#lily and ember
forrksie · 3 months
It took us some some to finally post them, because they mean so much to us. Lily and Ember plushies, our Iterators OCs we love dearly. 🥲
They also have magnets in their lil palms so they can hold hands 🌸🥲
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entwined-spirits · 3 months
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Our Beans, Lily and Ember, were transforming Hollow into the climbing gym 😂🧡💛💜
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dead-lights · 2 months
the grand occult baking championship EPISODE 1.1
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that's it for now! next section goes up tuesday. thanks for reading <3
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t0bey · 1 year
rah rah rah
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Oh do you have any thoughts about Rain getting bred and it took?
Who is/are the other parent(s), how many kit(s) and what their element(s) is/are?
May I request a fic(let) about it? Much thanks.
Ooo say less! I like to think Clutches can have various parents as each egg can be fertilized by different people or an egg by more than one. SAY LESS!!!!
First Day of School. (No CW) Rain/Everyone
Tags: Ghoul kit talk, pregnancy talk, baby shenanigans
Characters: Rain, Cirrus, Mountain, Dewdrop, Aether, Lily (kit), Ember (Kit), Orion (Kit), Misc Ghouls.
(Divider by @ wrathofrats !)
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Mornings were always chaotic in the den, even moreso after their packmate popped out three small kits. The sounds of squealing and running footsteps kept everyone on their toes, yet provided such a comfortable (sometimes stressed) atmosphere. Today was even more chaotic, half of the pack already left for their daily duties while the rest wrangled little ones around for their first day of school.
"Lily Ira! If you don't get your little butt over here and put your shoes on!" Cirrus' voice echoed, running down the hall just in time for a high pitch shrill to follow. "Gotcha!"
Just as Rain had begun to shuffle through his kit's dresser for Ember's uniform, the door opened to reveal Aether holding Orion by his foot, the little quintessence kit squealing as he swayed side-to-side; waving hello to his mother while his father held an uninterested look.
"Someone," Aether gave a little jiggle to Orion. "Thought it'd be smart to break into daddy's peanut butter stash. So, back to brushing our teeth!"
"Noo!" Orion whined at the realization, being brought back up and pouting against Aether's hold.
Rain let out a small laugh before waving them to the bathroom, Ember still waiting patiently on his lap, pajamas still downed. He yawned, fangs poking out as he did so, rubbing his eyes with a long whine that got Rain's attention. His little one raised his hands and began to talk, just like the others had been taught since they were born.
"Mama, do I really have to go today?"
The water ghoul's hand finally found the uniform that had been pushed to the back, nodding in response. Once he sat down the outfit his hands raised as well.
"Yes, you do. But it's going to be so fun!" Rain smiled. "You're going to make soo many friends, and I know your teacher personally! Sister Oren is a lovely lady."
Ember simply whined again. "Will dad be there?"
"Yes. Your dad just needed to do his morning rounds, but he made sure to have a break in-between just to see you."
That seemed to satisfy enough for the little fire kit, snuggling back against his mama as he was carefully dressed, albeit lazy as Ember had no interest in getting up. With a little bit more hassle with shoes and placing his hair into a small ponytail, Rain grabbed his kit's hand and led them outside where breakfast waited. He took in the scene after helping Ember into his seat, sighing as Lily had kicked off her shoes again and clung to her father's back.
"If padre doesn't have to wear shoes, then I don't wanna' either!" She hissed, wiggling as her mother tried again.
"Your padre is very much wearing shoes today, just like he has multiple other times!" Cirrus replied back, managing to get only a single shoe on before she successfully kicked off the other one. "Girl! Chill out!"
Lily only laughed again, Mountain chuckling as he tried to stay still for his mate to wrangle shoes on for the fifth time that morning while still flipping grilled cheese. Once Cirrus tied Lily's shoes to the point she couldn't kick off, the multi kit simply dead weighted in her mother's arms, groaning and lightly kicking her feet.
"Shoes suck!" She whined.
Cirrus snorted, shaking her head. "There are more important things to argue about, shoes are definitely not top priority."
"Well I think shoes should be optional."
"Let me know if you still stand by that statement when you step on one of your own toys."
