#please read this ive been typing for like 45 mins
yanderespamton78 · 2 months
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My babies :3 the tall one is Willow (she/her) the short blue one is Termite (it/it's) and the small green thing is Gleebo (it/it's) oh and btw if you use he or they on termite or gleebo i will come to your house and steal your organs :3
So willow is just some 7ft tall forest woman idk how she got there I haven't gotten that far yet. She lives alone and has for as long as she can remember and can't speak English nor really communicate in general due to the fact that she never needed to (also her vocal chords are blocked by the mushroom thing I'll get to in a min so she can't make sound in the first place) but she is still very clever. In the human au I made with my friend she went to like Oxford or Cambridge or smth idk but ANYWAYS thing with willow is she is immortal BUT she has a disease that causes mushrooms to grow in and on her body, which will one day kill her. She has a few hundred years before this happens tho so she's fine for now since she's only in the early stages but for now it causes pain and also means that she is blind in her right eye since a mushroom grew there. But anyways willow is very jumpy and timid like she is CONSTANTLY anxious. She is pretty lonely and also loves snails because they are the onely things she could pick up and take around with her that wouldn't run away or bite her. She is also not very strong because she doesn't have the guts to kill anything and eat it so survives off of nuts and berries meaning she's kinda malnourished
SECONDLY termite so termite is less fleshed out because it hasn't existed for as long (I've had willow for YEARS) but it is this like 4"10 creature thing. It has roughly the intelligence level of a border collie and has also, like willow, lived alone it's whole life. It's also like fucking rabid it survives solely off of meat and could kill a village in cold blood. Now you might be wondering "how it's like 8 years old" WELL it can kinda transform into this much stronger being if it's trying to kill smth big. I have a drawing of this but I haven't posted it I will when I'm finished :3 but in this form it has quadriplegic legs and claws and spidery legs on its back which it uses to tear apart prey plus a tail with a spike on the end which it can stab things with. Like it is fucking terrifying. Also the lil green thing gleeb is a weird lil alien thing termite adopted :3 because termite saw it and was like "hold on a second that thing doesn't look edible and also doesn't look like it's from earth. Twinningggg mine now bitch" and adopted it. Gleeb isn't very intelligent. It can recognise termite and follow it around but other than that it kinda just exists and doesn't do much.
So termite and willow do meet eachother at some point because termite was injured or smth I haven't decided that yet and willow was like "shit something that isn't a small mammal or an insect this is groundbreaking" and took it in. They are cutie patooties :3 neither of them really know how to deal with other beings so their relationship is kinda unnatural but they like eachother. But like for example termite would bite willow affectionately and then nearly bite her arm off. It doesn't help that neither of them can really communicate as termite just isn't intelligent enough to really and willow can't speak at all but a lot of how they communicate is through clapping and other things like that. In the aforementioned human au willow adopts termite and termite has some kind of learning disability that I will research and name ✨later✨.
The thing is willow and termite have such good potential for angst because willow will end up succumbing to the mushroom disease and termite will have no idea why its only carer is dying and isn't able to do anything about it but watch her slowly waste away. Y'all watched ep1 of sweet tooth??? Or when the wind blows??? Yea that kinda thing. And termite would likely just sit next to willows body like a dog sitting near it's owners grave waiting for her to wake up. But you know what we can ignore that and just look at the sweet nice family fluff parts :3
As for willow and termites environment uhm uh. Minecraft. Like they literally live in the world of minecraft. Termite got it's clothes through Minecraft achievements.
LOOK termite was originally a drawing of my Minecraft avatar then it turned into a whole story leave me alone
But anyways for the few people who read it I hope you enjoyed my incredibly long winded ramble about my OCs :3
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kiisuuumii · 2 months
@kiisuuumii's writerly questionnaire !
thank you @lead-to-code for tagging (ily kara <33)
i'd love to see yall's answers (only if you'd like to share of course !) @noahsbong @yearning-rambles @thesorcererpoet
about me:
1. when did you first start writing?
i was maybe between seven and nine ? to be honest, i can't really remember when it was, but i remember the first few things i wrote were story quizzes on a (now gone </3) website called quizilla (it was naruto rp....................)
2. are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
not really, now that i actually think about it ! ive always been the type of writer that only liked writing angst, and even outside of writing (fan) fiction (which tbh i dont do very much of anymore), so much of my poetry either comes from heavy emotion or features it so sdghjksd
3. is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
theres one mutual, actually, who i actually wished i could write more like. in a very self-deprecating way, but ive since become very comfortable, and maybe even happy (!), with my style of writing ! so, no, i'm not really looking to emulate anyone in particular, and no one's ever made a comparison between my work and someone else's so no to that one too :0
4. can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (room, coffee shop, desk, etc)
i usually write on my phone, in the notes app or in my drafts here ! and ill usually only write in a (head) space where i can really think, undisturbed, for at least 30-45 mins. so i'll usually be out in my backyard under one of my calamansi trees ! though, lately, ive been occasionally writing at my desk on desktop tumblr :>
5. what's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
fall in love with someone
once i start thinking about how everything around me is alive, i start remembering that i, too, am apart of nature—a lucky enough set of sequenced mutations, to make me—just a eating, breathing, shitting animal. how lucky this set of mutations is to take it all in, the emeralds in the trees, and the beat of a chipmunk's heart, how scared we all are.
that or love
6. did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
people, no, but places, yes. i grew up for most of my childhood in the desert, and i have /always/ hated summers, because i'm kinda heat sensitive, and i sweat easily, and i hate it i hate i hate it djhks
but, a year ago, i moved back home, and, honestly, since being back home, ive come to appreciate the desert a bit more sgkjds i used to think they were ugly and uninteresting, but there's so much more there if you look a bit harder imo
7. are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
honestly !! i think there are plenty obvious ones, but i really wanna talk about /the lack of/ sexual themes in my work !! i wanna write more sexetry or whatever, but it feels really embarrassing to sdghks i really like writing them too, but again !! it just feels embarrassing !! ;w;
my characters:
1. would you please tell me about your current favourite character? (current wip, post wip, never used, etc)
not to copy of kara dskjfs but i love my first (and my current) d&d chara !! her name is maeve umerie, and shes a drow wild magic sorcerer / (planned artillerist) artificer !! shes so packed full of trauma and self-harming behaviors and addictions that i dont even know where to start <33 (i promise i love her i would actually be so devastated if she died before i could give her a proper happy ending </3)
2. which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
i have this fantasy novel thought that ive floated in my head since maybe september-october of last year, and, in it, i have a character named levin hel, and AUGH hes just a sweetie :^( hes the son of a blacksmith-gunsmith duo who know a thing or two about magic, and is the apprentice to the son of the wizard who saved his life (who's name is nox, and he's an asshole ! but also i love him so much ;v;)
i need go go back to all my notes and stuff on it, bc i invested A LOT of time worldbuilding for it, but yea levin's a very kindhearted person, very much wanting to be like nox's father :'''^) </3
3. which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
i would absolutely hate to meet maeve mother. she's horribly self-serving and emotionally manipulative. she rules the house with an iron fist, and anything less than the best is worthless. she uses everything at her disposal to get what she wants, family or not.
