#like...yeah the kid's signature yep that's a thing
swan2swan · 21 days
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A man really got a fourteen-year-old to sign a blackmail document, absolutely incredible work.
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hurtmemoreplease · 27 days
It's a complicated bit of legalese, alright? I don't really get all the technical stuff myself, honestly. From what I understand, whatever I have instead isn't technically a soul. Yeah, 'below the threshold,' or whatever.
Yeah yeah I'm getting there, okay? Jeez. Cut a girl some slack, will you? It means that I'm not actually a person. Isn't that wild? There's some registry in the government that has my name, well, 'label,' you know, cause of the uh... lack of personhood. Can't have a name if you're not actually human, apparently.
Anyway, as far as God and the government are concerned, I'm a sack of meat with nerve endings. There's things like me all over the place, apparently, and no one knows unless you're tested. Your coworker, your girlfriend... hey, maybe you could be one too!
Come on, stop hitting me! I was kidding! So what I've been getting at is that I need... and this is kind of important... a signature. Yep. Just a name, written on a line, that says 'hey government! This thing is being useful! Don't turn it into glue, please!"
Haha... I know its a lot of responsibility, but you don't have to worry about it! I'll stay out of your way, and I mean... I've known you for years! I can trust you not to revoke that, right?
Hm? Yeah, I mean, legally, sure, you would be my owner, but you wouldn't have to do anything. I could just- you want to?
I can't actually refuse, you know? I guess I'm lucky that it was you who said it first, instead of some creep pervert grabbing me off the street, haha. People like-sorry! Still getting used to it. Things like me are popular with creeps, you know. We look and sound like people but just... aren't. Have you heard of snuff?
Oh, you have? Cool, guess I don't really have to explain it then. Anyway, let's go get these papers signed and then we can figure out how I'm going to be useful to you!
Huh? You already have an idea? Well, I guess if you're telling me not to worry about it...
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cressthebest · 4 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 33
chapter 52:
1. why is the title “boggarts” …. i’m so worried
2. dorcas just put lucius in his place 😌
3. 😐 laser eyes at mcgonagall. i know why she’s doing it, but this boggart is pissing me off
4. nothing is a more powerful motivator than wanting to beat your siblings
5. NOOOoooo ELI! NO! i had hopes he’d last till the escape
6. once again, making connections. the horcrux hornet venom is like the cruciatus curse
7. that boggart to marlene was CRUEL
8. omg that boggart is getting worse. pulled out vanity and hodge. imma catch hands with someone
9. 😦 if marlene doesn’t make it out of the maze i’m gonna fucking lose it
10. “Like the person [Sirius] fought in his last games where he quite literally bit their finger off. A whole finger. Blood and muscle and bone. He bit right through and spit it out. Didn't choke, didn't gag, didn't even slow down.”
😦😦 also canon peter pettigrew reference!!
11. NARCISSA!! MY GIRL!! she has to make it out plsss
12. reg saved marlene ☺️☺️☺️
13. 😐 i am not amused by the james boggart at all
14. i am in fact PISSED at the james boggart
15. james boggart dying and regulus crying like he never has before has me SOBBING
16. james is both upset that reg thinks he’s dead, and so so pleased that he’s loved so intensely. and i- yeah. yeah, he’s right about that one, i’m afraid
17. reg even in his head is so casually like ☺️☺️ my fiancé
18. shit SHIT NO!! AUGUSTA!!
19. the augusta and alice scene is HEARTBREAKING and the fact that frank has to watch and can only touch the screen and AAAAHHH
20. “Now, this—oh, this is fucking brutal, and Sirius relishes in it.”
that fight with bellatrix was long coming yet i’m so scared for it
21. bellatrix has a spear and literally all sirius thinks is “Well, great. Just great. There she goes, and—yep, she has it. Lovely.” 😭😭😭 he sounds so british like “pip pip how unfortunate”
22. 😧 bellatrix admitted to having attempted to murder sirius by pushing him down the stairs. yo, i don’t think that’s how you treat a kid
23. holy shit holy shit, sirius just caught the spear as it was thrown at him. bro that’s wild
24. … um wtf. actually. sirius got pulled into the hedge and the cannon sounds. but like… pov??
25. nobody listens to reg. like my man was literally like “if you kill sirius, i kill you” and yet they’re somehow surprised when he kills them
26. “Regulus' very sense of identity is stamped with Sirius' signature. He is who he is because of Sirius, and he can never be anything else, and he doesn't even really want to be.”
um actually that’s the sound of my heart shattering into a million and one pieces
sirius: lmao no?
28. “"I'm not scared of anything," Regulus croaks, because he is scared of too many things to even count, because is scared of everything and everything itself.”
this is sad but like so so so relatable of him
29. when augusta dies and frank breaks down sobbing around everyone, i’m so fucking pissed that he had to witness that, that others had to witness his breakdown, and that he’s in the position of knowing she was in the arena for him. i’m so angry at riddle
30. fuck YEAH james is about to get recruited. thank fucking god
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pocket-jack · 9 months
Kid: Damn, the bitch looks beautiful with our team work!
Luffy: Team work makes the dream work!
Law: Most of the thing was made by Eustas-ya anyway...
Kid: And monkey did the colouring! And you saved, what, like three of my finger along the process? Don't be humble, Trafalgar! I respect the good cooperation!
Luffy: Oh! Let's sign this one! Like co-creators!
Kid: Great idea! You know what? You've been coloring like a pro, so I'm gonna let you first!
Luffy: Thank you, jaggy!
Law: What are you planing?
Kid: "Smiles mysteriously"
Luffy: There! I signed it!
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Kid: ...
Kid: Damn, your handwriting's sucks!
Luffy: Huh!?
Kid: Yep. It sucks a huge dick! Let me sign it so there at least will be one good signature
Luffy: You're such a dick, jaggy!
Law: Yeah. A bully.
Kid: There! That's how ya write correctly, bitch!
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Luffy: That looks bad too!
Luffy: Yours is sharp and pointy! What the hell!?
Kid: At least mine doesn't look like chicken scratch!! Learn how to write properly and only then bully my writing!
Luffy: You've had it coming, idiot! Get what you deserve, bully!
Kid: Look at that! You've wrote F backwards and did a mistake in your own name! Who can't write his own name!?
Luffy: But-.. Well-.. Yours is almost unreadable! It's too sharp and confusing and aggressive! And why highlight!? WHY!? Are you that self loving!?
Kid: Hey! My one isn't confusing! Look at yours if you wanna see confusing!
Law: Can we stop with this childish nonsense? You're both suck at this, admit it!
Kid: Tch, yeah, go ahead, Mr. Perfectionist, let us see what perfect signature looks!
Law: There. Happy?
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KidLu: A... :0
Law: ....
Law: "Turns red"
Kid: ...
Luffy: ...
Kid: I'm sorry, I bullied your handwriting, monkey
Luffy: Yeah, me too, jaggy! I didn't mean to say those awful things to you...
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lollipencil · 5 months
In The Pale Moonlight: What If...Reevesverse?
This idea just randomly grabbed me and started screaming until I wrote it down. So, @harleyification, let's see what the Moon Son AU looks like in the Reevesverse (and also if I can even replicate that style).
This took so much longer than I thought it would.
Enjoy and be gentle ---
The floodwater had finally receded, washing away the horror of that night and of Vengeance. Batman looked at the cops milling about the scene, before turning back to the object embedded in the wall.
It was not the first. Reports of brozen crescent blades had started shortly after the flood, but they all seemed to vanish one way or another at sunrise. Even in front of other's eyes. But the way this one was placed suggested something different than the others. The owner wanted Batman to see it.
Jim Gordon shuffled up, breath caught in his throat. "Please tell me this ain't another guy looking for friendship," he remarked as Batman untied the note that had been attached to the blade. "Gotham Museum of Art. Gods of Egypt exhibition. Don't keep my friend waiting," The note read, with a string of hieroglyphs acting as a signature. "You're going to go there," Jim sighed as he himself read it. "I have to," Batman confirmed, "See if they can translate the hieroglyphs." Handing off the note, Batman melted into the shadows.
Naturally, The Gotham Museum of Art was silent when he entered. When Batman entered the exhibition, his eyes made sure to glance at each piece as he went by. While not authentic, the purpose of the exhibition was to teach and inspire, something Gotham needed after the flood.
A white light drew Batman's attention away. A figure stood before an image at the end, short and dressed in a white suit, tie and waistcoat which appeared to be emitting the light. A small bowl sat at his feet, inside was a single croissant. Batman paused. Wind suddenly seemed blow through the room, the figure's head turning to follow it's direction. "Oh, hello mate," the figure greeted with a chirp, "I was hoping you'd be along soon."
Between his frame and voice, Batman knew he was looking at either a preteen or someone who just crossed that line, "Hello. I was told to meet you here by your...friend." "Yep, just a quick chat about things, and we'll be out of your hair."
British accent, sounded slightly fake but somehow Batman could tell it wasn't put on. "'Things'?" "Yep," the kid nodded, "Hashing out details, that sort of thing. After all, this was your city first, innit?" Batman tilted his head. "Well, simply put. You're doing a cracking job with the criminals, recent events not withstanding. However, you have no experience with, let's say, a werewolf. Or ghosts, or someone with a magical artifact on hand. The point is, you have a slight gap, and we are here to fill it."
Batman blinked. "You and your friend?" he asked. "Yeah, well, there is another. You'll likely see him too," the boy reached down and picked up the bowl, "Either way, don't worry. Any weird stuff happens, we'll handle it." The lower portion of the mask unravelled by itself to reveal a youthful mouth smiling up at him, "Not that we won't help if we see anything else. We'll be in touch." And with that, he walked off, taking a bite out of the croissant as he went.
Watching, Batman left soon after himself, but not before glancing at the painting the boy had stood at, making sure to include the name of the god depicted: Khonshu.
Gordon was waiting with an envelope in hand the next time the signal was lit. "Got a translation," he greeted, holding out the envelope. "'The Protecting Soldier of The Moon'?" Batman read off. "Looks like the new guy's got his theme down." "Guys," Batman looked up at Gordon, "Met his friend. He's young." At this, Gordon frowned and stepped closer: "How young?" "Early teens, short in height."
"Don't let him hear you call him that."
At this new voice, Gordon pulled out his gun and Batman one of his new "toys". "See that someone's been copying us," the short, white clocked figure standing shadowed by the nearby pillar. Instantly, the "toy" and the gun were put away. "Geez kid," Gordon borderline wheezed, "How'd you get up here?" "Flew."
Gordon half-grinned awkwardly at this statement. "You want us to call you that?" he indicated with his head at the translated letter. Even covered in bandages, those glowing eyes still allowed Batman to see his slight cringe: "Kinda. 'Moon Knight' doesn't translate that smoothly, turns out." "What's your friends' names?" Batman asked. "That one you've met, he's been playing around with 'Mr Knight'," Moon Knight shrugged, "the other insists on also being Moon Knight. Call him what you wish." "Ok."
Silence echoed around the area. "That was all I had to say," Moon Knight stated softly to replace it. And he quickly turned and lept from the roof. Batman and Gordon instinctively surged forward, but Moon Knight's form was soon soaring over the rooftops with visible ease, cape fanned into a crescent.
Over the next two months, Batman regularly glimpsed "the triplets" as Gordon dubbed them. Only ever one at a time, but all with the same basic abilities. Aside from Mr Knight's inability to fly.
But something kept bugging him about them. It evaded him everytime he tries to identify it, but the core of it was unmistakeable.
Something just wasn't right.
It came to a culmination one cold night. From the start, Moon Knight seemed out of it. Thankfully not enough to affect his combat ability, but he was defiently sluggish. "Moon Knight?" Batman drew his attention after he'd nearly clipped the edge of a aerial. "I'm fine," he slowly stated, "I'm- Uh oh."
Instantly, Batman rushed to Moon Knight's side, but it happened. Thankfully, he'd managed to remove his mask beforehand. When he looked up, Batman didn't pay attention to his face: only the flushed skin and sweat-drenched hair clinging to it.
"Ohhh..." Moon Knight moaned in such utter misery, that Batman's hand instinctively brushed his curly locks away from his face. "The flu's been making the rounds," he noted outloud, "Where do you live?" "Why'd you wanna know?" Moon Knight's speech slightly slurred in delirium. "So I can get you there safely." Moon Knight frowned and opened his mouth to argue, when a gust of wind blew suddenly, almost sending him to the ground. "Alright," Moon Knight sighed, and sagged like a deflating balloon in Batman's arms.
Thankfully, he was coherent enough to give instructions. Even more thankfully, it was fairly close by. The inside was anything but something to be thankful about.
A mattress with multiple broken springs was the only piece of furniture in the whole flat, which clearly was not his and was marked as condemed due to flood damage. Black mold claimed most of the ceiling. Next to the "bed" was a ziplock bag holding three crackers.
Just standing in that flat made Batman feel ill.
"Where's your friends?" he asked in place of the many other questions swirling in his head. "They're here," Moon Knight forced out as he reached under the matress, and pulled out a shard of something shiny. "That's how I see them. Otherwise, they're here," a poorly co-ordinated finger taps the side of Moon Knight's head as he offered the mirror.
Staring at his own reflection, Batman tried to find the meaning in this statement. Looking back up, Moon Knight had clearly zoned out entirely. With slow and quiet movements, Batman crossed the room, sat on the matress next to him, and calmly waited.
For a minute, nothing. Then he twitched a finger. And something impossible happened.
In front of Batman's camera-covered eyes (and he would review the footage several times to make sure he'd not mistaken what he saw), Moon Knight's suit changed. Bandages seemed to rearrenge themselves, before fusing into a mesh and turning black. White armour plates lost their bronze details and grew crescent shaped additions, with the cape losing hieroglyphs as well. Until, finally, the other Moon Knight's suit had formed. "Que?" the voice was the same as the other Moon Knight's too, but it was coming from the first one, but-
Batman quickly brushed the realisation aside. Not important at that moment. "Hey chum," he said soothingly, "you with me?" "With you?" Other Moon Knight echoed, blinking in his effort to focus, "Batman...?" "You can't stay here." "The hell we can't," Other Moon Knight doesn't even notice the plural and tries to stand. His knees objected quickly.
