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musubiki · 1 year ago
Has...Oscar tangled at all with the merchant before? Maybe made an impression that made the merchant think "wow this kid is actually kinda annoying" ? It also makes me think, okay if oscar is mentored by madame springs and he succeeds her, that would certainly be a heck of a way for them to be "worse than her."
Nosy persistent conspiracy theorist who wants to uncover your true nature AND who's also trying to run you out of a business in the healing sector? I'd start losing my patience. Tho this is assuming oscar's penchant for the weird lives on even in older age
you know...this is definitely something i need to explore more because!!!! true!!! he is going to eventually replace madam springs, and that means on some level, oscar will know the merchant beyond "npc guy who sells things with limited dialogue options"
for now (and throughout most of the story) oscar is just "the apprentice." madam springs is always still the one to interact with the merchant, and you see oscar just kinda smiling and listening in the background waiting for them to stop bickering.
BUT when oscar DOES interact with the merchant (in a non-buyer-seller context), he IS worse. but its in the "I'm a better healer than madam springs and also she charges too much for the work we do imo." so hes even WORSE competition. and i think this is the only way to actually irritate the merchant, is if you start interfering with his business in a way where he cant oppose you.
lore fact: the merchant really does have the best goods at the best prices!! hes the kind of npc you would see on RPG guides about "if you need [item] you need to / should get it from the merchant because hes the only one that sells it / he has the cheapest price and refresh rate." and the ONLY one who can beat him (not even for everything, just for healing items) is madam springs. so her business is the ONLY thing that is mildly a threat to him, and he hates it. i dont think you see him get irritated at anyone/anything else except her!!
(and he cant steal her formulas or kill her either. "Her business patented the formula before the fall of the witch king, so I'm assuming he can't legally take it and sell it in his own shop." --Sulluvan about madam springs and the merchant)
on the note of oscar trying to uncover his true nature, oscar is smart enough to not mess with it. its mochi and lime who almost fucking die trying to uncover it, against the advice of EVERYONE telling them to leave it alone. the only reason they didnt die is that the merchant spared them because he knew they both still had a part to play that hadn't come to pass yet. (also i want an episode that delves into who/what he is without my main characters dying LMFAO). so after that incident, mochi and lime both tell oscar and the guild about it, so he leaves it alone
(side note: at the moment, lime is actually the one in the guild who knows the merchant the best, strangely. i think its the black canvas thing about him, that whatever magic the merchant uses that prevents people from questioning his nature, it doesnt work on lime. and by "knows him the best" i mean he gets a bit more cryptic dialogue from him than the others)
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coco--rock · 2 months ago
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When Harry met Marv - before #thewetbandits were who they were, it was just some punk teenager with a loud mouth and a 30-something criminal with a temper
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vestaignis · 7 months ago
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Заброшенная больница судорабочих в Рыбинске.
Ансамбль деревянных зданий расположен на левом берегу Волги на Бурлацкой улице, и скромно стоит в тени лип. С дороги хорошо виден главный корпус с надписью «Больница». Улица не случайно называется Бурлацкая, а на набережной Рыбинска стоит памятник бурлаку. Когда-то Рыбинск был негласной столицей бурлаков, профессии тяжелой и теперь давно забытой. Каждый год тысячи бурлаков стекались в город в дореволюционные годы.
Больница появилась в 1880 году. Первый вклад сделал купец А.Ф. Фролов, отдав под больницу свою землю, за ним и другие горожане пожертвовали деньги на строительство лечебницы. Вскоре были построены первые здания. Весь ансамбль больницы построен в неорусском стиле. Исполнение вызывает уважение мастерством обращения с деревом. Обшивка доской выполнена поперек, вдоль и ёлочкой, красив деревянный, резной на просвет фриз, изящная обналичка, детали выноса крыши, сохранилась мелкая расстекловка окон, филенчатые двери.Вообще, удивительно, что все эти деревянные постройки сохранились до сих пор и на территории больницы не было не одного пожара.
Врачи здесь принимали больных только во время навигации, лечение было бесплатным.Бурлаки и другой рабочий люд могли получить медицинскую помощь, постель, еду и приличное одеяние. Профиль больница сохранила и в советские времена. Сюда обращались реч��ики и жители левого берега Волги. В 90-е жизнь в больнице на��ала угасать. Закрылся хирургический корпус, уехали врачи. Двери пустующих зданий заколотили, охранять ветшающие памятники культурного наследия оставили старенького сторожа.В 1993 году все здания больницы судорабочих были признаны выявленными памятниками культурного наследия.
Следить за сохранностью имущества сейчас некому, всё активно разрушается и приходит в упадок.Здания производят удручающее впечатление. Стекла в окнах разбиты, крыши сломаны, двери выбиты. В помещениях разбросаны документы. Памятник культуры, построенный рыбинцами, пережил падение империи и 70 лет советской власти. Теперь старой больнице самой нужна забота и лечение, иначе уникальный памятник исчезнет навсегда.
An abandoned hospital for ship workers in Rybinsk.
The ensemble of wooden buildings is located on the left bank of the Volga on Burlatskaya Street, and stands modestly in the shade of lime trees. The main building with the inscription "Hospital" is clearly visible from the road. It is no coincidence that the street is called Burlatskaya, and there is a monument to a boatman on the Rybinsk embankment. Once Rybinsk was the unspoken capital of boatmen, a difficult profession and now long forgotten. Every year thousands of boatmen flocked to the city in the pre-revolutionary years.
The hospital appeared in 1880. The first contribution was made by the merchant A.F. Frolov, who gave his land for the hospital, followed by other townspeople who donated money for the construction of the hospital. Soon the first buildings were built. The entire ensemble of the hospital is built in the neo-Russian style. The execution is respected by the skill of handling wood. The board covering is made across, along and with a herringbone pattern, a beautiful wooden frieze carved into the lumen, elegant cashing, details of the roof removal, small glazing of windows, paneled doors have been preserved.In general, it is surprising that all these wooden buildings have survived to this day and there has not been more than one fire on the territory of the hospital.
Doctors here took patients only during navigation, treatment was free.Boatmen and other working people could receive medical care, a bed, food and decent clothing. The hospital maintained its profile even in Soviet times. Rivermen and residents of the left bank of the Volga applied here. In the 90s, life in the hospital began to fade. The surgical building was closed, the doctors left. The doors of empty buildings were boarded up, and an old watchman was left to guard the dilapidated monuments of cultural heritage.In 1993, all the buildings of the Shipbuilders Hospital were recognized as identified cultural heritage monuments.
There is no one to monitor the safety of property now, everything is actively being destroyed and falling into disrepair.The buildings make a depressing impression. The glass in the windows is broken, the roofs are broken, the doors are knocked out. Documents are scattered in the rooms. The cultural monument built by the Rybintsy survived the fall of the empire and 70 years of Soviet rule. Now the old hospital itself needs care and treatment, otherwise the unique monument will disappear forever.
Источник:://rblogger.ru/2015/12/05/bolnitsa-v-ryibinske/,/vk.com/ wall-24572207_3398,//dzen.ru/a/ YL4FQxs_XCImk2Gs ,/dzen.ru /a/ X8ovW3iO2nXHM3rn.
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thepastisalreadywritten · 4 months ago
Hadrian's Wall
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Hadrian's Wall is an impressive masterpiece of military engineering built along steep ups and downs that cross space and history between England and Scotland.
The old wall, sculpted for almost 2000 years by wind and rain, climbs over hills, immerses itself in a moor to suddenly resurface among the blades of light of a wood, a karst presence that seems to absorb the energy of landscape to challenge its gravity and logic in a rollercoaster of harsh ups and downs that cross space and history.
Hadrian's Wall is no longer England but it is not yet Scotland, even if the land to the north seems wilder.
But perhaps it is just a state of mind of those who look at it, subtly altered by the emotion of treading the same stones on which the Roman legionaries walked.
