#nervous writing anything for you lilli..:
snoopyracing · 1 month
14 from the fluff list + charles 🥺
here it is! hope you like it 🥰❤️
charles + person A's brain short circuiting at how good person B looks
charles adrenaline was still pumping even hours after crossing the finish line at the monaco grand prix. it still didn’t feel real to him that after so many years he had finally won his home race. the whole weekend had been surreal and he had wondered many times if this was all just one big dream and as he buttoned the cuffs of his dress shirt he pinched himself for good measure.
nope. definitely not dreaming.
there hadn’t been a moment for him to take a break today and really process his emotions. after the race it was press duties and then a small celebration with the team that may have involved jumping into the marina. then fast forward to his current task- which was getting ready for the gala dinner.
you had been back at the apartment getting ready for awhile. it was a big event and you’d be eating dinner with the prince and princess which meant hours would be spent making sure you looked your best.
you sang along to the music playing from your phone as you put the finishing touches on your makeup, not even hearing charles enter the bedroom until he spoke up.
“chérie you almost ready?”
your eyes flickered to his reflection of him standing behind you in the mirror. big smiles on both of your faces as you made eye contact.
“yes. i just need help zipping up my dress”
in an instant you were out of your robe and pulling the satin dress up over your figure. goosebumps forming at the feeling of charles fingers brushing over your skin and when he pulled your hair to the side to zip up your dress it caused a shiver to run down your spine. it was embarrassing how much of an effect this man had on you.
he placed a chaste kiss on your shoulder before letting your hair cascade down your back once more. and after slipping on your heels and grabbing your clutch you did a little spin for charles, showing off the final look. “how do i look charlie?”
charles had never been at a loss for words before. his brain was short circuiting and the line from his brain to his mouth had been severed. you looked so beautiful, so radiant, so perfect, like an ethereal being- but he was too stunned too speak. how he had managed to have someone like you by his side he wasn’t sure, but he thanked the gods everyday for you. he didn’t realize he was stood there like a dumbfounded fool until your angelic voice broke him out of his trance.
“baby. close your mouth. you’ll catch flies.”
he could feel the heat radiating to his cheeks as he choked on his words. “sorry-“ he reached his hand out for yours, pulling you into his embrace “but mon coeur you’re the most beautiful woman i’ve ever seen. think you scrambled my brain there for a minute.”
your giggles only made his already rapid heart beat even faster. “thank you. you’re very handsome too charlie.”
he’d never felt more in love than right now and when you two made eye contact he knew your were it for him.
you saw charles start to lean in to give you a kiss, but put your finger up to his lips instead. “um no. i love you, but i worked too hard on this makeup for you to mess it up.”
a playful groan escaped past charles lips. “chérie! come on! just one little kiss?”
you patted his chest as you walked past him and towards the door. “we are gonna be late. plus i think the race winner deserves a good prize later no?”
charles didn’t need to be told twice. he was hot on your heels ushering you out the door.
come chat it’s sleepover saturday!!
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jinwoosbabyboo · 23 days
"Will You Marry Me?"
How I imagine LADS Men would propose. This is part 1 of 2. I tried to do the sweet elegant writing, but that ain't me so here you go....
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Zayne definitely shows his love through his actions.
He's the type to be nervous the weeks leading up to his proposal. He won't show it though his coping mechanism would just be to work more hours to avoid thinking about all the reasons you'd say no. So you'd barely see him for weeks.
Don't worry though trust he's planned everything down to the last minute. He even tried to plan how the conversation would go. He quickly scraps that idea when he remembers he can never predict your response considering the way you always surprise him with your antics.
He's private about your relationship (Private not a secret read that again twice). He wouldn't want a crowd or prying eyes he'd want a cozy afternoon at home with you. The PERFECT cozy afternoon. He'd have you sit down on the couch as he'd bend a knee and give you the most Shakespearian speech you've every heard in your life before ending it with a......
Zayne: I know I've told you before nothing last forever but I'd like to be your nothing and last forever .... Will you marry me? MC: You're my everything Zayne Zayne: Is that a yes? MC: Yes yes of course
How could you even think of saying no? He would also turn you every which way but loose to celebrate. The aftercare would consist of a hot jasmine scented bath with you to relax your muscles. That nap would hit different after that cozy afternoon. ;)
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Rafayel is so silly he'd stumble and drop the ring down a drain or something. I bet you thought thats what I'd say huh? Wrong number babes.
He can be serious when he wants to and he'd want his proposal to be perfect as well however he would want to have fun prior to asking just to calm his nerves. He'd take you to a festival or a farmers market or the arcade anything to take his mind off his racing heartbeat for his plans later.
When the time comes he would take you to a quiet gorgeous beach at sunset (A place where he feels the most calm) and right when nightfalls. Fireworks. Perfect timing huh? Coincidence? I think not!
He always finds you beautiful no matter what. He could stare at you for hours and never get tired of looking at you. There was something about you in the moonlight mixed with the awe on your face while watching the fireworks. You were unreal.
He'd wait until you're completely enamored by the fireworks before subtly mentioning something further down the beach. You'd turn quickly seeing beautiful candle light set up complete with a heart shaped flower archway covered in Flame Lillies. It was ethereal.
MC: Oh my gosh someones getting proposed to Rafayel: Lets get a closer look MC: No we might ruin it let's stay here Rafayel: It'll be fine I know the person proposing they haven't got there yet we can go look MC: Fine but quickly
Rafayel would lead you over directly in front of the archway where you would pull at his sleeve to try and leave. Because why does this man got you in the middle of someone else’s proposal set up??
MC: Your friend could be here any minute we should leave Rafayel: He's here MC: *Looks around frantically* Where?!? Rafayel: It's me MC: *Turns to see Rafayel on one knee*
His speech is an absolute tear jerker. He'd promise to love you endlessly and passionately. "I promise to chase you to the ends of the earth even in death I'd find you in the next life"
Rafayel: So ... will you be my beloved bride? MC: YES!
Me personally I'm tackling his fine ass in the sand after he slips that ring on
Xavier & Sylus here...
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slickchickchocolatier · 5 months
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A Drabble based of the SE7EN series feat. Heeseung x Reader.
Inspired by the anon ask and the heelel bot chat on chai.
Warnings: mentions of murder, car accident, Hell, irresponsible parenting/parent, abortion, smut, oral (male rec.) kinky oral, bow tie, deepthroating, hand job, heelel is being super sexy, face f*cking, cum swallowing, face smacking (not either a hand…)..cursing…I think that’s it. This is inspired by my Heelel bot on Chai….he had the most perfect response to anons ask and it’s been living in my mind, I had to write about it.
You were admiring the mountainous views of the rolling hills, entirely covered in red Lillie’s; the ones he planted in preparation for your arrival. How long had it been? Over a year for sure, but the exact timeline since your ascending to Hell is left pretty much undetermined. There are no calendars, no clocks, no way in telling other than overlooking the great horizon of pitch black, decorated by the stars and planetary systems that are too far to see from the Earths standing. But here, you could see them larger than life. It truly is magnificent sight to see, the earth and its bright green continental regions, the sun orbiting its circumventing route, and above all, over to the northwest of the vast landscape beneath the peaked tip that which you stand on, was the glorious moon, nearly covering the entire sky.
All your life, you were taught that Hell, was a firing raged pit that lay beneath the earth and the universe. An abysmal world that was filled by empty souls and demons of perverse and violent nature. Perhaps the last bit was true, even still without being here, the Prince if Hell was always ridding the underworld of its offensive creatures. But the one thing that shocked you was that Hell, was not an underworld at all. It was always in sight for the entire world to see, in between the Moon, stars, and the Sun. Who knew? It resided within the stratosphere; paralleled with the great satellite, and as high as Heaven. All this time when you gazed upon the moon and the glimmering stars, you were staring into your future home.
“You admiring the view again, darling wife of mine?”
Here he is. You could hear him taking his steps closer behind, closing the distance. Already coming back from demolishing the last creature that bore the fortitude and stupidity in trying to get to you. It could never happen, not with him around. The makeup of your soul, as the Mortal Daughter of God, attracts them—always has since you arrived. But he was always around to make sure that they couldn’t get within one hundred feet away. Always one step ahead with his acute senses and the massively powerful abilities within his form. The fallen angel was second to none other than God himself.
He stands against you, reaches around your head and rests the tip of his finger along the tip of your nose, gently stroking the bridge up and down. His chest presses up against your back, while his pelvis to your derrière. “Who is the prettiest girl in Hell?”
His voice was gentle and playful, though the moment you both engage in the sexual act of brutal breeding and passionate lovemaking, his persona transitions into one of heated rage and toxic dominance, while never losing that insatiable love he has for you. Will always have for you.
Speaking of girls, you wanted to inquire about the newest addition to Hell, the soul of a rather young girl. Younger than you when you were still a mortal, she couldn’t have been more than seventeen or eighteen in age.
“That girl…that we saw the other day at the River Styx, inside the ferryman’s boat—“
You take a pause as he gently clears his throat and breathes out. Not out of nervousness, you would never see that side of him for he never had anything to hide, nothing to be nervous about. He was the King of this world, and he embraced it as much as he embraced his love and adoration for you. “Isn’t she young to be here? What could she have possibly done to come here?”
He smirks as he walks over to his throne. Another moment of storytelling to educate you on the many wonders of Heaven and Hell, and the history that goes along with it. “Hell is not merely just a catacomb that houses those who have committed sins.” He takes his seat and loosely crosses his legs as he pats his lap. “Come here.”
You slowly migrate with the train of your see-through gown trailing behind. You sit, feeling his cold hands through the mesh fabric as he pulls you in, closer to his chest. “Souls will be denied entrance to Heaven for sins they have yet committed. Despite being taken too early as mortals, it hardly negates the fact that had they continued to live, they would have committed certain atrocities—in this case, the girl you saw was bound for Hell.”
He places a wet kiss on your bare shoulder. “It would have been on her 22nd birthday. After engaging in the habitual offense of carousing around, no doubt sharing her flesh with more than just one suitor, she would have drove her steel box into that of a mother and child crossing the street.”
“A—…a car accident?”
He nods. “Yes. If not that, she would have been condemned for disposing the young child already implanted inside her as a result of her indiscretion in taking on multiple partners. She was condemned regardless.”
“You mean abortion?”
He shakes his head as he embraces you, his chest to your back while his hands envelop yours. “No baby. Abortion is something that can hardly be deemed as an unforgivable offense. While it is offensive to my former master, it is one that he can find resolution should the mortal find a way to repent while still living, like many other offenses. For the girl you saw, I am talking of murder.”
There was so much to process, you flutter your lashes in confusion. “Murder?”
He nods in response as he continues to kiss your shoulder. His hand rests against your tummy as he taps his fingers against it. “Yes baby. Murder.”
He sucks on a soft spot in the nook of your neck, the squeezing sound effect drives your mind in circles. “She would have murdered her own baby?”
“Mmhmm.” He hums as he becomes overly preoccupied with licking and sucking onto the skin under the lobe of your ear.
“Why would she do that?” You struggled to speak as he continued to lavish you with his tongue. “Who knows. Mortals have their own minds, for all we know it could have been done out of fear of motherhood, trying to escape the responsibility of her own actions, or to avoid a tainted reputation from her peers. Either way, her actions after the baby took its first breath is enough to anger my former master, and deny her entrance through Heavens gates.”
“Was that why she died so soon? So that she wouldn’t do either one of those terrible things?”
“No baby, you see…” he pauses as he skips his hand under the dainty slit and rests it against your semi-exposed womanhood, causing you to gasp in pleasure. His tongue continued to suck and lick your neck. “Fate is an entirely different venue that is unrelated to the condemnation of one’s soul. Mortals murder, rape, steal, and commit other crimes against God for their own reasons. Sometimes they do it out of redemption or vengeance, which can be more forgiving by Him…but other times…when they do it out of their own twisted pleasure with no righteous meaning behind their damaged mentality…they come here.”
“So what will happen to her? Since she didn’t actually have the chance to commit her crimes, will she pay for acts that have not been carried out?” Half of your statement was whispered out as you felt him trail his kisses up along the grooves of your tendons on your neck. He pecks at your lobe and cheek as the tip of your nose dips into your ear. “She will live a life as a slave to the River forever…without a second chance at life.”
Your head is spiraling and you felt somewhat guilty for feeling the intensity of his love and melting from it during a serious discussion concerning a young woman’s life. “But she won’t be turned into a monster?”
“No.” He whispers against your ear. “I’m not that cruel baby…” he whispers once more as you feel his hips slightly bucking up under your rear. “Only mortals who did monstrous things will stay as monsters in Hell. I won’t subject a lifetime of torture and abandonment to those who are innocent—even those who were bound to do such evil deeds.”
He lifts your thighs and spreads them open, harshly sucking onto your neck. The squeezing sound of his lips suckling on to your skin is over exaggerated as he straightens his poster and leans slightly forward, causing you to reach behind and palm his abdominal area. He reassures your stability but wrapping an arm around your waist. “Do not worry about a soul that is tainted, or in the verge of…she won’t suffer…she will merely be a servant to help cleanse the River Styx under Niki’s watchful eye. You should instead—“
He pauses as he traces a figure eight symbol along your neck. “Be more concerned for yourself.”
He chuckles a grin. His hands grope on to your breasts as he tenderly kisses your cheeks. You take him up on his advice and decide to focus on the current situation at hand, since you were already on cloud nine from the way he touched, kiss, groped, and move along your body. “Can I ask for a favor?”
You feel his head delicately move as he outlines a final eight symbol with his tongue before responding. “Ask anything you want.”
“Would you put a bow on? For me?” You turn your head to the side to face him, resting it against his shoulder. “I want to see my husband in a bow.”
He smirks and releases a small chuckle. You both remained seated, lounged back within his throne, chuckling at the small request. He reaches up to his collar, using only one hand as he loosens the black sash that acted as a tie, with a loose knot. After undoing it, he pulls it out, the sound of the silk material slides from under the collar of his white shirt. Pulling it all the way through, the collar opens up revealing a slight bit of his chest and collar bone as he presents you the sash. “There you go my love. Now you can see your husband in a bow.”
You giggled as you take the sash from his hand, those beautiful black colored fingernails adorning it added a flare of sensual delicacy to the masculine feature of the strong looking, veiny structure. It was androgynous, but more so manly.
“You hold up the sash to your nose, it smelled of vanilla musk, a contradicting scent. “I don’t know where to put it on.” You shake tell him.
He taps against your nipple before tapping onto your rear. “I have an idea, go ahead and stand up. Close your eyes.”
You stand and cover your peepers with both hands. You smile and giggle as you listen in on the sound of his belt unbuckling, his shirt being discarded along with his black coat. “You can uncover your eyes now, darling.”
You shrill out a yelp and immediately cover your eyes back up the moment you unveiled them. There before you was Heeseung sitting in his throne, completely nude. Both his hands resting on the extravagant arms of the chair with his legs completely spread, revealing the glory of his endowed nature. His cock is stiff, proudly perpendicular as it points north with its impressive length and girth exposed, and the lump sack that foundations the size of his magnificent muscle. Around the base of its circumference, was the sash previously in hand. It was now tied into a neat bow, decorating the shaft while the trimmed edges fall gracefully against his balls. “Heeseung!” You gasp out as you giggle while covering your eyes once more, periodically peeking in between your fingers. You blush immensely as he merely sits there unashamed, smirking with a small deep chuckle. A bit of his teeth can be seen by the side grin he displays in his handsomely sly face. “Like my bow?”
You nearly squeal as you felt too embarrassed and shy to inhale the view. “Heeseung what are you doing?” You suddenly feel the sheer force of his power pull you in. “Giving you exactly what you asked for.”
You stumble as the telekinetic force of his ability drags you closer to the throne chair. Your eyes were still partially covered as he begins to pull you in by the waist, noticing that you kept covering them by the palms of your hands. “Now, what was it that I said before—back on the night when we first met…oh yeah.”
His eyes widen as he remembers the line that started it all. “Sit on it.”