"This place is only going to make you sicker," Batman explained, "You need somewhere clean to recover." "Got nowhere else to go," Other Moon Knight admitted, tears beginning to glimmer in the corners of his eyes. "You can stay with me."
It came suddenly. Even Batman was shocked by it, but meant it all the same. As Other Moon Knight opened his mouth to object, the wind once again intervenes. But the window was closed. Batman stiffened, then Other Moon Knight leans into him, pressing a overheated cheek into wind-cooled armour. "OK."
August 10th - Emergency custody went through with suprising speed. Would have investigated for potential corruption if not for a comment Gordon gave last night. Given my lack of juridiction with the Chicago Police, I'll likely never know what was said behind closed doors. A tells me to "accept this blessing for what it is". Given the lack of other viable options, I suppose I can let sleeping dogs lie. Just this once.
The boys appear to be settling in ok. Still tired from their illness, but recovering. A's meal plan is a hit. Gave Gordon an excuse as to why he won't be seeing the Moon Knights for a while, he seemed worried still.
I am unsure how to be a father. But, A won't let me fail. I know he won't. I will do whatever it takes to give them a good life, like he did for me.
And maybe, with their help, Batman can learn gentleness in turn.
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skeletonsfortea · 3 months
Q&A Time
Here's the beginning.
(It's been a while, huh?)
Back in the Q&A building, Stretch and Mutt appear.
Q50. What's your secret to staying so composed, and can you share any relaxation tips for us mere mortals?
“Try to look at things from an observer’s stand point,” Stretch says.
“I use outside help,” Mutt says, lifting a smoking dog treat in one hand.
“Relaxation comes naturally to me,” Stretch says, glancing at the other skeleton, “I could do it with my eye sockets closed.” A weak “badum-ching!” rings through the room. “But I guess my advice would be to focus on the moment. Narrow everything down to how you feel physically instead of focusing on thoughts. A lot of the time, it’s thinking that keeps us awake. Take it from me. Of course, sometimes, a bit of outside help can be useful.”
Q51. Imagine you’re in a romantic comedy, and you’re the leading character. What would be your signature move to sweep someone off their feet?
“I mean, the way to go about it varies with every person.” Stretch says.
“But everyone enjoys a good joke,” Mutt says.
Stretch disappears.
Q52. If you could have any superpower, no matter how ridiculous, what would it be and why?
“The power to put determined little brats in their graves- for good. Why?” Mutt’s frown deepens, “I’m sick of feeling like nothing matters.”
“I think that was supposed to be a light hearted question…”
He laughs, “nothing more lighthearted than putting that kid down.”
Q53. What's the weirdest food combination you've ever tried, and did you actually enjoy it?
He smiles, “Pop tarts and butter, and yeah.”
Q54. If you could switch lives with any of the skeletons for a day (you’ll also gain their personality), who would it be and what would you do?
He looks contemplative for a moment. “...Maybe Stretch, and I don’t know. Nap? Hang out with Blue?”
Edge appears in place of Mutt.
Q55. Edge, Red treasures you as his brother, thoughts?
“He didn’t say that.” Edge says.
“He totally thinks it though!”
Edge frowns. “No, he doesn’t.”
“You’re really challenging me on this?”
He crosses his arms. “Yes.”
“Stubborn skeleton.”
Q56. True thoughts on Wax and Vulture based on what you've currently seen?
He considers it. “They both seem…more troubled than I am. Which is saying a lot.”
Q57. Do you think you could beat Vulture?
He frowns slightly, “I’m not sure.”
Q58. If you were to see Red and VBPS Y/N asleep on the couch cuddling, Red purring during the snuggle fest, what would you think?
“How indecent.” (And adorable.)
Q59. Can I hire you as my bodyguard? I might require some purring sessions to keep my body in tip top shape!!
“Purring sessions?” He echoes, suspicious. “Humans need those?”
“Yep, it’s good for their health.”
“Well I can’t do it on command!”
“Heheh.” The voice shifts to one from a popular movie, “he can’t do it on command.”
“Why do I feel as though I’m missing some kind of context?”
“Don’t worry about it, back to the question!”
“Right. Yes, I suppose I could serve as a bodyguard if it paid well enough.”
Q60. What do you think about people who find you extremely attractive?
“That they’re obviously highly intelligent! My appearance is clearly the best.”
Q61. Would you be good at sharing someone you're pursuing romantically with someone else, like Red?
He frowns slightly, “I would be surprised if our preferences aligned enough for that. I don’t think so, anyway.”
Q62. What would go through your mind if the person you liked thought someone else was incredibly strong and agile?
“Well, obviously, I’d have to challenge the said person. Once I beat them in combat, it won’t matter how strong they were!”
Currant appears.
Q63. What are your thoughts on soul bonds? For Currant, specifically on what you think about soul bonding with HLF! Y/N.
“They are…a vulnerability,” Edge says, “and a luxury.”
Currant smiles slowly, “oh, I would love to. If only it wasn’t so dangerous.” Edge stares at him, half disgusted and half horrified. Currant looks over at him, “what?”
“If they hate you that much, why would you ever want to form a bond?”
Currant shrugs, chuckling, “curiosity. Sides, what’s another way to get under its skin?”
Edge’s teeth part in shock, but Currant disappears before he can utter another word.
“Moving on!”
Q64. What would you think if you made a soul bond with someone in the future?
“I would be very surprised. It takes someone of high quality to earn that kind of intimacy from me.”
“Yep! Thanks for your time, Edge! Seeya next time!”
Edge disappears, replaced with Rust.
Q65. Rust, I don't trust Currant either. What are you going to do if he succeeds in taking your Y/N away?
Rust barks a laugh, leaning back in his chair, “he won’t. But…if he did, what the hell could I do about it? It would already be too late.”
Q66. Rust, there was a timeline/au where you and a Y/N bonded. Thoughts?
“No worries, I’ve been asked to implant the memories into your head.”
“Anddd, done.”
Rust’s face flushes white. “What is there to say? It didn’t fucking happen. Doesn’t matter.” He crosses his arms, “it won’t happen again.”
“That’s what you think…”
“Moving on!”
Q67. Rust, there is a timeline where Vulture and your Y/N left you because you couldn't get your shit together. You almost killed your Y/N actually, after they tried to protect your brother. Thoughts? Everyone thinks you should just be a bit more open, at least with them.
“Oh, sure, more opened with the human I’ve been beating the shit out of for months. The fuck do you want me to do? Tell it about my fucking childhood? Say ‘I’m sorry?’ So it got away. Good for it. I guarantee that it didn't last longer than a month.”
Q68. What do you think you enjoyed about the hug you had with Y/N?
He looks away, shrugging, “...do you have any idea how long it's been since I’ve had a hug? It’s only fair I’d…”
“That doesn’t answer the question~”
“...the warmth. Being held.” He shudders, “you’d think, with my level of LOVE, that I wouldn’t care about that sort of affection…”
“-but even the worst people need validation. Am I right?”
Q69. If you had to choose between living a life where Y/N hugs you with genuine positive emotions and comfort, where you're working on yourself and you've stopped hurting them, and you're patching stuff up with your brother, or hurting Q70. Y/N and sticking with your ways until they eventually die of starvation or old age, what would you choose and why?
He lets out a sigh, “I already made that choice, didn’t I? The way it is now…is easier.”
Classic appears, replacing Rust.
Q71. Someone you have a crush on wants to reward you for all the hard work you put into getting everyone back, what would you pick?
“Probably a nap.”
Q72. Would you like a longer foreplay or a shorter one?
Q73. Not a question but, hang in there Classic!
Q74. Classic, what are you going to do if more skeletons keep coming through the machine? I say you cut your losses, at some point it’s just not worth it anymore.
“Yeah. It’s just a matter of putting these guys back.” He looks away, his voice weakening, “then I’m done…For good.”
Q75. What are your true thoughts on the latest additions, Rust, Vulture, Currant, and Wax, as well as their humans?
“We- wait. Humans, plural? I haven’t met the human from the HLF universe, but assuming that means there was one…” he shakes his head, “I hope the fact that Currant and Wax are here means they get to rest.” He takes a deep breath, and continues. “I would say I’m not one to cast judgements. But that would be a lie. I don’t know what got any of them to this point, I haven’t lived their lives, but I can practically feel the ill intent coming from Rust and Currant. They’re definitely not people I would make friends with. I don’t know how to feel about Vulture and Wax. I mean, I feel bad for them. They must’ve been like Papyrus at some point, and that’s…scary.” He sighs, “as for Y/N…well, it’s just a struggle. I don’t know what to say or do. Feelings have never been my strong point, but this is a whole new challenge.”
Q76. Any backup plans in case things turn bad?
“Yeah.” His expression is serious, “no way I’m letting people like that stay in my house without precautions.”
Q77. How do you think Papyrus (Vanilla) is handling all of this? He seems positive, but you know him best.
“It’s been hard on him. He does his best to keep the peace and make sure everyone is happy.” He rubs his face, “I wish he hadn’t insisted on helping me. But…I do appreciate it. I’m gonna have to find a way to make it up to him once this is over.”
Q78. What are your thoughts on the Q&A?
He shrugs, “it’s…strange.”
Q79. What’s the craziest thing you’ve been through?
“How about being split between universes?”
Q80. Do you like when someone else makes the first move?
He shrugs, “I guess. I’m not out looking, so…”
Q81. Favorite place to be touched?
His brows raise, “it depends on who’s doing the touching.”
Q82. What's something that gives you butterflies, in the romantic sense?
He laughs at first, but then calms, considering, “I guess…someone being honest with themselves. Like, they don’t have on a mask.” He chuckles, looking to the ceiling, “but I guess that’s a two way street.”
“Oh, and they wanted to give you something! CE?”
CE produces some Gladioli flowers from the void, extending them to Classic, who takes them with a confused look.
“Uh…thanks. They’re nice.”
All of the skeletons disappear, leaving only CE.
If your question wasn’t included it was either because I wanted to do something with it in the actual stories, or because it would come up later! Or just because my brain wasn’t up to answering it…(I figure getting this out missing a few questions is better than never getting it out XD).
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1107: Grimamce Café (Persona 5 x Sonic)
12:09 p.m. in the Streets of Shiyuba..........
Sojiro: (Walking on the Sidewalk Woth Sae and Omega) So......(Smirks at Sae in Particular) You and Dr. Takemi, huh?~
Sae: (Quickly Looks Away While Blushing) It's not what you think, Sojiro. Ta- Takemi-san and I are only professional associates, nothing more other than that.
Sojiro: Really? Well, this might just be me being old fashioned, but I don't think I've ever recall seeing two professional associates getting all close and flirty with one another.
Omega: Or the fact that the doctor has blown you a kiss as we left her office.
Sae: (Bashfully Glares at Omega) You weren't supposed to see that but me, Omega-kun! (Turns Away Again While Puffing her Cheeks into a Cute Looking Pout) And besides, she's far more flirtatious than I'll ever be.....
Sojiro: So you two DO have a thing going on right now.
Sae: (Groans in Annoyance and Defeat as She Turns Back to Sojiro) Fine, you win. Tae-san and I have been romantically involved for a while now. (Starts Blushing Once More While Looking Away a Bit) And....it would be dishonest for me to say that I.....haven't enjoyed her company as of late~
Omega: Would you like me to teach you how to write love related poems? It will have a 50% chance of being on par woth the doctor's flirting.
Sae: (Giggles Softly) I'll give it some thought, Omega-kun, thank you. ('Sigh') In the meantime, I should give her afternoon latte before she starts getting crabby again....
Sojiro: (Opens Up his Café in Front of him) Well, lucky for you two lovebirds, I think I might generous enough to give you one free on- (Slowly Turns to See What Happenend to his Café) the......house?.......
Much to the surprise to trio, the once cleaned LeBlanc Café has turned into purple filled mess with Futuba, Mona, Lavenza, Yusuke, and Haru laying on the floor unconscious with purple, liquid looking goop on each of their faces.
Sae: What.....exactly are we looking at right now?
Sojiro: (Pinches his Nose While Letting Out a Sigh) I dunno, but I have no doubt in my mind that this is Futuba's doing....
Omega: (Turns to Sojiro) Shall I activate my emergency alarm feature?
Sojiro: (Place his Hand Up to Omega) No need. I'll handle this. ('Clears Throat') Oh no, the entire café is a mess!? What a shame! And I went through all the trouble to bring the Great, Powerful Oscar Pine all the the way from Mantle to come here for a visit-
Futuba: (Immediately Gets Up From the Ground) OSCAR'S HERE!?
Morgana: (Gets Up From the Ground as Well) WHERE!?
The trio looks around the café and there was no great and power Farm Boi in sight unfortunately.
Futuba: Ah man. (Puts on a Pouty Look on her Face in Disappointment) We've been duped!
Sojiro: Yeah. (Crosses his Arms While Giving her Daughter and the Others his Signature Fatherly Glare) And this whole charade of yours or whatever has come to an end. (Turns to Yusuke and Haru, Still on the Floor) You two get up from that floor too. Joke's over.
Yusuke: (Sighs While Getting Up From the Ground Along with Haru) So much for staying in deceased......
Haru: (Smiles Sheepishly) At least it was fun while it lasted.
Sae: Why is the café filled with purple.... goop everywhere!?
Omega: And who exactly is this Oscar Pine person?
Futuba: (Brushes Off All the Purple Goop From Off of Her) Relax, it's not purple goop. (Smiles Brightly) It's the new Grimace Shake!
Sojiro: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Grimace Shake? They made a shake dedicated to that weird, looking purple monster thing?
Futuba: Yep! (Lick the Shake From Out of her Finger) ('Mmh') It's his birthday today, so the gang and I decided to do our part in the meme.
Sojiro: (Looks Up at the Ceiling While Sighing Some More) Dear lord, It's ALWAYS have to involve a stupid meme.....Alright. What sort of meme are you kids these days, are doing this time?
Futuba: It's like you said: Grimace is this weird looking purple monster, so weird looking that he could fit right into the horror genre.