In reality, unlike what many believe, the Wall is within English territory, even if it has helped define the borders of the two countries since the emperor from whom it takes its name ordered its construction in 122 AD to "separate the Romans from the barbarians," the hostile tribes of the Picts who populated today's Scotland, a tough nut to crack even for the Roman legions.
To build it in just six years, about fifteen thousand men were employed, three legions that faced the challenges of a terrain carefully chosen to exploit its advantages.
The result is an impressive masterpiece of military engineering, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987, stretching from one coast of England to the other for eighty Roman miles, about one hundred and seventeen kilometers from Solway Firth to the west and Wallsend to the east.
It is one of the many place names linked to its existence and then extending southwards with ports and coastal fortifications.
For nearly three centuries, Hadrian's Wall was northernmost and most fortified boundary of the Roman limes, a gigantic defensive system that stretched for over five thousand kilometres — from the Atlantic coast of Great Britain to the Black Sea across Europe — then continuing through present-day Middle East to Red Sea and from there cutting across North Africa to the Atlantic.
The 117km long (80 Roman miles) Hadrian's Wall was punctuated by 14 main forts, 80 minor ones and 2 watchtowers every third of a mile.
In addition to the actual wall, mainly made of stone, about 5m high and up to 3m thick, becoming six metres thick in the earthen sections, the Wall was reinforced by a ditch bristling with pointed stakes, a military road that connected the forts and allowed any point to be reached quickly and by a deep embankment, the Vallum.
The forts, rectangular in plan, varied in size according to the importance of the garrison, a pattern repeated with slight differences along the entire limes that protected the borders of the empire.
A moat and a wall punctuated by towers protected the perimeter and each side had a gate protected by two massive towers.
Inside were the headquarters — the praetorium where the praefectus castrorum reside; barracks; a hospital; warehouses and latrines, generally under the walls, while the bathrooms were outside the fortifications.
In granary, food supplies were stored to face the harsh winters or possible sieges.
In the Vicus, the civilian settlement, lived the families of the soldiers, often auxiliaries who officially could not marry.
In these villages that grew spontaneously around the forts, merchants, artisans and prostitutes also lived, attracted by the soldiers' wages.
There were also temples dedicated to Roman, local and even oriental deities that reflected the different religions of soldiers from all over the empire because Romans were very tolerant as long as the social order and the emperor were not questioned.
🎥: © pindropandhop via IG
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tiny-librarian · 6 months ago
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Instagram Stories from Tamzin Merchant. Even if she gets a couple facts a bit wrong (While quick lime was supposedly found in her grave, and no trace of her body, there's not actually any proof Henry ordered her to be destroyed, and she had a grave it was just unmarked) I think it's sweet how passionate she is about Katherine!
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extravagantliar · 1 month ago
We can run away! (No, we can’t; this is just a memory, Bianca… )
Does it haunt you, Child of the Stone? ( yes, doesn’t it haunt you, chuckles? ) @hoboblaidd
Hey, Varric! 
I’ll stay, you know that. ( But we never get it right, Hawke, do we? )
Are you just going to sleep it all away? ( No, I’m coming, I’ll never stop; there is somewhere to return to…home. ) 
Hey, Varric! Wake up!
He opens his eyes. 
The voices ring in his head, clattering and clamouring; blindly, he reaches for something not there, hand running through the air and knocking things off the table next to him, clattering to the floor and waking the aid in the room. Always someone with him, always someone to watch him - but he can’t finish that thought, his head aches and the room begins to spin. There is a deep sickness that stirs within him, and he lurches, much to the dismay of the healer who is now in the room with him. Sweat pours down his face, a bead pooling and matting in his beard. He feels coated in it, overwhelmed by it, and it makes his thoughts swirl. None of this makes sense - the visions, the dreams? 
A body, rotting somewhere as the soul grappled with something - that’s what someone long ago would have summoned about this. He doesn’t know the thoughts to summon as his stomach turns, and now there are two healers and a shadow in the doorframe. A taller figure as the healers obscure the shadow, the long-drawn faceless shadow holds the same presence as the man who would once lean over his desk, paint his cards, and debate thought with him.
He blinks, and it is not him - someone else, another new face acting on behalf of Mae, Dorian, and the Inquisitor. He doesn’t know how many people are in the room; it’s too many whatever it is, and his voice is awash among them, him yelling at them, anger that has not been his since a time in the crossroads in the Winter Palace, maybe since he was Viscount. They don’t listen, he doesn’t recognise the faces, and the fever has settled in his head, half lucid from the terror and half caught by the resting world, never letting him fully into the waking; it’s as if he’s stuck in some limbo, some great magic half keeping him in two places.
It’s bullshit he settles on, no longer thrashing at them. It doesn’t matter that they are something that his brain summoned up as some comfort as he navigates some fresh hell, debating the things still rattling in his head, the dream currently playing out before him, if it was one. 
You are not dreaming, Varric. 
That shadow divulges in his head as someone else slips into the room, into his vision. Maybe it is a hallucination. If it was, why couldn’t it have been somewhere dry, somewhere with cards? The healers ignore him, but they choose to talk to this new figure, telling them that he is feverish, dream-deluded, and likely needs new sutures. 
Ah, the iron smell. That harsh smell of life, almost lost.
So he closes his eyes, and it calms the sick in the pit of his stomach. The clamouring in his head roars to life, summoning bits of his life. Rich, like earth, like the spot in his mind. Loam, like the house lost to the trees. Lime on the walls, acrid and followed by a hint of honey. There is Kirkwall, fry bread in the streets, the pale ale in the Hanged Man, the moment he makes a choice that puts him on this path. 
Kirkwall roars to existence, a bustle of people he remembers from twenty years ago. Yet, everything is the same, mostly the same. He’s outside himself, looking from the top down, watching himself preen and talk to a merchant, until someone slips past him and tries to put their hands on his belt - well, Varric remembers this story; he knows the next steps before the version of him in the below completes them. Varric turns the man away in one motion, pushing him without thought into another and causing a sudden shift in the square. 
Of course, the man above isn’t watching the fight he caused; he’s always causing one, and he’s watching the entrance on the west side. 
He’s looking for lightning to strike. He’s waiting, actually, as if he gives it thirty more seconds, Hawke will appear in his vision for the first time in ten years. If he waits thirty more moments, but his vision blurs and he only hears the laugh of Hawke, and he finds himself clawing at the edge of that memory, the edges of that top down, to only see them, to hear their voice one more time that’s not a memory. His eyes burn, and his voice is raw, screaming for it, just one last time - that’s all he begs. Yet his voice falls on deaf ears, blind eyes, and an empty throne. 
What is the point of dreaming if you can’t even see the things you want? Solas is an idiot, he decides, floating along and waiting for his body to respond. Instead, it is grey, a grey that bleeds over his body and saps the pain from his bones. 
Dwarves don’t dream. 
Yeah, yeah. He knows this. Half waving the thought away with a hand. He can move again; he’s no longer locked to the water; he’s just back flat on sand and gravel looking up, and there are no stars, no lyrium, just the pitch-dark black. 
Just the peppering black and grey and a presence he can feel but cannot see just yet. “Yeah, yeah, I know. We don’t dream. This is a hallucination.” 
“Correct. I am glad my words do not fall on deaf ears.”
“No, just myopic, I’m afraid; it came with age.” Like other things, bad knees, grey hair, the inability to scale a building like one once could. He doesn’t move; he remains on that shore, pinned somehow. “Hey, Chuckles…” 
“I wrote to you about Kirkwall, about everything.” There is silence that meets him here, just his body reacting to the memory of his friend. 
Maybe he is dead.
“Did you get any of them?” 
There is no answer; he knows that he won’t get one. He remembers a fire, and the world shifts, summoning that memory around them. He is no longer pinned to the shore, no longer pinned to some rock for someone to peck at him enterally. “I figured you didn’t. I sent them into the world, and nothing else.” Just a bird sent off, the same hope he had sending that raven out of Haven. “Told you how Kirkwall was doing, Sid, the girls. Two of them, by the way.” He doesn’t mention their names, doesn’t mention one is an elf, doesn’t mention that they’re the ones at stake with all of this. He doesn’t mention Rook; the other piece is played wide against his heart.
