#lilliths anons
allastoredeer · 7 months
"Imagine Lucifer taking Alastor to the royal ball as his date T.T I wanna see them all dressed up fancy, and I want them to dance" Thank you for blessing us with that mental image but, you know what plot would be really fun for a filler episode? Lucifer inviting Alastor and the rest of the gang to Lu Lu world.
Like, it's already been established that Lucifer made Lu Lu World, but he's also been off doing his own depressed thing for a while, so I've always wondered when he made it.
I headcanon that he made Lu Lu World after Charlie was born as somewhere fun and exciting to take her.
Of course, all of demonkind were welcome to go there too, as it is an amusement park, but it was mostly for Charlie's sake. I like to think that Charlie loves going to Lu Lu World. She has such good memories there, and I 100% took Vaggie there on one of their first dates.
And I would love Lucifer taking the gang to Lu Lu World 🤩LOL I can imagine him winning Alastor one of those cheap game prizes, and Alastor's all like "ha! Is that the best you can do?" Then he goes and wins Lucifer an even bigger prize.
Salty, Lucifer takes him up on the challenge and wins him two prizes. And then it just escalates into this battle of who can win the other the most cheap, stuffed animals. They've both got such egos, and neither of them are backing down. It strange. It's deranged. It's surreally entertaining to everyone watching.
(Lucifer wins when he wins Alastor a Furby, but he doesn't know about Alastor's Furby obsession, so he's so confused when Alastor's face lights the fuck up when he hands him this fucked up, creepy little monster thing with soulless dead eyes. Then again, he should've known Alastor likes fluffy little freaks. Niffty is his favorite, after all.)
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satanourunholylord · 2 years
Hello pardon my lack of knowledge/ignorance but does one has to be of a specific race or ancestry to worship a certain deity? Since I've seen many people say that Lilith worshipers must be jewish. Thanks in advance and have a good day :)
Depends on the religion. Some are closed practice, some aren't. You're correct that Lilith is off limits because Judaism is a closed religion that requires initiation to join. I can't speak for every religion, but Norse paganism and Satanism aren't closed practice, meaning anyone is welcome.
It'll become apparent after taking some time to research a specific religion. You might hear people mentioning the keyword "appropriation" or talking about how a practice is race or region locked. Santeria, hoodoo, vodou, and brujeria are a few closed practices that I can think of off the top of my head. The best thing to do is research, ask around, and be prepared to respectfully apologise if needed and drop the idea of pursuing a path rather than arguing with current members about their own cultures and religions.
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fraugwinska · 6 months
Could you write Alastor with a reader who likes to act bratty towards him playfully?
I wanted to go to bed early, but I just have too much fun! :> Here you go, dear Anon! (Since you didn't specify if it was sfw/nsfw, I went for sfw/fluff - do message me if I should write another one with a little more... spice)
(Un)Holy Terror
The library was usually a very nice and quiet retreat from the busy chaos that was the hotel. Alastor would often indulge in pleasurable silence, browsing the vast masses of old books and tombs in the pricesses collection – it was once accumulated by Lucifer and Lillith themselfs, afterall.
When you and him started to get closer, he often invited you to join him. Evenings and sometimes even nights were spent in blissfull togetherness. Alastor loved to have another sinner on the premises that didn't snub a good read, and you had proven to have not only eccellent taste in literature, but also to be pleasant, quiet company to have. Most of the time.
Sometimes, completely unpredictably, you had phases where you seemed to try to get out of his good graces, testing his limits and being deliberately irritating. Alastor didn't miss the hidden smirks and surpressed snickers when you vexxed him, and if it was any other resident, he would've drawn a strict - clear - line, right away.
But with you – he didn't know why he had such a soft spot for you.
Today was one of these trying days. You had brought this infernal device of yours – a bluetooth speaker – with you to the library, and instead of the calming serenity that was soundlessness, you had put on one of those rocksongs you loved – and Alastor despised. To him, it was just blunt noise, and not the kind he liked. It sounded unnerving, harsh and unrefined to him. After reading the same sentence the third time, he sighed, eyelid twitching.
„Dear, could you please turn this... music down?“, he said, watching you turn the page on Bram Strokers 'Dracula'.
„It's not even loud, Al.“
He closed his eyes. What did he do to be tested like this?
„I can't even concentrate on my reading with all this noise.“
You didn't even look up from your page, but Alastor saw the corners of your mouth twitch traiterously. „Must be a boring book then.“
He clapped the pages shut with an annoyed huff, staring daggers at you. Stubborn thing.
„Turn it down, darling.“
With your eyes still fixated on your book, your hand slowly hovered to the device, pressing down – on the little button marked '+', increasing the volume slightly. Alastor was on the edge of smashing the small, rectangle machine when you burst into laughter and pressed another button, shutting the music off entirely. He shook his head, sighing in exasperation as you bliked at him with a glimmer of mischief in your big, round eyes.
„You really can be a scallywag, dear.“
Your soft smile made his tense shoulders relax again. „If I wasn't sometimes, I wouldn't be as fun, Al.“
He decided then that it was that sweet smile of yours that allowed this soft spot to exist afterall.
