#lil shit would not only bite but would stab
hidemation · 1 month
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Rootsreversed(Nirvana)- @necrolexic0n
Dreamtaleturnover(Dream) - @dongseeyou
Hideverse(JR/Jack Richard) - @hidemation
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ncteez · 1 year
Menace (m.yg)
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When you learn of a hostage within the confines of the abandoned apartment building downtown, you weren’t expecting it to be Min Yoongi, the most wanted man in the country by gangs and policemen alike.  or the one where yoongi wasn’t prepared to be stuck in a situation with his own enemy, nor was he prepared to be kept alive by and ultimately infatuated with one that calls herself Kim Namjoon’s girlfriend. 
ao3 | m.lists | leave feedback and reblog to give gangster yoongi a boner. 
minors do not interact. 
PAIRING― gangster!yoongi x afab reader
CONTENT― yoongi is mad that he has to be submissive sexually, smut, grotesque descriptions of blood and gore, food mentions, you’re still really soft despite being surrounded by killers. FYI: the use of the word brother in this fic is not indicating that the characters are blood related.
SIDE CHARACTERS― namjoon as the leader of a gang and also your boyfriend, jungkook as a fellow gang member on your end. 
WARNINGS― namjoon is fucking awful, yoongi is a lil mean but still a big softie, intense descriptions of starvation, torture methods, and broken fingers, mentions of suicide, mentions of r*pe (in passing), mentions of killing methods like drowning, stabbing, shooting, catching on fire. fr, this fic is very unsavory but they still fuck so, take that as you will. 
NOTE― listen. this started as a different idea and ended as this so, fr,  don’t even read it. if you do, just be aware that I am not responsible for the content you consume, i’m just responsible for being down bad enough to write it :) if you send me an off hand message you will be blocked for not knowing how to avoid content you don’t like. bye  (p.s. we are just gonna pretend that people do not need to use the bathroom in this fic bc im not about to find a work around to let this man relieve himself. no piss or shit will be mentioned in this fic or in any of my fics ever. thanks.) 
smut tags under cut:: 
smut tags :: pain, making out, frottage, biting, dirty talk, mocking, uh….getting turned on by the idea of Namjoon dying, unprotected sex, cream pie, mentions of eating pussy, mentions of multiple orgasms
The leaking ceiling was somehow nicer sounding than the one in his apartment, and his bruised ribs feel less painful now that he’s laid here for three days on the cold and molded floor. Plenty of time to heal, plenty of time to think, and plenty of time to build up a distinct type of rage within his body. 
If he hadn’t made that tiny mistake, he would be at the shop surrounded by faces that are sworn to protect him. He would be swimming in money, women, and eating only the finest delicacies this city has to offer. But no, he had to trust the wrong fucking person. 
It was impressive actually, that the man going by the name of “John” managed to slip through the cracks. Yoongi grew fond of him quickly, especially with how eager the newcomer was to kill and maim not only alongside him, but for him without a single doubt. 
He should have known that he was experienced, especially with the way he killed, with the way he drank, with the way he fucked every woman accepted in the confines of the hideout. He should have known that he was in a gang already, and that said group had been out to get him for years.
Jungkook was his real name. A man who had been given endearing nicknames from both himself and other high-ranking men within this gang. He answered most to the name of “Jojo”, looking Yoongi dead in the eye with vicious intent and loyalty. He was a good liar, better than himself, apparently.
Yoongi really messed up, learning the truth only when he was met with Namjoon, face to face and battered up black and blue before being restrained and left in this unknown location. Naturally, there is a type of rage within him right now that could kill a large sum of men in one breath. 
Unfortunately, he can’t. His wrists have been bound in the same position for three days, and he has still been unable to unbind them. His legs are numb from the stomping, but still working through the intense pain of his attempts at slithering across the floor to find a new spot on the cold ground. 
The room is empty, there is nothing save for a chair in the corner and a doorknob that remains locked. There is only a single window, both the walls and floor are concrete and cinderblocks, and the only sound he’s heard since his last broken finger cracked through his ears, is the sound of that fucking water dripping. 
He lifts his head, only to drop it back to the floor in a huff. Not quite in a sound of defeat, but more so a sound of frustration. Surely the men who did this have already been killed, surely his loyal friends are searching for him. Surely–
A new sound. 
Yoongi can barely comprehend hearing something other than the slow and consistent drip, drip, drip of the ceiling leaking just a few feet from him. He’s grown weak within the three days he spent here, delirious even. No food and only those very drips of water to quench his sore and dried out throat. That sound is familiar though, and his drowsy eyes can hardly make sense of it. 
Then another new sound. Something clicking. Echoing through these empty walls and meshing with the two other sounds, creating a new song in his head that somehow seems like bliss. 
He thinks hard about the tune in his head, wondering if it’s similar to a song he knows, or if he’s just going insane from the feeling of his stomach both healing and starving. It is too much sensation for him, as he curls up in a pathetic little ball of a person and wonders what the others would think to see him like this.
He lays there, thinking about those sounds becoming louder and louder before his eyes shoot open in realization.
Those are footsteps.
An immediate headache hits him when he forces his body up, sitting uncomfortable on the floor with his arms still twisted behind his back. He stares at the door in wait, wondering if it’ll be his brothers bursting through, or an enemy. 
When that door opens though, his face twists similar to the way it did when he was getting held down and his fingers snapped to the side. 
“F-” he tries to say upon seeing Jungkook for the first time since it all went down, but his throat is too dry to speak and he coughs instead. 
“Happy to see me?” Jungkook smiles, stepping to the side to reveal another person with him. 
Yoongi glares, not paying attention even the slightest to the person standing just behind him. That clicking sound matched her shoes, so pristine against this dirty floor. He doesn’t dare speak again, as his eyes trail down to the gun in Jungkook's hand, and then shift to the side at the plastic bag in her hand. 
He can make out a bottle, and possibly, food. He won’t grove for it though, no. 
“Damn, you guys really fucked  him up. I never thought you actually caught him.” You smile in an uneasy way, walking back alongside Jungkook and making your way out of the building. 
“Told you we got him. Namjoon seemed really pleased, you think he’s finally going to let me into the circle?” Jungkook’s shining eyes somehow seem innocent with that question as you look at him. 
“If he wasn’t fond of you, he wouldn’t have let you escort me here,” You start, lowering your sunglasses from your head to your eyes to avoid the bright sunlight once you step outside. “He would have brought me himself. You’re already in.”
“You certainly complained enough wanting to see, I was shocked he even let you this time, even more shocked that he asked me to bring you.” 
Jungkook smiles again, wanting to pat himself on the back for his hard and dedicated work to Namjoon. He’s a harsh man but one that he wants on his side nonetheless. If this is going to be his life he’d rather be sitting in the room drinking expensive liquor than out running the streets and committing petty crimes. 
This was his deal and he knew for a fact that he wouldn’t fuck it up again. He was very nearly kicked out, and by kicked out, he means killed by Namjoon himself. Why? Well, as experienced as he is at killing, fighting, and being an asshole, he wasn’t too experienced with smuggling substances across country lines. 
He got it easy though, thankfully being caught by one of them that resides within the government factions. Then again, that man ran straight to Namjoon and complained on his name, stating that they were all at risk of being caught if it wasn’t for the nim-witted officer he was stationed with that night. 
Started off well enough, Jungkook coughed the wrong way and his hands shook slightly. The officer immediately wanted to search the vehicle. Thankfully, one of theirs took over, and what did he find? Exactly what was he knew would be there.
Namjoon was pissed at the situation. Hauling Jungkook in as if he were one of their hostages, towering above him on the floor and tipping his head back with the heel of his expensive boot. 
“What should I do with you now?” Namjoon said to him, huffing in a gutteral way out of frustration. “You’re telling me you can kill three men without breaking a sweat but you can’t get through a security check without shivering in fear?!” 
Jungkook knows better than to speak, he simply nods. 
“You’re lucky it went down the way it did, and you’re lucky your cousin put in a good word for you.” Namjoon continued, crouching down to Jungkook’s level on the floor and looking him in the eye. “If you fuck this one up, you’re done.” 
Honestly, he couldn’t believe the kindness Namjoon gave to him. He’s known for having a temper, and he’s known for being unforgiving, but he got a second chance, and he wasn’t going to fuck that up. 
That deal was to run off and act much like he did while trying to smuggle those drugs. Be a puppy for another gang, get close, get in with the crowd, and then get Min Yoongi. The man who killed Namjoon’s closest brother  some four years ago. His grudge never left, and unfortunately, Yoongi was very nearly untouchable. 
Jungkook did his duty, and now, he’s in. The girlfriend of Namjoon himself said so and with that, he can’t help but feel proud when he sees that man suffering in the room alone. He can’t help but be happy as he escorts you back to Namjoon. Truly, he can’t help it. 
“We can’t just starve him.” You argue another three days after you last saw proof of the man confined in that abandoned building. 
“This is why I forbid you from seeing the hostages. ” Namjoon tries not to argue with you, but it’s gotten to the point that you really just need to sit down and shut up about it. “He killed the only other man I could trust, and you want me to give him a fucking menu?” 
“Well, no but,” You start, but Namjoon cuts you off. 
“That’s enough. If you’re so worried about him tell Jungkook to swing by with some dog food.” 
You look to the floor with a short nod, knowing for a fact that this is just the way it goes. You figured your boyfriend would want to strangle the man with his bare hands rather than let him rot away slowly. There’s too many opportunities for Yoongi to be found there, and far too many variables in the situation. The least he can have is a meal before he dies, right? 
Then again, you know you’re quite soft despite the lifestyle you live. Min Yoongi is not a good man, but he is still a man. You’re a bit curious about him too. He was kind of cute even as he sat on that floor battered, so those rumors about him being easy on the eyes were true. Not that a scale of attractiveness really matters, considering he’s killed people from this family with a smile on his face. 
You think hard that night, alone in bed as Namjoon probably mingles around the club he recently took control of. Imagining how awful the hostage must feel, all alone in the dark. It  has you thinking a bit too hard about what it means to be human. You know where that apartment building is, and you know where the nearest convenience store is. Jungkook already knows you tried to feed him once and it didn’t work (because Yoongi kicked it across the floor out of spite.), so you’re unsure of how it would go down if you went alone.
Still, it’s not like you’d be in any danger, not when you grab one of the guns and slide it into an empty purse. 
Arriving at the building feels scarier than it did when Jungkook was with you. It’s dark, and you can hear creaking as the wind picks up and rain begins to fall. Still, you take a deep breath and rush inside with another offer of food. 
You follow your footsteps from before. Left, left, down a flight of stairs, right, and left. The hallway that contains his prison feels much longer than before, and the sound of rain is nearly muted at this point. You feel as if you’re buried deep within a tomb, with a flashy and loud bag of snacks for a man that killed your boyfriend’s brother. 
It feels silly, but you still think you could at least try to communicate with him. However stupid this decision is, you pay no mind.
When you get to the door, the room is so dark and quiet that you wonder if you either picked the wrong room or he’s dead already. Still, you flip on the flashlight you grabbed and place it on the chair in the corner, shining it directly at the man lying on the floor. 
You take a moment to look around and smile slightly when you notice the food he kicked from him before has been eaten. Surely that pack of crackers and bottled water wasn’t enough, but it’s all Jungkook would let slide without fearing for his life again. 
“Hi.” You say in a peppy voice, seemingly in a much better spot than he is and accidentally making it more obvious. 
Yoongi groans, rolling over to look at you briefly before letting his head fall back to the floor. 
“I brought food again. There’s more this time.” You smile when you say it, shaking the bag as if Yoongi truly were a dog that would jump and do tricks for the food. “It’s against the rules, and I’m not supposed to be here so I suggest you fucking appreciate it this time.”
He rolls his eyes as he lies there, weak and hardly able to move. He does try though, more willing now to grovel, more willing to do just about anything for food so he can at least get his thoughts straight. 
You watch him struggle to sit up, and only now realize that he really is dying. He’s actually starving and probably can’t simply appreciate the food if he doesn’t have the energy to even hold his head up. 
“Do you need some help?” You ask, walking around and shining the light at his face.
You’re taken aback by his eyes. They’re dull and lifeless as he gives a small nod. You can see that he’s silently pleading. 
“Ah, right. Starvation and all that.” You say with a pained laugh, grabbing the bag and scooting it next to him before crouching down and trying to lift him up.
His body is horrendously lightweight, and something inside of you twists at the feeling of him slumped in your arms. You hold him there, listening to his pained groans as you glance around the room and start to drag him. 
“Here, sit up,” You say, propping him against the wall and going back for the bag. “I’ve got two sandwiches, two bottles of water, and an ibuprofen.”
You see his pained and choked chuckle at the mention of an ibuprofen, as if that’s a bandaid for the immense amount of anguish he’s been feeling. Still, he relishes in the feeling of another person being near him. The energy alone helps him keep his eyes open. 
“Can you chew?” You ask, looking at him as you unwrap a sandwich and try to place it against his lips. “Um,” 
You feel defeated seeing someone in this state so closely. Regardless of what he’s done, you feel pity and slight disgust of his treatment. No wonder Namjoon forbids you most of the time from meeting hostages or looking at crime scenes as if it were a zoo for your entertainment. 
“You must feel awful,” You whisper, trying again to push the sandwich past his lips. “Can you eat this for me?” 
He tries. Opening his mouth and feeling the sensation of taste. His mouth waters and burns at the sudden feeling, drool running out of the sides of his lips as he tries to work up the energy to chew. His throat is too dry to swallow though, and he chokes on the barely chewed piece of sandwich.
You’re quick to grab a bottle of water and tilt his head back. You grab his cheeks and hold his head steady and his mouth open, pouring a bit of the water into his mouth and watching how long it takes for him to swallow both the food and the water. 
“God, I know I should be hating you but this really is pitiful.” You comment, feeling as if you’re already talking to a corpse.
In a way you are, and you hate it. So maybe, knowing that Namjoon intends to leave this man here unbothered and unfed until he’s dead, surely you can…you know…help the situation.
On one end, you’re betraying an entire gang of men and women who have protected you for years. You’re betraying your boyfriend, the leader of that gang, but…humanity still exists within you. Since that night, feeding a viscous killer, you couldn’t stop thinking of the state he was in.
You knew Namjoon was a killer but he never let you see that side of him. You saw Yoongi once three days after his capture and he still looked alive and well despite being heavily beaten. And just those three days later, you saw how much the world seemed to have forgotten him.
You have heard whispers of the rival gang searching for him, but they have been met with no luck. You appear to be his only saving grace, which is a terrifying place to have put yourself in. Still, if they’re going to kill him, you’d rather they just shoot him in the head and leave it at that. 
You’re meddling where you shouldn’t be, and you still have no idea why you feel compelled to do it. 
On the other end, you find yourself in deep shit when you continue to visit Yoongi late at night to essentially undo what your boyfriend has ordered. You notice how far you’ve gone when Yoongi can start talking, when he can start moving, when his eyes brighten up a little more, when his cheeks become fuller. 
The moment you see him, with faded bruises and still swollen fingers, you wonder what he looked like without being so fucked up. His face is still pretty, even when he was on the verge of death, and here you are watching him appreciate that you, an enemy, continue to keep him alive.
“He’s going to kill you for this, you know.” Yoongi comments, eating away at the meal you’ve brought him this time. “Feeding me so often. I’m pretty sure they were leaving me here to die.”
“They were.” You huff, sitting on the wooden chair and watching the way his energy grows. “I figure if I get caught, I’ll just kill you first and then myself.”
“Bold,” He ticks his tongue, still not looking away from the food in front of him. “I can imagine they think I’m already dead.” 
A wave of cold fear hits you. That’s right. Surely by now, he would be dead, and surely they’d come check and hide the body or something. But no one has shown up, no one but you. You can imagine that by now, they’re probably planning to come see him, and seeing him alive and well would pose questions. Lots of questions.
Thankfully, no one notices when you leave at night. You never leave when Namjoon stays with you, and you never make yourself suspicious either. If they have any questions, they certainly wouldn’t expect you to be the one to answer them.
“So, why’d you kill him?” You ask, wondering if you can at least learn some information about him before all of this comes crashing down around him.
“Kill who? I’ve killed a lot of people, most of them I don’t even know their names.” He laughs, narrowing his eyes at you. “Who are you, anyway?”
You pause. He’s still a dead man despite that beating heart so telling him wouldn’t change a thing, you assume. You give him your name and follow up with your title.
“You’re dating that pompous asshole? You know what he did to my family, right?” Yoongi looks at you with a face you hadn't seen before. There’s a lot of hate behind it as he sneers at you. 
“I don’t, no. But I can imagine he probably killed them, right?”
Yoongi nods with a grimace, for the first time losing his appetite. It’s laughable, really. 
“If you’re referring to his friend, I shot him. It was a quick death. But do you know what he did to my friends?” He continues with an evil smirk, as if telling you will hurt you as much as he’s been hurt. 
You shake your head, breathing in deeply at the images in your head.
“Well, you saw what he was doing to me. I’m shocked he was being so kind with my demise.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, both curious and afraid to actually learn what he means.
“Have you ever seen what happens to a body after they’ve been floating in murky water for a week?” 
You shake your head.
“Have you ever heard the snap of a neck?” 
You again, shake your head.
“Well, isn’t that nice?” He laughs, now gaining his appetite back. “Both of those things, I'd love to do to your boyfriend.” 
His eyes flick up to meet yours, and for some reason, you don’t shiver.
“Are you saying those are things he’s done?” You ask, genuinely curious. 
“Well, yeah. Most of us have. But him. He’s particularly brutal, likes to send us videos, y’know? I bet you’ve never watched the only person you’ve ever loved get doused in gasoline and set on fire either, have you?”
You freeze, another chill running down your body. Namjoon did that? Like, you knew killing was part of it but you really expected a typical gunshot or stabbing. This, this is something else. Given, you watched him starve the man in front of you so, should it be as shocking as it is? 
But it is, because he did this to someone’s girlfriend? You’re his girlfriend, and by doing that to Yoongi, surely that put a hit on your head. 
“He’s not so pretty in your head now, huh?” Another laugh. 
“Is that why you killed him?” You ask, trying to avert the attention to someone other than Namjoon. 
“No. Unfortunately, I was the one who did the first hit. But to be fair,” Yoongi twists his wrists bound behind him and tilts his head in a playful way. “He did some unsavory things to that same person I loved.” 
Unsavory things. You can’t imagine what that could be outside of, well, rape. Namjoon’s best friend, his brother, raped Yoongi’s girlfriend. And then Namjoon set her on fire in retaliation? 
“Why are you so quiet now?” Yoongi asks, finishing off his food with little to no hesitation and staring at the water. “Not too happy to learn that I’m not the only piece of shit you seem to cling to?”
You take offense to that, eyes trailing to that same bottle of water he’s looking at. 
“Fuck you.” You say, standing from your place and grabbing that bottle of water, opening it, and pouring it out on the floor in front of him. “If you're thirsty, there, have at it.” 
You don’t even look at him when you turn and walk away, locking the door and promising yourself that you won’t come back. There’s no way Namjoon did those things, and you’re not fucking clinging. 
Fortunately for Yoongi, no one unsavory shows up two days later. It’s you again, reluctantly stepping in with his delivery of food and energy. 
“Here I was thinking you wouldn’t come back.” He laughs, scooting from the wall and toward you. By now his legs are feeling better, and he can even move some of his fingers, which is very lucky because he really thought they had been twisted. 
“You’re lucky I did.” You deadpan, walking up to him and looking down. “I learned that maybe you’re not much of a liar, are you?” 
He tilts his head at you with a smirk, nodding his head in a genuine way. 
“I’m either going to die, or you are. What’s the point in keeping secrets?”
You nod brokenly, breathing in a deep sigh and still trying to process the things you confirmed on your own. Jungkook may be in, but he sure does have a loud mouth when you start asking him questions. The good news is that, if Namjoon found out Jungkook shared those secrets, he’d be on the chopping block again. So, he’s kind of stuck with you in this limbo of wondering who to trust and who not to trust. 
You, now fearing your own boyfriend who not only holds you on the nights he’s home, but tells you he loves you, feel at a loss when you look at Yoongi. 
Both men have committed atrocities and it’s funny how you expected them to have not been that way. At least the man before you told you the truth though. He protected a person he loved, and Namjoon killed people for it. 
“Yoongi.” You say his name for the first time and he grimaces immediately at it. 
“What makes you think we are on a first name basis?” He asks, snidely. 
“I had to feed you like a fucking baby, I can call you whatever I damn well please.” You argue, stepping back and reaching for the chair to sit in front of him. 
“You think you can just call me whatever you want because you chose to fuck your life up and keep me alive?” He laughs again, clearly very aware of the position he’s in but still unafraid. “So fucking clingy. I don’t see how he stands it.”
You scoff, poking your tongue in your cheek at the audacity of this man. 
“Have you ever heard of saying “Thank you”?” You ask, rolling your eyes and kicking him over. 
He falls with a huff, but lays there chuckling about it. 
“Either way, Jungkook said he was ordered to come here in two days to get rid of your body. So, I suggest you either roll over and die or we figure something out.”
“We?” He questions, sitting himself back up and looking at you with a raised brow. “So, you’re working for me now?”
You look around the room, wanting to cry because it damn well seems that way considering what you’ve learned. Namjoon would probably kill you without blinking . Unfortunately, yeah, maybe you are.
“It seems so.” You look at him, noticing how his once dull and lifeless eyes are full of energy and rage. Noticing even more how he looks up and down your body.
You can imagine the man is touch starved, and for some reason, that is…kind of attractive. Such a wanted man checking you out as if you both aren’t on the verge of being shoved into a morgue freezer. 
“Oh yeah?” His eyes stay roaming, and then he flicks them back up at you. “I’ve gotta hand it to you, it’s pretty hot to know you’re turning your back on that piece of shit.” 