A fire pops in the middle of the Hinterlands, somewhere in Haven, somewhere in the middle of Crestwood, a fire pops, and he’s back on that stairwell, lying in the remains of Bianca and his own blood, lyrium taking over his body bit by bit. 
He’s hallucinating, after all. 
“Varric!” It’s the distant shout of Solas, mixed between the Approach and the Winter Palace. It is also Sid; it is also Hawke, Rook, Solas; it is also his mother…and Bianca. The song of the knife is everyone he’s ever loved, lost, ever had and ever found. 
He’s hallucinating, after all. 
He’s not alive after all. He died on those stairs; all of this is a chain reaction, his body trying to leave his family one last gift, a spirit trying not to leave its body. 
He is not allowed to leave his body, fuck fate. 
Fuck Solas, he decides. Fuck those words and what they stand for. He picks himself up out of the darkness, he forces it to. He makes himself. There is no try; there is only strength clawing its way past those words. He’s not hallucinating; he’s dreaming. 
He’s dreaming. 
As he’d heard Bartrand’s laugh, seen Hawke’s walk - the strut, but it’s a dream. He refuses it to be anything but. 
He’s dreaming, after all. 
He summons the words others had about dreams, how they could be moulded and crafted into the next; he’s a wordsmith, not a dreamer, and he ends back up on that stairwell, back at the bottom, looking from the top down as the him below shouts at Solas, a final plea for something that will not come. He curses his own idealism, being the advocate of the man holding the knife, not about the veil - but about the way one moves through the world and that people are always dying.
He laughs, dying by degrees. 
“You find this humorous?” Solas interjects, next to him, somehow. 
He’s long past the point of jumping, “Just starting to root for you this time.” 
“You always did have a sick sense of irony.”
“I still do; you’d know that if you’d been listening.” The dwarf states. 
“I have been, Varric.” 
“Sometimes I wonder.” Varric starts, half unfocused, “It’s like we only get this in pieces.” He expects some smarmy answer, about how he is a novice to all this and how it’s expected for someone so unpracticed in dreaming, but it does not come. Rather, they just stand there; they watch the great ugly thing play out, a great breath out of Varric and a look that he cannot place on Solas’s features - not of the one above and not of the one below. 
The scene fades, like a curtain over a play, and he’s not the one who dims it. There are only two of them, so he wonders if it could be real after all. It could be - could it be? And he is cast back wide into that floating ocean, where that green light beacons him home.
Is he hallucinating?
He’s dreaming. He’s already decided he’s alive, and he is dreaming. He has to be as a voice - another voice pulls at him; he doesn’t have to wallow; he can make his amends if he needs to. There are still grains in that hourglass. He can still follow that great light. 
Who cares what it is?
Who cares?
He does, clawing back towards the light.
He opens his eyes. He gasps for that breath, and his hand goes to his chest; the bandages are dry, but he’s met with concern from around the room. He thinks he’s still dreaming, half hallucinating as he moves. 
He is alive.
He reminds himself this as Sidri throws arms around him and tells him again he’s not allowed to leave. Those words barely sound like her; there’s an echo to them. There’s a shadow that looks a lot like Solas in the doorframe again. He blinks, and the man is gone.
Sidri remains.
He’s alive, he states, broken in a voice that doesn’t sound like his. 
“You’re alive.” She confirms. The same voice she used to silence court, Cullen, and other clowns. 
He’s alive.
Just haunted.
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wofbutgood · 7 months ago
Thinking about the wof kingdoms and how theyd work in my retelling, specifically thinking about Skywings and what we see of their culture in canon.
Skywings in canon are very mountain-based, with Scarlet's palace sitting atop one, and skywings in general being the fastest, most enduring, and most agile in the air, it makes sense for them to be spending most of their time up high.
HOWEVER, ive been thinking about an alternative perspective -- in real life, people dont generally want to exercise if we dont have to, driving or taking public transit where possible. Among the upper class this is even more prominent with chauffeurs and private planes. So, if they didnt have to, why would skywing nobility want to fly anywhere either?
So for my retelling, Skywing royalty will live at the base of cliffs! the higher up in the social structure you are, the lower down the cliffs you live, with more easy access to walkways and transportation.
Thinking about this also got me thinking more about the different social structures in the sky kingdom. Their culture could be described as a feudal system. Within the bounds of the sky kingdom its not even remotely territorial contiguous (and exact territorial boundaries mean little to flighted people) but rather are scattered habitations built on cliffs and mountain ranges.
The social structure is as follows:
Queen and King Consort: Historically the region was divided under many noble families, but is currently united under one royal family. The royalty can only rule with the support of their lords, who provide them with labour and warriors. This position is historically fraught, and it's been known for royal families to be overthrown by discontented nobility. Nobility: Ruling class who 'own' cliffs and prime grazing lands. Also considered the owners of their herds and the serfs who tend them. Mercantile: This could be subdivided into several more classes, but generally speaking they're free labourers and traders paid for their services. This class has the most upwards mobility, and some especially rich mercantile families become noble houses. Warrior: Kind of a difficult class to place. They're sworn to service of their lords and have no freedom of movement, but are paid handsomely and provided with upper class homes, and can sometimes even obtain lordships. Servants: People who directly serve lords, rich warriors, merchants, and anyone else who can afford to pay. Paid for their labour. Serfs: The lowest class, tend their lords herds and fields of food and textile crops. As with most forms of serfdom, they aren't paid for their labour and are functionally slaves, and are considered attached to their lords. It's usually excused as a contract where service to their lords and queen is repaid in protection, food, and 'safe' places to live. May sometimes be conscripted into battle as soldiers, wherein one of few possibilities for upward mobility (VERY occasionally) lies -- serfs who prove skilled combatants may be enlisted as warriors, with all entailed benefits (and consequences). Monks: Monks (of various religions im yet to figure out) exist somewhat outside this social structure. They hold few possessions and live in small nests on high cliffs among the serfs, but are highly respected figures.
The homes of skywing serfs are built into cliff sides, taking advantage of naturally occurring outcrops and niches in the rock. The basis of the structure is usually built around the roots a tree, with a thick structure of twigs and grass woven amid the roots as a foundation, which forms the skeleton of the home. Clay, lime, straw, guano, and other materials are mixed to form the walls and are flown up in bucketfuls.
These houses are usually very small and crowded, formed of two narrow levels (an 'upstairs' where a fire is kept and food is cooked, and a 'downstairs' containing the sleeping quarters and a 'bathroom' window)
Cliff homes are relatively resilient (especially given most of the region has infrequent rains) but still require constant and endless maintenance. It is not unknown for heavily populated areas to experience mass deaths when the weight of dozens of homes collapses a cliff side.
The homes of skywing nobility and royalty are built on the ground, usually at the base of the cliffs in a naturally shielded area (such as in the mouth of a cave or under an outcropping). These are predominantly large, domed structures made out of bricks and reinforced with clay and plaster and richly decorated with fine pigments and frescoes.
The homes of the middle classes tend to be built higher up, but on solid ground (rather than cliff sides) and are structurally similar to those of nobility.
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queensharotto · 1 year ago
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 4: Mid 2023)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs.
