaohsiung, so let’s start with some large cities you already know of!
[1] B → P 台北 Taibei → Taipei [2] G → K [3] D → T In pinyin, we have the “b”, “g”, and “d” set (voiceless, unaspirated) and the “p”, “k”, and “t” set (voiceless, aspirated). But in Wade-Giles, these sets of sounds are distinguished by using a following apostrophe for the aspirated sounds. However, in real life the apostrophe is often not used.
We need some more conventions to understand Kaohsiung. [4] ong → ung (sometimes) [5] X → Hs or Sh 高雄 Gaoxiong → Kaohsiung I wrote “sometimes” for rule #4 because I am pretty sure I have seen instances where it is not followed. This could be due to personal preference, historical reasons, or influence from other romanization styles.
Now some names you are equipped to read: 王心凌 Wang Xinling → Wang Hsin-ling 徐熙娣 Xu Xidi → Shu/Hsu Hsi-ti (I have seen both) 黄鸿升 Huang Hongsheng → Huang Hung-sheng 龙应台 Long Yingtai → Lung Ying-tai 宋芸樺 Song Yunhua → Sung Yun-hua
You might have learned pinyin “x” along with its friends “j” and “q”, so let’s look at them more closely. [6] J → Ch [7] Q → Ch 范玮琪 Fan Weiqi → Fan Wei-chi 江美琪 Jiang Meiqi → Chiang Mei-chi 郭静 Guo Jing → Kuo Ching 邓丽君 Deng Lijun → Teng Li-chun This is similar to the case for the first few conventions, where an apostrophe would distinguish the unaspirated sound (pinyin “j”) from the aspirated sound (pinyin “q”). But in practice these ultimately both end up as “ch”. I have some disappointing news.
[8] Zh → Ch Once again, the “zh” sound is the unaspirated correspondent of the “ch” sound. That’s right, the pinyin “zh”, “j”, and “q” sounds all end up being written as “ch”. This can lead to some...confusion. 卓文萱 Zhuo Wenxuan → Chuo Wen-hsuan 陈绮贞 Chen Qizhen → Chen Chi-chen 张信哲 Zhang Xinzhe → Chang Shin-che At least now you finally know where there are so many Changs. Chances are, if you meet a Chang, their surname is actually 张, not 常.
Time for our next set of rules. [10] C → Ts [11] Z → Ts [12] Si → Szu [13] Ci, Zi → Tzu Again we have the situation where “c” is aspirated and “z” is unaspirated, so the sounds end up being written the same. 曾沛慈 Zeng Peici → Tseng Pei-tzu 侯佩岑 Hou Peicen → Hou Pei-tsen 周子瑜 Zhou Ziyu → Chou Tzu-yu 黄路梓茵 Huang Lu Ziyin → Huang Lu Tzu-yin 王思平 Wang Siping → Wang Szu-ping
Fortunately this next convention can help clear up some of the confusion from above. [14] i → ih (zhi, chi, shi) [15] e → eh (-ie, ye, -ue, yue) Sometimes an “h” will be added at the end. So this could help distinguish some sounds. Like you have qi → chi vs. zhi → chih. There could be other instances of adding “h”--these are just the ones I was able to identify. 曾之乔 Zeng Zhiqiao → Tseng Chih-chiao 施柏宇 Shi Boyu → Shih Po-yu 谢金燕 Xie Jinyan → Hsieh Jin-yan 叶舒华 Ye Shuhua → Yeh Shu-hua 吕雪凤 Lü Xuefeng → Lü Hsueh-feng
Continuing on, a lot of the conventions below are not as consistently used in my experience, so keep that in mind. Nevertheless, it is useful to be familiar with these conventions when you do encounter them.