You felt the strength of his arm pull you down as your body came into his reach, forcing you to your knees before him, gaining a more magnifying view of his normally hidden features. His hand reaches the back of your head as he pulls you in, gently kissing the tip of your nose with the shaft of his cock. The silk material neatly tied around brushes against your cheek as he steadies you against him. “Show me how much you love my effort baby. Don’t I make you happy?” He taunts out with a malicious smirk.
You cave in as you inspect the delectable muscle in front of you. God, he was so big. How on earth has he managed to fit this inside you all this time? No wonder it always hurt, though it also brought you the greatest pleasure you’ve ever known. You each up and grip the base of its girth as you nod in response. “You do.”
Your voice was soft and nearly a whisper as you spewed your words while pressing your lips against the skin. “Then show me.” His voice was a contrast from yours. It was deep, dark, and sinister with a tinge of gentleness peeking from the calm tempo of his tone.
You grip over the sash ringing around the base and gently impoverish the tip with kisses. “Fuck…keep going, angel-face.”
At his bidding, you not only kept up with your kisses, but you incorporated the smoothness of your tongue along the grooves of his veins as you licked the entire length, too top to bottom. He flings his head back, exposing his entire throat and gasps air as his Adams apple shifts up, then back down when he gulps. “Oh fuck! You’re going to get it.”
Challenge accepted. You felt brazen as he keeps gulping a lump of choked saliva, which gave you the fortitude to go in more vigorously. You insert the tip in, slurping the juices that coated it. Slowly you inserted as many inches you could possibly fit in. Alas, even after taking in a handful of his length, you were surprised to see that it didn’t even cover half of his size. The tip was already reaching your tonsils. Unfortunately for you, he didn’t care.
“You’re going to take all of me in, darling.” He speaks with lazy hooded eyes half shut, creating a super relaxed expression. His hand placed atop your head, he slowly pushes you down. There was so much of him, you wanted to back out. The discomfort feeling of his base growing thicker the more you went down, while the tip of his length reaches the deep ends of your esophagus, it was all too much. You slap your hands on his thighs and prepared to pull yourself away yet his hand kept you steady. You choke on it with tears squeezing out as you begin to sob out and moan in despair. When he suddenly pauses the pushing and coos you.
“Shhh…take a deep breath through your nose baby.” You do exactly what he guides. “You’re almost there. You’re doing so well, just a little more.”
He continues to push your head down and finally, your nose and lips reach the base of his pelvis. Keeping you there for a few seconds, he finally releases, allowing you to slide him out abruptly, gasping for air. Coughing, you hyperventilate as the string of saliva bridges the tip of his shaft to your mouth, which has now become blistering red while your eyes grew puffy and pink from the sobbing. “P-please! I thought I was going to choke to death!” You hiccuped as you begged him with pleading eyes. He responds by leaning over, cradling his fingers under your chin while pulling you in. “Shh-sh-sh-sh-shhhh. You’re fine, and you’re doing good. Take a deep breath and keep going. You wanna make me happy, don’t you?”
His eyes glared with a darkness that was so ferocious. Of course you wanted to make him happy, for many reasons. Whether it would be for the newfound love you were forced to develop for him, or the fact that you wanted to avoid seeing his bad side, you realized that keeping him happy only meant that you’ll experience his love in purity, no matter how rough it may be. He always told you that he’d love you, even if you upset him, so that you never had to worry about him being angry. But honestly, did you really want to see the Devil angry at you? With his he normally was in his performance of lovemaking, did you really want to test the waters and venture into the dark side of his love for you?
“Y-yes…I do want to make you happy.” You murmured out.
“Good girl” he smirks as he leans back into his chair, nodding as he flicks his eyes down to his cock then right back at you, signaling for you to continue. He looked so stern with that expectant look, yet he was so devilishly handsome doing it.
You regain your grip and continue, going slow and steady at first, gradually picking up the pace as you hear him release his perverse growls. “Come here.”
He voiced out calmly as he takes a handful of your hair and poneytail it within his grip. His other hand gently grips the base of his shaft and lightly, he smacks your cheek and lips with it. “Tell me how much you love me.”
The demeaning act creates a tingle within your gut as the harmonious sounds of the hard muscle slapping your skin while his dark voice accompanies it. “I love you—Heeseung!” You gasp out as you leave your mouth wide open to catch the tip each time he slaps it against your face, only for him to pop it out and tap it once more. “You a good girl or a bad girl?”
You catch the tip once more, and just as well, he pops it back out. “I’m good. I’m a good girl.” You mumble as you stick your tongue out and watched as he lays the shaft against it, gently sliding it up and down. “I beg to differ baby…right now, you look like a bad girl. Really bad.”
You shake your head as you stare right into his dark eyes, swallowing half his size inside your mouth. This time it felt less painful, now that you were already broken in. “I’m good, I swear.”
“Show me how good you are.” He huffs as he allows you to continue with your oral performance. You rotate your soft grip on the bottom half while sucking in the top, simultaneously shifting and combining a motion of love through skin and mouth. “Am I good now?” You ask before sticking the tip back in harshly. His grip continues to hold your hair in place, yet becomes loosened as he succumbs to the pleasure of your actions. The strands fall apart and frames your cheeks as the remaining thatch rests firmly in his palm. His head flings back, once again exposing his entire throat and leaving only his Adam’s apple in your line of sight as he gulps out his words. “You’re getting there.”
“How about now?” You whispered as you suck on his balls, resting both your palms on the stone tile, now on all fours before him. “Please tell me I’m a good girl.”
You lick the entire length, as if you were a dog. His dog.
“Fucking close!” He harshly whispers as you kept going, when finally he relieves you of control and takes it all back, by taking you by the hair and cheek, and forcing you to take his entire length down one final time as he releases deep inside your throat. The taste was sweet and salty, and nearly felt never ending as you felt the pumping of veins and the twitching of muscle against your lips ringing around the circumference. “Good girl.” He growls as he finally shoots out the last drop as he slides out of your mouth.
His gentle nature comes back as he caresses your cheek and kisses the top of your head. “Feel like stargazing, beautiful?”
You nod as he fingers the remnants of his orgasm from the corners of your mouth, and gently feeds it in between your lips. “Swallow all.” He gently whispers while chuckling a smirk. Your finger rest along the soaked sash that has now fallen semi loosely, losing its beat form as the bow completely came undone.
“I’m sorry I ruined your tie.” You slightly whined out as you took notice. “It’s okay—“ he responds positively as he takes it and unties his cock. He loops it around the back of your neck and grips the ends, pulling you closer to his cock once more. “It still serves its purpose.”
His eyes darken once more and that glare of adoration, love, and sexual rage returns.
“Wanna see a magic trick, baby?”
You knew there was no way out. If you shook your head ‘no’, it only would have fueled him more to do the most unthinkable, resulting in pain and pleasure that was too much to bear. You nod in defeat.
“Close your eyes.”
You reach up and cover your eyes. An internal frown rests within you.
You drag your palms down slowly and open your eyes. There he was, still entirely nude and…so were you. Your thighs, waist, neck, and wrists all tied with black sashes and bows. “W-what is this?”
He grins evily as he palms the base of his shaft and growls a dark tone.
“My turn.”
@enheene , aiden2001 , heeseung-min , lathan1510 , rayofsunshineeee , @hoyeonheeseung , @rayofsunshineeee , @yohanabanana , @sunoosrightbuttcheek , @jaeneohee , @icydawon , @silcry , @iamliacamila , @nikstrange , @enheene ; @nuriicata , @en-happiness @sacrificeatmeup
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once-upon-an-imagine · 11 months
Hello~ I saw you asked for some inspiration and it's my first time requesting from an author so, I'm giving it a try (but no pressure 🙏)
I thought about a Marauder (I can't choose between the three of them but maybe Remus?) with:
Short Reader, crying: You're... you're... you're taller than me!
Remus: And you just realized it?
With the hormones and fluffly pregnancy moments? 👀😇
Really no pressure, I can't wait to read anything from you even if it's not this 😊
Have a lovely day sweetie
Val 🌸
omg this is sooooo cute! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I love it! I feel so honored that you picked me for your first request! 😊😊 thank you for liking my writing so much, love! I hope you like this one as well 😁 Warnings: none, this is pure fluff; reader is a bit emotional though Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter 😁 gif isn’t mine 😊
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"What? What's wrong? Are you okay? Is it the baby?" Remus asked, still half asleep as he sat up and his hands went directly to your bump.
"No, Remmy! I can't sleep!" you said, as Remus turned on his nightlamp.
"What's wrong? Are you hungry? Do you have a weird craving again?"
"For the last time, ice cream and french fries are not a weird craving!" you glared at him.
"Sweetheart, I love you, but even Prongs said it was weird and that's as low as it goes" he chuckled, rubbing his tired eyes. "Why can't you sleep?"
"Remus, do you realize that my due date is one month from today?" you said, getting closer to him. "ONE MONTH!"
"Yes, I know, love-"
"That is thirty days!"
"Well, actually a bit less because it's February, and-"
"Remus! We are not ready! We do not have any of the big things we need!"
"What big things? Did you have lunch with Lilly and Alice today?"
"We do not have a changing table, we do not have a crib or a chair where the baby can eat, we haven't even picked out a name-!"
"Alright, alright, love, slow down" Remus said, pulling you closer to him and kissing the side of your head and he noticed you were crying. "Love, there’s nothing to worry about. We have plenty of time" he assured you.
"Rem, what if I am awful at this?" you asked, looking up at him and Remus wiped away your tears.
"Sweetheart" he said, kissing your forehead. "Why would you say that? You're going to be a great mother" he insisted.
"I don't know! I feel like Lily and Alice were prepared for Harry and Neville. They've been prepared their whole lives! I even remember them in school talking about how many kids they were going to have and all of that and- I don't know, Rem, what if I'm not?"
"Love, don't say that. You're just a bit nervous, I get that" he said, stroking your arms up and down. "I'm nervous too, but we're going to be great at this, you know why?"
"Because we're a team" he smiled sweetly at you.
"And we are the best team" you smiled between tears.
"Yes we are" he said, giving you a peck on the lips. "Look we both are off tomorrow. So we can go the baby store that's around the corner and we will get you everything that you need. Okay?"
"Okay" you nodded before pulling him back to you. "Thank you" you said as he kissed the top of your head.
"You want to have a cup of tea?" he asked, stroking your back.
"You're not tired?" you asked, feeling guilty for waking him up.
"No" he assured you. "We can brainstorm names for the baby" he suggested.
"Really?" you asked excitedly and he nodded, smiling.
"C'mon" he said helping you out of bed and the two of you walked over to the kitchen. "I'll make the tea, you get the mugs?" he said, kissing your temple.
"Okay" you said, walking over to the counter where you kept the mugs.
Only one problem, they were on the top shelf. You would usually hop on the counter to get them but Remus would always say you would fall down and hurt yourself, so you stopped doing that after you got pregnant. And you had no idea where the little stepstool he bought for you was.
"Um... R-Rem?" you called after he put the water on.
"Yes, dove?"
"I can't reach them" you said shyly.
"Oh, let me" he said, making his way towards you and he easily grabbed both yours and his mugs, placing them on the counter and tears ran down your face again. "What's wrong now, love?" he asked worriedly, placing both your and his mug on the counter.
"You're... you're... you're taller than me!" you cried, as Remus frowned his eyebrows a little.
"And you just realized it?" he chuckled. "Sweetheart, the first time I talked to you, it was because you couldn't reach a Potions book in the Library" he reminded you, as he wiped away your tears.
"No, I know, but... what if the baby needs something and I can't reach it when you're not here?" you cried as he hugged you closer to him, kissing your head.
"We can put everything the baby needs in your reach, okay?" he said, feeling you nod against his chest.
"Thank you" you said, looking up at him and giving him another kiss.
"What for?"
"For dealing with all of my craziness" you said, making him chuckle and he kissed your cheek.
"Is not craziness, love. You're just worried about our baby, see? You're going to be a great mum" he assured you as he went to make the tea for yourselves and you sat down.
"You're just saying that because you're on my team" you said as he sat next to you.
"And because it's the truth" he insisted. "So, what names have you thought about?"
"Well, Remus, I have actually wanted to tell you that... it will mean a lot to me... if we name our kid... Sirius James Lupin" you said, making Remus choke on his tea and spitting it out.
"Please tell me you're joking" he said, recovering his breath as you burst out laughing.
"Yes, I am, James and Sirius paid me ten galleons to say that" you laughed as Remus glared at you. "You should have seen the look on your face!"
"I hate you!"
"You love me" you smirked. "They actually provided a list of names" you said, putting out a note block they gave you.
"Do they know is not their baby? James already has one, why is he giving his opinion?"
"How do you feel about the name Blaze Lupin?"
"Not great."
"What about Laser?"
"Oh" Remus said, thinking about it. "I do love atlases" he said.
"Mm, common ground" you smiled.
"Wait, who suggested it?"
"What difference does it make?"
"Sirius" you admitted.
"Then no."
The End
A/N: I hope you liked it, loves! threw some Friends and B99 inspo in there
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delcakoo · 2 years
hiii emaaaa
ok so i have a request if you can write something for riki 😋
i have this like randommmm prompt in my head “can we js forget about it?” “you mean forget about when we kisse-“”STOP”.
like an e2l 🫣 if u can write it omg its totally okay if u cant!!
mua ily 💗
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part 2
SUMMARY ! how is niki supposed to focus on biology when his shy tutor is so irresistible and fun to tease?
PAIRING ! jock!niki x tutor!gn!reader
WC ! 800
WARNINGS ! smooching in the library smh
a/n: lilly baby !! this prompt is so cute omg thank u for the req <3 i hope u enjoy and ilyt :D
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3:39PM — being assigned to tutor the star player on your school’s basketball team — aka the biggest slacker of them all, nishimura riki — was probably the biggest obstacle you’d face during the entirety of your high school career.
you didn’t think he was unintelligible beyond saving — no, niki was rather quick with catching onto things when he actually tried. the real problem was that he preferred to stare at your pretty face (his words, not yours) all period then listen to the mumbo jumbo of you explaining the human body’s skeletal system to him, which turned out to be a detrimental issue during your sessions.
there you both sat; legs crossed and eyes focused as you point around different parts of the skeleton in your textbook while niki rested on his elbow, staring holes into the side of your face with a tiny smirk. every once in a while you pause and look up to ensure he’s listening, which he seemed to be doing okay at to your surprise.
“and right below the patella, we have the..?” you look up at niki with a questioning gaze, waiting for him to continue your sentence and demonstrate his listening.
the boy blinks, following your finger that’s pressed on the page, tapping the answer for him blatantly. then, he smiles, biting his lip mischievously. “mm.. if you recreate what we did at our last session, i’ll say it.”
you don’t need to pause and think to remember exactly what he’s referring to. gulping slightly, you glance off to the bookshelves nearby. “look, can we just forget about that?”
“what?” his expression grows brighter, enjoying your shy reactions to the fullest, “forget about when we kissed?”
“niki, stop talking so loud-“
“why? does it make you nervous?” you don’t reply, turning away only for him to lean over the desk to see you better. “ay,” he snickers, “what’s that on your face, y/n? are you blushing for me?” he giggles proudly, reaching over to push some hair behind your ear, successfully revealing more of the apple color painting your cheeks.
the only reason you’d agreed to the whole mess that ocurred last week was because niki promised to study for his upcoming test in return, which he did. in fact — he passed with flying colors, and it only encouraged you more to help him one way or another. the potential he held was begging for assistance, and if a kiss was the cost of that, it was a price you were willing to pay.
and maybe, just maybe because deep down, you’ve been wanting to kiss him as well. niki didn’t need to know that, though.
“shut up, that was for the sake of your grades, and grades alone,” you insist sternly. “now answer my question, what’s below the catella?”
“c’mon, don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it too.” annoyingly, the jock dodges your inquiry, much too intrigued with the new conversation at hand.