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May 2023 💐
• “Y/N Cookie in Parfaedia”
Featuring: The Triple Cone Trio
• “The Y/N Cookie Shrine”
Featuring: Lotus Dragon Cookie and Hydrangea Cookie
• “Secret Sands Y/N Cookie: Rob the Merchant Son”
Featuring: Yogurt Cream Cookie, Centipede Cookie and Peppercorn Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Not Sorted into a School”
Featuring: The headmasters and champions
• “Baby Pond Dino Dragon Cookie”
Featuring: Pond Dino Cookie, Longon Dragon Cookie and Lychee Dragon Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie in Legend of the Red Dragon”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie, Wildberry Cookie, Royal Margarine Cookie, and Tarte Tatin Cookie
• “Eggscellent Easter Short”
Featuring: Pancake Cookie, Onion Cookie, Bell Pepper Cookie, Walnut Cookie, Almond Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Dr. Wasabi Cookie and Mustard Cookie
• “Grass is Greener: Part 1”
Featuring: Lilybell Cookie and Blue Lily Cookie
• “Royal Margarine Cookie Flirting with Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Royal Margarine Cookie, Wildberry Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie and Pitaya Dragon Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie the Pikachu of CRK and the Cookies of Darkness: Team Rocket of CRK”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and the Cookies of Darkness
• “Coffee Candy Cookie and Y/N Cookie Scenario”
Featuring: Coffee Candy Cookie
• “Yandere Ice Juggler Cookie”
Featuring: Ice Juggler Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie ignoring 5 Yanderes”
Featuring: Kumiho Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Lilac Cookie and White Lily Cookie
June 2023 ☀️
• “Peaches (White Lily Edition)” 💚
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie: 100% Adoration Rating”
Featuring: Pomegranate Cookie
• “Yandere White Lily Timeline” 💚
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “Showing Affection towards Snapdragon Cookie… in front of the other 5 Dragons”
Featuring: Snapdragon Cookie and the 5 Dragons
• “Y/N Cookie loves Licorice Cookie”
Featuring: Licorice Cookie
• “Advertising Rights: Shining Glitter Cookie vs. Shine Muscat Cookie”
Featuring: Shining Glitter Cookie and Shine Muscat Cookie
• “Affection from the Ancient Cookies and what gets under their skin”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie, Visitor of the Republic”
Featuring: Custard Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie, Oyster Cookie, Wildberry Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie
• “The Heroic or The Meditated”
Featuring: Ninja Cookie and Hero Cookie
• “Envious Lime Cookie”
Featuring: Lime Cookie
• “Frost Cookie x Y/N Reader”
Featuring: Dr Frost Cookie
• “Seductive White Lily Cookie”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “5 Ancient Heroes, 5 Love Languages”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
July 2023 🎆
• “Ancient Y/N Cookie tries the Grimace Shake”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies (view the corresponding submission)
• “Announcement of the Summer Soda Rock Festa”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Rockstar Cookie, Black Lemonade Cookie and Shining Glitter Cookie
• “Cookies reactions to be being picked up by the Baker”
Featuring: Blueberry Pie Cookie, Latte Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie, Poison Mushroom Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie, Royal Margarine Cookie and Stardust Cookie
• “Abyss Monarch Cookie and Mocha Ray Cookie”
Featuring: Abyss Monarch Cookie and Mocha Ray Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie recapping their adventures to Black Lemonade Cookie”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie Sleeping in Weird Spots”
Featuring: Carrot Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Orange Cookie, Goblin Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie and Moonlight Cookie
• “Welcome to the Cookie Kingdom, Snapdragon Cookie”
Featuring: Snapdragon Cookie and the Cookie Children
• “White Lily Cookie’s Obsession carries over as Dark Enchantress Cookie” 💚
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and Dark Enchantress Cookie
• “White Lily Cookie: Best Friend For Eternity…?” 💚
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “I Remember You”
Featuring: Lobster Cookie and Mocha Ray Cookie
• “The Ancient Cookies Won’t Tolerate Harassment of Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Fire Spirit Cookie and/or Rockstar Cookie with Y/N Cookie’s lipstick”
Featuring: Fire Spirit Cookie and Rockstar Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s Panicking Manager” ⭐️
Featuring: Dumpling Cookie (view info)
• “Yandere Triple Cone Cup Champions” 💗
Featuring: The Triple Cone Trio
• “Tiny MerCookie with Girlfriend 4x their size”
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie
• “Time Balance Department Scenario”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
• “Roguefort Cookie’s Arrest”
Featuring: Roguefort Cookie
• “Stardust Cookie Scenario”
Featuring: Stardust Cookie
• “Pitaya Dragon Cookie Scenario”
Featuring: Pitaya Dragon Cookie
August 2023 🌅
• “Langue de Chat Cookie’s Parents”
Featuring: Langue de Chat Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie being Rougefort Cookie’s Jury”
Featuring: Rougefort Cookie
• “Evilglaze kidnaps Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Dr. Evilglaze
• “Return to the Sea”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie
• “Don’t Mess With Y/N Cookie Fans”
Featuring: Pomegranate Cookie, Peppercorn Cookie, Black Pearl Cookie, Stardust Cookie and Kumiho Cookie
• “Kidnapped by Abalone Cookie”
Featuring: Abalone Cookie and Black Pearl Cookie
• “Langue de Chat Cookie: Your Lawyer”
Featuring: Langue de Chat Cookie
• “Mermaid Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: White Pearl Cookie, Crimson Coral Cookie and Frilled Jellyfish Cookie
• “Is someone in my house?”
Featuring: Snakefruit Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Lilac Cookie, and Scorpion Cookie
• “White Pearl Cookie x Mermaid Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: White Pearl Cookie
• “White Pearl Cookie wanting a kiss”
Featuring: White Pearl Cookie
• “Brewed to Perfection”
Featuring: Espresso Cookie
• “Top 10 Most Obsessive/Possessive Cookies” 💗
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Envy of the Gem Mermaid Family” 💗
Featuring: The Gem Mermaids and Frilled Jellyfish Cookie
• “Cappuccino Cookie x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Cappuccino Cookie
• “Which Car White Pearl Cookie Wants”
Featuring: White Pearl Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie‘s Combat Prowess in a Martial Arts Tournament”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie, Oyster Cookie, and the 5 Dragons
• “Schwarzwälder x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Schwarzwälder (aka Choco Werehound Brute)
• “White Lily Cookie’s Obsession” 💚
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “Muscular Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Muscle Cookie, Carrot Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie, Cotton Candy Cookie, Fire Spirit Cookie, Butter Pretzel Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Almond Cookie and Shining Glitter Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie x Okchun Cookie”
Featuring: Okchun Cookie
• “Itsy Bitsy Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: No named Cookies present
• “Obsessive Fire Spirit Cookie”
Featuring: Fire Spirit Cookie
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scotianostra · 1 year ago
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October 4th 1716 saw the birth of Scottish physician James Lind
Born in Edinburgh in to a family of merchants, Lind was educated at the Royal High School.
In 1731, aged 15 he registered as an apprentice at the College of Surgeons in Edinburgh and in 1739 became a surgeon's mate, seeing service around the world in the Navy.
James Lind is remembered as the man who helped to conquer a killer disease. His reported experiment on board a naval ship in 1747 showed that oranges and lemons were a cure for scurvy, he selected 12 men from the ship, all suffering from scurvy, and divided them into six pairs, giving each group different additions to their basic diet. Some were given cider, others seawater, others a mixture of garlic, mustard and horseradish. Another group of two were given spoonfuls of vinegar, and the last two oranges and lemons. Those fed citrus fruits experienced a remarkable recovery. While there was nothing new about his discovery - the benefits of lime juice had been known for centuries - Lind had definitively established the superiority of citrus fruits above all other 'remedies'.
In 1748, Lind retired from the navy and went to Edinburgh University to take professional qualifications. In 1753, he published 'A Treatise of the Scurvy' and in 1757 'An Essay on the Most Effectual Means of Preserving the Health of Seamen in the Royal Navy', which threw much light on the appalling living conditions and diet of seamen. In 1758, he was appointed physician to the Naval Hospital at Haslar in Gosport where he investigated the distillation of fresh water from salt water for supply to ships.
Although the importance of Lind's findings on scurvy were recognised at the time, it was not until more than 40 years later that an official Admiralty order was issued on the supply of lemon juice to ships. With this, scurvy disappeared almost completely from the Royal Navy.
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serpentface · 9 months ago
Hi! I love your work! I’m curious about Cynozepali architecture and social structure?
