#like. maybe it's the same reason why I couldn't even cry when my teacher said in the middle of my 6th grade school day
I still haven't been able to cry about it.
I have thought about it every single day for the past two months, but I still haven't been able to cry about it.
I've had a lack of motivation for my schoolwork that hasn't been this bad since spring and fall of 2020, but I still haven't been able to cry about it.
I've had the hardest time keeping up with the holiday spirit for the people around me that hasn't been this bad since the holiday season in which one of my best friends passed away after a month of knowing it was coming soon, but I still haven't been able to cry about it.
I feel physically sick when it comes to mind sometimes, even to the point of having seemingly "random" bouts of severe anxiety where I just can't get my heart to slow down, but I still haven't been able to cry about it.
I've had to go near an empty chair or my bed just to throw my fucking phone down a few times because I saw footage or some bullshit statement that made it feel like my phone might as well have been on fire in my hand, but I haven't been able to cry about it.
Not because I'm numb, because I'm not and I am very very thankful not to be, or that I don't feel enough to cry about it, but because I'm feeling so fucking much that I can't. How do you begin to cry over something that feels so astoundingly hysterically terrible that it just leaves you in shock? How do you see footage and updates on social media between "cute edits" and "hot holiday deals" of the worst things humans can do to each other and see so many people - from people you love to people you looked up to for years to people who are "leading" your goddamn fucking joke of a country - not only refusing to see it for what the fuck it is but actively voicing their support of it to the point where people with basic fucking humanity calling this what the fuck it is are being silenced and labeled controversial and try to make tears come out so you have something akin to a fucking catharsis - even though it will never fully release all the heartbreak and disgust and fury you feel - when they just... can't?
I see comments from people almost every day saying they've cried their eyes out thinking about at least some aspect of what's going on or that they haven't been able to stop crying, and I almost feel envious of them because I haven't even been able to start.
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crystalsandbubbletea · 4 months
My trauma (Technically a vent post)
CW: Death threats, suicide mention, possible sexism, stalking, war, Islamophobia, racism, body shaming, kidnapping threat, Christianity, swearing, ableism, death
Never thought I would be making a post about my trauma yet here we are. I decided that I would divide this into parts.
My bully
I would say that it started around kindergarten, but according to my mom that doesn't count because I apparently lied about being bullied when I knew that I was being bullied, yet she didn't believe me because that bully was nice to her, so that meant he was an angel.
Instead, I'll just say it started around second grade.
In second grade, there was this new kid who moved, he wasn't in my class but we had a lunch and a recess together. I don't know why, but he decided to pick on me, he would constantly call me names. I dismissed it and thought that it wouldn't get worse.
I was wrong.
In third grade, he called me "Stupid and ugly" and even said that he bet I wasn't even related to my parents and that they only adopted me out of pity, and even said that he couldn't believe God allowed someone as ugly as me to live. I ended up crying to my parents about it and that's when they knew that this wasn't a normal case of bullying.
I should also mention that he would frequently stalk me at recess, and I would have to spend the entire recess hiding from him. I did have those few fortunate moments where he didn't seem to find me so I was able to enjoy my recess.
Things got even worse in fifth grade. He threatened to kidnap me, tie me up, throw me in the back of a car, then drive the both of us off a cliff.
I'm just glad he never knew about Enaya, I just know that he would have been terrible to her as well. Or maybe he did know about Enaya and I didn't know.
At some point he ended up going after another one of my friends and said "If you don't go on a date with me, I'll call the police!" And my friend responded with "They'll just arrest you, you creep."
Yeah, she didn't take shit from anyone, and I kinda wish that I could have been like her.
At some point, I was at a museum with my parents and siblings, and this museum had a planetarium, and I was hyped about it
Except guess who was there?
That goddamn blonde bastard, my bully.
He was being creepy to me the entire show, and I started crying at some point. I think at some point one of my siblings snapped at him and told him to leave me alone and that he just had a sad life, he just laughed in response and insulted them.
After the show ended, I told my parents that I didn't want to stay, and they understood, so we, along with my siblings, went home.
Note: Bully's parents saw what he was doing and enabled it, they said "Oh he just had ADHD" and "He just likes you! Just love him back!"
My parents and my fifth grade teacher (Note: This isn't very important but my mom and fifth grade teacher went to the same highschool together and had the same graduating class together, they were also good friends) did everything they could to make sure that I wouldn't get any middle school classes with him, except that backfired.
It wasn't just one class, nope, it was all of my classes. The principal knew how bad he was to me, and still decided that he would have the same classes I have.
My parents and fifth grade teacher bombarded the principal with a shit ton of emails, until the principal finally decided I would be the one getting a schedule change.
The reason? "[They] have ADHD and Autism, [they] would be too much for those teachers anyways."
Fortunately my sixth grade year wouldn't be as bad as elementary school, as the bully would move to another city. He was a different school system's problem now, so I ended up thinking that my middle school year would be great.
How wrong was I.
I made a few posts about Enaya, even made a eulogy post once.
Anyways, Enaya was a very good friend of mine, she was Palestinian-American and the first Muslim friend I had. I remember seeing her around school and wanting to talk to her but really didn't until around either fourth or fifth grade during one of those fortunate recesses where my bully didn't stalk me.
It was that conversation between us that our friendship started.
She would tell me about Palestine, and Palestinians culture, and it interested me, but it also exposed me to how shitty the world was to Palestinians and Muslims.
I'm ashamed to admit it took me until sixth grade to realize that she was being bullied for being Muslim and Palestinian.
People called her a "Terrorist" and accused her of plotting another 9/11, they would even try to pull off her hijab.
Oh, and how could I forget? Those dumb fuckin' white girls who acted like they were feminists.
They said that she didn't have to wear her hijab at school, after all her father couldn't harass her for it, so she should just take it off. To say it made her uncomfortable would be an understatement.
I remember refusing to just watch those people harass her for her ethnicity and religion, and how I was told to "Piss off!" because it wasn't any of my business.
Fuck those guys, that was my friend, a friend that I now know that I loved as a sister, that they were harassing.
I remember her telling me that she had dreams of a free Palestine, and even said that maybe one day we could run through the cities of Palestine, or maybe even have Jaffa oranges.
To say I wanted that would be another understatement, I loved that dream, and needed it to become a reality.
I also remember that Enaya constantly talked about wanting to help people when she got older, and I told her that she would, and that I would also always be there to support her and that we would always be together forever.
I was wrong. Nothing lasts forever.
I was twelve, and it was after summer and the first day of school. I remember eagerly looking around for Enaya, as I wanted to know if we had classes together.
Instead her brother Soroush approached me.
That's when I found out that Enaya had killed herself.
He told me that there was a note left for me in her suicide note, and she had written "[Rian], I want you to know that there wasn't anything you could have done, and that I was very happy to know you, you were a great friend and I'm glad that you decided to talk to me that day. Please don't blame yourself, please continue to live and be happy not just for me, but for yourself as well."
How could I have not blamed myself? I felt, and still feel like, that if I had just been there more for her, if I had just fought harder for her, then maybe, just maybe, she would still be here.
I also felt bad for her family, her parents and brother were angels, and I can't imagine the hurt and pain they were going through because of Enaya's suicide.
I ended up trying to suppress her memory, acted like she didn't exist.
Until last year around November. That's when I realized that I hadn't forgotten her, after all, who did I base (one of) Alex's sister(s) off of? And who did I name that sister after? And what about her personality? And why did I ask her family if they would be fine with me basing a character off of Enaya?
And how else did I get my Prolonged Grief Condition and PTSD from? After all I was twelve.
Or maybe she was half of the reason, and the other half was my girlfriend.
I only recently talked about her, I didn't mention her name.
Alina was my girlfriend all the way in Ukraine. Her and I met on TikTok when we were both fourteen. We at first talked over DM's before deciding to give each other our Discords. And soon we were talking way more, even calling each other sometimes.
One day though, one of us confessed. I don't remember if it was her who confessed or if it was me. But I do remember that we were both very happy.
I remember that I would tell her about Ponca culture, and that she would tell me about Ukrainian culture, we even taught each other some words.
I also remember at some point we swore we would meet up when we were both eighteen in Seattle. I don't know why we picked Seattle, was it because we thought it would be romantic to run through the streets? Who knows..
Happiness doesn't last forever though.
February 24, 2022. I wake up in the middle of the night due to my phone buzzing from messages, and I saw that Alina wanted to talk to me. Not wanting to wake up my brother, I took my phone and walked into my bathroom. I asked Alina what was up, and she asked if she could call me. I said yes even though I was tired and had school in the morning.
That's when Alina told me that Russia had invaded.
I remember constantly praying to my gods and goddesses to spare Alina and her family. I was praying to my goddess of fate more though, after all, she had already taken Enaya from me, I didn't want to lose Alina as well.
Cue January 1, 2023, I ended up getting a call from one of our mutual friends, Faddei was his name. Faddei informed me that Alina and her parents were killed.
I don't remember much, but I remember that I was home alone, and that I hung up before dropping my phone and screaming and crying. I didn't tell my parents about what happened.
All those plan, gone...
I still haven't recovered from Alina, my first love..
... I wish I could post more, but I'm crying now..
Dammit, why do I still cry for those who are already dead..
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creativegamergirl · 10 months
I wish I had somewhere to go. My heart hurts so much. I wake up, and I cry for no apparent reason, and sometimes I wish I knew why. I got the responsibility of taking care of my mom while everyone moved to texas. I tried all my life even when I younger and tried to run away, but they always brought me back . They always try to guilt trip me to stay. And sometimes it works. Me and my family don't really get along to say much. They alway brought me down like I had no positive role models in my life except my teachers. When you strive to be better, my family takes the cake and brings me so far down that I'm just taken into depression and anxiety shoots up, and all I want is to sleep and never wake up. I write here because it's easy for people here to read because maybe some are going thru the same thing. My family never believed anything I said to them. When I tried to kill myself, my family was cheering on for me to kill myself. Ended up going to the psych ward, only my friends were really worried about what I tried to do to myself. My family didn't even worry about me as if I was just another person. When I came home nobody wanted to comfort me or be in the same room as me.my mom just there and did nothing . My sister did nothing. They didn't listen or even try to understand me. They thought I was trying to get attention. And everybody was dumb enough to sit here and listen to them. They kept taughting me to do it. I'm so built around negative energy that it's sad being in this house being with these people. It's taking a very tiring toll on me, and I feel like I'm just failing at it. I'm not even sure I want to go to Thanksgiving. Every time someone tries to reassure me, I feel even worse than before. It's like they feel like i should have tried harder. I'm the reject. I'm a disappointment. I'm not good enough. It's like I was a throwaway. I never make sense why am I still here. What is my purpose? Why can't I just disappear? No one wanted me. No one ever made me feel happy or safe. I know I had a difficult childhood, but instead of blaming it on my medicine and the fact I had adhd they should've blamed themselves for not trying hard enough. They just gave up. Only a few helped me. My family made fun of me instead of trying to help me. They thought I couldn't do anything. I just wish for once something positive came out of this. Or I should find a place far away from family, but in the end, they will guilt trip me to stay and watch my mom. It's their turn now. I'm going to try and get out of here.
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Vent: TW Sexual Abuse, SA
I honestly need help because idk what's going on and what to do.
I don't know what's happening to me.
I've started to withheld a lot of things from my friends.
I've been growing really annoyed with one of my friends and I don't know why. I hate it when she wraps her arm around my shoulder, I hate when she touched my stuff without asking, I hate her voice, but I don't hate her. I don't know why but it just happened suddenly one day. I want to be her friend still but I don't know where this sudden hatred came from.
I've stopped telling my best friend things too. I don't talk to them as much. I don't walk with them anymore. I don't hang out with them anymore. I feel like I've been replaced with other people. I don't know what Best friends are supposed to be like, because all the one I had before were fake. But from what I've seen best friends are like Luffy and Zoro, Mikey and Drake, best friends are like that, but mine isn't like that, not even close.
I've been getting nightmares frequently recently. All of them have sexual abuse.
my most recent one was that a cult leader for some reason came to my class to teach us about his book and get us to join his "program."
My bestie told me that the cult leader had them do really nasty stuff with him and then next second we're fighting his followers. Later, he tells my bestie and another classmate of mine to meet him in his closet.
In the dream idk why but I wanted the leaders attention. I tried everything to get his validation and for him to like me and not yell at me all the time. In the dream I think I just wanted to be wanted by someone, even if it was in a traumatic sexual way. My dream than finishes but then it continues to the leader saying he'll give me a chance and he dragged me into my teacher's classroom when it was empty. He forced me to suck him off as do sexual shit with him. I remember walking out feeling gross, really gross, but in my mind I thought at least someone wants, loves me. I remember my bestie telling me in my dream that I was lucky he didn't want me before that happened and I wondered why I wanted this man's attention.
I've noticed the same thing happen to me in real life too. I just wanted someone's attention, even if they'd hurt me. My perception on love and attention is so warped because of my upbringing.
Another dream I had I was in a dystopian version of a program I do and I'll cut it short. I skipped into a class room with two boys that kidnapped me into the program. The blonde boy grabbed me and said he owned me and forced me to kiss him.
All my nightmares have been having to do with SA. One had to do with my brother, but I don't wanna talk about it because I never want to remember how my dream portrayed my brother.
One I was vividly R/ped by one of the men and I couldn't get it out my mind.
I had another one that really messed me up.
I was with my brother and I was in middle school, maybe 14 ish, and my brother was in his Sophomore year. He was friends with some Tokoyorev characters and some random guys. The Tokoyorev characters I remember were Ran, Rindou, Sanzu and Koko.
I remember me being in school with him and he introduced me to his friends in the dream. They were all seniors and Juniors. When my brother left me with them they said really sexual stuff about my body and talked about how nice of an ass I had. When I walked off when my brother came back I heard one of random kids say I was going to be a slut or stripper in the future. When I looked at him disgusted he looked at me and said what, it's true with a grin on his face.
When I'd leave school I'd see them stalking me. And one day me and brother had a football game and they grabbed and dragged me away from my brother. They ended up r/ping me behind the bleachers. I remembered I the dream feeling helpless. I'd cry and nobody cared, not even my brother. I'd beg him to stop letting his friends see me but he wouldn't listen. They r/ped me everyday in my dream, and my mental state only got worse and worse, and suddenly most of them stopped. The people who kept doing it were Ran and Rindou. Idk why Tokyo revenger characters were in my dream but they were.
I keep feel people touching me. I don't want people touching me. I don't I don't I just don't. I hate when people hug me, I hate when they touch my shoulders, my back, my legs, anywhere on my body I don't want them touching me. but I just want fucking love. Genuine love, where someone won't talk about me purely sexually, where someone does only touch me sexually, nothing sexual, just a caring touch. I want someone to cuddle me, tell me how much they love me, and that they using me.
I don't think all these nightmares are coincidences. I think someone actually might've SAed me when I was younger and my brain blocked it out but it's just a guess. If you got a guess on what may be the cause please tell me, These dreams are soo fucking vivid and I'm losing sleep.
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Sensei (Jiraiya x reader) SMUT
Pairing: Jiraiya x Reader
Word Count: 2580
Warnings: Masturbation (female), cum, oral (male receiving), dirty sex, sensei kink?, praise kink
A/N: I'm not even sorry
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Starting your ninja training older than everyone else meant you always felt like you were behind. While all the other students became chunin in their mid-teens, you were 18 before you even took the exam.
That being said, you were older than most of your sensei's previous students.
It didn't used to bother you as much as it did now. Sure, you were sad before that you felt as if you were falling behind the other students. However, now you were worried for another reason. You were worried that Jiraiya saw you as a kid.
He was used to having young students, and he saw them in many ways as his children. You assumed he had the same kind of relationship with you, despite your age. This was fine at first, but the more time you spent with your sensei the more you wanted him to see you differently.
For your part, you had begun seeing him differently already. You took notice of his broad chest, his strong arms. He was trying to teach you a new justu, showing you better form.
Jiraiya was pressed against your back, his arms around your own so he could move your hands to the correct position. His hot breath fanned against your neck, making a chill run up your spine. To him it was no more than teaching a student, but for you it was the moment you began to see him as more than your teacher. Feeling his strong chest pressed up against you ignited a fire inside of you, one that still had not dimmed.
After that day, everything about the way you saw your sensei changed. Previously you hadn't cared much for the way the "Pervy Sage" chased women. You only cared about it in relation to your training, annoyed when you were unable to find your sensei. Now you found yourself jealous when he slunk off to bars or brothels alone, feeling as if he had chosen the option of being with other women over being with you.
You knew these women meant nothing to him, and many didn't even reciprocate his advances. Even so, there was already another woman that actually did mean something to him: Tsunade.
There was no way you could compete with her. She was another of the legendary Sannin, having trained with Jiraiya when they were young. Not only was she admirable for her strength, but she had also spent many years forming a bond with Jiraiya that you felt you could never attain. You knew how he felt about her, and despite the feelings being unrequited it hurt you more deeply than you would ever want to admit to him.
Tonight was nothing special. Another night, another village you would spend the night alone in. Jiraiya was already off for the night, no doubt to "gather intel" for his newest Icha Icha book.
You sighed, laying back on your bed in the room you had rented for the night. Your heart ached a little as you looked to the other bed in the room, one that would most likely stay empty tonight as Jiraiya found a bed elsewhere.
Giving up on feeling sorry for yourself, you looked around the room for something to do. You didn't feel like training, having already gone at it all day. You'd already eaten too, crossing that option off your mental list as well. It was times like this that you wish you had a hobby to bring on the road with you.
Glancing back over at Jiraiya's empty bed, something caught your eye. It was his newest publication, another of the Icha Icha series. You had to admit, something about the series had always intrigued you. Before you had always been too shy to pick up a copy, worried about what others might think of you. It's not like you had to worry about Jiraiya coming back tonight when he would be so busy.
