#lil hurk
teamlisharae · 1 month
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Lisha Rae, Reign (2024)
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dailylisharae · 28 days
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Lisha Rae mixtape “Reign” featuring Lil Double 0, Lil Motor and more.
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tikki-wikki · 2 years
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sctigthesecond · 2 months
WAKE UP, I MADE A TUSKER ONESHOT!!! (with a lil bit of Dozyspirit)
Caffeinated Tusker
Tusker was standing in the kitchen, a calendar on hand. He stared at the circled day that had ‘Date w/ Flashy’ written on it. It was tomorrow. He didn’t show it but he was a bit excited for it, he even added small hearts around Flashy like a corny buffoon.
But in a rare case of Tusker actually using his head, he started thinking about the possibilities of how the date would go. Most of it was pretty imaginative and he knew those wouldn’t happen. There was one that he knew would happen though.
Tusker has always had the habit of sleeping at random cases on the day, he never liked sleeping at night, it always brought forth nightmares. So he started napping at the day where the sun shined.
Due to this habit, he was worried he would sleep at the date and end up upsetting Flashy, he was full of energy and wanted to do a lot of things after all. If Tusker just sleeps through that then he’d think he doesn’t care about him, and that’s what Tusker wants the least to happen.
He started pondering a way to keep himself awake when his eyes landed on his sister’s coffee machine. She was gifted that by Souffle and Kitchew. Boss always had a lot to do as the leader after all, so she always needed to keep herself energized.
Tusker stared at the coffee machine with hesitation, he remembered the last time he drank coffee. It went awful. His entire body shut down, he was a jittery mess, he cried about his head and stomach hurting before he threw up on the floor. It was a disaster, it was agreed he shouldn’t try caffeine again.
But that was years ago, he had no other way to stay awake, he could try sleeping before the date but he can’t control how long he sleeps. Desperate times call for desperate measures. He’s a grown elephant, he can handle this much… Right?
“Jeez where is it?” Boss looked around her entire room, yet she didn’t find a single trace of her scarf anywhere. “… I swear I put it around here” she sighed and tried to think back to where she last left it. She came out empty.
Maybe Tusker knew where it was, he’s always had an oddly good memory, after all. She walks out of her room.
“Tusker!” she called out for the elephant as she made her way to where she thought he might be. She walks into the kitchen “Hey Tusker are you—“ she cuts herself off the moment her eyes laid on the scene.
Tusker laid on the floor, clutching his stomach and shaking terribly while curled up on the floor.
“Tusker!?” she immediately ran up to him in a panic as she tried to question how it led to this. “Tusker, are you okay!? What happened!? Is it your stomach!?? What—!?!” she notices that her coffee machine was much closer than she remembered, and on closer inspection there was Tusker’s spilled mug sitting beside it.
It didn’t take long for Boss to realize what happened.
“… YOU DRANK COFFEE!?!?” she grabbed Tusker’s shoulders and shook him in an angrily concerned way. “… i thought… i could handle it… this time…” he said slowly as usual but this time it sounded like he was doing his best to resist throwing up.
“TUSKER YOU BIG IDIOT, WE AGREED YOU WOULDN’T TOUCH EVEN AN OUNCE OF CAFFEINE, WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?!?” she scolded him as Tusker covered his ears, still trembling “… i didn’t… wanna… fall asleep… at the date…” he said softly with his eyes closed, still desperately holding back his puke.
“Date?” she was confused for a second before she sees the calendar near them, she saw Flash’s name and immediately connected the dots.
She slowly turned back to Tusker before flicking him lightly on the forehead “You big dummy. You know Flash doesn’t care if you’re awake or not, right?”
He had to take a moment to collect himself before he replied “… yeah but… i wanna… stay awake… to actually do something with him— hurk—…” he covered his mouth and Boss immediately helped him up to the bathroom.
In the end, Boss helped Tusker find some other way to kinda stay awake with the help of Savvy.
He and Flashy had a wonderful date.
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redrabbitspod · 1 year
Neiliooooo can you tell us a funny story 🥹
Okay so I don't think this is funny but every once in a while Andrew will stare off into space and let out a lil Andrew giggle and I know this is what he's imagining 😔
So a few weeks ago I was asleep on the couch. It was Andrew's fault because he basically forces me to nap by putting on episodes of Parks and Rec and scratches my head which he 100% KNOWS will have me catatonic in less than 5. He says it's for the quiet but I'm not even loud so whatever.
