#like. why would u honk at someone... for... that??
britneyshakespeare · 2 months
i was crying in front of a sidewalk tonight and someone in a passing car asked to me through their window "you alright?" honestly didnt even know what they expected
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dawnisatotalqueen · 7 months
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title: promise
character: steven hyde x reader
warnings: alcohol use, marijuana use, mentions of virginity, mentions of assault, cursing, semi frequent use of l/n (last name), zen masters (jackie x hyde) if u squint
summary: when you met the boys, you made a promise to never date any of them. though this gets harder and harder to follow as you all get older and more attractive.
disclaimer: i do not support danny masterson in any way, shape, or form. i just have an attachment to hyde </3
word count: 2972
part two
You were a maneater. At least, that’s what your friends said and you didn’t necessarily disagree. In your mere 17 years of life, you had accumulated nearly 30 boyfriends. In a town like Pointplace, there weren’t very many eligible bachelors, and it didn’t help that you swore off dating the hottest one.
Years prior, at the very beginning of middle school, when you had met Kelso, Foreman, and Hyde, you made a promise. You promised to yourself, and to them, that you would never date them. You enjoyed their company a lot, which is exactly why you didn’t want to risk dating any of them.
Naturally, as time progressed and Fez joined the group, he was included in the group of boys you wouldn’t date, though in all honesty, you probably never would have dated him regardless.
As you got older, you had started to ever so slightly regret your promise because as you got older, so did the boys, and oh boy, was one of them hot.
Hyde was gorgeous and exactly your type. But did you think Hyde was hot because he was your type, or did you think he was hot because he set the standard for your type? The world may never know.
To put those feelings aside, you upped the ante on your dating game. You were the most “desirable” out of your friend group except for maybe Donna or Jackie. You dated jocks, nerds, stoners, and basically any other clique in your high school.
That led you to now, walking into Eric Foreman’s basement, which is where you usually were, waiting for a guy to show up for a date.
You wore a pretty black dress and your signature green bomber jacket.
Donna was the first to look over, whistling with a grin. “Damn! You look great.”
Jackie looked over, gasping a little and pushing up off of Kelso to rush over to you. “That dress is gorgeous!! Much better than what you usually wear.” She looked over the dress.
You giggled at the backhanded compliment. It was something you were used to with Jackie, and you found it endearing. “Thanks! Got it just for the date. Definitely keeping it, though.”
Hyde raised a brow. “You don’t usually dress up for dates. Must really like the guy, huh?” You didn’t notice it then, but he shifted uncomfortably, his posture tensing.
“Damn it!! Stupid lucky guy, getting (L/N) to dress up all nice for him..” Kelso crossed his arms over his chest, pouting.
“At least we get to be blessed with the sight.” Fez sighed happily.
“I don’t know, I don’t really like him.” You shrugged. “He’s just takin’ me somewhere fancy, figured it was the least I could do.”
“Well, you look great. Hope you have fun.” Donna got up, patting you on the back.
“Thanks!! I’ll swing by after, yeah?”
“We’ll leave the door unlocked.” Eric commented, smiling.
“Great!” You heard a honk outside. “That’s my queue. Cya!” You grinned, heading out the door.
Hyde rolled his eyes, or, that’s what everyone assumed. It was a little hard to tell with the glasses. “Doesn’t even have the decency to knock, and she’s giving this guy a shot?” He scoffed.
“Someone sounds jeaaalouusss!!” Kelso snickered.
“I’m not jealous. I just think (L/N) could do better than some dude who can’t even knock on the door.”
“It’s okay if you’re jealous, Hyde! I mean, she’s going out with a popular jock. It makes sense you’d feel insecure.” Jackie returned to her spot next to Kelso.
“Why would I care?”
“It’s obvious you guys have a little back and forth thing.” Jackie giggled.
Donna hummed, leaning against the couch. “I figured you guys would’ve at least made out by now.”
Hyde scoffed. “Never gonna happen. She literally swore off ever dating me, Foreman, and Kelso.”
“Is that all that’s stopping you?” Eric raised a brow.
“No.” Hyde was almost too quick to answer. What he didn’t say was that he thought you were out of his league. He was a teenage dirtbag, and while you were their friend, you also were more of a social floater than anything. You dated jocks and the most popular guys in school. He’d be stupid to think you could ever be interested in dating him..
It had been a couple of hours since you left, and everyone had sort of faded out. Eric retreated upstairs to his room, heading to bed, and everyone else had returned to their respective houses.. Everyone except for Hyde, that is, as he had found himself recently staying in the Foreman’s basement after an incident with his Mom.
He lounged on the couch, taking a puff from a blunt that he had rolled when he heard the door open.
You stumbled in, reeking of cheap booze. More importantly, though, you had visibly been crying. Your mascara left streaks down your face, and your nose was red and puffy.
“What happened?” Hyde sat up straight, stiffening. Did that guy hurt you? He would kick his ass if he hurt you–
“That guy was a douche.” You huffed. “Got me drunk, then tried to get laid.” You wobbled over to the couch, sitting next to him. You held out your hand, and Hyde got the message, passing you the blunt.
“Did he hurt you?”
You shook your head. “Pushed him off.” You deeply inhaled the smoke before blowing it out, sighing. “Sucks. Used to it, but it sucks.”
“You’re used to it?” He stared at you, a little bewildered.
“Most guys get pissy when I won’t sleep with them.” You kicked off your heels, leaning back. “Don’t wanna lose my virginity to some guy I don’t even like.. Is that bad?” You looked at him, frowning.
“That’s not a bad thing.” He pushed a piece of your hair out of your face. “Plenty of people wanna save it for someone special. Like the whole til marriage shit.” He shrugged.
“Guess so..” You looked down before smiling, nudging him. “Why can’t every guy be as nice as you?”
He raised a brow. “You think I’m nice?”
“Yeahh!” You grinned, your slurring words the evidence of the alcohol still in your system. “In your own way. Liike, you may not act like it, but I think you care about everyone. At least a little. Like when you took Jackie to prom! Or now, you’re comforting me after a shitty date.”
“If you keep goin’ you’re gonna make my ego big.” He snickered.
You smiled, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Shut upp.. Point iss, you’re super sweet in your own way, and that’s what mattersss..”
He wrapped his arm around you. “You flatter me too much.”
After you didn’t respond, he looked over and realized you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He sighed a little, propping you up and then picking you up. He took you to his room, laying you down on his bed and tucking you in.
He sat down next to you, watching you for a second. You looked so completely and utterly peaceful. He let out a breath before standing up.
Was your promise all that was stopping him from pursuing you?
He stood still for a second before heading to the door and flipping off the light. “Night, doll.”
You were very confused when you woke up the next morning, and you were in Hyde’s bed. You were still in the same clothes from the night before, and there was no evidence that anyone else had been in bed with you, so you felt pretty confident that you didn’t sleep together.
You scooted off of the mattress, getting up and peeking your head out the door. You didn’t see anyone in the basement, so you figured it must’ve been earlier in the day. You walked around, spotting a blanket on the couch, and you figured Hyde must’ve slept on it. But, he was nowhere to be found.
You decided to head upstairs and hopefully wash your face, maybe even get a change of clothes that Laurie left behind.
When you opened the door to the basement, you hissed a little upon seeing that the Foreman family were all sitting around the table, eating breakfast like the classic sitcom family.
You turned around, trying to tiptoe down the hallway when the floor board underneath you squeaked. You hissed, turning around when you heard Kitty’s voice behind you. “Y/N? Is that you? This early in the morning?”
You turned around, smiling awkwardly. “Ah.. Yeah, sorry. I um– I let myself in.”
Kitty gasped a little, getting up from her chair. “Goodness! You look awful!”
You assumed she was referencing your tear smudged makeup. “Yyyeah.. Rough night.”
“Let me get you cleaned up.” She put a hand on your shoulder, ushering you through the hall.
That left the boys in the kitchen. Red looked at Hyde, raising a brow. “You slept on the couch last night.
Hyde paused. “Yup.” He shoved a bite of his food in his mouth.
“Did she stay over?” Red leaned back in his chair, eyeing the curly haired boy.
Eric whistled lowly. “Dang, Hyde. Maybe Jackie was right about you being jealous.”
Hyde rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t like that. She had a crappy date and passed out. I didn’t wanna wake her up just to make her leave.”
Red looked at him for a second before raising his brows. “Well, that was nice. But you two really need to stop letting random kids crash here.” He cringed.
Meanwhile, you were in the bathroom with Kitty. You washed your face, looking at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were a little swollen, but it was nothing major. You sighed a little before Kitty spoke. “I’ll get some clothes from Laurie’s room for you to change into. I can wash your clothes for you.”
You smiled at her, nodding. “That’d be appreciated, thank you.” You took off your jacket, handing it to her.
She smiled at you, taking your jacket before freezing when she saw your wrists.
You hadn’t realized it, but the jackass that you went on a date with had left bruises on you when he was trying to get handsy.
“Did.. Someone..” Kitty trailed off.
“No! No, no. Nothing like that. I, uh, I pushed him off of me.” You reassured her.
She frowned. “Oh, dear.. That had to have been hard.”
You looked to the side, frowning a little. “...Yeah.”
She put a hand on your shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Well, you’re safe now. And you’ll have clean clothes soon enough.” She smiled, heading out the door and getting you some clothes.
Laurie’s clothes were comfortable. Kitty got you a pretty simple tank top and some pajama pants, which you didn’t mind. She told you she’d let you know when your clothes were clean, so you made your way down to the basement. It had been about an hour since you had seen Hyde and Eric since you took a shower during that time.
The usual group had gathered in the basement during that time, watching something stupid on TV. You made your way down the stairs, running a hand through your hair.
You casually walked over, sitting on the arm of the couch, putting you next to Kelso and Jackie. Only then did everyone realize you were there.
“Hey (L/N)!” Donna grinned, raising a teasing eyebrow. “How was your hot date–” She paused when she saw your appearance. Slightly swollen eyes and bruised wrists were the first thing to stand out.
“Jeez! You look awful!” Jackie looked over at you, and you couldn’t help the giggle that came out. She sounded just like Kitty.