Just going to go with the Crown Cynozepali people here.
Crown cynozepali culture can be described as a feudal system. It is not even remotely territorial contiguous (and exact territorial boundaries mean little to flighted people) but rather are scattered habitations built on cliffs and mountain ranges.
The social structure is as follows
King and the kingslek (a king's wives, usually dozens). Historically the region was divided into many kingdoms, but is currently united under one royal family. The royal family only rules with the support of their lords, who provide them with labor and warriors. This position is historically fraught, and it is quite common for royal families to be overthrown by discontented nobility.
Nobility- ruling class who 'own' cliffs and prime grazing lands and are also considered the owners of their herds and the serfs who tend them Mercantile- this could be subdivided into several classes but generally speaking are free laborers and traders who are paid for their services. This class has the most upward mobility, and some especially rich mercantile families become noble houses. Warrior- a difficult social class to place. They are sworn to service of their lords and do not have freedom of movement, but are paid handsomely and provided upper class homes and occasionally obtain lordships. Servants- people who directly serve lords (and rich warriors/merchants) in domestic roles. They are paid for their labors. Serfs- the lowest class, who tend their lord's herds and fields of textile crops. As with most forms of serfdom, these are not paid for their services and are functionally slaves, and are considered attached to their lords. It is imagined and excused as a compact where service to their lords and king is repaid in protection, food, and 'safe' places to live. They are sometimes conscripted into battle as footsoldiers, wherein one of few possibilities for upward mobility (VERY occasionally) lies- serfs who prove skilled combatants may be enlisted as warriors, with all entailed benefits (and consequences) Monks- Lunar emissary monks exist somewhat outside this social structure. They have few possessions and live in small nests in white pines on high cliffs among the serfs, but are highly respected figures.
Social class is indicated most strongly by 'height', with the upper classes building homes nearest to the ground and serfs building homes high on cliffsides (not having to fly is considered a privilege and show of wealth). It is also indicated by the ability for polygamy. Caelin social structure is naturally polygamous, but male serfs are typically only allowed (or can only afford) one wife. Having multiple wives/being a wife with many others is a strong indicator of wealth and class.
Crown cynozepal is an interspecies culture, though built by and for caelin. The caelin majority does not translate directly into social structure. Nobility is restricted to only caelin and delkhin due to interfertility (though upper class delkhin are rarer), while most crown qilik are merchants or servants. The serf population is almost entirely caelin. Delkhin serfs cannot fly and mostly live in tents on the outskirts of their communities.
The homes of Crown Cynozepali serfs are built into cliffsides, taking advantage of naturally occuring outcrops and niches in the rock. The basis of the structure is usually built around the roots a tree (often the white pine, which grows on cliffsides and is sacred). A thick structure of twigs and grass is woven amid the roots as a foundation and forms the skeleton of the home. Clay, lime, straw, guano, and other materials are mixed to form the walls and are flown up mouthful by mouthful.
These houses are usually very small and crowded, formed of two narrow levels (an 'upstairs' where a fire is kept and food is cooked, and a 'downstairs' containing the sleeping quarters and a 'bathroom' window)
Cliff homes are relatively resilient (especially given most of the region has infrequent rains) but still require constant and endless maintenance. It is not unknown for heavily populated areas to experience mass deaths when the weight of dozens of homes collapses a cliffside.
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The homes of Crown nobility and royalty are built on the ground, usually at the base of the cliffs in a naturally shielded area (such as in the mouth of a cave or under an outcropping. These are predominantly large, domed structures made out of bricks and reinforced with clay and plaster and richly decorated with fine pigments and frescoes.
The homes of the middle classes tend to be built higher up, but on solid ground (rather than cliffsides) and are structurally similar to those of nobility.
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citruswriter · 9 months ago
The Echo of a Warrior
Pairing: Reader x Anakin Skywalker
Reader Is: Afab, gender neutral, former Jedi, firebender, trading merchant.
Anakin Is: Sith Lord, Uncharred (sorry ladies, no BBQ crispy Sith for you).
Citrus Rating: Orange, Lime if you squint
Warnings: They/Them pronouns, angst, little to no paragraphs, sloppy writing (been forever since I written), slavery mention.
A/N: This is solely based off a dream I had + me filling in the gaps and fuzzy parts. Lol. It's gonna be put into two parts. This is essentially the backstory, pt 2 will be the smut.
Listen in with me! ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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"Hey Anakin?" You rolled over onto your stomach and poked his face, causing the young Jedi Knight to crack his eyes open and side eye you. "Yes?" He questioned. "Do you think we'll be friends forever?" You asked. Anakin laughed softly, causing butterflies to flutter around in your tummy. Oh how you loved his laugh... "Of course we will, silly". He said, poking your face back. You held up your hand, raising a pinky. "Prooooooooomise?" You asked, causing Anakin to laugh again before lazily hooking his pinkie around yours. "Promise".
Chaos ensued at the temple. What was going on?! You had been peacefully sleeping when you were awoken by blaster fire. Without even dressing properly, you grabbed your lightsaber and ran out of your room, clicking the blade on. Was the Temple under a Separatist attack? You ran out only to find the clone troopers shooting up everybody in sight. Taking a step back in horror you froze. It was only until a trooper close to you raised a gun to your head did you really snap out of your trance. You swung your blade at him, cutting his gun in half. When he went to grab you with his bare hands, you slashed again, cutting them off. You fled out of plain view. This was bad. Really bad. You ran back to your room so you could quickly dress but was knocked down the ground by a body crashing into you. You yelped as you were thrown to the ground. Struggling to scramble to your feet, a hand gripped your throat and threw you against one of the Temple pillars. You looked up in panic. "Anakin?!' You gasped. The boys grip on you loosened. "A-Anakin. Anakin what the fuck is going on!" You panicked. "The Jedi Order had betrayed the Republic". He answered, eyes downcast. You stared at him. "You're lying". You muttered and the boy looked back up at you with his blue eyes. "When have I ever lied to you?" He growled, grip around your throat tightening, eyes glancing down briefly to take in the silk gown you were wearing. Your breath hitched as his eyes flickered back up to yours, anger and hurt at your mistrust in him swirling in his gaze. "You're right, you're right! I'm sorry!" You agreed. You couldn't explain the rush you felt in your body. You had such trust in this man, he could tell you to jump off a cliff and you would. And he knew this. So why didn't you trust him now? His other hand went to grip your hip, causing you to swallow thickly. "I saw Master Windu attempt to murder the Chancellor myself," he spoke in a low and dangerous tone, as if he dared you to question him again. "You need to run, (Y/N). Because of the Master Jedi betraying him, he's ordered the killing of all Jedi. I know it may seem a bit overkill. But he doesn't know who can and can't be trusted. Please. Please, pretty girl. I'm begging you. I'm giving you this one chance to run away". Your heart fluttered at the nickname. "But Anakin.. If I run, I betray the Jedi Order. They rescued me from slavery. Anakin I owe them my life". Anakin pulled you in for a tight hug, him gripping you as if you'd disappear before him. After a few seconds he pulled back. "But if you stay here. You betray me." And that's all he had to say. He immediately saw you soften before nodding. "Ok... Ok I'll go. I'll run and I'll never turn back. I'll swear off the Jedi Order." You murmured and Anakin hugged you again, inhaling your scent for what could very well be the last time. "Thank you..." You let him pull back first. And when he did, you stared up at him before turning around and running off into the night.
