lostdrarryfics · 2 years
Hi! I’ve been trying to find this fic, but maybe someone else would have more luck? If i recall, it was pretty popular.
It was primarily focused on grimmauld place, and kreacher was a large character. Draco..moved in? And because he was an insomniac, ended up walking the house so much that the house respected him.
What i remember most is that there is at one point an attack on one of the characters, and they are close to death. They go into the?? Walk in fridge?? Which has enough preserving charms that they’re able to survive long enough to get help.
Set post war, they’re both adults. Either harry is taking time off auror work or he straight up has no job.
Sorry if this is really obvious! I just can’t seem to find it
Thank you!
We believe you are looking for What We Pretend We Can't See (131k, M) by gyzym!
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burricane · 5 years
Ugh that so majorly sucks I’m sorry
@lilypips Yeah and then these like three girls who couldn’t have been more than eleven were in swimsuits and towels because they were about to go swimming at the local beach and they beeped walking out of the store even though they had only gone to McDonald’s to get ice cream and the fucking incel starts making his way over to them and I just knew that his intentions could in no way be good because he was looking them up and down so I literally sprinted out of my station to help them instead. Dude glared at me the whole time. Fuck incels.
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fudoshin09 · 6 years
Got major flow goin now! I ended up moving my #fluval305 canister filter (this filter is now about ... omg 14 years old! I replaced the motor about 7 ya) outside the stand because the hoses just kept kinking and I couldn’t prevent it. I’m a little worried it’s too much flow now.... #plantedtank #aquascape #lilypipe #lilypipes #lillypipe #lillypipes #aquascaping #neontetras #lingfindanio #tigerbarb #cherrybarb #bristlenosepleco #anubiasnana #rubra #watersprite poor condition #amazonsword #babytears #ottofish #siameseflyingfox some grass type plant and some plant with octopus in the name oh and #dwarfsagittaria
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