You snatched the copy off his bed, flipping it open. The first few pages weren't bad, simply two characters going about their day together. However, it was only a couple more pages in when the characters made it back home and shut the door behind them.
It was filthy.
You had known the kind of content in these books, and had known the type of man that Jiraiya was. He wasn't one to tiptoe around a dirty word, but you had no idea just how dirty he could be in his writing. You read on.
He reached his hands up her blouse, taking a delicate, hardening nipple in each hand. A cry of his name escaped her hips as he began to gently rub circles around them, smirking at her reaction.
As you read the words on the page, you could feel yourself becoming more and more aroused as each word went by. You could almost feel Jiraiya's hands on your body, copying the movements of the characters.
You felt a flash of heat through your body, down towards your womanhood. Without feeling them you already knew your panties would be soaked. Knowing it was Jiraiya who had wrote this was making your mind run wild, imagining he were doing all of these things to you.
You continued reading, moving the book to your non-dominate hand so the other could crawl up your shirt. You grabbed your boob in your own hand, reading on. You flicked a finger across one of your nipples, relishing in the feeling of how hard it already was. You stifled a gasp at the touch, feeling dirty. The situation was giving you a rush, and it was turning you on more than you had been in a long time.
You couldn't stop reading, as if you were possessed. All you could do was read page after page, the actions escalating.
She undid his pants, puling them down to let his hard cock spring free. All she wanted was to take it into her mouth, and she did. Swirling her tongue around the sensitive tip she tasted his precum, only urging her to continue.
You pictured the scene in your head, imagining what it would be like to take Jiraiya into your mouth that way. Imagining it only made you more turned on, thinking about looking up at him through your lashes as he bucked his hips towards you, fucking your mouth.
He lined himself up at her entrance, holding back from slamming into her wetness. He slid his cock along her folds, teasing her until she begged for it to be inside of her.
You moved your own hand down into your panties, soaked just as you had expected. Your body lit up as you reached for your clit, rubbing small circles around the sensitive bud. A soft moan came from your throat, only making you wish Jiraiya were the one to ease it out of you.
You moved your fingers further downward, rubbing along the outside of your pussy. Lost in the moment, you didn't even hear the door creak open.
It had been a long night for Jiraiya, and a lonely one at that. Any girl he tried to flirt with denied his advances, and he hadn't even gotten any intel on the mission out of it. He decided to call it a night, walking back to the room he had rented for the two of you.
He expected you to already be asleep, as you usually were on the nights he returned. However, as he reached the door he heard more than snoring coming from the room. At first, he thought he had remembered the room number incorrectly.
For a moment, Jiraiya stood outside. Was there a man in there with you? He decided to peek inside, wanting to see if he needed to go and get his own room for the night.
Opening the door, his eyes went straight to you. He felt his eyes widen so large he was afraid they would pop out of his head. You were laying on your bed in only your panties, and from the sounds in the room he could tell they were already soaked through. Your breasts were on full display, making him wonder why he didn't look at them more often. In fact, he began to wonder why he didn't look at you as a whole more often. He was no stranger to finding younger, though of-age, women attractive, but something about being your mentor had made him block you off in his mind.
Now, as his eyes darted from your breasts to your pussy in an attempt to take it all in, he was mad at himself for not letting himself be attracted to you sooner.
Then he noticed your other hand. In it was a copy of his latest novel, and based on how many pages were left you had just gotten to the good part.
His dick had already begun to press on his pants from the sight of you, but now he knew what had made you feel this way.
It was him.
"Glad to see you enjoy my writing," he said cockily.
"Glad to see you enjoy my writing," you heard . Your hand froze in place as your eyes flashed to the doorway. To your horror you saw Jiraiya standing there. How much had he seen?
You shrieked, grabbing the blanket at your feet so you could pull it over your exposed body.
"Easy, it's not like I haven't already seen it now." He teased.
"What are you doing back tonight?" You barked, trying to hide your embarrassment with anger.
"I just wish I'd waited a little longer to come back, maybe you would have already had your panties off."
You knew these were the words of a pervy old man, but you couldn't help the way you felt as you heard them come from Jiraiya. Finally having the courage to look at him, you noticed how dark his eyes had gotten. Looking down, it was hard not to notice the tent forming in his pants.
You had thought you were already as turned on as you could have been, but seeing the way he looked at you was on another level entirely. You had always wanted him to look at you this way, wanted him to desire you.
You let the blanket fall, exposing yourself to him again. You tried not to show your excitement at the way you could see his smile grow as his eyes darted back to your chest.
"How about you take them off for me, sensei?"
You thought you had given the older man a heart attack. He froze, something you figured uncommon for a man so experienced as Jiraiya. He only faltered for a moment, quickly regaining his thoughts and making quick strides over towards you.
He did as you asked, tearing your panties from your body and rubbing his calloused fingers against your pussy. You moaned at the contact, rolling your hips towards Jiraiya.
"You like that?" He asked, "do you like it when your sensei touches you like this?"
You could barely respond, merely nodding as he elicited another moan from you. He leaned towards you, capturing your lips in his own. In the same moment you reached towards him, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
"Fuck Jiraiya," you moaned as he began kissing down your neck towards your breasts. Jiraiya smirked at your reaction, knowing what he was doing to you. He pulled away just long enough to undress his torso, coming back to lick a circle around your nipple. One of your hands roamed his chest, running your fingers over the scar you found so sexy. The other buried itself deep in his thick, white hair, trying to pull him closer to you.
He took a nipple into his mouth, sucking on your tit as he lazily rolled his tongue around the bud. You continued to moan, urging him on.
For his part in the matter, Jiraiya hadn't felt this young in a long time. Sure, he'd had a run-in or two at a brothel, but nothing like this. Something about this felt more real to him. He knew all of the noises you made for him were genuine, and all he wanted to do was make them get louder.
You felt yourself reaching closer to orgasm as Jiraiya pulled away, taking off his pants. You raised your eyebrows as he exposed himself, met with more than you had expected. For a moment you were worried it wouldn't fit.
"Get on your knees for your sensei."
You did as you were told, getting on your knees so that you could take him eagerly into your mouth. You thought back to the earlier pages in the book, swirling your tongue around the head of his cock.
"Fuck Y/n," he groaned, trying to push more of himself into your mouth. "Your mouth feels so fucking good baby."
You moaned around his cock at the words of praise, sending delicious vibrations through his body.
Looking up at Jiraiya, everything was even better than you had imagines. His hand was in your hair, pulling you further onto his dick.
"That's right baby, get this dick nice and wet so I can fuck you."
You did just that, excited when he pulled out of you mouth. He pulled you up off the floor as if you weighed nothing, pushing you back on the bed.
"Do you want this baby?" Asked Jiraiya, lining himself up.
"Yes sensei," you moaned, teasing him and trying to push your hips closer to his. "Please fuck me Jiraiya."
At your words he pushed himself into you, going slowly enough to let you adjust to his size. When you were ready you started rocking your hips against his, begging him to move.
He began thrusting in and out of you, his thighs slapping against yours in a way that made your pussy throb.
"Jiraiya," you moaned, already feeling close to orgasm after being so close earlier in the night. You could tell he was feeling the same, the tightness of your wet pussy driving him crazy.
Jiraiya looked down at you, watching your tits bounce as he fucked you in a way he had never imagined. Your eyes rolled back and your mouth parted as he thrust into you, only adding to his ego as well as his own pleasure.
"You're gonna make me cum looking like that," he grunted. All you could do was moan in response, holding eye contact with him long enough to feel his thrust falter a little.
The tension was building up in the pit of your stomach until Jiraiya shifted, hitting your g-spot as he thrust. You couldn't hold on any longer, walls contracting around his cock as you screamed his name. He didn't last long after that, your pussy clenching around him pushing him over the edge. He pulled out, spilling over your stomach as he finished jerking himself off.
As he finished, he leaned down to press a kiss to your tired lips. Something about the action felt almost domestic, and you couldn't deny the butterflies in your stomach.
"I'm glad I brought this with me," joked Jiraiya, motioning to the book that lie forgotten on the floor.
"Me too," you teased. He smiled back at you with sleepy, satisfied eyes. This would be far from the last time, you were sure. And you couldn't wait for the next one.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Vibrations per minute ↬ P.P
AN: Based on this post ehehe. (Also 223 followers?! I’m not crying you are ಥ‿ಥ Beta read by my baby sis @parkerpeter24​ <3<3
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➳ Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
➳ Warnings: smut (semi public), vibrator, minors dni
➳ WC: 1.8k +
➳ Masterlist || Taglist
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Peter Parker was not who he looked to be. He was the kind of guy who impressed parents with his bambi eyes and A+ academic performances, but at the same time, he could be a little shit and tease the fuck out of you. For example-
Bets were a naturally occurring event in the Avengers compound, whether it was between Sam and Bucky about who could eat the most number of marshmallows in one go or between Tony and Peter on who could digest more amount of coffee in the least amount of time (both of which landed them in the medbay). 
So maybe placing a bet with your boyfriend may not have been your most intelligent choice. You were a smart woman, you should have known better than to place a bet with Spider-Man, especially if the bet included cardio. 
And now you were facing the consequences. 
You were sitting in the post mission debriefing room, thighs clenched as you saw your boyfriend trying (and failing) to hide his shit eating smirk. You felt the vibrations inside you once again, a little faster than before. Suppressing a moan, you tried to glare murder at him without letting the others know. 
Puffing your cheeks, you slid down the chair, hands folded on your chest. You were pretty sure your cheeks were blood red with the amount of heat you felt.
"Y/N are you sure you're alright? You look a little flushed." Steve asked, shifting to look at you from where he was besides You. He looked concerned.
"Uh- yeah- yeah I'm good. Just exhausted." You stuttered a response. Huffing, you tried to discreetly rub your stomach from clenching. A little whimper escaped your throat, which you quickly suppressed by picking up the glass of water and chugging down some.
Sam looked at you weirdly, the others not paying attention as Nick Fury asked them questions. 
"Miss Stark if you think you're going to get out of debriefing because your little boyfriend and father are sitting here, you're wrong. Please pay attention" Fury said, looking at you with his pirate eye, before turning around and muttering, "I swear sometimes they behave like school children."
You gave Bucky and Sam a glare as they snickered. 
"I'm sorry, I'll- uhh- I'll pay more attention. I'm just, my tummy hurts." You whimpered, flushing when you realised you had said "tummy" in front of the Avengers. 
"Well you better take care of the tummy ache. Don't want you to poo all over here." Peter smirked, your jaw dropping at how rude the little shit was. How unfortunate would it be when he finds out someone had burnt his Kylo Ren special edition figurine? 
"Fuck you asshat." You seethe, your glare intensifying when he increased the rate of vibrations using the phone app he was holding under the desk.
"Y/N, Peter, enough of this, now listen to what Pirate here has to say before he asks you to skedaddle back to your nursery." Your dad says, rolling his eyes at your childish banter.
You wanted to get out of there. Right away, because you couldn't take the shudders in between your legs anymore, or you would orgasm right there, in front of everyone. 
So to get back at them, you raised your hand like you were in elementary school, asking the teacher for permission, "May I go to the washroom? I wanna poo." You ask innocently, smirking when Fury widened his eyes.
Averting your eyes to your boyfriend, you silently conveyed your message, hoping that he got what you were up to. 
Ignoring the laughter of the babies in the Avengers' bodies, you stood up abruptly before he could change the settings anymore, walking stiffly to the bathroom.
"That was kind of mean of me." Peter finally said when you were out of his vision. 
"Yeah kid, I would've kicked your ass if I didn't know that she would do it before me." Tony snarked, curling his lips and shaking his head before going back to the dossier in front of him.
"You should go and apologise to her Pete. She looked upset." Steve piped in, his disappointed eyebrowsTM showing their way.
"She's in the toilet and he's a horny teenager, you really want him to go right now?" Sam said.
"Ew Sam, get your gutter brain out of here!" Peter defended, not meaning what he said.
In fact he was going to do just that. The entire time during the mission, you had been teasing him one way or another, whether it was landing in certain poses or just touching him every chance you get.
The bet was just an opportunity for him to get back at you for leaving him hot and bothered, dreaming about you all night in that tiny lingerie with spider prints on them.
“Yeah Sam, get out of here.” Natasha joked. Before he could witness the counter arguments though, he left the room, leaving a very noisy meeting room and a very frustrated Nick Fury. 
He found you in the bathroom stalls near the cafeteria. It was the women's bathroom but no one was around this time of the night, so he entered it. 
He could hear your moans and pants, your arousal hitting his nostrils as he tried to hyperfixate on you. His jeans suddenly felt strained at his… web shooter area. 
Opening the bathroom door, he clenched his fists. You were standing there, vibrator out of you and your finger inside, eyes scrunched as you threw your head back, not even noticing him enter.
"Why are you touching yourself?" He growled, smirking innocently when you jerked up, eyes taking a lustful look that sent his blood rushing south. 
"It's your fault. You were the one who made me horny in the middle of those boomers." You gritted. 
Your hand was poised on your waist now, legs still spread apart, your pussy on display. 
Grabbing you by your ass, he picked you up and slammed you against the wall, kissing your jaw, "Just seeking revenge." He mumbled  
"Oh oh Petey- revenge for what?" You moaned, arching your back as he undressed you, grabbing your now unclothed boob and sucking on one nipple, twisting the other with his fingers.
Moaning at the sensation of the cool tiles, you dug your fingers at his back, your wet pussy throbbing for a feel of his dick.
"You did it on purpose didn't you? Showing off during missions?" He sucked at your skin, leaving it tender and brushed, "you know how hot you look while you kick ass?" 
He unbuttoned his pants, letting his dick slip out with his boxers. His length never ceased to amaze you, the thick organ making your mouth water. You imagined it slipping into you, your thighs slipping wider on instinct.
He saw the look you were giving him, his lustful eyes full of mirth and desperation. Without waiting any further, he slipped out a condom from his discarded jeans' pocket, sliding his dick into your wet entrance, your ass hitting the wall as he pushed into your walls. 
Throwing your head back, you hissed as your walls clenched around him.
"You get, you get turned on when I kick ass?" You panted, grabbing his hair in desperation to the coiling in your gut, "Fuck I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna come Pete." 
"Well what are you waiting for princess?" He nibs your ear, squeezing your breasts to his now naked chest. You shuddered at the coolness of his body, he's always been cold to touch. 
"Fuck princess, feel so good." His mouth was slack, his thrusts getting harder as he shoved into you, "so tight for me. Enjoying my cock in your pussy eh?"
"Yes! Oh- I love it Pete I love it!" Hitting your head on his chest, you pinched his nipple, making him groan and hit your stomach, the slapping sound echoing in the bathroom.
"Say it louder pretty girl" 
"Why?" You whined, "I should get back to you for using the vibrator but I'm having too much fun." 
You groaned, Your eyes scrunched when his thrusts started to slow down, his senses too overloaded to work together with his stamina.
"Yeah you're needy aren't you?" He said, out of breath from your little meet. He set you down, wiping off your cum using the tissue paper, flushing it off in the toilet. 
He took a minute to just admire you. Your body was shining from sweat, your breath coming out in short pants. You were completely naked, breasts out to the display. He flushed when you smirked at him, you had caught him staring. Not that you minded.
"My beautiful girl." He said, voice husky from strain as he closed the distance between you both, holding you in his arms. 
You laid your head on his chest, rubbing your cheeks against his pectorals. You could hear his racing heart, chuckling when you saw heat rising up his chest to his neck and then face. 
"Why are you blushing? We literally just fucked." You laughed, tracing circles on his collarbones. He looked ethereal from where you were standing, perfectly sculpted by a skillful sculptor. 
"Because you're amazing and I can't believe you're my girl." He said. 
"Mmhm,” You nodded against him, “Also, do you always keep a condom in your pocket?" 
There were many reasons as to why you keep around Peter, and one of them is that he's an amazing chef. Living with his aunt and uncle, he and Ben had been the main source of home cooked meals, because Aunt May was never good at cooking. 
You saw him standing in the kitchen, flipping pancakes while he hummed to some melody. You didn't mind, you could stare at him all day. Thankfully, none of the Avengers were awake yet (but they would be. They're huge fans of his food) 
"Morning." You smile, wrapping your hands around his waist, placing your head on his back.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked, moving around as you clung to him like a koala. Giggling, you wrapped your legs around his waist, jumping on his back like a potato sack. 
"Mmhm, the best sleep I've had in a long while." You mumble, words muffled by his back.
"Is that so?" He asked. 
Hearing shuffling noises, you quickly jumped off of him, fixing your t-shirt and sitting on the dining table.
You saw as Steve and Sam entered the kitchen, Natasha soon following suit. Clint had left for his home early that morning, wanting to meet Laura and his kids as soon as he could. 
You smiled at each of them, nodding a good morning and helping them sort a plate. 
You were arranging the plates when you heard a choked gasp. Alarmed at the sound, you looked up at Steve's horrified expression, looking at where he was pointing a finger.
"What?" You asked, biting your lips.
"That- is that a hickey?!?" 
Slapping your neck, you let the plate clatter on the table, ignoring Peter's scrambled replies. You saw Bucky entering from the corner of your eye, unable to formulate a coherent answer.
"Oh my god, Bucky they totally fucked yesterday!" 
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Page dividers by @cicicantblog​
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962 notes · View notes
greenygreenland · 3 years
Dream A Little Dream of Me: Norman x Reader (part four)
-part four because I couldn’t fit everything in part three-i went overboard, I’m sorry
-please enjoy I worked a month on getting this out, haha. it is a labour of tears and love.