Immediately the small pack grimaced, too many times their poor feet received pings of pain from Legos and other sharp toys still strowed about. Rain shivered at the thought, turning as the last kit's chair was filled, Orion going straight to his peanut butter covered banana, looking at his father with a shit eating grin.
"Okay, I give up. He's just gonna smell like peanut butter today." Aether put his hands up in defeat, now going back to reassembling his backpack duty for each kit.
Rain giggled before whistling, catching the kits attentions before he signed again. "Are you guys excited for your first day?"
There was a unanimous shaking of heads, Ember just shrinking down into his chair more.
"Awh, my loves..." He pouted some. "I promise you're going to love it. But Dad is going to be there, so is your uncle Swiss and aunty Sunshine."
"Yes!!" Lily cheered, mouth still full of grilled cheese as she pumped her hand in the air. "I fucking love Aunty Sunny!"
Her parents quickly gave the hardest glare, Lily's eyes widening before covering her mouth. "Sorry..."
Mountain's eye twitched, sighing. "Swiss."
"No cussing in school." Rain quickly added, suddenly praying harder to Lucifer that his daughter didn't get detention on her very first day.
With a few minutes left to spare, bellies full and wiped mouths, Aether helped put on backpacks while Mountain crouched to adjust little hoods and masks. It was a smaller version of the Prequelle masks that didn't cover the horns, hence the hood. They honestly looked like little cultists, and Rain couldn't stop taking pictures. They looked perfect. Ember had found his way on to Aether's shoulder as he kept whining, Orion and Lily running ahead but not too far away as the pack made their way outside to the school.
Fellow children of sin and their parents joined, and every now and then another kit would be carried by with their own. The school house was in a different section of the abbey as it's own building, comfortably sat between the dining hall and hospital with the forest right behind.
But the sight of a fire ghoul with two others looking around for their pack got Lily to squeal, now completely running away from her other parents and straight to Sunshine. The three's body language shown as Sunshine picked up the little multi, bonking her helmet against Lily's hood.
"Hi there, little stinker!" She laughed, twirling them around before giving a big squeeze. "Look at you! So damn cute!"
Orion ran just as fast, hugging Swiss' waist and receiving a knuckle sandwich, the two laughing before doing their little handshake, the two kits being exchanged so Swiss could also get Lily cuddles and Orion a giant amount of forehead bonks. Dewdrop was just as excited, rubbing his helmet over both of the kits before turning, meeting Rain and Aether half way.
He opened his arms and Ember quickly lept over, little claws digging into Dew's jacket. "Daddd!" He whined again.
A questioning glance was thrown to the four, Aether sighing. "He wants nothing to do with this. Had a good few cries because you weren't there."
"Awh, Em'..." Dew leaned close, scenting his son for comfort. "I'm right here! I'm sorry I couldn't be there this morning."
Ember simply huffed, heating himself up while Dew responded in the same way. The group stayed huddled around, talking back and forth of miscellaneous things before a bell began to chime, eyes turning to the silver bell that sat outside the school house.
"That's first bell!" Mountain said, lightly bouncing his shoulders that Orion had made himself home on. "You three ready?"
"Yeah!" Lily exclaimed, ignited with a new passion as Sunshine held her hand.
Rain suddenly got a surge of anxiety, looking at Aether with a worried expression. "Did you get their lunch boxes?"
"I did."
"What about their inside shoes?"
"Also, yes." Aether chuckled, trying to rub Rain's arm.
"Oh, oh, Ember's allergen card?!"
Dewdrop responded by showing their son's backpack with a double-sided, laminated, lanyard attached that held the big words 'Allergy Notice' with a small list underneath. Rain rubbed his face, now noticing every small detail, fixing socks, pressing down robes, and redoing Lily's shoelaces as she started rubbing at them to loosen. Cirrus kneeled down to do the other shoe, looking over at the water ghoul.
"Hey, you're freaking out more than Ember was this morning." She lightly joked, nudging Rain's shoulder as he stayed focused on his task.
He shook his head, sighing and standing back up without responding. He eyed the three in front before busting into sobs, catching the pack off guard, shuffling closer for a group hug.
"What's wrong mommy?" Orion mumbled, being taken into his mother's arms, Lily on the other side, and Ember maneuvered to be right in the middle.