In his head, he’s very clearly barely back to reality. After all, he’s been in this room entirely alone save for you. Nearly dying and then coming back from the brink of death because of you. Is it so wrong for him to kind of, you know, be a man in such a dire situation? 
“I haven’t turned my back on him! I’m just,” You pause, going quiet for a moment to think. “I’m just trying to figure out if I can accept what he’s done.”
“And so, you’re asking me what to do so we both don’t get killed? Hate to tell you babe, but even if you chose to stay, I'd tell them the second they find me alive that you’re the one who fed me.” 
You glare at him, knowing that you’re both facing a brick wall with guns pointed to your head. 
“I bet you would.” 
“He and I are pretty similar, watching you die wouldn’t sting even a tiny bit.” He continues, poking and pushing the buttons he realizes you have. “Thank you though.”
You look down at him, tilting your head and, for some reason, smiling.
“You’re welcome.” You say, standing to your feet and walking around him. 
He protests the second he feels your arms snake around him and try to lift him. His body now having a bit more weight to it, you feel pleased that you kept him alive, for some reason.
“Sit on the chair.” You say, still tugging him up and noticing how he wobbles on his legs. 
Yoongi says nothing, for some reason no longer fighting and instead focusing on seeing if his legs still work. Somehow, they’re not broken, and he’s able to stand on them for a brief moment before leaning the entirety of his weight on you. 
“Clingy.” He laughs in an out of breath whisper, fumbling to the chair and finally falling into it. 
“Did you love your girlfriend?” You ask, stepping back and looking at him propped in his chair. 
“I did.” He admits, looking straight past you and at the wall. “Can’t now though.”
You look to the ground. 
“Would you have killed her if she kept Namjoon alive behind your back?” You ask.
“No.” He admits again, laughing at himself. “Would have killed myself before I ever laid a hand on her.” 
You think hard about the similarities between Yoongi and Namjoon, but you struggle to find many of them. Which is terrifying.
“So, you really think Namjoon would kill me for the same reasons?”
“Babe,” He lets out a pained laugh for you, shaking his head in pity. “I don’t think it. I know it.”
You nod your head, because you honestly think he would too. 
“So, what now?” You ask, knowing there is no answer to the question. 
“I’d suggest you run home to him.” He says, nodding his head to the door as if to encourage you. “I don’t suppose I can expect you to accidentally let one of my family members know where I am though, can I?”
“No,” you say sadly, trying to force the tears threatening to shed to stay behind your eyelids. “I suppose you can’t.”
It’s silent for a long while, but you can’t bring yourself to leave. Realizing how much safer you feel in this prison compared to in bed next to Namjoon. It’s frightening, truly, that you could be killed simply for having humanity. Yoongi’s girlfriend was killed because his humanity drove him to revenge. Maybe you’re the one more similar to Yoongi. 
“I’m not really going to tell them, you know.” Yoongi calls out, dropping his head and looking at you from under his messy hair. “I might kill, but rarely without reason. I’m satisfied enough with the idea that you might leave him.”
You stare at him.
“You’re too naive to be involved with all of this. He seems to do a pretty shit job at protecting you, considering you’re here with me.”
You continue to look at him, questioning every word he’s saying. 
“You’re pretty similar to her, you know? I mean, minus the whole going behind his back thing.” Yoongi smiles when he looks at you, and arguably that expression hits you right in the gut. 
“If I untie you, would you come after me?” You ask, studying him. 
“Maybe, who knows?” He watches you go behind him anyway. “You like playing with fire, don’t you?” 
His eyes light up at the feeling of you behind him, hoping to god you’re truly weak hearted enough to untie him. He could run, he could fulfill this rage growing in his heart, but those hopes are shattered when you come back into view. 
You lean down, inches from his face and look directly into his eyes. Searching for a reason to think he would kill you the instant you untie those hands. What you see instead, is his eyes flicking to your lips. 
You, in turn, flick your eyes to his and you don’t even know why you do it. Perhaps it’s the overwhelming feeling of death looming over the two of you. You hold Yoongi’s life in your hands, and he technically holds your life in his if he were to tell on you. The feeling is driven solely by fear, disgust, hate, pity.
You kiss him. His breath not offering much outside of the citrus fruit he had eaten when you offered it to him just an hour earlier. 
It’s silent, and you can imagine he truly could have gone insane in this room all by himself. You feel yourself going insane too, despite feeling safer. 
And when you pull back reluctantly, Yoongi’s eyes shine a little differently. His smirk is still scary but his eyes are soft and pleading. That dull look in his eyes from the first night you fed him? That tiny little glint of need shining through to you? That is showing in full force and you wonder if he notices it. 
“He’d definitely kill you.” Yoongi laughs, still looking at you. 
It’s silent again, save for a few quick breaths leaving your chest. You give him a short nod, because you know he’s right and there’s no point in denying it at this point.
“But I wouldn’t.”
All you can do is fall farther into the insanity that fills this room at that. Leaning in and kissing him again, this time a bit more desperate, releasing all of the tension inside of you on him as you bring your body closer, and straddle his sore and weak legs. 
“Are you asking to die?” He comments at your closeness, confirming that you may actually be as clingy as he joked that you were. It appears that death doesn’t seem to scare you at this moment, nor does it scare him. 
If anything, having Namjoon’s girl straddling his lap without so much as asking for it is a new kind of desire in his mind. Namjoon may have killed his ex girlfriend, but he didn’t fuck her. Which, arguably, isn’t worse than losing her but still makes his heart race with anger at the thought. The idea of taking you from that man even for a moment is blissful. An ultimate insult, one that would piss Namjoon off beyond belief. Surely he’d be left in a different room to be eaten by rats next time he makes an attempt on his life. 
“Hm?” Yoongi continues, letting you kiss him, feeling your weight on his sore body, kind of loving the feeling because he hasn’t touched a woman since his girlfriend died. But if he’s going to end up dead, he might as well fuck Namjoon’s girlfriend beforehand, right? 
“Maybe I am,” you answer, breathlessly. “Are you?” You ask, leaning back and looking at him.
“You do realize I’m one of the most wanted men in this country, right?” He laughs, smirking and feeling quite cocky with the turn of events. 
“That,” You eye him, feeling his length twitch beneath you. “you are.” 
He chuckles, noting that you’re suddenly complimenting him now.
“Wanted by you wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but alright.” He shrugs, pressing his hips up and against you. “Can you at least untie my hands if you’re going to throw yourself at me like this?”
You shake your head, lifting off of him a bit and checking that his hands are still bound. 
“No,” You laugh, sitting back down and noticing his harsh reaction to your weight on his legs again. “Does your dick still work?”
Yoongi glares, unsure of how he feels about fucking someone while bound and in pain like this, but who is he to say no? Again, Namjoon’s girlfriend. Rage and revenge. If he can live through a heavy beating and starvation, surely he can handle a girl bouncing on his cock. 
“It appears so,” He says, feeling the twitch in his pants fight against the pain of his legs. “Why, you gonna fuck me?”
“Maybe, who knows?” You respond, leaning back down and biting hard against his neck. 
He glares at the wall, seemingly enthralled with the idea but still not entirely happy with the situation at hand. He’s not typically the person to be fucked, and yet, here you are moving your hips against his battered body, bumping against his cock each time. 
Shaking himself out of it, he has to remember that again, this is Namjoon’s girlfriend and he wants to fuck her for no other reason than pissing him off. So, whatever. 
“Are you this eager with him too?” He asks, trying to crane his neck from your biting mouth to get you to look at him. “or am I just lucky?”
Lucky, hah. You scoff against his neck before pulling back to look at him. 
“You really do talk a lot of shit, you know that?” You say, deliberately pressing more weight against his legs to elicit a pained groan out of him. 
“I’ve been told, yes.” He groans in a half laugh, not wanting to appear as broken as you know he has been. “You’re still the one trying to fuck enemy number one though.” 
Internally, your heart is racing. 
“Maybe I’m the lucky one then?” You offer, moaning a bit at the feeling of how hard he’s gotten despite the state of his body. “Most wanted man in the country right? Sitting right here, tied up, at my mercy.”
“Damn, I didn’t know Namjoon liked to be slapped around.” Yoongi laughs, wincing again at both the pain and pleasure you’re offering to him. 
“He doesn’t.” You respond, tilting your head before leaning in close to his ear. “I’m the one who likes that.” 
His arms shake within their bounds, broken fingers be damned he still has another hand to use. 
“Then fucking untie me,” He grouches, huffing out through his nose and attempting to push you away by shifting his legs. “If you like it so much, let me do it.” 
You shake your head again, this time with your own pitied laugh. 
“You’d kill me. I know you said you wouldn’t but you were just trying to get on my good side.” You coo out at him after your comment, ghosting your lips over his. “It must hurt pretty bad to know how pathetic you look right now.” 
He very nearly spits at you for looking down on him with intent. Sure, before you probably looked down on him because he was literally dying. But now? This is a blatant insult, and he can’t help but feel some of that rage build up within him. 
“Pathetic?” He laughs, staring down at the way your hips continue to move. “You’re the one getting yourself off on a man who would kill your boyfriend in an instant.” 
“Do it then.” you say, unsure of why you’re suddenly so okay with the idea of murder. Maybe because if Yoongi did it, you know he’d probably be quick with it. He didn’t seem to take pleasure in describing such gory scenes to you, so clearly he must not like to savor them either. Not like Namjoon, who appears to favor giving others a long and painful death. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi calls out, being entirely aroused by your willingness to tell him to kill your boyfriend. The thought of hurting him alone could get Yoongi off within seconds. The relief of killing the man who caused so much pain would be better than any orgasm or twelve hundred dollar bottle of wine. 
“Say that again,” Yoongi groans, replaying those words you just said in his head. His own hips moving against you now. “Say it and I swear I’ll kill him when I get out of here.” 
You don’t comment at first. “when I get out of here.” he said, as if he knows for a fact you’ll untie him. As if he trusts that you’re with him one hundred percent. Hell, at this point, maybe you are. Feeling so unsafe and so very aware of how dead you actually may become, fighting to keep yourself alive is easier to swallow than letting your own boyfriend kill you for betraying him. Fight or flight, the brain works so strangely when it needs to survive. 
“Do it,” You repeat, hearing his breath hitch in an embarrassing way. “I bet you would, wouldn’t you?”
He nods proudly, still writhing his arms and wanting so badly to be free, not even to escape at this point, but to hold onto your waist and feel more of that pain you offer to him. 
“Fucking untie me.” He demands, legs shaking as he continues to try and chase the rhythm of your harsh grinding hips. “You think I’d kill you when you’re talking to me like this?” 
“I think you would.” You laugh, now pulling back off of his lap and standing to your feet in front of him. 
You look down at him, his cock towering in his dirty jeans. For some reason, you’re not disgusted by the fact that he’s filthy. You’re more disgusted with the idea of going home and smelling the shampoo Namjoon uses to wash the blood out of his hair. 
“I wouldn't.” He repeats himself, now moving back and forth in his chair to try and unbind his hands much like he did the first night he was here. “If i planned on killing you, i’d fuck you first anyway.”
You narrow your eyes, watching him try to break free before you lunge forward and lean over him again. Much like before, you grab his face and force him to look into your eyes. 
“I’m not untying you.” You say sternly, as if to warn him that it’s the final time you’ll say it. “You have two days left, and I’m not coming back after this.”
“I know.” He admits, bucking his hips up at nothing. “So, if you could just pull my dick out and get to it, I'd really appreciate it.”
You poke your tongue to your cheek again, wondering how the fuck this man manages to stay so confident in such a position. You wonder even harder why you listen to him. 
Just as he asked, you lower yourself to your knees and lay your head on his knee. For a moment, he watches you and understands why Namjoon must like you so much. You’re pretty down there, with playful eyes even in the face of death. You’re definitely something else. One, for ending up with Namjoon, and two, for ending up in this room with him like this. 
“I think you could probably drive anyone insane,” Yoongi says in a voice that seems too soft for him. “If he’s really stupid enough to kill you for giving him the chance to kill me again, he’s a lot more dumb than I expected.”
You smile, blinking up at his compliment. 
“Thank you.” You say, feeling so lost in this situation that at this point, you feel like you’d rather just stay here and let Jungkook find you both two days from now. It’s a fucked up situation on all ends, but at least you feel okay right now, with your chin resting on a killer’s knee, glancing at his cock, wondering how you want to pleasure it. 
He stops talking by this point, bucking his hips to encourage you to stop staring and pull it out. The sound of his clothing rubbing against that old wooden chair suddenly feels loud, and your ears begin to ring as your heart picks up. 
There is a specific realization in this moment regarding all of that humanity that drove you to this point. Helping this man is one thing, but wanting him is something completely different. In your head, you question everything you feel at this moment. Are you chasing comfort from none other than, and he was right to say it, the most wanted man in the country? More wanted than Namjoon? Perhaps that’s because Namjoon has other’s do his dirty work though. Yoongi appears to kill personally, and quickly. It’s no wonder he got caught by the gang you call family. 
You remember being told that they got him, and that he was to be killed. You remember mocking Namjoon, complaining that you wouldn’t believe it until you saw him. You remember Jungkook sitting in the driver’s side of the car and driving you here for the first time, and you remember that one of your first thoughts about Yoongi was that he didn’t look much like a gang leader lying on the floor like that. You thought he was cute, almost puppy like in his defiance. 
When he spilled all of those truths about Namjoon and the men and women you are surrounded with, you did lean more into Yoongi than the people who claim to love you. You didn’t know why you kept him alive, you didn’t know why you betrayed those you love. If anything, you know now that is was simply humanity. 
Something that you cling to, and something that the majority of people around you have thrown away. When you look at Yoongi though, alive because of you, you see his humanity too. There is a fire in his eye that doesn't sing out for rage and blood, no. It’s a look you couldn’t find in Namjoon’s eye just a day before. Humanity brought you to save this man, and it also brought you to find him attractive despite his state, and it also brought you to this. Wanting him.
Wanting to comfort him from those atrocities your boyfriend committed toward him, because you can defend why Yoongi killed the man who once brought you a cake for your birthday. You wanted to keep him alive because somehow, in your gut, you knew he didn’t deserve to die this way. 
And now, so terrified of what this situation might bring, you’re turned on by fear. The arousal of him talking so much shit, complimenting you through insults, looking at you in a way Namjoon never did drives a distinct type of butterfly within your belly. You fear every single person outside of this room, but Yoongi. You want him to yourself. 
Yoongi watches you against his knee, seemingly in deep thought as your face falls and lightens up with realization. He finds himself smiling at the situation. He was really quite lucky for Namjoon to be dating such a woman. If he hadn't been, surely he would be dead and limp in the corner, rotting until his body is hidden elsewhere two days from now. But he’s not, his heart is beating and his cock is raging much like the hate in his heart for the men who seemed to have claimed you.
Don’t get him wrong though, it’s not that he likes you in the way Namjoon seems to. He gets why he does though. The fact of the matter is that you put yourself in a terrifying situation to keep him alive for no reason that has truly been given. It’s natural for him to owe you now, and what he owes you is nothing short of his own life for putting yourself in the line of fire like this. 
Yoongi does like you though. Likes the way you look at death the same way he does, being reckless and making mistakes despite clearly having some sort of intelligence. His attraction to you comes in the form that you’re a woman, you’re Namjoon’s woman, you’re attractive, and you really did give him his life back. Even still restrained, he’s turned on beyond belief. Never having been put in a situation where he fucks the inevitable out of his mind, but it’s exactly what he intends to do. 
Not just to spite Kim Namjoon, but also to somehow repay you. You got on top of him, you kissed him, and if you want to fuck the life of out him, he owes you that much too. At least when you leave him here, if you leave him here, he knows that he made you feel good too. 
“Well?” He finally says, pulling you out of your drifting thoughts and making your eyes shoot back up to him. “You just gonna look at it or?”
You blink twice before glancing back down at his cock and feel the resolve within you strengthen. Your mind is suddenly so clear when you reach forward and unbutton his pants, sliding them down his legs and completely off of him.
You gasp when you see how bruised his legs are, realizing that you were just sitting directly on them. Thankfully, again, they’re not broken but you can imagine the weakness he feels. 
“Oh.” You breathe out, letting your fingers ghost over one of the deepest and darkest bruises. Shaped like a boot and showing a pattern that looks very similar to the pair of boots your boyfriend wears. You watch him wince at the energy of your fingers, not even touching the spot but simply close enough to still somehow manage to hurt him. 
“I’ve had worse,” he urges you, leaning forward a bit and looking at you. “What, you think I can’t handle a couple of bruises?”
You look up at him, trying to push the range of colors against his skin out of your mind as your eyes land and focus back between his legs. Not surprising that it can distract you almost instantly as it stands against the last remaining restraining fabric. 
His hips buck up when he sees your hands go for the waistband of his underwear, licking his lower lip with a silent chant in his head of yes, yes, yes! Perhaps it’s because he lost his mind, but it’s really not such a bad deal to be able to get so turned on in a situation like this. After all, he owes you, so he might as well get into it, right? 
When you pull off his underwear, instantly you’re just staring. In awe that he can manage to be turned on at all right now, ultimately quite happy that it still works too.
“I bet all the girls love getting fucked by you.” You comment, staring at his cock and the way it stands more lively than the rest of his body. 
“On the contrary babe. I don’t fuck just anyone.” He chuckles snidely, looking down at the way your eyes swallow him up. “If I’m fucking someone, only I’m fucking her.”
“Lucky her, bet you go for the pretty ones too.” 
“You misunderstand me,” he chuckles softly, his cock twitching at the way your energy changed once you got a good look at it. “If I fuck her, she’s only fucking me.” 
You pause, noting another lack of similarity between Yoongi and your boyfriend. Namjoon fucks other women, sometimes in just a room over from you. Part of you wishes he was as possessive as the man before you on all fronts. Enough to kill a man for you like Yoongi did, enough to starve and suffer in a room for protecting you. 
“What happens when Namjoon gets his hands on me again, then?”
“He won’t be able to once I’m done with you.” 
You pause, unsure if that’s a threat on your life or a threat for a good time. The gamble is the same either way, so you offer him a sarcastic laugh. 
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” You ask, leaning forward and tip toeing your fingers up his length. 
“You wouldn’t want him to fuck you.” He says snidely, shivering at your touch. “Let me show you what it’s like to actually get fucked.” 
You breathe in deeply, pupils blowing out at the sound of those words. It only takes a moment to stand up and place yourself back on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and looking directly into his eyes. 
“Is that a promise?” You say, eyes burning in delight and ignoring the wince of pain that trembles through his body. “You think you can fuck me better?” 
He smirks and nods his head, pushing his cock forward as his legs start to go numb under your weight. He’s no longer uncomfortable, thinking with only one part of his body. 
“Let me,” He says, trying to show his dominance despite being restrained. “Sit on it and see, babe.”
You chuckle silently, lifting up on his lap and internally apologizing for the way your legs squeeze his thighs, he doesn’t react though. You snake your hands under your skirt to push your panties to the side and have no qualms with grabbing his cock and positioning it right where it needs to be. 
Yoongi shivers at the feeling of your hand grasping him, and the image of your eyes not leaving his when you do it. For once in his life, he is feeling so out of control, owing someone else, all while being pleasured? Honestly, he couldn’t think of a better way to spend his time in captivity. 
“Sit.” He says in a demanding way, feeling the way you hover over him and make attempts to tease the pleasure. 
“You’re in no position to tell me what to do.” You laugh, still somehow following his order and sliding down just an inch and releasing a breath. 
He hums at it, holding his own pleasure in and watching you attempt to control yourself just through the small amount of cock he’s got in you. 
“Untie me, I’ll take care of you.” He tries to reason with you again, bucking his hips up and plunging another few inches against your aching walls. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”
You nod, dropping your head to his shoulder as you brace yourself against the chair behind him. Slowly sinking down and adjusting to a size that isn’t what you’re accustomed to. And when you finally sit flush against his thighs, you spread your legs to offer him some relief and clench your pussy around him. 
“Untie me,” he says again, thrusting his hips up beneath your weight and trying to force in more of him despite having no more to offer. “Fuck.” 
You ignore his words and his chasing hips as your pussy hugs his length. You feel so full, so satisfied by his size inside of you. When he tries to fuck up, he doesn’t go far but the tight fit burns in a way that feels more arousing than you could have ever expected.
“You must hate being tied up,” You chuckle, finally moving your hips just a bit to relieve yourself of a bit of his length. “How does it feel to be at a woman’s mercy?” 
Yoongi glares at you when you say those words, pressing up and struggling with his strength as he tries to force those few inches back into you. 
“How does it feel?” He repeats the question to you. “I could be fucking the light out of your eyes right now if you’d just let me.”
You almost consider it, wondering what his working hand would feel like pressing against your skin. The other, too swollen and likely too painful to touch you. You’d still play with those fingers though, because the only way you can get a decent moan out of him is if he’s hurting. 
“The light already left my eyes, Yoongi.” You say.
He doesn’t hear a word of it outside of you using his first name again. He rolls his eyes at you, dropping his head back in a frustrated groan at how he’s both getting what he wants, but also not.
“No, your eyes are still shining.” He says when he lifts his head back up to face you, and you pull back a bit, rolling your hips before finally lifting again to actually start riding him. 
“So are yours.” You say, looking straight into them and smiling.
He doesn’t believe you, but the sensation of how wet you seem to be definitely would have any man’s eyes shining. 
“How does it feel?” You comment, noticing the shiver that runs down his body and his heaving chest. 
“Fucking tight.” He grimaces, “I’d keep you all to myself. Namjoon is a stupid, stupid man for letting you come here.”
“He’s a specific type of man,” You correct him, hovering over his lips. “Doesn’t even eat my pussy.”
“Goddamn, untie me.” Yoongi very nearly pleads, feeling the intensity of how your walls cling to him. 
He’s aching so much. He’s so fucking angry, and yet, he really is about to beg for you to release him. Not to run, not to kill you, but to pleasure you.
