#ch: adamaris solvesal
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sangre · 8 months ago
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AFTERLIFE → a dragon's dogma 2 playlist | listen for the sovran adamaris & her venerable yvaine; i've lost my fear of falling ... i will be with you, i will be with you.
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sangre · 8 months ago
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yet for your sake... i would fain relinquish all i have.
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sangre · 8 months ago
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my NG+ arisen and pawn duo! they have a lot of issues i think, but they are cute. :-)
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sangre · 8 months ago
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strap the wing to me, death trap clad happily with wax melted, i’d meet the sea
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sangre · 8 months ago
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the arisen's stolen heart/pawns being very familiar-esque is just vampire au fodder. to me.
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sangre · 8 months ago
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this is his "whatcha got there" "a smoothie" moment; sometimes your pawn comes back with something really cool. starring @muracasardis' kassandra. thank you for the lovely gift! i'll use it carefully!
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sangre · 4 months ago
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homunc'ing it. and by it i mean my culus.
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sangre · 8 months ago
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE.  REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG, with the information of your muse,  including headcanons, etc.
pawn and arisen edition!
TAGGED BY: no one i stole this from myself :}  TAGGING: @reides @the-lovely-lady-luck @interstices @ritens @soloavengers
@muracasardis @pawnguild @lepidopteralabyrinth @edgier-than-a-diamond
@ishgard @hit-tab @lesbianbreastmilk if you like!
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name: adamaris solvesal nicknames: “ada” to her sister, only. “maris” with close friends. “ves” in a formal/informal sense, and obviously, pawn titles/endearments. age: thirty-three. race: human. gender: fluid, predominantly she/her but happy with he/him. Especially likes masculine titles – lord, king, sir. mx. and mistrex (acofaf reference). are also good. orientation: bisexual. zodiac: cancer. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. class/subclass: warfarer; mystic archer + sorcerer. briefly trained in spearhand, but she liked the on-hand brutality more than she wanted to deal with at the time and didn’t like it as an outlet. effectively “i’m not unpacking all that” and moving on. very proficient spellcaster, exceptional archer. the back definition hehe background: she and her younger sister (diantha) were taken in by their grandma, who was already rather old when she took them in. their grandmother was a fish and abalone/jewelry merchant who had adamaris take lessons at the apothecary so that she might be helpful in an emergency. diantha helped her grandmother with fishing and collecting things for the shop! (adamaris did this too of course, i think she just spent more time at lessons as elder sib.) interests/hobbies: mapmaking, navigating, astronomy, sailing, reading. spoken languages: dd2 equivalent of common as well as pseudospanish. also, the arisen's innate ability to understand the dragons after losing their heart. profession: the arisen, sovran-to-be. height: 5’7” colors: deep pink reds, pale red-browns, dark purple-red, almost black-red, wine red. the wine dark sea. fruits: raspberries, cherries, mango, lime, strawberry. drinks: ciders, guava and citrus juices, pulpy drinks like with aloe vera... alcoholic beverages: sweet/white wines, fruit sangrias, mango margarita with tajin, in theory... smokes: nope drugs: not really. just kind of hasn't had the time. drivers license: CAN drive a carriage. ever been arrested: almost and then she lifted the guard and threw him off the cliff in the inside of the jail. that's their fault for having cells that open up into cliffs of endlessness
pawn info under readmore:
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name: yvaine nicknames: yve (adamaris), vaine. age: ??? race: pawn - yvaine is more draconic in NG+, admittedly. his pointed ears and fangs are from plague overexposure. and other things. :-) gender: transmasc, he/him. orientation: bisexual. zodiac: sagittarius somehow. moral alignment: neutral good in first run, but chaotic neutral later and then in NG+ class/subclass: he was a mage to begin with! he was also a fighter, but his steady class now is thief. i think he likes having his 2 big knives. background: a somewhat eccentric summoning. adamaris attempted to frankenstein a body prior to becoming an arisen (with parts from corpses) but could not bring it to life/reanimate it/give live to it as what would have been a homunculus/a familiar. however! adamaris' first rift summoning brought her face to face with the animate version of that body she built. except... this time, he's very much alive. so there's a sort of inexplicable tether to his coming to life and rift-traveling! he doesn't remember much of his life prior to being summoned, so he and adamaris are in the same boat to start with. but. much has happened since then. interests/hobbies: he's a bit of a history and the arts dweeb. i think he loves seeing where things come from and learning about the stories that make up people's lives. music makes him cry like all the time. so he has been studying how to play the lute! spoken languages: dd2 equivalent of comic, and the language of dragons as well. profession: effectively the sovran's 'seneschal'/advisor/right hand/assassin. before that point, he's just my party's sweetheart. :-) height: 5'9" colors: lavender! pale lilac/desaturated brown, silvery purples! like silk, moonlight, like opal and fluorescent purple. and crimson red. fruits: honeydew..! kiwis, passionfruit, plums :) and papayas drinks: mulch. just kidding umm. very strong things! like i just think he's weirdly fond of VERY strong flavors or bitterness! i can't think of anything to describe this outside of black coffee but you get the vibe alcoholic beverages: i don't think alcohol affects him much but i also think he doesn't like the way it does feel for him. smokes: no. drugs: no by happenstance but he would try some substances recreationally with maris if it ever came up haha. drivers license: NO! ever been arrested: no he's too fast.