You hummed. “The date was shit, but it’s cool. Didn’t really like the guy anyway, and I got free food.” You shrugged it off.
Hyde watched you, his eyes drifting down your body before they landed on your wrists. He didn’t see that the night before. You really did have to fight off that douche-bag.
Donna got up from where she was next to Eric, going to the back of the couch and hugging you. “Aw.. I’m sorry, babe. You can do better anyway.”
“Like Hyde said yesterday, you could do way better than a guy who honks!” Fez hummed, nodding to himself.
You blinked, looking in Hyde’s direction, seeing him shrug. “It’s true.”
You could feel your cheeks heat up, and your eyes soften, but before you could dwell on the butterflies in your stomach, you heard a honk from outside. You all paused, and Eric looked in your direction. “Do you have another date?”
You shook your head, getting up off the couch. “Who could that be?” You went to the door, opening it and going up the outside stairs, spotting a familiar car. “..Oh god.”
The guy you had gone out with the day before got out of his car, spotting you. “(Y/N)-- Can we talk?”
You grimaced, crossing your arms. “Why?”
You could hear your friends gathering up behind you as you walked up the driveway.
“Listen, I get kind of weird when I’m drunk, I didn’t mean to be so pushy.” The boy frowned, looking down at you.
You grumbled, rolling your eyes. “And I suppose you didn’t mean to ditch me and make me walk home too then?”
“You had to walk here?” Before you knew it, Hyde was by your side, looking at you.
You looked at him, frowning a little before shrugging. “Yeah. It’s–”
“Please, just– just give me another chance.” The boy stepped closer to you, trying to grab your shoulders.
Hyde stepped between you, pushing the guy away by his chest. “I think you’ve done enough.”
“And who do you think you are?” The guy stood up straight, getting in Hyde’s face.
“I’m her friend. And I don’t appreciate how you treated her.”
“Well, frankly, I think it’s none of your business how I treat her.”
“It kind of is when she busts into my basement crying.”
“Don’t be dramatic. I was just trying to have some fun.” The guy rolled his eyes. “And the bitch was basically asking for it with that dress–”
Hyde punched him, and he held his bleeding nose. The guy growled, throwing a punch at Hyde, and before you knew it, they were fighting. You squeaked, reaching your hand out. “H– hey there’s no need to fight it’s fine–”
The guy elbowed you. Right in the eye.
You hissed, holding your face. “Fuck–”
Hyde looked between you and the guy for a split second before he nailed his knee into his stomach. “You’d seriously fucking hit a chick?! What is wrong with you?!”
The guy coughed, holding his stomach and backing up toward his car, hurrying in.
“Yeah, screw off!” Hyde called after him, looking over to you.
Donna and Jackie rushed over to you, Donna, holding your shoulders. “O– ow shit– How bad is it?” You moved your hand off of your eye.
Jackie hissed. “Yikes. That’s gonna bruise. But it’s okay!! I have some absolutely great makeup that’ll cover it up, no problem!”
You giggled a little through the pain. “Ah, I don’t think that’s my biggest concern–” You looked in Hyde’s direction. “Are you okay?”
You and Hyde were left alone in the basement as the others were grabbing some stuff to help with your current conditions. Donna and Eric were getting an ice pack, Jackie was getting her makeup, and Kelso and Fez… Well, they were doing something.
You held a warm washcloth, dabbing at the little cuts and bruises on Hyde’s face. It was one of the few times you had seen him without his glasses for such a long period of time.
Once you were done, you sighed, smiling at him. “Y’know, you don’t need to get into fights for me.”
Hyde leaned back. “What? For you? Nah, the guy just had a very punchable face.”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Right, right, my bad.”
He straightened up a little, clearing his throat. “Well, uh, are you good? I mean, that guy said some pretty nasty things..”
You shrugged a little, looking down. “I’m all good. He’s not the first guy to react like that to me rejecting them. He is the first guy to give me a black eye though.”
At the mention of your black eye, Hyde leaned forward, pushing your hair out of your face and oh so carefully touching your cheek. “Does it hurt?”
You stared at him, your breath hitching. “A little.”
He seemed to take in the fact that the two of you were mere inches away. He swallowed, looking down at you. “(L/N).. I uh.. I didn’t like that you went out with that guy.”
“What?” You furrowed your brows. “Why? Because he was like– a douche?”
“I mean, yeah, but I think it was ‘cause I uh…” He licked his lips. “I might, uh..”
Before he could say what he had on his mind, Donna and Eric made their way down the stairs, and you and Hyde quickly scooted away from each other.
Donna handed you the ice pack, and you pressed it to your eye, hissing a little.
“Jackie will be back with her makeup pretty soon, but I’d suggest not putting it on at least until the swelling goes a little down.” Donna hummed.
“Yeah, she–” Eric had started to go on a ramble about something, but you weren’t paying attention. Your eyes were on Hyde, who had casually gone back to his chair, acting as if your moment didn’t happen.
Was he going to say he liked you? What would that mean for your relationship? You were attracted to him, you had to admit, but did you like him?
Should you break your promise? 
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mysicklove · 9 months
do you think whenever reader is driving with yuuji in the car and gets honked at someone from behind, yuuji flips off the car with his little middle finger because that’s what big bro sukuna told him to do?
LOLOLOL yuuji goes through a phase where he flips everyone off bc sukuna told him it is another way to say i love you. he flips off his entire preschool class and Mr. Nanami has to call and talk to u about it :/.
so idk if he would, i think he would be like "thats not nice." or "why are we getting beeped at?" not a hateful bone in his little body
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atsushi akutagawa lucy and junichiro road trip thing that i sometimes think about
atsushi and junichiro are talking about how much theyd wanna go on a vacation, ya know things have been happening and its getting tired
anyway they're talking as they head to the cafe where lucy is and lucy's like "ive always wanted to go on a road trip" and atsushi and junichiro are like thats genius
anyway so they rent a car and pack their bags and atsushi wants to invite someone else but he doesn't wanna make things awkward for junichiro and lucy, who dont know that person that well
but obviously his besties would know him well so they plan for a fourth person anyway and end up contacting somehow gin to ask where her brother would like to visit (to add on to their map) and if she could invite him for them and gin's like my brothers not gonna do that so ill just send u a bag with his stuff and ask chuuya to request some time off on his behalf
and on the day theyre leaving, junichiro and lucy tell atsushi that akutagawa is gonna join them too and atsushi is ecstatic
"you really asked him??"
"well... no"
akutagawa, wandering around, wondering why his stuff is missing, gin is laughing at him, and chuuya requested time off for him and a car pulls up next to him and junichiro lucy and atsushi are like "get in loser we're going on a road trip"
and when he's like "what? no." they just kidnap him anyway
the first person who drives is junichiro - someone honks at him and yells at him in road rage and he bursts into tears
the second person who drives is akutagawa, it's only atsushi's holding on to him that stops him from murdering the person who cut in front of him
the third person is atsushi
atsushi doesn't cry or get angry becuz he's been taught by kunikida and dazai
atsushi however is taught by kunikida and dazai and he is a combination of their driving skills so in short terms: he's horrible
he drives so fast akutagawa uses rashomon to keep himself, junichiro and lucy in the car
when he parks junichiro has to bolt out to throw up
lucy isn't even moving thats how horrific his driving is
lucy on the other hand is a really good driver but she's not used to driving on the left side
horrific driving from all four aside
whoever's upfront chooses the music and they all change their seats frequentally
akutagawa listens to classical music becuz idk goth vampire
junichiro listens to top 40s becuz its an easy choice
lucy listens to american music becuz she's american idk
atsushi listens to a horrific combination of all that and also whatever anyone in the agency has sent him
they switch seats pretty often so everyone gets a chance to sit with everyone
junichiro and atsushi on the front is filled with them happily exchanging stories meanwhile akutagawa and lucy in the back talk shit about atsushi being oblivious
akutagawa and lucy in the front is them yelling and cursing the other drivers junichiro and atsushi in the back is quietly looking out the window, relaxing
junichiro and akutagawa in the front is talking about what songs they wanna listen to and other such conversation and lucy and atsushi in the back is happily talking about how theyd never have gotten to this before -> trauma dumping
junichiro and akutagawa in the back is awkward silence and lucy and atsushi in the front is screaming songs at the top of their lungs
akutagawa and atsushi together front or back make lucy and junichiro feel like the third wheels
anytime akutagawa gets sulky they scream songs on the top of their lungs into his ear to annoy him
anyway its all of them having fun being silly and teasing each other
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blubffsd · 2 years
Hi baby! I want to make a request. (If that's okay with you)
Can you do something with Kylian where the reader asks him yo break up for like a few days because her two best friends are heartbroken, and she wants to "support" them. He at first is kind of mad, but then when she explains the situation, he's laughing and making jokes about it.
Pretty, pretty, please 🥹💜
summary: where the reader wants to break up with Kylian to support her heartbroken friends.
note: thank u so much for requesting this, is so original and i loved it!! <3 hope u like it
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Not less than two weeks ago, Leah (one of your best friends) came to your house crying telling you that her boyfriend for two years cheated on her with a co-worker. You really felt bad for her, since your friend was really in love that man and your heart broke to see her so badly.
During those days you and Camille, another of your best friends, comforted Leah and supported her so she could get over what happened.
But now Camille wasn't going to be very helpful since her boyfriend broke up with her, saying that he was insecure because he knew that she deserved someone better, which was completely lie, because you found out he had got a job in another city and didn't want to leave and move with your friend.
Now you three were sitting on your couch with a lot of ice cream watching "Five Feet Apart" while your friends were crying badly.
You heard the door open and you got up quickly to go and meet your boyfriend Kylian, who smiled at seeing you and wrapped you in a hug.
—I thought you'd come later, Ky.
—I should, now Achraf thinks I'm coming looking for my wallet, but I just came to see you. The girls are still here?
—Yes, they're in the living room.
Your boyfriend nodded and kissed you quickly, after whispering a "I love you" ran out of your house because of Hakimi's honking, because they were 40 minutes late for a friend's birthday.