Anyway so I'm asleep on the couch and in my dream I keep hearing this squeaking sound. It sounds like a sneaker on a hard wood floor so I'm like dreaming about Exy like normal. But it keeps squeaking and so I finally wake up when it's like a really loud squeal. I'm immediately on alert bc idk if you heard but someone tried to rob us and Andrew stabbed him so I thought maybe this guy is back for the fine China or some shit and I'll have to stab him this time but he wasnt. It was so much worse.
When I run into the kitchen there's definitely blood on the floor and Mads is definitely involved because he's just THERE and he's giant and fluffy like normal but he has...something. And that something was a mouse. A bloody and mangled MOUSE. That he MURDERED.
So immediately I'm horrified. I start screaming and panicking because this mouse is DEAD dead and there's nothing I can do and Andrew runs downstairs and sees it and is like MADS GOOD BOY.
The way my phone jumped in my hand to dial Abby to start divorce proceedings 😔
Before I can petition to change my last name back, Andrew's like you can't scold him for this, he's protecting our family, this is a GIFT. And like...he's kind of right. This is Mads just catting and he is a fursome beast who was making sure this mouse didn't murder us in our sleep.
So Mads is standing there now, very regal and proud with this poor mouse between his paws and I'm like literally gagging at this point. Im like MADS *hurk* GREAT JOB *uek* SO *gurgle* STRONG.
Andrew is literally guffawing at this. It does not phase him. After he sends me into the other room and cleans up the mouse he's like Neil. My love (jk he would die before saying that out loud). Why is it that I stab a guy and you're casually talking about blood in the grout but Mads kills a mouse and you're screaming like it's the most horrific thing you've seen? And this is a great question because I've seen some SHIT. I was HEIR to a THRONE OF MURDER okay but it's just how it is. A bloody person in distress is 100% fine. Find me some dental floss and a needle and I can probably fix it but an animal?
A teeny mouse?
I still see that little guy. He was so young (probably). He had so much life to live (if the chickens didn't get him).
Anyway, Andrew still thinks it's hilarious and I'm trying to just forget.
THE END -Neilio
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bettertwin1 · 2 years
Why did donnie make you watch human centipede??,
Because he's my brother and if you had the opportunity to blindly lead your sibling into watching a movie like that, would you NOT take it? Honestly I'm just mad that lil me thought i could sit through the whole thing to prove how cool I am. Hrrgh...HURK...
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derelictheretic · 1 year
I have a Funny Request, how do you think some of the other Guns and Fangs For Hire would React to Prince the Tiger being one of them? Sure he’s a 750 pound Assault weapon with Teeth, Claws and stripes, but he’s a Sweet Boi
The other fangs for hire would acclimate to him pretty fast I'd imagine! Just another fluffy boy to join the bestest animals of hope county gang!! I feel like Peaches would like him the most, feline solidarity and all that!
And I think out of the guns for hire Sharky and Hurk would be the first ones siked to have an even bigger murder cat on their side, plus Sharky would love his collar, he can respect a cool cat with style 😎 I think Jess would be the third to get used to him, having to deal with the Deputy and their ever evolving list of dangerous predators as besties on the battlefield, she'd probably feel real confident going on a mission with Prince by her side!
I think Grace and Nick would always be a little skittish around him but they could appreciate he's cute from a safe distance. I could see Adelaide calling him her lil Princey and wanting to give him a bow (and train him how to sick people).
And I know they're not Guns for hire but I could see Mary May and Jerome being just, forever shocked and confused by the amount of apparently cuddly predator animals in the County (And Mary May would be one of the only people asking how the hell a Tiger got all the way to Hope County lol). Prince probably wouldn't be allowed in the Spread Eagle but I think only Boomer has that privilege so it's nothing personal.
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derelictlovefool · 2 years
2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14 for the writing asks!!
Thank you for sending these in liz !! 🥺 I'm not gonna focus on just one fic for these bc i'm a mess and most of my stuff is WIP's anyway but yeah ajsjshsjshs
Do you have any easter eggs in your fic?
