#lilo behind the writing scenes
lilolilyr · 3 months
For "Being Known" (Helena writer, Myka actress): 2 and 3, 6 and/or 7 (whichever you like better, or both), and 9!
Ah, thank you! My longest Bering and Wells fic to date :D
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Moodboard & header for the fic, and Here's the ask meme
2. How did you come up with the idea?
It was part of a gift exchange, and my giftee had asked for a pop culture AU, with some fusion prompts for fandoms I didn't know very well - so instead of trying to find out enough about eg Buffy the Vampire Slayer to write a fic in that world, I asked whether a celebrity AU would work, and here we are!
3. Did the idea change at all by the time the fic was complete?
I expanded my initial idea a lot - adding Steve, Leena, Artie, Caturanga, Jane and Amanda, I'm pretty sure initially it was just supposed to be HG and Myka with side characters Claudia and Pete. I don't remember exactly what the plan was and what came later, apart from having the idea of Helena's conflict about wanting to remain anonymous while being passionate about something that could bring her a lot of fame early on...I'll have to see whether I still have my initial draft somewhere and I can add it at the end of the post, I tend to write in messages on telegram and copy paste them to an ao3 draft or word doc once I start editing, so the messages should still be the original first draft.
I think I was unsure whether or not I should add an AU-ified Christina related backstory and work that into part of the reason for Helena's reluctance over fame, I had several ideas about her own childhood, her knowing a child something happened to, or actually writing Christina into her backstory... I went back and forth between Christina being a child star and Helena herself being one, I think in the end I just made Helena one because it worked better for the story though I would have liked to have more Christina backstory, but oh well, kill your darlings.
6. How did you decide what tense and POV(s)to use? / 7. How did you decide what character(s) would narrate the fic?
Honestly, I rarely decide that kind of thing consciously - I guess if you want to write something commercially there are lots of things to consider, but I write for fun and I'll write wherever my ideas bring me. Sometimes I'll notice a scene works better from a different POV and I change it, but usually it just happens one way and then it's fine to leave it as is
In this case I think I immediately knew it would mainly be Helena's POV because it's really her story I wanted to tell.
9. Did you get stuck at any point? How did you get past that?
Claudia! Hah, I mean I didn't get stuck on her, but that I used her to get past difficult scenes, giving Helena a much needed push! Especially near the end, when it comes to Helena accepting the possibility of a relationship between her and Myka.
Thank you so much for the ask! This was fun to talk about :)
This is my draft for the fic, the way it was written (in a messenger chat with just myself in it, as I start most fics) in one go, before making any edits at all!
You'll notice a lot of 'xx' markers - because there aren't really any words with that, it's easy to search a text for that later on, so whenever I know I still need to fix something - add a sentence, translate a word, edit bullet points into paragraph, add entire scenes - I write XX to mark it for later.
wip bering and wells author actress AU for anandabrat
Working title The Perfect Warrior
HG (former child actor turned?) writer under pseudonym hiding from fame (bc burned out from kid fame?), slowly getting back into acting, does improv for fun
Myka either star there to help 'learning' amateur actors for xxkomparsen? Or she's a newcomer and HG is back on film?
Claudia's HG's friend, Pete Myka's
ohhh what about Helena's book being verfilmt & Myka main role, HG making sure she won't be overwhelmed..
xxflashback seven months prior
"H.G., I'm coming in!"
Helena covers her head with a pillow when she hears Claudia Donovan's shouting from the backyard before a well-aimed kick against the old garden door has it fling open.
"Breaking and entering, really?" Helena's muffled voice lets Claudia know where she is. "I would have thought that petty crime is belowxx you."
"Come oooon," Claudia pulls the pillow from her face and Helena is left squinting at the sudden light. "We're going out! A friend of mine has a gallery opening, and there's bound to be a crowd of interesting people there!"
"I can't," Helena grouches. "I have to write, I still haven't finished either of those silly sequels my agents want me to work on."
"Riiight," Claudia nods, juggling the pillow between her hands. "Because that's what you were doing right now. Writing."
"Oh, cut the sarcasm." Helena growls. She is in a bad enough mood without Claudia butting in and making it worse.
"Alright then." Instead of backing down, Claudia throws the pillow onto the bed and, hands on her hips, stares Helena down. "I'll speak xxklartext. You're wasting away here, H.G.! You hate the books you're supposed to write, you refuse to write anything else either, you haven't seen any of our friends in months and now you're getting your groceries delivered so you don't even have to leave the house? That's the final straw!"
"Who snitched on me," Helena xx Leena?sbcanonordontmention
"It'll be good for you," Claudia insists. "You can dazzle everyone with your Wikipedia brain, and maybe you'll meet a xxverleger who wants to publish one of your weirder novellas. Come on, get up. get up, if not for yourself then do it for me because there's no way I'll go schmooze with the rich and famous all on my own!"
"I still cannot believe you managed to talk me into this," Helena sighs, looking at the xx and bustle around her.
"I'm up, I'm up," Helena sighs and avoidsxxausweichen Claudia's attempt to pull her from the bed by sitting up. "Alright, what exactly is this opening we're going to?"
Laughing, herxxfriend Claudia bumps their elbows together. "You better believe it, there's no getting out of it now! And this will be good for you! xx I'm happy for you, H.G., this is a dream come true!" She twirls around without missing a step, taking it all in.
"The fact that it makes you xxgoodposition takes no part in it, I'm sure." Helena deflects. She doesn't want to admit that Claudia is right and she is thrilled to have her characters coming to life for the big screen - nor does she want it known that, despite all the negotiations and concessions on side of the production studio, she is still afraid that she won't recognise the world she created once the movie is done. Will they do justice to the worlds of trees and cogwheels, to the unseeing creator and the warrior with the unruly hair? Will they listen to Helena when she has suggestions, will the stick to the details from the book, will it even be possible to transfer it to the new medium?
This and more goes through Helena's mind as she lets Claudia drag her along over the big parking lot and storage area, past trucks with equipment and the xxvans for cast and crew towards the xxhall.
first time sees Myka - the perfect xxcharactername warrior.
xx looks after her xx her hair xx in the wind, a sharp edge to her big brown eyes that negates anything childish about their shape, xx stepping out of the camper
xx C hey, we're not here to flirt! Can't believe I need to say that to you, you're like, the least likely person xx xx pretty girl
xx not what - I mean yes beautiful, but not what that wasabout -
xx oh /beauuutiful
xx shut up Donovan
xx later sees Myka in makeup all *sideeye* what did you do to my xxcharactername
argument - need makeup! Looks silly on camera without, different than irl!
HG: well if so, just makeup that makes it look decent with the lights and closeups, NOT that kind of obvious eye makeup, and who had the idea that a warrior in a cyberpunk dystopia would need a bold red lip? Or shaved pits?
xx Myka uncomfortable, thinks she has done something wrong, especially when sent back out in the middle of the scene, doesn't notice the argument
co-star Pete tries to comfort her
xxMyka thinks maybe this was bad idea, should quit
xx HG will Not lose my warrior!
(xx Myka in trouble
xx HG kann wen zusammenscheißen, makes sure Myka's fine)
xx from then on Helena trying to keep an eye on Myka, asks how she's dealing with the pressure, what her plans are for if she'll be famous after this project, whether she has a good agent to protect her interests, etc... (eg where u live? city apartment...
H:security? M:none?? H:myself, nature away from most people M: wish could affort...)
Myka: know you're just doing this because you think I'm a good fit for the character and you don't want it to be ruined by me quitting, but I still really appreciate
HG: what?? No, am doing this - well, would for everyone! Know how it is, when I was a kid... nevermind. But, care about you too
Myka finds out why HG is so wary about fame
go to premiere together - "don't have to hold a speech, don't even have to tell anyone who you are, but at least go as my date?"
As usual, I had a first scene instantly in my head, then started thinking quicker than I could write and had to note down bullet points so I wouldn't forget anything xD
Again, thanks for the ask :)
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lilolilyrae · 11 months
Thanks for tagging me @bookgirlfan!
Rules: Make a new post and post the latest line in your WIP & tag as many people as there are words or as many as you feel like:
Once I had made my way through the part of the forest, and I know every area of the woods here and have names for them in Entish speech, but I will not write them here for they would be much too long to translate into a quick tongue such as the common language of the people of middle earth… Burrarum, I carried the halflings who might not be orcs through that part of the forest until I met Gandalf, and Gandalf the wizard told me: they were not little orcs.
Yeah I'm writing a Fangorn & Gandalf pov description of hobbits as part of my flufftober challenge xD it's fun - I get to write long rambling sentences where Treebeard loses track of what he's saying at least twice halfway through because he gets distracted by some other story, and that's just a mood!