You came back into your living room watching your friends cry much more than before, but they were no longer watching tv, now Camille had a picture of you and Kylian in her hands, in which you were in front of the Eiffel Tower, while your boyfriend was hugging you from behind kissing your cheek and you were smiling directly at the camera.
—You two are so fucking cute, Y/N. I'm jealous.
—Thank you, i guess.
Leah dry his tears and hugged one of the cushions of your couch, looking proud at you.
—It's good to know that one of us it's not miserable right know.
Camille nodded and left the photo above the shelf where she found it and try not to sobbe again.
You felt really bad for them and insulted yourself internally for not thinking about how bad they would feel when they saw all your photos with your partner everywhere while they cried for being single again.
—All right, so much crying for today. Y/N will contract the fever of sadness and failed loves if she keeps seeing us suffer.
Leah laughed a little and took her stuff and Camille did it too, both of them left your house thanking you for being there always.
You felt guilty watching your two best friends suffer for their ex-boyfriends while you were extremely happy with your relationship with Kylian.
You knew that had to be there for them and support them in the best way possible. And the only way you could think of at that moment was to accompany them in their pain, literally.
You waited until your boyfriend came home to talk to him about what you wanted to do.
You jumped in your seat when you felt the door to your house open, you saw Kylian smiling as he walked towards you.
—Amour, why haven't you gone to bed yet? It's late.
Your boyfriend took off his coat and headed for the stairs, expecting you to come with him.
—Can you sit here for a moment? We need to talk.
You saw how the expression on his face changed to a worried one and without saying a word he sat down next to you.
—We have to break up.
Kylian looked at you stunned, waiting, searching your face for any indication that you were lying and it was another of your jokes.
—I don't understand. Why? What happened? A few hours ago everything was fine, did I say something when I left that you didn't like? I did something?
—It's just that Camille and Leah are sad.
—Are they sad and want you to break up with me?
—No! It's that they are suffering and I don't want them to feel worse.
—And why the fact that we are together would make them feel worse?
You looked at him completely frustrated that he didn't understand what you meant.
—If you want to break up with me you could have at least thought of a credible reason.
—Listen to me, okay? Camille and Leah broke up with their boyfriends a few days ago and I want to support them by suffering with them.
Your boyfriend was silent for a few seconds and then he burst out laughing, he was even crying with laughter and you didn't understand why.
—Did you hear what did you say?
Kylian kept laughing for a few more minutes while you looked at him with crossed arms, not understanding what was funny.
—Why are you laughing? I'm being serious.
Your boyfriend tried to stay serious so you wouldn't get upset anymore but it was impossible.
—How would you feel if one of my friends broke up with his girlfriend and I broke up with you to feel the pain together?
You felt your cheeks turn red from the shame you felt, why did you think it was reasonable to do that?
—Oh my God, I'm so stupid.
Kylian burst out laughing again and you started laughing too.
—God, I love you so much even though you don't use even two neurons of your brain.
—Shut up, I thought it was okay to do it to understand how they felt.
—You could have listened to sad songs, watched movies, I don't know, many things, but break up with me? Did you want to feel the pain personally?
Your partner started laughing out loud for the third time and you knew it was going to be like that for a long time.
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—Amour, did you know that Hakimi's wife is pregnant again?
You listened to your boyfriend while you were lying down hugging each other about to sleep.
—I didn't knew, I'm so happy for them.
Your boyfriend gave you a fleeting glance letting out little giggles.
—What happened?
Kylian cleared his throat, stopping laughing to stare at you trying to stay serious.
—I just thought you might want to join her in happiness by making a baby, you know, like with Camille and Leah.
He start laughing AGAIN and you couldn't take it anymore.
—I hate you so much.
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note: this isn't even funny 💔 i did my best i swear
tags: @tlk-duskwood
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snowywolf1005 · 13 days
@ruanime34 : It's hard to pick just one, but my mind will probably like more wholesome young ASL x mother reader. @snowywolf1005 Or what if girls like Hancock who love her sons try to impressed the mother reader but they always fail ( ps the mother reader now her some of sons love someone)
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You got it! But let make it a real life, like the brothers go to school together.
Your son's is at school. You got a break from makino Restaurant. You live above the restaurant. It's an apartment.
As you sit on the table, staring at the person across the table from you. The person smiles awarded by your look of your eyes of bored holes into the soul.
It made you very sick when the person tried to be kind, and that person was none other than boa hancock. The most beautiful woman of the world.
Why are you angry at her? Oh, right, she's asking for your son's hand in marriage. YOUR SON, WHO WAS BARELY EVEN AN ADULT!!!! Luffy, she's talking about.
You're a single mother with three sons. You did good, take care of them, they grown into quite handsome you're proud of.
You knew about her reputation as being the most beautiful woman and having both men and women alike swoon over her, but you would not budge.
You had always felt that for one to be beautiful, beauty had to shine from inside first. Despite how angry you were at Hancock, you didn't want to harm her. She was a friend of Luffy's, and Luffy had all types of friends, and you weren't going to interfere.
However, Luffy had already rejected Hancock's proposal many times before. This changed things. It bothered you that an adult woman who was known for rejecting every man and woman would swoon over your teenage son.
"U-um... M-Ms. (Y/N)... would you... p-p-please... l-l-l-l-let me... m-m-ma..." Great, now she began to stutter out the question again.
You could hear her sisters Sandersonia and Marigold cheering her on, calling you a stingy old witch who couldn't rival her in beauty.
Are you gonna let hancock marry luffy? No. You knew her true nature, and before Hancock would blush feverishly from asking you to let her marry Luffy, you interrupted.
"No." You said.
Hancock face now all scrunched with in hate. "AND WHY NOT!! YOU OLD WOMEN?! DON'T YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO?! LET ME MARRY YOUR SON!! I HAVE RIGHT!! I'M BEAUTIFUL!" hancock scream.
You sighed, "like I said. No. You're not married. My son. don't make me say it twice, I am not swayed by your beauty. That is nothing but conventional. Plus, you're too old for him. What's the media going to say about a thirty year old supermodel desperate for a teenage boy?" You ask.
"I'M TWENTY NINE!" She yelled, "Well, close enough..." You said. "EXCUSE ME!! HOW DARE YOU, YOU SCUM!" She yelled at you.
But you grabbed her shirt, which cost a lot of money to impress luffy, closer to you. In the look of fear of hancock looking at your eyes, like the prey is about to get killed by other prey.
"Have you gotten who you are talking to? I'm a single mother with three sons whom I'm very proud of. and if you want me as a potential mother-in-law, the first thing you wouldn't do is look down on me. You've done nothing but make my answer more solid and confirmed." You said,
She dramatically turned around, eyes big and doe-like with beautiful black hair swishing around her. You could've sworn that there were sparkles on her skin, too.
Then nyon came to stop the argument, "I am sorry." Elder Nyon said, made surprise you.
"I am truly sorry for Hancock's behavior. I understand that you are not happy with her proposal, and it is wrong to try and force the boy into something he didn't want at such a young age. I will not bother you again, and i will try to see to it that hancock will not bother you either." She said, you agree, but hancock refuses.
But you told her, you can't accept cause luffy is just a teenager and she has find a other man. And they left,
Not even five seconds later, you heard the honking of a car and groaned, the migraine in your head getting progressively worse. However, you slowly began to sit up as you heard a familiar chorus of cheers and whoops.
A big smile was plastered on your face, and you felt the incoming migraine fade. Kicking open the door, it was Luffy and his friends, the "Strawhat gang" as they called themselves. They all filed in, each smiling at along with a chorus of greetings.
The gang says hi to you. "Hey, mom!" said Luffy, already chewing on some of the food. You smiled brightly and went over to your youngest son, brushing back a strand of (h/c) hair. You didn't want to admit it, but you did spoil Luffy a little.
"Hi sweetie, where are your brothers? I didn't see them here earlier. Do you know where they went?" You asked, hugging Luffy. You let go once he brought up his hand to his head.
"What do you mean, mom? They're right over there." He said, jabbing his thumb towards the living room where you saw Sabo and Ace smiling at you sheepishly.
"Since you boys get here? You got me so worried!" You said, Ace tumbled over a bit in laughter as Sabo had a sweet smile on his face. "Mom, we've been here ever since we got back from school. There was no practice today." He said, grinning mischievously.
You realized that they had listened in on every word between you and Hancock. "Oh. Let's not talk about it. What you just heard, okay? " sabo and Ace nodded.
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abs-2020 · 1 year
Captain John price x (fem) reader
~Aye Aye sir~
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Summary: a new and alluring man unexpectedly moves in next door to you his hulking frame and calm nature drawing you in..
Warnings:(nothing too serious yet) masturbation/explicate images/detailed images/almost getting ran over???
A/U: I didn’t really know what to title this but I’m if anyone has a better suggestion let me know? This is definitely going to have multiple parts tho.. and possibly Simon Riley.
Your heart was pounding and your chest thumping as sweat ran from your forehead trickling down to your cleavage. Each breath you took was quick and sharp as music blasted in your ears. Each step you took light and swift. You were running, a nice and peaceful morning run. And your body felt like it was beaming with pride and joy each step of the way. This was your favorite part of the day. A morning run. They were always peaceful, long, and never interrupted.
Of course that was until you were making your way across the street only to be met with the sound of screeching tires and a honking horn.
A gasp would leave your throat as you jumped back from a giant silver Ford F150 truck. Salty sweat dripped into your eyes as your heart now raced 10x more than before.
Anger would flash across your eyes in a shimmer as your face contorted with the emotion.
“Asshole!” You’d shout as your brow furrowed.
Anger would swell inside of you, the powerful emotion caused you to slam your fist against the hood of the truck as you started into the sunglasses of the driver. He looked unfazed his plump lower lip pressed into a hard line, the top one hidden beneath what you had to sadly admit to yourself was a ‘killer beard’. You’d shake your head again.
“Watch where you’re going you dumbass!” You’d shout again.
With that you’d flip the driver off one last time before feeling pleased enough to continue your run with a shake of your head.
