fudoshin09 · 6 years
Got major flow goin now! I ended up moving my #fluval305 canister filter (this filter is now about ... omg 14 years old! I replaced the motor about 7 ya) outside the stand because the hoses just kept kinking and I couldn’t prevent it. I’m a little worried it’s too much flow now.... #plantedtank #aquascape #lilypipe #lilypipes #lillypipe #lillypipes #aquascaping #neontetras #lingfindanio #tigerbarb #cherrybarb #bristlenosepleco #anubiasnana #rubra #watersprite poor condition #amazonsword #babytears #ottofish #siameseflyingfox some grass type plant and some plant with octopus in the name oh and #dwarfsagittaria
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