Not gonna tag that many people, I don't even remember that many usernames. Let's stick to a nice even 10. @cookie-sheet-toboggan @purlturtle @squishmittenficfan @smittyjaws @xvnot15 @kla1991 @wibblywobblyida @toboldlynerd @imagitory amysnotdeadyet die-schwanenkoenigin (only if you want to of course) you can wait to do it whenever you've got a new fic started, or if you like you can just use a line of an old wip from the drafts pile, I know we've all got one xD
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artist-issues · 3 months
Day Nine💖
(reminder that if anybody wants me to stop sending these asks at any time, just tell me and I will stop!)
what is the thing that you are the most passionate about in life and why? what sparked your interest in it? is their a goal with it you want to reach, and are you actively working on your passion, or is it just something you know a lot about?
It should be Jesus but I don’t think it is, not perfectly, not all the time. What I tell myself and others it is, most of the time, is “storytelling.” But what I think it actually is (most of the time, but not when I’m in the Spirit) is self-glorification and wanting to be famous.
So there’s the triple-nature. What I should be passionate about, what I want to be passionate about, what I am passionate about underneath it all. But only one of those things is going to actually endure, and it’s “what I should be passionate about.”
What sparked my interest in storytelling was a combo of factors, but I remember the exact moment it came together clearly. I was getting ready for church and I’d been up all night (because at this point in my life I was like 19 and having trouble sleeping was a thing.) And I was trying to decide what to do with my life. I had interest in animated movies and in counseling but I didn’t know what to go to college for, so I was taking a gap year.
And as I was getting ready for church my draft table had the “Lilo & Stitch: Collected Stories From the Film’s Creators” book open on it, and I was listening to a worship playlist in my room and thinking about movies, and thinking about telling some of the kids I worked with in student ministries what made Lilo & Stitch kind of a Gospel story and how I could tell that to them convincingly.
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(This is not my picture, but the book looks like this.)
It was open to the producer’s foreword. And this song came on my playlist:
Which is about how God is the inventor and producer behind everything. It’s Tyler Joseph and Travis Whittaker. But I wasn’t familiar with this song yet, so I thought the lyrics were saying “You’re the author, the producer, the inventor of the scene.” It’s not, it’s “inventor of the seed,” but whatever, same principle.
Then like I was having some kind of dramatic realization, the vague idea that all of life was a movie God made, and the main point was Himself, and all man-made stories that were good had nuggets of that in them, clicked together. I had never thought of reality that way before.
And ll through that morning’s service and yammering to my mother at lunch afterward, I was just thinking thinking thinking about it. About how, in movies, the setting tells the story as much as the characters and events tell the story. (Stitch starts out in vast outer space where all the ships look vaguely like fish—then the scene transitions to a small, folksy town with a local feel, but still plenty of fish imagery.) And how, in God’s “movie,” the plants and the way they work tell the story of the Gospel. Seeds, growth, death, rebirth. How the seasons do the same thing. How the animals do the same thing—the freakin caterpillar is a crawling worm, then goes into a kind of death for a period of time, then comes out a new creation.
The art of storytelling, settings, characters, narrative, and all, is just a hobbled-together copy of how God has been communicating from the dawn of time.
And my brain was racing, and I remember thinking about the idea that Christians are supposed to be “little Christs.” Well, if He was THE storyteller who told His story to show us Himself, then what better could I do than be a little storyteller who showed people Him, too? Not just with my career and my writing and art, but with the way I obeyed Him with my life, obviously.
But that’s how I decided what to go to school for. And that’s what got me into the industry I’m in now.
All that to say, if there’s anything that is actually accurate about reality and God in my little “realization” or philosophy, it’s only because God showed it to me, not because I came up with it myself. And if it’s not accurate, He didn’t show it to me, I made it up and heaven help me. But so far I think He did show it to me, so I keep trying to tell stories without letting that become an idol.
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mrcleanheichou · 2 years
Wolves are (NOT) Scary Chapter 12
Pairing: Werewolf!BTS X Female human reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, angst
Warnings: Starbucks slander and excessive question mark use
Word count: 1,818
Summary: All Y/N wants to do is find her creativity and motivation but she finds 7 werewolves instead.
Author note: Long time no see! I’m such an inconsistent writer it’s not even funny. The bad thing is that I have tons of ideas written down but I can never put them onto the page. Writing is hard T_T
That first scene may or may not be from my actual feelings.
Taglist: @dustyinkpages @thickemadame @moonlitehunter @thedarkwinterrose @momoriki @iistrangers @openup-yourmind @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered @lovelyseokjinnie @scuzmunkie @bjoriis @maddypool31 @tfkp0p @blubearxy @stealth-liberal @potaetopic @zae007live @totallynoanalien @dvoz-writes @purplelady85 @savagemickey03 @uniquelyabnormallyoriginal @blushyrawrz @skyys-universe @harmonie-writes @gamer-mask
Chapter 11 // Chapter 12 // Chapter 13
~3 years ago~
The only thing keeping your laptop from being thrown at the wall is the fact that it’s expensive and you can’t afford to buy a new one. The feeling of the blinking cursor on the blank word document mocking you is driving you absolutely bonkers. Feeling hopeless you switch to your ideas notebook to see if physically writing would kick start your creativity. That’s a trick people on a writing forum you follow swear by. Unfortunately that ended with the poor defenseless notebook being flung across the room.
Yeji once suggested speaking to a therapist about having anger management issues after walking into your office and having to dodge a flying pen Matrix style. The thing is that writing is the only thing that brings this emotion out of you. No other thing has been this frustrating in your life, especially these past few months. This change of scenery was supposed to help, instead its made it worse since now you’re all alone dealing with the thoughts of self doubt and multiple episodes of laying on the floor like the scene in Lilo and Stitch. Except, unlike Lilo, you have no one here to tell “Leave me alone to die” to.  
You’re beginning to feel like a failure, absolutely no work has been accomplished. What kind of author can’t even write or draw? Maybe giving up the children’s book gig and becoming an erotica novel writer is a good idea. You’ve always thought about the idea of writing spicy romance novels. You’ve heard the building secretaries whispering about the newest “spicy” book they’ve seen on Tiktok. Apparently fantasy books about werewolves are very popular, talking about “mates” and “knots” and other supposedly hot things. Who knew porn about imaginary creatures would be something people would be into.
This cabin was supposed to help you write but right now it’s feeling like a stuffy prison. Checking Naver for any local coffee shops you discovered there’s a Starbucks, should you support local coffee shops instead? Yes. Would you rather have a frappucino than real coffee? Also yes.
This Starbucks wasn’t a standalone building. Just like almost every other building in this town it’s connected to other shops almost like a strip mall. There’s a pet supply shop to the right of it and a tteok-bokki restaurant to the left.
Resisting the urge to stop at the restaurant you walk into the Starbucks and find that it looks just like any other one you could find in Seoul. It seems like this location is pretty popular. There’s a moderately long line of people waiting to place their order. All the tables were occupied even the seats right at the bar were taken. Sighing in defeat  you switch your laptop bag from one shoulder to the other.
Heading out the door you heard a pair of voices loudly bickering behind you. Stopping to hold the door open for the men you recognized one of the men as Yoongi from the bakery. You didn’t know the other man though.
“Would you like some coffee with all that sugar?” Yoongi said giving the other man’s drink in his hand a disgusted look.
The taller man scoffed, “Oh I’m sorry that I’m not a coffee snob like you and only drink my coffee black. I happen to love myself and caramel frapuccinos are my comfort food. Self care is important these days!”
Yoongi rolled his eyes before noticing you, “What are you doing here?”
Before you could answer he was smacked on the back of his head and pushed out of the doorway. “Ya! Don’t you have any manners? Sorry about him, I’m Jin and I’m guessing you know Yoongi.””
You nodded while Yoongi turned and glared at the man behind him making a low sound that oddly resembled a dog’s growl. Shivers went down your spine and oddly down to another place that you definitely were not expecting.
“I was trying to get a frappuccino and some cake pops but the line is way too long and I didn’t want to wait.”
“I can make cake pops that are way better than those abominations. C’mon let’s go.”
Sharing a confused look with Yoongi who just shrugged you followed after Jin who was marching like a man on a mission in the direction of the bakery.
Walking into the bakery your nose was overwhelmed with the scent of cinnamon, it almost made you sneeze. Yoongi ushered you to a table near a window and told you to sit tight. Pulling out your phone you decide to browse Instagram while you waited. Leaning back in your chair you could hear muffled arguing coming from what you assumed was the kitchen in the back.