The slam of a car door and the click of a lock fillyour ears as you struggld to carry all of your groceries in your arms. A small grunt would push its way past your lips as you balanced evening in your arms. You looked like what you could only imagine to be a cartoon character and it had you cringing on the inside as you held onto a carton of eggs with your chin praying to god that ‘they don’t fall and crack open’
You’d squeeze your eyes shut for a moment and sigh
“God damn it..” but you’d quickly shake your head and make your way to your front door. If all of this was going to fall it might as well fall while you’re trying to get it to your DAP(distant aiming point).
“Aye, let me help ya with that why don’t cha?”
The accent of what you could only imagine to be a British babebrute filled your ears. Hastily you looked to the left and right of you only to hear a ‘panty dropping’ chuckle.
Whoever was behind you was probably new, someone who’d just moved into the right next to you area you though to yourself. Either that or he’s stayed hidden for a long time.
“At your six love~”
Your eyebrows would shoot up at the name ‘love?’ Your quickly ignore the heat growing in your lower abdomen at the foreign nickname and shake your head. ‘It’s probably a British thing.’ You told yourself.
With a sign you’d turn around. Your grip on your groceries tighter than before. You weren’t 100% when it came to military stuff or knowledge but you knew enough to know what ‘six’ meant. You’d paint a smile on your lips as you turned around to face the new Britain behind you.
“Uh yeah, some help would be nic-“
Your mouth would drop into the shape of an ‘o’ as you can face to face with the man in front of you.
You’d shout as your brows furrowed at the realization of who the man in front of you was. And he seemed to catch on just as quickly because his eyes widened in realization as he took a small step backwards. And if you were totally honest the small step backwards didn’t help much, because this guy was huge, massive even. His shoulders were wide wide enough to block anything else behind him whistle he stood in front of you. his arms and pecks seemed to bulge out of the way to small grey shirt he was wearing. And you wouldn’t even get started on his forearms, But it wasn’t only his muscle mass, ‘oh god no’ you thought to yourself it was also his height. A good ‘6ft something’ you thought to yourself as you all but oogled(eye fucked) the man in front of you.
And he seemed to notice, a certain tilt of his head and an observant glint in his eyes all but told you he did. He noticed your wandering eyes. He didn’t saying anything though.
Quickly you’d contain yourself and furrow your brows even more your lips twisting into a frown.
“you, you are the idiotic asshole that almost ran me over this morning because your dull ass must’ve been to blind to see me!” You glare up at the bearded brute “either that or you just drive like old people fuck, and that’s bad.”
The Britain’s eyes would widen at your words his mouth falling into a small ‘o’ the expression quickly turning into a faint smirk. You would’ve missed it if you weren’t looking at his lips. Again the Britain would chuckle, sending more heat to your lower abdomen. You’d internally curse yourself for having that kind of reaction to the man that almost ran you over this morning.
His smirk would turn into a smile his facial hair covering most of the upright curve of his lips, it would’ve been hard to miss but his eyes, ‘god his eyes’ you thought to yourself. They were so full of emotion and expression. The little creases that formed around his eyes as he smiled almost melted your heart. Almost..
“Well, I’ll take that as a no then eh?” The brute would make an ‘oh well’ gesture as he casually pivoted to the right and made his merry way back to wherever the hell he came from.
Reality would finally kick in as your anger quickly subsided and turned into regret watching the Brute Britain walk away. Now you had to show how manage to hold all these groceries while you got the house key from your pocket and then above all that some how manage to open the front door.
All by yourself.
Now you were the idiot.
You would be lying to yourself if you didn’t believe or think that the Britain(next door) was the most beautiful and drop dead gorgeous man you’d ever seen. You’d be an idiot to deny that fact. Downright stupid, so when your fingers started to fiddle with the elastic waistband of your underwear who could blame you? You sure as hell wouldn’t blame yourself. ‘Sure he almost ran me over.’ You though to yourself as your fingers slipped under the elastic fabric and started to inch they’re way to your little bundle of nerves. Slowly, inch by inch, tantalizingly. Images of the brute flashed in your mind a small gasp leaving your throat when the small pads of your fingers finally touched your clit.
You’d bite your lip at the image played out in your head. It wasn’t you touching you, it was him. The British brute. His thick and what you could imagine calloused and rough fingers rubbing slow and tantalizing circles on your clit while his other hand went to rub the tent forming in his black sweats. His deep azul eyes staring right into your pleading one’s, watching, observing every little reaction that came from you. Your face contorting, lips twitching in pleasure, eyebrows furrowing, watching how fast your chest rises and falls, the way your toes curl, hell he even went as far as to listen in on every peep you made so he knew exactly what to do. that’s what the military trained him to do.
Well you could only imagine and assume he was former or still in the military. There was no doubt about it. You’d been around enough military men to know when you see one. For better or for worse…
A small moan would leave your throat at the scene playing out in your head your fingers making quick and needy circles as your hips bucked up into your own hand and your thighs began to tremble. Your chest would rise and fall your breaths heaving as you tried to bite your lip to keep yourself quiet. Getting closer and closer to your wanted high.
His shoulders were huge, wide, and firm. He took up your whole view. He took up everything. He was all you could see, smell, or focus on. And his forearms were no different, his forearms were massive. You watched each muscle contract as his fingers danced around your clit his veins protruding in the most slutry way.
“Yeah that’s right love, come undone with just my fingers. Look and see what I can do to ya.”
Another moan would leave your throat, you were just about to hit your high.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes,-“ you whispered only to be interrupted by 3 harsh knocks on your door.
A/N: sorry I haven’t been writing as much I do apologize, but I hope this will suffice for a bit. This is supposed to be like a series for THIS little “short fic/Drabble” of mine since y’all said you wanted more. Anyways uh I hope you enjoy. :) <3
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rollingubeomgyu · 1 year
willingly | csc
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synopsis: late night talks with seungcheol are your most intimate; and vulnerable, times with him. letting out feelings to him after a long day at work, after a drink with you and his members. as members of the idol industry, your boyfriend is ready to do whatever it takes to keep him and you together, even when the spotlight is placed on both of you. pairing: idol!seungcheol x idol!gn!reader genre: fluff with a sorta angsty topic? LMAO wc: 458 words a/n: thought of this while listening to kiss me better by rihanna,, hope u enjoy
you walk around the empty playground, kicking the sand beneath your feet at some times. as seoul’s cold air passes through your figure and hair, you stand still, gazing at the night sky above you.
you feel time fly as you hear the revving of cars and their honking in the distance. it feels like nothing has happened as you sit down on the swings, rocking back and forth.
that’s until you feel someone hold the chains of your swing, slowing you down.
“y/n-ah, i’m sorry, it’s late, why are you still here?” seungcheol says, walking over to your side.
“ah... well, we did promise that we’d meet up here and talk again, right? and, plus, it’s not that late,”
“but it’s a burden for you to wait out here after i go drinking with the boys,”
you let out a sigh at his concern for you.
damn it, cheol.
“it’s not called late night talks for a reason, isn’t it, and it’s only like what, 11?”
he sits on the swing next to yours and rocks back and forth.
“shouldn’t you be getting some sleep?” he questions.
“took like a 5 hour nap today, you need the sleep, choi seungcheol—”
“stop with the full name!” you both start laughing as you push his swing to the side and coming back, he pushes yours in return. you spend the next minutes talking about work and you can’t help but adore the sulky look on his face when he talks about his fellow members. your conversation comes to an end when you only hear the leaves rustling above you two as the wind blows. “that conversation just reminded me that we’re both idols..” you quietly state as a matter of fact. seungcheol hums along to your statement before looking back at you. “do you have any trouble with that? you know— both of us in the idol industry?” at the sudden response, you wave your hands in front of you, denying the statement. “well, i mean, it’s not that, really! it’s more of... how this relationship will affect us in the industry. what if we’re going against contracts? we both lose what we have now, not only between us, but our members, everything. what would i do?” “you know me, y/n. between you and my members and the company, i’d choose seventeen, and you. i’d do anything just for you and the members, that’s who i am, right?” you sit in silence, seeing his eyes still looking at your own. you look away and softly smile. “what are you willing to do?” “i already told you,” he takes your hand and puts his own over it, a soft gaze and serious smile flashed on his face. “anything.”  —  all rights reserved to rollingubeomgyu. 2023.
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azar-rosethorn · 1 year
Security Breach Incorrect Quotes Part 3
Once again there will be stuff in here that's exclusive to my AU, which I still have nothing figured out about yet, so when those things do come around, just pretend like u know what's going on
Sun: I love the term 'partners'. Are we dating? Are we robbing a bank? Are we the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies and are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit? Who knows.
*Glamrock Freddy is casually searching around the room*
Monty: Hey Freddy, what’re you looking for?
Freddy: My will to live.
*Gregory walks into the room*
Freddy: Oh, there it is.
Roxy: Whatever happened to the concept of less is more?
Glamrock Chica: But if less is more, then just think of how much more 'more' will be!
Glamrock Bonnie: *trying to fight off Vanny's control over him*
Monty: You can do it, Bonnie!
Monty: But if you can't, at least your death will be quick, painless, and really cool to watch!!
(Monty this is why everyone thinks you killed Bonnie you idiot)
Vanessa: If I was married to you I would put poison in your coffee.
Monty: If I was married to you I’d drink it.
Glamrock Chica: It's called cauliflower, not ghost broccoli.
Gregory, eyes wide: I know what I saw.
Sun: Just so everyone knows, don't ever try to climb a tree at night carrying a strobe light, owls DON'T like it.
Roxy: ...what happened?
Sun: I made a VERY bad mistake.
Sun: honk.
Glamrock Chica: WHAT.
Sun: HONK.
Vanessa: Wow, great work on the Halloween decorations. Where did you get the fake skeletons?
Roxy: Fake?
Vanessa: Dammit, Roxy, you ruined everything!
Roxy: You’re welcome.
Glamrock Chica: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry?
Gregory: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.
Glamrock Freddy: Bonnie! I thought you were dead!
Glamrock Bonnie: No, just in deep cover.
Freddy: ...But it was an open casket.
Bonnie: It was very deep.
Roxy, with a headache: Advil me up, daddy.
Glamrock Freddy: I will short circut the language centre of your systems if you say anything like that ever again.
Glamrock Freddy: I love hearing Vanessa shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
Glamrock Bonnie: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Glamrock Freddy: I asked Bonnie out.