---->PREVIOUS PART <-----
Summary: You need your memories back. But how will you get them?
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Gracefield House
Not a single soul moved for what felt like centuries. The moment Ray, Gilda and Don arrived at the scene, it was clear that nothing else could be done. Mama smiled at her children viciously. She wasn’t here to play nice any longer. Today, she was the hunter and her children the prey.
“It was a clean break. She will recover smoothly,” Mama curtly announced. “And Norman?” You didn’t like the way she looked at him, or the way her grip seemed to tighten on your limp arms. Her gaze dangerously narrowed and she said, “Your shipment date has been set.”
Your heart stopped. Norman’s shipment date had been set? No, that couldn’t be. Your plan required at least another week until everything fell into place. Norman was the core of it all. Without him, what would you do?
And speaking of which, he was going to die. Die. Die. Die. He was going to die.
You squirmed in Mama’s grasp, hoping--praying that you could maneuver around this. Norman wasn’t going to die. You wouldn’t let him.
“Let me--let me go!”
It was reckless and it was stupid to think he’d be able to evade Mama’s sight just like that, but you had to try.  Didn’t Emma say you’d all leave here together?
He blinked as if he’d woken up from a long dream. He forced himself to smile, but it came out as more of a grimace. Don’t struggle.
Don’t struggle? How did he expect you to sit around and do nothing? If anyone should be shipped out first, it should be you. Why? Because you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you let any of your family go.
Mama glared down at you with a cold smile. “You can’t fight me more than you can stop the sun from setting,” she said, heaving you higher off the ground. Your leg hit Mama’s arm and a cry escaped your lips. Norman flinched and Emma stood frozen in place.
You were always the strong one, not Emma, not Ray, and not Norman. Because you were one of the eldest, it was your responsibility to be the shoulder to cry on and to stand when no one else could. To see you holding back tears and gritting your teeth tight enough to make your gums bleed made Norman’s little heart break.
He didn’t care about his shipment date. All he wanted was to see you safe.
The rest of the day passed in a blur of faces, voices and regrets. The sharp pain in your leg long faded, leaving only a dull throb that stayed as a reminder of your failure. Yes, that was what you were, right? You couldn’t complete the plan even with Don, Gilda and Ray distracting Mama. You were pathetic. A waste of space.
The door creaked open and you sat up a little straighter. You smiled at the trio as they entered the room. “Hey guys.”
“How are you feeling?” inquired Norman. He took a seat by your bedside and gave your hand a gentle squeeze. Ray pulled up another chair. He hid his face behind his fringe to conceal his grim frown. It didn’t work though, and you merely smiled at him. He huffed irritably, as if he didn’t want you to know he worried so much.
“I didn’t think she’d go that far.” Ray quietly muttered. You knitted your brows together with a absentminded shrug. “And to think I was that close to getting her watch.”
Emma’s shoulders sagged. “I wish I had--”
“It’s fine Emma.” you said with a warm smile. “Broken bones heal, it’s not permanent.” She wrapped you in a tight embrace and you rubbed her back comfortingly. It was hard to look her in the eye anyway. The sadness she tried so hard to force down only added to your guilt, and you weren’t sure if you could think straight with all the regret.
“I’m sorry this happened.” you began. “Now that I’m hurt, you’re worrying for me.”
Emma pulled away as Norman gave a firm shake of his head. “None of this is anyone’s fault.” he stated. "None of us saw that coming, and even if we did, I’m not sure we’d be any good outwitting Mama on the spot like that.” He offered a gentle smile that made you feel just a little bit better.
(University name), DAY TWO
Class went by rather quickly today, and maybe that was because you were sure you’d seen similar material before. Each answer came easily along with each mark on your paper like a memory from long ago. You’ve answered harder questions, much more difficult tests that held more weight than a simple grade.
“I was impressed by your extensive knowledge on world history,” said Mr. Baker. He was the world history teacher. Unlike the others, he was young, perhaps in his mid twenties. In the hour you’ve gotten to know him and the class, you’ve come to realise he’s a class favourite. For good reason, too. His jokes were phenomenal, the material entertaining, and the atmosphere, friendly.
It was like having a conversation between friends rather than teacher to student.
“Do you know what school you went to before you came here?” he inquired. You shook your head. “No. I don’t think I went to any school before this actually...but I’m not sure. I wish I knew, sorry Mr. Baker.” He offered a warm smile. “Maybe my jokes will remind you of something. In the mean time, don’t worry about it. I’m sure you’ll remember eventually.”
Eventually. You didn’t want to remember ‘eventually’. Living a life of ignorance was difficult as it was, why should you continue it? You adjusted your grip on a notebook and said, “See you tomorrow Mr. Baker.”
“Same to you, Letha.”
The cafeteria wasn’t hard to find. Students crowded in the hallways, pushing and shoving as they stuck close to hurry towards for their meals. You didn’t care much for the food. There wasn’t any way it could measure up to your, or Gramps’s, cooking anyway.
You spun around as much as you could in the congested hall. Flanna raised a hand above her head and waved. She didn’t even try to hide the fact that she was looking for you. “Letha, you comin’?” There was no way out of avoiding the red-head. She had too much energy, and an eerily observant eye hidden under her smile.
“Hello to you too, Flanna.” you said, matching her step. Flanna grinned brightly. “Are you excited for lunch? My first day here, I thought it’d taste terrible. You’d be surprised how good it is, but maybe that’s because the school’s expensive.” She let out a snort that was lost to the chatter of the crowd.
The cafe wasn’t all too big. Despite the long tables stretching out across the floor, and the high ceilings and tall windows, it felt small. Crowded. The sheer amount of teens gathered in one area was daunting, scary even. It made your head spin, and your stomach lurch in disgust.
Was this what everyone dealt with every single day? How could they do it? This was madness.
Flanna patted your shoulder and led you towards the lunch line. “You get used to it after a while. Can’t say I have, but it’s not so bad.” She handed you a cup of fruit from a large cooler. You watched as she did the same and instructed the lunch lady on exactly what she wanted.
You copied her. It was all you could do to prevent embarrassing yourself.
Once you found a table, a long sigh left your lips. “That was actually...a bit stressful.” Flanna chuckled good-naturedly. “Oh, I get it, you’re shy, aren’t you? I had a friend like that back in ninth grade when I still lived in the countryside. Couldn’t even go in line without help from me.”
“What happened to that friend?”
“Moved away. Lots of people do. They like the city because it’s “full of opportunity”.” Flanna rolled her eyes. “I think it depends on what you want. I’d prefer a quiet life where all I have to do is take care of a farm. You know, sheep, chicken, cows. It’s easy because the only person who’s your boss is you.”
Flanna clearly didn’t favour modern life as much as her peers. She went on about the difficulties of technology and how they were “nothin’ but trouble” for simple folk. You couldn’t say much about that, but you wish you understood.
The rest of the day went by in a flash. It turned out, your last three classes were with Flanna. She didn’t talk as much in class, but she asked you a lot of questions about why you knew so much. Of course, you couldn't remember, but she didn’t know that. She didn’t know who you truly were.
The setting sun illuminated the sides of your face as you glared at the frosty grass below your winter boots. You stood outside, wrapped tightly in your thick, fur coat. It was Gramps’s daughter’s before yours, so it smelled like him. The forest. A cosy fireplace. Hot chocolate. It did little to comfort your aching heart, and maybe that was because a part of it was still missing.
Standing in the last rays of sun reminded you of that boy with light hair and kind eyes. It reminded you of his touch that refused to leave your mind. He was scorched there like an emblem on wood.
“So why can’t I remember you?” Your words were lost to the harsh, frosty breezes. “Who are you to me?” He wasn’t family, that much you knew, nor a friend either. He was much more. Much closer to your heart than either of those.
This wasn't a massacre. It was the shambles of a bloody war.
The remnants of limbs and broken bones lay strewn across the throne room, where pools of crimson stained the tile flooring with its iron stench. Part of you wished you hadn’t opened the door, and another said it was your fault for letting everything get this far.
Would you have been able to stop Norman if you ran faster? If you had stopped him earlier?
Your stomach flopped and turned. The smirk painted on Norman’s lips wasn’t right. It wasn’t him. He was satisfied, not with the massacre, but with how perfectly his plan had been executed. It played out like a game of chess. Each pawn he sent out had been eliminated, leaving only the most powerful pieces on the checkered board.
“I’m sorry,” Norman said. “It’s too late (Y/n).”
He wasn’t sorry and he sure didn’t feel an ounce of guilt for lying to you. Or at least, that was what you wanted to believe. Every fibre in your body screamed at you to run at him, slap him to the moon and back, or beat him to a pulp for lying and cheating you all. Yet you couldn’t do it. Not with the way he kept his eyes to the floor.
“I’m so glad you made it back safely,” he added. “It’s a shame you were a little too late.” Your gaze lingered on his for a moment longer before you cast it to Ray and Emma. They stood strong with you, yet you had a feeling they wanted to waver just as much as you.
Emma stared at the sticky crimson under her boot, eyes wide in disbelief. “They’ve...they’ve all been...?”
“Killed.” Norman plainly finished. “They killed each other and they’re all dead now. The Queen, the nobles, the Giran clan. All of them.” Despite the pleasant way he spoke, you had a feeling he didn’t mean it. The Norman you grew up with--no--the Norman you knew wasn’t like this. He was kind. Gentle. Sweet. He cared for everyone and everything, which was why he chose to be shipped out in the first place.
And why he always chose to be the sacrifice.
You heaved in a deep breath. If this were the reality of your situation, you had to accept it. Ignoring Norman for who he was and what he did wouldn’t do a thing.
“I reforged the Promise.” You made your way across the room, eyes straight and head held high. The smug glint in Norman’s eyes vanished.
“Everybody can escape to the human world and no one needs to fight. You don’t have to kill anymore, it’s over.” That was what you wanted to believe with every fibre of your being. But was it really all over? Could you escape to the human world and leave this place after what’s happened?
Norman shook his head, as if he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“It’s too late for that.” he plainly said. “No, it’s impossible. A monarchy that has lasted thousands of years has collapsed. Governance for the demons is impossible now. So is peace.” He glanced at the lifeless body behind him. “Iverk was the last one, and I killed him myself.”
You stiffened.
“We’ve put a lethal fissure in the demon society. A fissure that can’t be mended. All that’s left to do is,” he threw out a careless hand, “shatter it. All of the demons will die out. There’s just one more factor left. We can’t go back now. We have no choice but to wipe them out.” He straightened and it was like you were staring at a different person. There was no kindness in his eyes, or that light that you’ve relied on to keep you waking up every morning. “Don’t get in the way.”
You clenched a fist. “No.” Your voice came out strong, reassuring. “What is the point in wiping out a whole race just because we can’t see eye-to-eye? There’s hope and I’ve finally grasped it! For thousands of years, there’s been a cycle of slaughter and war that we have to break. I don’t plan on standing back, and I don’t plan on letting you become more of a murderer!”
Norman’s eyes were dark from under his cloak. “(Y/n)...”
You stood your ground. Defying him was the only way you could stay strong, the only way you could convince him. “We’ll find a way together! It’s not going to be easy, but I know we can do it!”
“I’m not letting you sacrifice yourself again and I’m not letting you do this alone!”
Norman’s tight expression relaxed into an uncomfortably serene smile. “What are you talking about?” he lightly inquired. “Didn’t I tell you? I’m not going anywhere.”
You heaved in a sharp breath because he stopped telling you the whole truth ages ago. He stopped relying on you because he thought he had to do everything alone. “I can’t trust you. You’re a liar! You think you can fool me? I know something’s wrong with you, you’re just trying to hide it! Don’t underestimate the family you grew up with, stupid Norman. We can see through all your lies and tricks!”
You thought back to the day you walked into his office alone.
I know you Norman, don’t forget that.
It had been too long since you’d seen him and thought him dead. Too long since you were able to hold his hands in yours.
And because I love you, I don’t want to see you destroy yourself.  
It was nice to see him again, yet there was something off about him. He hadn’t changed much besides growing as tall as a tree.
I admit, I don’t know why you act like you’re going to leave again...
The only difference was the hesitance in his stance. As if he were trying to hide something very painful in his chest.
...but I’ll do everything in my power to stop you.  
Then he left your words open-ended, as if he knew he couldn’t possibly lie to your face like that. He knew you saw through him from the start. It was only a matter of time before he acknowledged it.
“Doesn’t it hurt?” you slowly inquired. “Because you’re so smart, you chose the reliable path. Because you’re so kind, you shoulder all the burden. I know you Norman, didn’t I tell you? You don’t want to slaughter the demons! And you don’t want to wipe them out either!”
That was the truth that shone in your heart. You wanted to believe in Norman because he always believed in you. If he didn’t then he wouldn’t have allowed you to go the Seven Walls. If he didn’t, then he wouldn’t have allowed you to walk without him.
“You shouldn’t lie to yourself,” you added. “What are you hiding? What are you so afraid of?” He raised a brow challengingly. “Afraid?” Norman wanted to laugh. “I’m not...”
“The Norman in front of me looks like a scared child.” You said it like it was fact, and judging by the way Norman’s gaze unfocused, you were right. He wasn’t just scared, he was terrified. Of the consequences, of how you would look at him again, of how the blood would never, ever wash off.
But it was okay, right? He was strong. Just a little longer and it would all be over.
You took a step forward. Norman firmly held out a hand. “Don’t come any closer.” His voice was void of any emotion, cold even. “I’ve come this far. I have no intention of turning back now.”
“Well that’s too bad!” you exclaimed. “Because neither do I! I’m not letting you go this time!” You grasped his hands in yours, giving it a firm squeeze.
“Yes, you’re strong, yes you’re smart and you’re amazing and all those great things, but you’re stupid too! And arrogant! Can’t you see that you aren’t alone? Don’t be afraid to believe in us! We’re here to share everything. The tough, the burden, the painful things and the scary!”
Emma nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we’ve done that since day one. It’s what we’re here for!” Ray locked gazes with Norman. He wasn’t about to be left out of this, not after Norman’s little stunt back in Grace Field. “Don’t be so reserved either,” he added. “Just spill it!”
You squeezed his hands tighter and stood a little closer. “You don’t need to protect us anymore! We want to walk with you, not behind you!” Answers were simple, but the journey was everlasting and dangerous. You understood what it took to get here even if you weren’t walking in Norman’s shoes. It was difficult. Terrifying. But with all the accomplishments under your belt?
It was time to reunite with him.
“Your family and siblings are your friends.” added Ray. “We don’t want a future where you end up suffering no matter what the result is. And you? What do you want? What do you want to do, Norman?”
He pulled away and the warmth left your hands. “No, it’s no good.” he stated. “You’re already too late. I’m...I’m in a place where I just can’t go back. You can’t walk alongside me--”
“We know.” you interjected. Emma nodded. “About the poison, Mujika and Sonju...”
“And the experiment in the basement.” added Ray. A hopeful smile inched itself onto your lips. “See? We’re not too late. It’s okay to be vulnerable. If you’re the real Norman, then let’s lose our way together. Let’s struggle too, and laugh.” You held out a hand and Emma and Ray joined you.
“Let’s live together.”
Norman didn’t struggle to keep his cool. You re-called the look in his eyes, the same one you saw that night he was told his shipment date. He cried, not just because he chose to get shipped out, but because he was scared. For you. For himself. For his family.
That stifling look of serenity washed off his face. His lips trembled, his shoulders shook, and his eyes watered. You all wrapped each other in a tight embrace. No one deserved to face all the ages of time on their own, no matter what it was, and more than anything, you’d do that for him.
“But...” Norman’s voice trembled. “It’s too late. It's pointless because of the drugs we were forced to take. We don’t have much longer left to live--we can’t live on.” He collapsed to his knees in a heap. “Help me... (Y/n), Emma, Ray... Please...”
That was when all the puzzles finally fit. After laying in wonder for so long with thoughts that kept you awake until the sun rose, you understood. The hesitance in his walk. The way he tried to hide his sluggish step. The way he acted like he was running out of time.
“You’re dying.” The words left your lips before you could even stop them. “It’s...the drugs from Lambda, right?” Norman tried to suppress a sob, but it came out in a way that sounded like he was chocking on his own lies and tears. You took a knee, gently placing a hand on his cheek. “Oh, Norman.”
He couldn’t stand the soft look in your eyes, or the tone in your voice that was like a warm summer breeze. You should have yelled at him. Should have stamped your foot against the ground and growled and slapped him. Yet you knelt in front of him, caressing his dampened cheeks with a touch that said it would all be okay.
Norman wouldn’t look at you--no--he refused to because he was just as you said: a liar. Why were you so kind to him when all he did was lie? He said he’d let you go to the Seven Walls. He said he’d wait for you. He said he wasn’t going anywhere and that he’d live, laugh and do everything to be there with you, for you.
Norman wondered what a murderer like him ever did to deserve you.
The grass crunched under your feet. Towards the brick walls you walked, following the sun as it lowered deeper and deeper towards the ground. You had to keep reaching for it. You had to see it.
In times of trouble, it was your beacon of hope, the last bit of your old life you were sure you could recall. No matter where you were, it was always the first thing you followed. Towards the light. Towards that ray of hope.
You came to a stop at the edge of the school grounds, right where the gates separated you from the outside world bustling with life. The occasional car zoomed through the streets, interrupting the quiet air with its incessant honking and screeching.
The sun disappeared over the horizon, bathing the skies in navy blue and purple.
“Excuse me.”
The voice was light, warm, polite.
“You should really hurry home. It’s not safe out here at this time, especially since we’re students.”
You stuffed your cold hands in your pockets. “I really appreciate your concern,” --you turned to face him-- “but I’m fine. Thank you.”
A boy with light hair and kind eyes met your gaze. Something about him reminded you of something--no--someone. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but the boy did. He’d never forget you, no matter how many lifetimes he lived.