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dewdropdinosaur · 6 months
Rubber Ducky, You're the One
LUCIFER X READER Summary: Lucifer has had a hell of a week, no pun intended. But you know just what he needs to relax. Warnings: Implied nakedness, cussing. Rating: PG-13 For the wonderful @anon-of-the-void REQUESTS OPEN
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In the depths of Hell, amidst the chaos and cacophony of damned souls, Lucifer Morningstar, the charismatic and somewhat prideful King of Hell, found himself buried under the weight of his responsibilities. Yes, the King did actually work despite his duck inventing hyper focus. From managing the unruly demons to negotiating with powerful overlords and complaints from citizens, his days were consumed by the ceaseless demands of ruling the underworld. And as if that wasn't enough, the relentless manifestations of the seven deadly sins only added to his burdens(Mammon is a right pain in the arse) 
Each day seemed to blend into the next, the weight of his crown growing heavier with every passing moment. Despite his unparalleled charm and wit, even Lucifer had his limits.
One particularly exhausting day, Lucifer trudged back to his imposing castle, his shoulders slumped with weariness. His mind buzzed with the endless tasks that awaited him, and his steps echoed with the weight of his concerns. The grand halls of his fortress felt suffocating, the shadows whispering reminders of his never-ending duties. His shoulders slumped with exhaustion, his usually vibrant demeanor dulled by the weight of his burdens.
As he entered his private chambers, he took off his top hat and sat his cane to prop against the adjacent wall. Walking to his desk and plopping down on the plush office chair, he groaned into his hands and buried his head in them. 
Only when the small creak of his door sounded did he look up after what felt like hours. He was met with a sight that momentarily lifted the heavy veil of stress from his soul. There, amidst the dim glow of flickering candles, stood his beloved Y/N, radiant and serene, a gentle smile gracing her lips. They had been together for quite some time - the Hellish monarch getting a second chance at love despite thinking that the time for him was long passed. 
"Welcome home, ducky," she greeted him, her voice like a soothing melody amidst the chaos of Hell.
Lucifer's heart swelled with warmth at the sight of her. Despite the darkness that surrounded them, Y/N was his beacon of light, his solace in the storm.
"Y/N," he murmured, his voice softened by the tenderness that enveloped him in her presence despite his tiredness still coming through.
"What are you doing here?"
Y/N stepped forward, her gaze unwavering as she reached out to take his hand. "I could tell you needed a break," she replied, her touch gentle yet reassuring. "And so, I thought I might help if you’ll allow me?"
“No, no darling. I’m alright.”
“Bullshit Luci.”
“You don’t have to take care of me.”
“I know but I choose to. Nothing in return is needed - I just want to dote on you.”
With a gentle tug, to which he did not fight against due to his weakened state, she led him to the grand marble bath that awaited them; its waters shimmering invitingly in the soft glow of candlelight. The sight of it stirred a sense of longing within Lucifer, a longing for respite, for a moment of peace amidst the chaos.
Wordlessly, Y/N began to undress him, her movements tender and deliberate. She stripped away the layers of his regal attire, each garment a symbol of the responsibilities he bore. And with each piece that fell away, Lucifer felt a weight lift from his soul, leaving him feeling vulnerable yet liberated in her presence. Y/N never failed to make the prideful demon shiver. Despite being the harbinger of sin himself, Lucifer always faltered under to gaze - making him feel so small in the best way. Like she could envelop him in her warm embrace and the world would all be alright; that he could be taken care of without fault or repayment(something he never felt with Lillith)
Once he was disrobed, Y/N guided him into the warm embrace of the bubbling waters, the scent of lavender and jasmine enveloping them both. With a soft sigh of contentment, Lucifer sank into the soothing depths, his muscles relaxing beneath the gentle caress of the water.
There, amidst the flickering candlelight, she began to test the water of the luxurious bubble bath with her finger, the scents filling the air with soothing lavender. And as he slipped into the steaming bath, surrounded by a frothy sea of bubbles, he felt the tension in his muscles melt away.
Y/N knelt beside the bath, a soft cloth in hand as she began to wash away the grime and tension that clung to his weary form. Her touch was firm, her hands moving with practiced care as she tended to him with unwavering devotion.
As she worked, Lucifer felt the knots of tension begin to unravel, his mind drifting into a state of blissful tranquility. In that moment, there was only the soothing warmth of the water, the gentle ministrations of Y/N, and the overwhelming sense of peace that washed over him like a cleansing tide. As Lucifer sank deeper into the soothing bubbles, he couldn't help but notice a playful glint in Y/N's eyes as she reached for something hidden behind her back.
"Darling," she said with a mischievous grin, "I have a surprise for you."
Intrigued, Lucifer raised an eyebrow as Y/N produced a bright yellow rubber ducky from behind her back, its cheery expression contrasting with the dark ambiance of the bath.
"A rubber ducky?" Lucifer chuckled, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten. "You never cease to amaze me, my dear."
Y/N giggled as she plopped the rubber ducky into the bathwater, its buoyant figure bobbing amidst the bubbles. "I thought it might lighten the mood," she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Lucifer couldn't help but laugh as he reached out to retrieve the rubber ducky, holding it aloft with a sense of childlike wonder. "Well, I must say, it's a rather dashing addition to our bath time routine."
With a playful grin, Y/N leaned forward to gently boop the rubber ducky on the nose, causing it to squeak in protest. The sound echoed off the marble walls of the bathroom, filling the room with a sense of whimsy.
As the evening wore on and the bathwater cooled, Lucifer and Y/N reluctantly emerged from the luxurious depths of their tub. Wrapped in plush towels, they made their way to the cozy confines of their living room, where a crackling fire danced merrily in the hearth.