Yusuke: This, in turn, gives everyone in the internet, the idea to use their purchased milkshakes as horror like ascetic in each of their videos
Haru: Most of which has gotten a lot more creative overtime. See?
Haru shows the trio a video compilation of the recently mentioned Grimace Birthday Shake Meme on her phone, most of which has gotten more impressively horrifying than the last.
Sae: This.....is the meme boils down to, huh?
Morgana: Yeah, but don't worry. No one is harmed in the making of these videos.
Morgana: .......At least I hope that's the case.
Omega: You still have yet to give me the answer of who this Oscar Pine person is.
Futuba: (Smiles Excitedly) I thought you've never asked, Big Guy!~ Take it away, Inari!~
Yusuke: ('Clears Throat') Oscar Pine, a character from a web show known as RWBY, was once a humbled farm boy living under his aunt's roof till one faithful day, a spirit once known as Professor Ozpin, has reached into the bou's self conscious and convinced him to leave his home, join alongside a group of huntsmen and huntresses on a quest to destroy Salem and her hordes of Grimm, while also battle and coming to terms of having his soul merges together with the former professor of Becon Academy.
Futuba: And we love him SOOOOOOOOOO much because of that!!~ He's sweet, brave, and only doing his very best. We even formed a fan club dedicated to him and everything. (Shows Omega the Oscar Pine Fanclub Pin)
Haru: (Frowns Sadly) That poor dear has been through so much in the las few volumes......
Futuba: ('Sigh') Tell me about it. He got punched in the face by his girlfriend's uncle, pinned into the wall, wasn't invited to Ironwood's party for some reason, got shot and left for dead, then gets attack and kidnapped by a some walking, talking Hound Grimm while his so called "friends" were too shook to do anything knowing damn well they've faced a whole lot WORST THAN-
Yusuke: Futuba.
Futuba: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Calming Herself Down) Right. Sorry. Still haven't gotten over that episode.....Oh and then he was taken into Salem's lair, she decided to torture him just to get back at her ex-husband.
Yusuke: Which happens to be the Ozpin who was once known as the deceased warrior, Ozma.
Sae: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Oh god. That's horrible.
Sojiro: Yeah. Poor kid been through a lot.
Morgana: But even with all of that happened to him, he STILL went out of hid way to keep fighting, helping out the best he can no matter how hard it gets for him down the road.
Lavenza: His relentless drive and determination alone has managed to move everyone of us into adoring him more than we originally thought we would.
Omega: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Tragic, cruel upbringing and the endurance of an elite robot....I can see why your admiration levels for him are increasing.
Futuba: Right? RIGHT!?
Yusuke: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) That Farm Boi deserves every respect, recognition, and hugs that comes his way.
Meanwhile in JNPRO'S Household........
Oscar was watching TV in the living room with his girlfriend and partner, Ruby Rose, before placing his hand onto his forehead..
Ruby: (Turns to Oscar) Something's wrong, Oscar?
Oscar: I dunno......I think I felt pride and proud of everything I've went through so far.
Ruby: (Giggles Softly) Well, you should!~ You're the strongest person we know after all.
Oscar: (Smiles Sheepishly) I....wouldn't exactly call myself the strongest, but....thanks. ('Sniff') I means a lot that you guys think highly of me.
Ruby: (Eyes Widened in Complete Worry) ('Gasps') Oh my gosh, Oscar! Are you crying?
Oscar: (Felt Tears Falling Down From his Eyes) Huh. I..... ('Sniff') guess I didn't noticed until then, huh? (Let's Out a Chuckle Before Frowning) But no seriously, why do I feel like I want a hug or two right now?
Ruby: Oh honey!~ (Pulls Oscar into a Loving Hug) You can have all the hugs you want right now~ Isn't that right, everyone!?
Almost all of Ruby and Oscar's friends and family (Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, Ren, Emerald, Sun, Neptune, and Whitley) suddenly joins into the hugfest.
Everyone: Of course~/We got you!/We love you so much, Oscar!~
Oscar: ('Sniff') Thanks. (Hugs Everyone Back) I love you guys too.....Wait, where did half of you even came from-
Back in the Café
Sojiro: Well, I'm glad you kids had fun with your little birthday meme or whatever you call it, but would you mind cleaning all this purple goop milkshake off my floors and table already? Im-
The Gang: Running an establishment here, we know.....
Sojiro: (Raised an Eyebrow) Is that sass of your telling me you want to double your cleaning chores?
The Gang: No sir!
Sojiro: (Simply Nodded) Hm. That's what I thought.
'I'm a shape-shifter!~ A Poe's Masquerade~"
Sae: Apologies. (Takes her Phone Out of her Pocket) I need to take this. (Answers Call) Hello? Sae Niijima speaking...Oh! H-Hey, it's you. What's wrong?.....Yes, the boys and I made it back to the café safe and sound. And lucky for you, Sojiro says that he'll make your latte for free. (Place her Hand on the Phone Speaker Before Whispering to Sojiro) You do mean what you said earlier, did you?
Sojiro: Yeah, it'd on the house. Don't worry about it.
Sae: ('Sighs in Relief') Okay, thank you. (Resumes Back to her Phone Call) Yep! They're free just for you........(Playfully Rolls Her Eyes a Bit) Yes, I know. I'm a sweetheart. There's really no need to think me really. I just did what anyone would do for their partners. But anyways, I'll come back to the office to give you your drink in a little while. Do not try and overwork yourself before I get there or I will NOT be pleased.......Wait, why are........(Immediately Blushing) N-No, I am NOT cute one in the relationship, you are!......('Sighs Heavily') Alright. I suppose I'll take your word for it for now. Just.....be careful for me, okay?.......I love you too, dear. See you later.
Sae ends her phone call before she notices a few sly smirks pointing directly at her.
Sae: ........What?
Futuba: "Cute one in the relationship?"~
Morgana: "Free drink?"~
Lavenza: "I love you, dear?~"
Yusuke: (The Only One Who isn't Smirking) Who exactly was that you were talking to if you don't mind me asking.
Sae: I-
Omega: (Smiles Brightly) Dr. Tae Takemi was the person she was talking to.
Sae: (Turns and Glares at the E-Series Robot While Blushing Bright Red) OMEGA!
Morgana/Lavenza: (Gasps Loudly as They Clasps Their Hands Together)
Haru: Oh my!~
Yusuke: Interesting.....So this whole time, you're romantically acquainted-
Sae turns to Sojiro, who in return, gives her the silent shrug, before sighing in complete, utter defeat.
Sae: Yes.....You've guessed right. Me and Tae-san....are dating. For a while now. (Starts Blushing Once More) And I enjoy every moment we have together~
Haru: (Clasps her Hands Together With a Bubbly Smile on her Face) AWWWWWWWWWW!~
Lavenza: That's soooo romantic~
Morgana: And really cute too!~
Yusuke: Who would've thought the Intimidating Prosecutor in all of Shiyuba would fall in love with a highly skilled doctor?
Omega: Love works in mysterious ways.
Futuba: (Slams her Hands on the Table) Give me details, woman! We need to know EVERYTHING!!!~
Sojiro: She'll tell you when she gets off from work later on and AFTER you all clean all this purple crap you made. Now get to it, all of you!
The gang groans loudly as they begin to clean up the entire café.
Sojiro: (Turns to Omega) Omega, I'm sorry, but could you help them out for me? It'll make the whole process quicker.
Omega: Affirmative. (Aids in on the Cleaning)
Sae: ('Sigh') They're finally off my back for now. (Turns to Sojiro) I suppose I owe you one.
Sojiro: (Smiles Brightly) Ah, think nothing of it. Can't have the doctor's sweetheart getting all flustered and underwhelmed now, can we?~
Sae: (Groans While Facepalming Herself) Just....make me the damn latté already before you regret it, Sojiro Sakura!!
Sojiro: (Chuckles Lightly) Alright, alright. I'm going, drama queen.
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 8
Get Over Her Bro
*2 month time skip*
It had been about two months since I decided to quit talking to Keita. He tried to convince me otherwise a few times, but I stayed strong. I missed him, but emotionally I think I was more stable. I had made a few more friends since I wasn't constantly hanging out with Keita. I was now best friends with Haruto, Yunjin's boyfriend, and Ricky. They had a friend group that I was slowly starting to hang out with more and get to know. Tonight they were having a party, there would only be a few people in attendance. It was sort of like the party on the first week of school. Currently I was getting ready with Yunjin. The party was partly outside and it was supposed to be really hot outside tonight, so I dressed in clothes that would help me stay cool.
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It was a simple outfit, but it was cute... and matched my mood swings lmao. Sometimes I was happy but I was also angry and depressed a lot. I guess... I was right when I thought I would lose Keita.
Keita's POV "Hey man, come on, you gotta get out of bed at some point. There's a party tonight. Small group, it's the 'in crowd,' and its at Ricky's."
"Fine, I'll go."
It had been two months since Hana had just randomly decided to stop talking to me... I had cried every day. I'm not entirely sure what I did, but I have a feeling I said some really upsetting things when I was drunk, and I was rude the next day. I missed her so fucking much. I didn't really know what to do without her... I had never had to even think about it.
I wore a simple white T-shirt and jeans, making myself look presentable enough for this party. I didn't really wanna go, but I also didn't want Haruto or Eric razzing me about being upset over a stupid girl. Well, she's not stupid... I am.
"Hey man, you ready to go?" Eric asked, peaking his head in my room.
"Yeah, let's go."
We made our way to Ricky's parents house. It was a huge mansion on the outskirts of town. It was the weekend so most people would probably be staying the night, but since it was only the in crowd, there wouldn't be many. When we arrived, there were only about 12 people chillin in the huge living room. I don't know why I didn't expect it or think about it at all, but I was shocked when I saw Akahana sitting between Ricky and Yunjin who was sitting on Haruto's lap.
"Ayyy Keita! Nice to see you again man. You finally crawled out of your bedroom huh?"
"I guess I did. It was time." We did our signature handshake that all the boys created.
"You ready to party?"
I sat on the couch across from Ricky, a girl who I had remembered as Jiwoo came and sat down next to me. Oh wait, she's one of Hana's roommates.
"Hi." She chirped happily.
"Hey." I said, smiling at her.
"You're Keita, yeah?"
"Yeah, you're Jiwoo. Hana's roommate."
"Drink or dare time babeessss!!" Eric yelled happily.
"Man get another game, we play this all the time." Ricky said rolling his eyes.
"Fine, spin the bottle?"
"Nah that's basic man." Some other kid I didn't know spoke up.
"Somebody else come up with it then." Eric huffed, plopping down next to his current boyfriend, Seungho.
"How about sticker stalker, sexy version." (Sticker stalker is the game where you find all the stickers on a persons body while blindfolded.)
"Yesss, quality ideas Ricky!!" I yelled.
"Alright so rules for sexy version. Lace blindfold, you have to take the stickers off with your mouth. If you don't get them all in the two minutes you have, then you have to drink and then makeout with your partner."
"Damn, how'd you come up with that idea Ricky?"
"Somethings are better left unknown."
"Ok then... let's go! Who's up first."
"How about you and Jiwoo, Keita."
"Alright, alright, let's go."
Ricky put the lace blindfold on me while someone loaded Jiwoo up with stickers. When they were done, Ricky led me over to her, stopping me directly in front of her.
"And go!"
I felt with my hands at her neck and felt a sticker, I leaned in to grab the paper between my lips delicately.
"Ayo, no hands bro."
"Sorry, sorry."
I continued, tracing my lips across her skin, trying to find the next sticker. This went on for a few minutes until Ricky told us the time was up. I took of the blindfold, seeing that I did not in fact get all the stickers. Jiwoo and I both took a shot as we were told. Now we had to makeout... I pulled her close to me by her waist, smirking down at her. She smiled back up at me, probably excited for the next part. I closed the distance between the two of us, lightly pressing my lips to hers. I moved my hand to her neck, forcing her to lift her head and deepen the kiss. Our tongues tangled together so perfectly, damn... I'm enjoying this a little too much. After a few more seconds of pure bliss, I pulled away, pecking her lips once more. We sat back down and I saw Hana glaring daggers into Jiwoo's back. I put my arm around her, adding to the effect. 
"Okayyy... I can feel the tension in the air between some people... next couple." Eric pointed out then quickly changed the subject.
"How about Ricky and Hana." Yunjin suggested.
Akahana POV
I cannot believe he just did that in front of me... Keita kissed my roommate like it was nothing. AND SHE FUCKING LET HIM. Like what the hell, does she know what she's doing or is she just fucking stupid.
"How about Ricky and Hana." Yunjin said from next to me. She knew how I was feeling and was probably confused at Jiwoo too. I knew what she was doing, and I was down for it. Quickly before we went up I whispered in Ricky's ear.
"Hey, purposely try not to get all the stickers, I'll put one on my foot, so don't go there ok." Ricky looked at me skeptically but nodded anyway.
Eric wrapped the lace blindfold around his eyes... Holy shit he looked hot like that. His pink lips were parted slightly, his jawline was sharp, and I could see the outline of his buff biceps through his tight black button down shirt. I could also see his pecs because three of the buttons were undone.
Yunjin had finished placing stickers on me, and Ricky moved closer to me. He couldn't see anything, but it felt like he was staring straight down at me. He hovered over me because of his height and it gave me chills. Good God he was hot. He immediately began feeling my skin with his lips. He found the sticker on my cheek, pecking the corner of my lips as he continued on... fuck he's such a tease. He ran his tongue over my neck, purposely teasing me. I inhaled sharply at the feeling of his tongue. Fuckkkk I wish we weren't in front of so many people, why is it so hard not to moan. Crapppp. He found the one on my neck, softly pulling it off with his lips. He went to the other side, pulling that one off too. He kissed down to my collar bone, finding the one down their. Everybody was whooping and hollering at the scene unfolding in front of them. He softly nipped right underneath my collarbone, then ran over it with his tongue.
