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Yes but it may take a while to get around to answering them because it’s exam week at school 😅
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hey!! i just wanted to tell you that i really like your work! especially the uraraka hc and the 'inko chews out endeavor'! i hope that if you have the time and motivation to do so you'll post more. you really deserve more attention, you're way to underrated! have a good day and stay healthy❤
AWW thank you!!! This really made my day :’3
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Iida go zoom (friendship and rich kid hc)
• He powerwalks like that ^. He just has a quicker walking pace than everyone and ends up getting lost because he accidentally left the group.
• He's constantly trying to find ways to be more functionally efficient so he uses his rich kid money to buy prescription goggles. They're better than glasses because they don't fly off and they still keep the wind out of his eyes without limiting his vision like his helmet! They look goofy as hell though and the rubber suction around them doesn't work great so sometimes the air seeps in. Also an eyelash fell in his eye and he had t stop mid-fight to readjust. That took like a full three minutes.
• Uraraka brings up the concept of using contact lenses. Since he forgot those existed. He crumples to the floor. He spent so much money on prescription goggles. He cried that day, But he was wearing his goggles so the tears just kinda stayed there.
• Adhd. he zoom. I think he masks pretty well because he likes to keep up Neurotypical appearances probably out of a deep-rooted insecurity about not seeming normal or being too informal so he plays up all the formality in ay to day life. But when he stims he ZOOOMS.
• As much as he s the mum friend, he's also the guy who guy who tried to kill a man for hurting his brother. He's the mum friend alright, to a terrifying degree. He is. Very protective. But he also checks up on people a surprising amount. He makes a class group chat where he sends nice messages to boost morale and lift spirits, he sends good morning and goodnight texts to the Deku Squad (at god awful hours, it's like 5am and 8pm, the only one awake at 5 is Shouto who always sends one back) even if that's the only messages exchanged between them that day, he also reminds everyone of tests and to do their homework, always offering to help ake a schedule that only a machine could stick to as he always forgets the buffer time of human error or uncontrollable situations.
• He is always first to buy everyone lunch, because it's the "gentlemanly thing to do" "Is gentlemanly a word?" "...yes" "You sound unsure I don't think it's a word." "It-It's a word!" "Guys It's a word" :'D
- Deku often feels bad about just being given food but humbly accepts because he feels it would be ruder to decline the kind offer.
- Uraraka says yes immediately and eats it before the offer has a chance of being reminded, she eat extremely fast. She chokes sometimes. Everyone is concerned. But mere concern does not suade the will that rivals the power of gods. • He, Deku and Uraraka are all personality-wise, alike, they're all passionate, stubborn, emotional and nerds but they are still very different, like with food.
- Uraraka slurps her spaghetti while laying on the couch she always chokes but that doesn't stop her its a matter of pride now and sometimes even uses her fingers and lowers the longest strands into her mouth because she grew up in a small household where they usually just had fun with everything, and being laid back and messy is how she shows she is completely comfortable being around someone. She also licks the plate to not waste any food and
- Meanwhile, Iida was brought up as a formal rich kid who was taught eating with the right utensils shows your intelligence and eating politely, chewing with mouth closed, eye contact while talking, straight back and posture while sitting at the table and all the other rules show that you respect the other person and that you like them because they are polite with your manners toward them.
- Deku isn't a picky eater, he just likes taking his food apart and eating it differently, like he'll take apart sandwiches and eat the bits individually, or separate the batter from his chicken nuggets, it's how he's always done it and overall he just eats wherever he can, not particularly the table or couch, he's just mindful to not drop his food and has mastered balancing plates on his knees or thighs to not drop them.
- Tsuyu never uses her hands, she just puts food on the table and grabs it with her tongue.
- Shouto just eats like a normal person
- Iida is horrified the first time they all eat together in the dorms. At the cafeteria tables in school, Uraraka ate quick but she wasn't messy because she didn't want to stain her school uniform and Deku mainly just had the bento boxes his mum made him. But now he came back from his mid-day jog to see open pizza boxes and floating slices of pizza in the air and a floating Deku picking the pepperoni from his slice and tossing them at Todoroki who was sitting upsideown on the couch eating whatever pepperoni fell in his mouth and a floating Uraraka being launched by Tsuyu from the walls to catch as many slices as she can in her mouth.
- He loves his friends. So much but what the fuck. He was lowkey tempted to join them floating.
#mha#bnha#bnha imagines#iida#iida tenya#iida tenya headcanons#todoroki shouto#izuku midoriya#uraraka ochako#tsuyu asai#dekusquad#dekusquad headcanons#bnha headcanons#mha headcanons#I love this dork#Big chest#big chest full of love#and good for hugs
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Jobs 1A students should never have, pt 1
I can't find a gif of everyone together ;-;
• Baku Squad in retail.
Let me start this by saying no one should have to work in retail but anyways,
- Katsuki Both-Parents-In-The-Fashion-Industry Bakugou actually has a good sense of style and is really good at estimating peoples sizes, what fbric and cut would be flattering and what wouldn't, but he has a hard time with "the customers always right" rule bECAUSE THEY ARE NOT. THAT BELT DOES NO FAVOURS TO YOUR WAISTLINE OR SHOES, KAREN. IT LOOKS GOOD ON CAROL BECAUSE CAROL HAS A DIFFERENT BODYSHAPE, KAREN.
- Denki was playing Pokemon Go (yes he still plays it) and fell into the metal pole that's holding all the clothes up and he accidentally shocks it and now every item on that pole has static shock and it kept electric-shocking customers for days
- He treats the security camera's like he's playing FNAF and makes bets on who buys what. Sero always wins the bets. No one knows why. Not even and especially Sero.
- If the place has trolleys he is absolutely go-carting in them against Mina when the store closes. Sero attempts to stop them with his tape to make barricades but he made it too high and the trolley goes under while Denki just jumps over it. It would have even been impressive if when he landed back in the trolley if it stayed up on all four wheels instead of tipping over smashing into the kids clothes. Could have been worse. Could have crashed into Bakugou. Who was in the kids clothes isle restocking. Sero planned Denki's soon approaching funeral that day.