With a contented sigh, Lucifer settled onto the plush couch, pulling Y/N into his arms as they nestled together beneath a soft blanket. The warmth of the fire enveloped them, casting a soft glow upon their entwined forms.
"Tonight was exactly what I needed," Lucifer murmured, pressing a tender kiss to Y/N's forehead. "Thank you, my love."
Y/N smiled sleepily, her eyes drifting closed as she snuggled closer to him. "Anytime, darling. I'm always here for you."
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schrodinger-swriter · 7 months
Lucifer x Reader
We all know Lucifer would feel awkward about dating Reader because like, what would he do if Lillith reappeared? He'd definitely feel like he'd be in a position to have to choose if that ever happened and that probably would keep him up at night.
I don't know about you but I'd tell him that if Lillith is as great as he says she is and we got on, then I'd just have to date them both.
Lucifer, the Reader, and Lilith
Apologies for the loose and vague title but I could not come up with a shortened idea that didn't look very very clunky.. but the prompt explains what it's meant to be pretty well! This one may be a little shorter, entirely because Lilith doesn't actually have an active part in this as a character, just mentioned.. I still want to hold off actually writing stuff for her until we get more info on her character!
I hope you enjoy Anon! C:
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It's something Lucifer thought about a lot, even before he had met you. He never truly stopped loving Lilith, if that's a problem for you then that's an entirely different can of worms for you to tackle... and to tackle in a different post.
He'd feel... a lot. On one hand he was finally moving on and healing, he was finally starting to let himself love again after... everything. Yes we don't exactly know what happened between him and his past lover, but it was definitely enough to throw the man into a deep depression as well as tearing a rift through the family. That sort of hurt doesn't just come from a simple betrayal, nor does it go away over night. It's... complicated. On the other hand he's happy to know that she's still alive and well, and those old feelings try to claw their way back up. It's not fair, to him or to anyone else that Lilith got to leave and come right back. For what, exactly?
It effects his mood a lot and he starts to shut you out, he doesn't mean to hurt you but his mind is just too loud for him to bare. I don't think that there would be a poly relationship between the three of you, at least that is assuming if my thoughts and theories of Lilith being a... not good person or caring partner/parent are true, and if this post ends up being disproven as more of the show is released then I will eat my words.
Lucifer has two hands but he wants them both to be held by you, feeling that he would fall apart without him during this hard time.
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koolades-world · 1 year
Oh my god. Nightbringer Satan crushing on MC and Demon brothers freaking out because it's the same thing that happened with Lillith. Lucifer acts like a clown. (Maybe tries the atic). Belphie too.
NO BUT you think exactly like me, like omg are we secretly twins… The idea is still so fresh in brother's minds since it literally just happened, and Satan is none the wiser. He didn’t live through it after all. He hasn't really had a real conversation about what happened to them since he hates being around them. And honestly, anything that pisses off Lucifer must be the right choice for him. And the thing about the attic! Kinda like to think that Lucifer realized that attic was the perfect place to hide his brothers after sticking Satan up there. If it could contain Satan, what couldn’t it contain? it’s too perfect! I think I just love anything Satan angst
idk if this was a request or not but I kinda wanna write something for this idea anyways so,, ty anon you're literally so cool, sending my love :)
I haven’t gotten through all of Nightbringer’s story yet so sorry if this isn’t totally accurate to what happens. I'm on like chapter 5 and I haven't seen any spoilers... Honkai Star Rail recently came out and my friends are also playing that game so we’ve been playing that. Will go back to Nightbringer soon!
brewing just under the surface
It has been some time since Mc had been outed as a human. It has taken everyone except Solomon time to adjust. At first, everyone was furious in their own ways. Belphie, Satan, and Lucifer showed it in the typical way. It was the most they had truly let themselves go after falling. Everyone in the Devildom was advised to stay inside. Levi and Beel holed themselves up inside, hiding away from the world, fearing that if they showed themselves, they would be burnt again. Asmo found himself drinking into a stupor almost nightly, as when he laid in bed trying to fall asleep, all he could think about was Mc. Mammon was similar. He was rarely home, afraid he would see Mc so he went out gambling or exploring the Devildom to take his mind off everything. Eventually, they began to warm back up to Mc.
Mammon, however, was also the quickest to find himself missing Mc. He began to forgive them and understand their situation. They had been nothing but sweet to him, so he felt like he owed it to them. They had been a friend in a tough time. He began taking them with him on his adventures and gambled less. With them, he felt happier, more like himself. Part of him was kind of giddy they could exist in a state like this, despite everything. He felt like he could forget everything with them. He had them all to himself, after all. Even if they were a human, they were still the same deep down.
Eventually, Beel and Levi came around, followed by Asmo. The remaining three brothers thought they could never forgive Mc. Lucifer had placed so much trust in their attendant only for him to learn they couldn’t even tell the truth about who they were to him. He might be able to come around one day, but for the meantime, he needed to be alone. Belphie had vowed to hate humans for as long as he lived, so forgiveness was out of the question completely.
However, Satan wasn’t really sure why he was so mad. He struggled to find a reason to be mad sometimes. He would rage until he wasn’t really sure why he was raging in the first place, which would make him begin to rage all over again. He had no substantial relationship with this attendant. He was always locked up, locked out, or just too mad to interact with, making him unable to connect with them. It wasn’t on his brother’s behalf either. He didn’t really care about them too much, not enough to be this upset. Mc did technically lie to him, but that thought didn’t really provoke him. So, what was it? That's the mess he had found himself in for the past week or so. He wasn't really sure when he started thinking about it, but he was really tumbling down the rabbit hole now.