4. tell me about the process of coming up with one, all, or any of your characters.
im ngl most if not all of my characters are just bits and pieces of me and my wants in different aus >_> .................................
5. do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
family and/or religious trauma mhm yep
6. how do you picture them? (as real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc)
for my fantasy wip, i imagine imaginary artwork, but for maeve, i have pieces i've drawn and pieces i've commissioned of her !! id love to someday get pieces of her family and other major characters in her past commissioned :>
my writing:
1. what's your reason for writing?
i will say that it's changed over the years. as a kid, and up until college, i've wanted to always be a story-teller. but, lately, i dont really have a reason for writing, other than to satisfy the thing that lives inside me that wants to write :^)
2. is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particular motivating coming from your readers?
knowing other people's reactions, getting to hear how something made them feel emotionally, or physically, or if there was a particular thought or memory that came to mind. i love knowing what people see, what my work makes people see, if anything.
that or if theres something, a word choice, or a line, that you thought was clever or struck you !!! i always love knowing people's thoughts !!!
3. how do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (for example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented world builder, as a role model, etc)
i want to be thought of just as another person, honestly. someone who had very human emotions, and did the only thing she knew how to do.
4. what do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
uhhhhh im ngl i think this is also my greatest weakness but i have a tedium to my world-building, in that i need history-book-level details of my worlds or i will die (like i drew my own map. i drew a fucking map of an entire contiment)
5. what have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
yk,,,,, no ones given me a whole lot of specifics so im not sure,,,,,
6. how do you feel about your own writing? (answer in whatever way you interpret this question)
i said it before, but im pretty content at the moment with my poetry. though with prose, i think i could probably improve a bit sdgjksg
7. if you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
uh yeah !!!! i write and record voice memos in my journal fully knowing no one will ever read it or listen back right now as it is so !!!!
8. when you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? if it's a mix of the two, which holds most influence?
i gotta be honest, writing is a selfish act for me. i write because i want to, in ways that tickle my fancy dgkjds
it really is almost like an instinct for me
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drakeblight · 5 years
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Do not rb
[2/2, 11:32 PM] Cristian Gómez: Ok, so here goes
[2/2, 11:34 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry i talked over you and interupted you. I have this very bad tendency to not shut up when im nervous, especially around others.
[2/2, 11:34 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry i had to ask you to buy me icecream, i know you said its no big deal but it is to me
[2/2, 11:35 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry if i seemed boring and paranoid, ive just always lived in fear till i moved here and even though its been 2 years, i still find it hard to break habita
[2/2, 11:35 PM] Cristian Gómez: But please, i need you to tell me whats wrong
[2/2, 11:37 PM] Cristian Gómez: Remember how i told you i think of ways to escape and how could a person murder me and all that? I am very scared of the unknown and right now i do not be knowing whats up? Did i bore you, dis you find someone else, did you die? My mind keeps jumping to conclusions i know arent true but without your words i cant really kill them off
[2/2, 11:38 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im trying to be more attentive of you and stop being so self centered (which is an oximoron cuz telling other people that youre not thinking about yourself requires you to think about yourself but wrvr)
[2/2, 11:39 PM] Cristian Gómez: I watched letterkenny, i kinda spoiled that "surprise" when i texted you her face and the naked gym the frats wanted to make
[2/2, 11:39 PM] Cristian Gómez: But whatever, i did enjoy it and im thankful you showed me it
[2/2, 11:39 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, imma pay you back that icecream 10x
[2/2, 11:41 PM] Cristian Gómez: I finally get payed on wednesday so ill buy the granpa sweater or the windbreaker or the patterned shirts, maybe ill stop by peace nook and get a candle, incense or soap you liked. Whatever it ends up being, ill make sure its shiny
[2/2, 11:41 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, my friend said he could sneak us into his show on thursday, like i said, i really like his drag
[2/2, 11:42 PM] Cristian Gómez: If we sneak in, we may even get a couple drinks if we dont have bracelets
[2/2, 11:43 PM] Cristian Gómez: And if all you need is space, thats fine! I know i can be a bit much to handle, but please tell me so i dont go off the rails batshit crazy trying to figure out what went wrong
[2/2, 11:43 PM] Cristian Gómez: I only now realize that typing all this into a private convo is very batshit crazy
[2/2, 11:43 PM] Cristian Gómez: Remember that thing i just said about not shutting up??
[2/2, 11:44 PM] Cristian Gómez: I know theres a lot more i wanted to say but i forget
[2/2, 11:45 PM] Cristian Gómez: Oh, and i didnt really mean to be mean when i called you a nerd for tucking
[2/2, 11:45 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, when i said you were tall, i just wasn't expecting that, cuz everyone ive ever gone out with ends up being smaller than me
[2/2, 11:46 PM] Cristian Gómez: Im sorry i behaved like a 12 yearold, i know its not very attractive to go into a relationship and feel its gonna be a babysitting gig
[2/2, 11:47 PM] Cristian Gómez: Even though im scared, i still challenge myself. Everytime i take a turn at a stoplight my first thought is how someone might run me over
[2/2, 11:48 PM] Cristian Gómez: Everytime its bellow 40, i think of that time i couldnt feel my hands for 2 hours, but i still get on my bike
[2/2, 11:48 PM] Cristian Gómez: And everytime i looked at your messages im reminded of all the sweet nothings people used to say to me to use me
[2/2, 11:49 PM] Cristian Gómez: All the see you laters and the we'll meet someday again
[2/2, 11:50 PM] Cristian Gómez: And even though im deadly terrified of typing something and losing you like ive lost everyone else, i still find the courage to send you something, anything so youd know i really do like you
[2/2, 11:50 PM] Cristian Gómez: I forgot how it felt
[2/2, 11:51 PM] Cristian Gómez: Ive been neeting people ive been interested in for 4 years now and youre the second one ive actually found that i cared about
[2/2, 11:51 PM] Cristian Gómez: Even ones i thought i cared about, i forgot in a week
[2/2, 11:52 PM] Cristian Gómez: And i know i said id stop being self centered and ill ive done is typed and typed, but i genuinely want you to give me a second chance, hopefully ill learn to shut up
[2/2, 11:53 PM] Cristian Gómez: I know youll probs only read this if i ever give you your codename, if i even post these, but this is helping
[2/2, 11:53 PM] Cristian Gómez: Also, sorry i called you adam
[2/2, 11:54 PM] Cristian Gómez: Maybe ill send the lot of these your way one day, where it doesnt matter cuz youre so close or so far appart
[2/2, 11:55 PM] Cristian Gómez: I know you dont want a psycho bf that cant be 10 mins away from you, but if youre leaving, could you please say why?
