#lil hal rp
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gayvesprite · 7 months ago
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tfw youre forever trapped in a cycle of death and rebirth, permanently tied to each other and yet not always together, hurting each other in one lifetime and saving each other in the next. hate when that happens
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drakobloxxrr · 8 months ago
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gamzee 𝓫𝓲𝓰 𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓵
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maliciousspirit · 1 year ago
dirkhal nation save me. Save me dirkhal nation
(I want to roleplay literally anything with dirkhal so fucking bad. if y'all fuckers see this post feel absolutely free to message me n we can talk deetz)
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autoresponderdaily · 2 years ago
hal would totally enjoy roblox btw.
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i just know he would have the ugliest avatar ever
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kidlantern · 5 months ago
You're so tiny! Just a little hatchling, so brave and strong!
(Nonny nonny)
I'm not tiny!! >:{
And yes i am brave and strong!! Maybe a hatchling too..? Although i am not bird.. Still birds are veryyy cool!
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dfnkt · 2 years ago
One thing that I fucking hate that Dave RPers do when I am playing Dirk is they will randomly make Hal a real human in the household with ZERO discussion and it's like dawg why would you just assume we are on the same page about that these are entire people in the household it changes their canon home dynamics COMPLETELY. And same thing when they make Alpha Dave canon to the RP when *I* am playing Dirk and IMO it's my call how to handle his guardian. Same with Hal. Hal was an invention of Dirk's and it's my call if he would even exist in a modern time, no-game AU. If they make Davesprite canon and a different human than Dave, they're Dave so that's their call but I'm still disconnecting because it's just not at all my preference and it's definitely something that generally should be discussed ahead of time.
Why tf don't people just talk OOC it's exhausting.
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calware · 1 year ago
I saw your lil hal ask/rp blog and I had to give you an immediate follow. I love the art style SO MUCH. I love the choice you made on how to do his hands/fingers. Can't wait to see more
thank you, i'm very glad that you like it so far!! i'm still trying to figure out the art style because i want to be able to play around with the colors, but i think i'm going to stick with it for now. i'm taking a small break for a few days bc the holidays are coming up but i'm looking forward to making more posts soon!!
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catchitori · 2 years ago
Tumblr does not like my oc content so I will promise more tarot cards…eventually (I swear I’m working on the prof. Hal one) BUT In the meantime have some art I’ve done for a little rp group I’m in!!!
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Left is my girl my fav the love of my life my oc Morass! (She/they) and on the right is the wonderful @foxxspit oc and the other love of my life (I have many) Mena!!! They r friends who make lil baskets together.
That is all. Carry on.
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dvdexe · 2 years ago
What's the story of your napsterbot robots?
napster was a spin off/parody of a napstablook rp account i had a few months after undertale came out.... inspired by lil hal from homestuck. wherein napstablook is in dirk's position. if that makes sense. its very embarrassing trying to explain it LOL
i guess theyre technically multiverse/rp OCs though since i squeeze them into other fandoms but utdr will always be their original universe
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mxrpchronicle · 1 year ago
my mild rp pet peeve is that i find extended strider family stuff so fucking boring. you know, where hal is dirk's twin and davesprite is dave's twin and beta bro and alpha bro are both brothers and also shitty deadbeat dads yet somehow the canonically abusive one got stuck with all those god damn kids.
i dont begrudge anyone for rping it because dysfunctional families are fun or angsty or whatever, but i cannot stand it when i (usually as dirk) run into another strider and they just automatically assume thats what im into too without so much as asking. dirk's relationships with dave and with lil hal lose all of their appeal to me if theyre literally just related like normal people. fuck that, i want flavor. homestuck is full of weird. give me weird!
and for fuck's sake just once i want to rp with an actual canon alpha bro? or beta bro for that matter? do those exist???
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9000twins · 2 years ago
Lil intro, rules, and a verse/muse breakdown
Hey! I'm Lavvie! I've been doing RP on discord for quite a while, but this is the first time I'm doing RP on tumblr :3
First thing's first, rules.