Satan was tuckered out after a long night out of causing destruction. He found himself at peace on very few occasions. One of the things that gave him the time to think in peace was after he was tired, or after he had just woken up. When he wasn't angry, he found himself enjoying things, such as thinking or the beauty of the world around him. Because of this, he was seated at the edge of a cliff, looking over the ocean. His legs and tail dangled over the edge. He looked minuscule compared to everything else. The sky was dark, so he stared down at the waves crashing against the cliff. Sometimes, he would overhear his brothers complaining about how it was always dark in the Devildom, but he actually thought it was nice. It comforted him. Not too far away was a road. One of the moons hung low in the sky. The others were not visible at the moment. In another moment of blissful clarity, he had taken the time to learn about the Devildom sky from a book. It had been a gift from Mc. Why they would give him a gift like that was beyond him, but he had found himself enjoying it despite that. It was one of the few things he had not destroyed in his rage.
While staring at sea, he simply thought. With a clear mind, he began to wonder why he still found himself mad at Mc. He hadn't seen them in a while, so maybe the feelings had calmed down. It was positive that he was able to think about it calmly, anyways. He was still unsure why exactly he was mad at Mc in the first place. Perhaps he had thought he had finally found someone that he could somewhat relate to. But then again, they still didn't know each other that well. As he was trapped in his thought, he heard the crunching of gravel behind him.
“Mammon? You out here?” The person he has just been thinking about had suddenly appeared as if it was magic. They had a motorcycle helmet pinched between their arm and torso. They froze once they realized Satan was there.
“Hey, Mc.” He turned back to look over the ocean.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize you were out here. You haven’t seen Mammon recently, have you?” They remained standing awkwardly behind him.
“No.” He kept his answers short, not really sure how to reply.
“Right, thank you.” They didn’t move at first. Then they spoke again. “Do you mind if I sit next to you for a moment?”
Satan thought about it for a moment. “I don’t mind.” He had a lot of questions. They settled next to him. Most anyone who sat next to him sat at least an arms length away. But Mc sat just within reach. Not too close to invade his personal space, but close enough to talk to him on a personal level. If they wanted, they could reach out and touch his shoulder. They set their helmet on the side farther from him.
“What brings you out here?” They asked, looking at the sky too. He had to stop and think about their question again. If it had been anyone else, this would have bothered him by now.
“I’m not sure. It’s beautiful, mysterious. Maybe that’s why.” He looked at them from the corner of his eye. Their looked out at the connection between the ocean and the sky.
“I’ve always loved nature. It’s not the same as home, but it’s beautiful in a different way.” The way they referenced the human works so casually made something within him twinge. Lucifer hated that place, and he should too, but he found himself curious.
“What was it like there?” He asked. They looked surprised, but answered nonetheless.
“It depended where you were. I grew up in a place where everything was always green with life, and you could always find some sort of life somewhere. But I traveled to places where all you could see was sand or the endless sea, like now. The biggest difference was the rising and setting sun. It wasn’t always dark. The sun always rose in the morning, to chase away to dark, and the sun always set to welcome the dark back. I used to wish it could always be night so I didn’t have to go to school and spend all my time at midnight reading, but now I miss it.” They reminisced. He finally turned his head to look at them. The stars and sea reflected in their eyes. “You eyes remind me of the morning. The forest and the rising sun illuminating it all.”
Satan paused again. He has never taken the time to look that closely at his eyes. He would have to look at them the next chance he got. “Thank you.” He finally said. “Do you miss the human world?”
It was Mc’s turn to stop. They still hadn’t realized he was looking at them. “Sometimes I do. But the Devildom has a charm. I’ve spend so much time here, it’s hard not to love. I do love it here.” They looked furthered down at the rocks below, reflecting the crashing waves in their eyes instead. “Someday, I would like to take you there. You would love some of the remote nature locations.”
This statement made Satan heat up. He couldn’t comprehend how they could say such kind things to him, the embodiment of anger. “That sounds nice.” His mind began to wander and suddenly, everything he has been feeling dawned on him. Mc was his friend. He had a friend. It was warm feeling that he didn’t know how to describe, but it did make him want to hold and care for Mc.
“Can I hug you? It’s fine if you say no, I understand.” He nervously looked back over at them again. This time, they were looking back at him. They hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. They scooted over to him, and wrapped their arms around him. They placed their head on his shoulder and inhaled. Satan was sure this was the most amount of affection he had gotten, probably ever. He was almost overwhelmed at first by the emotions he felt.
“You give really good hugs.” Mc seemed to really enjoy the embrace, but he didn’t dare respond. He wasn’t even sure what to say. He didn’t want to let go. This was probably also one of the most peaceful, sweet moments he’d ever had. “I should get going. Mammon is still missing.” Mc sighed.
“Alright.” He let go of them, but they didn’t scoot away quickly. They sat there for a moment, thinking.
“I’m making dinner tonight, if you’re interested. I also have something for you back at the house, so let me know once you get home. See you later.” They then got up, picked up their helmet, and left. They turned around a final time to wave, and he paused for a moment before waving back.
That was the beginning of it all. After that, he found himself by Mc’s side more and more. They went to see more remote scenery, and eventually, they went out in public together. He was still the same irritable, hotheaded demon, but he found it happening less often in the presence of Mc. When it did, they were always there to pick up the pieces of what he has done and comfort him. He was worried he might harm them at first, but they quickly proved they could handle themselves. They knew what made him tick and always seemed to know what he was going to do next. He would still have outbursts pretty frequently, but Mc mysteriously was always right on top of it.