[16] R → J (sometimes) Seeing “j” instead of “r” definitely confused me at first. Sometimes names will still use “r” though, so I guess it is up to one’s personal preferences. 任贤齐 Ren Xianqi → Jen Hsien-chi 任家萱 Ren Jiaxuan → Jen Chia-hsüan 张轩睿 Zhang Xuanrui → Chang Hsuan-jui
[17] e → o (ke, he, ge) I can see how it would easily lead to confusion between ke-kou, ge-gou, and he-hou, so it’s important to know. I’ve never seen this convention for pinyin syllables like “te” or “se” personally. 柯震东 Ke Zhendong → Ko Chen-tung 葛仲珊 Ge Zhongshan→ Ko Chung-shan
[18] ian → ien [19] Yan → Yen I’ve observed that rule 18 seems more common than 19 because I see “yan” used instead of “yen” a fair amount. I’m not really sure why this is. 柯佳嬿 Ke Jiayan → Ko Chia-yen 田馥甄 Tian Fuzhen → Tien Fu-chen 陈建州 Chen Jianzhou → Chen Chien-chou 吴宗宪 Wu Zongxian → Wu Tsung-hsien
[20] Yi → I (sometimes) I have seen this convention not followed pretty frequently, but two very famous names are often in line with it. 蔡英文 Cai Yingwen → Tsai Ing-wen 蔡依林 Cai Yilin → Tsai I-lin
[21] ui → uei I have seen this convention used a couple times, but “ui” seems to be much more common. 蔡立慧 Cai Lihui → Tsai Li-huei
[22] hua → hwa This is yet another convention that I don’t always see followed. But I know “hwa” is often used for 华 as in 中华, so it’s important to know. 霍建华 Huo Jianhua → Huo Chien-hwa
[23] uo → o This is another example of where one might get confused between the syllables luo vs. lou or ruo vs. rou. So be careful! 罗志祥 Luo Zhixiang → Lo Chih-hsiang 刘若英 Liu Ruoying → Liu Jo-ying 徐若瑄 Xu Ruoxuan → Hsu Jo-hsuan
[24] eng → ong (feng, meng) I think this rule is kinda cute because some people with Taiwanese accents pronounce meng and feng more like mong and fong :) 权怡凤 Quan Yifeng → Quan Yi-fong
[25] Qing → Tsing I am not familiar with the reasoning behind this spelling, but 国立清华大学 in English is National Tsing Hua University, so this spelling definitely has precedence. But I also see Ching too for this syllable. 吴青峰 Wu Qingfeng→ Wu Tsing-fong
[26] Li → Lee Nowadays a Chinese person from the Mainland would probably using the Li spelling, but in other areas, Lee remains more common. 李千那 Li Qianna → Lee Chien-na
[27] Qi → Chyi I have noticed this exception. However, I’ve only personally noticed it for this surname, so maybe it’s just a convention for 齐. 齐秦 Qi Qin → Chyi Chin 齐豫 Qi Yu → Chyi Yu
[28] in ←→ ing In Taiwanese Mandarin, these sounds can be merged, so sometimes I have noticed ling and lin, ping and pin, etc. being used in place of each other. I don’t know this for sure, but I suspect this is why singer A-Lin is not A-Ling (her Chinese name is 黄丽玲/Huang Liling).
[29] you → yu I personally haven’t noticed these with other syllables ending in “ou,” only with the “you” syllable. 刘冠佑 Liu Guanyou → Liu Kuan-yu 曹佑宁 Cao Youning → Tsao Yu-ning
There is a lot of variation with these transliterated names. There are generally exceptions galore, so keep in mind that all this is general! Everyone has their own personal preferences. If you just look up some famous Taiwanese politicians, you will see a million spellings that don’t fit the 28 conventions above. Sometimes people might even mix Mandarin and another Chinese language while transliterating their name.
Anyway, if any of you know why 李安 is romanized as Ang Lee, please let me know because it’s driving me crazy.
Note: The romanized names I looked while writing this post at were split between two formats, capitalizing the syllable after the hyphen and not capitalizing this syllable. I chose to not capitalize for all the names for the sake of consistency. I’m guessing it’s a matter of preference.