“I’m telling you, you need to play up the bad boy look. You can get more tips If you would at least answer when women ask you about your tattoos.”
“And I’m telling you, they make me uncomfortable. It’s either cranky ajummas who give me dirty looks when they notice or women who have no shame and try to touch them. I’m not a damn petting zoo, hyung.”
“You look like a zoo animal.” Jimin snickered while sitting on one of the counters near the stove. This resulted in a big glob of cream cheese frosting meant for the piping hot cinnamon rolls being launched at him narrowly missing his head and splattering on the wall. He jumped off the counter growling “Listen here you little shit.”
“What the hell do you two think you’re doing in MY kitchen?”
Jin was fuming looking at his younger mates acting like children in his precious safe haven. He knew he shouldn’t have let Yoongi talk him into going on a break.
“He started it!” Jungkook pointed at Jimin who was currently stalking towards him ready to hit him in his stupid pretty boy face.
“Shut up you little snitch!”
“Snitches get stitches” Yoongi added.
“Cut it out all of you” Namjoon called from the office rubbing his temples trying to alleviate the migraine that was forming from staring at excel sheets all day.
“Y/N is out there waiting for a coffee. This is our chance to give her the potion.” Yoongi informed the alpha wolf giving him the iced Americano he bought for him.
“Call Taehung and tell him to get over here. We’re executing the plan today.”
~Present Day~
You didn’t know what to expect but what you were expecting sure as hell wasn’t this. The room you were currently held in looked like a five star hotel room, adorned in hues of red and gold and decorated with paintings of regal wolves hunting deer and hanging around the moon goddess. If you were here under different circumstances maybe you could appreciate how beautiful this room was.
There was no clock in here so it was impossible to know how long you were trapped in this makeshift prison cell. And the lack of a window was also disorienting. Your phone sat useless on a side table, long dead. But it wasn’t needed to know at least a few hours had passed since the guards brought you.
The first hour was filled with frantic pacing and trying to open the locked door. Why were you guys being treated like prisoners? It’s not like you broke any laws. But seeing how serious the guards were you figured some werewolf law was in fact broken.
During your crisis Jungkook was somehow able to fall asleep on the plush king size bed. He was curled up in the fetal position hugging a pillow close to his body. His baby face, even more prominent while relaxed and unconscious, made him look like a young boy and not a man in his twenties even with his facial peircings.
Rage filled every part of your being as you fought the urge to yell at him to wake up and face the reality of the situation. After all this was his fault, right? Why did he take that stupid potion? Why didn’t he listen to Yuna? Why couldn’t he stop being so immature for once in his life?
This was the first emotion other than soul crushing sadness that you felt this during this whole ordeal and it scared you.
Walking away from him and into the bathroom to cool off before doing something you’d regret seemed like the right thing to do. Throwing things Jungkook already knew in his face would be cruel.
The marble of the bathroom counter felt cool against your palms as you stood in front of the sink staring at yourself in the mirror. You look rough, eyes red, face puffy and dried tears adorning your cheeks. You were never a pretty crier like the women in the Kdramas you watched every night with Jin. If said man was here he’d tell you that you looked like you got ran over by a car and that you could never catch him slipping like that.
You snorted at the memory of your overly confident mate. He always had an ugly crying face but you didn’t have the heart to ever tell him that fact. The small smile you were able to conjure up quickly fell when you remembered soon he won’t be your mate anymore.  Feeling the urge to cry once again felt ever present so you rushed to turn on the water faucet.
Cupping your hands you splashed cold water in your face. The freezing liquid was shocking enough that it felt like an emotional reset. It was a little trick you learned from Yoongi who said it always helped to ground himself when he felt a panic attack coming on. ‘You can’t freak out when you’re cold’, he’d say. You seriously contemplated taking a cold shower and just fully shocking your system into submission but that just sounded miserable.
You definitely didn’t need anymore miserable in your life.
Was everything Jungkook’s fault? Yes. Could he have killed Yoongi? Yes. But he didn’t and that should count for something right? Why couldn’t Namjoon realize he was extremely sorry? Wasn’t the mate bond supposed to be strong? Isn’t it like a supernatural marriage pact?
What happened to ‘Through sickness and health’? How could Jungkook be thrown away like trash that easily? The thing that hurt the most was that no one else but you stood up for him. Not even Taehyung who ran with his tail between his legs when he was scared. Why were you the only brave one?
Jungkook was your priority now and you would stick with him for the rest of your life. The others may have been able to be forced into abandoning their love for him but you’re stronger than that. Fuck werewolves and their cowardice.
You’re not a weak human and if you have to prove that to each and every wolf here you would. Especially your alpha.
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blogthebooklover · 6 months
Movie Recs In Honor of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
I decided to write out a list of movies to watch in honor of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes coming out very soon. This list will feature movies with apes besides the POTA movies, or movies with weird and bizarre friendships/found families.
The Original Planet of the Apes Franchise (1968-1973, Amazon Prime)
Honestly, I've only watched the 1968 movie a handful of times. I decided to watch all of the original franchise leading up to the release of Kingdom. They're all a lot of fun, with social/political commentaries at the time of each film. If you're a movie collector, or like behind-the-scenes/director's commentaries, I highly recommend buying the Blu Ray compilation pack.
2. Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes (2001, Disney+ or Amazon Prime)
I know, hear me out. Yes, it's over-hated, and yes, there was A LOT of potential for this movie. There were definitely too many "cooks in the kitchen" when drafting this movie. Imho, I think it's a guilty pleasure, popcorn movie. If you're a fan of makeup effects, Rick Baker (THE modern makeup effects master) does an absolutely phenomenal job with the designs of the apes in this movie (and check out his Instagram too). I do like the production and the ape costume designs for this film as well.
Tim Roth and Paul Giamatti are such a blast in this movie, too!
And the posters for this movie look so cool.
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3. Planet of the Apes Reboot Trilogy (2011-2017, Amazon Prime)
I think this is what the 2001 movie should have been, and was trying to go for. While the three movies did make their money back at the box office, I have two theories why they almost went under everyone's radar (again, this is my opinion):
A. Because of the mixed reception from the 2001 movie.
B. Because of the abundance of comic book & remake movies coming out during the 2011-2017 years.
I put this trilogy right up with the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. The storytelling is great, the special effects hold up well, and this reboot's version of Caesar has became one of my favorite main characters in modern film.
4. Mighty Joe Young (1998 remake, Disney+)
I don't know why this movie doesn't get talked about that much. Rick Baker, once again, does incredible work on the special effects for Joe. There's also a great musical score by James Horner. And Bill Paxton and Charlize Theron give amazing acting performances. And I think it's actually one of the better remakes that came out from the late 1990s.
In fact, the team that worked on the 1933 King Kong also made the 1949 film. Even Robert Armstrong (Carl Denham) came back for the '49 film. Ray Harryhausen worked under the supervision of Willis O'Brien for the special effects for the original movie. He also has a cameo appearance alongside Terry Moore (Jill Young) in a party scene.
Aaaaand I just found out the writers, Mark Rosenthal and Lawrence Konner, also did an uncredited rewrite for the 2001 POTA movie.
5. Tarzan (1999, Disney+)
Of course, who doesn't love Tarzan??? And Phil Collins's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G soundtrack???!!!
6. King Kong (1933, 2005, Amazon Prime/MAX)
Okay, technically it's a giant monster movie and the OG prior to Godzilla. And it also set the standard of film making overall. However, it is also a bit of a Beauty and the Beast story, hence the lines: "It was Beauty killed the Beast" and the "And the prophet said: And lo, the Beast looked upon the face of Beauty. And it stayed its hand from killing. And from that day forward, he was as one dead." I also recommend watching the extended cut of the 2005 remake.
7. Lilo & Stitch (2002, Disney+)
Again, who doesn't love Lilo and Stitch???
8. How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy (2010-2019, Amazon Prime/Peacock App)
Once again, who doesn’t love HTTYD (and why are they remaking it as a live action movie????)???
9. Gorillas in the Mist (1988, Amazon Prime)
This movie is about Dian Fossey (played by Sigourney Weaver), a primatologist who studied mountain gorillas and she was part of a trio of women who studied great apes; the amazing Jane Goodall and her study of chimpanzees, and Birute Galdikas who studies orangutans. The movie is also based on her book of the same name.
I use past tense for Dian, because she met a tragic and horrific death while she was conducting her research on gorillas. I have in-lined a link to Dian Fossey's Wikipedia article for further reading.
Rick Baker, once again, does some amazing practical creature effects work for the gorillas.