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sangre · 8 months ago
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behold: my sillies (the meme)
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sangre · 8 months ago
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yes your majesty, i cut out my heart for you.
i had a wonderful experience commissioning @helhornart for my dragon's dogma 2 OC's, yvaine & adamaris. :-) they look absolutely amazing. haven's detail work with fabric and expression is nothing short of immaculate!!! thank you so much, again!
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sangre · 8 months ago
Pawn Behaviors - Beyond the Rift
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yvaine ! ✧ / template.
note! spoilers ahead.
yvaine is often resting with a hand on his hip, observing. he's an astute people watch and things rarely escape his notice. yvaine loves to study history so he tends to look into everything nearby – seeking out books if there's a phenomena to explore, looking into resources if he finds something interesting.
he's a logistician, so he'll usually be fussing with his hands. putting together flowers or making salves for adamaris to put to good use. he loves the language of flowers and what they say about the locations they grow in, their capacity to thrive in some places but not others. in NG+ as a thief, he takes to the ability to plunder quite well (and not without smug satisfaction). picking things off of enemies is his favorite. he loves to smile while he cuts something up and trick 'em quick.
he's a bit of a teacher's pet; hired pawns who go too far ahead or make complaints get a bit of a talking-to from him. he tends not to speak over others until he knows them a little, but yvaine can be a little catty. he doesn't like other pawns nosing around adamaris too closely unless it's with genuine interest, and isn't keen on others who try to give her unsolicited advice.
he likes whittling and sharpening his knives, heaven's key.
other pawns in the party may, after a particularly harrowing encounter, hear him talking (indecipherable) to his knives in the dead of night. he has a bit of a soul eater situation going on with them; the weapons carry the words and ambitions of the first cycle's adamaris. when he sleeps with them on his person, he dreams of her more clearly, and feels memories of her with a vividness. it's sort of like... he learned the thief trade at the end of their first cycle and that's when he began to get blood on his hands, so the voice of the first adamaris he met is comforting to him. NG+ adamaris doesn't know this until later though, and it would surely piss her off a little to find out.
yvaine is... complicated. he grew thickly corrupted by plague towards the end of the first cycle, and cooperated with the pathfinder in order to re-implement it. as such, he's marked by the dragon who carries us in the true end, the watching one, which i want to coin as 'true plague' or 'fatesickness'. not the plague or influence of the reflections of the dragon – but the interruption of a pawn's entire being. when he is pulled from the rift in NG+, his ears are pointed like a manakete, his eyes flicker red in moments of high emotion, and he has fangs and the slight blooming of iridescent black/lilac scales on the backs of his arms/calves/hips.
when his fatesickness is active, it's usually due to high escalated danger. he's a little manic, feverish, running hot and eager. his movements are faster, more erratic, he's less careful and less aware of his own body. he tends to barrel roll around cliffs to corner adversaries and claw through enemies more messily.
he is a little more bold with PDA, he's more outwardly clingy and stingy with adamaris' space. he wants her full attention and is content to peacock for it, no matter who it endangers. 100% cobra flashing its hood.