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‘Between Waves’ a wooden architectural installation by designer Ling-Li Tseng of Serendipity Studio. 📍 Chiayi County, #Taiwan 📸 YHLAA ————————————————————— #wood #woodwork #wooden #woodstructure #arches #mathematical #algorithm #algorithmicdesign #computationaldesign #computational #computation #timber #pavillion #installation #architectureproject #fabrication #digitalfabrication #fabricate #digitaldesign #design #designer #parametric #grasshopper3d #rhinoceros3d #parametricarchitecture #parametricdesign #architecture #architect #installations (at Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEbNtwYh1JV/?igshid=1uhh1lv5skn1y
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sheltiechicago · 4 years
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“The Search of the Glow,” a whisper between man and nature
Ling-Li Tseng’s installation was defined as “a whisper between man and nature“. Debuted in Houli at the Taiwan Lantern Festival 2020, “The Search of the Glow” is a light wooden sphere built with a series of connected ovals.
Together, the pieces form a hollow globe that is equipped with thin strips of LED lights, creating a radiant installation that shines in the dark forest. This glow turns into a “fog” that guides visitors into the temporary light pavilion.
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proartspb · 4 years
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“Search for the glow " (2020) artist Ling-Li Tseng
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reedrph · 6 years
reed do u know of any asian actors and actresses that could pass as 20s - 40s? i'm drawing a blank trying to think of any. :( ty.
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I’ll be including everyones ethnic background as well so no one accidentally gets racebent!! All of this is going under the cut, because there is a total of 162 different actors & actresses listed below.
 If anyone sees any mistakes feel free to send me a message so I can correct it!!
Alia Bhatt (26, Indian)
Angel Locsin (33, Filipina)
Angela Yeung Wing (30, Chinese)
Anushka Sharma (30, Indian)
Arden Cho (33, South Korean)
Ariel Lin (36, Taiwanese)
Aya Ueto (33, Japanese)
Bea Alonzo (31, Filipina)
Bae Suzy (24, South Korean)
Baek Jin-hee (29, South Korean)
Celina Jade (33, Chinese-White)
Claudia Kim (Kim Soohyun)  (34, South Korean)
Constance Wu (37, Taiwanese)
Davika Horne (26, Thai-Belgin)
Dee Hsu (40, Taiwanese)
Deepika Padukone  (33, Konkani Indian)
Dilraba Dilmurat (26, Uyghur)
Doona Bae (39, South Korean)
Emma Wu (29, Taiwanese)
Gemma Chan (36, Chinese)
Guan Xiaotong (21, Chinese)
Go Ara (29, South Korean)
Ha Ji-won (40, South Korean)
Han Hyo-joo (32, South Korean)
Haruna Kawaguchi (24, Japanese)
Heart Evangelista (34, Filipina)
Im Yoon-ah (28, South Korean)
Ivy Shao (28, Taiwanese)
Jamie Chung (35, South Korean)
Jing Tian (30, Chinese)
Joanne Tseng (30, Taiwanese)
Jolin Tsai (38, Taiwanese)
JuJu Chan (30, Chinese)
Julia Ling (36, Chinese)
Karen Fukuhara (21, Japanese)
Kathryn Bernardo (22, Filipina)
Kimiko Glenn (29, Japanese-White)
Kim Chiu (28, Chinese-Fillipina)
Kim Ji-won (26, South Korean)
Kristine Hermosa (35, Filipina)
Lana Condor (21, Vietnamese)
Li Jun Li (35, Chinese)
Liu Shishi (32, Chinese)
Lee Ji-eun(IU) (25, South Korean)
Lee Sung-kyung  (28, South Korean)
Maggie Q (Vietnamese-White)
Maine Mendoza (24, Filipina)
Maki Horikita (30, Japanese)