- Mina tells customers what she thinks looks good. And let me just say, I love Mina, I really do, but this girl designed her own hero costume and you can tell. It's what she thinks looks good. She has the fuff collar shoulder thingy with a skin-tight turquoise thing with a few purple splotches and then?? just normal boring-ass looking boots?? She rocks it, of course, it's Mina, but no one else could. That's the problem with her giving advice. No one else rocks it like her. The retail shop is a circus and she's making the clowns. But at least the customers feel good about themselves when they leave. Not when they come back to return the clothes after having worn them in public though.
- She and Bkaugou have so many fights over this stuff.
- Mina also customises stock. Glitter, stylish tears, that stuff. No one let her but no one can stop her.
- Sero and Kirishima actually know what they're doing. The angry customers is draining but Sero is great at packaging and Kirishima is great at transporting new stock as well as them both being good at customer service so they play to their strengths.
- If a customer is getting mad, Sero is the best at diffusing the situation and calming down the customer while Kirishima calms down Bakugou who even if the customer wasn't initially angry at him, he got involved to defend his friend not that they needed defending but he thought this customer just wasn't worth their time. Both Sero and Kirishima overwork themselves a ton, but they do get the most praise from the manager.
- When a kid gets lost in the shop, Mina freaks out, she does no know how to deal with kids. Get this girl some help. Help arrives in the form of Denki but that is not the help she meant because Denki either treats them way younger than they are or way older and either way the kid gets offended and cries so he calls for help. In other words Kirishima. He is, so good with kids. He just has big brother vibes y'know? He helps calm the kid down and either lets them follow behind or leads them by the hand to the cash register where they make service announcements to call for the parent with ease.
- Sero is the one who actually gets the most done out of everyone and even covers tasks that were meant to be done in the others shifts. He's the most laid back about it all and generally just gets things done
• Shouto as a substitute teacher for kids - The kids ask him to sing Let It Go when they realise he has an ice quirk.
- Bless his heart, he doesn't know how to act around kids. They're all so tiny and small. He had no proper childhood he doesn't know what normal kids do. The main teacher says they're learning to recognise different numbers, so just let them fingerprint or use the number-shaped sponges.
- And again, with all the good intentions in his heart, he sees this child who is very proud of the '4' they drew but it's just a complete mess of splotches of horrible paint that someone spilt their drink on. Or was sick on. He can't tell. It's like dark brown, black, chartreuse, what he thinks is snot, a sickly mustard yellow, that might just be mustard, and he studies this piece trying to find where it is for a good full 20 seconds because he wants to praise this kid so he instead goes with a neutral and honest statement, he turns to the child and says "I don't see it," that doesn't mean it's good or bad, so he kinda freaks out when the kid starts crying.
- He calls Midoriya asking what he should do. Midoriya isn't too sure either despite being one of the best with kids.
"Just say you now see where it is?!" "That would be a lie, Midoriya." "U-Uhm okay so, err, help him make a new one?"
- Shouto has never finger painted before but he tries his best and helps the kid make a new one the child likes.
- To make it up to them for before, Shouto gives the kid money for the painting and he hangs it up in Endeavours office and says he got it an auction.
- God help this poor man if a kid hurts themselves by tripping over or getting a papercut, he has a full-on military-grade medkit at the ready trying to calm the kid down. He acts really calm and concise while acknowledging that they're hurting which actually comforts the kid because that way they know it's not okay right now and that they're not ver-reacting or should stop crying but also it'll be okay.
- But inside Shouto did not expect to be filled with that much panic.
• Deku as a bartender
- This boy studied up. He has the drink names down, knows all the ingredients, knows all the techniques, all the methods, colloquial names people might call the drinks, he's got it locked and loaded. But the one thing he didn't prepare for? Actual social interaction.
- People are loud and already drunk, they hiccup and slur their words and he can't understand any of it, the tv is louder than the orders and everything starts going to hell.
- Another bartender who mercifully took pity on him let him take a break in the backroom. After a breather, he goes back but the moment he's behind the bar and given the shakers, he realises he had read everything he needed to do, watched all the videos, but had never actually done it.
- He tries though, he tries with everything he knows and thankfully the man waiting is patient and smiling, aware it's his first time. But he gets nervous being waited on.
- Sometimes he forgets his own strength so he is constantly worried about accidentally breaking a glass or cabinet or surface. Also worried he'll forget an order. Worried he'll mess it up because it's not done like usual.
- He's worried.
- Just pure anxiety.
#bnha#bnha imagines#bnha headcanons#mha#my hero academia#boku no hero headcanons#bakusquad#bakugou katsuki#kirishima ejirou#denki kaminari#shouto todoroki#mina ashi#sero hanta#bnha deku#izuku midoriya#bnha midoriya#the bakusquad are a unit#either mina was friends with the manager#and got them all the job#emphasis on was#or bakugou's parents#suggested him and his friends#to do some#part time
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Who said the UA traitor was a student?
Aizawa Class Traitor headcanons
• Aizawa is a trusted teacher so probably has access to the school's security system.
• He also has files on all of the students, any and all information he could ever need, their quirks their families, addresses, hell even their blood type at the ready.
• While he's 1A's homeroom teacher, he still teaches other classes and can have information on them too. Every single student's information just readily available to him.
• Also, he's competent enough to not get caught.
• I truly believe that Aizawa has good intentions, (He's my favourite pro-hero) but we've seen how his good intentions don't always mean good things for example,
- how he traumatized his classes, threatening expulsion for the smallest of mistakes putting everyone on guard all the time,
- pushes kids beyond their limits to where it's repetitively physically damaging and making that the baseline normal and other things like that. (I get it was to weed out the weak and unfit to be heroes and that it's an efficient way, but that doesn't mean it's not damaging.)
- He tells them to work on their quirks but doesn't actually help. (He tells Deku to get his quirk under control but never actually sits down with him and talks about why he's so far behind in his quirk development or come up with any methods or techniques he can use, and if he didn't know he could have recommended other teachers that knew, but no. No help.) Unless it's a special case like Shinsou but this is supposed to be his job for everyone, not just one student.
But even still, he has good intentions. Even if he doesn't do everything "right".
• So maybe those good intentions forced him to make a deal with someone who is infinitely more powerful than most heroes, All For One, in order to keep people safe. He wants to keep his class safe, there's no doubt about that, but maybe a deal like that is the reason no one in the class had died at USJ and other attacks where they easily could have if since were wannabe heroes mostly without professional training against supposedly pro Villains in a targeted and calculated attack.