[2/2, 11:56 PM] Cristian Gómez: This is extremely pessimistic and theres that overworking brain again, but did you even care? I wanna say yes cuz you payed for my icecream and didnt just blow me off at the first chance, also you went out with me after a week or so of texts, most people would have just made something up, so i really appreciate you
[2/2, 11:57 PM] Cristian Gómez: UGHHH, i just need an answer at this point i dont mind if its yes or no
[2/2, 11:57 PM] Cristian Gómez: Did your messages get stuck? Did my phone mute you?
[2/3, 12:02 AM] Cristian Gómez: Oh yea, this goes without saying, but i dont wanna seem manipulative, these last couple day (oly shit its only been a day, why did i blow this out of proportion so damn much?!?) Have been very retrospective
[2/3, 12:03 AM] Cristian Gómez: I also dont want the gift to be manipulative, its something ive always believed in, ask my friends, no one should leave empty handed
[2/3, 12:04 AM] Cristian Gómez: And i probs would have only gotten you the candles, but bc you bought ice cream and youre so damn hot, ill bump it up
[2/3, 12:05 AM] Cristian Gómez: Im way overdue on payments and my bike insurance is almost up, but its only good for the other guy, so if i crash its very unlikely ill even need to pay them
[2/3, 7:50 AM] Cristian Gómez: Was it that i didnt try anything romantic? Didnt hold your hand or stayed away when i said goodbye? I dont know how to read limits so i just default to professional until someone tells me to do something
[2/3, 8:37 AM] Cristian Gómez: Was it the blue nails? I swear that was the jeans
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oshietee · 8 years
92 truths tag meme
Rules: Write 92 truths about yourself then tag 25 people
LAST… [1] drink: mineral water,,, [2] phone call: mum [3] text message: mum [4] song you listened to: A Heart Full of Love (les miserables) [5] time you cried: two days ago?? three?? Mental Breakdown™
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: i havent dated ANYONE LMAO [7] been cheated on: nooooo [8] kissed someone and regretted it: never dated never kissed [9] lost someone special:yeap [10] been depressed: 25/7 [11] gotten drunk and thrown up:tipsy yes; throwing up bc of an acidic stomach yes
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: [12] Blue [13] Red [14] Pink
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: YES YES YES [16] fallen out of love: uh no [17] laughed until you cried: cried until i laughed yes no joke [18] found out someone was talking about you: YEA a group of haters aksjdfg [19] met someone who changed you: YOU ALL OF U ILYALL [20] found out who your true friends are: yepep [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: uhmM No?
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: half? 1/4 probably [23] do you have any pets: no but i want a doggo [24] do you want to change your name: ive thought about it but nah [25] what did you do for your last birthday: went to an amusement park with friends;;;; ate cake at home bc i had reviews sobs [26] what time did you wake up: 6:30 a.m. i want to kms [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: reading Never Understand  [28] name something you cannot wait for: im not really excited about anything rn i feel dead LMAO [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: 20 mins ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish my passion about smth didnt burn oout real fast i feel bad [31] what are you listening to right now: les miserables WE HAVE A PLAY TOMORROW OK [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeas [33] something that is getting on your nerves: im really impatient lol; school goddamn let me have my summer vaca in peace fuck off [34] most visited website: tumblr, twitter, youtube, [35] elementary: lrms [36] high school: lrms still [37] college: im like 15 [38] hair color: dark brown? black???? [39] long or short hair: medium [40] do you have a crush on someone: I WISH PLEASE I WANT THE DOKI DOKI AND THE SHOUJO SPARKLES FUCK [41] what do you like about yourself: uhmm //sweats [42] piercings: only one on each ear  [43]blood type: O!!! [44] nickname: Oshi [45] relationship status: single [46] zodiac sign: gemini [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: voltron!!, toz,  [49] tattoos: n/a [50] right or left hand: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: n/a [52] piercing: n/a [53] best friend: i CANT REMEMBER WTF (does my lil sis count) [54] sport: uhmM badminton probably [55] vacation: out of the city? Boracay!!! [56] pair of trainers: IDEK
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: chocolate pocky [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: IDK [60] listening to: Javert’s Suicide (im listening to the les miserables album LMAOO) [61] waiting for: deat- motivation [62] want: to be happy  [63] get married: I HAVENT EVEN DATED ANYONE CHILL  [64] career: im a student
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs n kisses [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller bc i need someone to hug my whole being [68] older or younger: UH older?? by a year or several months [70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms!!! [71] sensitive or loud: loud!!! [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker lololol
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? noooo [75] drank hard liquor? sipped [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? sat on my glasses [77] turned someone down: yeap [78] sex on first date? uHMM??? [79] broken someone’s heart? yea haha [80] had your own heart broken? uhm yea i think idk the fuck [81] been arrested? not YET [82] cried when someone died? yeas [83] fallen for a friend? crushed on a friend
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? HONESTLY no LMAO [85] miracles? sure [86] love at first sight? yeaaaaahhhhnoooidkk [87] Santa Claus? where my ps4 @ [88] kiss on the first date? yea if its on the cheek [89] angels? sure
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: HOOO BOIII cracks knuckles:::: irl: bia, alex, lianne, mika, ol: JELLY EYYYY, Yuka, Chet, Nai, +++ recruting LOL [91] eye color: dark brown?/ [92] favorite movie: i cant think of any movie
Tagging::: all of u who want to do this kjdsafg
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i was tagged by an anon so like here u go
1. drink: water
2. phone call: ummmmmmmmm who uses phones anymore?
3. text message: a human
4. song listened to: Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco
5. time i cried: the question is: when am i not crying?