You still ignore him, ghosting your lips over his and watching his eyes droop into a drowsy stare at you. You were right when you said his eyes were shining, even like this, they are. You could argue that he feels good, you could argue that if you untied him, maybe he really would fuck you better than Namjoon does. 
“I bet you’d kill to have your hands on me right now, wouldn’t you?”
Yoongi nods brokenly, still trying to buck his hips up to make good on his promise, and still being met with frustration bubbling inside of him. He’s too restrained for this, his heart has grown soft at this ego blow, and yet, his cock still yearns inside of you. 
“I would.” He admits, his voice so broken sounding that you almost feel as if you’ve pushed him to his limit. 
“You’d eat me out too, wouldn’t you?” 
“Fuck yeah I would.” He admits again, this time seeming more determined as he starts to move his hands again in an attempt to free himself. “Let me.” He seethes out through a clenched jaw. 
You ignore him.
“Let me.” He says again, this time in a half moan when you move your hips with more intent. 
“If you make it out of here alive, I’ll let you.” You moan yourself, sliding back and forth against him, swirling your hips and feeling his weeping cock stretch you out even more. 
“You’re fucking insane.” Yoongi groans, tensing his muscles to offer more support for your languid grinding. “Fucking me so slow, making promises you know you can’t keep.”
“I’ll keep them,” You say, lowering your face to his neck and reaching your hands behind him, rubbing against his arms. “You’re giving me so much power right now, it’s hard not to savor it.”
He chuckles at your boldness, once again leaning his head back against the chair and allowing himself to relish in the feeling of the way you ride him. 
“If I make it out of here alive, I’m going to look him in the eye and tell him how wet and needy this pussy is for me.” 
“You’re so honest,” you laugh, picking up pace and fiddling with the binds on his hands. “That’s why I’m not going to untie you.”
“Faster,” he groans, imagining that he has healthy and free hands, guiding your hips on him. If he’s going to have to be like this though, the least he can do is try and guide you to the pace he should be fucking you at in this moment. “I want to hear how wet you are.”
You smirk, pulling your hands back and grabbing his face. His cheeks are fuller now compared to that night you came to bring him his life back, and they look plush when you squeeze them and force his eyes to stay on you. 
“Faster?” You ask, already pistoning your hips against him, the chair creaking and threatening to break under the weight the two of you offer. “Harder?” You ask, his eyes burning straight through you as if you’d be daring him to kill you if you don’t. 
He’s pleased by your pace, falling into a world of arousal in his head as you ride him exactly how he wants it. He can hear the wetness seeping out of you, and the best part is that it’s for him and not that pompous asshole who nearly killed him.
You bounce, fast and hard, drilling his cock so deeply into you that he finally releases a moan of pleasure right against your lips before rolling his eyes back and giving in. 
“Fuck, you do this for him, too?” He asks, eyes rolling back to look at you and the way the determination in your eyes only grows. 
“No,” You say out of breath, keeping that same pace and hiccupping with small moans each time. “He never lets me ride him” 
“Won’t eat you out, won’t let you ride him.” Yoongi mocks him, freely moaning now as you take him for all he’s worth. Which isn’t much at this point. “I’d worship you.”
You pause your movements, out of breath as you look at him. You glance down to his smiling lips, and then back up at his eyes. 
“I’d let you.” You say shortly, kissing him once again and returning back to your slow movements, pumping his cock inside of you so tightly that he fears this will end too quickly. 
And it does, when you feel his tongue tense up in your mouth and he starts kissing you harder. His harsh voice releases whimpers and breaths into your throat. The sounds coming from him are unintentional and entirely too arousing to ignore.  You can feel his length twitching aggressively inside of you, and you feel more full than you ever thought you could. You ride it out for him, giving him quick jerks of your hips to drag that sensitivity on as he finishes what you started. 
And then it’s silent, but he’s still kissing you. 
“Then let me.” He says once you part your lips, still holding him inside of you, and not daring to move a muscle.
You stay with him for a long while, torturing him in a way he finds himself loving by the time the sun rises and he now only has one day on this earth to live. You had spread yourself out on him, gotten him off twice, and then promptly moved him from the chair to get him on his knees. 
It was the first time since you’d been with Namjoon that you felt a tongue against your clit, breaking your own promise of letting if happen if he gets out of this situation. Arguably, you felt like you fell into this hole with Yoongi far too deep to even consider crawling out of it. He ate you like he was still starving, smirking as you swirled your needy clit against his tongue. He was eager to take the parts of you that Namjoon never wanted, it seems. 
And when the daylight rose and you were still here, panic sat in. You were filled with a man’s cum that isn’t your boyfriend’s. Your legs were arguably as weak as Yoongi’s, and you knew for a fact that your family was already wondering where you were. One of the cars would be missing, you’d be missing. 
“What?” Yoongi asks, watching you in horror at the sudden shift of mood. Your face twisting in panic as you start to breathe heavily.
“I can’t.” You say shortly, scooting back further from him. “I don’t know why I’m doing this.”
Yoongi picks up quickly on what you’re referring to. He knew this night had to come to an end though, and he knows for a fact that at least you got to experience him for who he truly is, and not the rabid criminal Namjoon seems to believe he is. 
“Probably because you know Namjoon is going to mail your head to the police?” He laughs, sighing in defeat.
That is, until you stand up and walk behind him. 
Instantly he feels the tight bind against his wrists loosen and now, he can look at the damage. His broken fingers aren’t twisted, and his wrists actually hurt more than they do. He turns to look at you as you stand there, struggling not to cry. 
Honestly, he’s a bit frozen in place before he tries to stand. His legs buckle from the lack of use and from your weight on them, but he manages to balance himself and slowly take a step toward you with a look of appreciation.
“Why did you do that?” He asks, trying to balance himself but feeling his legs give in instantly. He crumbles to the ground with a pained groan. Embarrassed by his nudity and lack of strength.
You didn’t run, nor did you hide after you untied him. What you did do though, is set him free from this situation. He can leave now, and if he needs to, he can take you with him. 
“Are you stupid?” He asks through his pain, standing again and internally forcing himself to walk. “Go on, run back to him.” He raises his voice. 
You shake your head.
“I’m dead either way.” You say with a shaking voice, feeling a pit in your stomach still bubble with arousal but the reality hit you far too late. 
“You saved my life and you’ve now given me a chance to fucking run. You think I’m going to let you die?” He says it as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
Technically, it should be normal for a person to react this way, but Yoongi is a killer too. It’s not like you expect anything more from him, nor from Namjoon at this point when he ultimately learns that you’re the one who did this.
“If you want me to kill you so bad, I’d be happy to do it so you don’t have to fucking suffer but–” Yoongi goes silent for a moment, contemplating the position that he’s about to put himself in. 
As if the situation wasn’t already bad enough, it couldn’t hurt much more than it already will. 
“You could come with me. My men will protect you for keeping me alive. You’d be untouchable.” 
You look at him, seemingly unsure at first. 
“He’s probably already out looking for me.” You say in a smaller voice than before. “He’d know it was you.” 
“No shit. Either you’re coming with me or not.” Yoongi deadpans, standing as still as he can so he doesn’t tumble over to the ground again. 
You shrug in defeat, nothing left to say. 
And then you’re getting into your car after the struggle and helping your enemy escape. He’s in the back seat, smiling up as he focuses his eyes outside. 
“If you drive me straight to him, you know he’d probably forgive you, right?”
You ignore him, finding more comfort in the fact that he’d kill you for this. 
“Just tell me where to go.”
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theeblackmedusa · 11 months
he's cute
summary: "he cute. ain't right for you, though."
pairing: fontaine x black!fem!reader
warnings: 18+, language, smut, bit of a breeding kink, fontaine's kind of toxic if you squint, needles/sutures, descriptions of blood/violence, use of n word (idk why i'm warning about this but yuh), also there's a lot of AAVE in this so if you "correct" my grammar in some of the dialogue pls don't 💀
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He knew he shouldn't be here, but he had nowhere else to go. He was hurt and tired and wanted you to fix him up because he always seemed to heal quicker when you did it.
Fontaine swallowed the lump in his throat as he raised his hand to knock on your green door. You were the only person in the world that made him nervous and he fucking hated it. It had been that way since you were kids. He could face any bully, stand up to any unfair teacher, but his mind went blank when it came to you.
He inhaled as deep as he could manage without sending a stabbing pain through his body before tapping his knuckles against the wood and then returned his hand to his stomach to hold his bleeding wound. A few long seconds passed before your voice came from inside.
"Who is it?"
"It's me," he grunted out weakly.
The locks clicked and Fontaine prepared himself for the wrath you would unleash when you opened the door and let your eyes fall on him. He did his best to stand up tall when the door began to creak open, but it was no use. He looked like shit either way.
"What the fuck, Fontaine?!"
Usually, you'd be concerned when Fontaine showed up on your doorstep bloody and bruised, but all you could feel at the moment was frustration. He'd told, no, promised you that the fighting would stop and that you wouldn't have to see him at his lowest anymore, but it was like he couldn't stay away.
"Got in a fight-"
"Really? I hadn't fucking noticed!"
Fontaine ignored you as you ranted about how he wasn't keeping his word when he was supposed to always keep his word to you. He couldn't focus on how upset you were because it would only get him upset with himself for making you that way.
He pushed past you as you cursed at him for going out and "being stupid" again.
"Isaac still ain't learned to keep his lil punks away from-"
"Always Isaac. Always Isaac! The way y'all fight, I'm surprised it ain't turned to fucking yet!" you laughed bitterly as he carefully lowered himself onto your couch, groaning all the way down.
"Why you all dressed up?" he questioned, switching the subject in hopes that it would make you stop fussing.
You looked good. Really good.
"I got a date, who should be here any second now, so you need to get out before he comes."
Fontaine scoffed at the fact that your pretty black dress and sexy red lips were for someone else. You should be his, but you can't be. Not with all the shit he gets himself into. As bad as he wants you, he can't put you in a position to be hurt just for being important to him.
"The fuck are you, a parrot? Yes, Taine! I have a date!"
You shut your door and stood in front of him, taking in the sight of him.
He looked truly pitiful, cuts and bruises forming on his dark skin. His shirt was soaked from the blood coming from his gash and he looked exhausted overall.
"What happened?" you sighed.
"Just a lil stabbin'. Nothin' I couldn't walk off-"
"That's all it was," he told you.
"Did anybody-"
"Nah. Ain't nobody got killed," he assured, knowing your concerns.
It had always been a fear of yours. You hated all the violence and death, but more specifically, you hated the thought of that violence and death coming back to bite Fontaine in the ass one day. This neighborhood was full of hotheads and you'd hate for one of them to make Taine a target because somebody died at the hands of him or somebody he was associated with.
"You can't keep doing this, Taine,"
"I won't."
"Promise me."
He shook his head, pushing his hand deeper into his wound for pressure.
"You know I can't do that no more. I hate breakin' my promises to you."
Before you could respond, there was a knocking at your door and you rolled your eyes.
"That the date?" he asked, turning his head to the door.
"Probably," you huffed. "You and your bad fucking timing, Taine. Go hide in the back bedroom or something."
His eyebrows raised in amusement. This was becoming a game for him.
"Oh, you hidin' me and shit? Fuck nah, I been around the longest he gon' have to accept that," he argued. "Matter fact...come in!"
Your eyes widened at his antics and you searched for the closest object to throw at him, but your door was already opening to reveal your very confused date for the night.
"Fuck you," you mouthed to Fontaine before turning to the door.
Your date wasn't even looking at you. Instead, his eyes were planted on Fontaine, who, despite his battered and bruised state, had his grillz on full display as he smirked up at the other man.
"Kalen, hey," you finally greeted, an awkward attempt at breaking the tension in the room.
"This how you roll?" he asked, using a hand to gesture to the bloody man on your couch.
You shook your head, hoping to defend yourself.
"I know how this looks, but I promise to explain later! I-"
"You got other niggas on ya couch and you tryna explain shit? I'm done with yo ass. Thought you was tryna start somethin' for real, but you out here with other dudes."
Kalen was one of the resident hotheads, and arguing with him was pointless.
Fontaine quietly grumbled something that you refused to pay any mind to as you watched Kalen turn right back around and leave, slamming your front door behind him.
You inhaled deeply, Fontaine still mumbling under his breath about how you need to leave "bitch ass dudes like Kalen" alone.
If he wasn't one of the closest friends you had, you would have shut his ass up with a punch to the mouth by now. All you wanted was a night out with someone who could potentially get your mind off of a plain and simple fact: You and Fontaine were not and would never be together.
Every time you thought about it, your heart cracked, but it was something you had to accept. He didn't see you in the way he saw other women, so you'd have to settle for men that couldn't hold a candle to him.
"Could you shut the fuck up, Taine?" you snapped, walking to your bathroom to get the first aid kit.
The faster you patched him up, the faster he would get the fuck out of your house. Next time, you just wouldn't open the door for him. That would save you a hell of a lot of trouble.
"You always get with these bum niggas and get mad when they show that they crazy!" he yelled from the living room.
"He only got that way 'cuz you brought your bullshit to my house!" you shot back, pulling the bathroom drawer open with so much force that you were surprised you hadn't ripped it straight off. "I could have been having a peaceful night with him, but no! I'm here with no man babysitting your ass!"
He rolled his eyes at your sass and began struggling to shrug his jacket off as he awaited your return with the first aid kit. After his jacket, his bloodstained shirt followed. Now, he was shirtless and trying not to let his blood spill all over your couch, knowing that you'd stab him again if he messed it up.
Finally, you returned with a warm towel, a sewing kit, matches, and first aid. You had half the nerve to put it all away and kick his ass out on the street and let him fend for himself, but you cared too much. You always did and sometimes you hated it.
"Hold this," you ordered, shoving the matches and sewing kit into his lap before you took a seat next to him, making sure to plop down and make him jerk slightly.
"The fuck is wrong with you?! Be careful!" he gritted out, glaring at you sharply.
A sarcastic laugh escaped you.
"You aren't careful out there in the streets getting stabbed and shit. Why should I be careful with you now?"
He didn't respond, too exasperated with the night he'd had to entertain any of your taunting about it. He simply turned to you to allow a better angle for you to start cleaning him up.
You pulled out the towel and started dabbing the large, deep cut that spanned across his stomach. It almost made you feel sick. If it had been too deep, he wouldn't be here with you right now.
As you cleaned him, it was as if he could read your thoughts. He sensed your mind racing one hundred miles per second as you went through the "what ifs" of the night. He knew it was impossible to erase those thoughts for you. He was a drug dealer, after all. There was danger in the job, but he could help pull you out of them briefly.
"So, why the fuck you goin' on dates with these lames?" he questioned, exhaling in a vain attempt to fight the stinging of the towel on his injury.
You shrugged.
"Need someone to talk to, I guess," you responded shortly, not keen on telling him that these "lames" were unworthy attempts to make up for the fact that you didn't have him.
"You got me, Yo-Yo...Slick," he replied.
You shook your head. You and Yo-Yo were close, yes, but you and Slick? Not so much. It was like talking to a crazy uncle that should have been put in a retirement home a long time ago.
"I need...something else, Taine."
Dick, you thought.
You were starved of touch and you were getting desperate. You needed intimacy and you were searching for it in men that weren't even the one you wanted it from.
"Like?" he pressed as you put the towel down and began to burn the end of the sewing needle, preparing to stitch him up.
Fontaine was a lot of things, but he wasn't stupid. He knew what you were getting on about, but he liked to hear you say things. Sometimes you wondered if your embarrassment amused him.
You huffed, knowing that he wasn't going to drop it.
"I don't know, Taine. I just need something new. The vibrators ain't cutting it anymore...I need a man, sex," you admitted in frustration, warmth in your face as you tried to fight the embarrassment of your confession.
"You was finna fuck Kalen tonight?" he laughed, attempting to cover up the panic he felt inside at that revelation.
"Maybe not tonight, this time was just gon' be a date!"
Lord knows you won't take me on one, you thought, pushing the needle into his skin to start the sutures and making him hiss.
Fontaine's fingers curled into the arm of the couch as you stitched him up, eyes screwed tightly shut as he tried to steady his breathing.
If he hadn't pissed you off so bad, you'd imagine if this is how he'd look if you were on your knees for him, taking him deep into your throat and making him lose his breath.
"He cute, but he ain't good for you," Fontaine rasped through gritted teeth, finally breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of you.
"But you are?" you snapped.
"I ain't say all that," he defended.
"But that's what you meant."
Silence took over the room once more as you finished the stitches and examined your work. Once you assured that you'd fixed him up properly, you grabbed an alcohol wipe, ready to clean up the more minors scars.
"I just...Ion like him, (Y/N)."
You shook your head, gently wiping a scrape on his shoulder and sighing.
"Taine, if you didn't have every bitch in this damn neighborhood begging to sit on your dick, maybe I'd listen to what you have to say on this," you started. "But, I just wanna have fun and fuck around. Not worry about if somebody's good for me or not."
He couldn't fight it this time. Usually he could hold his tongue, keep back that confession that was constantly trying to rip through his body, but this time he couldn't. He couldn't stand the thought of you in somebody else's bed or kissing on someone that wasn't him. He wanted you, and he needed you to want him.
"We can't have fun and fuck around?" he asked you, grabbing your wrist and stopping your movements.
Your heart was beating in your chest rapidly. It was as if it was banging its fists against you in an aggressive plea for you to free it from your body.
You averted your eyes to anything else but him. They settled on the floral print in the curtains until he used his other hand to grip your chin and make you look at him.
"We can have a lotta fun, baby. What you say?" he suggested lowly, leaning into you so close that his lips were just barely touching yours.
You could have all of him if you wanted. You could've had him a very long time ago, but there was always that unspoken thing between the two of you. The elephant in the room that you two mutually decided was invisible.
"Taine," you breathed out.
"Let me show you how much fun we can have."
You weren't in control of yourself. It was as if his eyes had paralyzed you. Now, you were just his little rag doll as he lifted you in his lap and turned you so that your back was to him. You couldn't recall the exact moment it happened, but all you knew was that his hands were now groping your breasts over your dress as he attacked your neck with hot kisses.
"Them niggas out there can't make you feel the way I can, mama."
You shuddered at the nickname. "Baby" had been something he'd called you casually for as long as you could remember, but "mama"...that was new. And it made your stomach do a somersault as you imagined it.
You could picture yourself as a mama for his children. Waddling around plump and being pampered by him for carrying his baby. A soft moan escaped you at just the thought and he grinned into your neck.
"You like that? You wanna be a mama?" he asked, running his thumbs over your nipples until they hardened.
You almost broke your neck nodding in response.
"I can make that happen," he told you. "Fuck my kids into you. Make you mine for real."
An aching grew between your legs at that. You'd be trapped with him forever. No matter what went down between the two of you, you'd always be his, always have a piece of him. The thought shouldn't turn you on as much as it did, but you could feel your panties soaking from it.
"Take this off for me," he instructed softly.
You obeyed without question, standing up to slip out of the black dress. Seconds later, you were in nothing but the lacy black underwear you'd put on "just in case" you decided to let Kalen get somewhere.
Fontaine frowned at the panties and reached forward gripping them at the band before tearing the fabric. If he hadn't been spewing that shit about making you a mommy, you would have been pissed. Those were expensive.
You were completely bare in front of him and a little self conscious, but Fontaine was staring at you like you were the lottery and he'd just won. You were perfect, dark skin glowing in the moonlight that shone through the curtains, thighs that he couldn't wait to get between. How on Earth could he have resisted you for so long?
"Shit, mama. Don't think I can wait to get inside you."
You couldn't wait either. You'd been needing him.
"Then take that shit off," you told him with a sickeningly sweet smile, nodding to his pants and belt.
He only chuckled low in response and did as told, unbuckling his belt and throwing it to the side somewhere. Next, he lifted his hips, wincing as he lowered his pants down to his ankles.
Before he could start on his underwear, you were lowering yourself to your knees in front of him and pressing your cheek against his thigh. He shivered at the feeling of your warm breath.
After what felt like forever, you lifted your head, pressing a kiss to each of his thighs before pressing one to his hard cock over his underwear.
Fontaine sighed as you brushed your lips against him, teasing him mercilessly.
"Cut that shit out," he warned, eyeing you dangerously.
You smiled before pressing another kiss to the tip and bringing your hands up to the waistband before curling your fingers underneath.
"So bossy," you sighed, pulling his underwear down and letting them fall with his pants.
"Yeah, the boss say get ya pretty ass up here and take a seat."
Your core throbbed at the demand and you raised yourself up to straddle him, fingers gripping his cock and aligning him with your entrance.
Fontaine captured your lips in his, getting a taste of you before he took you. There was no going back. You both knew it.
Finally, you lowered yourself on him, both of you groaning from the sensation. The stretch stung in the best way as you tried to accommodate his size. You had to sit still to adjust, forehead resting against his until you got the courage to move.
Your pace was slow at first, still adjusting to the fullness of him inside of you, but soon, your speed increased, hips rolling against his as you rode him.
Fontaine wasted no time getting his hands back on your tits, massaging one while he worked his mouth on the other. He was addicted to them, watching them bounce as you skillfully worked his cock.
Eventually, your arms found their way around his neck as you leaned on him for support, ass bouncing as you fucked him. Fontaine cursed, letting his hands fall to your bottom to spread your cheeks more.
If the stab wound didn't kill him, you sure fucking would. He raised his hand and brought it back down, striking your ass and revving you on. He'd keep the desperate whimper you let out at the blow in mind.
"Yeah, that's it. Twerk that pretty ass on my dick, baby."
Your ass slapped against his thighs as you rode him, desperate to reach your high. You were so close. You began to feel weak, and he could tell as your pace slowed down.
"I got it, baby. I got it."
He wrapped his arms around you, stilling you against his chest as he began thrusting his hips into you, the tip of his cock hitting a delicious spot inside you that made you want to scream.
You could feel your orgasm coming like a tsunami ready to crash into you. All that was escaping you were incoherent noises as Fontaine fucked you stupid.
