#likely a legitimate fundraiser
chaithetics · 2 months
Help Hazem and his Family!
Hazem (@hazem1999 @hazempalestine ) keeps getting shadowbanned and his account @hazem1999sblog has been deleted. This is disgusting behaviour from Tumblr but it's also really concerning as his online presence is vital for his family's survival.
Hazem is fundraising for his family to be able to safely evacuate from the genocide, he has been separated from them for several years. Hazem's parents and four siblings are living in the Jabalia Refugee Camp and desperately need to evacuate.
Hazem's campaign has only raised €1,075/50,000 goal. Raising this money is so important for his family to be able to afford the costs of basic necessities with living through this genocide and also with the evacuation costs.
Hazem's campaign technically hasn't been vetted yet, his accounts being banned doesn't help and means his campaign isn't as visible to the hard-working vetters out there and people in a position to donate. He has been personally vouched for by @bilal-salah0 who has been vetted.
Every donation matters, no matter how small! Hazem is stressed about his studies and his family's survival and wellbeing. He shouldn't be worried about all of this and also about his accounts getting banned and needing to make new ones. Nobody deserves this, Hazem's family deserve more, please help however you can whether it's by donating or sharing and please follow his account and campaign!
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stuckinapril · 1 month
why is the extreme reactionary opposite opinion the one yall seem to be taking? i dont think anyone has EVER said that ALL of the fundraisers are fake, but do you legitimately believe that every single one is real? is that not an equally silly stance on the scam website?
Can you shut the fuck up im actually so sick of you people who lack reading comprehension
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yuveim · 1 month
How do you do ? I hope to be in a good condition.
This is my special campaign
We hope to help us by donating or sharing to others.
Every donation makes a different even if it a small.
As you know, the war began on October 7 and lasted ten months. During this period, we were unable to obtain food, drink, or treatment because we did not have money.
There is no source of income for the family at the present time, so we are unable to buy food, clean water, and medicine, especially after we are afflicted with the ongoing infectious diseases spread in the north like Hepatitis C disease.
Our house has been damaged a lot since the beginning of the war. We are from the north of Gaza and we are still in the north and have not displaced to the south. We displaced 10 times from place to another seeking to safety .
We hope for your help and support, even if only a little.
This is the link if you would to read our story well 👇👇
Thank you all
my heart is with you and i hope you can reunite with your family in peace and safety soon. please join me in supporting Ola @olaferwana and her beautiful children Yamen, Qusai and Mira: https://gofund.me/4e896ac1
they have only raised €890 so far.
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vimbry · 2 months
jesus these accusations and bitter posts Mocking the way people are asking for help are evil. "um, suspicious much how every ask sounds like it's copy pasted and is worded desperately, like a scammer would do" are you expecting what, level-headed bespoke messages from people trying to survive genocide, use your goddamn common sense.
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hananono · 3 months
Thank you for your continuous support for the Palestinian cause until freedom is achieved🇵🇸 🕊♥️. I hope you can help me spread my message to the whole world by reblogging my story🥹🙏🏻♥️. 
Best regards and love, 
Dr. Mohammed Al-Deeb from Gaza.
as far as i can tell, this is a legitimate fundraiser. the gfm is here:
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kissycat · 2 months
Those people who talked about the scams went way too far for no reason & doubled down on 'everyone here is scamming you' refusing to hear anything else from people who actually did try to make sure they were promoting fundraisers of real people & accusing those users completely unreasonably and disgustingly. This also sucks because there very obviously IS a charity scam bot network on here (which has nothing to do with the users they accused) trying to steal funds that should go to people who need it and now those users who pointed it out discredited their whole point with their behavior otherwise. Still it is clearly there & being careful about who you promote and donate to is in the interest of everyone especially the people that the money is supposed go to
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maxellminidisc · 2 months
I hope you are well. I am reaching out to ask for your help in sharing and reblogging my story and struggles. I have faced many hardships and need your generous support. By sharing my story, you can significantly impact my life and help me through these difficult times.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your understanding and generosity.♥️🙏
Hello Abdalhadi, I've reblogged your post and well as qued it to be seen again tomorrow since it's a bit late in my time. I'll also be posting your fundraiser here for more traction:
I do commissions for any all donations to Gazan families in need like Abdalhadi's here. If this motivates you to donate to his family please check my pinned. This fundraiser is very low on funds, currently it's at 160 Canadian dollars out of a 60k goal.
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babsaros · 8 months
hey, regular reminder that if you get someone in your inbox (that you have never interacted with before/has never been following you) asking you to reblog a post on their blog (sob story asking for donations, usually about a pet to make it extra guilt-trippy) and they specifically ask you to answer this ask privately (for a vague and weak reason, why wouldn't they want more eyes on this post?) and then you go to their blog and their account is days old at most (and they're even claiming they have an old account that got shadowbanned ((?? being "shadowbanned" on tumblr does not mean you can't still post from that account?)) but never mention the url of that old blog) and all their reblogs are straight from the op and not from anyone they might be following who reblogged the post first (indicating they just quickly searched a semi-popular fandom tag to reblog some innocuous fanart to make the blog seem lived in)-
this is probably a scam :/ keep your eye out for odd details, inconsistency, and a glaring lack of credibility. stay safe out there everypony.
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the thing is that I am cognizant about scammers and bad actors and I do worry quite a lot that I might spread faulty information by being hasty but sorry when your psa post about how you have to be careful because your donation to the wrong gofundme could be funding human trafficking (and calling anyone who donates to someone directly in need instead of giving to charity selfish) features prominently in the notes someone yes anding you and saying all those donations are probably being funneled to hamas anyway with no one challenging them.... I don't know I become a little skeptical of your intentions.
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monitorkernelaccess · 27 days
Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..