10. George of the Jungle (1997, Disney+)
One of my favorite Brendan Fraser movies, and such a fun, and a bit of a campy movie based on the cartoon series (which is also a spoof of Tarzan). I quote this movie every so often. Unfortunately, Rick Baker did not do the ape designs for this movie. The creature effects this time around was done by none other than the Jim Henson Creature Workshop!
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dgblueknight20 · 8 months
I have another idea. So that scene from Lilo and Stitch where Pleakley is having a wedding.
I have different ways this can go. The part I’m stuck thinking about.
If York is the one running in with flowers and Carolina is the one behind him, in the house and in a black dress, she just laughs at him.
If Grif is the one running in with flowers, and a ring, and Simmons is the one in a white suit eating cake to the side, he waved at him and offers some cake.
If Simmons is the one running in with a wedding present to congratulate and Grif is behind him, in the house and in a white dress, he’s a little hurt Simmons isn’t jealous but also touched he got him a really nice gift on such short notice.
Finally, Simmons walking in looking for everyone while in a white dress and Grif is gobsmacked because it was only halfway through getting to the altar, he admitted He was told they’re playing a game and that he’s playing the bride. So Grif is trying not to be disappointed while explaining that he was lied to.
So Simmons turns and walks over to his daughter, Lulani, whose trying to sneak a way.
“Lulani! Just because he’s your father doesn’t mean I have to marry him. Besides you know how I want to get married, the bridal armor my grandmother wore. I’ve told you the story of her wedding that she’s told me! You also know why I’ve given up that ever happening.”
“Wait, what do you mean I’m her father?”
“Uh….right. I never told you…. Or anyone else that, have I?”
Simmons rips the bottom of his dress, turns to pick up his daughter, and runs as fast as he can. Grif and the others gives chase.
In place of Lilo is Lulani. That is if we go with before she’s a teenager. But I think this is an idea that Kiya would do.
So instead the lecture starts with “Kiya, just because he’s Lulani’s father doesn’t mean I have to marry him.”
Kiya’s going to keep mopping that she just wanted to have two parents, knowing full well that’s not a good arrangement.
Simmons escapes Grif, Kai, and the others questions for a solid week and a half because of Tex. Also because Lulani being the cry baby she is and explaining what she thinks is why her dad is hiding so they let up and let him come to them and try to calm her down.
So Simmons and Grif do end up talking in Grif’s room. Surprise! They don’t actually sleep in the same room even if they live together. I’m kind of surprised no one thought Lulani and Grif were related except Kai because she knew it wasn’t just a coincidence Lulani looked like her when she was a kid.
Also… how they (Simmons and Grif) started being friends:
Simmons and Grif took two different dance classes at the only dance studio in town. Simmons acts coldly to Grif and usually has a frown on his face.
They have small, petty arguments with each other whenever they talk. Then Grif helps him with some bullies (they around 18 years old) and they become friends. The next time they see each other, Simmons kisses his face in front of everyone else.
“? Oh! We’re friends now.”
“You kiss your friends?”
“Yes, don’t you?”
“I thought you had a crush on him?”
“What? Why would you think that! I didn’t like him at all! Hadn’t you notice the arguments?”
“I noticed you stare at him dreamily as you write his name in your notebook and work up the nerve to talk to him.”
“Wha! No I did not! That’s ridiculous!”
He holds his hand while walking away, “come on Grif! We don’t need to listen to this!”
There’s more but I’m done with this post.
So later.
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michygranger23 · 9 months
Hello everyone!!
Wanting to start this by saying Happy New Year!! (some of you may already be on 2024 already, I'm still a few hours behind fhxyicyi)
So! I know I haven't been very active recently this past couple of months, and I apologize for that!! Irl has been very very busy, and adding that to me planning the content that I want to post to my account was already time consuming, BUT!! I have some few announcements for 2024 that hopefully you guys will like!!
For one, at the end of January I'm going to start college!!
Hopefully this will help me out with improving with my art and my speed of doing it too!!
Second, remember those Disney AU's I've been talking about? Yeah well, I'm going to make a fic collection about them :D!!
My goal is to make long fics with pos! Discduo in different Disney movie scenarios that I've already talk about here and put them all in a collection!! And this would include me making art for the fics too!! I want to make art of my own fics and include them in it and also just to draw the scenes that happen in them as a way to promote them in my social media!
So I want to leave a poll (at the end of this post) to see which fic you want to see first! (All of the options will be done at their own time, and I already know which one to do first, but I want to see your opinion too!) (In the meantime that I write the fics, I'm still gonna make their Tumblr posts to talk about them from the previous poll! Just not with spoilers ;D)
You can also suggest me other Disney movies to turn them into discduo fics too in the hashtags/reblogs!
Third, yes I'm still continuing the discduo Vampire fic dw hehe, I've just been very busy irl but I will update it with the third chapter this next days!!
Fourth, in a couple of days I want to make another poll to see if you guys want to see a fully fledged fic for my discduo Spider-Man AU!! I started the AU by just improvising the story as Tumblr posts but I want to see if you guys would be interested in reading a full fic or if it stays as just Tumblr posts!
Bonus to the previous point, I'm still gonna make fanart for the AU with the options of that poll I did some time ago about the designs for the Spider people!
Fifth, I'm going to start making art for the Canon DSMP too!! I'm very late to the party with that but idc since art doesn't have an expire date lol and I also want to make my designs for the characters since I've been itching to do that for a while now!
Sixth, my main fandom is DSMP and Discduo, but I also like other medias and have my own OC's too, it's even stated in my introduction post, but I haven't follow my word through that so I want to change that! I will start posting about my other interests here with reblogs from other accounts, fanart of my own, etc. (My content will mainly be about DSMP with Multi-Fandom and OC content at the side in resume jgchichi)
Seventh, going alongside point five, I'm gonna start making fanart for the Life Series/Hermitcraft!! I've loved the Life Series since last year and I started watching recently Hermitcraft, so I want to make my own fanart of those too!!
In conclusion, I just want to start posting again since I miss it and posting whatever I want and what I'm most passionate about.
And that's it!! Thank you all so much for the love and support this year and hopefully you are all aboard to the ride I will make in this year!
Happy New Year and 2024 everyone :D!!
(Remember that you can suggest me other Disney movies you want to see in the fic collection!)
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floreleine · 2 years
Idek where I get my headcanons from at this point, but I realized that at this point I even have a bunch of #s for my hcs about the librarians:
- Madeleine's Stone Collection because I can just see Madeleine collecting not just books but also gems and ammonites and also normal stones that are just shiny or have a pretty shape... Wrote a fic for it too!
- Anna May's Plants - the librarians deal with so much death and dead things and destruction, Anna May just needs a counterpoint to that, something alive to take care of. She doesn't really have time for a pet, so she went with the next best thing early on: houseplants! And at this point Anna May has quite the collection.
- For Florence, I see her as very interested in any kind of visual art, she collects paintings (#Florence's art collection) and I think she might also have tattoos, though I don't think she'd have quite as many as I have in the Florence's tattoos tag, just some of them, but they're all her aesthetic imo :) she'd probably also have a few little ones, symbols for the library, the other librarians and especially one for her relationship with Madeleine... And I can see her paint as well, wrote a little drabble on Ao3 about it!
- Vampire!madeleine and vampire! Madeleine vibes (self explanatory xD)
- And in general non-fandom posts that reminded me of Florence, Madeleine, Floreleine, ScarletMay, Anna May, Scarlet & Sam
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sparkledfirecracker · 3 years
Lilo, I just wanted to stop in and say that I adore you! Seeing you on my dash makes my heart happy and these last couple days it's been a hard thing to do. But seeing your interactions with people, especially with @tumblin-theworldaway and that medic Lee/doctor Bucky has had me smiling so hard. Did I ever tell you I have a whole doctor AU planned out but haven't started, I had a whole cast of characters, I'll have to send it to you one day. Haha Anyways getting sidetracked there but you're a sweetheart and thank you for being an amazing person🥺😘💖💖💖
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MINAAAAA, since you already have my heart, are you now coming for my feels and tears too 😭? It’s working ♥️.
I’ll say this and leave it at that: It’s been a tough few weeks. Dealing with the physical and mental aftermath has been hard. Anyone suffering with anxiety and panic attacks knows those lovely perks when these type of unintentional situations occur. But at least we’re not our thoughts ♥️
So moving on to a more lighthearted note:
Has Aqua recruited you to say all of this? Because I refused more sparkles and feathers up my arse? 🤔
@tumblin-theworldaway and now @bonky-n-steeb joined in too, haha. They both are such lovely cherubs and I’m enjoying the good giggling session we have when it comes to this chaotic duo Bodecker and Barnes. Those medic trained assholes are a lighthearted version of me getting comfortable again on this hellsite. I’m glad those medics could bring you a smile too.
