#i think people tend to forget
luckycloverforducks · 3 months
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A forced on identity
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milk-ducts · 10 months
[Brief] Thoughts on Film Theory's Analysis
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I was gonna post this on my priv twt.. but moots convinced me to post it here so here we are.. beware of spoilers, gore, bla bla bla ..
FIRST OFF I'm gonna start by saying, I AM ESL. I may or may not have misinterpreted some of his words, but this is mainly how I thought of his analysis. This is not meant to be ill-guided or rude ! so sorry if it comes off as this way. I will be very repetitive.
Another thing, most if not all of the information matpat gave out i alr discussed with a few mutuals on discord about a few months back so this is not new territory to me 😭😭 I thought most folks would already knew the concept of how the brain deteriorates overtime But honestly, that indisposition shouldn’t even apply to omni man??? matpat tried to compare an immortal Viltrumite's psychology to that of an aging human's, which can be misguided.
Let's start by how he compares Nolan's brain to the average aging human's brain so the audience could understand his psyche more and how empathy declines overtime. First and foremost, Nolan is not a human, second; Nolan wasn't raised with empathy or around an empathetic environment - it was an alien concept to his race. Something frowned upon. He was raised from birth to conquer and destroy without remorse. His brain never developed those neural pathways for empathy in the first place. It's not that they deteriorated over time, they were never even formed.
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By the time he came to Earth, all this familial stuff was new to him. Sure, he knew he was gonna outlive them, but He didn't think he'd get attached. HE didn't process that he'd grieve over them when the time came.
Interacting with humanity for the first time ignited unfamiliar emotions in Nolan that he didn’t know how to process.
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His time living amongst humans caused conflicting feelings he’d never experienced in his centuries of systematic slaughter. Loving Debbie and Mark went against everything he was taught, but he couldn't help it. For once, the lives he was manipulating to further Viltrum’s goals meant something to him. He developed a [what he presumed, NOT what he felt about them in reality, his love for them is far more profound than he assumed it to be which we later on see in the last ep of s1 and the second season] petty facsimile of love for his ersatz family.
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So no, his capacity for empathy didn't decline with age as MatPat claims. His empathy was stunted from the start. An underdeveloped skill, not a deteriorated one. We had characters like Debbie to help him understand those notions, help him grow it. With Mark in the mix? it only amplified that development.
Viltrumites are societally and culturally predisposed to violence and domination. Nolan was never accustomed to forming emotional connections or grieving loss. Those were entirely new experiences for him after arriving on Earth. He was not jaded. he was grown into jamais vu in viltrum.
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This is why the whole conflict in s1 happened, he was treading between double lives he wasn't sure of. He was conflicted because his past values were refuting with his new experiences. He found love on Earth, he found himself unable to accept how he'd lose Debbie. Of How jaded Mark might become. Everything he said to Mark till that point was his own self-projections, his own fears, doubts.
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While the video did provide some interesting facts about neuroscience and aging, the application of those facts to Nolan's character was inaccurate. IT is educational for those who don't know, but it isn't recent news that the brain begins to deteriorate overtime so this video wasn't that informative which kinda disappointed me. Their analysis lacked alot of information about the Viltrumite race and Nolan's character. Comparing him to humans with normal life experiences just doesn't work. His immortal nature combined with a lack of empathy from birth created a psychology unlike anything seen on Earth.
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SORRY FOR RANTING ALOT AND OR IF IT SEEMS LIKE I'M GIVING MATPAT SHIT ... i really liked their analysis on immortal so i'll give them that. Immortal, unlike Nolan, was born human. He has lived among humanity for over 3000 years, inhabiting different identities of public and devoted historians. Because of this, his psyche developed quite differently. Immortal knows how to form connections, experience loss, and adapt to social changes. His perpetual existence didn't harden his heart like Viltrum's brutal culture did to Nolan. Instead, Immortal's immortality allowed his empathy and compassion to blossom.
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Humans are social creatures. Our brains have evolved to seek out interpersonal relationships, crave affection, and find meaning in community. For an immortal like Immortal, social interaction is vital to staving off boredom, depression and detachment from humanity.