• If he were the traitor I get the feeling All For One would like him. Aizawa is powerful, intelligent, focused, cold, competent but above all, powerful people like other heroes trust him. Which is something Tomura would never be able to accomplish. This would make Tomura hate Aizawa potentially leading to why the second he didn't have to focus on All Might at USJ, he went to hurt the students and ended up damaging Aizawa, in an attempt to get rid of whoever threatens his chance to be All For One's sole successor.
• Aizawa's private life is more secretive than his professional one, even his professional one isn't fully known to the public so it'd be rather easy to hide.
• Late at night when he can't sleep, Aizawa regrets not choosing another choice, maybe he does now. He's a smart man, he's probably gone over the moment he made that deal a million times over in his head and come up with thousands of other things, better things he should have done. But at the time, making the deal was the only clear option. He could always tell the other heroes and act as a spy on the League of Villains, but he doesn't doubt there are probably precautions the L.O.V have planned in case of that. There could be others like him to report on it.
He's tired.
• And then Present Mic finds out.
• Present Mic was called to raid a suspected L.O.V. base that was brought to the hero firms attention after a noise complaint and basic description of figures going in and out. And as loud as he is, he wanted to scope it out first so he may as well be quiet; he didn't have enough time to properly gel up his hair for hero duty like usual as this call was rather unexpected so it was instead in the quickest plait he could do, so he was already deciding not to draw too much attention to himself.
• It's a large factory turned warehouse that's been abandoned for long enough to start decaying however the large thick ledges around the boarded and broken windows he found to be large and stable enough to sneak around and scan the area.
• And his blood runs cold and fingers stiffen when he sees Aizawa talking- laughing -no Aizawa isn't laughing, the Villains are laughing, but it doesn't look like they're gloating or laughing at him, it looks like they're trying to laugh with him,
• He knows he should report it. He knows he should fight. He knows he should run. He knows the protocol.
• But he also knows his Aizawa.
• He texts Aizawa a picture of his view of them and watches as he pulls out his phone.
• Faint mutterings are exchanged and the villains leisurely walk out of there, relaxed, unphased. And Aizawa looks to where the photo must have been taken from.
• They stand there.
• Just staring at each other.
•Present Mic's trembling fingers call into the hero firm who sent him out, taking in a small but deep breath, "It's Empty. I don't see any sign of anyone either, maybe it was just some kids exploring who scattered or went somewhere else,"
• And Aizawa bites back shuddering breath at the idiot who didn't report him.
• Aizawa's capture tape wraps around the ceiling support beam and he swings, kicking Hizashi in the chest, forcing him down.
• Hizashi just lays there, staring at Aizawa.
• Aizawa is snarling, expecting some fight, some struggle, anything but just laying there and letting him crouch over and weakly pound his chest, hit after hit, over and over again. His heart clearly not in it, he's dishevelled and breathing unsteady like he's choking on words that clog his throat instead of let themselves be known to either one of them.
• Hizashi reaches up and cups Aizawa's face, and they each go still. He'd never seen Aizawa cry before,
• He used his thumb to wipe a tear from under his eye as Aizawa buried his face in Hizashi's chest.
• "Why? You-You had your chance. You should have called it in, should have captured them,-captured me, should have done something-anything, Hizashi." It wasn't venom he was speaking with, it was too desperate for that "why did you-" he took in a shuddering breath as if it were a sigh "Why didn't you..?"
• Hizashi sits up and wraps his arm around Aizawa and holds him.
• A gentle breeze from the broken window passes over them into the empty warehouse.
• Aizawa never heard Hizashi cry so quietly before.
• They go home together that night, order some food, and they talk. Hizashi keeps Aizawa's secret.
• And
• Despite Aizawa's recommendations,
• Despite Aizawa's warnings,
• Despite Aizawa's pleading.
• Hizashi will do whatever it takes to keep Aizawa safe. For instance,
• making a deal with All For One.
#bnha#bnha imagines#mha#mha headcanons#erasermic#aizawa shouta#shouta aizawa#yamada hizashi#hizashi yamada#eraserhead#present mic#boku no hero headcanons#villain#YESSSS#GIMME THAT LOVE#GIMME THAT LOVE DESPITE ALL CIRCUMSTANCES#couple goals
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Are Iida's legs okay?? (Iida quirk hc)
• If he punctured his engine would it heal or would he weld it?
If it's a biological thing, which I think I should assume it is since it grows out of him, then it would heal.
What if it's a Bakugou thing, like how Bakugou doesn't sweat nitroglycerin, he sweats nitroglycerin like sweat. What if it's not metal, it's just a metal-like skin.
Wait is Testutestu actually metal or is it hardened skin like metal?
I bet he isn't sure if it would heal or he'd need to weld it and this keeps this man up at night. He asked Midoriya his opinion but Midoruya just mumbled to himself for hours until he was distracted because it is now midnight and Iida asked him at lunch.
• Those are blue flames we see coming from those engines are known to go into overheat and to my knowledge, he has normal skin around that so that would hurt right??
He has insanely high pain tolerance to deal with this stuff and it's really a detriment. He can get stabbed in the leg and not know unless he looks down because he legit just doesn't feel anything.
He has a bunch of scars around his calves too from scrapes he didn't really think were that deep, so when he thought they were healed enough he'd pick the scab off thinking the skin was grown fine underneath it but no. Picking the scab makes it look like a murder scene with all the blood. That was an interesting night when he had to explain why he had blood on his hands to Tensei who walked in on him by the sink.
• And how does fuel work?? again those are B L U E and purple flames! you need a lot of fuel and gas for that stuff?
Wiki says "he drinks orange juice as a source of fuel for his Quirk, while carbonated drinks make him stall" so it's like Momo's quirk but then what the fuck is his stomach doing?? (Also why doesn't he have Orange Juice or capri suns on hand then??? Give him compartments in his suit for orange juice if that is his literal fuel????)
Poor doctors in mha, 1. Mutant quirks change anatomy so much, the organs have to change too, so things are probably never in the same place, and what if they find a new organ then don't know what is or why it's there?? Same goes for emitter quirks, different things are gonna be different specialised to each individual, AND TRANSFORMATION QUIRKS. DOES IT ALL CHANGE?? DO ORGANS AND BONES AND STUFF ALL JUST CHANGE?? WHAT IF THEY NEED TO GO SURGERY BUT THE DOCTORS DONT KNOW WTF THEYRE LOOKING AT?? • He's a try hard nerd jock so I bet he chugged gasoline one time to see if it would make him run faster.