Of course, his brothers, if he even dared call them that, noticed. They claimed they didn't care about their attendant but at the same time got upset with him for hogging their attention. Many times, Mc broke up fights between him and his housemates for this very reason. Even if he wasn't the Avatar of Wrath, he wouldn't have backed down. He still wasn't sure why. He wanted to hold them, love them, care for them. He was smart enough to know this wasn't how a friend would feel about another. Still, he had no clue what it could be if it wasn't that. As much as he didn't dislike Belphegor, he kept finding himself thwarting his attempts to kill Mc. They used to be his least hated of his "brothers" but now he had to say Beelzebub was the least hated now since he would help to control his unruly twin.
He found himself turning to books for answers. There was no one he could ask for advice besides Mc themselves, and he didn't feel comfortable bring this up with them. He was trying to grow more independent anyways. Books reminded him of Mc, since they had been to one to show him how useful they could be. They held the answers to everything, as long as you were holding the right one. Occasionally, he would find himself wanting to rip one to shreds but refrained since he knew it may be useful in the future. Besides, what would Mc think?
All of the books he consulted said the same thing. They described this feeling as a "crush" or whatever that might mean. He thought that word was stupid. The actual meaning was to destroy something with intense pressure and he definitely didn't want to do that. Other than that, he found the definition clear. He thought the word love might describe how he felt better, but he was too afraid to call it that. He did think they were attractive, and he would say it happened rather quick. But what was he supposed to do? They were the only person willing to get close to him.
He was in the middle of reading this book and processing this information when Lucifer threw open the door to his room. His room wasn’t barren anymore. Mc had built a small shelf for him to place his small book collection on. They had done it by hand so he was very careful with it.
“What are you plotting with that human?” He stood in the doorway with his arms crossed.
“Nothing. Get out.” He didn’t look up from his read, but his tail lashed about like an aggravated cat. He prided himself for not tacking him the moment he walked in.
“If you would just tell me, I won’t have to do anything the hard way.” Lucifer didn’t relent. He rushed forward to grab his collar and suspended him midair. “I know about your little crush.” Satan immediately stopped struggling. He was stunned. He couldn't bring himself to form a response.
"That is strictly prohibited. You are to maintain a professional relationship with the attendant.” Satan looked into Lucifer’s eyes. He still wasn’t great at anything relating to emotions, but there was something more than anger stirring in his piercing eyes.
“And since when has that mattered to you? You filthy pig.” Satan snarled, moving to grab the hands at his collar.
“There’s so much you don’t know. You have yet to learn. I don’t care if you hate me. I refuse to lose another one.” The air stilled after those words. He had never sounded Lucifer so upset. It made Satan begin to think. Compared to his housemates, he was nothing but a blip on the radar of time. Before he could even think about forming a response, Lucifer was moving, still holding him. Satan protested and struggled, causing a ruckus.
Mc had been sitting with Mammon in his room, giggling together quietly over another stupid outfit Mc had made. They both went silent as they heard the struggle pass the door, the mood spoiled. They glanced at each other before cracking the door. Mc knew that Lucifer and Satan hadn’t had a physical fight in a while now, so when they saw Lucifer carting Satan off somewhere, they pushed the door open all the way.
“Lucifer. What’s going on here?” When Lucifer didn’t stop, Mc ran after him, causing Mammon to follow as well. He ignored their insistent cries. Mc grabbed onto his lowest pair of wings at the base and dug their heels into the ground in vane. They felt themselves begin to pale as they marched towards the stairs leading to the attic. The attic only held terrible memories, but they were determined to help fix whatever was going on.
As the parade went upstairs, Mc tripped on the first step. Lucifer continued without them, not even acknowledging that they fell. Their knees stung. Mammon was quick to appear at their side and give them a hand up. He had never asked why they seemed so traumatized by the attic, but he knew they even hated being anywhere near that spiral staircase. Dust showered the both of them as Lucifer stomped angrily up the stairs. Their ascent was anything but silent.
“Are ya sure ya wanna go after ‘em?” Mammon whispered to Mc.
“I do. Will you go with me?” They gripped his hand tightly.
“I would go even if ya didn’t ask.” After taking a deep breath, Mc began to ascend the stars as quickly as they dared after the duo, gripping Mammon’s hand. Upon arriving at the top, Mc swallowed nervously as they were greeted with an all too familiar sight. The metallic, enchanted bars looked newer than the last time they had seen them. Lucifer was currently standing behind them holding Satan. Standing as tall as they dared, Mc spoke up.
“Lucifer. What do you think you’re doing?” Their voice came out weaker than intended. Satan had never seen them so fearful. Sweat glistened on their forehead. As Lucifer turned around to face them, they stumbled back a little.
“This does not concern you, Mc. I thought I made it clear that I did not need a human meddling in my affairs.” Anytime Lucifer moved even a little, Satan noticed they seemed ready to dive to the ground or throw their hands over their head.
“Satan is my friend. I’m here for him. We can talk about this.” Their voice wavered.
“What part of leaving my private affairs alone do you not understand? You are merely an attendant. I have attempted to speak to Satan in the past. This hasn’t worked before. It will not work now.” Lucifer shook Satan a little. He growled.