“(Y/n)?” He was breathless, frozen in time as you awkwardly knitted your brows together. (Y/n) wasn’t your name. It was Letha, the name Gramps gave to you because you couldn’t remember your own.
Your confused frown made the boy’s eyes well with tears. You stared, watching as he slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle a pained sob. He was a student here just like you, sporting the traditional sweater vest, white button-up with a tie, and black slacks to match. You’ve never seen him before, yet he looked so...familiar.
Gosh, why couldn’t you remember?
“It’s been over a year and,” he chocked, “I’ve looked everywhere. How could you--how could you do all that for us? You promised we’d live together, but you reforged the Promise and--and...”
The boy's knees wobbled, and out of instinct, you threw out your arms. He fell into you, right at the crook of your neck. You couldn’t see his face, but you knew his tears must have been frozen by now. It was cold out here.
“Are you okay?” Your voice was small, fearful almost. It made the boy cry harder. “I don’t know you, but why don’t we go inside? There should be a cafe down there, and they’re open late, so...”
“I’m sorry.”
You paused.
“I’m so sorry.” he echoed. “I wish I was there. I wish--I wish it were me--but instead...”
You patted his back as if you’d known him for a lifetime. Maybe you felt bad and that was why you hadn’t shoved him off, or maybe, it was because having him in your arms felt so right. Familiar in a way you couldn’t put into words.
Your gentle touch made the boy’s sobs relapse. He curled into you, wrapping his arms around your middle like you’d run away. Like you’d disappear. There was something so nostalgic about this hug and the way you both had your arms around each other.
It had happened before.
“The Promise,” the boy muttered, “you made it in exchange for--”
Bright, blue sky stretched out as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful, and oddly calm. Perhaps a little too calm. After running through a maze of illusions and riddles you struggled to solve, you arrived in this place. Alone. The ground was like water, and with each step you took, it rippled and fanned out.
Someone sat in the middle of this endless sky and water, hovering over it serenely.
“What is it you seek?” the demon inquired. You stepped forward. “I want to reforge the Promise.” The demon’s single eye gazed straight through you, as if you were nothing more than a sheet of paper held to the light. “Sure, (Y/n).”
You pursed your lips together. He was unnervingly calm, child-like even, and you had a feeling it had to do with his ‘reward’ after the promise.
“So what is it you seek?” questioned the demon. “You must give me a reward as well.”
Yes, that was the catch. But what could it be? This demon was a being higher than anyone in the land, a god that once split the world in two. He transcended time, yet remained relatively simple-minded and difficult to read.
“The reward,” the demon fiddled with an orb in his hands, “hmmm... It would have to be something important. Ambition. Desire. What someone longs for. What I would want is something important to the other party. Will you make a wish despite that?”
This was for more than your family and Norman. You had people relying on this one choice, this one Promise.
“Yes, I will make a wish despite that.”
It all meant more than the world to you. You had to liberate your family, the children who were raised like livestock and mass-produced like wild animals. And the mamas who fought to survive--you had to think about them too.
“I wish for all the cattle children to cross over...”
They didn’t choose that life of suffering. None of you did.  
“And after that, for it to be completely impossible to pass between the two worlds.”
The demon continued to stare. You stood strong and proud with the weight of all humans in this Neverland on your shoulders. If he granted your wish, then the tide would turn and you’d be able to save everyone and everything.
“I will grant that wish,” he said. “And the reward I want are your---”
“Memories?” The words fell from your lips in a hasty breath. More than anything, you valued finding them. It was the only missing piece in your heart. The last portion of the unsolved mystery.
This boy--whoever he was--talked about you like he knew you. Held you like you meant something. Said that name, (Y/n), like it were his life line. He pulled away with a sniffle, settling his hands on your shoulders with a loving touch.
“You don’t remember me.” He lifted a hand and raised it to place on your cheek. But he couldn’t touch you like he used to. Not when you looked at him like he was far away and out of your reach.
“You don’t remember me.” the boy quietly repeated. He began to pull away, but you grasped his hand in yours. It was warm, soft. “No, I...I’ve seen you before.” There was a pained look on the boy’s face, as if he thought you were lying to him.
“Haven’t we been through this before (Y/n)?”
No, said your mind. Yes, said your heart.
“You shouldn’t lie to yourself.”
Your grip tightened around his hand, but not enough to hurt him. “I...I do know you. You’re...” You shouldn’t lie to yourself. You shouldn’t lie to yourself. You shouldn’t lie to yourself. But you did know this boy, and all this time, you yearned to see him.
Who was he to you?
Who were you to him?
“I can’t remember your name,” your eyes welled up with cold tears, “but I know I’ve missed you all this time.” You pulled his hand to your cheek as he brought you close. The scent of parchment, aged books, and the woods. Yes, that was nostalgic, so much that it felt right. The final piece, fragmented and broken, began connecting again. It brought the dots and the gaps you tried so hard to fill together.
But something else was still missing.
The boy pulled your head to the crook of his neck and rocked you from side to side in the moonlight. Even the hazy streetlights were drowned out by the stars. You liked to think it was because this part of the city was quiet, isolated, from the rest of the world. And the rest of your worries.
“Norman.” he said.
You looked up at him.
“My name is Norman.”
“And mine is...(Y/n)?”
“Yes,” he said with a bittersweet smile. “I think the day I fell in love with you was when you got excited about something Ray told you. Ray is our family if you’re wondering, and so is Emma, and Gilda, Don...” He told you about people you once knew, and the life you once lived. Some parts he left out, and others he kept.
But you wouldn’t have known. Not when your memory laid in fragments.
“...And so we looked for you. I didn’t think you’d be here, but I’m glad you were.” He laid his chin on the top of your head. “You used to joke that I’d never be taller than you, but now I am.” A sad chuckle left his lips. “I wish things could be different and that you--”
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a flash of red hair. Your head began to pound and you nuzzled closer into Norman.
“What’s wrong?”
“My head hurts.”
He ran a hand through your locks, arms folded close around you as he hummed a sweet tune. It was sad, melancholy, and the only one you’d ever known your whole life. “I know that song.” you mumbled. Norman smiled softly. “Mama used to sing it to us all the time. When Ray had nightmares, she put him to sleep with this song.”
The pounding in your head increased and you squeezed your eyes shut. “I did too. I sang...to you.” Norman’s lips parted, but he settled on a nod and smiled instead. “You remember?”
“I think so.” The memory was hazy, as if someone were trying to make you forget for good. But you fought that urge, held on to the image of a room with white sheets and bed lined up side by side. “You were...talking to me...about a...I don’t know...”
“Go on.”
“You were crying late at night...so I...I sang to you.”
Norman kissed the top of your head. When he was in Lambda, locking in that room all alone running through test after test, he held fast to that memory. It kept him from giving up on what he fought for, and kicking the bucket for good.
“I missed you so much.” he wistfully whispered. “You can’t leave me again, or else you’ll break my heart for good.” You looked up to meet his watery eyes. “Why would I leave?” Norman shook his head. “It was in the Promise, wasn’t it? You can’t break it.”
The pounding began to fade. You tiredly smiled, but it was warm and thankful and happy. “That won’t stop me, Norman. I don’t think I could live without you.” He warmly chuckled, intertwining his hands with yours. “Me too.”
And it was then that you began to feel a little more complete, a little more you from then. You were sure you wouldn’t have to dream another little dream of your wodeerful Norman any longer, for he would be right by your side, where you both belonged.
You released his hands and cupped his cheek. It was a natural act you didn’t even have to think twice about. When you were you, you had done this more than a thousand times. Your lips connected in a sweet kiss. He tasted like coffee and tea rolled into one, and you had a feeling it was because he couldn’t choose which was better.
“I love you.” you said. He warmly smiled, but underneath, it was almost sly. “I love you too. Why don’t we do some catching up?”
TIP JAR!! <- (Support me on Ko-fi please!)
Thank you to those who stayed this long, I love you all SOOOOO MUCH!
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efyra · 4 years
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pairing: remus lupin x reader
summary: the first time that remus almost lost his control
author’s note: i swear that i didn’t pretend to make two parts for this story but it just happened; i couldn’t help myself. i’m sorry 🥺 and I also am sorry for any grammar mistakes - like i said before, english is not my native language
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1994, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Honestly, you never thought that would be so sensitive about your last year at Hogwarts. You didn't think you would miss walking those halls, dining under the starry sky of the Great Hall, the Quidditch games that cheered up the students of all Houses, resting on that tree next to the Black Lake or the magnificent view from the Astronomy Tower. All these little things that never meant much to you before, made your seventh year more melancholic than you imagined it would be - you couldn’t even think about no longer seeing your friends every day without starting to cry.
In a few months, you would be a graduated girl; an adult woman who would be entirely responsible for your own future. Technically, you would be free. Free to pursue any career you want; you could become a healer, a teacher, a magizoologist, or even an auror, and you would have a happy and prosperous life. Or you could just screw yourself up.
The uncertainty made you apprehensive.
Ever since you were born, everyone told you what to do, be it your parents or your teachers; how did they expect you to make a decision as big as "the future of your life" being so young? You were only 18, for Merlin's sake!
Why did you stay only seven years at Hogwarts? If you could, you would continue studying there until you were 25 years-old.
But, unfortunately, that was not possible.
What made you feel a little better was to think that your colleagues were as apprehensive as you were about venturing into the adult world.
Since the school year has began, seventh graders threw a "farewell party" every month and overdosed on firewhisky. You have witnessed a diversity of drunken behavior during these parties; there would always be someone crying because they would miss Hogwarts, others despairing because they didn't know what the fuck they were going to do with their lives, some pompously saying that they already knew exactly where they would work after graduation, there would also be those who would make brave confessions, act recklessly or end up sleeping on a couch.
You weren't a very party person; not that you were those people who didn't even attend the party, but you never crossed your limit, let alone did something to embarrass yourself. Of course, you've taken doses of firewhisky before, but you never got drunk.
Until that night.
Earlier that day, you got a letter from your parents telling that they expected you to become an auror just like them; that gave you stomach pain all day long. You had already thought about following the same career as your parents - who were phenomenal in their job - but you weren't sure if that was what you want for your future.
You were a simple girl. You were never very extroverted, but you made good friends during your years at Hogwarts. You were a great student, not extraordinary nor mediocre. You never drew much attention, and frankly, you never wanted that - in fact, you hated being in the spotlight. For some weird reason, you become very clumsy at those times.
So you never really considered becoming an auror. And because of that letter from your parents, you forgot to control how much firewhisky you were consuming.
And, for the first time in your life, you were officially drunk.
"Ok, I'm hungry" you declared to your friend; your voice tone was louder than usual and your words came out a little shuffled.
Y/F/N faced you with some fun in her eyes; it was unusual to see you like that.
"Right. Let's go to the kitchens, then"
You frowned in confusion.
"How do we get in there?"
"Just tickle the pear" she shrugged "easy peasy". A giggle came out of her lips. "What?" Y/F/N raised an eyebrow.
"You said pee-asy" you answered, giggling one more time.
Your friend shook her head.
"You're very drunk," she said with fun. "Let's give you some food and water and put you on bed.
"Oh, but I don't want to go to bed" you made a pout.
"Well, we're going anyway," Y/F/N said firmly; she knew you wouldn't want to wake up on some random couch. "I'll tell Riley we're going and be right back. Don't go anywhere.”
If you were sober, you would never consider invading Hogwarts' kitchens in the middle of the night, and you wouldn't have escaped from your friend after she told you to wait for her, but, obviously, you weren't even a little sober.
Walking through the dark and empty corridors was already an unknown experience for you, but walking through them being so drunk seemed like an adventure. You had no idea where you were going - even though you knew you wanted to get to the kitchens.
Then an intense light blinded you for a second.
"Miss Y/L/N?" the familiar voice of your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher took you by surprise.
Your eyes widened and you stumbled in your footsteps.
"Professor Hottie!" exclaimed automatically as soon as Remus fucking Lupin appeared in your front, seeming very intrigued to find you in the middle of the hall. "I mean... Professor Hottie!" you paused for a short second; looking sideways and not noticing the amused little smile that appeared on the older man's face. "Wait I said it again... Professor Lupin! Now I did it" you smiled and turned your head to face your teacher.
Then you saw.
That damn look. The look full of savagery that made your knees weak and the air escape from your lungs.
Your teacher slowly approached you; he calculated his steps so he won’t scare you - and honestly, he needed to control himself to not kiss you right there.
Remus Lupin looked like a wolf hunting his prey - and you looked delicious in his eyes.
"Miss Y/L/N..." he kept walking towards you, causing you to automatically take a few steps back, getting close to the wall. "What a little girl like you is doing in the hallway off hours?"
The words got stuck in your throat.
"I-I-I... Ah... I..."
Then he smelled it. He smelled the firewhisky on your breath.
A surprised moan came out of your lips when Professor Lupin pushed you against the wall, pressing his body on yours; his 6'2" height rising dangerously over yours much shorter.
"Were you drinking?" his tone was not as gentle as usual; it was rough and demanding. His question came out almost like a growl.
You gulped.
Your heart beat wildly and you never felt so hot like that before; you wondered if you could burst into flames just with that interaction.
"No!" you lied.
"Y/N..." was the first time Remus said your name; you loved how your name sounded in his voice. "I think you're lying to me," he whispered close to your ear.
You felt shiver over your spine.
"Professor, I-I... I don't..."
"I, I" he repeated in a mocking tone, appreciating how nervous you looked before facing you intensely again. "Don't lie to me again. You won't like what I'm going to do to you if you lie to me again.”
You gasp with your words, and to your embarrassment, a pathetic moan came out of your throat.
Remus growled; he clenched his hands firmly, trying to control himself to not fuck you right there in the hallway - his cock already hard inside his pants.
"Or maybe you would like it" he thought to himself.
But at the same time your groaning excited him, it also awakened him from his trance. Remus remembered who he was; he was your professor and you were his student. He couldn't do anything with you.
He took a step away from you, reluctantly; taking the time to admire how delicious you looked with your breath intertwined, your cheeks blushed and so submissive.
You were disappointed when you could no longer feel his warm body against yours, but you stopped yourself from saying anything. Honestly, you had no idea what had just happened between you and your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher; it seemed wrong and it certainly was forbidden, but you couldn't help but want more.
"You will go back to your dorm. No more firewhisky for you, do you understand, Miss Y/L/N?" he asked, looking at her intensely.
"Y-Yes" you stuttered nervously.
"Yes, what?" he growled.
"Yes, Professor Lupin" you corrected yourself quickly.
A smile appeared on the man's face full of scars.
"Good girl" he couldn't prevent those words from coming out of his mouth. "Now, go" he said authoritarian.
You nodded before heading back to the party; the drunkenness seemed to have left your body completely and you almost felt sober.
Your little interaction with Remus fucking Lupin still made you feel a little dizzy.
Y/F/N found you halfway through, she guided you to your common room and brought you to your dorm.
That night, you slept quickly because even though Professor Lupin had taken you out of your drunk state, you still had a good dose of firewhisky.
Unlike you, Remus Lupin could not get a good night of sleep.
He thought about you all night long; the way you seemed to submit yourself completely to him without any hesitation, how small and fragile you seemed and how easy it would be for him to throw you on bed or any other surface he could fuck you into oblivion, the way you pressed your thighs together when he approached you - you didn't notice it, but he did.
Remus thought that, maybe, having you wasn't something so surreal; that, maybe, you wanted it too. But he remembered the firewhisky smell on your breath.
He knew he should never have done what he did.
He should have controlled himself.
The next day, he waited for Dumbledore to tell him that he was fired, but that never happened. He waited a week, two weeks, three weeks, more than a month passed and absolutely nothing happened.
Remus didn't know if he should be relieved or if he should feel like the worst man in the world; you had completely forgotten what had happened that night.
Or that's what he thought.
In fact, you remembered every minute of yours little interaction in the hall.
You remembered the way he looked at you ferociously, his predatory walk, you remembered perfectly the growl that came out of his throat, his body against yours, his chocolate and parchment paper perfume, and you, definitely, could never forget how dominant and controlling he acted - and how your body surrender to that behavior; how you liked it.
"You won't like what will happen to you if you lie to me again", it was his words, and Merlin, you had the most absolute certainty that you would love anything he did to you. And you would still beg for more.
You waited for Professor Lupin to come to you, but he never did. You waited more than a month and nothing happened.
It was as if that night had never happened.
Of course, you felt disappointed - very disappointed - but it was your last year at Hogwarts. Your last year walking through those halls, having dinner under the starry sky of the Great Hall, cheering for your house team at Quidditch, resting on that tree next to the Black Lake and enjoying the view from the Astronomy Tower, and you wouldn't waste it lamenting for your Dark Arts Defense teacher.
You graduated. And you thought you would never see him again.
But fate had other plans for you two because in that summer of 1995, you met at Grimmauld Place, number 12.
It didn't seem wrong anymore and it wasn't forbidden, so you promised yourself:
You were going to find out what Remus Lupin was hiding.
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Inko chews out Endeavour
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Characters: Inko Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, Endeavour
Genre: Angst, a little bit of fluff and catharsis
TW: Mentions of child abuse, abusive home life, mental drain
Word Count:3 K
A/N: This may be a teensy bit long :3
•Okay listen
•Midoriya is god damn horrified when he hears what Endeavour did/does to his kids. He had obviously guessed that the second-best hero there is who is training his family to also become heroes would have some extensive regime but what Shouto explained wasn't "training" it was just abuse.
•He immediately offers Shouto and his sibling's a place with him and his mum without a moment's hesitation. They're not as rich as the Todoroki's or live in as big a house with as good food, but they're happy. •And when Shouto declines, Izuku isn't really sure what to do.