A whole doctor AU? 😳, I’m in, yes please…sign me the fuck up and take my money! George Clooney move over. Grey’s Anatomy who? Strong Medicine here I come. New Amsterdam take notes. Grumpy house can trip on his cane. Oh yes I’m all in for reading that ♥️.
I’m not touching anything medical, apart from the basic chaotic duo since I have no medical background whatsoever, apart from my basic first aid knowledge, but that’s just putting a band-aid on someone and send them off, well and the CPR I once had to give someone. < look who’s getting sidetracked now, rambles with a life in shambles 😂, oh dear fucking god I’ll stop now, before it gets worse.
Thank you Mina for your lovely kind words. I am very grateful for this kind and lovely ask and I adore you too. You know you’re a gorgeous soul as well, right? If not, look at that ask you send and the many more you’ve send to others ♥️, you make people smile and loved. You make this community a much kinder place to be.
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larryiswhatilivefor · 6 years
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bukojuiice · 3 years
to the most explosive boy i’ve ever loved before — bakugo katsuki
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ೃ pairing: katsuki bakugo x fem! reader
ೃ  tags: fluff, angst (if you squint) + letter ! (inspired by to all the boys i loved before) 
ೃ a prelude to @bukojuiice’s 1k followers event! 
ೃ six letters. one for every boy you’ve ever loved. The letters for your eyes only, filled with all the words you could never say. until, one day, they start appearing out of nowhere into your life again, and your love life goes from imaginary to out of control.
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr!  if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
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You like to save things. Silly things. Ribbons. Polaroids taken during the summer. Old candy wrappers to put behind your phone case. Most especially love letters. Of all the things you save, your love letters are some of your most prized possessions. you keep your letters in a white hatbox your mother bought from a vintage store downtown that sells all kind of things. 
They aren’t love letters that someone else wrote for you; You think that you don’t have those. Because you think that no one has fallen in love with you. No being on this vast earth has had their heart beat 120 times a minute walking past you. In contrast to your ever so wandering eyes. These letters are ones you’ve written using your hand and heart. These are times you’ve written a letter expressing endearment-whether shallow or deep, each one towards a different person.
When you write, you hold nothing back. you write like he’ll never read it. Because he never will. Every secret thought, every careful observation, everything you’ve saved up inside yourself, You put it all in the letter. When you’re done, you seal it, address it, and then you put it in your hatbox.
They’re not love letters in the strictest sense of the word. These letters are for when you don’t want to be in love anymore. When you’re tired of falling for him. They’re for bidding goodbye. Because after you write your letter, you are no longer consumed by your all consuming love. it doesn’t keep you up at night anymore, it doesn’t remind you of him every time you sing along to love songs, it doesn’t make you think of how he wants his breakfast cooked, it doesn’t plague your mind like the homework and tasks you’ve ended up missing... 
it gives you peace and closure.
that’s truly the meaning of the letters. 
they’re supposed to set you free. 
but do they really?
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You open up your hatbox, looking for the letter that you wrote to Katsuki all those years ago. 
Once you had found it, you take it out, as the letter was still neatly kept, and wrapped tightly with a light coral bow. You absently smile when you notice the little stickers of the sanrio character badtzbadtzmaru (a character that reminded you so much of him) and pastel red polco stickers attached to the sides. you place the letter on your desk, contemplating on whether or not you should be reading it as you first reminisce why you fell in love with him in the first place.
the two of you were childhood friends. 
It was a cliché at it’s finest, but your whole family was a little in love with him despite his rather pompous and airy attitude. he was the cheeky yet adorable only son of your next-door neighbors who came over after classes to play just dance, or smash bros on the wii with you. during the summer, the two of you would play, camp outside of your houses, go out on picnics and go stargazing at night, and he’d always try his best to cheer you up whenever you were feeling down. there was always a grumpy and gruff tone to his voice when he’s trying to be soft and nice yet, there was always genuine love behind those words. 
but, most importantly, he made you feel special. and not in the way that you felt like he was your responsibility but because despite his attitude, constant brags and whatnot, doubled with his other “friends” constantly hyping him up, further inflating his ego...
You were his reminder to stay on the the ground.
You were there for him to open up to you, to share his struggles and insecurities and to just bare his heart to you. his quirk was powerful and so was his personality, but, his heart only became as strong as his physical capabilities because of you. 
But... what happened?
The second year of Middle School happened. 
Katsuki became a shell of a person he once was. 
He still retained his explosive personality but due to the grueling peer pressure that the Middle School hierarchy brings upon you, he became an asshole who could care less about others, began to bully a seaweed-haired kid your age who just moved in next door, and started to always put himself on a pedestal. 
He was like an Icarus who was flying too close to the sun... and so the two of you drifted apart. 
Just like that.
Then, he moved away that same year, due to the demanding jobs and occupation of his parents.
Gone without even having a chance to say your proper goodbyes to him.
With a heavy sigh, you finally began to read the contents of the letter you wrote for him when he left. As soon as you realized your crush on him was more than just within the confines of puppy love; you brought out a pen and some crafted paper, and wrote to your heart’s content. 
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Dear Katsuki Bakugo,
Remember that scene in Lilo and Stitch where Lilo prays for someone to be her friend, asking for the “nicest angel you have.” and Stitch comes crashing down from the sky into her backyard?
That is the best way to describe how you came into my life. 
When I was a little kid, I only noticed the most bizarre features and facets to your personality. The way you scrunch your nose, your facial expressions like that of a gremlin, your cool quirk, and your loud personality... but as I grew older, I noticed a lot of more things. 
I noticed how spiky yet soft your hair was, your passionate crimson eyes that are so full of confidence yet burdened with responsibility, your quirk that became more than just explosions with how you would tell me the science behind it, the way you would talk to me and soften your very loud voice, and how you would even let me win a video game even though you hated losing. 
I’ve learned to look at you in a different light because I’ve fallen in love with you. 
You were like a tiny spark ever since I met you. Effervescent, bright, always appearing, and always beaming. Like a crackle of lightning. You shined bright for others in your own little ways. Constantly growing and glowing brighter like the feelings I had for you.
Ever since, your presence in my life was like a burst of beautiful fireworks popping inside my heart whenever I would think about you. 
However... even though we both started as no one but just little kids, holding hands, and trying to traverse this maze called life...
and now you’re all; your worth will rise, the more I fall. 
I realized that you didn’t need me anymore. 
Like these mementos we have stored, all these these memories we share. 
once were things —
now nothing anymore. 
We promised each other with our pinkies intertwined that we would embark on this adventure to become heroes together. 
yet, what happened?
Katsuki, Suki, Suki-kun... 
If the boy I used to love and cherish with all my heart would come back again... then I wish things could come back again to the way they once were. 
May it be in another day, another year, another time, or even another universe... 
Please come back as the sparkle of light in my life again.
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“(Y/N)!” The soft voice of your mother echoes around the house. “Katsuki-kun and his parents just moved back next door? Why don’t you say hi?”
“H-how?” You whisper to yourself, peeking through the window and seeing some moving boxes present in Katsuki’s old room. A familiar spiky-haired boy peaks through the window, noticing your wide-eyed gaze at him. 
His eyebrows furrow, tilting his head slightly at the sight of seeing you.
These were the same crimson eyes, same hair, same old gremlin yet handsome face you’ve wanted to see again for such a long time. 
This was it. It’s him.
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taglist: @chibishae34  @lovelytarou @ramunegoddess, @serossimpy @laudthingcat​ @f0leysgurl​
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lilolilyr · 9 months
✨ao3 wrapped 2023✨
Haven't seen this tagging meme around at all yet this year, so I thought I'd start it myself!
Works published: 74, very similar to last year! a bit less but the year also isn’t over yet :D edit: by the time I’m getting around to post this, it’s on 86! Yay!
Wordcount: 118254 I’m happy I made it past 100k! That was my tentative goal and I didn’t think I’d make it with how slow it came along for most of the year, but with flufftober and the events I did manage :D
Kudos: 3184
Hits: 31833
Bookmarks: 267
Subscriptions: 114 and I’m at 157 user subscriptions right now? Who follows my multifandom mess of an Ao3, doesn’t that completely clogg up your email inbox? Maybe I’m just biased bc I rarely check my fandomy email and when I do it’s always a mess xD but I think tag lists on tumblr are so much more useful
Most popular by kudos: Gave myself a Fright, a Mirandy (DWP) fic with 301 kudos
Most hits: same fic, 2404 hits
Longest: lonely hearts on remote roads with 10811 words - Milippa road trip AU my beloved!