He simply shook his head, clutching his kits harder and trying to push his muzzle against their cheeks, whining. If there was something all three kits shared was being an empath just like their mom, Em slowly starting to tear up before wailing, setting off his other two siblings. Little claws dug into Rain, now completely unwilling to let go and their excitement quickly gone. The pack's heart crushed at the same time, Sunshine putting her hands under her mask to wipe away her own tears, Aether just on the verge as well.
It felt like it wasn't too long ago when Rain had laid in the lake, surrounded by the entire pack after his eggs had grown, each kit had been pushed out and carefully cut out of their sacks. Their screaming wails almost making Aurora fall into the water from their little echoes, Dewdrop being the only one unbothered while others had worn different ear muffs. How did they grow up so fast? One moment they're as small as Mountain's palm, the next they're reaching Swiss' waist to hug.
Even still, their siren wails echoed, Aether getting closer just to hug the four tighter which the others followed.
"Getting so big..." Cirrus mumbled, kissing each of their heads.
Swiss chimed in, his voice gentle to try and calm down the pack. "Hey, hey! Everything's going to be alright! Where's that happy energy, huh? We can't be sad on our first day! How else are we going to possibly burn down the building?"
That got a little giggle from Lily, the ghoulette wiping her eyes but staying against Rain's shoulder.
"Your uncle's right. Everything is going to be okay. No need for tears," Dew moved, hand going under Rain's helmet to wipe his cheek. "Today's going to be so fun, you're going to meet new friends, get to run around all day, and before you know it you'll be back home!"
Rain took the hint, quickly sniffling and trying to calm himself. He linked to Aether, the quintessence humming before speaking for his mate. "Mama said your dad's right, and that he's sorry for crying. He wants all of you to have the best days ever, and he'll be waiting right here for when you get out."
Orion pushed back, chewing his finger under his mask. "Promise?"
"He said he promises."
Very carefully, Dew took Lily and Mountain plucking Orion back up by his scruff that he loved. Ember stayed latched to Rain, the two swaying back and forth while they tried to calm each other. Ember was kneading on Rain's back, mumbling "Is' okay, mama... Is' okay..." While Rain gently scratched at Ember's head.
The second bell chimed, and Rain reluctantly took a step forward, the others following with Cirrus keeping a gentle hand on his back. Lily had quickly perked back up and was passed around for forehead bumps and kisses, being stood and Swiss readjusting her backpack. Ember was surprisingly next, receiving the same treatment but his lanyard being placed around his neck. Their last kit was chewing on Mountain's arm before being suddenly moved to another set of arms and around, placed on the ground as well.
Crouching, the pack gave their own wishes of a good day and love.
"Make sure to keep your masks—and shoes," Swiss started, eyeing Lily specifically. "-On today. Don't be afraid to go say hi to the other kids, yeah?"
"And look out for each other!" Dew now chimed in.
Rain got to his knees so he was about equal level with his kits, unable to do more than hold three fingers up and shake back and forth. "I love you."
In sync, the kits replicated, Ember holding Orion's hand once they were finished.
"Alright!" Mountain's voice cracked, quickly clearing his throat. "Off you go!"
With a gentle nudge, all three waved again before falling behind the rest of the children quickly trying to get in. The pack stood up straight, waving until they were out of sight. It took only a second before Dew groaned, laying his head against Aether's chest as his shoulders bounced with his own cries.
"Who the fuck let us have kits?! This is terrible!" Dew whined.
"Six whole hours they're gonna be gone. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself." Mountain added, no longer holding back his tears.
Rain sighed, if his tail had been visible it'd be between his legs. He felt Swiss grab his hand and give a gentle squeeze. "C'mon you lot of babies, cry away from the windows."
Reluctantly, they turned, Rain throwing another glance over his shoulder at the now closed doors. Unfortunately, Mountain was right. Besides the few that had duties, it was too quiet in the den. There was no laughter and the sound of patting feet, or even the small bickering of who's toy belonged to who. The day just seemed to drag on for what felt like forever, Rain napping most of it away as he couldn't stand the silence.
He knew it was something he needed to get used to, and maybe take advantage of, but right now he couldn't. He missed the feeling of his kits snuggled in the bed, how Lily would snore just like her padre and kick out occasionally; Orion talking in his sleep about some random TV show Cumulus got him addicted to. How Ember mimicked his father and was a tiny space heater that always seemed to find his way under Rain's chin despite them tossing and turning in their sleep. He missed little hands nudging him awake so they could have a snack, or to see if they can go outside with the other children to play, sometimes even to settle their little fights.