Roxy: Oh, I’m sorry.
Freddy: Why?
Roxy: Well, I assume he said no.
Freddy: No, he said yes.
Roxy: Really? Then I’m sorry for him.
Chica: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Roxy, blushing: Okay.
Gregory: It's fucking summer.
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s-creations · 1 year
hello for the prompt could u do 🤝🏽 with mario bros pls:)
🤝🏽 Hand holding (You got it! Also, this came out long)
“Remember you two. If you need to keep track of the other one, make sure you hold onto your brother’s hand.”
Luigi, 5-years-old, let out a gasp of fear. Frantically reaching out with a cry of, “Mario!”
He was just able to wrap his hands around Mario’s wrist and quickly pulled him back. Just barely able to stop his brother from running into traffic. The car honked their horn angrily as they whizzed by. 
The twins were frozen in shock for a moment before Mario gave a weak laugh and a sheepish smile. “Whoops…”
“Whoops!? You almost ran in front of a car!” Luigi huffed and tightly wrapped his hand around one of Mario’s. “We’re almost home…”
 Mario, 10-years-old, was woken up. Not by the thunder, but by the quiet whimpering coming from his brother’s bed. He was up and out of his head before he fully wiped the sleep from his eyes. Climbing into Luigi’s bed the next second. Crawling under the blankets to find his brother wide away. Eyes shining with tears. 
“Hey…did the sky wake you up?” Mario whispered. 
Luigi nodded slowly.
“Don’t worry, it’s just grumpy, remember? Mama talked about it.”
“D-Doesn’t make me f-feel better…” Luigi fearfully whispered back. 
Mario frowned in thought. “Well…would you feel better if I stayed?” 
There was another nod. Luigi gave a small smile as Mario gripped onto his hand gently. 
“I’ll be right here, okay? I’m not leaving.”
Luigi, 16-years-old, felt absolutely sick sitting outside of the principal’s office. Mario sitting next to him supporting a black eye with a bag of ice resting on it. Inside said office, they could hear their parent’s and the principal’s voices exchanging words. Clearly worried and angry. But neither could tell what was being said. 
Letting out a slow breath, Luigi reached over to take Mario’s free hand into his. “You shouldn’t have done that.”
Mario snorted. “I’d do it again if I need to.”
“I wish you wouldn’t.”
“No one gets to talk to you like that.”
“They’re just words-”
“You’re upset.”
Luigi sniffed softly and rubbed his eyes. “I should have held onto your hand better.”
“...I came back.”
Mario, 21-years-old, ignores the fact that it’s close to midnight as he races down the sidewalk. Curing over the fact that, again, they don’t have a car. Because that would make this trip a lot easier. That didn’t slow him down. 
He skidded to a stop at the last corner. Letting out a sigh of relief seeing the familiar form of his brother. Sitting underneath a street light, slumped over and staring at the ground. 
“Luigi,” Mario whispered out. Pulling his twin into a hug the moment he got close enough. Leaning back to get a better look over Luigi just to confirm he wasn’t physically hurt. “Hey, you okay? I swear, if Dan ever crosses my path again I’m gonna-”
The watery voice stopped Mario from completing that threat (promise). He instead let out a slow sigh and said, “He really just…dropped you off? No second thought? Didn’t even think about taking you home?”
“Said he’d had enough of seeing my face for a lifetime,” Luigi practically whispered, “That I should be thankful I wasn’t kicked out when the car was moving.”
“Oh yeah, that…person better hope he never sees me again. Come on, let’s get you-”
“Why…does no one like me?” 
Mario felt a stab to his heart hearing that. Turning back to see tears silently falling from Luigi’s glassy eyes. “...I like you.”
Luigi gave a weak laugh, “You’re my brother… And I’m talking more about…”
“You’ll find someone Lu. There’s someone out there for you. I’m just upset you have to go through pieces of garbage in order to get there…” 
Mario let out a sigh when Luigi didn’t move. Reaching out to take his brother’s hand softly before tugging him along. “Come on. We need to get home. Ma’s gonna freak if she checks on us and we’re not in bed.”
The amazing surroundings and strange weightlessness was completely forgotten when Mario saw his twin tumbling before him. Somehow able to push himself forward to meet up with Luigi and grab onto his hands. 
“It’s going to be okay!”
“How is this okay!?”
“I’m telling ya, nothing can hurt us as long as we’re together!”
Mario gave Luigi’s hands a gentle squeeze while also giving a wide smile. He believed his words. They were true. They would be fine as long as they were together. This was just another obstacle in their lives. A strange one, but one they could face together. 
Because they had each other.
They just had to keep holding on.
Then Luigi was ripped away. 
And Mario’s hands were empty.
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
For jodie and woods
Pre- relationship
2 and 4
Domestic life
5 and 6
HONK!! My friend! Kings! ^u^
Pre Relationship
2. what was their first impression of each other?
So, I'll start with Jodie and then Frank.
When she first met Frank, when they first spoke and introduced themselves, Jodie noted the air about it. She gained a sense of "fuck around and find out". He's a no-nonsense person, focused soldier, with years of tactical and combative experience. She knew, when looking at him, that he had got the reputation he had for a reason.
His eyes also left a lasting impression on her, how they watched her carefully, cooly, and the sharp edge that almost dared her to say something stupid, ask why he and Mason were there. Or at least, that's what she felt. She also made a mental note to ignore the feeling in her chest. Like, it wasn't love at first sight or anything, but she definitely acknowledge he was handsome.
So, the short version is, Jodie's memory of her first impression of him was how good he looked but also how unnerved she was in his presence (it's Frank, he doesn't really like working with new people so he was about to jump and dance and make buddies).
For Frank, his first impression actually came from like... watching her from a distance. He was being explained who she was by Adler, as he and Mason had just arrived at the safe house, and she was sat at her desk, pouring over the data from the encrypted floppy disk. Her pencil was scribbling furiously, fingers of her left hand tapping agitatedly on the surface of the table. He couldn't really see her face, at first, but he could tell with how hunched over she was, that she'd been sat working at the spot for quite a while. Not to mention the amount of empty paper cups stained with coffee gave away that notion, too.
Then, Adler had called to her, introduced her, and she stuck her hand out stiffly. He took it, regarding her apprehensively, eyes flickering narrowed as he took in her dishevelled, tired appearance. He got the impression that she was working herself into the ground and that she hadn't slept in days.
Despite her agitation, her stiff body language, he noted something else about her - a distant look in her eyes, something unsettled.
She reminded him of someone, but he shook that thought away, putting it down to how tired she looked.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Frank. He actually accepted his feelings first, too; Jodie put those emotions deep down somewhere for a little while longer, but Frank came to the realisation first. I think Jodie just didn't trust what she was feeling and it took her a bit to allow her body to feel something romantic.
7. who takes the lead in social situations?
Frank! So, because of what Jodie has been through, she's very hesitant to approach people. Frank also has that protective streak, wants to make sure she doesn't have deal with any more shit.
Later on in their relationship, this does level out and it does depend on the context as to which one will take the lead.
Domestic Life
5. Who's the stricter parent?
AAAAAHH this is tough. Jodie, though, would be the stricter parent. But it's not strictness for the sake of strictness, it comes from a place of deep-seated protection that stems from fear. As Ashley grows up, she'd chill out a little bit.
Guaranteed, though, Ashley could ask "hey, Mom, can I go out tonight with some friends?"
She'd then go to Frank.
"Hey, Dad-"
"What did your Mom say?"
Ashley can whittle him down though and sometimes Frank relents. How can he not?
6. who worries the most?
Jodie - again, I think it comes from her past and her fear that it'll turn into a full blown haunting (which it does in the form of Keith!)
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tsukuyomii45 · 11 months
General ask for Obito. Recently someone mentioned taking driving lessons. What kind of driver would Obito be overall? What if he took classes? What if he was self-taught? What if Madara taught him? lol
Oh this is such a fun ask XD Buckle up, Obihoes!
We're definitely bringing Madara into this - Madara would've at first taught Obito how to drive, but he nitpicks and criticizes at everything he's doing and just keeps pointing out mistakes.
"If you grip the steering wheel like it's a stressball one more time, I'm going to make sure you steer with your left foot."
"Do you know why the brakes exist, Obito? Hm? Do you know why they're called brakes?"
"It's just parallel parking, not rocket science you blundering fool. AGAIN." Madara then proceeds to mathematically explain how to parallel park the car.
"That's not how you merge on a highway. That's how you invite a disaster."
"Did you even check your blindspot or were you distracted by that wet dream you had this morning?"
"Great job, Obito. You've effortlessly managed to turn my hair grey and I fear nothing more than others thinking that I am related to that Senju bastard. I'm done."
Obito would then start taking the car and teach himself how to drive - but because of this, he starts developing road rage where he aggressively honks, flashes, and he curses and flips off other drivers. He's not a very patient guy because he feels very competitive on the road. XD He'd play loud music in his car to block off hearing other drivers honking, steers the wheel with one hand, and sometimes forget to signal (which is very bad - do NOT do this!) other drivers when he wants to switch lanes or even overtake them, almost giving them a heart attack as he does so, and he just speeds up when the road is empty and free. XDD
But then, Obito is also a sexy driver - especially when he's reversing the car and he needs to turn himself around, hold onto the passenger seat as he looks at the rear windshield, and use one hand to turn the steering wheel - or if he's just steering the wheel with one hand while doing a U-turn, or when he's parking the car...
As a driver, he would definitely look like a treat.
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trashbag-baby666 · 7 months
It’s Always Been Just Him and Me-Buck/Bucky
Summary: Buck keeps needing an out from his dates and Bucky is always a call away.
WC: 3,430
C/W: Bucky says a slur, mentions of drug use (weed), slight mentions of Bucky having an ED.
MOTA Masterlist!
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Buck felt as if he was finally able to breath as he opened the door of Bucky's car. He was finally free of Curt’s strawberry vape and Nicki Minaj’s Pink Friday Two blasting through the speakers.
Truth be told he would rather be stuck in the car than having to go inside on this date. Buck always had a hard time telling people no, one of his downfalls. So when this girl from school kept asking out Buck and he finally had given in. He knew it was going to be awkward and uncomfortable.