"Tight pussy squeezin' me," he grunted, words becoming slurred as he approached his own climax. "Let that shit out for me, mama."
As if you were hypnotized, your body responded, orgasm washing over you as your walls contracted around him, bringing him to his release as well.
Fontaine spilled into you, warm cum coating your walls as you went limp against him. His hips slowed before stopping completely and he let out a long exhale as he tried to recollect his thought.
"You have fun, baby?" he finally asked when he caught his breath.
If you had the energy, you'd slap the hell out of his cocky ass, but he'd just fucked you into exhaustion and his cum was steady leaking out of you, making a mess all over your inner thighs, so you went with the next best alternative.
"Shut the fuck up or I'm taking them damn stitches out."
let me know if you'd like to be added to either a john boyega or teyonah parris taglist bc i'm about to go crazy with them
tags: @wakandas-vibranium
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uplatterme · 1 year
blake, imagine dottore made a clone... again. But he accidentally got a Toddler version of himself🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
Lil shits a menace🙂
dottore thinks that it’s fine. it’s not the first time he’s made a mistake when it comes to his projects. it’s normal for occurrences like this to happen.
so when he’s about to toss the dormant body and incinerate it, he didn’t give a single care in the world.
that is until, you showed up in the picture.
the lever is warm in his hands, dottore holding onto it as you stared at him.
“oh my god! that’s adorable!” you grin at the tiny dottore.
dottore bites the inside of his cheek. if he did this earlier, this wouldn’t have happened.
“when’s he gonna wake up?” you ask, admiring how soft the child looks.
so, dottore is forced to keep the child because he couldn’t bear it to see you disappointed.
he should have known it was a bad idea.
“you, child. this is your job for the day.” he spits out, disgusted to even to look at his mistake.
you grab the folder in his hands, giving it a quick read and returning it to dottore.
“isn’t this too dangerous? you can’t send him out there.” you say.
that was the point, dottore wants to say. the only way he can get rid of this child is if it happened under natural causes.
“he’ll be fine.” he reassures you.
“can’t you get someone else to do it? tiny ‘ttore is still new, you know?”
“great. you’ve given him a nickname.” he groans, rolling his eyes.
in the end, dottore couldn’t argue with you and tiny!ttore lived to see another day.
thanks to the bug. you and dottore barely get to spend time anymore, the lunch dates you two always had was now intercepted.
so when he finally had time to have you all for himself, dottore wouldn’t just let that time go to waste.
“h-hurry!” dottore whines, pushing his body against yours.
“aren’t you eager?” you tease, your fingers running through his soft hair.
you pull his head towards yours, your lips only centimeters away from each other. yes, finally–!
a knock on the door distracts you, and dottore swears that he will kill whoever it is that was behind that noise.
“can i sleep here? i had a nightmare.” tiny!ttore says, a fluffed toy around his arm.
“aww. of course, sweetie. come on, you can sleep here in the middle of the bed."
“huh? what about–” dottore stutters, this whole thing was unbelievable!
now? when things were just heating up?
“we can reschedule it, dear. sorry.”
dottore clenches his fists so hard, his nails stabbed through his skin.
he looks at the child who is now snuggling under the blankets.
and for a single second, he sees the child grin evilly. as if he knows what he had just interrupted.
he stares at dottore before mouthing words that no one would ever dare to say to him.
“they’re mine now.”
dottore’s mouth is left hanging.
that little shit!
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adaptacy · 10 months
You mind writing a little Johnny Slaughter thing where the reader is southern, too? Not from Texas, but maybe from a whole nother state like Louisiana or Mississippi. Like, *really* southern- thick drawl, sassy attitude n everything. If it's not too much to ask, could the reader first start out as a victim? But the thing is, they're not really one to mess with. They're witty, quick, and honestly a bit of an asshole. They're worried about themselves- going as far as to sacrifice the other survivors to ensure their own survival. Maybe even off one themselves, quickly realizing that they like killing just as much as the rest of the family. Love ur work! (Also, have you heard about the new Nancy leaks? I'm so excited to see her, you have no idea.)
i love requests ongogngrij
also YES!! I love her so much!! i saw someone (i think it was creepling's post) about what Nancy would think about johnny getting a soft spot for someone and oh god the brain juice started flowing with that. i think her and johnny will def be my mains bcs ive been dying for another female family member that isnt sissy (no hate to sissy, but i tried her and she just wasnt as fun as johnny)
anyways anyways anyways, here you go! this is gonna be fluff, but if you want an nsfw part lmk and i can make that work ;) <333 hope you enjoy!!
this is gonna be kinda cheesy and cute aside from the death (whoops) but if i do an nsfw it'll be more serious. i just thought this would be a good opportunity to write a jaw-dropped johnny who's like "oh shit i think im in love"
"The hell you wantin' now?!" You snarled, cracking your neck as you squared off with a man nearly twice your size. He was used to this kind of fighting back, but there was something about your volume, your genuine anger that was new to him. It was intriguing. He almost wanted to study your brain before he ate it.
"All that, and you still got caught, sweetpea. Ain't that quite the case of karma?" Johnny chuckled, casually spinning his blade in his hand. Beneath his feet was a brunette boy, far too bloodied to be anywhere near alive. You didn't know him, didn't care about him, and you were far more concerned with your own well-being than the safety of some stranger.
"Don't tell me yer gettin' cocky now, pretty boy?" You laughed. You'd wrestled unruly gators twice his size, you could manage this egotistical megalomaniac. Hell, you didn't win a championship in bull-riding for sweet talking it.
"Ain't you a little too pretty to be talkin' so much?" Johnny pouted, sulking closer with his head tilted.
"Ain't you a little too muscular to be flirtin' with yer food?" You rolled your eyes, gripping the kitchen knife tighter in your hand. He'd been so preoccupied with the random teenagers to keep an eye on you, exactly as you'd planned. While they were playing duck duck goose in the rickety basement, you'd been granted easy access to the family house. And with it, the kitchen. And with that, the knives.
Your knife was much larger than his, and it made up for the size difference between your bodies. You knew for a fact he was underestimating you, most people did. They thought you were all bark and no bite, but your bark was only really half your bite.
"I've made pie with apples mer fearsome than you," you teased. The man furrowed his eyebrows, seeming a little stung by your remark.
"The hell you from, anyways?" He shook his head, still not letting his guard down, but he seemed to be a little less on the offense.
"Louisiana, born 'n raised. Ain't you able to tell? Or you too dumb for that?"
"Drop the damn knife," Johnny demanded, and you couldn't help but laugh. Literally laugh. Not just giggle, not just chuckle, not just scoff- full-on laugh at his attempt.
"Or what? You gon' stab me with that there lil butterfly blade?" You mused, waving a hand in the air. "I'd like to see you try," you added, your tone a little lower.
Johnny opened his mouth to reply, but there was a voice from behind him, instead. "You-- You killed them! You killed all of them!" A female yelled, sounding hurt and angry. Both of you paused your bickering to turn towards an angry girl, a small pointy bone in her hand. "You killed my sister!"
Johnny scoffed, looking the girl up and down. You eased up as well, watching the interaction. "Ain't you see we was talkin'? Could'a waited your darn turn, missy," you grumbled, finding the interruption rather rude. The girl turned to you, her eyes wide.
"You-- You're that bitch at the bar! You gave my friend a concussion!" She accused, and you scoffed.
"Now, I would neva-- Oh, oh, she's yer friend? Well ain't that right rich! Small world, ain't it?" You laughed, reminiscing on the bar fight you'd gotten into after some city boy claimed he could take more rye whiskey than you. You were practically raised- hell, made out of whiskey. You had to show him up, obviously. It wasn't your fault his little girlfriend couldn't handle him losing.
It seemed as if the girl couldn't choose between who to attack, but when she finally did make up her mind, you found yourself in the hot seat. You assumed it was because she was more confident taking down you than she was taking down the man, but it was merely another case of underestimation. She swung the bone shiv towards you, and although Johnny stepped forward to do something, you had it handled.
You were the last woman who needed a man to rescue her. 'Specially against a pipsqueak like this chick was. As she rushed forward, you drove the kitchen knife directly into the girls gut. You weren't sure what possessed her to make such a foolish move as to charge at a woman with a knife, but it made for an easy means of defense. The brunette gurgled as blood splattered onto your mouth, hitting your cheek as she fell over your arm, eventually collapsing.
You twisted the knife out of the girls gut, reaching up and wiping the blood off of your cheek-- or, trying to, anyways, but you only really managed to smear it on your face. You scoffed in irritation, wiping the blood off on your shirt, and doing the same with the knife. After all, you didn't want to risk damaging the blade from the blood. It seemed like a good quality vegetable slicer.
With a simple clearing of your throat, you shook the girl off of your leg, looking back at your opponent. He was frozen in place, his eyebrows furrowed and his face contorted in a mix of confusion and disgust. "Now, where was we at? Them city girls just ain't got no manners. Momma neva raised 'em right," you complained, giving the kitchen knife a once-over before looking back at Johnny.
He blinked, remaining silent.
"You still home, or you gone out to get groceries?" You frowned, confused as to why he wasn't responding. You snapped your fingers and swung your weight onto one leg, placing your free hand on your hip. "Mister muscles? You missin' yer brain?"
"Who are you?"
You chuckled, shaking your head. "I was merely defendin' myself. Ain't nuthin' special 'bout it. Now, where's we at? You still wanna go, pretty boy?"
Johnny licked his lips, pulling his head back. He tucked his knife into his pocket, and a small smile spread over his face. "You wanna go out sometime?"
"Kidnappin' and threatenin' a woman ain't no way to get 'em in yer bed," you scolded, tilting your head. "I know yer mama's taught you better'n that. Ain't she?"
"You like rye whiskey?"
You smirked. "That's more like it. Count me in."
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deadghosy · 4 months
Not a request, but I wanna know from you...
(Including the Vees and the angels).
Please do it my brain is rotting/pos and ur the only type of blog I can ask these questions lmao
Mmmmmh, I haven’t played fnaf since i was gah damn 6 years old and I only saw like night 1. But I heard about how damn hard night 5 is. So here we go.
Lucifer, this man…..THIS SHORT LIL FUNNY MAN IS MOST DEFINITELY TRYING TO NOT BLOW UP THE WHOLE THE WHOLE RESTAURANT. But he fails as Freddy turned off the lights only to get knocked by a big ass apple Lucifer had thrown. Lucifer is staying in his palace watching cartoons.
Charlie, what makes you think she would be in there without her father who is telling her “GET YOUR ASS BACK HOME!” With her lovely girlfriend. But nah honestly she’ll try to pull a Snow White and try to talk to the animatronics that wants to kill her as freddy’s eyes start to flash its light.
Vaggie, I mean she would be so skeptic to even take the job. So when it reaches night 5, you better believe she turned into the meme of “fuck this shit I’m out.” Immediately she is stabbing them with the spear.
Alastor, PFTTT- this man is burning the place down dead ass😭. This man will probably so just sit and drink tea as he causes another fnaf 3 😭😭
Angel dust, mosttt definitely will try to flirt his way out of being skilled and put into a suit. If that fails. He’s running max speed in them damn high leg heels his got while clutching his pearls and purse 🧍🏾
Husk, he’s too drunk for the damn job 😭 he probably acts like that Mike version that like got bite by foxy? Yk that Version? Uuuh what’s her name rebonica? Yeah that mike version but just grumpy and an alcoholic
Sir pentious, he’s crying as he curls up. 😭 poor thing, and his egg boil ate trying to survive the night as one of them dead by being cracked. But chica probably wants to adopt one of them eggs lol
Cherri, she’s blowing that bitch up if foxy tried running towards her.
The Vee’s, they are the trio who argue who is doing what duty to watch them robot fuckers. But mostly I think Vox will make them haywire and just walk out as if he is some badass
Adam, “yeah fuck no” is what he would say if one of them try to get him. He’s dead ass throwing them out the office and closing all the doors.
Lute, …..she’s straight up leaving the minute the power goes out. Not in fear, but she is tired of this shit and wants to just relax.
Sera, What makes you think she would even be in that place- 😭 she’s literally in heaven just minding her business when she gets teleported surrounded by robots. She might as well just opens portal and go to heaven and leave them looking dumb.
Emily, no. Just no. This sweet BABYYY😭😭🥺 but if I had to, she would be like Charlie and pull a Snow White while trying not to cry in fear.
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chaotic-mystery · 8 months
Not A Survivalist Girl
Part 7: Gore Whore
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Pairing: Joel Miller x afab!reader (this is before he meets Tess)
Summary: With everything between you and Joel being tame for now, you celebrate Halloween, kinda. Please don't kill me, Mr. Ghostface. I wanna be in the next chapter! (this can be read as a stand alone so it's fine if you aren't caught up on previous chapters but I recommend to see the dynamic.)
Warnings: 18+ only, MDNI. Age gap (alluded but not specific) Cute lil domestic-ish Joel, angst, Joel talks about Sarah just for a moment, descriptions of death (it was a clicker im sorry), swearing, Joel yelling and being cranky, mentions of pills, chef Joel makes his guest appearance, mask kink, daddy kink, bitch all the kinks that go hand in hand with those two sdknldnd, pet names (baby, sweet girl, little girl, daddy, Joel refers to himself as daddy, sir) unprotected p in v, spanking, choking, breath play, that rough nasty sex, manhandling, creampie. I think that's it but lmk if I forgot anything!
|| word count: 5.6K || I don't do tags anymore so follow my notif blog @chaoticnotifs to be a good baby and never miss anything from me again. ||
Authors Note: Happy (early) Halloween, sluts! This is a way long overdue chapter and I'm sorry it's taken a million years to get to you. I just want to get this out of the way now and then we can get to the story... Gianna and I have both mutually decided we can't keep up with the story and write together with our schedules, it's not fair to you. Moving forward it'll just be me writing the story and I hope everyone understands. It won't be the last time you see us collab together, I promise! 💗 Also- Thank you to the Horny Bitch House for helping me with bits and pieces of this, I love you all 💗
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The window ledges filled with orange and yellow leaves as the end of October was coming full steam, the warm days turning colder as each day passed. 
You and Joel were on the best terms the two of you had been on yet. He grew more patience with you and you learned not to piss him off so much for shits and giggles. 
It was mutual. 
“You awake, sweet girl?” Joel murmurs against your cheek as he peels back the covers. You try to bury your head in the pillows as much as you can to hide from him, hoping he’ll give you five more minutes to sleep since you two were up late last night carving out pumpkins that you insisted on doing. 
“Naah, come on baby we gotta get goin’. Need to look for supplies before it starts to get too cold to go out all the time.” His hands wrap around your warm torso and wiggle you around, biting at your ear gently. 
Joel had been up for hours like typical old men do and he knew you hated being woken up but he had a point. Your medicine supplies were getting low with how many times you’d stabbed your hand with your knife trying to learn how to use it better but that was neither here nor there. 
“Can I just get five more minutes, pleeease?” You whine and try to yank your pink blanket over you that was tucked by your side but Joel already sees your idea and snatches the blanket from your hands before you even get the chance to unfold it. He chuckles and stands up adjusting his jeans, sniffling obnoxiously. 
“No can do, doll. Get up, let’s go.” A hard pat to your ass makes you jolt and groan, finally sitting up to look at him. 
“Seriously, Joel? We have to go right now?” 
He stands between your legs that hang off the side of the bed and you rest your head against his belly, Joel’s hand cupping the side of your face.
“We gotta get movin’ soon, I already let you sleep way later than I was originally going to- you’re welcome by the way. I already packed coffee and snacks because I know your ass would start to bitch and moan about halfway through the trail that you’re hungry.” 
Your brows furrow as you look at him, mouth agape in offense. 
“Excuse me, just because I admit I bitch and moan doesn’t mean you can say it whenever you feel it’s needed.” 
Joel rolls his eyes at you playfully and kisses your forehead before he walks to the open bedroom door. 
“Yeah whatever, get dressed. I’m leavin’ in ten minutes with or without ya.”
Joel shuts the white wooden door and you scratch the back of your head before getting up to find an outfit for the day. 
Naturally you wanted to wear whatever you thought was cute but Joel having you outside so much was teaching you very quickly that comfort comes before cuteness. No low cut shirts today, a sweater and jeans to make him happy and to keep you warm for once. The sweater had tattered spots and a few holes but not enough to make you cold by any means. It just looked a little grungy and Joel noticed right away. 
“Baby, do you have to wear that sweatshirt? It’s got too many holes in it and I don’t wanna hear you tell me you’re cold as soon as we get outside.” His hand meets his hip as he finishes drinking the coffee from his mug. 
You look down and think about it for a second, “I mean…I’ve got somethin’ on under it, I think it’ll be fine. I’ll bring my jacket just in case, it’ll be fine.” You reassure him and grab an apple from the almost empty fruit bowl sitting right next to Joel’s arm. 
His eyes lock onto every moment you make and you can tell he’s slightly annoyed. As you turn around and grab your pack, you look at the door and ask him, “What's the matter now, Joel?” Your taunting tone makes him scoff a little, he comes up behind you and tucks your jacket into the arm loop of your pack. 
“I don’t wanna hear any complaints today, since you’ve got it all figured out, ok?” He spins you around to face him, hands still holding your biceps tightly. 
“Promise.” You give him a cheeky grin and kiss his cheek. He sighs deeply at your attempts to be cute and he walks to the front door to open it for you to head outside. 
With your knife in your pocket and Joel’s guns tucked in the sides of his packs, you two start to make your way to wherever the hell he wants to go. 
Joel never really tells you much about your destinations when you have to go out on supply runs, he just hopes you won’t ask because he knows as soon as he brings up directions, you’ll get lost. 
“So did you have fun carvin’ pumpkins last night? I like the face you made on it, it’s cute.” You ask him while you grab onto his ring and pinky finger, closing your hand around them. 
“Can’t tell ya the last time I carved a pumpkin. Sarah..she hated the inside of pumpkins- never wanted to touch the guts. So I’d empty it out for her and she’d draw where she wanted me to cut it and by golly she’d make some funky faces for them pumpkins.” 
His face wasn’t totally in your eyesight but just by his tone you could hear the smile on his face. You could tell he felt better talking about her, sharing all the memories he had of her. 
“Did she have a favorite Halloween movie?” You ask, catching up to him now so you can see his face. The fog from the river was clearing but it was still gloomy and yet Joel seemed to be shining while he gushed about his daughter.
“She loved Hocus Pocus. Insisted on going as the three sisters, one for each year. I couldn’t get her to turn that movie off, hell she’d watch it year round. Begged me to get a black cat so she can have a “Binx” of her own. What she didn’t know was that I planned to get her one for Christmas the year the outbreak happened…but we never reached December.” 
His voice cracked and he looked down at his boots kicking up leaves. 
“What about you darlin’? Any favorite Halloween movies you had?”
Joel tugs on your sweater sleeve and smiles softly at you while you hesitate to answer. 
“Don’t laugh, but I was into the really bloody, turn your stomach in knots kind of horror movies. Saw, Final Destination, Thirteen Ghosts, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Bride of Chucky, shit like that. Scream is also up there, and even though it's super silly, Elvira: Mistress of The Dark was also my favorite.” He could feel your excitement rushing to your fingertips as you started to remember all the silly shit you used to watch. 
He stops in his tracks and looks at you with shock written all over his face. 
“I find it so hard to believe that Miss Scared of Everything used to watch shit like that. I call bullshit.”
You take two steps forward to him and get close to his face, a smirk written all over your mouth. 
“Just admit you didn’t have me all figured out, it’s okay baby I forgive you.” You taunt and barely kiss his lips. 
Joel grunts as you pull away too quickly for his liking and before you can protest, you’re wrapped up in his arms and held tightly against his chest. His teeth nibble on your earlobe just enough to make you squeal and try to get free. 
“Where you think you’re goin’, baby?” 
The way he says it drives you crazy, in the way you could just eat him up here and now. He had that look in his eye, the same one he had that night he took you by the fireplace, it was passion and lust, like he was falling for you all over again. 
“If you wanna make it back to the cabin before dark, you better let me go and keep it pushing, sir.” 
Sir. It’s one of the many nicknames you have for him that drives the nail in deeper, pushing him to want you more than he did before you got in his face. He likes the fact you don’t back down to him, you match his energy. 
Rightfully so. 
He stares at you for a little too long before letting you slip from his arms, taking his hand once more to continue walking. 
With hours passed you now and your feet starting to ache, you finally end up in a fairly sized town that Joel found a while ago before he met you, hoping whatever he found would still be here.
There wasn’t much left to rummage through, the houses had been picked apart for years now, glass windows broken out and front doors ripped off the hinges like a stampede used for a pathway. 
“Just over here in the mall, I hid a bunch of stuff away pretty good, I think at least. C’mon girlie, keep up.” With him in front of you leading you to the entrance, you pull your knife out just in case. Joel lets go of your hand and there’s a small pang to your chest but for your own safety he grabs one of his many guns, cocking it to be ready. 
You slip behind the door and hold it open just enough for Joel to squeeze through and your flashlights illuminate what used to be a fun and exciting place. Frozen in time and littered with what it once was, you could almost see how it started out. Benches everywhere, shops with displays still intact and caked with dust, parts of the ceilings knocked out and covering tables with chairs tucked underneath just wishing someone would pull it out and sit at it one last time. 
“Okay-here’s what we’re gonna do, we’re gonna get as much as we can find and hurry up and get the fuck outta here. Don’t wanna spend a lot of time here, do you hear me?” He shines the light right in your eyes, his words short and dry. 
You shrug and raise your eyebrows, “Yes, I hear you.” You push the flashlight out of his hand and he kisses your forehead sweetly before walking on, lighting up his path as much as he can. There was a soft tingle on the back of your neck and it wasn’t the good kind. It was as if something was lurking behind you in a scary dark corner, something you couldn’t see. It took you no time to catch up to him, lightly holding onto his bag as he took calculated steps between the rubble. 