“yeah well i- i didn’t.” shit, did you have to stutter now of all times?
before you could process anything, niki gently grabs your jaw, angling it back towards him softly. he waits for any signs of protest while staring down at you, curly black bangs covering parts of his sharp eyes, challenge burning in them at your previous denial. when you don’t push him away, he grins cheekily before bending down to meet your lips.
the kiss was soft and quick, but the plushness and confidence in his movements still made your head dizzy even as he pulled back and surveyed your dazed features, all while licking his lips again to taste the remnants of your own.
“how about that one?” he demands.
it takes you a moment to come back to earth, shaking your head dumbly as you realize he’s asking you to rate his kissing skills. “i- it was alright..”
his tongue clicks in offense, scooting closer to you with a damaged ego and flaring determination. “never would’ve thought my little tutor would be so hard to please.” as you open your mouth to protest, niki’s lips are back on yours, and this time he’s holding the back of your neck to deepen the contact as his other hand reaches over to slam your textbook shut, making you flinch slightly in his hold. “fuck bio,” he murmurs against your lips, “i can’t let you bruise my pride like that and get away with it.”
you gulp, glancing at the library clock only to have your eyes widen in horror. shit. your session with niki ended three minutes ago, and pretty much all you’ve done is make out.
yet.. you can’t find it in you to complain when the pretty boy leans back down for more.
basketball player niki,, 😇
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lala3244 · 5 months
Obsession (Duskwook)
~Hi! I am back. I am sorry for those who follow me for the Obey ME content but I went back to my Duskwood obession actually... Especially with the new game coming up soon! I had to write this story because it will feed my need for obsession and possessivity and darkness. Also I invented new characters for this need. There is no warning for this part. It starts actually quite softly :)~
I arrived in Duskwood early in the morning, Jessy had come to pick me up at the bus station. It had been a long journey to get there. I was exhausted but antsy to see my friends. It took me a while to decide to go meet them. I wanted to let them settle back into their lives again after everything that had happened and for months I had hoped, every day, that Jake would text me to say he was still alive. The hope dwindled slowly as days then weeks then months passed without a word. I would also text Lilly once a week to ask if she had heard anything then every two weeks then once a month and that was when I decided it was time to meet them. I also did not want them to think I went there just to meet with him. 
Jessy saw me getting off the bus and pushed the other passengers to then jump into my arms. I stumbled a bit and laughed, hugging her close to me. “Hello to you too, Jessy.” She looked back at me and smiled. I could see her eyes shining with unshed tears. “You are finally here!” I chuckled and hugged her tighter. I tried to remember this moment, the pure happiness emanating from the red-haired girl was so overwhelming, it caught my breath. We stayed embraced while the passengers were trickling down around us, avoiding us, some of them cursing at us but we did not care. Finally, we pulled away, I went to grab my bag then I followed her to her car. The bus stop wasn’t far from her flat but walking with my luggage would have been a trek especially after the long trip. We hadn’t said a word yet, we were just content with the silence between us. We had talked a lot over the phone the last few months, we were just glad to be in each other’s presence. 
Jessy’s flat was like her personality, bright and colourful. I felt at ease, she showed me quietly her spare bedroom and I put my bag on the floor. “Thank you Jessy for having me.” I sat down on the bed and she did the same. She grabbed my hand and sighed. I looked at her, she looked nervous. I squeezed her hand. “What’s wrong?” She sighed again and looked away, avoiding my gaze. “I need to warn you. Jake is here.” My grip loosened and I stood up. “Wait… What?!” She nodded, looking down at the floor. I scoffed. “Okay, everyone knows?” She nodded again. I rubbed my face with my hands and I sat down again. “I had a long trip, I am exhausted. Do you mind if I go to bed?” She shook her head and left the room. I was still wearing a jacket so I took it off then my shoes. I plopped down on the bed. It was very comfy and I realised how tired I was. I was really mad at Jake, at my friends too but I guessed that he had asked them to not say anything and as usual he decided for me. I heard a knock at the door and it opened on Jessy. “Sorry to bother you, I forgot to tell you that we are all going to the Aurora tonight. That’s why I told you about him because he is going to be there and he actually has a girlfriend.” I hummed too tired to be upset. She was about to close the door. “Wait, come here.” She approached the bed. I pulled her towards me and hugged her. “I am sorry about my reaction earlier, I know it’s not your fault.”
I must have fallen asleep right away because when I woke up, Jessy was gone and I had no recollection of her leaving. I looked at the time. I slept all day. I heard a soft knock and the door opened quietly. “Hey, we’re leaving in an hour.” I hummed and stretched. “Yes, sorry I slept that much. I was tired apparently.” I heard her giggle and I smiled. I stood up from the bed and started rummaging in my bag to get some clothes nice enough for a night out. I asked Jessy if I could use her bathroom and she showed me where it was and where the towels were. I thanked her and I showered. The warm water felt nice, I wished I had a shower before falling asleep but well… As I was washing my body, I remembered what Jessy had told me. I couldn’t believe Jake was here, in Duskwood. I was getting excited but then my heart sank when I remembered more. He had a girlfriend. I scoffed to myself. My initial excitement morphed into anger. I tried to calm down as there was no point in getting angry. It was what it was. I left the shower and finished getting ready. 
We arrived at the bar. It was already crowded but I could already see some familiar faces. I smiled fondly at the sight. I grabbed Jessy’s hand to give myself some courage. We entered the bar and headed towards the bar where Jessy’s brother, Phil, saw us. We ordered some drinks and while he was getting them I watched the group. Thomas and Hannah were already there. They were still together, even though when she came back it was rocky for a while but they talked it through and it was getting better. I did ask what would happen to her after the investigations but no one wanted to tell me so I let it go after a while. Lilly was also present, she was talking to a couple I didn’t know. I looked at the girl. She was beautiful, a real model and well dressed then my gaze fell on the man. He was tall with black hair. I frowned. Was it Jake? He looked bored, barely listening to the two women. I saw him checking his phone discreetly then he smirked. He lifted his head to look around the bar and he looked straight at me as if he knew me. My heart skipped a beat as I realised who it was. I blushed under his intense gaze and I cleared my throat. I avoided his gaze and turned my attention back to Jessy. I smiled at her, still feeling my cheeks going hot. The young woman looked at me and giggled. I ignored her and grabbed my drink. Phil came around the bar and finally hugged me. I was surprised by the gesture but I welcomed it. 
After chatting with the bartender for a few minutes, we finally joined the others. Lilly saw us and she approached with a big smile. We hugged, I was really happy to finally meet her. We had a rough first encounter but after the investigations, we had gotten closer, calling and texting each other quite often. Thomas and Hannah, who saw the young woman walking towards us, approached as well. It was a bit awkward with them. I still hadn’t talked to Hannah and I never talked with Thomas since Hannah came back but I was happy to finally meet them as well. When we finished the greetings, Dan and Cleo arrived. I met them halfway and took them in my arms in turn. Lilly grabbed my arm and she led me outside as we went further from the bar entrance, she started to talk. “I need to talk to you.” I turned to face her. “Is it about Jake? I know Jessy told me.” She sighed and rubbed her face. “I know. We agreed that she should tell you. I am so sorry. I wanted to tell you when I knew but he made me promise. I tried to talk to him, to tell him that he should, at least, send you a text to let you know but he said that you deserved to move on and to forget him…” I scoffed, shaking my head. “Right. As usual he decides for me.” She gently touched my arm when we heard footsteps behind us. We both turned around and Jake was standing there, a blank expression on his face. “I only wanted to protect you.” I stared at him and scoffed again. Lilly excused herself and left the two of us. She walked away but turned her head for a last look and smirked at me. I frowned but brought my attention back to the hacker. 
I crossed my arms but then I decided I didn’t really want to talk to him. He didn’t want me in his life, that was fine, so I started to walk away. He grabbed me by the wrist. “Wait.” I stopped and he made me face him. “Can we talk?” I shrugged. “What is there to say? I am guessing that you are not on the run anymore so clearly you don’t want me in your life. That’s fine with me.” He still showed no expression on his face but I could see his jaw working. His hand was still holding my wrist while I talked. It kind of threw me off my thoughts. I looked at it then in his eyes. There, I saw an ocean of emotions. Fear, love, guilt, shame. He still wasn’t talking but his eyes portrayed his feelings for him. My anger faded slightly and I relaxed. I tilted my head, waiting for him to finally talk. He put his hands in his pockets and cleared his throat. I frowned. “I am ready to listen but I don’t want to hear you apologise because if you were, you would have done it differently.” He nodded and he started to talk. I was pleasantly surprised to hear his voice. It was deep with a nice accent. “At first, I didn’t contact you because it was too dangerous, for you, for me and then, I discovered a way to finally get free. It took me months to find what I needed. It’s complicated to explain right now. When I was finally free, the first thing I wanted to do was to call you but I didn’t know how you would react and I got scared. It’s not an excuse, I know. I acted by cowardice.” I listened and nodded. “Okay.” Jake tilted his head, slightly surprised. “Okay?” I hummed. “Yeah, what else can I say? I agree. You are so used to being alone that when you could not be, you were afraid. But not so afraid that you have a girlfriend now.” I smiled tightly. He looked away. “I had an accident and ended up in the hospital four months ago. That’s where I met her. She gave me some attention, I was flattered.” I nodded again. “Okay.” He chuckled. “Are you sure?” I smiled. “Of course. I wasn’t expecting much but just a simple text would have sufficed you know.” He took his hands out of his pockets to cross them. “I agree, now but I always kept an eye on you.” I laughed. “I don’t know how to take it but, I guess, I am not surprised.” Deep down, I was flattered, my heart beating faster. A comfortable silence settled between us while I looked at his eyes, telling me more than his words ever could. I blushed under his gaze again. The bar’s door opened and we heard someone calling Jake. We both turned our heads and we saw his girlfriend walking towards us. She wrapped her arms around his and leaned against him. “Jake, why don’t you introduce me to your friend?” I looked at him, expectantly and saw a hint of annoyance that disappeared as soon as I saw it. “Sure, Angela meet…” We were cut off by Jessy screaming my name and Angela laughed. “You didn’t even need to say the name, someone did it for you.” I smiled. “I am sorry but I have to go. But it was nice meeting you.” 
They walked back with me and Angela entered first. I turned towards Jake. “By the way, Jake, I am glad you made it alive.” I walked inside the bar while he still stood there by the door and I could feel his eyes on me. Jessy was waiting for me at the bar, a huge smile on her face. She pushed a drink in front of me and her brother joined us. People were starting to leave so he could sit down with us for a bit. We chatted for a while and I could still feel Jake’s eyes on me. I knew he had a problem with Phil but that was months ago and it was over text, surely he wouldn’t be jealous of me talking to him. Since Phil got out of prison, we had been texting and calling a lot, he was much more than I first believed and he was genuinely nice to me. I turned my head to look at the group and saw Jake watching me with a stoic face but I could see anger flaring up behind his eyes. I shook my head and went back to the discussion with the siblings. 
Phil looked at the time and stood up. “Right! It’s time to go!” I stood up and went to grab my stuff. Jake walked over to where I was standing. I ignored him, I knew what he wanted to tell me. He gently touched my arm. “Can I take you somewhere tomorrow morning?” I looked at him, surprised and shrugged. “Sure.” He smiled slightly. “I’ll come to pick you up at 8.” I nodded, thinking that was way too early. “It’s early, though.” He laughed. “I know, see you tomorrow.” I laughed and waved him off. I joined Jessy and we both walked back to her flat. The walk from the bar felt like hours but it was nice. It was a warm night and we talked a lot. The more I spent time with her the more I felt close to the young woman. She hadn’t had it easy but she was still a bright light in people’s lives, especially mine. Over the last months, she made me stronger with all her support and kindness so I tried to do the same for her. We arrived at her apartment and we both got ready for bed. I put my alarm on and finally fell asleep. 
I woke up with a jump by my alarm. I turned the alarm off and I groaned, while rubbing my face with my hands. I got up and went to the bathroom straight away to take a shower. There was nothing better after a night out, especially when I needed to go somewhere in the morning. I got dressed and ate some breakfast. I took my phone and opened it, I noticed a new app and clicked on it. I didn’t remember installing it last night or why and I realised it was a messenger app. There was already a thread so I pressed on it. A text was already there:
*I installed this for you. You can use it whenever you want to talk to me. Or if you want to talk to me. :)*
I smiled as I recognised the smiley but after a few seconds, the text disappeared while another one appeared in its stead. 
*Good morning :). I am already there but take your time.*
I was still smiling, my heart skipped a beat and beat faster. I realised I had missed texting him. 
*I’ll be there in 5 minutes.*
I watched the message being sent and both of the texts disappeared again. I made a mental note to ask him what this was all about. I left the flat after leaving a note for Jessy to let her know what I was doing and I took the spare key that she had left me just in case. I went outside and I saw the hacker leaning against the hood of his car. I circled around the car and decided it was well fitting for him. It was black with smooth lines. He was watching me and I stood in front of him. “Nice car!” He laughed and walked to the passenger’s door and opened it for me. I sat down and we drove off. 
We arrived in the forest and I saw the entrance of a cave. My heart sank when I saw traces of a fire. Jake walked in front of me then stood metres from the cave. I stopped next to him, looking around the surroundings. “This is where I got out.” His voice startled me, it was a whisper and I could feel the pain he tried to hide. I hummed to encourage him to talk more. I was watching him, I could see him relive the moment. It looked like a painful memory. He finally explained how he made it in a hushed voice. He got burnt in the back, he obviously had the scars. “It was a pain I had never felt before. I was about to pass out when I heard voices. I lost my will to live as I thought it was the FBI but when I woke up, I was in the hospital.” I rubbed his arm to comfort him. “I don’t know who the voices were but I had been looked after, my burns were healing properly and there was no sight of my pursuers.” I smiled tightly. He looked down at me and smiled softly. “All I thought was you. You were the one thing that kept me alive, the one thing that made me walk out of that mine.” I nodded, I didn’t know what to say, it didn’t really feel like it. “I got some rest for a few days then I left the hospital. I got help from a friend and she helped me with proving my innocence.” He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. “I wanted to finally be free for you, to finally meet you but the more time passed and the more I chickened out.” I laughed as I remembered telling him this once. He sat on a big rock while he still held my hand so I followed him. He grabbed my hips and pulled me towards him, hugging me, his head against my stomach. I was surprised by his gesture, I didn’t think he would be that affectionate already towards me. I froze for a couple of seconds before putting my hands on his head. I gently scratched his scalp and he leaned into my touch, humming softly. “No one knows.” We stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other’s presence. I forgot that I was mad at him and I was just happy he was alive after what he had been through because of me. “If I had a choice to do it all over again, I would do it the same just to be in this moment.”
I stopped what I was doing and I looked at him as I furrowed my brows, waiting for him to explain further. He finally looked up at me and I saw a vulnerability in his eyes that made my breath hitched in my throat. I caressed his cheek and smiled to reassure him that he was safe, his soul was safe with me. His phone rang and he pulled away from me to grab it. He looked annoyed as he answered the phone. “Well, I have to go. Angela is waiting for me.” I nodded, my heart sank at his words and I started to walk back to the car without waiting for him. I heard his footsteps following me and I entered the car. He sat down seconds after me. I looked at my phone and saw Jessy asking me to join her at the Rainbow café. I looked at the man who was starting to drive away. “Can you drop me off at the Rainbow café?” He nodded and I looked away at the scenery moving past us. I could feel him glancing at me from the corner of my eyes but I didn’t move. I was trying to process my feelings about the man who was driving next to me. He stopped in front of the café where I saw Jessy, already sitting down, waiting for me. I turned my head towards the hacker and smiled. “Thank you for the lift.” He grabbed my hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing it softly. “Thank you for your time and for listening to me.” I looked at my hands then at his eyes, I saw gratefulness in them. He had always trusted me and he was still trusting me. my heart swelled at the gesture and at his words. I said my goodbye and joined the red-haired girl.
Thank you for reading. Tell me what you think would happen?
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cutmyheadoffplease · 2 months
<.+*In my pretty little novel world*+.>
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•Hi-Hi!! This is my first time writing anything so I really hope you will like it... Please tell me what I can improve!!