I bet he did all the maths, all the equations and probabilities, and he still drank it. Tesei saw, took pictures and hangs them up around the house to forever use as blackmail.
• Back on about the Orange juice thing, if the fuel is made of that, then does he leave CO2 or nah? Does it smell of Oranges? Is it a nice smell? Is he just a walking fragrencer?
Because it would be warm oranges because y'know it's fire. Would that smell good? are there fumes with it too? is it like flatulence and oranges? because you do need gas for those blue flames.
Iida has been around the smoke from his engines all his life so he's gone nose-blind toward it and no one gives him a straight answer when he asks if it smells of anything. Uraraka said burnt marshmallows, Tensei (who is also nose-blind to it) said pineapple, Izuku took a whiff and got high. No one is allowed to purposefully whiff it anymore.
• This man needs more leg support damn. That much thrust from his calves can not be good for his knees. I know he's grown up with it so he's used to it, and he either has the strongest knees in existence from all that endurance or his knees dislocate every other time he uses his quirk.
He has so much joint pain. He wants to get a walking stick for his joint pain and it confuses villains because they think that must mean he's out of commission but no, he can easily withstand the pain, the cane just helps. And can also be used as a weapon. The aesthetic bastard probably makes it look like a sword to match his aesthetic.
• Speaking of aesthetic, he saw Denki playing portal 2 one time and saw the characters long fall boots and instantly fell in love with them (he wants to commission Mei to make them but is honestly too scared to,)
He runs so quickly, if he goes up a ramp he will go flying and when he lands, having those kind of boots to cushion the fall wouldhelp exponentially. Also it'll make him even taller and I'm all for that. They also fit his aesthetic!
• More speaking of his aesthetic. I get the whole knight shtick is a family thing and it is also very endearing. But the wind drag. Wind resistance isn't really a problem for us because we go at human speed. He goes at human speed but the human has engines in his legs. That much clunky armour is good for protection especially to cushion the blow if he messes up a run and crashes into something and it's also good for blunt force trauma for up close attacks but there is gonna be so much wind drag. He already has enough speed where it doesn't matter too much if he is dragged just a little bit but I imagine wind drag could mess up balance and stuff. And here's where I'm torn, because he's a rich kid who is proud of his family so wants to carry on the tradition, same hero name, same hero aesthetic, same stuff like that, but should that really go above functionality? I'm not saying to minimise wind resistance he should wear a leotard or speedo or something with no armour like that, and idk the materials used, but that armour looks heavy.
He has so much inner turmoil about this. He always has an identity crisis when this is brought up.
• This bitch's metabolism tho. Orange juice is one fuel, what are the others? whatever they are, he should be eating a lot of it because that stuff gets burnt up so quick. He wouldn't be chubby, because all of his running, and he already looks like a big sturdy guy, I'm just saying, for efficiency, he should look like how Russian Women Who Fight Bears, or a Viking, that kinda physique, strong as hell, big and sturdy.
• He should have prescription goggles instead of glasses. Or. Y'know. CONTACT LESNES. SO YOU DONT HAVE TO WORRY. ABOUT YOUR GLASSES BREAKING. OR FALLING OFF WHEN YOU ZOOM. But I do understand it's for the nerd-jock trope. Guess he cares about aesthetic more than functionality 😔 but goggles can keep wind out your eyes if tho. He looks like a lovable doofus either way.
Uraraka recommends contact lenses since he forgot those existed.
He cries that day. But he was wearing the goggles so the tears kinda just stayed there.
#Karma has questions#iida tenya#iida headcanons#bnha#mha#mha hcs#bnha hcs#actually adhd#I understand that I am asking#for scientific answers out of a world#where people are made from teleportation midst#and a boy can sweat#an olympic sized swimming pool in#5 seconds#BUT STILL#I WASNT ANSWERS#If Iida was a girl#then hero society would make him wear a speedo#because#sexism#and none of the girls#have armour
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Oooo yeah that makes sense!!
Midoriya being an unreliable narrator is one of my favourite things about the story, because he is the protagonist, he is the literal narrator, everything is from his perspective and because he's human he's of course going to have biases. These biases can easily change which in turn changes the tone of the story! It's a really neat tool that can be played around with
I think there should be more episodes where someone else is the protagonist, not all the time of course because that could get annoying, but maybe spin-offs or OVAs or something so we can 1. Experience more of the society 2.Experience the society but with the filter of it being through someone elses experiences 3. It would help whoever the protagonist is to feel more included in the overarching story to show they have a life and meaning outside of UA with their own motivations and their own inner turmoil and trauma, because it's mha so everyone has trauma, no exceptions, 4, I think it would be neat for another lense that again, doesn't have to be neutral, it can be pessemistic, realistic, more delusioned, harsher, more hopeful than optimistic, that kinda stuff!
I think Uraraka would be a good contender for something like that :3
I will say I am e x t r e m e l y behind on the anime, I can only watch the anime and the last episode I saw was when Bakugou and Todoroki got their hero licences so maybe stuff like different protagonists has happened more but I'm not sure (Feel free to fill me in on anything anytime if you ever wanna infodump about lore, I would gladly listen XD)
Quirk Transferring
All Might gave Midoriya his One For All by Midoriya consuming All Might's DNA.
We see Midoriya giving Bakugou One For All by exchanging blood.
1. This means Midoriya can never give blood to anyone to save their life (Consider his mum gets hurt and needs a blood transfusion to save her life and they have the same blood and he forgets about OFA and Inko wakes up with OFA I would love this)
2. People accidentally spit while they talk, what if no one sees that small bit of spit go on someone's food or just mouth or whatever? Like if he french kisses someone? or he shares food with someone like Inko who asked him to try some soup she was having to get his opinion and they use the same spoon?? Is Inko gonna get OFA?
3. Any DNA? Any DNA whatsover? I know Midoriya takes the strap but if someone rides him or gives him head and they gonna get OFA? Did Dave get OFA from All Might in their college days??? Is this another way for Inko to get OFA but from All Might?????