6. dated somebody twice: nope
7. been cheated on: nah
8. kissed someone and regretted it: no
9. lost someone special: mmhm this weekend actually
10. been depressed: constantly
11. gotten drunk and puked: im a minor so...yes
12. ugh black isnt a colour...ummmm...very very very dark blue
14. very very very dark grey
15. made new friends: shoutout to my tumblr fam! oml did i just say fam. fml
16. fallen out of love: i guess so :)
17. laughed until you cried: yeah cause inside jokes ahhhhhhhh
18. found out someone was gossiping about you: ALL👏 THE👏FUCKING👏TIME LIKE SERIOUSLY GET A LIFE
19. met somebody who changed you: yup :) a couple people actually
20. find out who your true friends are: i think so? but i mean...bpd so...i guess we will never know
21. kissed somebody on your facebook list: facebook is for old people
22. facebook friends do you have in real life: get over it facebook is so 2007
23. pets: ive had 7 fish...ive given up all hope
24. want to change name: idk maybe on my dysphoric days but not constantly
25. did i get for my last birthday: a phone + data and a trip to Toronto for dance as far as i know
26. time i woke up: ummmmmmm ever heard of insomnia?
27. doing at midnight: probably on tumblr while watching netflix sometimes talking to friends
28. something you cannot wait for: death
29. last time i saw my mom: 45 mins ago
30. something you wish you could change about your life: being alive
31. listening to right now: grey’s anatomy cause OML THAT SHOW IS BOMB, jesus did i just say bomb...kill me
32. something that gets on your nerves: homophobes
33. talked to a person named Tom: idfk probably ive met a lot of people through acting im almost positive that i had a producer named tom when i was like 6
34. most visited website: TUMBLR. but netflix and youtube comes a close second...not really but like i use them a lot
35. elementary school: i went to 2 and was homeschooled for some reasons but like only briefly
36. high school: im in high school? only been to 1 but homeschooling might happen probs not but maybe
37. college: probably will be dead by then...BUT...if i am unfortunately alive, ill be in LA idk what ill be doing but ill be in LA or NYC but probs LA
38. hair color: dark brown looks black in the light kinda red and brown and black UGH WORDS u need to see it to understand what im saying
39. long or short hair: TOO LONG. TOO FUCKING LONG
40. crush: a cool human
41. do you like about yourself: i am filled with self hatred. there is no room for ‘liking myself’ what are u talking about
42. piercings: nope no nah nuh uh not happening not today boo boo not today FEMALE DYSPHORIA IM SORRY
43. blood type: you would think i knew cause ive done too many blood tests to count but nope still clueless as fuck cause IM A MINOR FUCK YOU MOM
44. nickname: M, some people call me Mandy but if u call me Mandy ur dead to me
45. relationship status: taken? wow thats weird to say
46. zodiac: Pisces
47. pronouns: she/her? he/him? they/them? EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN? depends on the day i guess...or whatever im feeling? still kinda confused LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY
48. favorite show: grey’s anatomy currently but pretty little liars comes really close
50. right or left handed: ambidextrous get on my level
51. surgery: there has been too many i cant even remember my first
52. piercing: ugh refer to 42 ^^^
53. best friend: a couple of them? no names mentioned u know who u fucking are
54. sport: dance, ugh dance, love dance but like love hate, ummmm im really fucking athletic so like everything?
56. pair of shoes: adidas cause i get them for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
57. eating: newsflash im anorexic
58. drinking: nothing? water i guess?
59. im about to: UMMMMMMMMMMMMM
60. listening to: LA Devotee by Panic! at the Disco
61. waiting for: death? thats not original...ummmmmmm summer i guess? no summer = stress ummmmmm fuck it death im waiting for fucking death. refer to my blog to understand WHY IM SUICIDAL
62. want to see: my hw finished on my table
63. want to get married: idk i guess so? probs will be dead :)
64. career: acting i think but dance is an option i mean im already in the business and working actively so why not continue? idk if i actually wanna pursue it tho
65. hugs/kisses: depends on the person ;)
66. lips/eyes: ^^^ but usually eyes cause eyes are pretty
67. shorter/taller: people are cute no matter what
68. younger/older: does it matter? “age is just a number”
69. romantic/spontaneous: romantic but i wouldnt know im making an educated guess
70. nice arms/nice stomach: nice humans
71. sensitive/loud: sensitive
72. hook up/relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker/hesitant: hesitant i think?
74. kissed a stranger: nope
75. drank hard liquor: fuck yes gets u drunk fast
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: dont wear them...yet....we’ll see (see what i did there) (and there again) I AM AN AWFUL PERSON
77. turned someone down: yes quite often actually idk why it just happens?
78. canoodling on first date: first of all, ive never been on a date. second, im a virgin. third, WHY CANT U JUST SAY SEX? LIKE ITS NOT A BAD THING TO SAY WE ARE ON TUMBLR WHAT ARE U TALKING ABOUT...okay im done now sorry
79. broken someones heart: oops
80. had your own heart broken: mmhm all the fucking time idk why it just happens, i just realized how many times ive said that
81: been arrested: nah
82: cried when someone died: MMHM ALL FUCKING WEEKEND
83: fallen for a friend: who hasn’t like lesbihonest (sorry im just really gay)
84. yourself: of course not who do u think ur talking to
85. miracles: i hope so?
86. love at first sight: ummmmm i think so? i really hope so but idk
87. Santa Clause: no but ummm idk but like no but like maybe but like no
88. kiss on first date: yeah
89. angels: i want to believe that i believe in angels but after everything that has happened to me idfk
90. current best friends name: fucking classified bitch leave me alone
91. eye color: hazel
92. favorite movie: anything disney cause im a disney freak ummmm The Imitation Game cause gay ummm OMG PRIDE GREAT MOVIE also love Tomboy cause it made me cry uggggh coming out ahhhhhhh tears ahhhhh
i tag everyone that reads this cause im too lazy
1 note · View note
Why is massachusetts excluded from affordable life insurance companies such as colonial penn?
"Why is massachusetts excluded from affordable life insurance companies such as colonial penn?
and mutual of omaha.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""How much woud monthly car insurance cost for a 19 year old, and a 1963 Dodge Dart?""
I saw I nice 1963 Dodge Dart for sale, and Id like to get it but Im not entirely sure how much insurance would cost, if I can get some sort of ballpark range so I know whether or not to buy it""
Which is the cheapest auto insurance policy that a company can offer which covers everything?
i own a chevy beat 1.2 LT and need to know the right comparision of d best insurance company policy.pls reply asap.
Is my insurance rate going to go up? High Point Auto Insurance?
