#like. that’s one of my fav quotes from sophomore year
jackklinemybeloved · 2 years
looking at the new fantasy high sophomore year merch biting and screaming trying not to impulse buy it…
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kurt & santana for the ask game :)
Yay Kurtana bbys :)
Okay I'll post under the cut bc I went on as per
favorite thing about them
His bravery and how he remains such a good well-rounded human being even though he's had A LOT chucked at him. He's also a great friend and really makes me laugh. For sure my fav male character on the show.
least favorite thing about them
I think he could sometimes think before he speaks and has a tendency to come across insensitive if his own feelings are hurt (aka when he interrupted Brittana's proposal)
favorite line
"I swear to you I will never change. I'm proud to be different, it's the best thing about me."
random headcanon
He has a list of baby names saved on his phone that he adds to often
unpopular opinion
I don't really think I have one tbh
song i associate with them
A House Is Not a Home/Blackbird
favorite picture of them
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favorite thing about them Her heart, her complexities, her vulnerability and her intense emotions and her loyalty to the people she loves. OH and her talent. God let me just stop before I write a book. If I had to pick one thing I'd say her heart because that encapsulates a lot of things.
least favorite thing about them She can take her snarks too far and hurt people that she loves. I also dislike how doubtful she is bc it hurts my heart for her.
favorite line
There are many funny lines that I love, and some of the things she has said to Brittany are my favs ever (the one pre-breakup where she talked about counting her smiles sophomore year and the proposal), but for a meaningful quote that's just Santana that always sticks with me, it has to be her coming out scene. "I love girls, the way that I'm supposed to feel about boys" was so powerful to me.
brOTP Quinntana. I love Kurtana too!
OTP Brittana bbys <3
nOTP Sebtana. Santana is straight and Sebastian is gay??? Any ship that puts Santana with a man is a huge no. In terms of wlw, out of the popular/canon ones (Brittana/Quinntana/Dantana/Pezberry), Pezberry is a no from me. I can't ever see them in a romantic capacity tbh.
random headcanon She's a secret nerd, idk if that's so random though, most Santana fans h/c her as a nerd I feel. A couple of random Brittana ones I have is that Brittany constantly takes photos of her and Santana pouts and asks her to stop but secretly loves it (Santana pretends to complain about a lot of Brittanyisms but secretly- or not so secretly- loves them all) and she always falls asleep in movies but gets mad when Britt turns it off and pretends like she was watching the whole time.
unpopular opinion She's vastly misunderstood by the wider fandom. People who just think she's a mean bitch I'm like noooooo, how are you not saying the layers on this girl!?
song i associate with them Songbird/Mine
favorite picture of them
There are so many, that I have to narrow it down to 4 🙈
(l-r) pretty angel, this is def one of my favourites, okay this isn't really a photo it's literally a screenshot but I love seeing cosy!tana in her sweats all chilled out and domestic, my fav ever Santana look (mine), and omg who could leave out the overalls!?
I just realised I didn't pick any of her smiling or doing her scrunchy face! ffs see I could be here all day with Santana. I find it hard to narrow ANYTHING down for her. The ones below encapsulate a mood board I guess but let's face it I love any pic of my bb.
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notasiren21 · 4 years
Ohhh, @fallen-player, you dare ignore my texts but tag me?? Aight. I see u
Questions for me:
1. What’s something about yourself that you like?
My short height and ability to psychologically analyze characters and people in through my writing so people can understand what I see.
2. Do you like children? Why or why not?
Oof, this goes two ways. I adore children and love them, as long as they’re raised right and polite. If they’re bratty and entitled, I’ve already yeeted them into the sidewalk in my head. If they’re good kids, yeah I love them.
3. Has anything ever given you an existential crisis?
Lmao everything. Except for this pandemic ironically, if the need arises, I’m gonna dress for the apocalypse. But yeah, stuff like Astro releasing new songs and videos, getting stuck on a level or fight in a game, talking to strangers, thought provoking questions I will continuously wonder about like, “If your shirt is not tucked into your pants, then is your pants tucked into your shirt?”, my dad saying that Rocky from Astro is the bad boy of the group when he’s not.
My cat getting off my lap and taking his body heat with him.
4. Any fandom pet peeves? (tropes you dislike, trends you see in the fandoms, etc. feel free to go off lol)
MLB fandom bashing on Lukanette, Luka, Kagami, whatever publicly like it somehow insults them or the idea of it is toxic rather than just bashing on it within their own group of friends or forum that relates.
I dislike the trope of Kagami and Luka being used to help the lovesquare happen and leave them in the dust or randomly pair them together.
Chloé’s digression of her redemption arc.
Lila breathing.
People not stanning Astro.
5. What’s troubling you right now?
My knuckles won’t crack and I have too many fics going on rn but not enough.
I just had beef and broccoli with rice from my fav Chinese takeout place and I know I’ll regret eating more but like, what can you do?
My sister keeps enforcing the fact that I’m gulkiable and tricking me.
6. Do you play video games? If so, what’s your all time favorite?
I believe my all time favorite is Fallout 4, but that’s for the Xbox. If it’s for the switch, it’s Fire Emblem Three Houses.
7. How many siblings do you have? Do you like having siblings? If you’re a single child, do you like being one?
I have three. One sister and two half brothers (that just both happened to be the same exact age and left handed and had similar interests but each from a different parent.)
I guess so, it would be weird to be an only kid and I was, ahem, a “surprise” to my parents. My sister and oldest brother share very similar personalities and traits, but she’s more personable and chiller than him but causes a lot of shit for me and would most likely leave me to die if someone broke in.
My older brother cracks my back for me and I need that shit whenever he visits, plus he gets me shit I like from animes I watch or games I really like. (Fe3h, Demon Slayer statue and tshirt).
Idk I don’t talk much with my other brother who is considered a middle child like me, he’s more like a cousin to me but he’s really chill when it’s just us and I think it’s because I’m no longer some kid to him.
8. Are you in any “problematic fandoms”? (no judgment; people are problematic, not the content)
Bruh, Miraculous Ladybug is hella problematic no matter how much you love it.
Timeless because that top notch shit won’t come back no matter how good it was.
9. Hot chocolate, tea or coffee?
I only drink not chocolate if it’s a mint hot chocolate with whipped cream from Dunkin’ Donuts because I really dislike sweets and can taste just liquified chocolate with other companies and brands and I don’t like chocolate. So I’ll go with tea, I’m obsessed with mint green tea.
10. What’s something you’ve never told anyone else?
I made Astro hoodies on Animal Crossing and I’m the reason why we had to get a new lock for our house door. (I broke a Bobby pin after getting locked out of the house sophomore year and no one was home), I have a high key crush on fandom/fanart Craig Tucker from Southpark.
My Questions:
1) Your favorite quote that grounds you to being yourself?
2) Ultimate ship you’re fond of and love?
3)Favorite soulmate AU type? (I.e. name on wrist, heterocrhomia eyes of your other half’s, seeing color for the first time)
4) Favorite show of yours that you love that’s not in your first language?
5) Your white noise show? (Go to show you can rewatch countless times and tune in and out of)
6) Fictional character you wish was real to validate your unnecessary crush?
7) A weird phobia you have that you can’t explain?
8) Sweets or Sours?
9) Are you an artist, writer, musician, or part of the adoring audience who supports them?
10) Favorite band?