I've been trying to add in easter eggs into my multi chapter fics lately!! Currently in The Snake Followed Me Home From Georgia I've been playing around with names for things that could be easter eggs for Hope County. Like I might have John's law firm be called Holland Law (not sure if that's too obvious and on the nose tho so i'm marinating on it). I am tossing some ideas for other easter eggs but i'm not sold on them yet so I won't say anything ahsjsnsns
What's a piece of lore you haven't shown in your fic or don't think you'll be able to add in?
I haven't shown a Lot (But admittedly I also haven't written a Lot) but I think some OC's backstories may not properly make it to the light of day in most of my fics. Unless I start seperate fics for all of my OC's their childhoods and lives up until the current story events will only be known outside of the fic when I talk about them or in very small snippets of dialogue.
I also haven't gotten to it yet in any of my fics but Marvin (Joseph's right hand man peggie who is basically the compound house husband but in a platonic way) has history with Dean and that history is that Dean was close friends with Marvin's late wife back in the day (and therefore Marvin) and !! This will hopefully come into play during at least my main fc5 fic when Dean is taking over an outpost and stops Jess from killing him! (Common Dean L not letting Jess murder and maim like she deserves 🙄)
What character do you enjoy writing most? Why?
Out of canon characters I really love writing Sharky, as a dumb lil guy myself I find him easy to write and he's just a lovable goofball who sparks joy!!
John is a close second even though i'm insecure about how I portray him sometimes, we all make fun of him but I adore his character and getting into his head is a nice challenge.
Honorable mentions would have to be Deadpool and Alvin Murphy from Z Nation, again they fall into characters I just find come natural to me when I write!
Out of my OC's I feel it's very obvious I love writing Dean, he's just My Blorbo you know? I can toss him around in any context and be happy and confident in how i've written him BUT. MOST IMPORTANTLY. I love his kids and writing him with his kids is pure serotonin and if I could only focus on one fic for the rest of my life i'd choose Second Chances hands down.
What is your favourite line/interaction in your fic?
OH GOD OKAY. So there are a lot but I have a scene in chapter one of my fic Blue (mediaeval au my beloved) where Dean and Sharky have a lil reunion after not seeing each other for a while and Dean had carried a boar he caught to Sharky's hut effortlessly and when Sharky tries to lift it he Struggles. (And then freaks Dean out with his carelessnes with a knife) It's just two of my fave idiots interacting and the whole scene (and chapter tbh as it focuses on them and Hurk) brings me joy even if the writing is old !!
Sharky giggles, nudging them with his shoulder as he passes them and attempts to pick up their sack. His giggles are cut short as he grunts at the effort, sack dropping back onto the dirt as quickly as he had lifted it but a centimeter from the ground. Dean's laughter doubles, sides shaking as Sharky's brows furrow and his head whips around to look at them in disbelief.
"How far 'd ya carry this?!" He asks, struggling to drag the sack towards the campfire as Dean holds themself up with their hands on their knees. They shake their head wordlessly, fighting to mute their laughter only to erupt into small giggles as they calm themself down.
"Only a mile i think, and a bit." Dean says through small giggles, straightening their stance and appreciating the newfound warmth spreading through their cold and heavy limbs.
Sharky guffaws at their casual tone, obviously impressed by their ability to carry the heavy sack that far and not have their arms fall off. He mutters something about witchcraft as Dean sits back down on the log, removing the many straps and weapons on their being and placing them on the ground beside their bow. They watch their friend with an amused gaze as he pulls the wild boar from the sack. He looks down right annoyed and they hear him mutter; "Small my ass—" before he stands and walks back to his hut.
"How've ya been anyway? James didn't say much last time he was here, just that ya were working on a new uh, thing." Sharky returns with one of his larger knives, swinging it as he makes a vague gesture with his hand. Dean watches his hand carefully, knowing full well he was capable of cutting a finger off if he wasn't paying attention.
"I've been fine—busy—designing a new freeze, the one we've got's starting to crack and the meat's thawing too fast." They reply, keeping an eye on Sharky's hands as he begins to skin the boar less then precisely.
"And you?" Dean asks, trying not to wince every time they saw the knife flick upwards jerkily.