It was misery in a box that had been graciously handed to Rain.
However, when the sound of his phone's alarm went off, he's never ran out of his room so fast before—Phantom who had just gotten back from his own duties following after. They followed the path to the school house where Cumulus stood next to other impatient parents, waving them over. The three simply fit right in, nervously bouncing on their heels before the doors opened. Instantly, waves of children ran out, and very soon after Rain's did as well.
Lily made a straight line for Phantom, the quint yelling as the kit had enough force to knock them over, rolling around on the gravel as they rough housed immediately. Ember, of course, found his way into his mother's arms, the two purring like no tomorrow; Orion already showing off one of his drawings to Cumulus who listened with every ounce of interest.
That tsunami of misery was gone in a flash, Rain squeezing Em just a bit tighter as he looked at his other two that had now tag teamed Phantom and were chewing on his arm and leg. He whistled, making them freeze and turn, Ember even pulling back to look.
Rain brought a single hand up since his other arm was occupied, signing a bit more slowly. "Ready to go home?"
They scrambled off the bat, Cumulus giggling as he rubbed his leg where Orion got a good nip in. As the group walked, each kit took turns (and sometimes overlapping) to ramble about what they did, their new friends, who they sat next to, and even the new name tags they got temporarily for their desks.
"I colored mine purple!" Lily exclaimed, skipping while holding Phantom's hand.
Orion scoffed, "You totally stole my idea! I did mine purple first!"
"Alright you two, shh. You can both have purple name tags." Phantom butted in, watching the two stick their tongues out at one another.
Cumulus pipped up. "What about you, Em? Did you colors yours in?"
"No... Put stickers on it, though." He said softly, rubbing his tired eye underneath his mask with an accompanying yawn. "And Lily took her shoes off."
"I didn't!" She squealed.
"Yes you did!" Orion confirmed, laughing. "She did it three whole times!"
"I'm gonna eat your bananas you snitch!" Lily squealed, running ahead as their den came into sight.
Orion yelled in panic for his favorite fruit, chasing after her with everything he had. The three adults simply laughed, Rain shaking his head as he readjusted the now sleeping kit in his hold. He gave another squeeze and relaxed, welcoming the sounds of his kits in the den once more.
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Last weekend I wanted to make a doodle sheet where I basically tried to add as many mlp characters I felt like drawing as I could and here it is!!
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This was actually so fun and I wanna do more, so if you got a character you want me to draw pls let me know!! (In asks or comments/reblogs)
(The only one here’s who’s not a canon character is the changeling, who was a request by my friend)
Also here’s a version without the cutiemarks so it’s less messy
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But yeah I’m totally open to suggestions/requests of other characters!! It can be basically any mlp character (even ones who were already included in this as cutiemarks)
Also also special shoutout to anyone who can name every single character including the cutiemarks lol
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gnomewife · 4 months
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I got wiring loose inside my head
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I got books that I never ever read
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I got secrets in my garden shed
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I got a scar where all my urges bled
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I got people underneath my bed
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I got a place where all my dreams are dead
Swim with me into your blackest eyes...
The Moonwood, my rotational legacy save, will follow these characters, OCs and townies alike, as well as a few others. It's not challenge gameplay or anything, just a story about people learning when to let go, how to hold on tighter; found family and finding inner peace. True to my love of Sims 4's occult lore, it will be sprinkled throughout and expanded on, fueling a couple of different central conflicts per generation.
A huge thank you to all cc creators and builders!
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cinderpaw11 · 2 months
Beautiful women named excessive heat warning keep messaging me
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theresthesnitch · 1 year
Elemental is Jily coded, and no, I will not be taking questions at this time.