“All those horror movies you watched and yet you still can’t hold your goddamn knife correctly. What did I tell you about holding it like that?” Joel’s shoulders drop as he turns to you, adjusting your hand on your knife. With a scoff and a slight head shake, he was off again and walking towards the pharmacy. You couldn’t help but notice the halloween store across from it, your heart racing as a sliver of normalcy was in your reach. The ginormous pit in your stomach to feel like you were back in your old life, digging through decorations to beg your mom to buy while she looked disgustedly at the skimpy costumes. 
“J-Joel…can we go in there? Please? I just wanna…look.” You must’ve patted his shoulder a dozen times which only granted a stern look and the annoyance so apparent on his face. 
“I’m sorry, were you conscious when I said we are not going anywhere except the pharmacy?” Rude. 
“Yes, thank you. I just wanna look. Twenty minutes tops, please?” Being with Joel tested your patience every single day, you never had to negotiate or handle being told no. 
Not until you met him.
Joel takes a hold of your pack strap, yanking you towards him, “Help me get all this stuff and I’ll think about letting you set foot in there, clear?” His dark eyes glimmer in the faint daylight ripping through the broken ceiling. You try to pull yourself away from his personal space but his eyebrows raise awaiting a response from you. 
“O-kay!” You finally free yourself and stand up, walking straight into the pharmacy. Garbage scattered everywhere and almost empty shelves holding things that weren’t useful in any way. Extending your arm out to run your fingertips against the items, you feel the dust and dirt coating them as you walk down the isles slowly and look for anything you could stash away in your little hideout for the winter. 
Joel dips into the backroom and into a storage closet, climbing on top of a chair to lift the ceiling tile to the side. Put away inside an old duffle bag was bandages, rubbing alcohol, tons of supplies that made up first aid kits, sewing needles and thread in case you have to stitch someone up again, and of course some miscellaneous pills he took from the shelves of medication, knowing exactly what each one was. 
You could hear him rummaging around behind you the further you got from him to look at the back wall full of sunglasses, untouched on the spinning racks of their display. 
A pair catches your eye, gold tinted aviators that just scream 70’s. 
“Joel, come here! You have to try these on!” You tuck the pair for him under your arm and grab the biggest rounded frame you could find, pushing them up the bridge of your nose. 
Shoving the duffle bag onto his broad shoulder, he makes his way to you and his flashlight shines at your feet, up your body slowly until you turn around and show him what you found. 
“I think you need a pair of sunglasses, baby. For when you’re outside workin’, looking all sexy for me.” You tease and carefully put the sunglasses on his face. He shuffles to the side of you and dips down to see his reflection in the mirror, groaning in disgust. 
“No, absolutely not. The hell I look like wearin’ those.” Joel pinches the arm of the eyewear and hands them back with zero interest. 
You tuck them away into your bag anyway and grab the smoke colored square framed pair with rhinestones all over them. He didn’t wait for you like usual as he was already by the doors you entered once before. 
“You get ten minutes and then we’re going back.” He lifts the metal gate just enough for you to slip under and you hold it open for him, letting it thud against the marble floor as he stands up with a slight groan and a rub to his knee. 
The adrenaline was pumping through you, feeling at home once more even if it was just for a split second. 
The VHS tapes covering the walls, toys and costumes everywhere, DVD case covers scattered around your feet. It was everything you wanted and more, to feel like you were who you once were before all of this ripped you from the life you took for granted. 
“See anything you maybe uh…wanna decorate the cabin with?” Joel irrupts from behind you, hand on your hip slightly. You turn to meet his eyes, the innocence in your eyes making him smile. 
“Don’t go crazy, just a few things because we gotta carry it. Just a little bit of stuff to make it feel a little more lived in.” His tone was patient and understanding that this meant a lot to you. 
“Really? You mean that?” The way you kind of didn’t believe he was being serious was enough to warrant a nod from him with a silly look on his face, almost like you offended him. 
“Well let’s go, you got eight minutes.” He smacks your ass again and wiggles it a little before holding his flashlight above your head so you could see where you were walking. 
So much to choose from and not enough time from Joel. You wanted it all. You wanted the movies to feel a little better but you knew he wouldn’t carry the display TV back to the cabin and he would never watch the shit you’d pick out anyway. You settle for two strings of glittery garland that you knew he’d find something to complain about, a few little ceramic ghosts to put in the windows and the pair of cuffs you took out of the package to a cop costume. Kneeling down and slinging your bag off your back, you start to put everything away, until the cuffs jingle against each other. 
“What was that you just put in there?” You look up at Joel and you don’t answer, contemplating if you should play with him or not. His eyes flicked to your lips as he licked his, standing his ground over you with his hands on his hips. 
“Answer me, lil lady.” 
You were made and you knew he would immediately tell you to put them back, that there’s no way he’d let you cuff him to the bedpost and ride him until the sun came up. 
Just as you were about to answer, a clicker busts through the door from the storage closet behind you, growling and clicking as it charges towards you. Joel takes your hand and pulls you off the ground, running for the entrance when one of your sweater holes gets caught on a broken clothing rack and pulls you right from his grasp.
He grunts loudly as the clicker gets closer and closer to you while you tug and try to free yourself but to no avail, your knife fell from your other hand when you got pulled back. 
The squelch of Joel’s knife twisting in the clickers chest catches your wide eyed gaze as you pant and try to scoot away but your boots slip against the trash, the body falling right in front of you. 
It was still squirming and reaching at you, looking you dead in the eye as it grabbed the tip of your shoe. 
Joel’s boot presses against its head to hold it against the floor as he shoots it dead. The grunting and squealing came to a silence while Joel looks over at you, his chest rising fast as he holds out his hand to help you up. 
Clutching his wrist to pull yourself up, you shake off the bits of flesh that got on your boot and you can see his nostrils are flared still, eyes burning with anger. 
“What did I tell you about that goddamn sweater! You almost got yourself fuckin’ killed, jesus christ.” His voice booms as he shakes you a little before pulling you into his embrace. 
Joel catches his breath and pets your hair softly. 
“Baby I’m-I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to yell, I’m sorry- are you okay?” 
Your body still shudders against him and you nod in his chest. 
“I’m fine, Joel. Let’s go h-...to the cabin.” It hurt him to hear you stop yourself from saying the cabin was home. You wanted to call it home so badly but the thought of you getting so comfortable with him to the point that you'd call his cabin your home, scared you to fucking pieces. 
The cabin was dimly lit from what little sunlight you had left and your boots clunked against the wooden porch as you opened the front door to the living room. It was kind of a quiet walk home, not a lot of words shared between you and Joel. He didn’t want to pry and nag about how you were feeling but he wanted to know if you were still mad at him. Some small part of him felt like an ass for yelling at you after he told you he’d work on that but in his defense he was terrified at how close to death you got. 
“You hungry, baby?” He asked as he shucked off his bag and jacket before kicking off his boots. You unlace your shoes and kick them next to his, shaking your head no. 
He sighs deeply, shoulders dropping while his hands go to your waist and pull you into him. 
“I know that’s not true, those snacks were gone before we were even halfway there. Now, tell me what you’re hungry for and I’ll make it for ya…” He rocks you back and forth slowly as he hums softly against your head.
“Spaghetti..maybe? I noticed you had pasta in the cupboard next to the stuff you said wasn’t just for any ol’ meal and..” Joel grabs your face lovingly, the tender touch of the rough man was somehow so calming to you. He tried his best to be delicate with you when he could see you needed it the most but this is Joel Miller, how soft could he naturally be?
“You want spaghetti, we’re gonna eat spaghetti. You can decorate while I get dinner going, how’s that sound, sweet girl?”
His smile grew to match yours and he placed his lips on your forehead before he went to the kitchen to rummage through the cabinets to find all the pots and ingredients he needed. 
Picking up your bag with all of your Halloween decorations stuffed inside you begin to put your ghost figures in small places you know Joel won’t accidentally bump them and knock them over. One in the windowsill by the kitchen sink, one by your side of the bed, and one in Joel’s room by his clock. Peeking around the corner to see where exactly he was and his back was to you while he drained the pasta from the water in the sink, you dip back into his room with the little black cat figurine you took at the last second after he killed the clicker and walked away from you in the heat of the moment. He was frustrated with you but you still took it knowing you’d never be there again and you’d regret never taking it for him.
There it sits on his table tucked right by his clock. It was only a matter of time before he would see it and question why you did something nice for him. Joel couldn’t understand that you wanted to do everything for him. Being with him in this predicament and such a short time made it feel like you’d been there for years, like you could spend the rest of your life here with him. 
“Let’s eat, honey!” He booms from the kitchen and you can heat the plates being set on the table. When you round the corner to face the kitchen, you see the table set with candles of all shapes and widths. This was the most special he’s made you feel yet, besides carving pumpkins with you.
“Cmon, gotta surprise for ya when we’re done eating.” Joel was trying to hide a devilish grin but he was terrible at it, the glass to his lips not being a good shield from your eyes at all. You furrow your brows at him as you sit down hesitantly. What could he have planned that you don’t know about? 
“A surprise? Since when do you do surprises?” Your fork clanks against the plate to scoop up spaghetti, the steam rolling off the top hits your hand and makes you shiver slightly. 
Joel squints playfully and shovels the warm pasta in his mouth to chew thoroughly before answering you lowly, “Yeah alright, keep bein’ a smartass and see what it’ll get you.” His dark eyes glimmered behind the candle flame and you felt that same feeling in the pit of your stomach that you had when you first met him. You were desperate for him at this point and it was almost comical it wasn’t written all over your face. 
The two of you talk about whatever you could think of as you indulge in the best meal you’ve had in months. You could only take so many goddamn stews and soups before it was enough, Joel on the other hand could make anything work for a meal and be fine. 
“Did you wanna put the garland on the railing outside while I clean up this mess?” He chugs down the rest of his water and wipes his mouth with his napkin, looking at you with a hidden agenda. 
“Oh, shit! I forgot about that!” You practically fall out of your chair to get it from your bag and you slip on your boots to go out on the porch. 
“Take a flashlight with you!” Joel yells from his seat and all he sees is your hand reach through the front door to the hall tree that held all your stuff, grabbing your flashlight before shutting the front door once more. 
He chuckles to himself as scratches the back of his head thinking about you and how you always kept him guessing your next move. While you wrapped the orange and black garland around the stair railing, little did you know Joel wasn’t actually doing the dishes. He was in the bedroom unpacking the duffle bag from earlier at the pharmacy, tucking away the pills in the bottom drawer in the bathroom. His backpack was sitting at the end of the couch and he opened it, taking out the one thing you didn’t know he stashed. 
A ghostface mask. 
Just as you stand up and back away to observe the work you did, a tall figure standing on the side of the cabin makes you freeze in your place. Quickly you realize it’s Joel with the way he’s standing and the knife at his side. The corners of your mouth turn up and you walk towards him, tucking your hands behind your back. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You question and tug on his jacket teasingly. 
No answer. 
All he does is cock his head slightly at you with his knife still at his side. 
Your excitement wets your panties and you can feel your fingers going cold but the adrenaline running through your body keeps you warm. 
“Joel seriously, what are you doing?” Your tone is a little more firm this time. 
He raises his arm to point his knife towards the house and he mutters from under the mask, “Run. If I find you, I fuck you. My way.” 
Your jell-o feeling legs stumble backwards to take off towards the house, Joel charging at you in no time. He knew there were only so many hiding spots in the cabin, that was the point. You went for the obvious place but you knew he’d get a laugh at it, under the bed. 
The weight of his boots moved on the porch and the front door swung open widely, smacking the wall behind it. It was seconds after he walked in the cabin that you had to cover your mouth and nose so he couldn’t hear the small pants of breath coming from under the bed. With your feet at the end of where the bed is, you watch closely at the door and soon enough his boots are in your vision. You know he won’t hurt you too much but god damn was your heart racing. 
Joel slowly makes his way to the door frame of the bedroom and he stops abruptly to inspect the room. Slinking his way closer, your eyes follow his every move and when he stops at the end of the bed you knew he knew. 
With a rough yank on your ankles, Joel quickly pulls you out from under the bed and you squeal in excitement. 
“No, no, no please, don’t hurt me.” You protest and he tosses you face first on the bed, ripping your jeans below your ass cheeks. A groan bellows from Joel with a sharp smack to your ass and it sends you whimpering with your head between your arms. 
The cold blade of the knife traces over your lower back and your wiggling reaction earns a chuckle from Joel before the ripping of fabric fills your ears. He cut your fucking panties. Slipping the fabric off of you between your thighs, he couldn’t help but admire the wetness on them. 
A thud hits the headboard and you turn around to see his knife wiggling as he just finished driving it into the wood before he smacks your ass again. 
His rough hand meets the middle of your back and presses down firmly so your ribs lay comfortably on the bed as his free hand unbuckles his belt slowly. 
The only thing you could hear was his belt buckle hitting the wooden floor and the sound of his boots hitting the rug while he simultaneously rubbed his thumb over your aching clit. 
“F-fuck, daddy yes, I need you inside me please.” You try to claw at him but he just shoves you down on the bed again. Joel lifts the mask up momentarily to spit on your asshole, eagerly watching it drip down over your entrance and through your sticky sweet folds. 
He whips out his long hard cock to slap your asshole with the tip and he snickers as he sees you tense up thinking he’s going to fuck your ass. 
“Not yet, baby. Now…stay still for daddy, yeah? Be a good pretty girl for me.” He groans as he slips inside your pussy. You can hear his thick breathing and cussing reverberate off the mask and it makes you spread your legs further apart, wanting to please him in any way you can. 
There was no easing into it, Joel’s hands grab your wrists and pin them against your back before his hips begin slamming against you harshly. When Joel got to have his way with you, he wasn’t gentle with it. All the pent up frustration you gave him was taken out on you this way and it had the opposite effect, it only made you act out more. 
Joel’s grunts with every thrust inside you, his hands squeeze your wrists tighter and tighter the hornier he gets. Your pussy clenches around his cock in excitement and you squeal out a slew of his name mixed with curse words, too mumbled for him to decipher what you said. 
“Fuck, you’re such a good little angel wrappin’ around my cock like that- ohh shit.” He hisses and your arm falls to your side, Joel’s hand wrapping around your throat roughly. You cry out as you can feel the head of his cock bumping your cervix and Joel puts his right foot on the bed to get a better angle on you, his hips never stopped moving. 
With his thick fingers squeezing every bit of air out of you, he growls in your ear, “You like when daddy plays rough with you like the nasty little girl you are?” He chuckles and squeezes harder around your throat so you can’t answer. 
You close your eyes as the roll back with lust and your body begins to shake underneath him, his cock still ramming into you and making your head spin. 
“I wanna-oh my goddd-come for you daddy, please. Let me come, please-I can’t-god..fuuck.” You choke out and he goes faster, slamming into you so hard the bed squeaks with every thrust. 
“Aww, you wanna come all over my cock, honey? Show me how good you are and come, right fuckin’ now.” Joel’s voice vibrates against your ear before he stands up straight and grabs onto your hips to keep himself steady as he fucks you as hard as he can. 
It was almost as if the Earth stopped spinning and everything hit all at once. You fell flat on the bed as you screamed his name, trying to wiggle away from him but it was no use. Joel pins your hips down and continues at you, groaning louder as his cock twitches inside you. 
“God damn, that’s a good girl-oh fuck.-Gonna make daddy fill up that pretty little pussy of yours, baby. Bet you’d like that huh? Goin’ to sleep with my cum inside you.” He mutters through his teeth as his jaw clenches, his head tilting back. 
You try to shove him away as you shake from the overwhelming feeling on your pussy but he’s too far into it to stop. He needs to get himself off inside you if it’s the last thing he does.
A few spanks to your ass and a couple squeezes to your tits, Joel’s breath becomes heavier as he empties his balls deep in you. 
He cusses loudly and grabs your ass for dear life as his knees go weak with each string of cum he shoots. Joel’s cock goes soft inside you and he pulls out slowly, seeing the cum already threaten to spill from your aching hole. As you lay there dizzy and so fucked out, he sits beside you and gives a little pat to your ass, taking off the ghostface mask and giving it a toss to the floor. 
Neither one of you says a word for a few minutes until you finally get the energy to lazily sit up and look at him. 
“Can you fuck me like that from now on, please?” you ask breathlessly and he looks at you in awe. 
“Come here.” Joel whispers and his hand grabs the back of your head gently, pulling you into a passionate kiss. 
“Let’s go take a bath.” You mumble on his lips and leave him sitting there on the bed. 
“Happy fuckin’ Halloween to me. God damn.” He says to himself with a grin and walks to the bathroom.
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sopiao · 11 months
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anyways. reader (shark) taking care of Price while he’s injured. these r just lil snippets of it 🤭
Out on a mission, Shark had a nice clean shot of the target. It seemed to clean, too clear. He picked a space that would seem hidden only to a blind man, it was like he picked a spot to look like he was hiding but was so obviously out in the open. But, whatever, fuck it. Seemed too much of a waste of time overthink a quick shot to get the mission over with.
But Price saw it, he saw how they lured them into a specific spot that made it look like it would be a perfect spot for them. Long story short (mainly cuz i’m too lazy) he ended up taking the trap for them. It took a couple hours until he could be safely taken to base to get his wounds checked out. He has to stay in that wing for 2 weeks to recover. Critical condition.
Shark felt guilty that they fell for such an obvious trap to get it over with, and he ended up getting hurt. So, they decided to be the one to take care of him. Shark gets to pay their self-debt to him, and the medics don’t have to worry so much about him and who’ll have to monitor him.
“Alright. Got ya’ a grilled cheese aaand a blue Gatorade” Shark entered the room with a paper plate that held the sandwich. Price immediately sat up, ready for his snack but also excited to see them. They set the plate on his lap and the cold blue gatorade on his bedside table.
“Weird combination, but okay” Shark muttered quietly, causing him to chuckle, sitting back on their seat next to his bed. Price hummed deeply after his first bite, the savory taste making him momentarily forget about how sore his body feels.
The fresh scars and stitches on his body were visible. Old ones mixed with new ones. Across his chest was a type of gauze, bandage, and a large patch on his side. The medic suggested that he kept his upper half bare to prevent the fabric from rubbing against the freshly sewn stitches to prevent irritation and prolong the healing process. Fortunately for Shark ,’:)
“Mmph— Never thought a grilled cheese would taste so good” Price groaned, leaning back on the bunchy and wrinkled sheets of the bed, finishing his sandwich and gulping down his Gatorade. Shark slumped back in the wooden chair, propping their feet up on the edge of his bed, flipping through the shitty romcoms on the TV.
It was silent, but not the weird and awkward silence that makes you wanna bury yourself alive then be there. The comfortable silence where you can just space out and just enjoy each other’s company. They were already pretty close, comfortable with each other. They sparred together, ran together, sometimes raced, exercise and eat together.
“You’re an ass” Shark laughed, fake punching Price in the chest. He fell back on the bed with a fake pained expression and a over dramatic ‘ow!’. He stayed laying down, turning his head to show them his soft smile that only seemed to appear when Shark was around. He noticed it, everyone noticed it, just not them.
“Ahh— Fuck” Price groaned immediately sitting up and his hand clutching at the center of his chest. A sudden, uninvited, pain rushed from his back to the center of his chest, bursting out. Shark immediately sat up, worried that their fake punch maybe actually did hit him. One hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand that laid on his chest.
“Oh, shit! Sorry— Uhh. Fuck. What do I do?” Panicked and confused. They didn’t know what to do to help, or what to do at all. Price would chuckle at their reaction if his mind wasn’t occupied with how much is chest fucking hurt.
“No— Ngh.. N-no. I’m fine. The doc said it would be like this because of my rib” Price tried his best to explain through short, shallow, breaths. Sucking in long breaths of air through this teeth to try and bear through the pain. It was like getting stabbed all over again.
“Shit— Uh. Is there anything I can do? Water? Pills? Anything?” Shark asked frantically, looking around quickly for anything that speaks out to them to try to help. He only shook his head, too weak to form a sentence, but he wanted to reassure them that he was okay, he wasn’t, obviously.
“Could-could.. you.. uhh” He spoke up, having to concentrate really hard to try and get the words past the stabbing pain and out his mouth. Shark’s head immediately perked up, looking for any way to assist. They saw his other hand was open, palm up, and towards their direction.
Shark was a little taken aback at his request, their captain was a strong and unaffectionate man. So, seeing how he requested for their hand, something to help him push through it. Shark willingly accepted his hand, his large and scared hand somehow seemed softer than it looked. Finding comfort in their touch. Every so often they’d feel him squeeze their hand when the pain got too intense.
As much as Shark wanted to stay and watch over Price he didn’t wanna see them leave. They had other duties they had to attend to. But when they came back to visit Price, the doctor immediately took their attention and asked, practically begged, them if they could feed Price soup since he hasn’t been eating much lately, claiming he’s feeling nauseous which doesn’t help the feeding process.
Shark looked down at the warm bowl in their hands, chicken soup. They chuckled as they walked back to his room. They don’t know how they were gonna get him to eat, but they’d at least give it a try.
“Heard you was giving the doc a hard time” Shark chuckled, closing the door behind them. Price let out a soft laugh and rubbed the back of his neck as if he was caught.
“I told him I’m not hungry” Price shook his head, hand laying on the side of his neck, as if that would persuade them not to make him eat. He laid back on his elbows, flashing his playful smirk.
“The longer you refuse to eat, the longer you’ll be stuck in here” They shrugged, using their sleeves to stay between their hands and the hot bowl so it doesn’t burn them. He rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry, plopping back down.
“Feed me?”
“You heard me”
Shark searched on his face, any sign that he was just joking around, waiting for him to just laugh it off. Yet he stayed the same, pushing himself up, waiting for them to feed him. Eventually they gave in, signing before sitting up from their seat and standing at his bedside.
They grabbed a spoon full of the meat and warm broth and slid the back against the rim of the bowl to prevent it from dripping. They can’t believe they were doing this, but it was for the health of their captain. Holding it up to his mouth to which he happily took, humming satisfyingly.