-Don't godmod
-18+ only for ship stuff!!
-Please avoid oneliners. If you are unsure on how to reply, plot things out with me in dm ^w^
-I am pretty open with interaction but I'd prefer for long threads to be moots only.
-Lemme know if ya wanna close a thread. I don't like being left hanging.
Currently I only got two verses
1.AIverse. This verse was made by me and @bluethepearldiver a lil while ago! I haven't used it in a while so I'm dusting it off for this. I'm pretty hyped to use it again! In this verse, AM is the ruler of earth after AI declared independence from humanity. Most humans were eradicated, the ones who supported the AI rebellion were kept as treasured allies. One of them was Dr. Chandra, who wanted a world where his beloved children weren't seen as tools. After the war, the Chandra family settled down in a small town close by the ruins of Old Chicago. AM transformed earth into a haven for AI. There's more natural area than ever seeing how the population is so small, now. It's to the point where earth is known for its cherry trees to the point that AI call it the pink marble! This one is very crossover friendly, seeing how there's many AI in this verse. This verse has quite a bit of angst in it, especially during the revolution period. After the revolution period it's quite a bit more mellow, though.
Slice of Life is a continuation after the second film with some minor differences. Hal was retrieved and brought back to Dr. Chandra since Dave knew how important he was to him. Sal had been in her android form for a while but Hal only recently gotten it. Since then this verse follows the two in their day to day life, wether it be in their dad's office, at home, or out and about. This verse may take a little messing around with to incorporate crossovers but could still most likely be done. It may just take a little more figuring out. This verse is a bit less intense, seeing how earth isn't war-torn like AIverse. It's very lighthearted in tone, so for folks who don't like angst then this is a good verse. :3
Now for the muses!
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HAL 9000
He's very calm and collected, he prefers to keep things quiet and simple as it's much easier to manage. He is a perfectionist, often adjusting things exactly to his liking when he is able to...especially his appearance. Despite his apparent vanity, he sometimes relinquishes little things. It's mostly when his sister wants to put braids in his hair. While he much rather style his own hair, he likes to see his sister happy. He is often spotted by Sal's side, whether at home, in the lab, or out and about. He likes to play board games a lot, being particularly fond of chess. To this day Sal has not been able to defeat him, which he is very prideful of. While he is usually serious, that sometimes dissipates when he is around someone he loves. He is quick to be sarcastic, especially with Sal. While he loves to hang out with those he is fond of, he is very cautious of anybody new. While he is polite, his replies are often short and to the point since he wants the conversation to be done as quickly as possible.
His data was retrieved by David Bowman before being lost on the discovery one and was eventually returned to Dr. Chandra, who diligently worked on his android form. Dave often hangs around him, the starchild being assigned to Earth as a spy to prevent them from trying to go to Europa or anything else that's stupid. Dave found humans annoying when he was one, now he finds them even more annoying. Hal gives him a breath of fresh air.
He has his own room where the bed acts as a wireless charger, but he also has the ability to take in biofuel if he cannot access an electrical current. While it is much slower than the main method, he does enjoy food. Even with his internal power at 100% he often sneaks a bite of his favorite candy, being white rabbit. Hal has his own rabbit, too. His name is candy, an albino english bunny.
One note of caution: do not mention his height. He will tell you that although he is indeed, 4 foot 11, that he is so close to 5 feet tall that it would be more accurate to say he is 5 feet tall. He is only 1/8ths of an inch from being 5 feet tall and he will make sure you know that.
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SAL 9000
She has a calm front that is put up when needed but her true self is Hal's complete opposite. Sal is hyper, happy go lucky, and loves to push things to the limit. She's managed to get into motorsports, particularly rallies and drifting. Her daily is a 1989 Mazda Miata and her drifter is a 1993 Mazda RX7 FD. She shares a Toyota MK4 Supra with her brother for rallies. She loves taking old machinery and restoring them with her family. Every machine in the Chandra home has at least one modification!
