topfjala · 1 year
Pse fëmijët e parë lindin më inteligjentë se të tjerët?
Pse fëmijët e parë lindin më inteligjentë se të tjerët?
Një studim i kryer nga një grup hulumtuesish gjermanë, zbulon se fëmija i parë i lindur priret të ketë inteligjencë më të lartë. https://sunconsulting.al/ekonomiste-per-biznesin-2/ NGA A-ZH, ÇDO GJË QË TË DUHET PËR MBARËVAJTJEN E BIZNESITNe merremi me Detyrimet e Biznesit Tuaj, Ju fokusoheni në atë që dini të bëni më mirë. EKONOMIST-I merret me të gjitha detyrimet tatimore dhe ligjore të…
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sezja · 9 months
Every time there's a religion* built around a central Martyr and we later find out - via lore, prequels, word of mouth, etc. - that the martyr in question would not have liked the resulting religion and would be horrified by the things done in their name? That's my shit. Love that shit.
*for discourse purposes, fictional religions.
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portraituresque · 8 months
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Carl Olof Eric Lindin’s Self Portrait
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Their screams tear through my skin;
My fingers have gone cold.
I can’t hear those around me anymore.
I can’t hear anything but my own pulse, raging in my ears.
It’s too loud-
I’m drowning in panic.
Everything goes on repeat- repeat, repeat, repeat-
And then he walks in;
The moment my eyes find him- spotting him in the crowd
It feels as though we are alone again; like the room is empty.
Like his eyes are the only ones watching me. Truly seeing.
I feel he hides behind his calm.
For I feel I know he is anything but.
Somehow it works, 
His nervous movements make me feel less alone. 
Somehow it works.
My past consumes me;
My conscious fades into places I never dare speak of.
I can tell it doesn’t make a difference.
And so I let myself space out.
The overwhelming urge to cry washes over me. 
I know I can’t cry here.
Nails dig into my wrist; 
I pray the barely healed wounds there don’t bleed again, 
Oh, but it hurts just right- 
The perfect distraction from these haunting thoughts. 
And then his eyes find mine;
I don’t know if he sees beyond the surface.
Sometimes it feels like he does.
I don’t know if I want him to or not.
But I know the violent storm in my head calms when he smiles.
His laughter cures something within me.
The way his cheeks flare with embarrassment, the glint in his eye and the way he fluffs his hair- heals something in me.
Something I considered broken.
Something I thought was forever dead and gone.
I wonder if he knows.
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ooc-sohvikset · 1 year
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lenalee-academy · 10 months
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music-in-my-veins14 · 3 months
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bailey-aster-happy · 20 hours
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 11 months
Soul Mates: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Summary: A man is accused of rape and kidnapping in another state, so he moved across the country to get away from those allegations. Now, the same thing is happening but this time, it might very well be true.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore." - Sigmund Freud
Missy Dewald is missing, there are already three dead women in Florida, and everyone in Florida seems to think that William Harris is the man who kidnapped Missy. For the past week, they've been conversing with Hotch for some advice on what they should do. Hotch kept telling them to wait and make sure William is the one they want, but they are so convinced this is the man that they need.
William has a history of kidnapping and raping young women in Atlanta. There have been charges against him, but the victims refused to testify against him, so the charges were dropped. He and his family moved from Atlanta to Florida to start new, but some theorized it was to escape that stigma.
By the time you get to Florida, William is already in handcuffs and is taken into custody. The first impression you get from the brief look of William is that he's arrogant, cocky, and confident that he is going to make it out of this just fine.
Hotch is pissed the police didn't wait to bring William in, but it is what it is. Detective Jeff Lindin really thought that William was holding Missy somewhere on his property, but when they arrested him, she was nowhere to be found. Jeff greets your team when you arrive, but you're keeping your eye on William.
"All week, you've been saying he needs privacy and time. You told me he wouldn't keep her on his property, but I wouldn't listen," Jeff sighs.
"Detective, we have a witness who can place him at the abduction site. He has a history of similar offenses where he did use the same MO in Atlanta," Derek says.
"He fits the profile of a high-functioning successful family man living and working in the area. You had probable cause to make the arrest. We just don't have enough to prosecute him yet."
"What's our next move?" Jeff asks.
"The key to finding her could be in his house, so we're gonna need to dig through all there is about his friends, family, and his work life. Agent Morgan and I will interrogate him," Rossi says.
"He holds his victims for two days before he kills them. Missy disappeared yesterday. So, as long as he stays in custody, there's a good chance she could still be alive. Talk to the detective that arrested him for the Atlanta rapes. Find out what went right and what went wrong with their approach," Hotch says to Jeff.