Shortest: I wrote nine drabbles (100 word ficlets) this year, they’re the shortest ones :)
Most Comments: my podfic of the Mirandy longfic Jigsaw has 14 comment threads - damn, that’s a year with few comments! In past years the whole top 5 commented on fics had more than that. Oh well!
Fics that made me cry: Grief, a fanfic where I project my own feelings about a dead pet onto Myka, and recording the Jigsaw podfic also made me really emotional a lot
Fics that made me smile: so manyy! For example the Berena fic Happiness surrounded by Snow
- the first chapter of ‘Time Dilates’ by @barbarawar as my Bering and Wells gift exchange gift back in February, thanks!
- ‘Blame it on Circumstance’, a wonderful sequel to the fluffy fic @squishmittenficfan made me for the Berena gift exchange in 2022, and another sequel Blame it on Love posted just a few days ago I haven’t actually gotten around to read yet but am already very excited for!
- ‘never borrow Helena’s clothes’, a fic for the Bering and Wells advent by @jesstrel that I have beta read for them :)
I have gifted some fics as well this year, I tend to gift people fics when they helped me with it by beta reading or cheering me on, or when I was writing to someone’s prompt! I know I adore getting gift works on Ao3 and I love to share that happiness :)
Halloween fic and art collab with @thewalkingmeepa, that was fun!
Drunken Considerations, a Bering and Wells collab fic with @lavendelhummel :D first time I made a collab while actually in the same room with the other person xD
Both collaborations and part of an event were the fic & podfic works Where No Flan Has Gone Before (Star Trek humor) with @bookgirlfan and Which Mere Modernity Cannot (modern Dracula) with @artax-risen, and the Bering and Wells Advent Calendar with @lavendelhummel @purlturtle @akittennameddaisy @viharistenno @jesstrel @sallysetonbw @violetren @thiakerrigan @tryingthisfangirlthing that is still ongoing! finished now, I take too long for tagging memes xdxD
- Flufftober (I managed to make something for every single day of the month, yay!)
- Berena advent
2022 version
Tagging, if you want to do it, everyone already tagged above as well as @die-schwanenkoenigin @amysnotdeadyet @lesbianlotties @guardianrock @73chn1c0l0rr3v3l @danisnotmyname @batnbreakfast @sapphicscholar @tabsolanya @sterenheart @wibblywobblyida @forestcircle @ongreenergrasses and everyone else who sees this!
For ease of copying: Works published: Wordcount: Kudos: Hits: Bookmarks: Subscriptions: Most popular by kudos: Most hits: Longest: Shortest: Most Comments: Fics that made me cry: Fics that made me smile: gifts: collaborations: events:
sapphicscholar purlturtle die-schwanenkoenigin amysnotdeadyet squishmittenficfan viharistenno lesbianlotties bookgirlfan
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lilolilyrae · 3 years
*evil laughter and even eviller laughter*
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I managed to get Disco into my top 5 fandoms!!! Not only Lovve Milippa feels here, but also - I no longer have to read the overterf's name every time I'm on my dash! Because sadly that was /5 before dsc passed it... Achievement accomplished!
And the last Milippa fic I wrote is 10k!!! I first planned for 1-2k tops, then it got out of hand, and when it was already getting longer and longer I was like... Well let's add some dialogue and push it to a pretty number xD
Also!!! My stats!!! My yearly wordcount already at a record high when only half a year has passed (alright, alright, 100k out of these 268 were from translating, not my own writing, but - it's still work, plus wordcount doesn't count my podfics much, so like, it equals out), and I'm sure I can get it to 300k this year! And here I was thinking I'd never surpass the 200 from last year :D
...I'm still a terror at naming things tho, my titles are either incomprehensible, grammatically incorrect (but like... Aesthetically), no longer fitting to the finished fic bc I named it when it was a smoll WIP, or all of the above... Honestly I think I haven't changed a fic title from its WIP title in aged, I'm more likely to add a few lines to the fic to make the title make sense again than I am to come up with a better title xD
- Personal post | do not reblog -
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awesomefringey · 2 years
I have a question. In like 2015 do you think the friendships of ‘narry’ and ‘Lilo’ were pushed quite a bit? It always seemed to be those 2 parings either goofing off or doing interviews together. Of course with Larry we got the whole ‘next to you’ thing which was great but on stage or just in general it was always Harry/Niall & Liam/Louis. Even the history music video likes to play up Narry and a Lilo footage. I’m not saying those pairings weren’t genuine friendships but it seemed to be ramped up as if to say ‘look the boys were all super touchy friendly with each other, even more so than Louis and Harry were back in the day so forget about that, focus on the now, look it’s Niall/Harry & Liam/Louis who are besties. ‘Look Niall touched Harry’a arse’ ‘Liam and Louis hugged tightly and do all this writing together’ those are the cute relationships that are obviously friends just like Larry was, there’s no difference! It’s cute platonic love.
Regardless of ‘Larry’ I’ve never wavered from my belief that no matter what was shown to the public, L and H were close behind the scenes. But on camera, the other friendships seemed so… in your face in a way
Hmmm… I guess both could be true. There is a genuine friendship between Louis and Liam and back in 2015, Narry/LiLo were the most fun pairings if you took Larry out of the equation.
Also Liam struggled a lot with alcohol abuse due to his mental health issues and I always got the impression that Liam trusted Louis a lot and allowed him to keep him in check.
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gaemkyuu · 4 years
Mommy, Can We Keep Him? (Charlie Gillespie x Original Character
Warnings: mention of teenage pregnancy A/N: I was inspired to write a character like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch and thought of what if Charlie had a daughter like that? Then I thought about Dad! Charlie.... Here is my inspired writing piece! Let me know if you want a follow up wedding piece! Disclaimer: This is a FICITONAL writing piece! In no way do I claim characters in this piece act this way in real life.
Masterlist *now taking requests ;)
Mommy, Can We Keep Him? (Charlie Gillespie x Original Character)
Riley King started working for Netflix when she was 18 and impressed everyone at the head office with her hard work and dedication. With her motivation and work ethic, she managed to climb her way to be part of the executive management team all at the ripe age of 21. People often asked Riley how she climbed the ladder so quickly, or what was the secret to her success. No one ever guessed that her motivation came from a little girl who looked exactly like her.
Emerson Gianna King was born on August 31st of 2014 when Riley was 16 years old. She had quite the wild nature to herself, always sneaking out and illegally partying with her friends. It was only a matter of time that she would be blinded by love and give her virginity to a boy she swore would get married. He was 17 at the time and she was head over heels for him. One drink too many and a poor judgement call resulted in Riley’s teenage pregnancy.
Her one true love broke up with her a week after they had had sex, stating that his dad had had gotten a job at a law firm in Miami and that a long distance relationship wouldn’t work. She didn’t know that she was pregnant at the time, but when she did, she tried to reach out to him. His family thought it was stupid attempt at getting back together and claimed that the baby wasn’t his. They were ready to launch a full lawsuit in order to protect their family’s reputation, something that Riley and her single mom couldn’t afford to do. So they dropped it, signing legal papers that they would never contact them again and that their son wasn’t responsible for paying any child support.
This heartbreak and her daughter made Riley clean up her act and graduate high school a year ahead of her friends. She quickly started working for various companies, taking night classes at the local college campus in hopes to get her foot in the door for a bigger company and work her way up. Which is exactly what she did and how she ended up working for Netflix. That’s how she met Kenny Ortega, who introduced her to the actors of Julie and the Phantoms. She mostly worked with Netflix, but she was assigned to be there every day of boot camp to watch and monitor the development of the TV show, making projections about how their viewers would receive the new show. She didn’t anticipate to be a part of the small family that was created behind the scene with the cast and crew, and she certainly didn’t anticipate falling for one of the lead actors Charlie Gillespie.
They had been dating for three months before Riley told him about Emmerson. She had expected that he call off the entire relationship, understanding that not everyone wanted to be with someone who had a baby at sixteen. They were 22 at the time and Riley explained that she was looking to be in a serious relationship for her daughter’s sake. While Charlie couldn’t promise that this relationship would go in the direction they both wanted, he did promise that he would do his best to be there for her. He didn’t know that winning over the little girl’s heart would prove to be difficult.
Emerson wasn’t like all the other kids. For one thing, she was very mature for her age. She was potty trained at two years old and started to learn how to read basic books at the age of 4. She developed her speech quickly and often looked to use specific words that kids her age rarely heard or understand. She was a perceptive little girl and sometimes she was a little too smart and observant for her own good. This made it difficult for her to make friends at daycare because everyone thought she was weird. Riley would often catch her talking to Lilo whenever she put Lilo and Stitch on for her to watch. She would tell Lilo about the frustrating girls at her daycare and how they too “need to be punished”.