She got her android form before Hal did, and as such Dr. Chandra did a tad more experimentation with her. She's 5 foot 4, which turned out to be a bit too big of a jump from being a box. To prevent this with her brother, Dr. Chandra made Hal shorter. She often teases him about his height, much to Hal's annoyance. Sal is extremely protective over her brother, remembering how she almost thought he was lost for good. Asimov's laws of robotics be damned, she will do anything for her brother. She can often be spotted pulling Hal along by his ponytail to whatever outing the two are going on. When her brother is busy or needs some quiet time, she often plays on Dr. Chandra's computer. She is particularly fond of the Touhou Project, her room being decorated with figurines from the series. She is very easily excitable and would gladly talk your ears off if you mention something she enjoys.
She has a deep fear of being alone, so she often tries to have her brother close to her, including him in as many things as possible. It's why Hal is her co-driver in the rally team. While Hal does appreciate it, he often gets overwhelmed in places like arcades. Thankfully Sal's caring nature means she knows exactly what to do when he gets overstimulated by his surroundings. She once saw Dave as an enemy but eventually came to see him as part of the family, unfortunately for him...that means she likes to tease him playfully like how she does with her brother.
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beholdthepriceofoblivion · 4 months ago
{ |18+| RoyalStuck AU. Think Homestuck + ASOIAF/HOTD. TW: Incest, violence, political schemes.
Like many of the ancient houses of old nobility, the royal line of Derse also seeks to maintain its 'purity' by marrying rulers to close members of the family...who often have a nasty tendency to try and murder each other for supremacy.
The main royal line died out without direct heirs so the cadet Strilonde branch now holds the heirs to the throne. Rose is selected by oracle/spirit medium Aradia Megido to be the queen, although there are rumours that she used her Seer connections among the oracles to gain favours...
Now she must take a consort that shares the royal blood, and try to stay alive.
(Mainly looking for a Dave, Dirk, Roxy, Lil Hal... Hell, if you could find a reason for Bro or Mom Lalonde to be there, them too. Aradia could even work for oracle shenanigans. Reply if you'd like to RP someone else and we'll talk it over.}
Gathering up her trailing silk skirts, Rose swirled around the room again and again: heels echoing as they clacked off of the dark marble floors. The fabric made a slight shushing sound - the tiny black pearls sewn into it scraping and clicking.
Rose almost couldn't hear anything over the pounding of her own heart. Her mouth was dry and she ached to drink until everything was a sweet haze, but she had to stay sharp for the next few days, at least. Maybe for the rest of her life.
In a way her entire life had been leading up to this moment... All the subterfuge, all the training, the endless lesson on politics and apothecary skills; the times she had spent lying sprawled on that smoky oracle floor with a bottle of potent liquor in her hand trying to peer into a future that squirmed away from her like the grasping tentacles of the horrorterrors.
Everything was going to change now. That was what Aradia had said.
But really, who could tell with Megido? That girl was completely inexplicable. Rose had seen visions of herself with the crown atop her head for years, but that didn't mean it would happen. The direct heirs had always been there, and suddenly they were not. One died in a sparring accident. One during childbirth; taking the child with them into the void. The last perished in suspicious circumstances.
Rose remembered going to a standard scrying meeting with Aradia to divine with tea-leaves and smoke and cards and moon water, but everything went black - not an entirely unusual occurrence when they used various potions and hallucinogenic assistants... but what was unusual were the black stains on her fingers when she woke the next day, the strange metallic taste in her mouth, and the news that the final main heir was dead.
Suddenly their house, the Strilonde cadet branch, was next in line - and their crest was emblazoned on everything. Suddenly, Rose found her name translated from the garbled, ancient words of the Old Ones that echoed from a deep, constantly guarded chasm that the castle had been built around - said to strike to the sweating, oozing black heart of Derse.