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You awoke with a start. Memories of old plaguing your dreams. With a groan you sat up. You wish the dreams would stop, but alas they didn't. Rubbing your eyes you glanced over at your old lightsaber. It hadn't been turned on since that night at the Temple. You didn't know if it even still worked at all. You swore off all things Jedi but your lightsaber was still very dear to you. So you held onto it and it became a decoration. Sighing as you rubbed your eyes, you stood up and wiggled your way into the teeny tiny bathroom your ship held. Looking in the mirror, you dipped your hands into the bathroom water reserve and washed your face before touching up your hair so it didn't look like complete shit. Looking at your torn and dirty clothes. You decided that it would do you some good to dock soon. Set up shop for a few weeks. Get some new clothes and a hot shower. You drew the hood of your cape up as you walked up to the cockpit. Pushing buttons and flipping switches, you set a course for a nearby planet before hitting the button to jump into hyperspace. While you waited, you grabbed some juice and some junk food. Not the best of breakfasts but it was all you had right now. You tidied up your bed and went to do a quick inventory. Making a list of everything you had and coming up with prices you deemed as fair on your holopad. When a beep alerted that you were close to the planet, you stretched and walked your way over to the cockpit. Dropping out of hyperspace as you clutched the steering wheel, you paled as you almost came face to face with a Republic starship. "Fuck!" You shouted, jamming the wheel down, causing your little ship to dive. Unfortunately for you, the starship noticed as blaster fire began to head your way. A string of curses left your mouth as you dived and evaded. Smashing a button to open a comm you almost shouted, "Stand down! I'm a friendly ship! I'm only a merchant! Plea- FUCKING SHIT! Please hold your fire!" Soon the fire stopped and you heard a voice back, "Apologies. We're tractoring you in now to check your cargo and question you". You sighed in annoyance as you allowed the large starship to pull you in. You had a bad feeling about this...
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"That was some skilled piloting". The officer in front of you said as he eyed you suspiciously. You fiddled with your now damp hair. The officers had been kind enough to give you a room with a shower and some fresh robes. You had taken your time freshening up until you had been summoned for questioning. "Thank you, sir. I learned from only the best." You replied. The officer only hummed back in response. "We found some Jedi things on your ship, care to explain". You attempted to hide your nervousness as you felt your old lightsaber dig into your back. You couldn't leave it on the ship, so you stuffed it into your sash and hid it. "I'm a merchant. I buy, sell, and trade. Sometimes Jedi artifacts come into my possession. People are more than willing to pay a hefty sum for such a rare item, or trade something equally as rare". You replied with a casual grin and the officer rolled his eyes. Obviously he didn't think highly of merchants. "I suppose you're correct". He replied coldly. "What's up with all the questions anyways? I've been questioned by officers before and it's never taken this long". You said casually, which was a lie. You had never been questioned by Republic officers. In fact you avoided them like they were an incurable plague, but you were curious. The energy of the ship felt... off. "If you must know, we have some dangerous prisoners on board. Don't want any of their friends coming to save them". He sneered and you nodded your head. "Well if that's all, I'd like to get to the planet's surface. Respectfully, I have business to do". The officer rolled his eyes once more and two troopers stood on either side of you, ready to escort you back to your ship. You had only turned onto your third hall when the whole ship suddenly shook. You and the troopers almost crashed into each other but you quickly recollected yourself as you heard screams. "Red Alert! The prisoners have escaped!" A voice on the intercom screamed. The two soldiers immediately abandoned you. After all, you were just a merchant. Right?
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
Anakin fumed as he power walked the halls of his ship. "How the FUCK did one of them manage to blow a hole in this ship?!" He practically screamed. "I'm not sure sir! We think it may have been a Rebel spy!" A trooper responded. "There was also a merchant that recently boarded! We don't believe they're involved but it's not impossible!" Anakin grabbed his lightsaber, clicking the blade on. "Well? What was their name?!" He asked. The trooper grabbed the gun tighter. "(Y/N), sir!" Anakin froze and whipped around to face the trooper. He never expected to hear your name again, especially not in this context. Did you betray him finally? Or was this simply wrong place, wrong time. "Find them!" He spat. As much as he'd love to go after you himself, he couldn't. Rebel blaster fire shot his way as the trooper darted off. Two young individuals sprang forward, blue lightsabers in hand. They weren't Jedi, far from it. He could tell by their fighting style. He battled the two of them. The sound of saber clashes mixing in with the blaster fire. A girl lunged forward and attempted to pierce his side. He dodged just in time and slashed his blade forward, cutting her arms off. "Master run!" She screamed. Jerking his head, he saw a taller man run off. Growling, he jumped over crates and ran after him.
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
Another explosion rocked the ship and you stumbled into the wall. This ship might be going down. You needed to get off. Running down another hall, a body crashed into you, causing you both to stumble. Your old training kicked in and you immediately dropped into a fighting stance, hands ignited with flames as you assessed the possible enemy. "(Y/N)?" The man questioned. You recognized the voice and immediately put your flames out "Master Ulic?! I thought you were dead!" You gasped. "Old, but not dead." He rumbled. "I'm here on a mission with the Rebel Alliance". He stated. "Actually, I could use some help. Some of my men were killed and I don't know if I can do this alone". He continued and you winced slightly. Anakin came skidding to the end of the hall. His eyes flickered between you and Master Ulic and rage immediately coursed through his veins. Of course you betrayed him. How could you? How could his sweet (Y/N) betray him? The audacity you had to- "I appreciate the offer, Master Ulic. But I'm a different person now. I swore off the Jedi a long time ago. I'm just a simple merchant now." You replied as politely as you could. The Master frowned down at you slightly. Anakin noticed his focus was all in you, not his surroundings. He took this chance to spring forward and attempt to strike. Snapping his head up, he shoved you behind him, causing you to crash to the floor and smash your head against the floor. You groaned as your head began to swirl with pain. Shakily you attempted to find your bearings. Gripping the floor, you pushed yourself up onto your knees before attempting to gather yourself onto your feet. I need to get out of here. You thought as you stumbled into the wall. Fuck I need to get out of here. You attempted to lean forward so you could flee once more but a voice tore your thoughts back to the situation at hand. "(Y/N)!" A voice called, causing you to turn around. It was Anakin... The now Sith Lord had overpowered the Master Jedi and he was now calling out to you. "(Y/N) please! You don't have to join the resistance, but at least don't let me die here!" He pleaded. You turned your gaze to Anakin, who seemed to be observing you. He could just kill the Jedi. But he wasn't. No he wanted to see your reaction. You felt as if Anakin could see straight through you. You took a step back and the look on Master Ulic's face immediately changed. "No! No, no, no! You stupid girl!" Master Ulic roared. His newfound rage gave him the adrenaline rush he needed, smashing Anakin into the wall he stood up and began to stalk towards you. You tried to turn tail and run but the man used the force to draw you in. "I always knew you were loyal to the stupid Skywalker boy. Not even the High Jedi Council saw the deep attachments you had to him. But I did! Ooooh I did". He scowled and gripped your throat when you were close enough. "Why can't you see it? He didn't love you then and he doesn't love you now! He never will! He doesn't care about anybody but himself!" And with that you snapped.
"You shut your fucking mouth," you spat with such venom that even Anakin himself was in shock. In a fit of rage you did the one thing you promised never to do again, you drew your lightsaber. Master Ulic barely dodged your blade as you drew it in a backwards handle grip. Dropping you, you dropped gracefully before spinning around to face him. You launched yourself at him, the golden-yellow glow of your Jedi Sentinel blade meeting the angry green of his Jedi Guardian blade. Blades clashed as the two of you fought. You were now fueled by an absolutely primal rage that tore through your veins. Flipping your blade to a forward hilt grab, you put your strength into the next slash, causing him to stumble backwards. Wasting no time, you clipped your blade once again before dropping down into a stance. Drawing in a breath you focused your energy into your pointer and middle fingertips. A bolt of lightning shot from your fingertips, landing square in his center mass. He flew backwards and you exhaled sharply. Unlike force lighting, which was a dark side ability, your lightning was simply an extension of your flames. It took a lot of practice and focus, but it was deadly. Rising out of your stance you stumble forward slightly, it had been some time since you exerted so much energy and, unfortunately for you, you were rather out of shape. You winced as you felt the stitch in your side that had already taken the liberty of forming. Sighing you went to turn once again. It was time for you to leave. Or so you thought. A guttural scream ripped from your throat as a dark green saber struck you through the chest. Master Ulic, although injured, wasn't dead yet. He had used the force to launch his lightsaber and plunge it through your chest. Another shriek left your lungs as the Jedi Master recalled his blade to him. He had a job to finish. You heard a scream from somewhere, but you didn't know who it belonged to. You crumbled to the floor, wailing in pain. You wouldn't die, much to Ulic's dismay. Your species had regenerative abilities and were infuriatingly difficult to kill. Your vision began to blur as you felt your body begin it's self healing process. Wailing in pain, you still attempted to flee. Clawing at the floor and dragging yourself forward, your whole body shook as you sobbed. Eventually, the pain became too much and you rolled onto your side, wailing until your throat became hoarse. Your vision began to black out as you felt your body be lifted. You could barely hear the man above you as you began to loose consciousness. "Hang in there, pretty girl. You'll be ok. Please be ok. I can't loose you again..."