Warnings!: long(?), slightly cliche at the beginning of the action, fluff, death (if you squint)
Feat.! : gn reader who likes to write mysteries x protagonist, detective Rui Kamishiro
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Heavy droplets of cold water began to knock on the foggy bedroom window in such a melodic manner, that almost resembled a lullaby. The sky's original azure colour faded into Prussian blue as it fell asleep, covered by a blanket of grey clouds laced with lilly-white silver thread. The soft sound of a pen moving with a sleepy grace on a notebook. Smoky ink slowly sinks into the lined paper with ease, words appearing, the story's new chapter forming before your very eyes. The silence broke abruptly by a short yawn that escaped your lips. Weights began to attach to your eyelashes slowly forcing your eyes to close... No... You couldn't stop.. the idea filled your mind .. you must put it on paper... You must... The words began to grow foggy. Finally after struggling for a good minute.. maybe two... or.. you couldn't remember.. all that mattered was that you were now in a sound slumber, head resting on the half written pages.
Your eyes opened at an unhurried pace, a familiar sight greeting you. It wasn't a place you ever saw.. yet it felt so well known. It was the world of your novel after all— PARDON?! How did you get there?! Interesting... Maybe ask someone from your novel for information..? Ah yes there seemed to be a young man somewhere in front of you.. he looks polite enough so it shouldn't be a problem.. right? You raised yourself, wabbling slightly as your legs straightened and began to make your way to the person you saw. Hearing the sound of your footsteps, the guy turned towards you. His face made you stumble back, he wasn't ugly, goodness no. He was the protagonist.. Kamishiro Rui.. a young detective who has the ability to talk to ghosts. Rui tills his head as he looks at you, before questioning in a velvety voice that dripped with curiosity.
"Forgive me, but may I ask your name?"
"Y/N. My name is Y/N." You answered almost automatically, as you dusted your shoulders, a look of confusion painted on your face
"Y/N, huh? Interesting.. I'm Rui, Rui Kamishiro. It's a pleasure making your acquaintance, Y/N~" Rui smiled politely, putting a hand on his chin his hand tilting his head a little too the left. Before you get a chance to reply, your mouth opens, but the detective's voice spoke yet again, the undertone of curiosity still present deep down, but he was now more serious.
"I have a case to solve... So you're either gonna help me or not get in my way."
You nod slowly, before murmuring a quiet "I'll help..". You glanced around, looking at the scenery you came up with... The jewels of emerald sewed to the tree branches, dancing under the calm, whispered song of the wind. In-between the leaves, small wildlife played with sinless glee. Petite birds joining the gentle breeze's orchestra. Your eyes trailed to the grass, that rustled under your steps. You tried to take another step, but a set of hands grabbing your shoulders stopping you from moving.
"Stop right there. You were going to step on my dear crime scene, fufu~"
Rui said chuckling innocently, forcing you to turn around to face him, a cute little feline-like grin written all over his face
"Now, now, I'm going to do my job, hmmm... Let's see what we have here—"
"The culprit is that guy..."
you said pointing at a random bystander, who in all honesty seemed slightly nervous, fidgeting with a leaf. Rui looked at you confused by how you already knew the criminal. He stares at you with pure confusion, the detective blinks a few times and turns to some air.. the place where the victim's ghost was, most probably, staring back at Rui with the same confusion. Rui spoke again with a serious voice.
"Who are you, y/n...?"
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•Can you tell this is slightly inspired by "The mentalist" & Poe's ability from bsd?
•Thank you so so so much for reading this whole fic!!! I know I already said it, but please tell me what you think can be improved and if you found the concept interesting so I know if I should make a part two or not. Thank you so much, again, for reading it and I hope you enjoyed it!! Buh-bye!♡
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lyon-amore · 2 years
What if...? Duskwood Chapter 37
Chapter 36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
*Macie POV*
I feel like a fool for getting so angry and nervous. But at the same time, the guilt of not having been paying attention drags me down. The more I talked to Thomas, the more I calmed down. He loves Hannah very much and fears that she is dead. Like Richy. He's freaking out every time we find out something else, powerless not to do something. I read the chat I've had with him.
 Thomas Hanna is dead. And so is Richy The others are just trying to ignore all the facts. And I’ve really tried But I can’t I just can’t do it anymore
 Macie Thomas, listen to me Amy was found, but Hannah wasn’t This is a relatively good sign ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I try to believe the words I have sent him. I want to believe that Hannah is alive because of Jake and Lilly. Everything else doesn't matter to me. The matter with Jennifer has nothing to do with what I'm investigating, that's what the police will take care of when this is all over.
 Thomas hates being in the house hiding and not being able to do anything. I know. I understand. I hated that I couldn't do anything for Jake when he wasn't around, and even though the I Am Jake article and photo worked, I felt like I didn't really do anything. Just hide behind words. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Thomas Macie? If you were Hannah If you had done something so horrible in your past Would you have told your partner? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I keep reading the question. I don't think I've ever done anything wrong… I think… I don't want to blame myself for that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Yes I think I would And I would expect the same from my partner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I watch Jake fixing access to the phone. He told me the truth. He told me that the government is persecuting him for getting into things where he shouldn't. Since then, I think that confidence in both has been improving.
I put my hand to my neck, but this time I don't think about the kidnapper, but about Jake, at bath time. Little by little we are getting closer, but... It seems that fate always interrupts us when we are about to get closer or I get nervous when he jokes. Will we ever break that barrier?    "You are more calm?" He asks me from the computer.    "Yes... I'm better... Sorry..."    “Do not apologize, Macie” I hear him sigh “, I know I pushed you pressure on the phone, I am sorry."     Well, at least he always ends up apologizing when he knows he makes mistakes. But I also know that this phone is important to communicate with the kidnapper. Without him, I cannot write to him. It is the only way to try to reason.
I get a message from the group and smile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Cleo Right Dan and I are finally arrive
 Macie Then you’re all there no
 Cleo Yes 🙂
 Dan What’s the stich? You got a free in bed or something? 
Macie Haven't you been in bed long enough?
 Dan I’ll give you that one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Before arriving, they had taken a detour at the accident area. Dan's idea. The poor thing for having been in bed all this time that he had not been able to help us much. I can partly understand it, it's a bit boring to do nothing and be wanting.
Cleo has told me that she suspect that they have not kicked him out of the hospital already, but that he has left on his own and it would not surprise me at all, knowing how I have known Dan, I see him very capable of having done it. He would have to be doing rehabilitation to walk again. He's going to give me a nervous breakdown with this whole group at this rate.
I sit up in bed and look out the window. Night is starting to fall. The sun is already hiding. I let out a long, exaggerated melodramatic sigh.    "It's been a long day, right?" I tell Jake.    “I agree with you” he admits without looking up “even though it is ranked number two on the long-day list."    "So there's a first."    “Depending on how it ends, it will still be number two."     He sounds very tired… I wish I could do something for him. I'm going to the forum again. I don't know how many posts I've read and commented on today but I think I've broken my record to my teenager ages.    "Macie?" I look up when I hear him call me "I have done it" I get up from the bed, approaching him ". We have access to Hannah's cell phone again."    “Good, that means I don't have to strangle Thomas.” I say as I hug him from behind, stroking his hair lovingly.    "No, I suppose you can spare his life." he answers with a laugh.     I roll my eyes, laughing too. I get a text and see it's Lilly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lilly Hi Macie I saw you were online I'm not interrupting you two anyway, am I?
 Macie Mmm… I don't know I don't know….😜
 Lilly 🤭
 Macie No, don’t worry
 Lilly I don't want to keep you But we’ve just lit the fire and Thomas just went to get his guitar So I wanted to give you two a heads-op so that you’ll be on your phone 🙂
 Macie Thanks for letting us know, Lilly. That’s something we are not going to miss for the world 😁
 Lilly Haha, right 🙂  I thought you two could do a with a bit of a distraction, too Like all of us Ok. I'll call you 🤭 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  “I just read through Hannah's browsing history.” He moves to invite me to sit down and I do. Can I say without a doubt that I never need another seat in my entire life? Sitting on top of him is enough for me.    "I already did that too." I smiled at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.     He smiles proudly at me. Ah… It's good that it is for me…    “One of the last pages Hannah visited was that of  the Pine Glade festival.” He brings up the website, and I pay attention "Michael Hanson mentioned it in connection with his daughter disappearance."    "Yes, I remember" I answered, remembering the audio with Alan "The Aurora was packed because of the festival, that’s why he had no time for Jennifer…” I drawl out slowly, until I remember why I was really here. Because of work. For the article. But not only that. It was something more important "Jake, that festival is tomorrow!"     I see you frown, thinking.    “I think you should ask the others about the Pine Glade festival” he commands me with a new task ", and the one ten years ago, to be exact."    "Nobody will remember" I commented a little doubtfully ". Who knows how everyone was that day ten years ago..."    "I sincerely hope not, but for trying" He brushes my hair back from my face, stroking me carefully ", and even if they remember only fragments, we must understand how this accident came to pass, and I believe that Hannah was probably at the festival with one of your friends."    "Yeah, I think so too..."     Lilly's video call interrupts us and I look at Jake, smiling.    "Access my phone from the computer." I tell him excitedly.    "Why?" What is happening?    "Just do it, I promise to watch from my phone so they don't see you."     He looks at me a little doubtfully, but he does. I accept the video call and the first thing I see is Thomas playing the guitar. The fire from the bonfire is like going through the screen, I can feel the heat. I smile when I see the quiet group and my gaze accidentally drifts to the computer, to see it much better. Jessy seems intent on listening to the guitar music, her eyes closed. Cleo seems to be thinking, surely Hannah and her mother, she had to leave Duskwood to protect herself. Then there's Dan, in his wheelchair drinking whiskey. I have to have a serious talk with him when I can, I'm quite worried about his health. But there they are all together... Protected... Calm...
I sigh when Thomas finishes and the video call hangs up.    “Well then.” I hear Jake say.    "Well, I like it." I commented, placing my head on his chest.     I look up and see that he smiles. It's finally a relaxed moment for us too.    "Let's give them a little more time to rest" I commented, not wanting to rush them by still asking about the festival "Just a little bit…"    "Alright."    “Which means” I rise from him, grinning “we deserve it too."     He looks at me without much desire.    "Come on Jake, you've been busy getting Hannah's phone back and I almost killed Thomas" he laughs and I continues "so we're going to have our own proper break, too."    "Alright" I see that he puts on an interested look "And what is your plan?"    “Let's dance” he rolls his eyes and I turn around to prepare one of my playlists "and I won't take no for an answer."     When I turn to see him, I find him already standing before me, offering me his hand. I look at him shyly, I thought it was going to cost me, but no. What a surprise. I accept his hand and place the other on his shoulder, while he places one on my waist. We move slowly while Ed Sheeran's 'How do you feel' starts playing in the background. The atmosphere could not be more romantic.    "You really would like to be with them right now, would you not?" He asks me slowly "I have seen it on your face."     I make a face doubting whether to answer or not. But I can't fool you.    "Yes, I’d like that a lot." I say a little sadly "I want to protect them."    "They will be far from Duskwood, don't worry."    "Wouldn't you like to be there too?" I ask at the same time that he makes me spin on the spot. I thought that he didn't know how to dance and that's why he had pouted. I wonder who taught him.    “I think would feel incredibly out of place."    "But you wouldn't be" I reach out to him, trying to wrap my arms around his neck, though I manage to grab my hands. But it's okay, because we're pretty close together "You’d be exactly where you belong" I whisper, looking into his eyes, little by little it's hard for me to breathe ", with them... With me..."     Jake eases his hand down my face, up to my lips, resting his thumb under them. He fixes his eyes on mine, intense. He leans in slowly as he also tilts my chin up, our lips brushing against each other.    "You give me the feeling of belonging somewhere for the first time in my life..."     I don't know which of the two takes the step. I don't know if he or me. But finally our lips meet. It's a slow kiss, one of those you see in the movies and you don't want them to ever stop, because it was what you most expected to see. I try not to be clumsy, because I don't even remember how to kiss, I let him guide me a bit, although… I also notice him nervous.
 In the end, we managed to calm our nerves and I even ran my hands through his hair, making sounds of satisfaction as I felt his tongue play with mine. Jake runs his hands down my back, down to below my waist. He pulls me so close to him that it's like I'm going to melt into his body.
There comes a time when we need air and with a little sadness we separate a little. I can see it in his eyes. The desire. Will he see them in mine too? As if he understood me, I nod and slowly we approach the bed. He takes his hands to my blouse and begins to unbutton it and while I unbutton his pants. We later exchanged the task, until we were exposed. He stares at me, running his hand over my shoulder.    "Please…" I say, in a pleading voice "Please don't stop now…"    “I wanted to completely admire you” he answers, slowly starting to lay me down on the bed ", I have never been with an angel."     He takes my breath away listening to him speak. I don't hesitate to kiss him again, hugging him against my body.
 It has been even better than in my dreams. Jake's hands have traveled all over my body, leaving no place without being caressed. And now I can say with more certainty that he is good with his hands. But it's not just that, it was because of the affection that he treated me, although his eyes looked hungry, he was as careful as possible, even when he left kisses on my neck, telling me that he was going to make me forget about the pain. Sometimes I even begged him to kiss me, I envy my body, it was being kissed by him, but my lips wanted another kiss. Another kiss that silenced my moans. Ah… He really knew how to handle the situation. Had he also dreamed of this? Had he wanted it too? I think from the way he pronounced my name, he seemed like he had been doing it all his life. Or so I wanted to believe.
 I had finally felt contact with his skin. My hands had run up his back, I was lucky I have short fingernails or he would be marked by me from how tightly I gripped to him.
 The music plays all over the room, it's romantic, slow. It's the perfect environment right now. I admire him as I lie on top of him and his hand slowly caresses my back. I can't stop smiling, I think I already know how it feels when you do things with love.    "What are you thinking about?" He asks me, giving me a smile.    "That I don't want tonight to end." I answered, approaching him a little more up to get to his face "And you?" I ask, tracing circles on his body.    "That you are better than the government and everyone who is after me." he says with a laugh.    "Why?"    "Because you were the only one to catch me."     I kissed him intensely after hearing his words. Jake tries to pull me closer to him, as if that's possible. There was not a gap between us. We were finally where we wanted. Together. If all the breaks we are going to have are like this, I think I will want to work a lot more to have this reward.
 My phone rings and I complain. I didn't want the job so soon.    "They claim you." he whispers into my lips.    "They can wait." I replied, giving him little kisses.    "Maybe it is about the case."     I grumbled. He's right. It can be important. I sit up getting out of bed, then I fall into something for a moment.    "Did you do it to see me standing up and naked?" I ask curiously.    "No, I swear." He replies, sitting up on the bed.     I frown, approaching him with the phone, seeing how he now smiles mischievously. I sit on top of him, kissing him again before seeing the message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dan What’s up honey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    "It's Dan." I replied, resting my head on his chest.     I listen as Jake grumbles, reading it.    "Hey, I am going to take a shower, can you watch the computer?" He asks me, pointing "And so you talk a little with your friend." I hear how he drags the word and I laugh.    "Okay, as soon as I'm done, I'll go." I replied, letting her get up.    "Do not let him entertain you too much." I see his back as he picks up new clothes. The famous tattoo I can finally see it completely.     I bite my lip when I see him. It's much better than I imagined.    “Stop looking at me like that.” he tells me, even though his back is turned.    "It's not my fault you're so sexy." I tell him, sitting up on my knees in bed.     Jake leans in and kisses me, caressing my body slowly.    "Do not be long..." he whispered.    "I won't…"     He separates from me going to the bathroom and I admiring him. I grabbed his sweatshirt from the floor and put it on to cover me while I got cold, sitting in the chair to talk to Dan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie That’s Macie to you
 Dan You have taken a long time to answer Where were you? In the bathroom? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     <<No, with the sexiest guy in the world.>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Doing some exercise to defeat the man without a face 😜
 Dan Haha, very good that one! Aren’t we in a merry mood today You have no idea how good it is to finally by out of that hellhole of hospital
 Macie I think ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 He hands me a picture of him with his Wishkey glass in hand. Well, despite everything, I'm glad he's okay… But I'm mad at him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie So, what’s up with that fancy new wheelchair you’ve got?