“I understand you don’t want me to be part of that, and that’s fine, but I know a more healthy and less, uh, strenuous way of communicating. If you would just listen to me-“ Mc gently patted the air as a way of showing they were trying to tone down the situation.
“I will not repeat myself again. If Satan wants to act like an animal, I will treat him like one. Since you seem so keen on talking, I’ll just throw you in there with him. If you’re still alive when I return, I’ll consider it.” Lucifer moved Satan to hold him with one hand. As they reached for Mc, they went into a flurry of movement.
“No!” The shriek they let out pierced even the ears of Lucifer. They grabbed onto anything and everything to get between them and Lucifer. They continued to scream loudly, telling Lucifer to stay back. The only thing that truly proved a barrier between Lucifer and the human was Mammon. He seemed shaken by everything, but refused to move.
“Luci. I love ya and yer the best older brother I coulda wanted, but doncha think this is too far?” Mammon crossed his arms, hiding Mc behind himself.
“I warned them already. It’s time they pay the consequences of their actions. Humans are bad news.” Lucifer tried to reach around Mammon, but he caught his arm. Without another word, Lucifer grabbed Mammon’s arm right back and threw him over the edge and down the staircase. With him out of the way, Lucifer easily grabbed the human by the throat. They abruptly stopped making any noise. He shook them a little, seemingly enjoying how they swayed under his grasp and then threw both the entities in his hands into the attic. The door slammed shut and Lucifer disappeared. He could be heard yelling at the bottom of the stairs at Mammon.
For the first ten minutes, Satan wasn’t even sure if Mc was alive. They held completely still and remained exactly how they had been throw in. They were on their side facing away from him. Once Satan was sure nobody was coming back, he crawled over to them. He flipped them onto their back and was met with their familiar face. They quickly made eye contact with him, holding it. They way they stared at him made Satan nervous. Now was not the time to be getting butterflies. The attic was barren. There was no bed, or hundreds of spare boxes. There was little besides a layer of dust and what seemed to be some of Diavolo’s old things.
Satan ghosted his hand over their forehead. They were sweaty. He didn't know what to say. Mc was always better at dealing with emotions, but he knew they needed him. He thought back to what they would do after he had a meltdown. "Does anything hurt?" He first asked. They didn't do anything at first. He just sat and waited for them to respond, because sometimes he didn't respond right away either.
"Just my feelings." Mc cracked a smile. He was glad that they were feeling good enough to try to joke, but he also wasn't sure what he would have done if they had said they were physically hurt.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" That was the next thing Mc always said to him.
"Did you ever read that one book about the stars that I gave you?" He was taken by surprise by the question.
"I did." He had really liked it.
"Let's look out the window then, and you can point out your favorite stars." They pushed themself up with a wince. He held a hand out, to which they accepted without thought. They had lied to him about not being hurt. They leant the window sill as he began explaining what he had read. Eventually, he let Mc begin to explain things he had questions about. Again, he found himself looking at them instead of the stars. The lengths they went for him were beyond him.
He wasn't sure how to approach confessing how he felt. Now didn't feel like the right time. For now, he could just admire and appreciate them. Hopefully, that day would come...
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yurislilygarden · 6 months
Oh boy, you've done it now. You've hit me with ✨️inspiration✨️ so now I must write, you've been warned.
Emily: I don't see why there couldn't be another God. Maybe the Lord created them! Gave himself a brother, or sister? It sounds pretty lonely being the only one of your kind...
Adam *stops sipping on his drink*: Like a pantheon? Nah. Can't see G doing that.
Sera: Emily, I know you are young and it might seem hard to understand have great our Lords powers are, even now, I too can find it almost impossible to believe too.
Sera *behind Readers view butterfly, cupping here hands gently around the wings as much as possible*: A piece of our Lord has returned to us, he has come to observe us and it isn't our place to question his motives or judge the form he takes.
Emily: But-
Adam: Listen Em, the big G does this kinda stuff some time. He just checks in through a beam of light, or on a divine chariot or appears as a burning bush, says hi and then checks out again, used to do it all the time. And yeah, sure, they don't sound like how he normally does but like, this is God we're talking about, can change his voice at will.
Emily: BUT-
Sera *gently petting Emily's head: See Emily? Our Lord may work in ways we may never understand, he may have bestowed on us knowledge and awareness that may seem too vast to comprehended, but I assure you that he is doing it all for our own well-being.
Emily: ... Okay.
Emily: Hey, Adam was built in the Lords image, right?
Adam: That's right, Em! I'm might not look exactly like the big G but he got all the important parts right atleast. *nudges Emily with his elbow before going back to sipping his drink*
Emily: Then... Whose image was Lillith built in?
*A few seconds of silence passed*
Sera *putting a hand over her mouth*: ...
Adam *dropping his drink in shock*: Oh. Fuck.
Anon can I just say... YOU'RE A FUCKING GENIUS I LOVE YOU /P
I have been blessed with a beautiful idea that I shall use in the future😌
This has actually genuinely saved me as I didn't have any real idea of how would I make them think that reader could be God's sibling where it also would make sense. The idea of Emily introducing the idea to these two is so real actually. Although I do think it would take a little bit more to convince Sera, in particular, to be 100% on the idea, she would be on board with Emily's idea soon after😭
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evilwriter37 · 9 months
I don't believe we as a society appreciate Viggo being tenderly in love with Hiccup enough.
Like, a man who wants to be better because of his love, wants to change and grow to be worthy of the one person he believes is perfection.