Is there a transition in your fic you're proud of?
I'm actually horrendous at transitions, i'm the writer that goes "After a while they got to the where they were going," or puts a text divider if I really need a big time skip. I'd like to test out more artistic ways to transition but that'll have to wait </3 So anyway to answer the question not as of yet no.
What is your favourite relationship featured in your fic aside from the main couple (if you have one)?
Okay so in every fc5 fic I write Dean, Sharky and Hurk's friendship is like. My favourite thing to write ever. They are the goofiest dumbasses on the planet and Dean loses what little braincells he has left when he's with them. They are the ride or die gang in almost every au and I just love them your honor. (Also goes without saying Dean and the kids ! Good dad and epic kids dynamic my beloved)
And also Nick and Kim will forever be my fave canon couple and I love when I get to write them in a fic <3
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necro-hamster · 1 year
9 12 18 22 !! fallout and/or fc5
( this post )
9) worst part of canon
for fc5 i'd have to go w the endings, touched on it in a previous response but i think they both suck ass tbh. i end up just making up my own shit.
for fallout..... well that's a hard one because fallout's canon isn't very good. and has a lot of weird shit in it. i mean honestly i could just broadly gesture at all of it. fo has So Many Problems. but to point out smth specific, the way ghouls are handled comes to mind almost immediately. tons of missed potential and a lot of inconsistencies. wtf was up with the ghoul kid in the fridge?? lil man was NOT in there for 200 years. his ass would've fucking died. they still have to like. eat and stuff. plus it's just weird how 200 years post nuke ppl are still like EWWW AN IRRADIATED PERSON!!! like? bro you're all fucking irradiated. i know about your 11th toe and that weird spot on your butt cheek. you'd think ppl would get used to it by then. i get that obviously hatred of groups like that doesnt just go away over time magically but it just feels unrealistic the way they handle it. also boring.
i guess if you want an easier answer then i think it's stupid that the brotherhood of steel is still going strong on the east coast lol
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
grinding my teeth together. preston garvey for fallout. i will defend him until the day i fucking die. i'm convinced that the reason so many ppl hate his ass and are annoyed by his very presence is bc he's black idc. kiss my ass. he's my best friend.
also!! raul!!!! nobody ever fucking talks abt him but he's my FAVORITE new vegas oc. i think if he looked more fuckable ppl would pay more attention to him honestly 🙄
for fc5. hurk jr. the only reason ppl don't give him as much attention as sharky is because he's fat. idc. i will stand by this until the day i die. but i guess i'll fuck him since everyone else is a coward about it
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
CODSWORTH. it's criminal that bethesda's lazy asses slept on him too!!! he's got SO MUCH potential as a character but they didnt even give him a side quest???? i need yall to integrate him into your sole's story more PLEEEAAAASE. also raul again lol
far cry 5 im absolutely gonna have to say faith, she's so interesting but gets pushed aside so often and it pisses me off to no end. but that's the boring answer. that's the answer everyone expects. so i'm also gonna point out that i think it's super lame how so few ppl actually focus in on the cult and what average ppl were going thru inside of it. because, like, this isnt just Fascist Murderers or Literal Human Traffickers like the other games. they're cult members. many of them are victims of this shit too. obviously some of em were definitely just having fun killing ppl but like there were prolly a ton of ppl who were also just normal folks in desperate need of help and community and they ended up here. please have more discussions abt this shit.
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for fallout, prolly civilization as a whole? specifically settlements/cities/towns/etc. a lot of ppl focus on being Alone In The Wastes (which is fun and cool) but i rlly like that we see time and time again that society has rebuilt in plenty of places. there's a city on a boat for gods sake. can we talk abt that shit more pls pls pls pls.
for fc5..... god. again my mind just turns toward faith and her craziness. ppl hate talking abt how much of a freak she is. so ig i'll go with the environment. how hope county is a rural place and the way that must've shaped many of the characters, including ocs who are from there. yall dont get it 😩😩😩
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derelictdumbass · 2 years
rating dean's fwb's rn for my own amusement, sharky and hurk are at an unbeatable 10/10 and their platonic levels are at 110% power love these lil dudes
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heelachilleshowl · 2 months
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— Favourite dialogue you've written for your muse.