Tagged (I’m so sorry but I don’t think I am too?):
@macaknight @brickercupmasterx3 @emikogale @miramizar @neverland-darling @swiftieanimecat @lukanetteforever @marshymallowbuns @tinydreamerflapcreator
I’m aware that’s not ten but I don’t speak to a lot of people.
Create your own questions and tag ten back!
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yousayparty · 4 years
The right place, the right time, and the right amount of exclamation marks
The history of Vancouver via Abbotsford British Columbia’s You Say Party is a storied one. Imagine this: trapped in a never ending nightmare of suburban dystopian hell, you form a band. With the simple adjective of having fun, spreading a message, making people dance - you leave the confines of a religiously stifling community. Within a few years you’re playing the world’s top festivals, winning awards, and wooing critics.
But now I find myself piecing foggy bits of memory fragments together with duct tape and hairspray. Like stickers on a dive bar bathroom stall, I know I was there. But why and for how long? I feel like I’m sifting through a shoebox of handbills and press clippings like some True Crime podcaster placing myself at the scene.
I’m not sure where I first heard the name You Say Party! We Say Die! but it caught my eye. It was an era of exuberant band names. !!!, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Shout Out Out Out Out, Hot Hot Heat, Fake Shark- Real Zombie! And my own band GoGoStop! It was also a time when bands out Vancouver’s sleepy conservative suburbs were starting to break out: Witness Protection Program, The Hand, Fun100.
It was exciting. There was a sense of community. Of people just wanting to have fun. Perhaps we were shaking off the anxieties of a post 9/11 world, or shrugging off the self seriousness that was emo and hardcore. We still made mix tapes and zines- scoured Terminal City and The Straight for new bands. There was this new social networking craze called MySpace that had yet to be a ubiquitous omnipresent corporate behemoth that dominated every corner of our lives. We were called Scenesters not Hipsters. Everyone was in an art collective.
Adorned with white belts and one-inch pins; asymmetrical hair cuts and red velvet blazers we set out to prove Vancouver wasn’t No Fun City at now long shuttered venues like the Marine Club, the Pic Pub, and Mesa Luna. I didn’t drink at the time so dancing, and by extension dance punk, had become my saviour- bands like The Rapture, Les Say Fav, Pretty Girls Make Graves to name a few. When Mp3 blogs became a thing, I immediately downloaded The Gap from their 2005 debut Hit The Floor! and loaded it on my 100 song iPod shuffle. I like so many others, became an instant fan.
I moved into what could only be described as a punk rock compound- 3 houses that were owned by a former Christian sect that we dubbed Triple Threat. Members of Bend Sinister, No Dice, Witness Protection Program, and Devon Clifford from You Say Party and Cadeaux (and Whiteloaf) all lived there. He drove an orange 1981 Camaro Berlinetta to match his bright red hair and big personality. We would walk to the greasy spoon Bon’s Off Broadway to get terrible but cheap breakfast and to watch The coffee Sheriff pour undrinkable refills of sludge. It was like living in the movie Withnail and I, but funner. We all wore pins that said Do You Party? on them.
It felt like Vancouver was blowing up and You Say Party was the hand-clapping drum majorette leading the pack. Ladyhawk, Black Mountain, Radio Berlin, New Pornographers, Destroyer, S.T.R.E.E.T.S., The Doers, They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? And The Organ highlighted just how tight-knit and diverse our scene was. Relentless touring and glowing reviews for You Say Party’s sophomore Lose All Time ensured they were head of the class, despite being unable to tour the US due to a previous border snafu.
Lose All Time sat on top of the Earshot charts for what seemed like forever. Famous for their frenetic live shows, and aided by stunning videos, their sophomore effort was a clear progression from Hit The Floor! It still harnessed the visceral rawness of their origins, but hinted at a confidence and maturity that was to come. The title of Lose All Time was a reference to the discombobulation of constant touring and it too was a hint of what was to come.
The touring would take its toll. Fuelled by Chinese Red Bull; a well document public dustup between band members at a bar in Germany would throw everything into uncertainty. But it was that turbulence that would set the stage for XXXX and after a restorative tour to China, the stage was set for the penultimate You Say Party record. 
Flash forward to 2009 and the city was on edge. Everything was about to change. Vancouver was preparing to host the world amidst the unfolding Great Recession. Anti-Olympic protests ramped up. A gang war raged in the streets and made international headlines, tucked behind Swine Flu hysteria and the ongoing imperialist war on Iraq.
It seemed like all the venues started closing and all our friends were moving to Berlin or Montreal. We starting looking in. Is this the city we want? Was it just growing pains? This kind of introspection is clearly reflected in XXXX. If Lose All Time was a record the band wanted to make, XXXX was a record for the people; a record for the city of Vancouver; a record for 2009.
"I finally feel like a singer, rather than a dancer who loves being in a band" said Becky Ninkovic at the time. It’s a perfect quote. One that succinctly captures the maturity and focus of the record. After a breakdown for Ninkovic, a year of rest and vocal lessons, Exclaim! announced XXXX to be a career resuscitation.
And it was. Going back now and rediscovering the record is such a magical thing. Opening for You Say Party with my band Taxes in 2008, I was impressed with the new material even if was a little jaded (I mean I was almost 30). But now with time and space I can see the songs they were working on were truly timeless. Laura Palmer’s Prom could so easily slot in with the latest 80s synthwave revival along alongside bands like Lust for Youth, Lower Dens, and Chromatics.
Overall, XXXX sounds like an exhale. A moment of stillness when you know you’ve made something extraordinary. When you know all those moments combined; moments of sheer terror, adrenalin, elation, boredom, and longing- culminate in a piece of art that once you let go of it- you just know in your gut that it’s right. It draws you in, wrestles with a brooding tension, then sends you into a churning whirlwind of tight drums and buzzing synths. It’s a remarkable achievement.
There’s plenty of vintage YSP sass throughout. “She’s Spoken For”, “Make XXXX”, and “Cosmic Wanship Avengers” are all classic synth punk gems, but the it’s in the subdued that the album really grips. “Dark Days”, “There is XXXX (Within My Heart)” and the sprawling Kate Bush like ballad “Heart of Gold�� are the hallmark of a band that is comfortable exploring the limits of their genre. While lyrically quite positive, the melodies are daunting. Indeed, as Pitchfork put it, “the slower pace and more sentimental outlook of XXXX gives listeners the necessary space and encouragement to surrender to the band's emotional message”.
And it was a message they would finally return to the US with in 2009. The band was poised for mainstream breakout success. They were long listed for the Polaris and they won a Western Canadian Music Award for Best Rock Album of the year. Much has been written about what would happen next. I don’t want this article to be about the tragic onstage death of drummer and friend Devon Clifford, but it’s inexorably linked to the band’s story.
And I can only really tell it from my point of view. I wasn’t sure I would go to the funeral but a mutual friend told me that Devon would want me to go. Portland Hotel Society, a local housing provider which Devon had thrown the weight of his passion behind, rented a bus to drive out to Abbotsford. I held up pretty well until my friend Al Boyle got up to play. Then some yelled “Spagett”. Then Krista and Becky sang “Cloudbusting” and I lost it.
The band would try to carry on. Krista would leave the band and Bobby Siadat and Robert Andow of the band Gang Violence would fill in for touring.  When that didn’t go as planned Al Boyle who had been in the punk band Hard Feelings with Devon would replace Bobby. They officially went on hiatus in 2011 only to reunite a year later with Krista back on keys and a drum machine in place of Devon.