• it's not his place to tell any media or higher authorities, it'd drastically change the lives of Shouto and his siblings and would affect all of them the rest of their lives. He feels like he can't do much and a part of him feels like doing nothing means he's condoning the abuse that still happens in that home like the emotional neglect and things Shouto may not have mentioned. But he can't do anything about that right now, simply because Shouto won't let him. And while Izuku is fighting every instinct he has which is to take the Todoroki siblings out of there and into a therapist's office, it's not his place to do that.
•So instead, he does what he can for them, like offer to go places more so they're out of the house. Offer free anonymous therapy sites. Have their own improv therapy whenever needed. Promise to be there for whoever trusts him and for those who it may take longer to trust him.
•But with all his good intentions, he starts to bite off more than he can chew. Even when it's not in the midst of midnight therapy or distracting days out, it's constantly nagging at the back of his mind that he wants to do more and he isn't doing everything he can. He doesn't want to "fail" at being a good friend, since he hasn't had many experiences to base off (or any for that matter) but he is running out of emotional room.
•Contrary to the Todoroki household, Inko Midoriya actually notices when her child is going through some rough times and tries to do her best to help.
•I imagine Inko and Midoriya have a close relationship. With no other reliable parent figure in the house, they spent a lot of time together. Not only are they parent and child, but they are also friends who enjoy each others company. Inko may not always understand his fascination with All Might but she'll always ask questions and prompt him to go on about the differences in All Might's costumes and moves, even if she knows all the answers already in the same way Izuku may not understand why she enjoys sewing so much ever since she made him his hero costume but will not hesitate to help her go shopping for and carry new fabrics as she talks about the colours and texture helping boost peoples confidence. (She wants to get better at sewing so she can make a new costume for him that's better than ever before.) •And because Inko and Izuku were rather close, she knew his tells. she'd learnt well from their daily game nights to know when he lying and when he was hiding things. But that was during games. This was far more strenuous. But before she rushed in and crowded him, Inko thought that if there were really something he didn't want her to know, then she shouldn't know. So long as it doesn't hurt him. So, respecting the fact he is now a teenage boy and not a child anymore, she knew he was smart enough to make his own decisions.
•But also being herself, she still wanted to help, even if she didn't know exactly what was going on.
•At first, she thought Izuku wasn't sleeping enough because of the stress of UA so she'd plan days to the seaside or mini-holiday or they could try to make a new dessert or do a movie marathons to distract him from it. And she always took note of how very time she offered, he'd always insist some way or another that the Todoroki's join them which of course she had no quarrels with, she was delighted he loved spending so much time with his friends!
•When that didn't help she offered to get him a tutor, maybe he was anxious about his studies? She didn't trust her own education enough to tutor him as he was always impressing her with fun trivia and general knowledge but she'd taken a break in her sewing hobby to save up some money to be able to pay for a tutor.
•But when he began not eating as much, mind always preoccupied with something else than his usual hero ideology and theories, the day of the annual parent-teacher meeting and Izuku hadn't uttered a word since he got home, she sat him down on the couch, held his hands, his scarred and trembling hands, and she asked him. "Are you alright?"
•She's asked this many times before, every time he came home from school, every time she found him up in the middle of the night shakily drinking some water while staring at his phone as if expecting some death from the family. But this time? •This time her words echo in Izuku's head, getting louder and louder with each reverberation, picking up speed and other voices with every hit to his mind, the sound of text messages, quiet telephone calls, rushed breathing, stifled words, hearing footsteps from the other line, the need to help all drowning him in a cacophony of utter helplessness. •And he crumples against his mother, clawing onto her shirt like a life-jacket barely keeping him afloat above the ocean of noise only he is in and he cries. The tears stain Inko's cardigan and she wraps her arms around him, pulling him onto her lap like she used to when he was a child, she holds her son, her baby boy, as his tears dampen her clothes and his voice breaks choking on sobs.
•It was a long day.
•Izuku and Shouto had talked before about telling Inko or an adult or just anyone but there was always some reason, some excuse why it couldn't happen yet. It would be a decision all the siblings would have to agree to as it affects all their lives. Fuyumi was always hesitant, so cautious and making sure if anything were to happen nothing could be left to chance and all outcomes had to be planned. Natsuo wanted whatever would help everyone the most, and if no one was ready to do anything right now, then he'd wait. Shouto thought long ago that if what his father did to his family ever came to light, it would be brought up for the rest of his hero career and he'd never be able to truly escape his dad's hold if it always followed him like that. And until he met Midoriya, that's what he thought for years.
•Shouto was warming up to the idea of saying what happened to him specifically to someone. To see what would happen.
•And that is what Izuku could let slip. The things Shouto had told him at the sports festival, the reason for his scar, his spiteful technique and motivation to be a hero. •It was a long day. •The moment all was said and done, that he had run out of tears to cry, that he had ruined his mother's cardigan by stretching it with his grip and made it soggy with his sobs, that he could breathe without a hiccup or tremor interrupting him, he was completely drained. There was a mix of hollowness after spending so long building it all up, unsure every step of the way whether he's doing the right thing or not and the relief of finally letting there be room for him to breathe.
•But in his hollow chest was a stab of guilt, anxiety, crawling back up his throat and blocking his lungs like a thick mucus of worry. Had he done the wrong thing? It wasn't his place to say- He should have talked with Shouto more about this- Was he wrong to have done nothing so far?- Oh god he's done nothing right- this could hurt them-
• "Shhh," Inko gently held the back of his head and rubbed small circles with her thumb into the back of his neck, like she used to to do calm him down as a child, it still worked "It's-..." Inko collected her thoughts. It was certainly a lot to process, she had her suspicions but she thought she was being paranoid. She'll learn to trust her gut more. "It's not alright right now, but one day it will be. For you and for them."
•And that worry in his chest turned to blunt guilt, he shouldn't be the one crying while Shouto and his siblings have withstood literal torture all their lives, he should be stronger, he needs to be stronger to help them-
•"You are children. And none of you should have to deal with this. I know you're growing up faster than I can blink and you're being a hero more and more every day, but that doesn't mean you were prepared for this exact situation. They train you to fight villains and criminals and how to save those in immediate peril who want saving. Not thins like this." Inko continued to speak softly, pulling Izuku closer and soothing the back of his neck "Thank you for telling me and I can understand why you wouldn't want me to meddle as it may be out of my depth, but, two people helping them is better than one."
• Midoriya told Shouto what had happened and apologised for spilling too early, apologised for not doing enough, apologised for being less than open about the emotional and mental space he had to spare, promising to be more aware of it so long as Shouto continues to trust him and talk when needed. Shouto was confused as to why Midoriya was apologising so much as always and despite the apprehension in his movements, Shouto had spent enough time with Inko to trust her. And also to know that while Inko is kind, that isn't all she is.
•Shouto had seen her repay the kindness people had shown her tenfold with gifts, acts of service, compliments, reassurance and more. And something about that deep-rooted kindness tipped him off to the idea that if someone were to take advantage of her kindness or her son, that injustice too shall be repaid. And, as slow as it was and as long as it took, he knew she considers him her son too.
• Overall, the parent-teacher meeting was going well for most students. Most students were in their more casual clothes except those who had been too lazy to change out of their school uniform for the day albeit having their shirts scandalously untucked and top buttons undone (Except for Bakugo who in the presence of his mother for the first time had his tie actually tied, truly it was a sight to behold and blackmail photos to be used for months.)
• Amidst all the parents gathering together while waiting for the respective teachers to be free of their current appointments, there he was. Enji Todoroki, Endeavour in his hero costume supposedly fresh from the job. • And thus, politely fuelled by karmic fury the 5'2 force of nature marched up with a smile to the flaming rotting piece of shit excuse she can barely call a human being and greeted him.
• "Oh, hello Enji." Inko smiles. Izuku stands back with Shouto on the sidelines, watching the encounter unfold. • First of all, the informality caught him off guard. Usually, he'd be used to fans being "Overly-friendly" but something about the smile in her voice didn't sit right with the way fans usually say it. This turned a few heads.
• "And..who are you?"
• "Why I am so glad you asked, my name is Inko Midoriya, the woman whose house your son goes to every day but I suppose you wouldn't know that since as long as he's keeping up his work then there is nothing else to do with him at all," she coughed ", like parenting," and continued "Speaking of being in public I could never be as confident as you are to go to a casual event in a full-on hero costume but I suppose if it helps boost your ego then go for it! Although, speaking from the perspective of a concerned parent, aren't all of those flames a safety hazard! what if you were near a flammable thing like, oh I don't know, civilians clothes in a place you know where said civilians are tightly packed together, or there could be someone well-known to have a flammable quirk nearby or just a building's structure being, on the whole, a rather flammable thing?" Her head turned to the overgrown vermin who lead the school who had entered the room upon hearing there was a commotion "Not that I doubt UA's defence measures and predicted disastrous occurrences as no such thing has ever failed in the past. It's just the safety of children and the future generation of heroes after all." and just as quickly turned back to Endeavour
•"You know I noticed there are plenty of other pro-heroes here who are just fine in their everyday clothing because they recognise this get together is about their children's achievements and not their own. Why, if I didn't know any better I'd say you really are that insecure in your title slipping because that's what being a hero is all about, the title, that you'd distract entire families from the point of being here just to pay attention to you because it's not like being the second supposedly best hero there is credits you any attention."
• Enji barely had time to stop the flames protruding from his hero suit from dying out as peoples heads turned to pay attention. By now every student had pulled out their phone to record the situation.
•Nedzu was on his way over, laughing awkwardly ready to diffuse the situation but had miraculously been needed for a sudden important event in the teacher's lounge and was immediately escorted by Aizawa and Present Mic.
•"Oh and may I go on and say you truly are an inspirational story of how being raised as a gifted child must have been really difficult for you. Always a commodity, never a human being, not a single person in your life thinking you’re worth a damn without your quirk so you made it your entire personality until you developed your own actual personality because of course you, the Number Two hero would outgrow such a childish nature. That sounds rough," she pouted in mock sympathy.
• Endeavour snarled behind gritted teeth, barely stopping himself from acting out of hand at the public slander. "Just who do you think you are-"
•"Like I said, my name is Inko Midoriya, the pleasure is all mine I'm sure, or did you not hear me the first time while that fire was covering your ears? just like how it must have covered your eyes with choosing that outfit to be approachable. Oh do excuse me if that seemed rude, I'm a seamstress as a hobby you see so I tend to have an eye for when things are just wrong in every way. Honestly, if you didn't parade your title everywhere you go I'd mistake you for a villain on sight. You see, I'm only a seamstress and not a hero like you as you love to flaunt no matter the situation or need for it, but it must be so rewarding to save all those people every day and return to a home with your loving children and children who want to do the exact same thing and be exactly like you because you must be such good role-model and parent to have accomplished so much in your career and of course spent enough time on each of your children to help them grow to be happy, full of inspiration and their own dreams to fulfil. Oh, and of course your wife who must be so proud of the person you've become!"
• By this point the flames had been sputtering at random, a rare purple and even blue flamer erupting once and again as this woman continued talking and the parents out the corner of his eye who thought they were out of his sight nod their head and faces contort into realising the full weight of the truth they already knew but now understand.
• But Inko was nowhere near close to done, Endeavour could hear as much when she took a small break to smile and take a bigger breath to continue. • And blinded by the public's disapproval of everything he had convinced he had Done for the good of the civilians, he could feel the ground, just like his title, being pulled from under him as quicker heroes hit the back of his knees as Inko swung her handbag with the metal buckle across Endeavours face while she was being pulled safety away from the punch Enji hadn't realised fast enough he had thrown.
• The videos uploaded by students went viral in seconds
•"shocked" by the number two hero's emotional outburst with malicious intent to harm an unarmed civilian, Inko let it be known she found it unsuitable that he go back home to his children and instead of that they live with her and make a record with either police or a licensed therapist to make a note of any other emotional outbursts or strange and potentially dangerous behaviour in complete confidentiality.
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— "𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮" (𝐭. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; after losing you, todoroki moves on with his life. you know you never stopped loving him, and he's desperately wants you back. but life has a funny way to do things.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; angst.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.8k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; this is a continuation from this ficlet, so probably there are a few things you won't understand if you haven't read it. anyways, enjoy.
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you had moved on, and to say it had been hard was an understatement. you absolutely believed todoroki was your soulmate, but when you found out what he did, it simply devastated you. even thinking of him made your heart ache. you knew you made the right choice, getting out of every shared space you two had, distancing from everything that reminded you of him. transferring to shiketsu was by far the best way. of course, you had to leave all your friends, but they would always be one call away.
for todoroki it was the other way around. no matter how hard he tried, everything had a piece of you in it. his room was full of memories with you, all the times you fell asleep on his bed, your study sessions that always ended up in something more, you dancing and singing to mamma mia's soundtrack. he ended up staying at midoriya's most days, but even then, he would think about you. it was his default mode, somehow, his mind always went back to you.
he shut down completely after seeing you with yoarashi, no one could make him talk about his beloved or his feelings. he started to go to the gym more often, train alone in the woods at night. he barely slept, and as soon as he woke up, he'd start exercising. he was so tired that he didn't think of you. that was his way of moving on, though in every sense of the word, he never actually did.
focusing all his life in becoming a hero, he came first of the class with a big gap. at his twenties, he opened his own hero agency. since your break up, he never had another partner, too afraid that no one could be like you, make him feel what you did.
in your case, after graduating you went to work with mirko. everyone knew you being her sidekick. it wasn't weird to hear about your ex boyfriend on the news, he had achieve all his goals in life, and that made you happy. you no longer held any remorse against him. he was a good person who made a mistake, of course you had forgiven him.
"so, [hero name], you've been going up in the charts like a rocket, could you be thinking about starting your own agency? some heroes, like shoto, are already making their way through the industry" the interviewer asked you. for the first time since highschool, someone asked you about todoroki as a hero.
"i love working with mirko, she's amazing and i think i still have a lot to learn from her. i do admire heroes like shoto, he's undeniably good at what he does, but i think is still too soon for me" you smiled when you mentioned him. even after all those years, when todoroki watched that interview, he caught on those little details. it felt good hear you saying his name again.
it's confirmed! pro hero y/n and yoarashi inasa are getting married! the rumors were confirmed by a picture posted on their social media accounts showing their engagement rings and captioning "she said yes/he finally asked". we are w–.
to todoroki, it was extra hard that you were marrying you highscool boyfriend. he couldn't stop thinking, if he hadn't messed up, you would be marrying him. an hour later, midoriya called.
"how are you?" even though izuku was trying to not be obvious, shoto knew what he meant.
"in another timeline, y/n and i would be getting married".
todoroki finally met someone, you heard on the gossip chanel. great, that was great, he deserved to feel the happiness you felt with inasa, right? of course he did. he was an amazing boyfriend, any person would be lucky to have him, you were happy for him. that was what that knot in your throat was, that sudden urge to cry. come on, you couldn't be so selfish, you were getting married with another man, you broke up five years ago, why were you so upset?. it's not that you dreamed about him at least twice a week, or that you heard his voice clear as water even when you hadn't spoke in so long. you love inasa, stop having those thoughts. you decided with whom you'd be spending your life with years ago, it was about time todoroki moved on too.
"...and i didn't know what to say, but he was so persistent. anyways, i told him we were going to discuss it, what do you think?" your fiance's hand was moving in front of your eyes, trying to catch your attention back.
"can you repeat it, please? i-i got distracted" he smiled at you, kindly. he always did that. no matter what you did, inasa was the kindest person to you, because he genuinely loved you.
"one of my advisors gave me a list with all the pro heros we had to invite to the wedding, i told him we'll talk about it" he pulled out a paper from his briefcase with a lot of names printed on it "give it a look while i take a shower" he got up, kissing your head on his way to the bathroom. most of the names were your old classmates from u.a. and shiketsu, some of your teachers and heroes of the moment.
ground zero, red riot, creati, charge bolt, shoto, cellophane, deku, froppy[...].
you stared at his name for longer than you thought, because inasa came out of the bathroom only with a towel, asking your opinion on the matter. he knew you dated todoroki back in highschool, but obviously didn't think you had feelings for him now. because you didn't. you didn't, you couldn't.
"yeah, okay, let's invite them".
todoroki's jaw almost hit the floor when the invitation arrived at his mailbox. his girlfriend, a model he met at an event, laughed at his reaction. were you actually asking him to go to your wedding? it seemed like a cruel joke to him. the cruelest of jokes.
"isn't she one of your classmates from u.a., baby?" his girlfriend asked, taking the paper out of his hands. he never talked about you, with anyone, not even with midoriya. your chapter had been closed by force, locking all your memories away. but that lock was always on the verge of breaking, something as small as saying your name could unleash his buried feelings.
he was so confused. his irrational side was screaming to accept the invitation, eager to face you again. but he knew it would hurt him. he knew it, if he thought about it enough, he still remembered how his heart break years ago. his mind kept wondering back to you, how beautiful you would look in your white dress, your eyes filled with excitement. it was too much for him to handle.
"yes, i will let them know we're going".
somewhere in yourself, you wished todoroki hadn't replied. in that same place, it hurt to see the "plus one" option marked. right, he had a girlfriend. a girlfriend he most likely cherished, in some level at least. it was okay, you had a boyfriend, a boyfriend you were going to marry in two months. both of you had moved on. maybe repeating that to yourself would convince you.
he got up that morning and went for a jog, like when he was a teenager trying to get off his mind the girl who broke his heart. we could say he was trying to do the same thing.
the only reason you got up in time was because uraraka knocked on your door. inasa had gone to a friend's house at night, arguing he wasn't going to see the bride before the wedding. if it was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, then what is that pain in your chest?.