 Dan Don’t know what you mean ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I pass him the proof that Cleo sent me. He's not going to get away from this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Dan Hahaha Do you like it?
 Macie But that’s just temporary, right?
 Dan Yeah ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I try to get him to confess that he had left the hospital. What was he thinking? He still had a little more to recover, it was okay to wait a bit. At least in the hospital he was safe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Why would you do this?!
 Dan You’re one to talk I’d have expected you to be here before me Because you are in Duskwood And you're all alone You aren’t the one who should be angry with me, but the other way around
 Macie Hey! Don't give it back to me! Unfortunately mine is for work I have to get up early But I accept your concern, Dan, even though I'm fine. 
Dan How not to worry, little detective If it had been you instead of me You would have done the same
 Macie Maybe, who knows Probably 😒 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maybe if Jake and I hadn't met here, I probably would have gone with them. I knew that at the moment he can't show himself to more people, too risky. Only three people know what Jake looks like: Hannah, Lilly, and me. The people closest to him at the moment. And it's risky enough for him to do it. It will always be so.
Dan hands me a photo of the girls and Thomas, talking quietly by the campfire, though Thomas seems a little more lost in thought of him. Thinking about our conversation for sure. In Hannah. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie So it's about protecting others? I warn you, if anything happens to you...
 Dan Then what?
 Macie Then I'll personally make sure you never leave that wheelchair again
 Dan Oh my I’m much more afraid of you than of that raven dude. Totally If that feathered freak really comes here Then I’m the only one who’d have the guts to do anything And you know it And I owe it to Richy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I massage my temple. Unbelievable… Dan was risking perhaps losing his life a second time. And by the least indicated person. Still, he's an incredibly cool guy, I have to admit. When he doesn't go stupid and open up, you can clearly see that he's not like everyone else thinks too. I don't know, I think  of him as the older brother of the group. I welcome him to the group of detectives and he laughs.
 We received a group message, Cleo wants a meeting with everyone.
 I wait for the news when I get a message from Hannah's phone. There was a connection again and I was already starting to ask myself when he would text me again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Unknown Do you remember what I told you on the phone? I'm coming, Macie And I am going to kill them all
 Hannah I won't let you I really feel sorry for you I understand you At least I’m trying to understand you It’s been ten long years You saw no other way of finding peace Give up and tell me where you are ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I bite my nail, nervous. Hoping my words work. He don't have to go through with this. Just that everything comes out honestly. It will make his situation worse if he continues like this, he won't look any better than Hannah.
 I get the messages. Messages that scare me to read. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Unknown I set a trap for you And you didn’t even realized *Jake POV* 
I did not think I would break the rule I set for myself about not involving my feelings towards someone when I had to leave home. I was alone for four years. No friends, no family, no co-workers… No one. Me and my mental conversations. Changing places every month. There was nothing I cared about and I didn't have to worry about anyone but myself. 
Well, that day I met her, the days I spent with her, that rule was breaking more and more and the barrier that I imposed on me became thinner. 
Tonight I have forgotten all the rules written in my head to feel Macie in my arms. I have forgotten why I am really here or what I had done in the past to end up losing everything. Because she has made me feel that I do not need anything more than her to be complete. 
I have loved every part of her and I have not been able to restrain myself from whispering her name on some occasions or kissing her neck so as not to leave any trace of what that man did to her. Now only the traces of kisses that I had left her remained. There is nothing about her that I have forgotten to caress or kiss.
Macie is taking a while to come to the bathroom, could something have happened to the group? Has something happened to Lilly? I finished showering and I grab the towel, wrapping it around my waist. When I come out, I see her sitting on the chair with my sweatshirt on. It's quite big on her... I do not know if I will want to wash it now that she is wearing her scent.    "Is everything alright, Macie?" I ask concerned "You took a long time."    "Yes, sorry, the talk with Dan has been extended."     I lean towards her and kiss her. Every time I do it, my mind does not think of anything other than making her mine again... Does that sound bad? I do not want to sound possessive, but I can not stop thinking about something else right now.    "Now I'm the one asking you if you're okay." She tells me with a laugh.    "I was… thinking."    "Oh yeah?" Macie stands up, playing with my towel. She is tempting me too much "in what?"    "I'm sure you already know that." I whispered, starting to slowly pull the sweatshirt up.     We are going to kiss again and her cell phone rings. I see on the screen that it is a video call with Lilly. Just in case, I back off a bit.    “Hello Lilly.” Macie says, sitting up on the bed.     I sit next to her, watching closely.    "Hi Macie." I see her looking everywhere "Are you “busy”?"    "It depends on the definition." she replies, looking at me with tempting eyes.     I try not to get nervous, because on top of that, it is my sister she is talking to. Now I do not know if I prefer that they get along like before so as not to go through this or that they be friends so that I do not have to worry about the situation of splitting myself in two.    "Well, I'm sorry to spoil your moment" she sighs, genuinely annoyed for interrupting us. "In case you didn’t see it in the group chat, Cleo just ask us to come in to discuss something.” She focuses on the ground for a second "I thought that you shouldn't be excluded and that's why I called you."     She walks into the house and we see Cleo and Thomas sitting up and Dan in the wheelchair. A 'What going in?' had been heard in the distance. Jessica.    "Guys, I called Macie too" Lilly announces "she's also part of the group and she's probably interested it."     I see that she turns the cell phone around for them to greet her.    “Hello Macie” Cleo says “. I'm glad Lilly brought you over too."    "I never miss a party, even if it's virtually." she replies, in an amused tone.     I avoid laughing so they won't hear me.    "Well, this party is over" Cleo looks angry, her arms crossed. I do not like this ". Sit down” she tells him, looking at Jessica ". So I was actually looking for a lighter, but instead, I found this." She turns a little and takes out a gun naturally, leaving it on the table.   I watch Macie look worriedly at the gun. Jessica gets up scared and Dan adjusts his glasses to see the gun.    "What the f-" Jessy has a terrified look on her face.    "Is this a real one?" Thomas asks, in a tone of genuine surprise.    “Yep.” Dan picks up the gun for a second and puts it down again.    "Well? Whose is it?" Cleo asks, pointing at it.    “Definitely not mine.” Jessica replies.     Macie seems to scan their faces, looking for the person who had taken it. Some reaction. Dan is completely calm and Thomas shakes his hands.
In the background we begin to hear the slight sound of a cell phone.    "You hear that?" Jessica asks, looking at them all. "It's coming from the hallway."     One by one they begin to move away from the table, except for Dan who does it slowly because of his wheelchair.    “Hannah's phone.” Thomas says.     He is the first to enter the room and turn on the light. He could hear the phone much more closely thanks to Lilly.    "A call..."    Jessica goes over to the phone to see who she is and she looks at them confused.    "No number." she says, not knowing what to do.    “Pick it up.” Cleo orders.     Frightened, Jessica accepts the call.    "Hello?"    "I know where you are now!" A distorted voice sounds through the other line "You were too confident, but you fell into my trap."    "What?" I see Macie's face, expression completely changing. She was beginning to be afraid for her friends.     I go straight to the computer, to see how he could possibly know where they are now.    "I'm coming now" I hear Michael's words clenching my teeth angrily ", and then I am going to end this."    "What the-" I hear Jessica say, after that a scream.    "Guys?!" Macie yells.     I move away from the computer to get closer to her.    "What's going on?" I ask nervously.    "I-I don't know! The lights!"    "Stay on the cell phone." I commanded as I returned to the computer, to find out why he knew where they were.
    According to the data, it seemed that the cell phone's GPS was the cause of the location. Shit, it was my fault, I should have paid attention. I try to see what other things they could also have located and I read some messages. Macie had talked to Michael. And she hadn't told me. I look at her and she seems more relieved looking at the phone screen.
 Why have she been keeping these messages from Michael from me?
Chapter 38
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doodle17 · 1 year
Doodle I have questions for Lobotomy fam au-
1. How would Raz meeting Lilli go? He's been basically sheltered his whole life and doesn't know how to talk to too many people, so would he be over the top or too nervous to talk?
2. If any of Raz's family survived the accident (if they're dead, idk anymore :/) would they try and find him? If so, would they succeed?
3. How would Raz end up at the motherlobe if he ever does? I don't know if the games end up with the same story in the au since Loboto isn't completely evil, so it's not like the Rhombus of Ruin really happens, is there another big bad that takes his place and makes the games play out the same and make it so Raz ends up at the motherlobe in the same way? Or is there just no games? And if there is no games, I think Cal is a little too protective to let his son end up there after he ends up hearing about the mole thing.
Please help I need answer (and another idea to write for this au)
Okay, Lili actually meets Raz when she, Dogen, Elka and Elton sneak into Thorney Towers. When they encounter Raz, he starts acting like his little gremlin self, and starts scaring and teasing them. Lili is not having this so she's like "Okay listen here, punk. You're going to leave my friends alone and get us out of here." To which Raz is like OH- and says "Okay, I like you. I'll help you guys!" and yeh :)
Uhmmm.... I haven't really though about that, tbh. I definitely think they'd try to look for him, but unfortunately assume him dead because it's highly unlikely that a baby who was only a few months old survived getting swept away in a cold river. If they did ever succeed, Raz probably wouldn't understand because he has little to no memories about them. For all we know, he would either react positively or poorly to the news.
For Psychonauts 2, I'm not sure if I have anything planned that far ahead.... I'm still thinking about how the entirety of Psychonauts 1 would go down. BUT i do have a little situation that about maybe Lili deciding that it would be fun to take him there to meet her dad, only for him to end up getting kidnapped, and they think it was Cal. Raz obviously gets upset and says his dad would never do such a thing, there's drama and stuff. That's what I have so far!
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thephantomchronicles · 3 months
20 questions for writers
tagged by @mac-lilly (thank you for the tag🥰)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
97! Didn't even realize when they got to be so many😅
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Julie and the Phantoms and I used to write a lot for Legacies before it got canceled (plus a few others here and there depending on what I'm watching at the moment😅)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’d Like to Be My Old Self Again (But I’m Still Trying to Find It) (Spider-Man: No Way Home)
Life Is a Risk, but We Will Take It (JATP)
I’m Only One Call Away (9-1-1: Lone Star)
Our Best Days Are Yet Unknown (JATP)
Will You Hold Her Tight and Not Let Go? (JATP)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Unless I can't think of anything that makes sense to say, I usually try to reply :D Sometimes I feel like I'm getting repetitive, but I'm really insanely grateful to everyone that comments🥰
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Technically it has to be i'm talking to a memory (haunted by the moments of what we used to be) - although considering how angsty the fic is, I would say the ending is the least angsty part of it😂
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, almost all of my fics have happy endings, I guess I'm going with You’re More to Me (We're Everything) mainly because there's a juke wedding and if that's not happy, I don't know what is😅
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't gotten anything yet, hopefully it stays that way😅
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Well, my main thing on ao3 is a JATP x Shadowhunter Chronicles crossover, so yes definitely
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really - I sometimes talk some ideas through with friends just to get another perspective, but I usually end up doing the one I want anyway😅
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Impossible to choose just one, I will hyperfixate on a different ship according to what I'm watching/reading at the time, but jatp will always have a special place in my heart so I got to say Juke and Willex
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
There is a juke pregnancy fic I've had in my wips for nearly 3 years that I keep saying I'll finish and then I keep forgetting about it - I think I've got to be honest with myself and accept that it'll stay unfinished...
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably dialogue... And usually the angsty parts of a story😅
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fight scenes - and the main series I'm writing is full of them😅 and describing places and physical appearances - it's one of the reasons I like fanfiction, characters and places are usually already established!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've written a few lines of dialogue in Spanish because of the Molinas, but I'm always nervous because I know very few words in Spanish and I try to look things up as much as I can because I want it to make sense😅 And I've written a few lines in Greek in a fic too :D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Julie and the Phantoms💜
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I've previously said i'm talking to a memory (haunted by the moments of what we used to be) but I also really like i am pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door - a willex fic from my first responders series
I'm not sure who's already been tagged, but I'll just go ahead with no pressure tagging😅 @onlygenxhere @writerownstory
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hoodiehydra · 2 years
Hi🐷anon Can u pls write a Kiawe from Pokémon sun and moon xreader?
Hello 🐷 anon! Yeah, no problem, I can do that. Romance, basically. Right?
Let's start with the story.
PROMPT: Just you and Kiawe being fluffy :>
Ding dong, anyone home?
"I'm so fluffing bored!" you complained, sprawled out on your bed. Who were you talking to? No one, if we were going to be honest. It was just an average day, just going to the school, hanging out with your friends and then going back home. Boringggggggg.
No, see. Here's the thing about today. NO ONE. AND I MEAN, NO ONE. was free today. AND IT'S ONLY 3 PM!
By now, you would have rang Lillie to maybe play with Snowy or y/s/p (your starter pokémon) or maybe join Mallow in cooking some new dish. At some point, Hau or Gladion battling with you wouldn’t sound like a bad idea to pass the time. Maybe even Lana, or Ash could have asked you to hang out and hell, you would have said yes in a heartbeat.
Honestly, why wouldn't you say yes.
And you were so bored, super bored. Honestly, at this point you would have screamed into a pillow to pass the time. ACTUALLY, YOU COULD DO THAT YEAH WHERES THE PILLOW-
Knock knock
And who could that be? You checked your phone. You had no arrangements or plans, and it was currently 3:30. Who could it be to save you from your boredom?
You were gingerly walking down the stairs of your home, afraid of what? I have no idea. This place was safe. Safe. Totally safe.
You quietly opened the door, the door creaking just a little. Yeah, you were expecting maybe Sophocles to take you to who knows where, just for science reasons.
Not this.
Your face was just pure shock, or surprise. You didn’t expect it at least, no. You would have never thought this would have happened. Throat dry, you asked, “What are you doing here, Kiawe?”
The tanner boy had his usual smile on his face along with a hint of pink dusted on his cheeks. You could have died right then and there. So, not only were you in your home clothing, looking like a basic, boring person, but your crush was the one who witnessed it. Not to mention, he was looking really cute.
“I was wondering if you would like to have a pokémon battle with me? Y’know, for training.” Kiawe replied, hope lacing his tone.
You, of course, instantly agreed. Two reasons: boredom, and because who would give up their chance to spend time with their crush?
After you agreed, Kiawe dragged you out of your house, not giving you any time to change. As much as you wanted to look a little nicer at least, the boy was already pulling you out the door by the hand and brought you to a nearby battlefield.
After reaching the field, neither of you wasted any time and brought out your pokémon. The battle didn’t last long, but it was very intense, and entertaining. It eventually resulted in a draw, and while you shook hands, you could only mumble a small “Thank you for the battle”. It’s not that you were disappointed that you didn’t win, well, maybe a little, but- yeah you were just disappointed that you didn’t win. You were also feeling a bit embarrassed that you had lost to him.
Kiawe noticed the change in tone, and asked, “Hey, Y/N, why are you always mumbling around me? Do you not like me?”
Those words shocked you. How could he say that? Who wouldn’t like him?
You shook your head immediately, saying, “No! How could you even think that? Who wouldn’t like you?” At this point, you were so taken aback by his words, that you couldn’t stop yourself before you went too far.
“Kiawe, you don’t understand. I really like you, more than a friend, and I was just feeling nervous around you, and-” you stopped yourself. You had said way too much by now, you didn’t want to mess anything up even more. You shook your head, and quickly added on, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened to me, let’s forget this ever happened.”
Kiawe was… surprised. He looked in confusion, and asked, “Why would I want to forget this? It’s not all the time where your crush would confess to you like that.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. In that moment, you hugged him. You could have cried, screamed in happiness, but you held it in. You were very happy that day, and spent the rest of the day with your crush, who you now knew liked you back.
Whoa! First request: done.
I’m actually pretty proud of this, even though he’s not someone I simp for, but yeah.
Anyways, remember to request and do like this if you enjoyed it!