"Hurk isn't here, s'up in the Whitetail Mountains with a lil lady he met a month ago, they're really gettin' on well, you know," Sharky grins and raises his eyebrows suggestively, hinting at what needn't be said.
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"Man I get it, trading is important to keep things goin' n' everything. The Seeds just ain't good news, there's always a string attached y'know?" Sharky's troubled blues eyes watch them earnestly.
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"I'm sorry about last night man," Sharky starts, holding his hands out to stop Dean from leaving immediately, "I just got scared. I saw that guy take a swing at you and thought I was about to lose one of my best friends," His blue eyes are full of fear for a moment and Dean bows their head gently, shifting their weapons to one hand they step forward and put a hand on Sharky's shoulder.
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“Uh oh, daddy’s angry,” Sharky mutters, adjusting his hat and stepping further behind Dean, who stepped back at the same time; stepping on the pyro’s feet in the process.
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sweeetestcurse · 1 year
Warnings: (very light) body horror (there’s a zombie in this zombie apocalypse AU) Characters: Deputy Jodie Perkins, Jerome Jefferies, Sharky Boshaw, Hurk Drubman Jr. Tags: Pining, slice of life (I promise things pick up just let me prep things for a lil bit)
On a hunch that isn't even her own, Jodie sets out to John's bunker.
Preview under the cut:
Soft-looking dirt blanketed most of the concrete floor inside the wide-open building. All of it had been disturbed. By footprints of various sizes and the wide sweep from the door itself. Even after seeing all of that, a nagging part of her mind still expected to hear the dull thunk of a lock catching when she gave the thick handle a twist.
The sharp click that rang out was quite a surprise.
Her stomach nearly dropped clean through her. She hadn’t expected to come this far.
“Perkins to Falls End,” she said, all but gaping at the cracked open door. “Come in, Falls End.”
Before she got an answer, she clipped the radio back into place and gave the solid door a hard pull. It swung outward freely, easily, on well-oiled and tended-to hinges. The Peggies inside had been taking care of the thing. As much as they were able, anyway.
With another, softer, click, the beam of her flashlight cut through the haze that lay within, showing all the dirt and dust she had kicked up by simply being there.
“We’re reading you loud and clear, Jo-Jo. What’s your ‘sitch?”
The signal was growing weak with distance but even then, she could hear Hurk well enough to know he was smiling back in Falls End. Hell, he probably insisted on being the one to wait for her call.
“I made it to the bunker. The front door’s unlocked. Don’t tell Sharky, but I think that quiet hoard of his might actually exist.”
“Shit, well—” Hurk began before a second voice cut him off.
“Gimme that,” for a second, Sharky was further away. But he gained distance fast.
Their gathered voices were pocked with pops and caressed by static.
When he spoke up again, it cleared up. “Say that again,” he begged. “Tell me I was right. I need to hear you say it.”
She smiled, in the dark, nearly laughing at the strain in his voice. As much as she didn’t want to encourage him, she obliged. “You were probably right. How’s it feel?”
“Oh,” his voice went breathy, trembling lightly. Whether it was from laughter or something else entirely, she couldn’t tell. “Oh, it feels so good.”
A small titter of laughter slipped out of her. And echoed down into the depths, instantly filling her with something oh-so-close to dread tugged the corners of her mouth into a small frown.
“Well, I’ll leave you to… whatever it is that you’re doing.”
The teasing in his voice was gone in a flash. “Wait. Hold up. Are you heading in that bunker? Alone?”
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soulorasta · 4 years
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"Yes?" He teases, again taking another step closer to Nadine. He's so close, an aroma of charcoal and lavender invade their senses and it's somehow intoxicating, leaving Nadine feeling light headed and dazed.
"I know who you are." Nadine offers weakly, brown eyes still skittering nervously anywhere but his face. They couldn't get their mind to still, or heartbeat to quiet down even a fraction." - current title: Blue
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heinousbiitch · 5 years
FarCry tbh
So I finished both endings of FarCry 5 and I'm literally starting a new game+ just so I can watch the rise and fall of all my favorite characters again. I just want someone to talk to me about it and let mE R A N T TO THEM.
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velcromouth · 5 years
when the music career ain’t cutting it anymore so u gotta become a cop
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