this is a snippet from my doc of these two, going from cycle one to NG+, where adamaris endeavors toward the true end, only to take the pathfinder's offer to resurrect her sister and resume the cycle: "he pitied and adored the arisen’s somber demeanor, exploring the world through the lens of her venomous grief. he absorbed much of it, coming to resent what of the world that she did, in his own way. protective by nature, he came to love the innocent and the lost, the wounded and vengeful – an unwitting shepherd who would wrest danger from others through his own body, and adopt their pain, all. as for the arisen, he was more her creation than merely her pawn, a rift-traveler, yes, but had he not come from more? made from all but the clay of her and the rib of her? before long, affection overcame his sense of reason—and he became more intimately enthused for what might become of a world written by adamaris’ will. (...) yvaine’s early attempts to still her hand grew corrupted by the influence of dragonsplague. he grew eager for the slaughter, unable and unwilling to control his zealotry toward his precious arisen. his master, yes, but his fatebreaker, too. she who inflicted him with Choice. the conflict of a life unspooled from the wheel — the one that adamaris fought for in the first place — had become his drive. (...) yvaine laments his master’s choice, but if it means they will not risk losing each other … he is content to be selfish and wrong."
yvaine is very pleasant! he is friendly, amicable, sensitive to the needs of others, hopeful, helpful, and courteous. he's a polite and thoughtful companion who is eager to help other pawns out of harm's way. he wants them to like adamaris beyond surface level, so he tries to explain his actions to them. to express something remarkable.
that said, yvaine is very earnest, so long as another pawn isn't obstructing him or agitating/disobeying the arisen. he tries to invest in the other riftwalkers and better get to know those who travel with him... he may whittle them little gifts, find them herbs or flowers they may enjoy, or show them places that would appeal to them.
yvaine is most excited by finding shards of wakestones in graveyards and amidst cemeteries. he will comment on this very excitedly for adamaris' sake, because he knows it furthers her work. "arisen! we've found another means for your life's work, yet!"
ironically, she resents wakestones, but she knows she needs them, so she appreciates it.
he also loves waterfalls. he loves standing near the mist of a waterfall and feeling the drips that flick his face. "how alive i feel, face to face with this body of life. would that the brine reached toward us with a hand this merciful."
he almost always comments on the starry nights, and how at ease it leaves him to see them all aglow. but you know how that one goes. :3
he is fairly defensive for the most part, but cutthroat too.
yvaine in NG+ especially is a quick and efficient killer. it's only when his plague is active that he tends to draw out suffering of something that's being particularly irritating.
➵ NPC’s: 
yvaine loves raghnall, particularly because after being separated from the arisen, he came out of the caves with raghnall safe and sound, so he's someone reliable. i think yvaine himself wants also the chance to spar with him - the two of them share a similar sort of... clever mischief and movement. not to mention, he's a renowned warrior who must have countless stories, which yvaine would be happy to hear; if he could have a pen pal, he would choose raghnall.
yvaine does NOT care for phaesus, but he feels slightly indebted to him for saving his life, which he does not care for, either.
he really likes wilhelmina - she's elegant and dangerous and stuck her neck out for them, but is a little envious, because adamaris quite adores her. he's like 'did you kill for someone other than me... i understand... i understand (´ ᯅ `)'
he also loves the babys in vermund, as he got on very well with them/is good with children in general - he engages them and they think he's a funny little man. he asks after daphne every so often when they visit.
following the stolen throne, yvaine procures some masquerade-suitable clothing of his own. though he cannot enter alongside adamaris that night, he does ask him for a dance near the cliffs of the rose chateau.
regarding saint of the slums, yvaine has an idea right away as to what kind of experiments the abbess is running. he talks to adamaris a little about her own research in alchemy and the human body, which sparks a conversation of ethics. adamaris is passionate about lady elena betraying a position of virtue and living a falsehood in terms of failing to truly help people, but he can also see that there were some people in the city that were grateful for what she'd done. yvaine learns a little bit about the complications of trying to transcend humanity, and finds himself glad that he can be of service, in his own way.
a game of wits makes him very happy. his stomach is indelibly tight when the sphinx asks who adamaris' beloved is. even presuming it makes him feel nauseous. but of course, she rests her hand on his back and urges him onto the platform, where he exhales with grandest relief. he-he. he's been beaming, smugly, ever since. "master...! i had suspected that she might only gauge the depth of … if… and… between you and i…" [giggly] "well glad am i that i could assist you with this puzzle, is all i mean to say. heh!"
oh, yvaine.
he's my little star, you understand.
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sangre · 8 months ago
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ship nonsense OTD
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sangre · 8 months ago
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doodles that have been in my head today lol. im sorry phaesus you're just amicable and easy to pick on
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sangre · 8 months ago
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they both look really chill
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sangre · 8 months ago
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i really love my little guys.
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sangre · 8 months ago
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just stuff lol
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