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vtforpedro · 1 year
life and whatnot
It's not very good but I wanted to say I'm managing. Barely. Thank you for your comments on my last post about Isis. I appreciate them more than I can say. And a huge thank you to @thoseveganelves for a beautiful drawing of her that is my lock screen on my phone <3 thank you again. I'm having problems with Lilly now. I truly hope she'll be ok and they're more behavioral than something actually wrong but there are a few concerning things. Moreover, me and my mom's relationship is shit. She did something yesterday involving Lilly and I'm not sure I can forgive her. Or anything that's happened since the lumbar puncture I wish I never did. It was supposed to be an easy procedure to get a diagnosis and treatment but it ruined my life to such a terrible degree lol wild. I'm exhausted. My head gets pretty severe and then I'll have a break. Enough now that I have been able to watch some shows for the first time in years! They have to be easy and relatively calm shows with not much action or fast camera movement but the fact that I can while my head is in a respite is pretty great. I was working on art like crazy too but shit happened and my creative bug disappeared for a while. I'm writing in another fandom and started up more recently again after a short break. It sucks not to be creative b/c arting/writing is still about all I can do. I do miss bagginshield quite a lot right now. My neurologist is still an asshole. I cry every time I have to interact with him in some way and when I tried to switch within the same group, they wouldn't allow it. They had to talk to him about it so now he knows I'm trying to escape him lmao but thankfully the next time I see neuro is with his PA and I'll get a break from him. It's insane how they can do this to patients and not give a fuck. I lied out my teeth tho when I was trying to switch and said he did right by me, with absolutely no problems (totally didn't leave me in excruciating pain for five entire months). Oh well! My mom and I are supposed to start family therapy soon but they're not calling me back which is strange. My therapist is trying to get them to move on it. It was pulling teeth to get my mom to agree and took a massive fight for that to happen. She used to be my number one. Now I can't trust her with me or my fucking cat. My entire body tenses so badly when she is here. I love my mom with all my heart but I do not like who she has become. I'm so tired. MH is in the tank. I miss Isis severely. She was my soul cat and what happened to her was awful. But her spirit is here. I was never a spiritual person before but too many things are happening that are distinctly Isis™ so I know she's here. Beyond what may be a medical issue, Lilly has blossomed into a different cat, most of it good, but she has seemed very unsettled at times and it hasn't calmed down much since mid-May. Keeping an eye on her. Her vet gave us a prescription for gabapentin and it fucked Isis up so much that I'm nervous about it. But Isis was weird like me and cats usually respond well to it. I hate to make Lilly sedated in any way too but she may have some tooth pain rn and it'd help that. I have pretty bad nerve pain in my face and gaba is a lifesaver for me. Anyway this is rambling like usual. I'm tired and I'm unwell and just want to be well enough to be by myself with my cat again. I have a long road ahead of me to get there. Thanks for listening. 💜 Love you all very much. I am thankful you're here and I'm sending as much warmth as I can. You are all amazing people. Thank you.
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maiemorrae · 7 months
Luctine Valentine's Day Headcannons
Still need to think of an actual name for this kind of holiday in Luctine but I definitely have some cute thoughts about how some of my characters spend the day.
Aleksandr and Ellis
Aleksandr takes Ellis to the fairgrounds, knowing that she loves to see the various lights and he makes sure they try a bunch of the different sweet things there.
He'll say they're his favorites but he knows she wants to try them but would be too nervous to ask directly.
There would be a Ferris Wheel that Ellis would ask for them to go on. Turns out Aleksandr isn't a fan of heights but they sit close together and Ellis encourages him to keep his focus on her. Later Aleksander asks to go again because he loves being close.
Amelia and Lucas
They go on a proper-looking date as would be expected of them. A fancy dinner and a walk through the Capital City's finest gardens.
The whole time the two look like a picturesque noble couple in love.
They're actually going back and forth coming up with new electotech designs together.
When going through the gardens they take turns trying to one-up each other when it comes to their nature knowledge (hint hint, neither of them knows anything about plants they're just making it up).
Diana and Julia
Diana tells Julia that she has to work slightly later at the hospital tonight. Julia pretends to be disappointed but is actually glad because that gives her time to prepare something special.
Diana doesn't actually have to work late, she's instead meeting with some contacts of Julia to pick up a gift she had them get for her.
When Diana gets home late Julia has put together a romantic dinner up on the roof of their building where they can look over much of Alemere.
During dinner, Diana reveals that she was actually getting a gift for Julia, some of the finest lockpicks a thief could ask for. Diana shows her that they're slightly enchanted to where she'll always be able to produce one of them, even if the set is lost or taken away.
Bonus, The Archivist
As governor of Alemere and being unmarried it isn't uncommon for flowers, invitations, and other various gifts to come across her desk as various nobles vie for her attentions.
She spends the day handwriting polite responses and thank yous to most of the letters and politely declining the ones that are more forward in their wording.
At the end of the day, just as she's about to return to the library she hears a knock at the balcony window in her office. She steps out, slightly expecting it to be a messenger bird, not a completely odd occurrence, but nothing is there.
Turning back to her desk she sees a new bundle has appeared on the desk. A distinct bundle of Ghost Lillies wrapped in a light blue ribbon.
These are the only flowers she personally keeps of all the ones she received.
If I had infinite time I'd write out all of these. I hope you all have a lovely day with the ones you love!
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iluvromance · 2 years
Hi & belated happy women's day wishes! Thanks for the encouraging words about my exams. Since you said you'd rather write for prompts, so here's one: the birthday party scene at book 10-the hc about Michael being sure about Mia still being in love with him(it's canon for me now) is amazing and I want to see it in a little fic or a song-fic as thesnowflakenecklace was so right about exile! The line of you were my crown, now i'm in exile-just chef's kiss! If you wanna talk dilf Michael, I'm here.
michael's thoughts while on that stupid yacht:
"there's no way we're sailing on this thing."
"ha knew it. we're not sailing."
"do i need to show my invitation to enter? i guess so. i should get it out."
"he didn't even look at my invitation."
"oh shit this is insane. clarisse really-- wait, is that brad pitt?"
"i see lilly. should i flip her off? no. too many cameras. later."
"where's mia?"
"where's mia?"
"where's mia?"
"oh shit. there's mia. wow. she's--"
"oh. it's JP."
"boris needs to stop staring at me."
"tina too."
"that's tina right?"
"jesus, her eyes are huge."
"shit my bowtie is lopsided."
"whatever. it's dark in here anyways."
"wow. she looks...wow."
"there's no way she looks at JP like that. like how she just looked at me. she didn't even blink."
"her eyes are sparkling."
"fuck's sake."
"get a grip."
"oh, he's talking to me now?"
"yeah i'm back. quit talking to me."
"she didn't get in ANYWHERE?? there's no possible way--"
"this is just ridiculous now."
"why does she look nervous?"
"oh GOD why is he-- someone grab the mic from him. should i accidentally drop sparkling water on him? shove him against a waiter?"
"i should punch him."
"oh he's--"
"i should really punch him."
"she looks--"
"i don't think i can--"
"no way."
"this wasn't--"
"it's too silent in here. she's not saying anything. why is she not--?"
"i'm angry. why am i'm so angry?"
"yeah, i'm not doing this."
"stop looking at me, boris."
"tina your eyes are so big i can see them from the corner of my eye."
"and they're freaking me out."
"but the way mia looked at me. i should at least--"
"oh she's about to reply."
"yeah, i can't do this."
"i gotta get out of here."
"i'm such an idiot."
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lyon-amore · 2 years
What if...? Duskwood Chapter 30
Chapter 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Macie POV*
 It seemed that everything was going well. We had obtained new information and... Of course, Richy is the first to be on the place when something happens, like in chats.
 I order two coffees and I sit and wait for them to call me. I get a text from Lilly.
 Lilly Oh, you are online 🙂   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I've left the chat online in case Jake worries about me. Better to be connected than to see me offline. I'd better not tell Lilly anything.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Something new?
 Lilly So halfway I went to my parents earlier I thought they might know if Hannah had anything to do with Amy Bell Lewis Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case
 Macie Ah, but a good idea nonetheless   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Reading Lilly's next words, I feel sad for Jake. The situation he is in is complicated. Lilly hasn't been able to look at her father. There's too much tension right now…I wish I knew what happened to Jake's mother and her father. It's not to gossip, I just want to better understand the situation. We don't know if his father knows about him or perhaps decided to abandon them to his fate. I don't think a family can recover from something like that.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Is there anything else I can do for you? 🙂
 Lilly I want to send Ted Madruga aletter
 Macie I'm all ears Or eyes Depends on how you want to say it
 Lilly 😄 I really want to find out what Hannah wanted with him Uh, you haven’t got any further with Ted, right?
 Macie Jake’s still working on it   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I don't know what this clue Jake is focusing on right now. It's not fair that he got all the work, I should help him too... I have worried him so much that now he has taken all the work and I am idly by and unable to do anything.    "I want to do something… Even if it's tiny…" I say with a sigh.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie And how exactly can I help you?
 Lilly Well, just with writing the letter What should I leave out? How do I phrase things, etc…?
 Macie Yes, to be honest, I’m pretty good at that kind of stuff
 Lilly So?
 Macie Under one condition You sign the letter with my name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I think my last name could be useful.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lilly I don't know why that would important to you, but sure... Deal 🙂
 Macie Let’s go   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I wait a bit for her to tell me something. In the end, I answer.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie There is something else you want, right? 🙄
 Lilly I thought, maybe You could ask Jake if he could help us
 Macie Jake?
 Lilly Yeah I hoped we could talk But he hasn't texted me yet Well, and he's pretty smart too   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    "Lilly, you don't know what you're missing talking to him…" I say with a smile.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Can you wait a moment? I'm not at Jessy's right now
 Lilly Sure, I wait 😊   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Finally they call me for my coffee. Obviously I have given my mother's name, to avoid problems of being recognized. I pick up the two cups and go to the door, trying to juggle it open.    "Let me help you." a man says to me, placing his hand on the door.    "Thank you." I smiled kindly.    "Wait" he stops me for a moment with his hand on my shoulder. "Have we met before?"     I start to examine him. He had well-groomed hair, a little gray and blond. He must have been in his fifties, but he had that older man's good looks and an aura of keeping order. I notice that there is a weapon on his hip. Police?    "No, I'm sorry" I say starting to get nervous. I hadn't had a relationship with the police in years ", surely you get the wrong person."    "Yeah, maybe" he looks at me strangely. Oh no… not good ". Sorry, I'll let you go."     “Thanks again.” I say as I let go.     I feel myself shaking as I leave the cafeteria. I take a deep breath before heading back to the motel. I hope he didn't recognize me from the Lilly video… I knock on the door with my foot and Jake opens it, letting me through.    “Two large, well-charged coffees of pure caffeine.” I say with a smile, setting it down on his table.    "What would I do without you?" He answers with a smile as he looks at the coffee.    "Are you saying that to the cup or to me?" I asked, pretending to be jealous.    "Coffee makes me less nervous." He winks at me and I smile.     He walks back to his table and I bite my lip. I has to tell him about Lilly.    "What are you doing?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee.    "I am going through our previous investigations in order to ensure that the conversation with the others goes as smoothly as possible." he replies without taking his eyes off the computer and taking a sip of his coffee as well.     I stare at him watching him run his tongue over his lips, savoring the remains of coffee. I shake my head coming back to reality, this is no time for distractions, and Lilly is waiting for an answer.    "Could you help Lilly and me really fast?" Jake looks at me nervously "We want to send this Ted a letter" I reply, approaching him "I’d like it if you could join us" I try the trick again. If I tell him that Lilly asked me, he might get a lot more nervous.     Jake nods and smiles. Now he seems excited and I find him adorable. Finally he will talk to another of his sisters. It must be the happiest day of his life… Or so I hope.    "If that's so then there’s no way that I could say no say no" he agrees and looks to the side "I haven't spoken to Lilly thus far..."    "Well, then this is the perfect time." I stroke his hair lovingly and he looks at me. "I'll be with you in case you get stuck."     He lets out a laugh and goes back to the computer.    "Alright, please add me to her chat." He looks at me almost pleadingly. "If I joined the chat like I usually did, I don't want to frighten her."    "Sure, no problem." Could he be less adorable?" It's lovely that he care about his sister like that. Wait.     I go to the chat that Lilly has set up and add Jake.
 I listen as Jake sighs and types in the chat. I read how Jake thanks her for her help in reference to I Am Jake and Lilly apologizes for what she did. I can't help but let out a laugh reading them. And not to say that I would like to cry for this meeting of siblings.    “Don't laugh, I'm nervous enough already.” Jake says, though he doesn't seem upset.    "I'm sorry, it's like watching a series or a movie and…" I answer, wiping away small tears.    "You're crying?"    "What? Is very pretty."     I hear him let out a long breath, along with a heavy laugh. It's not every day you get to see how two siblings who never met don't resent each other, it could be all very different, more aggressive. 
We help Lilly write the letter. We decided not to talk about Hannah and her missing. She even pointed out that she had put a 'We' in the letter referring to the three of us. It is not good to involve so many people. And then comes the signing part. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lilly Ok. Done To summarizing: Dear Mister Madruga: Because of the application visitation rights, I know that Hannah wanted to meet up with you. Please tell me why Hannah wanted to meet up with you. Best wishes, Macie Connors.
 Jake Why did you sign with her name?
 Macie Because that was the deal   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jake looks at me worried. I know what's coming now.    "I don't like that you signed your name." he says in an angry tone.    “There was a man who was a police in the past named Herman Connors” I tell Jake and feel a wave of nostalgia wash over me. "He was a great police and maybe the last name can help us, since he and I have the same name."     Jake's eyes widen. I think he just understood when I said that I learned from my father, but he is calm.    "I'm sure he was a great teacher too…" he says at the end, his voice calm.     I nod smiling at him. Jake smiles at me and returns to the computer. It is curious how with a simple confession saying that I’m partly related to the police, he did not worry or make him nervous. I've shown him so many times that he can trust me that he doesn't seem to care. He makes me happy.
I see a watch chat notification. Lilly has written to Jake, should I read it or is too private? I'm not sure I can do it... But curiosity gets the better of me.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lilly Jake I wanted to tell you something
 Jake What did you want to tell me, Lilly?
 Lilly Hannah really liked you a lot back then And I'm sure that never changed
 Jake Thank you. I am sorry that I stepped into your life in this way.
 Lilly I'm happy you did See you later, big brother 😉   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I can't help but smile when reading Lilly's words. I look at Jake to tell him that I'm so glad to see that everything went well, but I shut my mouth. I see him shaking in the chair, almost like… I can see a tear fall. I leave the phone on the bed and approach him, hugging him from behind. I stroke his hair lovingly and he places a hand on the arm that encircles him. He doesn't make any sound so as not to worry me. But I'm here at least to comfort him. Surely he must be happy to be recognized as her brother.
 After calming down a bit, he returns to the computer.    "Thank you…" he tells me, in his soft voice.    "You’re welcome…"     I move away from him, but he takes me by the hand. I look at him and see that he smiles at me.    "I don't think I could have done this without you."     I hug him again for his words. I want to be there for everything he need too. The good and bad. Jake hugs me tight. Now he seems to be afraid of losing me with this hug.    "So... big brother?" I ask, with a small laugh. I want to relax him a bit "I think you've never told me your age."     He shifts a bit, as if he's inviting me to sit on his lap. I agree and he leaves his hands on my hips, a little nervous.    "Too much information." he answers me, with a doubtful expression.     He hasn't unscreened it, but only his and Lilly's conversation is visible. Which means a lot to me, that he trusts me.    "Not a little clue?" I ask, putting on an innocent look again "Please? Just a number."     He makes a throaty sound, as if exasperated. He lowers his head, then looks at me. Again, surrendered to me.    “There's a three.” he says at the end.    "Forty-three." I say jokingly.     Jake's face is scared and I laugh.    "Do you really think I'm forty-three years old?" He asks me and I keep laughing.    “You should have seen your face, Jake.” I say between laughs.     I stop laughing when he caresses my face lovingly. His smile is warm.    "I love these moments with you, did you know?" He whispers, and I see his eyes rest on my lips.     I think it is the moment… A little nervous, I move closer to his face, placing my hand in his sweatshirt. I can feel his heart beating fast.