“You have arms y’know” Shark pressed another spoonful up to his mouth, eyes fixated on his lips when he slipped the spoon into his mouth, looking back at his eyes. Price shrugged and took a second to chew before answering them.
“I don’t see you stopping” He tilted his head up at them, resting back on his hands and smiling up at Shark.
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homicidal-slvt · 10 months
"Unexpected Introduction"
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F!Reader
Zombie AU {Resident Evil Inspired}
@writeforfandoms is also doing a Gaz zombie AU so please check them out too. They have many absolutely wonderful stories.
Warnings: Horror, Angsty, A lil softness
Life really truly can be a major dick sometimes.
The sickening stench of rotting flesh hung in the air, the only noise left in the streets was disturbed gurgles and groans.
Every step Gaz took was with caution as he watched his surroundings, the gash on his arm wasn't ideal for this situation either.
Just had to get separated...
Blood leaked down his arm in a somewhat steady flow, he feared his injury could somehow be sensed. Make him an easier target- prey.
He wasn't entirely sure if that was true but that's how it felt, that wasn't a good feeling. None of this was a good feeling.
Medical supplies... Need to find at least something for this.
Carrying on he slipped inside the nearest house that didn't look completely trashed, moving around corners slowly. He explored with floorboards groaning in complaint beneath his boots.
Entering a bedroom he took note of the photos along the walls... Family photos. They looked so happy- it filled him with dread to think most likely the once happy family was now a bunch of flesh eating monsters.
Maybe they got out okay.
Just then he stepped a little too close to the closet, a figure lunging out at him before he can fully react- blade coming for his shoulder.
Luckily his reflexes are still damn good, grasping the wrist of the assailant. Your body effortlessly was pushed back and your spine collided with the edge of the closet door frame.
Kitchen knife clatters to the floor and your eyes meet his, a deep brown staring back at you intensely.
"You're not one of them..."
You mutter in acknowledgement as you take in the fact he's very much human... As far as you can tell his injury doesn't look like a bite wound either.
"Neither are you."
A pause follows his response as he glanced over your bloodied clothing, torn from a heavy struggle. That knife was your only weapon- made him wonder how the hell you were still alive.
The stains he could see weren't the ones of concern, the blood on your hands that reeked of the dead would forever stick with you. Memories etched into your mind that wouldn't go away.
"Can you... Let go of me now?"
"As long as you promise to not stab me the moment I turn around."
You couldn't help but chuckle softly as a bit of amusement lingers in your eyes, humor seems like the perfect escape given the situation.
"I think it was already confirmed trying that does not end well for me."
You could see a faint smile as his grip loosens on you, letting you go as he steps away to give you your personal space back.
You glance over at his arm again and suck in a breath.
"I can help..."
{This series may be long or short I don't know. My Resident Evil and COD brain rot connected together and this is the result. I may even do more shit like this because no one can stop me.}
{@sofasoap @sarraa-26 @soupbinsoup @gothgirl6-6-6 }
{More Content}
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quinloki · 2 months
Ok so, I shit u not, since u said I could pick who to talk about, I decided to use a number generator to pick for me and it picked my Kid Pirates OC LMAOOOO who was inspired by this, really fantastic fic by @standfucker (if I remember right the title is “Rotations” but don’t quote me on that)(also note that this is the crew I am the LEAST familiar with but the most FASCINATED by atm)
So, let’s get into Zella(he/she), my newest OC (like, literally came up with her in the last couple of weeks)! She is a 5’5”, 22-24 spunky lil shit from the West Blue, who loves her crew and ONLY them, fuck the rest of the world. He’s punk (ofc), usually sporting a cropped deep red and green leather jacket, long fingerless gloves, and black tank top and high waisted pants, with boots (a pair she’s had since before the Kid Pirates and would stab a bitch for as they were a gift). Short dark green hair, with two little white tufts that poke out in front of her ears and frame her face. (Im kinda shooting for like, a hummingbird kinda vibe for her, but not like “cute smol, wants some flowers” and more “I will stab u with my beak if u get near my flower” deal. A colorful chihuahua if u will)
Since Zella is so new I don’t have a lot aside from design vibes, but I have some key things
• as One Piece characters tend to have, his childhood? Fucked up. Got dragged around hopping island to island with their shitty parents until they finally abandoned him. He tried to find comfort and friendship with the local kids and it, didn’t go well. Let’s just say the fingerless gloves r there for more than fashion. Once she managed to leave THAT shitty place, Zella found an island home that, while on paper it’s not a good place, there were few people who actually took her in. Until that too was taken, resulting in Kid Pirate Zella.
• can and has climbed her crewmates like trees to get a better vantage point. It’s usually Wire or Killed, Kid in a knee-jerk reaction threw him overboard. Zella has not let him forget about it since.
• Has the filthiest mouth of my OCs, but is not immune to being flustered into place (which happens more often than she’d like)
• will pick the spiciest food and eat it with no reaction (Dive took a bite thinking she could handle it. She could not)
• very skilled at sewing and has helped her crew with fixing and customizing their clothes on many occasions. Do NOT touch her chaotic corner of supplies, she knows where everything is and somehow always knows if it’s been messed with. A l w a y s.
• has two tattoos (atm, may add more later), one in particular being an under chin tattoo of a red star/flower shaped pattern. Does not remember the night it happened, at all.
• always has a knife hidden somewhere on her person. Full body searched? HA u missed the one between her ass cheeks bitch
And that’s it for rn!!!! I have a lot more I want to develop and figure out for Zella, but I also have to get to know her crew first lmao thanks for letting me ramble!
The 🌷
Holy shit - hey Zen - idk if the tag in an ask will ping you, but I'mma assume yes - Your one-shot birthed an OC for someone!!
And yeah, it's called Rotation - that one and Whiteout whew.
Anyway, we're talking about your Zella and I love him \o/ What you have so far is fantastic, and it's certainly enough for a full fledged OC, so I don't think you have to worry about that.
And it doesn't take much honestly, sometimes character creation is a long long process, and sometimes they come to us all at once. And sometimes real development happens in the parameters of a story, but you've got her down solid already. I love the bullets and the little personal bits here and there with the crew.
If you're fascinated with the Kid Pirate crew, I gotta make sure you're aware of @swampstew - she's got a Meet the Crew series, and yeah it's based on her head canon of them, but it's a great place to start in my opinion. (I imagine you are if you follow me, I love her Kid Pirate passion, and I bet if you're nice and ask for some head canons she'd share as much as me xD ❤️🥰)
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Aftermath of fighting gil, deimos and sanford find his s/o. What happens next is up to you
Can't decide what I wanted to happen, So decided to kinda leave it up to interpretation to what choice Sanford and Deimos went with! Hope you enjoy <3
also Sanford working as a nexus core scientist is a lil headcannon of mine / how I think Sanford and Deimos met in the first place heheheh
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TRIGGER WARNING - Character death, blood, vomit. character death, reader death mention / suggestion
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Deimos and Sanford watched the large G0L3M finally collide to the floor. The two were beaten, bruised with some wounds that would faintly be leaving some scars. For them, not out of place, just another for the body's ever-growing collection.
" Y/n.... Y/n... I need... them... " Gil murmured, crawling across the floor as the life faded from him. Scratching at the floor as if to pull himself towards the horrid pile of " meat " but he never got there. Passing away before his final goal could be reached. Neither Sanford or Deimos had seen this reaction from a Zed before, although they had never seen one display this level of sentience, outside of a certain clown, either.
" Y/n? " Deimos repeated, glancing at Sanford who held the same look of confusion. Must have meant something to him. Sanford gave a shrug before taking to sorting his sunglasses. While he took to examining the weapons, Deimos wanted to look around the kitchen. Not every day you get let into THE Burger Gil's kitchen after all. He paced himself, wanting to truly enjoy the experience.
Although it was probably a lot nicer before the fall of Nexus city. He coudl even recall trying it and to this day? the best shit he ever tasted. To this day it was unmatched and his taste buds one day longed to get the savoury flavour that is the Burger Gil supreme. He could feel himself getting somewhat hungry as his mind trailed back to the memories of that first bite. The savoury flavour as he bit down for the first time culminated with the mix of a couple vegetables and sauces. He misses that.
" Y'know I really miss the food from this place. Maybe there's some secret recipe laying around. Then we could have all the Gil's we wanted! " Deimos added on, beginning to rummage around the cupboards. Sanford shook his head, mildly amused by his Deimos' behaviour but they needed to concentrate. He wiped the cleaver down on his trousers, Staring a the blood stains for a moment before admiring his handiwork. It almost looked as good as new, Except for the chipped edges: Clearly damaged with overuse, time and being stabbed into the two of them.
As if by clockwork, The locker that Gil had been trying to crawl too, on second glance he had been staring at it, was pushed open to reveal another grunt. Blood smeared at their mouth and looked insanely pale and underweight. It was very surprising they weren't dead in a place like this. They sported the usual Burger Gil's uniform, albeit a mix of vomit and blood down the front, presumably from the grunt themself as the same mix of fluids was smeared around their mouth
Both Sanford and Deimos froze up apon watching them walk so casually through the kitchen. Reading their weapons as at this point, they hadn't been ready for another fight so soon, skin crawling at their appearance. They hummed a small tune, seemingly just walking up to the pile of meat and stepping over Gil's own body. You only simply moved to a chopping board, picking up the nearby knife and chopping the meat into well measured slices. It was like watching a machine at work, motions were repetitive.
The two locked eyes once again, motioning towards you as of puzzled on what to do. They had been in similar situations before but that entailed the other trying to avenge their dead. Not... whatever the fuck you were playing at. Both Deimos and Sanford readied their weapons, Sanford having now dawned the cleaver that once belonged to the zombified G0L3M.
" Oh Customers... Sorry I didn't notice you. " They spoke, quietly before frowning and glancing back at the body of their " boss ". The tone was strangely monotone, flowing from each other naturally but it couldn't help make the other's skin crawl.
Eyes glazed over as you stared before turning back to Sanford. A moment ago the bandana sporting man had picked up Gil's cleaver. you saw your reflection for a moment in the shiny piece of metal. Perhaps the only thing that wasn't rotting away in here.
" Sorry about him... He must be having a nap. He works so hard for everyone. And me. He loves me. " At the end your sentence, You trailed off into your own thoughts. A blissful sigh and hands clutching at your heart. The only showcase of emotion and it freaked both of them out. You turned, staring blankly at the body to your side, even taking the moment to bend down and place a small kiss on the side of it's head causing the duo to cringe in horror. Maybe this would have been sweet if it wasn't so utterly disgusting
" Are you... With... " Sanford made a motion to point to the body on the floor. Stumbling over his words as he tried to gather his thoughts. He gritted his teeth apon hearing you to giggle, enthusiastically nodding as you turned back to cutting the meat.
What had these two stumbled into. Sure... THE burger Gil wasn't this bad of a guy. Was it the Zed part that infested his brain that made him do this? But what if not. Sanford motioned over for his companion to make his way around so they could discuss this... in private. Deimos slowly walked around you, Never turning his back but you seemed completely oblivious. Just cutting the meat without a second thought, almost like clockwork.
" What do we do with them? " Sanford asked, biting his lip as he looked between both Deimos and you, at the other side of the kitchen: Back turned. Deimos looked down while holding gaze with this weapon that held enough ammo to at least put a bullet through your skull. The other instantly picked up on the idea and gritted his teeth.
" Is that... the only way? " He sighed. They had killed many all over Nevada. But something stirred in his gut for once, perhaps sympathy. Maybe he saw a bit of himself in her, Having been a brainwashed scientist himself for a while back in the Nexus core. He recognised the zombified look, the glace over the eyes on how they clearly had done it to survive. To live through this hell. It reminded him of the years spent there, His mother would be ashamed if he saw what he had done in the past there.
" You got a better idea? " Deimos spoke, grip tightening on the weapon. he didn't want to do it. He really didn't want to do it. However, there wasn't much else they could do. If they left you, it was only a moment of time before a stray Zed got in and attacked you, or bandits. What if you wandered into the city after realizing Gil's death. What if you kept eating that meat and it finally caught up with you. I mean, You didn't physically look like you could hold your own in a fight with being that underweight.
" No but... " Sanford sighed. trying to think of anything to keep you alive. You deserved better than this and truth be told, He didn't think he could do it.
" You think Sheriff's still around? " he added on, recalling the earlier dispute with the cowboy. Maybe they could give you to the MERCs. Presuming your a good cook and wouldn't feed them Gil's new special aka maggot surprise.
" Oh so you want to go back and throw them off to a coward who'd use them as a meat shield. " Deimos spoke up, raising his voice. Enough for you to hear now, You glanced over your shoulder. The duo didn't notice.
" Shut up. At least I'm trying to think of something " Sanford shot back, Glancing away from his partner. Meanwhile, You had began to slowly walk over to Gil's deceased body. You began to shake him, in hope's he'd wake up. You were scared, They were talking about killing you, right? Gil said he'd protect you. You knew he would so he needed to wake up right now.
" Going back would take too long anyway. We've got a job to do. Remember? we didn't fight streets full of bandits and Zed's to help Gil's little friend. We're here to get paid " Deimos reminded, looking the cleaver over. You continued to shake he body, now in hushed whispers, encouraging him to wake up.
" We know where he's hiding out, we can give them instructions. Like... It's a food delivery or something. " Sanford explained, folding his arms as he now looked back to you. Still shaking the body and silently crying. It was a heart-breaking image which only caused him to look back. Deimos stared a little longer at the two of you. They really didn't know what to do with you. Both options were viable but one questioned remained that only you could answer
Did you really want to live with what he had done to you?
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I had the sudden image of the Freedom Fighters dead-staring at the Prime Zone FF and the Suppression Squad and saying ”Scourge is ours now. We’ve adopted him.” Can you imagine how chaotic that would be if all three teams somehow were able to meet? Thinking about Fleetway Tails being a savage like his Sonic makes me snort.
Adgsfhsfh I LOVE the idea of Fleetway Tails slowly becoming more like Sonic... man between him and Scourge Tails' future really is one of snark shcshfhfs Prime looks at this fox child who is slowly becoming a savage lil bitch and weeps inside like "this is the worst possible timeline." The other Freedom Fighters would probably be a good influence tho and stop Tails from becoming as rude as Sonic and Scourge
Man both the Prime Freedom Fighters and the Suppression Squad would just Not Get It. Like for the Prime FF they truly cannot understand why any freedom fighters from any dimension would take this fucker in??? He's a villain who's only ever wanted to fuck shit over for as long as they've known him, and he's SUCH an asshole. Not someone you'd ever expect to see fighting for good. They (except for poor Prime who's realising far too quickly why these fuckers like him, although he still doesn't get why Scourge likes them back) probably try to warn the Fleetway Freedom Fighters about him but they're just like "we're literally friends with Sonic we can deal with Scourge just fine"
The Suppression Squad also don't understand how these fuckers can put up with Scourge, but they also don't understand why Scourge is letting them. They're looking at him like "this is not the bitch that led our squad that would've murdered us and destroyed our planet in a heartbeat. Where has he gone who is this fucker and why is he in love with a Sonic". Like can you imagine what that must be like?? Why hasn't he tried to take over the planet yet? Why is he pretending to be good? Why hasn't he attempted to kill or at least take Sonic's place as leader of the Freedom Fighters and then burned it all down? They're so used to the betrayal and backstabbing of their own universe and, well, like it or not Scourge is one of them, so the concept of him actually being loyal to Freedom Fighters of all things is alien to them. They keep expecting Scourge to turn around and stab his new friends in the back but he never does and they struggle to make sense of why
The Fleetway Freedom Fighters truly have adopted him sjgdgjdfh although sometimes they question why because he's such a bad influence on Sonic. But he's their bad influence on Sonic. And honestly so many people in that universe are dicks so accent aside Scourge fits right in. Like in a zoo it's the perfect place for him to be his little gremlin bastard self while keeping him (and therefore others) safe because he's surrounded by people who are also bastards and are happy to kick his ass if needed but also aren't jumping to stab him in the back at any opportunity. They look at the other two teams like "he has been Removed from the toxic environment (that he caused) we don't see the issue. He's ours now and also Sonic might actually bite you if you try to take him"
(Neither of the teams want him they just can't understand why anyone DOES. It's like hearing that alligator that's been terrorising your family for years has just been moved to another town to a family going "yeah no big deal he's our pet now" like MA'AM THAT'S A DANGEROUS PREDATOR but the Freedom Fighters simply don't care)
Wfhshfshf just the three teams all standing around yelling, two in confusion, one defensively. Scourge is almost definitely throwing a pissy fit in the background over his friends saying they've adopted him. He belongs to no one, damn it! He can fuck off and leave you assholes and never come back at any time! (He won't)
(Don't mind Fiona and the Destructix in the background absolutely raging bc they're watching their leader get forcibly adopted into a new dimension and they're like. The only other team that want him. Or at least Fiona does the others probably have mixed feelings. But the Prime Freedom Fighters won't even let that happen bc even though it makes no sense to them Scourge causes less trouble in the Fleetway universe)
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lcngliive · 7 months
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Was that [ALVA BRATT]? Oh no no, that was just [SHIN HATI], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [STAR WARS]. They are [TWENTY FIVE] years old, use [SHE/THEY], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
they've only been here for a week.
what is your character's job
nothing yet, but she'll probs be some sort of muscle for hire.
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
from the end of the ashoka series after being trapped.
has any magic affected your character
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
okay ,, this feral lil shit is shin hati, there's not much on shin's early childhood or anything like that - I'm just going to kinda make that up as i go along tbh bc the show hasn't touched much on that other than she's a force sensitive kid that baylan found not in the jedi temple or on courscant. obvs if we get a second season of ahsoka, I'll change her stuff if we find out more abt them :)
okay here we go
shin's always been force-sensitive, but obviously, because the jedi order was no more.
shin doesn't remember her parents - they were killed when shin was four and they spent time in an orphanage before baylon found them.
from there, he could see their potential to be something greater than the jedi ever were - except for most of the things she learned early on were heavily influenced by the jedi, esp the wearing of the padawan braid that she still has.
they both spent years being muscle for hire until they allied with morgan elspbeth in the hunt for thrawn, but there was always something greater than baylon wanted for both of them, so he went along with the plan to find thrawn just to further his ambitions.
so they spent years working for her and eventually broke her out of prison after she was captured by ahsoka tano.
after that, shin was sent off on a few missions of their own - specifically one to lothal to retrieve the orb that held the map to get to peridia, nd that was where she met sabine wren for the first time and where they stabbed them lmaooo.
after all of that, they managed to get the giant ass hyperspace rings working so that they could go get thrawn.
shin absolutely did not like morgan or the other nightsisters that were around, they lowkey creeped them out.
shin fought off ahsoka, sabine and ezra for a little bit - but in the end up they ran away when ahsoka asked her to join them.
but baylon had gone off and left them, so they were once again on their own, so she went off to find the hunters that they'd worked with before and that's the last we see of shin in season 1 :)
jodie's hcs abt shin :)))
was raised by a single mother, her father was killed by smugglers when they were trying to get to a different planet before shin was born.
shin bites. 100% is a biter, will bite to win a fight.
also pulls hair.
does not like being alone, it reminds them of the time when she was alone when she was a child after her mother died.
they don't know how to talk to people their own age without being rude lmaoooo.
will absolutely start a fight over anything tbh.
they favour form iv ataru - it's known as the aggression form - and a lot of shin's control comes from her anger, which is shown a lot when she spontaneously does things that are driven by anger.
here in dc
after everything that happened in the ahsoka show, shin is very confused abt how they're here??? she was still thinking they'd be stuck on peridia after thrawn left.
so she is very confused about everything, will be absolutely so defensive abt everything.
so it would be good if there was someone that would be able to kinda like show them around lmaooooo????? give them the vibes of the place pls nd thank.
potential plots
roomate(s) - idk why anyone would wanna room w/her but ?????? they clean up after themselves and probs wont say much so ????? win-win kind of situation lmaooooo.
friends - kinda like everything else??? shin doesn't trust easy and def stabs and bites so ????? take that as you will lmaooo - but def some people who are of the same sort of mind set as her ??? like the whole dark vibes nd kinda thing like that, they'd get on easily with someone like that.
a slow burn relationship - shin absolutely does not trust anyone but her master - and obs he's not here so ?????? feral lesbian is open to a ship - but it will def need to be slow burn, she has a lot of trust issues and that won't exactly make them a good partner to start off with ?????? but they'd probs end up catching feelings
friends with benefits/hookups - like before, shin is a lesbian - but this would just be random people they've met and would probably never want to see again lmaooo - but some of them could turn into something like enemies or whatever ???? down for vibes.
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trboyrants · 2 years
First Name: Cael
Middle Name: James
Last Name: Williams
Nickname: Caely, CJ
Gender: male
Age: 26
Birthday: October 24th, 1996
Birth Stone: opal
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Ideal partner? Someone who is down to have fun and go along with whatever shit sounds fun
What was their first kiss like? Awful, he wasn’t expecting it and it was sloppy
Life Story: He grew up with junkie parents that were never around. He was in and out of the foster system until he turned 18 and inherited an old house from his grandmother after she died.