"Williams is a successful litigator, so we're gonna need some leverage, something to throw him off guard. A discrepancy in a previous statement is enough to give us the upper hand. Y/N read anything off him that you can."
"Sure thing."
"I'll get on that," Jeff says. "Now, we can only hold him for so long after he talks to the judge. What are the odds we can get him to break in the next twelve hours?"
"That's not going to be easy, but it's not impossible."
Rossi and Derek head to the interrogation room, and you follow behind them without actually going inside the room. You can read William from the window just fine.
"William Harris, I'm Special Agent Derek Morgan. This is special agent David Rossi."
"Before you answer any questions, I need to remind you that you're entitled to have a lawyer present," Rossi says.
"I am a lawyer."
With that, Derek takes out some pictures in the file he's holding. He lays the first one on the table, and it's of one of the missing girls.
"Does she look familiar to you?" Without waiting for his answer, Derek lays out the other two pictures of the dead women. "How about her? Her? No? These girls were raped, strangled, and dumped."
"My god. I have a daughter their age."
"Missy Dewald went missing yesterday."
"What do you think you have on me?"
"We have a witness who can place you at the mall at the same time as her abduction. Rumor has it that you seem to have a history of this type of behavior."
"How is that?"
"Tell us about Atlanta."
"Atlanta? Those charges were dropped. It was a mistake."
Will is acting like this isn't a big deal. If he continues with this cocky streak, he is going to give something away that will incarcerate him for the rest of his life.
"Because the two rape victims wouldn't testify, and now you cover your tracks by killing them."
"I didn't do this."
"You've been married, what, eighteen years? Do you remember that feeling you get when you fall in love? You miss that feeling, don't you? Being married to the same woman is like ordering the same entree for eighteen years."
"Agent Rossi, every minute you spend with me is another minute she's alone with him," Will sighs, clearly bored.
"So, we've brought in the wrong guy?"
"Just like they did in Atlanta?"
"Yes, and by the time you realize I've been telling the truth, this poor girl could be dead."
Derek and Rossi can handle this guy, so you leave and go find your boyfriend who is looking through Will's personal laptop with Penelope on the phone. You have to stop and lean against the wall because Spencer is too gorgeous for you to focus on walking right now. He's been growing out his hair, and this morning, he slicked it back with a bit of gel. He always looks good, but this is a sexy look for him.
When he sees you, he waves you over with a smile. You bite your lower lip in thought as you walk over to him. You lean down and kiss his cheek while he works.
"Did you two find anything?" you ask knowing Pen is on speakerphone.
"Give me a minute. I will find the grime."
"So far, William Harris appears to be quite intelligent. He's covering his tracks pretty well," Spencer says to you.
"Yeah, just because you delete your history, doesn't mean all your dirty cyber laundry isn't hanging out there for me to find on your hard drive. Rookie mistake."
While Penelope is searching through his hard drive, Will is granted a bail hearing. He is taken to court to see how much bail would be, and it's a whopping five million dollars. His wife and only daughter can't pay for that, but you know he'll try and manipulate his way into getting her to pay it. You kind of feel bad for Sharon and Angela, who are his wife and daughter respectfully, because they had to deal with this in Atlanta. They moved to Florida to get away from all of this, and now they have to deal with it all over again.
On the other hand, Penelope found something interesting on Will's hard drive, and you think everyone else will find it just as interesting. Rossi, Derek, and Jeff gather around to hear what you and Spencer have found with Penelope.
"Garcia's been digging through William's computer. She found an encrypted link to a web page. It took us to an unsearchable, untraceable blog with tons of journal entries. It's like some sort of diary."
"Did you find anything incriminating?"
"I was able to differentiate between two distinct voices of two authors. I found various idiosyncratic words, phrases, punctuation, and orthography within the blog entries consistent with each separate person. Words like 'soda' and 'pop'. One guy uses dashes while the other uses ellipses," Spencer giggles.
You can't help but giggle along with him because he's so cute when he gets like this. Rossi, Derek, and Jeff just stand there and stare at you two, and you look away with a blush.
"One side of the discourse made a reference to the devil's strip," you say, changing topics.
"What the hell is that?" Jeff asks.
"It's a small patch of grass that separates the sidewalk from the street. That term is only used in Central Ohio. William lived in Atlanta for twenty years, but he grew up in Columbus. The other guy uses words like 'turnpike' and 'filling the gas tank', which are both specific regionalisms for Florida."
Will comes back from the court in handcuffs, and Derek looks over at him with concern.
"Kid, are you sure about this?" Both you and Spencer give Derek a bitch face, and he nods in understanding. "Right."