And while the band’s self titled 2016 release would be their moment of closure, the reissue of XXXX is one of celebration. Celebration of what they made with Devon. Celebration of a near perfect moment in time. A capsule of a entire city at it’s peak. The band has changed. The scene has changed. And I’ve changed. But there will always be XXXX within in our hearts.
'Cause every time it rains
You're here in my head
Like the sun coming out
Ooh, I just know that something good is going to happen
And I don't know when
But just saying it could even make it happen
Sean Orr Vancouver, BC January 2020
We are so excited to reissue a limited run of XXXX on clear vinyl through Paper Bag Records Vintage for Record Store Day on August 29th! Support your local stores & grab this album on vinyl for the first time in 10 years! https://recordstoredaycanada.ca  #yousayparty #YSPWSD
About Sean Orr Sean Orr is a writer, musician, artist, activist, and dishwasher living and working in the unceded Coast Salish territories of Vancouver, B.C. Besides his twice weekly news column in Scout Magazine he writes for Beatroute and has written for Vice Magazine and Montecristo among others in the past. He’s the frontman in the punk band Needs and also has a pickle company called Brine Adams. Twitter | NEEDS | Tea & Two Slices | Flickr
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back-to-swift · 5 years
How I Became A Swiftie...
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So, I was at this camp in 5th grade for a school field trip. I was 10. The counselors at this camp were singing Love Story the whole time we were there and I was like, ‘What is this song?!?!’ When I got home, I immediately looked it up and I fell in love with what I was hearing!! A few days later, I told my mom about this singer, Taylor Swift, and she drove me to Target and bought me Fearless. Not too long after that, she bought me the debut album as a surprise and omg I was instantly OBSESSED with both of these masterpieces!! I told all my friends and got some of them hooked! I would literally spend HOURS of my days locked in my room listening, singing, dancing, and even writing my own versions of these songs!! My whole life became Taylor! I looked up to her SO much! Fearless still holds such a special place in my heart because it was the first Taylor album that I ever listened to and the songs just bring back this feeling of nostalgia. They’re very special to me, so that album will always be one of my favs!
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Fast forward to 2010 when Speak Now came out!! I was in 7th grade and that one really impacted me, as well. Junior high is an interesting stage in life because you’re trying to figure out who you are and you’re experiencing certain emotions for the first time. For me, I had this huge crush on my best friend at the time, so these songs really struck a chord with me. What really helped me through this time in my life was the prologue that she wrote for the lyric booklet. I also looked back at the Fearless prologue as well. Some quotes that stood out specifically are, “Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you’ll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones that you use to intentionally hurt someone,” and, “...I think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest.” Also, “There is a time for silence. There is a time for waiting your turn. But if you know how you feel, and you so clearly know what you need to say, you’ll know it. I don’t think you should wait, I think you should speak now.” The main quote that really really stuck with me and still sticks with me to this day is, “Fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can’t breathe without them. I think it’s fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he’s in love with someone else.” When I took in these messages that I know came straight from Taylor’s heart, they helped me tell my best friend, and when he didn’t like me back in that way, these words also helped me be okay with that. When he fell for my other best friend, Taylor’s words helped me accept that, too. These albums became the soundtrack to my life. These songs made me feel less alone. They made me feel like somebody got me, somebody understood exactly what I was feeling. And even though I didn’t know her personally, I knew she was there for me. That’s when I knew she would start to mean so much more to me than just a singer I look up to. She started to feel more like a friend or an older sister who had all the advice I’d ever need.
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In 2012, Red was released. It was my freshman year of high school. It was a time where everything was changing. I had changed schools for the first time in my entire life and I was still desperately trying to get over my best friend. This album came out at the perfect time. Songs like I Almost Do and All Too Well made me feel, again, like Taylor knew exactly what I was feeling. It was one of the saddest times in my life for a plethora of reasons. I felt insecure, I had to come to terms with the fact that this boy would never like me and I had to watch him and feel him grow further and further away from me, I felt lonely, I was fighting with my parents a lot, and I just was not happy, at all. The first few years of high school be like that sometimes, but thanks to Taylor, I didn’t have to feel completely hopeless and lost. I didn’t really understand the album fully at the time, but the songs on it that did resonate with me became a huge part of my life.
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1989 came out when I was FINALLY getting over all that sadness and insecurity. I finally found the strength to let go of that guy and I finally had a solid group of friends who accepted me and loved me for me. I was getting along with my parents and I just felt a little more free. And what better album to become the new soundtrack to my life than 1989?? An album that is literally about freedom and becoming comfortable with where you’re at in life. Another reason why I loved this specific era was because it was the first time I ever got to go to a Taylor concert!! I was absolutely in love with the songs on 1989!!!! I went to the San Diego show with my best friend. We were at the very top, but it was truly one of my favorite nights ever. It still is to this day!!! I had just started my senior year of high school when I went to this concert. I was also new to the Tumblr scene and other fans inspired me to do a project. I cut out probably 100 colorful hearts and I brought them with me. When I got to my seat, I passed them out to people around me and I told them to hold them up during Clean. I wanted to show my love and appreciation to Taylor through that. I seriously can’t thank her enough for writing, “She lost him, but she found herself, and somehow that was everything.” That quote is exactly what I needed and it became my life motto! That night was so special and it’s one I’ll never forget.
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Now, let me talk about reputation, which is personally, my favorite album ever!! I was a sophomore in college and omg, I was absolutely completely in love with everything about this album and this era!!! I still am!!! When Look What You Made Me Do dropped, I was driving. I blasted it all the way home and I swear, I SCREAMED every single time I listened to, “The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, cause she’s dead!” I am not kidding you!!! I was OBSESSED and also SHOOK. I was blasting it in my car outside my house and my mom came out and was like, “What are you doing?” And I told her that Taylor Swift just released the greatest song ever!!! When the whole album came out, my best friend and I filmed our reactions to every song. We screamed, we cried, we fell on the floor, we laughed, and we smiled. We still watch those videos and die laughing at ourselves being so shook every few months. I was fully immersed into this era because it was different and it was dark and sassy. 
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When I first heard Gorgeous, I felt like the Taylor Swift entered into my mind and wrote exactly what I was feeling and how I acted whenever I liked someone. It was seriously so accurate, I was actually scared like WHAT?!?! Did I meet Taylor and tell her about my life and I just don’t remember or…??? Anyway, this era is special to me because I got to see my idol from the front row for the very first time in that whole decade of loving and supporting her. We got to our seats on the floor at the Pasadena show, but we couldn’t see ANYTHING because these tall guys were in front of us. So, my friend went over to the Shake It Off B-stage and asked security if we could stand there. Sure enough, she told us we could!!!! So we got to be front row!!! And I was on the edge right where there was a little opening for her to come out and go to the other B-stage. So, after that set, right before Blank Space, she walked right next to me. And I mean, if I reached out my arm, not even halfway, I would be touching her. Of course, I was too in shock to do anything, but holy shit!!!! THAT was the most iconic moment I’ve ever lived through. AND on top of it all, my friend won tickets for the next night!!! And that was the night Selena Gomez came out, AKA my other QUEEN!!!! I fell on the floor and cried, okay?? The two best nights of my life, honestly.