"Fuck." I whispered lowly. He chuckled and smirked at the effect he knew he was having on me. Our two minutes was eventually over and Ricky had managed to removed all but two; one on my thigh and one on my shoe. Ricky shook his head, slightly chuckling. We took our shot, then we went to kiss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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soir-rouges-esprit · 21 days
xxxi.s: Coke, Blood & Handguns, “but I mean, it was also a time where I had my highest moments as well … surfing the pole bar out back all the way down on my old skateboard.” ... Oh Yeah! I remember that … then you tried it again and the fuckin thing snapped in half because it had dry rotted through the center haha. “Yep! … came fucking crashing down right on my sack … swore after that day i had to have made myself infertile … my damn balls hurt so bad I passed out.” HAHAHAAAA “WHAT!? PFFF THAT CAN HAPPEN HAHAHAHA” “FUCK YEAH IT CAN DUDE!!! IT HURT LIKE A BITCH” HAHAhaaa yeah it can … and boy watching Mrs.Roche and that assistant science teacher wheel you into school while you were crying getting you to the nurse's office … priceless memory. The boule lands on black thirty-one. *sigh* I bury my hands in my palms and rest my hands and head against the table side. ugggghhhh fuck me … this is the worst. “*sigh*” “Shit never changes come on!” We bet … again … this time I said fuck it … and bet four hundred on red seven … favorite color, lucky number. I raise back up. “Fuck it I'll go the same but black twenty-six … see if we can capture this stupid ball” Remember what they called you for a month after that? “Oh please tell me they had a name HA!?” “Yeahhhh … they kept calling me … Tony Hawk pro ball buster” Ha Ha Ha Haaaa there it is. “PFFF!! Brutal … kids are little shit-eating monsters.” Me and J replied in Unison. “Agreed!.” Yeah … sad to see it go for me as well honestly … as much as I hated it. “What about you M?” “Oh … I had probably my worst years back then … kind of all a … blur … good riddance in my opinion.” The ball rolled round and round and round … until. Red Seven! … … … WHAHAHA!!!! WOAH FUCK YEAH!!!! “WHAT!?!?!??! HOLY SHIT HOW MUCH IS THAT” “WAIT WAS THAT STRAIGHT UP SEVEN!?!?! DID YOU LAND A STRAIGHT-UP SEVEN??” We all jumped around and the rest of the roulette table celebrating with me. … I had just won my betting offer of four hundred … plus an additional thirty-five of whatever I just bet … meaning I had just fucking Scored!! … a big fourteen-thousand dollar payout … nearly tripling the money I started my day with … it was safe to say … I felt that gambling kick that dear ol dad once spoke of. I jumped up and hugged M and J … we let the croupier collect all the losing bets and clear the board, then they waved over one of the casino attendants after handing me a little slip with their signature. We took the slip with the attendant over to the main counter … where they cashed in my slip and handed me fourteen-thousand in chips. It felt a little crazy to have won that much that quick and pretty simple as well … stunned. “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU FUCKING WON WHAT THE HELL!?!?!” “Yeah same! Congrats! That’s crazy.” Fucking agreed … Alright J … I’m done, I’m up. “AHHHH WHAT!?!?!” “JESTER! … He is UP … he is Done.” “Agh whatever alright alright I get yah, deal is a deal … sheesh I just wanted a betting partner … fine yeah … I’m spent here then as well … my poor fucking wallet would strangle me if it had enough money left to do so.” “Agreed. I’m done as well. So what now?” Well … we are here so lets go see one of those shows they were showing here. Planet Hollywood, wasn’t just a themed casino … it also had a large theater, they hosted shows and entertainment at … [To Be Continued]
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fictionzsurveys · 2 years
How are you doing today? Alright. I ignored programming homework yesterday and now I have to cram it all in today, but after that I’m going to go watch a movie.
What is the last song you listened to in a car? Probably something from Mitski, and probably Love Me More.
Do you like prefer apple cider warm or cold? Warm.
When did you last feel misunderstood? It’s been a while.
Have you ever visited The Louvre or would you like to? Yep. I’d go straight there when I visit Paris.
Have you ever accidentally locked yourself out of your place of residence? Yep. Pretty sure I had to call a locksmith to get back in.
Do you remember your favorite songs as a kid? Yep, a few. I’d even sing along to This Is Halloween.
Do you currently feel calm? Sort of. I’m feeling that pressure from not calling my parents for a bit, because I hate talking on the phone. But I’ll get past it.
When did you last lace up a pair of shoes? Yesterday when I put on my shoes.
What's your go to comfort meal? Satmeal: soup, salad, cheese, bread, dessert, beer, ice cream.
Do you enjoy cloud watching? I like a good cloud cover, yeah.
Do you currently have any candles lit? Nope.
If applicable, what's your favorite sports team? n/a
How many cardigans do you own? None.
How much is too much for clothes? I’d say it’s relative to income. But for me, I don’t wanna pay over $100 for a single item, and I’d only tolerate that for a good jacket or something. I mostly shop at thrift stores.
How soon do you normally decorate for holidays? I don’t decorate for holidays.
Are there any important things happening this week? Nothing big.
Do you know anyone who is terrified of dogs? Probably. I feel like it’s reasonable to be afraid of dogs.
What scent was the last soap you used? Lemon.
How old were you when you made your first big purchase? Probably 19. I bought a laptop that I needed for school.
What last made you angry? My primary Internet’s been down for over two weeks and I’m getting upset.
What's a color you think is underrated? They all have their supporters.
What are you usually doing when midnight comes around and you can't sleep? Watch Star Trek.
What is your favorite way to eat rice? (white, steamed, fried, brown, sweetened...) Fried.
What color is the top you're wearing? Black.
When did you last laugh so hard you cried? I don’t recall.
What's your favorite horror movie? It Follows sticks out in my memory.
What's your favorite and least favorite fast food restaurant? My favorite now is probably In N Out. Least favorite... Burger King? Their stuff is so bland.
How many pictures can you see in the room you're in? I have none.
When did you last sign your signature? Probably when I paid for something with a credit card yesterday.
What cover do you think is better than the original song? I don’t even know. I’m still bad with caring about song titles and who recorded what.
Are you currently listening to music? Nope. It’s cow hoof trimming videos from my second screen.
What do your favorite pair of pajamas look like? Black shorts.
What is something you've been working on? Programming. I want to change career track and earn as much as I can now that I’m getting into middle age. The way I figure it, I’ll have higher paying jobs until I’m 60, then I’ll have to switch track again to work that I can keep up with in my 60s.
What's something that excites you about the future? Getting into programming and maybe, just maybe, making my own games.
How often do you drink smoothies? I don’t.
What's a TV show you have gotten into recently? Ms. Marvel was good.
Have you ever had to have a tooth cut out? Nope.
When did you last rush for something? Not sure. I tend to plan out my days, and my mornings are flexible enough that I’m not in a rush to get to work.
How many blankets do you own? Three.
Have you drank enough water today? Not yet.
Do you prefer apple pie or pecan pie? Apple pie.
What color takes up most of your wardrobe? Blue.
What makes you feel alive? A good sky.
Who is your last missed call from? Spam.
Do you have any unusual pet peeves? People who want to call me on the phone.
What is a food you think is nasty that most people enjoy? Crustaceans.
Would you rather never be sick again or be rich? Never be sick again.
0 notes
warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
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Pairings: Eddie Munson x Plus size reader
A/N: Hey all. So I have this idea of writing a fanfic with a couple of characters in season 4 of stranger things. However a good chunk of this will be for character development. This story will include my version of season 5. Also, this will be a series. Please enjoy.
Warnings: abuse, body insecurities, angst, sexual implications, and language, slow burn. Not proof read . Let me know it there are any I missed.
Summary: Our reader doesn't want to have feelings for Eddie. He's her best friend.
Part 1: Acceptance
You were sitting at the Hell Fire table picking at your beef stroganoff. "Ugh again!?" you said out loud.
"Yep" sighed the curly headed kid sitting next to you, picking up a spoon full and letting it fall back on the tray.
"Gross!" Mike spit out.
You look up at the boys and shook your head.
" Hey Dustin? Have you seen Munson?" You question the curly haired boy. Looking at the cafeteria door waiting for his arrival.
He's never late to lunch. You thought. It's his favorite period.
" Oh yeah. He said he had to make a call " Dustin said while taking a sip of chocolate milk.
You stared back down at your tray and decided to just eat your peas. No way we're you gonna eat stroganoff 3 days in a row.
Then you heard him. Theatrical as always. He spoke out, loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear. It, brought a smile to your face.
"THIS MEAL WILL BE THE DEATH OF US ALL. 3 DAYS IN A ROW?! NO THANK YOU!" Eddie exclaimed. Walking backwards and accidentally bumping into a couple of cheerleaders while speaking towards the lunch lady.
"My apologies." he said with his signature smirk across his face. He does a slight bow and moves his arms gesturing for them to pass. Not noticing the ugly looks he was getting from them and the majority of the other students.
You still could never understand why they dislike him so much. Why they call him a freak? He was anything but. He was amazing. Crazy charismatic, funny, and just a big old softy to those in need. Like yourself.
You moved to Hawkins with your dad a few years ago. Your mom had up a left you guys when you were 15. Your dad couldn't handle the divorce and picked up drinking. And you had felt abandoned, which caused a depression that lead you to eat.
You got bullied so bad at school for the extra pounds you put on that he moved you guys to Hawkins. But you knew that wasn't the only thing that made you guys leave. He couldn't handle living there anymore. Too many memories of mom.
Your first day in 10th grade had started off like shit. You didn't know where to sit at lunch. You looked around the cafeteria and found an empty spot at a table with a few kids you heard laughing. All wearing identical shirts. As you made your way to the spot you tripped face first to the ground. Your lunch squished under you.
You heard laughing. While you struggled to get up, you slipped on some mashed potatoes. Falling backwards on your bottom. Bouncing a little. Your face now flushed with embarrassment then tears started to form in your eyes. You tried to fight them back and told yourself.
'Don't cry, not here, not on your first day.'
"Hey you should really watch where you're going miss piggy. You scuffed my shoe!" This pretty brunette girl in a cheer outfit scoffed.
She was standing with a few others who were laughing and pointing at you.
You dropped your eyes to the ground trying to figure how to get up without falling again. Suddenly you felt a hand grab you under your arm to help you up.
"Hey you ok? He ask softly.
"Y-yeah." You whispered.
You looked at him. A thin tall boy with a buzz cut wearing a black and white baseball tee with a cool looking logo on it. With the words Hellfire club just above it.
Your face flushed and he could tell you were about to cry.
You then saw him giving the laughing kids this type of death stare. And the laughing c'est. You took a quick glance around the room and noticed a look of fright on your peers faces.
"Hey. come on." He said while leading you out of the cafeteria.
He walked with you to the ladies room to make sure you got there alright and so you could clean up.
You were quiet. The silence was so loud as you two walked down the hall. You wanted to introduce yourself but couldn't find the courage to do so.
" I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson." He spoke out akwardly.
You remained quiet and felt like an ass for it.
"You're really shy huh?" Eddie asked.
You bit your lower lip out of nervousness feeling his eyes on you. You lifted your hand and gestured 🤏.
He let out a playful laugh. Then silence again.
"I'm y/n l/n" you said softly. " Uh thanks for umm helping me."
He was shocked when you finally said something.
"Sure thing. Kids out here can be kinda vicious." A very apologetic Eddie continued. " Sorry Sara tripped you."
" It's not your fault." you said looking at the side of Eddie's face.
He's cute. You thought.
A few more moments of silence passed. He took a couple of quick steps ahead of you and turned around to be in front of you. Walking slowly backwards. You looked a little worried at him. Afraid he might trip and fall too.
"Still sorry though."
He smiled in a way that made the corners of your lips turn upwards. Forgetting your previous thoughts.
The two of you stopped at the ladies restroom door. And you thanked him.
He then reached for the handle and opened the door for you. Doing a slight bow. "M'lady"
You let out a giggle. "Good sir."
You stepped forward when he started talk again.
"A real chatty Cathy." You said to yourself.
He grinned. "Hey if you want to find me at lunch on Monday. I'll introduce you to the fellas. And if you're up to it maybe... I can teach you what our club is all about. We are kinda into D & D.'
"You play dungeons and dragons? " Your question surprised him.
"You know about D & D?"
Your smile got just a bit bigger. " Meera Lang level 3 human knight at your service." You gave a quick nod.
Eddie freaked out. A girl. A girl who played D & D.
"Yeah you're definitely joining hellfire." He said. Not knowing how much that would mean to you later on.
Eddie and the guys really got you out of your shell. But sometimes you would just stay quiet so you could enjoy the conversations they had. Everyone was so funny and different. Especially Eddie. He would go on tangents about government conspiracies and how no one knew what real music was. Honestly you could listen to him talk forever.
It was a few weeks after you made friends with all the Hellfire guys. Eddie had set a shirt in front of you when you sat in the chair on his right.
"Hear yee hear yee!" Eddie proclaimed. Getting everyone's attention at the table." I present to you heathens our newest member." He held out both of his arms like if he was showing off a prize.
You blushed at the attention. Eyes widen as you looked at your new Hellfire shirt. Noticing the slight difference from all the matching ones. The sleeves were a dark green. Your favorite color. Not black like the others. You didn't know how Eddie knew that but, you couldn't contain your smile.
You ran your eyes over everyone, seeing the looks of approval. And turn to Eddie. " Thanks Munson."
His big brown eyes creased from the smile plastered on his face. He nodded officially welcome you to the club.
While picking up the shirt you looked down at the size.
A large.
Seeing it made you sink down a little in your chair. Eddie noticed the smile had faded from your face. He sat down and moved his chair close to you.
Leaning in enough so that he was just inches away. " What's wrong y/n?"
You felt a wave of nervousness rush over you. And you bit your lip. It was just a second later you released it. " It's not gonna fit." You said so low making sure that only Eddie would hear you.
"Shit!" Eddie matching your tone. " Sorry I -I should have asked. What size should I get? I can remake it."
Embarrassment filled you. You felt your face turning red. You put your hands on your lap and looked down out them. Fidgeting with your fingers. Then you saw Eddie's hand on top of yours making a flutter in your tummy. You felt a slight calming sensation run through your body. The feeling gave you the courage to look up at him. He had sorrowful look across his face.
" 2x." You said, feeling the anxiousness coming back. But his smile keeping it at bay.