Anyways, so AFO has a quirk in it that lets it be transferred. But what if there were like, quirk side effects to transferring DNA with someone? Like you get a bit of their quirk? My hc is Aizawa has two quirks but it's not an even ratio like Shouto's is, what if Aizawa can 1. Erase quirks and 2. Float things. Like his hair and his scarf (It's not the scarf that floats on it's own, Shinsou uses it and it doesn't float) So what if Aizawa and Hizashi fuck and that's how Hizashi's hair can stay up like that despite being thrown around and jumping everywhere
He doesn't use hair gel he uses Aizawa.
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Uraraka friends + friendship hc
• Uraraka isn't "The popular girl" but everyone knows her and she knows everyone because she's soft, comforting and friendly. Also just a people-pleasing extrovert who charges by helping others. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew villains, realises it's them mid-fight and stops everything to talk them down from whatever crime they're doing. And even scarier, the villains listen. • She flirts with her friends endlessly but in a really vanilla way since it's all in good fun and it stays within boundaries, if they flirt back she will get very blushy and her forever-pink cheeks go red, but she doesn't stop, she just ups it while her whole face is blushing until she runs out of things to say and ends up shakily blowing a kiss and winking as she's processing all the nice things said.
• After the Sports Festival she asked Bakugou to spar. She wants to get better and she sees him as a goal, if she can solidly beat him in a fight then she can definitely know she's improved.
And I can easily imagine Bakugou agreeing, he wants to get better too and he respects others wanting to get better too. What he did not expect was she was learning to fight with knives and how stubborn she really is.
Well, he knew she was stubborn at the sports festival, if she could still move, even just barely, then she can still fight. He respects that even more. Both of these bitches need to learn to not push past their limits.
They goad each other so much. Uraraka can be mean when she wants to, saying things that probably aren't true but she knows she'll get a reaction out of it. She is terrified as she says it, but she knows this is what makes it challenging and the challenge is what she's here for. But usually she just says stuff like,
"How did I lose to you before? If you fight like this you have no chance of surpassing even Mineta,"
He is the only one who has seen her swear and no one believes him. It pisses him off exponentially.
• Her love language is quality time but also gift-giving which sucks because she is very poor. She actually becomes friends with Hatsune Mei from the support class as they both like to come up with creative and tailored ways to help individual people and come up with stuff they like!
After they become friends, Mei's latest inventions always have a hint of Uraraka in them, be they pink, somehow more adventurous than anything Mei could come up with on her own, or suspiciously some glitter thrown here and there.
When Mei is building stuff, Uraraka just sits there and listens to her ramble and work, she paints little hello kitty faces on desks, machines and even screws, it's basically her trademark.
• She has multiple alarms on her phone. As well as Iida's "good morning" messages at 5AM, she has alarms for 7am. 7:01am, 7:02am, 7:03am, 7:04am, 7:05am, 7:0- curse living far away so she has to take the train, or she'd be able to sleep in longer. but she always lets Iida know she does appreciate the sentiment. • She absolutely steals from the school cafeteria. Have you seen all that fancy expensive food? She won't steal much, just what she needs and it's the extra food that no one misses. Either she makes a deal with the chef about letting her have some leftovers or the chef would have no idea she's doing it. Even if they noticed some food missing, who's really going to suspect the cute pink bubbly friend-shaped Uraraka? Anyone else who's poor. That's who.
• She's not the mum friend, she's the aunt friend who will make sure everyone is safe and sound before doing something questionably illegal but since it's questionable she can plead ignorance.
• She and Iida get on very well despite being very different. They're both very nice, stubborn, emotional and passionate people yes, but Iida has no idea what the hell she is saying when she quotes memes. She's poor and a teenager, of course she goes to the internet for serotonin
"Uraraka I do not recall locating the barbeque condiment on your chest, what do you mean?"
"who is 'Deez' do I know them? You talk a lot about their nut collection, which is it almonds? peanut?"
Poor boy went out "on the town" with her and they stopped at Mcdonalds, he looked completely out of place he had no idea what was happening, he just kept looking to Uraraka for guidance why there was a plastic figurine of a character from a recent movie among his food items. • She snorts when she laughs and she used to be really embarrassed by it but one day Mina and Tsuyu heard it while they were hanging out in her room and they found it so adorable they kept making her laugh to try to hear it again. She snorts more now, everyone is happy with this development.
• She has made plans before to mug Iida. In a friendly way of course. She would mug Momo but Momo loves gift giving and gives Uraraka pretty much anything she asks for anyways Momo is called "Sugar-Mommy in Uraraka's contacts. She was planning to mug Shouto before he joined the dekusquad and she found out he has a piece of shit dad and instead steals Enji's credit card.
She pays her bills with Endeavours money.
She also fucks around with it, like orders an entire truckload of All Might merch to be delivered to Endeavour, she changes every password she can, hires people to "re-decorate" Endeavours room to an All-Might-Stans-Fever-Dream and Endeavour was about to hound Shouto about it until he realises he's been inside nearby all day and would never have had a chance to order any of this.
Any money she doesn't spend on her family or herself, she spends on her friends.
• She probably has multiple part-time jobs. She helps her dad at his workplace, floating construction beams when the machines break down and helping where she can. But she doesn't get paid for that.
She does work at a small shop (Lidl is you're British, 7/11 if you're American) by the side of a gas station and she remembers all the employees birthdays and makes them little glittery cards.
• Eventually she works with Tsuyu at a cafe, they actually learn great communication skills there. They make secret signals that mean a certain table needs attention, "this guy is an angry customer, be careful" or someone needs a refill. All of them are of course subtle and it makes them feel like spies with secret missions it's great. These signals carry over into their training too. Everyone, even Aizawa at one point thought they somehow had a telepathic link, that let them know who was behind them or what was a threat the other couldn't have known about, where to go, how quick to go there it was madness.
They also cover each other's shifts without question when they know the other needs the day off. :3
• She makes a point to be soft, it's friendly and approachable, it helps people trust her. Don't get her wrong, she loves cute things, it makes her feel nice and safe, it's familiar and she wants to replicate that feeling, she wants to be able to walk into a room and have people smile because their hearts grow warm. She wants to laugh and giggle and joke with people, she wants to be a walking safe-space people can go to for comfort. She wants to be the hero you go to not only when you're in danger, but when you just need some comfort. She's a rare hero. She's a good one too.