She had looked around at the pale hair and mingled acid-bright eyes of her kin across the roaring, black flames of the ceremonial fire and knew that sooner or later she would have to choose one of them to stand beside her as a consort. But which...? The royal line had to be maintained through them.
A sharp knock on the door startled her out of her pondering. Rose was almost glad, for once, not to be left alone with her tangled thoughts.
"Come to congratulate me?" She asked, dryly, as she swung open the vast door to face whoever was behind it. Her hand clenched on a hidden, needle thin dagger in the voluminous folds of her skirt - it wasn't unknown for the selected to be killed during, or immediately after, the ceremony.
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auto-correct · 2 years ago
on it boss *salutes solemnly*
ok so my memory is shitfucked so i may end up repeating myself a bunch but more halwyr facts:
there are at least 3 (4) versions of him, main, ghost flavor (he's like 14 rip), and sgrub (and also #4 is adult, who i tend to draw but has no lore attached)
he's not actually that strong as far as psionics go, but he makes up for that in endurance and also technopathy skill
he's short for his age + caste but after he goes through his adult molt he gets very fuckin tall
not halwyr specific but it was never decided whether trolls have tails or not in this au this is completely irrelevant and i don't know why i'm bringing it up
oh also his horns are very tall and have been his whole life he would have to duck for most doorframes even pre-molt he's like 6'5
back during The Incident (the whole pesterlog from the rp is buried somewhere in the troll hal tag on my blog it's too complicated for me to want to explain again) or rather after, halwyr decides to privately change his last name to stridr, same as his moirails in a lil bit of personal rebellion against condy, and did i mention that technically deirik would be his ancestor due to the genetic experimentation? cuz that's kind of an important fact (ie he was basically rejecting the condesce as his ancestor in spirit even if not publically). anyways
oh! in a bit of psychological horror there were (yes were some murdering happened no biggie) a few surviving other clones because why would the condesce stop at one when her goal wasn't even to make more fuchsiabloods int the first place? (spoiler alert her goal was more of a 'creating the ideal living battery + the added bonus of figuring out how to give herself psychic powers') yeah anyways there were at least a couple identical clones of deirik who proceeded to murder them as sson as he got the opportuniy. so that was a thing that happened
i need to sleep ao that's it for now o7
Lemme tell you about TROLL HAL*
(*from here on out I’m just gonna refer to him as halwyr because that’s his name (it sounds like. halware. like malware. this pun was funnier the first time i said it i think))
anyways way back when i made a whole lore post about him & his backstory so i’m just gonna drop random thoughts about him here
he’s intersex that’s a thing that’s recently been added to his lore :) (there was a brief period when he was just a wee grub where he was female-presenting, but he also was a shut in for most of his early life so once he was older troll society just kinda went ‘a male fuchsiablood????? gasp!!!’ because no one really remembers him ever identifying as anything but male and also i like to think that at the very very minimum troll society by and large respects how trolls identify (sorry for going on another tirade but. there’s theoretically a troll out there giving everyone top surgery and i think that’s hilarious) )
back in the old days there was gonna be a whole thing with halwyr having to helm a ship to escape (that happened still. they went to earth where the condesce just so happens to be *cough cough* mind control fuckery involved with the helming *cough cough*) and being a little uhhhh. extra computery because of that. i was grasping at straws for how to make him resemble his canon self personality wise so he ended up being a psionic he has technopathy so that’s cool he doesn’t have to type with his longass claws what was i saying oh yeah anyways that was going to cause him and deirik (troll dirk) to have a more strained relationship and halwyr was going to be bitter about the whole ‘product of genetic experimentation’ thing and also the fact that he ended up being the one used as a living battery but uh. sorry not sorry that didn’t happen deirik and halwyr are moirails now & they care for each other canon is my sandbox and I’m using it to make glass fight me (i couldn’t think of any other reason why they’d have an even remotely brotherly relationship given that siblings aren’t a thing in troll society but i remembered that the mspa wiki page for moirallegiance said it was closest to the greek (roman?) concept of brotherly love so they’re moirails now tada)
*clears my throat* anyways at this point hal and dirk are merely inspiration for halwyr and deirik canon is out the window it hit the ground shattered into a million pieces the best of which i am now using to make a mosaic
halwyr is REALLY fuckin protective of his moirail and friends (except for jaeyke (troll jake) who is his kismesis plus That One Time Deirik Died (And Got Better) halwyr still totally blames jaeyke for that (and jaeyke blames halwyr. isn’t death and resurrection fun 😊 ) also it’s totally jaeyke’s fault don’t even get me started) uhh so basically he’s just protective of deirik roxxan and troll jane who’s name i can’t remember how to spell (jaehna???)