" I got you, I'm sorry y/n." He spoke softly. Giving your hand a gentle squeeze before grabbing the shirt and the rest of his belongings.
" Hey Ed's, where ya going? " Gareth asked.
You watched as Eddie ignored him and made his exit.
He found you after school at the bike rack unlocking your bike. He jogged up so that he could catch you before you left. He reached out to take off your headphones.
You jumped and was relieved that it was Eddie standing there instead of one of the popular kids getting ready to say something harsh.
You reached down to pause the music.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you."
" Hey." you uttered. " Where did you go earlier?"
His grin sent you into a frenzy. He pulled a new Hellfire shirt from where he was hiding it behind him. " This should fit."
You took it thankfully and smiled. " You remade it so fast." You said as you put down your kickstand to hold up your bike.
He lifted his arm to rub the back of his neck." Yeah. I'm sorry. I should have asked you what size you needed."
As soon as he finished, you step in is personal space and embrace him in a hug. The top of your head just under his chin.
Eddie was taking back for just a moment but he returned the hug. Both not caring if there were others around watching you two.
You hug for a few seconds before you realized your stomach was touching his. You start to pull away from the shame but you felt hin squeeze you a bit harder.
For some reasons you felt like he knew you need someone to accept you for all of you. Not to judge you for what's on the outside. And the few more seconds that he held on to you. You knew. He didn't care about your size. He was your friend. He accepted you.
And Eddie did. From that moment, he knew you needed a real friend. Someone who has your back and would be there whenever you needed it.
The rest was history.
The sound of laughter pulled you from your recollection.
Eddie strode up to the table where his little sheep were sitting. Shoulder length curls bouncing as he walked. All eyes on him in awww.
"You bring your own lunch Munson." You said not looking up from your tray.
He took his place at the head of the table turning his chair around so the back of it was to his front. He brought up his beat up metal lunch box and set it in front of him, opening the lid and pulling out a box of animal crackers.
"So? It's ridiculous. You shouldn't have to eat that garbage." Eddie declared, leaning towards you.
You look up and he's holding up the box of crackers to you offering some. Clearly he noticed that you only ate the peas. You looked at it for a moment trying to decide if you should.
"Please tell me you're not on that stupid diet still?" Eddie lowered his voice to make it so only you could hear. "You look great."
You glanced up to see a slight worried look in his eyes. It made your stomach turn just a little. Hating it when he did that. It made you feel some type of way you really didn't want to feel.
You didn't say anything and plucked a cookie, popping it in your mouth. You looked back at he and did a slight smile while chewing. He grinned back.
Everyone at the table was excited. Tonight was campaign night. The chatter interrupted your stare off with Eddie.
"Hey Eddie, you sure you can't give us any clues for tonight?" Dustin asked with what sounding like a small plead in his voice.
"Patience is a virtue Henderson." Eddie responded with a smirk on his face. " You're all in for a surprise tonight!"
All but you were sighing out awws.
Tonight was Friday night. D & D night. You've been helping Eddie work on paint his figures all week long while he worked hard on the campaign. He really did pour his all into this one. Normally, he has multiple campaigns ready to go. But this Wednesday he up and decided to writing a whole new one.
You had admired him while his head was in the advance copy of D & D. The way he had his tongue sticking out to the side while he furiously wrote in a note book. It made you wonder what it was like to feel it in your mouth. You stopped to shake away the thought and continued to paint.
Snapping back to the present. You hear him speaking to the rest of the gang. Telling them to be prepared for tonight.
You sat in silence listening to everything that was going on. Then you felt eyes on you. Eddie was looking at you with what looked like he was gonna tell you something. But, he didn't. Instead, he offered you more cookies and you took another.
Fuck! How am I gonna tell her? Eddie thought
"You really shouldn't." You told yourself.
But, you were hungry and you didn't want to hear anymore from Eddie.
You've been on this diet for months. Well technically, it wasnt much of a diet. You were just limiting your food intake. Which was barely anything. You also went on walks for exercise. Sometimes Eddie would join you. Until he got bored.
You wanted to loose weight because you got tired of hating how you felt in your own skin. Tired of the pig noises the cheerleaders and jocks would make towards you any time you passed them. Tired of not having a guy look at you the way Eddie looks at some of the girls he likes.
"Thanks bud." You said. Giving him a small smile.
Instead of eating it you put it down on your tray.
"Hey, do you need help setting up the board for tonight? You asked him. " I can come early if you like?"
Eddie smiled. " All done. I set up last night." He said, popping a few crackers in his mouth.
" Oh?"
"Yeah. Had to do it early. Have a hot date after school." he looked away and faked a smile.
Another date? 2 in one week. You thought.
"Geez Eddie. Getting around aren't we?" Gareth joked.
You let out a small laugh with everyone else. Though it made you a little sad.
"Got to make hast while the sun is shining." Eddie replied with a grin.
"It's not serious. She won't be mad." He said to himself.
Someone else made a comment. Causing Eddie to shove his hair back and chuckle.
You glanced at him, enjoying the sight of his curls bounce. With the sun shining through the window behind him, making him look like some sort of Saint. You could have sworn he was going in slow motion.
He noticed you staring.
Eddie eyed. "You're quieter than usual y/n. What's up?"
You quickly look back down at your tray trying to play it off. "Oh nothing Munson. Just uhh lost in thought. I-i um." You cut off and stood up. Gathering your things.
" Crap. Crap. I gotta go. I completely forgot... I have to go write 2 songs for Cast Outs." You said before headed off to the library for your free period.
Eddie and the others watched as you hurried away.
He just shrugges at the others. Him knowing how you get when it comes to writing. Hoping beyond hope that you don't find out his little secret.
You completely sucked at singing. But, you were really great at writing songs and poetry. You wrote alot for the all girl rock band you met one night at the Hideout. You were approached by the lead singer.
She asking if you could write them a couple of songs. Apparently Eddie had been hyping you up after you had wrote one for Corroded Coffin a few months back. The ladies loved your song so much that they asked for you to help write some from then on. So most of your free time was either writing or baking. Both being your stress release.
But, If you were to be entirely honest you really didn't want to hear anymore about Eddie's future endeavors. It hurt just a little too much this time.
Why am I feeling this way?
Eddie was waiting for you in front of the doors to help you carry the snacks you brought. You always came bearing stuff to munch on during a campaign.
You two set up the snack table with pretzels, popcorn, chips, cookies and pop. You pulled out a small Tupperware with carrots and celery just for yourself.
Eddie looked at you with a frown. " Oh come on y/n. You're not gonna have any cookies?"
You shook your head. " I'm good bud." You gave him a small smile, lifting the container a little.
Eddie started to protest. But you pulled out a bigger Tupperware out and handed it to him. " Here you go Munson. Fresh from the oven."
Eddie grinned and opened the container, sniffing the snicker doodle cookies you always made for him on campaign Fridays. You looked down in another bag and pulled out a carton of milk for him.
You held it out for him. " Here bud."
He took it with a smile. " Aww... you're too good to me y/n. " He then placed the hand that had the milk over his heart.
He leaned in and place a quick peck on your cheek, then turned to head to his throne quickly so you couldn't smack him. You loved it so much when he did that.
The little voice in your head shouted at you. "Stop that!"
" Eww Munson! Keep your lips to yourself!" You half shouted at him and wiped your cheek. Hoping he didn't catch that small smile you had right after he kissed you.
Dustin came next to you and huffed with a lisp. "Dammit! Eddie took the cookies already!? Hey Eddie you know y/n makes those for everyone!"
You both look at Eddie who looked so majestic in his chair. He was sticking out his tongue at the curly headed boy. You let out a giggle and pulled out another container of cookies. Setting it down on the table.
" Sweet!" Dustin let out before grabbing a few.
It made you smile knowing your friends loved your cookies. Especially Eddie.
After everyone filled up their small plates you went to your seat next to Eddie.
Crunching down on a carrot. " You really out did yourself on this one Munson."
Eddie took a swig of milk in-between bites of his favorite cookies. " Yep, isn't she a beauty?"
He stood up and wiped his lips with his sleeve. " Alright ladies and gents. It's time." He side eyed you when saying ladies. Fully knowing you were the only female there.
Everyone else made there way to their seats.
Eddie brushed his hair back, revealing an ugly purple bruise on his neck.
Really a hickey?! GROSS!
A touch of jealousy washed over you for a second but you shook it off.
Nope nope.
You picked up your character sheet and prepared for the battle that you knew was soon to begin.
As the campaign wrapped up, the guys all began to hoot and cheer.
"Awesome!" Mike and Lucas said in unison.
"Yeah crazy good." you added.
Eddie smirked at their applause. Taking a bow. " Thank you...thank you."
"Truly one of the best ones yet!" Dustin said in amazement.
You guys cleaned up and everyone started to head out a little while later.
" Ready?" Eddie asked, handing you his empty cookie container.
You nodded stuffing it into a bag.
You both hopped in his van and Eddie started the ignition. Turning up the volume to his mixed tape you made for him a little while after you two became friends. You couldn't believe he still had it.
He started drumming his callused fingers on the steering wheel with one hand while popping a cigarette into his mouth with the other. He was about to light it but you cleared your throat. Reminding him why he couldn't.
You watch him put it back in his pack.
Eddie looked over to you. " Sorry. I forgot princess."
You rolled your eyes. " Seriously bud. I swear you have the memory of a nat. Also, what did I say about calling me that Munson?"
You narrowed your eyes at him and lightly smack his arm.
"Geez L/n! I'm driving. Are you trying to get us killed?" He chuckled.
You glared at him. " I barely touched you!"
He just smiled and laughed.
You shook your head. You couldn't even be mad at him. So you ended up laughing with him. After apologizing for him not being able to smoke around you.
You honestly didn't care that he smoked. Actually you didn't mind at all. But if you smelled like smoke when your dad was around, he would have your ass.
You check the time on the dash and it was hitting a little close to 1 am.
Shit! Dad's gonna be pissed.
Eddie pulled up to your house before you knew it. You didn't live too far from the school. Even though you wished you did. Just so you can spend a little more time with him.
Eddie shut the van off and hopped out to open your door. " M'lady"
He's such a gentleman.
" Good sir." you responded, stepping down and out the van with your arms full with bags of empty Tupperware. He closed the door behind you and headed to the back of the van to pull out your bike.
You guys slowly walk up your driveway while Eddie belted out the lyrics to Don't Fear The Reaper. You watched him with joy. However, you needed to get him to stop.
He did stop singing after you shush him.
" Munson please. You'll wake up the neighborhood."
" Well, they need some good music in their lives. Who am I to deny them such pleasure?" Eddie turning lifting his arm in the air.
So dramatic this one is.
You shook your head but couldn't help your lips from grinning.
Finally at the front door you put the bags down to look for your keys. Eddie went to set down your bike.
"Still heading to the Hideout tomorrow?
You looked up at him " Of course. Can't let my best friend perform with out his number 1 supporter." You paused for a second." Umm...pick me up at 7?"
" Yes ma'am!" He said raising his hand to salute you.
Your eyes caught the deep purple bruise on his neck again. You stood there in silence for a moment. Hanging your head.
Why does it hurt seeing that?
Eddie looked at you tilting his head to the side. " What's up?"
Your eyes shot up to meet his big brown ones.
" A hickey Munson? Seriously?"
His left arm moved to the back of his neck. The quick shine from the front porch light reflecting off his rings moved across your face.
He let out a sigh "Oh uh yeah. Things kinda got out of hand."
Shit! Shit! Shit! He thought. Please don't ask who...
" You don't say?" You replied sarcastically.
" Uhhh...You don't know y/n. Man. She was kissing on my neck and grinding on top of me. And- and she did this thing with her hips-"
You raised up you hand cutting him off. " Uh... Eww. That's enough."
Eddie chuckled. " Sorry."
Just then you heard your dad calling out.
Eddie sighed in relief to himself.
"Shit!" you said as you turned your head to the door. " He sounds drunk. Better head out of here bud. You know know how he gets when he's had a few."
You look back at him with pleading eyes. He nodded and gave you a quick hug and headed back to his van.
You picked up the bags and let yourself into the living room. Closing and locking the door behind you.
"Hey dad... I'm home." You placed your keys in the ceramic bowl you made for your dad when you were 10. As a father's day gift.
You walked to the kitchen and saw your father sitting at the table, refilling a glass with what looked like whiskey.
" Where have you been? Do you have any idea what time it is?"
" Yeah dad. I'm sorry. I- should have called. The campaign went on a little longer than planned. I'm sorry."
You set the bags down on the counter and turned to look at him.
He got up from his seat. Stumbling to stand up straight. With the drink in his hand, he made his way towards you.
" Don't lie to me. You were out being a filthy slut weren't you!?" His words slurred.
Your eyes widen from the shock of what he just said.
" DAD NO!" You shouted.
" Out being a whore! Just like your cunt of a mother!"
" DAD?!"
He swings back his drink and slams the empty glass on the counter next to the bags. After breaking the cup he grabs both of your arms.
"DAD PLEASE!" You begged trying to get out of his grasp.
He pulled back a little. " YOU WILL NOT BE LIKE THAT BITCH! DO YOU HEAR ME?"
He then position his arm to the side and the back of his hand strikes you across the face.
Your eyes swell with tears immediately from the pain. Your cheek was suddenly red hot from the hit. Your father released his grip on you and stepped back. Staring at you for a few moments.
You saw the instant regret in his eyes. He didn't say anything. He just turned around, stopped for a second and walked to the living room to plop himself on the couch. He was out before you could process what just happened.
He has never did that. He yelled. He always yelled. But, never in your 18 years has he ever lift a finger towards you.
You looked at the date on the fridge and sighed. It was his and mom's anniversary. As tears fell from your face you grabbed ice and wrapped it with a towel to pressed it against your cheek. You flinched from the pain. But held it there. You quickly cleaned up the glass and went upstairs to your room. You walk in and locked your door. While sitting on the bed you sobbed quietly.
A minute passed and you jumped at the sound of tapping on your window. You quickly wiped your tears away.
You look over and recognized your frizzy hair friend. You went to opened the window. " Munson what the hell are you doing here?"