Did he have an imaginary friend growing up? Yes, a blue bear named Tyrone
Nurtured or neglected growing up? Neglected, his parents were never home hence why he was in the foster system
Financial situation growing up? Lower class
Do they ramble or are they to the point? He rambles with explanation but is also painfully to the point
Does he have any addictions? Buying coffee (he’s a coffee snob)
What’s his biggest secret? He bit his toenails when he was a kid, but will never admit it
What is he obsessed with? Only wearing combat boots and doc martens
Does he have any pet peeves? Tiny ankle biting dogs, people who lie a lot
Does he have any superstitions? No, he likes all things spooky
What’s his favorite swear word? Fuck
One word they would use to describe themselves? Observant
Sense of humor? Witty, smartassy
What’s his soft spot? You
Favorite person? You
Do they rent or own? Own, he inherited his house
Do they live in an urban area or rural? Urban
What’s their dream home? A house big enough for his family that he can have a home movie theater in
How long can they hold a grudge? as long as he can remember what happened (for a pretty long time)
Eye Color(s): brown
Hair Color: blonde hair
Hair Style(s): Longer, hates it short
Height: 5’11
Personality traits: Charming, witty, smart assy, funny
Good Habit(s): He builds in Minecraft when he’s overwhelmed, he doodles a lot to battle boredom, keeps a journal to not suppress his thoughts and feelings 
Bad habit(s): Has a tendency to get angry quickly, over thinks a lot of things
Like(s): reading about horror stories and watching horror movies, serial killer documentaries
Dislike(s): people who lie a lot, predictable horror movies, people who conform to society
Hobbies: playing video games, drawing, reading
Allergies: Latex
Fear(s): Wasps, someone breaking into his house, not having the chance to have a family
Fun Facts? He loves his house, but he hates how empty and quiet it is
Ambition/dream: A comic artist with his own comic series
Occupation/Job: A journalist at the local paper
Parent(s): Maria Williams (mother, deceased) James Williams (father, undecided)
Relative(s): Giselle Williams (grandmother, deceased)
Best Friend(s): Micah Green
Pet(s): a goldfish named Gulp that he won at the local carnival
Scent: woods, fresh linen
Outfit(s): Ripped jeans, old t-shirts, a jean jacket
Makeup: occasional eyeliner
Scars: a few on his wrist from self harm, and a dot on his hand from being stabbed with a pen messing around with Micah
Tattoo(es): a rose on his shoulder with his grandmother’s birthdate
Jewelry: A silver chain, a small diamond earring
Piercing(s): Nostril, ears
Favorite Song: From the D to the A - Tee Grizzley, Lil Yachty
Favorite Food(s): his grandmother’s homemade spaghetti
Favorite Drink(s): Orange juice
Favorite Color(s): Black and green
Favorite Animal(s): rainbow trout because he thought they were cool after seeing them in a book as a kid
Favorite Number: 7
Favorite Season(s): spring
Favorite Holiday(s): Halloween
Favorite Time of Day: Late afternoon
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cinderspots · 3 years
Hello, question : What if Reader is immortal...Don't age, Like actually immortal. Nothing can kill them. They can get sick but it won't kill them...
Hwo will the Ladies of Re8 reacts to this...Well good news ?
Ok I'm gonna make this dramatic af bc why not lol
Hope you enjoy ❤
Tag List: @minitrescu @ultimatebottom69 @imsososolesbian @luni-draws-crap @fatherse7en
Included: Mother Miranda, Mia Winters, Donna Beneviento, Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Alex Wesker
Mother Miranda
You get like, a normally fatal sickness
And naturally Miranda flips out
Shes trying to be in denial about it and its heartbreaking
She distances herself from you before you can say anything and one day she comes to terms with it and rushes to you
Begging you to not leave her too
And then you're just like-
Ive been trying to tell you, i cant die????
Oop Mirandas not responding anymore
Then she clings to you bc now you cant ever leave
Mia Winters
Bro you get to visit the Bakers
So fun right
Youve got Mia, and youre about to leave
And then
Fucking Marguerite
(Vagina Wasps)
Appears and just like
Stabs you
Which is so rude btw, and you fall down cause you were stabbed
And mia loses her shit bc she thinks youre gonna die
And then you pop back up with this offended expression and fight her off while Mia computes
Shes got words
Donna Beneviento
Lycans are being mean
They broke in and like took a nice chunk out of your stomach
And Donna thinks the only person she has was basically just killed
Goes apeshit
Then turns into a mess and wont let you speak while she tries to fix the problem
A full two hours later youre able to tell her
Shes very happy and snuggles you
Alcina Dimitrescu
Hunters were doin their dumb thing
Attempting murder
Pushing you off a balcony
The usual
And Alcina returns just as you fall and crash into tue ground in what would absolutely be a fatal drop
You just lay there before you get up painfully
"What." "I cant die" ">:/"
Bela Dimitrescu
Cassandra gets too carried away messing around with you
And maybe you two fuck with lycans
And one goes "bitch" and bites you
But like
Your throat
(Which feels awful, and gross youre gonna have to regenerate that)
And Cassandro goes uh oh
And Bela comes by, sees that
Youre just there casually gurgling
Its not great
But :0 you get up and kill the thing
"Immortal, sorry" is all you manage to get out
Bela: we will have words
Bela: also i love you
Cassandra Dimitrescu
There are so many ways to die/almost die with cass
Pick anything
Just pick one
Cassandra actually cries
Bc she thinks youre dying and obviously shes blaming herself
And then you come back, looking guilty, with a lil "hi"
Omfg youre in so much trouble
Daniela Dimitrescu
Daniela accidentally feeds too much
And you pass out
Daniela actually overreacts, it wasnt enough to kill you, just to make you pass out if you were normal
But Daniela assumes death
Freaks tf out when you wake up
Shes fucking overjoyed about you being immortal
You are never
Alex Wesker
You kind of just take care of some problematic person for her
So obviously she kidnaps you
Bc duh
And finds out your immortal then
She is-
Takes a while for yall to not be captor prisoner dynamic
You don't know when that happened
....no really when
782 notes · View notes
beomgyuls · 2 years
What About Us? || C.Beomgyu. Chapter 9
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⚎ Summary - after all of your hard work, living alone with no support from your parents what so ever after you graduated college. Your father suddenly called you, announcing that there was a rather weighty deal that was made between your family and with the Choi’s. Forcefully leaving you to marry Choi Beomgyu, one of the most powerful yet mysterious CEO there is.
⚎ Pairing - Beomgyu x Reader
⚎ Genre - arranged marriage! au, ceo! beomgyu, fluff, angst.
⚎Word counting -9.1k
⚎Warnings - swearing, lil ANGST, suggestive content, making out means lots of kissing, alcohol consumption, mentions of violence, basically love making if you put it nicely? Idk what to put in anymore so basically they do it , dom!Beomgyu w/sub reader!, creampie, sweet dirty talk, :>
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All of your senses must’ve left you when he finally talked back, he still leaned forward to get a good look at your face with your mouth filled with the breakfast you’re eating right now. You felt alarming with him sitting across from you, he’s already wearing such prestigious clothes, his Prada suit with his silver watch resting on his left wrist while you’re only wearing a simple white shirt and some shorts, talk about the opposites right now. Your work starts later around ten in the morning. That's why you’re still wearing these clothes but after this breakfast, Beomgyu would be already off. You ignored him and just continued eating quietly at your side of the table, the tension around both of you is still heavy and uncomfortable so it’s best to stay quiet. But his eyes. Fuck those eyes. You can’t eat properly from the way Beomgyu looks at you as he sat there quietly not even doing anything, lifting your head and you wished you didn’t at that moment because he too had his eyes on you or maybe he already did. Sighing, you stabbed your sandwich with the fork in your hand and that made Beomgyu look at you with questionable eyes.
“You can leave me alone here and just go to work”
You can feel how he studied you for a moment before standing up and leaving you as you just said and that left you dumbstruck. He even left his dirty plate and glass on the table and walked out of the dining room without sparing a single glance at you.
I was not expecting him to actually leave!
And with that, you began eating the food that was left on your plate heavily, almost like you were purposely making noise whenever the spoon and fork would hit the plate. Chewing down the last bite of the sandwich and grabbing the tall glass of water to gulp it down continuously and there Beomgyu came walking in with his attention focused on the phone in his hands. Lightly choking on your drink because he sat down again at the chair in front of you, he had his tongue poking the inside of his cheek.
You thought that he already left for work but turns out he just grabbed his phone in the living room to where it was charging earlier. He sat back down without sparing you a look but you know that he was still waiting for you to finish eating.
“Have your parents been talking to you or anything?” He suddenly asked out of nowhere and that made you lift your head in question.
“No, they haven't” You replied quickly with your eyebrows meeting together in confusion, you thought that he would continue to ask some questions but he zipped his mouth shut.
Beomgyu had his phone on top of the table with his right-hand scrolling down and the other was busy playing with his lips, you took the view in front of you quietly as you also noticed the visible eye bags that are now forming in his eyes.
“Well, my parents have been shit” He muttered, gulping down a newly poured water from his glass.
Beomgyu was saying that because whenever you’d walk down the hallway and you’ll always walk past his office, you could hear him talking to his parents through a phone call, tired, disappointed, and angry those were the three things you noticed from the way he would reply to them. He’s probably dealing with the bankruptcy issue that the media suddenly found out and that made you think if all of the things that Ken had told you were true. Did the tables have turned? Are your parents the ones that are helping his family after all? And even if it’s true, you do not care for the way they treated you was impermissible. You still remembered that one time that you and Ari were running down the hallway when you were little due to a play of tag where Siu was the one who will be chasing the two of you, she knocked down the coffee table where your father’s laptop was placed at. And when he saw it he asked the three of you nicely on who broke it but she pointed at you without hesitation and your father didn’t even cover up his voice to yell at you.
Your eyes drifted down at your left wrist where he dragged you, you can still feel it to this very day and how you defended yourself that you didn’t break his laptop and that it was Ari but he didn’t believe you, he didn’t believe that you graduated high school, he didn’t believe that you got good grades. He didn’t believe you. And how will Beomgyu believe you if you told him that he was just a cover-up from the bankruptcy that his father started at their company? Look at him now, suffering from the heavy duties as a CEO with other positions at the company where he should be applying to college entrance exams and waiting for letters, meeting friends from his college course, and going to school years ago.
I guess we’re both the same then.
“I’m done” You started, picking your plate up along with Beomgyu’s as you started walking towards the sink to wash them clean.
Beomgyu sighed as he turned his phone off and left it on top of the dinner table, walking to be beside you to turn off the sink when you’re about to start washing the dishes, rolling up the sleeves of his suit, he took the sponge away from your hand and gently moved you to the side.
“I’ll do it, you go get ready for work”
You stood frozen in place, taken back from what was happening right now in front of you. Your husband is washing the dishes in his work attire with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows so that they won’t get wet, he was focused on his current task with some of his hair falling over his face. He stopped for a moment when he still felt your presence beside him and watched his every move, “What is it?”
“Give it to me, I go to work later at 10 so I still have time. Just go already” You said austerity, moving closer to him as you took the sponge away from Beomgyu’s large hand. He moved to the side so that you were facing the sink properly, the two of you standing next to each other with words tightly zipped inside your mouths.
Just leave.
You sighed, his overwhelming presence clouding up your mind after you heard his breathing still close to you, you can’t finish anything here if he’s just going to stand there and watch you. Almost like he read your mind, Beomgyu left without saying anything, you heard the sound of his footsteps getting further and further away with him taking his scent away that used to fill up your nostrils. Hearing the front door open and close and there he’s gone.
“Did you and your husband get into a fight?” One of your co-workers asked after seeing you entering the main lobby of the building, you just finished parking your car and it’s been almost two weeks since you’ve been driving to work.
“Huh?” You asked, clutching your purse.
“It’s just… It’s been a while since we last saw his car in the drop area” She excused, her voice growing tinier at the very end.
You could only raise your eyebrow at her in question after what she just said. She’s clearly looking for Beomgyu, you know this girl, how she completely changed her style of clothing when she first saw your husband enter the building when he was picking you up from work and how she would smile at him sweetly. You can’t blame her for acting up because just by having Beomgyu inside a room, he dominated it, he shined out of all the businessmen who were also wearing suits and carrying briefcases, he outshined them without even doing anything.
“A little argument that’s all-”
“Awww, how could you argue with him? Who started the fight? I bet it’s you, poor Beomgyu” She sighed, looking at herself as she studied her outfit from head to toe.
“Excuse me? That’s my husband your swooning about and the one that you’re talking to right now is his wife which is me” You fought back, placing both hands on either side of your hips as you gave her a stern look which made her breathe out a nervous laugh.
“And it’s normal for married couples to have a fight what matters is they forgive each other in the end, maybe you don’t have experience because you’ve been single your whole entire life without having a partner” Your chest rose up and down with your blood boiling in frustration, closing your eyes for a moment to escape this early headache that she gave you.
Turning your back, you left her alone without waiting for her to talk, going up the elevator, and once you reached your office you quickly sat down and blew out a puff of air. The whole day you drowned yourself with work, your eyes were already hurting from staring at the bright screen of your monitor and your hands were also hurting from typing nonstop, you can’t rest now or else you’ll get out of your focus trance. Taehyun visited your office earlier and he asked you if you want to eat lunch with him but you declined his offer without even looking up at him. Now thinking about it you broke away from the computer and looked at the wall clock displayed on the wall of your room, the clock showing the time and you read that it was already three pm. Taehyun visited your office four hours ago, you then stared at the empty cup of coffee sitting beside your desk and figured that you could use a refill down at the pantry. You don’t know what’s gotten into you to think that working yourself to the brink of hunger was a good idea, you thought that if you began focusing on something you’ll forget about the complications you have with Beomgyu because the words you said earlier echoed inside your mind, about what matters is that they forgive each other at the end. But what if he doesn't? You declined his love after all.
“You’re only eating lunch now?” Ken’s voice suddenly came out of nowhere and you almost spilled your drink, the coffee was still hot!
“What are you doing here?” You asked with no energy filling up your voice as you walked to the area of the plates to get one with Ken following you still.
“Why are you following me?” You asked annoyed, the headache piling up one by one just by having him close to you after what he said the other day.
“I’m here to eat lunch as well”
“I know that! I meant, what are you still doing here in our company?” You raised your voice, hands flying up in the air to avoid his existence beside you.
“You didn’t know?”
“Know what?”
“I bought this company earlier this month, I work here and I’m your boss now” What Ken said completely lifted the soul out of your body, he said it so calmly like it’s a topic that he’s proud to tell anybody. It added up another problem that you needed to solve, he’s your boss now? You want to write a resignation letter here and now! But you have to eat first though. “What? Why?” You said without pausing your breath.
“The joint project that you handled at the last meeting was approved by the directors and now your boss allowed me to buy this company and now I’m holding two. Safe to say I’m leading the charts at any given moment now” You watched him with your eyes never leaving his face as you studied his expression, he showed no signs of ambiguity and took the seat right across your table.
“Is this really what it is all about?” You exclaimed, pushing your food to the side as you placed both hands on top of the table. Ken stopped eating first before looking up at you, his eyes heavy and smile small. “I have the wife of Choi Beomgyu here and that means there are many possibilities that I could reach if you have me as your boss and that I have you”
“So you just want to beat Beomgyu’s title is that it?” You asked with your teeth gritting together in annoyance.
“It’s more than that sweetie way more than that” He breathed out as he deepened the eye contact that the two of you started.
“What if I resign?” You bought up your diverting suggestion. “You can’t do that”
“Why not? It’s my decision whether you like it or not”
“Because if I see your resignation paper I will not sign it, remember now sweetcheeks I’m your boss. You need my signature in order for you to resign” Ken smirked, clasping his hands together as you felt your chances of escaping this company that you once love now collapsing for this man in front of you, your ex-boyfriend is now your boss.
“And if you do resign… I’ll tell the whole world that what you have going on with Beomgyu is just arranged, forced, and fake. Imagine the chaos your family and his will go through”
You didn’t say anything and just left the office pantry with your plate on hand as you planned on eating inside your office. What Ken said really triggered a gun inside of you, you felt weak upon hearing his defense because he knows that your marriage with Beomgyu is fake and now he’s using it as a tool to hold you down. You felt like your life depends on this situation right now, you badly wanted to leave this company now but the chances of the media knowing that your marriage is fake are high, you can’t bother putting anything more weight on Beomgyu’s shoulders. He did help your family and he did help you but now he’s dealing with problems that you can’t even do the favor of lending him a hand due to the state that you and him are on, it felt like you’re paddling down a lake with two exits but the result will all be the same. You’ll get drowned, injured, and left with no choice but to continue floating around the rapid waters.
Closing your eyes and there you took a deep breath and opened the glass door of your office, clearly not noticing the blurred silhouette of someone inside your office through the frosted glass walls. And when you opened your eyes they landed at the one you longed for after this tiring day, Beomgyu sat there with his long legs sprawled out, hands inside his pockets but he didn’t waste a single second after seeing you broke down to your knees. The glass plate hit the floor but you didn’t care about it, here and now you wanted to make things right, you can’t last another day without him by your side or hell hear his voice.
“Y/n? Shit!” Beomgyu cursed, kneeling down beside you to help you up and trying his best to not let the small sharp shards of plates dig into your skin. Your heart was beating faster than before after feeling him hold you close to his embrace, his scent coming close to you and there you realized that this wasn’t a dream at all.
He’s really here with you. After days of not talking to each other and acting like the other one didn’t exist, he finally got to hold you and there Beomgyu just noticed how thin your body has gotten, your lips were cracked also.
“What happened?” He asked, worry filling his voice as he spun you around to make you face him.
“W-What are you doing here?” You asked, choking in a sob from the tears that suddenly escaped your eyes.
You watched as he bit the bottom part of his lips before swallowing down the lump in his throat. “I came here to say something… but I’ll tell you it later” Beomgyu replied back as he sat you down on the couch just on the side of your office, he needs to take care of you first before anything else. He looked back at the broken plate and the so little amount of food that you put in there, just rice and a two-bite japchae.
“Did you already eat lunch?”
You took a minute to answer, afraid of what his reaction will be if you tell him that you’re just about to have one.
“I was about to but then you’re here” Beomgyu’s eyes widened slightly after hearing what you just said. Rolling up the sleeve of his suit as he looked down at his wristwatch, checking the time.
“It’s almost four,” He said.
“I know”
You heard him sigh before he took one step closer to the couch that you’re sitting at right now, he knelt down with one knee touching the floor as he used the other one as a support for his elbow. He placed himself just between your thighs with his eyes staring back at you underneath those pretty eyelashes of his, you watched him lick his lips moist first before opening his mouth to say something.
“I’ll ask someone to clean that up but for now I’ll take you outside. We’ll grab something to eat together” Your quiet sniffles are only his answer before he stood up and took both of your hands in return. Dragging you outside the building to head straight to his BMW 7 Series that’s parked just outside as you allowed him to bring you to where he wanted.
You and Beomgyu sat down at a fancy steakhouse that he dragged you in to eat, the quiet and calm atmosphere managed to also calm down your rapid-beating heart because the whole ride you didn’t get to look at Beomgyu or talk to him after what happened at your office earlier. He loosened the tie around his neck before taking the menu, he looked so adorable studying the food choices with his lips pouted in seriousness and how his eyes grew round like a child.
“What do you want?” Beomgyu asked you, taking a quick glimpse at you across the table with soft eyes getting covered by small parts of his hair.
“Just the meal with fries” You managed to say under his alluring gaze, the crystal chandeliers shined half of his face to create the perfect shadow for him.
Beomgyu nodded his head and called the waiter to take your orders, he didn’t even look at his wallet when he took out one of his cards for he was busy talking to the waiter. When the waiter was finished writing down on his notepad, he lowered his head first before walking away. You leaned back on your chair with you hugging yourself, your stomach growling quietly due to the fact that you’re only eating lunch now and it’s steak with your husband.
“So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?”
You eyed him with your nose scrunched up by his response and Beomgyu couldn’t help but lick his lips. He relaxed his shoulders for a quick moment before returning your gaze, you quickly felt the butterflies that you missed feeling for the past couple of weeks. “What is it?” You said again.
“We’re going to have a meeting with your father’s COO along with the CEO of your company. We’ll be discussing with the board directors on what will be our new project, it needs approval or measurement of good reasons” He finishes with his usual authoritative voice, blinking a couple of times to process what he just said. The chief operating officer of your father’s company will be there with Beomgyu as the CEO of his own company and with yours as well, Ken. Your head is already hurting from thinking about the situation you’re going to be in later, your uneasy eyes caught Beomgyu’s attention along with your unsteady hands.
“Are you okay? You don’t have to come if you don’t want to” Beomgyu asked with concern leaking through his deep voice.
“I-It’s fine I’ll go” You put out a small smile to say that you’re really fine about the whole thing. The food came right after that, the delicious smell of the new grilled steak watered your mouth and the crispy fries made you finish the whole plate in one seating.
After eating, it was already six in the evening but Beomgyu dropped you back at your office so that you could grab your purse and also lock your office doors, Ken wasn’t there anymore and that got you thinking that maybe he was already getting ready for the meeting. And the broken plate that you dropped was no longer on the floor when you checked it, and once you’re done you drove back home with the use of your car. Walking inside Beomgyu’s bedroom, the room that you haven’t been in for days and you almost forgot how his scent dominated the whole area that got you to look around, the room still looked the same except for the pillows from your side of the bed was gone and it was just his displayed in there. You came here to pick some dresses that you might wear for later tonight, they were still inside your shared closet. Letting out a heavy sigh, you turned your heels and walked towards the double doors of the walk-in closet, knowing that Beomgyu was already inside from the shuffling sounds coming through when you pushed one of the doors open and you were greeted by a rather inviting sight of Beomgyu buttoning up his dress shirt. He stopped mid-way after seeing you standing by the entrance, he looked back at himself in question as to why you suddenly stopped walking, and once he finally realized the situation, he bit down his lip and turned his back at you.
You swallowed down the lump in your throat before completely entering the walk-in closet, walking to the other side where some of your clothes still reside. The two of you focused yourselves on getting dressed, only the sound of hangers, drawers, and perfumes getting used could be heard. Your eyes caught sight of a beautiful dress that you didn't know that you had, it was long and had a small slit around your feet area so that you can walk properly around it, the YSL dress struck you completely and due to its beauty, you took it out of the hanger. Beomgyu who was busy fixing the ends of his dress shirt stopped after seeing you walk inside the dressing room inside the walk-in closet with the dress in hand, he praised himself for buying you a new dress that you liked, it matches his outfit for later perfectly. He was just skimming through the closet earlier when he noticed that you don’t have that many dresses so he decided to buy you one with a good heart. Walking towards the chair where the blazer of his suit was but stopped after hearing your small grunts of defeat, eyebrows coming together in confusion but his face relaxed after realizing the situation that you’re in.