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Anyway, I wrote this all to say that I cannot find the words to describe how grateful I am for Taylor Swift. She has been here for me for 11 years of my life… that is more than half of my existence. Her words made me feel less alone when times got hard, and they also made me feel more alive when times were good. I appreciate her for always being kind to us, sticking by us through all the ups and downs, and going out of her way to make us smile. I will never ever be able to thank her enough for writing the soundtrack for my life and for being the big sister I never had. I didn’t realize until right now, as I’m writing this, that each album came out at the perfect time in my life. Each album represents and fits each stage of life that I was experiencing at the time of each release. I can’t even tell you how much I love this woman and I will always look up to her. She means the world to me and I can only hope to meet her, hug her, and tell her exactly how thankful I am for her and how much I love and appreciate her. I can’t wait to hear Lover and analyze every word when it comes out! Thank you, Taylor, for everything.
Love, Carly
@taylorswift @taylornation
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amlovelies · 2 years
😭 please sky, i have terrible taste and so many opinions about emo/pop-punk.
my fave FOB songs are Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner; Heaven's Gate; and the entirety of Take This to Your Grave.
but when it comes to lyrics, FOB does not go harder than Brand New or Motion City Soundtrack. Pete Wentz is wonderful but had nothing on Jesse Lacy or Justin Pierre.
from Sowing Season by Brand New:
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from The Conversation by Motion City Soundtrack:
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sure, Pete is a master of turn of phrase, but Brand New's lyrics are more visceral, angry. their albums gradually shift from catchy boppy tunes to dark atmospheric songs questioning one's place in your social groups and what religion means when you no longer believe. they are absolutely my favorite band.
and Motion City's Justin Pierre takes songs about mental health struggles and makes them love songs to the one struggling. it's not romanticizing the struggle, but rather looking ugliness in the eye and saying "If I have to be here, I'll make the best of it, but I want to be better." Even If It Kills Me is such a special song to me 😭
this... got away from me, i'm sorry ily byeee 💗
this is beautiful🥺 please always share your emo thoughts with me!
you say terrible taste I say impeccable 😍
I actually had a fob lyric as my senior quote 🙈 and honestly I still stand by it. your list of favs is fantastic (take this to your grave deserves so much more love than it gets imo) a couple of mine would be chicago is so two years ago, I've got a dark alley and a bad idea you should shut your mouth, and sophomore slump or comeback of the year
and yes those lyrics are so good! both brand new and motion city are so fantastic. I will admit I haven't listened to as much brand new (I'm only super familiar with like the boy who blocked his own shot and jesus christ) but I should go give them a deeper listen . . .
and I love motion city soundtrack (some of my favs would be fell in love without you, history lesson, @!#?@!, and the future freaks me out) even if it kills me is beautiful 😭
thank you so much for sharing. I am now going to spend the rest of my night revisiting the soundtrack to my teenage angst 🖤
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sur-pentanguine · 6 years
MBTI/enneagram thing, created by @im-in-space
I was tagged by @istjproblems. Thanks!
Rules: just answer these and tag some people
Enneagram (with tritype If you know it): 9w1 5w4 4w5 (that last one is pretty much based on a lack of better options)
Instinctual variants (iv): so/sp
Fav fix of your tritype: 5w4; it’s still detached and gives me room to sit and think in my own head, but it’s also oriented toward gathering knowledge, understanding the world around me, and understanding myself, which I think is more useful than a defensively oriented 9 fix ineffectually putting up its fists and asking the world to just go away and leave me alone.
Do you think your iv’s blindspot gives you many problems: uh…I’d like to think not, but I do tend to just not tell people important or relevant things about my life for literal years. To quote a character from Fifth Business, “It never seemed relevant!”
What do you like about your type the most and what do you like the least: I’m a pretty even mix of realistic and imaginative, thanks to Ni-Te, and with a 9 fix I don’t tend to get angry about things. I’d rather focus my energy elsewhere and move on with my life. One thing I do not have, at all, is common sense, and I’m also a self-defeatingly stubborn ass.
A song that reminds you of your type: Surprisingly, I don’t think there’s a song, or even a general genre, that reminds me of my type. Oh well. I guess all the music I listen to reminds me of myself in some way.
What colors, smells, animals, etc do you relate to your type: Burnt orange and red, with some brown (MBTI); white and red, blue and green (enneagram); wet earth and tree bark, dust, varnished wood; and at risk of sounding edgy, wolves
When you see moodboards of your type, do they seem accurate to you: They’re usually very monochromatic, or at best black and white, and full of sharp right angles, metal, and city skylines, which seems like kind of a limited understanding of what “ambition, efficiency, and personal symbolism” can be
What is MBTI and Enneagram for you: A way to think about how people work, what makes them individuals, how different people react to similar situations and understand the world in the way they do. Human variety fascinates me. It’s also a very low-stakes excuse to be on tumblr.
Do you relate to your type stereotypes: Not really. The majority of INTJ stereotypes are “has a world domination plan, feelings are for the weak, (aspiring to be) in some kind of engineering field, never leaves their room,” and I cry at every movie I see, have never bothered to understand math, enjoy wandering around outside and doing things even I’m not being particularly social, and haven’t had a world domination plan since I was 15.
How long have you been studying this stuff: For just over 5 years, since I was a sophomore in high school. That means I’ve devoted a quarter of my life to this, great.
Any mistypings: There was a solid six months where I tried to convince myself I was an INFP (all I wanted to do was be a hipster poet), and then some semi-serious doubt where I considered INFJ. For the most part, I’ve stuck with INTJ since I moved away from obsessively taking the 16 personalities test and started actually reading about the functions.
Other pseudosciences you know/like: I think the zodiac is interesting, from a symbolic and symmetrical perspective, but I don’t actually believe any of it. I do really love lurking in pop culture conspiracy theory communities. I don’t actually believe in any of them either except for those three days that one time, but it’s interesting to see the different kinds of wonky logic and so-called evidence people will think up, and there’s something about all the acronyms, obsessive stalking, code names for Key Incidents, etc. that greatly appeals to my inner ten year old spy.  
tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to give it a shot
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nothingsolutions · 4 years
kev /.  /
playboi carti blaring 
did u ever own a tech deck: yes I have unfortunately only cause I never knew how 2 use it
We taking a road trip 2 Area 51
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ur panicking but can only send an emoji: eggplant
thoughts on Target produce: she’s interesting. has a life of her own. all the colors n textures shapes. (wut would her name b) Something kewl idk let me think. a creature.
solar power? Ufos (y) cause cause u need power 4 the ppl ur gonna abduct
if u had a spaceship wut color: burnt orange or hot pink. juss 2 let em kno i’m here. 
Ima Leo I like attention
Wut do u think I am? ughhhhh (im a gemini) oh god
a muse: anything that doesn’t look real. biggest inspo is Petra Colins. 
Puts up the standard of things not looking normal. She does whatever she wants and thats the best. Thats what I try 2 do
something u aspire to be that inanimate: well everything is alive spiritually. maybe grass cause of how grounded it is. its v vibrant. I love color. 
u can tell cause the reflection of my Mac (green)
is it narcissistic to make urself ur background: absolutely. If no1 ones gonna luv u who is?