• And when someone makes fun of her for being soft, she can't help but laugh. She apologises for laughing but she finds their ignorance so funny. It takes a lot to be soft and kind, it takes a special kind of person. In this world? In this world villains are a threat to everyone, heroes get corrupt, families are forced out of homes, quirk injustice and discrimination runs rampant, the kids who are too brave, dumb, stupid or desperate for their own good become child-soldiers/heroes, people, good people who try to provide for others the only way they know how, the only way left since legal society won't help them and then get called a villain for it. She's seen it. The fights, the homes destroyed, the families ignored and hushed, the horrible, horrible world. But she won't let that change her.
The world is harsh and cold, that doesn't mean she has to be. She'll be soft in spite of the world, no matter how hard the laws push to divide and destroy and make you rely on them and only them, Uraraka knows the darkness there is in society, in humanity. but more than that she knows she is too stubborn to let that win.
So she enjoys her pink fluffy pillows, enjoys the makeup that she can afford, the sparkly dresses, the cute hairpieces, the hello kitty stationary, her pink rounded hero costume, she'll be friendly to everyone, she'll be nice and kind and thoughtful to everyone, she wants to make the world a safer but also happier place to live in.
Plus when they mistake her kindness for naivety, the best catharsis she gets is when she knocks that smug look off peoples faces for underestimating her..
#mha uraraka#bnha#bnha imagines#mha#my hero academia#mha headcanons#bnha uraraka#mha ochako#ochako uraraka#uraraka x tsuyu#katsuki x uraraka#uraraka headcanons#She is friends with everyone#She is actually pretty popular!#she's also a#girlboss#she could have gutted#bakahoe at that sports festival#he made a lucky escape#for now#never again#bitch better run
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Quirk Transferring
All Might gave Midoriya his One For All by Midoriya consuming All Might's DNA.
We see Midoriya giving Bakugou One For All by exchanging blood.
1. This means Midoriya can never give blood to anyone to save their life (Consider his mum gets hurt and needs a blood transfusion to save her life and they have the same blood and he forgets about OFA and Inko wakes up with OFA I would love this)
2. People accidentally spit while they talk, what if no one sees that small bit of spit go on someone's food or just mouth or whatever? Like if he french kisses someone? or he shares food with someone like Inko who asked him to try some soup she was having to get his opinion and they use the same spoon?? Is Inko gonna get OFA?
3. Any DNA? Any DNA whatsover? I know Midoriya takes the strap but if someone rides him or gives him head and they gonna get OFA? Did Dave get OFA from All Might in their college days??? Is this another way for Inko to get OFA but from All Might?????
Anyways, so AFO has a quirk in it that lets it be transferred. But what if there were like, quirk side effects to transferring DNA with someone? Like you get a bit of their quirk? My hc is Aizawa has two quirks but it's not an even ratio like Shouto's is, what if Aizawa can 1. Erase quirks and 2. Float things. Like his hair and his scarf (It's not the scarf that floats on it's own, Shinsou uses it and it doesn't float) So what if Aizawa and Hizashi fuck and that's how Hizashi's hair can stay up like that despite being thrown around and jumping everywhere
He doesn't use hair gel he uses Aizawa.
#mha#bnha#present mic#yamada hizashi#shouta aizawa#erasermic#eraserhead#Karma has questions#my hero academia#bnha imagines#my hero academia imagine#izuku midoriya#bnha midoriya#all might#one for all#ofa
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Midoriya: Endeavour hurt Shou-
*coughcough* my hc where this happens *cough*
#thats is#thats basically my hc#bnha#mha#bnha imagines#mha imagines#bnha fic#mha fic#bnha fanfiction#mha fanfiction#bnha angst#mha angst#tododeku#inko midoriya#bnha midoriya#mha shouto
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Inko chews out Endeavour
Characters: Inko Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, Endeavour
Genre: Angst, a little bit of fluff and catharsis
TW: Mentions of child abuse, abusive home life, mental drain
Word Count:3 K
A/N: This may be a teensy bit long :3
•Okay listen
•Midoriya is god damn horrified when he hears what Endeavour did/does to his kids. He had obviously guessed that the second-best hero there is who is training his family to also become heroes would have some extensive regime but what Shouto explained wasn't "training" it was just abuse.
•He immediately offers Shouto and his sibling's a place with him and his mum without a moment's hesitation. They're not as rich as the Todoroki's or live in as big a house with as good food, but they're happy. •And when Shouto declines, Izuku isn't really sure what to do.
• it's not his place to tell any media or higher authorities, it'd drastically change the lives of Shouto and his siblings and would affect all of them the rest of their lives. He feels like he can't do much and a part of him feels like doing nothing means he's condoning the abuse that still happens in that home like the emotional neglect and things Shouto may not have mentioned. But he can't do anything about that right now, simply because Shouto won't let him. And while Izuku is fighting every instinct he has which is to take the Todoroki siblings out of there and into a therapist's office, it's not his place to do that.
•So instead, he does what he can for them, like offer to go places more so they're out of the house. Offer free anonymous therapy sites. Have their own improv therapy whenever needed. Promise to be there for whoever trusts him and for those who it may take longer to trust him.
•But with all his good intentions, he starts to bite off more than he can chew. Even when it's not in the midst of midnight therapy or distracting days out, it's constantly nagging at the back of his mind that he wants to do more and he isn't doing everything he can. He doesn't want to "fail" at being a good friend, since he hasn't had many experiences to base off (or any for that matter) but he is running out of emotional room.
•Contrary to the Todoroki household, Inko Midoriya actually notices when her child is going through some rough times and tries to do her best to help.
•I imagine Inko and Midoriya have a close relationship. With no other reliable parent figure in the house, they spent a lot of time together. Not only are they parent and child, but they are also friends who enjoy each others company. Inko may not always understand his fascination with All Might but she'll always ask questions and prompt him to go on about the differences in All Might's costumes and moves, even if she knows all the answers already in the same way Izuku may not understand why she enjoys sewing so much ever since she made him his hero costume but will not hesitate to help her go shopping for and carry new fabrics as she talks about the colours and texture helping boost peoples confidence. (She wants to get better at sewing so she can make a new costume for him that's better than ever before.) •And because Inko and Izuku were rather close, she knew his tells. she'd learnt well from their daily game nights to know when he lying and when he was hiding things. But that was during games. This was far more strenuous. But before she rushed in and crowded him, Inko thought that if there were really something he didn't want her to know, then she shouldn't know. So long as it doesn't hurt him. So, respecting the fact he is now a teenage boy and not a child anymore, she knew he was smart enough to make his own decisions.