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Tag List: None Yet
Anywayyyyyyys. That's the first partttttttt. Might write the other part tonight. Probably will bc I'm not feeling the best so might as well put that into smthn yk? Sorry again for the sloppy writing, it's been literal ages since I've actually put effort into some writing.
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musubiki · 11 months ago
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updated TCWG relationship chart (pre-timeskip)
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coco--rock · 5 days ago
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Drew the wet bandits as kids
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sangre · 6 months ago
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE.  REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG, with the information of your muse,  including headcanons, etc.
pawn and arisen edition!
TAGGED BY: no one i stole this from myself :}  TAGGING: @reides @the-lovely-lady-luck @interstices @ritens @soloavengers
@muracasardis @pawnguild @lepidopteralabyrinth @edgier-than-a-diamond
@ishgard @hit-tab @lesbianbreastmilk if you like!
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name: adamaris solvesal nicknames: “ada” to her sister, only. “maris” with close friends. “ves” in a formal/informal sense, and obviously, pawn titles/endearments. age: thirty-three. race: human. gender: fluid, predominantly she/her but happy with he/him. Especially likes masculine titles – lord, king, sir. mx. and mistrex (acofaf reference). are also good. orientation: bisexual. zodiac: cancer. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. class/subclass: warfarer; mystic archer + sorcerer. briefly trained in spearhand, but she liked the on-hand brutality more than she wanted to deal with at the time and didn’t like it as an outlet. effectively “i’m not unpacking all that” and moving on. very proficient spellcaster, exceptional archer. the back definition hehe background: she and her younger sister (diantha) were taken in by their grandma, who was already rather old when she took them in. their grandmother was a fish and abalone/jewelry merchant who had adamaris take lessons at the apothecary so that she might be helpful in an emergency. diantha helped her grandmother with fishing and collecting things for the shop! (adamaris did this too of course, i think she just spent more time at lessons as elder sib.) interests/hobbies: mapmaking, navigating, astronomy, sailing, reading. spoken languages: dd2 equivalent of common as well as pseudospanish. also, the arisen's innate ability to understand the dragons after losing their heart. profession: the arisen, sovran-to-be. height: 5’7” colors: deep pink reds, pale red-browns, dark purple-red, almost black-red, wine red. the wine dark sea. fruits: raspberries, cherries, mango, lime, strawberry. drinks: ciders, guava and citrus juices, pulpy drinks like with aloe vera... alcoholic beverages: sweet/white wines, fruit sangrias, mango margarita with tajin, in theory... smokes: nope drugs: not really. just kind of hasn't had the time. drivers license: CAN drive a carriage. ever been arrested: almost and then she lifted the guard and threw him off the cliff in the inside of the jail. that's their fault for having cells that open up into cliffs of endlessness
pawn info under readmore:
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name: yvaine nicknames: yve (adamaris), vaine. age: ??? race: pawn - yvaine is more draconic in NG+, admittedly. his pointed ears and fangs are from plague overexposure. and other things. :-) gender: transmasc, he/him. orientation: bisexual. zodiac: sagittarius somehow. moral alignment: neutral good in first run, but chaotic neutral later and then in NG+ class/subclass: he was a mage to begin with! he was also a fighter, but his steady class now is thief. i think he likes having his 2 big knives. background: a somewhat eccentric summoning. adamaris attempted to frankenstein a body prior to becoming an arisen (with parts from corpses) but could not bring it to life/reanimate it/give live to it as what would have been a homunculus/a familiar. however! adamaris' first rift summoning brought her face to face with the animate version of that body she built. except... this time, he's very much alive. so there's a sort of inexplicable tether to his coming to life and rift-traveling! he doesn't remember much of his life prior to being summoned, so he and adamaris are in the same boat to start with. but. much has happened since then. interests/hobbies: he's a bit of a history and the arts dweeb. i think he loves seeing where things come from and learning about the stories that make up people's lives. music makes him cry like all the time. so he has been studying how to play the lute! spoken languages: dd2 equivalent of comic, and the language of dragons as well. profession: effectively the sovran's 'seneschal'/advisor/right hand/assassin. before that point, he's just my party's sweetheart. :-) height: 5'9" colors: lavender! pale lilac/desaturated brown, silvery purples! like silk, moonlight, like opal and fluorescent purple. and crimson red. fruits: honeydew..! kiwis, passionfruit, plums :) and papayas drinks: mulch. just kidding umm. very strong things! like i just think he's weirdly fond of VERY strong flavors or bitterness! i can't think of anything to describe this outside of black coffee but you get the vibe alcoholic beverages: i don't think alcohol affects him much but i also think he doesn't like the way it does feel for him. smokes: no. drugs: no by happenstance but he would try some substances recreationally with maris if it ever came up haha. drivers license: NO! ever been arrested: no he's too fast.
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amuseoffyre · 8 months ago
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OFMD Parallels: 1x01, 1x02, 1x03, 2x01, 2x08
What I love about these parallels is how much the moments say about the differences as well as the similarities:
Polite Menace versus Lime Ricky - Stede wants to earn respect for his manners and approach, while Ricky simply wants to show off and take credit for a plan that wasn't even his to begin with
Gentleman versus Minor Prince - Stede is the firstborn son of a belligerent merchant-class man who earned his fortune/rank and begrudges the fact his son will automatically get it without the work, piling decades of emotional abuse on Stede because of it, while Ricky is a Minor Prince who - while low down the familial pecking order by dint of his birth - is still high-enough born to not only summon an entire Naval fleet but to lead it as well. (also, hello parallels with the Badmintons as well - they were younger sons of the upper class/aristocracy based on their ranks in the navy. Stede is landed gentry, next up are the Badmintons and other Naval officers and then Ricky is above them all. brb rolling around in the layers of different flavours of class issues).
Make people feel underdressed and suddenly you're the one in charge - both of them are swanning around the republic in fancy outfits, but the difference is that Stede's is designed to catch the eye on his big debut and make him stand-out in a world where he is desperate for recognition while Ricky's entire outfit is just a screaming alarm of excessive wealth with plush velvet, gold and that massive freshwater pearl on a gold chain all the time. He would never end up dressed down in scraps and cast-offs the way Stede was in S2. He wouldn't allow it.
M'Noses! - look at the difference between their reactions to Jackie in this moment. Stede drops the facade and persona - "I'm Stede" - and shows the due deference and respect to someone with a knife in his face. On the other hand, Ricky yowls "don't you know who I am? I'm a minor Prince!"
Captain Kidd - both of them have a fascination with piracy, but their approach is to the pirate world is different. Stede wants to be a part of it, fully embracing it all and "I've never felt so at home", but Ricky refers to Kidd as "deranged" and talks down on "these rubes".
Not a pirate - Izzy as the barometer of whether someone is piratey enough makes me happy. When he first met Stede, fully agree - along with Stede's crew - that he was rubbish, but by the middle of S2, Izzy is acknowledging Stede as captain because he earned it. He saved the crew and helped them escape and things have changed. Ricky, on the other hand? Nope. Never. Coming in with daddy's toy soldiers and killing everyone does not a pirate make.