My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.
Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏
If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗
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plumberrypudding · 4 months
I am Laila Shaqura, a displaced person from northern Gaza to southern Gaza, specifically the city of Rafah.
In light of this ongoing aggression, there is no glimmer of hope except for you and your standing with us. I tell you the story of my mother and her fetus in this war.
In the midst of this devastation, the expectant mother faces countless challenges. She suffers from malnutrition due to a lack of healthy food, which exposes her and her fetus to multiple health risks. Due to the lack of adequate health care and weak immunity, this led to her contracting hepatitis, anemia, intestinal diseases, and preeclampsia.
In addition, the psychological pressure resulting from war and displacement increases her suffering. The constant concern for the safety of the family and the fear of the sound of the continuing violent bombing tonight led to high blood pressure, imbalance in movement, and fainting this morning. It was a very bad morning.
Despite the sound of cannons, the sound of bullets, the bombing, the fear and anxiety, a new life continues to form inside the mother’s womb. My mother held me with hope for the future, but the war stole from her the ability to dream.
Not only did she carry a fetus, but she also carried the burdens and pain of war.
The pain of her pregnancy increases with the weight of the war and its sorrows. She carried life in her belly and the war destroys life around her. We sometimes wonder,
Will this expected child live in such a broken world?
At this moment, I wonder if the war will take this awaited child from us before he sees the light??!
Rafah is no longer safe, and the sounds of bombing intensify every night.
There is no time to escape death. My mother's health condition is deteriorating. There is no health care. We want her to stay alive.
This is about the lives of two people (a mother and her child).
Let us extend a helping hand to those who have lost everything.Your donation can give new lives and hope for the future.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
hello, thank you for sharing your story, and thank you so much for including usernames to make it easier to confirm that this gofundme has been vetted, you didn’t have to but it really helped me.
my deepest sympathies to you and your family, i sincerely hope you are able to reach your goal.
here is another link to the gofundme
it’s currently at €4,177 out of €45,000. please donate if you can and share if you can’t! i’m sorry i can’t help more, but i myself did donate €10 as well.
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jasmancer · 11 months
there's this girl I'm friends with who is very nice and geeky but she is such an ao3 dickrider and it drives me insane. she was waxing poetic abt it today and I had to resist the urge to be mean abt it in front of everyone but my god
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today's vetted campaigns. please please continue to share and donate. i know lots of my posts are like this now, but we can't lose energy. these families need us.
june 18th:
Tahani Shorbajee and her family of ten (including her three children, all needing urgent treatment for hepatitis) ($11,329/$50,000) - @tahanishorbaje2, verified by @/el-shab-hussein
Fadi Ayyad and his family of eight ($9,446/$35,000) - @mayadayyad, @aymanayyad81, verified by @/nabulsi
Shahad Abu Musa and her family of seven ($11,574/$40,000) - @shahdhatem, verified by @/sar-soor
Muhammad Al-Habil and his family of six (including his chronically ill parents and wife, and three acutely malnourished children) (€3,928/€50,000) - @mohammed-family76, verified by @/el-shab-hussein
Shahed Nahal and family ($4,342/$50,000) - @shahednhall, verified by @/nabulsi
Reem Shehab, her husband Fahed, their five children, and the children's grandmother (€13,730/€50,000) - @malakshehab, @danashehab, verified by @/ibtisams
Amani Hasan and her three children ($9,103 CAD/$17,732 CAD) - @amani93gaza, verified by @/nabulsi
Ahmed Abu Shammalah's family of eight (€7,541/€100,000) - @ahmed8311, verified by @/nabulsi
Skater Hani Alhajjar's family of ten (they lost their father to kidney failure due to lack of treatment, Hani is the family's only support) (€27,993/€50,000) - @skatehani, verified by @/fallahifag
not yet vetted but likely legitimate:
Dalia Mohisen and her family (€6,391/€35,000) - @daliamohisen
Ramez Hilles and his family of ten (€105/€37,000) - @ramezderar
i know link-heavy posts like this can seem like a lot, but if you can pick even just one of these fundraisers to donate to or promote today, it makes a difference
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dont-leafmealone · 11 days
Hello lm hamdi ayyad ,I humbly ask for your support by reblogging this post on your account to help save my family. As newcomers to Tumblr and GoFundMe, we are in desperate need of your kindness and support. 🙏🇵🇸🍉😔Please donate 🙏🏼Let's reach the goal as soon as possible!!! https://www.gofundme.com/f/hamai-ali-ayyad?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=customer&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_tip&attribution_id=sl:6829f712-b01e-4b79-ace7-f376582ddccc
I'm very sorry I can't donate directly to your campaign, but I will share your campaign with others so hopefully it will gain attention.
This campaign isn't vetted yet but is donation protected and image search clean. They're still very low on donations with only €732 raised of €25,000. Please donate if you can!
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mirror-imaged · 13 days
My name is Baraa Al-Shorafa, I live in northern Gaza.
Since October 7, 2023, we have been living amidst bombing and destruction, suffering from hunger, thirst, and continuous displacement.
My father was injured in the head and eye in the war.
We are also deprived of education and building a future.
We suffer from famine, to the point that we eat animal feed.
We suffer from a lack of clean water, and my younger siblings suffer from skin diseases.
Please help me and my family to get out of Gaza and live a better life.
Donation link
reblogging your pinned post for reach, i hope your family is able to get to safety and that your voices can be heard.
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randomfandoms153 · 16 days
I apologize for what I am going to say to you, but I have to. I am Ahmed from Gaza, married with two children. We live in the shadow of war and destruction. I lost my brother, my home, and most of my relatives. We have nothing left. I ask you to help, even a little, so that we can survive and protect my children. Any amount, even a small amount, will save our lives.
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