You turned to hide the bruise that was forming on your cheek and hid the ice pack behind you.
" I wanted to check to see if you were ok." He said, climbing into your room. Closing the window after.
You move to your record player and turn it on. To muffle the sound of your voices. You didn't want to wake up your dad after what just happened. Then you hid the ice pack in your desk drawer. Hoping Eddie didn't see you do it.
He moved towards you. " y/n?"
You could feel his presence lingering just a few feet from you. You slump your shoulders and wrapped your arms around to hug yourself. Swallowing the lump that was building in your throat. Just so you can speak.
"I'm g-good Munson."
Even you weren't convinced as it came out of your mouth.
You felt Eddie's big hand on your shoulder.
Without taking a second to think. You turned and hugged him. Crying into his chest. Tears staining his his Hellfire shirt.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly. "Y/n what's wrong? Y/n Please. . . Please talk to me." The concern in his voice hurt your heart.
He pushed you back slightly and cupped your chin. Trying to get you to look at him. The cold from his rings sent a chill down your spine.
You resisted for a moment. But eventually gave in and looked up. Meeting his gaze.
Eddie dropped his hand to your shoulder and his eyes widen. Fury replaced the sadness that you just saw.
The anger in his voice frighten you. You never heard him so angry.
"Shhhh please!" You begged. " You'll wake him."
He moved away from you and head for the door. You grabbed his hand and squeeze it. Tugging him back.
" Eddie..." you paused. "please."
The sound of you voice made him stop in his tracks. You didn't used his nickname. It's always either bud or Munson. Even when you were mad at him, you would use his full legal name. Which is when he knew he fucked up. Never Eddie though.
" Please dont. You'll just make it worst." You whimpered.
He hung his head. "He shouldn't be hitting you y/n."
" He didn't mean to. It's just- it's his and mom's anniversary. He... He was just really drunk."
" That's NOT an excuse." He said way harsher than he meant to.
He turned to you and lifted his hand up to cup your cheek that wasn't hurt and furrowed his brow. "Y/n that's not okay...This isn't okay."
"I-I know." you sighed putting your hand on his. You dropped your gaze down to the floor. " He never did this before. You should've seen his face after. He- he didn't mean it." Fresh tears rolled down your face.
The words made Eddie pull you back into his arms. " What do you want me to do? What should I do?"
A few moments passed.
"Please stay with me." You said just above a whisper.
He place a soft kiss on the top of your head and agree.
You didn't bother putting on pajamas. Instead, you kicked off your shoes and climbed into bed. You then watched as Eddie took off his leather jacket and set it down on your desk chair. He sat at the edge of the bed and took off his Reeboks. He then climbed under the covers and pulled you into him. Allowing you to resting your head on his chest.
Tears ran over the bridge of your nose onto his shirt.
" It's ok y/n. I'm here. I got you." He said while rubbing your back and holding you a little tighter. " I'm here."
The words eased the sudden stab of insecurity you had of him touching your back rolls.
You loved your best friend. He always made you feel safe and made the pain in your heart hurt just a little less every moment you spent with him. His voice calmed your anxiety. His touch was like the magic cure for your nerves. His presence just made your life brighter.
As you laid wrapped in Eddie's strong arms, drifting into a deep slumber. His heart beat being the sweetest of lullaby's. It all became clear to you now. You wished it could just stop. All of the thoughts you shoved down or tried to shake off for so long. All the hugs you've shared. The nights you've stayed together. The laughs. After all this time...You knew you were in love with your best friend. You were in love with Eddie Munson...
Well shit!
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longlivefanfic-net · 2 years
i do not ship harringrove IN THE SLIGHTEST. stommy & stonathan r just kinda funny to me,but steddie has my heart. buttt the thing is,all these guys have deffo played a huge part in steve figuring out that he’s into guys. maybe at one point,he found himself looking at jonathan a little too long. or when tommy was with carol,and he’d try to make some sort of “bros over hoes” type comment so he could spend more time with him. or when billy got a little too close under the pretense +
oh. OH. I am so glad someone is giving me the opportunity to go on my long winded rant about how Jonathan was actually Steve's gay awakening, like canonically, because trust me I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS.
In s1, when Steve picks up the nail bat that becomes his signature--who was holding it only seconds before? And who does he use it to rescue from the demogorgon? Jonathan fuckin' Byers. I think it's so important that Jonathan can't protect himself and when Steve does it for him--not protecting Nancy, but protecting his supposed rival for her affections--it becomes one of his defining characteristics for the rest of the show.
In s2, when Murray is talking to Nancy and Jonathan he says "you've got the important shit: shared trauma!" The night before, Nancy and Jonathan had admired their matching demogorgon-summoning scars. Steve doesn't have a scar but he was there too--he has that same shared trauma. We already know how it affected the way he feels about Nancy; I think it's reasonable to assume it gave him some pretty strong Emotions (TM) about Jonathan too.
In s4, when Steve and Nancy are talking and he says "you gave my head the biggest thump of its life." Yeah, you know who actually gave his head that thump while he beat Steve's ass (starting the trend of Steve Harrington Can't Win a Fight)? Jonathan. Fucking. Byers.
Steve is wildly obsessed with him, too. It's more than just "he's the weird kid," it's more than just "he's my girlfriend's guy best friend," it's this whole additional layer of masculinity and pretenses and wanting to be tough but also being gentle (I know Steve paid for that camera Nancy gave Jonathan for Christmas, I just know it) that is just...so queer coded.
Some day, far in the future, Steve Harrington is going to sit straight up in bed, drenched in a cold sweat, and rub his hands down his face while he goes "did I have a crush on Jonathan?!" And then Eddie will sit up in bed next to him and simply say "Yes, sweetheart, now go back to sleep."
I don't even ship Stonathan, honestly--I think they would be a wildly poorly matched pair, their respective weirdnesses don't compliment each other like Steddie imo--but, like, the Duffer brothers have so aggressively bisexual coded Steve with the Steve/Nancy/Jonathan love triangle. I also personally love the Jonathan is transmasc HC and I could so easily see s1 Steve explaining his feelings for Jonathan away by misgendering him, trying to rationalize that he's "still straight," whereas by the end of s4 Steve is like, yep, Jonathan was the first boy I had a crush on.
Anyway. This is almost definitely NOT what you were hoping for when u sent this ask in so. please feel free to send more/other stuff and I'll try to write for it.
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reidyoulikeabook · 4 years
A is for Ankle Socks
Summary: The first installment in my A-Z of Spencer Reid series. Spencer Reid is very particular about his socks.
Ship: fem ! BAU reader x Spencer Reid
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Discussions of case-typical violence, blood, brief description of a fight, minor injury to reader that requires some stitches.
A/N: hello! this is my first ever series and i’m very nervous about it! it’s going to be a chronological a-z series with Spencer, detailing the progression of your relationship!
Spencer Reid permanently wears odd socks. The only time you can recall him wearing matching ones, in the year you’ve known him, was on days he had to go to court. Then, it was required that he wear the technically mandated uniform of proper leather shoes, and monochrome socks. On those days, Hotch would turn up with a pair of black socks tucked into his briefcase, just in case. Spencer had needed them, twice.
However, today is not a court day. Today is day 8 of a case in back of beyond Oregon that, quite frustratingly, seems to be going absolutely nowhere.
It says quite a lot, really, that in a day spent combing over convicts with domestic violence charges, the sight you look up to see is more viscerally disturbing. Spencer’s perched on the end of a desk, as he so often seems to be, his ankles crossed over each other. Signature black converse on his feet. And he appears...not to be wearing socks?
He notices you looking at him, and flicks his eyes downward self-consciously, “Is something wrong?”
“Are you wearing socks?”
He lets out a quiet laugh, “Uh. No. I meant to go to the laundrette last night but then Hotch called us into that meeting. I wasn’t expecting to be out here this long.”
“Is it comfortable?” You ask, “Wearing those without socks?”
He kicks his feet around just slightly, “Not really. I guess I’d forgotten about it until you mentioned.”
“Sorry,” You say, with an apologetic smile.
“Not your fault,” He says, looking back at the paperwork in his lap, “Hey would you mind coming to take a look at this actually? I think I might have something.”
By day 2, you’d learnt that the only sandwich shop in town had a reputation for bad food hygiene that none of you felt like risking. Normally, everyone would roll their eyes at Spencer for his investigation into such things. However, in this case, everyone else seemed to be as thankful as you always were.
It’s your turn to do the lunch run today, so you head to the grocery store that isn’t too far out of town. Putting your car in park, you mentally run through the list that the team had given you: cheap pasta for everyone but Rossi, who was willing to risk running foul of their microwave meal selection, as many coffee supplies as you could manage, some sour gummy worms for Spencer, mineral water for Hotch, and tights for you. It was frankly quite impractical to wear the things. You ran through so many brambles, fell down so many times, that you almost felt you should get pantyhose hazard pay. In fall in Oregon though? You’d splash out the $6 for the sake of preventing frostbite. If only because Hotch would be furious.
You smile at the thought. Wandering through the aisles, you collect everything you need. Spencer only asked for a pack of sour gummy worms, but, with a smile on your face, you decide to get him the strawberry laces he likes too.
It’s only when you scan the cart, last minute, that you realise what you’ve forgotten.
Tights. Shit.
Wheeling the cart around, you weave through the aisles looking for them. The underwear aisle is aisle 20, and it looks like it’s been ransacked. Flicking through the disorganised display, you see them.
A five pack of socks, adorned with farm animals and backgrounds of a completely clashing colour. It’s almost too bright for you, but you know a certain sockless Spencer who will be sure to appreciate them. Out of curiousity, you navigate your way over to the men’s section and have a look through. Mostly, it’s all black and navy. Right at the back though, you spy a similarly garish looking pack, this time with vegetables on.
You put them in the basket, eyes flickering over a pair of matching aubergine patterned boxers, as you make your way over to the tights. You select your usual kind, turning your attention back to the boxers.
Is it weird to get him boxers?
He’d know it was a joke, right?
Is it weird to get him socks?
Well he didn’t have any
Yeah but you don’t need to get him two packs
Yes I do we might be here a while
10 more days?
He could fall. He could spill coffee on his shoes. He could get shot.
How would socks help with him getting shot?
Your internal monologue gives you a moments reprieve, and then.
Kinda weird you got him socks
Nobody else would have got him socks
Yeah well I’m just thoughtful.
The last thought crosses your mind without permission, and you almost bristle at the brazenness of your lie to yourself. However, you decide, examining the real reasons you’re so eager to provide comfort to your favourite co-worker would require mental stamina you didn’t have right now. Mental stamina that would be better put to use on the case at hand. Mental stamina that definitely wasn’t being used to employ the BAU’s favourite defense mechanism: denial.
“I got you a surprise.”
“A surprise?” Spencer spins around in his chair to face you.
“Yep,” You say, plopping the sweets down onto the desk in front of him and grinning.
“Strawberry laces!” He says, smile lighting up his face, “Thanks ____!”
“That’s not the surprise.”
He quirks his brow, confusion tugging at his features, “Then what’s the surprise?”
You untuck your arms from behind your back, handing him the pairs of socks.
He looks down at them. He’s silent for a moment, and your heart thuds.
Told you it was weird.
It’s definitely weird.
He definitely thinks you’re-
You don’t have time to finish that thought, however, because Spencer scoots his chair back. Standing up, he pulls you into a hug. He gently squeezes you, and when he speaks his voice is low, cracking a little.
“Thank you,” He says quietly, “That was really thoughtful of you. Thank you.”
You lean into him, allowing yourself to be enveloped, “No problem. I know you have some issues with sensory things sometimes and I just thought, you know,” you trail off, “Anyway, I didn’t know which ones you’d prefer and I know you like to mix and match anyway so I just got both.”
He doesn’t say anything. But he squeezes you again, tighter this time, before releasing you. Strangely, he won’t meet your eye as he does.
“I’m gonna go put them on, okay?”
“Okay,” You say, watching a little quizically as he hurriedly heads out of the room.
Derek happens to be heading back to the room, bumping into Spencer on his way out.
“You alright kid?” He asks.
“I'm fine," Spencer says, waving him off. He tries to avoid meeting Derek’s eyes, knowing as well as he does that if the profiler catches the look on his face he’ll be found out.
Derek allows him to shrug past him with a confused glance over his shoulder. He walks into the room, scooping the nearest file off the desk and asking in your general direction, “You know what’s up with him?”
“Nope,” You say, popping the p.
You don’t. And it’d bother you, except you genuinely don’t have time right now to dwell on it. Although, try as you might to focus on narrowing down this list of factories in the area, it niggles at you.
You don’t see Spencer again until you’re heading out to the unsubs location. You get called out by Hotch in the minute before he returns, and then it’s all guns blaring. Emily and Dave managed to work some magic with Penelope, and the place he’s holding the hostage has been narrowed down to a factory quite far out of town.
You’re perched in the back, discussing entry tactics with Hotch when your eyes travel down to Spencer’s shoes.
One chicken, and one broccoli sock sit on his left and right feet respectively. It’s hard to see them though, with how far they are down his feet.
Hotch answers his phone then, immediately barking down commands at the local PD who are apparently failing to summon adequate manpower, in Hotch’s opinion at least.
You take the moment to cautiously lean over to Spencer, whispering, “Were they not the right size?”
He smiles at you, “They fit just fine as ankle socks.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even think to check the sizes, womens ones are pretty much all one size. I completely forget that men have massively different sized feet.”
He laughs, “Are you suggesting I have huge feet?”
You feel yourself flush a little, “I don’t think that’d necessarily be an inaccurate suggestion.”
Amused, he smiles. Hotch turns around to you both, momentarily taking his eyes off the road, “I need you to call Penelope, and tell her to get us all the CCTV she can get in the area. If we’re going to have to go in without enough men to cover the perimeter we’ll need all the tactical advantages we can get.”
“Of course, sir.”
Lunging forward, you tackle the unsub to the ground, effectively freeing Spencer from the grasp he’d previously been held in.
“It’s over Peter,” Hotch’s voice comes, even and steady.
“No it’s not.”