•But also being herself, she still wanted to help, even if she didn't know exactly what was going on.
•At first, she thought Izuku wasn't sleeping enough because of the stress of UA so she'd plan days to the seaside or mini-holiday or they could try to make a new dessert or do a movie marathons to distract him from it. And she always took note of how very time she offered, he'd always insist some way or another that the Todoroki's join them which of course she had no quarrels with, she was delighted he loved spending so much time with his friends!
•When that didn't help she offered to get him a tutor, maybe he was anxious about his studies? She didn't trust her own education enough to tutor him as he was always impressing her with fun trivia and general knowledge but she'd taken a break in her sewing hobby to save up some money to be able to pay for a tutor.
•But when he began not eating as much, mind always preoccupied with something else than his usual hero ideology and theories, the day of the annual parent-teacher meeting and Izuku hadn't uttered a word since he got home, she sat him down on the couch, held his hands, his scarred and trembling hands, and she asked him. "Are you alright?"
•She's asked this many times before, every time he came home from school, every time she found him up in the middle of the night shakily drinking some water while staring at his phone as if expecting some death from the family. But this time? •This time her words echo in Izuku's head, getting louder and louder with each reverberation, picking up speed and other voices with every hit to his mind, the sound of text messages, quiet telephone calls, rushed breathing, stifled words, hearing footsteps from the other line, the need to help all drowning him in a cacophony of utter helplessness. •And he crumples against his mother, clawing onto her shirt like a life-jacket barely keeping him afloat above the ocean of noise only he is in and he cries. The tears stain Inko's cardigan and she wraps her arms around him, pulling him onto her lap like she used to when he was a child, she holds her son, her baby boy, as his tears dampen her clothes and his voice breaks choking on sobs.
•It was a long day.
•Izuku and Shouto had talked before about telling Inko or an adult or just anyone but there was always some reason, some excuse why it couldn't happen yet. It would be a decision all the siblings would have to agree to as it affects all their lives. Fuyumi was always hesitant, so cautious and making sure if anything were to happen nothing could be left to chance and all outcomes had to be planned. Natsuo wanted whatever would help everyone the most, and if no one was ready to do anything right now, then he'd wait. Shouto thought long ago that if what his father did to his family ever came to light, it would be brought up for the rest of his hero career and he'd never be able to truly escape his dad's hold if it always followed him like that. And until he met Midoriya, that's what he thought for years.
•Shouto was warming up to the idea of saying what happened to him specifically to someone. To see what would happen.
•And that is what Izuku could let slip. The things Shouto had told him at the sports festival, the reason for his scar, his spiteful technique and motivation to be a hero. •It was a long day. •The moment all was said and done, that he had run out of tears to cry, that he had ruined his mother's cardigan by stretching it with his grip and made it soggy with his sobs, that he could breathe without a hiccup or tremor interrupting him, he was completely drained. There was a mix of hollowness after spending so long building it all up, unsure every step of the way whether he's doing the right thing or not and the relief of finally letting there be room for him to breathe.
•But in his hollow chest was a stab of guilt, anxiety, crawling back up his throat and blocking his lungs like a thick mucus of worry. Had he done the wrong thing? It wasn't his place to say- He should have talked with Shouto more about this- Was he wrong to have done nothing so far?- Oh god he's done nothing right- this could hurt them-
• "Shhh," Inko gently held the back of his head and rubbed small circles with her thumb into the back of his neck, like she used to to do calm him down as a child, it still worked "It's-..." Inko collected her thoughts. It was certainly a lot to process, she had her suspicions but she thought she was being paranoid. She'll learn to trust her gut more. "It's not alright right now, but one day it will be. For you and for them."
•And that worry in his chest turned to blunt guilt, he shouldn't be the one crying while Shouto and his siblings have withstood literal torture all their lives, he should be stronger, he needs to be stronger to help them-
•"You are children. And none of you should have to deal with this. I know you're growing up faster than I can blink and you're being a hero more and more every day, but that doesn't mean you were prepared for this exact situation. They train you to fight villains and criminals and how to save those in immediate peril who want saving. Not thins like this." Inko continued to speak softly, pulling Izuku closer and soothing the back of his neck "Thank you for telling me and I can understand why you wouldn't want me to meddle as it may be out of my depth, but, two people helping them is better than one."
• Midoriya told Shouto what had happened and apologised for spilling too early, apologised for not doing enough, apologised for being less than open about the emotional and mental space he had to spare, promising to be more aware of it so long as Shouto continues to trust him and talk when needed. Shouto was confused as to why Midoriya was apologising so much as always and despite the apprehension in his movements, Shouto had spent enough time with Inko to trust her. And also to know that while Inko is kind, that isn't all she is.
•Shouto had seen her repay the kindness people had shown her tenfold with gifts, acts of service, compliments, reassurance and more. And something about that deep-rooted kindness tipped him off to the idea that if someone were to take advantage of her kindness or her son, that injustice too shall be repaid. And, as slow as it was and as long as it took, he knew she considers him her son too.
• Overall, the parent-teacher meeting was going well for most students. Most students were in their more casual clothes except those who had been too lazy to change out of their school uniform for the day albeit having their shirts scandalously untucked and top buttons undone (Except for Bakugo who in the presence of his mother for the first time had his tie actually tied, truly it was a sight to behold and blackmail photos to be used for months.)
• Amidst all the parents gathering together while waiting for the respective teachers to be free of their current appointments, there he was. Enji Todoroki, Endeavour in his hero costume supposedly fresh from the job. • And thus, politely fuelled by karmic fury the 5'2 force of nature marched up with a smile to the flaming rotting piece of shit excuse she can barely call a human being and greeted him.
• "Oh, hello Enji." Inko smiles. Izuku stands back with Shouto on the sidelines, watching the encounter unfold. • First of all, the informality caught him off guard. Usually, he'd be used to fans being "Overly-friendly" but something about the smile in her voice didn't sit right with the way fans usually say it. This turned a few heads.
• "And..who are you?"