"you have to hurry, the ceremony starts at four,  we're meeting midoriya at three and you haven't even showered!" todoroki practically was forced into the shower by the girl, he had no will to get himself ready. what was he thinking? he clearly loved you, as much as always, why did he agree to see you marrying someone else?.
everything was ready, just as planned. like in the movies, you were expecting some sort of crisis to happen and could cancel the wedding with an excuse, but it wasn't the case. things were perfect. your hair, your dress, your make up, even the guests arrived just on time. you felt like puking.
not a single thing was out of place, that was certainly planned by you. he could see your unique touch in decorations, colors, even how tables were distributed. and he could point at everything yoarashi had done, because it didn't match at all. it was like a stain in your perfect design, a stain he couldn't remove or avoid anywhere he looked.
uraraka had to grab your arm when the music started to play, and push you out to the aisle. inasa was waiting on the other side. he looked so beautiful and happy, his eyes overflowed with love. but your eyes got lost in the crowd, searching for a certain pair of heterochromatic eyes.
you were like an angel fell from heaven. todoroki expected you to look pretty, but it was mind blowing. he was standing next to a pillar in order to get a perfect view from you. he felt his legs weakened when your eyes connected.
"do you, yoarashi inasa, take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold[...]?" you couldn't see todoroki from the altar, and it was unbearable. all you wanted was to look back into his eyes again.
"yes, i do" inasa's voice was so determined, that you realized what was happening. before you knew, the priest was saying your vows.
he couldn't watch. he tried, but just couldn't. when he said the priest saying your name, he had to turned around.
you were sure that with one look, you'd knew if shoto still loved you. that was all you needed to go back to him, to see his eyes.
"[...] till death do you apart?" it was now or never. you turned your head, heart beating like a drum. please, please, love me.
oh how much he loved you. as you once said, his undying love for you was so big, that's tearing him apart. a single tear left his eye.
he wasn't even looking. he didn't love you anymore. a lonely tear ran down your cheek. you were too late, you had lost him. "yes, i do".
he had lost you, again. 
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simpforsnape · 4 years
Sincerely Yours.
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Severus Snape x OC/Reader
wordcount: 2599
warnings: none, minor errors.
credit to the creator of this gif.
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Chapter 7
The clicking of Anah heels echoed throughout the halls of Hogwarts. 'Somehow' Sirius Black has found his way into the school. It’s already known how he was able to get in. Remus. Speaking of, he went missing. From what she was told by Dumbledore, he forgot to take his potion. So he would be gone for a few days or so.
Still, things weren’t looking so good for either of them.
She paced the dark halls on with her search. What would she do if she ran into him? Fight him? Cry maybe? Who knew.
Her eyes met with a panting that settled on the wall. Since the school is magical, there no doubt that it was alive.
“Has anyone lingered around this area?” Anah questioned as most of the paintings uttered.
”Why yes M'lady.”
She turned to an old painting. It was an old man sitting in a rocking chair smoking a pipe.
”Who was it?” She questioned holding her light wand near the portrait.
The man adjusted his pipe before giving off a cocky smirk.
”Sirius Black M'lady."
She placed her hands on her hips.
”Where did he go?”
The elder man pointed over at the Ravenclaws stairs.
”That way I presume.”
She nodded her head in gestures of thanking him before making her way to the tower.
Instead of walking.. she started running. But why?
The stairs were literal hell. It took her almost an eternity to reach the top.
She came to the door that stood between her and the common room. The knocker settled there. She gave off a gentle sigh bringing her hand up to knock.
Of course, how could she forget about the riddle?
The knocker spoke.
"Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?"
Anah felt her eyebrow twitch, honestly, no one had time for this.
"A circle has no beginning."
The door creaked opened soon after.
"Well reasoned."
Anah stepped into the quiet common room. She held her lit wand up motioning around the room. The moonlight filled the room mostly, so it was hardly needed. While she gazed across the room she couldn't help but embrace the silence that was overhauling it. She noticed a presence in the corner of her eye standing in the veer of the room. It was Sirius.
He slowly stepped from the darkness into the light unveiling himself to her.
"Anahstacia..." his tone was rough.
She made a face. Mixed emotions were running through her. What would you do if you haven't seen an old friend in 12 years?
"Sirius.." She allowed a slight smile to peer on her face as the two soon walked towards each other to quickly embrace.
"You've grown.." He mumbled as the two pulled away.
Anah turned her head, doing her best to not weep. Sirius, along with the rest of the Marauder's Crew were brothers to her. Only two were alive.
"I have no words, Sirius..." She mumbled to herself soon walking over to the nearest couch. Sirius stood there, still in his prisoner's clothes. Of course, he didn't have such an elegant appearance.
"It is alright to not have any..." he enunciates the woman who then turned to him, whipping the single tear she shed.
"Why are you here.." She questioned with her eyes still on him. She heard him sigh at her question.
He moved to the settee across from her.
"Do you believe that I'm innocent?.." His question almost hovered over Anah.
"Yes, of course...”
He clasped his hands together as he then looked down at the blue carpet.
”I didn't give up Lily and James location.. it was Peter. Peter Pettigrew..He framed me.. For everything. Their death, the muggles.. Everything..”
Anah cocked a brow with her arms tugged around herself. Hearing him re-explaining the whole situation was anguishing, but he was only speaking the truth.
”But he's dead?..”
Sirius gazed up at the young woman as he shook his head.
”He is alive.. he's here..in the castle. That's who I'm after..”
But how? The only thing that was left of the man was a finger.
”Are you certain that he's here?...” she questioned again.
”I’m sure.. I just need a chance.. A chance to confront him..”
Anah was sat back into the confronts of the chair. After all this time, It was Peter who betrayed the Potters..
”Where is he?”
Sirius leaned toward the chair.
”He’s in his Animagus form disguised as a pet.. I've seen him in a picture with the Weasly’s..”
Anah hummed against herself.
”So.. You need to get to him?...”
Sirius shook his head as Anah soon stood up from her seat to extend her hand out to the man.
”I’ll help you...”
She paused again this time glaring at him. "But only for the sake of my Godson."
Sirius looked at the woman before shaking his head, almost as if he was worried.
”I don't want you to get dragged into-”
”Sirius, shut up and shake my hand.”
Anah’s face remained the same as she gestured to him to shake her hand.
Sirius hesitate for a second. He knew he could rely on the woman.
The two then shook hands agreeing on the hunt for Peter Pettigrew.
He chucked a bit as he now tucked his hand beside him.
"You know, Harry Potter is my Godchild as well."
She rolled her eyes ignoring his statement. Well, after all he was.
”I’ll be on the lookout, until then Sirius... Please be safe.. And if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask alright?” a smile peered on Anah's face. The man in front of her stood up to embrace her once more.
”Of course Anahstacia, until then..”
She turned on her heels now heading out the door.
”And Anah..” Sirius called out as she quickly turned to him.
”Thank you... For not attacking me.. Honestly, I was waiting for you to do so..” He grinned as his comment caused Anah to roll her eyes and smile.
”It was tempting, but.. I rather greet you with love than hate.. Now go before someone sees you..”
And like that, Anah left the Ravenclaws tower now heading back to the Grand Hall.
Once she arrived the entire hall was silent. There were sleeping bags everywhere. She noticed the Headmaster and a few other Professors standing on the other end of the hall. She must have been the last to return.
She walked past the asleep children approaching the Headmaster. Dumbledores hands were tucked behind his back as he then turned his head towards Anah.
“The west wing is clear..” she spoke making mere eye contact. On both sides of Dumbledore stood Severus and Minerva.
“Good.. I would desire the teachers to remain here until morning.”
Anah nodded her head now turning to look at Severus. He only returned the look. He knew something was up with her. It shouldn't take that long to search the west wing, or should it?
The night carried on as usual, by morning everything was back on schedule. Classes were delayed a bit, some teachers were able to sleep. On the other hand, Anah didn’t get much.
By the time she hit her third class, she was completely over the paperwork, and sad to say some of the students.
It was the evening and classes were let out. The big Quidditch game was coming up in no less than an hour. Anah, along with Harry and his two other friends Hermione and Ron were all in her classroom waiting until it was time to go down to the Quidditch field.
“Are you excited?” Anah asked while Harry turned to fix the Quidditch attire.
“No, and Yes..” his voice said it all.
The Professor was sat behind her desk watching the children in front of her.
“You know, your Dad would incredibly nervous before every game..”
Her comment got his attention fully.
She shook her head, propping one of her legs up on her desk. She had on muggle clothes. Black skinny jeans with a navy blue turtle neck tucked in. She still had a cape on, but it was also black. As old as she was, she still had insecurity about her body.
”Oh yeah, James was something else back then Harry..” she smiled adjusting her posture. ”He’d always make it seem like was all calm in front of the ladies, but when he was around us, boy oh boy..” She spoke making a face causing Harry to smile more along with the other two teens.
Hopefully, that was able to ease his nerves.
”It’s time Harry..” Ron called out with his hands in his pockets. Hermione was standing next to him. The two had on their regular muggle clothes on top of their rain attire, there was a storm going on already.
An arrangement was made between Severus and Anah. He would meet up with her before the game started so that they would sit with each other.
The three students left afterward. Anah did a lot of ’mother pampering’ to Harry and the gang before the big game.
The Professor has just finished straightening up until she heard the familiar heavy footsteps marching into her classroom.
”Are you ready?...” asked the tried man.
The man in black just eyed her. He had on his regular attire, but with a clock over due to the weather.
Anah turned around getting Severus with a simple smile.
”Yes, I am. How were your classes?”
She started to fix her clothes in the reflection of a window.
She heard the man pacing around, with his shoes clocking in the walk.
”Those daft dimbos will never get anything right.” He groaned while bringing his hands up to his face in the process. She turned to the man.
”Was it a potion?” She questioned. Her attention was still on herself. She was fixing her hair, along with her face.
"Lupin neglected to take his potion, so.. I was told to overtake his class until he.. returns." Anah heard the annoyance all throughout the man's words.
"It's not all bad isn't it?" The woman questioned now walked over to the Professor who was now sitting down in the nearest seat.
"It's quite vexatious if you ask me." Anah appeared behind him with on hand propped on his shoulder and the other gripping the bottom of his chin.
"You just need to relax.. That's all... How about this.. after the game, allow me to take you out for a drink.." She gave him a charming smile. He watched the woman utterly astonished by her movements. He should have expected it as always.
"And why.. should I accept this..?" He phased throughout his words.
She smirked leaning down to invaded his space.
"Because, I know you'd go.. exceptionally with me.."
He scoffed but he knew she was right. He turned his head now loosening the grip from Anah.
"Alright.. but.. I expect you-"
"To be on my best behavoir~ I know, don't worry. I'll do my best to not embarrass you~" She teased. The man turned his back somewhat satisfied with her response. The two were then off to the Quidditch game.
It was rather long due to the storms. The teachers were all in one reserved tower. It was raining cats and dogs, but not literally. Anah sat between Severus and Minerva. The had just begun. The players were out, the ball was set and the crowd took place with their roars of support. Anah's eyes were on Harry the entire time. Quidditch was a rough game, but every time she saw him getting roughed up, her anxiety only worsened.
For a point and time, Anah lost track of him. Anah sighed with her hands clenching onto the raincoat that was covering her. Severus eye's quickly looked down to see what the woman was fiddling with. "Something.. frettins you?" He spoke loud enough for her to hear. She glanced at him soon making a face. "Don't you think this game is a bit.. you know..severe?"
A chuckle escaped from his chest. "You're worried about him?.." She didn't bother to look at him. The rain was dripping off their bodies in the midsts. There were uproars of chatters going on around them. "Of course I am.. I'm his Godmother." He knew this. "Hmph." The conversation ended afterwards.
The game continued on a usual with the unlike disturbance of the storm. There was a lot of calamity going on. Some brooms were being strucked by lightning and catching on fire, while others.. well.. let's just say some will spend some time in the Infirmary.
The young witch noticed that Harry had been away for some time now. There were too many thoughts going through her head. Feeling like a mother at the moment, worry over buried her.
"Severus, He's been gone for too long now.." Her eyes soon met with the man who quickly dismissed her concern. He quietly sighed before speaking. "Anah, he's fine." He expressed hovering his hand over hers. For a moment the two went silent. Severus Snape just showed affection. In public.
He turned his head away, he was in no doubt timid. As soon as he tried to pull away his hand away Anah grasped it keeping it in place. Like mentioned before, he was never the one to show affection, but he was aside himself today.
Anah was just about to utter a word until gasps and screams spread throughout the yard. Someone was falling from their broom. It was Harry. The woman's heart stopped. Before the poor boy hit the ground the Headmaster saved him in the nick of time.
He and the other injured players were quickly rushed to Hospital wing. Anah left as quick as she could to check on the poor boy.
If it wasn't for Dumbldore.. Well, Harry would have taken a hefty fall.
Anah stood at the edge of the bed looking over the poor boy. He looked.. well. He didn't look so great.
Ron, Hermione and a few other students including the Weasley twins all came strutting in to check on their friend.
”Professor V?” Questioned the chestnut gal, Hermione.
”Hm?” Anah turned to greet the students.
Hermione went to go sit by the bed while the others hovered over boy.
”Is he alright? I mean, he took a bloody fall.” Ron added gleaming down at his bestfriend.
”How else would you look like if you were to fall 3,000 feet?” Fred added while George nudge at him.
”Yeah, Why don't we push you off the astronomy tower and see how you would look Ron?”
Ron made a face at the two brothers before rolling his eyes. ”Shut up..”
A smile peered on the woman's face watching the interaction going on between the teens. Her eyes soon hit the clock when she had seen what time it was. It was rolling into evening and she had some ’Business to attend to.’
Anah gave one more glance at the boy before turning to Hermione. ”Tell him I waited for him, alright?”
”Yes Professor V.”
Anah bid well to all of the students as the headed to her Chambers to change into something for ’fitting’ for the evening. When she finished changing she glanced into the mirror once more completely satisfied with her look.
When she looked at her she noticed a few tweaks. Her hair was a mess, along with her dress. It looked as if.. hm.. that’s interesting. Was tonight the night Severus would finally give in? The mirror only gave minor hints.
Tonight was going to be something after all
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oki-writes · 4 years
ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤
-this is a song fic and it’s a zuko x reader one with a little sokka x reader. Key thing to remember is that this is set after zuko becomes fire lord and this is a party for a year since the war.
Information about you and zuko’s relationship is that you guys are best friends and were together during his banishment. You also left him in Ba Sing Se to help the aang, as his second fire bender teacher. Also you help convince the gaang to welcome zuko into the group. And lastly you are zuko’s most trusted advisor.
Now onto the story…
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I'm nearing the end of my fourth year
I feel like I've been lacking, crying too many tears
Everyone seemed to say it was so great
But did I miss out, was it a huge mistake?
You've been with Zuko for as long as you can remember and it’s been 4 years since he got that scar that changed everything about your life. But, as even if the change was good at the end, you still wish for more in your life...or someone.
I can't help the fact I like to be alone
It might sound kinda sad, but that's just what I seem to know
I tend to handle things usually by myself
And I can't ever seem to try and ask for help
All your friends knew you liked Zuko, but him. They always try to help you tell him, but you insisted that you can just wait until he realized it. Which is probably never going to happen.
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I'm sitting here, crying in my prom dress
I'd be the prom queen if crying was a contest
Makeup is running down, feelings are all around
How did I get here? I need to know
Here you are...sitting at a party you helped organize alone. Sokka said he’ll be your date since Suki said she couldn’t, but she made a surprise visit. So here you are all alone trying to hold back tears. Why tears, well because Zuko is literally still trying to get back with Mai, even though everyone minus Zuko knew she was gay (for Ty-lee who else).
I guess I maybe had a couple expectations
Thought I'd get to them, but no I didn't
You thought he would see your love for me sooner or later. Hell you stayed with him when he was the bald asshole. Which in its own right is pretty amazing. Even in Ba Sing Se you thought he’ll come around, but nope he never got to because of Azula.
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I guess I thought that prom was gonna be fun
But now I'm sitting on the floor and all I wanna do is run
You left the party to go to the turtle-duck ponds to let some tears out. Now all you wanted to do was sob, but you knew you were needed at the party in a few minutes.
I keep collections of masks upon my wall
To try and stop myself from revealing it all
Affecting others is the last thing I would do
I keep to myself though I want to break through
You made yourself presentable before going back into the party. You didn’t want to have people worry about you. Just not your style.
I hold so many small regrets
And what-ifs down inside my head
Some confidence it couldn't hurt me
My demeanor is often misread
You wonder why you did this to yourself...hoping for something non-hopeful.
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I guess I thought that prom was gonna be fun
But now I'm sitting on the floor and all I wanna do is run
All I wanna do is run
After the party you went back to your room. Not a second after you closed your door (or so you thought) you broke down. Not even hearing the person behind you asking if you’re okay. You got broken out of your trance by two big strong arms wrapping around you.
“(Y/N)...what’s wrong, did someone do something to you” you heard the confusion and anger in his voice.
“No I’m fine” you look at him with a small smile trying to redeem your composure.
“(Y/N) you know better than anyone that I can see right through that smile of yours” he stated
“well...it’s not anything you need to worry about” all you wanted to do after saying that was to disappear
“JUST TELL HIM YOU LIKE HIM ALREADY” Toph and Sokka said at the same time, at your door.
You shot them with the most deadliest eyes known to man even Toph felt something. They vanished after that.
