#lilli answers
lilith-bat · 12 minutes
I just wanna take you in my mouth shake you around. I want you to feel my jaw lock and my teeth press into your skin. But there's nothing a little bunny could do against the big scary wolf.
dog girls and bunny girls belong together. do you mind if I become one of your anons? ❤️
i dont mind at all🤭
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lillianawayne99 · 11 months
👀 - coffeewritesfiction
“Whose side are you on?”
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entertainment · 1 year
We met the owlbear. Which other animal combo would you be?
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mattslolita · 1 month
Just curious why do you write with black reader when race has nothing to do with the fic ?
sigh here y'all go......
i write a black reader because we do NAWT get enough rep. if it makes u uncomfy or sumn you don't gotta read it ig😭😭
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shima-draws · 5 months
Dream alt for pokemas? Even if you don't play
It’s been YEARS and they STILL haven’t released a Gladion alt. Please Nintendo I need my boy give him SOMETHING. A sygna suit a holiday alt a Neo Champion outfit, ANYTHING
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(- @physically-bloody-medibot )
[It had been a fairly uneventful day for Flick. No one had come by for repairs, nothing unusual or wacky had happened, just a normal, completely regular day.]
[Which led to quite the shock when an unfamiliar robot seemed to pop right into existence in front of them.]
“Holy fuck, where did you come from!?”
[He exclaims, clamouring to their feet out of surprise. Taking a pause to compose himself, he clears his throat, before continuing.]
“Ahem, I mean to say. Why might you be here? And how did you get in? I could’ve sworn I had the door locked…”
[They muse, taking the opportunity to observe the newcomer. A medibot, he guesses. Quite an unusual one, though. They aren’t normally so short, or so… bloody. Though annoyingly enough, the robot still stands taller than the man, who takes note of the odd construction of the being before them.]
“And… If I may ask. Who exactly are you?”
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itstokkii · 4 months
may i ask for a little liech?? love your art so so much <3
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happy belated bday !!! here's a liech sketch for you ♥️
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Did I just buy a pointlessly large packet of post it notes so that I could plot out the premise for my novel?
Am I going to look like this come Saturday?
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Also yes.
Stay tuned for updates.
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nyaskitten · 1 year
here r some concept doodles for my Jiang Dragon AU lol
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lilith-bat · 2 days
Thata what I thought sweet thing, now how about you tell me exactly how wet and needy 🖤 and I left you hm? What got you all pent up? Maybe while you tell me you can hump a pillow like a good bunny and pretend it's my thigh ~ 🤍
so so wet and needy. im supposed to be working but i cant stop thinking about you and 🖤. i can feel myself dripping everytime i think about the things you two want to do to me.
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lillianawayne99 · 11 months
Hi there! Its Week 1 of the Sunday Writeblr Ask-A-Thon! I'm Athena, my question for you is: Have you ever written something out of spite, because something made you bitter and angry, like a piece of media didnt settle well with you?
My GOT/ASOIAF is 100% spire based writing. I hated how the show ended so much I made an AU fanfic lol
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Which Limocade stand & Bakesale kiddo would you most enjoy playing minecraft with?
- Lilly
- Mocha
- Shade
- Cookie
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mattslolita · 1 month
hc that he doesn't like storms but doesn't wanna *admit* he doesn't like storms so he just pours and sticks like velcro to someone all day.
"i'm not afraid of it, shut up."
"...you've been under my desk for an hour."
stop literally😭😭
*thunder strikes and chris's whole body convulses*
"and you wanna keep pushing the narrative you aren't scared?" "can we just finish this movie? i'm done talking about this."
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shima-draws · 9 months
If you could wipe the memory of one Pokémon game from everyone, which game would it be?
(The game will still exist and is able to be played again, but no one will remember anything about it)
Sun and Moon bc maybe then people would learn to actually appreciate it more for its story especially after we all collectively flipped our shit at how good SV’s story was
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hexisssssssss · 4 days
What’s a twdg fanfic(s) that you really want to exist but don’t particularly want to write?
At the moment i have a few specific ideas. With two of them of course being Lilly centric (i heart my smoking hot wife 🫶). Also bare with me if theres like horrible grammar or anything is confusing, i got like 3 hours of sleep lol.
Starting with the Lilly ones, I really want to see a fic about what happened to her after she took the RV that lead her to the delta. Which im sure has been done before, but there was a few specific ideas i’d love to see. Starting at a pov of her alone in the RV while the others deal with the train, just to show the thought process that led to her stealing the RV. And i feel that she would end up tangled with a group or community a lot like Carver’s, or the 400 days group that Becca and Shel are in. And at some point that group has a confrontation with the Delta, maybe similar to Ericsons where they are looking for people to take as soldiers. And Lilly see’s some opportunity for some level of greater purpose or control/command and betrays her new found group to join the Delta. Some smaller details i’d also like to see is a moment where she makes some sort of small memorial or grave for Larry. And when she is alone in the RV just driving i like the idea of her reflecting on the spiral she had after Larry died and the action she ended up taking and feeling some guilt, but in the end doubling down. And moments like that to see where her head was at to lead to her personality change in s4.
The idea has been floating in my head for a while but at the moment i just don’t feel like starting it.
The other Lilly idea is basically a s4 rewrite but from her POV. I am not sure if this exists because i have not gone looking specifically. Starting probably a bit before s4 just to give some insight to what the delta may look like (which is the part i would find most interesting to see but also what makes me not really want to write it at the moment because it seems a bit of a daunting task to execute well.). Then having her and her group set off on the boat for Ericsons. For a specific cannon timeline i think it would work best if Lilly gets away alive in the end. I see it working as a better emotionally satisfying ending than if it just ended abruptly cause she gets shot like 50 times by a toddler lol.
I also think it would be neat to see an AU where Minerva actually ends up helping the Ericsons kids. And later ends up back at the school with them. With Louis being the one captured, because i have this idea in my mind of his “talking too much” maybe being him urging Minnie to help them and reminding her of Tenn. And when she shows a bit of a reaction/seems to falter and consider helping them, whoever is with her (probably Lilly) decides he needs to be punished/stopped and also in turn try and “scare Minnie straight”. But what Louis has said mixed with seeing Violet again, will still lead her to aid them. So the whole bridge scene will be avoided and both Vi and Tenn will be alive. AJ and Clem still get separated from everyone else and she still ends up without a chunk of her leg later. The bulk of the fic would be her adjusting to being back at Ericsons again. I have some ideas for plot lines/events:
- Trying to rebuild a friendship with Vi
- A longer Tenn reunion arc and her trying to be a sister to him again, with difficulty due to her literally fucking killing their sister before
- Feeling guilt over Louis’s injury and trying to make it up to him, leading to a friendship there
- Generally having to unpack/confront all that happened to her and that she did and get over the brainwashing
- Recovering from an injury she sustained while helping Vi with the bomb
- And these are just small things i feel would be interesting: a few interactions with a “overprotective/not jealous but angry at what she did to vi” clem and this fic would follow the violentine cannon. And AJ interactions because i feel like theres an interesting opportunity for a dynamic there or lesson for aj??? Idk lol
Would absolutely love to write that but i just think the idea is too all over the place atm and not fleshed out enough that i could really do much with it lol
And this last one is incredibly vauge lol. But i’ve seen a couple fics for mostly stuff other than twdg where it’s like based off/taking inspo from a song. And i think it would be cool asf to see that with Violentine/Clouis with like an Adrianne Lenker or Big Theif song.
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ijichi-nijika · 6 months
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the freakin excavator honeggstly
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