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the-literary-apothecary · 1 year ago
Taste-Testing for the Merchant of the Depths
𓇼 ⋆.˚ 𓆝 ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。。˚°.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊⋆.˚。 𓇼
Category: General, Slight Fluff
Characters included: Azul Ashengrotto, Prefect (Gender Neutral)
Oneshot Prompt: Azul wins a game and has the Prefect taste a variety of new drinks for the Mostro Lounge’s new menu for this upcoming fall season. No drink tastes like the next, but at least you get to spend some time with a certain merman…
𓇼 ⋆.˚ 𓆝 ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。。˚°.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊⋆.˚。 𓇼
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“Now, now Prefect” Tutted Azul, his gloved hand gently pushing that suspiciously beautiful glass of a drink with a color you didn’t think was possible you could find in liquid form.
“It’s simply a taste test, we had our fun back in the Board Game Club, and last I recalled, I won our little bet; lest you wish for me to remind you the purpose of this evening’s rendezvous?”
You shook your head in a surrendered manner, knowing full well why you were sitting at an empty table within the walls of Mostro Lounge.
During a Board Game Club, you and Azul played a simple strategy game with an added stake for some won, where the winner has to do a simple favor for the other. Unsurprisingly, Azul won. It was probably not your smartest move to suggest a strategy game, you regret not suggesting a game revolved around luck, especially when you know how much this particular Housewarden detested them.
“You don’t need to remind me just…. Why does it look so….. Neon Green?” You’re half convinced that Azul just had Floyd mix up every green chemical available in the academy’s Laboratory.
“We’re making new drinks for the halloween season. I proposed that this year’s limited time drinks should be based on different common potions in popular fiction and monsters. This notable one is based on a potion ingredient” Azul replies, his tone audibly relaxed
“Oh, you’re having me drink Frog’s Breath. Stellar, man.” You hum. "The last time I saw a guy drink that, he didn't wake up, but sure. Let's repeat that particular cycle."
“I’m sorry, Frog’s Breath?”
“Don’t worry, it’s not a reference from your world…”
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“Fucking bitter. Throw it out.”
“How honest” Remarks Azul gently, however his body language exhibited the complete opposite. He was surprised by the Prefect’s truthfulness. He was well aware of the sharp tongue you had, but to see you be so blunt had even shocked him. Not that he minded, of course. There’s a reason he confided in you for it.
“It’s like all you did was blend limes and every sour candy ever. Chill it out a bit, damn” The Prefect grumbles.
“Is it truly that sour? Goodness, I had created this one with Floyd and was hoping for a more bittersweet aftertaste. I was under the impression that we had balanced it well enough.” Azul looked down at his notebook and took quick notes, pushing the end of his quill. Truthfully, he had tasted it beforehand when trying to fix the bitterness. He just wanted to see your reaction to the taste. Afterall, there's a group that panders to these types of drinks- but they're not worth making and selling if they only pander to the minority.
“Is the sweetness in bittersweet in the room with us right now?” Asks the Prefect sarcastically, to which Azul only rolled his eyes. That of course following a scoff. “This might have given Riddle’s famous oyster tart a run for its money for uniqueness.”
Azul knew for a fact that your last line was by no means a compliment, but then again, none of what you said fell under praise. “Alright, alright. You’ve made your point. Next drink”
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You were handed water to wash the first one down. You leaned back against the smooth leather seating of the cafe, allowing the cool atmosphere to relax before you heard the sound of a plate pressed against the marble table. You opened your eyes, and watched as Jade set down your second mystery drink and bowed- leaving to return to the kitchen.
It was so cute and pink. And the frosting was white and frothy. Upon closer inspection, it looks like there’s strawberries too. They’re even cut up to look like hearts. It’s positively adorable. You guessed in your head that it was most likely based on a love potion.
You didn’t think twice before sipping it. Enticement was on the playing field and Azul took instant note of that.
He also took notice of your reaction, trying to ascertain your final statement to the beverage before you could say it. You swallowed it swiftly and smacked your lips. Once again the drink left you nothing short but surprised.
“Cocaine might be easier to consume than this, but fuck was it delightful”
“Goodness,” Azul smiled from disbelief. At this point, he found your colorful honesty to be nothing short of entertaining. He found himself more eager to hear your reactions than to your critiques. Uhm- not that he was avoiding them, of course.
“Too sweet?” He asks, though it was obviously in a rhetoric sense.
“Far too sweet, but there’s a charm to it” You’re saying this genuine. You loved sweet drinks, and this was no exception. As cloying as it was, you couldn’t seem to stop yourself from taking more and more sips. You smiled. Delighted by it.
“Sort of tastes like these super sweet bobas back at home, they had lots of caramel and whipped cream.. But this one is just as good…”
Azul’s eyes would perk up at that little detail. You did not speak much of your home, and the merman knew better than to pry anyone’s past like that. Surely, even he had some limits when it came to prying into your business (Not like it would be easy anyway). But there was this care in your voice as you reminisce about something so small. To him, it was actually quite sweet.
Maybe even sweeter than that drink you were being so giddy about.
“... Let’s head on to the next drink, okay?”
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It was the last drink, the fifth one you noted.
Thank goodness it was too. After that pink drink, you really only took necessary sips. They were pretty good after that, but you were getting full just by looking at them.
But this last one was… something.
It was nothing like the others. It stood out, but not for the most positive of reasons.. It was so plain looking that your first instinct was to question if the Octa-Trio was pulling your leg here.
It was dark green, but that was it. No gummies in the drink to make it look a bit more presentable. No . The liquid looked thick enough to perhaps be a simple smoothie. Not that you would complain if it was just a smoothie, of course. But it was curious. What an anticlimactic end.
“This is a separate one from the menu. Jade insisted that we make these healthy shakes directed for the student body, on account of how hard working they’re being during the making of their stations for this year’s Halloween. We’re also making fruit smoothies” Explains the second year with a relaxed hum, fixing his silver frames before glancing back at you
You were aware that Azul was part of the Halloween Committee this year, along with Jade. That explains this suspiciously red flaggy token of benevolence.
Not wanting to waste time, you once more picked up the glass
You lifted up the glass, and took a very light sip from the straw.
You perked up.
“Oh!” You took another sip.
“Okay, wait, this isn’t so bad” You comment, your expression relaxed. “Spinach with banana, those are the main ingredients with this one… and other fruits too? It’s better than I thought it’d be” You hum, taking another.
“Though, I’m curious, there’s this one thing that- Ah?!” You yelped, and quickly pushed the drink away from you.
Concerned, Azul stops taking notes immediately. He had his own serving of the same drinks you were having this whole time, and while he quietly jotted down his own opinions, he had been listening to yours. When he drank from this one, he found nothing wrong in particular.
He took another sip from his own to try and discern it. “Spinach, oats, banana, milk, apples…. Wait a minute, something’s in here that’s not in the- Hm?!”
It was then that he understood why Yuu yelped in such a way and struggled to speak. His tongue was paralyzed. Azul didn’t even need to put two and two together.
This was the work of a mushroom. And there's only one audacious eel in this dorm to have enough gall to mess with any of Azul's recipes for the sake of "Bringing his findings in the limelight."
In less than a minute, he found himself pushing that glass of water to you as a way to motion to wash it down. Right after that he stood from his seat-
Note to self, never do taste testing for the Octa-trio, even if your life depends on it.
At least the pink drink was good.
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Author's Note
𓇼 ⋆.˚ 𓆝 ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。。˚°.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊⋆.˚。 𓇼
Hope you liked my first actual oneshot thingy here.
This was a present for Miss @quartzztwst , I hope you liked it! I wanted to make something simple, but lighthearted as an easy read ^-^
I hope to improve better and faster as I learn how to write here on Tumblr. I'm quite new when it comes to uploading this sort of stuff like this... Still, there will be longer and more fluffier fics.
For more of my fanfics, go HERE to see my list of published fics (and other information)
Thank you! Buenas noches 💜
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