Before you can even register what’s happening, you’re being tossed backwards, landing against some barbed wire. Immediately, you’re on your feet again, running after him. Not noticing how the wire has ripped a hole in your tights, and cut into your leg a little.
Grabbing his arms behind him, you use all your strength to subdue him to the floor, handcuffing him. Wiping the sweat off your brow, you breathe out a deep sigh of relief.
Derek has it from there, patting you on the shoulder and giving you a “Good job kiddo.” He leads Peter out.
You rub your chest, feeling the adrenaline start to flood out of your body with all the excitement now over. A stinging senstation in your calf gets your attention, and looking down you see the nasty wound oozing blood. It isn’t much, nothing that two stitches won’t fix.
“Are you alright?” Spencer asks, having gotten up from his position on the floor, “You didn’t have to...Derek would have gotten him.”
“Why should he be the only one that gets to tackle people?” You ask, letting out a breathless tinkle of a laugh.
“Statistically, he is the one who does the most tackling out of all of us. Then Hotch, then Emily, then Rossi, then me, then you.”
“I am not the one that tackles the least,” You say indignantly.
He tips his head to the side, “Are you gonna argue with the guy who has an eidetic memory or are we going to get you stitched up?”
“Both, please.”
He laughs at that, linking his arm around your waist. You limp against him a little, out to the paramedics. Mostly it’s for Spencer’s benefit. That’s what you tell yourself, you’re letting him help you so he doesn’t feel emasculated.
When has Spencer Reid ever fallen pray to toxic masculinity?
He might have
Well he could
You just like how he smells
It’s true. The faint waft of his cologne is incredibly comforting. He doesn’t loosen his grip on you for even a second, helping to hoist you so you can sit on the ambulance bed while the medics attend to your leg. You’re feeling a little woozy, so Spencer sits next to you, allowing you to lean on him for support.
“Can you tell me something?” You ask, gritting your teeth, “Distract me?”
It doesn’t really hurt, getting stitched up, you’ve just never found it the most comfortable of processes. All your favourite cases have ended with you not having to get sewn up. You know that much.
“I’ve actually only tackled one more person than you in my entire BAU career,” He says, deciding to return to your former discussion, “I didn’t really go out in the field all that much until a couple years in, it was only because of Hotch that I really went out in the field to take down an unsub for the first time. That was March 12th, 2005. You’ve only been here 9 months and have done almost as much physical stuff as me. One more and we’re even.”
“Well, if you could try not to be the person getting tackled by the unsub next time. Then I might not have to make a tackle.”
His mouth turns up at the corner, “You tackled him for me?”
You feel yourself growing embarassed, “Not for you. For the socks.”
“Oh the socks?”
“Yeah, I mean, it’s a little unfair to go putting yourself in harms way while wearing a gift someone got for you. 5 dollar socks Spencer, practically designer at that price, I’d hate to see them ruined day one.”
He laughs, his tone playful, “Well you’ll need to bare that in mind.”
He tilts his head towards Emily, strutting her way across to the ambulance with Spencer’s go-bag in her arms. She hands it to him, smiling at you.
“Should I let Morgan know the team will no longer be in need of his services?”
You snort, “I’d hate to steal his brand.”
She shakes her head, “Drinks when we get back? Hotch said the jet’s ready for whenever you’re done, and Rossi says he’s buying.”
“You got it,” You nod.
She pats you on the shoulder, exaggeratedly eyeing your leg again and rolling her eyes as she walks away, “Idiot.”
You smile, turning back towards Spencer, “Are you coming for drinks? I can drive you home.”
He visibly considers it for a moment, “Yeah. That’d be nice.”
“You’re all done here,” The paramedic interrupts, wiping down your leg with an anti-bacterial wipe, “Was a really smooth tear for barbed wire, shouldn’t leave that much of a scar.”
They press a bandage over it and you thank them, getting to your feet with the help of Spencer.
“Wait, why’d you get Emily to bring your go-bag if we’re going home?”
He looks almost bashful. Out of his bag, he pulls a three pack of tights. Just the kind you always wear. Down to your preferred brand, and everything.
“When did you-?”
“I noticed you rip them a lot while we’re on cases. I didn’t know if it was weird but then...the socks?” He gestures at his feet, floundering, “I’m sorry if that’s...I just didn’t-”
“No,” You cut off his ramble, “No, Spencer, that’s really sweet. Thank you, thank you so much. Can I hug you?”
He nods, happily. You wrap him into your arms, pressing your face against his chest. Inhaling the scent of him. Reveling in how safe you feel, how protected, thinking how you’d take three hundred stitches if it meant you got Spencer out of harms way. He was so thoughtful, so kind, so attentive to detail.
Oh fuck.
You can barely look at him. It hits you like a train, the realisation. Co-workers save each other from unsubs. Friends buy each other gifts that have meaning and value. But only somebody who is in love feels like this when they get handed tights. Oh.
It’s a warm feeling. Overwhelming. So much so that you miss Spencer saying he’ll be right back, scooting off to Rossi who’s shouting him over with a question the local PD need answering for their report.
You stumble a little, thankful that you have the blood loss and adrenaline rush to blame if anybody were to notice.
You wait for the wave of denial to hit, to come and lock your feelings back in the treasure chest you’ve managed to shove them down into now. It doesn’t come. Instead, you look at Spencer with a sense of awe that feels newfound, but has actually been here all along. Watching him speak to Rossi, you really notice him: just how much he gestures with his hands, how quickly he relays information, how the huge smile on his face, when he turns around to notice you staring, truly meets his eyes.
You can’t tell if it makes you a good profiler, or somewhat of a stalker, that you notice Spencer wears the ankle socks you got him to work everyday for the next 9 days.
Spencer worries he’s being a little too obvious, but he can’t help that whenever he sees the socks he beams at them. They remind him of you. Unbeknownst to everybody but Dave (who somehow notices everything), he spends a good minute or so a day sneaking a peek at the novelty socks under his converse. And then trailing his eyes over to you. Thinking how much he loves the person who got them for him.
B is for Blindfolds
Tagslist (this is just people who replied to the post about this series and said they’d like to be tagged! let me know if you’d like to be added/removed to this series masterlist): @reidingmelodies @rem-ariiana
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Can you write a thing about the first time remus looks into the stands during a game, and he realizes that people are holding up a sign for him, or wearing his jersey? i just need him to be so loved by the lions fans
Yes, yes, YES. He deserves all the fans, every single one. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but Annie is mine!
Remus still couldn’t believe it. He had already played three games with the team—as a player, a real-life, on-the-ice, paid-to-skate player—but it still felt like a dream every time he stepped into the rink. His parents had flown back home the previous day after a million and a half promises not to get hurt and to wear his mouthguard, and while Remus was used to them being gone, it felt different playing without them in the stands.
He fist-bumped Sirius on the way out of the locker room and knocked the fronts of their helmets together; his ‘captain mode’ had already taken over, but Remus still saw a smile as he passed. “Let’s go!” James whooped as the roar of the fans ahead deafened them.
Remus grinned, wild and broad, as his pulse picked up and adrenaline burned hot in his throat. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. The ice was smooth beneath his skates, made perfect just for them—he did one loop around the goal, two, and a third before snagging a puck and lining up across from James for a quick passing game. The rhythm soothed him; his wrists relaxed. Let’s go.
Talker whacked the backs of his legs as he passed and Remus checked him lightly, earning himself a bark of laughter. “Watch it, Loops!”
“Square up, Talkie!”
“Careful, you’ve gotta set a good example for your admirers,” he teased.
Remus paused, bewildered. “What?”
Talker tilted his chin toward the row of seats to the right and Remus turned, only to stop cold as red and gold filled his vision. There were jerseys for James, Sirius, Kasey, Finn, Kuny—
And him.
Dead center in a group of kids was a young girl with two missing front teeth, jumping up and down in excitement. The bright 6 on her jersey shone like new and she waved to him with both hands. To him, as if he was some sort of hero.
Her eyes widened when she saw him watching, and though her shriek was lost in the noise of the crowd, her joy reverberated through the plexiglass. He was moving before his brain caught up to his skates; in his gloves, his hands had begun to shake. “Hi!” he called, crouching down to her level with a tentative wave.
She whipped around and grabbed a woman—her mother, perhaps—by the hand, pulling with all the strength in her body.
“Hi,” Remus said again. He was too stunned to think of anything witty.
She beamed at him and pressed both palms to the glass, speaking too fast for him to hear. He glanced up to the woman next to her. You’re her favorite, she mouthed.
“Me?” He looked back to the little girl and pointed to himself, and she nodded frantically. “I like your jersey!”
She bounced on her toes and held the front of it out for him to see; he grabbed a stray puck off the ice, nearly fumbling it in his hurry.
“One second!” He held up one finger to make sure she understood before skating as fast as he could to the bench and snagging a silver pen from the collection, yanking his glove off with his teeth and signing his name. He didn’t have an official signature or anything—sloppy cursive would have to do. He tossed the pen toward his seat, not sparing any of his racing thoughts to wonder whether it landed.
The girl lit up when he returned, and her dark eyes grew huge when she saw the puck.
“For you!” he said as loud as he could, pointing to her. He gave her a clear count of three before tossing it over the boards; she caught it, almost dropped it, then hugged it close to her chest. Her whole face folded and tears began pouring down her cheeks. Remus’ heart plummeted.
His horror must have shown on his face, because the kid’s mother waved to get his attention and shook her head with a smile. She’s happy, she said. At least, Remus hoped he was reading her lips right. The little girl stepped back to the glass and shouted ‘thank you’ loud enough that he heard her through the glass.
“You’re welcome!” Remus yelled back, giving her a thumbs-up. He gestured toward the tunnel. “Come over after the game, okay?”
The kid looked to her mother, who smiled, then turned back to Remus and nodded enthusiastically. He high-fived her through the glass and headed back to the team, still grinning like an idiot.
“Head in the game, Loops!” Logan laughed.
“She’s got my jersey,” he said, running through his drills on muscle memory, lighter than air. “Tremzy, she had my jersey.”
He pointed to the gang of children; his fan was still near the front, clutching her puck. “Aw, Loops,” Logan cooed. “You’ve got a secret admirer.”
“She’s got my jersey,” he repeated.
Logan’s smile turned soft and he nudged him. “You’re part of the team, remember? Always have been, always will be.”
“Part of the team,” Remus muttered absentmindedly.
“Now come on, Lightning McQueen, we need you!” Logan smacked him on the helmet and took off, cackling. Remus rolled his eyes, though he didn’t lose the floaty feeling for the rest of warmups.
They won the game. Remus broke the land-speed record showering and all but sprinted to the mouth of the tunnel, sending a silent prayer up that the kid’s mom knew where to go. Come on, come on—
She was still bouncing on her toes, though it looked more like she was searching for someone. The mother saw him first, and gently turned her around; Remus tried to stay calm and collected when she gasped loud enough that he heard it ten feet away.
“Hey, kiddo,” he said, crouching down to her level.
“Hi,” she squeaked.
“What’s your name?”
“This is Annie,” her mother informed him after a moment of silence.
“Nice to meet you, Annie. Nice jersey.” Her round cheeks flushed bright pink. “Did you know you’re the very first person I’ve seen wearing my number?”
She finally blinked. “Really?”
“Yep. It made my day.”
“You’re my favorite,” she blurted.
“Thanks,” he laughed. “Not a lot of people cheer for the rookies, so that means a lot.”
“You’re the fastest one on the team, and—and my mama says you’re really smart ‘cause you were on the bench an’ I know people were mean about you on the team but I don’t think that’s fair because you and Pots and Cap are the best line ever and yeah.” The flood of words left her a little breathless. “Yeah. Oh, and six is my lucky number.”
“Mine, too. Do you play hockey?”
“I want to. I think I’m too short.”
Remus felt his heart twist a little. “Annie, I was the shortest, scrawniest kid on my team until I was seventeen. You can do whatever you want to do. Don’t let anyone tell you different, okay?”
She stared at him for a long moment, then launched herself forward and threw her arms around his neck. “Annalise!” her mother gasped.
“It’s okay,” Remus assured her, holding down a laugh as he balanced himself to gently return her hug. “My little brother does this all the time.”
“You’ve gotta win the Cup this year,” Annie said—demanded, really—as she stepped back.
“I’ll do my best,” he promised. A mob of reporters hurried down the hallway toward the locker room, and he caught several staring at them as they passed. “Alright, I think that’s my cue to go.”
“What do you say?” Annie’s mother prompted quietly.
Annie smiled at him, brighter than sunshine. “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome. Thanks for coming to the game, and drive safe.”
“We will.”
People liked him. They liked him, he was someone’s favorite. It was an astounding thought, and he only paid half-attention to the few interview questions that went his way. Some of the hashtags he had seen were awful—many people were calling favoritism, and the number of rude DMs seemed to increase every day—but the look of pure happiness on Annie’s face when he passed her a simple puck made them insignificant.
Who cared what assholes thought when he could make someone smile like that?
“What’s on your mind?” Sirius asked as they headed home, exhausted.
Remus shook his head, unable to keep his grin off his face. “She had my jersey.”