Long story short, I received a speeding ticket today. It will be a 2-point ticket. I called my insurance provider and they said yes, my insurance will go up but she couldn't tell me by how much. She also didn't sound like she knew what she was talking about. This is my first moving violation in 8 years, so I was wondering if anyone with High Point had any experience with this so I can weigh my options between pleading guilty and fighting the ticket for a dismissal. NYC is a non plea bargain jurisdiction so plea bargaining is not an option. I am not asking for exact answers, I am asking whether there has been anyone in my position, with a relatively clean record, has experienced an increase in their insurance rate, and if so, if it was a substantial increase.""
Do you have to pay car insurance when you lease a car?
if you aren't driving a car(i live in canada) but you're leasing it. do you have to pay for car insurance as soon as you buy the car? or can you start whenever?
Need's a ballpark guess on what our car insurace would be?
i'm 19 and my boyfriend is 18 and we want to get a car together but we're trying to figure out how much car insurance would be for the 2 of us with a dodge neon sxt 2005 any ideas?
""Have SR-22 insurance, can I switch insurance companies?""
Hi, I've had sr-22 insurance through geico for a little over a year now, however due to recently moving to florida my monthly payments have gone through the roof. Do I have the option of switching to a cheaper insurance company without having to restart the 3 year mandatory holding of the sr-22?""
How should I insure myself?
ok so i've sold my car and now the only car i will have access to is my partners. so do i arrange my own insurance, or do i add myself to her policy, or should i now add her to mine? I have full no claims she has 4 or 5 years. I am 36, she is 27. I have 2 months left on my current policy and 2 installments of 35 to pay, or if i cancel now pay 55. her renewal date is november. any help?""
""Can i take out a life insurance policy on my mother, shes in her late 40s, and what kind of insurance do i get""
im in the millitary and my father and mother just spend to much money and are going to leave it all to me what kind of insurance and how much does it cost
How much on average do you pay for auto insurance?
My mother is kicking me off her auto insurance and i can't get an online quote because she also took my car away but says i still need insurance to drive any car. She lies sometimes so idk what average insurance cost and idk how to get it without having a car to put it under?
What are the requirements to have insurance license?
selling insurance in tennessee
Where do you get your insurance or financial information from?
(e.g. friends, family, websites..) Be specific. What are some ways to make it more convenient for people to get their information? Thanks!""
""Which is better, Term Insurance or Whole Life Insurance?""
Say you're newly married and the wife is pregnant. You have just bought a home and have a large mortgage. Which kind of insurance is best for a family, Term Insurance or Whole Life Insurance?""
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in ..Oregon?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in Oregon?
Would car insurance go really high if you got a mustang?
I'm 16 thinking about getting a 2000 mustang 150,000 miles clean driving record I have state farm. I didn't know if a mustang would make it jump to much high than just an average car.""
What is select life insurance?
My insurance agent wants me to update my insurance plan with select life insurance. They explained select life insurance to me, but I want someone who is not trying to sell it to me to explain it to me. So could someone reexplain select life insurance so that I know the pros and cons?""
How does the new 1-50 insurance group rating work?
Ive read that most cars insurance group will more or less double But what I want to know is if 2 cars are group 5 under the old rating and one goes up to 11 and the other only to 7 does that mean the 7 will cost less to insure than the original or will 7 be about the same and 11 be more? sorry if this didnt make sense. 10 points to anybody who can answer?
Does a parking ticket raise insurance?
I got a 35$ ticket. (my first ticket). will this go through to my insurance and my record? or do i just gotta pay the fine?
Will McCains proposal to eliminate the tax deduction for health insurance ?
be the straw the breaks the backs of middle class Americans? Affordable health care is one of the foremost issues for middle class Americans. John McCain wants to eliminate the tax break given for the cost of insurance this will basically amount to a 25% increase in insurance costs for most of the middle class who are already struggling Yet he wants to continue the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. He truly is out of touch when it comes to the common man.
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I just want to buy a cheap little runabout but the insurance to cover it is approx 6 times more than the car?! I want to get an automatic 1998 Vauxhall Astra hatch for less than 500. I'm 29 and have been driving for 10 years with no accidents or convictions. Granted I only have an International licence at the moment but that shouldn't mean I should be charged any extra, should it??? Any ideas as to why my standard quotes for this car keep coming out around 3000?!""
How much auto insurance do I need if I own a home and some other assests?
My auto insurance company told me that if I'm in an accident and I don't have enough auto insurance I can be sued and possibly lose my home. I never heard of anyone losing ...show more
How much do you or did you pay for sr-22 insurance?
How much do you or did you pay for sr-22 insurance?
Need help deciding what car to get next ? 10 points for the best answer.?
Hiya, I just wondered if anyone can help me choose my next car ? I would prefer it to have 5 doors, with a fair size boot, not bothered about speed, but needs to do well enough for motorway useage, cheap insurance, cheap tax, and does a lot of mpg. Also, I have around 2600 to spend. I am in England, so no American cars please, unless they are RHD and readily avaliable in England. Thank-you for any help you give! And the best answer will recieve 10 points. Just thought to add - It will be my 2nd car, only been driving for 7 months, so not that experienced for anything too special as my first car was a 400 Renault R5! Thank-you (:""
Car Insurance parked hit and run question?
I have USAA as my auto insurance. Here's the back story. I was parallel parked alongside a street here in Atlanta and a car (more than likely) was trying to get out of his/her space and hit the left driver side bumper pretty hard (ruining the paint and loosening up the bumper pretty good...and cracking the tail light). This person did not leave a note. I have my 500 deductible. I also have uninsured motorists coverage. Right now USAA is saying that I will have to pay the $500 ded. Why couldn't they put it under the uninsured motorists coverage I have instead so I wouldn't have to pay a dime? Is it within reason to call them and ask for this issue to be adjusted? If so, what points can I make to insure I get the deductible taken care of under the uninsured motorists coverage? Thank you for your help!""
Insurance and Driver License MN?
I just started my policy with 21 insurance and I moved from home to my grandma to now to chaska. Which is closer for work. Im getting a new driver license. But I told the insurance company my old address since I didn't get the new card for driver license. Is this bad will my rate go up ? I told the insurance company I work 3 days a week and its 45 min one way. But now im closer to work.
How much will my car insurance cost? (Teenager)?
I am 16 years of age, and will be in 11th grade as of the next school year. I had B Honor Roll the last two years of school. I will be most likely driving my mother's Nissan Quest (2013) or my father's Nissan Titan (I do not remember the year). I am currently enrolled in Driver's Ed, and will get my permit once I finished. I live in Jacksonville, Florida, if that is helpful. I need to know for a Driver's Ed assignment. I was supposed to ask my parents, but they don't know, and I know they will forget soon.""