Mao Xiaotong (31, Chinese)
Masami Nagasawa (31, Japanese)
Mini Tsai (31, Taiwanese)
Nadine Lustre (25, Filipina)
Namthip Jongrachatawiboon (36, Thai)
Natapohn Tameeruks (30, Thai)
Ni Ni  (30, Chinese)
Nittha Jirayangyurn (28, Thai)
Park Bo-young (29, South Korean)
Park Shin-hye (29, South Korean)
Patcharapa Chaichua (40, Thai)
Radhika Apte (32, Indian)
Rila Fukushima (30, Japanese)
Rinko Kikuchi (38, Japanese)
Satomi Ishihara (32, Japanese
Shruti Haasan (33, Indian)
Sei Ashina (35, Japanese)
Seol In-ah (23, South Korean)
Shaina Magdayao (29, Filipina)
Shen Yue (22, Chinese)
Shin Min-a (34, South Korean)
Sonam Kapoor (33, Indian)
Shraddha Kapoor (32, Indian)
Suzu Hirose (20, Japanese)
Tao Okamoto  (33, Japanese)
Tian Jing (30, Chinese)
Urassaya Sperbund (26, Thai)
Yang Mi  (32, Chinese)
Yifei Liu (31, Chinese)
Yū Aoi (33, Japanese)
Yui Aragaki (30, Japanese)
Zhao Liying (31, Chinese)
Zheng Shuang (27, Chinese)
Alex Landi (26, South Korean-White)
Aaron Yan (33, Taiwanese)
Jing Boran (29, Chinese)
Bai Yu (28, Chinese)
Baron Chen (40, Taiwanese)
Barry Nadech Kugimiya (27, Thai)
Caesar Wu (22,Chinese)
Charles Melton (28, South Korean-White)
Chen Xiao (31, Chinese)
Choi Min-ho (27, South korean)
Chris Pang (34, Chinese)
Christopher Larkin (31, South Korean)
Daniel Henney (39, South Korean-White)
Darren Chen (24, Taiwanese)
Deng Lun (26, Chinese)
Dev Patel (28, Gujarati Indian)
Do Kyungsoo (26, South Korean)
Dylan Wang (20, Chinese)
Gerald Anderson (Filipino-White)
Godfrey Gao (34, Taiwanese)
Gong Yoo (39, South Korean)
Harry Shum Jr. (36, Chinese)
Haruma Miura (28, Japanese)
Henry Golding (32, Malaysian-White)
Hiro Mizushima (34, Japanese)
Huang Xiaoming (41, Chinese)
Huang Zitao (25, Chinese)
James Ma (25, Thai-Chinese)
James Reid (25, Filipino-White)
Ji Chang-wook (31, South Korean)
Jin Goo (38, South Korean)
Jirayu Tangsrisuk (25, Thai)
Jung Kyung-ho (35, South Korean)
Kanata Hongō (28, Japanese)
Kentarô Sakaguchi (27, Japanese)
Kento Yamazaki (24, Japanese)
Ki Hong Lee (32, South Korean)
Kim Ji-soo (25, South Koreran)
Kim Soo-hyun (31, South Korean)
Kim Woo-bin (29, South Korean)
Kōji Seto (30, Japanese)
Kris Wu (28, Chinese)
Lee Jong-suk  (29, South Korean
Lee Min-ho (31, South Korean)
Li Yifeng (31, Chinese)
Liu Haoran (21, Chinese)
Ludi Lin (31, Chinese)
Lu Han (28, Chinese)
Mackenyu Arata (22, Japanese)
Ma Ke (29, Chinese)
Masaki Okada (29, Japanese)
Masaki Suda (26, Japanese)
Mikael Daez (31, Filipino)
Nadech Kugimiya (27, Thai)
Nam Joo-hyuk (25, South Korean)
Park Bo-gum (25, South Korean)
Park Hyung-sik (27, South Korean
Park Seo-joon (30, South Korean)
Paulo Avelino (30, Filipino)
Ranbir Kapoor (36, Indian)
Ranveer Singh (33, Indian)
Ryan Potter (23, Japanese, Ashkenazi Jewish)
Ryosuke Yamada (25, Japanese)
Sidharth Malhotra (34, Indian
Shahid Kapoor (38, Indian)
Shawn Dou (30, Chinese)
Song Seung-heon (42, South Korean)
Sota Fukushi (25, Japanese)
Steven Yeun (35, South Korean)
Takeru Satoh (20, Japanese)
Tanawat Wattanaputi (36, Thai)
Tomohisa Yamashita (33, Japanese)
Warintorn Panhakarn (33, Thai)
Wesley Wong (32, Chinese)
Wi Ha-joon (27, Korean)
Xian Lim (29, Filipino-Chinese)
Yang Yang (27,Chinese)
Yudai Chiba (30, Japanese)
Yuke Songpaisan (30, Thai)
Zhang He (34, Chinese
Zheng Yecheng (25, Chinese)
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junyanzhang · 2 years
Artist (Ling-Li Tseng)