“Goodluck, Buck!” Curt clapped him on the shoulder as he got out of the back to get in the front.
“Remember don’t fuck on the first date.” Bucky leaned over to the open door to look at him, “If it goes bad you can give me a call. I’m gonna take Curt to work then just drive around till you’re done.”
This was something that happened a lot, almost like a pattern Buck could recognize. Giving into someone asking him on a date, he’d go and get uncomfortable and text Bucky to call him so he could leave.
“You need any?” Curt opened up his wallet showing Buck the condoms tucked in by the dollar bills.
“You just carry those with you?” Buck furrowed his eyebrows looking down at Curt.
“You don’t?”
“Your loss,” Curt chuckled and elbowed Bucks side, “Have fun though, really.”
“I’ll try my best,” Buck clenched his teeth sucking in a breath nervously, his hands jammed into his jacket pockets. He was weighing his options of just jumping back into Bucky's car and telling him to drive away like this was a crime.
But then he remembered then he’d have to come up with some story of why he couldn’t make it. Sorry my bird died? Sorry Bucky got a flat tire and we were stuck on the side of the road? But then he’d have to defend his answer of why Bucky was giving him a ride and he wasn’t just taking himself there. So into the shitty Olive Garden he went taking one last glance at the silver SUV as he opened the door going in.
Bucky was serenading his heart out to All American Bitch as he drove down the ‘speed bump road’ gunning down on the gas pedal everytime he hit one. He was almost expecting it as his music stopped and the obnoxious ringtone came through. Bucky quickly picked his phone up from the cup holder. “Well it's been almost 20 minutes. Are you ready for me to come back?”
“Please, I’m hiding in the bathroom.”
“That bad?”
“That bad.”
“Alright, I just dropped Curt off. I'll call you back when I'm in the parking lot.” Bucky sighed as he hung up and whipped an illegal U turn at a stoplight. Waving his hand a little as a car honked at him.
Buck sat at the table keeping his eyes focused on the half eaten, stale breadstick in front of him. He was uncomfortable and could feel the girl's eyes on him, his heart skipped a beat as his phone began to vibrate in his pocket. Buck scrambled for his phone out of his bomber jacket.
“Hi, sweetie, it's your grandma. I fell while fetching myself some candy and I was wondering if you’d come help me up.” Buck turned red as he heard Bucky's voice on the other end putting on his best female voice. But alas he played along with it because this certainly was not the first time this happened. One time Bucky went as far as coming into the restaurant and saying that his dog got out. When the girl offered to help Bucky blurted out ‘oh he hates women’ then tugged Buck right out of the situation.
“Of course Grandma, I’ll be there soon, I love you, bye.” Buck hung up fast and met the girl's worried green eyes, “I gotta go, my grandma fell and I gotta help her up. But I’ll text you when I get home?”
“Oh yeah, sure I had a good time.” The girl with the auburn hair smiled awkwardly as Buck got up and set a $10 bill on the table for the waiter. Buck offered a smile before making a beeline for the door.
Bucky sat in his car laughing like a crazy person as Buck walked over and shook his head with a smirk opening the door. “I’m gonna call my actual Grandma next time if you keep doing that.” Buck snickered as he buckled up.
“Oh poor Grandma Ethel will be so disappointed you’re leaving a date with a girl to go play with your best friend.” Bucky teased poking Bucks' side. Buck rolled his eyes, swatting at the others hand, “Maybe she’ll call you a faggot to your face this time.”
Bucky felt the air get a little tense as he glanced over at Buck, he wasn’t wrong by any means. His grandparents were very active in the church and it was true his grandma had called him that
“Well did you get a chance to eat?” Bucky glanced over at him as they came up on a red light.
“No, I kept stalling so I could leave.” Buck shrugged, “I don’t like pasta.”
And Bucky could’ve told him that.
“I know, well do you wanna get something? I don’t necessarily want to go home tonight.”
And Buck knew what that meant, his parents were probably fighting again.
“Yes please, I’m starving.” Buck had finally become aware of the grumbling in his stomach and remembered the two joints in his pocket.
“Well where do you wanna go?” Bucky knew the answer as soon as he looked over at Buck. His head leaned back against the headrest that stupid guilty smirk on his face.
“Jesus christ,” Bucky rolled his eyes as he took the next turn back in the other direction, “But I am not eating that.”
“I’ll pay for your food?” Buck smirked, but Bucky knew that was just a ploy to get him to eat. So if he was going to eat he was going to get something he enjoyed.
“No, I’m getting Taco Bell.” Bucky shook his head as they turned into the Chik Fil A parking lot. It was Buck's favorite, guilty pleasure food and even if Bucky didn’t agree with that he was here to make Buck happy.
“Are you going to do your Grandma Ethel impression again?” Buck asked as they pulled into the Taco Bell drive thru.
“Should I sing instead?”
“Welcome to Taco Bell, order when you’re ready.” Curts voice came through the speaker full of annoyance that certainly made this a hundred times funnier to Bucky.
Bucky cleared his throat, “Hello can I get two doritos-”
“Locos tacos, nacho fries and a large baja blast freeze?” Curt finished his order.
“How do you know every damn time!?” Bucky grumbled as they pulled up to the window.
“So the date didn’t go well?” Curt asked as he snatched Buckys card from him looking over at Buck. He also knew just as well as Bucky that Buck didn’t like these girls; he just felt bad saying no.
“No, I think I really should just stop going on dates.”
“Or maybe you can take me out for a nice meal!” Bucky put his hand on his chest smiling his cheesy smile, “Since you always end up back in my car eating your stupid Christian chicken sandwich.”
“Take us both out for a nice dinner. If I have to eat fucking Taco Bell for dinner one more fucking time. I’m gonna fucking lose my shit.” Curt grumbled as he handed the card back. Curt knew if he didn’t eat at work though he’d probably go hungry for the night. He didn’t come from much money and he worked to help keep a roof over his mother and little brother's head.
“Hey who are we mind fucking?” Dickie poked his head around the corner from the kitchen.
“Dickie!” Bucky cheered unbuckling and basically leaned his entire body inside the window.
“What’s up? Oh my god it’s Buck and Fuck!” Dickie jogged over to the window shouldering Curt out of the way, “Hambone!”
“The whole team is here I see,” Bucky snickered as the other blonde came over, “This place wouldn’t run without you guys.”
“Yeah, literally our manager quit this morning. So yeah Curts in charge of the evening shifts.” Hambone clapped him on the shoulder then took his hat running off to the front.
“Fuckin’ hell!” Curt grumbled, “Would love to continue our conversation but I gotta go play fuckin’ boss.”
“Enjoy it, Curt. Make them your bitches!” Bucky laughed as he took the drink and bag of food from him, handing it off to Buck.
“Now get the hell out of my drive thru!”
“Love you too Curt!” Buck yelled as Bucky drove off.
“That place would burn to the ground without him. Dickie would leave something somewhere and walk away from it next thing you know the best Taco Bell around exploded.” Bucky laughed as he made an exploding sound popping his lips.
“Maybe, or they could hire a competent adult to manage it.” Buck shook his head as he chewed on the straw of his drink.
“But what's the fun in that? Think about how funny it is to hear that Taco Bell is run by three high school boys who barely know their left from their right.”
“This is the economy we live in now.” Buck shook his head, “Are we going to the usual? I got some joints with me?”
“Yep, do you wanna smoke first or eat?” Bucky hummed as he pulled into the big empty parking lot of what once was a KMart. This had become their spot of escaping Bucks dates and eating shitty fast food and just talking.
“Eat, I’m too hungry.” Buck unbuckled his seatbelt and moved his seat back, getting comfortable.
“Sounds good to me,” Bucky shrugged as he turned the car off and Buck was finally able to have a break of what had been Nicki Minaj song after song. Bucky reached over the center console and grabbed his Taco Bell bag off the floor.
“So what were the fatal flaws of this girl, Buck?” Bucky asked while fishing a taco from the bag.
She wasn’t you.
“I don’t know, she just kept talking about herself. I don’t know, I only said yes to her because I felt bad saying no.” Buck couldn’t explain to anyone in particular why he never was really interested in women. Sure he’s had his fair amount of sexual encounters and lots of kissing with them. He thought it was just because he hadn’t met the right one. “And yeah I know I need to learn to say no it’s just hard.”
“I’m not used to being the level headed reasonable one here, but it’s not fair to you or the girls.” Buck knew that Bucky was making sense and he had fallen into some alternative universe where Buck and Bucky swapped bodies.
“I know this is weird for me, it’s like Freaky Friday.” Buck just wanted to get off the topic of his botched dates. He just wanted to enjoy his chicken sandwich and smoke a joint with his best friend.
“I’m gonna be Jamie Lee Curtis then, you can be Lindsey.”
“I’m too sober to think about this.” Buck set his half eaten sandwich down and pulled the small plastic tube out of his pocket.
“You used the pink paper I got you?” Bucky perked up excited seeing the two joints with the pink wrapping paper.
“Why wouldn’t I? Pink makes everything better.” Buck glanced over at Bucky; everything was dark besides a lamp post in the parking lot slightly illuminating the car; Although, Buck believed Bucky's big, silly smile illuminated them. When he looked at him it was just this different feeling, but he didn’t know what that feeling was.
Bucky watched as Buck put the joint between his lips and fought with his lighter to get it to go. But then it lit and he watched as Buck closed his eyes and took a hit waiting a moment before exhaling. “Okay, don’t hit it too hard, okay?”
“I know,” Bucky stuck out his tongue at him like a child and took the pink joint. It never took much to get Bucky high, he rarely smoked and if he did it was with Buck. He’d get fidgety and nervous around others then start to panic the few times he smoked at one of Bucks parties.
Buck took the joint from Bucky fast as he exhaled and the coughing began. Bucky's face turned slightly red as he coughed into his elbow.
“Here, take a drink.” Buck grabbed his water bottle off the floor and opened it for him.
“No, I'm still choking.” Bucky's voice raspy as he continued coughing, opening the door to spit out the nastiness, “Let me have another hit.”