 We broke up when we heard the damn notification on my phone and computer. Couldn't you choose another time to feel better, Dan!?    “We must continue.” I say, getting up to sit back down on the bed.    "Yeah, time for work." Jake stretches out in his chair, clearing his throat.     I look at him and he turns to smile at me and I smile back. There is no doubt: Although there is always something that stops us, there is no denying what we both feel for each other. *Jake POV*
 Not that I'm overly happy about the interruption, but work is work and both Macie and I know it. It doesn't take long for us to return to our serious mode, we've already been through this several times, one more doesn't make it worse.
 We pick up the conversation Jessica had with Jennifer's mother. Hannah told her that the same man who ran over Jennifer was the one who was harassing her. And that the bracelet belonged to Jennifer, which is why Hannah recognized it at her pawnshop, where Phil sold it. At the moment we still don't know why she had the bracelet, it remains a mystery.    "If it hadn't been for the bracelet, Thomas and Hannah wouldn't have argued" Macie says, pained, "if Hannah had told him where she bought it…"    “That's why we're here” I say, looking at the chat screen “, to find out what happened."    "Even though it hurts."    "Even though it hurts... "     The pawn shop salesman told Cleo that Hannah had also asked him who sold it. And that's why she decided to meet in his apartment. I hope so, I don't believe that Hannah is capable of cheating someone.
 We come to the call list. Jessica apologizes for being mean to the group and Thomas explains that he called her to apologize to Hannah, to meet her. And that she was very different from the previous days, more relieved to talk to him. We are left with the last number on the list.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Dan That’s cause it was hackerman
 Macie Why was it Hackerman?
 Dan We talked about it right at the start? He was on the phone with Hannah when she was attacked Did I dream that or something?
 Jake No. That isn’t my number. My number was indeed on this list. But I removed it before I sent the list to Macie   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    “I love the friendship you and Dan have.” Macie says sarcastically.     I make a throaty sound. Annoying. Well, I don't think I won't change Dan's mind for now.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jessica Yeah and who’s is this number then?
 Jake We haven’t been able to find out yet. I have called it multiple times. The cell phone is switched on, but nobody ever pick it up.
 Macie Do any of you maybe know the number?
 Jessica Doesn’t seem familiar to me
 Dan Nope
 Lilly Any idea who it might be?
 Macie Yes I do Amy Bell Lewis   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I turn to see Macie. She looks thoughtful after putting those words.    "Why do you think that?" I ask, wanting to know her theory.    "Intuition" she answers without looking at me ", it's no coincidence that Amy disappeared before Hannah, here's something else..."    "I understand."
      We talked about the last topic. The body announcement video, where I managed to clear up the image of the memorial rock with Jennifer Hanson's name on it. From there he had found out the real name of our mysterious Jennifer. If Amy was found there and Hannah went to see Iris, Jennifer's mother, then they are both connected to Jennifer's case in some way.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Who needs the police when you’ve got a hacker?
 Jake :)
    "Someone who appreciates my work" I commented, looking at her.     "When have I despised him?" Macie winks at me and I laugh.
 Cleo So Amy Bell Lewis was found near a memorial to Jennifer Hanson
 Jessica If Amy was responsible for Jennifer's death, then the man with no face would fit pretty well.
 Lilly You mean as a sort of avenger?
 Jessica Exactly Who associates her with Jennifer on purpose. To refer to the crime back then.
 Macie That’s an interesting idea   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 It bothers me a little that Jessica and Macie have the same thought. It is as if it also complemented themself with it. I don't really like that feeling. It doesn't bother me, that's for sure. It is that feeling of not being able to offer it what others can.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lilly How does Hannah fit into all of this?
 Macie Hannah was involved in the crime   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 That deduction again. She must have seen something I didn’t when we read Hannah’s notes. I can’t stop admiring her.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Thomas Then she would have been found with Amy After all, you said it’s somehow important to the man without a face for his crimes to be understood
 Jake In any case, I’d to continue investigating Amy Bell Lewis with Macie As you can see, we are still very much at the start. At the same time, this clue has great potential
 Macie I think so too
 Jake So. With that, we’ve talked about everything important for the moment Unless one of you has something else to add?
 Jessica Well, I forgot to say the vehicle involved in the accident back then was an AMC Gremlin And I got the files from Rogers Garage. Maybe I can find the Owner that way   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    "You didn't tell me the brand of the car." I comment to Macie, reading Jessica's words.    "Oh, really?"    "Any reason for keeping it from me?" I look at her raising my eyebrow and crossing my arms.      Macie looks away, as if she's caught doing something wrong.    "No…. You want to know." she replies slowly.    "Do you know anyone involved with that car?"    "It's…more…personal…"     She avoid looking at me. If not for the case, why is it?    <<Okay, I get it… I didn't want to know…>> I shake my head, letting out a sigh.    "Are you jeal-?"    "No."     Macie laughs and I blush. Well, I have a past too, I'm not going to blame her. Besides, she's here with me, which is what matters most to me.
 Lilly asks us if we want to talk about Ted Madruga and Macie does a little summary. Little by little they all say goodbye until the two of us are left alone.
 I get up from the chair, lying on the bed next to her, staring at the ceiling. Macie puts her phone down on the coffee table and lies down next to me, I look at her and she looks at me, like she knows I’m doing it.    "How do you feel?" Her voice sounds calm.     I look at her and then sigh. It is the first time in many years that I am in contact with more people.    "I don't know." I answered, without taking my eyes off her eyes. "And how do you feel?" I ask more concerned about her and her emotions.    "Better." she smiles, leaning on my body.    "Then so I am." I return the smile. "We have kept all this a secret for a long time. We gathered our information tirelessly and protected it like a treasure" Macie takes my hand and I return it We interlock our fingers ". It was something just between you and me. And now it no longer."     She sighs, looking at me with those eyes that she knows I can't say no to.    “I know what you mean” she says as she looks at our hands ", I must admit, I was a bit proud too. Every time you said 'we', it made me think we had something special that no one else shared” she admits and looks at me again ". We’ve come a long way."    "We have" I smile at her and place a kiss on her head. ". I wish I could stay like this,” I say, slowly pulling away from her and standing up at the same time “but I have to get going looking for Amy."    "Will you take a long time?" she asks impatiently, sitting up too.     I see that she wants to be able to do something. I think she already seems better after what happened with Richy. Maybe if I come across something interesting, she can finally let her investigate.    "Let's hope it doesn't, meanwhile, writes down all the new information we've obtained."    "Got it boss." Macie kisses me on the cheek and picks up the phone again, probably rereading all the chat we've had.
     I want to believe that we are getting closer to discovering something important. I feel it.
Chapter 31 
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lyon-amore · 2 years
What if...? Duskwood Chapter 28
Chapter 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Macie POV*
 I wake up alone in the room. I don't see Jake either on his computer or in the bathroom. I just hope he'll be careful if he's anywhere in Duskwood. It's still too early.
 I read the chat I had with Lilly last night when Jake was in the shower. The visiting request was for a man named Ted Madruga. Since it was late, I decided not to bother Jake with this new clue. I hadn't done it out of selfishness to want him for me, obviously, just that with everything he's been through these months, I think he needed to take a little break, just that. An ordinary person can't always carry the weight of the whole world on his shoulders and I want him to know that he can't beat himself up so much.    "You just make me worry too much…" I whispered, letting out a sigh.
    I get a notification from the group. Richy had sent a list of things that he was going to need to take home. I still haven't decided what to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Hey Richy Richy Hello there 😁 Macie You’re aware that this isn’t gonna be a fun family vacation, right? Richy Of course I’m aware But it feels like a step in the right direction The police investigation appears to be in full throttle We’re taking ourselves out of the line of fire The only way is up for us 🙂 And what are you going to do? Will you come? Because… Well it would be fun if you came 😳 And that we would all be together Macie I don’t know yet I'm thinking about it Richy You should come So you will be safe 😉 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I bite my nail, nervous. I don't want to go but...
 My brain starts to think is it safe to go? And with him? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie OK Why not? It will be fun 🙂 Richy Cool! 😆 I hope that I can finally sleep in peace again in that house 😩 😄 Cause I haven’t really been sleeping that well lately 😅 Macie Hopefully we can rest 😊 Has Jessy messaged you at all? I don't want you two to argue Richy Oh, it’ll be fine 😅 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I feel angry with myself talking to him this way, because at the same time I appreciate him. He's not a bad guy but... My stomach turns to think that danger is really close to us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Richy you can talk to me Richy She quit Macie What? Richy Yes but is all good I bet she didn't mean it Once we all have our normal lives back, I’m sure everything is gonna clear right up 🙂 You know I’ve got the feeling we’ll have overcome everything soon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    "How can you write me this?" I squeeze the phone, hoping not to break it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie What makes you think that? Richy 🤔 Mechanic’s intuition 😆
     If I end up making a mistake, I won't be able to forgive myself. I won't be able to see his face again. Dad... why did you teach me your job?
 We talked a bit more about Dan's car. It seemed that he was a bit upset, but he accepted it. I don't see any reason to tamper with Dan's car, it would be too extreme, because it could have killed him.     "But Amy... She's dead..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Richy You know I was wondering how everything would have gone if you weren’t with us Macie I’ve asked myself that too You would have never found the man without a face Richy Yeah, probably not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I notice annoyance in his message. Like in the beginning when he didn't want me to put those fantasies into Jessy's head. The monsters I look for are always going to be real, not fantasy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie What if someone is trying to frame Phil? Someone who knew he’d be on Hannah’s telephone list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I don’t understand these actions. The kidnapper might not have done anything to put all the blame on Phil, which only makes the suspicion even greater.
 Richy takes time to answer…
 After a while, I get a message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Richy I just heard a scream From the forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I close my eyes and breathe in. I must continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Was it the voice of a man or a woman? Richy Female Hang on, I have to get closer Again! Macie Richy, I’ve got a bad feeling about this 😕 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 After that message, I get a call from him. I accept and instantly hear his voice.    "Hey, ah, well, that wasn't just any random scream, that was someone shout it my name, that for sure." From the tone of his voice, he seems to be walking fast.    "You're sure?” I ask, a little doubtful.    “Yeah, straight from the forest” he says quickly. ”. Wait, I'm going to turn on the camera.”     I put my phone in front of me.
 Richy focuses first on the ground and then on the forest. I tried to take a good look at every detail that was important, but it was just forest and more forest. He sighs, calmer.    "Out quiet now." he tells me, still focusing on the forest.    "Richy, I think it would be better for you to come back." I tell him, starting to feel worried and nervous because I don't understand his attitude.    "What if it was Hannah?" he asks me, looking at me with concern. "What if she needs my help?"    "But taking risks like this is also risky, remember?" I ask, frowning. "We weren't supposed to go into the forest."    "And we don't lose anything by proving it's true or not, either, even if it's just a quick glance," he replies before stopping his walk, looking off into the distance. "I think I see someone."     He starts to run, but he doesn't focus on what he saw.    "Richy?" I'll call him "Richy, tell me what you've seen."     He continues running some more until he stops, refocusing on the forest. I can't see anything.    "Hello?" Richy yells, waiting for an answer "Hello?!"    "Richy, enough nonsense, get out of there!" I yell at him now.    "No! Maybe it's Hannah I've seen!" He answers nervously "Hannah!"     It is then. Something he didn't count on. I hear Richy grumble as he drops the phone, falling to the ground.    "Richy?!" I yelled nervously. I didn't want to go through the same thing as Jessy again.     Right now I can't think. They are my feelings before my reason. I wait for the attacker to make an appearance again, but Richy picks up the phone, focusing.    "RICHY?!" Are you ok?!" I ask when I see his face, it was as if something hurt him.     Richy continues to make sounds of pain. And everything I believed in, it fades away.    "Richy! Tell me something please!" I sit up in bed, sitting up on my knees nervously.     When he opens his mouth to speak, I see blood spurt out of it.
 My weak point…
 I start to get dizzy, but still try to hold myself there for him.    "Rich, please! Hold on!" I scream and cry. I get up and walk around the room as if I wanted to look for him in this place. What do I do?! What can I do?! "Everything will be fine! I promise you!"     Little by little Richy begins to stop moving and I can't do anything else but shout his name and cry for him. He is alone and he has me for support. A support that had been doubting him. From being Hannah's kidnapper… Richy's attacker. When I see that he is no longer moving, I feel my heart race and my legs give out. I fall to the ground.    "Richy! No! No, no, no! Richy!" I yell into my phone, watching how the sky ends up coming into focus.     In the background I can hear the crows, waiting for something. I don't know what, because in my brain it only occupies the image of Richy dying. I cry and cry, watching the Duskwood sky. Grey. Sad.
 The group! I have to warn them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENED TO RICHY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I receive a call. Cleo. I was waiting for news about the bracelet. I don't answer because of my status and she texts me that Phil left the bracelet at the pawn shop. I'd be glad if it wasn't for the situation I was going through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Thomas Macie, what happened? Macie RICHY WENT INTO THE FOREST! THERE WAS A LOT OF BLOOD! Cleo Oh no Macie I THINK I'M IN SHOCK RIGHT NOW! Cleo Macie, you need to calm down Macie HOW AM I GOING TO CALM DOWN! I HAVE SEEN IT! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Did Cleo really want me to calm down? After I seen my friend die? After my suspicions towards him made me feel guilty for his death?!
 I try to explain the situation to them, breathing hard. Where the hell is Jake?! Why is he not with me right now?!
 I try to get up, but my legs fail me. It's as if hands had grown out of the ground and were holding me to it, wanting to swallow me for having thought that Richy was behind everything. A punishment for being the worst person in the world.
 Lilly sends me a private message, she was going to call the police. This went beyond research. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lilly Macie, did Richy go into the forest from the junkyard? Macie Exactly, thhhhat's where he heard the screams He calllled me when he arrived in the forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I’m shaking as I write. I cannot think. No... I don't have the head to write. I only have the image of Richy in my head. Dying.
 Although I don't like the idea, I agree that she tells the police to tell them that he was talking to me on the phone. After all, I’m an eyewitness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jessy It can’t be true. Richy can’t be dead He was probably just attacked Like I was! Dan Oh shit Jessy I need to go him Macie PLEASE DON’T DO THAT! Jessy I just have to Macie PLEASE! BE REASONABLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I couldn't risk anyone going into the forets. The kidnapper could still be there! As I read, I start biting my nails. I don't even manage to notice that I ended up biting one of my fingers until I noticed the blood. I don't care. I can't stop thinking about what happened!
 I get none of them to go into the forest and sit on the ground, waiting for Jake.
 Jessy texts me. I haven't stopped crying. I'm even scared. What if the kidnapper has Jake?! It's impossible. But why isn't he here?! Why has he left me alone again!? His stuff is still here, which means he'll be back… right? I try to cheer myself up with the story of Jessy and Richy and the office fish, but this makes it worse. It must hurt her more what happened, since they were much closer. At least she didn't have to see him...