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Ling-Li Tseng. (n.d.). Between Waves. [Sculpture]. Bu-Dai township, Chiayi, Taiwan, China. https://parametrichouse.com/between-waves/
Tseng used 200 pieces of local cedar wood to make this piece, which consists of multiple long strips arranged to form a single plane. They are arranged in a parabolic shape, decreasing from long to short, with the three groups of modules repeating as a coiled installation, and each of them varying in size, decreasing from the outside to the inside. In addition, the centre of gravity at the upper end of the installation gathers towards the middle, supporting each other and forming a propped form of the installation piece. It seems to grow out of the ground, a symbol of perseverance and vitality. Inside, one can feel the beams of light coming down from the top and feel the striking contrast between light and dark.
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marcovalentinoarc · 3 years
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“The Search of the Glow” Ling-Li Tseng - Houli Festival - Taiwan https://www.instagram.com/p/CYQs_DiKcn8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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grabsomeironmeat · 3 years
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- Ling-Li Tseng
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amesctruscott · 4 years
Anya Gallaccio- Stroke 
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In Jupiter Artland, Gallaccio’s installation, ‘Stroke.’ This is an installation created by stroking layers of dark chocolate on walls. 
Leuwebb projects with Mulvey & Banani - Thermally Speaking 
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This light installation uses thermography and infrared measuring instruments to uncover the temperatures of those passing them. The thermal imaging cameras relayed and translate the information into a different shifting lights. 
Ling-li Tseng, Serendipity studios- “The search of the Glow’ 
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Arik Levy- RGB light sculpture: https://www.designboom.com/design/arik-levy-jar-for-lasvit-at-maison-et-objet-2014-02-01-2014/
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How they made a wooden glass mould- It really interesting how they make it! as they open both ends and they made the opposite why I have made my moulds, and should I try making it like this? 
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Yuhsien Desgin Studios Bubble 
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detalhesdecorativos · 4 years
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Ling-Li Tseng é a busca da instalação de brilho Ilumina a floresta enevoada em Taiwan Artista Ling-Li Tseng, em colaboração com o Serendipity Studio, criou uma instalação de luz chamada "a busca do brilho". Definido em meio à floresta, a instalação minimalista e espectral possui uma forma de esfera feita de ovais de madeira. O interior dessa estrutura é coberto por tubos conduzidos, exsudando um brilho que cobre a floresta. Este brilho se transforma em uma névoa que orienta os visitantes no pavilhão de luz temporária. Imagens por Yi-Hsien Lee Info Nome: A busca do brilho desenhado por: Serendipity Studio, Ling-Li Tseng Localização: Houli, Taiwan Fotografia por: Yhlaa x Blackbird Imagine Stu #detalhesdecorativos #arte https://www.instagram.com/p/CH1Ij-vMjep/?igshid=160ogueumpct8
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