"Keep it up, baby," you grin and kiss Spencer's cheek.
You follow Rossi and Derek back to the interrogation room, but you stay outside the room. Rossi gathered some of the papers Spencer grabbed from the journal entries.
"Was there a new development?"
"I can't remember the last time I smiled for so long that it hurt. I've never felt like this before," Rossi reads from the papers. "It sounds like you're bored at home. Are you having an affair?"
Will keeps his composure when he hears Rossi read some of his private entries, but you can tell it bothers him. He's keeping a cool composure because he believes that whatever he did won't come back to him.
"I told you, I'm happily married."
"Does your wife know about your secret diary? I bet she'd like to know how good you are at keeping secrets."
"I'm not sure what you think you've found, but you've gone from completely wrong to completely insane."
"You're hiding something, William," Derek glares.
"No jury will convict me because somebody saw me at the mall, and you think I'm talking with someone other than my wife," William scoffs.
Jeff comes storming through the room you're in and into the interrogation room with a purpose. William looks at him with the same cocky expression on his face.
"We found Missy."
"Told you so," Will smirks.
"You son of a bitch!" Jeff goes to attack Will, but Rossi and Derek effectively hold him back. "Damn you!"
If Missy is found dead, then you'll have better luck getting something off her than you will with William. Rossi and Derek stay behind with Will while you, Hotch, Jeff, and Emily head out to the dump site where Missy still is. It's a good thing they didn't move her because sometimes, that tampers with the evidence lingering behind.
"That's her. That's Missy. I looked her father in the eye and swore I'd find her alive," Jeff says painfully.
"So, since we've been here, this girl's gone missing and now turned up dead. Do you think he dumped the body before he was picked up?" Emily asks.
"The ME estimates she was killed several hours ago."
"But we've had William in custody. Do you think we have the wrong guy?"
You slap on some gloves and kneel down next to Missy. You move the hair away from her face and lay a hand flat on the skin below her neck. Images of her final moments on Earth flash before your eyes, and you try to concentrate on one image at a time.
William isn't in any of them, but a scrawny white man with glasses is. He's all over Missy, trapping her and pinning her down to the table. She has a look of pain on her face as he bites her, and that's evident by the bite marks you notice on her collarbone.
Traces of Will's energy can be found on Missy, but it's mostly that of the white man.
"We don't have the wrong guy, but he has a partner." You stand up. "Will's confident that this partner won't turn against him, and he's doing everything he can to get Will out of jail."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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nanaflybird · 1 year
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Cafezin lindin da manhã comemorando os míseros porém lindos 4 quilinhos que se foram. Sem café pq aprendi ontem que ele piora a hipoglicemia pra mim, infelizmente. Tomei água com gás que amo 💜 🥚 🫧
Almocei no shopping com uns amigos depois. Fiz uma porção pequena de salada e botei uma carne, só que me arrependi. A minha sorte é que eles falaram que a carne tava estragada daí nem comi kkkkkkk
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radioimunoensaio · 1 year
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Peguei uns pedacinhos do vídeo que você fez pra mim... Quando completei 30 anos... Eu achei a coisa mais linda desse mundo... Guardei comigo... Como tudo aquilo que você mandou pra mim...
Me dá um apertinho no coração... Me emocionei tanto naquele dia, de emoção... Você com a minha blusinha :((((( ... Falando que me achava lindin, que me amava .... E dae vejo isso hoje... Será que tem como não chorar?
Eu sinto tanta falta de você . Do nosso amorzinho... Desse carinho, dessa pureza nas palavras... :(((((
Eu também te amo muito, nunca esqueça disso.
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Home does not feel like home anymore.
My body does not belong to me;
I am but a vessel. 
A walking piece of tragedy.
Art? Maybe.
Maybe I am the artists favorite painting, cast aside and now collecting dust in an abandoned corner. 
Or perhaps I am your least favorite toy - the one you play with only out of boredom or obligation.
Perhaps I am just a shell. Maybe I am simply an empty glass bottle with too many cracks.
But home doesn’t feel like home anymore.
I stare at my reflection. 
There is too many smudges;
Fingerprints of my own, and of others too, I wonder? 
My mind keeps me occupied and entertained while I clean the mirror.
No room for silence, no time for kindness. 
I stare at my reflection. 
It is too clean; too clear, too perfect.
I no longer see tiny splashes of toothpaste - no, there is no sign of mascara on the mirror; no dots of dried perfume.
I stare at my reflection.
I don’t recognise whoever is staring back.
I see all the girls I’ve been.
And all the kinds I could have been by now.
I see the ones I’m not; the kinds I’ll never be.