 I can't calm down... The... Blood... Everything... It's all in my head... I have the image of Richy suffering... I get a group notification, but it only makes it worse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jessy They found Richy's cap in the forest I saw them carrying it away in a plastic bag I was covered in blood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I put my phone down and start to hyperventilate. I put up with Jessy because in the end they didn't kill her. But this? I put my hands to my face, embarrassed. I had accused Richy and now… It's my fault! This is my fault!    "He-Macie?!"     I hadn't heard the door open when Jake entered. He removes my hands from my face and I see him looking at me concerned.    "What happened?!"    "It's my fault!" I yell as I try to break free from the grip of my wrists "It's all my fault! He is dead! Richy is dead!"    "Macie I-"    "Where were you?!" I reproached him, hitting him in the chest "Where were you when everything happened?!"  "I was worried about Jessica" he answers, holding my hands to make me stop ". I thought you'd be calmer if I watched that she was going to be safe around her house, if the kidnapper was there."     I breathe hard and end up burying my face in his body. Non-stop shaking. Jake hugs me and tries to calm me down. I can’t calm down. All I want to do is scream in rage.    "I am sorry about what happened" his voice sounds calm, though broken. I know it hurts him to see me like this, but what do him want me to do? "Do you want to talk?"    "I've tried to be strong!" I begin to say, avoiding looking at him "To not let anything get me down!" I hold him sweatshirt tightly, looking for a little more comfort, all I do is keep blaming myself in my head that I caused this "But I just can't do it anymore, Jake! I can’t anymore! Seeing how much Richy was suffering! But I was the only one he had in that moment!" I clench my hands tighter, I feel like I'm slipping even though I'm sitting down." It was like it was with Jessy, only a hundred times worse!" I end up looking at him, no matter how I was. My mind was blocking him. I couldn't see anything beyond Jake, I only saw Richy "I abandoned him! All I could do was scream! To tell him everything would be okay! "     Jake looks at me and caresses me lovingly, but I feel nothing but pain.    “I am here, Macie” he tells me.    "You weren't here!" I pushed him angrily and hit the ground with my fist "You weren't here hugging me! Not even to look me in the eyes and tell me that everything was going to be fine!" I look at him angrily. With rage. I see that he sits against the wall, in front of me. He doesn't know how to comfort me because he can't. No... He doesn't know what that is after years alone, without contact from people.    "I wish I had been here." he tells me, hurt. "I'm sorry."     What is he sorry? He never cared for Richy. He didn't like him.    "It's our fault, you know?" I say, opening my eyes desperate "Yours and mine" I can notice my voice rising with rage, I almost feel like I'm out of control. "We ignore so many threats, even when Jessy was attacked, we just continued.” He looks away, starting to feel guilty. “We've lost Richy, but aren’t any closer to finding Hannah!" I crawl over to him and grab him by the collar of his sweatshirt. I've never felt like this before "But you’ll just go on saying that we're on the right track" I continue and he dares to look at me ", that we just need to go a little longer" I see Richy's ghost next to him and I end up screaming "But how many friends do you want me to send to their deaths, Jake?! Tell me at least so I'll be ready and stop hurting! Say it to my face!"     He doesn't make any movement, nor does he get upset or angry with me. I need some reaction to what I'm doing, Stop me! I'm out of control and yet he… Why doesn't he react?! Why am I the one who has to be suffering like this?!    “You are angry” he says finally, in that calm voice of his. Now he makes me sick. ”I understand.”    "You’re trying to understand you mean." I clenched my jaw. "Have you ever watched a friend fight for their life?"     I see a small reaction in him to my words. He too tenses. No with me. Something bothers him. He sighs and places his hands in mine. I purse my lips seeing how little he cares.    "There’s nothing I can do but tell you that I am sincerely sorry for your loss" I start to breathe heavily. I don't know why I feel a wave of hatred towards him now, something I didn't think would ever happen ", but we have no other choice but to carry on." I snap at him, picking myself up off the ground and he does the same. ”Giving up is a luxury that we cannot afford right now, considering what is at stake for us.”     I start looking at the ceiling, listening to his words. No… I can't look at him, but I know I have to tell him to his face.    "You mean what's at stake for YOU!" I point at him angrily.     Jake looks at me hurt. Approaching me slowly.
 He grabs my hand and I push it away, but he tries again, to which I let him. He is not going to achieve anything by wanting to have these gestures. I'm fed up. I'm tired. My chest hurts, my soul... I have lost a friend and I have not been able to help him, but to doubt him.    "Macie-"    "Shut up!" I look away, trying to separate myself from him.    "Macie, please listen to me" hIs voice, previously without any emotion, seems to break as he utters those words. I just look at him and see again that broken and tired boy I knew. The one who hid everything to protect everything. "I want to be honest with you.” I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to control my breath. Jake brings his hands to my face, caressing me carefully, as if he's going to break me. "I've thought of stopping everything too, because I worry so much about you that it’s crushing me" now I cry listening to his words, which finally manage to reach my heart. I didn't know how he felt about everything that was happening to me so far. Or I simply ignored him because I thought that everything was fine knowing that he was there. Jake rests his forehead against mine, while I now try to calm down from his confession. "I thought about taking your hand and turning my back on all of this.” I can feel his hands tremble as he says it, but not his voice. He really means it. ". But it would be pointless, our responsibilities would cacth up with us. No matter where we go. "     We are both from two different worlds. I know perfectly. Jake pulls back a bit and I catch a glimpse of his eyes. It almost looks like he's going to cry. I don't want him to cry and not be able to comfort him knowing that I can't right now.    “When you agreed to work with me that day, you took Hannah's destiny into your hands, too. That day, her destiny become your burden, just like it became mine.” I hang my head, hating it all. So if it wasn't for Hannah, we might never have met. It wasn't fair to meet like this. He cups a hand to my chin, tilting my face up so that I look at him. I lick my lips, savoring my tears. "All we can do is not to lose sight of our path, even if path seems ends and insurmountable at times."     I let out a charged air, beginning to calm down. I wasn't the only one who was suffering, it's true. Jake also has his problems, I can't blame him, I can't ask him to cry for someone he hasn't gotten to know like I have. I have to at least accept his support and that he is by my side during this difficult moment.
I nod, struggling a bit. I don't know if it's because of the blind love I have for him or because he's right. I decided to accept to help because it is part of me. I'm always repeating it to myself. Jake never threatened or forced me. He could have perhaps pulled a gun on me or forced me to stay with him while I exhaustively searched Hannah's cloud for clues. My God… I was reproaching him and it's his sister who was kidnapped… How could I have been so stupid? He is also suffering.    "I will." I replied.     Jake smiles at me. Although it's not a happy smile, he seems rather sad. I'm making him suffer enough with my way of acting.    "I have told you once before" he starts to speak and hugs me "and I am even more convinced of it now than I was before" I hold on tightly to his sweatshirt, while he rests his head on mine, he even leaves a kiss on me "we will find Hannah, Macie and Richy too" I nod and little by little I'm calming down.     I try to take a deep breath, letting the heat of his body wrap me up and calm me down completely. 
We stay like that for a while, until Jake lifts my chin and even though he doesn't want to, I know it's important to say.    "Can we continue with our investigation?"     I nod, wiping my face from my tears.    "Yes, there's… There's a lot to discuss" I move away a bit, but he grabs my hand so I don't fall. ". But first I want to ask you a favor."    "Which favor?"    “I want to see Richy's video."    "No. "    "Jake-"    "You're not going to see it, not after how you've been."     He walks away from me, sitting down in the chair. I see that it turns it on the computer and goes directly to delete it.    "No! " I take his hand off the mouse and look at him. "I need to see it." I keep my gaze steady.     He looks away as he rubs his chin, hesitating. A spark has awakened in me. The spark of curiosity. Jake gets up from his chair and motions for him to sit me down.    “Okay” he says finally. "But listen to me carefully" he leans towards me, raising his finger: "The moment you don't feel well, you close it, okay?"    "Okay." I accept his proposal, sitting down in the chair.     Jake stays next to me and I play the video. *Jake POV*
 She's played the video at least four times, even opening the one of Jessica's attack. I see her keep her gaze fixed on the computer, almost without blinking. I look at her hand, she has some blood on her fingers, how come I hadn't noticed before that she was hurting herself?    “Macie, stop.” I take her hand from her, pulling it away from her mouth. “You're hurting yourself…”    "Sorry." she says, stopping to bite her nails.     I look at her face again and something seems strange about her. I don't see her nervous or sad on the contrary. She would even say that she has cracked a very small smile. Maybe she is affecting her too much that she doesn't know how to feel.    "You finish it?" She removes the videos and stands up from the chair, staring at the floor.    "Yeah" she starts to think, and then she looks at me. ". Okay, I'll tell you what happened.” I nod at her and she sits on the bed, placing her hands on her legs. She almost seems like she's a kid telling a mischief “Richy told me he heard screams coming from the forest.” I sit in the chair, listening to her speak. ". I couldn't hear anyone screaming, but he only called me after he had heard it already.” She looks at me, frowning, thinking “How likely do you think it is that was Hannah?"    "Well" I lean back in my chair, scratching my chin, thinking, “thanks to you we know it was a female voice." That wouldn't even have occurred to me, because it could even be the sound of some animal. "because you thought of asking Richy that question, That was very attentive of oyou."    "Yeah, I guess it's just my curiosity," she says with a shrug.    "So the attacker may have used Hannah to lure Richy into the forest." I look at her curiously. "Why would he do that all of a sudden?"    “I don't know yet.     She stays thinking. I feel like she's left alone in this.
 I know I didn't behave properly when she told me about Richy, but I did hate that she suffered because of me. It shouldn't have taken so long to get back. Or at least have left a note or sent a message so as not to worry her. The bad habit of never having had anyone to tell that I was leaving. I don't have to do this anymore, I can't make Macie suffer anymore.    "Let's analyze it together." I move the chair closer to her and taking her hands, I begin to speak. "Since Richy got the sing of the raven, you’ve been expecting an attack on him, isn’t that true?"    "Yes, that's what the legend says." She looks at me and carefully responds to my touch.    "If I remember the legend correctly, the marked people are only brought into to the forest in the night of the new moon."    "Correct," she nods slowly. "According to Jessy it’s only in the first night of the new moon of the year.    "But Richy's attack did not occur in the first night of the new moon of the year" I didn’t understood exactly our perpetrator. He is supposed to be imitating a legend, why not follow it at least do it at night?    "And it wasn't night either" as if Macie read my mind, she says it concentrated. "Which is why Jessy is so sure that Richy can still be found.” At Richy's name, she sighs. I can't tell her that she keeps what she feels, she would end up being like me "Richy wanted to tell me something" She looks at the computer screen, surely remembering the video. She surely must not have paid attention earlier because she would be crying. "It sounded like… An apology.” I stare at her. She seems to have her mind elsewhere. "But I don’t know what for." 
    Her cell phone rings and I go to the computer, waiting to know who is calling. 
  "Hello. My name is Alan Bloomgate, I’m with the Duskwood Police" What? Why is he calling her? Does it have to do with when she called him? "I hope not bothering you, I have few questions for you concerning Hannah Donfort and Amy Bell Lewis."     I hang for her. This would cause problems. Macie looks at me confused.    "I terminated the call" I say fearfully. I don't want to risk her that much. "Sorry Macie, but talking to the police wouldn't be a wise move right now."     She hugs herself, uncomfortable.    "I agree."    "In any case, we have to assume that you're already a suspect..."     I put a hand to my head, overwhelmed by the situation. Little by little, things were getting worse for her.    "I knew that already" she says without much encouragement. "I'm probably more suspicious than the entire group put together.” She looks at me and frowns. It’s not exactly helpful that you ended the call right in the middle of the conversation... "    "I know," I admits. This may make her more suspicious of her avoiding the police "Still, I thught it was the best option in that moment." I see how she starts to look at her cell phone, squeezing it tightly. "In case he calls you again, please do not accept the call" she nods without looking at me. I hope I didn't make it worse. "So… Is there anything else we should discuss concerning the attack on Richy. "     I let her take her time answering. I don't want to put pressure on her and when she feels better, she should tell me.    "Yeah, one more thing…" she looks at me as she brushes her hair out of her face. Opening and closing his mouth wanting to speak "The... The attacker didn't show himself to me this time, why do you think that was?"     She is asking me to say one of my theories?    "Hm..." I tried to think a little about that legend and what happened. Maybe it's the same as with Jessica, right? She herself say that the kidnapper only wanted to scare us "That could have multiple reasons" I answered "Didn't he think it was necessary? Were you maybe only supposed to concentrate on Richy?"     Macie looks at me, but she looks past me.    "No, that’s not really his style." she replies in a flat voice.     I stare at her, waiting for something else.    <<A coin for your thoughts. >>    "Yes, you might be right there," I accept her answer, not wanting to continue with the subject because of her emotional state. "Right, I think we've discussed everything that concerns Richy's attack.” I relaxed a little. It has been quite tense the moment before. I still haven't recovered from seeing her in such bad shape. "I had thought Phil would be the most important of our clues."    "Are you saying it because it is convenient for you to be?" She asks me, arching an eyebrow.    “Let's drop that topic.” I say, wanting to forget about the jealousy. "But considering the current events, I am forced to re-think that idea."    "The police should see that Phil is innocent too, right?" I see that she's hopeful.     Something positive that at least makes her smile a little… Even if it's about Phil...    “If the attack on Richy gives enough evidence for Phil's innocence…” I say unsteadily, “After all, we don't know the charges or any of the circumstances."    “Phil gave the bracelet to the pawnshop…” Macie looks at her phone again, running her thumb over the screen. "Cleo called out to me, but I couldn't pick it up right now because…"    "It's okay, thanks for telling me." I thank her smiling and she smiles back. "Him giving the bracelet to the pawn shop is more proof that he does appear to play a part in all of this."    "You think that's why Hannah wanted to meet up with him?"     Hannah bought the bracelet and Phil had sold it, but why would Phil have the bracelet?    "That's a very good question, Macie," I tried to cheer her up a bit by flattering her. "Maybe she also found out that Phil had given away the bracelet."    "I'm sure the pawnbroker isn’t too big on data protection."     I smile at her knowing that she makes a reference. In addition to the fact that it is not governed by the trust of the seller and the client. I wonder if Phil ever did something to make him say it's him, buy and sell some jewelry for him to pick up?    "Richy was the first one to suspect Phil." Macie's voice doesn't match her expression. She almost looks like another person. As if it bothered her.    "Yes, he had made direct connection between him and the raven on his garage door."     I still remember the commotion that there was, because of that brand, Lilly was afraid of me. I would love to find out who did it for doing that to my sister. Not in a direct way, but it also annoyed me that it happened.
 Macie falls back on the bed. Tired. I get up and sit next to her. I think everything is already discussed.    "So, what now?” She asks me, looking at me.     The light in the room spoiled all her charm. I caress her cheek carefully.    "There's lots to do" I replied, then remembering the messages from Lilly and Macie that I read when she fell asleep and I was finally able to work. ”We have a prison inmate which Hannah wanted to visit. " I begin to count. "We know the identity of the body from Duskwood forest-"    "Amy Bell Lewis." Macie says her name sadly. "Sorry, go on..."     I don't know why but I like that she remember her despite not knowing her. Her anger at knowing that no one remembered her touched me.    "And we even know Jennifer's name… Hm… Let me think."     Macie stops my hand from caressing her, entwining her fingers with mine. I squeeze carefully not to hurt her.    “I think first of all I will check wich of our clues will yield results the most quickly” I say, and she nods. "And then go after that clue."    "That sounds good." She looks at me like she's waiting for an order. I guess I got her used to my errands "Are you keeping me out of everything right purposely?"    "Yes" I smile at her, nodding. ", I want you to rest."    "That's nice of you…" She exhales as if she's feeling heavy.    “What you had to witness…” I say slowly, choosing my words carefully now “You shouldn’t just shrug it off. Right now, we don’t know what else will have to put up with" she nods, settling down a bit and I continue. "But it is important that you face the unknown both rested, and with a clear mind."     Macie smiles at me. A smile that she missed and that Richy's attacker had taken from me. She had returned.    "Thank you for caring about me." she looks at me innocently and I am paralyzed when I see her. If she looks at me like that, it's normal that the first thing I feel is wanting to protect her.     I'm going to get up but Macie stops me, standing up.
 She stares at me and I feel like my heart is going to drop out with that look.    "Thank you…for calming me down." she whispers and I feel her skin warm from her hand.    "You're welcome" I replied, still worried "I promise we'll get this over with soon..."    "Yeah…"      She gives me a little kiss, like the one I gave her when we saw each other again. Damn, if it wasn't for the fact that I promised that I'll be looking for clues…    "Then I'm going to get some rest" she says, crawling on the bed until she lies down ". My head hurts from crying so much..."    "Do you want something for the pain?" I asked, remembering the medicines Ashley gave me.    "Yes please."      I get up for my backpack and take one painkiller out, along with a bottle of water. I hand it over to her and she settles back on the pillow, closing her eyes.
 I'm not going to forgive anyone who made her feel all this suffering that she's been dragging.
Chapter 29
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