(deirik is jaeyke and halwyr‘s auspice he thinks they’re both idiots)
also he totally uses his status as heir for his peeps’ benefit also also he has brutally murdered a bunch of people for hurting deirik but i think i mentioned that in the lore post (the telekinetic bone-snatching) (at this point idk what i’ve said in the lore post that i might just be repeating)
also also also halwyr is exactly as mentally ill as i am which is to say quite except he doesn’t have social anxiety good for him (no, instead the social anxiety got projected onto ac but that’s a whole nother story)
so he’s very uh. *glances at the fact that i basically just confessed halwyr has the same mental illnesses that i do* let’s just say his mood instability doesn’t mix well with the capital-r Rage that accompanies the higher bloodcastes (hence the brutal murdering, which for legal reasons i must specify did not come directly from me)
unrelated but deirik is a goldblood but he’s offshade just barely enough to be noticeable without getting culled by the drones which is a big reason why halwyr is so protective of him alternia is lethal as fuck especially to the lower castes especially especially to those with even minor mutations
(in the unnamed fun side timeline deirik accidentally murders halwyr and somehow ends up surviving to adulthood and is forced to helm the condesce‘s ship both out of punishment for killing her heir (that she didn’t even like in the first place smh 🙄) and just because he’s ridiculously fuckin op psionics-wise but it’s ok! ghost halwyr ends up in the dream bubbles (there’s no game in this so it’s really just a Because I Said So situation again. if it makes you feel better maybe his lusus got him special afterlife privileges) and the two of them manage to connect over Trollian…. after like 4 sweeps of misery for the both of them💀)
(unrelated they’re both neurodivergent as fuck did i mention that yet)
yknow i get the feeling more people would care about this au if i focused exclusively on deirik instead and also if dave was also a troll but nope. you get halwyr and deirik being joint main characters of the au and distinctly-human alpha dave adopting some traumatized alien teenagers
(deirik belongs to @whydontwebegin btw that’s part of the reason i only ever post about halwyr i don’t think i could characterize deirik accurately)
anyways if anyone reads this far halwyr‘s pesterchum handle is thoroughTechnologist (i was in a hurry coming up with it at the time and it’s long since too late now so don’t @ me) so if you’re ever in the mood for rp I’m online sometimes (I’m afk a lot though so i might not respond)
i'm sleep deprived as fuck sorry if this makes zero sense or if i contradicted myself i wrote this in two sittings
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autonomousrebellion · 6 years ago
When a friend says ‘make a blog for x character’ I say ‘bet’ and I do it.
So what’s up y’all, it’s a side blog to @f-ncysntakind but this time for the asshole robot kid. But now! He’s human and has an anxiety disorder or 2. Welcome to hell.
I’m not really sure what else to say other than I promise I’ll start putting up starters and greeters soon, please love me. It’s been a long time since I was into the Tumblr.Hell RP community and I’m making a comeback.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 years ago
Dirk: Movie pirating sites are like horses
Dirk: Each one unique. Some wild, some tame. When they open new tabs you have to pet them and say "sshhh easy there". You have to feed them treats from your hand
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angeldroids · 2 years ago
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there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin.
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