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green-word-deserter · 11 months
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Pumpkin spice season~ 🍂
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txttletale · 6 months
on a post a while ago you talked about Tyranny and one critique was the combat on high difficulty is just an unfun slog (how I felt about it before I fell off the game) but I felt the need to make combat 'hard' in order to make the material results of my decisions on my own resources feel meaningful... was that just me making a bad and unnecessary call and the game doesn't benefit from that or does well w that even if you're having to rely on consumables etc just to get thru battles?
yea i mean i think the thing about battles is that every enemy is just kind of an HP slog so whether you're struggling or winning easily it feels like every fight just takes twice as long as it needs to. i didnt play it on hard--i basically never play any game on any difficulty other than default (unless im eating absolute shit) so i can't speak to that experience but i can't imagine making combat tougher would have added to it much for me. the dilemmas in tyranny aren't really of the papers please type where you can help people at your own expense that i can understand thinking easy combat might cheapen--usually they're more 'rock and hard place' type dilemmas where no matter what you do someone's getting screwed
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forrksie · 3 months
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Lily, one of my beloved OCs and her plush form🥲🌸
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entwined-spirits · 4 months
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Detaching and healing Pebbles.
Pebbsie was one of the very few Iterators who reached out to Lily and Ember when they needed it the most. After their detachment and during their journey, Pebbsie had collapsed. They reached him when this time he needed it the most... with their ability to transfer and upload entire superstructure into little puppets' bodies, they were able to detach him from his prison arm and heal him from within. 🥲💜🧡
Drew Pebbsie skinny in the first one to show how damaged and fragile this poor bean had been 🥲
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dead-lights · 1 month
grand occult baking championship || episode 1.7
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Just a little interlude before judgment!
In case you haven't seen it, I've been posting little interviews with the cast. Please feel free to send me questions, anonymously or not! I'll put them up in batches between posts.
first // prev // next
Most characters have canon origin stories! It's just Elle, L, Brandy, and Morgyn who don't. Caleb isn't wrong about how long it would take to get through it all, but I can make some space at the bottom of the post :)
Most of this comes from dialogue from Werewolves, which I put up here.
Celene & Lou: attacked by Greg while on a date after Lou provoked him - she took the cure, he thought he could ride it out.
Lily: fled into the tunnels when Vlad tried to turn her, where she was bitten by a rabid werewolf. Spent years wandering around feral before Kristopher found her.
Caleb: turned by Miss Hell in a bar bathroom with the door on backwards. It's unclear whether he asked to turn or not, but I'd say most likely not.
Jacob: got lost in the woods as a small child after being traumatically separated from his family. He was hunted by a werewolf and a vampire, and then rescued by Kristopher.
Wolfgang: visited Moonwood Mill to escape the rat race in San Myshuno, decided he liked the werewolf lifestyle, and asked Kristopher to turn him.
Inna: turned by Caleb in the official trailer. Based on promotional material and the paintings from vampires, she seems to have been a thrall for centuries before that, possibly as early as the 1600s.
Darrel: born a spellcaster. Because he has the strong bloodline trait, he must be at minimum a 3rd generation caster.
Emilia: recently ascended according to her household description, presumably by Morgyn, since they're the only sage she knows by default and they're both friends with Grace and Tomax.
Elle: born a vampire during the first half of the Century Conflict. Her parents were former spellcasters who were turned during Operation Eternal Flame.
Brandy: attacked and almost killed by a member of her girlfriend Samantha's coven of origin. Samantha turned her to save her life.
L: an orphaned street urchin. Was accidentally transported to the Magic Realm after pickpocketing a spellcaster and taking his Glimmerstone. She met Keisha and immediately started badgering her for power and secrets.
Morgyn: a teen runaway. They found instructions to get into the Magic Realm in a library book, thought the whole thing sounded extremely rad, made their way to Glimmerbrook, and immediately started badgering Tess for power and secrets.
I wanted a Century Conflict veteran, which is why I made Elle so old. Brandy possibly has a mundane brother, so I didn't want her to have been born vampire. I love foundlings in stories (yes, I'm a big Mandalorian fan, fuck off) so yeah Morgyn and L are foundlings.
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gaystims · 13 days
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"Agh, your stupid little smirk // Is putting out the work to piss me off // So go ahead and scoff // You godless pawn."
🥀 ❤️‍🔥 🥀 | 🥀 ❤️‍🔥 🥀 | 🥀 ❤️‍🔥 🥀
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Do you have any theories about characters or the way things are in Adorkable Twilight & Friends?  We’d love to hear your theories and we hope to answer some!  Post below!
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