“wh-what was that all about again?” Zuko looked at you confused
“Well you heard them I like you no I love you but YOU never realized this after all these year I BEEN WITH YOU”
You got up from the floor and stared straight into his eyes
“All you did was go after Mai, she’s gay. I've been giving hints after hints and yet you never pick it up. I’ll always just be your best friend in your eyes nothing else and Zuko it hurts. IT HURTS LIKE HELL seeing you go after someone who doesn’t want you or knows you like I DO” you now had more tears pouring down your face
“(Y/N) you think I didn’t know Mai was gay, the only reason I hang out with her is so I’ll get better at things related around dating so I can ask you out” he look at you with so much honesty in them
“Zuko…” before you could finish your sentence he pulled you into a big kiss. Nothing but passion and longing was in it. Your whole body felt like it was on fire. After he pulled you away and looked at your face you realized he was also crying.
“I didn’t want you to find out like this but I love you (Y/N) please don’t leave my side”
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So tell me how I did and if I should make more like this one.
Love you guys!!!
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sillyteecup · 4 years
Scott McCall x black!reader
Mentions of death
Literally one mention of sex
And my bad writing. Enjoy❤
My Eyes
Want you more than a melody
Let me inside
Wish I could get to know you
Scott's breakup with Allison had been tough and he had no plans to move on anytime soon. He found himself intrigued with the new dark chestnut skinned girl with the rich afro tied up into two huge puffs with sunflowers in them. She wore a short sleeved, lemon and white stripped button up shirt with a lemon rouched tank, long paperbag jeans with yellow sunflowers on the left pantleg, silver framed reading glasses and lemon and white custom Nikes. Scott approached her and sat across from her with the intention of being friends with her. For a second he watched in adoration as she smiled at the whatever she had just written before clearing his throat to catch her attention.
Keep it sweet in your memory
I was just tongue tied
She looked up him, her eyes questioned Scott and he knew what they wanted to know. He would've answered much quicker if he didn't get lost in the hazel orbs that gazed at him at that moment. "Uhh..." she said snapping him out of his thoughts. "Oh uhm my name is Scott. McCall, captain of the lacrosse team," he mumbled. "Okay. Can I help you Scott McCall, captain of the lacrosse team?" she asked with an inquisitive eyebrow raised. "Uhm I noticed that I haven't seen you before and a friend of mine told me that you're new, so uhm you-uh wanna be uhm friends?" Scott mentally facepalmed himself for stumbling over his words so hard. 'Nice going McCall, she probably thinks you're a dork now,' he chastised himself. She giggled softly and Scott swore he had never heard anything as beautiful in his life. "Name's Y/N. Sure. We can be friends." He let out a sigh of relief and chuckled before diving into conversation with her.
And I dont wanna make you feel bad
But I've been trying hard not to talk to you
My sunflower (sunflower)
He introduced her to his pa-friends and they loved her instantly. Well Stiles was a little wary at first but he grew to like her too. She and Scott had a lot in common and became really close, hell she was giving Stiles a run for his money in the best friend department. Her favourite thing in the world was sunflowers. His favourite thing in the world was her. Scott always saw her as soft and fragile and he found himself falling for her, so he kept her away from all the supernatural drama by not telling her at all. He felt bad for keeping such a huge secret from her but he also felt better because he was protecting her. Little did he know that he wasn't the only one keeping secrets.
I couldn't want you anymore
Kiss in the kitchen like its a dance floor
I couldn't want you anymore tonight (tonight, tonight)
It was the night when the music teacher was killed. Scott ran to look for Lydia and told you to stay behind but her stubborn ass wasn't having it. He was fighting Jennifer Blake when Y/N ran into the room. "Y/N get out!" he yelled through a mouth full of canines. "Scott," she gasped. Everything after that was a blurr. Jennifer had thrown Scott into a table and stalked towards Y/N like she was some kind of prey. Scott tried with all his strength to get up but he was just too weak. He kept yelling for Jennifer not to hurt Y/N to no avail. Imagine his suprise when Y/N began to move at inhuman speed as she fought Jennifer. She fought long and hard but in the end she fell to her knees with a knife in her abdomen. Scott ran to her through his weak state. Everything around him shut down, all he could do was focus on her heartbeat as it slowed. He pleaded for her to stay with him as he held her. "I love you Y/N. Please. Don't," he sobbed. "Relax Scott I'm not dying," she groaned as she pulled the knife out. Everyone around them watched in awe as the wound underneath the grey t-shirt healed. They started flooding her with question after question, but not Scott. He just had one question. "What are you?" "I could ask you the same thing," she chuckled. "I'm a werewolf. What about you?" he asked. "Werewolf," she said as she flashed her eyes golden. "I love you too," she whispered as she pulled him into a passionate kiss.
Wondering headshake
Tired eyes are the death of me
Mouth full of toothpaste
Before I got to know you
It wasn't long before they actually got together. Nothing much had changed though, other than the kissing and sex. And as much as she was a great fighter, she was still his little sunflower. She stuck with him through everything. She was there when he became a True alpha, she was there when he, Stiles and Allison had to get rid of their darkness, she was there when Stiles was possessed and she was there, in his room, holding him as he cried in her arms hours after Allison died in his. Y/N didn't cry that night. She just wasn't the type to. Intead she was unusually quiet. "I should give you some space," she said as she got up to leave. "No. Stay. Please," he whispered.
I've got your face
Hung up high in the gallery
Out of this shade (sunflower, sunflower)
There was one instant where Y/N was jealous. Kira. Scott was jusy far too friendly with her and it made Y/N feel insecure. Maybe he liked Kira more than her. She came up with several reasons why: her hair, her skin, her body, her face. Kira was just better than her and it tore her apart. She wasn't mean to Kira about it though. How could anyone be? She's a whole ray of sunshine. Another reason for Scott to like her more. She started cancelling dates and plans because of it. She never cried about it though. She never told Scott she had anxiety because she didn't wanna seem like she was burdening or anything. At some point she stopped answering his calls and texts, and avoiding him all together. Not because she didn't love him anymore. But because she was afraid he didn't love her anymore. Oh how wrong she was. One afternoon as she was getting into her car, she felt someone gently grab her wrist and turn her around. "Y/N talk to me. You haven't been responding to my texts or calls. Are you okay? Have I done something wrong? If I have, how do I fix it?" he rambled. "You...I...I dont know," she whispered. "I'm sorry," he said, tears welling up in his eyes. "No! Its not your fault. I just got a little insecure," she reassured him. "Of Kira," she added quietly. He didn't say anything for 5 seconds before pulling her into a soft, loving kiss. "I love you." And he did. Hell so did she. She loved him more than sunflowers.
Your flowers just died
Plant new seeds in the mellody
Let me inside
I wanna get to know you
I don't wanna make you feel bad but I've been trying hard not to act a fool
My sunflower (sunflower, sunflower)
Y/N had only ever cried once in her life since she turned 5. "Scott! Scott no! NO! Mason who did this!" she screamed as she ran towards the stairs. She had an entire emotional breakdown at the sight of the lifeless corpse of the love of her life as Melissa tried her best to revive him. She would've helped if she had the strength but she didn't. Just the thought of living without Scott shattered her. Mason tried to comfort her but it was just all too much for her. The emotion was far too overwhelming and had come down on her harder than a tsunami on a single sunflower.
I couldn't want you anymore
Kiss in the kitchen like its a dancefloor
I couldn't want you more tonight (tonight, tonight)
I couldn't want you anymore
Kids in the kitchen, listen to dancehall
I couldn't want you anymore tonight
As if the heavens had heard her cries, Scott roared. His alpha eyes went back to brown immediately when he caught the sight of Y/N crying in Mason's arms. "Y/N," he said as he reached out to touch her. "I'm not ready to lose you," she said softly. He wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. She cleaned his wounds and stayed with him until they healed. She was a little bitter towards the rest of the pack except for Mason, Lydia and Kira because they didnt abandon him. The latter were victims of circumstance. Stiles and Liam on the other hand, she couldn't stand them. She never spoke to them until the end of the Theo Raeken/Lu Bête saga. And even then, it wasn't like she was extra friendly. She spoke to them because she had to. Scott wasn't mad at them though, he was okay as long as his sunflower was okay.
My eyes
Want you more than a melody
Let me inside
Wish I could get to know you
The rest of senior year came and went with thw Ghost rider saga. She was actually pretty glad to have Stiles back. Then came college. Y/N was supposed to leave for New York when strange animal occurrences got in the way. "How the hell is any of this more important than my college education?" she groaned as Scott, Malia and Lydia tried to talk her out of leaving. "It could mean that everyone's in danger," Lydia sighed. "Liam and his friends can handle it. Babe you're supposed to be headed for UC Davis. Malia, France! Lydia, MIT awaits you and I gotta go to Julliard," she yelled. "Come on. Please, its just a week," Scott said as his hands made their way to her waist. "Fine." A week turned a gruesome month, battling with something that uses your fears against you called the Anuk-ite. A week turned into a gruesome month of war with Tamora Monroe and her merry band of "hunters", aided by Gerard Argent. A whole month of death. But just like every battle they fought, they emerged victorious. She had just kissed Scott to help heal his eyes when she collapsed to her knees. Blood began pouring from her mouth as Scott rushed to her side. He began searching for the wound like a madman, hoping he could heal it. "Scott, baby. Its okay," she whispered. "No, no no," he mumbled after finding the bullet wound in her side. She had been shot with yellow wolfsbane and it was too late. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked barely over a whisper. "We were too busy fighting to keep everyone else safe," she said with a proud smile. He cradled her body and sobbed. "Hey. You know sunflowers die right?" she chuckled softly. That's when Scott realized something. She was wearing the exact same outfit she wore when they met. Only this time her hair was tied into one ponytail. The sunflowers were replaced with sunflower clips. "I love you. I always have and I-I always will," she whispered feeling herself getting weaker. "I love you too. More than anything in the world," Scott sobbed. "Promise me you'll go on and be happy. Get married, have kids or not. Just be happy," she said with a smile. Everyone else was a crying mess. He listened as her heartbeat got slower and more silent. Her last petal fell and she went limp in Scott's arms. He begged her to come back between chokef cries, but deep down he knew that she was gone. For good.
Sunflower just died
Keep it sweet in your memory
I'm still tongue-tied
Sunflower, sunflower
Sunflower, sunflower
Sunflower, sunflower
"And that was Sunflower vol.6 by Harry Styles from his latest album Fine Line. Great song, makes me wanna grab my girlfriend and dance," the radio presenter said. Scott turned the radio in Argent's car down as they got closer to the pack. The song started playing after he told Alec his and his pack's story and he couldn't help but let his mind wander. He knew how much Y/N would've adored the song if she were still alive. Two years without her and he still felt like a part of him was missing, but he didn't let it stop him from fighting the war. Her last wish was for him to be happy and he couldn't help but think about how the end of the war would not only make him the happiest man alive. But it would also make her smile proudly at him from her sunflower garden in heaven. That would send him over the moon. God, how he missed her. They pulled over in the parking lot where the pack agreed to meet up, and Scott couldn't help but smile at his pack. They supported him through thick and thin and stuck together because they knew how you got when they didn't. "What are you thinking about?" Alec asked. "How the death of a sunflower can come with the growth of an entire garden," Scott replied as he made his way to the pack with a proud grin.
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tk-productions · 3 years
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Mystic Sisters- Ch.15 Broken Trust
Hikari’s Pov
“Hikari, can you take this order to Mr. Suzuki? It’s his and his wife’s anniversary cake.”  Mrs. Hino said from the back room. I nodded taking off my apron and hanging on its hook before picking up the cake box. Mr. Suzuki’s apartment wasn’t that far from the cafe. He and his wife always came in at least once a week ordering cookies and lattes. I quickly dropped off the cake and headed back to the cafe. Walking back is when I felt a familiar cold breeze. I looked around and there weren't too many people around. “Great, the perfect time to attack” I  thought to myself. I stood there for a few moments thinking what I should do. Suddenly the air no longer felt cold. All I could focus on was a strong scent. The more I took in this scent the more I was thirsty.  I walked closer towards the scent but stopped in my tracks when I made eye contact with the blue eyed boy that I was too familiar with. The longer we had this staring contest the thirstier I grew. I started to walk towards him picking up my pace as I went. I don't know what I was thinking. I wasn't gonna actually fight him was I? Someone called my name, stopping me in my tracks. I turned around to see Mr Hara.
“Hikari? Are you okay? Are you heading to work?” I turned back around and blue eyes was gone. “I was heading back.” I told him turning back around to face him. He told me he was on his way to the cafe so we walked back together. One the way back I thought about that time Mr. Hara showed up when I was being chased. This was the second time he had showed up like this.  Was he really just in the neighborhood or was he watching me? I mean weirder things have happened. Returning back to the cafe I drank two glasses of water within the span of a minute. Hisako watched me while finishing off a cookie. 
“Someone is thirsty.” She laughed. I rolled my eyes at her putting my apron back on and walked into the front. When I got back Mr. Hara was rushing out the door. He always seemed busy. He rarely showed up to school anymore. Maybe there was something going on. Our other teachers always said he had family business to attend to and that’s why he was almost never there. He always seemed to be in the neighborhood though. Almost every time I had a run in with one of those boys he was there. I shook my head not wanting to think about the possibility of my teacher watching me. There were no customers right now so I started cleaning the table. When I was cleaning the last table I knocked over a glass of water. Reaching out to grab the glass when the water on the table froze. I quickly drew my hand back looking at the now frozen water. Did I do that? I touched the water and it went back to its liquid state.  I stepped back for a moment staring at the water. Waving my hand over the water it all went back into the glass. The table was dry like nothing happened.  I can control water now? What’s next?  
Hisako was locking up tonight so I got  to go home first. It was windy and pretty cold but luckily the train station wasn't that far. The wind blew harder sending a chill throughout my body. I was walking along the same path I was earlier when I felt his presence. I stopped in the exact same spot where we had locked eyes earlier. I don’t know how long I stood there but I jumped when I heard footsteps approaching me. 
“Well, well you must be the one he can’t seem to stay away from.” A tall boy smirked at me. 
“Who?” I asked confused. “The blue eyed boy that’s been stalking you.” He laughed taking a few steps closer. I stepped back with every move he made. 
“Why are you so afraid hm? Akio was right you are pretty cute.” So that’s his name. Akio.  He tried to grab my face but I swatted his hand away. He raised his  eyebrows, surprised at my actions.  “Playing hard to get? How cute.” He leaned down so we were now eye level.
“I like girls who are feisty.” he winked. With that I punched him in his nose causing him to stumble back a little.
“Is that feisty enough for you?” he looked up at me angrily with blood running down his face. 
“Do I need to punch you again?” A sudden rush of confidence rushed over me and I walked closer to him. “Or do I need to break your nose so you’ll get the message?!’ 
 “You bitch.” he snarled, getting ready to attack me when another figure tackled him to the ground punching him repeatedly. I watched as he punched the boy over and over, not missing once. 
“Stop before you kill him!” 
“Maybe I should.” the boy growled turning back to face me. It was Akio. His eyes were darker and filled with anger. Just like how Haru’s were before. A punch to his jaw sent him flying off the boy and closer to me. 
“You really are whipped aren't you? You look at her for one second and you lose your focus.” the other boy said from the ground. His right eye was black. The boy jumped up trying to hit Akio but Akio kicked him sending him flying. Akio grabbed my hand and took off running. For him to have a cold exterior his hands were warm and comforting. Within seconds we were in front of the train station. Looking around it was the same train I always took. He really is stalking me. I heard the train signaling that it would be here any second. 
“Get on and go home. I'll handle him.” He finally said. 
“Wait why are you helping me?” He didn’t say anything but took off his beanie and put on my head. 
“Here. It’s cold.” The train showed up and he nudged me into the train. I watched him from the window running back the direction we came from. I sat back on the seat and let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. Everything is getting weirder and weirder. 
“Im home.” I said tiredly, taking off my shoes and hanging my bag up. 
“Why are you so late? Did something happen?” Yua asked from the couch eating a bowl of chips. “You look tired.” Yua followed me into the kitchen as I heated up leftovers. I told her everything that happened. 
“So if I were to throw a glass of water at you, you’d be able to stop it?” She grinned hand gripping the glass in front of her. 
“Yua don’t!” Before I knew it water came flying towards my face. I put both of my hands in front of my face, stopping the water. This time it froze mid air. I sighed, taking the glass from her and touched the water returning it back into the glass. 
“I wonder if you can control other elements.” 
“Yuaaaa.” I whined. “That’s not important. What is important is why Akio protected me.” I told her cleaning my dishes. 
“Maybe he thinks you're cute.” She winked. I hit her arm with the wet dish towel. “You're not helping.” 
I was finally back in my room after a long day. I changed into my pj’s and sat on my bed. I stared at Akio’s beanie sitting on my desk. He seemed so different from the time he attacked Yua and I. He was more gentle and caring. I walked over and picked up the hat running my fingers over the soft material. I closed my eyes and smiled. “Hikari don't cry. I hate it when you cry.” I heard a voice in my head say. I dropped the hat and my eyes shot open. 
A few days later 
“Why don’t you believe me?!”  Yua yelled from the other side of the table at our dad. He sighed resting his chopsticks on the table next to his bowl. We were supposed to be having dinner but like most night lately there was more fighting being done than eating.
“If these boys attacked you why didn't you say anything before? You waited until now to tell me or your mom.”
“How can I tell you when you're never home? When you are home all you do is get into fights with mom. What happened to you?!” 
“Don’t raise your voice at me.” 
“No, because the only time you listen to me is when I'm yelling. Otherwise you forget that you have a family.”
“Yua I didn’t forget-”
“Who is she? Who is that girl you were having dinner with? Remember you said you had a “work dinner”.  He stared at her without saying anything. 
“Hikari and I saw you. Haru saw you too. Are you cheating on mom? Why are you trying to break our family apart?”
“Yua that’s enough!” mom cried out finally saying something. Her and I had both been quiet this whole time. 