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what water brand: a liter of voss or smart water
Water is always with me
I always drink 3 bottles b4 bed.
gas station order: lollypop and water
dentist or doctor? doctor they scare me. which is good
fav piece of clothing under $5: well i cant find my fav piece under $5, how about fav piece (ok) my archive gold golf shirt from 2017
what do u shoot wit mainly: fujifilm s700. luv recommending cause so cheap
what kinda cheez it: regular they nostalgic
where u would live: los angeles 1000% (y) I consider myself an la whore I could roam 24/7 but when I get a convertible its game over. im never coming home
Wut kinda convertible? 2007 bmw series 6. first car. dont wanna crash it
from the perspective of a plant who are you: hold on... a succulent but the cool ones that r orange
you like jazz? Yea but wait hold on yea just yea
yellow: yes (y) reminds me of childhood best friend
la metro: ummm hello I luv it cause it reminds me of Anthony and I taking it all the time. Anthony is amazing
fav controversial celeb: Kim k she juss does so much 4 ppl. she amazing & helps ppl 
what were u doing 2 years ago today: sophomore year holy shit being insecure. a people pleaser. really sad deep down. rotten inside.
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Fav color car: black I have2 choose black it looks lux glossy wait r u still typing?? (Yea im gud)
Would u delete instagram: no
Did u ever do a tbh: oh god of course it was culture
What’s ur first post: maybe anime or a picture of lps doll
Phone % 18%
How many unread emails: 3,311
Do u have blue light glasses: wut tf is a blue light glass
My experience with the casting director
it all felt like a movie
Hearing receca blacks date in the back seat
and the casting director next to me telling me to be a model
It felt like a dream
I woke up 3 times last night
quote 4 2day: The fear of looking stupid is holding u back
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wyattvsmusic · 4 years
R.A. The Rugged Man - All My Heroes Are Dead ALBUM REVIEW
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I don’t think I’ve ever had the chance to talk about R.A. The Rugged Man on this site yet. Even though he doesn’t have that much music, he’s been rapping since the 90s. His musical output has had to do with his very explicit and outlandish style of rapping not meshing well with the labels he was signed to. Despite that, R.A. is an incredible rapper. He’s good enough to go toe-to-toe with some of the greatest and he’s so good, Biggie said R.A. was better than him. My first introduction to R.A. The Rugged Man was his second album, Legends Never Die which came out in 2013. We haven’t heard much from him since that album aside from some features. I loved that album but my biggest issue with it aside from the length of the album was the production. It’s not like the production was bad, but R.A. definitely needed some stronger beats. After many promises of dropping an album, All My Heroes Are Dead is his third studio album. The title is certainly a bold statement but a lot of R.A.’s favorite rappers are on this album. He’s mentioned in the past that Kool G Rap is his favorite rapper. Now, I do really like this album a lot but I do have some major problems with it. This album is way too long. I understand the decision for putting a lot of songs on the album after being gone for so long but there are definitely songs that could’ve been left off. I understood the point of the song Hate Speech but it really didn’t need to be a whole song. I also wasn’t crazy about certain hooks on this album like Living Through A Screen and Contra-Dictionary. The way R.A. started this album was so dope. He showed he could rap over anything by rapping over everything. There were so many beat switches and R.A. didn’t miss a beat at all. The lead single, Legendary Loser has a one of those really dope beats that I think he really needed but after all these years, R.A. playing the loser/low-life rapper guy is a little played out. It’s a good song though. Golden Oldies is so great and is probably one of the first songs I’d play for someone new to R.A. because it embodies his personality so well. It’s a song about being old and out of touch but R.A. doesn’t give a shit at all. The lyrics, “While I'm cherishing my collection of every vinyl LP / She's in the mirror with duck lips tryna take a selfie / I'm raised on X Clan, Brand Nubian and Chuck D She was raised on Imagine Dragons and Arctic Monkeys / I'm not tryna dance to trap music or dubstep / I'm the old man in the club with a headache upset” are a prime example of R.A. being an oldhead stuck in his ways. But this is the era that he grew up in and loved and is so influenced by it. He also had a line where he said “Reagan was the Pres, but I voted for Shirley Chisholm / Did you understand that lyric? / You're too young, of course you didn't.” What’s funny is that I’m young so I had to look that one up. What’s great about Hip Hop is that I learn so much about other things from it. This song has one of the best hooks I’ve heard Eamon deliver in a while and Slug from Atmosphere has a dope verse on the song as well. Slug was an unlikely but fitting feature because he’s rapped about being disconnected from the younger generation and being older before. One line pertaining to being older on another song is that line on Contra-Dictionary where he said “Rap fans treat rap legends like bygones / Rock fans treat rock legends like icons” because it’s absolutely true. When a rapper gets older, people view them as old and washed up but in other genres, the legends get their proper respect by both younger and older fans alike. I have conflicting feelings about Wondering (How To Believe) because R.A.’s storytelling on that song is so good but the hook is so bad. The hook the beat are super corny that it makes it a skip but I have to acknowledge how vivid both of R.A.’s stories that he tells on that song about the girl being raped and the heroin addict. He’s always been a great storyteller. If you haven’t heard Uncommon Valor or Legends Never Die, those are some good storytelling tracks. One of the craziest storytelling tracks on the album is Angelic Boy, which tells the story from the perspective of a school shooter. It’s really uncomfortable to listen to but R.A. did a good job at telling the story and keeping the story concise. One of the most important lines to me comes at the end of the song after the shooter carries out his horrific act. He raps, “I got what I wanted, attention, fame, I'm on TV / No one cares about the names of the victims or their family / I'm the super star, the ratings booster, I'm media friendly / And all the glorification is helpin' to create the next me.” Another one of R.A.’s strengths is his flow and if you haven’t heard Freedom Form Flowing or Definition Of A Rap Flow, check those out too. His flowing on both All Systems Go and Gotta Be Dope are crazy. I think he’s up there with Tech N9ne, Twista, Busta, and Eminem when it comes to rapping super fast. R.A. is one of the few rappers that when they rap, you never really hear them take a breath. He, Oddisee, Rakim and Aesop Rock are probably the only rappers where you never hear them breathe. To quote R.A., “I don't need to breathe when I rap, I got gills, fuck lungs.” One reason R.A. has been gone from Hip Hop for so long was because he had children and that is what First Born is all about. This is another one of these dope beats that is absolutely perfect for the song and Novel’s hook and verse were excellent contributions. You can really feel the love that R.A. has for his first born daughter on this song. One of the instant standouts on this album is the posse cut, The Slayers Club. The song features M.O.P., Vinnie Paz, Chris Rivers, Onyx, Chino XL, Brand Nubian and Ice-T. This song is an entire event and is the Hip Hop purist’s greatest fantasy coming true. The way the first triumphant beat and more sinister beats are intertwined and switch as often as all 11 rappers on the song switch vocals is fucking wild. Every single person on this song showed up to rap their ass off and delivered. That song is so crazy that damn near all the songs after it feel dry compared to it. The songs at the end of the album are very good but the album is so long, they feel dry. One dope thing about Legends Never Die is that R.A. showed that he can make political rap songs even though he’s said that it isn’t his lane. On Who Do We Trust and Malice Of Mammon, he’s more political and gets features from Immortal Technique and Chuck D. Another one of the more sort of political songs is EKNY which vividly paints a picture of a new York City ran by Ed Koch. Inspectah Deck is on the song and his verse reminded me of this class I took sophomore year of High School where we discussed the Central Park Five and Bernhard Goetz. Both R.A. and Deck, who knew were in NY during this time did such an amazing job at depicting this era of New York City. All My Heroes Are Dead has some of the best songs that R.A. The Rugged Man has ever made and some of the best beats he has ever rapped over but this album is way too fucking long and has a little too much filler for me to revisit the entire thing. I will definitely keep listening to the songs I love on here and there are a lot. It may be long but there’s enough variety and good rapping on it to keep you interested. 