“In a moment, after you drink some water.” Bucky took the water bottle reluctantly, taking a few sips of water and settling himself, “Okay now just take it easy.”
Bucky swapped the metal water bottle for the joint back and took a smaller hit. Buck almost had forgotten his sandwich as he just watched the other. Buck could watch him do anything and be amazed. There were so many football practices or games where he just would get so distracted from just watching Bucky. His large, veiny hands gripped around the football. The way the football pants really accentuated his ass.
“Wow,” Bucky handed the joint back, coming to full realization he was stupid high from three hits. He rubbed his eyes and Buck could see the redness already setting in.
“I’m gonna finish this off now and eat your tacos that Dickie slaved away making for you.” Buck snickered as he relit the joint, “How’d your test go?”
“I dunno, I don’t do fractions, probably not good.” Bucky rambled through his bites of taco, “Do you want some nacho fries?”
“I don’t know how you eat those.” Buck pushed away Bucky's hand that was holding out an orange fry with too much seasoning on it.
“These are so much better than your church fries. Oh my god the body of christ.” Bucky laughed, grabbing onto Buck's shoulder and shaking him a bit, “Listen if these are the body of christ I’m going to start going to church with Croz.”
Both had finished eating and Bucky reclined his seat back, his hands behind his head as he stared out the sunroof, “Do you think we’ll get married someday?”
“What?” Buck felt his heart skip a beat as he reclined his seat back and looked over at Bucky.
“No I mean like…I don’t know I meant like what if by the time we are 30 and were still not married we should marry each other. Like for the benefits you know?”
“Okay,” Buck snickered, “Would we still have a wedding?”
“I think we should, why waste the opportunity. But I don’t think Grandma Ethel would be very supportive of it. She’d probably say something silly about you starting on fire if you ever entered the church again. Would we get married in a church? I don’t think we should…well I guess if you wanted to or well your parents would want maybe? We could go to one of those progressive churches, like the one Croz goes to that has nacho fries communion.” Bucky rambled with no particular thought behind him.
Buck stared blankly at Bucky. He was absolutely gorgeous, his jawline sharp and that silly, goofy smile still spread on his face.
“I think Croz should get ordained too then he can marry us, or maybe by the time 30 were 30. Dogs can be ordained ministers then Meatball can marry us, he can wear a little suit.”
“I don’t know if Meatball will still be around by the time we're 30.”
“I’m telling you he’s a vampire, he’s gonna colonize Mars.” Bucky hummed, “I’m gonna sing at our weddings too you can’t tell me no, what should I sing? Maybe a love song? I got my drivers license last week.” Bucky started singing and Buck reached over cupping his hand over his mouth to shut him up.
Bucky laughed as he pushed off Buck, “Just like we always talked about!”
“I’d rather listen to Croz sing.”
“You’re such a liar I can see it on your face,” Bucky rolled his eyes poking the others cheek and rolled back onto his back and let his hand linger a little before finding Bucks and interlocking their fingers, “So maybe if we're married we could save some more money and buy a house together. I mean we don’t have to share a bed or anything like that but we could maybe get one with the in-laws sweet. I can live in the in-laws sweet, it’ll be like a bachelor pad. Or we could just live in a house with separate rooms I don’t know. Do you think Croz and Bubbles are gonna get married?”
“Definitely do you say the way they look at each other. Everytime Croz sees him his pupils turn into hearts like a cartoon.”
“For sure, Bubbles is probably the best guy to ever be in a relationship with. Croz tells me that he brings him flowers when they go on dates. You know what if they become our neighbors? They would be like a nuclear 50’s couple. Except I don’t think Croz would be a housewife? But I bet they would buy a house together, that's the house next to ours. But they would for sure have like two ankle biters and live this life. Croz would for sure be in the PTA.” He stopped as Buck gently cradled Bucky's face and ran his thumb over his bottom lip gently.
Bucky felt his cheeks turn bright red as he stared into the others beautiful, blue eyes.
He felt the butterflies beginning to slap around in his stomach as Buck leaned over. He could feel Bucks' breath as their lips were dangerously close.
Then his phone began to ring.
“Shit, it’s my mom.” Buck rolled his eyes, sitting up and answering it. Bucky felt like he had lost all the heat and he was cold again. They’d only ever kissed once before. It was while they were high one time out in the woods behind Bucks house. There was a little creek with a small bridge. They were sitting on the bridge and it had just happened. It wasn’t anything long, but Bucky wanted to do it again and again.
“Sorry I lost track of time, I'll be home soon. Okay bye.” Buck let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes, “How’re you feeling? I can drive, it's worn off for me.”
“I’m feeling fine, do you have eye drops? There’s Axe in the glove compartment.
“Only time your nasty boy perfume comes in handy.” Buck handed the eye drops over to Bucky.
“See you’re thanking me now and you’ll thank me later when Mary Cleven doesn’t know you were off smoking weed with me.” Bucky rolled down the windows and dropped the eye drops into his eyes.
“Don’t count on it,” Buck sprayed the air with axe and then himself, “God it reeks of teenage boy.”
“Not all of us can afford Johnny Depp Dior cologne.” Bucky started the car and turned on Drivers License. Look it was stuck in his head
“Goddamnit,” Buck tilted his head into the headrest.
“You know you love it!” Bucky laughed as he began to sing and Buck couldn’t help but sing along with him.
“And I know we weren’t perfect but I’ve never felt this way for no one!” The two sang Bucky with one hand on the steering wheel, the other conducting his imaginary band as they drove back to Bucks. He knew he’d probably get chewed out by his mom but it was worth it in his opinion to get to spend time with Bucky.
Sure they hung out all the time but no one knew him the way Bucky knew him. They had become each other's safe spaces. If Bucky needed away from his parents he could go to Buck.
If Buck needed a break from studying and doing homework all the time he knew who to call. And maybe he could call if he needed a good someone to kiss.
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
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Eddie Munson x Fem!plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: ok this is pure self indulgence. And I just returned to work from vacation and this story kinda took me. So I hope you like it. Thanks for reading and as always feedback is greatly appreciated. Kay love ya byyyyyeeee.
Warnings: language, drinking, inappropriate behavior towards a female, smoking, a touch of violence and not proof read and no word count
Summary: Eddie gets a job and finds a coworker extremely attractive.
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November 1988
It was his first day working on his own. Eddie had finished his two week training on the Extruder at the plant. He was happy to find out at the start of his shift that a few of his uncle's buddies were going to be working with him too.
The first hour went by with nothing big happening. Some finished products had just come off the line and Eddie was banding it with green plastic straps. That's when he saw a blue light flash by him and he looked up and saw a forklift driver waiting for him to finish so that they could take the load.
When he looked at her, he really couldn't see her all that well. She was wearing ear muffs and a mask covering her mouth and nose. He really couldn't make out if she was actually a girl. It was winter time and she was bundled up pretty good. Though Eddie was hot as hell. She must have been freezing her ass off driving around like that. But how he was sure you were a female is when you got off your lift and went to talk to someone across the way. He saw your large hips swaying and your full chest being hugged by your winter vest.
You were a larger girl but he swore he had never seen a girl of your stature move as gracefully as you did. He figured he would stop starting so that you wouldn't think he was a creep. So he finished the task at hand and went back to the machine. He heard a honk and turned to your lift. You didn't look at him you just picked up the load and left.
You did that for the entire shift. And only once did you look at him. He couldn't be certain if you smiled at him because of the mask. But by how your eyes squinted and your eyebrows wriggled he definitely thought you smiled at him. He had asked the guys what your name was but they kept calling you the wicked witch/bitch. Which took him back.
He didn't get much information from the guys so he opted to ask his uncle. At lunch he went to sit with Wayne and asked about you. But before he could answer you walked in with your wallet and went to buy a cup of coffee. Once you got it you left.
" Okay so?"
Wayne took a bite out of his sandwich. " That's y/n. She's the one who sends us pies for Thanksgiving and cookies for Christmas."
" oh shit that's her. Man I love her apple pie."
" Yeah. I like her molasses cookies the most. She's a sweet girl."
" Then why do guys call her the wicked witch?"
Wayne shook his head. "You know how I look like I'm not happy all the time?"
" Well that's how she looks. But people don't see her smile because she wears that mask."
" why does she wear that?"
" Because where her main job is, it gets really dirty and dusty and it makes it hard to breathe."
" That doesn't sound safe."
" That's why she wears the mask. Wait when she leaves, you'll see how dirty she gets."
Eddie nodded and finished his lunch. The last hour of the 8 hour shift he didn't see you. But for some reason he wanted to. He wanted to talk to you. But then all of a sudden he saw you walking to a machine and used the air hose to blow off all the dust that was covering your pants and shirt. You had taken off your ear muffs. That's when he noticed you had a bandana on and a helix piercing. You had a couple of tattoos on your forearm and were wearing a Van Halen tee.
You were already checking off boxes in Eddie's list of the perfect girl. He watched as you finished blowing yourself off and left. The next four hours dragged on for him. The person who was your relief really sucked at their job. They let shit pile up before slowly taking the product away.
When Eddie went on his final break he walked through the tender shop and saw you working on a machine. He had to do a double take to see if it was actually you. He had thought you left already. He saw you leaning into a machine fixing something.
His break was over quickly. The entire time he kept wondering about you. Seeing you with tools in your hand did something to him. Another check mark. A girl who isn't afraid to get dirty.
When he walked out of the break room he ran right into you. You guys exchanged sorrys and did that awkward dance trying to let the other pass. Your laugh filled his heart and sent butterflies flutter in his stomach. Then you put both hands on his biceps and moved him to the side. He felt a heat rise from his chest to his neck when you did that. He tried to give you a smile, but all he could manage a half one. You laughed again and walked into the break room.
Eddie thought about you all night. And was actually looking forward to seeing you the next day. His uncle told him your department doesn't have overtime so you pick up some poor guys OT when you could. Even if that meant a pay decrease. So you were a hard worker. And you could cook.
Check and check.
The rest of the next month he didn't see you much. He found out that your department was on a rotating shift. So you had to work all three shifts throughout the month. He actually looked forward to seeing you now. Whether it was just a few minutes or just a glance.