And as I gaze into her eyes, I wonder if she feels at home in her body.
I think she does. 
I hope she does. 
I wish her well, and we say our goodbyes.
But I think we both know,
Home will never feel like home again.
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celibibratty · 2 years
Músicas de 2022
❤turma da mônica - samba do fruto proibido
❤SALES - pope is a rockstar
❤avril lavigne - innocence
❤creamy - do you think i'm pretty
❤man overboard - how to hide your feelings
❤denzel curry, gizzle, bren joy (arcane) - dynasties & dystopia
❤miyavi & PVRIS(arcane) - snake
❤hoobastank - crawling in the dark
❤zion and lennox ft daddy yankee - yo voy
❤PVRIS - monster
❤the kid laroi ft justin bieber - stay
❤4*town - U know what's up
❤ALEXANDROS - mosquito bites
❤bleach live action movie OST by yutaka yamada - main theme
❤willow smith - transparent soul
❤fito blanko - pegadito suavecito
❤eddy lover - rueda, rueda
❤daddy yankee - ¿qué tengo que hacer?
❤daddy yankee - la despedida
❤hoobastank - inside of you + (acoustic version)
❤AFI - girl's not grey
❤story of the year - and the hero will drown
❤story of the year - the antidote
❤patrick & jay chou - try
❤Big Bang feat 2ne1 (spanish cover by piyo, lena, Ktimer & seba dupont - lollipop
❤one ok rock - smiling down
❤miss papaya - hero
❤miss papaya - cinderella
❤our last night (cover) - maps
❤bentley jones - so much more
❤supershigi - zombies on your lawn
❤zebrahead - down without a fight
❤zebrahead - if you're looking for your knife...i think my back found it
❤siouxxie - ketamine
❤ali tabatabaee & matty lewis - his world (solaris phase 2 mashup)
❤trindad cardona - love me back (sped up)
❤dj gollum ft scarlet - poison
❤PUBLIC - one that i want
❤alexis Jordan - lovemist
❤perlla - totalmente demais
❤bubbles - my boyfriend
❤rita ora - poison
❤eyedress - something about you
❤macaco - toc toc
❤bray me - grace
❤bray me - kakurenbo
❤bloc party - i still remember + (instrumental version)
❤bloc party - song for clay (dissapear here) + (instrumental version)
❤bloc party - waiting for the 7.18
❤bloc party - vision of heaven
❤bloc party - the once and future king
❤vintage - kogda ryadom ty
❤my darkest days - move your body
❤my darkest days - set it on fire
❤WRLD (feat savo) - hang up
❤dragon hunters OST - opening
❤anitta - envolver
❤barbie diaries(skye sweetnam) - this is me
❤barbie - barbie 12 dancing princesses theme
❤big time rush - elevate
❤archers(cover) - levitating
❤03 greedo - substance (nightcore)
❤beach boys - california dreamin'
❤HIGH and MIGHTY - pride
❤HIGH and MIGHTY - hibana
❤pony pony run run - 1997 (she said it's alright)
❤kelly clarkson - you found me
❤statechampsNY(cover) - stitches
❤issues(cover) - boyfriend
❤remi wolf - michael
❤bloc party - little thoughts
❤bloc party - storm and stress
❤cécile corbel - our house below
❤cécile corbel - the wild waltz
❤bloc party - we are not good people
❤bloc party - V.A.L.I.S
❤jax jones - you don't know me
❤Ckay - love nwantiti
❤CHICO - raspeberry monster
❤tom speight - heartshaker
❤betta lemme - bambola
❤stromae - papaoutei
❤boa - garden in the air
❤paramore - for a pessimist i'm pretty optimistic
❤bratz - blah blah blah
❤bray me - jokyosetsumei
❤bem da hora - um norte
❤bloc party - callum is a snake
❤of monsters and men - little talks
❤tsukiko amano ft hana tan - clockwork
❤in the heights - blackout
❤tsukiko amano ft okuda miwako - shizuku
❤melim - peça felicidade
❤jonas brothers ft karol g - X
❤jaco caraco - you make me go crazy
❤mitchell marlow - we will always win
❤bad suns ft PVRIS - maybe you saved me
❤barbie (holly lindin) - summer sunshine
❤bloc party - cavaliers and roundheads
❤sean kingston ft nicki minaj - letting it go (dutty love)
❤marshmallow - you and me
❤kola kid - timer
❤shiro sagisu - cometh the hour (chorus A guitar)
❤nicki minaj - super freaky girl (slowed)
❤the maine - into your arms