• "Why I am so glad you asked, my name is Inko Midoriya, the woman whose house your son goes to every day but I suppose you wouldn't know that since as long as he's keeping up his work then there is nothing else to do with him at all," she coughed ", like parenting," and continued "Speaking of being in public I could never be as confident as you are to go to a casual event in a full-on hero costume but I suppose if it helps boost your ego then go for it! Although, speaking from the perspective of a concerned parent, aren't all of those flames a safety hazard! what if you were near a flammable thing like, oh I don't know, civilians clothes in a place you know where said civilians are tightly packed together, or there could be someone well-known to have a flammable quirk nearby or just a building's structure being, on the whole, a rather flammable thing?" Her head turned to the overgrown vermin who lead the school who had entered the room upon hearing there was a commotion "Not that I doubt UA's defence measures and predicted disastrous occurrences as no such thing has ever failed in the past. It's just the safety of children and the future generation of heroes after all." and just as quickly turned back to Endeavour
•"You know I noticed there are plenty of other pro-heroes here who are just fine in their everyday clothing because they recognise this get together is about their children's achievements and not their own. Why, if I didn't know any better I'd say you really are that insecure in your title slipping because that's what being a hero is all about, the title, that you'd distract entire families from the point of being here just to pay attention to you because it's not like being the second supposedly best hero there is credits you any attention."
• Enji barely had time to stop the flames protruding from his hero suit from dying out as peoples heads turned to pay attention. By now every student had pulled out their phone to record the situation.
•Nedzu was on his way over, laughing awkwardly ready to diffuse the situation but had miraculously been needed for a sudden important event in the teacher's lounge and was immediately escorted by Aizawa and Present Mic.
•"Oh and may I go on and say you truly are an inspirational story of how being raised as a gifted child must have been really difficult for you. Always a commodity, never a human being, not a single person in your life thinking you’re worth a damn without your quirk so you made it your entire personality until you developed your own actual personality because of course you, the Number Two hero would outgrow such a childish nature. That sounds rough," she pouted in mock sympathy.
• Endeavour snarled behind gritted teeth, barely stopping himself from acting out of hand at the public slander. "Just who do you think you are-"
•"Like I said, my name is Inko Midoriya, the pleasure is all mine I'm sure, or did you not hear me the first time while that fire was covering your ears? just like how it must have covered your eyes with choosing that outfit to be approachable. Oh do excuse me if that seemed rude, I'm a seamstress as a hobby you see so I tend to have an eye for when things are just wrong in every way. Honestly, if you didn't parade your title everywhere you go I'd mistake you for a villain on sight. You see, I'm only a seamstress and not a hero like you as you love to flaunt no matter the situation or need for it, but it must be so rewarding to save all those people every day and return to a home with your loving children and children who want to do the exact same thing and be exactly like you because you must be such good role-model and parent to have accomplished so much in your career and of course spent enough time on each of your children to help them grow to be happy, full of inspiration and their own dreams to fulfil. Oh, and of course your wife who must be so proud of the person you've become!"
• By this point the flames had been sputtering at random, a rare purple and even blue flamer erupting once and again as this woman continued talking and the parents out the corner of his eye who thought they were out of his sight nod their head and faces contort into realising the full weight of the truth they already knew but now understand.
• But Inko was nowhere near close to done, Endeavour could hear as much when she took a small break to smile and take a bigger breath to continue. • And blinded by the public's disapproval of everything he had convinced he had Done for the good of the civilians, he could feel the ground, just like his title, being pulled from under him as quicker heroes hit the back of his knees as Inko swung her handbag with the metal buckle across Endeavours face while she was being pulled safety away from the punch Enji hadn't realised fast enough he had thrown.
• The videos uploaded by students went viral in seconds
•"shocked" by the number two hero's emotional outburst with malicious intent to harm an unarmed civilian, Inko let it be known she found it unsuitable that he go back home to his children and instead of that they live with her and make a record with either police or a licensed therapist to make a note of any other emotional outbursts or strange and potentially dangerous behaviour in complete confidentiality.
#wow#a good parent?#in this economy?#bnha#mha#mha hc#bnha hc#endeavor#inko midoriya#izuku midoriya#tododeku#shouto todoroki#enji todoroki#bnha headcanons#mha headcanons#Shouto x therapy#Inko x catharsis#INKO POPPING OFF
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Here we go!!
Heya! I’m Karma, he/they/she and I’m here to write some hc!
I will will write
- character x reader
- character x character (any ships except for the characters I don’t write for)
- romance
- angst/Whump
- crack
- fluff
- yandere (as long as it is recognised as toxic and a part of the horror genre)
- all x reader hc will be gender neutral unless requested otherwise
I will not write
- NSFW (I will write flirty stuff but that’s about it)
- incest
- non-con anything (unless it's like yandere or horror like that)
- adult x minor
- ya’ll just be decent please
I will write for
- All of 1A (- Mineta) + Shinsou (they’re basically 1A)
- Teachers
- L.O.V
- basically anyone except Mineta, Endevour, Hawks or Nedzu. However, I would gladly do hc for killing or hurting any and all of them in any way, shape and form <3 (I’m just not comfortable writing in their favour individually is all)
Key: X - Angst O - Fluff I - Crack * - Favourite
Headcanons Heroes: Izuku Midoriya Inko chews out Endeavour X O *
Jobs 1A students shouldn’t have
Shouto Todoroki
Inko chews out Endeavour X O *
Jobs 1A students shouldn’t have
Ochako Uraraka
Uraraka friendship hc O
Iida Tenya
Are Iida's leg's okay?? quirk hc
Katsuki Bakugou
Jobs 1A students shouldn’t have
Mina Ashido
Jobs 1A students shouldn’t have
Ejirou Kirishima
Jobs 1A students shouldn’t have
Sero Hanata
Jobs 1A students shouldn’t have
Denki Kaminari
Jobs 1A students shouldn’t have
Mezo Shoji
Fumikage Tokoyami
Inko Midoriya
Inko chews out Endeavour X O *
Shouta Aizawa
Who said the UA traitor was a student?
All Might
Hizashi Yamada
Who said the UA traitor was a student?
Karma Has Questions
Quirk Transferring Are Iida's leg's okay?? quirk hc
#mha hcs#mha x y/n#mha x you#bnha imagines#bnha fanfiction#bnha hcs#midoriya izuku#mha uraraka#mha todoroki#inko midoriya
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