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By inhabiting mortal lives, he stays tethered to the human experience. He continues learning, growing, and developing empathy.
This is why he's devastated when the guardians die.
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This is also why he goes fucking mental and tries to kill Omni-man.
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If Immortal had lived in isolation all this time, unable to connect with people, his psyche would likely resemble Nolan's more closely. Without social interaction, Immortal's brain would atrophy in ways that preclude complex emotions and moral reasoning. His sense of purpose would fade, achievements would lose meaning, and life itself might feel pointless. By engaging with humanity, Immortal gives his endless existence purpose and direction. He finds value in each temporary life, so loss still impacts him deeply. Socializing keeps his emotions and cognition flexible, which prevents the apathy and hardness of heart seen in Nolan. Nolan never had these opportunities in his early years, this is why it's more difficult for him to stray away from his indoctrination. It's that he's unused to it, underdeveloped.
60 years to Nolan would've been a year and a half, so what's 20 measly years on Earth for him? Yes, he found profound connections in that little speck of time, but Immortal's emotional capacity is far more extensive.
In summary, Comparing Nolan to a human, whether mortal or immortal, is kinda inaccurate. His Viltrumite psyche rules out him from possessing JADED human qualities. You could say he's desensitized to violence sure, but no.. unfortunately.. he does not have [boomer] brain. He has [indoctrinated alien-fascist brain]
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Leave your own thoughts down below or through reblogs, I'm really interested on what others may think of this! (URGHHHNN... my hcs r slipping away from my fingers cuz now people r gonna accept what matpat says as truth.. someone gun me down from the hills..)
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funishment-time · 13 days
when i make memes i Flanderize the characters on purpose though sometimes i feel bad about it. then i don't because i remember half the time it's fucking true
me: i should stop making Mahiru the ball-busting wifegirl lesbian maybe Mahiru:
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cosmics-beings · 5 months
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I wanted to make a post like this for a while, but since i was asked the question i can make it here!
i'm also speaking as an actual black person....so if you don't like these conversations where black people speak on black issues and how we feel, then just ignore this.
So in the past, yeah I agreed with this but my opinion has kinda changed with TF One.
However, I am still extremely uncomfortable seeing depictions of Black human formers Megatron because most of it, especially in ship art is extremely racist and relies on racist stereotypes of black men being abusive, violent, and problematic when his partners are drawn white or lightskinned (i see this all the time in megastar and megaop art. megatron is portrayed as the huge brutal black man and starscream/optimus are the small white twinks who are being beaten by him - it's gross and racist but for some reason it's common).
In general, I think it can be harmful to make a slave character, who inevtibly turns into a genocidal war lord and a generally awful person, a black person (even with his redemption arcs). it also racializes slavery, when we know that slavery doesn't have a race, and Megatron himself is a gladiator. Gladiators are slaves, and one of the most famous gladiators was from Thracia. This again is mostly a fan issue, because I at least have always seen Megatron coded as white in the comics and in the shows. In many depictions, he has a European accent, voiced by white European people (posh english lmao, or in ES Scottish).
That said, in TF One, I'm willing to let it slide. That's because Megatron isn't the only slave. Optimus, who is voiced by a white man, is also a slave, as is Elita, and Bumblebee. I think you know, not racializing slavery and having this notion that slave = black by default, is what makes it okay.
I still wouldn't feel super comfortable seeing Black megatron fanart because again, none of the depictions have been good in my opinion, as a Black person. And i mean none of them, and I do wonder where the thought in this fandom came from that making a person who canonically is violent and aggressive, was okay, just because he happened to be a slave. It is a far too common trope that I see in fanfic and fanfart, especially again...in a shipping sphere.