❤rihanna - only girl (slowed)
❤within temptation - grenade
❤cpm22 - desconfio
❤ericdoa - fantasize
❤bloc party - demos song
❤lene marlin - faces
❤natasha thomas - young hearts
❤Bratz - i don't care
❤ben folds - red is blue
❤BYUL - i think i
❤crispy - the game
❤heidi - hyururi (instrumental)
❤bubbles - happy girl
❤playboi carti - on that time (tik tok remix)
❤tsukiko amano - ningyou
❤hidden citizens(cover) - paint it black
❤annaliese (cover) - until the day i die
❤tsukiko amano - kakan
❤simgretina - smile
❤tsukiko amano - bodaiju
❤nicki minaj - whip it
❤dawin - go off
❤the maine - the way we talk
❤philip lawrence ft UAKTI - it's a jungle out here (brazilian)
❤wavegroup (cover) - infected
❤bloc party - we were lovers
❤videoclub - roi
❤a change of pace - war in your bedroom
❤bear McCreary - ragnarök
❤officieldionysos - flamme à lunettes
❤mohumbi - say jambo
❤merca bae - blue kush Bday (bk beats tool)
❤stxlkin - so bitter
❤barbie - be a friend
❤cécile corbel - haru's chase
❤m-flo ft boa - the love bug
❤merk & kremont - she's wild
❤horsegiirl - starsiigns
❤neffex - rumors
❤vampyx - kiss me
❤fall out boys - bob dylan
❤superbus - lola
❤austin mahone - secret (slowed)
❤roy bee - Kiss me again (radio edit)
❤6arelyhuman - death city + syris & 03osc
❤1stress ft xofilo - victim
❤HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR - here i am
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sezja · 2 years
Ten characters. Ten fandoms. Ten tags.
Tagged by @medi-melancholy, in no particular order (except the first, but we all know that)
Garland (Final Fantasy IX)
Stephanivien de Haillenarte (Final Fantasy XIV)
Meracle Chamlotte (Star Ocean: The Last Hope)
John Hardin (Vagrant Story)
Barl Lindin (Kingmaker, Kingbreaker) (...SHE COUNTS.)
Josephine Montilyet (Dragon Age)
Peppita Rossetti (Star Ocean: 'Till the End of Time)
Isaaru (Final Fantasy X)
Mipha (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
...It's early, but I'm also calling it on Laeticia (Star Ocean: The Divine Force)
Not tagging anyone, but feel free to tag me if you steal this <3
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fairytypingg · 29 days
"did i just make the song of the summer???" no actually Summer Sunshine by Holly Lindin has been the song of the summer every summer since 2010
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empire-land · 6 months
Disa dashuri lindin në heshtje,
Pa e kuptuar,
Dashuritë që rriten me kalimin e kohës,
Dashuritë që bëhen shumë të forta,
Dhe në fund është kaq e vështirë të mbyllësh gojën.
Janë dashuri që nuk mund t’i bërtasësh katër erërave,
Sepse mund të lëndosh më shumë se një vesh,
Ju mund t’i mbani larg të dashurit tuaj,
Dhe nuk mund të jesh kaq egoist,
Dhe më shumë kur ai person ka një angazhim.
Dashuritë që lëndojnë shpirtin,
Për shkak të heshtjes,
Për gjithçka që është në zemër,
Dhe nuk mund të thuash,
Dashuritë që na sjellin lot në sy,
Kaq shumë mall në kurth,
Dhe një pafundësi ndjenjash
Le të na mbysin që nuk i nxjerrim nga kraharori.
Janë dashuri...
Kaq e ndaluar...
Që nuk mund të jetosh plotësisht,
Dhe ndonjëherë mendon për lumturinë tënde,
Dhe kështu duhet të jetë...
Por kur ke kaq shumë njerëz të dashur rreth vetes,
Duhet të shohësh se si do të ishte ta hedhësh atë gur,
Në një liqen ku gjithçka është e qetë.
Tani jemi larg,
Tani ka kaq shumë heshtje mes të dyve,
Kur më parë...
Ishim një...
Kur i buzëqeshim lotëve,
Kur flisnim deri në agim,
Kur i thamë aq shumë njëri-tjetrit në përqafim,
Por kurrë nuk e rrëfejmë me fjalë.
Të paktën dua të jem para teje për herë të fundit,
Të të shoh në sy,
Të vendosësh dorën në gjoksin tim,
Dhe ti ndjen gjithçka që dua të them.
Të dua...
Nuk më intereson përgjigjja jote,
Ndoshta më refuzon,
Ndoshta nuk thua asgjë,
Por nuk ka rëndësi,
Thjesht dua që ta dish...
Se ti je gjëja më e bukur në jetën time.
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