So it was no surprise to her that when Emerson first met Charlie, she would be grilling him. Charlie had expected her to be a cute little girl that likes to play with dolls. Instead, he was met with a perceptive toddler that made him question his own intelligence at times. She was very standoffish when she met him, afraid that this man was going to hurt her mommy, but over time Emerson began to open up and trust Charlie. One night, when they were six months into dating, they had to cancel their dinner plans as Riley’s babysitter came down with a flu and no one else could babysit. Therefore, their dinner plans were changed to ordering pizza and having a movie night with Emerson. Riley groaned partly through the beginning of Lilo and Stitch when her work called, excusing herself as it was an important phone call. 
This left Emerson and Charlie alone for the first time.
“Charlie, who’s Elvis Presley?” Charlie’s eyes grew big like teacup saucers.
“Your mom hasn’t shown you who Elvis Presley is?! How many times have you watched this movie?!” Emerson shrugged, not taking her eyes off the screen, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth and chewing.
“Do you want the real answer?” he was caught off guard at the frankness in her tone, starting to wonder just how many times she had watched the film. He shrugged it off and paused the movie, pulling his phone out and opening Youtube to educate the child on the legend, Elvis Presley.
When Riley returned to the living room, she was shocked to see Emerson sitting in Charlie’s lap, holding the phone, staring intently at the screen and listening to the music that played out of the speaker. She had never seen her daughter so focused before. She looked at Charlie who was equally focused on the screen of the phone as well, and she smiled to herself enjoying the view. Out of defense, Riley quickly shrugged off the creeping thought that this could be her family. After all, her and Charlie had only been dating for 6 months.
“How have you not shown her who Elvis Presley is?” he exclaimed, noticing her presence. Emerson looked at her with questioning eyes as well, feeling slightly betrayed that her mother withheld such precious information away from her. 
“I’m not really a big music person! I kinda just listen to songs I like rather than musicians” she shrugged sheepishly.
“Mommy, Charlie said there’s a documentary on Netflix about Elvis Presley. Can we watch that instead of Lilo and Stitch?” Riley’s jaw dropped at the fact that her daughter was more interested in watching something other than her favorite comfort Disney movie. She silently nodded and changed the settings on the TV, starting the Elvis Presley documentary. This was the first time her daughter ever really opened up to someone and found something in common.
Emerson absolutely loved the documentary and would go on for weeks listening to Elvis Presley nonstop. After Riley waved goodbye to Charlie and closed the door, Emerson sat patiently on the entryway bench for her mother.
“Mommy, can we keep him?”
“Yeah, Emmy. I think we can”
It soon became a regular thing to have Charlie stay the night at Riley’s house. He woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, but on his way back to the bedroom he heard soft whimpers and sniffles coming from Emerson’s bedroom. He stood outside her door, debating if he should go get Riley or if he should go in himself. He knew Riley was exhausted having had a full day of work and meetings, so he opted to let her sleep and peek into Emerson’s room. He thought that if it was out of his control, he could always go and get her. The sight of the little girl broke his heart.
Emerson was fast asleep, but she was trembling and clutching onto her stuffed bunny for dear life. She whimpered and tears fell from her closed eyes. Charlie quietly moved to her side and sat on her bed, softly rubbing her back, whispering her name to break her out of her nightmare. It worked, but when she woke up, she jumped into Charlie’s arms and softly cried. He was surprised at first,  but quickly snapped out of it hugging the girl and rubbing her back.
“It’s okay Emmy... It was just a bad dream... It wasn’t real... you’re okay... you’re safe” the little girl started to calm down as Charlie soothed her and rocked her side to side a bit.
“They took me away from mommy...” she whimpered and nid her face in Charlie’s neck. He felt the collar of his shirt dampen as she cried, but he picked her up and moved to the armchair she had in her room. He sat down and held her tightly in his arms.
“No one is ever going to take you away from mommy, okay? I won’t let that happen” he didn’t know where these words were coming from or where he got the confidence to say them, but in that moment he knew that he would do whatever he could for Emerson.
“I promise.” he whispered, kissing her head and rubbing her back. She settled comfortably in his chest and took deep breaths. Charlie instinctively started to hum a song softly as he rubbed her back, until her breathing steadied and soft snores came from the small figure. Charlie smiled to himself that he was able to handle the situation alone, but he realized he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to put her back in bed, or if he had to hold her for the rest of the night. Not wanting to wake her up, he carefully reached for the knitted quilt beside the armchair and draped it over them. Guess he was sleeping in the armchair that night. His neck would hate him in the morning. 
Riley woke up early that morning when she rolled over to cuddle the missing Charlie. She bolted up and threw on her housecoat to search for him, but stopped when she noticed Emerson’s door cracked open. The sight inside the bedroom brought tears to her eyes and she covered her mouth to avoid making any sound that would wake them. There was Charlie sleeping in the armchair holding a sleeping Emerson in his arms. They were both fast asleep and quietly snoring.
For the first time, in their nine months of dating, Riley let herself see the possibility of Charlie being the man who could be Emerson’s dad.
Charlie fiddled with his collar nervously, holding flowers in the other hand. He took a deep breath and shook off his nerves before pressing on the door bell. He waited patiently and anxiously outside, only to be greeted by his beautiful girlfriend, Riley. She smiled brightly at him and he stood there blown away by her beauty. They were both dressed up semi-formally tonight as Charlie insisted on taking Riley out for a fancy dinner to recreate a cheesy romcom movie date for their anniversary. Their usual dates consisted of hiking or lounging at the beach, so Charlie figured it would be nice to dress up for once, especially since Riley rarely dressed fancy.
“Hey! Come on in, I’m just finishing up debriefing the babysitter” Charlie kissed her cheek quickly and stepped inside, shutting the door behind him as she rushed back to the kitchen. Charlie waited by the front door patiently for her to finish up.
“Where are you taking mommy tonight, Charlie?” he jumped at the voice from behind, turning around to see Emerson sitting on the entryway bench. She looked up at the man who waited for her mom, bunny beside her in one hand and her blanket in the other. Charlie smiled at her presence and squatted down to her level, petting her bunny on the head.
“I’m taking mommy on a fancy dinner. You off to bed?” she nodded and opened her arms, to which Charlie gladly received her hug, only, he didn’t expect her to awkwardly latch herself on to him. Thinking quickly, he adjusted himself and picked her up. She was short and thin, so it was no problem carrying her. Her small stature always made her mother worry that she wasn’t getting enough nutrients. “I guess I couldn’t let you sleep without some snuggles could I?” she nodded as she laid her head on his chest, something her and Charlie had in common was that their love language was physical touch.
“It’s nice to see mommy in something other than jeans or sweats. I like your bowtie too” Emerson fiddled with said bow tie as Charlie gently rocked her. He was always so surprised at how observant she was and how she was able to clearly articulate her thoughts for being six years old. She was very bright and quick to understand situations, which made it hard for her to make friends at daycare. Another thing that Riley worried about often.
“You want me to tuck you in Emmy?” she shook her head against his chest and wiggled, signifying that she was okay with being put down. Charlie obeyed her wish and set her down on the floor, sitting on the entryway bench like she once did. “You’re looking a little sleepy squirt” he chuckled, clearing the hair from her face.
“Mommy said the babysitter and I get to watch a movie of my choice before bed time since it’s Friday. I wanted to watch Big Daddy but mommy said the babysitter might question her parenting choices” he let out a big laugh and Emerson giggled back.
“Having fun you two?” Riley appeared in the entryway with the babysitter. Riley crouched down and opened her arms wide to hug Emerson. The little girl jumped into her mom’s arms, nearly knocking her to the floor. “Love you Emmy. Please listen to the babysitter and go to bed on time” Riley knew she wouldn’t put up a fuss, but she figured she would remind her anyways.
“Love you mommy” she smiled as she kissed her mom’s cheek and walked to Charlie. “Love you Charlie” she tiptoed so that she could reach the man’s cheek, who also gave her a big hug. “Don’t be out too late!” she called skipping into the living room, the babysitter following after. The couple stood in the entryway thinking about Emerson’s last remarks before disappearing. 
“Ready to go, my love?” Charlie cleared his throat, opening the door and gesturing for Riley to go first. She playfully rolled her eyes and they stepped out of the house towards the vehicle. Emerson waved at them from the front window, and they waved back, until she couldn’t see them any more. 