He wanted so badly to talk to you. Hear that pretty laugh of yours again. But he never got the chance too. That was until the company Christmas party. The only reason Eddie even went was because he heard you go every year. So while in the dance hall in a lodge he and his uncle headed to the open bar and got 2 beers and grabbed some food. Normally Eddie would sit at home and eat a microwave dinner and watch whatever Christmas movie was on. But tonight was really fun. All the games and conversations were something he wasn't quite used to. He kept an eye out on the door waiting to see you come in. He was finally gonna see you without all your gear and he knew you would be just as pretty as your laugh.
But you didn't come. He was very disappointed and decided to go out and have a cigarette. The moment he stepped outside he saw someone sitting on a bench just off to the side. All he could really make out was her long hair in a beanie and that she was smoking.
He slowly walked towards the bench and saw you. You were looking at the lights just across the little tree brush. Your full lip wrapped around your cigarette. Slowly blowing the smoke out and humming a Christmas carol.
Eddie stepped on some snow causing a crunching sound that made you turn to him. You gave his this beautiful smile and his heart skipped a beat.
" Hi."
"H-Hey." He said nervously.
"Eddie right?"
" Y-yeah."
You looked away and smiled softly.
" You're umm y/n right?"
" Uh huh." You said taking a last toke of your cigarette and tossing the butt.
Eddie had forgotten why he went outside in the first place.
" How are things in there?" You asked while getting up.
" Umm okay. They should be passing out presents soon."
" Oh. Okay." You said walking past him.
The smell of your perfume invaded his nostrils. You smelled so sweet. He stood there frozen. He was cursing himself for being so damn shy.
"You coming?"
Eddie turned and saw that beautiful smile again.
" Uhh yeah." He said following you back in.
You went to a table that he and his uncle were at. You took off your beanie and your peacoat. Revealing a long sleeve black velvet dress that fitted you perfectly. The sight of you could have brought Eddie to his knees. Just as he thought.
Fucking gorgeous!
You noticed him gawking at you and you just grinned sitting down. He quickly took the seat next to you and smirked. He offered to get you a drink needing one himself. He grabbed another beer and a coke for you. He thought it was strange that you didn't want to drink at a party but he shrugged it off.
You guys hit it off pretty well. The moment you said that you liked his Dio vest he knew he liked you. The fact that you knew who Dio was had him swooning.
You crossed your legs and your dress rode up a bit. He caught a glimpse of your knee tattoo before you pulled your dress down. His mind went berserk. He knew how much a knee tattoo hurt and he was in fucking aww. He had to adjust himself because his growing erection was starting to push against his zipper, making his pants tight.
Looks good dressed up too.
As the night went on some guys got a bit rody. You had gotten up to get some desserts when a guy from the maintenance department stumbled toward you. By your body language you didn't like what he was saying to you. You took a few steps back but he kept inching toward you. Eddie stood up to go to your rescue but Wayne grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.
" Sit down son. Just watch. She can handle herself."
Eddie was confused as fuck. You needed help.
He looked back at you and saw you actually take a step closer to the guy and then put your hand on his shoulder. With one quick movement you kneed him right in the balls. You took a step back as he keeled over. You lifted his chin and Eddie heard him call you a cunt. Eddie's mouth dropped when you laid that guy the fuck out.
You came back to the table shaking your hand and sat down next to him.
" Cookie?" You offered up a plate.
He laughed taking one. " You're bad ass you know that?"
You shrugged and laughed too.
You shared your cookies with him and his uncle.
" so umm" you leaned in so that only he could hear you. " Want to get out of here?"
" Uhh y-yeah. Sure."
You smiled and stood up. He got up too and helped you with your coat. He turned to Wayne.
" Hey. You think you can get home alright?"
" Don't worry about me boy. Go have fun. Be safe."
Eddie nodded and turned back to you.
" Ready?"
He grinned. " Been ready babe."
You shook your head and he followed you out.
Eddie's groans filled the warm air of your living room.
" Fuck!" He groaned as you giggled.
" You're really bad at this." You teased.
" Well seems like you had more practice than me." He chuckled.
" Just a little." You said with a smile.
You move to get a bit more to get comfortable. Eddie watch you get really into it. But when it was his turn he cursed.
He threw the controller down and sunk into the couch when his character died once again.
You snickered going for the last cherry on the screen.
When the next level started you paused the game.
" You know when you said let's get out of here, this is not what I thought you had in mind."
You laughed again turning your body toward him.
" Oh? And what about Mrs pac man doesn't get you going?" You teased.
He chuckled" Yeah. I thought maybe....I don't know."
" you thought we'd have sex."
" Well umm yeah. But don't get me wrong. This was totally fun too."
" Huh. Well you kinda have to take me out a few times before we get to all that."
Eddie tugged at his bottom lip. You wanted to go out on a date? With him?
" Or not. It's totally up to you. But I gotta say. I'm not like that."
" No. No. I umm I just didn't know that you were into me. That's all."
" Well take me out and you'll find out how much." You gave him a sweet seductive smile.
He chuckled. " You're something else you know that?"
Your smile faded. " I hope that's not a bad thing."
" No. It's mostly definitely not. You're cute. And I would like to take you out."
He saw you blush then picked up the controller again. He grabbed the other one too.
He had to admit that this was the best Christmas he had ever had. And he looked forward to spending more nights like this with you.
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theacademyisredacted · 6 months
dear admin i love hearing ur thoughts. what do u think the boys' biggest kinks are
dear anon ILY !!!!!!!!
bilvy is a slut this is simply common knowledge so anything involving being dommed is a big yes. he did not wear that bandana to not be tied up with it so bondage methinks 🥰 although now? over here looking like that? daddy kink. i am not taking constructive criticism at this time. mike carden my love <3 i as someone who enjoys kink painstakingly believe he is on the more vanilla side. i WANT him to [TRAIN PASSING] until im [HORN HONKS] but i unfortunately do not think he has it in him. he’s a whore yes he will absolutely rail someones brains out in a bar bathroom like the skank he is but even in terms of like. choking? smacking? praise? degradation? mayb if u beg him (and beg i will do mike call me my number is-) sisky! my baby! as a result of being uneducated which is my nice way of saying a loser virgin he is definitely quite jumpy and sensitive so my mind says overstim!! or generally being a sub. dabbled in mommy kink? someone sedate me chizzy i think is surprisingly somewhat educated, knows a thing or two but i cannot see that man tying someone up in shibari yknow? butcher knows stuff man. im not saying this man is the holy grail of bdsm but he def knows his way around a toy or two. nobody would ever guess it though which is why it’s so fun. thank you for ur ask anon mwah mwah!!
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foxtricksterwriting · 2 years
A Chance Encounter
Pairing: Krow x Dakota; OC x OC
Author's Note; I need to stop scrolling through tumblr, honestly. Krow belongs to @thekrows-nest
The sounds of cars honking and racing by have become white noise at this point. Krow watched them from the corner of his eye. He hefted the cloth grocery bag onto his shoulder with practiced ease. His steps were sluggish as his mind wandered almost helplessly. Maybe he was still looking for inspiration in the boring humdrum of daily life, maybe he was looking for some kind of distraction; he couldn't tell anymore.
The clatter of something hitting the ground hard and fast shook him out of his daze. "NO, FUCK!!" He heard a motorcyclist scream as they rode by. A phone in a neon green and black case landed on the ground just by his foot. Ahead at the light they could see the motorcyclist make a U-turn to come get their phone. Krow gently picked up the phone and started walking up to meet them.
The person drove up and stopped as close to the sidewalk as possible. "Holy fuck, dude, I am so sorry about that, man. It was clipped onto my belt, but I guess the clip fucking broke," they said, their voice deep and scratchy. Krow took in their appearance; a dark green leather jacket almost completely covered with patches. Dark jeans that had bleached butterfly patterns, and generic dark work boots. Their helmet looked like a gas mask with neon green patterns with a single spray of pink on the side facing them.
Krow watched as this person grabbed their helmet and yanked it off. "Thanks for grabbing my phone and not, like, stepping on it or some stupid shit," they said, reaching for their phone. Krow stared into their dark eyes. Silence fell over the two as they checked over their phone. Krow felt decidedly awkward about just standing there, staring at this stranger with new found wonder; eyes so dark it felt like he was looking at the sky on a moonless night, freckles as plentiful as stars, and dyed pastel pink hair with tight curls.
"Am I that interesting, bro?" Krow was startled out of their thoughts. A playful smile adorned this mystery person's face. "Starin' pretty hard there, dude," They remarked. "I-I, uh s-sorry," Krow muttered, barely able to get the words out. A bark-like laugh fell from their lips. Krow felt like he was listening to his favorite song for the first time.
"I'm Dakota," they said, holding a hand out for Krow to shake. "Krow," he said, grabbing their hand almost automatically. Dakota's grip was strong but light; Krow could pull his hand out if he wanted too. But why would he want to? "Can I have your number?" Dakota asked as they let go. "Y-yeah, of course," Krow whipped out his phone so quickly he almost threw it, earning another laugh.
"I can honestly say I've never met someone so eager to have my number before," They said with a sunny little smile. The two exchanged numbers. Dakota slipped their phone into their pocket, and Krow could feel their eyes on him. "I like your pins, they're neat," They said with a knowing grin, sitting up straight to show their own nonbinary flag pin.
Dakota slipped their helmet back on, "I need to get going, I was supposed to meet my friends, like, three or four minutes ago. I'll text you afterwards, though. Maybe we can go on a date or something like that? N-not today, of course! Later!" They added the last two sentences hurriedly, flashing Krow a hopeful smile. He nodded rapidly, feeling tongue-tied. Dakota gave him a big toothy grin, "Great! Like I said, I'll text you later. Hope you have a amazing day!"
They waved before starting up their motorcycle. They waited for a car to pass, then turned back onto the road. Dakota drove off down the bustling street, leaving Krow stood rigidly on the sidewalk where they'd talked. His heart pounded in his chest and his stomach felt like it was doing flips. For the first time in years, the world around him didn't just look different shades of grey; it was alive again. He was alive again.
The inspiration to create hit Krow like a train, and he broke into a sprint home. He needed to paint this, this feeling. Before he lost it.
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