A Viggo that wants Hiccup in a gentle and desperate way
Anon, you’re so right. Obviously I write a lot about his passion and desire for Hiccup, but there is a gentle and tender side to it. (Proof is in the way he says Hiccup’s name in Triple Cross while holding his hand. Oh no. Oh no, I’m thinking of the music at that scene and getting teary-eyed.)
Viggo wanting to change because of Hiccup, and struggling with that, would have been so interesting to see. (I know why we couldn’t, but that’s what fanfic is for! Damn, I really need to read @lilliths-httyd-blog’s Viggo Lives AU.)
I’ve been in a more gentle Vigcup mood lately too! The tenderness Viggo feels for Hiccup really is spectacular. Here’s a man who’s gone his whole life believing in violence and being cruel to others, who then turns around and begins feeling compassion because of Hiccup indirectly effecting him. Like, Hiccup didn’t try to change Viggo. Being exposed to enough of Hiccup did that to him. It’s remarkable!
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flower-boi16 · 2 months
My expectations for HH season 2
- Lillith is gonna be a one note villain like Stella
- There's gonna be 50 new plot threads that don't go answered
That's it I guess
-Flygon anon
Yup, that sounds about right.
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jellyfshing · 10 months
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C3彡 final girl id pack !!
☆~{ for anon }~☆
C3彡 names :
fleur , slasher , amnesty , dove , colt , lamb , eros , nyx , lillith , seraph , bow , julie , scythe , beal , serene , athena , wendy , abyss , adelaide , allure , alluria , elisabeta , kateline , mors , crypt , cross , verity , cybre , pyper , evelien , talia , cynthia
C3彡 pronouns :
final finals , survive survives , slash slashers , horror horrors , dark darks , live lives , scythe scythes , weapon weapons , knife knifes , mallet mallets , med medicals , lash lashes , kill kills , murder murders , night nights , bone bones , corpse corpse , chain chains , blood bloods , bullet bullets , wound wounds , weep weeps , cry cries , gauze gauzes , gun guns , blade blades , steel steels
C3彡 titles :
[prn] who survived , the surviver , the final girl , the living girl , the one who lived , [prn] who ( hid / ran / fought back ) , [prn] whos grave lays empty , the weapon wielder , the resourceful
C3彡 genders :
finalgirldecorated , finalthing , finalrotgirl
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dazeddoodles · 3 months
The main character, Luz, is Afro-Latina and she is VERY well developed.
Luz is a far better and more well written MC than Aang, Star Butterfly, Steven Universe, Dipper, or Anne, so Daina Terrace DOES care about non white characters very much.
If she didn't care, Luz would not have been Afro-Latina. The Owl House is very diverse show, but with limited time writers have to prioritize giving development to the main characters like Luz, Eda, King, and Amity rather than side characters like Lillith or Raine.
Your white girl is still not a main character 😔
Funny thing is that people like this, including this anon, only care about Luz so they can treat her like Amity's accessory. Same with Willow to Hunter
Also anon why did you send this omg?! 🤯
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thatliminal-wanderer · 4 months
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Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale) ID Pack
Requested by 🎉🤩 anon
Abel, Ain, Ambili, Ambrose, Axis, Balendu, Benito, Bilen, Buck, Cain, Chakshu, Chana, Chandak, Chital, Collin, Coues, Darby, Diya, Dyani, Fawn, Gazelle, Ghazala, Harina, Hart, Herschel, Himanshu, Indu, Iris, Jace, Kamaria, Key, Kurangi, Larkspur, Lillith, Lochan, Mahnoor, Mauve, Mayank, Mriganayani, Mrigank, Mrignaini, Mulberry, Nayana, Nell, Nilan, Nilava, Ofer, Oisin, Olimpik, Qamar, Rebecca, Roe, Roscoe, Sambar, Sarang, Selene, Shashank, Shika, Sika, Silas, Stag, Tungesh, Veronica, Vidula, Yamir
ant/antler/antlers, buzz/buzzes, crescent/crescents, dark/darks, deer/deers, deity/deities, eld/eldritch/eldritchs, eye/eyes, fawn/fawns, gaze/gazes, god/gods, hoof/hooves, host/hosts, indigo/indigos, insomnia/insomnias, lav/lavender/lavenders, lilac/lilacs, moon/moons, night/nights, ob/observe/observes, odd/odds, pur/purple/purples, radio/radios, report/reports, show/shows, speak/speaks, spot/spots, stag/stags, strange/stranges, talk/talks, 🌄/🌄s, 🌒/🌒s, 🌘/🌘s, 🌙/🌙s, 🌵/🌵s, 🎙️/🎙️s, 🏜️/🏜️s, 🐈‍⬛/🐈‍⬛s, 👀/👀s, 👁️/👁️s, 💜/💜s, 📻/📻s, 🔮/🔮s, 🕧/🕧s, 🗣️/🗣️s, 🦌/🦌s
A Purple Hued Deer, The All Seeing Eye, The Cat Lover, The Desert Brought Up Deity, The Host Older Than Time, The Moonlit Deer, The Nightly Radio Host, The One True Reporter, The One Who Runs The Show, The One With a Purple Hued Life, The Radio Show Host, The Town’s Saving Grace, [prn] Who’s In Love With Science, [prn] With Deer-like Qualities
Cecipalfosic, Collideeric, Crescentmoonlightic, Cryptidmasc, Floradeeric, Horaugic, Humornoxic, Killyourdoublgender, Liminalspacestalgic, Lunitwivieri/Solsteseric, Moonboylexic, Moonshipic, Mostlyvoidpartiallystarric, Notlove, Ultraveyelian, Valeience, Vintaudio, Viodeergender, WTNVcastic
Other mogai
Aldeerantler, Aldercervocryptic, Aldereyeweird, Alderliminal, Alderpolyoptic, Assigned Eldritch At Birth/AEldAB, Eldrigodperspesque/Eldrihorrorperspesque, Eldrivesil, Inviblackligheyes, Invifrozendoe, Moonstelic, Weirdcoreaestelic
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twost3ps · 3 months
That breakup!anon, how about some angst for this fine day,
Right after Adam said his piece and dump him, he walked away. Getting over his shock, Lucifer chase after him, stumbling after his words asking him to stop before saying 'Adam! Wait for me!'