Fav Tracks: All My Heroes Are Dead (The Introduction), Legendary Loser, Golden Oldies, All Systems Go, First Born, EKNY, The Slayers Club
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lydiascoyote · 7 years
so i was tagged three times for this lil challenge. so i get to answer 33 questions. thanks @menyc1ty, @staliasupportsfeminism, & @ponypickle
Answer 11 questions, tag 11 people, write 11 questions for them to answer.
1. Tumblr or social life? social life cuz i like going out and doing things
2. What song can you listen to on repeat and not get bored? GOD baby came home by the neighbourhood. 
3. I can’t wait to ________ (Fill in the blank) escape teen wolf’s tight grasp
4. On a serious note, how are today? could be a lot better
5.  Do you fill your blog with love towards your ship or do you have to protect it from the antis more often? recently it’s been more love than hate and i think i’m going to keep it that way from now on
6. Favourite TV show i don’t have one i hate nearly everything i watch. does anybody have any recs lmao
8. Are you a native English speaker? yes i am
9. Tyler Posey or Tyler Hoechlin? always posey. always
10. Which do you get more often - Anon Love or Anon Hate? i dont really get anons LMAO. 
11. Do you have friends on Tumblr, you want to meet in real life? yes. yes. yes. despite the fact that i’d be SO awkward. 
12. What are your plans for the near future? just get through sophomore year 
13. Do you believe in horoscopes? nah not really. but i think they’re fun to read.
14. What’s your favorite joke? i can’t say my favorite jokes are mad offensive i dont want death threats
15. most embarrassing story;) it’s not the most embarrassing but the other day in driver’s ed, i dropped my water bottle and went to go pick it up and then i knocked over my soda bottle and everyone was laughing. my face was SO red.
16. What makes you insecure? my mouth/teeth
17. Who would you love to meet from Tumblr i mean i’ve met lots of cool people on tumblr dot com but probably @staliasupportsfeminism and @facetiious because i talk to these lovely ladies the most.
18. most hated thing MISOGYNY
19. most loved thing shelley hennig
20. if you were immortal for a day what would you do do a ton of risky things like sky diving or something
21. if you could kill someone who would it be well... one of the many shitty people on my list is the crusty old cheeto running my country.
22.Where’s Waldo??… He Is Somewhere
23. Nationality? American unfortunately 
24. First Language? English
25. Favourite TV Show? don’t really have one
26. Coke, Pepsi or Fanta? can i pick rootbeer instead
27. Witch or Werewolf? witches for sure
28. Fav Colour? greeeen
29. Tv shows or Movies? tv shows. i do not have the attention span for movies
30. Instagram or Snapchat? instagram
31. Math or English? math can choke. english
32. Apple or Orange? apples even though i can’t eat them anymore
33. Are you female or male? proud female
and my eleven questions (for @facetiious, @sananey77, @maliaish, @tylerssposeys, @arkhmknights, & @maliakira cuz i want to know yall better. you don’t have to do it, of course)
1. fav female character?
2. fav male character?
3. fav band?
4. fav movie?
5. fav tv show?
6. fav food?
7. fav song?
8. fav animal?
9. fav quote?
10. your dream job?
11. watch any youtubers? if so, who? 
this is so long and these questions are so half-assed im so sorry
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Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged: @ieatchocolateandpoopcuteness (Sorry for taking so long to do this) Nickname: Widney or Girly (I don't know why, my cousin/friends call me that) Gender: Female Height: 5'3 Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair Color: Black Righty/Lefty: Right 🙋🏽 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Time Right Now: 11:51 AM Last Thing I Googled: Can't Hep Falling In Love song (All time fav!!) Favorite Bands: Fifth Harmony, Little Mix, & Maroon 5 Favorite Soloist: Camila Cabello, Ariana Grande, Sabrina Carpenter, & etc Last Movie Watched: Central Intelligence When Did You Create Your Blog: early 2016 I think What Kind Of Stuff Do You Post: anything related to Camren, Fifth Harmony, Camila Cabello or any of my favorite ships and celebrities. Some personal stuff like quotes or anything I guess. When Did Your Blog Reach It's Peak: idk, I don't think it did yet. Do You Have Any Other Blogs: Yes! I have my personal blog ( @unappreciatedheart2 ) Do You Get Asks Often: I've gotten asks but not as often but I wish I did. Why Did You Choose Your URL: I choose my URL because I'm a huge Caminah shipper and even though I made this blog about camren but I didn't want it to only be about camren but the other ships too and the other girls but this blog is for whatever honestly. Plus Dinah is the captain in all her ships and others so that's why I added the captain part. Following: it's 228 and this is only a side blog so this account doesn't really follow any other blogs. Posts: 6,341 ( Not much actually lol) Favorite Colors: Blue, "Rose Gold", & etc (I have others but don't wanna name them) Lucky Numbers: 1, 9, 4, 22 Favorite Characters: right now it's Maya Hart (Girl Meets World) What Are You Wearing Right Now: Blue Jeans, Black Hoodie Sweatshirt, and puma sneakers. How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: One or Sometimes none Dream Job: I don't know I've changed it so much. Dream Trip: Going to New York, stay up all night, explore the city with a special someone and create memories. Most Visited Webpage: Quizlet.com ( school is a struggle) High School/College: Sophomore Year of High school Relationship Status: Single as a Pringle Do you have a crush on someone: Don't know, can't say! ( Don't really know as much Blogs like that but I'll tag a few) I Tag: @eyesleadtothesoul @idontslay @rising-from-the-darkness @ohbananapancakes @ohthedamntruth
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shenasocs · 8 years
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Name: Jayjay Fav Color: Purple Stand: Velvet Rope (Janet Jackson song). This stand can change someone physically by slapping them one time. Past: Half younger sister of Jol & twin sister of Jayla. Seperated from her twin sister since birth. Went to Josuke’s high school & met him during his senior year. Quotes(*bonus*): “(gasps) Oh my god!! Can I say that I love your hair? I also have the same hairstyle like you. I know I just met you but can I call you Senpai?” “Josuke got them plump lips (licks her bottom lip) & he got a booty. Also, his eyebrows are on fleek. Gorgeous boy indeed” “I’m a sophomore. Awww, will I ever see you again?” “Oh, my hair? Most of these are extentions & I dyed my real hair blue. But when I flat iron my real ones, they go down to my feet” “Girl, I’ll use my stand to slap you back to your childhood” “Velvet Rope will slap you into another nationality” “My stand will slap the black off you. Don’t play with me bitch!!! Don’t play with me” “I’ll make sure my stand slap the man off of ya” “My stand is like my mama. She’s Haitian & she don’t play with the rules. We get slapped if we say something smart” “I got a twin sister and she’s a teen model in Italy?! Man, that’s some bull. I bet we act alike” “My stand will slap the shit outta ya. Don’t dis me or I’ll change the way you look”
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fondly-stargazing · 8 years
do the ice cream asks
bruh i didn’t even see this until now SORRY
chocolate: when was your first kiss? fourth of july of the summer going into senior year (yes i was a late bloomer)french vanilla: how old are you? 19cotton candy: three places you want to travel to? bora bora, santorini/greece in general, iran strawberry: a language you wish you could speak? korean or farsicoffee: favorite cosmetic brands? i don’t mind the generic drug store brands but i also like urban decaymint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors? both cookie dough: do you play any instruments? i used to play pianorocky road: favorite songs at the moment? i mean the ballad of mona lisa by panic! at the disco will always be an all time favorite, but i’m really digging awkward by san cisco and budapest by george ezra at the momentbutter pecan: favorite songs for life? OH LOL i guess i already answered this in the previous askcheesecake: what's your zodiac sign? virgotoasted coconut: the beach or the pool? beach all the waychocolate chip: what's your most popular post? it wasn’t a post itself per se but i once made a comment on a popular post and it spread around and caused me to gain a bunch of followers at one point lolbubblegum: books or movies? i like both but if it was between a book and it’s movie adaptation, i prefer the bookpistachio: manga or anime? both are sinssalted caramel: favorite movies? i love hiyao miyazaki movies and the star wars films birthday cake: favorite books? oh god i have so many but the harry potter series probably take the cakemoose tracks: favorites for manga? ew orange sherbet: favorites for anime? yikespeanut