Why is massachusetts excluded from affordable life insurance companies such as colonial penn?
and mutual of omaha.
Someone hit my totalled car what will their insurance do to figure out how much to give me?
Someone hit my totalled car what will their insurance do to figure out how much to give me?
CAR INSURANCE?????????????
when buying a car i know you have to have car insurance before you drive up but does that necessarliy means they want know you have it but do they let you drive off the lot first or do you give the dealership the insurance money!!!!!!??????????????/
Rsx type s or s2000 what cost more to insure?
I just got an 2002 acura rsx type s (clean tittle) or I have a chance to trade for Honda s2000 (salvage tittle) I am 16 fixing to be 17 and of course the car is gonna be under my dads name but i just wanna know how much its goona be since im part of the insurance
Motorcycle insurance cost?
I am 17 years old and I live in CT. I am getting a street bike. How much would insurance cost a year/month?
Most affordable health insurance illinois?
Hello, Im a pretty broke college student who cant afford the plan offered by my school here in Illinois. Anyone have any suggestions for cheap health insurance, that would cover some doctor visits and prescription pills, well at least most of the cost. thanks in advance""
What do u think if a young man married a woman 74yrs older than him. and its his frist marraige. and her 21st?
i herd this on the radio and i wanted other people's opinions!
What is a reasonable price for a teen's first car?
I'm hoping to get my license soon, but figure, there isn't a whole lot I can do with it without a car of my own. I'm really not sure how low the prices of cars get without being a piece of junk. Are there decent cars that start in the thousands, or is everything pretty much over ten thousand? What difference does it make if it's used? I'm not looking for a dream vehicle, just something for the next few years to get myself from a to b. The only knowledge I have so far is that my mom's toyota was around $30,000 brand new (and I'm definitely not looking to spend that much), so that's basically what I'm comparing everything else to. Any advice on the basics is greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
How much cheaper is bike insurance (if at all) than car insurance?
i am 18 and am torn between the two, i will go for the cheapest option. as none of my parents can drive i cant be put on one of there policies :( so id have to start from scratch. if i am to insure a bike im lookin at insurance for a bike of 125 cc.""
Insurance for a street bike?
how much is insurance for a street bike starting out
""HELP! My insurance has been cancelled, need a new Auto insurance company thats cheap?""
ok i have a BIG problem, my mother's auto insurance has been cancelled 3 times in the last 3-4 years cuz of late payments, she's a single mom and can't always make the payment on time. Now we are having a HARD time finding an insurance company that will either A) Give us insurance or B) Cheap monthly and/or quarterly payments. We can't afford to pay $2500 for the whole year. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? or where to get a cheap/understanding insurance company in Canada, specifically in Ontario. Thanks!""
Whats the best and affordable health plan to get?
I have never gotten health insurance my whole life and for once in my life I am getting it for myself. I want to go see a dermatologist, and its way too expensive to pay out of pocket, whats a good and affordable health plan should I get? Got any suggestion to where I can go and get some help? Anything will be great, thanks!!!!""
How much would my insurance be if i owned a tuner car like form fast and the furious?
because i am 16 right now, and in the future ( 20's) i want to work on one, how much would my insurance be for it?""
Would a BMW Z3 be expensive for a teens insurance?
Would a BMW Z3 be expensive for a teens insurance?
How much does the average person pay for health and dental insurance monthly?
How much does the average person pay for health and dental insurance monthly?
How much would it cost for someone to drive a moped?
other than the moped and gas how much would insurance usually cost for a 17 year old going on 18 to drive a moped and what kind of license will i need to have what kind of restrictions i have a clean driving record but if it helps i am in New York State.
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago""
What is the best health insurance in CA right now?
I need help. I don't have health insurance right now and I want to find an affordable one. I live in San Francisco, and I work part-time. I look at Athem insurance and it was around 60 bucks a month. I can't really afford that right now. Is there any other health insurance that is affordable and good?""
Looking for a good health insurance?
I am 23 and my husband is 25, we are in great health, and are looking for health insurance. I want an affordable plan, but also one which is widely accepted. I know insurance isn't exactly affordable, but I hope you all can go along with what I am saying. Thanks""
""How much is renters insurance in Salem, Oregon?""
How much is renters insurance in Salem, Oregon for a five bedroom house?""
Car insurance ? add another car?
my wife got a 1995 i already got full coverage how much will it be to add her car?
Car Insurance and good grades ?
I hate All state as insurance. I am in college, how high does my GPA have to be and also how much do they lower insurance for having good grades?""
Car Insurance - No claims question?
If you have been banned for a year, and are now back and allowed legally to drive, can you continue to use/put down your no claims bonus. For example, if you had 9 years, then were banned for a year, can you put the 9 down this year? Or does the ban wipe that out? As the ban wasn't a claim on the insurance, can it still be used? Does anyone know, or any ideas where I could check this out? Looking for quotes online and Im not sure which number to put in.""
No proof of insurance ticket in California?
I was driving my uncles car and got pulled over because the insurance paper was forgotten and left inside my uncles wallet. The car has insurance. I am not in the policy. I do not live at the same address the car/insurance is registered at. I was just borrowing the car for 1hour. The officer told me its like a fixing ticket you show up in court show the insurance and your ticket will be dismissed. So i went to court took the insurance and the judge told me my name is not in the insurance paper and i need to pay the fine. I read other places that i am okay to drive or borrow others car as long as the car has insurance and and also am not living at the same address the car is registered at or else i will need to be in the policy as well. What are your opinions? Should i get a lawyer and fight it? Or I need to pay the fine. I also got the ticket in California. Thank you
How much is car insurance?
i'm 18 n i want 2 get a car very soon. i'm paying for my own insurance so i want 2 get an idea of an estimated price. if i get a care made between 1999 n 2005. so if any1 has an idea can u please help me out
When will the government provide car insurance and life insurance to the uninsured?
There are plenty of people out there that has no car and/or life insurance...do you think Obama and his Progressives need to address this problem also...Come on Where is the outrage? There are life insurance companies and car insurance companies out there making a profit...we need to do something about this...
Why is massachusetts excluded from affordable life insurance companies such as colonial penn?
and mutual of omaha.
Do I need business use car insurance? For Domino's Pizza Delivery?
I have been offered a job working as a delivery driver for domino's. Currently my car insurance only covers domestic and personal use and not business. The domino's contract says drivers are responsible for ensuring they have the correct insurance but also says they have third party cover. Does this mean they cover the business side or do I still need to get business use insurance as well? If this is the case my insurance is likely to be bumped up by at least 800 a year! Not really worth accepting this job when its only for the summer then is it.