“Remind me again what time you fly in?” Riley wiped some of the water that splashed on her face as she washed the dishes. Like all mothers, she was multitasking. Cleaning the house for Emerson’s birthday and trying to figure out her schedule considering Charlie was flying in from Canada. Emerson sat at the kitchen table quietly coloring while her mother was on the phone.
“Don’t worry about picking me up. You already have so much to do! I’ll just get an uber to your place” Riley toweled off her hands and took Charlie off speaker phone, holding the phone to her ear. Despite dating for a year and a half, they hadn’t officially moved in together. Charlie still had his place with all of his things, but half of his stuff was at Riley’s. “Plus I don’t want Emmy catching on to my surprise for her.”
“Right. Okay, well I’ll keep the door unlocked, since we’re home all day. I gotta go though, I still have to call the bakery to set up a pick up time for her cake and cupcakes” the couple said their quick ‘I love yous’ while Emerson shouted hers from the kitchen. Riley took a moment to herself and sighed against the wall in the corridor. Between everything at work and Emerson’s birthday, she had quite a lot on her plate but she was relieved that Charlie was able to come home a little earlier to help her out. She straightened her spine and returned to the kitchen, kissing her daughter’s head. “Emmy, mommy has to jump on to a zoom meeting in the office, are you okay to color for 30 more minutes?”
“Mommy, when can I go on a date with Charlie?” her mother froze mid movement around the kitchen, the question catching her off guard. “I know we go on dates together, but you always look like you have way more fun when it’s just you and Charlie. I wanna have fun with Charlie too” she smiled at her daughter and sat down beside her.
“Well, why not ask Charlie on a date? You can make him a little card before he gets in tonight and while I do my meeting.” her eyes lit up at the suggestion and she quickly got to work, making her mother smile. Riley got up and headed to her office, not wanting to disturb the project her daughter had started.
Riley’s meeting lasted an hour, much to her displeasure, but it was a productive one. It worked out for Emerson as she had made an elaborate card to give Charlie when he came home that night. Riley helped her daughter take a bath and ordered Sugarfish for dinner, both of them anticipating the arrival of their favorite guy. As soon as Emerson heard the door creak open, she bolted for the entryway and jumped into Charlie’s awaiting arms. He peppered her face with kisses and tickled her until Riley came along, who he kissed deeply and earned a “yuck!” from Emerson. Their dinner arrived soon after Charlie’s arrival and they all sat around the dinner table, Emerson lost in Charlie’s stories of his hometown.
“Emmy, don’t you have something for Charlie?” she perked up remembering and clumsily got out of her chair, putting her chopsticks down to run to the office. She grabbed her card for Charlie and skipped back to the dining room, placing the card beside his bento box.
“Oh? What’s this Emmy? Can I open it?” she nodded her head enthusiastically and sat back in her place at the table. Charlie’s smile wavered as he read the card, feeling slightly emotional. On the front was a picture of the three of them and inside the card read:
Dear Charlie,
Will u go on a date with me?
Love, Emmy
Hearts, flowers and smiley faces decorated the inside of the card, but the text was written in big bold letters. He could tell a lot of effort went into making the card judging by all the neatly placed stickers and carefully drawn pictures and patterns. It still amazed him that for a six year old, turning seven, that she could write so neatly. 
“Mommy helped me with some of the spelling, but I mostly did it myself” she smiled, anticipating his response. “What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful Emmy. I would love to go on a date with you” she clapped her hands and bounced in her seat, her reaction causing everyone at the table to smile and laugh. They continued to eat their dinner while planning things that they could do together, as Riley sat there watching and admiring the relationship that was unfolding before her eyes. How did she get so fortunate to find a man like Charlie? 
Charlie ended up taking Emerson to Disneyland and even though Riley accompanied them, Charlie and her went on all the rides together. Riley took pictures and held onto their things as the two enjoyed themselves around the theme park. Charlie knew it would be a good thing to have Riley around because she was the voice of reason when Emerson and Charlie thought of having their third Dole Whip of the day. The two of them laughed and had the time of their lives. When supper time came, Riley planned to meet a client over super at downtown Disney, planning on meeting her boyfriend and daughter later on in the evening. This left the two of them to have dinner with Goofy at Goofy’s Kitchen. 
As they enjoyed each other’s company and visits from Goofy, Charlie helped Emerson pick out her dinner and order it. Charlie could honestly say this was the most fun that he had had in a long time, but he should’ve known that with Emerson’s intelligence, there was more to this date than just having fun.
“Charlie, when are you going to ask mommy to marry you?” Charlie choked on his water, not expecting the question from the curious little girl. “Mommy said I wasn’t allowed to ask you because it was rude”
“Not rude at all Emmy, but why are you asking me that?” he was genuinely curious, thinking that maybe Riley had been venting to her subconsciously again, or that Emerson overheard a conversation with one of her friends. 
“I heard Aunty Savannah teasing her the other day over the phone and mommy got really red in the face. I think you should ask her, I know she’d say yes” Charlie’s eyes grew wide as Emerson nonchalantly recounted the conversation her mother had the other day. Emerson continued to color in the coloring book Charlie bought her earlier.
“Do you want me to ask mommy to marry me?” Emerson nodded her head as soon as the question came out of his mouth. “How come?” the question was meant to be playful, but Emerson’s reply was serious.
“Because I want to be able to call you daddy.” 
Charlie felt a lump in his throat.
“I’ve never had a daddy. It’s always been mommy and me. If you marry mommy, then you can be my daddy.” she paused to take a sip of her juice. “I think you’d make a great daddy”.
Charlie wiped away a tear that threatened to fall from his eyes and cleared his throat, feeling emotional. He took a sip from his water and took a deep breath. “You think so, Emmy?”
She nodded her head, continuing to color in her book. “Plus Justina at daycare said that in order for me to have a little brother or a little sister, you have to have a daddy AND a mommy.” Charlie chuckled at the little girl, and got up to kiss her on the head, hugging her too. 
“Got any ideas on how I should ask Mommy to marry me?” Emerson forgot about her coloring in that moment as her eyes sparkled with excitement over Charlie’s question.
“Well...I have a couple ideas...”
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Hii I read your rules and saw that you have some works in progress so you dont need to rush with this one!
I was wondering if I could request big buff and burly male reader x sally face or the others headcanons that's a little baby on the inside?
Like they'll most definitely beat some ass but hate getting pinched or they come up behind the guys and scare away travis or anyone else trying to bully or makes moves on them
Hi! Fun fact, this isn’t the usual writer for these headcanons, but their slightly-more-chaotic bestie. I may not write the same way as them, but I hope you still enjoy :) That said, I’m glad they gave me this one to work with. Ship dynamics are hit or miss for me, but when they hit, they hit. And this one is no exception. Not to be over dramatic but i am literally shaking with excitement writing this.
So without further ado,
sal with a buff (and slightly sensitive/emotional) s/o - m!reader
✧I know the request said male, so i’m leaning towards that, but I feel like sal would have zero complaints about a buff gf or nb S/O
✧First order of business
✧when you first get together, you’d probably always big spoon
✧but when you guys get more serious, sal would big spoon bc he knows that you love it
✧Sal would also probably use you as a pillow/teddy bear on the regular
✧Trapping you almost daily because do not wake the sal
✧Weak spot: Stomach
✧You might have the worst day ever but when sal lays his head down on your stomach
✧Problems? What problems?
✧In public youre usually relaxed with sal because how could you not be ✧Sal hangs onto your arm like a lifeboat
✧but you’re not afraid to use your size when you get protective
✧times like when travis tries it or when your neighborhood demon comes to party (more on that later)
✧Your pretty good in a fight, but you default to pacifism unless necessary
✧You (no offense) are a scaredy cat. Like, to the point you don’t watch halloween episodes
✧Sal tries to comfort you whenever you get spooked, and it works roughly 102% of the time
✧That said, you still would fight Supernatural Forces™ if sal asked you to or if was it bothering him
✧You guys can cry at any disney movie. Period.
✧When you guys need to deal with your emotions, you have a special list of movies you can watch to let out the tears
Any princess movie
The lion king (one scene, you know what i’m talking about)
Toy story and it’s sequels
Air Bud
101 Dalmations
Lilo and stitch
The incredibles
bridge to terabithia
HSM trilogy (its not really sad, but the songs are just emotional) UP UP UP UP
✧You get along well enough with Sals friends. Sals dad may be weary at first, but he comes around quickly
✧piggyback rides piggybACK RIDES PIGGYBACK RIDES-
✧and most importantly
✧how many people in this ship are required to change a lightbulb?
✧one, but they do it together because Sal likes being carried
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