butter: favorite academic subject? astronomyblack raspberry: do you have any pets? 3 fish, 2 rabbits, 1 kittymango: when and why did you start your blog? beginning of sophomore year of hs and only because a bunch of my friends had one so i wanted to be a part of itmocha: ideal weather conditions? warm with a cool breezeblack cherry: four words that describe you? weird, funny, emo, bubbly (yes i know the last two basically cancel each other out LOL)neapolitan: things that stress you out? LIFE!!!raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music? pop punk, alternative rock, edmchocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy? whatever brand makes those awesome sour belts that you can get at candy storestoffee: a card game that you're good at? spoons and kings cup lollemon custard: do you eat breakfast? occasionally dark chocolate: turn ons? grinding, lip biting, neck kisses, knowing that i turned the other person onfudge: turn offs? unhygienic, bigotry peach: how do you relax? laying in bed either listening to music, binge watching shows, or browsing the interwebspraline: a popular book you haven't read yet? the maze runner and like 95% of dystopian novels because fuck that superman: do you like sweaters? love emcherry: do you drink tea or coffee? both but i prefer teadulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play? drums and ukulele blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried? multiple timesginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have? where do i even begin...blueberry lemon: favorite blogs? there’s a bunch of mutuals that i absolutely love and frankly i’m too tired to write out all the url’s but they know who they are heh almond: favorite mean girls quote? “if you’re from africa then why are you white”butterscotch: what color are your nails right now? it’s like hella chipped but the nail polish is a super dark red/purple that looks black unless it’s hit by lightcinnamon: have you ever been confessed to? confessed to about what lolblue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone? multiple times sadlycappuccino crunch: do you take naps? more often than i shouldmint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done? basically beg my basically ex to take me back after him and i “broke up”brownie batter: do you like sushi? love itkey lime: where do you want to be right now? in a happy place while not being in a depressed state of mindred velvet: do you wear prescription glasses? 20/20 vision babygreen tea: favorite flavors of ice cream? raspberry will always be my fav but i also like rainbow sherbet and persian rose water ice cream and mango and lychee but omg if there is an earl grey flavored ice cream out there i bet i would love it
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katsukisfucktoy · 5 years
From weird asks list - 10 (what game were you best at in P.E), 23 (strange Habits) and 61 (favourite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show etc) - 🌻
10 uh actually i never did PE bc i played club and school volleyball i was excused lol (i swesr im not lying i know it’s funny) i was pretty good not gonna lie but i quit sophomore year bc my knees got really bad
23 idk if this is a habit but i always crack my knuckles but not the normal way like i crack the knuckles like under the other ones ? it’s hard to explain lol
61 ok i have a few stick w me
first is my favorite line from dexter:
No matter where we go, we take ourselves and our damage with us. (that’s the main part but i’ll include the rest so it makes more sense) So is home the place we run to or is it the place we run from? Only to hide out in places where we are accepted unconditionally, places that feel more like home to us. Because we can finally be who we are
next is from the masque of the red death by edgar allan poe:
there are chords in the hearts of the most reckless that cannot be touched without emotion.
if we talk about song lyrics we’ll be here all fucking night but i’ll give u a few favs
first is a lyric from carry on by 5sos:
“carry on, outlast the ignorance; moving on survive the innocence” idk it’s always been my fav since the album came out. i know i’m older now but something about it hits me
obviously a frank ocean lyric:
“i just don’t believe we’re wicked, i know that we sin, but i do believe we try” - we all try
there’s literally so many i can’t .. i can spend hours talking about my fav quotes and lyrics and shit if u would like me to but i assume not hehe LMK YOUR FAVS
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alienkidddo · 6 years
all of the ice cream asks? Or every other flavor
this took me so long but it was fun, thank u!
chocolate: when was your first kiss?
freshman year of high school, i was probably 14
french vanilla: how old are you?
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
spain, austria, & argentina
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
spanish!! i took it from kindergarten - sophomore year of high school, but i can only recognize phrases here & there
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
nyx & kat von d (i know she’s problematic, but if we canceled every single problematic person, we couldn’t support any brand or celebrity)
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
outdoors if the weather’s nice
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
piano & cello
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
fuckthepopulation - suicideboys
october - lil peep
og beeper - asap rocky
bad things - mags
sea of love - cat power
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
always anything by modern baseball i’ll be emo forever
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign?
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
the beach but i don’t like getting in the ocean
chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post?
i think a picture i took a long time of a flower
bubblegum: books or movies?
pistachio: manga or anime?
neither sry
salted caramel: favorite movies?
the hannibal series
birthday cake: favorite books?
the harry potter series of course & the secret life of bees by sue monk kidd
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
i have 2 cats at my parents’ house!! i’m moving out in a month & don’t get to take them, so we’ll probably get a lil baby of our own
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
when i was like??? 13-14???? and bc i was emo i was one of those black & white depression blogs for a hot min
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
sunny but with a nice breeze
black cherry: four words that describe you?
this one’s hard,,,,,,, ambitious, kindhearted, fragile, & anxious
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
crowds, men
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
indie probably
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
mmm those lil strawberry candies that old ppl give ya? delicious
toffee: a card game that you’re good at?
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
dark chocolate: turn ons?
my man
fudge: turn offs?
people assuming it’s cool to send me dick pics or asking me for sex bc i’m open about my sex life on social media
peach: how do you relax?
light some incense, smoke a blunt, & read a book or doodle
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet?
recently i’ve been wanting to read dracula! a classic that i never got around to in high school
superman: do you like sweaters?
oversized men’s sweaters are the comfiest things ever
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
both, but more frequently coffee
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
i rly just wish i was more skilled w the cello
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
yes, the specific memory coming to mind is one from middle school but it was iconic
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
i’m not on here enough to really care, i just pop up randomly, reblog some things, & disappear for the rest of the day
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
i haven’t seen it in so long, i wouldn’t know
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
not painted, i work in a restaurant
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
i’m sure i have
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
of course
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
lmao i don’t even sleep at night
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
i have absolutely no idea i try to repress all embarrassing or bad memories
EDIT: i literally mentioned it up above it was definitely my black & white depression posts tumblr phase
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
i’m vegetarian so i can’t eat most of it, but i’ve tried some veggie rolls & they were good!
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
this is gay but in my bf’s & my new apartment that we move into next month!!!
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
am i supposed to? yes. do i? absolutely not.