This send Adam into a memory of Eden, every time Lucifer would say that to him so he could spend time with Lillith undisturbed, of him waiting over and over again, hoping this time would be different, that Lucifer would come back,
He didn't
And Adam didn't stop either
I feel like death rolled over me actually sjbfsfbs THAT HURTS OMG
Karma came back though lol RIP lucy
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I know angel lucifer x human reader is currently winning the poll, but if you end up writing a story where the reader is an angel anyway, there could be an interesting two parter of before and after the fall.
One that takes place in heaven where both are angels and maybe both dreaming of giving humans free will and such things. Maybe even dreaming up their own future and of what humanity would be. This being before Lucifer met and fell in love with Lillith. (Although if you want something angsty, writing about the reader witnessing Lucifer falling in love with someone else is an option. Although you could also make is a three…I’m rambling, moving on.)
Then many years later, the reader falls as well, and they now have had thousands of years apart, and so much has happened. Lucifer has both had a wife and child, but also lost that wife and struggled to maintain a relationship with that child. Meanwhile the reader did something to get thrown out of heaven, and is probably having a bit of a crisis about it. These two meeting again and supporting each other through hard times while reigniting an old flame could be heartwarming. Also I love the idea of them…exploring their demon forms together. Maybe it’s time he hold on to our horns, but I digress.
Anywho, sorry it got long. I just got really wrapped up in this idea, and thought I might as well suggest it, even if you don’t do it. Love your stories. I think you’re doing a great job. thanks for helping me fuel my minor obsession with this man.
Hi anon! I hope my newest fic is enough to satisfy! You had a lot of good ideas that I wanted to incorporate! 💖💖
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heiilari · 3 days
Lillith....I loved you the moment I opened my eyes and saw you. Yeah, Eden was beautiful but you were just...so much better. You were like me when nothing else was.
I worked my ass off to make you happy, to make everyone happy. But all you did was think about yourself and what you wanted. You never once thought of me as a person too.
You hurt me more than Lucifer. He stole you because you let him
You told him to force Eve to take the apple.
Every bad shit that ever happened is because of you. The only good thing you did was make Charlie, and that's because she didn't inherit anything from you.
I loved you. You couldn't love me. So you ruined everything to make yourself better. I hope it was worth it.
Anon letters ||| accepting
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A deep sigh is going to come out of Lilith's mouth as she rubbed her temples ever so slightly. this narrative was all INCORRECT . so now she had to dissect it
"Okay... lets start off with the first matter.
I did not think of only myself I was thinking of a future. I did think of you as a person ADAM . I do not play the game of " you are lower than I" . that has always been disgusting and futile as well.
I always saw you as a person it is just my ambitions were not the same as yours. I wished to explore the world more and find out more ... and you wished to stay within the walls of Eden. I accepted that
LUCIFER did NOT steal me either. I WILLINGLY left you. I did not want to hold you back from whatever you wished to do. I knew I was incapable of giving you what you WANTED .
HOWEVER claiming that I forced LUCIFER to give Eve the apple is where you are SORELY mistaken. WE both wished to gift Eve the apple none of us KNEW what would happen if someone ate the apple.
I didn't even know and I am sure Lucifer didn't as well. but allow me to reiterate what words mean
FORCE: coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence.
CHOICE : an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
Eve DECIDED to make a CHOICE and EAT the apple. we did not force her to do ANYTHING that she did not wish to do. she made that choice herself. we merely gave her a CHOICE
so quit that forced bullshit act.
You are always the one to quickly blame OTHERS. but can we not forget that the world is ruled by mistakes and choices and last I've seen you are FAR from innocent . so back off with that bullshit.
CHARLIE has GOTTEN things from ME as well you fool. she has the innocents which I have had ripped away I will ALWAYS support my child as well so keep her name out of your mouth
I did NOT ruin ANYTHING or EVERYTHING for you because I couldn't LOVE you. WHAT happened with the apple was a ERROR . a MISTAKE. I did NOT Know what would happen. but I will NOT allow you to try and play victim because I did not know what would happen if Eve ate the apple.
I do NOT feel good about what happened with the apple NOR what happened in Eden. at least if you are going to try and blame someone make sure that you are aware of the actual reasoning. not just so you can have your pitiful act of being the victim. because news flash Adam
YOU are not the only one who was a fucking victim
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pwincess-charchar · 5 months
*I get up, perfectly fine, made of rubber apparently and frown as I look over at Angie* "Yous gud?" )easily distracted anon(
Iz good but….
*looks over to where @queen-of-hell-lillith is now standing*
I fink I might be in troubles…
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