“You always jump to conclusions. You’ve been so wrapped in Haru ever since he left and now that he’s back it’s even worse. He’s changed you. He’s the reason you don’t trust me or anyone. You're just afraid that someone will leave you again like he did.” I could tell Yua was hurt at this point. She was on the brink of crying. 
“I'm more afraid of being raised by someone like you. I can't even trust my own parents. I rather be abandoned again than to be raised by you.” Yua got up from her chair and headed straight to her room. Dad turned his attention to me. “Are you gonna follow her like you always do?” He asked angrily. I did follow her. I found Yua sitting on her bed angry. I sat down across from her waiting for her to talk. After a few minutes she finally looked at me. 
“You made me stay once but this time we’re leaving.”
“And where are we going?”
“I don’t know. Anywhere but here.” Yua continued on with her rant but I couldn't really hear her. I could hear that voice that I always heard trying to say something. I closed my eyes and focused on what they were trying to say.  “You need to leave. Get out of there and we’ll find you. No matter what we’ll find you. If you need me, focus on me. My name is Saki -”  ” We’ll find you? So there was more than one person looking for us. It seemed like Saki wanted to say more but was cut off. Maybe it was time for us to leave. Neither one of us felt safe here anymore. I opened my eyes and Yua was already looking at me.
“The voice came back. What did she say?”
“We need to leave.” 
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satansfavouritesons · 5 years
Be patient with me pt. 3
Pairing:Cedric Diggory x Sytherin Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: trigger: toxic parents & swearing
A/N: I hope this was a satisfying ending also request are open now. I'll post the list of people I write about later
part 1 , part 2
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Did Cedric Diggory just snap at me? Was this real? I couldn't process what just happened, I mean of all people Cedric was the least to get frustrated with a person.
I was currently lying in my bad and getting this kind of stomachache, like I'm not sure how describe them but sometimes you feel so uneasy or you feel regret that you body decides to make the situation even worst for you. I sat up because I didn't want to risk throwing up in my bed because of this weird feeling inside of me. Honestly I can't tell if I'm angry at him or at my behaviour...well he said that we will have a conversation about that tomorrow so it would be wise for to lie down at least for a bit.
When I woke up I start to realise that I have no idea if I should confront him with our last encounter or wait until he is ready to talk about this. Obviously the stupid person I am, I decided to confront him first because I wasn't willing to wait for his Royal ass to find me... but something made me freeze when I saw him sitting at the Hufflepuff table. I couldn't bring myself to walk there and confront him but why? What was I afraid of? And since when am I this nervous around him.
Fuck it, I'll talk to him later and with that I settled down at the Slytherin table. That didn't mean that I didn't shot glances in his direction. Unfortunately I wasn't as cautious as normal so my friend Arthur caught me in the act. "Didn't think you were the type to daydream about a boy"
"I beg your pardon?!", I replied confused.
"Well I have some advice for you, love . Advice number 1. don't make it to obvious otherwise everyone at Hogwarts will find out that you are one of Diggory's fangirls and advice number 2. you better hurry up I heard he is still a virgi-"
before he could go on I needed to take more drastic measures so that's why I slightly hit him with my book.
"Will you shut up for Salazar's sake, I can't recall since when it's any of your business who I find intriguing ?!"
As much as I wanted to wipe Arthur's shit eating grin out of his face, I had other plans. I stood up and wanted to go to the Hufflepuff table but again hesitated which meant I sat back down again. That shit went on for 4 more times before Cedric looked at me. He kept his stare for what felt like an eternity but suddenly broke eye contact and went back to the conversation he had with his friends. What the actual fuck?! When is the right time to talk about it? I inhaled and tried to calm my nerves. I decided to leave the Great Hall and go to the library... I needed to return that book anyway.
Arriving at the library I headed straight to the History section to choose another book. I need to admit the last one was pretty boring. It had alot of details but it surely did focus on the progress of every event rather than the historical events on their own. I hope the next one will be-
I knew exactly who called me and with that turned around, faced Cedric and waited for him to say something.
"I have Quidditch practice in 15 minutes so how about we talk about you know 'the situation' before Herbology class because I have a free period then?" Cedric eyes were hopefully searching for my answer.
"Yes sure".
Great now I need to wait another 3 hours ... I guess since I have some spare time now I could go and head back to my dorm room and sleep for awhile. I really could use some extra sleep. But of course my pathetic fate had other plans.
A letter was lying on my nightstand and as much as I can tell it's a non magical one. That only means trouble because I knew exactly from who this letter could be. I knew I had only had some spare time before meeting up with Cedric but I also knew that if I ignore this letter from my parents I will probably forget it completely which means I can bet my sweet ass that I will have a huge problem because I didn't write them back. So I decided to open the envelope...
My eyes teared up when I finished reading the letter.
'DISOWN' ?! How am I supposed to find a place to stay, a job and proceed with school at the same time? Couldn't they wait until I graduated?! And where... where am I supposed to stay when summer holidays start?I have only 3 more months to figure this out.
It didn't shock me in the slightest that my parents disowned me but it did shock me that they did it before graduation. I was so filling with anger that I didn't realise that I was crying. I went to the mirror and wiped my eyes dry before heading straight to my escape place which is near the Forbidden Forest on a rock because I feared my roommates may return from their classes and I couldn't bear that they see me in this state. The reason why this place is my escape place is because I haven't seen 1 person going here and except for my friends nobody knew that I went there. So I sat down on the cold stone and stared at the Forbidden Forrest.
I didn't even realise how much time has past but regardless of my promise to meet up with Cedric I remained where I was and gazed blankly into the void. So many thoughts crossed my mind right now. No matter if it's about how I'll survive during summer holidays since hogwarts sents all students home or if it's simply about since when my parents stopped caring about me.
I couldn't tell to be honest it seemed like their hatred was always present or at least that's the only memory I have of them. Nevertheless I couldn't possible have a conversation with Cedric in my state of mind. I probably couldn't concentrate on what he says and just ignore him while thinking about my current situation. I'm going to explain myself afterwards right now I need to clear my mind.
But honestly it still shocked me that people don't realise that a child won't fix a doomed relationship. I mean why did my parents decide to keep me anyway if the result would be traumatising and abandoning me. Some people just shouldn't have the right to become parents in the first place.
I wiped my eyes dry and tried to think rationally about my next steps. Maybe if I talked with Slughorn about my situation he would understand and have a word with Dumbledore if it would be possible for me to stay at hogwarts during summer. Slughorn seemed to be a trustworthy teacher so I think I could talk to him ... well so is McGonagall but I don't really have anything to do with her. She just seemed like a compassion, caring teacher but-
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck .
"I thought we meet up before Herbology? I've searched you everywhere and only when your friends told me the places I could possibly find you, I did" Cedric said frustrated.
"I'm sorry Cedric, I didn't feel in the condition to talk. I would have apologised afterwards " I replied but still keeping my eyes on the forrest not daring to look at him.
"Have you- you cried, didn't you? Your eyes are puffy and red... Y/N... if something is bothering you, you should have come to me immediately" Cedric said with a soft voice and placed his hand on my shoulder. My body shivered when he touched my shoulder.
"Sorry I- I didn't want to scare y-"
"It's okay Cedric, you didn't and I know I can rely on you but I-... I don't know...". I could see him frowning and biting his lip from the corner of my eyes.
"Do you want a hug?" Cedric asked hesitantly.
This really caught me of guard and I just looked down on the ground before nodding my head. He started of with an awkward side hug, not knowing if pulling me into a firm hug would be to much but I did exactly that. I swung my arms around his torso and buried my face in his neck and stated to unintentionally sob.
After awhile I calmed down and slowly pulled back because I thought if I kept hugging him I couldn't stop anymore. He was so soft and smelled like honey and chopped wood. It was really hypnotising but also calming.
"Remember when you told me that Slytherins tend to say 'I care about you' instead of 'I love you'? You know I'm not a Slytherin but- Merlin.... Look what I'm trying to say is that I care about you a lot and it hurts me knowing that you are holding on to many unsaid things which is eating you up inside everyday. And I was so stubborn to see that so that's why I got so frustrated with you. I thought you avoided me on purpose or something. I need to give credit to your friends for that because I didn't realise that by myself", Cedric confessed while whipping away my tears from my cheek.
I looked into his eyes and honestly I didn't know what took over me but I pecked Cedric lips for 2 milliseconds and pulled back with wide eyes. Slowly regret started to built up and I felt completely embarrassed. It took Cedric quite awhile to proceed what just happened but he quickly pulled me in another, longer and more passionate kiss.
When we pulled back he pulled me into his embrace and mumbled into my hair
" Please whenever you feel the need to talk to somebody about ANYTHING at all just tell me. I will always be here for you."
This time he hugged me like a fragile glass figure that could break if you hugged it to tight. But I simply hugged him like I never wanted to let him go which results him to tighten his hug.
"I do have something important to tell you but this can wait because I want to enjoy this moment", I replied.
"Whenever you are ready, darling. I'll be patient".
@yourmagestyqueen @3rd-beatle @l0ttadreamz @black-dhalias
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
Part 2 :
"J-Jojo" the ravenhead approached the purplenette and tugged at her pants. Jonita snapped from her trance and looked down at the boy.
"D-Did I say something wrong to Mama?? Why did she become so upset?? Is it not right to love boys for me??" Jotaro shot her with numerous questions. Tears were threatening to fall from his emerald green eyes.
Jonita slightly chuckled and shook her head. She then kneeled down and held Jotaro by his shoulder.
"Who said that you have to love only girls if you are a boy?? In fact, you can love anyone in this world". "R-Really??" Jotaro asked with some hope. Jonita then smiled and nodded in reply.
"E-Even dolphins?!!" Jotaro asked with excitement. "U-Umm...sure. You want to marry dolphins??". "What?? No. I want to marry that red boy only" Jotaro bashfully said. "Wow, from love to marriage already. This is escalating very quickly" Jonita whispered to herself.
"Anyways, the reason why your mother reacted like this was because, boys don't usually fall in love with other boys. There is a universal law saying that boys have to love only girls as humans are made to function like this only".
"So you are saying that I'm.....mel-fuk-sion-ing??". "You mean malfunctioning?? No, not at all. It just means that you are...........different". "Different?? What do you mean Jojo??"
Jonita scooted closer to Jotaro and then cupped his cheek.
"Listen Joot, you are not the only one who loves people of their own gender. In fact, I have seen girls who like girls and also some people who like both boys and girls!! There are also some people whose gender you cannot even tell, and people fall in love with such persons too"
"Really??". "Yes. My husband used to like boys too". "Then what about you?? Why did he marry you then??". "Well, that question can be answered by him only. But if I speak of it, then maybe because he saw something in me which he never saw in others".
"Wow......If I ever meet your husband once, I will make sure to ask him why he chose you". "S-Sure, why not".
Jonita didn't really like the sound of that. "A-Anyways.......
Jotaro, who has the right to tell you whom to love?? Only you have. Not me, not Holly, not even God, only you and yourself. Love anyone you like. A boy, a girl, a dolphin, anyone!!! Just love them so much that you make them feel like they have found their home in you" she then pokes Jotaro's chest.
"B-But what if someone makes fun of me??". "Don't listen to them. They are just jealous that a handsome boy like you just had his heart been stolen by an equally handsome young man" she then squished Jotaro's cheeks to which Jotaro giggled.
He then hugged Jonita and buried his face in her chest.
"Thank you so much Jojo, you are the best!!". "Hehe, I know" Jonita rubbed Jotaro's back.
They stayed like this for a few seconds, and then Jonita spoke. "Well, I remember that I had bought some extra ice-cream from the shop. You want to have some, Joot??". "Yaay!! More ice-cream!!!" Both the Jojos then invaded the kitchen to devour the cold confectionery.
"Hello?? Papa??". "Holly, my baby!!! How are you doing??". "I'm fine, thank you for asking". "Holly, you sound sad. Is everything alright?? Are you hurt or something?? I-I'm coming right away then!!"
"No no Papa, I'm really fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something". "Shoot up Holly". "......I-it's about Jotaro". "Jotaro?? What about him?? Is he alright??". "He.........he is in love".
"OOOOHHHH MMYYYYY GOOOODDDD". Holly had to turn her head away from the phone to avoid her eardrums to be destroyed. She could literally imagine her father jumping happily all around wherever he was speaking from.
"TELL ME QUICK!!! WHO IS THE LUCKY GIRL?!!!". "T-That is what the problem is, Papa". "Huh?? What do you mean??". "J-Jotaro has fallen for a boy instead". "A boy??". "Y-Yes Papa".
There was silence at the other side of the call. Until another scream came.
"OOHHHH MY GOOOODDD, THAT IS EVEN BETTER!!!!!". Holly was kind of shocked from her father's reaction. She hadn't expect her father out of everyone else to react like this. She had expected him to be just as worried as she was.
"Papa, I'm worried about Jotaro". "Worried?? Why??". "Jotaro is a boy. He should be attracted towards girls and not with the children who is of his same gender" Holly said.
"So what?? It is his choice. Let him love whom he wants to". "But Papa--". "Listen, Baby. Do you remember Caesar??". "You mean Uncle Caesar??". "Yes Dear. I.....I was in love with him once".
"What??" Holly was astonished. She didn't expect this at all. So Jotaro wasn't the only one she knew who was attracted to people of his gender?? Her own father was as same as her son??
"W-Why didn't you tell me earlier Papa??". "I wanted to, but I wanted the right time to come. And I think right now is the best time".
Joseph then cleared his throat and the he started the tale of his and Caesar's battle tendency.
"Your uncle and I were enemies at first. We fought even for the most little things and your grandmother and Jonita used to scold and beat us up for that. But we never changed".
Joseph took a small pause, then he continued. "Though we fought, we were really close to each other. I didn't know about him but, I had realised that I had fallen in love with him. With his funny Italian accent, with the way he wore his suspenders wrong, and also how he used to boast about his Zeppeli bloodline, everything".
"That's.......very delightful, Papa" Holly said, a smile forming on her lips. "I know. But unfortunately, our relationship didn't last long".
Holly's smile dropped. "What happened then Papa??". "W-We both had gotten into a very big argument and I had said something to him which offended him a lot. He then punched me and left, and that was the last time I saw him".
Holly held the phone tighter, she was really curious to know what happened next.
"When me, Jonita and your grandmother went to look for him........w-we found his dead body crushed......under a massive rock...........and his headband was lying there.... covered with his blood............And I--"
Joseph couldn't complete his sentence as Holly heard soft sobs coming from the other side. Holly's heart ached as she heard her father crying on the phone. She became worried and asked "P-Papa?? Are you OK??".
"Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine. Don't worry". She then sighed from relief and continued to listen to Joseph.
"Damn, I can't believe his memories are still making me cry after so many years" he said to himself with a laugh. Holly chuckled and said.
"So you really loved Uncle Caesar??". "My Dear, he was my loveliest salad. But I knew that if he had a chance, he would beat me up from Heaven if I kept crying in his memories and not move on, that's why I married your mother and then you came, and slowly did Jotaro".
"So you never told him that you loved him??". "I never had the courage to tell him, and even if had been able to gather some, it had already been too late. Now I don't want my grandson to do the same mistake as me, so please encourage him to let his feelings reach the one whom he loves. Will you help him do it Holly??".
"Yes Papa". "Good!!". Holly smiled. She could literally feel his father grinning from the other side.
"Well, your mother must be waiting for my call. I'll talk to you later then". "OK Papa. Bye". "Bye Honey" and then they both cut off.
Holly kept the phone down and sighed. She then twirled round and round happily while giggling.
"My baby is in love~!!" she happily exclaimed. She then walked to her kitchen while skipping like a happy schoolgirl.
"I shall make make red rice tonight!! I'm sure Jotaro would love it!!" and so the three of them celebrated Jotaro's new found love for the rest of the day.
10 Years Later.......
It has been a decade and Jotaro had turned from a cheery toddler to a forbidding teenager. He had started to get into fights with his classmates and secretly smoke cigarettes.
Not to mention, he had also started to disrespect his teachers and his elders and he called every woman he met a bitch, including his own loving mother.
Holly had stayed the same even after 10 years. Her unconditional love for Jotaro never diminished even a bit. But it seemed like Jotaro had changed his attitude towards her, but it never bothered Holly.
As for Jonita, she had left Japan after Jotaro's 10th birthday. She promised the young man that she will return after she was done with her unfinished business. Yesterday she called home and said that she was going to come back home today, and Jotaro was surprisingly anticipating eagerly for her arrival.
But that didn't mean that he was going to bunk his school for her, so he went to his school in his long, unbuttoned uniform coat revealing a t-shirt underneath and his signature black hat, and as usual, swarms of girls started to surround him as soon as they spotted the giant delinquent.
Some of them greeted him while some of them tried to hold his hand. Obviously he ignored them all. He was focused on reaching school and that's all. But then he heard two girls fighting over him and shouting insults at each other, and he shouted.
"SHUT UP!!! YOU ARE FUCKING ANNOYING!!!" he yelled back. But instead of keeping quiet, the girls squealed and blushed, and then it eventually turned into a fight about which girl had he shouted on.
Jotaro ignored them once more and started to walk away, and the rest of the girls followed behind him while calling his name.
Meanwhile, a young man with red hair and purple eyes, wearing a complete different uniform from Jojo and the girls, was stalking him from the bushes. With a paintbrush in his hand, he looked at the picture he had made of the delinquent on the canvas menacingly.
"Jotaro Kujo, one of the most dangerous delinquents in this town, huh??" the man said to himself. He then smirked as he dipped his brush in red paint.
"Well well, let's see how dangerous you really are against me"
To Be Continued.........
(I know this a lot to ask but, 28 likes please?? And when the goal is achieved, I will post the continuation. I hope you all enjoyed).
PART 1 :
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