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
mint chocolate chip or something coffee flavored for sure
i just deleted the fav manga/anime ones bc i’m not into either
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saturnsovereign · 7 years
All of the asks...
I’m like done with these two and halfway done with the other one... i’ll put it up tomorrow but for now:
1. Tell me about your favorite person.
Thats my gf, she’s beautiful, smart, funny, a nerd, squishy, tol, my puppy and she’s the light of my life... i just really love having her around and to talk to
2. What was the last book you read and finished?
Oedipus? Idk something in English
3. What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
I have a small scar on my face from my guard daughter pushing me from the top of my gf’s staircase and me landing on a bunch of mattresses with my glasses, face first
4. Recommended Netflix shows?
5. If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?
Honestly, idk
6. Do you believe in miracles?
My gf exists, and I always believe in her, so yeah I guess so
7. Snorkeling, sky diving, bunjee jumping or zip lining?
I’ve only done zip lining but i wanna do sky diving and bunjee jumping
8. How do you take your coffee?
Sugar and cream
9. All expense paid vacation to… ?
Roadtrip across America?
10. Favorite homemade food?
I can’t really think of one off the top of my head tbh, my mom makes a lot of homemade stuff xD
11. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?
be out to my parents
12. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
Being guard captain, getting an internship, beating the reading record during 5th grade
13. If you were going to go to the movies alone, what type of movie would you want to see?
14. Dream job?
15. What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself?
My biceps are ok
16. Favorite vacation spot?
17. Where is your favorite place to go on a weekday afternoon when you have no plans?
I don’t really go out much
18. What are you waiting for at this very moment?
Motivation to study
19. Five favorite songs!
Geronimo, Riptide, Overwheliming, From Here to Mars, Fresh Eyes
20. You have thirty seconds to tell the world anything you want. What do you say?
I’m fucking gay and I’m fucking tired.
21. Favorite Disney movie?
Treasure Planet
22. What is your favorite board game or card game?
Card game- speed
23. What did you love most about the place you grew up?
It was big and everyone knew each other practically
24. Where do you want to be in 5 years?
Either in a nursing program/post-graduate or something and I’m with my gf and I’m still close to my dorks/guard family
25. What is your most bizarre talent?
I can sweat on command
26. Do you collect anything?
Calligraphy supplies? Pens really
27. If you could change one thing about your past what would it be?
Sophomore year
28. Have you ever been arrested or in trouble with the law?
29. You could have any super power in the world, what would it be and why?
Time manipulation- i can stop time during a test and get more time for myself or something, or i can take a nap without missing anything
30. Ever been in love?
In love rn
31. If you could achieve anything what would be your number one goal?
I just wanna get some inner peace man and be happy
32. When was the last time you left your comfort zone?
I mean I sat in on my gf’s class and i didn’t really know what to do with myself, but my gf was there so it was alright
33. Think of the five people you are closest to. Are they good people who influence your life in a positive way?
Yeah :)
34. If you found $100 on the ground what would you spend it on?
I would spoil my gf or use it to save up or something
35. Favorite quote
I forgot how it went, but I put it on my senior quotes XD
36. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
37. List five good things that happened today
My gf, I got an award, I had steak, I had fun during lunch, I don’t have hw
38. Do you think we should make things happen or let fate guide our lives?
Both… some things are out of your control but some things aren’t
Get to Know Me
1. What is you middle name? Angelica
2. How old are you? 18
3. When is your birthday? January 8
4. What is your zodiac sign? Capricorn
5. What is your favorite color? Purple
6. What’s your lucky number? 13
7. Do you have any pets? My daisy doggo
8. Where are you from? I’m a Filipino Nebraskan
9. How tall are you? 5’2 😒
10. What shoe size are you? 7- 7 ½
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 5?
12. What was your last dream about? I don’t remember my dreams tbh
13. What talents do you have? I’m ok at calligraphy
14. Are you psychic in any way? I always seem to be right when I’m around my gf
15. Favorite song? Ultimate fav is DJ got us fallin in love
16. Favorite movie? I don’t really have one
17. Who would be your ideal partner? @carmphine
18. Do you want children? Maybe 1
19. Do you want a church wedding? Idk actually, I’m not that into church
20. Are you religious? Family is, I’m mostly agnostic
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Yes
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? No
24. Baths or showers? Showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? My feet (I was wearing black power ranger socks earlier tho)
26. Have you ever been famous? No XD
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Nah, then I wouldn’t get any privacy
28. What type of music do you like? Idk something catchy, good drum beat
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? nope
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Four rn
31. What position do you usually sleep in? I turn a lot so idk
32. How big is your house? 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, 2 story
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? cereal
34. Have you ever fired a gun? nope
35. Have you ever tried archery? nope
36. Favorite clean word? Heck
37. Favorite swear word? fuck
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? I have never pulled off an all-nighter
39. Do you have any scars? On my face, my back, fingers
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Apparently a lot of people had a crush on me at the same time during sophomore year but ????? idk there was probably something in the water
41. Are you a good liar? When I need to be
42. Are you a good judge of character? Idk
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? nope
44. Do you have a strong accent? I speak like somebody that didn’t grow up in America
45. What is your favorite accent? idk
46. What is your personality type? I fluctuate between INFP and ISFJ
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? My prom dress
48. Can you curl your tongue? Like a straw
49. Are you an innie or an outie? I’m an innie
50. Left or right handed? Right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? Yup
52. Favorite food? Chicken nuggets for now
53. Favorite foreign food? Filipino food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person? both?
55. Most used phrased? idk
56. Most used word? idk
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 30 min
58. Do you have much of an ego? I don’t think so?
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? suck
60. Do you talk to yourself? All the time
61. Do you sing to yourself? sometimes
62. Are you a good singer? Ahaha no
63. Biggest Fear? Losing everything
64. Are you a gossip? I’d like to think not, but i might be in an unintentional way
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? I can’t think of any off the top of my head sorry
66. Do you like long or short hair? I don’t have a preference
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? I can try if I can count and you give me a map
68. Favorite school subject? Science?
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope
71. What makes you nervous? feeling unprepared
72. Are you scared of the dark? My mind fucks with me but not really
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Small mistakes, or sometimes I don’t until somebody else does first
74. Are you ticklish? I can feel the tickle, I just don’t react
75. Have you ever started a rumor? I don’t think so?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I’m a guard captain, if that’s what you can call authority
77. Have you ever drank underage? Nope
78. Have you ever done drugs? Nope
79. Who was your first real crush? 2nd grade
80. How many piercings do you have? 3
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ Yeah
82. How fast can you type? My best is like 90 wpm
83. How fast can you run? Eh i’m good at short distance, not long distance
84. What color is your hair? black
85. What color is your eyes? Really dark brown/almost black
86. What are you allergic to? Idk, i’ve barely had any experiences with allergies, maybe slightly to dust?
87. Do you keep a journal? I used to
88. What do your parents do? They’re scientists/medical professionals
89. Do you like your age? I don’t feel like an adult
90. What makes you angry? Person i don’t like, people who don’t believe in equal rights
91. Do you like your own name? It’s a mouthful
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Not really
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Either is fine
94. What are you strengths? I always have a first aid kit
95. What are your weaknesses? Emotions/lack of, panicking, motivation
96. How did you get your name? My mom was named after her mom and i got the shortened version of their names
97. Were your ancestors royalty? nope
98. Do you have any scars? Already answered
99. Color of your bedspread? yellow
100. Color of your room? Light tan
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