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys and a Single Mom
featuring: kuroo tetsuro, sakusa kiyoomi
Kuroo hadn’t had a proper day off in a while, his job at JAV was pretty hectic and demanding that he still works even on day offs today however, he decided to reward himself and decided to pick up Kenma from university and maybe get some dinner together to catch up.
he entered the college campus feeling nostalgic of his days as a college student athlete, he figured Kenma’s class wasn’t over yet so he sat by the small park inside the campus where there was a lot of people, Kuroo was enjoying the sight of a bunch of college students reading, talking, relaxing and just basically enjoying their youth when he felt a light tug on his hoody, he looked down and saw a little boy about the age of four looking up at him like he was his saving grace
the kid was adorable that Kuroo couldn’t help but gush at him “hey buddy, what’s up?” he asks the kid, his tone higher that usual
“mishter, you be Akio’s dada?”
he was taken aback at how clear the boy spoke despite his age
“oh? and who is Akio?” he asks as he crutch down to the kid’s level
“me, Akio” the kid says and points his pointy finger at himself
Kuroo was sure that he was going to have a heart attack right there at how cute this little boy was
“where’s your dada then?” Kuroo asks as he wipes the little dirt on Akio’s face
“Akio don’t have dada, only mama” Akio pouts which alarmed Kuroo
“how ‘bout I get you to your mama first so you can tell her you want a dada alright?” Kuroo said, careful not to tell him that he can’t be his dad he lowkey wanted to be though
Akio nods silently and spreads his arms out “upchies?” he looks up at him, a small pout in his glossy eyes
it was a crime to say no to that face
Kuroo immediately picked up the boy and squished his left cheek
“Akio oh my god” the voice was clearly filled with worry as the two boys whipped their heads to the direction where the voice came from
and there you were, in your wide leg dress pants and turtle neck, race walking to their direction
Kuroo was frozen in his place, first of all, were you Akio’s mama? and second of all, holy shit you’re gorgeous
“you got your looks from your mama huh?” he says to the little boy
you stopped right in front of them and quickly bowed your head “oh my gosh I’m so sorry for the bother”
“oh not at all, he was really sweet” he says and scratches the back of his neck
you apologized again and attempted to take Akio from him, but he just shrugged your hands off
“no Akio wants dada” he says as he turns his back on you and rests his chin on Kuroo’s shoulder, encircling his arms on Kuroo’s neck
both of your eyes widen and you apologized profusely
“it’s really not big of the deal” he tries to reassure you
you both end up sitting in the park for a while as you talked about how his dad isn’t in the picture and that Kuroo was waiting for his best friend’s class to finish, when Kenma, your seatmate from a class, arrived, Akio still didn’t want to let go so you ended up having dinner with them and they had to drop you off to your house after
“thank you guys so much” you said as you waved them goodbye carrying Akio
Kuroo and Kenma drove off 
“hey, do you think I’m ready to be a dad?” Kuroo asks his best friend
“not in the slightest” 
“yeah, you’re right”
a few minutes of silence engulfed the two of them
“give me her number”
“apple pie”
safe to say that you had Kuroo Tetsuro in front of your door with flowers in his hands the next sunday
MSBY was having free volleyball tutorials for kids and Sakusa absolutely hated it.
he wasn’t fond of kids, even though he had to deal with three literally everyday -*coughs* atsumu *coughs* bokuto *coughs* hinata- they were loud and noisy and had complete disregard of hygiene, well most of them
he was thankful to his teammate as he was assigned to a duty where it doesn’t involved interacting with the kids too much
Bokuto was teaching a group of kids how to spike while Hinata and Atsumu was teaching the kids how to serve and recieve
Sakusa however was a distance away from them, looking out for kids trying to sneak out
he felt his hand slightly tingle so he reached for a hand sanitizer in the pocket of his jacket and squeezed some out at the palm of his hand
he was either being serious about his hand sanitizer or he was dozing off because manz literally jumped a few inches back when he felt someone tap his leg
he looked down and saw a little boy looking up at him
they had a staring contest for a good thirty seconds when the little boy reached pointed his finger at him
“Saksa Yoomi” he says in a serious voice
the spiker swears he felt his heart skip a beat when he heard the little boy say his name
he clears his throat and says “what do you want?” in a soft voice
the kid pointed at the hand sanitizer he was holding
“you want this?” he asks to make sure
The kid nods
Sakusa squeezes a small amount into his little hands, never in his life did he think that he would be smitten by a child, but here he is gushing over at a kid carefully rubbing his hands together
He might not show it, but his heart was aching at how adorable the kid looked
“what’s your name?” he asks
“Haru” the kid answers, fascinated at how his hands felt after applying sanitizer
“Haru!” Bokuto called the little boy
“Kou-kou!” the boy smiled happily, Bokuto ran towards them
“ahh I see you’ve found your idol” Bokuto chuckles while Sakusa looks at him strangely
“you’re his favorite Omi, right Haru?”
Haru nods shyly, a tint of grey coating his plump cheeks
“why don’t you show Omi your little skill hm?” Bokuto said as Haru nods and crutched down laying his hand flat on the ground and bending his wrist so far back, it looked like it was going to break, it was Sakusa’s signature warm up stretch
Manz was no doubt a hundred percent smitten right now, he was blushing in the back of his mask
“see? He even got your bendy hands” Bokuto let out a hearty laugh
“come on now Haru, your mom is going to be here any minute now” Bokuto said as he took Haru’s hand
“you know his mom?” Sakusa couldn’t help but ask
“yep, she’s my cousin” Bokuto said at the same time Atsumu appeared
“woah, didn’t know you had a married cousin Bokkun” he said while he crutched down and pinced Haru’s cheek
“Y/N? Y/N’s not married, she doesn’t even have a boyfriend” Bokuto says confused
Right off the bat, they knew what he was talking about
“Haru want Yoomi to be dada” the little boy timidly said which caught the attention of the three
“Haru no-“  Bokuto tried stopping Haru
“sure, I’ll be your dada” Sakusa says and picks up the little kid
Now we have a wide-eyed volleyball team, I mean, Sakusa willingly picked up a child? It was a sight to behold
They teased Sakusa for a bit but the spiker didn’t pay any attention and just focused on talking to Haru, the things he liked and the things he wants to do, making sure to take note of every single detail
Their conversation was cut off when Haru suddenly squeled “mama!” and pointed  at you, in your office attire and walking towards them
“I see you found your idol huh?” you asked your son and looked at the person holding him
“oh hey Sakusa!” you cheerfully greeted him
Sakusa swallowed thickly and said a simple “hey”
“wait, you guys know each other?” Bokuto asked, shocked
“yep, we met at your house-warming party Kou” you answered his question
You took Haru from him, who was already kinda dozing off
“well, I need to go now” you said and bid them goodbye
“wait” the spiker stopped you
“can you give me your number? I kinda scheduled some play dates with Haru, I didn't know he was your son i swear-” he asks, the tips of his ears red, mentally cursing himself out, he was telling the truth though
No wonder he was smitten by the child
You smiled at him greatfully and immediately took out you calling card case “here. It has my office and personal number in there, I’m looking forward to it and thank you Sakusa” you said genuinely, making him blush even more
You walked away, Haru in your arms sleeping soundly
“it looks like you got smitten by not only the momma but the baby as well” Atsumu teases
“I am not” manz blatantly lied
“you hugged me the morning after you guys hooked up in Bokkun’s new house's guest room Omi”
“shut up, and tell me where do I buy a sugar glider? Haru wants one”
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COSMIC - S1:E2; Chapter Two, The Weirdo On Maple Street - [Pt. 4 - FINAL]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘠/𝘯, 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴, 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯.
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|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
The three of us were invited to stay for dinner. Since there weren't enough chairs, they were kind enough to pull out an extra chair for me, so Dustin and I shared the end of the table, opposite Mrs. Wheeler. Nancy and I seemed to be the only kids who were eating.
"Thank you so much for letting us stay Mrs. Wheeler. The food is amazing!" I said, followed by another bite of mashed potatoes.
"You're very welcome, Y/n. And thank you." She said, with a kind smile.
She looked around and noticed the boys were just playing with their meatloaf.
"Something wrong with the meatloaf?" She asked.
"Oh, no, I had two bologna sandwiches for lunch," Dustin said a goofy smile on his face. There's a noticeable pause before he speaks again. "I don't know why." I breathe out a light chuckle and take another bite of mashed potatoes.
Lucas chuckles nervously. "Me, too."
"It's delicious, Mommy." Nancy bats her eyelashes and a quizzical look flashed across my face. I know that tactic. Hell, every kid knows that tactic, she wants something and she is trying to butter up her mom. But to see a Nancy of all people do that is almost laughable.
"Thank you, sweetie."
I look to Mike to gauge his reaction to his teenage sister's odd behavior towards their mom. I fight back a laugh when his actions closely resemble that of an adult in a movie who takes a drink of beer with a thousand-yard stare, trying to forget something said at that moment in time; only this time it's a glass of milk.
"So, there's this... special assembly thing tonight... for Will at the school field."
I furrow my brow in confusion and shock. 'Nancy is nice and all, but since when does she care about Will?' Then it dawned on me. I remember Mike complaining to us earlier about that "douchebag Steve Harrington" and how he and Nancy have been dating. And how he's been sneaking in and out of Nancy's room.
"Barb's driving."
My jaw clenches.
"Why am I just now hearing about this?"
'Because she wants to use my best friend's disappearance as an excuse to leave the house and suck face with her stupid boyfriend.'
"I thought you knew." She said, playing innocent. Mike and I look to each other knowingly and then at Nancy. Well, glaring was a better term for what I was doing.
"I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found."
"I know, I know, but it'd be super weird if I'm not there."
I half drop, have threw my silverware on the table in a mix of shock and frustration. When everyone turns and looks at me silently, I quickly play it off with a chuckle.
"Heh, sorry about that. Lost my grip. I'm just thirsty." I say with an innocent smile as I hold up my water, gesturing to it before taking a large gulp.
Everyone but the boys seem to buy it.
Nancy continued and I had to bite my lip so as to not say anything.
"As I was saying, everyone is going."
Mrs. Wheeler sighs and looks to us, then back at Nancy.
"Just... be back by 10:00."
Nancy nods, happy with herself.
"Why don't you take Mike and his friends, too?" She suggested. We all panicked and spoke at the same time.
"I have a headache" I finished weakly.
"Don't you think you should be there? For Will?"
The four of us all spot Eleven walking down the stairs behind Mrs. Wheeler.
Mike nearly chokes on his milk while I accidentally inhale my water and I begin to choke for real. Mrs. Wheeler turns to see what provoked us so much but the mix of Dustin randomly slamming his fists against the table a few times and me going into a coughing fit was enough to grab her attention.
She looked between the two of us in shock. During my horrendous coughing fit, I was relieved to see El had gotten out of sight.
"Sorry. Spasm." Dustin says sheepishly.
However, it was still incredibly awkward seeing as it was quiet as and everyone just stared at me while I coughed obnoxiously. The coughs got less violent to a point where I could speak.
"Ahh..." cough. "I'm okay... really, I" cough. I hold up a finger and cough for a few seconds. I look up, a painful and sheepish look on my face as I awkwardly try and diffuse the tension. "Don't you hate that. Like, what can you do, wash it down with water?" I look around laughing weakly, but not for long because my awkward chuckles turn into more coughing and I groan. "Haha, ahawww god." I put hands on my knees and take a breather.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"El?" Mike called down the stairs. Mike and I had were able to sneak some food downstairs for her. Thankfully we found her down here, she was in the fort that Mike had made for her, fiddling with Mike's Supercomm.
"Hi, El!" I say with a smile as I walk over and kneel down next to her. Mike does the same and sets down the tray of food. Dustin and Lucas remain standing.
"We brought you some dinner,"
"Yep. No adults. Just us and some meatloaf." Mike replies.
She looks to me, then warily to Dustin and Lucas.
"Don't worry. They won't tell anyone about you. They promise." I assure her in a gentle voice. I turn for them and give them a look. "Right guys?"
Dustin gives her a goofy smile. "We never would've upset you if we knew you had superpowers." I roll my eyes and Mike turns around and swats Dustin in the shin.
I look back to El.
"What my brother meant to say was, they were just scared... earlier. That's all."
Lucas speaks up. "We just wanted to find our friend." I turn around and smile warmly at Lucas, mouthing a 'thank you'. He's a great person, he's just skeptical is all. And protective. He nods his head at me. I look back at El to see her face riddled with confusion.
"'Friend'?" She asks.
"Yeah, friend. Will?"
"What is 'friend'?" She asks.
Lucas starts to say something but cuts himself off, thinking better of it.
"Um, a friend-" He begins.
"Is someone that you'd do anything for." Mike finished for him.
"You lend them your cool stuff, like comic books and trading cards," Dustin said, wistfully.
"And they never break a promise," Mike adds.
"Especially when there's spit."
"Spit?" She asked, looking concerned.
"A spit swear means..." Lucas spits into his palm and shakes Dustin's hand. "you never break your word. It's a bond."
I cringed, while Dustin looked at his hand in disgust. I turn back to El and smile.
"That's super important, because friends... they tell each other things. Things that parents don't know. A friend is someone you can trust completely."
She seems to be soaking up the information, then she looks at me and smiles.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
We had all convinced El to come out of her fort. The three boys were huddled together whispering and I joined El at the D&D table. In fact, she sat where Mike sat during the campaign and I subconsciously sat where Will did on that night.
Although I was a little surprised to see how focused she became. She gently spread her hands along the table, her fingers touching the board.
The three boys walk over. "What's the weirdo doing?" Lucas questions. I give him a glare, to warn him. He clears his throat and corrects himself. "Sorry. Eleven."
I smile, silently thanking him.
"El?" Mike asks. She had her eyes closed for a short while and suddenly she opens them. She grabs Will's signature miniature, the cleric. I hold my breath in anticipation.
"Will." She says.
"Superpowers." Dustin whispered. Lucas rolled his eyes and Mike sat down between me and El, and started asking the questions that were on all our minds.
"Did you see him? On Mirkwood? Do you know where he is?"
She set aside the cleric as I spoke up, my voice barely above a whisper.
"El?" She looks up at me. "Is there... is there anything, anything at all that you could tell us? Anything that you know about our friend?" I ask, my voice breaking. She gives me a sympathetic smile and clears the board by swiping her arm across the table. We all watch intently as she reaches forward and flips the board upside down.
We all stare at the board and then look to El as she grabs the cleric and slams it down in the center of the board. My stomach seems to drop in perfect sync with the miniature.
"I don't understand." Mike croaks.
The room is silent for a few moments as we stare at El, waiting for her response. "Hiding." Her voice came out in a whisper.
"W-Will is hiding?" I stammer.
She nods her head 'yes'.
My fingers subconsciously begin wringing together as I try and swallow all of this information.
"From the bad men?" Mike clarifies.
Her brows furrow ever so slightly as she shakes her 'no'. I take a deep breath.
"Then from who?"
She looks to her side and grabs another miniature, and places it next to the cleric. I let out a breath of air I didn't even know I was holding when I recognized the dreaded piece. We all look around to each other, a look of horror on our faces. Dustin puts his hands behind his head and I put my head in my hands as I try not to panic.
It was the Demogorgon.
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