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
How long until my insurance drops back down after you have an accident?
How long does it take for it to go back down to where it was before you had the accident?
What is car insurance rates?
uhm im doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i dont know wht that means. some one help?""
How much would it cost for someone to drive a moped?
other than the moped and gas how much would insurance usually cost for a 17 year old going on 18 to drive a moped and what kind of license will i need to have what kind of restrictions i have a clean driving record but if it helps i am in New York State.
How much would insurance cost?
I'm a 16 year old male who makes a's and b's in school and my parents just bought me a 2008 Gmc Sierra Denali and I'm currently driving without insurance how much do you think it would cost for me?
Car insurance after accident?
I am 18 and have been driving for 1 year, I used to drive as an additional driver on my Dads Renault Megane, I crashed it from spinning off and hitting a wall, luckily no one was hurt, I just had a few cuts from shattered glass. The police have arranged for me to have an interview next week to discuss the consequences, at the moment I have no convictions or anything on my licence, my Dad just bought me my own car and has said he'll pay for the insurance in full, it's quoted at 880 for a year if he pays in full, he was planning on paying in full in 2 days, I'm not trying to cheat the system, but if my dad pays in full and then I get a conviction after the transaction has been made, can the insurance company up my insurance considering I had no convictions at the time? I'm not trying to beat the system and cheat my way, I'm just curious as to what will happen. Thanks for taking the time to read!""
Would car insurance be more on a newer 2-door red sports car or an older 4-door sedan BMW?
Basically, I am a 20 year old college student and I am going through the proccess of buying a car. I have some family friends helping me out. They told me I could get financed for a 2006 red 2 door sports car but I am still on my parents insurance and I don't want it to skyrocket. I will be paying for my car but I don't want to make my parents pay a ridiculous amount for my insurance. I would just like to know which one is more likely to be cheaper...""
How much would my little sister's car insurance be?
Can anybody give me an estimate of what insurance on a Chevy Cavalier would be for an 18 year old girl who lives in Colorado? My little sis is in a tight spot cuz my parents aren't helping her with paying for a car or insurance, but she's saved up enough to buy a car and just got a job, and is asking me to help her with insurance which I'm going to try to do, thus the question above. The problem is awhile back she got a ticket for I think it was either wreckless driving or careless driving. She's matured a lot now and all but I know the insurance companies look into things like that. Please help me with an estimate if you can. Thanks.""
Car insurance rate for a 16 year old?
i'm going for my license in a couple months, but maybe trying to prepare a little in advance, but i was just wondering the average cost of car insurance per month? i know the younger you are, the more it will be. if it helps, the car i'll use is a ford fusion, and i'm pretty sure my dads insurance is allstate, if that matters much.""
Motorcyle prices?
IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?""
Does this sound like a Fair price for Obamacare insurance in California?
Monthly Premium $321 Deductible $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty care Copay $65 Generic Med $25 Max out of Pocket $6400 FYI my brother has his own general practice, he said on average he charges people without insurance abot $60-70 for an office visit (cash,check,credit card or invoice)""
Where can i get cheap insurance?
I Would like to get a new auto insurance, where can i find cheap insurance? Thanks in advance""
Car insurance lapse payments?
My car was towed because I had a lapse of payments on my insurance. The cop told me i could get my car back in a day. My question is will i be able to get on a new insurance plan bring it to the DMV and re-register my car? Anymore information on this topic will be great. fyi i live in CT, USA.""
My Insurance Question?
I have an insurance question for you people.I had an accident just before I sold my car.I reported it to the police,they came and did the report.I informed the owner of the other car and we worked out everything.The insurance companies know and are taking care of it.Now a couple weeks later he is saying that I owe him $500 for the deductible on his insurance policy.I have liability which fully covers the other guys car.But like I said now the guy is telling me I have to pay this extra money out of pocket to get the collision guy to start working on his car.I toldhim my insurance company is supposed to take care of it.Please tell me whether I have to take care of it or does my insurance have to pay for it.I say my insurance does because otherwise whats the point of insurance then.Please let me know thank you people.""
Does planned parent hood accept health insurance?
does Planned parent hood accept health insurance ? if they do does anyone know if they will accept aetna health insurance?
How much would it cost (roughly) to insure a MG TF 1.6?
I have just turned 17 and I'm aware that insurance is going to be rather costly.
Should I be paying for car insurance? I don't have a car because I was in an accident.?
I was in an accident back in November and my car was totaled. The claim just closed a few days ago because they finally paid our medical bills and everything. Should we have to pay for car insurance right now? We still haven't purchased a vehicle because we didn't get much for our car. How do we handle this?
Help with getting health insurance?
I'm a 22 year old college student and need health insurance. My mother doesn't work and has medicare/medicaid. I don't speak to my father. I'm a resident assistant on campus, which doesn't offer health insurance as a benefit of working. The school offers health insurance but it's around $2,000 a semester (four months) for very little coverage. There is commercials on TV about automotive insurance and life insurance but I don't know how to find health insurance. Where can I go to find more information on different real insurance companies and what's the average price (either per month or lump some) I would have to pay for health insurance? Any help would be great! Thank you!""
Does anyone know what are the deductible rates that AAA auto insurance offer?
Does anyone know what are the deductible rates that AAA auto insurance offer?
Average Car insurance cost?
Im an 18yr old female living in Wyoming. I have a clean driving record and drive a 1990 honda accord. Does anybody have an idea on how much car insurance would cost me
Car payments and insurance?
is it possible for me to finance a car in my name but put the car under my parents innsurance? so the innsurance would be cheaper
Has anyone sign up for the Affordable Health insurance?
There are all these news about too much traffic to the site, but has anyone actually signed up for health insurance through healthcare.gov?""
Finding taxi insurance and licensing in Florida.?
I'm trying to find an insurance provider for my taxi in Pinellas County, Florida and can't seem to find anyone who provides insurance to taxis. I'm also trying to find out where to go for licensing and what type of licenses i need. Does anyone out there have any information that may help?""
Car insurance prices 4 ex------?
ex-fenders does any one know a good car insurance for my boyfriend he had a fight 4 years ago and he did not disclose this last year and had hius car taken of him , he did the form to fast on line and did not see the questionon, so ppl in the same boat can u comment and not a busy body who thinks they know it all 
Why is massachusetts excluded from affordable life insurance companies such as colonial penn?
and mutual of omaha.
Insurance rate for 2000 ford escort?
it has 143k miles for a female i just need an estimate, it is for a class assignment thanks""
Looking for health insurance for self employed person with hepatitus c?