“Do you need help?” Beomgyu asked you from the other side of the curtain, his shoes peeking through the small gap from below. You looked at yourself in front of the mirror, the dress fitted you like a glove but the only problem was the zipper at the back, it was so low and you can’t close it up on your own.
“Huh? Uh… yes” You said in defeat as you watched the black curtain move to the side and Beomgyu walks inside the small room that was only for one person, your eyes were stuck on him like they were glued on how handsome he looked, the black dress shirt alone and the black slacks could ruin you completely. His lips were parted with his white teeth showing through, he had his hair styled down and the collar of his neck was also decorated by a smart tie, you slowly turned around with your back fully exposed to him, and you watched his delicate hands work the zipper up to the nape of your neck. His warm touch made you flinch for whenever a small amount of his skin gets glided up with yours, your cheeks were betraying you on how red they looked when you watched the scene in the mirror, you quickly remembered your first night here in his house, you were wearing your wedding gown and was having a hard time untying the ribbon at the back so you asked Beomgyu’s help to remove it but now he’s helping you wear your dress.
“There… all done” Beomgyu’s baritone voice brought you back to your senses, you quickly regretted your choice of saying thank you when you faced him, his cheeks were rosy too and his tall figure was towering over you, the small room suffocated you when he leaned down to meet your eyes.
“T-Thank you” You choked back and took one step back to create some distance between the two of you. Beomgyu nodded his head before walking out of the dressing room, you watched him wear his black blazer with white thin stripes all around it. You caught sight of him rapidly blinking away like he was calming himself down before leaving you alone inside the walk-in closet.
Arriving at the meeting place which was a five-star restaurant made you look at it in awe, the tall building with lights twinkling from the floors above made your eyes reflect them. To your surprise the entrance of the restaurant wasn’t crowded like some venues you attended so far with Beomgyu, it was just only the service guard in front of the crews. You are also quick to wrap your arm over Beomgyu’s extended ones when the two of you walked through the glass doors, the eyes of regular citizens that were eating stopped when they saw Beomgyu or maybe even you by seeing the dress that you’re wearing. Beomgyu talked to the front desk first saying that he came in with a reservation with other guests that are waiting on the sixth floor of the restaurant, thanking the staff the two of you walked towards the elevator. The elevator doors opened once it reach its floor and right across it was a frosted glass floor with the word saying V.I.P in gold lettering. Your heart began to beat fast when the doors opened, you fixed your posture after seeing the table in the center of the room, there sat your father’s COO and Ken together talking.
“Mr. and Mrs. Choi. Nice to finally see the two of you arrive safely” Cheol, the COO of your father’s company stood up from his seat to shake both of your hands. You smiled at the man that’s nearly the same age as your father then your eyes caught a glimpse of Ken smiling just at his side.
You and Beomgyu sat down next to each other with Cheol and Ken just right across the table, they first started with their usual greeting and you could hear how Ken introduced himself to Beomgyu, saying that he managed to work on a project all on his own. You noticed how Beomgyu poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, clearly finding his cockiness amusing for a multibillionaire like him that reached the charts at a young age and is now one of the most successful businessmen in the industry. This single achievement that Ken’s currently bragging about is just a penny to his wallet but he chose to be kind and congratulated him, he was once in his position back then so it’s best to praise him.
“Are we ready to order our food?” Cheol asked all of you around the table.
“Yes sure,” You said with a nod.
The waiter came after having it called and then left when all of you finished saying your orders. And when the food came you were surprised at how this meeting is going on very smoothly, Ken wasn’t bothering you and Cheol would ask you questions which you’ll reply with your honest opinion, they would even ask for your thoughts on this project that they’re talking about. Beomgyu could only watch to the side in astonishment at the way you deliver your expression and that made him wonder why you don’t have your own company yet because you already have everything from the knowledge of handling a business and how to run it.
“I’ll take that suggestion, thank you Y/n. What do you say Beomgyu? Do you agree with your wife?” Cheol asked.
“Yes-” Beomgyu looked up from his glass before responding but he was stopped by Ken’s voice injecting the conversation.
“Why don't you ask me? I'm her boss and the CEO of the company that she's working in” Your breath got caught in the wind as his gaze erased you slowly, the whole table grew quiet from what Ken said with his head held high. Cheol mastered the courage to let out a breathy laugh, trying to layer the suffocating atmosphere from Beomgyu’s clenched jaw and Ken’s clenched fist.
“Y-You’re right haha how careless of me, so what do you say Sir. Ken? Do you agree to Y/n’s proposal?” Cheol started and the poor man, you can see a fresh layer of sweat forming on his forehead due to his nervous state. “I agree with what she said but we have to discuss it further alone. Just the two of us”
You froze dead on the spot as you felt like someone poured a bucket filled with water on you from above when you caught sight of Beomgyu’s stare, his eyes were dead due to the many thoughts that came flying all at once inside his mind. Why are you not talking back? Do you have something going on with Ken?
“Excuse me” You left without turning to look back at the table as you disappeared around the corner to go to the lady's washroom, your breathing goes back to normal from the moment you realized that you’re now alone. It might be a horrible decision to leave Beomgyu behind at the same table with your ex-boyfriend but Cheol’s there right? Surely they won’t go to each other’s necks. You sighed and washed your hands to cool them down, staring at yourself in front of the mirror you began taking deep breaths preparing yourself to see them again, but you took your time getting ready, you stared out of nowhere and chewed down on your lip until it grew swollen. You wanted to walk out of the room from the moment Ken started talking with Beomgyu earlier, you were afraid that he will reveal your past relationship with him and worst ruin him with his venomous words. Then you watched a shadow coming closer, the sounds of footsteps nearing you at any given moment as you saw Ken who had his body leaned back at the wall behind him.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, afraid that people might get the wrong idea if they noticed that the two of you are not at the table.
“I told you that we’ll discuss things when we’re alone right?” He grinned, hands coming to run them along with his hair when he turned to look at you.
“I just want to accompany my husband to this dinner meeting alright? Don’t go doing some stupid shit about what we had in the past. Yes, we were together but that was years ago Ken, grow the fuck up and get a life” Straightforwardly you spat those words to his face, cloning your hands into a ball of fist when you felt yourself shaking with anger when he took a step closer until your back met the cold wall behind you.
“I am getting a life” He replied, inches away from your face.
“Y/n?” You felt your world stop when you heard Beomgyu’s voice, you looked over Ken’s shoulder and there you saw him standing at the other end of the hallway. His eyebrows furrowed from seeing you with Ken just inches away from touching you, you watched him take long strides when he decided to come closer.
“What’s going on?” Beomgyu asked, his tone of a voice deep and cold for it to send shivers down your whole body. You flattened your hands on top of Ken’s chest and pushed him away aggressively causing him to take a few steps back, you noticed Beomgyu’s clenched fist from your distance.
“I was just talking to my girlfriend” Ken started with a bubbly laugh after seeing how pale Beomgyu’s face got before he turned to meet your eyes as he showed that he was looking for answers.
“Ken shut the fuck up! We are not together anymore! How many times do I have to get it inside your head?!” You shouted furiously with your vision growing blurry from the tears that were starting to form in the corner of your eyes. You panicked at the situation you’re in right now because Beomgyu’s here to hear everything unfold in front of him, crumpled paper still opening one by one.
“Y/n” Your head snapped back to Beomgyu who kept a calm and collected posture, both hands inside his pockets as he eyed Ken through the pieces of hair that got fallen in front of his face. “Come here”
You gulped down the heavy feeling and began taking steps close to him, feeling him watching your every move and you felt safe just having him watch over you. But you stopped with a sharp halt when arms got locked on your shoulders, Ken goes behind you to pull you close to him as your face screamed terror.
“Fucking let go of her man!” Beomgyu growled angrily after seeing you in somebody’s arms, his voice hitting every corner of the hallway. He was planning to punch Ken but stopped because you’re in between them and that means that if he continued it, you’ll get hurt for meeting his fist.
“Shit” Beomgyu whispered to himself. Guess you’ll have to do it yourself, you hunched your body and sprung it back up as the back of your head hits Ken’s chin. You wasted no time running straight to your husband’s opened arms, Beomgyu gently moved you closer behind him as he launched himself to Ken’s body, punching his face with his stone-hard fist, they were now both on the floor with Beomgyu hovering over Ken’s body as you can see steams of anger surrounding Beomgyu.
“Beomgyu!” You shouted with your chest filled with panic. Your feet got frozen on the ground when Ken kicked Beomgyu up for him to get punched, his right cheek bleeding from the sudden force. Sounds of heavy punches filled the hallway and your eyes shake in fear after seeing Beomgyu’s mouth filled with blood, you grabbed his arm and pulled him back with your knees managing to move as they grew wobbly from that time.
“Beomgyu, let’s go” You begged, pleading eyes coming to a show when he looked at you. His hair was messy, his knuckles busted from the punches he put on Ken, and his state was a wreck but not like Ken who was bleeding painfully, he had a busted lip and a big bruise on his left eye.
“I’m taking her to my company. Starting tomorrow she’s working for me” That’s what Beomgyu said before removing the blazer of his jacket to cover your exposed shoulder, as the two of you began walking away.
You rushed towards the bathroom inside Beomgyu’s room to grab the first aid kit, your hands were still shaken up in fear when Beomgyu came walking inside the bathroom to spit down his crimson-colored saliva, he sighed heavily whilst turning the water on the sink to wash his mouth, applying water to his messy hair also as the tips of his hair grew heavy for small droplets of hair to fall. You closed the cabinet after grabbing the first aid kit, turning to look at Beomgyu who was still spitting out blood from his mouth but the redness was slowly fading.
“Go sit on the bed, I’ll treat your wounds” You spoke softly under the quiet bathroom, watching him turn the water off and left without saying anything but he still followed your orders. Following him, still on your dress with Beomgyu also in his suit as he sat down on his side of the bed, watching you with heavy eyes when you sat right next to him, only the lamp from the bedside table was on as it created a quiet and calming atmosphere around the big cold room.
You began taking out the ointment for wounds along with some cotton balls for the mixture to get absorbed, gently you cupped Beomgyu’s cheek and forced him to face you, his long lashes flickering under the shadows as he watched you quietly. You ignored the way he was looking at you intensely and just drowned yourself in the task at hand, you bite down your lip harshly when you saw a huge scar decorating his defined cheekbones, a cut on his lip also. Choking your tears away when you heard Beomgyu’s grunts whenever you would dab the cotton ball at his wounds, it pains you to hear him like this, you wished to hear him for the past couple of days but not like this. Grabbing a new cotton ball for his knuckles, you picked up his right hand but you just stared at it, you forgot how big his hand was, slowly you filled in the gaps and intertwined them together.
“I’m fine,” Beomgyu said as he squeezed your hand in his after noticing the tear that failed to escape his attention.
“No, you’re not fine! I’m not fine! We’re not fine Beomgyu!” You were on the verge of breaking down when your heart realized that all of this was your fault.
“I’m sorry- It’s just, there’s a lot going on both of our lives and all I could think about was our argument that night. The way I yelled at you, I shut you down and I got you to not notice me for a whole damn week by my stupidity, Beomgyu I hurt you, so fucking bad that I don’t even know if you’ll ever forgive me because you have this good heart of yours that took care of me this whole time we got married. And all that I bought you was mixed emotions and nothing! I can’t even give you the love that you wanted from a girl like me! I’m stupid, useless and a horrible wife to not accept your love! You’re too good for me Beomgyu” You cried, hitting your chest with your closed fist where your heart resides, salty tears rolling down your cheeks when you saw how Beomgyu looked down at you with pity.
“So damn good that I can’t repay it”
“Hey! Enough of that” Beomgyu caught both of your hands and clasped them around his, you watched him bring it closer to his lips for he planted a soft kiss on them.
“But Is it true that I’m going to be working at your company tomorrow? You’re not kidding about that?” You asked, wiping the tears from your eyes but you felt his thumb doing the same thing, the pads of them wiping the salty waters away from your soft cheek. “Why would I joke about that?” Beomgyu chuckled, with a smile for the cut on his lip to worsen. “After what happened earlier, I wouldn’t let you go of you now”
You closed your eyes when you felt him cupping your cheek, caressing it gently with his steady breaths filling the quiet room for a minute. “Now I know” You heard him say as he picked up the first aid kit and placed it to the side.
“Know about what?” You asked confusion written all over your face from what Beomgyu just said.
“Earlier this month when you mentioned to me your joint project with Ken’s company I also heard from my secretary that he decided to buy the company you’re working in after seeing you there. At first, I let it slip on why he suddenly bought the company but after hearing that you two are ex-lovers everything makes sense but why didn’t you resign? I could’ve taken you to work at my company if you’re working in that kind of environment and CEO” Beomgyu’s jaw clenched as he waited for you to say something, this is what you two needed. You two needed to talk but the outcome of this might go on another way.
“H-He knows about our marriage and what’s behind it Beomgyu, I told him that I would resign earlier but he threatened me about it, he said that he would not sign it because he’s my new CEO now and he would tell the whole world about our arranged marriage along with the bankruptcy your company faced years ago” You explained and watched how Beomgyu grew serious towards the topic.
“What else did he tell you?”
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of the water and is about to die due to the lack of oxygen when you saw how sharp his face got with his eyebrows meeting together like he’s thinking about something. “He also told me that the reason your father stepped down from the position of being the CEO of your company was because of the bankruptcy and he put you in his position as a cover-up to avoid the news to spread. I don’t know if that’s true-”
“It’s true, I asked my father about it” His voice stopped you and from your distance, you could see how his face fell, his eyes were showing swirled emotions about everything, there’s sadness inside them, disappointment, and anger as he breathed out a puff of air before turning to face you. The moonlight lighting half of your face when you caught his eyes, “But I don’t regret being in his shoes at such a young age back then because look at me now, I’m successful and I’m married to you but it sucks that I’m the one who is cleaning up his mess by paying all the debts he placed on the company” Your lips started quivering from the words you just heard, he included you in his life as a partner and as you. He put his heart in the clouds and to your surprise, it started heading straight to you, every piece of you wanted him to stay, you don’t even care about what the media will say now because at this moment you knew what will happen next.
“Do you love me? You know that I already love you but I want to hear it from you too” He asked, eyes soft as he stared at you deeply under the cold room, his chest heaving up and down and you can hear how your heart banged your chest. You licked your lips, leaning closer to him as you brushed your lips on his own before whispering right beside his ear the words that he wanted to hear from you.
“I love you-” He cut your voice off with his mouth and silenced you with his tongue. All permissions were unlocked for him when you kissed him back, gently he pushed you down the bed, just like how the night went, Beomgyu took off its restraint. He kissed you passionately fast like he was waiting for this exact moment to happen, you could feel his warm kisses decorating your mouth, his soft lips pressing with yours dotingly. Your dress rides up your thigh for Beomgyu to grab your leg as he pulls you closer to him, it’s like your mind went completely blank when he touched you. “Fuck” He said through the kiss, his hot breath fanning your neck. The desire inside you suddenly turned on when you saw how swollen Beomgyu’s lips had gotten, eager looks, and lingering touches that slid into places where only those who are deserving of trust can reach. You trust Beomgyu.
“What's our safe word?” He asked, pinning your wrists down beside your head as you looked up at him, his hair was disheveled and you could taste the blood that came from his lips inside your mouth.
“S-Strawberry” That random word just flew inside your head and you wanted to smack yourself again for being dumb but Beomgyu found it adorable how you blushed and looked away from him.
“Strawberry it is,” Beomgyu started, placing a soft kiss on the corner of your lip before whispering something sweeter than candy.
“I love you too”
You closed your eyes when you felt him trail kisses down your neck, ghosting his fingertips on your skin, and there you felt him stop moving. His bubbly laugh filled the air and it tickled your neck as it made you laugh as well, Beomgyu realized something, something that might have turned him on the spot. “I just realized something,” He said, playing with your hair whilst kissing your ear lightly.
“What?” You laughed, hands coming to unbutton his dress shirt. Just hearing his laugh alone created butterflies inside your stomach, he licked his lips in success after finding the zipper of your dress behind you.
“I was the one who put this dress on you and now I'm the one who will be removing it from you” Beomgyu exclaimed and with fast hands, he unzipped your dress from behind for the cold air to hug your skin. You hummed in satisfaction when his fingers continued to run along the metal adorned on your bra, snapping it off and throwing it on the floor. You were too focused on removing his dress shirt to even notice him already decorating your chest with purple patches passionately, you arch your back and that made Beomgyu remove your dress completely. Grinning up at him when you finally got all the buttons done, you ran your fingers down to his defined stomach.
“Don’t do that yet baby” Beomgyu moaned, biting his lip he took his shirt off, and the top part of him is now completely exposed for your eyes to see. You flinched from the tingles seeping through your veins from the moment Beomgyu ran a hand down to your panties. His lips curl into a smirk before diving down to attack your neck again, “Are you ready now? Or do you want to stop?”
“C-Continue” You begged, capturing his lips once again to a heavy session. You noticed how he's been busy attacking your shoulders and then you remembered Ken, how he had his arms around them earlier. Just the thought of Beomgyu making you his right now broke your mind to process everything, you could hear the sound of his belt getting unbuckled and that got your toes curling in excitement, heart beating at the same pace as his. Your body was glowing with how you responded to his touches, and there Beomgyu pushed your panties off your goosebump-filled legs. You felt him sigh between your legs as he began leaving wet kisses between, stopping just right there.
“You're driving me insane,” Beomgyu said deeply through heavy-lidded eyes that got drunk at the sight of you completely bare below him. His finger traces your lips, swirling a soft motion around that masks your clit and that releases a moan from you, your hips playing along with the rhythm of how he's playing with you. “Fuck me”
Beomgyu licked his lips from what he just heard from you, he completely had driven you crazy because he never expected that from you. “Oh, I will” Beomgyu was hard on his words, the heat between your legs started pooling your body with waves of it crashing your bones. Beomgyu released shattered breaths when he pushed a finger inside you, your reaction was satisfying to him from the way you began moaning more. He slides his other hand across your back, his fingers dragging into your skin until they come to rest at your hips, keeping you steady when he started thrusting his fingers faster inside of you.
Your grip around the sheets tightened when you felt yourself getting near but you let out a whine when he pulled out, but Beomgyu had other plans. He stood up properly to remove his pants along with everything he still had on him, both of you are now completely bare, taking the moment to look at each other when you saw him. Beomgyu crawled back on top of you, wasting no time capturing your lips into a much-needed kiss, you only noticed now how he was a very good kisser, he bit your lips, pulled them, and licked them. You moaned to the kiss when you felt him go inside you without even saying anything, the feeling making you go crazy and full already. Beomgyu broke away from the kiss, his low grunts sounding like honey to your ears, he was on cloud nine because he can watch your expression with every thrust he makes, he would plant light kisses on your collar bone from time to time when he needed to control himself.
“Shit, baby you feel so good” Beomgyu began, shifting himself closer so he could be fast on the next few thrusts if he pushes himself in further, your moans were getting inside his head, energizing him to go faster.
“Beomgyu…” In this position, he can watch the way his name would leave your mouth when you had your eyes rolling at the back of your head at how good it feels. You looked up, eyes seeing the way a layer of sweat was forming on his forehead with his eyes closed, you cupped his cheeks with pants leaving your mouth, running up to wipe his sweat and brushing the fallen strands of hair away from his face. When Beomgyu felt you touching his face he snapped his eyes open, leaning down to press a quick kiss on the top of your head, after that he looked down at him going in and out of you, loving the view that he’s seeing as he felt you coming close to your end. You moaned and grabbed his arms for support when Beomgyu decided to drive you wild and insane at the same time, you were so close to coming undone. You were a moaning mess after the other, everything switched off of you when Beomgyu thrusted one more time inside of you, his small growls started harmonizing with your whines, and there you cummed with him still inside of you.
“Beomgyu!” You moaned, hugging him after feeling your release, and you watch how his thrusts started to slow down, pulling out of you with a low sigh, Beomgyu released himself just above your womanhood. Painting your skin white after the heavy session you just had with him, you watched the way he smiled afterward, the feeling of sensitivity slowly taking over you. Beomgyu then reached down to his dress shirt on the floor to clean both of you up, when he was done he placed a few more kisses on your lips before pulling you close to him. Embracing you warmly and you hugged him back, playing with his hair as he took the spot beside you to be with you, pulling the blanket close with both of your naked bodies still present.
“Are you alright?” Beomgyu asked after a couple of silence that was lingering around the two of you, you looked up at him with a small smile before pressing a kiss on the corner of his cheek. “I’m alright” You laughed, you felt your heart leaping happily when you saw his smile, you were stopping yourself to jump in excitement from what just happened earlier. You told him you love him and he replied back, creating this opportune atmosphere for the both of you, your cheeks were blushing red and you can tell that Beomgyu saw it from the way his laughter increased.
“What?” He asked, laughing after seeing you turn your back on him, dragging the blanket with you. “Are you only getting shy now? After everything that had happened?”
You felt betrayed by how your smile widened from what Beomgyu just said, grabbing a pillow you slapped it across his toned chest. “Come here” He coos, opening his arms for you and you followed. You rested your head on top of his chest, hearing his heartbeat close to you as it made you close your eyes, his warmth, touch, and scent all felt like home now.
“Gyu” You called to him softly.
“Yeah?” His calm and deep voice vibrated underneath you.
“I love you”
Beomgyu smiled like a crazy man, he needs to get used to this. This new feeling that only you can bring to him, and he’ll do his best to return the amount of love that you’re willing to give him even if it costs everything just to have you in his life is enough.
“I love you too, baby” He followed, pulling you close to him with your sleeping frame coming close for him to see as he pressed a soft kiss on top of your head before finally sleeping with you in his arms.
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