But I think TF One is able to balance it out, and since this is D-16, he is. a lot calmer, kinder, etc. I think things can get in muddy area when he eventually does turn into Megatron and he becomes the genocidal tyrant we all know and love....especially when you make the black one of the group the one who chooses violence whereas the white voices ones don't.
but who knows? My opinions are ever changing depending on how things are handled.
if you disagree with this, that's fine just do so respectfully and i mean at least be black
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
I think if we are to do marginalized communities good, it'll help to remember that often, marginalized people who seem to be "forgotten about" in the mind of bigots aren't being treated well by them either - so many marginalized people are forcibly erased and made invisible. That is not a neutral action; it is a form of violence. Not all violence will present itself in the extreme of facing physical violence. The core of any violence against marginalized peoples will often come from a similar level of hatred for them. That's why it's so important to combat all violence, even the forms of violence you don't perceive "as harmful" as other forms.
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outlying-hyppocrate · 5 months
will wood is such a person. honestly.
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heartbeatbookclub · 7 months
I've been having a lot of Yuri thoughts particularly since I've been trying to put serious mileage on finishing a fuller analysis of da dawg in her (autism).
One of them is that for as commonly as Monika is maligned in ignorance of this particular fact, people seem to also forget that Yuri is...a teenage girl? Like, I think based on the fact that she is clearly the tallest, 6'2 queen towering over everyone in the club, coupled with the more mature vibes (some of which i'd say come from the autism lmao), people tend to just kind of forget that she's still quite young and make her seem significantly more competent as a result.
She's still a high schooler, bros, a very awkward one at that. When Sayori suggested they get to know each other before reading she drew a straight blank and didn't say anything until Sayori prompted her. Despite appearances she is wont to be hilariously immature and say/do some dumbass and petty shit, particularly when equipped with friends encouraging her.
let her be silly.......
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megumi-fm · 5 months
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moe-broey · 3 months
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Smartass guy with a flat affect vs guy who almost always sounds like it's joking and likes to play dumb. Neither immune to the urge to over-explain themselves in earnest. Fight.
And now I'M gonna over-explain myself 😤😤😤😤😤 Because this piece captures like. Some headcanons of mine that are so precious to me, and SO much. Of the Moefonse dynamic and friendship... the heart of how their back and forths work.
But first close-ups/text descriptions for easier reading!
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From the very start, Alfonse is playing. That's his intention. To say something he knows will get a good response out of Moe. But his delivery is either too dry and flat or too genuine. He's extremely subtle, and his humor doesn't tend to land because of that.
Meanwhile, Moe can be unaware... generally. But just as much, if not more, it's deeply attentive towards the things it cares about. It takes these things SO seriously. Moe... really hates being misunderstood. It struggles with empathy, and its sense of compassion is entirely self-centered. Which seems unrelated, but all of these things contribute to it making a joke, and then feeling a need to immediately explain the joke. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, here. Nobody is left out.
So just. Joke (passed!) + Joke (also passed!) into Joke (passed, carrying on the bit), into Worry (Joke check: failed.) into Worry/Reassurance (You're my dear friend and I love you. No need to worry) into Understanding/Reassurance (yeah that WAS funny). Which, as a side, really flatters Alfonse... that's not something he gets often. He gets it A Lot from Moe though LMFAO
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This doodle was closer to what the final panel was supposed to be (under the thought bubble), but I got distracted and forgor..... but it has essential characterization.... honestly both drawings do. So it's fine LMFAOOO
But it is So important. That neither of them are acting on their feelings. And it is sooooo important. That they're extremely verbally affectionate with each other anyway. And it all comes full circle, to the top caption. Moe sounds like it's joking here. But it is SO genuine. Also Moe might as well have said "I want you, like carnally" with that. Endlessly ambiguous guy. And for better or worse, Alfonse is built the Exact Same Way. 🧍
Oh yeah and. The. Posts. That inspired this LMFAOOO
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They're both doing this. Btw.
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essektheylyss · 22 days
I redownloaded co-star purely to laugh at the notifications, and honestly they've been pretty tame and boring overall, but I did fucking cackle over the one today saying, "You're too nice," like an hour after I sent an email going (in more professional terms, admittedly, but I consider professional courtesy a given), "Hey, your contract language sucks, it's too vague, you basically need to add an entire clause before I'm willing to sign this."