I am self employed and have Hepatitus C, I am looking for health insurance""
A 125cc Scooter in California?
I want to get a 125cc scooter just because it does use a lot of gas. In California, does a 125cc scooter need a license plate? Do I need to buy an insurance? Do I need a driver license? Do I have to ride on the bike lane? or I can ride as a car? How do I make a left turn? How do I park my scooter? park it as a car (occupy a car parking spot)? It's in California. Thank you very much""
Newborn Covered by Insurance?
My friend's baby was born one month early. She was in the NICU for 5 days due to breathing problems. My friend has health insurance and so does her fiance (seperate policies, different companies). The finance was going to cover the child when she was born. The insurance said she should have been pre-enrolled b/c nicu is not typical newborn charges... and the finances' insurance say they are not responsible until after the 14th (she was born a month earlier than that). jill said my insurance only pays if we are in the hospital the same amount of time.. if she stays longer she is a dependant and wasnt eligable to be added to the fiance's yet.. it makes no sense... and how could she be pre-enrolled.. The finance went in april and tried to add her to his and they said wait til she is born... and she came a month early according to my doc so how could she have added her to mine? The letter she got from the hospital said the baby is covered automatically under the mothers insurance for 30 days after they are born. So; who is responsible for the $26,000 bill for the NICU?""
Insurance on parents car.....?
If I get my permit next week, how can I drive it if I don't have my name under the insurance for the car?""
Car insurance questions (Still on parent's plan)?
I have a few questions... Is there a set age where I can no longer be on my mom's car insurance? Or is it completely up to her? For example can two adults (both in their 40's) be on the same insurance? I am 19. I currently live with my mom. If I were to move out, can I still be on her insurance? If I don't go to college, can I still be on her insurance? I heard you need to be a full time student to be on a parent's insurance? If I were to buy a car, would it have to be in her name?""
""Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
Is it cheaper insurance for you to be a named driver if your parent owns the car?
Im 17, a boy and i want cheap car insurance, is that a better way to get it?""
Confused about car insurance.?
I recently got my license but my parents aren't getting me a car just yet. If i ask to drive one of their cars they say no because i don't have insurance. They said they will get me insurance within a month but I'm curious if this is correct. My friends dad said as long as that car i am driving has insurance i can drive it, but my parents are saying I need the insurance. I don't know, I'm really confused.""
What's the most expensive comprehensive car insurance ever in the U.K.?
What's the most expensive comprehensive car insurance ever in the U.K.?
Ohio moped insurance?
im 14 i have a 1980 puch moped i wanna now the cost per year
I haven no health insurance?
i have no health insurance and apprantely i cant get medicaid or anything like that but i'm sick and i'm about to loose my job due to the rescission like millions of others..but my question here is what can i do to get medical help if i have no type of insurance?
Does car insurance really drop at age 25??
I'm in IL, and my policy renewal is Aug 18th and my 25th birthday is Aug 12th. Can I expect a savings on this renewal from State Farm in IL. No accidents, claims, nothing in 8 years. Or is it a myth that car insurance drops at 25???""
How much would it cost on insurance average for a 17 year old owning a street bike?
im looking at 2012 ninja 250r kawasaki street bike and wondering the average insurance monthly and im 17 years old
State Farm Full coverage Auto Insurance?
Ive been with mu current insurance company for about 5 years now. My policy will be ending soon. I have a good driving record except for one speeding ticket back in 2009. Im proud to ...show more
How much is insurance for a honda rebel on a 15 in a half year old boy in missouri?
How much is insurance for a honda rebel on a 15 in a half year old boy in missouri?
What percent of damage will Infinity Insurance total a car in california?
according to kelly blue book, car is valued at 15,660 for private party sale damages came out to 8,566 that is about 54% in damages i dont want to drive a car that is this damaged, because it wont be as safe, even after repair. if its not quite at their totaling percentage, is there a way i can insist or push the insurance into totaling the car? and would the fact that Infinity is a real cheap insurance effect their percentage to total?""
Proof of auto insurance -- car's or driver's?
I would be driving my cousin's car for a while. Which proof of auto insurance do I need to carry in his car -- my auto insurance card (which lists MY car) or my cousin's insurance card, which lists HIS car -- the one I would be driving? Seems I am confused about WHAT needs to have auto insurance -- the driver or the car.""
How do I go about getting affordable/any health insurance?
-22 -located in Philadelphia, PA -single -insurance is not offered at workplace -no parents -got denied for Medicaid Any answers are greatly appreciated!""
Why do we need car insurance or why is it required?
I've been driving for about 3 years now, and I honestly cannot help but ask why are we paying $100 per month or more on car insurance, and some of us don't even get into accident at all? I mean that is like money out the door. My current premium is $625 per 6 month and it is a pain to pay it off. So, what I suggest if you get into an accident you are required take out a loan if you cannot pay and pay it yourself, wouldn't that make more sense? Instead of having to pay all that money off and in return you get nothing?""
Car insurance payment?
I would like to get the car insurance for my used car, and it is my first car. If I buy the insurance for 6 months, should I pay all the 6 months insurance at one time, or pay month by month? Thanks.""
Insurance estimation for a 1998 - 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse for a 17 year old?
Hi, i am 17 years old, active duty in the military an i am trying to buy a Mitsubishi Eclipse, although my mom keeps telling me that my insurance will be through the roof. Does anyone have an idea of how much it might cost me? For full coverage, in California? I understand that the Eclipses have a high death rate because they are quick, an teenagers tend to test the waters a little bit. However i am a responsible driver but i do want either an Eclipse or a Trans Am. Your time is much appreciated:) thank you!!""
Teen Insurance on Geico?
My parents have geico. I have a 3.65 gpa, i make good grades, no tickets, nothing. i was eligible for my license in november. what kind of discounts can i get ? what kind do they offer ? btw, i'm 16, going on 17 [not to sound like that commercial or anything] i'll be 17 in july. thanks !""
I want to know about car insurances?
What car insurance are good out there for full coverage
Car Rental USA Insurance?
I am getting really annoyed with trying to get a quote for car rental in USA. For basic rental I have been quoted $200. But then there are all the insurances: Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) Personal Accident and Effects (PAE) What do I actually need to have as they are really expensive!!! Adding just the first two takes my rental up to $500. I am very confused. What legally do I have to have? Someone told me the US insurance is strange cos you can get sued for an accident and end up paying thousands of dollars out to the person you hit. Can I just get insurance through my own car insurance here in the UK rather than paying $300 dollars??
Why is massachusetts excluded from affordable life insurance companies such as colonial penn?
and mutual of omaha.
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