fudoshin09 · 6 years
Got major flow goin now! I ended up moving my #fluval305 canister filter (this filter is now about ... omg 14 years old! I replaced the motor about 7 ya) outside the stand because the hoses just kept kinking and I couldn’t prevent it. I’m a little worried it’s too much flow now.... #plantedtank #aquascape #lilypipe #lilypipes #lillypipe #lillypipes #aquascaping #neontetras #lingfindanio #tigerbarb #cherrybarb #bristlenosepleco #anubiasnana #rubra #watersprite poor condition #amazonsword #babytears #ottofish #siameseflyingfox some grass type plant and some plant with octopus in the name oh and #dwarfsagittaria
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fishytanks · 6 years
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The canister got a clean today and I’m trying out a spray bar to add some extra flow to tackle some algae issues.
Not too sure I’m going to keep it on as it freaked out my male apisto and he’s currently hiding out behind a rock with stress stripes 🙁
Lights are staying off for now and the tanks covered for the time being to let everyone get used to it, if not it’ll be switched back to the lillypipe tonight.
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lillypipreads · 4 years
Woman shot during US coup from lillypip on Vimeo.
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ismokeitsite · 5 years
Most places label their paraphernalia 'tobacco use only' – Amazon says 'you want a kitchen scale? We got you fam. ;)'
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Most places label their paraphernalia 'tobacco use only' – Amazon says 'you want a kitchen scale? We got you fam. ;)' https://ift.tt/2LID47I Submitted September 20, 2019 at 11:44AM by LillyPip via reddit
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houstonpress · 7 years
Megathread: Republican Health Care Plan Passes House Vote
HR. 1628, the American Health Care Act, has passed the vote in the House of Representatives 217-212 and will now move to the Senate. Please link relevant stories here rather than on the subreddit at large. Use this thread to discuss as well.
As a reminder, please keep comments civil pursuant our commenting rules.
Submissions that may interest you
TITLE SUBMITTED BY: House Republicans Finally Pass An Obamacare Repeal and Replacement /u/BauerHouse House bill would face daunting challenges in Senate /u/kamrakiller Does new version of the AHCA protect coverage for pre-existing conditions? /u/PikachuSquarepants Republican senator says House may pass health bill, but the legislation has 0% chance in Senate /u/Innocul8 Trump today: Live updates on the GOP health care bill /u/dave1080 Paul Ryan's Trumpcare Victory Covers Just 5% With Pre-Existing Conditions /u/PM_ME_TITS_N_KITTENS The Health Care Sector Really Hates This GOP Bill /u/RyanSmith ACA Replacement Passes the House /u/turtleislandcastaway House Sends Health Care Hot Potato to Senate /u/The-Autarkh House Passes GOP Health Care Bill /u/CrusaderPeasant ObamaCare replacement bill approved in House /u/opinionateddoctor House GOP Passes Revamped Obamacare Repeal Bill /u/rit56 House passes Obamacare replacement bill /u/ImTheCaptaiinNow House passes ObamaCare repeal /u/Taltarian House passes Obamacare replacement bill /u/opinionateddoctor Its official: House Republicans passed a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare /u/gabagool69 House narrowly passes Obamacare replacement bill /u/scoobage House Passes Measure to Repeal and Replace the Affordable Care Act /u/hazelnut_coffay With a push from Trump, House Republicans pass Obamacare overhaul /u/Jman432 Republican Obamacare replacement bill wins enough votes to pass House /u/saucytryhard House Has Votes to Pass Obamacare Repeal Bill, Send It to Senate /u/slaysia Who Wins and Who Loses in the Latest G.O.P. Health Care Bill /u/bulldog75 H.R.1682 Passes House Vote /u/GreenDoomsDay Look at this happy asshole as he scoots back from a fully-insured surgery to repeal your health coverage /u/Scrimshawmud Republicans health bill takes $600 billion out of health care to cut taxes for the rich /u/IAmNotTheEnemy Why Democrats sang hey, hey, hey, goodbye after House Republicans voted to repeal Obamacare /u/drewiepoodle House Passes Measure to Repeal and Replace the Affordable Care Act /u/reality_sucks Obamacare repeal passes US House of Representatives as Donald Trump hails 'wonderful vote' /u/usman_munirjee9 Republicans plan keg party to celebrate eliminating healthcare for the poor /u/saucytryhard Democrats Taunt GOP After Obamacare Repeal Vote By Singing 'Goodbye' /u/JoJoWiCo The repeal & replacement of the ACA as it stands is an act of Terrorism. Period. /u/fourandasplit Obama photographer trolls GOP over ObamaCare repeal vote /u/Davidjonson12 The Next Step for the Republican Health Care Law: A Skeptical Senate /u/dreammerr GOP Senator Says He Cant Support House OCare Repeal Bill As It Stands /u/Shitposter123456789 Trump scores healthcare victory in House /u/Erosis Trump: House GOP to speak at WH if 'victorious' on ObamaCare repeal /u/kamrakiller Rep Will Hurd not supporting AHCA /u/bigbopalop Before passing the AHCA, the House voted to make it apply to themselves too /u/Innocul8 How the House voted to pass the Obamacare replacement /u/LillyPip American Medical Association condemns House healthcare bill passage /u/Antinatalista AHCA passes house! /u/theguywhosninja Final Vote List for Healthcare Bill /u/Merpz No. 2 Senate GOPer: 'No timeline' on moving ObamaCare replacement bill /u/Diytu N.J.'s Frelinghuysen changes stance and votes to repeal Obamacare /u/A_Tang Senate won't vote on House-passed healthcare bill /u/ceaguila84 GOP to Sick People: Drop Dead /u/therecordcorrected House Democrats Sing Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey-ey, Good-bye to Republicans After Trumpcare Vote Passes /u/beyond_understanding Every Republican who voted for this abomination must be held accountable /u/yakinikutabehoudai Betrayal, carelessness, hypocrisy: The GOP health-care bill has it all /u/saucytryhard GOP health bill now faces even tougher time in the Senate /u/Eurynom0s Millions of Americans are about to lose health care coverage and the Republicans are drinking beer: Democrats slam House GOP after passage of Trumpcare /u/saucytryhard Trumpcare Will Be Catastrophic For People With Mental Health Issues /u/PM_ME_TITS_N_KITTENS Sherrod Brown lists the pre-existing conditions that will be lost under Trumpcare /u/mechabeast How Congress Voted on H.R. 1628 (AHCA) /u/Me5thRedditAccount House Passes Measure to Repeal and Replace the Affordable Care Act /u/jinupinu Republicans Get Their Health Bill. But It May Cost Them. /u/Geiranger Democrats troll House Republicans, sing and wave bye-bye as AHCA passes /u/supercubbiefan Priebus tout healthcare bills passage with football metaphor /u/raven0usvampire House Passes AHCA: How It Happened, What It Would Do, And Its Uncertain Senate Future /u/autoboxer The Shame of the House /u/Geiranger the-new-house-health-care-bill-trumps-ahca-just-passed-the-house-now-heads-for-the-senate /u/Skultis The Health Care Bill Could Be A Job-Killer For GOP Incumbents /u/The-Autarkh Trump: I'm 'so confident' health care bill will pass Senate /u/slaysia Democrats sing na,na,na,na,hey,hey, good bye to Republicans after ACA Vote /u/Monkeyconcussion2012
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