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lemongogo · 2 months
j need to get back into life drawing post haste
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#i think im losing . construction in my art#im forgetting how to draw bodies think. idk#literlaly so annoying . its like fun when u get the hang of things but then u neglect one aspect in pursuit of another#and then have to go back and touch up that old skill to try and balance jt and theres that brief period where#eveyrthing is harmonious and then it outpaces itself again and becomes ths juggling act#overall i enjoy it . the drawing sessions but smtimes finding the will 2 get out of bed is like pulling teeth#bc i know im never going 2 walk out of there feeling satisfied but . actually idc#a lot of my pals . my friends there r a couple of decades older than me and they have the best advice tbh#randy. and donna . randy and donna and third guy whose name i forget . -> if u r satisfied at the end of a session did u rly learn anything#always want 2 improve . right right#UARHGHQHHH ill do it ill go . im scared bc i feel like it tends to artblock me#bc i start getting in my head ab what i know/see vs what i can only draw#but im sooo addicted 2 wanting to get better . i want to draw like a million people i see on here who have that great construction and#weight and anatomy and dynamism . i want to be like u . ill work to be like u ill try#and i feel like ive negelcted my basics for soo long .. i need to get ths foam shapes and a lamp . NOWWWW#yotasuke#i miss yotasuke so much.damn. thats crazy . anyways#the way he points out that yatoras dedication/hard work is a talent . like ueah . i agree w him im envious of that r u kidding me#and ytora walkimg arnd like oh u have it so easy ytsk. he needs to shut the hell up smtimes#i meed to see them eviscerate each other blood and all.#spongebob icecream truck- not that yatoras hard work isnt Also a skill but ykwim . if youve read YKWIMM#bc he was always like woe is me im soo untalented and its like no bro u r you just manifest it differently . that natural drive is a talent#but that natural drive also takes skill to foster and nurture else it has no purpose .#no i cant be blp posting in the tags bye
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tothepointofinsanity · 9 months
[Recently I’ve began to feel unpleasant towards the notion of going outside in any capacity involving public spaces shared by other people. Everything becomes a blur to the point where my view of the world starts to spin and distort. I can’t concentrate on anything when I’m put outside u_u]
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genshinmaburp · 11 months
Alhaitham who is a student at the akademiya, has exams coming up, and cannot remember where he left his keys or when he last ate so he has to make note of it somewhere every now and again. Him trying to keep a schedule over time so he doesn’t forget to take care of himself while he’s thinking of correlations and causations and the next paper he has to write. Just Alhaitham living alone without his grandma for the first time and realizing that no one else will look out for him (not necessarily in a self pitying way), so he has to build a routine schedule for himself to live a good life.
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stizzysupremacy · 1 year
Ed in s1 when he gives up and plans to go down with the ship… he has been ready for any excuse to stop living for a while now. I think he went along with the lighthouse fuckery mainly because it was exciting and new and made him feel something, not because he was especiallly motivated to save anyone, least of all himself.
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birds-for-brains · 4 months
Not gonna lie, being an artist is the weirdest thing in the world - sometimes, you'll just be there, pondering why you can't draw something as simple as a hand or a straight line, and then your new interests just make you feel like you can draw literally ANYTHING- Only for you to crash land on Earth again and repeat the cycle with different stuff... tragic, yet comedic at the same time. It's an irony we eventually get used to, or stop realizing it, at least. That's, on another note, a reason why I don't like social media posting either... it gets me to witness the literal ups and downs, when in reality I should just be focusing on enjoying what I make, good or bad. And when I try to figure out why people aren't enjoying the changes in my stuff, or why I'm losing "engagement", my brain just fries, since I've just been doing the same stuff... and I say that as someone who used to be really active on other socials. I wanna find enjoyment in art, coding and music again. Not in the social media sense, but the creation sense. Not feel pressured to post it, but allow myself to vibe with its creation.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
A nice way you can involve others in the joy of transition is to ask them to help you choose a middle name, I think.
My best friend chose my middle name, and that is honestly something I really cherish as an adult. She supported me before everybody else did, and it honestly helped save me. I think it's a great way to memorialize others, even if you grow apart.
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